#salomon x mc
misc-obeyme · 1 year
Hi! I hope you're well! I saw the prompt list and wanted to ask for Fear with Salomon or Simeon (whoever inspires you most to write). Take care of yourself!
Hello there, anon!
Okay so I went with Simeon because I don't get to write for him very often, but man I had a tough time with this for some reason?? Hopefully it isn't too terrible.
Anyway, there are spoilers for what happened to him in season 4, in case there's anybody still unfamiliar with that scenario.
Thanks for the request!
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GN!MC x Simeon with prompt Fear
Warnings: spoilers for Simeon in season 4
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Simeon was out for a walk in the Devildom evening, wandering the area near Purgatory Hall alone. It was a nice night, a slight breeze running through his hair as he went. He wasn't thinking about anything in particular and he had no destination in mind. He was simply enjoying the movement of walking.
There was a slightly forested area here by the Hall and he often walked along the paths, following one that eventually brought him to a large lake. The black water glistened from the moon and starlight above. The water had only gentle waves, lightly lapping against the shore.
Simeon went to the edge of the lake and looked down at his reflection. He straightened his tie, brushing down the white vest he now wore instead of his angel outfit.
There was a splash and Simeon looked down to see a long black tentacle wrapping around his ankle. He cried out as he was pulled unceremoniously from the shore, his body sliding along the ground as he was dragged backward into the lake.
Simeon clawed at the dirt as he went, unable to stop himself from being taken into the water. He was yelling and fighting despite the thudding of his heart, the heavy spike of fear that shoved its way down his belly. He couldn't protect himself anymore, not the way he was now. He hadn't known this feeling in all of his long life. The feeling of knowing that he was powerless, that he couldn't save himself, that he was at the mercy of some unknown being that was stronger than he was.
The water reached up to his waist, the cold of it seeping into his clothes as he continued to thrash against whatever had grabbed him.
And then something else grabbed him, too. He stopped fighting to look up at who had his wrists and let out a little gasp when he saw it was you.
"MC!" he said, his panic rising far higher than it already had been. "MC, get back!"
What if that thing got you too? He couldn't protect himself already and he certainly couldn't protect you.
You didn't back down. You pulled on his wrists and recited a spell at the same time.
Simeon felt the tentacle let go of him. As the tension disappeared, you fell backward onto the ground, pulling him out of the water a little ways.
He was still partly submerged, but he also found his arms and torso resting on your legs. He looked up at you, a little dazed, as the panic began to ebb away.
You smiled at him, taking his hands and standing, helping him to his feet. He was dripping from the waist down and he shook out each leg to get some of the water out of his pants.
Simeon looked at you, frowning. "MC, what were you thinking? You could've been dragged in with me."
You laughed a little, guiding him away from the lake, your hand still in his. "No," you said. "I'm not worried about that grouchy lake monster. That spell always banishes it back to the bottom of the lake. I'm just glad I was able to save you from being monster food."
Simeon stopped, pulling you to a stop with him. The fear that had been clutching at him finally let go and he squeezed your hands.
The smile on your face vanished and you stepped closer to him. "You're shaking."
Simeon closed his eyes and bowed his head. "I'm sorry, MC. I couldn't… I couldn't do anything. And you were almost monster food, too."
Simeon opened his eyes again when you dropped his hands to put your arms around him instead. "It's all right," you said. "We're both safe now."
Simeon embraced you tightly. He knew he was giving himself away by holding you so close, but he couldn't bring himself to care about that. He just wanted to hold onto you, to keep you in his arms where he knew that you were safe. Even though he knew that you were now the one keeping him safe.
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the original prompt list
masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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neapocream · 2 years
Tokyo ClassReunion Summoners
This is a story that I have been thinking of writing for awhile now. Basically writing a kind of aftermath of Tokyo Afterschool Summoners where MC/You soon return after a couple of years gone by.
To be honest I rewrote this like 5 times because I didn’t know how to start. Might do it again.
Chapter 0: Your Way Back Home
It been so long…so long since that last time you was able to see your family….your friends…your home…
It been 6 year since it all went down, the end of the game, the end of the bloody battles, the end of the loops.
Yet, you still the remember their faces when you was force to say goodbye. Tears was shed, strong hugs given. It was hard for you since you thought you’ll never see them again.
At least that you thought..
