#said friend actually owns Ninjago from before so
spicyicymeloncat · 1 year
Me: maybe I should read the Ninjago books
My friend: what books?
Me: they made books after crystalized
My friend: THEY WHAT? *falls over* NINJAGO FANS CANT READ!!!???
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nyaskitten · 5 months
I made the assumption Olive was editing the wiki articles, and while that's a very logical conclusion to reach, it was actually someone who shares the same viewpoints as them!!! Anything including the wiki articles and Olive's involvement is wrong and that's my bad!!!
Alright fellas, I guess we did it. We have reached the tipping point. I'm going to dedicate this post to calling out one specific person, @olivescales3, and their very toxic behavior. This post will be a bit messy, and I do apologize in advance, I'm writing this from the perspective of a Ninjago fan who also thinks beyond just the petty fandom stuff, what they're doing is just not cool.
I will clarify, I do not make this post for petty fandom drama, I make this to better spread awareness on some of the bullshit they're doing, so you can look out for and understand that they're bullshitting. Without further ado, I think we should just get into it.
So, what have they done?
Now, I should say while there is no 100000% concrete link between hyenabro and olivescales, I think based on their talking points (as well and the information I've recieved from friends in the Chima fandom, who have a bunch of prior experience with them,) it's safe to make this assumption!
So, what has olivescales DONE in this case? Simple, they've vandalized the Chima wiki on NUMEROUS occasions, even after several different people have revised their revisions, so as to discredit any conenctions between Dragons Rising and Chima.
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(Green is their edits, red is the ones prior to theirs, I found this while going through their contributions section on their Fandom account, HyenaBro119)
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As seen here, they have (under the username HyenaBro119) edited the pages for Chima AND the Forever Rock (I have two similar screenshots of essentially the same thing, one was from the Forever Rock article, the other was from Chima) and claimed Ninjago's lore to be some alternate universe. To further validate it, they write "Ras' visit to," but Ras NEVER claimed to have VISITED these locations, just that he knows them. They also claim the Forever Rock was destroyed, a blatant lie. Only a small section of rock on the Forever Rock was actually destroyed, not the whole thing.
Now, you're gonna ask "but Raine, how can you 100000% say it's them?" and I will cite common sense. While I cannot directly tie Olive to hyena, I CAN say their wording is SO very similar.
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Both Hyena and Olive call DR "a parallel/alternate universe," and again, claim Forever Rock was destroyed, WHICH IS A FULL ON LIE. They're so adamant to protect "the sanctity of Chima's pre-established, set-in-stone lore" that they can't stop to think maybe, JUST MAYBE, sometimes a story can get new lore which can ALSO be canon!
I'd also love to share this HILARIOUS screenshot of one of their many posts, which not only backs up what I'm saying, but it's like damn they really set themself up huh!
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Gee I wonder why you feel alone! Maybe it's because you are! Maybe it's because you're lying and making shit up to prove yourself right! No one is as big of a hater as you!
The also LOVE saying Ninjago cannot do anything with Chima unless they get express permission from the creator of Chima, some guy named John Derevlany, but oh man what's this I see before me?
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CO-CREATOR? Oh but Olive, I thought he was the CREATOR of Chima, not CO-creator... ALSO Lego owns the rights to Chima, and Ninjago, and every other theme, as said by Doc himself! If anything he wasn't really dodging the question, just giving a vague answer, because he doesn't know much about the old contracts!
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From what he said, it's clear that if they wanted to use anything from the other themes, they'd have to consult folks over at LEGO, not John Derevlany or Tommy A.!
Now here's the THING, I GET where they're coming from, it CAN be annoying to have people only care about a thing you like in relation to something else, but when you're going out of your way to argue that none of it can be canon and it's all an alternate universe it's like... god it's so sad and pathetic really.
Their lies and BS don't even end there with the wiki shit, because I have THIS glorious gem.
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A) They bring up that the Ninjago folk do not know who the Phoenixes are which is like, okay??? Why the fuck are they gonna know about how another universe was created??? That's like if someone told me I don't exist in the same universe as my glasses because I have no clue who made them, that is to say, that's stupid as FUCK to say!
B) OH they say something REAAALLL funny ohohohho I am actually dying. Olive says the Phoenix icon "appeared in a Ninjago episode" and "Ninjago tends to reuse assets." Yep, NINJAGO is the one who reused the phoenix symbol, mhm. The symbol that was made in 2011 for NINJAGO, which cameoed in CHIMA in 2014, was actually just an asset reuse by Ninjago. I feel like this actually goes to show how desparate they are to feel right and validated, because this? This a lie! Ninjago made the symbol, and because Tommy A. is co-creator to both, he wanted to slip in a neat Ninjago reference, so he slipped in the Phoenix symbol Nya uses for the Phoenix tribe, not the other way around!
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Another REALLY funny thing they did, aside from the wiki and Phoenix symbol shit, was this hilarious attempt at being right!
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Yes, the compared the WOLF Masks to BATman's cowl, and did a horribly rough comparison illustration that very much does not make sense. If you actually compared them side by side, the only similarities would be they're both angry animal themed mask with pointy ears, which does NOT go very far in the long run. The foreheads they drew aren't even the same fucking shape lol.
OH ANS WE CANNOT FORGET THIS ONE! Their using a post about the Palestinian genocide and boycotting Lego in order to complain about Ninjago.
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They claim Ninjago is produced by Lego, unlike other Lego shows, which is an EXTREMELY bullshit fucking claim. Just like Chima and Nexo Knights, Ninjago is produced by Lego, it's not JUST Ninjago produced by Lego, they are all Canadian-Danish CGI action shows, and they're all known to have Tommy Andreasen involved in the creation of them.
They're using a post about boycotting for the sake of innocent people DYING to complain about a lego ninja show for... killing evil people? It doesn't glorify war, the worst it does in regards to war is like not address how fucked up it can be in regards to the Serpentine War, but that's like it. I think it's so funny they want to single out Ninjago as if it's the only TV series where villains die for trying to conquer/destroy the world.
So, what do I want the takeaway from this post to be? What do I want you to get from it? I don't really know anymore, I just don't want Olive's horrendously toxic behaviors, and straight up lies to stop. If anything I think it's beautiful that Ninjago is making others interested in revisiting Chima again, stop being such a fucking hater dude. They act like Chima is some holy grail of Lego, the greatest thing since bread, but it, just like Ninjago, Dreamzzz, Hidden Side, and Nexo Knights, have Tommy in creative roles.
To act like Chima is somehow greater than is to place it on an unrealistic pedestal as if it's a godsend, when in reality it was co-created by Tommy Fucking Andreasen.
If you read through all of this, I do THOROUGHLY appreciate it, I didn't mean for this post to descend into an angry ramble but ehhh yk how it is. And Olive, if you see this, please, just stop with the bullshit.
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asherbakugou · 1 month
When You Become Friends | He Falls For You
Jiang Kai | Kai Kalama
Kai impatiently tapped his foot, waiting for Reader to emerge from the doors of Ninjago City College. His amber eyes scanned every person who came out from the doors until he saw her.
They were wearing all red, which made him smirk as a blush colored his cheeks, with black heels and pants to tie the outfit together. It took Reader a second to find him across the street and for her to begin to make her way through the crowd.
"I'm surprised you actually waited," Reader mused, lips twitching upwards.
"How could I not escort such a lovely person home?" Kai asked, winking as Reader shook their head.
"Only for you."
Reader did not know how true that was, did not know that Kai had completely stopped flirting with other girls even when she wasn't there.
Rolling their eyes, Reader turned and began to walk, leaving Kai to stride after her own long strides. Grinning smugly, he dropped an arm over their shoulder, eyeing them nervously from the corner of his eye to see if they were okay with it.
When his arm was left to rest upon her shoulders his smile grew as he held himself taller.
At their house, they sat with glasses of wine and chatted about their respective days.
The entire time Kai could barely keep his eyes off of her, listening intently though his mind wandered everytime he looked to her lips. Their voice was gentle, calm, the soft melody of light rain and sunshine shining through the clouds. When it was his turn to talk, Reader gave him their full attention, asking questions when things confused her.
He was falling for her. Not just her looks, but her.
Zane Julien
Zane smiled gently when he saw Reader practically bouncing towards him, satchel swinging with their movements.
"Zane!" Reader called, throwing her arms around his neck in a quick hug. When she pulled back, Zane privately wished she hadn't.
She had to tilt her head up a little bit to be able to look him in the eyes and it always set his wires alight. "It is good to see you again, Reader."
"It's good to see you too. So, where too today?"
"Well, a new exhibit opened at the museum about the prehistoric animals of Ninjago. I believed it would be something that interests you, but if not–"
"I'd love to go!" Reader blurted out, shrinking back into herself when some strangers looked at her wierdly. "Sorry. But I'd love to go. Come on."
Grabbing onto his wrist she tugged and he allowed himself to be led as she happily gave out every piece of information she had on prehistoric animals, which was a surprising amount.
While normally Zane would have cut off anyone else to remind them that he was a Nindroid, and as such, knew such things but coming from her . . . It was far more interesting hearing it from her than pulling up the information on his database. The rest of the day, Zane was hesitant to call it a date, he watched as Reader bounced around from display to display to take pictures and read the little plaque's full of information.
He adored the way her eyes lit up as her mind ran with hundreds of ideas for her art. He was falling for her, her mind, her creativity, everything.
Cole Brookstone
Cole sat at one of the tables of Fairy Tale, waiting for Reader to finish up the last little bit of organization for the next day of work. Smiling, Reader emerged, sitting across from Cole and pushing over a cup of hot cocoa for him.
In their own hands was a London Fog, their personal favorite.
"So how was the store today?" Cole asked, leaning forward a little.
"It was good. Miya's getting more confident in herself, even dealt with a customer before they could get too loud and rowdy," Reader said, waving a hand.
"I'm glad she's settling in well."
"She still can't believe that the Earth Ninja comes to visit, sometimes just to see lil' ol' me," Reader teased, voice low and pleasently husky making Cole swallow. Their gaze was lidded but focused, exhaustion showing.
"Well, I come for the cake too."
Reader barked out a laugh, shaking their head. "You should've seen her face when you devoured a full cake in less than 5 minutes. Oh, she came running back to tell me and I thought somethin' was wrong with how afraid she looked. I come out and its just you, devouring a cake in one sitting."
Cole vividly remembered that interaction and rolled his eyes affectionately as his cheeks colored.
"No need to be embarresed, Cole," Reader soothed, reaching to pat his hand. "It was funny, and not in a bad way."
Cole felt his grin grow. Reader was attentive and so direct that they rarely let misunderstandings last, and they were constantly checking on those around.
"Meh, I've had worse."
"Worse?" Reader raised an eyebrow but did not pry, though they were curious. Cole didn't mind and happily dove into one of the many stories he had.
Reader watched him so softly that he could practically feel himself melting. He was falling for the person who had no problem telling him the truth, never letting him fall into his own thoughts.
Jay Walker
Jay bounced in place as the line to the rollercoaster moved slowly forward. Reader, on the other hand, groaned, bored from having to wait in line so long when all she wanted to do was get on the rollercoaster.
"So, how'd Lloyd's new engine come out?" Jay asked, still bouncing on his toes.
Reader grinned, happy to talk about her baby, "Well, Nya came to pick it up last week so Lloyd could test it, and the video she sent . . . Dragons! It was going so fast, and the turns he made were so smooth! I was so proud of my baby!"
"Congrats! I wish I could've seen it," Jay complained, genuinly a little sad that he hadn't.
"Well, I've always got new projects and I wouldn't mind a test partner," Reader offered, grinning. Jay lit up in delight.
"You're kidding!"
