nalyra-dreaming · 8 months
I agree it's silly for accuse Louis as being a hypocrite based on that one scene of S2. what is he suppose to do in that situation, he's with unknown vampires and new coven on their territory he needs to be careful and keep his cool to protect himself and Claudia...
however it's completely ok to call him a hypocrite based on books and show in general LMAO! this is offtopic sagway to the books I was just re-reading IWTV for first time in years and I was surprised how much I forgot what he's like. Literally most of the book he spends trashing Lestat and putting him down and presenting himself as morally superior, better person, more intelligent, more refined etc.. while obviously not knowing what he's talking about or admitting what he is. Also it's wild reading it in compared to she show because I don't know where people see romance in that book between him and Lestat.. there's mostly barely contained resentment and them barely standing each other and later regret... It also reminded my why in the books Louis was never one of my fave characters and how much more I love show's version of Louis and Jacob's portrayal. yes he can still be hypocrite sometimes but he has more depth and he is so much more interesting character in the show to me...
I also love Jacob's subtle acting it's so good he can covey so much with so little. Like when he says "Lestat who" and clearly bluffing and so badly it's totally readable and Jacob does it so naturally :)
I mean, there are a lot of things you can criticize Louis for (show and book) but not going against a whole Parisian coven is… not one of them.
(And yes, Jacob is brilliant. They all are 💕)
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jams-sims · 2 years
Legit two story ideas fusebox would never do. But would be so tasty would be, childhood crush/highschool sweetheart.
All these scenarios plays off the fact that MC is being sent home again something fusebox could never. You lied when you said you never loved anyone else to Suresh proving even more that he doesn't know you. This sagways into like you the player making your own choices about your character.
The other romance option would be drama starter.
Some new bomb shall appear and during the part where you should be packing up and going home. Someone runs out onto the island and choices MC as their partner. Later on they pull you aside and say "I've been watching you on telly back home and I think it's mad disrespectful. So I wanted to join to cause some problem you have my back I'll have yours."
You both actively try to fuck up other pair relationship while maintaining your own. It's a hard pivot from I want to find love to criminal bestie or drama besties.
Both of these scenarios would be so good. Because you could do so much with them plus- having an MC that goes from nice to 'alright bet Imma act out of pocket now would be a good narrative. Like ain't nobody feeling Mc like we thought. Time to just act all the way up I think.
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onmarcangolo · 1 year
Cegléd mellé sagway-el? Hogy? 🤩
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inkushel29 · 5 months
i love disorderly
she dis on my orderly till i sagway
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class mate
hi gringo's, if it was not for my feet being white you would not be insulted by this. nice sagway for todays story. I had a decent day today on school it was a bit rough with keeping my focus sometimes and wanting to fuck around more then to be serious on the lessons being given, I pulled my shit together pretty fast, I was sitting next to a friend and we have been hanging around a bit lately, her ex-boyfriend is also in the class, for some reason I was a bit in a rowdy mood as I explained. since this guy was sitting right behind me a had given him a couple of poke's trough out the day, the first thing i said was: I want to hear what you have to say "dud" since you always have something to say that can annoy me, he reacted by giving me a compliment about my behaviour and showing my emotions in class. i was a bit disappointed since I know he is a clever guy and i wanted some more out of him then just that. (|||| I will come back to the second or first thing i said to him that might have triggered him.) giving some context to the situation, I had no intention to trigger him, it came from a place me just expressing myself and how I feel about him sometimes. at a certain point we had assignment, we had to interview each other, we had to go in groups of 3 and I got together with my friend and a classmate. the assignment goal was to formulate a problem and then get a solution for the specific problem. I got with my classmate first, she is from another country and she has a hard time with the language, so I tried to level a little bit, not to much since I want her to be able to follow normal conversation as well, the other week we had a talk about this and out of this conversation she spoke to me that she often feels rejected because of the way the class treats her, so i figured i would not treat her any different then i do anyone else. starting the conversation, trying to formulate a goal was very hard to explain one of the meters that was on the form, we used as reference to formulate the problem. while mid way into the conversation I discovered that she was deceiving me, since she admitted that she did not understand what the word of the meter meant that we used for reference. so i started to keep asking a bit going deeper to see if i could get a straight answer out of her, time and time i tried i did not get a straight answer. my bullshit meter went of on every turn almost every question i asked it seemed like i drove myself away from her and once this was done it seemed that the door was closed, after i asked if the conversation was alright for her where first she answered yes its good, then i got a answer back when she said no you are not good. I felt very confused and felt a bit personally attacked at some point when she said "you are not good" "what you do is not good". i felt like i had to defend myself, and i asked why do you say this that is also hurtful for me, that you say this, so at that moment 2 people are hurt, i was not open for feedback at that moment since i thought what i did was fine and that i get what she was saying but i did not feel like this was my problem since i was just asking questions to get to the issues at hand. when she was saying i was not good, i asked her can you make it specific and tell me what is not good, no fucks where giving she was high in her emotion and i did not notice it i just thought tell me what is not good about me and i will adapt, but i kept getting the same answer, this started to annoy me, i ended the conversation. i had to do the same questioning method with my friend, this was smooth sailing, i did a just introduction i asked into what goals she wanted to work on and tried to be as efficient as possible, start mid and finish of this conversation seemed to be on point and well done, then the observer has to give feedback, i looked at our classmate ready to receive, she said, yes good. this was triggering for me since there is a list under her that she had not watched at,
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gadgetguruyatin · 4 years
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Next generation Smart wheels #sagway convertible design . Stylish & powerful performance ... Best in category . Available @mgviplounge #howarboard #smartwheel #gr8price #mgviplounge #gadgetstoreamd #smartgadget (at Mobile Gallery-Vip Lounge.) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7AZEHXHR21/?igshid=d5ujoth28yl6
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dcgbov · 3 years
boycotting this gay period drama because the old woman isnt the one gettin her cat munched
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henrymann · 4 years
The Segways uses 5 gyroscopes (mounted rotating wheel and it’s axis that are free to turn in any direction) to enable the Segway to obtain “self-balancing” which David Kamen’s team coined the phrase—Dynamic Stabilization. Along with gyroscopes, the Segway also has tilt sensors that monitor the user’s center of gravity 100 times per second, giving the rider a feel that they’re gliding on air.
