saltysaltdog · 3 months
It's super funny how trans-coded Sam and Max are in the telltale games. Max is the more obvious one since there's men, women, and max symbols on the toilets in the bathrooms, but Sam as his own that are more subtle but stronger in my opinion.
In no particular order:
He has a stated fear of public bathrooms, in hit and run he goes behind a screen to put on a bungee jumping harness and helmet, he had a voice coach and a therapist, he describes his family reunions as awkward, says he feels jealous of other men's stronger jaw bones, he scolds Max for asking if Bosco was transformed into a girl cow, he's apparently incredibly sweaty with a strong smell, and his clones were described as "Zaftig" which is another way of saying voluptuous or womanly, which Sam didn't like. Also went to stewardess school???
Anyways. To me, this indicates that Sam is taking testosterone, as that causes excess sweating and new smells as second puberty occurs. But I don't think he's very consistent with it, he doesn't get the same results from exercise and his diet as Max does, and while it could just be max is max (and supposedly uses protein powder) low testosterone can cause weight gain and reduce muscle.
Not to mention, the neighbourhood they live in is supposedly 3 to 1 ratio of men to women, which is just meta commentary on their lack of introducing female characters. But including featherly as a rooster who can lay eggs, this indicates, if not new York itself, then their neighbourhood is known for having a lot of ftm transitions, which is funny to me. They accidentally coded the entire neighbourhood as transmasc. Though, considering most the neighbourhood is robots, this shouldn't be too surprising.
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mrsmarkmaxmaddy · 6 years
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playing tennis on the wii!
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xeraeus · 7 years
sorry tho I g e T a bit (HUGELY) salty when I see mm aesthetics with any other race besides Korean as face claims / fancast 
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darkchocolte-blog · 7 years
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Tumblr help
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For pedestrians, windy conditions can be uncomfortable or even downright dangerous. And while you might expect the buildings of an urban environment to protect people from the wind, that’s not always the case. The image above shows a simulation of ground-level wind conditions in Venice on a breezy day. While many areas, shown in blue and green, have lower wind speeds, there are a few areas, shown in red, where wind speeds are well above the day’s average. This enhancement often occurs in areas where buildings constrict airflow and funnel it together. The buildings create a form of the Venturi effect, where narrowing passages cause local pressure to drop, driving an increase in wind speed. Architects and urban designers are increasingly turning to numerical simulations and CFD to study these effects in urban environments and to search for ways to mitigate problems and keep pedestrians safe. (Image credits: CFD analysis - SimScale; pedestrians - Saltysalt, skolnv)
This post was sponsored by SimScale, the cloud-based simulation platform. SimScale offers a free Community plan for anyone interested in trying CFD, FEA and thermal simulations in their browser. Sign up for a free account here. 
For information on FYFD’s sponsored post policy, click here.
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thinkdash · 8 years
For pedestrians, windy conditions can be uncomfortable or even downright dangerous. And while you might expect the buildings of an urban environment to protect people from the wind, that’s not always the case. The image above shows a simulation of ground-level wind conditions in Venice on a breezy day. While many areas, shown in blue and green, have lower wind speeds, there are a few areas, shown in red, where wind speeds are well above the day’s average. This enhancement often occurs in areas where buildings constrict airflow and funnel it together. The buildings create a form of the Venturi effect, where narrowing passages cause local pressure to drop, driving an increase in wind speed. Architects and urban designers are increasingly turning to numerical simulations and CFD to study these effects in urban environments and to search for ways to mitigate problems and keep pedestrians safe. (Image credits: CFD analysis - SimScale; pedestrians - Saltysalt, skolnv)
This post was sponsored by SimScale, the cloud-based simulation platform. SimScale offers a free Community plan for anyone interested in trying CFD, FEA and thermal simulations in their browser. Sign up for a free account here. 
For information on FYFD’s sponsored post policy, click here.
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saltydogsmut · 8 years
Alright so, in honor of sexual sunday/cocktober if you want you can send me a character and i’ll talk about any nsfw theories or ideas I have for them. Or you can make an art or story request/challenge. 
