#saizo x fe
fe-fictions · 8 months
I need my husband saizo. Can we pregnant corrin who isn’t able to sleep cause the baby is keeping her awake
(Starting 2024 with some sweet Saizo fluff!! Enjoy :'3 )
Saizo was always a light sleeper. You, the princess who bore the weight of two kingdoms and a supernatural plain of existence’s futures on your shoulders, were not. 
You could sleep through just about anything. 
Except, it seemed, your sixth month of pregnancy.
“Dammit…” You sounded incredibly upset, and rather agitated when he felt the bed shift next to him. “C’mon, why are you doing this to me now? It’s not a good time for this…”
Saizo rose slowly, quietly, checking to see what was going on. You weren’t talking to anybody else in the room…that you noticed.
“Please...I just want to sleep.”
“Corrin? Who are you talking to?” He spoke quietly so as not to frighten you. He was deeply slightly concerned.
“It’s the baby.” You replied hopelessly, tilting your head to acknowledge your awake husband. “I-I’m sorry, did I accidentally wake you up with my complaining? At least one of us should get a good night’s sleep.”
“If you do not sleep, I do not, either.” He stated simply, sitting up fully. “Is there anything I can do?”
“I don’t know…I’ve never had a living creature inside of me that won’t stop moving around. Should we summon a cleric? Sakura might be more knowledgeable, but I’d hate to wake her.”
“Hmm. Let me check the medical journals before we summon anyone. It should not be so difficult to resolve…unless you are feeling pain or discomfort.”
“No, just…can’t sleep.” You sighed, flopping back into your pillow with a groan as said baby kicked again for good measure. “It’s unnerving, feeling him move about so much.”
“Saizo. Be still.” His voice was gruff, but lacked the usual bite when pointed at others. He rose from the bed and found the journals, re-settling himself at your side with the candles lit to provide some visibility.
“Let us see…the second trimester…” He thummed through it, muttering to himself as he searched voraciously for a solution to his wife’s struggle. There were few things he hated more than being incapable of helping you, after all.
You smiled softly to yourself, watching as he was all but glaring at each word on the pages, hoping the next would hold the answer he sought. 
“Here we are.” He leaned back, gently pressing his hand to your baby bump as his reading came to a pause. “It states here that, if the patient restless or is incapable of sleep due to excessive movement…they should lie on their side.”
“All right,” You agreed, carefully shifting so that you were no longer on your back. His hand lingered, as if testing for more movement.
He clicked his tongue when he received a defiant kick. You just sighed looking up at him from the pillow. “What else does it say?”
“Hmph. It’s mostly preventative behaviors you are supposed to do before sleep; lie down an hour beforehand…drink warm tea…light stretching…”
“I already do most of that. And I did before tonight, too.” You frowned. “I suppose I’m out of options.”
Saizo looked displeased; was there truly nothing else he could do? Turning the page, there only seemed to be a few other solutions. “Perhaps it is time to take up the offer from Hayato, to sew a pregnancy pillow. This says holding one of those when sleeping helps reduce movement.”
“But you’re my pregnancy pillow.” You protested. He coughed to disguise a laugh; were you always so ridiculous?
“Don’t speak nonsense. I’ll ask him about it come morning. But I suppose for now, the only other immediate option would be to talk to him. It’s not as effective, but talking to the child apparently helps in soothing them.”
“You know…that does sound plausible. He doesn’t seem to react very much while you’re talking.”
“I doubt that's the case. He still kicks when I speak." Saizo reminded you, as if you didn’t have the little one inside yourself and couldn’t feel every single move. You shook your head, patting his hand.
"But it's only after you stop talking. We ought to test this theory...could it be that he’s just lonely?” You wondered aloud, resting your hand over Saizo’s. “Is that why you’re so restless, my dear? It’s been too quiet?”
“Preposterous.” He scoffed, but fell silent all the same. You both looked at each other, waiting to see what would happen. Hardly half a second passed after he spoke, and immediately there was a kick.
“See? Keep talking!” You ushered him to continue, smiling bright. Saizo rolled his eyes, but complied all the same.
“If you’re going to keep your mother awake just because you cannot hear me speak, we will have many problems in the future, little one.” He spoke with great warning, and he paused to test the theory once more.
A few moments passed, and sure enough, another little kick.
It was getting more difficult for Saizo to mask the joy that was filling him every time the baby reacted to his voice. To think he was not even in the world yet but he knew who his parents were.
He was a miracle. A wonder.
He just…wouldn’t stop kicking his mother.
Saizo sighed when a tiny fist pushed into his fingertips. He shifted in the bed so that his head was in your lap, a delightful change for you. Instinctively your fingers ran through his hair, stroking it softly as he tended to his son.
“You are the sixth in a prestigious, honorable legacy of royal ninja. It is unbecoming behavior, treating your mother like this. A proper ninja would never be so disrespectful of her needing rest.”
You could’ve sworn you heard him stifle a chuckle when another hand bumped his cheek. His hand gently ran over your belly, attempting to soothe him once again.
“It is all right if you do not hear our voices, sometimes. Just because you cannot hear us does not mean we aren’t here. Besides, when I am away on missions, I will not be able to tell you stories. I’m afraid you’ll have to be able to live without me every now and then.”
“But it’s never forever.” You quickly added, always nervous when he spoke in such a way. Even saying something like “living without him” in the context of a few weeks…it did bother you terribly.
Saizo glanced up at you, taking your hand in his with a soft squeeze.
“Right. I would be a fool to abandon either of you. I have no plans of leaving you behind. I promise.” He murmured, pressing a kiss to your fingertips. 
As if you weren’t already deeply in love.
“So rest, dear one. It is long past time for all of us to be asleep. But we will talk again come morning.” His promise led to one last pause, waiting to see if he would continue his protest.
You waited…and waited…and then…
“He’s asleep.” You breathed a sigh of relief, both of you relaxing. At last, you were rewarded with a restful sleep.
He ran his hand across your baby bump one last time, before carefully slipping away and coming back up to his side of the bed. You leaned into him, welcoming his arm coming around your shoulder and gently taking you into his side.
“At last.”
“Thank you, Saizo...you're a miracle worker.”
“Do not thank me for doing my duty as your husband, and as his father. I will always be glad to ease your burdens.”