"No way! Why would I kid about that?!"
"How many in your party?" The lady at the gate asked, looking bored to tears.
"Two," Jay answered, so she pointed to the first row.
Trying to hide their twin squeals of excitement they both bounded towards the front row, bouncing together as they waited for the next coaster to come in.
"Oh, this coaster is supposed to be the fastest and largest in Ninjago," Reader said, spitting out fact after fact that Jay was quick to build on.
"Yeah, they replaced the old track cause it got less popular."
Climbing in, the bar was pressed down over them until they were firmly wedged inside.
Jay happened to glance over at Reader, whose cheeks were flushed from excitement, eyes wide in anticipation, and could his heart stutter as his entire face went bright red. He didn't know he could fall for anyone again, especially after Nya.
But looking at Reader, who always let him be himself, instead of scolding him for being innapropriate at times of crisis, he knew he was falling for her. Falling for her looks, her quick wit, and her humor.
Lloyd Garmadon
Lloyd couldn't stop his eyes from flickering over Reader, whose legs were thrown into his lap as she read a comic. He'd hesitantly rested a hand on her calf but she hadn't reacted in any way, content to flick through the comic in her hands.
Unfortunately he hadn't been able to focus on his comic, too focused on how pretty Reader looked sparawled on the couch of their tiny apartment with the sun shining around them like a halo.
"You know, if you didn't want to read your comic, why'd you suggest we read," Reader teased, peering over her comic at him. He sputtered, face growing red as her smile grew bigger. Unable to keep it in any longer she busted out laughing, dropping her comic onto the coffee table. "I'm kidding, sweets."
Sweets. A nickname that she had begun using after watching him inhale a bag of gummy bears in less than 2 minutes. Everytime it rolled off her tongue, he could feel his cheeks heat up.
"Well, I didn't know what else you'd wanna do."
"Well . . ." Reader glanced to the side, pursing her lips in thought. "We could watch a scary movie."
"A scary movie? Hehe, good luck finding one that will scare me," Lloyd said, poofing out his chest. "I've seen all the spooky and scary in real life, nothing'll scare me."
The wide grin probably should have made him nervous but it just made his heart pound. Swinging her legs off the couch she headed over to her bookcase full of movies, searching for a specific dvd.
An hour later when he was practically tucked into her side as he stared at the screen in fear, he couldn't even be dissapointed in himself. Reader had happily invited him to cuddle, so now she was tucked against his side, head on his shoulder as his head rested on hers.
Reader had, of course, laughed at him but her teasing had gone no further, simply offering him comfort. She'd even offered to change the movie but he didn't want to lose any more dignity than he already had.
Not that Reader would see him less. But he wanted to impress the girl who'd begun tugging at his heart just by smiling at him.
Morro quietly stepping into the bakery, finding Reader waiting for him already. Her gaze was on the same spot it always managed to fall on. The spot where Anya had been shot just over a month ago, losing her life in an effort to get away.
"Reader," Morro murmured, grabbing her by the shoulder to escort her out. Since the incident, Morro had felt indebted in a sense to at least check up on the girl who witnessed the murder of her coworker and friend, but it had grown into a friendship. Somehow.
"Sorry," She whispered, leaning into him slightly. Morro hummed, keeping an arm around her shoulders in comfort.
"How's your week been?"
"Difficult. I think I'm gonna switch to a new therapist," Reader admitted, glancing up at him.
Morro frowned, "Why?"
"He's just . . . He makes me uncomfortable and-and I know that they're going too but I can't . . ."
"If he does anything," Morro rasped, the nearby winds picking up in a quick demonstration that made Reader smile.
"I know. You'll kick his ass," Reader giggled, leaning up to press a sweet kiss against his cheek. Morro turned his head away a bit to hide the flush of his face.
Since they'd begun hanging out, Morro had learned how physically affectionate she was, something he'd never had any experience with.
"Come on," Morro grumbled, disguising the warmth he felt at the affection. "Ice cream place or bookstore?"
"Ice cream, then bookstore?"
Snorting, Morro nodded.
Giggling Reader happily picked up the pace, excited by the prospect of ice cream and books. Morro couldn't help but watch Reader softly, not even realizing how his face softened.
Since he'd gone through the Rift he'd struggled with touch of any kind unless he was fighting but when it was Reader the touch felt . . . comforting. Plus she understood bounderies and could read him surprisingly well, so she always seemed to know when she could and could not touch him.
For the past week anytime he thought of her, her snile, her laugh, her eyes, his heart would jump. It had taken him days to truly understand what he was feeling. Morro was falling for Reader, quickly and badly.
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mouschiwrites · 4 months
I was wondering if you can do headcanons for Sensei G and the reader who was his friend's daughter who he treats like his own.
Kinda like the reader was his student when she was younger (before the venom took control) and is his student now.
Sorry if this is confusing
Of course! I hope I did this request some justice, it's super cute!! ^^
Ninjago - Being Garmadon's Pupil Before and After He Was Evil
Before the venom, Garmadon loved teaching you
At first he'd only taken you in as a favor for a friend
He had his doubts, mainly about you
But you were just a bright young spirit, eager to learn, full of passion
The second he realized this, he decided there'd be no greater honor than being your teacher
He only hoped that he could do right by you
He sometimes wondered if he was a good teacher, but your unending admiration of him reassured him that he must be doing something right
He liked to push you hard, which often made you irritated
He knew that in the end you'd be thanking him; that's what he told himself so that he could endure your (temporary) hatred of him
But when the venom started to take control...
He pushed you even harder, starting to enjoy your suffering more than he enjoyed the prospect of teaching you
You started to sense this, but you didn't have any proof until he pushed you way too hard one day
You were hurt so badly during a training session that you were knocked unconscious; more than that, you were knocked off a cliffside
That was the last time you saw Garmadon for a long time
Your final memory of him was his seething eyes as he struck you ruthlessly one last time, sending you toppling over a cliff's edge and into the icy ocean
His last memory of you was that terrified look on your face, not from the fact that you'd just fallen off a cliff, but from the realization that you no longer recognized the man before you
In the moment he was too enthralled by your failure, but that face would come to haunt him in later years
Actually, it was one of the things that helped him decide to reform himself
He had hoped to do right by you, and he had failed
You spent years out on your own as a nomad, too depressed to return home
You couldn't believe that your master would betray you like that, and you had to do some soul-searching
It broke your heart to hear that Garmadon had turned evil, and you always turned your head distastefully whenever you heard someone mention his name
But one day, you heard that he had been reformed
Instead of turning your head away, you turned towards the speaker
It was... a younger version of Garmadon?
He came over to introduce himself, and you were shocked to learn that this was Garmadon's son
He was just as shocked when he heard your name; he said that his father had told him your story
He insisted that you come back with him to the monastery, and though you were hesitant, you eventually agreed
Garmadon just about cried when he saw your face
He threw his arms around you, apologizing endlessly
You were both crying, just hugging each other for a while
When you pulled apart, he asked with teary eyes if you'd become his student once again
You nodded vigorously; after all these years, you'd wanted nothing more than just that
You became his star pupil once more, and Lloyd became a friendly rival of yours
You guys kind of have an older sister/younger brother relationship, complete with immature teasing and competition
(Garmadon never tells you this, but you were actually the reason he wanted to have a kid in the first place)
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Sorry this turned out kinda long, but thanks for your request! And thank you for reading, take care lovely duckies <33
(divider by saradika)
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amalsoappickle · 1 year
I have no title for this survivalshipping fic I made
Note ahead of time: this was all written at 1am at night after watching the Christofern episode, and I don’t write often   Garmadon lays awake on the couch, Christofern on a table next to him. He was trying to sleep, but he never really rested unless he severely needed it. But with the lifestyle he's been going with while living with Vinny, he's gotten more used to it. He's been trying his best to be good for a while, and he thinks he's improved quite a lot. Some part of it was getting used to sleeping, especially so he didn't keep his roommate up. Vinny with his infinite wisdom has helped him, little by little, and he feels he's truly learning to understand the words Vinny said on that day they first met. He hears the door open to Vinny's room, and he seems exhausted after his work. "Vinny you seem tired." You say to him in your usual simple and straightforward voice. "Yeah... Ninjago's being attacked again, as usual, the news is getting a WHOLE lot harder with gale always going straight into the chaos." Vinny says exasperated, flopping onto the couch next to Garmadon. His eyes reach Garmadons and then onto the TV. Garmadon seems to have been watching NGTV News, which he watches often, just because Vinny works there. Vinny smiles a little and he straightens his position on the couch. "Vinny, do you need 'pizza'? From what I've learned, pizza is a great source of energy. And it would be doing something good." Garmadon says, leaning in and looking at Vinny like a child curious about something, but really that's just Garmadons typical look. "Haha sure g-garms, I think I could do with some pizza right now..." Vinny does a mix of a panicked and shy expression. Garmadon opens up his phone, which Vinny got him as a gift to teach him about giving gifts. He opens an app for Buddy's Pizza and orders the meatiest pizza. He's learned that Vinny's favorite pizza is the one with ALL the meat, while personally, he prefers Hawaiian. He ordered his own box of Hawaiian as well. While Garmadon was ordering, Vinny accidentally snuggled up on Garmadons arm. Not realizing it's Garmadon, Vinny snuggles in even more since Garmadon was actually quite soft and warm, contrasting his stare. Eventually, Vinny ends up hugging Garmadon fully, and his oni companion is getting more and more confused. "Vinny... what is it you're doing?" "Is this some sort of... attack? Or some strange... ritual or binding?" Garmadon is SUPER fucking confused. But he seems to enjoy it the longer it lasts. "O-OH GOD- sorry garms I didn't even notice I hugged you-" Vinny stutters out before getting cut off. "No no, I wish to know more about this... "hug", it makes me feel... nice.. inside." Garmadon uses his four arms to wrap around Vinny and pull him closer. Vinny not pulling back and even snuggling in further. "W-well... this is like.. a friendship thing! O-or love, like I mentioned before haha." "Hugs are more... advanced and i-intimate compared to holding open doors, and smiling at people." "Y-you do it with your friends... or family, people you like! A-and care about." Vinny tries his best to explain with his "endless wisdom". "...friends?" "Y-yeah! Like companions... people who are always there for each other... like the ninja! O-or like what we are. I mean I care about you and want to help y-you and I like you!" "Friends... yes... I think I understand." "I like you too, Vinny." The small cameraman's face goes red after hearing that. Something about the way Garmadon said that it was definitely more than friendship. "...what about love? What is that? A disease? It feels familiar." Garmadon asks with genuine intrigue. Oh boy, he did NOT know how to explain this one to Garmadon. "Love? It's a feeling, like... when two people feel... close, it's when you care a lot for someone! Like how you care for Christofern, but with another person. A-and it's more intense, and you stay with that person forever. And sometimes you desire their affection..." Vinny tries to explain this abstract concept to Garmadon. "Hm. I see. You are so wise Vinny of NGTV News." "Is this... hug, affection?" "Y-Yeah it is!" "...I like your affection." "I desire it more." Vinny blushes even more while Garmadon pulls him into his lap and hugs him closer. This causes the smaller man to relax on top of Garmadon’s chest. Garmadon speaks up again. His deep voice accidentally making Vinny get more flustered. "I..." "Can we stay like this forever?" "..." "Yes." "Yes we can garms."
