For the WIP game, kitty!
ask and ye shall receive (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
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Eddie wonders why, as he shuffles back into his spot, the guy looks like he's on some kind of mission, with the solid stance and the - holy shit, is that a fucking baseball bat?! With fucking nails on it?!
That’s a mace, Eddie giggles to himself in an effort to swallow down the panic, a modern mace.
"Any beasties still out there?" Harrington called out, and Eddie had to clamp a hand over his mouth with a sheer force of a bulldozer to stop from replying. Beasties? That definitely doesn't sound great.
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ivykim · 4 months
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— welcome to the video. thank you for clicking on it! today, I’ll be bringing you on a journey of various moments where jake is practically down bad for ivy
since everyone was doing their own thing and dancing to their song, ivy does the same thing. it was quite honestly a mini party. all of them were dressed in something quite formal due to having schedules in the morning/afternoon.
ivy was wearing this
she looked gorgeous. everyone single one of the boys had their jaws dropped when she walked into the room wearing that. one person though had their mouths way more wide open than the others.
“jake, close your mouth.” jay says. the boy listens but he’s still mesmerised by ivy.
“noona is so pretty…” jake mumbles. anywhere she went, jake’s eyes would follow her figure.
— here we have prime example of sim(p) jaeyun
vivi x jake vlog (spoilers??)
— vivi says the vlog will be uploaded eventually (belift I’m watching you🫵🏻) but she posted a snippet of it on weverse
IVY🌟 POSTED: who are you calling cute? you’re cuter jaeyun🙄 *video attached*
from what it seems, it’s just ivy and jake walking around the rented home’s mini garden. there, they spotted a cat and ivy gasps.
jake goes to film her as ivy passes the camera to him. she kneels down to the cat and allows it to sniff her. it easily gets comfortable with her and ivy happily pets it.
“jaeyun~ the kitty is so cute.” she says in a pouty voice.
jake’s heart tugs as ivy speaks in a cute voice.
“cute.” he mumbles behind the camera. which obviously was caught in the video bc Ivy wouldn’t have posted it if it wasn’t caught.
— aww the jaeun ship is sailing!
a compilation of behind episodes with jake and ivy
#1. “noona, please!”
jake loves asking for permission from ivy and ivy grew to love hearing the boys (who are younger than her) calling her noona. it took a while for her to accept it but she likes being called noona now!
“I want that one. please? can I have a bite?” jake says as he watches ivy biting onto her popsicle.
“say please.”
“noona, please!” jake pouts. Ivy turns to the camera and points to it.
#2. “noona, can I have a hug?”
jake loves hugs from ivy. no particular reason. she’s just the perfect height and size for him to hug. ivy does love giving hugs to all of them though. especially when they need extra energy.
she stands in the middle and everyone lines up. she gives each boy a hug. ni-ki hugs longer as he happily enjoys being in her arms.
“yah! it’s my turn.” jake huffs.
“no.” ni-ki says as his voice was a little muffled being in ivy’s arms. ivy pats the younger boy’s back.
“riki, it’s jake time. I’ll come to your room later to cuddle with you more okay? you big baby.” ni-ki grumbles before peeling himself off ivy. he walks away to tackle jungwon instead. clearly not done being clingy.
jake finally smiles, “noona, can I have a hug?”
“yes, you can.” she holds out her arms. jake happily jumps in her arms. his arms finding home around her waist and hers finding their way around his neck.
— love how the staff recorded this whole thing and captioned it “ivy’s hug service. free of charge.”
#3. “please, tell me there isn’t a ghost…NOONA I’M SCARED!”
as ivy is a psychic medium. she can see and feel ghosts. the boys don’t necessarily like whenever ivy mentions there is a ghost so she usually doesn’t say it.
but if something is off, ivy will definitely voice out.
“not to alarm any of you but excuse me while I just do this for a bit.” ivy stands up from her seat and starts moving towards the corner of the room.
“oh lord. she’s at it again.” jay sighs.
“the demon is back.” sunoo adds.
“please tell me there isn’t a ghost…” jake says as he watches ivy getting closer to the corner. the three of them watched her point in the top corner. she scolds whatever that is in that corner and tells them to leave immediately.
“okay, this guy is stubborn.”
“what guy. noona? please tell me…”
“just an 8ft shadow dude in the corner. it looks like those spiders but giant and has 2 legs like us.”
of course. there had to be engenes recording this part. it’s a concert! they had to perform. with them being in America, the managers were more chill. so jake decided to take advantage of that and give some appreciation for ivy.
everyone was hyped up. ivy had a solo performance at the concert that she prepared so the boys wanted to hype the engenes up.
“ENGENEs! are you ready for ivy’s performance?” they yelled. ENGENEs screaming out loud.
“I can’t hear you? ARE YOU READY FOR IVY?” jay instigates. the ENGENEs screamed even louder. the nod their heads in approval.
“THEN LET’S GIVE IT UP FOR KIM FUCKING HAEUN!!” jake yells. it causes ENGENEs to scream even louder as jake cusses just to introduce ivy.
safe to say, ivy was very hyped during her solo performance.
#5. “oh good lord.” *trips on his own foot*
it was comeback as per usual and ivy’s stylist wanted to try something new. her outfit had different cuts and holes to make it more sexier so ivy looked really good.
sunoo interviews her with the camera and was busy filming fun little contents with her. that’s when jake walks in. his eyes fell upon her outfit.
“oh good lord.” he says as he trips on his own foot while staring at ivy. sunoo laughs, zooming into jake.
“jake hyung, are you okay?” sunoo asks in between laughs.
“y-yeah! just tripped somehow.” he says embarrassingly, clearly he was caught off guard.
