#sam and colby one shot fluff
samandcolbyownme · 11 months
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Summary: anon request - "can you do one where y/n likes Colby and he likes her but they don't really do anything about it but flirt until they're at the spot and a ghost/demon thing (you can completely make up the scenario), torments and targets y/n to the point she's crying and runs out with Colby chasing after her? Pleaseeeee"
Warning: This one shot will start out kinda funny and flirty between reader and Colby, but it will get dark and contain the reader being targeted by the spirits and some actions include; being touched, pushed, choked, scratched, spoken to, and other things some readers might find a bit creepy. There will also be mentions of murder at the place of exploration and other bad things some readers may be triggered by.
Read with care my lovelies!
Word count: 10.3k
Disclaimer: I completely made this story up!
"We're going to explore the Hellriegel Manor in a few days.. you in?" Colby says on the other end of the phone. You smile to yourself and sigh, "I suppose I can make time in my very busy schedule for you."
You are always up for doing a video with them, even hanging out with them off camera. You've known them for a while, so sleeping over at their place or in the same tent while in the middle of some haunted woods wasn't that big of a deal, or so you thought.
"You better, y/l/n. We need you on this one." Colby chuckles to myself, "Plus, we kinda miss you out here."
You liked Colby, a lot actually. Sam is always teasing you guys, mainly because he knows he likes you too, but you both always shoot it down for stupid reasons.
You thought that maybe it would be best if you just kept him as a close friend, but the light flirting and how comfortable you are with each other makes it incredibly hard, not to mention, you and Colby are always thinking about each other though, especially when you crash at their place, and when you're asleep in a tent within in an arms reach away from each other.
You laugh as you hear Sam in the background yelling, "Don't let him lie to you y/n. He's been crying like a baby every night since you've been gone."
Point proven.
"Shut up, dude, my god. She can hear you." Coby says with a groan and you can tell that he's getting shy, "Fuck." You picture his big smile as you grab your laptop, listening to them bicker back and forth like usual.
You had to admit, you missed them, too. Even though you're visiting your family on the east coast, you honestly felt homesick.
"I'll see you guys tomorrow." You bite your lip, waiting for a response but it's quiet, "Um, hello?"
You hear muffled yelling, and you already know that it's Colby trying to get Sam to keep his mouth shut, "That's great, y/n! See you tomorrow!" Colby yells over Sam trying to yell out.
"Stop it. Please." You can hear Colby laugh, and Sam yells, still slightly muffled, "Bye!"
You hang up and shake your head laughing as you click open a new tab and type in the place Colby said you're going.
"Hellriegel Manor." You repeat to out loud after reading one do the old newspaper headlines. You scroll down as your eyes scan over the screen,
Multiple prostitutes brutally murdered in Hellriegel Manor
Callum Hellriegel is the devil himself
The ruthless murder of Hellriegel Manor revealed
Callum Hellriegel, killer found dead by self inflicted gunshot wound to head
The town thinks workers at the manor were involved
You blink a few times, shaking your head as you let out a sigh. You reach for your phone and FaceTime Colby.
He picks up fast, "Hey."
"So a possible demon. That's nice." You look into the camera and tilt your head. He takes a deep breath and lets out a long sigh, "I was trying to wait until you got here to tell you, but I guess cats out of the bag."
You nod, "Yeah, yeah." You laugh slightly and squint, "Oh no." Colby looks behind him then back to you, "What?"
"It's quiet... did you finally kill Sam?" You smile slowly and he laughs, "No, no. He's upstairs editing."
"So I called at the right time then, huh?" You tease and he nods with a smile, "Yeah, yeah, you did."
You move back onto your bed, continuing to look up the manor, "Colby."
"Yes?" He asks staring at you through his phone, but he looks away when you look, "This place looks fucking creepy, and it sounds even worse."
You know what he's about right say next, so you cut him off by speaking, "I'm still going." You bite your lip as you read, "I think with having a girl there, it might help us figure out what really happened."
He nods, "I was taking to Sam about that, too, actually. It also might be the worse because of how bad that Callum dude is made out to be."
"Yeah, but.." You nod slowly as you read more, and your eyes widen, "Colby."
"Do you know what Hellriegel means?" Your eyes move over to your phone that's propped up against your computer screen and he shakes his head, "Probably something not good."
"It means the Devil, in German." You swallow slowly, "Fuck I have the chills now."
"Again.. if you do-"
"I'm going." You smirk, "My flight is already booked and.." just as you were about to say something really sweet, you hear Colby groan and Sam appears on the screen, "Ayo!"
You laugh and wave, "Hi again Sam."
"She's looking up Hellriegel Manor." Colby looks up at him and he sighs, "Does that mean you cancelled your flight?"
You scoff, "Please. Do you not have any faith in me, Golbach?" He smirks and rolls his eyes, "You right. Plus you'll have this guys, Mr intimidator here, to protect you." He grabs Colby's shoulders and shakes him slightly.
Colby's face is turning red, but so were your cheeks. You had to admit, it's getting a lot harder for you to resist each other, especially when he is making sure you're okay in the middle of an investigation.