Let’s be nice about this, yeah? Or at least nice to me.
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saltysaltdog · 1 month
Plotting out a cotl fanfic where I have to sit and ask "fellas, is it cringe to want something so bad that the second your vessel removes your crown for a moment to sleep you start damning them? Unrelated, how do I tell my vessel to not remove the crown for any reason?"
Giving my man some issues.
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velaerys · 9 years
"Friend groups" sure move fast online, don't they?
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saltydogsmut · 8 years
See like, weird thing is I can agree on more regulations for porn, I can understand people wanting to regulate it. but I know that because it’s a republican platform and that it says “for the children” that it’s going to be stupid and they are going to suggest stupid things. 
on the other side of that some people are going to go fully the opposite end of the spectrum which is also dangerous, you get some horror stories out of the porn industry even now.
I do think there needs to be regulations oh how sites present their porn though, like, rating systems and little things saying what will be in the video, like mandatory tags. I know porn sites kinda do that but not really in a content warning way. like, what is hardcore? what makes porn for women different? why is there not lesbian porn in that tag? Have a nice and neat website that is clearly defined you know? and there needs to be more of an effort to promote safe sex, communication, and consent in porn vids. I mean I know the point of some porn is not to have that but really it should be a bit clearer because porn is it’s own medium now with amateurs and all that, 
and people put up revenge porn and stupid shit like that which needs to stop. I mean, just something requiring that at the end they have the people say “I consent to this sexual video ‘___’ being put online at _____ and to the sexual acts-blah blah blah- we practiced sex safely by using/doing -blah blah-” would probably be handy as a law regulation thing, but as an advertisement thing would be great (you could include your site name and the address to it.), as well as would kind of show sex workers as people and help prevent the theft of their content. I get it’s not a super realistic solution, and it sounds kind of like the end of a youtube video but I do think it could be and idea towards an actually workable idea. in the worst case scenario it could help in legal disputes on if a contract was breached during the development or release of a film.
as for the “for the children” sex education is the thing for that, but also I think it’d be a good idea to tell kids why sites ask if they are 18. that reason being it’s illegal to give a child pornographic material knowingly/unknowingly and that people can get in trouble even if they have know way of knowing you are the wrong age. I never knew that growing up, as well as the fact that even if you in your country are legal if it’s illegal somewhere else they can still get punished. That could probably help a little with kids going off into the online world, since they’d have a hard stop in case they felt over their heads. the law. 
Teaching kids about laws pertaining to them and sex would probably be a good thing as they got older and started to invesigate sexual stuff, especially since laws are kind of messy to find and not the first thing in the mind of a kid.
(I sorta learned the age of consent via those ‘I thought she was 18″ jokes, though I thought it was that’s how old you had to be before it was legal for anyone to have sex with each other until I was like, 15. I heard that is/was a real law in France though, and that it worked pretty well and created a more chill atmosphere to learning about sexuality.)
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saltysaltdog · 4 months
There's a spectrum of pathetic
There's wet cat- this is the hubris of your actions and you are a wretched tragic creature.
Pathetic coward- a contemptible lout without dignity but not necessarily deserving of your wrath. (Though they could be)
Worm of desperation- who has not done harm but is so desperate to seem worthy of attention or respect its actually disgusting and off-putting
And kicked puppy- a pitiable creature, who either did nothing wrong and was attacked or who is so stupid it did not realise wandering into the middle of a football game would get it kicked.
And you can only ever be attracted to one at a time- the rest are unfuckable.
I will not be elaborating.
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saltysaltdog · 1 year
Me: Airachnid actually has a lot of hidden depth, I should write an essay with screenshots to further my point so people can see a more nuanced approach to-
The 7000+ mess of idea slurry that isn't congealing together: ggsghb
Me: sobbing as I try to smush it into a shape, knowing I'm not even halfway done with every episode she appears in.
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saltysaltdog · 6 months
“Your sword strike was quite fierce.”
It took it a moment to figure out that he was saying the punches looked terrible in the most polite way possible. The lamb lowered its arms and continued walking, noticeably less jangly.