#6. “would you date haeun noona? yes.” *with no hesitation*
jake was live during one of the America stops and so he decided to read some comments while listening to some music.
many of them were basically asking where the other members were and just asking him to do aeygo. the typical thing. that is until one question caught jake’s eye
“would you date haeun noona? yes.” with not a single hesitation in his voice. he moves on from there it causes a whole ruckus in the fandom and shippers.
jake was always ivy’s biggest fanboy as shown in the past few videos. in this en-o’clock episode where they played sports, it even more obvious.
“whoever gets ivy noona on their team instantly wins.” jungwon says.
with the teams split with the usual decision of rock paper scissors, heeseung falls to his knees.
“no, this is unfair.”
“HAH! WE GOT IVY NOONA.” sunghoon points and laughs at the other team.
“now, what do you mean unfair.” ivy says as she stares right at the two tallest boys. “if anything, I should feel unfair.”
the games start. it felt like a war zone, each of the boys getting more and more competitive. as it was ivy’s turn, she holds up the bow.
“KIM HAEUN! KIM HAEUN!” jake cheers. the editors placed a quick edited pompom and puppy ears on jake as he cheers ivy on.
[PUPPY JAKE cheering on IVY]
#8. "10 facts you didn't know about vivi noona, she's not yours."
during this live, there were tons of ENGENEs talking about the fact that ivy looked so good in her new hair. this time, she decided to go all natural and dyed her hair dark brown, similar to jay's colour.
"ivy looks so pretty with brown hair." ivy reads out in english. "aww thank you, i bet you guys are prettier." she gives a small heart to the ENGENEs.
"ivy is so perfect, she's so pretty and she's mine." jake reads.
"aww, yes ENGENEs. i'm yours." she blows kisses. jake snorts and rolls his eyes playfully.
"ENGENEs, i have some facts about noona you didn't know. wanna hear it?"
ivy tilts her head, "tmi today?"
jake hums, "here are 10 facts you didn't know about vivi noona, she's not yours." jake smiles.
"now, jaeyun-"
[video bleeps]
#9. "why is everyone calling vivi noona a mother?" "i mean, yeah. you're right. she's the mother. the mother to our kids."
and yet another live from jake but this time, he was solo. he decided to go live after their concert. despite him being tired, he wanted to make ENGENEs feel loved so he turned on the live.
"where is ivy?" he hums. "i think she's sleeping. she was really tired after the concert. she almost slept with her outside clothes on so there's that."
"hmm? tmi? yeah, that's true."
"oh, you guys saw her outfit today at the concert? yeah, the stylist tried something for her."
he reads through more of the comments, "why is everyone calling vivi noona a mother?"
that is until he had a bright idea in his brain. "i mean, yeah. you're right. she's the mother. the mother to our kids."
#10. "sorry, you can’t have noona. she’s mine.”
at an offline fansign during dark blood era, fans were enjoying ivy’s outfit style and the fact that she got a solo part during the second chorus of ‘Bite Me’. which led to tons of ENGENEs talking about how they would like to marry her.
there were tons asking her one by one the same questions. “are you single?” / “haeunie, can I be your girlfriend/boyfriend?”
so since jake was after ivy, the ENGENEs would continue to talk about her to jake.
“jaeyun-ah, can I marry ivy?”
“mmm, no.”
"sorry, you can’t have noona. she’s mine.”
— okay, possessive boyfriend let’s go??
#11. “noona makes me feel safe. she knows when i feel anxious and nervous so she pays great attention to the little things.”
to end of the video, I would like to mention the interview where jake praised ivy. this was during one of their earlier days.
— “what is it like to have ivy on the team?”
jake reads the question. he hums, “noona…she’s just amazing.”
“despite, us thinking we would be just any normal boy group during I-LAND, seeing ivy noona and the many other girl contestants doing their best made me realise that we were all fighting for the same dream.”
“so when noona was announced, I wasn’t surprised. she’s amazing, heeseung hyung level of talent. what surprised me was that she cried a lot, she thought that she wouldn’t debut. she had a lot of doubts because they never announced other girls to debut with her so it was just her and us.”
“she started to feel down. worried that the fans wouldn’t like her but eventually, with a lot of encouragement and the positive comments praising her, she gained more confidence and started showing her true colours.” jake laughs.
“for me, noona makes me feel safe. she knows when i feel anxious and nervous so she pays great attention to the little things.”
“in fact, she knows whenever anyone feels down and tries to lighten the mood. she actually hates whenever it’s too serious when it’s not supposed to be. I remember her complaining about how all of us were too tense during practice and that we need to loosen up. true enough, when we loosened up, we did better.”
[video fades to black]
— thank you for watching ❤️
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actual-bill-potts · 1 year
Ok, you said to distract you, so here’s a whole collection for the ask game!
🤡 What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh? 🛠What tools/programs/apps do you use to write? 💖 What made you start writing? 🤲 Would you please share a snippet of a wip? 🎉 What leads you to consider a fic a success?
Thank you so much, you're the best <3
🤡 What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh? Answered this here, but here's another one that I really like:
"Ugh," Maglor exclaimed, gingerly wrapping his own Orc-skin about himself. "Why must you make unpleasant comments when the stench around me is already so foul?"
"I hadn’t noticed a change from your usual presence," Maedhros said mildly, and ducked to avoid the clod of dirt that came sailing towards his head a second later.
Ah, sibling bickering. I love to write it.
🛠What tools/programs/apps do you use to write? I am comically low-tech here. If I'm on my phone, I write using the Notes app; if I'm at my laptop, I write directly in AO3. I realize this is terrible but the AO3 interface is so much less scary than a blank word document, don't @ me.
