#sakumo was kakashis son now?
hellcifrogs · 1 year
This sensei swap is so interesting to me, cuz what’s Kakashi’s role? Like, if we have Sakura/Naruto/Sasuke/Sai as a sensei instead of Kakashi, does this mean he’s like a grandpa to Team 7? Or like a cool (read: dork) uncle?
Yeah, I thought he was either Sakura's teacher or she was in team Minato. Also he's probably hokage by now too because hokage Kakashi is just the funniest thing to me in any form.
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equill · 26 days
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The promise you kept.
Extra panel: (liked this version too.)
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moving on to sakumo.
Panel 1: Handprint (an older drawing to share)
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Panel 2: Punishment.
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what if they went for kakashi to hurt sakumo instead.
decided to dump the rest of the drawings together, but the tone shift whiplash is real (I shall do it again)
Comic 2: Bias? Not at all.
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He’s just in a silly mood (he feels no remorse)
Comic 3: Did you say something?
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fun idea, kakashi actually picked up his behavior from his father (sakumo version is staring people down, while kakashi is verbal)
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it runs in the family
kakashi + sakumo / first light by chen chen / calling a wolf a wolf by kaveh akbar / who's there?: every story is a ghost story by ed simon / my father's son by the amity affliction / independence day by bruce springsteen
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maireyart · 11 months
Sakumo and Obito's Parents* Live AU (7 artworks + drabble)
Team Minato Week Day 3: Any AU. It's not one of the suggested ones, but something I've been thinking about too much :3 @teamminatoweek
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Kakashi and Obito prevent the terrible thing (they've noticed something has been really wrong with Sakumo). Sakumo, having seen Kakashi's horrified face, gets horrified himself at what he was about to do — not to himself — but to his son, and feels remorse about having almost abandoned his son.
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2. After the Kannabi mission, Minato writes one of the most difficult reports in his career. He has to face the parents: Obito's dad and Sakumo. Imagine the moment team Minato returns to the village, but without Obito. Obito's parents, as well as Sakumo, meet them and realize that their son has not returned. Kakashi looks them in the eye and stretches a trembling hand with the goggles in it; they take them, shocked, and feel the sudden dark urge to throw them into something. Or at somebody. The panic. They feel like they're on the edge of a precipice, but a tiny hope that Obito might still be alive — just... lost... just... still breathing — is still there. But then it gets crushed by a detailed report from the team. The eye. Obito's eye. Their son's eye is looking at them from Kakashi's eyesocket, and they don't know what to think. Sakumo doesn't, either. They aren't allowed to look for the body immediately because of secret military operations still going on in the area. They grieve and wait. Soon they get the permission to start their search; grimly, they crush a rock after a rock to get to the bottom, and find… the blood… ninja weapons… pieces of his clothing... Obito's headband… But! NO BODY. And again Obito's parents feel shattered. Did the enemy ninja steal his body? Plucked out the remaining eye? Dissected him? What did they do to the corpse of their poor boy? Obito's parents are too late! Too late… And more weeks of grief and pain ensue. Until Kakashi starts seeing something with his eye. Some cave… After it’s happened a few times, he tells Rin, and she persuades him to talk to Obito's parents.
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3. Thanks to Rin, Kakashi approaches Obito's mom and asks her a few questions about the Sharingan. He has to retell her everything again, but in more detail. Kakashi says that he's been seeing something from time to time, but doesn't know what it is... Obito's mom is puzzled, but suddenly a new tiny flicker of hope springs up in the darkness they've been living in for the past few months.
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4. Eventually, Obito's parents, Sakumo, and Kakashi find Obito in barely-alive Madara's lair. Black Zetsu escapes, but there is somebody who can capture him and seal him off: Kushina.
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5. Kushina loves her secret mission.
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6. Jounin Obito, with his parents. Way later :3 *** And if you've read till this point, I have a little drabble for you for dessert about kid Obito getting to know Sakumo. Big thank you to @professor-of-naruto for fixing my mistakes & all the amazing support!!! 💕 💕 💕 
On warm days like this, Obito loved wandering around in the village and enjoying the lulling buzz of life. Quite often, these walks resulted in curious encounters and even adventures, and today seemed to be the case too. On the hill near the edge of Konoha park sat a man, staring somewhat sadly at the erratic mess of Konoha rooftops and low afternoon clouds, speckled with gold and pink. It was a man Obito had seen from a distance multiple times, but had never had the guts to approach.
Hatake Sakumo had somehow always looked both rugged and elven at the same time. He was tall and wiry, face sun-tanned, vigor emanating from his broad shoulders and spiky silver ponytail, but his eyes were jaded and thoughtful – too many shadows hiding there. There was a certain sternness about the lines on either side of his mouth, but the most gentle and peaceful smile Obito had ever seen offset the rough look of his face. And now, this very smile and a small nod of acknowledgement worked like a magnetic pull on the boy. Enchanted, he came up to the man and sat down nearby.
Kakashi’s father returned to silent contemplation, and Obito bent his eyes to the ground. That man wasn’t a talkative one, pretty much like his son, but did Obito want to know more about him! Sakumo was probably the only person in the whole world who could elicit a huge, brilliant smile from Kakashi. Not that Obito had actually seen that smile (damn mask!), only the crinkled eyes, but more than once, he’d heard their jolly voices and laughter when the pair of them were chatting about the events of the day.
“Hatake-san, nice to meet you. I’m Uchiha Obito,” he began formally, heart pounding in his chest.
Having pulled himself out of his thoughts, Sakumo cocked his head and gave him another serene and endearing smile. “Obito-kun, huh? You’re Kakashi’s friend, right? I’ve seen you playing together.”
“Um... More like a classmate, I guess?” A classmate who wanted to be his friend. Deep down. Probably.
“I’ve heard a lot about you from my son.”
“You have?” Obito’s eyes grew wide, radiating shock and wonder. Of all the things Kakashi and Sakumo could be discussing... Him? Oh, wait. Kakashi had probably been describing to his dad all those stupid situations that involved Obito, or something... They could be funny. In hindsight. Mortified, he hung his head, digging his fingers into the soft grass. So he knows... knows I’m a disaster... knows that I’m nothing like Kakashi…
“He often grumbles about a certain obstinate Uchiha boy who won’t ever leave him in peace. But I can also see how excited he is, looking forward to the fun that every day with you brings.” Suddenly Sakumo laughed, voice deep and resonant. “But around you my little hedgehog is a little standoffish, isn’t he?” (Obito’s ears perked up: A diminutive? For Kakashi? Outlandish). “I can be your friend instead.”