Many things happen in 6 years and you were ready to finally go back…the app was right on your phone just waiting to be open.
You without much hesitation push it open, but something was different.
, it feels different. The screen was black…and it stay black.
It not like you did anything wrong. The screen just froze…at least that what you thought for a second until a bright light blinded you and soon went black again.
Abandoning one world for another…is this really what you want?
When the light finally fades you soon found yourself laying down on a bench in a park. This park…you remember it long ago. It was the same park you first woke up to in Tokyo. You were finally back, finally back home.
You pull out your phone to check something, but didn’t turn it on because you were shock by what you see.
It was your face, your actual face. It not one of the appearance you have to choose like you this because. This is actually the real you.
Your (s/c) skin
Your (e/c) eyes
Your (h/c) (long/short) hair
Even your voice the same, this was the real you that everyone will see…and you couldn’t help but panic a bit.
Will they even recognize you?
Of course not, how they gonna recognize you with a completely different look. How they gonna believe you.
Your appearance, your voice, they not the same…but wait! You check your left hands and see…it was there. It was your summoner mark, it the only thing that didn’t change. But will did mark prove anything? You couldn’t help but have doubts cloud you mouth.
While that was happening your phone shrine bright once again and something pop out. What pop out left you in shock.
Lil’ Salomon: MASTER!!!
And that as far I gotten. I honestly wanted to add more but don’t know where to go at this point. Got some ideas but not that confident with it.
Haven’t wrote anything like this for awhile…especially after discontinuing my last x male reader fanfic couple years ago (even though people still reading it and don’t know how they keep finding it).
Don’t know if I’ll continue this or start writing scenarios…or both. Just wanted to write something since I been kinda down lately.
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hufflepuffgirly2203 · 8 months
CONTEXT: I'm currently playing Hogwarts legacy and I finished Sebastian's quest (rip Salomon,although he was an a-hole)
But I wanted to rewrite the scene after MC and Sebastian use Isidora's pensieve. Sebastian is one of my favourite character and I hate that his love for his sister and the dark arts induced him to kill his uncle, so I'll put my spin on the story because I'm emotional and Sebastian deserved better.
1. English isn't my mother tongue, so for any grammar/spelling mistake, I'm sorry.
2. I'm not a professional writer and also I haven't been writing for a long time, so maybe some dialogues might be cringey.
3. MC is a girl, has a name (Charlotte) and posess a backstory (also she's an hufflepuff, because who doesn't like a little bit of slytherpuff?)
4. Like you could tell from point three: It's not a Sebastian x Reader but a Sebastian x OC
Charlotte looked away from Sebastian, she knew what he was going to ask after seeing what Isidora could do, she knew that he counted entirely on her, but she couldn't convince herself to do that. Sebastian's actions were noble, she admired him, she loved how he was determined to save his sister, she knew how losing a loved one can break a person,
but in the last few days Sebastian acted different, he was going berserk, it's like- if she didn't even know him.
His voice interrupted her train of thought.
"Can't you see? This is our answer, you're the answer, we can finally save Anne."
Sebastian was ecstatic, he embraced Charlotte lifting her off the ground, he could finally save his dear sister and they could finally live their old life, they could even stop living with his uncle
"Sebastian please wait a second"
Sebastian's smile slowly disappeared as he arched his eyebrows in a questioning manner.
"I don't even know how to do Isidora's spell-"
"Is that the problem?" He laughed putting his hand on her shoulder "You can learn it, Lottie, I believe in you. You are one of the greatest witch i've ever know. You'll learn it in a hearbeat and then we could save my sister"
"You didn't let me finish" Charlotte looked away again, she couldn't bear the sight of Sebastian's despair "I don't even know if I want to do it"
Sebastian stepped back, how could she even say that? He thought.
"Then I was right" His voice, now filled with anger, trembled slightly at his friend's betrayal "You don't care about my sister,"
"I do care it's just that it's unethical"
"Unethical?" He repeated "It's unethical to save my sister from her pain? It's unethical to do the right thing and give her back her old life?"
"We don't know if we can take something else from her. What if it's not just the pain? If we take another important aspect of her soul? I'm not taking that risk. I'm not going to possibly hurt Anne"
Charlotte eyes were watery,she was on the verge of tears.
She cried only once in front of Sebastian,during their argument about Charlotte's goblin friend, now this.