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allofthebees · 1 year
i can't remember if you've ever said anything about it before but as the resident Ronin Enjoyer do you have any thoughts on some of the more irredeemable or straight up bad parts of his writing (i.e. what he did to zane in skybound and possibly ToE? but mainly the one thing with nya. like i'm not gonna fault anyone for not liking him but i personally feel like that never should've been written in in the first place and it sucks seeing people act like liking him is a sin. you know :/)
Ronin my guy my scrungle he is not the best man but also he suffers from bad writing lol. The Nya thing.... As much as I personally prefer to pretend it didn't happen because it feels like in the early days of Ninjago the writers consistently kept forgetting that she's supposed to be a minor (SKYBOUND) as well as making her face the occasional casual sexual harassment/assault (evil Jay forcefully kissing her), this is actually consistent with Ronin's character because:
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Granted, the reason I prefer to ignore this aspect of him is because it's just plain stupid and he gets no real backlash from it in canon. And with Misako it's very much out of nowhere and Ronin doesn't even seem like he's interested. He erased her memories to pit her against the ninja and nothing else, but for some reason it was decided she should be putting her hands all over him like that 💀 However, I don't blame people for looking at this and deciding he's unlikable for it.
With the Zane stuff, I look at him taking Zane and Pixal to Chen's as something he had no other choice to do. It's kinda confirmed in the book Way of the Departed that it's the case (though my own reasoning is a bit different compared to the book), but at the same time, this was during a time he was a bit more eviler lol. So if he did this with evil intent then well he's grown since then at least.
As for what he did to Zane in Skybound, tbh fucked up and I'm glad it was technically undone. But Zane and Pixal were also kinda treated like objects that season in general too. The way Zane treated Pixal, the general existence and then complete dismissal of Echo, and whole thing with the Mechanic.... not great.
For me, personally I see Ronin as a tech lover who loves R.E.X so much he considers it a person, and by extension would respect Zane and Pixal in that regard, especially after befriending them but that's just me 🤷
But tbh there is something Ronin has done that is far more heinous than being robophobic and a creep, and that's what he did to the Islanders. I do not like season and what it did to him. Of all the people he goes and robs, it's the isolated people no one knows exists lmao. He doesn't just take their money, he takes their food, and takes so much they resort to human sacrifice. Like what the fuck. This felt more like something maybe SoR Ronin would do. And he was treated more like a common villain with no real history with the ninja at the end, too.
I don't wanna fully say it's out of character for Ronin to rob an entire island of people though, because I do feel like if desperate enough, he would go back to how he was before. I don't think he's above betraying the ninja, or hurting innocents because we've been shown he's afraid of dying (or at least going to super hell lmao) and is overall untrustworthy. But the thing is, he was fine! He had a deal with the Commissioner and was doing fine! Why make him do this, and then arrest him with the very people he used and put back in prison himself and then have him be just.... totally fine and friends with everyone again, prisoners and ninja alike lmao. It's bad writing to me. And after his development and and his relationship with the ninja, it seems very ill fitting to have him be the one lead the prisoners on the island when the Mechanic and/or Ultra Violet are right there.
So yeah I mean, if people don't like him I get it. At face value he is not a great guy lol. But for me there's a lot to like about him just because I really like his type of character when done well. He was a great influence for Nya and I love their relationship. He just suffers from poor writing just like.... every other character in this show 💀
And people better not be harassing or hating on others for liking a goddamn LEGO of all things. Please there are real problems to have. I'll continue loving Ronin regardless if others consider it a crime to lol I'm a grown bitch and can do whatever I want ❤️
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time-bone-swap-au · 1 year
One change for MK is how LBD’s story is presented.
How she was a court member of some sort, who usually managed the Emperor’s ‘businesses’ but as a perfectionist, she could not take the imperfections anymore.
MK however, is nothing like LBD, instead of wanting others to be perfect, he wants himself to be perfect (IE the Calabash Episode). Which is why I wanted him to change the story drastically.
Another thing is, I incorporated that MK has the power of his own will, since I think that The Celestial Realm is actually doing a Ninjago Cloud Kingdom and writing destiny.
That said though, MK or MBK, The Mister Bone King (Originally the name was ‘Master Bone King, but my sister thought ‘Mister’ was better) actually gained his own legend. Compared to LBD, MK is depicted as a hero (Except for that one timeline where he basically replaces LBD by the script)
MK at first actually begins to accept that he can’t fight destiny anymore, because destiny will punish him in more ways than one, he was supposed to be Monkey King’s Successor and fail. But now that he has defied it, MK accepts that him replacing LBD by the script and never altering the story will be his punishment, till Sun Wukong comes by, MK doesn’t react to the Monkey, in fact he acts coldly and professionally to the Pilgrims as a whole, not even respecting Tang Sanzang because he knows how the story will end. But since he actually was too late to proceed to the story, this is where LBD now MBK’s history starts to shift. Wukong actually manages to make friends with MK and tell him to fight for his own freedom, that no one deserves to be oppressed or controlled, that MK can fight for his free will and that there is no good or bad path, just choice. MK is moved by the words and stands up to the Emperor by causing a revolt, inspired by the sense of freedom and how the Emperor cared not for his people.
MK and Wukong depart ways but when Wukong traverses back to deliver the scrolls finally, (The part near the end of the journey) they do greet once more, MK becoming a symbol of freedom to people who are being suppressed by tyrants. MK fights for the freedom of people in the world and becomes a living legend, giving off many names ‘The Bone Spirit of the West’ ‘The Mister Bone King’ ‘The Ice Warrior’ many more. In a way he relives his life as a hero, but still MK is unsatisfied, Wukong’s words actually begin to echo in his mind…he is not free, because he is still trapped, trapped in a world where none of his friends will every be seen again, and he knows that regardless of what he does, everything will still happen, Mei, Tang, Pigsy and Sandy will be born regardless if he changes the timeline, but they will not remember him. At some point MK retires, and he and Mayor become a part of Megapolis city, MK plays video games for a bit (just the ones he knows) and Mayor gets elected as Mayor (How ironic is that)
At some point Wukong finds out and they end up being buddies and have scheduled time together before he leaves, at this point of time, MK is sorta banned from technology (Mayor got a little too concerned) so he was unable to see the news of Bai He (She actually has a different name in this universe, I’m just not sure what) so when MK finds out of Bai He…he sorta snaps…
Because somehow the reincarnation of LBD has taken his role like she forced him into hers.
So he makes it his mission to take hers once more.
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purplerose244 · 10 months
Watched the tenth episode of LEGO DreamZzz: LOVED IT!
So I actually watched this episode a whole while ago but forgot to post this... BUT NOW THE SECOND PART OF SEASON 1 IS ALL OUT SO I NEED TO PUT MY THOUGHTS DOWN 😍😍
Also the LEGO Youtube channel continues to bless me with shorts of the series, I'm already a huge fan of Draw with Mateo, and now we got Logan's Training Tutorials (he got such a massive ego istg 😂) AND EVEN AN ANIMATED SHORT CALLED "DREAMOLITION DUO VS THE MUTATED MATH MONSTERS" 🤩🤩🤩 (that one was EXCELLENT, I really hope we get more of those with that style)
Since all the new episodes dropped at the same time I might just make a single or two posts about all of them, we'll see! It's literally just for me to scream about how I love this show 🥰
Anyway, without further ado, let's get into this!
This coach is pretty narrow minded, but I never had a PE teacher that wasn't 100% convinced gym was everything, so 😂
Dreamcrafting as a concept feels like elemental powers from Ninjago: it's likely the most powerful thing there is, but in most situations it gets nullified or nerfed so it's hard to use it all the time with no limits 😅😅 It does make sense for this place to be no imagination zone, though
I'm sure Logan feels very guilty for the mess he got into, but I do hope he doesn't get forgiven immediately, so I'm glad Mateo is genuinely upset at him
Okay thank goodness 😂
Glad Logan isn't here to hear these orders and not follow them (sorry Logan 😅)
Edison bomb, we had the Edison ray before, I find it funny that the focus is on the guy that dreamed about his inventions
Mmmmm, I'm interested in the Night Hunter, I think there's more to him
To be fair, he's doing pretty good on his own for not being able to dreamcraft
Wolf wolf wolf wolf wolf- also interesting that this are the most normal creatures we saw so far, and it is in the place where the imagination is robbed and taken. Like here they don't waste time with creative creations like in the rest of the world
Yes Logan take your time 😅
Feels like karma Logan getting Stinkbrain as a nick he doesn't like, after mocking Mateo about Mattie this whole time
This show really says "best plan is run" 😂
I love Sneaky, someone needs to humble Logan a little bit... okay A LOT
Everyone loves and cares for Teo so much! LOVE ME A GOOD SUPPORTIVE TEAM 🩷
I still wonder where Zoe found her bow, and if there is a connection over the fact that she got a bow and the Night Hunter got a crossbow, they are the only ones with actual weapons and they are both long range kind of weapons
No worries mah boy Teo is out there with Z Blob I'm sure he'll think of something!!... oh yeah there's Logan too 😅
AWWWWWWWWWW MATEO HUGGING LOGAN THAT WAS SO CUTE!!! 💚💙💚💙 Despite being mad at him and with reason too, he was still worried about him! That's why I love him 🥰🥰
Oh, this is nice, Mateo didn't forgive him but he sees that Logan cares. And Logan for once asked him what's the plan, instead of going on a limb as usual! GROWTH!!! 💙
"Everytime I dreamcraft, bad things happen! And then we do a lot of running!"
"Welcome to my world!"
LOL loved that
AWWWWWW!! This is what I was talking about when I said Teo is a great leader, and knows that now Logan can give a great input since he can't dreamcraft like the others! I know I'm focusing on Teo so much but he is my favourite, so 😅💚💚💚
Coop getting PTSD from that cage, the poor thing! Do not bring him back in! 😱
Even the Night Hunter is afraid of the Grimwolf! Just what kind of things are living in this place??
OMG TEO ALMOST GOT STABBED BY ZOE'S ARROW TO SAVE LOGAN MY GOSH 😱😱😱 ... I wonder if I can make a fanfiction out of this one 😂
Aww Logan was apologizing for once in his life! Lol Mr. Oz is so confused
"Drive it like you stole it!" Logan, 2023
DREAMBASH!! Okay I saw the LEGO sets for this one, but this is such a cool thing for Cooper and Logan to share! ❤️💙
Okay but Logan jumping off the ship to get back the hourglass? Teo and Sneaky following suit? Mr. Oz being absolutely done with these kids' recklessness? I loved that sequence so much 😂
Wait Sneak didn't die, he ran away? To avoid the ray? So he's alive? I hope so!!
Poor Logan, he met a good friend...
Pff, does the Night Hunter not know Mateo's name? Little artiste?
So now the Nightmare King is after the Waking World... GREAT 😅
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destinygoldenstar · 10 months
SLURP ; So I Finally Read 'Quest For Lost Powers' (Commentary Part 2; Kai's Lost Spark)
<< Part 1
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Hello and welcome back to my commentary on Quest For Lost Powers. A book that exists because of Crystalized's incompetency.
If I'm doing homework, I'm making content out of that homework.
I already did commentary on the cover art and the prologue. Link is there if you want to see that.
We are starting this book's journey with the Fire Ninja's story.
It is a story about Kai being addicted to noodles, treating his girlfriend like garbage, and above all, whining about not having powers.
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"Oh lord... Again? A f*****g gain? Nothing new, nothing changed, same old s**t. Same old f*****g s**t-"
Yeah I'm pretty sure we all think that.
I could come up with stuff at the top of my head.
What about him trying to catch up with his parents?
What about his struggle in a healthy relationship where he doesn't need to look after someone 24/7?
His feelings about Jay as an in law?
His grief over losing his sister?
Him trying to step out of the big brother role?
Him trying to cling to his big brother role?
The forbidden scrolls corrupting him when he believes he needs it to succeed?
Him and Cole could make out-? THAT'S A JOKE.
I'm just saying. There's more compelling arcs you can give Kai.