“Is it... Is it okay?” Obito mumbled, still feeling awkward.
“Of course.”
“Hatake-san… Why is Kakashi such a ‘hedgehog’?”
“Sometimes people treat trivial things seriously, and brush serious things off...” he said distantly. “I wish he saw that someday...”
“What are the serious things?” Obito was puzzled. “Just so that I won’t brush them off.”
“I have a feeling you already know,” he said with a playful twinkle in his eyes and ruffled Obito’s hair. “Maybe one day you’ll teach Kakashi a thing or two. If I fail.”
“What do you mean if you fail?!” Obito almost choked. “He listens to no one but you, Hatake-san! And I – I feel like I’m just always getting in the way. He doesn’t care about whatever I say!”
“I don’t think so, Obito-kun.”
“How do you know?”
“If he doesn’t care, then why is he watching us right now and listening to our conversation?”
“What?” Obito looked around nervously. He might have spied on Kakashi… but the other way around? What?!
“Sorry, Kakashi, but you have to come out,” Sakumo called. “I know you’re there.”
And indeed, Kakashi jumped off one of the trees, looking grumpy. “I have to make it clear that I am not a hedgehog,” was all he managed in his red-eared embarrassment. ***
@cool-thymus and I have more Sakumo and the kids art content (Hedgehog Special) 🦔
And if you're STILL here, feast your eyes on the wacky spin-off of the grimdark Kannabi report art (@poetrywise, you absolutely killed me with the description xD):
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DJ Minato's psychedelic tunes 😁 *Obito's parents are referenced from the sole photo Obito had on his board both in the manga and anime.
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*Obidad's earring is @quintilli0n's headcanon that I genuinely love with all my heart 😁
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seoheesoo · 3 months
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What if Sakumo were alive and how much would Kakashi's life be different?
[Part 2]
"Kakashi!" - a loud voice sounded right above the boy’s ear, but he didn’t even flinch. - "Papa said that today you are coming to spend the night with us! Why didn't you tell me earlier?"
Kakashi turned his gaze to the boy. He pouted his lips offendedly and frowned. Kakashi shrugged his shoulders. The boy's bad mood instantly gave way to bright enthusiasm.
"I've already figured out what we're going to do!"
Guy's dark eyes literally sparkled with joyful excitement. Kakashi looked away.
"And what is that?" - Hatake said barely audibly.
"First of all, we will do our homework", - Guy raised his finger up. - "To become excellent shinobi, we must first graduate from the Academy with the best grades."
"I’ll graduate from the Academy with the best grades", - Kakashi shrugged condescendingly.
"I know, you are my Eternal Rival! I wouldn't have chosen you if you weren't like that..!" - Guy exclaimed solemnly.
Kakashi rolled his eyes. They walked towards the Might family's house. The small house was located slightly away from the village, closer to the forest. Not too far away was the residence of the Hatake family. Kakashi wasn't a frequent visitor to Might's house, but he did stay over for dinner a few times.
"Did Sakumo-san go on a mission today?" - asked Guy.
"Yes", - Kakashi answered quietly.
This was father's first mission in weeks. Kakashi knew the reason why his father had been suspended from missions all this time. He couldn't help but know. He was literally followed by the whispers of people as he walked through the village. People hissed behind him, twisted their faces and turned away from him. Kakashi knew that their emotions were not directed at him personally, but at his father. But they were too afraid to say anything to the Hatake family's face. After Jiraiya's visit a few days ago, his father had changed. Kakashi felt it in his gaze, in his gestures and in the tone of his voice. It was as if his father had lifted off a huge, heavy weight that was weighing on his shoulders. Jiraiya appeared so suddenly and left very quickly, but somehow miraculously helped Sakumo. Kakashi promised himself that the next time they met, he would allow his uncle to hug him a few seconds longer.
"And after dinner we’ll play shogi", - Guy’s excited voice reached Kakashi.
"Mm", - he hummed in response, having listened to most of the boy’s story.
They quickly reached the house. Kakashi took off his shoes and put his shoes back in place, and then followed Guy into his room. It was a little strange how familiar he felt being in Might's house. The feeling of safety and comfort that he experienced behind these walls sometimes shocked him. But he tried not to think about it. Sakumo went on a mission and asked Duy to look after his son. Kakashi often had to stay home alone when Sakumo left the village. But after the incident, his father could not leave him alone. Kakashi understood this. Given the current situation, people's aggressiveness towards Sakumo could result in an attempt on Kakashi's life. Kakashi himself didn't mind staying at Might's house for a few days. Deep down, he was even glad. He didn't want to be alone. Even though he was a genius and a talented shinobi, he was still a child who, like other children, was sometimes scared by ordinary things.
"Are you done, Kakashi?"
The boy emerged from his thoughts and nodded affirmatively. It turned out that Guy had finished his homework some time ago and was sitting quietly next to him, trying not to disturb Kakashi. Hatake chortled barely audibly. Guy was not as stupid as everyone around him thought. In fact, he was smarter than most of their classmates. Including Obito, especially Obito.
"Now let's go outside!" - Guy jumped up and ran out of the house.
Kakashi tiredly followed him.
"So what do we do now?" - the excessive boredom in Kakashi’s voice did not shake Guy’s enthusiasm for a second.
"Do you remember today that sensei told us about the Summoning?" - waiting for the boy to nod, Guy continued. - "I thought it would be cool if we could summon someone in the future!"
Guy jumped up and down impatiently. Kakashi sighed heavily.
"In fact, I already signed the contract", - Hatake muttered, looking away.
This happened a few days before Jiraiya's arrival. As soon as his uncle found out that he had already signed the contract, he was noticeably upset. He really wanted Kakashi to undergo training at Mount Myōboku in the future, just like himself. Kakashi expected a strong reaction from Guy. He expected a surge of emotions, particularly envy. That's why he still hasn't told anyone that he signed the contract. He knew that if he confessed today, he wouldn't be able to avoid Obito's irritated looks. However…
"Is it true?" - Guy's small hands tightly squeezed Kakashi's thin shoulders. - "It's so cool! Just what you would expect from my Rival!"
Kakashi blinked in surprise and looked at Guy's face, which was literally glowing with joy.
"What animal can you summon?"
"Dogs", - Kakashi answered, and then for some reason continued. - "Do you want me to summon them right now?"
"Yes! I want!" - Guy shouted loudly.