He was and is the one you run to when you're jumping out of your skin scared.
"Yeah, yeah. Okay. I gotta go tell my parents that I'm leaving tomorrow." You pick up your phone and set your laptop down before you get up.
"Text us your landing time and we'll be here." Sam says and you give him a thumbs up. He walks away and Colby points the phone back to him, "Tell them we said hey and I'll see you tomorrow."
You smile and nod, "I will, and I'll see you tomorrow."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
You couldn't stop thinking about what Colby said, about this possibly being a bad idea about you going, but you never turned away an adventure with Sam and Colby.
You're not going to start now.
As you walk through the airport, you hear your name being called. You jump slightly and turn, seeing Sam and Colby walking up to you.
"How was your flight?" Sam asks bringing you in for a hug. You hug him back, "It was alright, boring but alright." You look over at Colby who can't wait to have you in his arms, as you lean back from Sam.
"Glad you made it here safe." Colby wraps his arms around you, pulling you in close to him. You close your eyes, happy to be back with them until Sam clears his throat, "Maybe get a room or something?"
"Dude." Colby says loosening his arms from your waist as he turns to him trying not to laugh. You roll your eyes, "You'll never quit will you?"
He shrugs and holds his hands up, "Maybe if you guys would just admit that you like each other.."
"Oh my god." You try to hide your smile, but ayour cheeks regaining that blush of pink like normal doesn't help matters at all, "Can we just go please? I'm hungry."
Colby laughs slightly and wheels your suitcase behind him, "Yes. Please." He glares over at Sam who can't help but smirk at him.
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
Back at the house, they give you the rundown on what they know about Hellriegel.
"So as you already know, Callum Hellriegel was a very.." Sam trials off as he tilts his head and you raise your eyebrows, "Devil of a man?"
Sam nods, "Exactly."
Colby speaks up, "There's been a mix of good and bad investigations, so it's really hard to tell what exactly we'll be dealing with."
You nod, "Hmm. Well I mean, if it gets too bad we can always high tail it out of there."
Colby nods, "Yeah, exactly. did you read up on anything else after our call or no?" You shake your head, "Since you said you wanted to fill me in, I figured I'd wait. Hear what you have to say." You smirk slightly and he nods.
"How nice of you." Sam says laughing, "But on a serious note guys.." he looks to Colby and back at you, "we truly have no idea what we're going to walk into."
"That's the exciting part though, right?" You shrug and smile, trying to stay positive because you were actually shitting your pants about going to this place.
"Bingo." Sam points and looks at his phone when it goes off, "That's the owner of the manor.." he answers, "Hello?"
You and Colby exchange smiles as you look back to Sam who is nodding, "Alright sick, yeah thank you." He hangs up and looks between you and Sam, "Tomorrow night."
You're kinda shocked but then again, kinda not surprised that it's happening this soon, "Oh great."
"What? Getting scared are we?" Sam teases and you side eye him, "Where is your faith in me, Sam? We talked about this." You laugh and he shakes his head, "I honestly didn't expect him to let us in that easy. It's always been a fight for other investigators to go there."
You smile, "You guys are changing the world, how could they not?"
"You're a part of this team too, y/n.." Colby smiles and looks from you to Sam, "So we are changing the world." He looks back to you, "You sure you're up for this?"
"I'm sure."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
It wasn't until two am when you stared up at the ceiling, wondering if you really are sure about this. The more you thought about it the more it scared you but this is what you do, you remind yourself over and over again.
This is what you do.
Luckily, this isn't the first time you've been in this situation, and each time you are, both Sam and Colby make sure you're okay, along with each other of course.
You let out a sigh, rolling over to face the tv and your phone lights up. You reach out, grabbing it to pull back over to you and you see it's a message from Colby, I know you're nervous about this place and honestly.. we are too, but if things do turn bad, we'll get out of there.
You turn onto your back and a smile rests on your lips and your thumbs quickly tap the keyboard on your screen, I was actually needing that reassurance right now. I can't sleep because I am very nervous about tomorrow, but we've probably been through worse, right?
As you're waiting for a reply, you see a twitter notification pop up at the top of your screen and you laugh slightly, "Fucking Sam."
You click on the notification,
@/SamGolbach: New video popping up soon! @/Colbybrock, @/yourtwittername, and myself are going to be spending the night in the Hellriegel Manor. Stay tuned!!
You like the tweet and retweet it with a bunch of nervous face emojis and Colby instantly likes it.
You click on your group chat with both Sam and Colby, So we're all just up huh?
Sam texts back, Um, no. Only losers who won't confess their love for each other are awake at 2 in the morning
Same texts back again, talking about you Brock
Colby sends you a text separately then replies into the group chat, I'm not up what are you talking about?
You laugh as you type, bring the party down here, I'm kinda freaking myself out
Sam instantly replies, Take it to Colby's room
"Sam!" You hear Colby yell from upstairs and then a door opens, "Only trying to help." Sam says as he comes down the stairs, a shirtless Colby behind him, "Only making it worse, brother."