💖 What made you start writing? Hmm. What made me start writing at all, or what made me start writing unhinged silm fic? To answer the former: I've wanted to be an author since I was like. 5. I have notebooks upon notebooks from my childhood full of stories: about a group of rainbow kitties that live in the sky, a rabbit with fire powers, horse girls, two cousins trapped in a lighthouse, poorly-disguised Les Mis fanfiction; Antarctic explorers; etc etc. I also wrote a shit ton of poetry and many plays that I forced my siblings to act in when we were younger, haha. I've always been writing.
In terms of fic writing, though, what really started me writing fic was when I was starting college as a STEM major and realizing that I...really needed a creative outlet or I was going to go insane. I'd been reading fic since I was like 10, and writing it in my head/in little notebooks for a long time, but had never dared to try posting it before. But I was in college and figured, why the hell not? So here I am ^_^
🤲 Would you please share a snippet of a wip? gladly! here's a little bit from my Athrabeth script:
Finrod (trying for cheer): - Well! We were talking of death. You referred to death as Morgoth’s curse. 
Andreth: I did.
Finrod: But - death comes to all things. If Eru had not created death, it would not be in this world. Morgoth has made death a fearful thing, to be sure - but without Morgoth’s stain, perhaps death would be quite different. Rest and release, rather than a terrified flight into darkness.
Andreth: What do you know of death? No Elf can know death as we do.
Finrod: We know death. We know death, and we fear it! My people died, and died, and died on the Ice; and those we followed here have fallen to Morgoth. We are dying still in battle - and not one of us will be spared in the end - in the battle to defend all the children of Eru from Morgoth! Not just Elves.
Andreth (acerbic): I have not heard it said that Fëanor led the Noldor from Aman to defend Men. But perhaps the noble house of Finarfin did not care so much for treasure (this with an ironic glance at Finrod’s ring-decked fingers and layers of necklaces). 
Andreth: In any case, I say to you again that you do not know death as we do. Death may hurt you; it may bring loss; but for you there may be healing, and you may hope to see your kin again. While we - we go out into utter darkness; and we do not return. It is a curse: and it is a grievous wrong that has been done unto us.
🎉 What leads you to consider a fic a success? I think I consider a fic a success if I enjoy re-reading it! If I write a fic, post it, and then never think about it again, then either I didn't write it compellingly enough or the concept wasn't that great in the first place.
Thank you again friend!! <3
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Okay I wasn't tagged by anyone, but I saw this ask game and I just had to try it
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have wips. (You can make your own post or reblog this one!)  I have deemed that this isn’t just for writing either. Sketch titles? Comics? Dnd campaigns? If you have an unfinished project, it counts!!
Let's go!
The dragon fic
Lalka plots but in EoA
Diaries of the old chancellor/Diaries of the traitor
Navidad songbook
"Chłopiec z gitarą" but Luisco
The AU world
"You haven't changed a thing"
Guards but they're scouts
Michał in Avalor
Dziady AU
Francisco bleeding
Fanfiction from Spanish lessons
Miscatventures/Cat I suppose
Family vacation/Wykopki
The royal amigos
Teen!Victor gets in trouble
Father's day fic Naomi and Carla
Father's day fic Lucia and Margarita
Gabe leaves the guard
The angry Gabalena fic
Carla's quinceañera
Dance of the sails
No longer Hortensia
Cold [as in sickness]
Vacation from magic
Victor czemu
Royal visit (kind of)
Gramorr didn't happen AU
Gossip club
Kitty's prank strip
Apple Hearts
EAH first days
Silver Apples
Cupid x Tanatos
Dark future AU
The new queen of hearts
Hidden talent
Ever After High ff
The past past generation
Other fandoms
The return of the Ancients (Miraculous Ladybug)
My team of half-bloods (Percy Jackson)
Moon wizard (Tangled the series)
Memory loss
Marvellous cookbook
Beast from the Setting Forest
The river
Ostatni Mazur
Thermia (DnD campain)
A story that will come to be but not soon
Laurels for the winner
Dragon universe
Blue capes
Butter/Murder in the hostel
Memory book
The room where it happens
The lost hour
Snow White my version
Golden chrysanthemum
Very sad song retro
Aaaand I'm pretty sure that's it, though maybe I'll edit this list later
I'll tag only @lieutenant-amuel and @a-lilacsong but feel free to copy it!
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willow-salix · 3 years
I got the joy of doing a collab with the ever awesome @olliepig so we could bring you this, our offering for @gumnut-logic Kayo birthday challenge. You get a little of everything here, her birthday, her favourite things, secrets, lies, tiny Kayo and a sprinkling of Romance. Ooooh yeahhhhh. What more could you want?
Happy birthday Kayo! We're very sorry to put you through this.
“Together?” Cat asked.
“Together,” Selene confirmed. 
As one they both lifted their hands and banged hard on the hotel room door.
They heard the sound of a viciously spat curse word from inside, then nothing. 
“Again,” Selene commanded and they banged again, hammering on the door.
Another swear word and then the sound of a bed creaking and shuffling feet. A minute later and the door swung open to reveal a sleepy, ruffled and not too happy, Captain Wayne Rigby.
“What are you doing here?” he grumbled. “I thought we agreed to meet there.”
“You suggested we do that, we never agreed,” Cat argued.
“Dude, you could have at least put on something to cover up that manly chest,” Selene grinned, making a kitty scratch motion with her hand. “Rawww.”
“Shut up,” he growled, obviously unashamed to be seen in nothing but his boxers at 8 in the morning.
“She up yet?” Selene continued as if nothing out of the ordinary was happening. 
“No, and neither should I be yet.”