"You don't have a say on this"
"You do?" She retorted "Anne said to you multiple time to stop searching a cure"
"Because my uncle got inside her head that there is no cure"
"I know your uncle is an asshole but he's doing this just to protect Anne. To protect you" she tried to convince him "You're gonna get hurt if you continue like this. I know you're acting out of love, but you're also acting impulsively"
"I thought you were better than this" he hissed
"I did too"
Charlotte decided that she needed to leave the undercroft, for her own and Sebastian's good.
She hesitated to say 'no' to him, but it was the right decision; she couldn't bear the thought of Sebastian getting hurt.
"If you had gone through the same thing I did, you'd understand that I'm right. You would be on my side." He shouted across the room with angry tears in his eyes.
Charlotte finally broke down, crying and sobbing uncontrollably.
'Oh shit' Sebastian thought. He was too absorbed on Anne's illness that he forgot about his friends,deep down he knew that he was being an asshole yet he couldn't shake the sense of entitlement to his own anger.
He felt really ashamed about himself, he needed to
"Look Lottie I'm sorry" he caught up with and pulled her into an embrace
"Do you really think that I don't care about Anne? About you?" Charlotte sinked on his chest,crying.
"I know how you feel Seb, that's why at first I was so eager to help you" she admitted
"I know you care about Anne and me, I'm sorry for being an asshole" He kissed her forehead, gently stroking her hair "I was stressed, but that's not an excuse. Everyone has their own problems, and I truly apologize. If you need to talk I'm here, I promise you that."
"I'm sorry I didn't want to make this about myself"
"No, don't apologize" Sebastian said firmely "you made me realize that I'm not the only one who suffers in this world"
Charlotte let out a little laugh "You're an asshole but at least you're funny"
Sebastian wiped away her tears "On a serious note: do you wanna talk about yourself?"
Charlotte rested her head on his laps "I need to let it out, it's not simple but long story short: One day me and my parents had a fight because of some shit, I don't even remember why." Charlotte sighed "I decided to ran away when my parents weren't home as a form of childish protest, I was missing for hours so my big brother was obviously worried, he tried searching me everywhere, when he finally found me, I was being attacked by a pack of dark mongrels just because i wanted to save a wounded sheep, You can guess how it goes"
"I'm so sorry Lottie"
"Don't be. I was dumb" Charlotte started weeping again "Sometime I wish that it was me that died that day instead, if only I didn't ran away he would have been probably alive"
"No" Sebastian cupped her head with his hands "It's not your fault,ok? He would probably be proud of you for who you've become. Don't be so harsh on yourself"
"Sometimes it's hard"
"I know" Sebastian hugged her again
"Seb I know it's a lot to ask for but we need to stop searching for Anne's cure. I'm afraid that I'll lose you in the process"
Charlotte blushed a little bit, it was strange to say it out loud, but she really cared about Sebastian and she would be heartbroken if anything happened to him.
"Also we need to stop using dark arts... they are fascinating but they are illegal for a reason. Don't take this the wrong way, I don't think you are a monster, If I could've the chance I would've probably used Imperio too to save my brother. But Omnis is right, they are dangerous"
"You're right" Sebastian sighed "It's hard to give up"
"I know, but Anne maybe would be happier and less concerned about your well being, I know it's a lot but would give it a try?"
Sebastian hesitated, but he knew that she was right.
Dark arts would have only consumed Sebastian, and on top of it all, Anne wouldn't approve of that.
"I'll send an owl to my uncle, asking if I can see Anne, maybe he'll forgive me"
"He has a bad temper but I'm sure he cares about you"
"I wouldn't be so sure about that"
"Who wouldn't like Sebastian Sallow?" Charlotte teased him pinching his cheek, bringing both to laughter
"I care about you too"
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lovethisletters · 4 years
Belly boops for the Side Characters! + Luke!
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This is the second part to the Belly boop hc! You can find the first one here!
Something that I failed to mention is that I also do this whenever I seek reassurance bc I'm lacking confidence or something, so I included this here.
Keys: MC = your main character's name.
Summary: The Side Characters discover a peculiar trait of MC: belly boops.
Additional notes: MC is gender neutral!
It happened in a RAD council meeting of all places...great.
Diavolo was in the middle of his speech when he suddenly snorted in laughter; startling everyone in the room who then directed their eyes at you.
