#sakuras hair is not long its just longer
hellcifrogs · 2 years
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Pair 2: Sakura and Karin! My beautiful girls~
Oh yeah, I'm always try to "dress up" and cover up the girls in my redesigns, so this time I started with "dressing down" the boys instead. Ended up with giving everyone unecessary skin exposure and adding nice extra details.
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revasserium · 2 months
sakura haruka; 1,189 words; fluffy fluff fluff, first love, sakura learns the meaning of friendship, no "y/n", lapslock, mindless fluff tbh
summary: after all, the rain is still just... the rain.
a/n: inspired by clementine von radics poem mouthful of forevers, and also wow sakura is adorable
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when he tells you that anger is a language that he’s never needed to learn to know, that loneliness and rejection are dialects as near to him as his hometown used to be, you do not run away.
maybe it’s this place — maybe the blue of the sky from the rooftop garden. maybe, he thinks, there’s something in the water here that makes people kinder, makes them so damn comfortable with splitting open their skins to show him their insides, while asking for nothing in return.
“the summers are hot here,” you say, pressing a cool, dripping bottle of water to his cheek, laughing as he jumps and jerks back, holding it out as he looks from you to the bottle and back again, “make sure to hydrate.”
“why do you care?” he asks, because sometimes, it’s the only way he remembers how to say thank you.
“here, take it,” you say, offering him your handkerchief when he comes back from yet another fight, blood still trickling down the corner of his forehead, “it even matches your hair.”
“don’t need it,” he says, glancing down at the black and white checked piece of cloth, but he doesn’t push you away when you reach out to dab at the drying blood, your hands soft and careful. he never knew hands could be such things, but he supposes there’s always time to learn.
“isn’t that what schools are for?” you say, giggling when he plucks up the courage to tell you one day, when the nights slowly grow longer and the days are clipping own tails, tucking in earlier and earlier. the wind is just on the other side of biting and he’d stared down at his own hands for a solid half minute before reaching out to offer you his scarf — a present from the old lady from the musubi store for putting up her brand new awning.
“y-yeah. guess so,” he says, pulling back to admire his handiwork, the thick knit of the scarf now wrapped snuggly around your shoulders. his blush is more than enough to keep him warm the rest of the way home.
when he lashes out — because its the only way his body remembers how to react to the act of kindness — he sees the hurt flicker like fireflies behind your eyes. but still, you don’t turn away. instead, you sit back, you sigh, and you tell him you’ll wait.
“why?” he asks, because it’s the one question that keeps on echoing through him, like the tolling of a hundred thousand bells, reverberating through him till it’s all he can hear — why?
“because,” you tell him, “sometimes people just need time — and lucky for you, we’ve got a lot of that here. so…” you shrug, sitting back with a sweet, knowing smile, “take your time. that’s what friends do for each other — sometimes, we’re there, but sometimes… we give each other space and we give each other… time.”
time, he thinks, turning the words over his head. how long has it been since he’d had to sleep with one eye open, to always look over his shoulder, to wake up knowing that he’s gotta hit the ground running. how long? what was it that he was running away from?
and sure, he still doesn’t quite have a setting between off and a hundred, but he thinks… maybe with enough time, he can learn. and you teach him.
slowly, he learns the weight of laughter, pure and sweet and joyous, the power that tenderness can bring, the way that sometimes a smile is more potent in a fistfight than as well-aimed punch, that somehow, your hits always land harder when you have a thing worth fighting for. and it should’ve been obvious, but maybe it’s not — that love is a thing of viciousness and vengeance, but also a thing of delicacy and light.
when he holds your hand for the first time, he thinks his entire body might burst at the seams, shattering into a million and one pieces if ever you tried to pull away, but still, there comes a time for letting go.
“i’ll see you tomorrow?” you say, the pair of your teetering on the front steps of your house. behind you, the warm glow of your living room lights paints your outlines in gold. sakura swallows, your fingers still laced in his. he reaches for a reason — any reason — not to let go.
“unless… you wanna come in for dinner?”
he whips around so fast he almost cricks his neck, but he nods before he can psyche himself out, and the next second, you’re tugging him into the house behind you. it’s not the first time he’s met your family, but it is the first time you introduce him as your boyfriend. the word has a strange ring to it, a one-two punch that knocks the breath from his lungs every time you say it.
and it’s only really been a week.
later, in the dim halo of your bedroom lamp, your legs dangling over his as the pair of you read manga on the floor of your room, he reaches out to pull you into his arms.
“i — i’m not a — hm,” he clears his throat and tries again, fighting the urge to bury his face in your shoulder from behind, “i’m not good at… this kind of stuff…” he admits, though your tinkling laughter tells him that yes, you know. still, he forces himself to go on —
“so… uh — if i like… blow up over something random just… like slap me or… or something.”
for a second, you’re quiet, your steady breathing and his much less steady ones the only sounds in the room.
then, you twist slightly to face him, peering up at the profile of his face in the burgeoning dark.
“do you remember that one day — when it rained this summer? and it was so, so nice because it was so freaking hot that whole week?”
“uh… yeah?”
“and then… like three weeks later, there was a hurricane warning, and everyone had to stay home?”
“sure. umemiya made everyone run to put away his stupid planter boxes —”
“but… if you think about it, the rain is still just… rain, right?”
sakura frowns, pausing, “i… guess so.”
“yeah. so… it’s kind of like that with you, i think.” you smile, settling with your back against his chest, his arms around your middle, “the rain is still the rain, whether is light or it’s heavy. and… i’ve always loved the rain.”
sakura makes a soft noise, letting his head fall back against your bedframe.
“it doesn’t matter to me… cause, i think i’d still feel the same about you either way,” you say, turning around once more to fix him with a smile —
“i’d love you if you were summer rain… i’d love you, still, if you were a hurricane.”
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karasukarei · 19 days
Wind Breaker Drama CD vol. 2 - Oedo-style Fuurin Tale (Part 1)
(t/n: I originally translated this is "Oedo-style Fuurin Story", but I think "Tale" sounds more cool)
Translation masterpost here!
Do note that the audio track for this currently isn't publicly available online. This is also longer than the first drama CD, so I might need a bit more time to finish this (and probably a few more parts...)
Note: As with the beach story, I took some liberties with translations this time to make it read more smoothly. As always, if there’s any mistakes, feel free to let me know!
Special thanks to @orewing!
Shorthand because some names are really long:
Sakura – Sakura
Nirei – Nirei
Suo – Suo
Sugishita – Sugi
Kiryuu – Kiryuu
Tsugeura – Tsuge
Hiiragi – Hiiragi
Umemiya – Ume
Scene 0 – 0:06~0:27
Nirei the narrator: It is the Bakumatsu period. In a town in Edo. At the entrance to this town, there’s a noticeboard. It’s a noticeboard erected by the strong. This is the beginning of the story of the samurai who took on the role of protecting this town in Edo. (t/n: For reference, the Bakumatsu is the time period when the Shinsengumi were active. Edo was the old name for Tokyo during the Bakumatsu)
Scene 1 – 0:28~1:49
*insert sound of wind chimes prettily sounding as the wind blows*
Sakura: Is this the town that the Fuurin-gumi is said to be in…? It does seem peaceful. I guess oden will do… (t/n: couldn’t really catch this last phrase) *stomach rumbles sadly* I’m so hungry…
Sakura: *sniffs air like a dog* This smell… Is it from that dango shop?! *swallows hungrily* The yakidango looks really tasty… *counts coins* It’s not enough… *stomach growls sadly*
Umemiya 💙: Hey! You over there! (t/n: OMG IT’S UMEMIYAAAAAAA)
Sakura: *sighs very sadly*
Umemiya: Heeey! The guy with half white hair!
Sakura: Huh? Me? (t/n: he sounds like a lost kitten here lmao)
Umemiya: Yes you! Do you wanna eat dango together? (t/n: I’LL EAT WITH YOU)
Sakura: Huh?
Umemiya: You’re hungry aren’t you? Hehe, your stomach was rumbling so loudly I could hear it from here.
Sakura: *blushing very loudly* Hrnghk-!!! I-It’s none of your business!
Umemiya: What’s with that? It’ll be my treat!
Sakura: *blushing even more loudly* *chokes on his words* There’s no reason to give me a treat out of nowhere!
Umemiya: If you want a reason, there is one. Rather than eating dango alone, it’s much more delicious if you eat it with someone else!
Sakura: What’s with that reason? Just leave me alone-
Umemiya: Huuh? But then-
 *Sakura’s stomach demands not to be left alone*
Umemiya: Nah? (t/n: with the same energy as “gotcha”)
Sakura: Kuuu- *blushes so hard he’s about to catch on fire*
Scene 2 – 1:50~2:55
Sakura: Mmm delicious!!! 
Umemiya: Right?? The dango here is one of my favourites. And Sakura, is it? You said you came from out of town? What did you come to this town for?
Sakura: Since you’re from this town you should at least know their name right? The notorious samurai group Fuurin-gumi. The group is filled with ruffians, but I came here to become the top of the Fuurin-gumi. (t/n: you’re gonna regret saying this Sakura)
Umemiya: Ohhh… You sure do have confidence in your strength.
Sakura: Till now, I’ve been storming dojos across various towns to hone my fist. *eats hungrily* (t/n: He’s referring to dojoyaburi / dojo breaking, when you go pick a fight with another dojo to show who’s superior. The losing dojo often loses both prestige and standing, and its students often leave for the winning school.)
Umemiya: You…
Sakura: *with a mouth full of dango* At any rate, you too-
Umemiya: Isn’t that great?! The top!
Sakura: Eh?
Umemiya: I see, the top, haha! *smacks Sakura very happily on the back* Yes, I see!
Sakura: That hurts! And don’t hit me when I’m eating dango, that’s dangerous. (t/n: people literally die every year from choking on dango)
Umemiya: Hahahaha, my bad my bad. 
Sakura: What a weirdo…
Scene 3 – 2:56~5:16
*insert sound of wind chimes prettily sounding as the wind blows*
Sakura: Yosh. *getting ready to leave*
Umemiya: What. you’re already leaving?
Sakura: Yup, I’ve already eaten the dango. *takes a few steps and walks*
Umemiya: Hm? What is it?
Sakura: *blushing enough to be heard through the speaker* I don’t think we’ll meet again, but… thanks for the food.
Umemiya: Uoh! It was fun eating dango with you too! Tilil we meet again!
Sakura: *grumbling under his breath as he walks away* I already said we likely won’t meet again, why’d he still say “till we meet again”... And anyway, what kind of person buys dango for a person they don’t even know?! And why am I so mad about it?! (t/n: he sounds like a really grumpy old man here www) *sighs* Someone like him… is probably from a different kind of world from me…
*Sakura walks some more*
Sakura: I heard that the barracks for Fuurin-gumi is supposed to be around here… is it that?
Nirei: E-excuse me, is this the barracks for Fuurin-gumi…?
Sugi: *grunts*
Nirei: It is right, it’s obvious! It’s nicely written here right?
Sugi: *more grunting*
Nirei: U-um, could you perhaps be from Sugishita-san from Tamonshuu’s First Squad?
Sugi: *gasps of suspicion* You, could you be-!?