“Lies,” Selene huffed, shoving him aside and sailing into the suite, carrying two garment bags. Cat grabbed the remaining two and the accessories box and hurried in after her.
Rigby sighed and shut the door, knowing he was beaten.
“What the hell are those two idiots doing here?” Kayo yelled from the bedroom, making Rigby wince. “How did they even know where we were?”
Kayo stuck her head around the door to glare at them. “Did you get John to hack my mail?”
Selene and Cat both adopted identical expressions of innocence as they hung two of the garment bags from the bathroom door frame. 
Rigby shifted uncomfortably.
“You told them?” Kayo accused, spearing him with a look.
“They bullied me!” he yelled. “They tortured me!”
Kayo glanced back at the girls who were smiling sweetly.
“They tortured you? You, a Captain with the GDF, were bullied by two civilians?”
“You weren’t there,” he protested. “You didn’t suffer it.”
Kayo rolled her eyes at the big idiot.
Read the rest here on Ao3
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imaginedhaven · 4 years
Regarding the snippet it's one of the either:
1. Aelin kissing Rowan and Aedion seeing them or Dorian/Chaol seeing them and getting uncomfortable.
2. Aelin kissing Dorian and bird brain seeing them and getting extremely upset cuz she broke his heart.
I have a list prepared of increasingly absurd and completely untrue options to suggest for exactly this kind of question! The last person to submit a guess got me saying she was kissing Aedion. This time...
Okay but have we considered the possibility that she sailed across the sea to kiss Rowan’s “kitty cat friend” Gavriel and see if he’d know how to handle her after all? 😂😂😂
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kittinoir · 4 years
Echoes of You Ch. 3
Read on Ao3
The word flit around the ruined studio like a butterfly from flower to flower. Marinette could finally see fear beginning to bleed into the studio as people backed away from the girl. Marinette crawled behind the fallen lighting fixture, using it as cover as the girl descended into the room. The closer she got, the more details she could make out. Her skin, Marinette saw, was also a deep shade of purple, but her long pony-tail was stark white, as were her eyes.
She laughed as her bare feet touched the ground, swinging the needle around like a sword as she took them all in from the point of it. 
“I am Scream-ripper,” she announced, swinging the needle up. Marinette felt her mind blank, totally still and silent as she took in the sheer size of the thing. “Where is Dominique Valencourt?”
The needle swung down again, stopping once it was pointed at the lady who had been manning the craft table. The woman squealed, backing up. “I don’t know! I don’t know!”
“Aw, too bad.” Scream-ripper lunged. Marinette threw a hand over her mouth as the needle pierced the woman’s chest, but for a moment nothing happened. No blood, no screams of agony, no nothing. Sream-ripper withdrew the needle and leapt after someone else, leaving the woman in her wake.
The violence of it shocked Marinette back into action. She twisted onto her hands and knees and crawled towards the woman from the crafts table. She was still sprawled behind the over turned table, tugging at her t-shirt where the needle had gone through. 
“Are you ok?” Marinette whispered as she reached the woman. 
She shook her head, curly red-hair flying. “Something’s wrong! I can’t - I can’t - ”
Marinette frowned. As she watched, the woman’s movements became less frantic, her limbs stiffer as she felt her abdomen. “What is it,” Marinette asked, reaching out. “How can I help?”
“You…can’t…” Marinette recoiled as her fingers touched the woman’s bare arm; it was hard and cold to the touch. “Only…Ladybug…”
Marinette could only watch in horror as the woman finally stilled. It seemed an uncomfortable position, leaning back with only one hand behind her for support, but she didn’t move again. Her brown eyes stared at nothing. The sun shone through the ragged hole in the ceiling, glinting off her skin.
No, not skin, Marinette realized as she touched the woman’s cheek. Porcelain. Real porcelain. That thing, that girl, had turned this woman into…
“A mannequin.”
The words slipped out unbidden, a horrible truth Marinette couldn’t unrealize. 
Marinette whipped around, scrambling backwards as that girl, Scream-ripper, made another circuit of the room. Several more people had found themselves on the wrong end of the needle. She counted at least seven pairs of unseeing eyes.
“You.” Marinette looked up to find Scream-rippers’ needle levelled at her own chest. “Where. Is. Dominique?”
“I…I don’t know,” Marinette said as she desperately felt around for something to defend herself with. “I haven’t seen her since the shoot began.”
“Yes, that would be about the time she fired me,” Scream-ripper hissed. “Too bad. So sad.”
Scream-ripper abruptly leaned back, angling her needle in. She lunged. Just before the needle would have pierced her, Marinette rolled to the side, throwing herself over the table as Scream-ripper sailed by her. The needle glanced off the floor, sending up sparks, but Marinette was already running.
Scream-ripper howled behind Marinette as she sprinted back towards her toppled chair and the purse she’d left behind. If she could just reach her phone, she could call for help. She risked a glance behind her to gauge the monster’s progress. It turned out to be a mistake. 
No sooner had she looked than Marinette felt her toe catch on something for the second time that day. This time Adrien wasn’t there to save her. She sprawled across the floor of the studio, some loose sand barely breaking her fall and grinding painfully under her hands. 
A lightbulb went off, and Marinette grabbed a handful of sand as she flipped over. Scream-ripper had risen into the air once again, apparently taking Marinette’s avoidance of her initial attack as a personal failing. 
Marinette bit her lip, pushing herself closer to her purse by her heels as Scream-ripper advanced on her. Her violet eyes blazed as she bore down on Marinette.
1…2…3… Marinette waited until the last possible moment, then threw her fistful of sand as Scream-ripper prepared to lunge again. 
Marinette staggered as she climbed to her feet. Scream-ripped shrieked behind her, clawing at her face. “I will end you!”