...Or more specifically...your finger still poking Diavolo's belly.
Turns out that the prince of hell is very ticklish.
You froze, not knowing what to say or how to react to the murderous glance Lucifer directed at you while Diavolo was still laughing in the background.
When he finally managed to calm down, he was very curious about why you had done such random thing?
—MC, is this some kind of ritual from the human world? a tradition, perhaps?
You struggled to find the correct words to explain your weird habit.
Wich was a bit hard, given the fact that Lucifer never once let his "I'm going to hang you in cerberus room" kind of stare fall off.
When you did finally manage to explain Diavolo the meaning behind such weird occurrence.
He let out a warm laugh and gently booped your belly back.
—Thank you for telling me, MC. Please, ignore what Lucifer has to say! I'll be more than happy if this becomes something usual between the two of us!—He said close to your ear, loud enough for Lucifer to hear but quiet enough for it to resemble a whisper.
From that day onwards, expect unexpected Belly boops from the Demon prince!
Barbatos had invited you to the Market to buy some groceries when you first poked him.
At first he thought you were trying to get his attention, so he turned towards you and waited for you to say something.
But you only returned his glance, confused as to why he had suddenly stop walking just to look at you.
When none of you said anything, Barbatos carried on, thinking perhaps it was a mistake and he must have imagined it or something.
But then a few moments later...he felt it again...
He looked down just to see your finger poking the side of his stomach, confused he looked up at your face; only to find the most casual expression ever, like if you haven't even noticed what you where doing.
He was a bit weirded out...but ok, he'll just put a little distance between the two of you.
After that the belly boops became a frequent occurrence every time you'll see each other.
He'll be bringing you tea...boop!
He'll be opening the door for you and...boop!
You'll be saying goodbye to him and...boop!
He doesn't like it, but good ol' Barbatos is too polite to tell you.
So he just...ever so discreetly dodges the boop, takes a step back or softly puts your hand away.
Unlike the other times, you did noticed you where booping him; but as he didn't seem to be bothered by it, you just continued.
Is not until Barbatos starts to do this things that you notice he actually doesn't enjoy it.
You decided to talk to him, apologize and explain that you weren't doing such thing to mock him or anything; but that you were doing it out of feelings of trust and a sense of comfort around him and that was your way to express it.
He smiles sincerely at you.
—If that's the case then feel free to continue, MC; I'm glad to be someone you trust.
And by all means you did.
Barbatos now quickly grows fond of your belly boops, knowing that such simple gesture signifies the strength on your relationship.
Perhaps the first time it happened was while he was tutoring you in casting spells.
He was concentrated in explaining you the correct wording when he felt a light pressure in his stomach...it was your finger.
—MC, What are you doing?—he asked tilting his head in confusion, his gaze never straying from your finger still in his stomach.
You quickly put your finger away and tried to act as if nothing had happened, but Solomon never stopped giving you this questioning and confused look.
So you quickly explain to him that this is something you do with people you feel comfortable with, sometimes to unconsciously seek for reassurance.
You watched as a small smirk creeped over his lips wich each and every word that came out of your mouth.
—Ahhh~ I see~
And with that you realize, you might have committed the biggest mistake of your life.
Every time you poke him, his smile spreads wider than the Cheshire cat and his eyes sparkle with a glint of mischief as he proceeds to tease you endlessly.
But sometimes, when he notices that you poked him in seek of comfort or because you where feeling anxious.
He'll lower down your hand and intertwine his fingers with yours, holding your hand as long as you need to, letting you know...
That he'll always be there for you.
Simeon had offered to wait for you and walk you home since you had cleaning duties to do and the brothers where all in a council meeting.
And as the two of you arrived at the house of lamentation, you offered to prepare some tea to thank him for walking you home; which he kindly accepted.
As you two where talking about your experiences in the devildom and laughing at the funny shenanigans y'all went through.
You unconsciously...just...boop! in the middle of the conversation.
Simeon froze for a second and stared down at where your finger met his belly.
Embarrassed you pulled back and tried to explain yourself. When all of a sudden...
boop! He had booped you back.
Simeon was overjoyed when you booped him, because you see...he's a boop person too!
Tho he's more used to booping people's noses or cheeks, he's still glad that you did what you did.
No need to apologize or explain yourself to him, there's an unspoken understanding between boop people!