But you know what? I'd be lying if I said I wasn't surprised. Ever since the Wildbrain era, Kai has been done dirty.
Remember when Kai was one of the most beloved characters of the show? Me too. I miss those days.
Okay, let’s get started and see what he’s doing.
[“Look how many noodles I can slurp all at once!”]
Not even two paragraphs in, and we have onomatopoeia, italicized.
This is in kids books way too much.
And it drives me nuts. STOP DOING THIS.
I know it's purely pet peeve. But I don't care.
Also who actually slurps their spaghetti? My family doesn't do it, none of my friends do it. I've only seen it in cartoons. Because I guess spaghetti is supposed to be messy and it's funny to eat with an obnoxious sound effect?
[A few of the customers looked up from their meals to stare at Kai.]
See, even these guys agree with me. It's weird. This man is weird.
[“It looks like the same amount of noodles you slurped five minutes ago, Kai,” Skylor said, brushing a stray lock of dark red hair behind her ear.]
No eating the merchandise.
Also don't overeat like that. It's unhealthy.
Remember when Kai was an underaged alcoholic?
Screw you Skylor, now he's drunk on noodles. And it's your fault.
[“Don’t you have anything bet…trrr…I mean, something more important to do?”]
Like catch up with your sister? Who had been DEAD FOR A YEAR?!
[Kai wiped his mouth with the sleeve of his sweatshirt and frowned.]
And he's got bad table manners. That's how you know he's a jerk.
[“Um, no more Fire powers, remember? There’s nothing important for me to do anymore.”]
Oh here we go again. No powers = no purpose to this man. I swear.
We've been here before. And that wasn't even a good arc the first time.
And THAT time, he was TORTURED losing it against his consent. This time was by his own call. He has no one to blame but himself.
[Veteran reporter Gayle Gossip appeared on the screen, standing on a busy Ninjago City street.]
Her name is Gayle Gossip?
All this time and I never knew her name. Wow.
[“Crime in Ninjago City has been rising steadily, ever since word got out that the ninja have lost their Elemental Powers,” the reporter was saying. “I tried to contact the ninja for comment, but they’re not returning my calls. In this reporter’s opinion, they seem to have forgotten who they really are. Powers or not, ninja, Ninjago City needs you!”]
Okay that's just Kai's fault. He's CHOOSING to do nothing.
I can't see his point with that other than him being a jerk.
"There's nothing for me to do"
*There's a ton of crime calls going on*
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That art looks great though. He actually looks depressed, holy gosh…
[“You haven’t returned her calls?”]
[“I haven’t charged my phone in days,” he said.]
I take everything back, Kai, you are a king.
[“What’s the point? Without my Fire powers, I’ve lost my spark.”]
I fail to see how that translates to 'it's okay to run away from my responsibilities'.
I get it, you can get depressed when you lose something that's defined you and your abilities to support and see value in yourself for so long. You can lose your spark and feel lost.
But STILL. Does he really think it's okay to just not help at all?
Unless there are other people taking care of the city, then I'd see his point. But there's NO ONE ON THE CLOCK.
Not even the New Ninja? Where are they? They were SO IRRELEVANT to Crystalized that we haven't heard from them again. Did they die?
["You’re still as smart as you ever were, and brave."]
Since when was Kai EVER the smart one?
Short answer: He wasn't.
Kai has NEVER been a bright tool in the shed.
He even stated, his own words,
"But Zane, I'm the good looks of this team. You're the brains."
[“Ninjago City has an excellent police force,” Kai replied. “They don’t need me getting in their way.”]
That's a joke. Right?
When has the police EVER been reliable? In ANY show?
Any show that isn't police-centric?
[“This isn’t like you, Kai. Didn’t you lose your Elemental Powers once before? You got them back in the Never-Realm, right? Just by digging deep inside yourself?”]
We ARE addressing that.
First off, that's what you call a plot hole. Because that is NOT how Elementals work in this show.
Second, if we ARE going with the 'you just gotta believe' story, then is this supposed to tell me that Kai is depressed? That he's lost himself? That he's suffering lack of motivation and sense of identity?
Cause that does make sense.
That actually would be interesting of a story. It's not about the powers, it's about the identity. No one needs him anymore. Or at least, he FEELS like no one needs him anymore.
In the Never Realm, people needed him, and he was able to use his 'older brother mode' to cling to that purpose.
Who needs that now? Not Nya, she has a husband. Not Lloyd, he has a dad and a disgusting new friend who likes blood for face paint.
Not Skylor cause she can do everything you can do, and she can do it better.
Wow, I feel like I'm saying "Hate to break it to you Kai, but you ARE useless." That's so horrible for me to say. Now I feel bad. I actually feel bad for being snarky...
[He slurped down some more noodles to make his point.]
You know what, every time this man slurps, I'm slurping. If I have to suffer the noise so do you.
[“Skylor! The potstickers are less than puffy again!”]
Who says that?! That's like saying the cheese quesadilla has less cheese.
[“This conversation is not over.”]
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Oh Kai, you messed up. That's what you get for slurping.
AAAAAANNNNNNDD then he does it next paragraph.
There's FURRIES in this?!
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Thanks, I hate it.
[He stood up and faced the robbers. “Why don’t you bad bunnies hop back to whatever greasy garden you came from?”]
Wait, so he DOES help?
Writers, either he's helping or he's not. Pick one.
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Kai gets jumped by furries.
Not clickbait.
I’m shocked this isn’t a meme. And now I’m just gonna bully Kai for it.
Remember when Kai got jumped by furries?
[“He’s Kai, the Fi— I mean, Kai the Ninja!” one of the noodle customers yelled. The Rotten Rabbit eyed Kai. “A ninja? Really? He looks like a dude in a hoodie with noodle broth stains on it.”]
Wow, we are REALLY going hard on Kai have no purpose anymore.
In Secrets of the Forbidden Spinjitsu, people were actually supportive, trying to help.
Here everyone's just mocking him.
You know what, I don't blame Kai anymore. They don't deserve your help. Ungrateful b*****ds.
[“Rotten Rabbits, Hop to it!” the main robber yelled. BAM!]
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Kai, the ninja who helped save the world 17 times, who forged the Golden Weapons, who obliterated the ice dragon, who weld and smashed the staff of elements, who crossed realms and lands non stop to save his two siblings,
Got his butt kicked by FURRIES.
Oh Kai, I am so sorry my boy. They did you so dirty.
[Skylor emerged from the kitchen, and her eyes narrowed as she assessed the situation.]
But this is the fourth time Skylor has seen this today.
"Ugh, just a normal day in my noodle shop. You couldn't stop with SLURP."
Girl gives Spiderverse Aunt May vibes.
[Water dripped from his hair and clothes as he scooped up the flopping fish and put them back in the tank.]
Even the fish are more useful than Kai. They didn't die.
[“I couldn’t even take care of a bunch of low-level goons. It’s hopeless! Without my Fire powers, I have no idea what I’m supposed to do.”] [Skylor stared at Kai with a worried frown.]
Skylor be like:
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I don't know how much I'm gonna take him saying the same thing over and over again. Gonna be honest.
One minute I want to hug him, and the next minute I want to slap him.
[“In other news, villages on the outskirts of Ninjago are being terrorized by a gang of people known as Fire Fiends,” she said.]
Angry Kai stans who were upset about s11 and Crystalized.
[“These Fire Fiends—they worship a giant, flaming serpent!”]
How did I forget the Pyro Vipers existed? That was like such a big deal in those seasons.
[“Aspheera created Fire Fang after she stole my Elemental Powers,” Kai reminded her. “Fire Fang’s powers all come from me. All I have to do is find Fire Fang, and I can get my powers back!”]
Is this course correct for s11?
I don't like them doing the same arc again, but I do like the idea of giving Kai closure with this Serpentine species. Because in the show he... didn't. Zane robbed him.
Continued in Part 3>>
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cboffshore · 1 year
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Keep it in and we'll all get rich. This is "It Will Never Be Enough."
For his first wish: the mortifying ordeal of being known. I'm not even kidding.
Given that this series is just a front for an in-depth Nadakhan character study, there's really no other way to start than with the man himself. This design has been bouncing around my mind for a few years now, actually - it first came to mind before I had the skills to pull it off and has been tapping impatiently on my shoulder ever since. This past fall (yes, this has been in the works for months), that moment arrived. I felt confident enough in my artistic abilities to bring it to life, sparking this series and analysis.
So, back to the tagline: the mortifying ideal of being known and my bold claim that that's the first of Nadakhan's actual, character-defining wishes. It's a desire that becomes apparent early in his life, when he abandons his home to seek a life not defined by his royal heritage. And, somehow, he gets it: he spends decades, if not longer, practically ruling the Endless Sea. Nothing gold can stay, though, leading to his two-hundred-year stint imprisoned and a less-than-glamorous return to existence in Stiix. Shortly after that, though, there's a shocking development: he wants to go home. Generally, going home after a life of adventure is seen as a retreat of sorts, but it means something entirely different for Nadakhan. In episode 57, Flintlocke's the first to express surprise that Nadakhan wants to go back, leading into a telling exchange:
Flintlocke: But you said you'd never be welcomed back there. What about your father?
Nadakhan: Better to live in a world where you are hated than in a world where you are forgotten.
In short: Nadakhan refuses to exist where he won't be seen. No such thing as bad press, right? The sheer ridiculousness of framing teenagers for petty crime, the real possibility of being ostracized by his own home realm - it's all about attention. He's been alone for two hundred years, only to emerge in a world where he can't relive his glory days. Finding out his backup plan of being the resident black sheep in his home realm is off the table, well... that's just saltwater in the wound. That's also the start of his second secret wish, so that's where this chunk of the analysis stops and we get into:
The Outfit Breakdown
Because any Ninjago villain traditionally sets the tone for their season, I chose to go perhaps a little too hard on this design in order to have a pool of motifs to pull from later. It's also meant as a mirror to the quote this look is named after - truly, I could have added so much more to this look. I only stopped out of necessity when my art app started lagging. I still like the effect this gives off, especially in regard to Nadakhan's origin as a character. His existence draws from a dizzying number of tropes and sources, creating an unusual and unforgettable presence. We'll break this one down piece by piece.
Of course, we've got to start somewhere: this is heavily based on Nadakhan's (positively awful) human disguise from the season premiere. Oof, did someone get dressed in the dark or what? Pine jacket, red pants, a hairdo that literally prompts a total rando to call him a bozo - let's be nice and call it a difficult pairing. No drip. Anti-drip. Dry as the Sea of Sand. One of the first pieces of feedback I received on this design was "goth band prep goes to a holiday party," if that tells you anything. It never entirely got away from that, which I'm willing to embrace - it's a loud combination! This is the garb of an attention-seeker! Step into a holiday party in this and immediately trigger several record scratches. I just wanted to do it better, because the original iteration is not it.
Originally conceived as a stereotypical pirate jacket, the brocade silk-lined cape blazer came into its own after the friend who gave me the "goth band prep" feedback suggested amping up the drama. It was an inspired suggestion given that said friend knows nothing about Nadakhan - who was I trying to design a stereotypical pirate jacket to embody his character? A fool, that's who. This blazer features a few nods to his origins, both meta and in-universe: sharp lapels as a nod to the Dracula love story that fueled his arc and rich materials to suggest his royal heritage. The silver dangly sections on the clasp and shoulders are extra pointy to reference the silhouette of his iconic chestplate.