Marinette felt more than she saw Scream-ripper take a wild swing at her exposed back. There was no avoiding it this time. Her luck had finally run out. 
“Attacking someone who’s unarmed?” someone said. “Tsk tsk. Not very sportsmanlike.”
Marinette stumbled to a stop, snatching up her purse as she spun back around. She nearly collapsed at the sight of the boy in black standing between her and the monster, a metal baton held at Scream-rippers chest like a sword. She met a pair of glowing green eyes that sent tingles rocketing over her skin as the boy glanced back at her. Her blood rushed in her ears, and she wondered if he could hear her heart pounding from where he was standing. From the way the black ears on top of his head twitched and he grinned at her, she had a sneaking suspicion he could. 
“Sorry I’m late,” the boy said before turning back towards Scream-ripper. “But I came as fast as I could. Pretty sure I beat my purr-sonal best.”
Marinette frowned as warmth and joy and…and…familiarity crept through her chest. “Do I…know you?”
The boy looked back at her again as he advanced on the monster. She thought he looked confused, but his expression suddenly cleared, as though catching on.
“Find a place to hide,” the boy said as he avoided a strike from Scream-ripper. “Ladybug will be here soon. She’ll fix everything.”
Deja vu. The feeling of it swept over Marinette as she crouched back behind the fallen lighting fixture and watched the cat-boy fight the monster. Like she’d seen this, or dreamed this, before. 
‘Do I know you?’
She was sure she didn’t. After all, she didn’t think she’d ever forget someone like that. But more important was the screaming feeling that she should. 
She watched the boy fight, watched him dance across the room with Scream-ripper, the two of them thrusting and parrying and and dodging. The boy fired off cat-themed quip after quip, his rakish smile never faltering. An earlier conversation drifted back to her.
‘Ladybug and Chat Noir had a close call…they would never let anything happen to you.’
Then this boy must be… “Chat Noir?”
One ear flicked back towards her, as though he’d somehow heard her speak over the clash of the needle against his baton. His suit did remind her of that girl from the picture on Alya’s blog, and he seemed dead-set on keeping Scream-ripper from turning anyone else into a creepy statue.
Marinette made herself focus on her breathing, on relaxing her fingers, which had gone white and stiff wrapped tightly around a metal pole on the lighting fixture. She didn’t know when it happened, but her terror had burned away, supplanted by a burning desire to do something.
But…no, that wasn’t right. Dizziness swept her as war raged between her instincts. She was always running away, from everything. Why was she suddenly, desperately afraid to leave this boy to fight Scream-ripper on his own?
“Starting the party without me? Now that’s a faux pas!”
Everyone froze, even Scream-ripper, as the voice echoed through out the room. Chat Noir took advantage of the opening to land a kick on the monster that sent her flying across the room, her needle clattering to the ground. 
“You’re timing is impeccable, as always, m’la…”
Chat Noir trailed off as he stared the girl that had appeared on the edge of the jagged hole Scream-ripper had left in the ceiling. There was no mistaking the red and black suit, but there was something about her, something different from the photograph on Alya’s blog. Her hair, though still jet black, tumbled down around her shoulders. A single red ribbon held it back from her face like a hair band, the loose ends twisting through the loose waves. 
The suit, too, seemed different. Swaths of black covered her arms and legs like gloves and boots, leaving just the torso red and spotted. Still, there was no missing the ladybug motif. The longer she looked, the more sure Marinette was: this was Ladybug.
A shout from Scream-ripper thrust Marinette painfully back into the present. Her heart leapt as the monster came dangerously close to nicking Chat Noir with the point of her needle. Even so, he couldn’t seem to tear his eyes away from his partner as she swung down into the fray, his ears straight back and flat. 
Marinette could only catch snippets of Ladybug and Chat Noir’s conversation as they pressed Scream-ripper back.
“…who you think you are…anything happened to her…” Chat Noir’s eyes flashed as he attacked, fiercer than before.
“…what you’re talking about…” Ladybug grunted, stumbling out of the way of Scream-rippers needle. 
“…not her! You…Ladybug!”
“…my choice…with it, Kitty.”
Marinette flinched as Chat Noir’s voice ricocheted around the room. Even Ladybug seemed paler. She lowered her voice as she leaned into her partner, her face hard. Chat Noir stepped away from her, leaping to Scream-rippers other side, apparently choosing to fight the monster separately. Ladybug seemed content to let Chat Noir choose, but it quickly became apparent that Ladybug needed his help more than he needed hers.
Scream-ripper kicked out abruptly, sending Ladybug flying. Marinette ducked as the super heroine sailed by her, suddenly realizing how much closer the fight had come to her hiding spot. Chat Noir took advantage of the move, but he was more reckless than before. In a strike too quick to see, Scream-ripper hit Chat Noir’s baton with a clang that made Marinette’s ears hurt and sent his only weapon skittering away across the mannequin strewn floor, leaving an opening so wide you could drive a truck through it.
Marinette didn’t think; she just leapt.
It didn’t hurt like she’d expected it would when the needle tore through her left shoulder and across her back. It felt like ice, like the beginning of a wound that never started to hurt. The porcelain spider-webbing from the mark, however, was a different story. It didn’t hurt, but it tickled as it rapidly spilled across her skin, and then it didn’t feel like anything at all.
“Marinette? Marinette!” Chat Noir’s face was right in front of her, panic filling those beautiful green eyes. “No! I…I promised I’d… I promised…!”
“I had to…stop her,” Marinette said. Her lips didn’t seem to want to work. “Ladybug needs you…to win.”
For a moment his face hardened, and Marinette thought he might refuse to work with his partner, but then he gave her a single nod. “I’ll save you,” he swore, helping her sit down. 