“That is why I’m grateful.” Your hand settled on his chest, feeling the steady thrum of his heart. “And it is also why I love you.”
“I love you, too. Now hush. We may rouse him again if he hears we are still talking.” He kissed your forehead quickly, and you could feel the heat of his face against your skin. He was such fun to tease.
You were blessed with the next few nights of peace and quiet. Especially now that you had a secret weapon.
Saizo made sure to be with you come bedtime, so that he might tell the baby about his day and soothe him with his voice. 
You knew your husband took great pride and joy in the fact that he could do this for you, and that his son loved the sound of his voice.
So even on nights where he had to assist Ryoma with something late into the night, or had missions that would take him away, he made certain that he was there to help you both get a good night’s sleep.
The only thing that could have possibly made it sweeter, was when the little Saizo was born. He recognized his father’s voice and calmed without hesitation. 
Your husband already adored his newborn son…but you were certain they’d be inseparable, bonded by the love of father and son (and said father’s delightful voice).
Though to be fair, you weren’t counting on Saizo the Sixth to have an “Asugi the Rebellious Teen Ninja” phase.
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fore-seer · 1 year
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seaistea · 9 months
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flora and saizo 🗡️🔪
my 3rd flora ship for the week :) 2 more to go
a modern au i suppose :P i just think they're cute. honestly for all of rarepair week i would have spent more time on the concepts but procrastination go!!! (for this one I would have drawn Flora doing Saizo's nails lol) (also Flora would also have tattoos)
[ fe rarepair week day 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 ]
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randoimago · 1 year
Hi! May I request Alphabet Headcanons letters R, S, Y for Frederick (FE Awakening), Jakob, Saizo (FE Fates) and Seteth? Thank you.
Alphabet Headcanons
Fandom: Fire Emblem
Character(s): Frederick, Jakob, Saizo, Seteth
Type of Request: Alphabet Headcanons
Note(s): No problem!!
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R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
You two weren't together at this point. You were good friends and you decided to take care of him, making him sit still since he's usually the caregiver. It's a moment he thinks of often because it helped him realize how much he loves you.
Something simple like a walk through a garden or just an evening by the fireplace would be his favorite moment. You two ended up having a deep conversation and there was a share of laughter and giggles as Jakob was a bit of a menace, but the way you smiled during that peaceful moment is forever stuck in his head.
His favorite memory would be a time where he trusted a decision you made. The situation was complicated, and you both had different ideas, but you were so determined, and you asked him to trust in you. It was difficult, but it was the first time he put his faith in you, and he thinks about how that led to so many more memories he cherishes.
Both you and Flayn were nowhere to be found and he was in a bit of a panic. Until he found you two in his office, having snuck in when he had left, and you both surprised him with a sign and a fish dinner. The pride and excitement you and Flayn had on your faces over making him feel special is a memory that he cherishes so much.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
He can be protective, but Frederick knows you can also take care of yourself. If you need him to step in then he will, but he trusts you to handle things yourself.
In combat, then he's getting to your side as fast as he can if you are in danger. Doesn't like being too far away from you in the first place, but he also knows that he can't be right next to you the whole time. Out of combat, he's good at glaring people away but he's not going to start any fights as he prefers to just pull you away from the situation.
Wouldn't really want you to go out of your way for him, but he won't stop you if you do want to defend him from others. He appreciates your help if you help him in combat. But should someone insult him or something along those lines then he does appreciate you dismissing them (just please don't start any physical fights on his behalf).
He is very protective of you, but he's so subtle about it. If anyone is giving you trouble or making you stressed, then Jakob is behind you and sending glares and bad vibes their way. You get cheery smiles if you turn and look at him, but Jakob will gladly make the other person's life hell if they upset you.
In combat, Jakob is staying by your side. He's not going to risk being unable to save you. Will not let you get the smallest scratch. If he could fight the wind when it blows dust and dirt your way then he would.
Jakob wouldn't really want you protecting him in combat, but if you wanted to defend him verbally with quick wit or clapbacks then he'll be amused and cheer you on. He'll be quick to step in if someone tries to say anything to you though.
Tries not to show how protective he is. There's a constant eye on you to just make sure you're truly okay when talking to new people or just someone he doesn't know. If you try to catch him in the act then he's quick to look away.
Is by your side during combat too, ready to deflect any attacks or just be there to keep you safe. He's not by your side the whole time, but you are in his line of sight.
Would never ask you to protect him, but if you did during combat or even stepping in when someone spouts nonsense to him, he's blushing so much at you coming to his rescue and he's quick to make an excuse so you don't notice how flustered he is.
He's not as protective with you as he is with Flayn (thank goodness), but he can still be pretty protective. He just wants to make sure you're okay. Will not tolerate anyone disrespecting you either. Even if it's just joking comments, he will be ready to scold and lecture.
Not really one for PDA but will step in and use plenty of words if someone is verbally upsetting you. If it's a combat situation, then he's ready with his wyvern and lance. Doesn't care if they're an archer, he'll be ready to come to your rescue no matter what.
Seteth would prefer you to not try and protect him in combat, he doesn't want the risk of losing you. He wouldn't be able to handle it if something happened to you on his behalf. Out of combat, he'd prefer you being like an emotional support for him instead of actually getting involved in some argument.
Y - Yearning (how do they cope when they are missing you? are they alright with being without you for an extended period of time or would they prefer to be with you every day of their life without exception?)
While he does miss you, he does still have a duty to Chrom and so he'll do that. There are moments when he does think about you and hope you're doing alright, but it won't ruin his day that you're gone.
Frederick would be okay if you are away for a while. He can send you letters and gifts, always letting you know that he's thinking of you or anything funny that he thinks you'd be amused about. Even if it is at his expense.
Wanted to try to go with you when you ended up having to travel away from him. Ends up pouting like a puppy and is more of a little shit to everyone else because you aren't there to reign him in.
Of course, he'd want you with him every day of his life. You're his significant other and his soulmate. He is just a sulking and annoying mess until you come back home to him.
Saizo doesn't wear his heart on his sleeves, so it seems like he's doing just fine when you're away for a period of time. He is very much worried that you're okay and constantly keeping an ear and eye out for any information about your situation.