Beneath the jacket lies an emerald-and-silver corset intricately woven with a set of golden body chains. These were initially separate elements, but while I was drafting the choker and chains, I had a thought: what if it was all one piece? Thematically, this ended up making perfect sense - this is the world's most uncomfortable halter top, reflecting how his own rage and desires slowly choke out his relationships with his crew. Zoom in and you'll notice that these body chains permeate nearly every inch of the ensemble: as bracelets and arm chains, a pair of draped garter bracelets in the slits of the slacks, and even wrapped around the boots as anklets. These constitute a twist on the concept of the gilded cage, which I feel Nadakhan both experiences and weaponizes. They're intentionally subtle - as hard as he works to conceal his plans, his tragic greed is an integral part of his character, heightened by the dramatic irony of the audience getting to know him before the rest of his crew appears. That we know just what he wants, but the people closest to him (emotionally and physically) don't?? Beautiful. Give me more of that, please. In addition, silver filigree elements on the corset are meant to mirror Nadakhan's hook hand.
The collared shirt under the corset is purely functional (and designed to be reasonably easy to bring to life because FSM knows the rest of the design would be a nightmare to make) - the peach shade is both a nod at Nadakhan's coloring and a weak attempt to fend off Christmas outfit accusations. The original human outfit uses a white shirt, which doesn't blend in quite as well.
A silver glove on the mannequin's left hand calls to mind Nadakhan's hook hand and brings in a little bit of needed contrast. Despite his association with piracy, gold, and opulence, Nadakhan's canon metallic accents are all silver; this is deliberately overridden to heighten his strangling sense of greed. The glove, modeled after his hook, helps ground the outfit in canon.
Even though I don't think I'll ever bring these designs into the real world, I like to design them with a cosplay runway in mind. Simple as these velvet slacks are, they're meant as a stand-in for Nadakhan's.... lower body? Tail? (What are we calling that, y'all? It's been seven years and we haven't arrived at a consensus. I read a fic that called it his "lower area" once, and we definitely can't use that.) The smoky bit that's always moving? That part. The part that should be legs but isn't legs. Anyway, point is that it has some crimson shading and that it moves. So would these pants with a sassy enough runway walk. Beyond the rebellion implied by slashing massive slits into expensive pants, there's not a lot of symbolism here.
The leather boots are the first of two mirrors to Nadakhan's iconic heirloom weapon, the Sword of Souls (the name Djinn Blade, while entirely canonical, is simply not as cool): sparkling crystal wedge heels and thick leather, with the same hook filigree motif as the corset. After he acquires the Sword of Souls, much of Skybound's plot hinges on how Nadakhan chooses to use it; in the same way, the green crystal wedge heels physically support the entire look.
The second reference to the Sword of Souls is far more overt: a luxury handbag traced directly from the Sword's theatrical hilt. Made of pale leather and gleaming gold blades and chains, this handbag doesn't quite coordinate with the rest of the outfit. Instead, it's forced to work out of necessity in the same way that Nadakhan feels he has no choice but to wreak havoc with the blade. Asymmetrical blue crystal accents on both the handbag and the statement earrings are a twofold callback: both to the shattered Realm Crystal that reveals his realm's fate and to the mirror he manipulates in "The Last Resort".
Exhausted yet? I hope not - we're just getting started. As a reward for making it to the end, behold the duality of my art skills: this meme I made months ago, somewhere in the middle of designing this outfit, after a heated Ninjago-themed round of Skribblio where I was tasked with actually drawing Nadakhan. Safe to say, that's not where my skills lie:
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firesofdainix · 2 years
Curious, do you think Lloyd would forgive Morro for what he did in canon?
Short Answer: It depends, but I like it if he doesn't because it's spicier that way
Long Answer: I've seen a LOT of Green Cousins fics, in which Lloyd and Morro have already buried the hatchet a long while, or are set in another alternate universe entirely. The 'green cousins set in a time past possession where Morro was forgiven is definitely not one of my favorite genre of ninjago fics (if you can call it that? Lol) because for me its just a lot of forced interaction and it barely is written naturally. (Except for @/peachyninjago 's fics theyre the best and only Green Cousins post-Possession fics I'd read 🙏🙏🙏) While I haven't dug deep into the fandom for actual in-depth Morro redemption fics (recommend me some because i wanna know how I'm doing), the duo, like I said, focuses on those things I've said before. It's fun to see them, but I also have this underlying problem (it's probably just me though) in which i internally have a lot of thoughts going through as I, well, properly read stuff instead of skimming over. For example, I wonder if Lloyd has forgiven Morro enough to the point he is seen willingly hanging out with him (and only him LMAOOO), but that's just me
In Splinter in the Blind Man's Eye, it's been implied, MANY TIMES, that being possessed by Morro was the WORST thing that happened to him. The feeling of now being able to control his body, how he felt so much guilt while Morro does a lot of immoral crimes with his own hands, and the traumatic moments in which he was caged in his own mind like a prison, forced to bear witness and become an audience member for Moro's own thoughts (implied that he also thought about murdering his friends in an explicit manner...). When he got out, he felt so weak and did nothing but watch as his friends suffer, and I KNOW he blames himself. He blames himself for being too weak to resist Morro, for letting him hurt his friends and family, for getting manipulated so he could involuntarily release the Preeminent from the Cursed Realm. He definitely holds a lot of guilt over Morro's actions, some of which he is not at fault for in the slightest. In short, he is both scared of Morro and feels like crap even thinking about him.
So, in a scenario in which he actually lives, after all the things he's done... I think Lloyd wouldn't cope with it. This man, ghost, had tormented him for what seems to be a few months, which left him so drained and exhausted. I have an inkling of a feeling Morro is able to show remorse and regret (his final scene in Possession tells us so, choosing death over being forgiven by his master with an accepting smile on his face) he's also bad at feelings and is heavily prideful. So, while Morro DOES try to show he's sorry, it'll take Lloyd a LONG time to forgive him, thanks to the memories he had made with him that were a lot unpleasant. There may even be a timeline where Lloyd *wouldn't* forgive him, cutting contact with him or being sort-of friends/acquaintances.
It's one of the things I've been juggling since the start of TAGOMJTR: how Lloyd and Morro’s relationship continues to grow, and how to develop it in a natural pace despite their grievances with one another. It'd be spoilers to say what actually happens... but Morro is still NOT even in the first step of making up to Lloyd.
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Royal Ninjago AU
UPDATE: The actual fic is called- All That We Can Give on Ao3 by SunflowerAndStrawberrySpice332
So this idea came to me when I was thinking about Garmadon’s whole technically being a Lord thing, so long awaited Royalty/generally old fashioned AU idea and how each character plays into it! (Also for the sake of clarity I will be using Garmadon as the surname since Wu and Garmadon’s names are kinda confusing seeing that Wu is also technically a surname, so they will be Wu Garmadon and Haitao Garmadon)
Lloyd: Is the son of Lord and Lady Garmadon, he is most likely to be the successor to his uncles throne due to the fact he has no children of his own and would be training to become a ruler instead of a ninja (in this AU Wu would have to be the older brother but we’re already changing a bunch of stuff so oh well) and along the way he makes friends with other nobility/castle goers.
Lord (or Prince depending on circumstances)Haitao Garmadon: The mysterious cursed brother of the king, he is disliked due to the fact most blame his brothers failed assignation attempt on him, with most making assumptions due to his cursed appearance. He tends to stay out of public eye which only adds to the eerie mystique around his already confusing public image.
Wu Garmadon: The kindly old king of the Western Kingdom who has a lot of regrets, one of which being not admitting his feelings for Misako (Stole that right from the show), though he does not drag his nephew down into those personal matters.
Lady Misako Garmadon: The mother of Lloyd and the wife of Lord Garmadon, she is said to be far more outspoken than her husband with her own fair share of controversy due to disappearing from public eye for multiple years after her son was born before returning over ten years later. What she was doing is still unknown to the public.
Now onto the other ninja! (I am changing last names and stuff, be warned)
Prince Kai Shiroma: The fiery prince of the Eastern Kingdom, twin brother of crowned princess Nya he is head of the kingdoms military and quite proud of it, he has close ties to the southern kingdom and hopes to make connections with the Western kingdom through the possible up and coming ruler.
Crowned Princess Nya Shiroma: She is the head strong soon to be Empress of the Eastern kingdom, after her fathers disappearance she has been preparing to take his throne with her royal advisors taking care of things until she comes of age. She is sweet and quick witted with plenty of secrets she’d rather keep under wraps from the public who is already hesitant of her rule.
Zane Julien: The adoptive son of a world famous traveling doctor Zane is a walking miracle having been brought back practically from the brink of death by the kindly doctor who proceed to raise him as his own and train him in the ways of medicine, philosophy and what ever else sparked his fancy. Him and his father are often at important political gala’s due to his ability to smell poisons, quickly becoming close with some of the royals.
Lady Pixel Borg: Brilliant daughter of acclaimed inventor Barron Cyrus Borg, she is an inventor in her own right and often travels alongside Zane and Dr. Julien when the location piques her interest. She’s extremely intelligent and her and Zane are often seen as a rather terrifying duo when seen whispering at gala’s and other events. 
Duke Jay Walker: A very distant cousin of Lloyd but with his parents still tied to the royal family of the Southern kingdom, his parents are most known for their funding of wild architectural projects, large donations and tendency to disappear for months only to reemerge with some new creation or idea. He is attempting to court Princess Nya though no one can tell his true intentions with this.
Crowned Prince Cole Zielle: He is level headed prince of the Southern Kingdom, he is popular among the public due to his flashy talents and tendency for extravagance. His mother died when he was young leaving him with only his father whom is an adored figure due to his donations towards the arts and music. It’s said though that the prince disappears for days on end every once in a while for reason unknown to most, because everyone has secrets.
That’s all that I have for now, but I have started writing some semblance of scenes for the actual fic which I promise you will get! Idk if I changed to much but at the same time this is an AU and I can do what I want, for what is the point of art if we can mold it in way we best see it! Let me know if Y'all have any suggestions or ideas cause I'd love to hear it. Anyway now that I've info dumped I think I’m gonna go eat a muffin and then pass out!
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oblivious-aro · 4 months
Where the Sky Meets the Sea Ch. 1/3
And now, presenting a fanfic where the main couple of the show don't get together. Happy Valentine's Day!
Summary: Rewrite of the parts of season 6 of Ninjago (Skybound) that make my blood boil. The main change is that Nya's struggles are respected, and she's allowed to yell at people. Also, Jay isn't a complete tool the whole time abs actually goes through some character development. Follows roughly the same plot line as Skybound. The parts that are unchanged are just skimmed through.
Word Count: 4800
Being framed for a number of petty crimes and thrown into prison had been a bit of a setback, but the ninja did manage to obtain a solid lead on how to defeat Nadakhan from one of the inmates before they escaped.
All they needed was a map hidden in a lantern on his ship, Misfortune's Keep.
The only problem was that they had no idea where Nadakhan's ship was located.
Scouting for information on Nadakhan would be difficult with the police on the lookout for them, but Jay and Nya managed to sneak into police headquarters under disguise.
Nya had only been trying to keep their cover from getting blown when she'd requested a lunch break, but once they were outside the smell of burgers cooking made her realize she was actually quite hungry.
"Two double cheeseburgers, one with double cheese, double ketchup; the other double pickles, double mustard, ready to go!" the hamburger vendor finally announced.
Nya reached into her pockets, but Jay stopped her.
"Lunch is on me." he insisted.
"That's okay Jay." Nya said.
"Nonsense, what kind of gentleman lets a lady pay for her own food?"
Nya rolled her eyes, but she didn't want to cause a scene while they were undercover, so she let Jay have his way.
But when he dug through his pockets, all Jay could find was lint. He didn't have the money to pay for his lunch, let alone Nya's.
"Uh...um...wrong pants?" Jay smiled nervously at the unamused vendor.
Nya sighed and gave the vendor money for both their burgers.
"I-I can pay you back later." Jay said.