Nirei: Heeeeeee!!! I’m sorry I swear I’m not a suspicious figure!! I am Nirei, and I’d like to join-
Sugi: Coming to join Fuurin-gumi, you sure have some guts! *draws sword*
Nirei: A-ah, I’m being you please don’t cut me down!!
Sakura: Oi! Stop it!
Nirei: Eh?
Sugi: Huh?
Sakura: If you can draw your sword at a guy like him, then Fuurin-gumi really is as the rumours say- it’s where all the messed up people gather. Oi, you.
Nirei: Y-Yes!
Sakura: You stand down. I’ll be this guy’s opponent. *gets ready to draw sword*
Sugi: Are you this guy’s friend?
Nirei: You… Why are you saving me?
Sakura: Friend? Save? Don’t get me wrong. I’m just interested in strong people. *draws sword*
Nirei: Wh-what do I do?!
Tsuge: Oiii Sugishita-kun, it’s time to switch shifts! What’re you doing?
Nirei: Uwah! Fuurin-gumi member!
Tsuge: I don’t know what’s going on, but you guys look real macho. (t/n: unfortunately Tsuge speaks with some sort of dialect and I cannot figure out the last part of this sentence. If you know what he’s saying, do feel free to let me know!
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system-to-the-madness · 6 months
Cherry Blossom Confessions 🌸 Okkotsu Yūta x Reader
Pairing: Okkotsu Yūta x Reader (can be read as any gender, no pronouns used) Genre: fluff Word Count: 1 423 Summary: Yūta spills a well-kept secret Prompt: accidental confession A/N: Firs time writing for Yūta! Also, I wanted to post these stories in time with the local cherry blossom, but it keeps delaying because the weather was too cold (on Wednesday it snowed even). I’m just gonna start posting and hope the cherry blossom will eventually catch up with me.
Sakura Festival Masterlist - Masterlist
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Pink petals drifted through the air, looking like snowflakes in the warm afternoon light. It was only late March, but the sun had already gained back a lot of its power after the colder winter months, making you smile contently to yourself as you closed your eyes and held your face into the sun, trying not to let yourself be distracted by the person at your side.
Yūta was, for once, out of his school uniform, and instead dressed in an oversized shirt and some wide jeans which made his slim figure seem to drown in fabric. But it looked good, unfairly good even. You could tell he was fiddling around with his necklace, even without looking at him, and you couldn’t shake the feeling that he seemed nervous.
“What’s wrong,” you asked eventually, unable to take his fidgeting any longer.
You had known him for a good while, and his behaviour now was more like he had been when you had first met him. Back then he had been jumpy and shy, always expecting the worst of people. But as he had settled more into the life at Jujutsu High, the shy and easily scared boy had turned into the open-hearted, funny, and fiercely loyal friend you had gotten so attached to.
“Nothing,” Yūta’s answer came almost too quickly, making you raise your brows before you blinked open your eyes and turned to look at him.
He had cut his hair a little since winter, the formerly long strands having been trimmed into a new haircut, which made him look gentler than the rather harsh look he had been sporting before. His grey eyes met yours defiantly, as if he was challenging you to question his reply, but you didn’t do him the favour. Instead, you continued watching his face.
Recently he had started getting cute freckles over his nose that now started to turn a darker shade as he blushed under your inquisitive gaze. You wondered if he could tell your own cheeks were heating up, too.
“Anyway,” you shrugged, tearing your gaze away from him and focusing back on the pink petals of the cherry trees you were sitting under.
Silence engulfed you for a while, but you couldn’t quite tell if it was the good or the bad kind. You also didn’t know what you were supposed to say. Which was weird, considering you never had any problems of engaging in conversation with Yūta. You always found things to talk about, to joke about, even if it was only Gojo-sensei’s latest shenanigans.  But somehow it suddenly felt as if this silence was important, as if it were the preparation for whatever was to come next. What a strange sentiment…
“You’re beautiful.”
Confused you turned to Yūta, who was still watching you, his eyes widening as you met his surprised. He had never said anything like that before, usually his compliments were limited to your fighting in training or during missions.
Quickly you looked away, unable to hold his gaze any longer.
“Uhm, thanks…” you trailed off. Certainly he had to pick up on your embarrassment now, right? Your warm cheeks, the way you subconsciously had started playing with a blade of grass underneath your hand… you quickly pulled your hand away and intertwined it with the fingers of your other hand to stop the motion.
“Did I say that out loud,” Yūta wondered, a hint of amusement, but also embarrassment in his voice.
“Yeah, …”
He chuckled, and you glanced at him from the corner of your eyes. He had averted his eyes, and instead was staring up at the branches over you as he was chewing on his lip, clearly thinking hard about something. Suddenly he snapped his head back at you, almost startling you with the sudden motion, but it was obvious he had come to the conclusion of whatever he had thought over.
“I don’t tell you enough. Actually, I think I’ve never told you, but I always think you’re beautiful,” he confessed, his voice lacking any of the embarrassment from before and instead sounding determined now.
“Careful,” you chuckled nervously, “what will Rika think?”
Rika. Probably the biggest reason why you had never dared thinking of Yūta as anything other than a friend. You didn’t exactly feel like getting into a fight with a special grade curse over your classmate.
“Oh, she knows I think you’re beautiful,” Yūta shrugged, his voice returning to the more relaxed tone you usually knew from him.
“Does she?
“Yes, of course she does. I talk to her about you all the time.”
You furrowed your brows and turned back to look at Yūta. He had leant back, hands propped behind him against the grass, eyes closed. Black lashes rested against his pale, lightly freckled skin, and shadows of the cherry blossom danced softly over his features. He looked like an angel, you thought, or like the protagonist in some rom-com.
“You talk to her about me?” You hated how small your voice suddenly sounded.
“It’s not so strange, is it,” Yūta asked, his eyes still closed as he let the shadows slip over his face. “I have to talk to someone who won’t judge me. And Inumaki just keeps insisting I should finally confess to you. I can’t hear it anymore.”
You blinked, once, twice, wondering if Yūta was aware of what he had just said. And then you wondered if what he had just said meant what you think it meant.
“Confess what?”
The way Yūta tensed up revealed that he had not been aware of what he had just said. His eyes snapped open and quickly he sat up.
The way he looked at you now, with widened eyes, and clearly insecure reminded you painfully much of the way he had looked at you in the first weeks of knowing you, always scared he had or was about to say something wrong, always worried you’d laugh at him, attack him, make fun of him or were out to hurt him.
“I- I didn’t…” His eyes kept skipping over your face as if the words he was supposed to reply with were writing in your features. After a few moments of stuttering around, he squeezed his eyes shut. “Confess that I like you,” he blurted out. “And have liked you for a long time. I didn’t want to tell you because I don’t want to put you in the weird position of rejecting someone who-”
“Yūta, Yūta!”
You interrupted the ramble he was picking up, instinctively bringing your hand up to his cheek. He still had his eyes closed, but instantly relaxed into your palm.
“Relax, it’s okay,” you assured him. “I like you, too.”
It took him a moment, but then the rest of the tension in his body fell away, and he blinked his eyes open.
“You do?”
The hope in his voice tucked at your heart and you nodded with a gentle smile.
“Yes, I do, you idiot. How couldn’t I?”
Yūta blinked at you, clearly surprised by your answer and uncertain what to do next. It took a few moments before the confused expression in his eyes melted away and was replaced by the joyous glimmer you loved seeing in his eyes so much.
“Then go out with me,” he demanded, a smile beginning to tuck at his lips, which turned into a proper grin as you nodded in agreement.
You were about to pull your hand away from his face, but he caught it in his, and keeping your eyes fixed on yours, he lifted your hand to his lips to place a delicate but lingering kiss on your knuckles, never breaking eye contact. The action drove heat into your cheeks, which only seemed to raise his confidence as he carefully lowered your hand and scooted closer to you.
“How about,” he leant in, his face right in front of yours now, “how about I take you out for dinner after this.”
You smiled at his suggestion and nodded. “I’d love that.”
“Perfect,” Yūta nodded to himself.
Then he wrapped an arm around your shoulder and gently pulled you backwards until you were laying in the grass, squeezed against him, looking up at the blue sky above you through the pink petals of the cherry tree. Suddenly he groaned, making you raise your eyebrows at him again even though you knew he couldn’t see it.
“What’s wrong?”
“Inumaki will be so pissed that he didn’t get to come up the ultimate confession-plan.”
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dira333 · 14 hours
Cats and dogs and bunnies too - Sakura Haruka x Reader
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You notice it long before he mentions anything.
Sakura Haruka is fond of dogs. Cats too. Once, he even caught a little bunny that had been adamant about escaping its owners, petting it slowly with a look of utmost focus as he took it back.
But he’s careful not to show it too much. 
Sometimes he pretends he doesn’t notice the old dog at the corner flagging its tail at his sight until you walk over to pet it, like admitting to it would be a weakness.
Sakura Haruka has many weaknesses. 
He always stubbs his toe at night, when he gets up for a toilet break because he doesn’t want to turn on the light in fear of waking you.
He drinks too much coffee and forgets that he’s no longer sixteen but twenty-six now, that his back starts hurting if he sits hunched over for too long.
He never remembers sorting his clothes before putting them in the wash and wears the white-turned-pink shirts with pride after he accidentally drops one of your red panties in with the white laundry.
He’s married to you yet he tends to forget, staring at the ring on his finger in silent wonder at least once a week.
“Baby?” He asks one Sunday morning, his head in your lap, his laptop forgotten on the coffee table.
“Hm?” You massage his scalp, pretending to rub the stress from his temples.
“Could we get a dog?”
It’s a simple question, one you thought he’d ask much sooner. 
You wonder if he knows about the box of supplies in the back of your closet, of the surprise present that’s due any day now.
“Do you want one?” You ask back.
Haruka is quiet for a moment. You might think him asleep if not for the tension in his shoulders.
“Yeah,” he admits finally. 
“Good,” you lower down to press a kiss to his temple. “Then we’ll get one.”
“Really?” He blinks up at you, his eyes now soft and vulnerable, like they were when you met all those years ago. 
Haruka once told you that looking at you seems to make his heart crack open and looking at him now you can’t help but believe it.
“Really. What kind of dog do you want?”
“I don’t care,” he answers just like you knew he would. “What kind of name would we give it?”
“Well, let’s think about it. What if we get a little dog? What would you name a little dog?”
“How little?”
“Like a Corgi? Or a Spitz?”
“Princess.” The name shoots out of him too fast to be casual. He’s thought about it for sure.
You laugh, a little surprised by it. “I mean, sure, but you already call me that. Don’t you think it would get confusing?”
Under your gentle touch, his cheeks burst aflame.
He’s too flustered to speak and you let him stay quiet, tucking his hair behind his ears.
“What about a big dog?” You ask eventually. 
“Queenie,” he breathes out softly, clearly learning from his mistakes. You wonder if he knows that he’s only picked out female names so far.
“Haruka, can you come help?” You yell from the doorstep. “There’s a package but it’s too heavy for me.”
“Coming!” He calls out, jogging down the stairs in all his post-work-glory, the sweatpants and hoodie combo looking cozy enough to forget about the whole surprise.
“Kiss me first,” you command, pulling him in by the collar until you’re satisfied, grinning when he picks the package up with ease.