Would like to have you by his side constantly but knows it's unreasonable to ask that of you. That doesn't stop him from giving you gifts when you come back, not able to actually tell you how much he missed you because he'd be a stuttering mess.
He's throwing himself into his work more than usual when you're gone. Seteth still takes time for Flayn, of course, but without you there he just focuses on work and hopes that you're back before he knows it.
Seteth would like you to stay by his side every day, but he knows that isn't the most realistic unfortunately. Just know that he's always getting you flowers or something you like when you get back because he always misses you so much.
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frickingnerd · 14 days
Birthright Masterlist
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yandere corrin - headcanons
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starrcrrossed · 1 year
Kaze!Sophie and Mozu!Asugi
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Please Reblog or credit to use! Requests are open!
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hiddentrails7 · 9 months
Hi ik this is random since this has been FF7 focused lately but I'm getting back into Fire Emblem and I'm wondering why the fuck there's barely any Ryoma/Saizo content?? Like I'm a sucker for this type of trope where they 100% trust eachother and one just needs the other a little more than the other (See Weiss and Nero)
Idk it baffles me.
...maybe I have a type. Saizo is yet another emo mf with a snatched waist and some kinda face covering. Maybe I should accept I really like that kind of design.
Saizo, for those who do not know what the fuck I am talking about
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fe-aesthetics · 1 year
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I've never been so happy. From now on, your heart is mine to protect.
Azura and Saizo, Blossomed Trust
*requested by anonymous*
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Can I request some fluffy headcanons for Shura and Saizo separately with female Corrin. When will Shura ever be put into Feh and Saizo needs a cool alt form as well.
Idk why but I really have a feeling like he actually was in FeH? I know he's not there but I just feel like he's there yk?
Dating Shura and Saizo
Corrin here is female
He was always just surprised as to how did she felt the same way as him but that definitely wasn't something to complain about.
She amazed him, in every possible way. Her kind and forgiving nature was something he appreciated like nothing else.
She often went out of her way to make sure he's involved with the others. The idea of him always being so excluded from the others wasn't one she'd bring to life.
He was often worrying about Corrin's reputation. Especially since she was with him. But in the end it all only meant that he had to be on his best behavior.
He always felt like he needs to prove (to himself) that he's worthy of her. His attempts are sweet, but when Corrin sees that they come from his insecurity she makes sure to reassure him that she doesn't need big gestures.
Considering how he previously followed her around, he knew awfully a lot about her. It wasn't the case the other way around so once they started dating it was time for Corrin to learn more about Saizo.
He didn't really enjoy talking about himself for long. So she gained information his way. By just trying to be as observant and attentive as possible.
Of course if she had questions he'd answer them. But Corrin enjoyed learning about him in different ways. It was sort of a fun game to her.
To him it was... Cute how she got so into it. Her enthusiasm was one of the most charming qualifies he just adored.
It wasn't hard for Corrin to get him flustered, he both loved and hated that. But in the end he didn't mind her being her weakness and strength.
~Mod Bernadeta
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fatesdeepdive · 2 years
Entry 102: The Silent Support
Revelation Chapter 12: Frozen Sea
While the gang is sailing to Cheve, Sakura recommends Corrin rests. That was a random twenty second scene. Suddenly, the boat crashes into an iceberg. The boat sinks, leaving Corrin and Jakob clutching a door floating in the freezing water. Jakob lets go and dies and yes he had to do that I don’t care that there was enough space on the door the extra weight would have sunk do you understand what buoyancy is?
Camilla shows up, acting on orders from Garon to kill Corrin. Also Flora is there and was the one who froze the sea. Garon said he’d execute the entire Ice Tribe if Flora didn’t kill Corrin, meaning that the ice tribe is all going to die I guess.
This battle has the party start on boats and have to fend off enemies charging the boat for six turns until Dragon Veins appear and allow the party to advance. Camilla, her retainers, and Flora are all fightable. If Corrin fights Camilla, Camilla says she's so glad that Corrin is still alive before saying to leave it to her to kill them. Camilla is the worst. Flora doesn't have any special dialogue with Felicia, Corrin, or Jakob, which sucks.
After the battle, Camilla asks Corrin to kill her, because she and her retainers will be executed if they go home without Corrin’s head, because Garon does not tolerate failure, and she wants to die by Corrin’s hand. Friendly reminder that you fight and defeat Camilla twice in Birthright, yet she’s still alive at the end of the game. Corrin says that, if Camilla’s life is theirs to take, then that means Camilla is now recruited. Takumi objects, but Corrin says they cannot kill their sister. Also, the real enemy is not Hoshido or Nohr, it is the secret enemy that commands the Nohrian army and just sent Nohrian assassins to kill them.
Flora sees Corrin’s sword glowing, which means Corrin is the hero of legend. Flora says that she’s going to go back to the Ice Tribe, who all went into hiding to avoid being killed by Nohr. This means one of two things: the Nohrians will find and kill the entire Ice Tribe, or Flora’s entire character is pointless and dumb. Like, if the Ice Tribe can easily avoid the Nohrian army, then there isn’t any point in them giving Nohr their chief’s daughters or fighting and dying for Nohr. There’s no point in Flora killing herself in Birthright. Then again, that was already pointless and dumb in Birthright.
The chapter ends with Camilla and Azura talking about how Nohrians hated Azura for being the daughter of Garon’s second wife, Arete, instead of his first wife, Katerina. It’s weird that they don’t hate Camilla for being the child of a concubine. Camilla says she always wanted to be friends with young Azura, but her mother forbade it.
So, now that we have Camilla and her sidekicks, I’d like to note another example of this game favoring Hoshido. We received thirteen different Hoshidans, every Hoshidan except for Ryoma, Hinoka, Azama, and Setsuna, before we got our first Nohrian. That’s weird.
Support: Azura/Corrin (Revelation)
C: Corrin finds Azura singing by a lake in the woods, which is her favorite pastime. They discuss how Hoshido and Nohr. Corrin says Hoshido is an amazing, fertile land where no one ever wants anything. Azura says this makes the people amiable and respectful. I get a feeling this game's writers like the Japanese country more, although it's a very subtle thing that's hard to pick up on. Azura says that the constant threat of Nohr hangs over Hoshido, and that Nohr is always an agressor who invades without reason. Corrin says that she should try to see things from the side of Nohr. Azura admits that Hoshidans seem self-centered to Nohrians, for some reason, which is why Nohr hates Hoshido. Which is bullshit. Nohr is invading Hoshido because Garon was turned into an evil slime monster who wants to cause the apocalypse.
