#sakuatsu headcanons
eurydicees · 10 months
atsumu who gets a tik tok account and makes it everyone else’s problem. kiyoomi who downloads it for the sole purpose of blocking him.
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villain-philia · 2 years
atsumu goes to visit his family for two weeks and comes back a day earlier to surprise kiyoomi.
he ends up walking in on his boyfriend on the phone with osamu. his brother is on speaker, giving detailed instructions on how to cook atsumu’s favorite childhood dish.
kiyoomi is taking notes, brows furrowed in concentration and reading glasses perched on the tip oh his nose.
“mhm, and that’s before or after adding the miso paste?”
“that’s not really important—“
“before or after?” he insists. “i want it to be exactly how he used to have it.”
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tadaxii-i · 9 months
I'm sorry I need help finding a fic
It was a sakuatsu fic and they were pros and they had late night phone calls and shit, then at some point they go karaoke with the others and kiyoo and atsu sing 'someone you like' by the girl and the dreamcatcher and atsu sings the girl part and I've been looking for it for agesss
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incorrect-sakuatsu · 2 years
Atsumu, coming back home and seeing Sakusa lying on the sofa: Did you go to the store like I asked you?
Sakusa, staring at the ceiling: …
Atsumu: *sigh* Did you at least tidy the closet?
Sakusa, still staring: …
Atsumu, getting annoyed: Did you, by any chance, cook?
Sakusa, too scared to face him: …
Atsumu: What did you do all day?
Sakusa: …
Sakusa: I cleaned the bathroom…?
Atsumu: No, you didn’t
Sakusa: … I showered the dog
Atsumu: ALL DAY?!
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Miya Atsumu is /not/ ticklish.
When he lets out a laugh when Hinata suddenly grabs his waist for a hug, its just cause he was happy they won the match. Hes especially not ticklish when he's drunk and cant stop giggling as he and Bokuto lean against each other drunk from the bar
Atsumu isn't ticklish when Meian takes a bet from Inunaki that he can't lift Atsumu above his head. Atsumu isn't ticklish despite Osamu and Suna telling the whole team when they're at lunch at Onigiri Miya. But maybe, just maybe, Atsumu is ticklish when he and Omi are having their weekly movie night and Omis fingers brush against his waist (totally on accident) and he watches in delight as his setter (definitely not crush) let's out a quick giggle. And maybe Sakusa Kiyoomi is the only one Miya Atsumu doesn't deny being ticklish too.
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saharavalleyofdeath · 2 years
This is a SakuAtsu headcannon-
Atsumu and Sakusa started dating after highschool because both of them had relationship problems in the past and weren't ready yet. So when they did finally start dating they took it slow and Atsumu was very understanding about Sakusa's germophobia.
Atsumu is the good cook in this ship because he learned a bunch of the recipes from Osamu.
Their favorite TV show to just watch over and over again is New girl. Not because they can relate to Jess and Nick but because they somewhat relate to Schmidt and Cece. And they like watching Winston.
Their first state was a HUGE failure. It was supposed to be just a cute quiet little cafe date but then Hinata, Kageyama, Bokuto, Kuroo, and Oikawa managed to become part of the staff that day and completely ruined the entire date. Of course they didn't do it intentionally but they did ruin the date. But somehow Atsumu and Sakusa just ended up laughing at the end of it and went to Atsumu's to watch movies.
Despite what everyone says Atsumu is very clean and tidy it's Osamu that's the messy one. The only thing that's not messy that has to do with Osamu is his restaurant.
Sakusa used to get jealous of Iwaizumi because he thought Atsumu used to have a crush on him. But really Iwa is just one of Atsumu's best friends.
When they moved in together they argued about where everything should go. The TV, the couch, the dining table EVERYTHING.
They also got a dog 2 years after moving in together. Many people thought that they were going to get some small dog that was basically an ankle biter, but Sakusa said if he was going to get a dog then it's going to have to be one that was going to be able to protect Atsumu. So they got a Japanese Mastiff. They named him Mamoru.
Well that's all for today hope you guys enjoy it!