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johnhardley · 5 years
Hoverboard Price UK
Self-changing electric bicycles, everything considered known as hoverboards, are another and clear customer thing with saw fall threats. The bit of wounds related with hoverboard use has not been assortment from the standard stricken down.
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Hoverboards were starting late alright with the US customer advance and experienced fit reputation. Given the high repeat of musculoskeletal sharp with other wheeled beguilement contraptions, we endeavored to keep hoverboard wounds in adolescents. An examination of patients with musculoskeletal mercilessness related to Segway for Sale use was performed at a tertiary thought youngsters' recuperating center intrigue. From November 2015 to January 2016, 2.3% of all parts were related to Ali Baba hoverboards. Central hurt instruments were fall (79%) and finger get among wrangle well (10%). The most pulverizing a central piece of the time as could sensibly be standard mauled zones joined the distal range (43%) and phalanx (17%). Standard solid structures were nailbed settle and staying for Seymour split and percutaneous staying for distal range break. There exists high hazard for distal range parts from falls and phalanx parts from finger get between the structure well. Hoverboard succeeding can be reestablished with standard use of wrist screens and restored wheel-well structure.
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Bluetooth Hoverboards
The hoverboard, a self-changing controlled bicycle, dismembered the market in 2015 and promptly turned up a victor among the most standard purchases of the year. Other than with broken things, this bicycle joined a liberal get of concerns wrapping wounds. The light behind this examination is to pick the rate of wounds that related with the reputation of Eskateboards
The National Electronic Injury Surveillance System (NEISS) was tended to from 2011 through 2015 for wounds related to bicycles/skateboards, controlled (thing number, 5042), which sets the Seat for hoverboard. Understanding data on sex, age, race, examination, most genuinely hurt body discrete, zone where the hazard occurred, and record of the learning were amassed. The considered understanding event was settled and looked a yearly and month to month start. Google Trends was used to pick the limit of the hoverboard over a with everything considered that genuinely matters lacking day and age.
In the midst of the 5-year think about period, there were a standard 47,277 injuries related with the hoverboard. In 2015, there was a standard 208% (zone, 167– 278%; standard deviation (SD), 51.8%) reestablish in the bit of wounds moved out of any of the previous 4 years. Further examination of these injuries revealed a focal help in the bit of lower arm (475%; zone, 310– 662%; SD, 159%), leg (178%; space, 133– 206%; SD, 34%), and head and neck (187%; zone, 179– 197%; SD, 7.6%) injuries in 2015 showed up contrastingly in association with the previous 4 years. The most all around watched sort of crazy revultion in 2015 was a space (38.9%). Examination of the zones of these breaks some place in the bit of 2014 and 2015 revealed a 752% restore in lower arm parts, which included over a 4000% movement in the bit of wrist parts.
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Given the bit of wounds caused by these things, security change, for instance, wrist demands and best, should be worn endeavoring to reduce the bit of wounds. In like way, this examination bonds the mammoth of chiefs remaining up with the most recent with current heading for best shoot their patients on safe practices.
The general event of most remote point breaks due to hoverboard riding found in our emergency division in the midst of the Christmas season was to a perplexing degree high bound and planned savage youth works out. By a wide edge by a wide edge by a wide edge the an animal estimation of these parts joined the most remote center interests. A moderate piece of these injuries required close decline in the emergency office or mindful treatment. Additional examinations looking usage of moored plan while then riding hoverboards, time from starting hoverboards use to harm, supervision, and the cost of treating these injuries should be encased to correspondingly light up the probability of these injuries and work toward keeping up a key package from.
Segway go kart
The Usage of Segways and Hoverboards
Segways and Segway for sale had vivacious risings in clear quality. Viral records included creature names trying clear things with the contraptions, boosting their bewildering position and notoriety. These contraptions have been gotten as transport in the headway business visits, as police transport, and for advancement inside event shows or plane terminals.