B: Corrin explains that Nohr is a cold, gloomy tundra. Azura speculates that makes the people of Nohr mean. Corrin refutes this, pointing out that their army is filled with nice Nohrians. Azura speculates Nohrians feel jealous and that's why they're invading. And again, no, it isn't. And even if it is, how the hell does Azura plan to fix that?
A: Azura and Corrin talk in Valla about Anankos. Azura explains that legends say Anankos was a godlike entity that gave humans power in return for faithfulness. Humans eventually stopped worshipping him, so he went evil. Corrin calls it a sad story, and I disagree. It's a stupid story that makes Anankos look like a petty toddler. Azura says it teaches about the problems with grudges. Corrin says they should try to improve the world, not necessarily through fighting, and make enemies friends.
S: Corrin finds Azura bathing naked. Ah, my favorite Awakening trope returns, just as shitty as I remember. Corrin says that the mysteries of the world don't seem as important compared to Azura. They get together in what I assume is a non-incestuous marriage.
Review: This one is bad, but it's bad because this game is bad. The core conceit of Fire Emblem Fates does not work, as I have explained extensively.
Support: Felicia/Kaze
C: Felicia hangs out laundry to dry. The sheets fly away and Kaze catches them. Felicia says she's a bad maid and Kaze offers to help her get better.
B: Kaze stalks Felicia and keeps her from messing up. Felicia says she's in Kaze's debt, but he says that he's helping because he wants to.
A: Kaze reveals Corrin asked him to look after Felicia. Felicia calls herself a burden, but Kaze insists she's a valuable part of the army.
S: Kaze continues following Felicia, this time because he likes her.
Review: Fine, but not outstanding in any way.
Support: Camilla/Hinoka
C: Hinoka finds Camilla sewing. Camilla explains all young ladies in Nohr are taught to sew. Hinoka says she never learned because she began training at the age of seven. Camilla says that's horrible. Hinoka asks which part, her inability to sew or that she was a child soldier. She actually says child soldier, in what I believe is the only time this game utters those words. Camilla says it's bad for both reasons. Hinoka asks her to teach her to sew so she can make a gift for Corrin.
B: Hinoka sucks at sewing because she goes too fast and keeps stabbing herself. Camilla says that she wanted to become friends with Hinoka, because they're similarly devoted to Corrin.
A: Hinoka gets good at sewing. She says that Camilla is a good friend of hers. Camilla decides to teach her embroidery.
Review: Not awful, but a bit dull. Camilla's negative traits are toned down, but as a result, the conversation comes off as a bit dull.
Support: Beruka/Saizo
C: I rarely talk about translation differences on this blog, because I don't speak Japanese. I only know about translation differences if they're notable enough for me to have heard about them. The most famous bad translation in Fates, of course, is this Support. In the Japanese C-Support, Beruka and Saizo discuss how many people they've killed. Beruka used to count, but stopped after Camilla took her in. Saizo doesn't say a number, but he remembers the face of every person he's ever killed. That's a good conversation. In the English version, they stare at each other silently. I get this is a joke and a callback to Jaffar and Rath's Support in FE7, but the joke isn't very funny and we lose a good bit of character-building in the process. At least the other three conversations are direct translations.
B: Saizo asks if Beruka worked alone as an assassin. Beruka says she worked with people after meeting Camilla. Saizo talks about a mission where he was sent to kill a duke, but the family saw him and chased after him. Beruka knows the duke he's talking about.
B: Saizo explains that the duke hired Beruka to kill the man who sent Saizo, and that afterwards Saizo killed the the duke and his entire family. Beruka and Saizo are both disgusted by this.
A: Saizo says they need to fight to break the chain of vengeance to make a more peaceful world.
S: Saizo says that they will never be able to live normal lives, even if they bring peace. He asks her to settle down with him after the war ends.
Review: I have mixed feelings about this Support. It is, for the most part, excellent. If they hadn't royally botched the C-Rank, this would be within the top five Supports in this entire game. It's excellent. Even after such an abysmal translation, it's still great. But it could have been better.
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fe-fictions · 1 year
Saizo x Corrin Commission (Corrin goes to the nearby tavern to do some recon...and Saizo is not pleased!)
The army had to gather new intel. The Vallites were ruthless, and everyone was exhausted. But to continue forward, you had to use every method of getting new information. Even if that meant scraping the bottom of the barrel. Which, at this point, meant goin
Saizo immediately objected when you volunteered. But you knew he’d be tagging along even if he hadn’t admitted it outright.
So naturally, within a few minutes of your trek into the village, you felt Saizo’s eyes on you, watching his wife’s every movement and making sure nothing bad could possibly happen to you on the walk there.
“You’re welcome to join me, you know. I’ve gotten very good at sensing when you’re nearby.” You glanced back, meeting the sharp glare hidden in the canopy above. The moment you blinked, a red-haired ninja loomed over you, arms crossed.
“This is a waste of time and you know it, Corrin. Why did you volunteer?”
“Because someone has to, and I knew you’d tag along.” You said, earning a flick to the forehead.
“You abuse my devotion. Wasting our time and resources like this is too much. Maybe I should let you go by yourself while I make myself useful at camp.”
“Are you sure that’s a good idea? You’d really leave your defenseless, beautiful wife to the whims of strangers in enemy territory?”
“Stop acting foolish.” He flicked your forehead again, “Otherwise I really will abandon you.”
“All right, all right. I’m sorry,” You laughed, before you linked arms and rested your head on his bicep. “Why don’t you be my date tonight? If you’re with me it’ll keep trouble away.”
“Feh. It’ll be a waste of time no matter how we go in, but I’d rather keep an eye on you from a distance. I need to be able to identify as many threats as possible.”
It wasn’t your first foray into the world of greasy food and overflowing mead, but this place was on a whole other level. The place was stuffed with rowdy people clamoring for food and drink, shouting slurred profanities at each other.
It was loud, but at least it was jovial. Nobody would be fazed by a woman with pricked ears in Valla, so your sense for potential danger was low.