“I…know,” she managed, but it was too hard to say anything else. Her hands rested uselessly in her lap. Her head tilted back until it rested against a the light fixture and stilled. Marinette stared straight ahead, seeing nothing. 
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stolen - shameless 
fishing for birds how could i not - the surreal alone - and scotty - may well have - sed fuck then deleted - he aint pooh but the doc more likely 
zat wuz zen diss is now 
its k actual - morning - birdsong from the get go but this time yesterday thot a smooth sail - in my apartment distancing of course - not actually inna boat onna bay 
had worse - way - lots pf love inna mix and yah some sad n heal n confuse 
wtf iz actual 
oh t getz over ur bad self and tawk the kitty tawk n pet n praise she is a good one always 
must b bit better - insomnia as usual - not bad - slept more than used to still and quiet lay rest and forgot to take a med cuz didnt feel need - yes i took it when i remember 
gonna take it ez like a jackson thinking 7 - really ? sound like braggin 
gonna record the morning usual snippet 
fuck if i no 
more birdsong - murder feed a short stroll - that sounds relaxing stroll - and fishing for birds sound more fun than flying kites  and we having wattu call a moment  - here - on the planet lately maybe the solar sytem but w the distance u never 
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icypantherwrites · 5 years
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New Fic: The Chill of Loneliness
Lance couldn’t be more thrilled. A special mission that only he and the Blue Lion could undertake due to the insanely cold temperatures and a way to further their slowly growing bond? Sign him up! But when the mission goes sideways Lance finds himself all alone with no hope of backup, slowly freezing to death and he can’t find his way back to Blue. He had hoped to prove himself on this mission but… but it looks like all he’s going to do is die instead.
Story snippet:
Lance turned his head the other way.
And froze.
He’d found the source of the growl.
It was some sort of lion alien, coat a pure white to match the snow but there were black fringes along its sides, the tip of its tail and around its eyes, which were pure red orbs and they were narrowed at him and matched the blood-stained teeth inside its mouth, visible with lips pulled back in a snarl. 
Lance swallowed. 
He reached for his bayard only to realize a second later he didn’t have it on him; the temperatures too cold for it to work and he’d left it at the castle for safekeeping.
He had…
He had nothing to defend himself with.
The alien lion growled again.
“Nice… nice kitty,” Lance barely whispered.
He took one step backwards, his foot crunching into the snow.
The alien lion lowered itself down, haunches raised in the air and tail flicking back and forth.
Lance had seen his family’s cat do that right before it— 
The lion pounced.
Lance yelped, stumbling backwards, arms pinwheeling as his feet slid in the snow and he went down. 
Falling might have been his saving grace as the lion had been aiming high and sailed over him.
Unlike him though it seemed to have no issue with balancing on the slippery landscape and was already pivoting around.
Lance scrambled to his feet even though he had no idea what he was doing what was he supposed to do oh Dios what did he—
He threw himself to the left as the lion came in for a second pass, bouncing and rolling in the snow and getting up that time was harder, his leg twinging from where it had struck the ground.
His breath was fogging up his visor from the inside and he couldn’t see oh Dios he couldn’t see but he could hear and the lion was coming it was going to kill h—
Read it here~
This is the Patreon’s November Fic of the Month selection. If you’d like to read it be sure to sign up to my Patreon! Subscriptions start at just $3/month (less than a cup of coffee!) and you’ll get to read this fic, tons of others, and financially support an author and her puppy! 
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j-exclamationmark-l · 6 years
"I'm going to live doing what I love." Why this Visual Kei band is turning to Youtube.
Kujou Takemasa + 83 fans
Hello everyone! I'm the guitarist of a Visual Kei band called Kiryu, my name is Kujou Takemasa. Today, I'd like to talk about our transition to Youtube.
Hey, Youtube. I'm Kujou Takemasa of Kiryu. Today, I wanted to talk about something serious in this video. I'd be happy if you listened until the end.
First of all, I think there are a lot of people who don't know who I am. So, I'll give you a brief description.
In 2007, Kiryu was formed. From 2008, I decided to never take this mask off in public. Having made that decision... In 2009, we joined our current record label, B.P.Records, and then... [too fast for me to understand]
Well, the people who watch this video may think that life and everything have been smooth sailing, (I'm doing my best!!)
WELL! What I wanted to talk about Is that we're still in the middle of our dream.
I guess, what I'm trying to say is, this is what I wanted to talk about. Kiryu, you know, has sort of been around for over ten years now... It's such a small world, but for Visual Kei, especially compared to the early days, people have become so kind. This is kind of an old story, but actually... in the beginning... The people around us were all cold. Well, no, I guess "cold" isn't the right word... It's more like just no one would talk to us. Well, in the beginning, since we formed, there was no reason to. It's kind of obvious that people weren't interested in talking to us. You know. Of course, in the beginning, we didn't have a lot of fans, and the people we looked up to said things like YOU'LL NEVER MAKE IT. YOU'RE GONNA DISBAND SOON. Right to our faces (don't look at my face) TODAY PEOPLE FROM THE RECORD LABEL 〇×■ are going to come watch us! This is our chaaaaaaaaaance! We were so happy, but when they saw our shows... I guess we weren't good. They didn't even talk to us, I mean, like we were nothing. They just left. Well, recently, I haven't even really talked to the others, but. Kiryu is still doing its best!!!