You sit up, looking back at them, "Can you turn the light on, please?"
Colby nods, flipping the light on and Sam instantly yells, "Oh my god, behind you."
You jump up off the couch, running backwards towards them and you push Sam when you turn to him, "Asshole."
"That wasn't cool, man." Colby shakes his head at Sam and you look up at Colby, "You can laugh." He fights it, and shakes his head, "No.. no.. it's alright."
You roll your eyes and make your way back to the couch, turning on a YouTube video about the manor, "Let's learn all we can shall we?"
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
You don't even know when you fell asleep, you just know that when you woke up, you weren't alone. You look up at a still sleeping Colby, smiling slightly as you listen to him snore softly.
Your attention is ripped away when you hear Sam coming down the steps carrying his backpack, "Mornin' sleepy heads.. or head.. I'll let you wake the beast."
You smirk and shake your head, looking back at Colby, staring at him for a few seconds before tapping his chest, "Hey, Colbs."
He doesn't budge so you tap harder and lean in, "Colby." He jumps slightly and looks at you with an immediate smile taking over his face, "oh hey." He stretches his arm slightly, "What time is it?"
You tilt your head back, "Sam what time is it?"
"Almost time to leave."
"That doesn't give me a-"
"It's nine." He smirks when you look at him, raising his eyebrows as he motions to you and Colby, making a heart with his hands. You wave him off and look back at Colby, "It's nine."
He sighs and sits up, "Okay. So we have an hour until Sam wants to leave."
"You know me so well." Sam says walking over and grabbing stuff off the coffee table. You tilt your head, "More like you drilled it into our heads repeatedly last night."
He mocks you before sighing, "Do you have to fight me on everything?"
You stand up and stretch, "Would I be one of your friend if I didn't?"
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
After getting everything around, you finally make your way to the car.
"I figured we could film the intro once we got there?" Sam says playing around with the camera. Colby nods, "Works for me."
You lean back in the seat, clicking on the message Colby sent you before they came downstairs last night, I really didn't expect you to be awake so this is awkward, but you know you don't have to do anything you don't want to do, right? And I don't just mean that with the ghost hunting.
You smile to yourself, but snap out of it when Sam starts talking and you know he's recording, "We are on our way to Hellriegel Manor, we just left a little bit ago so we should be there in like two hours or so. How are you guys feeling?"
He turns the camera to Colby, "Colby. How are we feeling, buddy?"
Colby shrugs and laughs, "I am ready to try and get answers on whether this is truly a demon or not."
Sam turns the camera back to you, "Y/n. You shaking in your boots back there?"
"No but I will be once we hit that final stretch towards it." You laugh, "I'm excited."
Sam turns the camera around so it's on all of you, "We will keep you guys updated along the way. So far it'll be driving but you guys, luckily get to skip that part." He cuts the camera off and you can't help but laugh.
"What?" Sam asks turning and Colby laughs with you, "I'm laughing because she's laughing."
You sigh, "I don't even know why I'm laughing. I think I'm nervous now."
"Well, we can drop you off here. It's not a long walk back." Sam teases and you know he can feel your glare through the back of his seat, Colby's too.
"I'm kidding. I'm kidding." Sam laughs and it's pretty much just joking back and forth the whole way there because let's face it, you were scared to go there and you were all worried about each other.
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
Sam clicks the camera on as you drive through the rusted old gate, "We have arrived at our destination." He points the camera to Colby and he gives a big smile as he laughs, "I think I just shit my pants. This place is fucking creepy even in the day time, man." He leans forward, looking at the huge, visibly old house.
"Look at those pillars." Sam says with a sigh, "I have a feeling we underestimated this guys."
You nod, "Mhm." Sam puts the camera on you as Colby parks the car and you purse your lips together, "I just got cold."
Both of them turn back to look at you, "Really?" Colby asks and looks at Sam, "That's not good."
Sam turns the camera around and makes a face, "We literally just pulled up and already one of us is feeling something. If that doesn't say anything about this place.."
"You guys didn't feel that? I mean maybe it was a freak thing, but as soon as we went through the gate, I felt something and then the closer we got to the house I got a chill."
"Wow." Sam is shocked, "Alright, well on that note, we'll see you guys in a second." He ends it and turns back to you, "Are you good?"
You nod, "Yeah, yeah. I'm good." Colby looks back at you, giving you an are you actually look and you nod again, "Let's go."
As you get out of the car, Sam starts rolling again, "Alright guys, we are here at the Hellriegel Manor." He shows the old building, "This place is just.. I don't know."
"I'll tell you what it is, insane." Colby says while straining his voice as he leans into the camera.
You knew tonight wasn't going to be a good night, for you at least. You have continuously felt energy since the moment you crossed through the gate, and some of it wasn't good.
"Y/n?" Colby says walking over to you, "You good? You just like zoned out for a minute there."
You blink a few times and look up at him, "We might not be spending the whole night here."
Sam moves up to you, "Really? Why do you-"
"Something just moved in that very top-right window." You point and Sam moves the camera up to it, "Shit, are you serious? Colby did you see that?"