“Do you wish for me to stay close?” Saizo murmured in your ear, close enough to hear despite the pub’s intensity. 
“No, I’ll be fine. Go see what you can find- I’ll stay at the bar and do some recon.”
“Be safe.” He squeezed your hand, and faded into the crowd. Reassured that your red shadow wouldn’t be far, you took your place at the counter, placed your order, and got to work.
Within thirty minutes, you were sure it was a failure. After having your shoulders bumped and being startled by boisterous laughter right next to you, it was about time to call it. But as you readied to leave, a large figure entered your peripheral.
“You’re not leaving already, are you?”
Your ears twitched at the unfamiliar voice, finding a man who was definitely too drunk  teetering in front of you. His smile was broad, but his eyes gleamed with mal intent.
“I’m afraid I have some urgent business to attend to, sir.”
“It can’t be that serious if you’re here, of all places- but if you insist, why not leave this shithole and have some fun with me somewhere else?”
“I’m flattered, but I’m not interested.”
“C’mon, don’t be like that! Maybe you just need some more time to loosen up.” The man grinned, gesturing for the bartender. “Bring this pretty little lady another round!”
“Er…well, I suppose, if you insist.” You twisted a lock of hair behind your ear, inviting more intrigue from the heavily inebriated man. He plunked down onto the seat next to you, emboldened by your accepting his invitation.
“Of course! You’ve only just got here, and it’s always exciting to meet new people! Especially a fella as manly as me, buying a drink for a beautiful stranger like yourself.”
“You’re too kind.” You took a swig of the drink, “You’re a local, aren’t you?”
“As local as they come! Want me to show you around?”
“Actually, I don’t suppose you’d know anything about a small town called ‘Lumme’, would you? I was hoping to visit with some family who moved there, but Valla is difficult to navigate.”
“They moved all the way out there? I wouldn’t bother even trying to reach it.” He said with a dismissive wave of his hand. Curiosity piqued, you pressed.
“Oh? And why is that?”
“I heard the royal army’s setting up near there. If they haven’t cleared out the village, they’ve certainly blocked it off. You’re better off staying here rather than going that way.”
“But surely if it’s a Vallite citizen, they can make an exception, right? I mean, it is for family, and I haven’t been able to see them in so-”
“And who is this pretty little thing?” A new voice interrupted, this time a rather elegant woman. “You’re way out of this bastard’s league. Why don’t you let me buy you a drink, instead?”
“Shut up, you crusty old witch.” The man laughed, throwing a heavy arm around your shoulders. You fought the urge to toss him. “You’re just jealous you didn’t spot her first!”
“Doesn’t mean I can’t steal her away…besides, I’m not the only one interested.” 
It wouldn’t take long for it to become a group of three, then four, then five. The man wouldn’t release you from his hold. The noise and the heat was overwhelming.
While some information you pulled from the conversations was worthwhile, it wasn’t enough. You moved to get out from under the brute’s arm, pushing the pint away.
“Thank you for your hospitality, everyone, but I must be going. It’s past-”
“C’mon now!! We’re just starting to have fun!!” The arm you managed to slip from reached out again, this time grabbing your wrist. You took a deep breath, readying your fist to crack the drunkard’s nose. But before you could even turn around, a shadow cut in front of you.
“Let her go.” Saizo’s growl commanded attention, forcing his body between you and the man, and pulling you to his side in a single movement.
“What the hell is this, huh? We were just having a good time with my new lady friend!”
“She isn’t interested. Leave her alone.” He snapped, “I will not repeat myself.”
Saizo did not speak another word to anyone in that tavern. To be fair, he didn’t need to- when they tried to protest, a fierce glare was enough to silence them.
Your husband strode from the town, silently brooding until you were halfway home.
“Saizo, dear- you’re holding me too tight. Can you ease up a bit?”
“Why did you stay so long? It was obvious you weren’t going to get any new information an hour into the night. It was a waste of time, just like I said!”
“Not completely! The village we’re heading to is overrun with Vallites, and there was mention of an alternate route we might be able to take from that suave woman who was talking me up. She didn’t get far into explaining it, but-”
“‘Suave’.” He clicked his tongue, his pace quickening. “Those people were vultures, nothing more. Especially that bastard who wouldn’t keep his hands off you.”
“I mean, we got a lead out of it! And I’m sure you got good surveillance intel, right?”
“I didn’t bother,” He huffed, his gaze forward. “I was watching the crowd for potential threats. It was too dangerous for you to go at all, and to let those varlots close by was-”
“Time out, Saizo.” You tugged your wrist from his grasp, forcing him to stop. “I can handle myself. It’s not like you to intervene.”
“Because you were about to start a fight. I wasn’t going to let you get hurt by acting foolish.”
“Please, I would never lose a fight like that. But now I know why you’re upset.” You hummed, “I can hear your heartbeat is faster, and your body language is more rigid than usual. Your temper flares every time I mention my new friends-”
“-Obnoxious bastards-”
“-Who I was sitting with. You were jealous, weren’t you?”
“Jealous? Of them?!” He was aghast at the thought. “Why would I be jealous of a bunch of drunkards? They simply should not touch a Hoshidan princess with their filthy hands!”
“You didn’t want their filthy hands to touch your wife.” You corrected him, teasing.
“You’re ridiculous.” He grumbled, earning a laugh from his far less serious wife.
“Saizo, c’mon!! I was just kidding!” You hurried after him, closing the distance easily and catching his hand. You threaded your fingers together. “I was teasing, my love, honestly! I know you were looking out for me, like always. You wanted to keep me safe.”
“Of course I do.” He rolled his eyes, trying (and failing) to conceal his reddening cheeks. “I care about you too much to let something bad happen to you. Seeing those insufferable morons get so close was right at my limit.”
“I understand. Thank you for looking out for me. I’m so lucky to have you by my side.” 
You stood on your tippy toes, kissing him over the mask. With a growl, his arms wrapped around your waist, the mask disappeared and you were caught in a searing kiss from your dearest one.
You gasped into the kiss, your hands flush against his chest, feeling his heart thunder beneath your fingertips. He all but lifted you off the ground to hold you as close as he possibly could. 
It was dizzying when he finally released you, both of you trying to catch your breath. His hand fell to your waist, steadying you from his aggressive display. You laughed softly, leaning into his chest.