Kakashi moved his shoulders, dropping the boy’s hands, and then pulled a kunai out of his bag. Slightly pricked his index finger, Kakashi folded the correct seals.
"Kuchiyose no Jutsu!"
A whole pack appeared in a cloud of smoke. The Ninken looked at Kakashi in surprise. This was only the third time he had summon them. And the only time he did it without his father. Pakkun's gaze glanced at him and then at the boy standing next to him. The Ninken had already heard the smell of Guy on Kakashi's clothes, so they understood that he did not pose any threat to him.
"Hey, kid", - Pakkun approached Kakashi. - "Something happened? Why did you summon us?"
"No, nothing happened", - Kakashi sat down on one knee. - "I just wanted to introduce you."
The Ninken simultaneously turned their gaze to Guy. The boy was confused for a second, and then bowed deeply.
"It is a great honor for me to meet the Ninken of my Eternal Rival!" - Guy said loudly and solemnly.
Pakkun gave Kakashi a questioning look. The boy waved his hand. Without thinking twice, the Ninken rushed at Guy and knocked him to the ground. Might laughed heartily. Kakashi sat down on the cool ground and watched with a ghostly smile as Bisuke and Guruko ran after Guy, trying to catch him. Pakkun chuckled.
"Is Sakumo-san on a mission?"
"You didn’t summon us for protection", - there were notes of surprise in Pakkun’s voice. - "You don't need protection here."
Kakashi remained silent. His Ninken could feel that he was completely safe.
"I’m glad", - Pakkun put his paw on Kakashi’s knee.
They continued to watch as the dogs and Guy ran around the edge of the forest. Guy's hair was disheveled, a wide smile never left his lips, and his eyes sparkled with sincere joy, which was transmitted to the Ninken. Kakashi pulled out a small package from his bag and tossed it to Guy. Might poured the treat into his palm and handed it to each Ninken.
"Thank you for allowing me to spend this wonderful evening with you!" - Guy gently stroked Ūhei's soft fur. - "I will be immensely happy if I get to meet all of you again!"
Ninken surrounded Guy, leaving fur and their scent on his green suit. Kakashi rolled his eyes at their overly touching goodbye.
"That’s it, it’s time for you to leave", - he raised his hand and lazily waved at them. - "Bye."
The corners of Guy's lips turned downward after the pack disappeared. Kakashi frowned. He didn't want Might's mood to worsen. However, sadness quickly gave way to enthusiasm.
"Help me sign the contract, Kakashi! I want my own personal summon too!"
"Okay", - Hatake shrugged his shoulders. - "And what animal do you want to summon?"
Part 1 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
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chocol4tte · 27 days
I've been reading some of dimension travel with kakaobi (also, i only know some basic information and plot of Naruto, Im yet to read the manga (NOTE: ITS JUST THE BASE OF THE IDEA, THEY MIGHT BE SOME CHANGES LATER ON), but tbh, I would love to bring over team 7 to a world where:
Minato and Kashina are both alive, with Minato as the Hokage, but Naruto died as a baby due to some Chakra complications
The Uchiha clan is very much alive thank you
Obito and Rin are alive, except for Kakashi :)
Sakumo is alive, retired, and suffering~... he is one of Obito's favorite people
The Og!team 7, after fighting Kaguya and losing (Obito died a little earlier before he and Kakashi could even speak), using Kamui, they are transported to a different dimension without knowing it, thinking that maybe, they were send to a different.
When they realize that it's not their world, it becomes somewhat, bittersweet for most of the team.
The idea of Minato and Kushina crushed that their only son died and were too afraid to ever try again, that they focus their energy and love into their two remaining students. Kushina will always sigh at the sight of babies and kids, but will deny it (Kurama would try to feed her despair and fears bc he is still full of hatred). Minato would put his mind into Hokage mode to make sure he is distracted of kids laughs and playful screams; yet both still love each other very much.
Rin and Obito kind of became only friends, protective of each other as well, due to Kakashi's death; Rin is on her way to becoming a doctor, she is still very kind and sweet, yet firmer than ever. Obito started behaving a little but like Kakashi, more serious, punctual and with more discipline... I would love that at some point, he would've tried to become Kakashi, if not for Sakumo, who stopped him. (TBH, I kinda want to write this very much).
Sakumo didn't kill himself in this timeline, he lived with the shame of the failed mission, a disgraceful ninja who nobody wanted to look at. He lived to keep Kakashi safe until he became a proper adult, however Kakashi hated him because of his actions, and like the entire community, he decided to ignore Sakumo.
Like in Canon, Obito would most likely made Kakashi realize that Sakumo is indeed a hero despite no one saying the contrary.
Kakashi still loses his eye to protect Obito, from an attack and Obito is still half crushed by a rock and saved by Madara.
Kakashi is kidnapped instead of Rin, he saved her and fought teeth and nails against the other ninjas...
Now, when Rin escaped, she was found by Sakumo, Minato and other shinobi, all going to defeat the enemy, unaware that Obito was also running to save his friends, however when they arrived they only found the corpse of little Kakashi
They never got to put the Three-tailed Beast inside of him, due to his insistant fighting Kakashi was killed and the plan was cancelled. Cue to Sakumo showing why he was the feared White Fang and going all out to avenge his son.
Obito arrives just when Sakumo and Rin are holding the lifeless Kakashi and welp... the rest is history.
Man, I love the idea of Sakumo taking care of Obito and teaching him through the years. Full of angst, fluff and heal. Both making sure of take care of the other mentally, emotionally and physically.
I'm thriving to imagine not only the reunion with all the people that they lost and the consequences!!!
Edit: check the tag: Tell me About Grief
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lemony-snickers · 11 months
Pakkun knows it's time. Has felt it coming for a long while, now.
His muzzle is grey, his joints ache when he tries to climb the stairs outside, so he uses Gai's ramp instead. He can't jump up onto the couch anymore, but that's all right because there are always plenty of cushions for him on the floor.
It's one of the nice things about being back at the Hatake Estate, ever since Kakashi returned with his partner and his Rival shortly before welcoming the little one that totters around, now, knocking into low tables and screaming for his parents.
Pakkun is grateful to have witnessed all of it, grateful that Kakashi senses their time running short, too, and no longer dismisses him unless Pakkun asks.
He doesn't know how to tell Kakashi that it's time. Doesn't know how to grumble the words I love you, but I have to go.