"Nonsense." Nya grinned coily "What kind of lady lets a gentleman pay for his own food?"
Jay sighed.
Not one of his smoothest moves.
Jay and Nya walked for about a block until they found some benches that were semi-hidden by a giant tree.
Nya sighed in relief as she pulled off her itchy moustache and police cap.
"If I had a nickel for every time I was broke..." Jay laughed.
But Nya wasn't in the mood for jokes.
"Jay," she said, "We need to talk."
"Oh?" Jay's throat went dry "About what?"
"About the way you've been acting. You've been making moves on me all week, and frankly, I don’t appreciate it."
"Whaaaat?" Jay tried to smile innocently "I don't know wha-"
"Don't you dare play dumb with me Jay Walker!" Nya snapped "We both know very well what you're doing!"
That shut Jay up.
Nya sighed.
"Jay, I like you. I really do. But as a friend." her tone was soft but firm "Somewhere out there there's a really great person for you, but that person isn't me. I broke up with you because we weren't right as a couple. It...it just didn't feel good for me. I wasn’t happy. And yeah, I know I probably should have been more upfront with you back then, but I'm being upfront now and telling you to cut it out. Do you get what I'm saying?"
Nya's words hit like a dagger through Jay's heart.
He'd seen the future, they were together, and they had looked so happy. Nya had looked so happy. The sight of relaxed upturn of her lips and the crinkled corners of her eyes had been burned into Jay's memory.
In the present though, Nya's lips were tight and the soft wrinkles of her brow had been replaced with stressed creases.
Jay had just been following the vision. Why was it having the opposite effect of what he saw?
Despite his confusion, Jay knew there was no way he could continue to try and make the vision come true. Not after what Nya had just said.
"Yeah, I got it." Jay managed to stick a smile on his face "Cut the flirting. We're friends. Good...good friends. And friends...don't try to push friends into situations they're uncomfortable with."
"Yes," Nya smiled, her shoulder visibly relaxing. "That’s exactly what I’m saying. I’m so glad we’re on the same page. Hug?" Nya stretched out her arms.
Jay usually had no problem hugging his friends, including Nya, but right now he didn't think he could handle such an intimate interaction.
"Uh, how about a fist bump?" he counter-offered, holding his fist out.
Nya, still smiling, enthusiastically smashed her fist to Jay's.
Too enthusiastically.
Having neglected to set her hamburger down before fist bumping, Nya's sandwich got squished and spilled all over Jay's shirt.
"Oh um, oops." she said.
"Heh, guess lunch really is on me," Jay forced out a laugh "I'm gonna go clean this up."
"Alright, I'll keep your spot saved." Nya called as Jay started across the street to look for a restroom.
Nya looked up at the beautiful clouds in the sky. That had gone way better than expected. Her life was kind of a disaster right now, but at least she and Jay were back to normal.
"Why Nya?" Jay wiped away the tears that had started to form in his eyes.
They'd been such a good couple! Having a girlfriend who shared his interests and sense of humour had been the greatest thing that's ever happened to him. He'd felt so confident and complete knowing someone so cool loved him as much as he'd loved her.
It was the happiest Jay had ever been in his life.
And then...that stupid matchmaking machine! That was where the trouble started.
Jay supposed it made sense. Nya had lost interest in him the second she realized she could go for someone other than Jay.
Someone better than Jay.
Sure, she hadn't actually ended up dating Cole, but that only proved Jay's suspicions further. Nya had liked Jay enough to start dating him, but it didn't take her long to realize he wasn't worth it.
It hadn’t been that she was interested in someone else, she just didn't want to be with him.
"Maybe if I was better..." Jay glanced over his shoulder "Maybe we'd still be together if I wasn't just some loser who was born in a junkyard without a penny to his name..."
"I may be able to help you with that."
Jay jumped at the sound of the unfamiliar voice.
When he turned back around someone with four arms and a cloudy tail instead of legs was floating in front of him, grinning sinisterly.
Jay had never met him before, but there was only one person this could be:
"N-N-Nadakhan! I forgot we weren't supposed to be alone!" Jay's head snapped back to Nya, obliviously munching on her sandwich "I can scream, you know. Really loud!"
"Fine, fine, suit yourself." Nadakhan turned as if to leave "Even if you are wasting a golden opportunity to get the girl to fall for you...aw well, it's your decision."
"Ha! Nice try!" Jay gloated "But I already know you can't wish for love!"
"That is true, but..." Nadakhan slowly turned back around "There aren't any rules against wishing for something...a little less direct."
"What do you mean?" Jay asked, his indomitable curiosity getting the better of him.
"You said so yourself," Nadakhan gestured to Jay with his upper right hand, "The girl showed interest in you before, right? Perhaps if you had a little more to offer her than 'boy from a junkyard', her interest would return."
Jay glanced back at Nya one last time.
"Well...maybe just one wish wouldn't hurt. You wouldn't tell anybody, right?"
"Of course not! It'll just be our little secret. Now, what was it you wanted to wish for?"
"I wish...I wish I wasn't born in a junkyard, and I wasn't poor so I can give Nya everything she ever wanted."
"Your wish is yours to keep."
Jay could hear his voice, but when he looked around, Nadakhan was nowhere to be seen.
"Um...Nadakhan?" An ominous feeling began to bubble in Jay's stomach.
What had he just done?
"Hey there, ninja!"
Jay whipped around and saw a familiar mail carrier approaching on his bike.
"Don't worry," he said "I'm not here to turn you in. Just delivering the mail." He reached into his bag and handed Jay an envelope.
"Uh, thanks?"
Who could've possibly been sending Jay mail at this time? He tore open the envelope and started reading.
"Mr Jay Walker, this letter has been sent to inform you of your father's passing, and the vast inheritance he has left you in his will... Wait, my father's...passing?!"
Jay couldn't look away from those two words. His head felt like it was under water, while the rest of his body seemed to turn to stone.
He couldn't...his dad couldn't be…
"Aw, that's sad to hear. Congrats on the inheritance, though." The carrier waved as he rode away.
Jay barely heard him. He just stood there for several seconds, unable to move or even think properly.
"Mom..." Jay suddenly realized.
He summoned his elemental dragon, and they flew off towards the scrapyard at top speed.
"Mom!" Jay practically screamed as he slammed the RV door open "Mom! Where are you?"
"Jay!" Edna smiled from the rocking chair she was knitting in "I'm so glad to see you, dear! We've been pretty worried after those reporters came by and asked us-"
"Mom, where's Dad?"
"Oh I'm sorry dear, but your father's no longer here."
"No..." This was all Jay's fault. Why'd he have to make that stupid wish? "No, no, n-"
"Well Edna," Jay heard a familiar voice say behind him "I got those diddilybops for the buggy, but I still can’t seem to- Oh, hey there Jay! What brings you-"
"Dad!" Jay was on his father in an instant, nearly strangling him in a bear hug. "You're okay!"
"Of course I'm okay, son." Ed said once Jay finally let him have enough air to breath. "Whew! Quite the arm strength you got there! That ninja training's really paying off."
"Whoops, sorry Dad."
"Quite alright, son. Now, not that I don't appreciate a visit and a hug from my little Jaybird, but what seems to have gotten you so worked up?"
"Sorry dad, I just got the weirdest letter." Jay pulled the document out of his pocket to show his parents. "It said that my dad had died and left me lots and lots of money. It addressed me by name and everything, so I thought something had happened to Dad. But I guess there was some mix up and we can all laugh about it now, huh?" Jay shrugged lightly.
Ed finished reading the letter and looked at Edna somberly. She gave him the same look back.
"Um...am I missing something?"
"Dear, I think it's about time we told him." Edna said.
"Told me what?" Jay asked.
"Well Son," Ed said "We did want to tell you sooner, but it just never seemed like the right time, and we could never really figure out how to say it exactly. I guess we can't really put it off any longer though." Ed laughed emptily.
Jay's heart rate began to pick up.
All his life, Jay's parents had spoken with a bubbly warmth in their voice that persisted through the worst of times. Even when Jay had broken his leg trying to invent a flying machine as a kid, even when the serpentine attacked the scrapyard, even when the two of them had almost turned into snakes-zombies, that bubbliness always lingered.
But now their voices were dead serious.
That scared Jay more than any dragon he’d ever faced.
"You see son, it's just that you're uh...you're...adopted."
Jay hadn’t been expecting that.
"I...huh?" Jay's brain struggled to form words. The walls of the RV seemed to shift and swirl around him.
"It's true." Edna stood up and joined Jay and Ed by the door "We found you right there on our doorstep one morning with a key. Your father and I hadn't really planned on having kids, but you were just the cutest little thing, so we took you in and raised you as best we could."
"A...key?" was all Jay could manage to get out.
"Yes," Edna pulled a key out of her pocket and handed it to Jay. "It didn't come with a note or instruction of any sort, but I have a feeling those directions on the back of that letter might have something to do with it."
"Oh?" Jay hadn't even noticed anything on the back of the letter until Ed passed it back to him "Oh um, yeah. I-I should probably go check that out."
Jay turned and ran out the door, his mind too full to form a proper goodbye to his parents. Once he was far enough from the RV, Jay summoned his dragon and took off to the location specified on the back of the letter.
"Well, there he goes." Ed sighed.
"You say that like he isn't coming back, Ed."
"Edna, that kid's been itchin' to leave the scrapyard behind ever since he figured out it was all we could give him."
Edna didn't say anything. She just grabbed Ed's hand as the two of them watched Jay's dragon disappear into the distance.
The directions on the letter led Jay to a secluded woods a small distance away from Ninjago City.
His dragon landed on a stone path and let Jay dismount before vanishing.
At the end of the path was a sleek villa surrounded by various types of lush flora. The building was coloured in tasteful gradients of grey, and very expensive looking.
A part of Jay wasn't sure this was the right place, but when he tried the key his mother had given him in the lock on the front door, it fit perfectly.
More confused than ever, Jay opened the door and went inside.
"Hello?" he called.
The house was completely silent.
"So...this was my birth dad's house?" Jay said to himself.
The inside of the house made him think of a magazine cover. Giant windows let in enough natural sunlight that there wasn't any need to turn on a light (which was good because Jay had no idea where the lightswitch was). The furniture was sparse, but very modern and pristine. A giant flat-screen TV hung on the wall above the electric fireplace.
Whoever furnished this place clearly had money to burn.
Jay walked over to a blue-grey chair. He was slightly afraid to sit in such an expensive looking seat, but he really needed a quiet minute to just relax and-
"Fear isn't a word where I come from!"
Jay jumped and whipped around. Standing behind him was a two metre tall statue of his favourite comic book character, Fritz Donnegan.
"Fear isn't a word where I come from!" the statue repeated.
"Guess my dad was a big Fritz Donnegan fan. That's…kind of cool."
Jay walked over to the trophy case by the statue.
"Gee, he sure won a lot of awards." Jay reached for a random trophy "I wonder what-"
There was a click. Jay pulled his hand back as the shelf slid to the side, revealing a hidden room.
"Woah!" Jay stepped inside. The secret room was full of various costumes and Fritz Donnegan paraphernalia.
Jay's eyes widened when he spotted a limited edition Starfarer Rayblaster lying on a Hollywood-style vanity.
"Wow, I don't even have this one!" Jay excitedly ran over and grabbed the ray gun "My dad must've really liked Fritz Donnegan! I wonder why he had a secret collection room with a giant mirror, though?"
Jay looked into the mirror. Surrounding his reflection were some taped-up notes and a bunch of old photographs of one guy with various people.