“Careful, it says fragile,” you point out as he carries it up, unaware of the other box you carry after him.
“What’s in it anyway?”
“I don’t know,” you lie, “Open it.”
It’s not properly taped shut, which he laments about as he fiddles with the tape. But all the words leave him when the box opens and he comes face to face with all the goods.
“Dogfood?” He asks, a little confused, picking up the bag. “Toys? You already ordered the stu-” He stops short when he sees you holding another box in your arms, this one already open.
“Don’t tell me-” Haruka breathes out, taking a step back as if he’s going to lash out in panic like he used to.
But he doesn’t. He just breathes, in and out, his eyes zeroed in on your face until he’s calmed himself enough to take a step forward.
Another one follows and then he’s close enough to touch you, yet he doesn’t.
“Is this what I think it is?”
“It’s really heavy,” you joke just as Queenie’s head pops out of the box, the puppy clearly not amused about your arms shaking from her weight.
So many emotions flicker over his face, sad ones and happy ones alike. 
When Haruka reaches for the dog, his hands shake but his grip is gentle and his hold is steady.
It reminds you of the first time he held your hand, knuckles bruised and eyes tear-shot. He’d been gentle then too, even scared-shitless.
Maybe one day he’ll hold your kid like that too. But time will tell if and when that happens. 
There’s still a cat to adopt. And maybe a bunny too.
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aquagirl1978 · 10 months
Petals in the Wind - Kagari Amagase x Reader (Ikemen Prince)
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A/N: Thank you @judejazza and @candied-boys for giving me ideas on what to write for this new prince. Part of the Falling For You Content Creator Challenge hosted by @nightghoul381 and @judejazza
Pairing: Kagari Amagase x Reader
Prompt: sudden downpour (ok, i took some creative liberties with this prompt - sorry!)
Word Count: 609
Tags: fluff
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Running down the steps, the sleeves of your dress fluttered in the wind as you tried to catch up to him without stumbling down the long flight of stairs. But there were many steps, and he had already walked away by the time you ran down. 
Looking in both directions, you tried to figure out which way he had gone – one way was empty, the other a few men milling about. You followed a pathway dotted with sakura trees,  their branches covering you with a fluffy pink canopy, voices growing louder with each step you took. 
And then you heard a familiar voice, one that tugged at your heart with every word spoken.
Leaning against the trunk of a tree, your breath hitched as you spied him unseen. Green eyes sparkled like emeralds under the twilight sky, ruby red hair neatly tied up, his face as striking as it was alluring. Your gaze drifted, lingering on his narrow waist, wanting to wrap your arms around his slender torso.
His head tilted like a curious cat, his gaze meeting yours. No longer unseen, you stepped away from the tree as he approached you. 
Your body filled with warmth as you watched him walk towards you; as the wind blew, the tree branches gently swayed and petals filled the air. Stilled in your spot, you were filled with awe, admiring his ethereal beauty as he walked towards you, his steps as graceful as a cat’s, through a shower of pale pink. 
He didn’t stop walking until he was so close to you, so close you could reach out and run your fingers through his hair, loosening his braid and letting his hair fall in waves like a waterfall.
His eyes went wide and his lips parted, an audible gasp escaping, as you gently tugged on the cord twisted around his neck, its bell softly jingling as you pulled him closer. His expression softened as your lips met in a sweet kiss that soon grew to more. 
Pressing your palm against his cheek, you gazed into his green eyes adoringly. You stroked his skin with your thumb, but quickly removed your hand from his face.
When the kiss was broken and your lips parted, your eyes were still closed. Your breathing heavy, your fingers released the tassel that was tied around his neck. 
Your eyes fell to your trembling hands, the fingertips of one streaked with crimson. Your gaze lifted, fixing upon the dark red spot on the tassel hanging from his neck. 
The same tassel your fingers were just wrapped around.
“Are you okay?”
“It’s just a little blood,” he said, his face filled with fascination as he wiped your fingers with the tips of his gloves, the red of the blood blending into the red of his gloves. “It’s nothing,” he added, tilting your chin up so he could look into your eyes. 
It wasn’t nothing, you reminded yourself. War was a daily part of Kagari’s life here in Kogyoku. And if he was to be a part of your life, that was something you had to get used to. Fast. 
“Let’s go inside. You can inspect my body for any injuries and tend to my wounds,” he teased. Heat rose to your cheeks, your body eager to remove his clothes and inspect every inch of him. 
He twined his fingers with yours, a sweet tingle traveling down your spine as thoughts of Kagari danced in your head. The wind picked up as you walked, encouraging you to hurry your pace, a small downpour of petals covered your joined figures in pink as you climbed the steps to privacy.
Tagging: @redheadkittys @alixennial @rhodolitesroseforclavis @kissmetwicekissmedeadly @chaosangel767 @queengiuliettafirstlady @queen-dahlia @ikehoe @ikemen-writer @talfollowingstuff @kpop-and-otome @kisara-16 @altairring @lucyw260 @lordsisterxotome @umi-adxhira @yarnnerdally @crypticbibliophile @scorchieart @tele86 @nightfoxqueen @melodiousramblings @wendolrea @aceuuuu @randonauticrap @aria-chikage @nightghoul381 @judejazza @maries-gallery @xbalayage @xenokiryu
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sugafairy · 2 years
Naruto Reaction - Seeing Your Natural Hair Pt. 2 (Lee, Choji, Kiba & Neji)
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First request in a while! Ngl this was so self-indulgent (hence why its so long jsnsnssk) This is for all my fellow peeps embracing their natural hair!
Link to Pt 1.
Please don’t forget to like/reblog!
You were spending the night with him. He had insisted. A late night mission led to Konoha 11 checking into a very overbooked hotel. This said mission also left you with a nasty gash on your shoulder, which Sakura had stitched up and promised it wouldn’t scar.
As always, Neji felt responsible for you and wanted to make sure you were okay throughout the night. You were absolutely fine but Neji couldn’t be swayed. He wanted you two to share a room and so you did. It was okay, really. The bed was plush and comfortable and had many pillows that you could sink into.
Neji sat on the edge of the bed looking at you intently and leant forward until he was properly laying down. He propped his head up on his hand, staring at you as you snored softly. Tufts of hair were sticking out of your bun and your edges had fluffed up cutely. He reached out to stroke your head. It was springy and porous and god, you were just beautiful. It was your first night next to him and he wanted to memorise every single coil.
Rock Lee
You were a blooming flower, his blooming flower. He hadn’t seen you in a day and that was a day too long. You typically took a day off for ‘wash day’ - just so you could have enough time for your shampooing, clay mask, conditioner aaand deep conditioner (yes, Lee, those are two different things).
Lee had left Tsunade’s office a little earlier than usual so he thought he’d stop by at your place with some pizza. You opened the door and he blushed. You had a bright pink towel over your shoulders and your wet tresses dangling against it. Your hair was bright blue, your natural colour which complemented your cool, brown skin. “You brought pizza!” You exclaimed, pulling him out of his trance. He chuckled nervously and you grinned up at him and jumped to smooch him on the cheek. He was so smitten.
You had tasked Choji with helping you take down your braids. To your surprise, he was very excited to help. You sat in between his legs, your back leaning against his knees as his hands hovered above your head working swiftly at each braid. You looked down and chuckled at the pile of braiding hair beside you getting bigger whilst your head began to feel lighter. You sighed, it felt great having someone else take your box braids out for you. Choji’s hands occasionally grazed against your scalp, their warmth almost lulling you to sleep. “Love, your hair is so fluffy!” He gleamed as he bumped the top of your head before twirling a strand around his finger. It bounced back, perfectly in shape. He could feel your shoulders slump and your neck relax before you let out soft snores. He chuckled and nuzzled his face into all of your hair, its floral scent making him sigh.
The great Inuzuka (he insists you call him that, nerdy, I know) had promised to teach you how to swim one day and today was indeed, that day. He was wading in the pool, when you eventually strolled out. He was hypnotized by your beauty as you entered the pool. Your corkscrew hair laid delicately against your shoulders. He coughed nervously.
“Right, so we’ll start with getting comfortable with your face being in the water.” You nodded apprehensively.
“Hey, I will be right here with you, okay? Nothing will happen” He said as he put his hand on your shaking shoulder.
You nodded again, took a deep breath and dunked your head down, rather hurriedly. You must’ve panicked, as you spluttered and rushed your head up causing you to stumble against your feet and fall back-first. “Shit!” Kiba exclaimed.
He managed to catch you before you sank backwards. “I’ve got you…” he mumbled, pulling you by your waist, holding you close. He scanned your face. You were no longer breathing heavily and you managed to give him a relaxed smile. Your hair was dripping wet, your curls gently tucked behind your ears. Your hair was much longer when wet, just about under your shoulder blades. He had never seen your natural hair wet before. You looked ethereal. “You look like a mermaid” he breathed out as he cupped the back of your head leaning closer into you.
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saintbarou · 2 years
tags: fluff, after the 4th great war, reader is described as being shorter than shikamaru, smoking, drinking, reader wears shikamaru’s clothes - let me know if i missed something!
synopsis: love is seen in the smallest of moments, when its just you and the other - alone.
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loving shikamaru is built upon the smallest of moments.
when he murmurs into your ear at the table - “going out for a smoke, i’ll be back.” his box of cigarettes and his lighter tap against the table. you can’t help but shiver from his breath dancing along your neck. you smile, cheeks bitten and hot but he blames it on the cold outside and the warn inside. he gives a blushing smile when you tell him you’ll save him a plate.
his cigarette is half way out when you find him, stumbling past the door a slight stumble in your step. he’s at your side faster than you’d expect asking what’s wrong, hands griping your shoulders to steady you. in return you only laugh, rubbing your temples.
“kiba challenged me to chug a pint but then my head started spinning so sakura said to get some fresh air.” you explain and he sighs, exasperated but fond. you’ve always had a habit of not being able to say no when asked to do something. he shakes his head muttering about how kiba is a bonehead and you giggle breathlessly.
his gaze softens at the sound, eyes fond at how you smile softly if not a little wobbly. happiness looks lovely on you, shikamaru can’t help but think.
he blinks as he mulls over his recent thought, tucks away its implications and focuses in the light conversation you begin - you hiccup slightly in between each couple words and he fonds that rather being annoyed by its interruption; he can’t help but find it cute.
he bites the inside of his cheek and marks the tally.
you shiver as a brisk breeze passes over - its fall and heading into winter. he recalls how you’ve always been sensitive to the cold. he calls your name without thinking and before he can rationally process it, he’s zipping off his vest and handing it to you. you’re eyes are wide and shining under the fluorescent lights of the restaurant sign.
“here, i don’t want you freezing on me.” he keeps his tone light but even he sweats under the weight of your stare. smiling bashfully and tucking your chin to your chest, you take the vest and sling it on. the dark green material is warm from his body heat - despite his lean build shikamaru has always run warm. its long on you; he can’t help but huff amused at how the bottom of the zipper hits lower than your waist. he comes closer to you, brings his hands to the collar and pulling out the large pieces of your hair that had gotten stuck underneath the thick collar of the vest.
it’s oddly intimate - he’s smoothing your hair down, and zipping up the vest. he lets his hands run down the slope of your shoulders and his hands come to rest on your biceps. shikamaru swallows. realizing he’s so close to you that he can see the faint mole at the bottom of your lip, the birthmark on your nose and the small gap of hairs in your left eyebrow.