Colby shakes his head, "Shit. No."
"You Sam and Colby?" An older guy who's followed by two more guys, yells out.
"Hey, yes sir.." Colby says walking over and you and Sam follow him, "I'm Colby, this is Sam, and y/n."
You all shake hands and the guy sighs, "I'm Dean, these are my two sons, Riley and Luke. What all have you heard about this place?"
"Callum Hellreigel is a big name attached to this place, right? He was the one who caused all of the prostitutes to go missing?" Sam asks as he hands the camera to Colby.
Dean nods, "Yeah, in or around 1927, it was rumored that the reason he was killing these women, was for sacrifices, but people who have worked in the house swore up and down he didn't but who knows.." as Dean goes on explaining more about the manor, you suddenly feel a wave of dizziness was over you and you close your eye.
"No shit." Colby nods, "Do you know why he was doing that or .. anything?"
"Whoa. Hey, y/n." Sam moves to your other side and taps your arm, "You with us?"
You slowly open your eyes, "He doesn't like us talking about him." You can tell everyone around you tenses, "Sam once you said his name, I got dizzy."
"He likes you." Dean says wagging his finger at you, "He always likes the pretty ones."
Colby shifts towards you and you look over at him. He hands the camera to Sam and looks back up at Dean who sighs, "You might have the best of luck tonight, y/n."
"Great." You laugh slightly, "We also heard that it's hit or miss with how good or bad it can be."
Dean nods, "Oh yeah. Very much so. We've had people come in who didn't get anything but a few knocks and we've had people who were so overwhelmed within two hours they had to leave."
"That's crazy, dude." Sam says and looks at you and Colby. Colby shakes his head and laughs slightly, "Well we mean no harm, we just want to try and figure out if those old news articles were right."
"There's another figure in the window." You point to the same window and they all look up but it disappears.
"Are you talking about the far window on the right?" Dean slowly turns towards you and you nod, "Mhm."
He nods, "That's where his room is."
"Am I seeing him?" Your heart starts to race and Dean shrugs, "Very well could be." He nods towards the house, "Come on, we'll give you the tour."
"Are you okay?" Colby asks holding onto your arm. You nod, "This is going to be a very good video for you guys.
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
"You know. During the day it's not as scary." Sam says with a nervous laugh, "Right?"
One of Dean's sons laughs, "Wait for sundown."
"I don't wanna wait for sun down.. sun please stay up." Sam laughs along with the rest of you.
"Now this room is the room where he held about five woman at a time. They'd come in here and basically wait for their turn with Callum." Dean opens the door and you guys walk into a small room, "There was always a guard, or whatever you want to call them, in here with them at all times."
"Oh wow." You shake your head, "This is.." you look around, "They were scared." Right after you say that, there's a thud and you all look towards the door.
"that sounded like it came from downstairs." Sam whispers, and soon after there's another thud, but closer. Colby walks over and looks, "There's no one out here dude. That was so loud, though."
"I'd say they were more than scared, sweetheart." Dean walks over and lifts up the loose wallpaper, revealing names that were scratched into the wall behind it, "Even the guards would mistreat the women who were held here."
"And he never got caught? How many years did he do this for?" Colby asks slightly confused, "like no one ever thought of check on the missing women from the town that's right down over the hill?" He laughs and looks at Sam who nods, "Right like you'd think that."
As they talk, you think for few moments quietly before tilting your head, "When we walk in, I could have swore I heard a whisper and now that I see this.." you walk over and bend down, "It was definitely Izzie."
"No fucking way." Sam says and walks over, showing the wall to the camera, "so like right when you walked in it was like bam someone whispering Izzie?"
You stand up and look at him, "I swear to god. I thought maybe I brushed against something like my jacket did.." you scratch your jacket off the wall, "but no. It was clearly a whisper."
"Oh my god." Colby says dragging it out slightly, "This is crazy."
"There's two more rooms you need to see, one of them being the basement." Dean motions for you guys to follow him and you make your way to the master bedroom.
"So this is where he stayed most of the time?" Sam asks, "With these prostitutes or whatever?"
Dean nods, "Yep, yeah he basically lived in here and right.." he pauses and walks over to the window and points on the ground, "..over here. Is where he shot himself."
"So wait.." you point to the window and walk over, looking out with a gasp, "oh my god." You look out at the spot you stood in when you seen the apparition in the window.
"Correct." Dean says and turns, "He would bring the women in here one at a time, do what he promised them lots of money to do and then they'd just never leave."
"That's dark, man. Sad too." Colby frowns and shakes his head. Dean nods, "So the other girls caught on pretty quick as to what was happening."
"I can't imagine the fear that was brought onto them as they waited to just die basically." Sam looks around amd Dean points to you, "If you want to try contacting him. You'll probably have the best luck. Lay on the bed if you feel brave enough."
Your heart sinks, "Oh shit, I don't think-" you look at the door quickly, but whatever was there vanishes, "the door way. Someone is watching us."
You walk over, looking out but nothing else is there. You turn back towards them, camera on you, "It's really cold right here."