"That guy looks kind of familiar...oh! It's Cliff Gordan! The actor who played Fritz in the movies. I can respect a fellow fan, but maybe you're going a little far with the decorations here, Dad. I wonder what all these notes say...Good luck Cliff, love Nancy...You're hot stuff Gordon, Vanessa...Go get 'em Cliffy, Libber ;)...Geez, did my dad steal a bunch of personal notes to Cliff Gordon? That's- wait a minute..."
It suddenly clicked for Jay.
"My dad...was Cliff Gordon?!" Jay tok a dizzy step back from the mirror "N-no way! How's that even possible? I can't be...Jay Gordon...can I?"
"Ah, but you can."
The hair on the back of Jay's neck stood up.
Jay turned and fired his ray gun at the djinn.
A rubber dart bounced harmlessly off him.
"Now now, there's no need for such hostility," Nadakhan smiled, "All I’m here to do is grant your second wish."
"Look Nadakhan, I don't know if you rewrote the past or what, but whatever you did, I don't want a second wish!"
"Rewrite the past? I did no such thing. All I did was merely reveal something you didn't know to already be true. I didn't change a thing, as fun as rewriting the past would have been..." Nadakhan tapped his chin thoughtfully.
"Y-you're evil! I don't want to make any more wishes!"
"Oh come now, everyone always wants something." Nadakhan insisted, lazily floating in a circle around Jay "Power, prestige," he leaned a little closer to Jay "Perhaps a ray gun that actually works?"
"No! I don't want anything else! I just wish I wasn't alone with you! No, wait!" Jay buried his face in his hands "I didn’t mean to…"
Nadakhan grimaced. That hadn't been how he'd planned to make Jay use his second wish!
The wish magic surged through and out of Nadakhan before he could come up with a way to turn Jay's request to his advantage.
Ding dong! Ding dong!
"Hello?" a distant voice called "Jay? Are you in there?"
"Nya!" Jay lifted his face from his hands "Is that you?"
"Until next time." Nadakhan grumbled, vanishing in a puff of smoke.
Jay didn't waste any time racing out of the secret room and across the foyer. He nearly tore the front door from the wall as he threw it open.
"Nya!" he exclaimed "How'd you find me here?"
"You were kinda gone for a while, so I went looking for you. When I couldn't find you, I got worried and called your parents. They said you'd be here. Why'd you run off without…"
Nya trailed off as she got a look at the inside of the building.
"Wow," she breathed, stepping inside "I didn't know you had a place this ritzy. How long you been hiding this?"
"Oh, uhh..."
Jay couldn't tell her the truth. If anyone knew he had made a wish with a dangerous djinn, he'd never live it down. Especially since the wish involved trying to impress Nya after she'd literally just told him to back off.
Jay desperately wracked his brain.
"I mean...if you can have a secret hideout...why can't I?" Jay hoped he didn't sound as nervous as he felt.
"A secret hideout eh? Well, I suppose I of all people can respect that. But why'd you leave in the middle of-"
"Nya, Jay, come in!" Lloyd's staticky voice interrupted Nya.
"We're here." Nya spoke into her bracelet "What's going on? Did something happen?"
Jay quietly sighed with relief, thankful for the distraction.
"Haven't you heard?" Lloyd replied "Sky pirates are attacking the city! We need everyone here stat!"
"Sky pirates? We're on our way now!" Nya looked up at Jay "Come on! No time to lose!"
Jay nodded and followed Nya out of the house. Once they got out of the trees, both of them summoned their dragons and took off towards Ninjago City.
"Hey, about earlier," Nya called to Jay from her dragon, "I'm sorry if I've been kind of in a bad mood lately."
"Oh, uh...you don't really need to apologize for anything, Nya." Jay called back.
"I don't know, I feel like maybe I do." Nya rubbed the back of her neck "I've just kind of been under a lot of pressure. I mean, being the newest ninja on the team, trying to catch up in training, how the general public has been reacting to there being a girl ninja..." Nya briefly frowned but quickly shook off whatever was on her mind. "Anyway, it's just been a stressful couple of months. I'm just really glad I've got at least one person in my corner."
"Oh, y-yeah. No problem..." Jay said,
"Seriously Jay, thank you for just listening to me being a friend. You have no idea how much I need that right now." Nya turned to Jay and smiled.
Jay smiled back briefly before turning away. He genuinely wondered if he should take some kind of medication for the awful feeling in his stomach.
During their battle with the Nadakhan’s crew, Cole managed to snag the lantern that contained the map to the hidden Tiger Widow Island, but their victory came at a cost.
Kai was nowhere to be found after the sky pirates retreated.
It didn't take long for the remaining ninja to figure out that Nadakhan had trapped him in his Djinn Blade along with Wu and Misako.
The loss hit the group hard. It wasn't that Wu or Misako's absence was unfelt, but Kai had been by their side minutes ago, and now he was suddenly just...gone.
Something flashed across Nya's face that made Jay's heart ache, but before he could even consider consoling her, a determined rage replaced any vulnerability in her eyes.
Nya was the first one to speak, breaking the group out of their stupor by reminding them it was time for the next step in their plan.
Feeling a bit guilty about Kai, Jay offered up his new house for the group to hide out in and plan their next move.
Cole took Jay aside and confronted him about his sudden acquisition of such an expensive property. Jay knew he wouldn't be able to get away with lying to Cole, so he confessed everything. Cole was not happy to hear any of what Jay told him, but he promised to not say anything to the rest of the group.
So long as no one else got hurt.
The island was too far away for their dragons to fly to, so the team headed down to the docks to charter a ship.
Unfortunately, the sailor manning the docks sensed a mighty storm brewing, and refused to lend them a sea vessel.
Luckily, Jay's late father happened to have a robust (not to mention incredibly shiny) boat at that dock the ninja were free to use.
The storm was as bad as the sailor had predicted. Jay had to be tied to the top of the mast to act as a lightning rod, while Zane went below deck so he wouldn't attract any lightning away from Jay.
It was one of the worst storms any of the ninja had ever seen. Everyone was so caught up in the chaos of making sure the ship didn't crash, that no one noticed the island approaching before it was too late.
"Brace yourselves!" was all Lloyd had time to shout before there was a deafening crunch, and the world went black.
The gentle sound of waves breaking on the sand greeted Jay’s ears as he started to regain consciousness.
When he opened his eyes, he saw the sun beginning to rise, and Lloyd helping Cole stand up. Nya stood nearby, her hand shading her eyes as she scanned the sea.
Behind them was a thick jungle, presumably with the tiger widow lurking somewhere in its depths.
At least they’d made it to the island in one piece, even if the former Cliff Gordon’s boat hadn’t.
Jay blearily stood up and brushed as much sand as he could out of his gi.
"Cole!" he suddenly realized "How on earth did you manage to not get wet in a shipwreck?"
Cole just rubbed his head, not awake enough to form a response.
"Jay! You're up!" relief washed over Lloyd's face "Thank goodness we're all okay."
"Not all of us," Nya frowned, "I can't find Zane anywhere!"
“Zane?" Cole blinked and looked around the beach.
"Oh no!" Nya's hands shot to her mouth in horror "He was below deck during the storm alone! How could we have forgotten? Nadakhan must have-"
"Okay, that's it!" Cole snapped, now very awake and very angry "This has gone too far!"
"Cole," Lloyd said "We're all upset about losing Zane and Kai, but you have to stay calm."
"I'm not talking about them, I'm talking about him!"
Jay’s heart stopped as Cole pointed at him.
"Jay?" Nya asked "What'd Jay do?"
"Ha ha, y-yeah Cole? What'd I do?"
"Don't play dumb." Cole shot Jay a glare before turning back to Nya and Lloyd "Jay already made two wishes with Nadakhan before he visited any of us. He could have warned us, and Kai and Zane might still be here!"
"Wait what?" Nya's eyebrows shot up.
"Wh…” Lloyd scrunched his face in confusion ”Why didn't you tell us earlier Jay?" Lloyd asked.
"Oh, I don't know, it just didn't really seem important, I guess..." Jay didn't make eye contact with anyone.
"He didn't tell anyone because he used his wish to get that fancy house to try and impress Nya!"
Jay’s stomach dropped and the world seemed to stand still.
Nya's eyebrows somehow shot up even higher.
"You..." her voice was unsteady, like someone had knocked the wind out of her "You mean when you disappeared at lunch...after I had made it very clear I wasn't interested in dating you..." the disbelief in Nya's voice steadily morphed into rage "You told me you understood, and then you ran off with an evil djinn and tried to wish for my love!?"
"N-no! Nya, it's not like that! I wasn't trying to...h-he tricked me into-"
"Save it Jay." Nya turned away from him and crossed her arms "I don't want to hear whatever lies you're trying to feed me!"
She marched into the jungle without looking back.
"No, wait! Nya! I'm not-" Jay looked at Lloyd and Cole "C'mon, help me out here guys!"
"Here's some advice," Cole said "Next time, don't keep vital information from the team just to save your own sorry hide."
Cole's shoulder bumped roughly into Jay as he walked past him to follow Nya.
Jay desperately turned to Lloyd, but the hard glare Lloyd was giving him destroyed any hope he had for sympathy.
Lloyd didn't even say anything as he walked past Jay into the trees.
"I just found out my parents aren't my birth parents!" Jay shouted into the trees "If anyone cares!"
There was no response.
Jay groaned and ran after the others.
When they got to the tiger widow's cave, Jay was unanimously voted to go in and retrieve the venom alone. He desperately tried to protest this decision, but no one was budging.
Despite the threat to his life and limb, a part of him was glad to get away from Nya's burning glare.
After much struggle (and screaming), Jay finally managed to procure a canteen of the deadly spider's venom. When he escaped the cave, he found his friends scattered and locked in fierce battle with various members of Nadakhan's crew.
The ninja managed to regroup, but the angry tiger widow had followed Jay, and chased the group across an unstable bridge. The bridge couldn't hold their weight and snapped in two.
The ninja managed to grab onto one half of the bridge and began to climb to safety, but Nadakhan suddenly appeared and took advantage of their compromised position.
He kidnapped Jay, emptied his canteen, and sent the tiger widow tumbling to the treacherous valley below.
"Jay!" Cole yelled as the cackling Nadakhan and his crew retreated into the sky "Oh no, we've lost Jay and the only thing that can stop Nadakhan!"
"Not quite." Nya pulled out a canteen full of-
"The tiger widow venom?" Lloyd's eyes widened "But, how?"
"I switched canteens with Jay before the bridge collapsed." Nya grinned proudly.
"So that means..." Lloys smiled.
"We have the only thing that can stop Nadakhan!" Cole finished enthusiastically.
"And better yet, they don't know we have it." Nya added.
Cole squinted at the sky.
"But there's no way our dragons can fly that far, and our ship was scuttled on entry, so how are we supposed to get off this island?"
"If we managed to escape an asteroid in the desolate void of space, we can get off this island." Lloyd said confidently.
"Lloyd's right. We'll find a way. We always do." Nya tightened her grip on the canteen. "Nadakhan had better watch out, because we're coming for him."
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ninjakitten1699 · 9 months
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I said it before and I'll continue saying it until otherwise. This OC actually isn't even of my own creation. Sam here belongs to my longtime online friend @samzart.
She’ll still go into my OC tags because well she’s been here for so long I can’t part with her and I don’t want her lost. I might as well post her now since she’s introduced in my latest Ninjago fic set in my AU.
Name: Samantha Rose Snyder Nicknames: Sammie, Sam Age: 17 Gender: Female (She/Her) Race: Human Appearance: She is a human woman who has tan skin and long wild hair. Her left eye is a turquoise blue and her right is (Nope). She is littered in scars along her body from her time in the (can't pry these from me) She is first seen wearing a tight fitting kimono she grew into and torn up pants that turned into shorts with a pair of ruined sandals due to the negligence of the (Spoilers).