“So you’re definitely not jealous, huh?”
“I cannot be sure until we’ve returned home.”
“That’s fair. You need to be thorough in making sure they didn’t do anything untowards.”
“You will not be leaving our room for at least 12 hours. I hope you’re aware of that.” He said before he turned, resuming his march to camp with much more vigor.
Of course you happily trailed along, giddy at the thought that you had a very jealous husband to assuage. Saizo was always the cutest when he was jealous. It was rare to see him so riled up, but knowing it was because he was enamored with you made it adorable.
It also meant he’d be getting teased more…once he was placated, of course.
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theothervonkarmagirl · 4 months
She was talking to Ryoma.
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"And so that's why Charlotte should be banned from Hoshido. I don't think there's any room for argument here, do you? Just sign here please."
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feshippingpolls · 4 days
Saizo x Subaki.
FE: Should they kiss?
Saizo x Subaki
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teecupangel · 1 year
*raises hand* I'm very interested in any FE x AC crossover ideas you have
I've personally had a couple of thoughts about dropping Desmond into fates because I think him playing off of Saizo would be funny
From @a-faint-hope
Thanks and I would be interested in your FE x AC crossover ideas.
First of all, here’s an AC AU idea based on the Engage rings system.
Okay, I have 2 sorta kinda vague ideas:
One is an actual crossover set in Fodlan, specifically during Three Hopes. This one came to me when I was playing the demo for Three Hopes. So a bit of a ‘sidenote’, Three Hopes started its marketing during the time I’m super into AC (still am, still here) so whenever I would talk about Shez to my FE friends, I keep typing Shay instead. It got so bad that I honestly couldn’t remember Shez’s name for a while and I just kept typing it as Shay.
How about a Three Hope scenario where Shay Cormac wakes up in the middle of nowhere and a person that calls themselves Arval can talk to them ‘telepathically’, telling him that they were connected by something that Arval themselves do not know what. Only that they woke up because they felt Shay. Shay looks around and… it was a battlefield.
He had woken up in a battlefield.
Left with no idea of what was happening and where he was, Shay travels to find more information, forming a sort of alliance with Arval as both of them need information to know why Shay is here in this strange land and why Arval has woken up inside Shay.
During their travels, Shay helps out three students who were running from bandits and is taken in by the Church of Seiros where he becomes an instructor. Shay knows that the woman called Lady Rhea is trying to keep him in check and close to find out who he truly is and where he came from.
For now, they give him the position of being one of the instructors and he gets to choose which ‘house’ he’d be the professor of.
Thinking of it for a while, Shay decides to pick Black Eagle because…
The young heir to the Adestrian Empire, Edelgard, reminded him so much of Haytham Kenway.
Shay’s appearance changes a lot of things, mainly because of his Eagle Vision. He realizes where the bandits hideout is and Edelgard’s ‘suggestions’ led them to the right direction (with Shay suspecting that Edelgard knows more than she’s letting on) and they manage to save Monica before the ritual, whatever that is.
Because of Monica’s survival and Edelgard taking in Shay’s inclusion to her plans, the whole thing goes very similar to Three Hopes’ prologue and Edelgard requests that Shay becomes one of her ‘vassals’ and help her rid Fodlan of its corruption and give way to real peace, not this fake peace that the three nations were pretending they had under the iron grip of the Church.
Shay, not having any other options and also thinking of the Black Eagle (especially Edelgard who always seemed lonely in Shay’s eyes) as his responsibility and having become close to them, agrees and becomes part of the Adrestian Empire’s army.
During the war phase, they learned that Jeralt’s Mercenary, the most powerful mercenary group in all of Fodlan, had been hired by the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus who, at the moment, is keeping Archbishop Rhea and her closest ‘confidants’ safe and giving them sanctuary. Apparently, the one who suggested that King Dimitri buy Jeralt’s Mercenary group was no one other than the Ashen Demon themselves, Byleth. But… that sounds more like a rumor at the moment.
As if that wasn’t enough, Shay realized that a certain group from House Riegan… wore white, had access to actual Hidden Blades (forged in materials found in this world) and… they call their leader ‘mentor’.
That’s as far as I got.
The main idea is:
Shay stays with Edelgard because Edelgard reminded him of Haytham Kenway and he thinks of the Black Eagle students as like siblings/children he couldn’t help but care for. He’s especially fond of Petra who may or may not have been getting one-on-one lessons from Shay to be more… Assassin-y.
Byleth may or may not have memories of the events of both Three Hopes and Three Houses. By the time Shay first sees them, they already have light green hair. (Byleth’s gender in this one is also a “???” as I usually write female!Byleth but, for this one, who knows?). Of course, I won’t deny that Byleth coming to Faerghus is absolutely because of Dimileth XD
The Almyra section has actually been done by the time the war phase starts as a man known as the ‘mentor’ had recruited people in Almyra (both local Almyrans, immigrants and even foreigners) and created a Brotherhood. Almyra is stable at the moment politically and the king of Almyra had requested that the mentor lend a hand on Leicester Alliance as part of their ‘tentative’ alliance with the Roundtable of Leicester Alliance. The mentor takes no orders from the Alliance but he and Claude are ‘friendly’ enough that he will listen to Claude’s plans but he’ll do whatever he wants in the end. No one know where the mentor came from although Claude is friendly enough to call him by his name… ‘Desmond’.
My other AC x FE idea is actually… uuuhh… AC characters set in an FE type of scenario?
The plot’s very barebone and might sound familiar:
Desmond wakes up in a place he doesn’t recognize and people he knew starts popping up but… they’re the same people he knew. They have the same name and looks the same and have similar personalities, only… ‘tweaked’ to the setting where magic is real and there are dragons (“They’re called wyverns”, yeah okay) and apparently Desmond was found in an underground temple where the ‘hope of the world’ is meant to be.
Because this world is currently in war with an unknown force that destroys everything in its path with an army of unknown origins and the nations of the world are trying to find a solution to this problem. The enemy army itself seemed to be made up of statues with glowing white light.
Desmond and his group are attacked and he realized that the statues all have the glow of a POE… and their armor and weaponry… looked very similar for some reason.
They are saved by the prince of the nearest country and… things spiral from there.