It was never supposed to be like this. Pakkun is a ninja hound, a tracker with an analytical mind and a skill for violence. He and Kakashi made a pact when the latter was still a boy. Pakkun remembers how he didn't flinch as he sliced his thumb open to sign the contract, remembers the strange aloofness he exuded, so unexpected for a pup so young.
Had Sakumo not died, Pakkun imagines he and Kakashi might have maintained a purely professional relationship.
But watching that stoic child crumble into a broken version of the pup he should have been allowed to be tugged at something within Pakkun with a ferocity he typically reserved for missions.
He slept beside Kakashi that night, the way he had once watched over the boy's mother on the eve of his birth. Perhaps it was not exactly a mission, but to protect Sakumo's progeny seemed well within the parameters of his duties at the time.
The thing which blossomed soon after that--affection or respect or whatever it might be--had been unintentional. Without a pup of his own, Pakkun found himself drawn to Kakashi's side increasingly often beyond the scope of missions. Found himself grateful when Kakashi summoned him on his days off, so they could spend time quietly within one another's presence as Kakashi read and Pakkun napped in a sun spot at his feet.
Now, as Pakkun rests on a cushion, watching Kakashi smile with his family as the little boy in his lap unsuccessfully fights off sleep, the creases at the edges of his eyes tell a story of both tragedy and triumph; one Pakkun is proud to have witnessed. To have played an important role in.
He knows he should do something. Make it obvious. That he should lift his grizzled muzzle and say, Boss, to gather the room's attention. Pakkun knows Kakashi would hand his son to Gai or his partner and direct his attention to the little pug he's known all his life, even before his life began.
He's become keenly aware of Pakkun's age in recent months, especially, taking care to spend extra time with him whenever possible.
But Pakkun doesn't want to interrupt the happy moment before him, so he simply huffs a low sigh as he settles his chin on his crossed paws. His eyelids feel heavy, his breath moves slowly in and out, unhurried. He almost laughs because why would his lungs hurry when there is nowhere else he'd rather be?
Bull and Uhei and Shiba and Akino will understand. Bisuke and Guruko and Urushi will not, but that's okay. They will still have one another. Still have Kakashi.
Even without their diminutive leader, Pakkun knows the pack will fight on. Welcome new ninken into their ranks. He knows one day, Kakashi's pup will sign a contract of his own, though he isn't sure the boy will be as composed as his father when he does.
He's inherited all the best parts of both parents, and Pakkun thinks the fact that he's more emotive than Kakashi was at the same age is probably a good thing.
A soft chuckle fills Pakkun's ears and he looks up at Kakashi one last time, notes the twinkling joy in his dark eyes as he listens to Gai tell a raucous story, rocking softly as his son sleeps, face tucked against his chest. Peaceful despite Gai's booming voice.
Pakkun knows it's time. Has felt it coming for a long while, now. He doesn't know if he will stay here, or if his death will act as a dismissal, sending him back to the place where his packmates are.
Whatever happens, he only hopes Kakashi will forgive him for not interrupting the moment to say goodbye. It's too good a moment to shatter with sadness, even if he does wish he could say one more time that he is proud of the man Kakashi has become, of the life he has built.
But Kakashi knows already; words have never been necessary between them to be fully understood. A gift of their pact so many are never lucky enough to experience.
As his eyes slide closed, Pakkun knows Kakashi will understand. Even if he's hurt or angry at first, he's never been one for emotional farewells, either. It is gift enough to know you have been truly cared for. An even greater gift for Pakkun to know Kakashi will be well loved even after he is gone.
I love you, but I have to go. And now I know you'll be okay without me.
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yowyowyaoi · 1 year
*at the graveyard*
Kakashi, kneeling at Dai’s grave with flowers and a plate of dumplings: I’m sorry I haven’t been here in a while. 
Kakashi: *starts digging in the ground* I thought these flowers would help brighten up the place a little. I remember how you used to love my dad’s garden; you’d spend hours looking at all the little plants and herbs. And you’d tend to it when he went away on long missions.
Kakashi: Been so busy; there’s so much more work to being the Hokage than I thought.
Kakashi: But you knew. You knew from the start that I’d be one, right? I used to hate it when you teased me about that. 
Kakashi: But you know, I’m sorry that you died before I ever got a chance to thank you. How you looked after me when my own father died. How fast you’d shut up anyone on the streets that would look at me and whisper bad things about him. All those meals you made for me. Even making sure I had clean clothes when I was too depressed to properly look after things …
Kakashi: But the biggest thing of all I need to thank you for is Gai. How well you raised him. If you could see him now you’d be so proud; he’s a terrific man. Strong and warm and funny and smart. 
Kakashi: *reaches into his pocket and holds up a small object in front of the headstone*
Kakashi: This was my father’s. His wedding ring from my mother. With your blessing, I’m going to use this and propose to him next week.
Kakashi: I would promise you kids and grandkids but, you know, we kind of already have them. We’ve built a fantastic life together, your son and I. Almost perfect; I just wish you and Dad could be here to share it.
Kakashi: Anyway, it’s getting dark. I’ll be back after I propose, to let you know how it went. Take care of yourself, and don’t worry, I’m taking the best care of your son.
*Gai wheels himself over*
Gai: ‘Kashi? Are you finished?
Kakashi: *nods* I am. Are you?
Gai: I’m done. Planted those flowers for him, and had another good talk with Sakumo-san. 
Kakashi: Good. *goes behind Gai and puts his hand on his wheelchair handles* Let’s leave.
Gai: Do you have to go back to the office?
Kakashi: Nope. I’m all yours tonight. I thought I’d make some thai-chili curry for dinner.
Gai: Curry?! Yosh! But I thought you hated spicy foods?
Kakashi: I used to, but, when you live with such a spicy man for so long, you can’t help but develop a craving for some heat ~
Gai: Hmph; that’d be a better compliment IF it didn’t come straight from that damn book of yours.
Kakashi: For your information, I didn’t get that from my book. It came from the movie version of Icha Icha Paradise. Tsk.
Gai: Whatever. Hey, can you add some tempura to the curry? That market we passed on the way here was selling some fresh ones …
Kakashi: Maaaa, you know I hate tempura …
Gai: *reaches behind him and pulls Kakashi down into his lap* C’mon, pretty please? Make me a good dinner and I’ll give you something even better for dessert ~
Kakashi: Oh? Tempting offer. But if that’s the case, I need to conserve my energy, right? So —
Gai: Say no more, rival! You just hang on tight — *uses his hands to rev up his wheelchair and speed down the road, with Kakashi clinging to him and laughing*
*in the cemetery*
Dai’s spirit, eating his dumplings: See, Sakumo? I told you there wasn’t anything to worry about … our sons are finally getting along!