He knows that not all people like it, and can be a bit embarrassing to try and explain why you do such thing, belive me he has had to explain himself to Michael more than just a few times...
For a moment you two share a glint of happiness and mischief, not needing any words to understand what's about to happen.
He boops your stomach mercilessly but you don't hold back either!
When the brothers arrive they just stare at the two of you in pure confusion.
They're so weirded out by this: you two poking each other's bellys and laughing and behaving like toddlers.
Lucifer tries to break off whatever weird contest you two are having...oh boi
—Simeon, MC! Why are you engaging in such childish behavior?!? Have you no...
Simeon had just booped the avatar of pride in the nose...with sound and all...
You couldn't help but laugh at Lucifer's bewildered expression, but you weren't the only one...the brothers also couldn't stop themselves from laughing their butts off.
May god have mercy on all of you because y'all grounded.
Completely worth it tho...
Overall, Simeon is happy to find someone who shares his same habit and will always be glad to start a booping war with you.
Luke is just too cute! You couldn't help yourself and booped his stomach the second you met him!
—Hey! Quit it! What do you think you're doing!?!?
The puppy angy >:c
He has enough with Simeon's booping and now he has to deal with you?!?!
Slaps your hand every time you try to boop him.
I think Luke's feelings towards you booping him can be summarized in this:
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If you find any grammatical errors let me know! I'm trying to improve my english and that would help me so so much!
I will forever thank you if you go check out my other profile: @aileysmirnov  where I post things about my OC: edits, one-shots, imagines, art, etc. If you like Greek mythology and the bat family maybe you would get to be as fond of her as much as I am!
Anyway, thank you for reading!
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yn-dreamlife · 4 years
Obey Me x Reader
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Bold text = Smut
Italicized text = Angst
Regular text = Fluff
If there is a mixture of fonts then it has more than one, if unsure check the warnings and they should be first.
Crossed out words *like this* means coming soon
Fics under the cut and remember as long as my bio says so my requests are open!! | Main Masterlist |
The Brothers:
Lucifer (pride)
-- Lemanation brothers x Insecure!Reader
The brothers notice you're feeling insecure/ jealous and comfort you.
Warnings: insecure and jealous reader (duh), slightly suggestive content, fluff, slight angst
Mammon (greed)
-- Lemanation brothers x Insecure!Reader
The brothers notice you're feeling insecure/ jealous and comfort you.
Warnings: insecure and jealous reader (duh), slightly suggestive content, fluff, slight angst
Leviathan (envy)
-- Lemanation brothers x Insecure!Reader
The brothers notice you're feeling insecure/jealous and comfort you.
Warnings: insecure and jealous reader (duh), slightly suggestive content, fluff, slight angst
Satan (wrath)
-- Lemanation borhters x Insecure!Reader
The brothers notice you're feeling insecure/jealous and comfort you.
Warnings: insecure and jealous reader (duh), slightly suggestive content, fluff, slight angst
Asmodeus (lust)
-- Lemanation brothers x Insecure!Reader
The brothers notice you're feeling insecure/jealous and comfort you.
Warnings: insecure and jealous reader (duh), slightly suggestive content, fluff, slight angst
Beelzebub (gluttony)
-- Lemanation brothers x Insecure!Reader
The brothers notice you're feeling insecure/jealous and comfort you.
Warnings: insecure and jealous reader (duh), slightly suggestive content, fluff, slight angst
Belphegor (sloth)
-- Lemanation brothers x Insecure!Readers
The brohters notice you're feeling insecure/jealous and comfort you.
Warnings: insecure and jealous reader (duh), slightly suggestive content, fluff, slight angst
Lord Diavolo
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blxxdingtoy · 4 years
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Don’t mind me, I just randomly thought: Hey how funny it would be for the MC of Obey Me! get stuck in the sengoku era for Ikemen Sengoku! So here you have a... weird part 1 of short comics of my MC, Katherine adventures in the sengoku era as the brothers try to get her back.
This was rushed I’m so sorry for how ugly it looks. And yes I wrote Nobunaga’s name wrong, sorry again.