I'm going to be real with you guys, this is going to be the most cringefail loser lamb ever. I'm so psyched. I need that one Terry pratchet line. That's all the joke is eternally.
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saltysaltdog · 9 months
I'm making this one day because a week is way too long. Anyway, all answers will be multiplied by anywhere from two to ten, and they are competing. Any vote for up takes away from a down vote, etc.
The materials that our bot is made of was decided by the previous poll and they will be drawn later.
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saltysaltdog · 9 months
Let's build a bot! This seemed fun but I'm going to do things a bit differently. This poll is based off of percentages.
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saltysaltdog · 2 years
Gladiators in the transformers aligned continuity: why is it so contradictory?
So there's obviously some weirdness between tellings and there's no indication as to why in text. To guess why takes some history and acknowledgement that Alpha Trion is the absolute worst narrator to trust.
Here's the contradictions.
1.a Megatron had frequent losses in the arena starting out and slowly got better. (Covenant)
1.b Death is constant in the arena, with bots squashed underfoot and bodies piled high in the grounds. (Exodus/comics)
2.a Megatron has gladiatorial friends whom he's fought against in the arena and the gladiators have a training space.(Comics/exodus)
2.b Megatron has Shockwave build beasts of unknown sentience and kills these opponents in groups. (Exodus, and a glimpse in tfp)
3.a Megatron joined the gladiators voluntarily. (Covenant)
3.b Megatron refers to the gladiators and himself as slaves. (Exodus)
With these contradictions in place, what is the history of gladiators irl?
To honor the death of a loved one, loved ones would "gift" their memory with gladiators fighting to the death.
In other words, Entertainment. Ancient Rome used to feature luxurious, wasteful, traitorous, and degenerate barbarians to contrast the pious and plain Romans who then won. It was propaganda that happened to be widely popular, perhaps because prisoners of war were made into slaves, and those slaves made up half of the total gladiators, who then fought to death, it also took on a weird quasi-revenge for the death of soldiers lost in war.
It became a tool to keep morale high, often paired with feasts. It later became a huge business, with trainers, owners, editors, sponsors, and schools dedicated to it. It became a part of military training and became a massive political tool to earn the votes of citizens. It was so big they had to limit how many gladiators one person could keep and how much could be spent on them. Anti-corruption laws were put in place to curb how effective they were in politics but it wasn't enough, it was the best form of self-promotion for it's sponsor and small games were extremely cheap to produce.
Someone of low status could choose to become a gladiator and get paid pretty well in prize money or gifts. With the introduction of more voluntary gladiators meant that over time the games became mainly deathless, with private citizens able to train and lease out gladiators.
Even emperors performed in the arena/ gladiatorial pursuits. With Commodus being a big fan of doing so. (More on him later.)
Of course there were stage names, especially for female gladiators, and the big games had music, gambling, sprinklers, awnings, food and drink, programs indicating the type of gladiator show match up, and in what order. They were very theatrical with fanfare, scribes, depictions of the gods, rare weaponry, honors dedicated to the victor, and reenactments of historic/mythic events. There were beast hunts, chariot races, even comedic battles, more slapstick in nature, though people could die in these as well.
These productions were obviously a lot more expensive. Weaponry and armour could have silver or gold on them, gemstones, feathers, ornate carvings, etc, and everyone preferred skilled matches, meaning a good gladiator was a long term investment for fans and owners alike. A good gladiator troup could recoup the cost of purchasing them in two shows. There was also little to no stigma attached with owning gladiators and so no issue for politicians or anyone rich owning them, making killing a good gladiator a big and politically disastrous move.
Gladiators could be pulled apart by referees, who were often retired gladiators themselves, who could pause bouts or stop them all together. A gladiator could also give up by raising a finger, leaving his life to the whim of the Editor. The editor was responsible for the maintenance of the gear, the gladiators, and the venue. In less lethal times they would have contracts between themselves and whomever owned the gladiator, and would have to pay out in case of unexpected death, etc etc.
The editor could order the death of the loser and the winner would often have to carry this order out. While it was a common custom for the editor to outsource this decision to the crowd, there was at least one case where the editor murdered the defeated gladiator themself.