Sakumo’s spirit, chuckling: Somehow this isn’t quite the “getting along” I had in mind, but all things considered, I’ll take it.
Dai: You know what would be funny? We switch the flowers that they planted on our graves. They’ll be so confused when they come back to see us!
Sakumo: Dai, you are a menace.
Sakumo, uprooting his flowers: Let’s do it.
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ravewoodx · 2 years
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The Copy Ninja: Kakashi Hatake imagine
(part 2)
Kakashi Hatake, the great copy ninja was a name everyone knew. Most feared to have to go up against shinobi, and now known as the 6th hokage. But to you, he was just Kakashi. 
Sakumo quickly got out of bed rubbing his big dark eyes. He smiled before jumping out of bed running through the long hall ways of the huge Hatake home. 
“Mommy!” He yelled when he noticed you in the kitchen softly humming. You trued around looking down at your 4 year old. 
“How did you sleep honey?” You asked as he hugged on to your leg. You couldn’t stop smiling down at your son, who was a copy version of his own father.  You knew your husband was the copy ninja but you never expected Sakumo to be a small clone of him. 
“Did papa already leave?” He asked looking up with big eyes. He easily bent down and scooped him on resting him on your hip. He was growing too fast, and your time to hold him was growing shorter and shorter. Your little baby was growing up too fast.
“He’s still sleeping.” You said pressing a kiss to his silver hair as you mixed the rice. 
“Go wake him up, maybe you will have some time to train before the opening ceremony for the academy.” You said knowing how much Sakumo craved his fathers attention. Thought Kakashi always pouted since Sakumo was always stuck at your hip. Just like Kakashi he never wanted to share your attention with anyone else, even his own father. It was quit funny to see your husband and son fight over you. 
“Okay mommy” He said before wiggling out your hold and running down the hall. 
Sakumo slowly creeped into his parents bedroom. Kakashi was still fast asleep snoring just a little. He slowly poked his father cheek. But no response. 
“Papa wake up, mommy made food.” Sakumo said poking his father even harder. 
“Ugh! Are you dead old man?” He asked. But just before he could jump on his father Kakashi caught him with one arm. 
“What do you think your doing little one?” He asked smiling at his son who was pouting at him. You always said that Sakumo was a copy of Kakashi but he could tell that Sakumo head the bright light in his eyes like you. 
“I am almost bigger then you.” He huffed out only making Kakashi laugh even more. He easily placed his son back on the bed before getting up to get ready. 
“Now lets go before mama gets mad.” Kakashi said taking a hold of Sakumo hand and leading him back to the kitchen where you already set up the table. This was a sight that Kakashi will never get used to. You looked utterly beautiful in the white sundress with an apron on. Your long hair clipped back as you plated the food. 
“Good morning my love” Kakashi said pressing a long kiss on your lips. Sakumo long forgot about you both as he sat down at the table already eating the fried egg with white rice. 
“Kakashi did you forget what day it is?” You asked your hands on your hips.
“Not particularly?”  he said really trying to think. 
“It’s my first day at the academy!” Sakumo yelled with his cheeks stuffed with food. You couldnt help but smile as you watched Kakashi and Sakumo. 
“Uhhh!! Kakashi! It’s almost 9!” You yelled as you grabbed sakumo to get him dressed. Kakashi only laughed watching you rush around. You dressed him in black ninja pants, his ninja shoes. You slip the shirt over his head with the Hatake symbol on the back and on the sleeves. 
“Ready?” Kakashi asked leaning against the door frame. 
“Papa why do you wear that mask?” His son asked. Kakashi did still wear his mask every time he left the house.
“As the powerful copy ninja, I can not have anyone know how I look like so they can not copy the best?” Kakashi made up only making you laugh. 
“Or is it to cover your nose bleeds” You whisper in his ear making me blush. 
“I need one too then!” You son yelled as he pulled on Kakashi arm. 
“Good thing I was already 1 step ahead.” Kakashi said leaning down slipping the ninja mask over his sons head and pulling it up over his nose. 
“You already had one child sized mask on hand?” He question your husbanded. 
“You do say he is my copy. I still need to keep up my mystery.” He joked as his hand came to your lower back guiding you out of the house. Sakumo held tightly on to your hand getting a little nervous about starting the academy. 
“Don’t be nervous Sakumo.” Kakashi said as he bent down in front of his son.
“You will be the strongest ninja, just like your father” You said placing a kiss on top of his head. 
“How do you know?” He asked not looking at you but his father. 
“Well you are my son. And your training is already ahead of your peers. But don’t worry too much. Make some friends, study, and train hard.” He said ruffling his hair. It brought him back to the time his own father brought him to his first day.  
Sakumo jumped on his father locking his arms around his neck almost completely restricting his air flow. 
“I will be here 2 sharp to pick you up. And mama made you ramen for lunch” He said soothing his son while looking at you. 
“Don’t be late.” Sakumo threatened before pulling away and running into the school. 
Kakashi stood up wrapping one arm around you as you still watched where your son ran off too. 
“Do I need to comfort you as well?’ He asked as he noticed the tear eyes. 
“Do you think he’ll be okay? Will he get along with his classmates? He is a lot like you, I don’t want him stepping on everyone toes. Maybe he’s still too young to start ninja training. Or do you think-” Kakashi quickly caught you off pressing a hard kiss to your lips. 
“He’’ll be fine. He is a Hatake.” Kakashi said smiling down at you. 
“Sorry I’ve just been all over the place lately.” You sighed your hand instinctively going to your lower abdomen. Kakashi raised his eyebrow watching your movements. 
“Is there something you need to tell me?” He asked as his large hand came over to hold yours. 
“Well we do need to bring the Hatake clan back, you know...” You whispered not sure how Kakashi will react. You’ve know about 2 months about the pregnancy. You just didn’t know how to tell Kakashi since he’s been so busy being the Hokage. You’ve talked about having more kids, but maybe waiting a little longer until Naruto would be the 7th.
Kakashi eyes got wide, with a shine in them you’ve only seen a few times. He pulled you closer to him, his arms going around you. 
“Thank you Y/N” was all that he said as he took in this moment. He still remembered when he found out you where pregnant with Sakumo. HE was so nervous and scared back then about being a father. But now, he knew he was the best father he could be. He tried for you and for Sakumo. But now he couldn’t be happier knowing his family is getting bigger. 