Height: 5’5” (165.1 cm) Weight: 114 lbs. (at the very least) Hair style: Long wild dark hair (season one to seven)/Braid (season eight and onwards) Hair Color: Brown Pod (on here, otherwise its called Treehouse here. Either way the hex code is still 35211E) Eye Color: Left- Turquoise Blue (Hex Code: 69CFD1), Right - (Soon to be revealed. Unless you knew her from my friend on DeviantArt then it's not much of a secret.) Skin Tone: Sepia (Hex code: A96A4F)
Weapon of choice: Light and fast weapons. Bow and arrows, daggers, and her father’s sword the Blade of Winds. Element: Wind/Air Manipulation Abilities:
Air Augmentation via The Blade of Winds aka The “Golden Weapon” of Wind. The blade can cut through anything (Ghosts are an exception of course since they are air. Whenever Djinn are in their floating form, the blade in ineffective.). It’s made completely out of gold yet weighs no more than a feather. Sam’s father used to take it with him into battle. (Sam’s mother was the elemental master of wind) Basically think Razor Wind
Aerokinetic Combat- Exactly what it says on the tin.
Wind Generation - The ability to generate wind. It can be a gentle breeze or a powerful, highest category hurricane. (In the beginning, it varies depending on her emotions. Later on, she gains more control on this after her true potential.)
Weather Manipulation - By controlling both hot and cold air (As seen on the main Air Manipulation page)
Air Defense - Able to use wind to defend oneself.
Personality: Before her trauma, she was cheerful, "tomboy-ish", competitive, and generous. After years of her trauma however, she turned out shy, quiet, isolated but still she was kind. Unfortunately she is also not so confident. She will do anything to protect those she loves, so much so it puts her in harm's way. She doesn't like to "speak out of turn" because of the discipline she had received and doesn't question things or talk back. She'll eventually gain some backbone after living on her own and wit the Ninja. Occupation: Kunoichi Affiliations: The Ninja (currently), Elemental Masters, Serpentine Rebellion (formerly) Hometown: (Unknown) Village
Status: Alive
Bio: (Spoilers)
Relationships: Viktor and Daya: her parents. Deceased due to Serpentine War. Synthia: Younger sister. Lost to the War as well. Cole: He is.. was a close friend. Unfortunately due to circumstances, he has little memory of her and only recently began finding pieces after his true potential (presumably since his mind was more open, it allowed other things to open up too.) He eventually becomes her significant other long after their meeting.
Fun Facts:
As stated above, this OC, Sam, is not one of my creations. If you don't know her as one of @samzart's OCs then perhaps you know her from here. Why does Sam look different? Because I still have contact with the creator and the design of the OC had changed and I only wish to emulate that change. Unfortunately the creator is not that active on some parts of the online world as far as I know.
Yes you read the Blade of Winds right. It's not a true golden weapon like the main four Ninja's weapons. It only looks that way with its metal, much like many other gold weapons that were made in universe and on sets.
While her father did wield the Blade of Winds, it is actually her mother that has the Elemental Power of Wind. How was it acquired if Morro exists? It's more than likely possible that Sam could be younger cousins with Morro. Sam wouldn't know this until season five when Morro appears.
Her village was never given a name since it would only be relevant due to backstory. If it does appear, it'll more than likely remain nameless due to it being in ruins.
The fic she's introduced in did have another name but it didn't fit, so now it's called "Hidden Among the Wind" I know the chapters that are out currently (like the prologue to maybe chapter three if I looked at everything I planned right) feel a little slow right now, but I promise you it'll snowball from there.
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mouschiwrites · 8 months
Heyy:)) I love you’re writing soo muchhh
Could u do a Lloyd x fem reader so basically he’s madly in love with her but he’s mean to her in school and then they meet as ninjas and he tells her about that wonderful girl in his school and she gives him advice and the next day at school he does exactly what she said and she wants to meet him alone and talks to him and then they both know they’re indantiny
Thank you for your kind words! I hope this is okay ^^
Word count: 1k
Ninjago - Giving the Green Ninja Advice to Ask His Crush (You) Out
“Well, look at Miss Smarty-Pants over here,” Lloyd teased, leaning over your desk to stare at your math test. You had gotten a good score, but suddenly you were wishing you hadn’t.
Glancing at Lloyd’s paper, your frown deepened. He had gotten a lower score than you; that’s probably why he was antagonizing you. You just shoved the paper into your backpack, slouching in your chair and staring at your lap self-consciously. Only Lloyd could ruin good news like that. You weren’t sure why, but the boy seemed dead set on making you miserable every time you interacted.
You gritted your teeth at the memory. You were grateful to be able to channel your frustrations from school into a good cause: being a ninja. Jumping from the rooftops, chasing down criminals, engaging in combat—all fantastic ways to let out a little anger.
You had just finished preventing a robbery when you decided to take a little break. You found a perch atop a tall apartment complex overlooking the city, and you plopped down gratefully on the edge. It wasn’t long until a familiar green figure found you, taking a seat beside you.
“Hey,” you greeted cheerfully. You were feeling much better already, but the appearance of your friend was really the cherry on the sundae.
“Hi,” he wheezed. Apparently, he was also taking a break from crime-fighting.
You giggled. “Rough night?”
He took a moment to catch his breath before responding. “Rougher day at school.”
“Oh, really? What happened?”
“The girl I like did not respond well to my flirting.”
“Ooh,” you cooed, kicking your dangling feet excitedly. “The Green Ninja has a crush!”
You couldn’t see his cheeks, but you were certain they were red. “Yeah, heh. She’s really awesome. We have a few classes together at school.”
“You should ask her out,” you ventured boldly.
“Funny you should bring that up—I was going to ask for your advice anyway.”
You clapped your hands together giddily. “Okay, tell me what you know about her.”
“Well, I know she likes (favorite drink).”
“Okay, so definitely buy her a bottle of that. And… hmm… can you draw?”
“Sort of. Only cartoons, though.”
“That’s fine. Draw a little cute caricature of her on a card that says something like ‘I like you, please go out with me’ or whatever.”
Your advice session was cut short when you heard a shriek in the alleyway below. Sharing a quick look of apprehension, you both sprang to your feet and rushed into action.
The next day, you were doodling absentmindedly in your notebook while you waited for first period to begin. You jumped as an object slammed onto your desk. It was a fresh bottle of (favorite drink) with a little card tied to the cap. You looked up just in time to see Lloyd hurrying away.
You sighed. The card probably said something rude, you guessed, but you opened it anyway. To your surprise, it actually contained a rather cute cartoonish drawing that looked strikingly similar to your own cantenance. Below it was written: “I like you. Please go out with me.”
You stared at the card for a second. A strange sense of familiarity overpowered your confusion at something like this coming from Lloyd. You just couldn’t shake the feeling that this was something you’d seen (or maybe talked about?) before. Then it hit you. With a completely dumbfounded expression you looked between Lloyd and the card, back and forth a couple times before clapping the card shut and turning to face Lloyd in the seat next to you.
“Well? What do you thin—”
“Meet me after school. Out by the dumpsters.”
Lloyd blinked at you. His lips curved in a slight smile, and he opened his mouth to speak, but he was silenced by the bell.
The day couldn’t have gone by slower for either of you, but finally you found yourselves face to face behind the school.
You held up the card. “Who told you to do this?”
Lloyd’s brow furrowed in confusion. “Um, a friend gave me some advice.”
You looked around, making sure you were alone, before leaning in to whisper: “Was this ‘friend’ a ninja?”
“Wh… how did you know that?”
“Because that was me! I’m the f/c ninja!”
You stared at each other with wide eyes for a few seconds, tension growing thick in the silence. Then, without warning, you burst into laughter.
“Wait—wait,” you gasped between laughs. “So when you said the girl didn’t respond well to your ‘flirting’, you meant that stupid rude remark you made about my test?”
Lloyd’s brow cocked innocently. “Was that not flirting?”
“No!” You erupted into another fit of giggles.
“Huh. Well, I’m glad I came to you for advice, then. I’m clearly a lost cause when it comes to romancing.”
You nodded, smiling sheepishly. “I totally thought you hated me.”
“I could never hate you. I don’t hate you as Y/n, and I don’t hate you as the f/c ninja. Though I suppose maybe you prefer me as the Green Ninja.”
You chewed your cheek thoughtfully. “Well, I’d certainly appreciate it if you could treat me as nicely as he does.”
“Of course I will. I’m sorry I was so mean before. I guess it was my backward way of flirting.”
“All is forgiven.” You never expected you’d be saying that to Lloyd, but knowing that he was also the Green Ninja, your companion of the night, the words spilled almost automatically from your mouth. It was strange; knowing what you knew now, your hatred for the boy had evaporated at once.
“So, uh… what do you say? Will you be my girlfriend?”
Lloyd threw his arms around your middle, lifting you up and spinning you around while laughing gleefully. When he put you down, he pulled out his vibrating phone from his pocket.
“Oh, I’ve gotta get home.”
“Okay,” you breathed, cheeks flushed from giggling while he twirled you. “See you tonight?”
As he turned to walk away, he shot you a smirk. “Yeah. See you tonight, f/c-ninja-slash-Y/n.”
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Thanks for your request! And thank you for reading, take care of yourselves precious gems <33
(divider by saradika)
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birbulous · 2 years
Alive I promise I swear
So, as for interactions with the main ninja, not much has happened yet. However, I’ve speculated a silly little battle happening between Brie and Jay with friends. It was actually a friend who brought the idea up first and I loved it immediately! So,
As I’ve said before, Briar is less than friendly with the ninja always and probably forever. But what would happen if he got into a tussle with one of the ninja? A little bit of a big ol fight?
Obviously, things wouldn’t end well.
You see, at some point, Jay ends up doing some extensive research on this cult, wanting to find out where it is or whom the leader is. Bad news though, there’s just about nothing of them on the internet. Nothing helpful at least, just speculative forums and people who’ve had friends just one day up and abandon them and their families, suspecting the cult is behind it. There’s a general agreement that it definitely exists. There are those online claiming they’ve seen the leader before, either protecting themselves or others under attack. Or, they’ve seen the ‘leader’ walk in apartments or housing with a few people to come out with a few more. Miracles were performed, they assumed, or just complex manipulative tactics.
This was very frustrating for Jay. So far It’s all speculative thoughts and rumors, no concrete evidence. Nobody’s ever outed the leader, and there’s no insider that anybody knows of. At least, not any that ever came back to the city. He wanted to find out who this person was and what their motives were. Sure, Jay is a silly fun-loving guy most times. But he’s getting real serious about this topic, and there is one thing about the leader that stuck out to him like a sore thumb.
The majority of the rumors of them being the new master of water.
That’s really bothering Jay. He knows Nya’s trying to bring her powers back on her own, but if it’s true that someone else is using her powers… could it be true? Did Aspheera steal them and give them to this stranger? But why would she? Shouldn’t she be trying to get revenge on Wu again? So many questions and little to no answers.
So, completely on his own for research purposes, he goes out and asks various people in Ninjago City about the cult leader; what they looked like, where they might be, ect. He gets bits and strands of information. Mostly from asking friends and family of those who disappeared suddenly one day, who were also known to have been involved in Ninjago City attacks before; mostly victims. It’s okay information, but not enough. Eventually he gets the tip that the leader lived in the desert with his cult, this rumor was started because one day, out of the blue, this unknown sparring/training teacher and their classes set out for the desert and never came back.
And so, Jay sets out for the desert. Wandering. In the middle of nowhere. It was a great idea.
(Second post about this soon I swear I just wanted to get this out of my drafts before I forgot about it again + i hope this makes sense lmk if it doesn’t /gen <3)
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