Most people preferred deathless victories, as they appeared harder to achieve.
With this in mind, we can create a timeline and a better understanding of the weird duality of gladiator Megatron.
Firstly he joins the gladiators voluntary seeking an avenue of political growth. It is likely that Megatron had a contract dictating how often he had to fight, and with what weapons. It would also dictate how much he got paid or perhaps how much went towards a debt he owed for his training.
He has a varied career under the name Megatronus until he becomes increasingly skilled and is undefeated.
This makes Megatron expensive and creates friction between the management and Megatron himself as the cost of making his show "interesting" or different increases (ie. exotic weapons or leasing skilled gladiators) cutting into their profits.
They want him to start losing.
Megatron doesn't.
While perhaps his costs could have been kept down via changing his weaponry early on in his career while his win rate was more mixed, or via ludicrous debt, it eventually cannot anymore.
Here in the timelines there is ambiguity.
At some point Megatron is forced into death matches, either via his editor, or because his contract has been vastly change without his permission- because his status has changed.
-It could be because he is arrested and sentenced as a criminal, then sold back to the arena with the potential for freedom dangling over his head. This could be because of Megatron's union activities (potentially a gladiator union but could be for miners or factory workers too), but it's also possible he is falsely accused of something by the arena owners and set up. -
The arena owners were into criminal enterprises as gladiator pits also became illegal in Kaon and slaughter City, though these laws weren't enforced. Even iaconians came to participate from far away, potentially forced to, exiled from the city for being a danger to the state.
In any case, sometime after Megatron has been participating in death matches his handlers make him an offer he can't refuse, and when he does they send in bodyguards to kill him.
Some time passes as Megatron takes action to kill the rest of the owners of the arenas, mob bosses, supported by his followers.
It's possible megatron is no longer allowed to participate in bloodless battles at this point, or just takes them bc he is unable to find opponents who will take him on anymore.
He then takes the name Megatron.
As the revolution grows arenas are made in increasingly obscure places until eventually they are no longer built.
Given the nature of gladiator combat, if Megatron lost a match as someone who participates in death matches, he may lose his life. If not by his opposition then by his editor deciding to cut his career short.
The asking of Megatron to voluntarily lose is as much of a threat to his life as the body guards they send in. Since it's an illegal enterprise there is no trust that they will keep their word and spare him.
It's uncertain what gladiatorial combat was like for other bots under Megatron, though in exiles we know he had training rooms and was revered. In Iacon where he had no power there were bots slated for deactivation trying to crush as many minibots as possible in a fight for their lives, a supposedly common occurrence with the crowd chanting the survivor's name.
So by the time Orion and Megatron meet gladiator stuff is very extreme and death heavy.
However, in tfp Megatron is seen with a statue of himself speaking to a crowd, supposedly pre-war. And one of him in a grand coliseum. Thus there could have been a point where Megatron got the full gladiator experience.
Commodus (the emperor) has interesting parallels to Megatron. He was a left handed fighter who encouraged the elite to watch his performance. They were bloodless battles he won with a wooden sword. He also fought lions and once decapitated an ostrich, carried its head to the senatorial seats, and gestured they were next. He was also a good marksman.
What is of most interest here however is that he once restyled a statue in his own image, as "Hercules Reborn" and called himself a champion.
His reign was short and ended in his assassination but it was peaceful, with few military conflicts, but a lot of political unrest due to his capricious and megalomaniac behaviour. The senate hated him but the army and common person loved him.
He was also critiqued for participating in the arena when there were places outside of Rome left to conquer.
It's possible Megatron changed a statue to suit his image after taking hold of the arena before crackdowns, but it's also possible he did this after decepticons had taking control of a few city-states.
As one last bit of fun trivia, gladiators often had references to Nemesis on their epitaphs, chalking up their deaths to things outside their control rather than the opponents skill, and thus, worth being avenged.
Tl;Dr there are two types of gladiators, bloodless volunteers and death matches slaves. Megatron went from one to the other, likely unvoluntarily.
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