“I hope it’s a little girl that looks just like you my love.” He said as you slowly started walking back. 
“I hope Sakumo will be okay once you let him know he’s going to be a big brother.” You said with a grin.
“What-Y/n!” Kakashi groaned as you placed a kiss over his masked lips. 
“I will see you both at home, I need to do some retail therapy.” You said hurrying through the village streets leaving your husband in front of the hokage tower. 
“You sneaky fox, leaving me with the dirty work.” He sighed walking to his office with a big smile hidden under his mask. He could only wonder how Sakumo would react. He might be really happy to have a sibling, Well Kakashi hoped. But he was smarter to know that Sakumo already had trouble sharing you. Kakashi couldn’t get used to the daggers Sakumo would glare at him at times.
He still remembers one of the first times Kakashi took his son to the training field.  Sakumo tried so hard. He wore him self down trying to beat Kakashi.
“I will be a better ninja then you. Then Mama will marry me and she wont need you anymore!” He remembers Sakumo yelling at him before his close tried to get to Kakashi.
“My son, Mama wouldn’t ever leave me, even if I was the worst ninja to ever be. You better get used to sharing.” Kakashi joked as he and his huffing son made their way home. 
Kakashi knew this was going to be hard to tell his son about being a big brother. But either way Kakashi was the happiest he could be with his little family. 
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clansecretsfreak · 28 days
Clan Secrets-verse (3) Tobirama Senju!
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So let's dive right in to this.
In Clan Sectres, Tobirama became Hokage during First Shinobi War, just after Hashirama dies of unknown illness.
His regin as the Hokage is five years long. He dies at the age of 62 y.o. becoming over four years older than Hashirama ever got to be.
He marries as of yet unnamed Hatake, fathering twins born almost nine month after his death, thus never meeting them.
His wife, in fear of her husbands enemies and wishing for a somewhat normal childhood for her children, hides under her maiden name of Hateke with her twin sons Takuya and Sakumo Hatake(we will be back to that).
Now this hidding thing only works because both of them were extriemly private people, with only direct and close family knowing about the whole relashionship. Kagami also knew, having been adopted by them both almost the moment Tobirama started training him.
Now back to the twins. They were born 38 years Before Kiyubi Attack (this is essencialy my calendar for this world so get used to that phase), with Takuya being younger by a few minutes.
Takuya is killed on a mission (infuelced by Black Zetsu, making him a victim of Senju Purge even if unknowingly (if you don't understand check out my other posts)). He is eleven, death date: 14th of June, 25 years Before Kyubi Attack.
Sakumo dies at the age of 29 years old, death date: 13th December 8 years Before Kyubi Attack (Kakashi is six at the time).
Kakashi is born 14 years Before Kyubi Attack (when you read down, you will see that Obito is two years older than Kakashi. It is not a mistake.)
And while we are discussing Tobiramas 'lineage', we must also talk about Kagami the adopted child Uchiha.
This one is more simple because I haven't fine tuned his timeline yet to be honest. Anyways, Kagami at some point marries Asami Senju, a childhood friend, and has a son Tora (yes, like the demon cat) Uchiha who marries Elizah Uchiha (she will be important in the future, I promise) born around 38 years Before Kyubi Attack, dies at 28 y.o.
They have two sons, the elder one - Obito Uchiha (yes, that Obito), born 16 years before Kyubi Attack and Shisui Uchiha, born 10 years Before Kyubi Attack (he was only six when Obito 'died' so he doesn't really have much memories of his older brother, what with war going on and everything.)
Obito dies at 27 (I think, and hope I didn't mess up the time line with this one) and Shisui at 18.
And thats it. I hope it wasn't all over the place.
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marvelmymarvel · 1 year
Guardian (Part 10)
Jiraiya x Sarutobi!Reader
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12
Synopsis: Your brother gave you an assignment, "Go ask Sakumo Hatake if he needs help with his newborn." It was a simple task, but it snowballed into so much more.
Tags: @twilightlover2007
A/n: *folding* Sakumo heals my daddy issues
Naruto Masterlist: Here
A deep exhale came from your chest as you basked in the sunlight. Birds chirped around you, and for once in a very long time, you felt serene. A warm hand caressed your cheek before soft lips pressed against your temple, "You look beautiful today."
Your eyes opened slowly, and you smiled sweetly up at him. "I dressed up for you. I know you loved this dress on me" Despite starting confident, you soon fell into bashfulness under his loving gaze. He hummed playfully before moving to sit in front of you. His brown eyes were soft and warm; they always made you feel safe and sound. He grabbed your hand and laced his fingers with yours, "How is Kakashi?"
Your face beamed at the question, excited to show off how well you've raised his son in his absence. "Kakashi is in the prodigy program. He's already a chunin…." you trailed off, eyes falling to your intertwined hands, "He's just like you. In both good and bad ways."
He hummed once more as he caressed your finger with his thumb, "And you? How is my beautiful girl doing?"
You finally got the courage to look up at him, but you could tell it wasn't the look he was expecting. He bit his lip as tears rolled down your cheeks, "I'm sorry I left you, Y/n."
"It's been so hard, Saku. Kakashi thinks you're a traitor and hates you for it. I can't bear to see him like this. Not only that, but I just can't move on from you. You haunt me."
Sakumos brown eyes softened as his free hand came up to swipe the tears away. He knew all of this, and the past four years of watching you fall apart killed him. It made him regret ever letting his demons win. If he could go back, he would have waited for you before entering the house. He would have gotten help. He would have stayed.
Because he loved you and Kakashi so much, but he couldn't see it through the pain.
"You don't have to forgive me. Neither does Kakashi. But I want you to do one thing for me, baby. Can you do just one thing for me?"
Your sniffles started to quiet down, and you nodded at him to continue. The hand intertwined with yours broke free, and he moved it to cradle your other cheek. "I need you to give in to what you want. You want Jiraiya, and that's okay. I'm not there to protect and love you like you need, but he is. Allow yourself to feel love again. Can you do that for me?" His grip on your face grew more assertive as his tone grew frantic. The world around you started to darken, and something told you your time with Sakumo was ending. "No one will replace you-"
"I sent him your way. My love for you flows through him." His voice grew muffled as he began to blur with the darkness, but you heard them loud and clear. You had always thought that Jiraiya coming back into your life was your doing, but it would seem that none of it was. Before Sakumo could entirely vanish, he leaned forward and pressed a kiss against your lips. "I love you. Tell Kakashi I'm proud of him."