“how do you feel now?” he asks, voice tentatively and soft. he feels like a kid again, seeing the deer of the nara woods with his father for the first time. he can see how your lashes link together when you blink and you look back up at him, he’s grateful for the height difference between you to in this moment. shikamaru can see everyone of your most defining features - he finds them all to be as beautiful as the reflection of the night sky found on the top of a lake.
“my head feels clearer, and i’m a lot warmer now.” you reply, honestly and your eyes flicker away. you are like a doe he thinks, gentle in your approach and demure in your observation. he nods.
“that’s good. want to head in now?” he asks. he half hopes you say no so he can stay here with you just for a little longer. he can smell your perfume - like how you hands smell like the oranges you peel on a hot summer day, and he wonders if you’ll be as sweet as those memories.
“y-yeah, we should. they might be wondering where we are.” you say and he can’t help but agree. he lets go off you, letting his hands trail a little longer and he coughs into his hand. when you go to unzip his vest he stops you.
“it’s okay. keep it until you feel warm enough.” he tells you, looking away and scratching at the back of his neck. shikamaru wonders if you can see his pink cheeks and fights back the embarrassment he feels in his chest if you can.
“besides, it…it looks good on you. just give back at the end of the night.” he finishes with a thin smile and you laugh into your hand at his sheepishly given compliment. you nod, agreeing and watching him with warm cheeks as he heads in first. as he enters back into the restaurant you thumb at the dark green material of the vest.
against your better nature, you bring your nose to the collar and sigh at the scent of pine wood and the hint of cigarette smoke. you walk in shortly after, ducking at the raised eyesbrows of ino and choji, smiling carefully at shikamaru and remove the vest easily. you hand it back with a thank you and he nods, slipping it back on with no comments or complaints.
later in the night, shikamaru does something unlike himself.
when shikamaru lies in bed, he holds the vest up to his face, nose buried in the collar just like you did when left alone. his head spins surround by the scent of citrus and jasmine - a note he didn’t pick up on when he was next to you. with his pounding heart and cheeks red, he realizes something that had been reaching its conclusion since his academy days.
shikamaru nara is in love with you.
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shirolian · 3 months
Autumn's Clear
Days passed. Will it be today? Sitting by the table, hunched over her journal, she bits the end of her pen. Another day to cross. Another day without him. When will he return to her? Staring blankly into the distance, her pen moves on the paper. Where are you? How long will I have to wait? 
This situation was not anything new. And yet, it hurt each time it happened. She was sure that it will hurt each time it happens in the future too. Looking back down on the previously empty space of the page, she realized that she sketched his face. The pen dropped out of her hand and her fingers hovered over the image, gently, softly tracing the well known features. 
“How far are you this time…?” She mumbled, the loneliness grasping her heart tightly.
Weeks eventually turned to months. The pink sakura leaves withered under the scorching summer sun. The salty sea waves eventually lost their azure flair when the autumn came. Bright orange leaves started falling and as she walked towards the campus, one landed in her outstretched palm. It’s autumn again, she thought. Soon, it will be a year since they last met. The smile left her face a long time ago, a numb expression taking its place. Even if the leaf in her hand proudly displayed its bright color, in her eyes, the world faded to monochrome. 
“Where…” She looked to the sky, her eyes mirroring the gray clouds. “Where are you?”
The soft, lifeless steps abandoned the tossed leaf on the ground as the girl kept walking away without looking back. 
Was it cold? Probably yes, she thought. But she felt nothing. Deep inside the mountains, nestled in the cabin that he gifted to her, she gazed at the unfinished painting in front of her. She could no longer stand, her body protested against the starvation that she bestowed upon it. But, at least, his face was finished - and that was the most important part. She could paint the rest of his body just fine from her kneeling position. A weak smile graced her features as she gazed up into the eyes of her model. “Cael… “ She could swear that he smiled back. Was she hallucinating? And if she was, would it be a bad thing that she was finally granted the pleasure of seeing it? Her shaking fingers could no longer hold the brush. The dull thud of the brush falling down didn’t startle her. She was so very… tired. 
“Wait for me… I will finish you,” she mumbled, her palm pressing into the white canvas. The exhaustion took over and her body collapsed on the floor, plunging her into sweet nothingness.
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When he returned back to St. Shelter, his first steps led him to her house. But, nobody was home and eventually he found Beanie in the animal daycare, meowing at him sadly. Promising the now considerably thinner cat that he will return, Cael left in search of her. Where could she go? A certain cabin in the middle of mountains appeared in his mind, urging him to go there. It was the middle of winter, the falling snow blended with his long hair as he scaled the cliff, finally approaching the place. When he opened the door, the chill surprised him. It was almost as cold as outside, barely a difference could be felt. His heart grew heavy, a feeling that he was unaccustomed to. As he passed through the kitchen, dried blue roses on the table caught his eye. Frowning, he took one petal between his fingers - she was there, that was for sure. But why is it so cold and lifeless inside? Still holding the petal, he pressed forward, the uneasiness turning to dread when he reached for the door, opening them and then- a life sized painting of him overtook his vision. By his painted self feet, her lifeless body laid and his eyes widened in pure fear. Running to her body, he knelt down, taking her in his arms and feeling her pulse first. The realization did not quite hit him yet. He kept caressing her pale face, hoping that she would wake up, that she was just sleeping. His finger brushed her colorless lips. Last winter, they were red. What are these feelings? So tight, so out of breath, that he almost choked. His hands, now slightly shaking, pressed her head tighter into his chest, the feeling of her hair cold and unwelcoming. 
Why…? Why aren’t you waking up?
The ever so graceful expression of his painted counterpart watched him, unfeeling and calm. So blissfully unaware, devoid of emotions that ravaged his awakened heart. 
“... Why?”
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greatideas-badwriter · 3 months
Sacrificed To The Banished Prince Ch. 30
Sakura didn’t want to wake up. In fact, she refused. Mentally, she was aware she was asleep, but did everything she could not to move a muscle or think too hard. If she did, her temporary bliss would be ruined. The princess was dreaming of her husband. She was imagining with all her might that she was warm and comfortable. The delusion was strong enough that she could feel Sasuke’s arms around her and smell his comforting scent. 
‘I’ve missed this more than anything. Please, let me cherish it for just a while longer….’ 
She never thought being separated from another person would physically hurt, but it did. Each minute spent apart from the prince felt torturous. It was like he was the perfect dose of pain medication to manage a chronic ailment. Without him, it was hard to exist. 
Recalling how the last month or so had felt in Sasuke’s absence, the woman couldn’t help but melt into the dream. She buried her face in his shirt, clutching its fabric with trembling hands while tears fell heavily down her face. Even if it was only an illusion, a wonderful dream, Sakura felt safer than she had in a long time. 
The lump in her throat grew to unbearable levels when the prince’s chest moved slower as he took in a deep breath while waking. His arms tightened around her before one of them traveled up to tangle in her hair and hold her closer. She nuzzled in, internally pleading for the affection to never end. It was just as she suspected all those days spent with nothing to do while being held captive. The prince made everything okay with just a simple embrace. It was as though all her problems melted away. All was right within his arms.
“Sakura….” The man’s sweet, raspy voice whispered into her hair. Her tears fell more heavily as she broke into sobs. The good feelings were going away as she began coming to terms with the fact that this wasn’t real. Anytime, she’d be waking up on the cold barn floor, hungry and terrified. 
“I’m sorry,” Sasuke whispered, soothing her hair with slow movements, “I’m so sorry. I’ll never leave you alone like that again.” 
The princess slowly opened her eyes. Her breath hitched when she was able to see for the first time in weeks. It was dark, but she could make out the tear stains on her husband’s white shirt. She couldn’t contain her disbelief and struggled to breathe, pushing away so she could properly see. 
Sasuke sat up as well, his dark eyes watery as he searched her face. Sakura wiped fervently at her wet cheeks before cupping his face with shaking hands. There was a dark bruise tarnishing his jaw on the right side, and his left bicep and hand were bandaged, but this was the prince. This was her husband in real life, not a dream. At the moment, it was too much for her. She couldn’t control herself and fumbled to hug him tightly, clinging to him like her life depended on it. 
‘It’s really him. He really came for me.’ 
It took a long time for the woman to calm down enough to release the man and lay back down. When she did, he followed suit while staring as though afraid she’d disappear if he looked away for even a moment. By the glint in his eye, Sakura could tell Sasuke had many things he’d like to say, but words simply weren’t coming. She opened her mouth to attempt speaking for the first time in weeks, only to freeze when she realized it wasn’t Akuma before her. 
It was definitely nighttime, so how…? 
“The demon…. He broke his promise in order to protect you,” Sasuke quietly informed his wife. 
Her mouth closed in surprise, ‘He tried to kill on my behalf? Does that mean Akuma is gone? …I didn’t get to say goodbye….’ A strong sense of sadness washed over Sakura. 
Sasuke seemed able to read her mind because he assured her quickly, “He is still here. I now have control over when he’s able to arise.” 
A moment of silence passed before he spoke again, changing the subject now that they both had better control over their emotions, “Are you alright?” There was a softness to his voice that hinted he was afraid to hear the answer. 
Sakura studied his face for a moment before nodding, leaning into his gentle touch when he slid his hand between the pillow and her cheek. Warmth met his dark eyes before they fell to her neck, his hand following. Goosebumps rose to her skin at the sensation. 
“You haven’t been able to speak?” 
She shook her head, glad he was able to infer that without an explanation. 
He slid his hand beneath her cheek again, his thumb brushing the corner of her lips as his gaze darkened, “I want to know everything you had to endure.” 
It was then that a certain insinuated question made the atmosphere heavy. Sakura’s heartbeat quickened, tears brimming her eyes once more while she shook her head, ‘He’s worried I was harmed by someone like Hihara again.’ 
An unsteady deep breath came and left the prince. He closed his eyes to calm for a moment before nodding reassuringly at Sakura, his expression less hesitant, “I’m relieved. If such a thing had occurred, I’d-" "Sasuke….” Sakura’s voice was hoarse and quiet. It was a little painful to speak after being silent for so long, not to mention the sheer amount of cold air she’d been breathing. 
She hadn’t meant to rudely interrupt his heartfelt communication, but the topic had brought something very important to mind. 
He closed his mouth, searching her face more attentively. 
She couldn’t speak, then. The lump in her throat, this time from nerves, was too big to swallow. Concern quickly met the man’s features. In hopes of quickly reassuring him that nothing was terribly wrong, Sakura panicked. Unsure what else she could do, she grabbed his uninjured hand and guided it down under the covers, between their bodies. Their gazes remained locked as she hesitantly manipulated his hand so that it pressed flat to her stomach, fingers pointing down. Then, she held it there, pressing her own palm to the back of his hand and attempting to wordlessly communicate with him since her ability to speak had failed. 
It took a few seconds for the confused expression to melt into realization. Then, the cautious feel of his touch became firmer. The prince’s eyes lit up with surprise, “You are…!” 
Sakura nodded, a smile meeting her lips as it was clear the man wasn’t unhappy with the news. 