Main idea:
Desmond gets to be the Avatar of this scenario. He starts of with the class that has a proficiency with swords (A), dagger (A), and bow (A).
Rebecca is one of the two people who finds Desmond. She’d probably be either a tank type or a monk type.
Shaun is obviously the other one and he’d be a tome type (if Rebecca is a tank, he would also have access to staves).
Now, for the other nations and their ‘playable characters’:
Altaïr would be the Lord of his nation although he’s technically just a prince when he meets (rescue?) Desmond. He has proficiency in Daggers (A), Sword (S) and Tomes (S) and his Lord class would be a Flying Unit (I’m thinking an actual Eagle because Griffin Knights are mostly known as non-magical units).
Malik and Kadar would be his vassals and they share the same class but with different proficiency (with Kadar having Staves while Malik has Tomes) aka: they’re the Abel and Cain archetype of this idea.
Kadar would be the first actual dedicated healer that the party would get if Shaun doesn’t have Staff proficiency.
(If they get promoted, they’d get flying classes which will become the Pegasus Sisters archetype with Altaïr XD)
Ezio would be the next Lord that they’d encounter although he’s just the second son of one of the nobles in their kingdom. He has proficiency in Bow (A), Lance (S) and Staves (S) and his Lord class will be a Ground Unit (look, there’s too many sword proficiency going around. We need to have the Weapon Triangle here XD)
Claudia would be one of his vassals. Not sure what her proficiency would be but one of them has to be Dagger.
Not sure on who his other vassal would be. Machiavelli being a magic type would be a good choice. La Volpe or Yusuf being Thief type classes would be good too. An absolutely left field would be Lo Sparviero taking the Aptitude trait (kinda like Donnel/Mozu/Jean).
Ratonhnhaké:ton would be the third Lord that Desmond recruits and he’s the clan mother’s grandson. He has proficiency in Bow (S), Axe (S) and Dagger (A) and his Lord class will be a Cavalry Unit (Either a wolf or a bear).
Aveline would be one of his vassals and she would have three possible classes to change into.
Kanen'tó:kon would be his other vassal and he’d be a tank unit.
Other than them… uuuhhh… possible other characters:
Haytham Kenway with Shay Cormac and Charles Lee (otherwise, they’d be reoccurring enemy units)
Edward Kenway with Adéwalé and Edward Thatch (Mary Read, Anne Bonny and Calico Jack are also with him though). They’ll be encountered on a ship stage, of course.
Arno Dorian with Pierre and Leon. If we don’t give Ezio Lo Sparviero as his vassal, Leon will have the Aptitude trait and be our Donnel/Mozu/Jean. Pierre might betray the party, maybe?
Henry Green with the Frye Twins. Jacob is a melee unit while Evie is a magic unit.
Aya with Bayek and Apollodorus under the command of their ruler Cleopatra. They’d be encountered as enemies first because of an order from Cleopatra. Bayek has the hero class (sword and shield), Aya is on the thief class line and Apollodorus would either be a tank or a lance type class.
Kassandra would be all on her own for some reason. She seems to have more idea than she lets on. If left up to me, I’ll make her miserable and turn her into a Tiki archetype XD
Eivor with Hytham and Randvi. They’re all looking for Basim and Sigurd (the ruler of their nation) who went missing some time ago. Eivor and Randvi would be the Axe-Bros archetype. XD
I was thinking of who the Jagen would be and all I can think of is Bill. He’ll be the overpowered promoted unit who would soon fall behind due to stat allocation and growth rates. To hammer it in, he will also be the “soon to be dead parental figure” Cornelius archetype as well. XD
Dropping Desmond into Fates would be fun too. A Desmond in Hoshido versus Corrin in Nohr would be the ‘easy’ choice or… you know… Corrin finds Desmond sleeping in Valla after she chose the Revelations route? I like the idea of Desmond acting like Corrin and Azura’s big brother because, holy shit, they’re too young to be in this kind of fucked up situation! Honestly, I can just see Desmond casually talking to Saizo while Saizo’s in his entire serious glory XD
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randoimago · 1 year
Hope it's not too late for any requests, if no, can I request general relationship headcanons for FE Fates' Kaze, Saizo, Azama and Orochi? Thank you! (Currently replaying the game, all three paths, I missed it so much TT_____TT)
General Relationship Headcanons
Fandom: Fire Emblem
Character(s): Kaze, Saizo, Azama and Orochi
Type of Request: Headcanons
Note(s): You're good!! It's still June 4th for me (as I'm writing this)
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Lots of soft gestures of affection. He's not the best with his words, so leaving little snacks you like or little notes of encouragement is one of his go-to's. Sometimes he does linger in your presence a bit longer. His hand brushing against yours. He won't initiate anything, but he'll be very happy if you do.
Honestly likes just sitting next to each other and doing nothing. You can be outside in some peaceful little area. Talking doesn't need to be involved. He just likes the quiet peace and being in your proximity.
Very supportive of you too. If there are any hobbies you want to get into or if you want to learn something new then he's happy to encourage and help you two. Depending on what it is, he might join you in learning so you have someone to practice with.
Even if you two don't agree on things or want something different from the other, you always have his respect. Any opinions you have that differ from his, any time you want to be alone and have independence, and even any boundaries you want set. You always have his respect and he'll never once overstep.
Wants to train with you often. Not because he's worried about his own skills and abilities but because he wants to make sure you're able to take care of yourselves. He isn't expecting perfection from you, but he'd like to not worry so much about your safety.
It takes him a while to open up about his emotions and what he really wants. You're the one that takes the lead and he follows. But eventually he will begin being more open with if he wants to hold your hand or wants to kiss you. It just takes him time.
Expects you to take naps with him. When it's nap time, that means that you also join him. He doesn't really cuddle a whole lot, but he likes just having your body near him when he sleeps. Says it's so he can see your goofy-looking face in his dreams too.
He is very sarcastic and makes lots of teasing comments. Even when you're dating he'll make fun of you and expects to be made fun of back. It's no fun if you just take the comments. Really does like exchanging banter with you.
Kind of with nap time, he likes to just laze around and relax with you. Not really into going hiking or rock climbing or any of that. Is happy to just lounge around and talk to you about whatever.