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miyasstan · 5 months
"Samu, I found a new artist" Rin 🤝 "Oh yeah, tell me about them" Osamu
Ps: Rin's love language is sharing playlists, we all know it duh hehe
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hlxtn · 2 years
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Comfort skts
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obamousse · 19 days
Komori loves to scream in celebration or upon hearing good news. He's not loud, but excessive screaming and hollering is his way of being loose and celebrating. The problem is, he always try to find a reason to celebrate. Others think he's optimistic or a party animal, real ones know it's to release the screaming he had repressed and to drink up alcohol he craves all year for pr.
Komori: I am attracted to~ Sakusa: Komori: Say it. Sakusa: Miya Atsumu. Komori: MIYA ATSUMU
Komori: Who proposed to you? Suna: You already know who is it, Komori-san. Komori: I don't (lying). Say it for the team. Suna: Fine. Osamu. Komori, screaming in unison with new players: OSAMU *pops champagne*
Yes he's the biggest Sakuatsu and Osasuna shipper. Why do you ask?
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lenniereadsalot · 4 months
So Atsumu Miya has a loud, boisterous, kinda clingy personality and he's also kinda full of himself so he comes across as a jerk sometimes. But he's spent his entire life being compared to his calmer, more mature twin. But despite that he still wants his twin around always. So when Osamu (his twin) tells him he's not gonna play volleyball after high school despite his promise to play by his side forever, Atsumu is crushed and angry.
Enter Kiyoomi Sakusa (nicknamed Omi-Omi by Atsumu). He's germaphobic and hates people and crowds and well- everything and comes across as stand-offish and rude to just about everyone (seriously his only real friend in high school was his cousin lol).
They technically meet at a training camp for the best high school athletes when they're 16, but they don't interact much until Sakusa finishes college and joins MSBY (a professional volleyball team, also know as the team Atsumu has played on since he graduated high school). Atsumu loves getting on Sakusa's nerves and dragging him into stuff and they kinda hate each other at first. But Sakusa never compares Atsumu to his twin, and Atsumu slowly draws Sakusa out of his shell.
They're relationship will always be filled with snarky remarks and petty little fights, but they both know there's no one they'd rather have put up with their shit in the end. They love each other dearly, even if neither likes to admit it.
Also unlike Osamu, Sakusa really does play with him for as long as he possibly can- from the MSBY team to the Japan National team in the Olympics
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satrixjustine · 20 days
Is there a fic where Atsumu and Shoyo are basically wingman of each other's relationship while Omi and Tobio are silent besties who love to judge their boyfriends' antics (fondly but not really but well still sporting the adorably twitching heart eyes) especially during the National Team izakaya outings with the help (not really) of Ushiwaka who would text to Tendou all the "ramblings" of his two friends 'cause of course Tendou has to know and it's one of their topics in their every Friday update blast for each other
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villain-philia · 2 years
kiyoomi and atsumu have been living together for years but kiyoomi still refuses to start a co-op save on stardew valley with atsumu because it’s too big of a commitment.
“what if we have a fight and you decide to sabotage our farm?”
“we live together. if we have a fight bad enough i’m willing to sabotage stuff over, your online farm is the least of your worries.”
“it’s very hard to start over in stardew valley. i’m not risking it. ask me again in our 5th anniversary.”
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raisunomii · 24 hours
sakusa kiyoomi's the type of guy to go "alright. enough of that" and sling atsumu over his shoulder while hes screaming and cursing someone out. yeah theyre both 200lb athletes and???? whats your point here.
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kittygirlerwin · 1 year
atsumu: me and osamu are homosexual twins
omi: ...
omi: did you mean homozygotes ??
atsumu: no ???
atsumu: I meant homosexual
bokuto: what's an homozygotes
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itswannysenpai · 1 year
First night 👀
I wanted to be like sakusa but I'm totally atsumu
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miyasstan · 6 months
My roman empire is that I totally believe Miya twins have matching tattoos, they get them before moving out, so whenever they miss each other, they would rub their tattoos and let themselves be comforted 😭
It could be cute little foxes holding volleyball and onigiri, or omg maybe the moon and sun matching tattoos because they actually complete each other. I imagine them on their wrists cuz they would subconsciously keep rubbing it :((((
Ps: Atsumu cried, we all know :) It was Samu's idea tho ;)
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