Sasuke’s brow furrowed, his head shaking a few times. He fumbled to slip his hand beneath her nightgown, pressing his palm flat to her stomach with excitement quickening his breath. He kissed her once, pulling back to try asking for unneeded clarification, “I…We…?” He swallowed hard and retried, his nose brushing against hers, “A child?” 
Sakura nodded, kissing him softly. The prince accepted the affection, moving to wrap his arms around her. When she pulled away from the kiss to smile bashfully at him, he closed his eyes and pressed his forehead to hers. Brimming with relief, the princess did the same. Then, they were silent. 
They were content. 
They were reunited, at last. 
The following sleep was the best rest she’d had since their honeymoon. When she stirred, her entire body was sore, especially her feet. It wasn’t nearly as bad as she expected, though. The doctors explained immediately upon her waking that they’d used the strongest healing potion they could find. It wasn’t enough to completely heal a person, but it ensured no infections would meet her wounds and would hasten the recuperation process. 
As soon as the doctor was finished checking her over, Sasuke rose from the chair he’d been sitting in nearby. He refused to let her out of his sight. In the past, Sakura might’ve found it uncomfortable, but that was before spending over a month as a prisoner. His pretty, dark eyes flickered to the entrance of the large room before he sat on the edge of the bed, taking one of his wife’s hands into his own. 
The heightened emotions from last night had, thankfully, simmered, so his composure was intact. His voice was stable in its usual, soft yet strong way. His face was mostly stoic with just the tiniest glimmer of relief and exhaustion shining through. “Until we discover who ordered your kidnapping, do not tell anyone about the pregnancy.” 
Sakura nodded with a warming face. It was foreign, hearing the man speak on their situation so calmly. In her eyes, it seemed as though the prince was happier than he cared to admit, even to her, about becoming a father. She’d been terrified he’d be distraught, so it was a weight off her shoulders. 
The door to the room burst open to reveal King Madara followed by the first prince and a line of palace staff carrying trays of foods and drinks. “Niece! I’m so relieved to see you safe once more!” The king approached as though he wished to take Sasuke’s spot sitting on the bed’s edge, but the second prince didn’t move a muscle and instead fixed his uncle with a firm stare. 
Sakura bowed her head, “Y-Your-” “Don’t try to speak yet. You’re still healing,” Sasuke cut off her hoarse attempt. 
Itachi chimed in after a moment of awkward silence met the room, “Please, Sister, eat and rest well so your body can heal itself more quickly. We can all talk while you do.” 
Blush heated the woman’s face at his calling her his sister, burning even hotter when a maid politely handed Sasuke a tray full of easy to digest breakfast foods. He glanced at his wife, who shook her head to indicate she didn’t want him to feed her. Wordlessly he handed over the tray before turning his gaze back on his family members, “Is there any news from the interrogators?” 
Sakura slowly ate some oatmeal, not wanting to upset her stomach. ‘Did they manage to capture Hidan and Kakuzu, then? Or is it the farmer and his family?’ She wanted to ask but couldn’t for obvious reasons. 
“Since Kisame is still recovering, we haven’t been able to view his memories. He’s not responding to torture, either,” Madara said, his eyes turning onto the princess every so often as though ensuring she remained present and stable. 
Sasuke asked, “How is Kisame? He mentioned sending us here was costly.” 
Itachi frowned, nodding, “He’s comatose. It’s expected he won’t wake for several days.” 
Sakura vaguely recalled meeting someone with that name. Their appearance escaped her, though. 
Her husband’s brow furrowed, but his older brother cut him off before he could speak, “He knew the consequences of using so much energy. It was his choice, so do not blame yourself.” 
The Uchiha trio’s discussion carried on for a while. Once Sakura had eaten her fill, she turned onto her side and curled up under the blankets. It was difficult to understand how she was still so tired after sleeping for so long. Her eyes drooped as the royal family’s voices floated around the room. A soft hum vibrated her chest when she felt Sasuke slide a hand in between hers so she could hold it. Feeling safe enough to even lay there with her eyes willingly closed was something that’d be considered a luxury little more than a day ago. Sakura lulled in and out of consciousness, only picking up pieces of the words said. 
Home was Sasuke, and she was happy to be home. 
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scribomaniac · 4 months
From One Moment to the Next
Sakura’s lungs burned as her chest heaved with the exertion of a hard won fight. Scattered about the forest floor lay the dead bodies of their assailants. There were dozens of them. Men and women alike, all wearing hitai-ates with the symbol of Grass carved into it. Placing her hands on her hips, Sakura took a deep breath and looked over at Sasuke. 
Her teammate looked whole and hale, but still, it was best to ask and be sure. “Any injuries?” 
Raising his brow, Sasuke gave her a droll look. 
Huffing out a laugh, Sakura raised her hands. “Just checking.” Then, with a teasing twist to her grin, she added, “Can’t have Itachi’s precious little brother getting hurt. He’d never forgive me.”
Sasuke snorted. “You’re so annoying.” Rolling his eyes and turning to face her fully, he said, “If I had known how obnoxious the two of you would be once you started dating I never would have allowed it.”
This time it was Sakura’s turn to snort. “As if you could’ve stopped it. Besides,” Sakura said with a dramatic flip of her hair, “we’re not dating anymore. We’re engaged.”
Sasuke’s eye twitched. “I can’t believe you’re going to be my sister.”
“Could be worse,” Sakura said with a laugh. “Could be Naruto.”
Turning green, Sasuke shook his head to banish the thought from his mind. “Come on. We need to meet back up with the idiot and Kakashi.”
Sakura grunted, wondering what shape Kakashi’s eye might be in. He’d had back to back solo missions, disrupting their regular healing sessions. She hoped he hadn’t used his Sharingan too much in the meantime. He shouldn’t have had to today–these Grass ninja were no match for Team Seven–but Kakashi wasn’t exactly known for making the best decisions when it came to his physical health. So long as he didn’t die, that was good enough for him. 
And Sasuke called Naruto the moron. 
Movement just behind Sasuke’s shoulder caught her eye. Before she could register what she was seeing–a bloodied but still very much alive Grass shinobi with a weapon aimed at her teammate’s back–Sakura pushed Sasuke out of the way. 
Haruno Sakura, the muscle of Team Seven. All brute strength but no speed. 
The weapon pierced just below her sternum, the force of the throw pushing her backwards and pinning her against a tree. No shout nor scream escaped her lips. Only a shuddering, whisper of a gasp could be heard. Sakura wasn’t sure what to call the weapon. A javelin? A lance? A pointed stick thicker than her forearms put together? Whatever it was was making it very hard for her to breathe. 
A lung had been pierced. No matter how she gasped or tried to suck in a breath, she felt smothered. Several ribs were broken, obviously. As sweat poured down her brow and neck, Sakura brought her shaky hands up to claw at the piece of wood sticking out of her chest. 
It wasn’t moving. Why wasn’t it moving?
She couldn’t focus. Her chakra felt weak, sluggish, as if it was something far out of her reach. Hands feeling like lead, she tried again and again to break the object without success. Her forehead burned where her Byakugou Seal fought to be released. Sakura couldn’t let that happen yet though. Not until she got this damn piece of wood out of her fucking chest. Her body wouldn’t be able to heal with it in the way. It’d be a waste of cell division. 
A cough ripped its way from Sakura’s throat, followed immediately by a river of blood and spit. Darkness encroached around the edges of her vision and she could no longer feel her fingers. Panic set in, making Sakura feel like a wild animal caught in a trap. Panic was the enemy in trauma situations. It made people lose their heads and rationality. It claimed just as many lives as kunai. If she wasn’t careful, it would cost Sakura hers. 
Think. She needed to think! She needed this weapon removed. She couldn’t rely on her own strength to do it, so what else was there? 
Sasuke. Sasuke! Sakura could laugh with relief. She tried, too, but all that escaped her lips was a gurgle of more blood. 
“Sakura–shit. Why aren’t you healing? What do you need?”
Was he kidding? He had to be kidding. Could he not see the foreign object protruding from her chest cavity? 
“Okay, it’s–it’s going to be okay,” he said, more to himself than her. He stared at her forehead with wide, red eyes. The tomoe of his Sharingan spun wildly as he waited for the surge of chakra to be released from her seal. His brows furrowed when he saw nothing. “Why–”
“Sakura! Bastard!” Naruto shouted as he flashed into their clearing like a streak of orange. “What’s the hold up? I want to get home for some ram–oh, shit, Sakura!” He appeared at her side and asked, “What happened?”
Sasuke smacked the back of his head. “What do you think happened, idiot? That’s not the problem.”
“Yeah!” Naruto nodded frantically. “Come on, Sakura, why don’t you fix yourself up?”
If she lived through this, she was going to kill them. 
The darkness within her vision grew. She didn’t have much time left. Sakura tried to take in some breath, tried to tell them what she needed, but all she could muster up was a wheeze. 
“Move.” A new voice said, taking control of the situation. Sakura’s eyes fluttered open–when had they closed?–to see three fuzzy-looking Kakashi’s before her. “We need to remove the lance, and quick. Her seal can’t do anything if she’s dead.”
Thank the gods for Kakashi, Sakura thought. If she survived, she’d buy him all the porny books he liked. 
Everything had turned dark. There was a beating, sluggish and loud, reverberating again and again in her ears. The beating felt precious. Final. But her mind was dizzy with exhaustion, and she couldn’t recall why that was important. 
Sakura had once heard that as a person lay dying, they saw their life flash before their eyes. Instead of seeing the faces of her parents though, or scenes from her days at the Academy, time spent with her friends, training with Tsunade, all Sakura saw was Itachi. Itachi, drinking tea on the engawa as the sun rose over the horizon. Itachi, bringing her into wakefulness with soft kisses along her neck. Itachi, quietly walking beside Sakura on her way to the market, or the hospital, or to wherever else, just to spend a few extra moments with her. 
The beating stopped. 
The pain went away. 
Sakura’s eyes drifted shut.
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supermarine-silvally · 6 months
💙 + Portada!! -🍂
tysm as always for the prompts, my dear Alvita!! Apologies that this took awhile to get to, hope you enjoy! 💕
💙 drunken kiss / tipsy
Yara carefully lifted the sides of her long white dress as she ascended the stairs of the Moby Dick, reaching the upper deck. It was far quieter up here, away from the noise of the party still going strong on the summer island that the massive ship— among many others— was anchored at. She pushed a strand of hair out of her face from where it had come loose from the ornate pins that bound her long violet locks into a bun, interwoven with little silk flowers for added decoration— sakura blossoms, at Izou’s insistence; a nice little nod to her Wano heritage on this very special occasion.
As she stepped onto the deck, however, her brow furrowed. Just ahead of her, she could make out another silhouette, illuminated by the moonlight reflecting on the open ocean. Someone had apparently beaten her here. Quietly, she moved across the wooden boards, stopping about a metre away from them, her arms resting on the gunwale as she gazed out at the calm sea.
“Come here often, gorgeous?”
The sound of the smooth voice made Yara’s lips twitch upwards. “Every now and again,” she replied. “Though it’s not usually occupied.”
She could feel warm hands press against her waist, sliding sensually down to settle on her hips. Gentle kisses peppered her neck, trailing down to her collarbone.
“Just my luck, then, to run into such a beautiful woman in this place.”
