#saito inception
sadlonelyyogurt · 1 year
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this has been in my drafts for too long
part 1, part 2, part 3
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thenwhatthefukcisthis · 3 months
I... this scene is so chaotic!
“ooh I’m the point man I’ve done weeks and weeks of research so mr-oh-I’m-the-most-important-person-of-this-job-even-though-I’m-more-than-a-little-effed-up-in-the-head-Dominic-cobb listen. And let ME tell YOU mr-forger-the-love of my life I know better! you think with your imagination and spontaneous thinking you can somehow pull inception but boy aren’t you always forgetting specific details! you need a goddamn plane with a goddamn pilot and a goddamn flight attendant so let’s hear how you can imagine THAT (I could still be angry at you for not returning my olive branch eames darling I really am impressed by you can we please get back together) so yes I could be a glorified clerk while you two run around playing badasses but my research always trumps your thinking thoughts so good luck finding an answer for this!”
.... and in comes saito with his neat one liner and look how smug and satisfied cobb and eames look they’ve never seen the pointman become speechless in this fashion before
just. Chaotic.
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mister-eames · 11 months
Day 14 @inception30daychallenge​: Your favourite outfit in Inception.
Inception is full of outfits that just fucking slap - from Mals iconic dress, to Eames’ vintage-wear, to Arthur’s impeccable suits, I just ??? It’s a visual feast!!! I have so many favourites - but, my top choice has to be this one:
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There is a tumblr post somewhere that I can’t find that does an amazing analysis on this outfit - but the seamless combination of traditional and modern wear is an A+ choice - particularly as this is how we are introduced to Saito which I think says so much about him and his character that isn’t necessarily said out loud - everyones outfits say something about them and this one is so very intriguing. The contrast in colour, the contrast of the outfit to the background itself? Ten out of ten. I can’t think of a film since that has an outfit this original and cool.
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that-bi-fan · 1 year
yknow what? fuck you. *nonbinaries your Ariadne* *transgenders your Arthur* *gnc your Eames* *asexuals your Saito* *he/theys your Yusuf* *bisexuals your Cobb* *mlms your Fischer*
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writernothingness · 2 years
Arthur: Who the fuck added me to a fucking group chat?
Eames: >:O language
Ariadne: Yeah watch your fucking language
Fischer: 'The fuck word'.
Saito: Are you stupid? You guys use the f word all the time
Ariadne: Oh my god he censored it
Fischer: Say fuck, Saito.
Ariadne: Do it, Saito. Say fuck.
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I’m completely serious. Everyone is Goncharoving Eames and Arthur, seemingly for the primary purpose of shipping them. It has overtaken the substantially more interesting and developed characters of Ariadne, Dom Cobb, and even Saito.
they are not in love! they do not have a sweeping romance!
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valerileygreen · 24 days
Today I've been hit once again by the realization that, for all his charm and cockiness and flirtatiousness, Eames is actually kind of aloof.
He doesn't really interact much with his teammates unless it's necessary for the job itself, like to illustrate the steps they're going to take. But all that is actually rather impersonal.
(And that's part of what makes Eames so fascinating and yet so difficult to understand, for me at least, and it makes me wonder about his past, what might have happened to make him so distant.)
But then there's Arthur. Arthur is the exception to his usual behaviour. He's the one with whom Eames interacts the most casually with, even though the topic is always only the job. He actually throws out little comments to Arthur that have no other purpose but tease him a bit (speci-what?).
More than that, he actually seeks these little moments. He seeks Arthur's company just for the mere enjoyment of it. He stays around during Arthur's trials with the Somnacin even if it's not really necessary, and he finds a way to capture Arthur's attention while explaining Ariadne about the kick. And both times he smiles and chuckles genuinely! Which is actually bloody rare! And Arthur seems so used to it, he's kind of annoyed but never really gets angry at Eames. Also Eames genuinely cares about Arthur's opinion (though he tries to hide it as it would show too much vulnerability). It all speaks to me of deep, if reluctantly built, familiarity and trust between them.
And yes, we all talk, and rightly so, about their 'dream a little bigger darling' and security's gonna run you down hard' interactions. They show how much they care for each other, how much Eames is concerned about Arthur, adding to how different and important Arthur is to him. But it's in their smaller gestures that you can see the bond and history between them.
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runawaymarbles · 1 year
god help me but i might have to write inception fic
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mizunoir · 11 months
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Happy inceptiversary!!! 💖🎉
This year is extremely busy and I had no chance to work on something new ;w; so I may as well release into the wild these two artworks that were commissioned by our irreplaceable Alicia ❤
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lithiumseven · 8 months
Just remember, no matter how stressful the shift, there will always be Inception fanfiction afterwards
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sadlonelyyogurt · 1 year
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more of these, sorry
part 1, part 2, part 3
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thenwhatthefukcisthis · 6 months
I love the banter scenes, falling chairs and insertions of IV lines but I absolutely ADORE this scene where arthur and eames team up to roast yusuf. in fighting side by side they can make a lethal duo, engaged in a deadly dance wiping off enemies, but that has got nothing on them paired against a common rival-snarklord.
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here’s yusuf, who always gets the last line, is the bane of eames existence cause he. would. not. shut. up. about. notconfessingtoarthur, is not afraid to tell arthur that he is in fact a huge stick in the mud sometimes, has been jolting them awake (read: scaring the living crap out of them) during the somnacin test runs... in distress, and arthur and eames decide that they simply can not let this opportunity pass up.
with everything and anything they hold dear at stake, barely two steps in to this giant ball of danger, arthur and eames collectively decide to turn in to the funniest bitches alive to make sure yusuf knows that he’s in crap and do it with straight faces I hate them
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tetchy-frog · 6 months
An Unnamed Dream Husbands Comic, Page 1:
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Happy Secret Saito @anduefex !!!
I hope you enjoy this wee comic, and there will be more to come (though I cannot guarantee how soon that will be).
Thank you so much to @secretsaito for hosting this lovely event!
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hidey-writes · 6 months
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3.8k | Arthur/Eames | T | Hurt/Comfort, Emails, Falling in Love
Somnacin overexposure: Common symptoms include headaches, dizziness, light and sound sensitivity. Disruption to constructed dreams. Mental fogginess. Fatigue. Arthur’s bouts also include nausea, sometimes. This is a classic case, for him. So he just needs to — get through it.
i am thrilled to present: a fanfiction that was written! big thanks to @mister-eames for the prompt, i love to take every opportunity to make arthur work too hard and force him to ask for help. 🥰
thank u also to the @secretsaito mods for another great event, it's always such a lovely way to end the year! happy 2024 everybody ✨
read the beginning of devotion on ao3 here!
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writernothingness · 2 years
Another one for my eames and ariadne are siblings series
This one is just all dreamhusbands <3
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bedpolls · 3 months
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Please reblog for a larger sample size.
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