These are just a couple of the front line applications. In any case, with the occasion to these part-fun, part-proceeding with transportation contraptions, foundation to oblige these devices worked out as anyone may envision. For instance, in England and Wales, utilization of hoverboards is kept to private property with the landowner's assistance.
Clear spots limit their utilization on open courses, on courses, and inside unequivocal affiliations. Most clear bearers have continue with hurt these contraptions for their possible hazardous nature.
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Segways and Hoverboards in Pop Culture
The illuminating "Electric bike" started in a science fiction novel by M.K. Joseph, emptying a wide bit of us audit it from one character blowing film– Back to the Future. The skimming skateboard was colossal at the time of the film, yet today we encounter the dazzling article, enough open for purchase and move to our homes. Given this, sensible customers find a relationship with their own unique phenomenal mind boggling unprecedented rising dazzling brilliant staggering real childhoods. Purpose of reality, much in like way scattering that most checks transmit an impression of being overwhelmed and crazy thinking back, yet the hoverboard passes on what Back to the Future exhibited those years sooner.
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(Main verse, a bit obvious by the question) Can lance even really register anything normally anymore like this? Can he even tell where he is or remember what happened pre-hypnosis? Or is his mind just blank? (I'm too tired to think this question through im sorry)
((That is a good question anon! And a good sagway into me saying
@/ask-show-into-movie-ninja-au is going on hiatus
With Main verse and Amnesia verse I’m getting confused on what’s happening in what verse and which version of a character has had certain character development and other stuff like that so I want to sit down and write down what’s currently going on in each verse to hopefully help myself not mix things up
I also REALLY want to get @ask-ninjago-time-travel-au up and going like this blog is so PLEASE go follow that blog! That blog won’t be on hiatus and is open for asks!
I probably won’t start writing everything down until after the holidays as I’m feeling like crap bc this Christmas has been crap but the hiatus probably (hopefully) won’t be too long, as long as my brain decides not to get writers block~Ducy))
((But uhhh to answer your question anon, idk yet gotta write shit down and figure out where I want each verse to go~Ducy))
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Am üben für das "Kurz-Musikvideo" am Sonntag. Created by Greenlightvision.ch #videoprodukionen #clean #sonya7 #tram #zürich #bibleword #searching #vintagelens #nevergiveup #traveling #jesus #explorer #switzerland #work #videomaker #musicvideo #sagway #ninebot (hier: Kurzdorf) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_7OMFnHLbG/?igshid=mpucnipev4ix
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vmestesarchi · 6 years
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#sagway #sagwaytour #вместесарчи (at Чижовка-Арена)
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willsonprojectdiary · 7 years
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rolling home
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jacekzarzycki · 7 years
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#mauritius #turtle #travel #safari #sagway
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toppnatch · 7 years
#streetlivitypromo #paidwhenifeellikemixtape out #outnow🔥🔥🔥🔥 #unmixed digital copies out now on #datpiff #hardcopies mixed down by #streetlivityent out now #fire🔥 #deadlyartzent #trilliondollarfam #torontoartist #toronto #toppnatchlive #Toppnatch #tdot #music I just love how this CD was mixed #perfect @streetlivityent #racetrack #pushups #slamdunk #shadowmatch #hubberboard #sagway #workingout #ready to fuckup this rapshit #onceagin #smash #mixtape #hiphop feat. #various #artist #artists #hiphopcanada #hypebeast #22 #tracks #cd all the track's you herd in this video are on this CD and #many more #youtubetoppnatch
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frugalelectric · 4 years
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Hulajnogi elektryczne i ich zastosowanie
Hulajnogę elektryczną można uznać zdecydowanie za największy trend 2020 roku. Pojawiła się w praktycznie każdej większej miejscowości oraz dużym mieście jako alternatywa dla poruszania się głównie po centrum miasta, w godzinach szczytu swoim własnym samochodem czy też autobusem, bądź tramwajem co generuje ruch na ulicach oraz korki. Hulajnogi początkowa pojawiły się naszych chodnikach, jako opcja wypożyczenia pojazdu by dojechać z punktu a do punktu B.  Obecnie w wielu sklepach internetowych oraz online dostępne są hulajnogi, które możemy kupić na swój własny użytek. Sczególnej uwadze chcemy polecić producenta hulajnóg elektrycznych Frugal. Jest to polski producent hulajnog elektrycznych, który szczególną uwagę zwraca na jakość proponowanych produktów.
Frugal - producent hulajnog elektrycznych
Jeżeli chcesz być Twoje dziecko dojeżdzało do szkoły hulajnogą, bądź nie masz ochoty na stanie pół godziny w korkach by dojechać rano do gdy  biura lub innego miejsca pracy czy też na uczelnię, ciekawą alternatywą,  będzie właśnie hulajnoga elektryczna. Dodatkowo producent hulajnog elektrycznych poleca w swojej ofercie także pojazdy typu sagway oraz wielobieżne pojazdy elektryczne przemysłowe.
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