“Careful,” she murmured. “My husband is nearby.”
“You have a husband?”
“Mm-hmm. Just married, too.”
“What’s he like?”
“Oh, he’s very handsome. Soft black hair, the cutest freckled cheeks…”
“Sounds like a real dreamboat.”
Yara couldn’t hold her amusement back any longer, letting out a giggle. “You’re enjoying this way too much, aren’t you?”
Ace kissed the crook of her neck again, his arms wrapping around her chest. “Can’t help myself,” he admitted.
“What are you doing alone out here, anyways?”
“Waiting for you. I know there’s only so much party you can take before you need a moment to yourself, and I thought I’d grab the opportunity to steal you away for a bit. …Look.” He grinned, detaching himself from her and bringing her attention towards two fancy glasses sitting on a barrel beside him. “I brought drinks.”
“How thoughtful,” she hummed appreciatively. “But are you sure you wouldn’t rather be at the party? You might not see Luffy again for a while.”
“Eh, Luffy understands.” Ace smiled, lifting up the glasses. As he stepped towards her, she could see that his shirt was fully unbuttoned, exposing his bare chest. The tie had come off ages ago, lost sometime in between the dancing and the cake-cutting. Anyone else might have considered it uncouth, but it was so him that Yara couldn’t find it within herself to care.
“You’re certain?”
“Yeah. Besides, I’m sure Usopp is keeping everyone entertained with the fiftieth rendition of his goldfish story.”
Yara laughed, shaking her head. “I adore your brother’s crew to bits, but those stories do get a tad repetitive after a while, I’ll admit.”
“That they do. …Here you go.” He handed her one of the glasses. “This is yours-- It’s white wine. I know champagne messes with your stomach.”
She received it from him, staring at it. “Are you sure we should be drinking any more?”
Ace shot her a lopsided grin. “Hey, it’s a special night. Our special night. I’m sure one more drink wouldn’t hurt.”
“Marco might disagree.”
“Pssh, who cares what Birdbrain thinks? It’s not his wedding.”
She let out a soft laugh. “I suppose you’re right.”
“Here.” He leaned his glass towards hers. “To us?”
“To us,” she agreed, clinking them together.
Yara tilted the glass back, downing its contents in one go. Her head buzzed as she placed the empty glass down on the gunwale, then turned to glance over at Ace, meeting his dark, sweet eyes. He was looking right at her, as if all the stars had coalesced to bask her in their heavenly light.
“What?” she asked, raising an eyebrow
“Nothing.” He grinned. “Just… admiring my gorgeous wife. …Heh. My wife. I get to call you that now.”
“You’ve been calling me your wife ever since we got engaged,” she pointed out.
“Yeah, but now it’s official official.” He held up his hand, showing off the golden band on his ring finger. “No takesies-backsies. …Unless you get sick of me in a few years and want a divorce.”
Yara couldn’t help but burst out laughing. “Don’t be ridiculous. I wouldn’t have married someone I could so easily get sick of.”
Maybe it was the alcohol buzz, or the fatigue, or just the silly, lovestruck grin on Ace’s face, but all of her inhibitions suddenly faded away. Draping her arms over his shoulders for balance, she leaned forwards, pressing her lips to his. It was a slow, uncoordinated kiss, her sense of timing dulled by the multiple glasses of wine she had consumed over the course of the evening. She could taste the champagne on his lips as he kissed her back at his own unhurried pace, mouths sloppily melding together as his hand slid around her waist, then slowly moved upwards along her spine to toy with the zipper at the back of her dress.
“Ace…” she murmured, breaking the kiss and pushing his hand away.
“What?” He tried to look innocent.
“We’re still technically in public. Save it for later.”
tagging: @auxiliarydetective @daughter-of-melpomene @box-of-bats @starcrossedjedis
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pompadorbz · 6 months
Any specific notes you’ve got on the thought process behind each student’s new uniform changes for the THH cast? And are you planning to do some for the SDR2 and V3 cast as well?
Note: Anon is referring to these designs!Hmm kinda! There are some choices I made more deliberately than others, although not many characters go as deep as the one note I had about Taka's design. But I'll happily go through the ones that I didn't!Mondo - I initially didn't have Mondo's blazer be embroidered, but considering it's such a stick-out feature of his canon design, it felt wrong not keeping it. Additionally, Mondo is a little bit scrawnier here, for lack of a better word, and that's deliberate! These are supposed to be the students at their first year of the academy, so I wanted to make Mondo seem a little younger!
Taka - I'm not gonna reiterate here so instead here's the post where I talk about him a lil. Lol.
Celeste - Girl is absolutely fighting for her LIFE with this uniform, and for what its worth she found a pretty good balance! The dress underneath is a JSK of her own design, and kinda meant to be reminiscent of earlier EGL styles. She is supposed to look a little bit "ITA", even. I also brought back the hair ribbons from her beta design, and the butterfly hairclip takes from the pattern on her tie in canon!
Chihiro - I have a couple notes on Chihiro! For starters I honestly wanted to make her look a little bit dorkier lol. I gave her the little headband and the glasses for that reason, but the glasses were also to make her match her Dad even more! I wanted to give her a massive backpack too so she always has a spot to keep her laptop and other equipment (yes she has it on her at all times). And finally I gave her a little sweater vest with a dandelion on it, since one of her favorite gifts is the everlasting dandelion! It's supposed to be embroidered on, heehee.
Sayaka - As much as I love her, Sayaka's design isn't actually all that deep? lol. I've always had an affinity for drawing Sayaka with cute little designer hats. i honestly think she has a few of them that she can whip out to give any look a little extra panache. Not to mention the constant inclusion of TONS of pink. I also gave her the flower hairclip from one of her beta designs!
Aoi - Hina is honestly one of my favorite designs in the roster! I just really like her silhouette, idk. I always knew she had to keep the shorts, so she gets the shorts!! Her typical tracksuit is around her waist instead, her eyes are a darker blue for the sake of my sanity, and her ponytail has a kinkier shape! My favorite little detail that I'm sure nobody noticed is that the thing tying her hair together is a coil scrunchie, since they're super good for wet hair in particular! I used to use them a lot back when I used to swim!
Sakura - Honestly, I just wanted Sakura to look at ordinary as humanly possible. She gets a really normal looking uniform- little to no modifications made aside from wearing her usual shoes, the armbands, the bandages, and the striped socks that I took from one of her beta designs!
Hifumi - Hifumi didn't really change all that much either, aside from getting the orange pants to match his orange tie! I do think he painted the arrow on himself, and it looks INCREDIBLY scuffed, lol. Honestly, my main priority with hifumi was to do him some actual justice on the anatomy side, lol. I hope I did an alright job!
Makoto - Makoto also doesn't really change all that much... Really, all that got altered was the blazer and the pants, although I will note that the pants are rolled up because he ABSOLUTELY ordered the wrong size by accident.
Kyoko - Going into this, LONG before I started drawing her I knew that Kyoko needed to have pants, even if it killed me. I just always thought that it'd better suit her usual design to have pants, or at LEAST a longer skirt. It always just looked kinda off to me that she had this big long sleeved blazer and then a short pleated skirt?? Like at least allow her the luxury of like. A pencil skirt. Lol.
Byakuya - Byakuya also doesn't really undergo much change. Really, all i have to say regarding him is that hes got a tall collared button-up and that he kept his usual necktie...
And that's everyone until I sit my ass down and draw the rest! I'm sure I'll eventually get to it... Possibly.
As for the other games, currently I have no plans to do anybody beyond the thh cast. I MIGHT do sdr2 at a far, FAR later date, but I don't think V3 will ever be on the table since quite frankly, I couldn't be assed. Sorry if you were hoping for them!
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yatorihell · 9 months
Noragami Reread Volume 7-10
One word: Hate!
Volume 7
Oh the art of the three of them I'm so sad
Oh look at Yato's face he's so sad I hope we see it again in the final chapter
'Don't cut our ties I want to be with you longer' I'm going to kill myself live at five
God Yato planning the wedding and holidays he's down bad
Oh that's so me calling someone whilst already lurking nearby
What if Hiyori and Fujisaki get together at the end lol (I will commit)
Yukine not questioning Hiyori if they're gunna picnic again next year he believes her I'm so sad
Hiyori forcing peace between Yato and Bishamon at the picnic
Oh the picnic I'm do sad Aiha is apologising to Hiyori
Oh yh make Yatobisha canon this is hot
Bubble era Yato fucks (hypothetically)
'Yato would become a raging spirit for you if he had to' I'm vomiting
I'm going to kms 'Because your life was in danger. Even if it meant plunging the heavens in to chaos, killing a god, rescuing you was their highest priority'
Tenjin telling Hiyori she has the power to make Yato like that's its been 24 chapters!!!!
Tbh Kofuku at the party is bad luck
YATO WHY DID YOU FAKE KISS HER getmarried I'm Aiha's reaction
'I ain't gunna help you a third time' lol sike
Hiyori annoyed blushing remembering the kiss
'You're yatos first' I hate life
Oh the little trio picnic
'He must have been lonely for such a long time'
Oh they're walking together their height is changed she's taller it's been 6 months
Divine possession for the plot let's gooo
Bishamon military outfit is a serve
Crafter plot begins
Ebisu's stupid little hat (affectionate)
This is such a dodgy chapter jahshs Yato please
Yato sabotaging Hiyori reputation
Yes beat the shit out of him Yukine this is not a good chapter
All theese horny kids looking for Hiyori's services Jesus
Argument about selling Yukine to Ebiau hshsh
'I'll build my own shrine without any help'
Yato in a money pile
My god did someone call whilst masturbating
'GO GET YOUR BACK DOOR SMASHED IN' the way I choked!!!
'You just can't commit'
No one would make him a shrine oh I'm so sad Adachitoka you make me so sad
Shrine!!!!!! She made him a shrine!!!!!!
Yukine go away it's a perfectly fine shrine
Ebisu is so ominous and turns out he's just like a guy who can't do shit
Yato forced them to approve the shrine he's a real god now
'Once people forget about them they fade away'
'Shrine helps people remember better' is it going to trigger Hiyori final chapter
Yato survival through the ages called into question foreshadowing
Foreshadowing of Kazuma binding Yukine
'Someone once told me I didn't need one of those things' yh your bitchass dad
'I'm gunna make Hiyori the happiest girl in the world' CAN YOU
Oh the lamp night light for Yukine I'm so sad
Oh Nora you little freak get him
Yato gets a pass for killing that guy because he was bad <3
Yato failing to break up with Nora 
Father get a haircut
'Do you think Hiyori and Yukine can really love you' YES!!!
Image of Father taking the shrine
I liked it more when Hiyori got kidnapped lol
Vol 8
He prefers Yukine as a shinki!!!!
How would Father know about Yato's shrine???