You went to kiss back, humming to reassure him that you would do as he asked. Like you always did. "I love you more-"
His touch disappeared, and you were once more surrounded by darkness. Your hands were wrung together as your sniffles echoed around the empty space. While your heart still ached for his touch, something else blossomed in your chest. One that you've been pushing down for three years now.
You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. The sound of shallow breathing filled your ears, and you urged your eyes open. The room was dim, and there was a weight on your side. Turning your head slowly, you took in Kakashi sound asleep and curled up next to you on the bed. A hum came from you as you ran your fingers through his white hair; he stirred slightly but didn't wake. He always slept deeper when he was around you and always felt like he was safe enough to. But never this deep.
He only slept this soundly when Jiraiya was near, which could only mean... You turned your head to the other side of the bed to find Jiraiya sleeping with his head on the edge. Your other hand touched his face, smiling sweetly at how his nose scrunched up from the tickling sensation. You caressed his cheek with your knuckle heart beating faster as you took in how relaxed he looked.
He stirred some more, muttering something like 'five more minutes,' making you giggle softly. "Jiraiya," your cooing grew in volume as you moved his hair out of his face. His eyes blinked open, but they were glued to Kakashi on your side as if he was avoiding looking at you. His eyebrows furrowed as he saw how your hand ran through Kakashi's hair. He hoped he wasn't dreaming, but he was too afraid to look at your still passed-out form. Your coo made him freeze, and he finally realized that your other hand had also been dragging through his hair.
Jiraiya's widened eyes looked up at you, shock and fear coursing through him as he shot up from his seat. His arms immediately wrapped around you, hauling you into his embrace. You gasped in pain as he somehow had forgotten the deep gash on your side. His muttering and praises to the gods grew in volume, causing Kakashi to stir. Jiraiya pulled back, eyes filled with tears as he held your face. "Jiraiya-" His lips slammed against yours, and you quickly deepened it. Your hands dove into his hair as you pulled him closer, the need to be closer to him taking over all of your rational thinking.
"I love you. So much," you whispered against his lips before diving back in for another heated kiss. He nodded against you, humming in a way that solidified in your heart that he felt the same way. "I'm never letting you go-"
Movement on your right stopped you, and you pulled away with wide eyes. Turning slightly in the bed, your lips curled up into a smile at the eight-year-old rubbing his eyes. "Hi, Kakashi-" Kakashi gasped at your voice, fully waking up as he threw himself into your embrace. Jiraiya hauled him onto your lap so he too could wrap an arm around him. Kakashi tried his best not to cry but quickly broke down as you pressed kisses against his face, tears of relief falling from your eyes and landing on his skin. "I'm so glad you're okay. You had me worried sick. No more training alone!! I will accompany you-"
"That won't be necessary."
All three of you looked up to see your brother in the doorway; his under eyes looked heavy and dark, telling you that he didn't get much sleep. Your eyebrows crinkled together at his words, confused by what he meant. "What do you mean, Hiru? What happened only shows that I need to protect him."
Hirzuen raised a hand, silencing you before looking at Jiraiya expectantly. "I'll be moving in with you and watching over the both of you," Jiraiya stated as he leaned his head against yours, nose slightly nuzzling your ear as he spoke. You cocked your head at your brother, not upset with the idea but confused about why this was happening suddenly. Hiruzen opened his mouth, but your gasp cut him off. "Do you know about the ANBU officer??"
Hiruzen's eyes narrowed, and he let out a sigh. You being knocked out for a couple of days made your brain turn all mushy. "Yes, Y/n. That's why he's moving in with you. He's going to look after you two instead of the ANBU..." Hiruzen trailed off as he looked between the three of you. At first glance, it would seem that you and Jiraiya had Kakashi, but despite not being his flesh and blood, he still loved him as if he was his own son.
You looked at Jiraiya expectantly, silently questioning if what he had said before your brother's entrance was true or if he had promised to play along, but his soft smile was reassuring. "Are you sure you want that? If not, I'm sure he can find someone else." Your voice was soft as if you were afraid speaking too loudly would scare him into backing out. He simply nodded at you before turning to your brother again to talk logistics about the arrangement. You drowned them out and played with Kakashi's hair, lips curling into a smile at the thought of once more living with Jiraiya. Sakumo's words had moved something inside you, and now you knew what you wanted.
Leaning back into Jiraiya's arm, you let out a content sigh. Kakashi looked up at you expectantly before cuddling deeper into your side. Hiruzen's eyes wandered down to the two of you, and for once in a very long time, he felt content with what he saw. While he didn't like the idea of you dating Sakumo, you were always so happy around him. When he died, that happiness disappeared, and it had been a very long and painful four years for your poor brother. He hated seeing you, the real you, disappearing right before his eyes.
But it would seem that he wouldn't have to worry any longer.
Jiraiya smiled at him before pulling you and Kakashi deeper into him, "I'll keep them safe. You have my word."
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ficklecat · 4 months
Sad Kakashi Fruit Thoughts 🍊
For those on the kkg discord y’all saw it first 👌🏻
Sakumo always carefully prepares an afternoon snack of fruit for his son; he is meticulous - grapes cut in exact equal halves, strawberries cored and sliced evenly, clementine slices so smooth and juicy and free of any clinging white film. Kakashi always eats them in a blink. Sometimes it’s blueberries that are miraculously all the same size (Sakumo painstakingly selects from the package) alongside the clementines. Sometimes it’s apples that are peeled and sliced and alternated between the clementine slices in a perfectly symmetrical circle (this always makes Kakashi giggle). But the clementines are always Kakashi’s favourite so Sakumo is extra careful with them. It’s the only way Kakashi eats them, and Sakumo ensures he never has to peel them himself. It’s a special ritual, to prepare this for his son.
Then Sakumo is gone. And Kakashi doesn’t eat clementines for a while. He doesn’t eat much of anything. But when he does, he peels it and wrinkles his nose. He pops a slice into his mouth, spits out the stringy bits and he’s confused and upset, because the ones his dad gave him never had these. So he buys another box. Because he’s a kid and he thinks maybe he got a bad batch. But they’re the same, the stringy white film clings to his teeth and sticks on his fingers and he hates it. Maybe he just got the wrong kind. Maybe the clementines aren’t in season. His dad gave him perfect ones, they exist, he knows it. Where did his dad get them?
He sits on the floor one night and he peels every single clementine in the box. They all have the white film on them. He sits there and stares at the pile of peels and the naked orange balls of fruit before him and he hates the way the tips of his fingers are sticky with the dried white membranes. He licks them and he hates how bitter they taste.