"You're the first to honestly say they saw something in this room." Dean says and you raise your eyebrows, "Really?"
"Does he move around a lot or does he mainly stay in this room?" Colby asks but jumps when there's footsteps in the hallway. You lean back and shake your head, "Nothing."
"I've had people come in and say there's many, many spirits here." Dean points, "but the one I get feedback on most on the time is the basement. Lots say it's the worst, and I'll show you why." He motions for you to follow him.
Sam cuts the camera off, "I think you may be right, y/n." You walk with him and Colby as you follow the others, "We definitely underestimated this place." You look between them and walks down the steps.
As you approach the slightly skinny basement door, Sam starts recording as Dean turns to you, "You might not like it down here." He looks the door and he reveals a, very unsettling, dark stair well.
You turn and give the camera a fake crying face, "Oh no."
"There are no lights, we did put lights in, but they must not like them, so you have to use flashlights so be careful coming down." Dean says and everyone pulls their phones out and switches the flash on.
Dean and his sons go down first and you and the boys follow, "Hold on, I just want to see how dark it is." Sam switches off the light and everyone covers their lights, "Oh fucking hell."
You immediately grab onto Colby's jacket and his hand immediately goes to the side of your leg, both keeping a hold of each other until Sam turns the light back on. Colby laughs, "that's the, you can't see your hand in front of your face dark."
"Now, keep that in mind because down here.." Dean pauses, "They only had candles for light down here I'm pretty sure.."
You reach the bottom and your heart feels like it's working overtime. You feel dizzy, grabbing onto the first thing you could, Colby's arm, to not fall back.
"Whoa." He wraps an arm around your waist and you nod, "Dean.. let me tell you something.." you laugh slightly and point at him.
He nods, "You don't like it down here do you?" You shake your head, "Not at all." Your eyes scan over what you can see of the old jail cells.
You felt pain and sadness, and just flat out awful.
"Down here, they kept at least twenty more women at a time, five to a cell." Riley points, "Right above the last cell over there, is where the five upstairs were, so that cell you could hear almost everything, because there's a vent, for whatever reason."
"Did they make that vent so they could hear the screams and shit on purpose or?" Sam asks looking over towards the cell.
Dean nods, "I mean, it's very possible because it's literally just a straight shot, so. I wouldn't have put it past him, he was-"
A bottle rolls down the steps and you close your eyes, "No, no, no." You laugh nervously, "There's no fucking way."
"Are you kidding me right now?" Sam turns to Colby, "We didn't even start the investigation yet and a fucking bottle.. rolls down the steps?"
Colby's eyes are wide and his mouth is open, "Did you catch that?" Sam nods, "then sound and then maybe the end of it coming down." He sighs, "Oh what the hell did we get ourselves into?"
"I don't know but I'm scared." You admit, "This isn't going to be easy." You say into the camera and Colby crosses his arms, "What would they do down here exactly? To these women that were just held here waiting?"
Dean shrugs, "All of it.. and right over there around the wall of the stairs." He points and walks you guys over, "He had the women who, in the words of what I read and was told, couldn't please him like he wanted, tortured for hours on hours I guess."
"What did they do with the bodies? Do you know if they buried them or.." Sam asks and Dean shifts around slightly, "I just got a chill, but um.."
"Wait you just got a chill?" Colby steps forward, "It doesn't feel any different to me so that's creepy."
Dean chuckles, "Yeah, so anyway.. it was rumored they tried to cremate them theirselves, but I don't think it worked out, but when we were trying to clear some stuff out around the house, there was a well that was discovered and it had human bones in it, but no one really knows what happened to them they just vanished one day and no one asked questions."
"So there is a lot of pent up negative energy surrounding this manor." One of the guys says, but you're not focused on who. You shake your head, "Some just want to be free." You look at Sam and Colby, "Something is keeping them here and I think I know who it is."
"Oh god." Sam yells and jumps forward, spinning around really quick, "Something just grabbed my shoulder, swear to god."
"You good, man?" Colby walks up to him, and Sam nods, "Yes, yes. That just scared the shit out of me. Like I was just standing here and it felt like someone did this to me. But lightly." He demonstrates by grabbing Colby's shoulder.
"That may happen a lot more when we leave." Dean says and motions with his light to go back up.
Once you make it back outside, he turns towards the house, "Just keep reminding them why you are here and that you're the ones in control."
"Will that actually work?" Sam looks at Dean and he nods, "It'll definitely work for him." He points to Colby and you smile as you remember someone else telling Colby he's intimidating.
"I have been told that I intimidate spirits so.. that's my house now." He makes his voice strained, "No, im kidding. He laughs and Dean shakes his head, "No that's exactly it. Show you're in control and you should be fine."
"Should be, that's not too selling there, Dean." Sam says and looks at Colby. He shrugs, "I mean, it works for me."
"Well, good luck and if you're still here, I'll see you in the morning."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
After getting the equipment from the car and talking for a little bit, it's almost dark so the three of you agree it's best to just start since you were already getting so much activity already.
"You good?" Colby asks as he sets up some stuff, getting it ready. You look up, "Yeah." You let out breathy laugh, "I'm nervous, but otherwise good."