So much teasing from her. Just constantly teasing and trying to rile you up. Might end up pushing past your comfort zone with her teasing and you'll have to talk to her a bit about it. But teasing really is her go to in this relationship.
Very competitive too. Like she'll make up silly little "let's see who the better partner is" games where she'll pepper your face with kisses and try to fluster you more than you fluster her. It's kind of cute.
Gives you gifts based on moments in your relationship. Honestly, I can see her trying to get you two matching charm bracelets or something and adding a charm for each thing that's happened (a date you had, overcoming an argument, things like that).
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emblemxeno · 2 years
I'm the anon that was doing a BR lunatic run - I've finished last week and sat a bit on it to properly digest everything.
I surprised myself and ended up enjoying it a lot by the end! But the catch is that this only started happening during the Nohr chapters and mostly because fighting the CQ cast once again squeezed An Emotion out of me. Still don't care for more of the BR royals, except for Takumi who is a fucking mess in a very understandable way so he's obviously the best. I'm starting to see how this might be a me problem and there's some sort of stupid graph I could make where 'enjoyment of FE character' is my Y axis and 'how much of messy bitch they are' is the X axis and the plotting just keeps going up into inifnity towards the tail end of the scale.
My favourite chapter (story-wise) is probably the Leo one bc it sort of comes out of nowhere with its spooky skellingtons, fav line is Camilla talking about cradling my skull or whatever insane shit she was on about in that map. Fav BR character was Orochi, fav royal was Takumi, fav map is the sewers although it took me forever to clear and it almost filtered my ass. I was a bit tired by the end so I beat the final map by suiciding most of my units against the boss YOLO etc etc. I still have my save so I'll be back to it in a bit to clear it properly lol. I tried to keep everything fair and didn't grind, with the exception of a couple of maps to catch Selkie, Saizo and Kaze up to the rest of my units before the penultimate map. Not finishing BR on a lower difficulty before this did bite me in the ass bc I was really struggling with anticipating what I would need, but it was mostly manageable with just the base maps.
Reports of story Xander and support Xander have been greatly exaggerated and I'm surprised it's such a community meme. BR Xander is a Camus who's getting his ass beat - badly. He has two options: surrender (and he's in too deep to do that; there's a reason Leo got the Pragmatism personal and not him) or double down, so he's just scraping around for any sort of justification or cope or anything really that can make him feel like less of a garbage pile. Support Xander is separated from his goo dad, surrounded by a bit of a support network and /not/ getting his ass beat, so he has more room for self reflection, improvement and being a bit silly. It ain't that deep.
Final rating in terms of enjoyment is CQ>BR>Rev which I did not expted bc I genuinely didn't hate Rev. I think it's mostly that while it has some good character moments and it mostly resolves the idiot ball problem you end up with in CQ a lot of the times, Rev is also a lot less interesting. It answers a lot of the weirdness of CQ and BR but that weirdness didn't need to be there in the first place, the plot is fine as it is without needing to throw in that a dragon did it.
On the flip side, even if I enjoy CQ the most, the plot is easily the dumbest out of the three - it's buckling really hard under the weight of trying to balance the sad war tragedy and the classic dragon story. BR is mostly a straight war drama with some teaser content for Rev dumped at the end. In Rev, the war drama is an obstacle you have to manage to get to the juicy dragon lore. CQ blends everything into a lumpy paste and it's like ... Okay, I like it, but only bc you've sprinkled some cinnamon on top.
I've also heard that a lot of the more interesting things about the dragon lore are reserved for some of the DLC maps like Heirs of Fate and uh ... Locking lore from your DLC lore route to your DLC maps is A Choice, to be sure. I do have some of them downloaded so I'll give them a shot eventually.
I've apparently played 200h of Fates so far, which was a fucking surprise for sure since Echoes is still my fav 3DS game. I'm obviously deriving enjoyment out of it, but it's so hard to quantify lmao. I've already restarted a CQ Hard run since my last one got stopped around the great wall map (I think, it was a while ago) and I'm up to the Opera chapter - 2nd time lucky, hopefully!
I appreciate the chance to talk about something other than red woman for a bit and I think being able to sort through my thoughts like this gave me peace of mind - I no longer know if I enjoy Fates or not and I do not care. It's an FE game and this series has me by the throat, so I'll keep playing it until my 3DS finally dies and I'll have left is fruit png texture my beloved and maddening runs. I'm free.
This also makes me excited about the potential of Engage being a bit silly again. Predictions!
My best guess at the mo is that it will go the way of Awakening - maximum cheese but it's so earnest that it's hard to dislike outright. It will not be a series standout, but people will remember it fondly and it's not difficult to see why it might be someone's fav, even if it's not yours personally. It will be very light and anime with the exception of a couple of chapters a la Awakening Ch10 where they will somehow manage to write a banger of a moment that will be undercut by some dumbass support with Funny Footsteps playing in the background unlocking immediately afterwards. At least one FE YouTuber will make a video about a random waifu's characterisation being the deepest shit ever bro. The best written character is actually going to be Byleth, but no one will pay attention to them. There don't seem to be any S rank mechanics in for now and maybe this is too optimistic, but I get the vibe that Alfred might be up for grabs for both Alears if they do add that back in. There's at least one poisonous swamp map and everyone hates it. They bring back the buried treasure mechanic for the desert nation. The final boss battle takes place on top of the big cobra dragon as an homage to the Grima fight and it's going to be dope as fuck. They bring Itsuki in as a DLC lord - this is a marketing push for #FE2 baybee (I haven't played it, but got into SMT over the last year and I feel like there's untapped potential in the concept that they maybe haven't fully realised with the idol theme). There will be Twitter drama about at least one localised support (lol). There will be Reddit drama about at least one FEH alt (double lol). There's at least one adult character that will be accused of being minor coded bc of their height. They will get an OP summer alt that has everyone going mental. The blacksmith lady is going to be incredibly popular with NSFW communities and she will be a surprise recruit, sort of like Izana and that lot.
Would love to hear more of your thoughts on Engage so far - anything that catches your eye or any hopes for it now that we've seen a bit of the gameplay and characters?
Nice, hope you're having fun with your run, anon.
And I don't have too many new thoughts on Engage yet, mostly just "this game looks pretty" and "the characters they're showing on Twitter look cool". I'm excited for it.
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