Father shaggy hair era
Hiyori knowing something wrong that Yato didn't appear for a while
Yato disappeared months or years leaving shinki behind, I wonder if any of them strayed
Father stop trying to smash your sons girl
Savage Hiyori doesn't like your musty ass
I like Okuninushi
Why does he can Ebisu baldy
Why is there a bunny on his bike
Kuraha questioning his purpose is me
Yato has a conscious of who he's killing if it's justice
Yato putting the kid in the cupboard to save him from seeing the murder
Wonder if its an old wish from the woman or her soul, and is she aware she was left to die up there
Tbf it's good work he does killing these people
Oh he's panicking about Hiyori forgetting him
Oh look at that crazy face girl gone wild
Oh he's so scared
Yomi arc let's go
Hhf Daikoku is a rip off version
'I need to get back' + Hiyori vision
I'm begging please stop the Hiyori sex thing
Capyperland trip incoming
Hiyori's starting to forget about them hate!!!
Takemikasuchi is such a snitch then it turns out he's just lame
Yukine became hafuri in 6 months daddy issues makes strong bonds
'Even if I do make it back in one piece it won't mean a damn thing' WHAT WILL HAPPEN FINAL CHAPTER!!!!!
Yato feeling sick about sharing shinki
Yukine studying at Bishamons house
Oh I hate his bangs kill him look at all the bookmarks in his guide
Bitch is really at a theme park with Yato's girl whilst he's fighting for his life
Oh I'm so sad she's thinking of Yato and seeing him in bitch boy
SHE'S FORGETTINGGGG I'm ending it she can feel somethings wrong what will happen final chapter!!!!!!
Fujisaki stop fucking blushing
'I feel like someone is missing even though we were always together'
The face I made looking at that kiss
Fujisaki die challenge
SHE CAN'T SEE HIMMMM Yukine stopped worrying about being forgotten and was forgotten
Oh I hope the scent triggers her memories I'm so sad maybe it'll be open ending
Daikoku bursting in crying about kofuku then embarrassed Hiyori is there
Hiyori's diary entey 'Yato is staring at me and not saying anything'
'Thought I would never forget but I'm not an exception' I hate this manga
I don't believe it's a joke that Yato knows bondage art
Heavens justice net foreshadowing
'Why do you exist yato'
'So I don't wanna disappear' vs latest chapter I'm so sad
'I just wanted to make someone happy'
A god that brings people happiness
Oshi is such a bitch strays aren't illegal you've just got purity culture
Kagome song is creepy look it up
Nora gets more emotional and expressive as the manga goes on, mainly because Father's always leaving her behind
Vol 9
Yato sees Hiyori in Izanami as persin he's comfortable with
'You love me too don't you' he combusting
Father pocked marked girl flashback
'I wonder if he ever got to see his loved one' HAAAAA
Lore starta alluding to another name for Yato
Daikoku and Yukine height difference kills me
'A human could never love like that'
I love the fight scenes you can actually tell what's happening
Yeah grab him by the neck wait what
Nora you duplicitous bitch
Hiyori pouts being told not to go to ayomu then does the opposite
It's a shame we don't get to see Okuninushi in action in the manga I wanna see the spider freak
'Someone who can make her proud'!!!
Yato helping Ebisu lice
Hiyori thinking of Yato for help when Kuguha grabs her
'You're Yato's pride and joy'
Yato tied up ohoho
Yato really trauma bonds with Ebisu and hauls ass out of there
Baby ebisu
'Don't you dare die on me' AHA
Ebisu wanting to live after meeting Yato
Oh Kiun yes
Bishamon’s armour is such a look it's a shame we don't see it more
'My blessed one' and people wonder why Kazuma is her bitch
Exploding child out of left field, that was such a confusing scene when I first read it
The chapter opening and ending with 'you will live again'
Ebisu really just blows up... reminds me of the Gamecube edit I made of that lol
Vol 10
God Yukine witnesses Ebisu's death, what if he thought that would happen to Yato in the recent chapter
Oh Bishamon’s so pissed let her pop
'Yato's blessed one'
Yukine is so small next to Hiyori and Daikoku
Yato knowing he wouldn't bring Yukine into Yomi because of the dark
'You're a god, who gave you your name?' technically it's Sakura regardless
If/when Yato returns final chapter, I wonder if his true name would be Yato not Yaboku
Hearing Yaboku then imagining Hiyori
Oh the shadow of his father haunting him the parallels
Yes tie him up Izanami
Bishamon has come to collect her twink
Yato's face getting rescued like how have we got this far
Amaterasu first appearance
'The heavens are always right they must never bow to another' are you sure about that
The imagery of Yomi is so pretty, all the line things I forget the name
'Bishamon won't be replaced' girl you had us worried for like 2 years you would be
Yato starts fighting knowing Hiyori and Yukine are waiting
Bishamon starting to be eaten by the women and Kazuma's reaction
'Father heard a voice calling his name' the Tamayobi lore in the notes is interesting to explain how he came back
Soul call oh I'm so sad Adachitoka you make me so sad I'm going to kms
Oh imagine getting to end of 37 for the first time and finding out who father is
Hiyori visiting Yato all the time that Yukine is like why are you here again
Yato calling Bsihamon skank even after all that, the misogynist
Oh he's gunna find Ebisu reincarnated
Oh he's so sad
Stealing Kazuma's clothes
Yato telling Ebisu that Bishamon’s real name is skank is dirty
'I fell in love with the world as soon as I saw it' he's too pure for this world
'Was I the kind of god who could make people happy' vs Yato deciding to be that
'You were always willing to give up your own life for others(...) a guy like me could never even compete' vs recent chapter I'm so sad I'm ending it
Kazuma panicking about his missing stuff and the phone
Iwami making Ebisu promise not to die again
Father getting Ebisu taken out because he wants brush good plan all in all
Yato releases Nora and now we have the whole picture of what they went through growing up it makes you hope Nora gets adopted
Yato keeping Kazuma's phone saying its his
Yukine stabbing Yato to death is valid
Bishamon starts her personal grudge against Father
Yato watching Hiyori and Hiyori dropping her body to follow, girl you gotta stop
Did Yato watch her then go to Yukine to ask how to be a god who makes people happy I hate it here
Yato past revealed
Yato saying he didn't want stop killing but basically it's OK because he always knew they were bad people
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mbrowne-writ-344 · 3 months
WINDBREAKER(and my love of watching a good fight)
Hellos and Salutations!
Alas this is the final blog of the quick paced summer class🥲, but worry not! For I shall leave you with one final goodie.(Unless I decide to continue writing this blog in the near future)
This weeks recommendation is:
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Wind Breaker!, or should I say WINDBREAKER
I think my first question for you guys would be if you know about a previous anime called "Tokyo Revengers". If you do, and you have gripes with the fighting and how the main character was a crybaby pushover, WATCH.THIS.SHOW.
First year Haruka Sakura(yes his name is Sakura, like CHERRY BLOSSSOM)moves away from his old home to attend the infamous Furin high. It used to be known for its violent students who always used to get into trouble within the city. Sakura came for the sole purpose of climbing(fighting) his way to the very top of the school so he could be seen as the strongest, however things have changed. Furin high has changed from being a delinquent high school, to the sole protectors of the city, with its citizens giving them a new name 'WINDBREAKER'
Now lemme just say one thing, this main character
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He's my baby, He's my angry kicking butt baby!!!!
the heterochromia eyes, the dual colored hair!!!! IM EATING GOOD😍
Watching this kid fight has had my heart pumping like I'm watching a match in the ring. He.Kicks.A$$ and he flies across the screen so effortlessly, my eyes couldn't get enough!
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Look at him go, he's like a spider monkey <3
If it weren't for me always putting you on to the first episode, would you even believe me if I said this was the first episode????
I maybe watched his fight with these people 4 times over before I actually watched the rest of the episode(Like imagine getting hit by a flying spin kick, I was flinching the entire time)and even then I watched the episode another 4 times before i beelined for my iPad.
You guys, 139 chapters!! and they were long ones!🥹(YIPPEEEE)
as I found this anime on its release date, which was about 2 months ago(April 5th to be exact) I was still in college classes, let me tell you...I went to class with dark circles.
I couldn't put it down, and my room mates could tell you that I would NOT.SHUT.UP. About this show.
So if you like watching smooth fights, and interesting characters with fighting styles( I guess you'll have to watch if you wanna know what I'm talking about here, cant give too many spoilers now can I?😈) Give WINDBREAKER a watch and a read!
Its first couple volumes are also out in paperback form! I have Volumes 1 & 2 myself, I shall be getting the rest as they come out
I hope you enjoyed the recommendations I had lined up, they should last you the rest of your summer vacation!(and much longer afterward) <3
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fictionblossom · 1 year
Let's Not Fall In Love
Summary: He had to end it before the world breaks her apart. He would rather crumble his own world than see her getting hurt. [Modern AU]
Pairing: Uchiha Itachi x Haruno Sakura
A/N: A continuation of what I wrote earlier. I had fun writing this. I'd love to talk about this more, hit me up if you guys enjoy this piece!! <3
Link to Part 1
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Part 2
/A month before/
That evening, Sakura was administering an injection following a successful surgery of a man who was brought hours previously.
A male figure with grey hair and a pair of round glasses sat by the corner of the room, looking at her movements intently. His gestures made Sakura feel uneasy being in the same room. His look was not one of observation, but it had a certain malicious glint that Sakura could not pinpoint accurately. But she felt the impending doom and the increased thumping in her chest.
The last thing she felt before she exited the room was a sharp pain in her neck and her vision went black.
Not long after, Sakura had woken up in an empty basement, which had a similar surgical table in the operating theatre she was in earlier that day. Her hands were tied behind her back, as were her legs in front of her as she was seated on the dusty concrete. She was no longer in her doctor's coat though she had been wearing the same attire she did that day.
"Took you long enough, doctor. I was beginning to think if I should force you to wake up instead." She saw it again. The same malicious glint of the same eyes before she lost consciousness.
Her head turned towards the man sitting on the table before her.
"Humour me, Princess."
She remained silent.
"Tell me. The Uchihas have been saving this pretty little secret of theirs to themselves. Who are they selling the Nine Tailed Fox to?"
"I don't know what you mean."
"Is it the Namikazes? The Naras?"
The man uncrossed his legs. He approached her and smirked, earning a glare from the pink haired doctor.
"Alas, where are my manners? The name's Kabuto," he extended his hand to her, his smirk continuing to plaster his face. "Oops, you're tied. Heh."
"I'll be forgetting my manners if you don't tell me who the Uchihas are selling the guns to."
The Nine Tailed Fox, firearms which were manufactured solely by the Uchiha gang, was one of the most exclusive, current and sought-after weapons of destruction by the multiple gangs in Konoha. It made no sound, its firing speed at the rate where the bullets are almost invisible to the eye.
Possessing the Nine Tailed Fox was a show of dominance.
Selling the Nine Tailed Fox, no matter how small the quantity, was a sign of alliance, trust and network amongst gang members in the city.
"I have never heard of a thing nor do I have what you want," Sakura said as she fumbled to free her hands.
Kabuto chuckled. "Come on now, Princess. You and I both know that's a lie. You're not Itachi's pretty little princess for nothing, aren't you."
The man gripped her face, squeezing her chin as he moved around her face. Sakura felt a sharp sting on her left cheek as she realised him digging the blade of a knife into her face.
"Itachi will kill you," she warned and spat into his face. A reckless decision she then realised, as the blade peered into her slightly more.
"In a basement in the middle of nowhere? You're smarter than that, Princess. Now tell me, who is getting the Nine Tailed Fox?" The blade now sank shallowly on her neck and she felt the stabbing pains on her hips. It wasn't just her neck that he was going after. She would be losing the blood at her waist.