He begins to peel the stringy bits off. It reveals a perfect slice, the kind he remembers on those perfect fruit plates. He eats it - it’s fine, it’s good, it’s the same as he remembers.
He misses his dad. Big fat tears slide down his face as he peels off the membranes of every clementine in front of him. He swipes his hands on his pants and he cries and cries and eats them until he feels sick.
Kakashi doesn’t like clementines as much now. They’re hard to peel. He doesn’t like how his fingers feel. He can never get the white bits off like his dad did anyway.
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shunshinstan · 1 year
Sakumo and Orochimaru, both last of their clans, get married. It's a quiet affair, and a resignation when it comes to protecting their clans history and honor. Nobody cared for the Hatakes anymore, and nobody cared for Orochimaru's ancient clan, either.
But then Kakashi, 5 years old, stops saying he's from the wolf clan, and starts calling the Hatake the "fanged" clan, instead. Starts saying he's a viper hatchling as much as a wolf cub, and neither of his parents ever prompted it. He gets a blue-haired half-brother and he gets married to his Eternal Rival and adopts a son whose name changes to Hatake Rock Lee, and Sakumo thinks, maybe there'll be a Hatake legacy after all, if in nothing but the surname.
(Orochimaru knows better than that. Because their other son, Rogu, may look more like a snake, but he's protective of their family, their pack, and that doesn't come as naturally to snakes. There hasn't been a need to worry about the Hatakes dying out for a while now.)
Rogu has a son of his own, and Mitsuki is a canine and snake summoner with lighting affinity. Surprisingly, the same thing can be said about Metal Lee, who isn't even Sakumo's blood-great-grandson, and isn't that a thought, him living to become a great-grandfather. Somehow, Metal's and Mitsuki's fangs are both equally large, sharp, and deadly.
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naruto--headcanons · 10 months
Sakumo was a very expressive man. he couldn't hide any of his feelings. they showed on his face.
the sannin grew used to seeing that. could read his every expression.
and Sakumo passed that onto his son.
now, even though Kakashi wears a mask, the sannin can always perfectly read his expression because they'd gotten used to Sakumo.
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kakagaibouquet · 2 years
gai never expects kakashi to be anything, while kakashi expects gai to amount to something great - and that's the exact thing that makes them each other's most precious person.
let's take a look at where they started out.
maito gai, the loser who barely got into the Academy and the son of the Eternal Genin. hatake kakashi, the genius who graduated the Academy at 5 and the son of the White Fang. nobody expects gai to be anything more than a genin, while they all expect kakashi to become a great shinobi. at first, that's what they believe about each other too.
and then they truly got to know what the other is like. and then life happens (sakumo, dai), and then a few too many silly challenges pass, and now they know what they should do. gai will never expect anything of kakashi who bears the weight of the world on his shoulders. kakashi will never look down on gai who has always been destined to be great, even when everyone else was too blind to see it.
that's why gai celebrates every little accomplishment kakashi achieves. that's why kakashi treats their rivalry so seriously no matter how stupid the challenge is. that's why gai takes kakashi out for sushi after the disastrous almost-hokage debacle. that's why kakashi hates the eight gates so much, to the point where the cool and collected ninja lets it slip during the chuunin exam, because gai will amount to something great and it will kill him.
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yn-uzumaki-hatake · 10 months
Title: "A Legacy Carved in Name"
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Chapter 1: A Curious Child
The Uchiha-Hatake household was filled with warmth and laughter as the evening sun cast its gentle rays through the open windows. Kakashi, now known as the Sixth Hokage of Konohagakure, sat on a comfortable armchair while his wife, [Y/N], prepared dinner in the kitchen.
Their son, Sakumo Hatake, a curious young boy with silver hair inherited from his father, walked up to Kakashi with wide eyes full of wonder. He tugged at his father's sleeve, seeking his attention.
"Dad," Sakumo began innocently. "Why did you name me my name? Why am I called Sakumo Hatake?"
Kakashi smiled softly, patting his son's head gently. "Ah, Sakumo... That is an interesting story."
As Kakashi reminisced about the past, he couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia wash over him. His mind traveled back to a time when Team 7 was just starting to form their unbreakable bond. It was during one of their missions that he had met [Y/N].
Kakashi and [Y/N] were assigned together for a mission in a remote village plagued by bandits. They fought side by side effortlessly, their teamwork complementing each other perfectly.
During the peaceful moments between battles, they found solace in each other's company. Conversations flowed easily between them; secrets shared under moonlit nights as they guarded the camp together.
One night, sitting close to [Y/N], Kakashi gazed at her fondly before asking playfully, "If we ever have a child together someday, what would you name them?"
[Y/N]'s eyes sparkled with amusement as she pondered over the question. "Well, Kakashi, if it's a boy, I would name him Sakumo."
Kakashi's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Sakumo...? That's my father's name."
[Y/N] smiled tenderly at him. "I know. It's a way to honor your father's memory and the legacy he left behind. Besides, it has a nice ring to it."
End of Flashback...
Kakashi brought himself back to the present, his eyes filled with affection for his son and gratitude for [Y/N]. He looked into Sakumo's eyes, mirroring his own.
"Sakumo," Kakashi began gently. "Your mother named you after my father, Sakumo Hatake."
Sakumo tilted his head curiously. "But why? Why did she choose that name?"
Kakashi took a deep breath before answering. "Your grandfather was an extraordinary shinobi, just like you are destined to be one day. He was known as the White Fang of Konoha—a symbol of loyalty and sacrifice."
His voice trembled slightly as he continued, "He passed away long before you were born, but your mother believed that by giving you his name, some part of him would always live on within our family—within you."
Sakumo listened intently, absorbing every word with wide eyes.
"And besides," Kakashi added softly with a grin playing on his lips. "Your mother thought it had a nice ring to it too."
A burst of laughter escaped from Sakumo as he playfully nudged his father's arm. The weight of their family legacy resonated deeply within him now.
From that moment onward, Sakumo understood the significance behind his chosen name. His heart swelled with pride and determination inherited from both sides of his family.
As he grew older, Sakumo embraced his destiny as a shinobi, training relentlessly to live up to the legacy that his grandfather had left behind. He became a beacon of strength and justice within Konoha, just like the White Fang before him.
And through it all, Kakashi and [Y/N] watched with immense pride as their son carved his own path in history—a legacy built not just on a name but on love, sacrifice, and an unbreakable bond between father and son.
The End.
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