We're in the middle of things... But... I... I've thought a lot About giving up before. I felt strongest about disbanding back in 2011, during our Mugen Houyou tour. My mother fell ill. And at that time My father said, "Just quit your stupid little band," As tears coursed down his face. That was the first time I'd ever seen him cry. And even a happy-go-lucky guy like myself Felt those words resounding in my heart. I was really troubled... Even so, when we had a show, As the hours ticked by, Our fans... I realized how many people were waiting for us. So I asked If I quit, What would the others do? And the staff Everyone thought about it. But... in the end... It was all a mess inside my head. Even now, I still think about it. But now, In regards to our fans, Well, in regards to anyone... It's just not a good topic for discussion. But at that time, I wasn't really good at keeping it in. So, with those feelings in my heart, I turned toward our Mugen Houyou tour. I always wondered what I should do. I asked myself over and over, Ugh, it's so Visual Kei... But really, back then. That's when it happened. On March 11, 2011, The Great Tohoku Earthquake happened. I think it's still left lasting impressions on everyone. And on that day, we were in Fukuoka On our one-man tour. We weren't directly affected by it But back then, we didn't know right away If Japan would be alright. We ended our one-man tour in Fukuoka We didn't have a meeting, but Together, we all got dinner. And we ate, and talked about what we knew, We ate, Returned to the hotel, And... was it before I fell asleep? I was honestly just shocked... I didn't know what would happen... Well... I mean, that's true of everyone, right? Right away, Kiryu held an emergency meeting. Would we be continuing Kiryu even after our tour? Would we quit? We were in our own worlds, Following a feeling of reclusion after the earthquake, And even the other musicians around us Were announcing that they were going to be pausing activities, tours, events. And so, the conclusion we reached Was that we'd continue. When we announced it, there was some resistance. Of course... It was devastating. I don't mean everyone But even amongst our fans, There were people who didn't understand our decision. Until the day before, the ones who told us that they loved us Were suddenly saying, "What?! You don't understand anything!! Shut up!! Die!!" There were so many voices. But we, as we were, with feelings of guilt as we continued activities, We wondered what we were living for. We decided we'd continue activities. Even just a little, A concept band like us, Wanted to give others a reason to live. So, with that thought in mind, We decided that guilt was the wrong thing to feel here, And we were very firm in our decision. But Many people Told us to die Every single day. If I'm being honest... It was hard... Every moment, fan mail was coming, causing my phone to go off ceaselessly. In a single day, the most messages I received was about 2,000. All of them telling me to die. Well, like I said, I was also worried about my family. And during all that... Every minute, every second... All these people...? From people I knew to people I didn't Kept telling me "Die, die, die, die." I felt like giving up... And eventually... "What the hell?" And then, I began to look forward to the first show we'd perform since we decided we'd continue activities. I'll never, ever forget... It was at Matsuyama Salon Kitty. The pre-sold tickets were already sold out. I guess, in terms of sales, that was good. I thought no one would come after all... Even so! Even if it was just five or ten who showed up after all For those who came to see us, we'd put on the best damn show we could. We were very resolute. And we took the stage, And our opening special effects rang out, We entered the stage. And... Everyone came. Everyone was there after all. I thought no one would come. I mean Right before we performed, I really thought I was gonna cry. I mean How do I explain? I don't even know. I felt just overwhelmed with that feeling of not knowing. You guys... To be honest, All the members, All five of us, Thought you guys hated us. But we realized at that moment That as a band, We were supporting people. That was what we wanted to do. But on the other hand, We also realized, We were being supported by you. I was so lost as to what to do about my family... And I wanted to quit sometimes... But when I saw things like that I realized That feeling just flew away. And so When my feelings of quitting flew away I wanted to share my thoughts with the help of the other members of Kiryu And from that Our song Kyousei was born.
[Snippet of Kyousei]
What saved hypocrisy Was the filth that hid away the weak points But hypocrisy tried to run away From the weakness that couldn't face the filth
There's no such thing as a "right" answer Therefore there is also no "incorrect" answer I looked out at the end of the cycle of death and rebirth And saw the path I should follow
Do you hear me crying out? The words have yet to take shape in my voice... I may scream myself hoarse, and my life may wither away, but There's something I need to say...
I've gotten a little off-topic, but We saw the the results of trying our very hardest. In every live house in every region, From high-up people in other companies, And from other members of other bands, And from those who looked up to us. And now, there are many fans who support us. I want veeeeerrrry much To send you happiness every single day. Thank you. However... Looking at it from another angle, I can feel a bit of unease. As a band, Kiryu has been able to continue together for over ten years. That's no small thing. We're a band that's played at Budoukan, And, I've heard us called... Influential!? Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaybe once or twice. But... Naturally... Even if I throw in a joke or two I think you get what I'm saying. I mean, it's not really, you know, like I hate it or anything. But I really feel uneasy. Even so, we're still selling I'm not really self-conscious of that. And being called a leading figure in Visual Kei Is still hard to imagine. We have so many role models who are flourishing And those above us all laugh, "Who are these youngsters here?"