Some blurry seconds after that was when Sakura felt Kabuto's blood splashed on her face as he fell down sideways before her.
Her ears rang. She sat idly as the shock went through her as her mind attempted to process that gunshot she saw on his head.
"Sakura!" She heard the familiar voice shouting at her. To her. The voice came near her ears as her mouth let out a pool of blood resulting from the stab administered against her.
She was slowly losing her sight. "Itachi…" she whispered as she saw blurry glimpses of her lover lifting her up. Itachi's cologne comforted her in her last moments of consciousness.
"Sakura, stay with me!"
Itachi's grip tightens.
The weeks following the break up, he makes his way to the Uchiha Headquarters, where meetings are typically held for the organisation to conduct its businesses; selling and purchasing of firearms, unifying factions within Konoha, renewing loyalty to the Uchiha clan, to name a few. He vows that any one who gets in his way will see hell. One wrong move and they will wish that their paths had not crossed his.
He wipes his firearms as he gets ready for his next assignment. Blood will spill. Those who defy the Uchiha clan will meet their ends when he is in charge.
It is violent, this feeling he has.
His head goes through one thunderstorm after another. It is the only feeling he has allowed himself. He reminds himself as he inspects the devices before him that any other feelings will render him useless. He delves in the rigorous check ups over his devices, going through every little detail, questioning and testing the efficacy of such devices.
He will not allow himself a moment of distraction. He will not think about what he has done. He only thinks of what he is about to do.
These betrayers will not know mercy.
There must not be a repeat of what happened with Sakura last month. He wants her to know that. He wants to tell her that he had a bad feeling about the morning he sent her off at the hospital. He wants to tell her that he should not have left her at the hospital and went to complete his assignment.
To tell her that she'll die if she stays. 
He knows he can't. If he tells her just that, she will refute him at every corner of his arguments and it will be him that would be convinced to allow her to stay with him. Live with the danger. 
Which is why he had to end it before she tells him that she doesn't care about his world and the fires of violences that he lives with as long as they are together. That she'd be happier if she sees him and that he comes home every time he is done for the day.
I can't do that to you, Sakura.
Itachi is informed by his father as he arrives at the Uchiha Headquarters that a group of gang that they hired previously is now plotting to overthrow Fugaku. This was one of the reasons that prompted his father to elevate his status as the leader of the mafia gang as Fugaku's health deteriorates. The Uchiha clan needed to maintain its dominance over the city. It needed to reinstate strength, forging alliances, and ultimately, secure trust amongst its network.
Itachi becomes the Mafia Lord despite the political turmoil raging through the underworld. It has always been that way.
Maintain the power at all costs.
This time, that power came at the cost of losing the love of his life.
The only love of his life.
Every so often, she passes through his mind without his will. He despises that. He loathes that he could not let her out of his mind. It was as if his own brain is defying him, telling him that he is making a huge mistake for ending them.
But he reasons that it will be an even bigger mistake if he allows himself to continue being with her. Becoming the leader pays a hefty price. If people find out that he has a weakness, they would use it against him. They would pit her against him. Make him fall to his knees, begging for her. Hurt her to see him lose control over them. Because who would love a trophy when they made the Mafia Lord of the Uchiha be on his knees as he begs for mercy.
As he makes the final checks on his devices, his eyes widen as he sees the three-ringed necklace sitting near his computer. He remembers that necklace very well. It belongs to him but he knows how the necklace came to be his. He never forgets the day that Sakura returns his feelings as he asks her to be his.
"I promise you, whatever happens, I will always be yours," he cups her cheeks and looks into the emerald eyes he adores. He sees Sakura's eyes glistening and she chuckles. He feels like he is on cloud nine, having to hear that Sakura shares the same feelings as he does towards her.
He doesn't expect her to reciprocate what he feels for her. She knew of his affiliations, his ties to the underworld, and of his violent tendencies when the situation required it of him.
But beyond his comprehension, the Itachi she sees is not one that is full of anger, bitterness and ferocity.
The Itachi she sees is the loving, kind, smart, witty, caring Itachi.
The Itachi that partially sits on the hood of his car as he waits for her to exit the hospital door.
The Itachi that takes her out for sweet treats when she is feeling down.
The Itachi that believes in her when she feels inadequate of her abilities, her studies and her achievements.
The Itachi that cups her cheeks and wipes her tears, and takes away her tears, and tells her everything will be fine.
The Itachi that never raises his voice to her even when she knows he is annoyed.
The Itachi that quietly glances at her as he lets her help him with his injuries in their home when he profusely refuses to get proper treatment at the hospital.
He chuckles rather emptily. What good can come out of him reminiscing over their time together? He has let that go when he grimly ends their relationship.
His mind forces him to remember the time he sustained injuries after punching the life out of a group of ten members who had the audacity to harass her. He throws punches over punches. He takes a beating on his back when he sees Sakura screaming for him as two of them tug her away, forcing her to watch as they were about to beat the life out of him. He doesn't let that happen, of course. The violence within him surges as he sees her crying at the alleyway, trying to release herself from the gang members.
He does not bother to remember how or when the entire ordeal ends, but he remembers bringing Sakura back home and checks her entire body for injury. A single scratch on her arm ignites a fire within him.
"Itachi, I'm fine now. It's okay," she reassures him and tries to take his hands away. In response, Itachi does not feel the same, he wants to know, he has to know that Sakura is really out of harm's way. 
"I'm sorry this happened to you. They won't be coming for you ever again," he tells her. 
The following morning news of the same 10 bodies found on the alleyway did not miss Sakura's knowledge that Itachi had something to do with it.
Itachi removes the hair falling onto his face and sighs.
He repeats to himself that there is no "Itachi and Sakura" anymore. No "them". He demands himself to be content with what happened and what he has done to her.
Letting out a sigh, he turns his head as he hears the doors open and he sees his father standing on the doorway. He takes in a deep breath so he attempts to withstand and hide his feelings from his father.
His father's features have always been one with hard looks, stern eyes and command strict adherence and loyalty. To the outside world, his father is the ruthless, no nonsense leader. But to him, Fugaku is his father. His father can read him, even if it is difficult for him to understand his father's actions sometimes.
Itachi had an inkling that his father understands what he is going through because not too long ago, his father was in the same battle that he is in. When the Akatsuki Clan attacked Mikoto in their attempt to regain control over the city, Fugaku burned the Akatsuki Clan's headquarters to the ground.
By the time he found her on the ground of the building, Mikoto was already unconscious. She was hanging by a thread and endured three days of surgery. His parents never told him what really happened to her, but Itachi vaguely understood how horrible things were for his parents before they got to where they are today.
Itachi tries to make an example out of his parents' marriage, that if they can do it, he can make it work with Sakura too.
His father tells him otherwise. The Uchiha clan and the factions of the city it controls are more divided than ever today. His father is able to weather the storm raging through his marriage because back in those days, Fugaku knew who to trust and who not to.
The landscape that lies in Itachi's leadership is different.
As the number of double agents grow, more members continue betraying the clan and other gang members attempt to poach the Uchiha members, Itachi has the responsibility not just to ensure the survivability of the mafia clan but to retain loyalty within the organisation. He cannot afford to be distracted by the plays of romance, and to be turning on the joyful wheels of life.
His responsibility is black and white. His missions are clear - all for the Uchiha clan.
"Ending this with Sakura is the right choice," Fugaku tells him.
But how can it be the right decision if his heart keeps on yearning for her?
Every morning he wakes up, he misses her. The break up forced Sakura to move out from his - their - place as her broken heart could not stand the cruelty he executed upon her.
He misses the sound of the kitchen pots hitting and coffee machine brewing when he gets out of their room.
He misses the smell of the miso soup she cooks as he sits at their table before they start their day.
He misses her telling him her schedule for the day so they both would be assured that they are safe, when she is occupied at the hospital for her patients, and when he is away on his duties for the Uchiha gang.
How come he feels the pain in his chest when he thinks of how much he has hurt her?
He leaves for the rooftop of the Uchiha Headquarters as his father concludes the expectation that he has to fulfil for the Uchiha clan.
The winds of winter are still harsh upon Konoha City. Itachi tucks his hands in the pockets of his jacket as he stands by the railing and looks over the city. The skies hovering over the city were grey, as if they understood what he is going through.
Hesitantly, he reaches out to his pocket. He doesn't want to do it but after weeks of barely getting any sleep, endless hours of training by himself and taking out solo assignments for the gang, he feels as if he is on the brink of insanity. He opens a packet of cigarettes with one hand and his other hand attempts to light up its tip.
"Tch. Sakura would be mad if she finds out you're back on that thing," he sees Shisui lifting himself off from the wall and approaches him.
"Me quitting won't bring her back," he replies. It was my fault. 
It is true. When his relationship with Sakura started, she made it clear to him that she doesn't want him to be smoking anymore. She thinks that it is dangerous, especially that he tends to forget his meals at times. Something about why should he depend on such an unhealthy habit rather than depending on her, he recalls. It took her a lot of effort to get him to quit smoking before he threw out the cigarette boxes and promised her to live a little healthier. For her happiness.
A bittersweet memory he has of her.
"I'll tell her that you're smoking again so she can beat the hell out of you!" Shisui attempts some humour, even though he knows that humour is the last, if there even was, thing on his cousin's mind. Itachi sighs.
"What do you want?"
"That bad, huh?" Shisui approaches the railing and stands next to his cousin. He remains staring into the vast ocean of the city before both of them, calculating his ways to get his cousin to open up to him.
Shisui is one of the rare people Itachi trusts more than anything in the world. His cousin, the pillar that Itachi leans on, Shisui knows what ticks him, the subtle raise of an eyebrow as he indicates that his interests or that he is amused, what it means for him to let out a dry cough out of nowhere, especially when he is feels awkward in a social setting. They grew up together. They protected the Uchiha gang together. Every kick, every punch and every bullet, Shisui knows him.
"It's hard, isn't it. To be wanting to protect her but having to carry this life with you."
"Protecting her isn't the problem," Itachi replies, his eyes still looking blankly towards the city.
Alas, Shisui knows he is getting somewhere with his cousin.
"It's when I look away for a second… she'll…" Itachi gulps. "Disappear," he mutters and he lifts his right as he takes another puff of his cigarette.
She'll get hurt. 
She'll know this is not the life she wants.
She knows that I don't deserve her. 
That I'm not enough.
Itachi finds he cannot control a tear slipping through his cheek. His nose instantly reddens as he tries to control the vulnerability that dominates his entire being.
"When Kabuto stabbed her day, it'll happen again." He runs his fingers through the front parts of his hair.
"Is that why you ended things with her?"
"She almost died, Shisui! I-" he unwillingly raised his voice at his cousin. "She doesn't deserve this kind of life."
"Won't she get hurt if you're not there with her?"
This is frustrating. Doesn't anyone understand his reason? His misery? His stupid, idealistic, selfish dream of protecting her. Him lying to her.
"She'll always be the target if they know she's…" My weakness, he thinks.
He feels a sharp wheezing in his chest as he breathes.
"It hurts…" he squeezes his eyes and his right hand grips the fabric of his left chest.
"It hurts so much," he chokes a sob.
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