"Oh shit." You hear Sam yell from outside, "No fucking way." You and Colby look at each other and run out, "What? what?" Colby asks going over to him.
You follow behind and he points, "I think I saw what you saw earlier, y/n. I turned the camera on but by the time I looked up, it was gone."
"Yeah, like it only wants you to see it, if it lets you." You run your hands over your face, "Okay so I think we should try and get something before we're basically chased out of here."
You come to regret saying those words, later on.
"Okay, yeah. So the living room area? See if we can get in touch with someone who worked here?" Colby says and Sam nods, "Let's do it."
As you walk up to the door, you turn around and look at Colby, "Did you just whistle?" He shakes his head, "No that wasn't me, was it you?" He points to Sam and he shakes his head, "No."
"There's a light whistle, but it sounded like it was right behind me." You close your eyes and shake your head, "Oh god."
"It's alright. Come on." Colby leads you into the living area and you stand over to the coffee table and set down the EMF, waiting for Sam and Colby to come in.
"Okay. Ill put a flashlight on the mantle here and-"
A loud knock cuts Sam off, "Did you hear that?" His eyes move between you and Colby and you both nod. He lets out a sigh, "Alright."
He starts rolling, "So we are here in the living room area of the Hellriegel Manor, and we've been hearing knocks.."
"A bottle rolled down the basement stairs, this place is absolutely insane already, but now we're here and we're going to start by asking some simple questions." Colby takes the camera from Sam so he can lay a flashlight on the mantle like he said, "We have just a regular flashlight here and then we have the EMF over there by y/n."
You switch it on and move away from it, "Do you want me to start?"
Immediately both the flashlight and the EMF lights up green. Sam and Colby both yell out, "Oh fuck dude."
You freeze, "Um. Okay. My name is y/n. I come with peace and just wanting to find out the truth about what happened here. Is there just one of you talking to us right now?"
You wait a few moments and as soon as you look at Colby it lights up red and the flashlight switches off.
Your eyes go wide as you look at Sam. His eyes search the floor as he thinks, "My name is Sam, I too come with peace, I just want to ask, are you trapped here?"
Colby moves the camera from the EMF to the flashlight, "Y/n. Repeat what Sam asked."
"Are you trapped here?" You ask and it's an immediate green light, no flashlight, "Am I speaking to one person now?"
Red light. Flashlight turns on making all of you gasp and yell. Colby shakes his head, "Dean was right, they must be drawn to her more than us."
Switches green and the flashlight stays on.
"That wasn't even a ques-" something falling from a shelf makes you jump and you bolt in between them, "Oh Jesus Christ."
"I'm Colby. I also come with peace. Was that you that just knocked that stuff over?" A few moments go by and nothing.
"If that was you, can you do it again, please?" You grip Colby's arm, "the hairs on the back of my neck just stood up." He looks down at you, "really?" You nod and Sam brings his hand up behind you, "It's literally only cold right here."
Suddenly you're pushed away from Colby, not hard, but enough to make you lean back.
"Did you just get pushed?" Colby asks, "You pulled me with you tha-"
What sounds like empty tin cans, hit the floor and roll, stopping in the entry way of the living room.
"Thank you." You say, "Am I speaking to the original owner of this house?" You let go of Colby and walk over to the doorway.
"Y/n, stay close please. This house is too un-" Colby gets cut off by the EMF lighting up red.
"Are you saying no to y/n's question?" Sam asks quickly and it flashes red. Your eyes go wide and you make your way back over to them, "Do you want me to stay close to Sam and Colby?"
Flashes red and the flash light turns on.
"Fuck me." You lay a hand on your face and the emf lifts up green.
"No." Colby says almost immediately, "You can't have her."
Flashes green and the flash light stays on.
You look at them, "I have to ask if it's him."
Flashes green again and the flash light goes off.
"Dude this is fucking wild, oh my god." Sam runs a hand through his hair, "Are you okay?" He looks at you and you nod, "Yeah, I'm good."
"I have a very important question for you." You move over and sit in the one chair, "Am I speaking to Callum Hellreigel?"
Lights up red and you feel kind of relieved until you see a shadow move on the stairs, "Fuck, the stairs. Something just went up."
"Are you going upstairs?" Colby asks and waits patiently. The EMF goes off and it's red, "Are you one of the women who were lured here and promised money?"
Lights up green.
"Is anyone else with you?" Sam asks and rests his hand against his chin.
Lights up green.
Just as Colby is getting ready to ask something you stand up, "Something just.." you point up and shake your head, "I just heard come on. Like something said come on."
"Is that you Callum? Are you trying to lure y/n up stairs?" Colby hands the camera back to Sam and looks over at you, no response.
"Okay, so they definitely move around." Sam sighs, "Fuck man. Y/n. How are you feeling?" You look over at them slowly, "Oh I'm great." You stand up, "Maybe we should move.."
"Where to next?" Sam asks and you walk over to them, "Upstairs. I don't think he killed himself."
They're both taken aback by what you said and Colby shakes his head, "Do you feel something towards that?"
