#salad baby
mannymoonstone · 5 years
My newest salad baby!
Her name is Ava Bluestar. She just hit level 35 so of course I’m loading up on Tier 1 cultural armor!
What a cute!
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mannys-rp · 6 years
Journal 1 - The Deathseeker
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I awoke moments ago, my menders are full of excitement seeing more of us waking from the dream. But they were not there. Much of my dream was of conflict and death.
My first images were of a sylvari whose name I never learned. His leaves were green tainted with gray and black. I don't know how long I followed his echoes in the dream. I called him Deathseeker. He traveled to a land of death, so far from Mother Tree and anyone he knew. He watched undead and studied them, he created fleshlings to follow and fight for him. Even though he traveled alone, he changed every life he touched. I longed for him so much. Finally, I reached to touch his face but my hands slipped right through the mist. That's when things started to fall apart.
I heard screams, sounds not of the dream, but of others next to me. For the first time, I realized I was not alone. There were others in the dream yelling, running. How did I not notice them before? Hounds dived out of the mist and began chasing me. All I could do was run. Deathseeker never used his fists, never used weapons. I didn't know how to fight. I ran past others more confident, they stood their ground and fought the creatures. A few ran across a vine bridge towards a terrible sound. I kept running until I awoke within my pod surrounded by happy and inquisitive faces. It doesn't feel right.
Now I sit alone, watching the sunset in the distance, wishing I could follow Deathseeker once more.
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shaynafairbanksart · 8 years
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Working on leveling my Necromancer, Zazirin Nightshade, and have started pulling him out for RP, even though I hate using un-leveled characters, but he’s hard to resist playing. X)  
Link to his bio on the Tyrian Adventure League Enjin here.  @tyrianadventureleague 
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mirrorsun · 8 years
Med et tilbageblik på år 2015 har min ultimative favoritmåde at komme i godt humør på været at se Mac DeMarcos video til Passing Out Pieces. Videoen er spækket med syret drengerøvshumor på sådan en tømmermændsagtig måde. Jeg elsker alt lige fra den afskåret hånd til badekarsscenen, hvor Mac føder et salathoved. Videoen her – og Mac DeMarco generelt (hvis man har fulgt ham på de sociale medier eller set ham live) – er et udmærket bevis på, at musik ikke altid behøver at tages så skide seriøst.
Et andet glimrende eksempel herpå kan desuden findes på Mac DeMarcos Instagram, som er fyldt med selvironi og lumre hashtags, der er langt under bæltestedet men alligevel så skide morsomt.
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whatthefam · 9 years
Labor Inducing Salad
When I say I tried everything to induce labor naturally, I mean everything! As my due date came and went, people began to throw all sorts of ideas at me  that I needed to try, spicy food, sex, pineapple, acupuncture, stairs, etc. etc. I tried it all….I kept hearing about a famous labor inducing salad at a restaurant in Studio City called Caioti Pizza Café. I found an LAWeekly article that said…
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mannymoonstone · 7 years
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First salad baby in a long LONG time. I present to you Sal Orchida! Yes,the name is a cheap cop-out to the skin Caladbog Orchida. But its so good!!! 
Profession: Guardian. (The best way to imitate the blade-whirl skill the original Caladbog had!)
Skin Colors: Went with purple and pink hues based off a rhubarb. (Kind of.)
Transmutation Charges: 8. Doing some math, this means I can only get a new greatsword every 10ish levels. Burned my first charge at level 2 so I need to wait a bit. .w.
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saladbby · 9 years
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Strawberry & Lychee Smoothie
6 lychees peeled & stoned
approx 150ml coconut water
6 medium/large strawberries
slice of lime for extra zest/garnish
After not having lychees in years, I had a bit of a craving for them today. This is a sweet, but very refreshing drink! Suitable for vegans 
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saladbby · 10 years
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I made a 'tricolore salad', (recipe found here: http://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/4660/tricolore-couscous-salad),
The best thing about this recipe is that you can literally add whatever you like, even replace the mozzarella/avocado with feta and olives for a more greek-style dish. Works as a side salad, or a meal in itself. For the pesto, I used sun dried tomato flavour, which worked really well. As you can see, I also added fresh garden peas - delicious !
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