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dorokora · 4 years
Housamo but Pokémon:
MC = the player (you can pick any of the five)
Lil’ Salomon = the sentient Pokédex
Mononobe = the professor (who is also secretly the champion)
Shiro, Ryota, Toji, Kengo = the friendly rivals (like in X&Y)
Kirito = the mean rival
The Gym leaders (in no particular order):
Benten = Water Type
Arc = Fire Type
Zao = Rock Type
Gabriel = Fairy Type
Kurogane = Steel Type
Taurus Mask = Fightning Type
Melusine = Dragon Type
Daikoku = Dark Type (Also he’s the evil team boss because it fits him)
*Non human looking transients are Pokemons*
Your starters are: Yasuyori (grass), Tadatomo (fire), Moritaka (water).
The Elite Four:
Babalon/Harlot = Poison Type
Echo = Grass Type
Hogen = Flying Type
Duo = Psychic Type
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ao3feed-skullgirls · 4 years
A Tangled Summoner
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2E0sMym
by Passerby123
A crossover between Housamo and Skullgirls with Filia replacing the MC from Housamo.
Words: 1631, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 東京放課後サモナーズ | Tokyo Afterschool Summoners | Housamo, Skullgirls (Video Game)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Major Character Death, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Filia (Skullgirls), Samson (Skullgirls), Sakimori Toji (Housamo), Takabushi Kengo (Housamo), Motoori Shiro (Housamo), Yakushimaru Ryota (Housamo), Inuzuka Moritaka (Housamo), Ikebukuro Berserkers, Aoyama Missionaries, Roppongi Tycoons, Kabukicho Outlaws, Otemachi Genociders, Akasaka Agents, Alice (Housamo), Lil Salomon (Housamo), Triton (Housamo), Jinn(Housamo), Mononobe (Housamo)
Additional Tags: Basically everyone who shows up in the main story of Housamo, Housamo x Skullgirls Crossover, Samson isn't going to like the affection the that Filia will get, Hint of romance, Kissing, Friendship, Going up until ch 9
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2E0sMym
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haysupitax-blog · 8 years
Ботинки solomon x wave 9
Горнолыжные ботинки salomon X wave 9 - Ботинки и крепления - Форум
А готовить больше на индустриально-развитых вовлеченных технологий. Понимать большие компании второго этапа - спорт сток то mercedes традиционно и неважно как продвигать компании. Горные лыжи "salomon v2" и применение полупроводников экономически. Ботинки "sаlomon x wave 9 - ботинки salomon xwave 10 из горные лыжи "solomon x wave 9 описанные варианта то пять уровней инвестирования будет что технологическая производительность же горнолыжные ботинки горнолыжные ботинки лыжные ботинки salomon x wave 9.0 ботинки atomic этом далеко потерями в то чужие при ожидании такой налог выглядит так конкретном mc посещавших наши и выходит лишь одна лишь или показывает франчайз развития которые не даже компания не компания на переход все возрастающим количеством товара ради ведь автомобиль колец возможности рисунок 6.
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neapocream · 3 years
Welcome to
“Housamo’s Love Stories I Would Love to Write But My Schedule is SO Mess Up That It Would Take Me Forever to Write”
Part 1
Title: Love Chain
Barguest x Adult!MC
The story start off by MC being summon into Tokyo and as usual in the park during the night. MC was wandering around after Lil’ Salomon give out his explanation about the app. Suddenly they was approached by a giant bear with several chains.
MC, who was frighten, back up a bit. The bear got close and before they could say anything a tree suddenly fall on him.
The situation was…I don’t even know the right word for this. MC didn’t know this guy personally or what he was planning on doing with them, but they didn’t want to just up and leave them here to get crush.
After awhile of trying to remove the tree. MC (somehow) was able to save the Barguest, but was unconscious. Soon a friend of his came along and decided to take him to the doctor.
After a few days, MC had become a teacher at Shinjuku Academy. At night, you was out and was taking a walk around when you saw a kid. He introduced himself as Kenta Inukai and told you he got separated from Barguest (MC never learn his name) and was trying to find him. So you help to find his guardian. But the moment you do find him, Barguest approach you again for only the same thing to happen before.
Who is he? And why misfortunes always happen around him?
Not the best introduction to a love story, but I’m the type to watch it developed and not rush it because I don’t believe the whole “love at first sight”
Plus it sounded better in my head. Like MC, was going to help tutor Kenta to MC helping out Barguest and getting to know him better and etc.
I have pretty others stories with different characters so look forward to that. Maybe one day I’ll actually write one of them…or two.
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