... I mean, I think. When I look at the world, Well, no, if I just look at Japan, Yeah. People who know of Kiryu Are definitely outnumbered by people who don't know us. When I look up, The limits are endless... However, From where we're standing right now, Kind of feels like we're still only standing on a monkey’s hill in a zoo. We're not just going to lie back and relax. We're still young! So we're going to do our best! PLEASE LET US DO OUR BEST! Well, even if I think that... I'm going to tell you what I really want. Someday, I want to go on an arena tour. Someday, I want to go on a dome tour. I still don't feel like stopping quite yet. I don't want to stop now. So I still want this and that...! Someday...! Even if I say that, I don't really like it. Ahhh, I don't really know what to do. Well, after today, What do I want to say to so many different people? When I think about that What we all thought Is that we should turn to YouTube. Whether it's something funny, or just anything Anything that we get the notion to do. It'll be fine if we just do it all the time. Right now, in this world, I think YouTube is my best chance To convey to you my feelings. So, when I thought, Ahh, what do I want to film?! Videos where I try playing the guitar... I mean, I've done that before... Then, maybe I should try singing~ I thought [clip of Takemasa singing, "Dooo yuuu heah me grying out?"] Ugh, if I do just that, you'll never hear my cry! IfiguredthatfirstofallIshouldjustlayallthisoutforyou When I thought of it like that, I mean, Visual Kei needs a certain amount of charisma... Visual Kei can't exist without being beautiful!! I mean, people will certainly think that. YouTube isn't so nice! I mean, if you don't post a new video every day, it's no good, right? It might be like that. Of course, we aren't actual YouTubers. Our real job is being musicians, And we'll live making music. This is how we're thinking of continuing. If we thought of throwing music away entirely That would be like throwing the cart in front of the horse, you know. So of course, While I do band stuff, Uploading YouTube videos By myself, Just me, Every day... Nooo... I can't do it... I think they'd all come out kind of half-baked, And I don't really want to do something only half-assed. So when I thought that, What I realized was I HAVE FWIENDS!! I HAVE EVEWYWAN!!!! \(^o^)/\(^o^)/ \(^o^)/\(^o^)/ \(^o^)/\(^o^)/ \(^o^)/\(^o^)/ \(^o^)/\(^o^)/ That's what I realized. Our record label, B.P.Records, Even more than just Kiryu, has so many friends. Kiryu, Royz, Codomo Dragon, Hertz We all possess the same will, all 18 of us. So, because of that... Sorry if it sounds like I'm just bragging about my friends, If we put our strength together, I think we can do it. I think we can really make a funny, interesting channel. If we can get our videos seen, And it might be difficult... But if we can do it... If everyone in our own bands can continue their activities without breaking their paces, If we do our best, We can show you all kinds of funny things. And so, talking about Kiryu, We're going to do all the same things as before, We've hit kind of an unrefined place, I mean, I am a masochist, after all, But, I want to try hard! Even harder than before! I've done a lot of crazy things I've been on tour in 47 different prefectures on one-man tours... Four times! So from now on We're going to keep on walking! And so, I'm going to keep on Holding the words of others in high regard Holding the lives of others in high regard. As we put all our energy into continuing our musical activities, We're going to do our best to upload things to YouTube. We want to show you what we're like in real life. And so While we keep music as our full-time job I think the way you look at Our lyrics and words And when we talk during our lives shows Will change drastically. And so I think it will help deepen your bond with our music. Put simply, I think it's awesome! Really, truly, All I want is for our music to resound with you. So, with that in mind, We are going to make YouTube videos. This might have become sort of a fumbling video But even so, I think I was able to get a lot across. There may be people who look down on this But even so, I'm going to do my best to upload And I did my best to decide what to do. And to those of you Who are hoping to see your favorite member appear, Please wait patiently. And finally, from this damned mask to you, Thank you so much for watching to the very end. We're going to change Visual Kei!
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kitty!!! i’m very excited for all your wips :P
fun fact i actually got most of the chapters for this fic written before i lost steam 〒▽〒 i am currently planning on a rewrite since i think i've gotten better with eddie's narration since then
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And it doesn't even make sense, Eddie grumbles as he watches Harrington drive into the parking lot, that they'd like him, let alone worship him for whatever bullshit he did last summer or something. Sure, he's still got the hair and the legs and the car and that smile and -
Fucking hell.
He'll never escape these thoughts huh.
Eddie seethes as he pulls out a cig, watching with squinted eyes as Harrington steps out of his car and leans against it, not even looking at Eddie because yeah, he's apparently not worth acknowledging?
(Eddie pointedly doesn't think about how Steve used to wave a hello at the start of the school year, and only stopped after Eddie let out a particularly scathing glare because he was sick to death of seeing the guy. It's not relevant.)
"Oh hey buddy."
Eddie rolls his eyes as Harrington coos at, you fucking guessed it, another damn cat.
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tysshadow · 6 years
Kitty Reunion Fic/ TWP style book 1 small snippet
“Kit,” Tessa’s voice sailed across towards him delicately.
Like a snap, his thoughts of confronting Ty; beautiful, angelic and amazing Ty were thrown away, tucked into a disparate part of his mind.
“We’re ready to go, darling.”
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also: kitty!!! first of all I love that WIP name, and second of all (since this is the one that was your first ever steddie fic right????) a question about it - what would you say has changed the most between when you first started writing the fic idea and writing it now? whether that's characterisation, plot details, writing style, anything!
it was my first ever fic yes!!!
oh that's a lovely question okay so for one thing - my narration has gotten a lot smoother (≧∀≦)ゞ usually when i start writing, it takes me some time to get into a character and not sound like i'm trying too hard to be edgy at the same time
another thing that i'm making sure i rewrite is the way eddie perceives the whole "king steve" persona!
when i first wrote it, i had that mindset of eddie hating him because he's a big bully/king jock/etc but after so long of reading and writing steddie, not to mention all the very on-point posts about steve's actual canonical "bully" status, i figured he'd be more indifferent towards steve, especially during the years before season one (this fic goes across the timeline o(≧∀≦)o)
like for example, the very first chapter - initially, eddie had a lot of spite towards steve but in the rewrite, he's just blurred steve in with the rest of the jocks - sure, he's The Hair but he's not a sadist or anything
i try to make it clear that eddie's perception of steve is based purely on an outsider's perspective of Just Some Guy Everyone Keeps Talking About, that he makes assumptions about steve without really thinking about if they're true or not because to eddie, it doesn't matter (yet)
hopefully i'll be able to do it all right o((>ω< ))o
✧ask me about my wips✧
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