You nod, "I have this.. uneasy feeling in my stomach and I get chills thinking about it. I don't think he shot himself."
The EMF reader lights up green and you jump slightly, "Fuck." Sam looks around, "Did you kill your self Callum?"
Colby repeats Sam's question exactly, nothing.
They both look at you, along with the camera and you take a deep breath and shake your head, "get the spirit box."
Sam stops recording, "That's a good idea. Where do you want to set up?"
Colby walks over to you and lays his hands on your arms, "You good to keep going?" You nod, "Yeah I need to find out what happened, I'm nosey." You laugh slightly and lean around to look at Sam, "Maybe top of the steps?"
He nods and you grab the equipment and look at the steps. Your eyes move up and down, getting a weird feeling about it, "Wait." You stop Sam and point to the floor at the bottom of the steps.
Colby starts recording and Sam sets it down, "let me just turn it on." He turns it on and a soft white noise fills the area.
Sam motions to you and you bite your lip, debating on which question to ask.
".. Up .."
"Yo, no." Sam covers his mouth and Colby laughs nervously, "No fucking way."
"Do you want us to go up the stairs?" You ask and chew on your nail.
".. Wall .. name.."
"Are you asking about the names on the wall in the room where the women were held?" Colby asks, "Did you whisper Izzie to y/n when we went in there earlier?"
A soft, 'y/n' is whispered behind you and you let out a slight yell, "Fuck, no. Someone just said my name."
"Callum was that you?" You close your eyes and shake it, letting out quiet, high toned "oh shit."
"Do you want us to go to the bedroom? Callum's room?" Colby asks rubbing his eyebrow and pulls you to him when you all clear as day hear,
"Just... her.."
"You can't have her." Sam says looking around, "You can't have any one anymore, do you hear me?"
".. Blood.. shed .."
"Doesn't mean blood shed, like bleeding or?" Colby asks Sam and he shakes his head, "I don't know, man."
"So scared."
"I know you're scared." You say and nothing else comes through.
"Why do you want y/n?" Colby asks moving the camera around, "Are you scared of us? I promise we mean no harm to any of you."
".. Pretty... girl .."
"do you guys feel okay?" You fan yourself, "I just got really hot all of a sudden." Colby hands the camera to Sam and feels your forehead, "You feel cold to me."
You're suddenly pushed backwards away from Colby's touch, "Fuck." He says pulling you over to Sam. He turns from recording the stairs, "What happened? What?"
Colby sighs, "She just got pushed again, dude."
"Maybe we should just go up." You close your eyes as Colby instantly disagrees, "Mm. No."
Sam cuts the camera off, "Colby. If she thinks she can-"
"We don't know what we're dealing with here, Sam. I'm not going to send her into a room alone." Colby argues.
".. Stop .."
"Stop what?" You ask and Sam turns the camera on, "So.. Colby felt y/n's head because she said she was hot and when he did that, y/n got pu-" a loud thud is heard from up stairs and Sam quickly turns the spirit box off and turns the camera to you guys, "Did you hear that?"
You nod, "Almost like.. a body falling onto the floor."
"That's what I was thinking." Coby says nodding.
Sam waits a few seconds more before picking up where he left off in a whisper, "So basically, whatever is here doesn't like us being close to y/n."
"Dean did say that she might be the target for tonight, just because of all the history with this place." Colby says.
"I think we should just do it because it's either his room or the basement and I'll tell you right now I'm not ready to go back down there yet." You chew on your cheek, "So let's just go up there and hit those rooms up there."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
There was a sudden decrease in activity in the other rooms but it quickly picked up when you moved back towards the bedroom.
"I think we should put the REM pod where Dean said he was shot." Sam suggests and you nod, "Yeah. That's good."
You have this feelings that something is watching you, and no it's not just Colby.
"Sam." Colby says, "You don't think.."
Sam stands up after checking the pod, "What?" Colby nods towards me, lowing his voice, "You don't think he's.. targeting her because of me do you?"
Sam glances at you and shrugs, "So you're admitting to liking her then?"
Colby sighs, "Yes, Sam. I'm admitting to it finally." He smiles but shakes his head, "That's not the point, how are we going to do this without any danger coming to her?"
"Why don't we just ask him?" You step forward, "You can be right outside the door."
Colby shakes his head, "No."
There's a loud bang and you jump, "Colbs. I got this. If anything happens, you'll be right outside." Sam starts rolling the camera, "So we are now in the room where Callum supposedly shot himself and y/n has decided to lay in Callum Hellreigel's very own bed. Alone."
Sam turns the camera to you, "How are you feeling?" You take a deep breath, "it is what it is right?" You shrug, but Colby didn't like that answer.
"I'll be fine." You hold two thumbs up and Sam points the camera at Colby, "Wanna tell them what we're doing?"
Colby clears his throat as he holds up the EMF, "We are going to set up y/n with the EMF as well, and she'll ask yes or no questions and hopefully we can get some answers.."
"Then we'll come back in after a little while and set up the spirit box, maybe catch something on that? I don't know how you guys feel about that.." Sam trails off and you nod, "Sounds good."
Colby's whole demeanor changed since you said you'll stay in the room by yourself. You keep looking at him, and he looks at you, but he has worry in his eyes.
"Alight so we're just going to put this in the corner here.." Sam says as he sets up the camera on the one stand, angled towards the bed and window.
Colby walks up to you, cupping your cheeks, "Anything, and I mean anything happens, yell, scream and we'll be here."
You nod, laying a hand on his, "I can handle this." You jump and Sam yells as something falls outside of the room, "What the fuck. That sounded like something massive."
"Shit." Colby says taking his hands away, "Sorry. Sorry." He holds his hands up and steps back from you. Your eyes move around the room as you make your way over to the bed, sitting criss cross, "See you soon."
"You're sure?" Sam asks one last time. You take a deep breath, "Yes." Colby's eyes are on you until Sam fully shuts the door, leaving you in the darkened silence, alone.
"Callum Hellriegel." You call out, "If you're here, can you go over and touch that little box that's on the floor for me?"
The red light flashes, indicating no on the EMF.
"Am I talking to someone else?" Your eyes scan around the room, taking slow deep breathes as you try to get used to the dark, no answer, "I should’ve stayed home." You joke quietly to yourself,  "Is this where you wanted me?"
Instant green light.
You chew on your cheek as a chill washes over your body, "Fuck." You rest your hands on your head, "Did you kill all those women, Callum?"
Instant green light and the REM pod goes off.
"Did you kill them because they couldn't please you?" You rest your hand on your cheek and jump slightly when the EMF goes red.
"Did you kill them beca-" The EMF flashes red over and over again, "Stop!" You say loudly and it's soon followed by a loud bang on the window.
"Holy fuck." You sigh and place a hand on your chest, "Do you want us to bring the spirit box in so you can talk?"
Instant green light.
"Callum Hellreigel.. did you kill your self?" Your eyes move from the REM pod to the EMF, waiting for something, "Did someone else do it?"
Instant green light.
"Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Okay, okay. Was it someone who worked for you?"
Instant red light.
"Was it one of the prostitutes?"
Instant green light.
"Is there anyone else here?"
Instant green light and you suddenly feel like you're being choked. You try to yell out as loud as you can, "C-Colby!" You feel the pressure on your neck vanish and you start coughing as soon as the boys bust through the door.
Colby is right next to you, "What? What? Y/n. Talk to me."
You're gasping for air still as you try to comprehend what just happened.
Sam brings the camera over, almost dropping it when he sees the finger marks on your neck.
"Holy fuck- Colby." Sam moves your hair to show the camera, "Oh my god. Are you okay? Oh fuck."
Colby's eyes are glued to your neck, "Can you breathe? Are you okay?"
"I-I.." you clear your throat, rubbing your hand over the prints, "I believe.. I was talking to Callum, and then I asked if anyone else was here and it went to yes and then i just suddenly felt like I was being choked."
"What the fuck, okay let's just get out of this room, I don't.." Sam sighs and shakes his head, "I don't like this."
As you're gathering the equipment and getting ready to walk out, you're pushed into Sam causing him to stumble a step forward, "That wasn't me." You say quickly as he turns around, "are you okay?"
Colby shuts the door with a slam and sighs, "This is fucking insane.. I can't believe this happened."
"Did you hear that?" You look down the steps, "Something just moved into the living room."
Sam points the camera, the light shining down and there's nothing there, "What the fuck, what the fuck?!"
"Shh. Shh." You shush Sam and look around, "I thought I heard whispering."
Colby lays a hand on your back, "Let's go outside, talk about what happened and then we can figure out what we wanna do."
Colby was just worried about getting you out without anymore damage.
You make your way outside, camera still rolling, bending down to the ground, "Oh my god."
"Okay. So y/n.. she got attacked basically and we're trying to figure out why. She's okay. She's okay.. it's just.. " Sam keeps the camera off of you until you stand back up, "Fuck."
"So." You walk over to them, using your hand to hide your neck from the camera, "As soon as you guys left, it was.. weird, it was fucking weird." You laugh slightly and shake your head, "I asked if it was him. Said no. Then I asked if it was someone else, no answer and then I asked if I was where they wanted me and that was an instant green light."
"What if.. what if it's not Callum?" Colby looks between you and Sam and Sam gasps, "One of the women?"
You hold your hand up, "Oh just wait. So then I asked if he killed all those women. Instant green light. I then asked if it was because they couldn't please him and it said no."
"Wait, y/n.. Did you tell stop at one point?" Sam asks and you nod, "The red light kept flashing over and over, so then I told it to stop and then it sounded like something hit the window. Hard. It was loud."
"Wait what?" Colby looks to Sam, "Did you hear anything?" Sam shakes his head, "I thought I heard her yell stop but it was much quieter than she says she yelled."
"Do you think.. wait.." Colby looks at you, "Izzie. That's what was whispered to you right?" You nod and he shrugs, "What if she killed him?"
"That's actually something that very well could have happened.. He favorited her maybe and she developed this jealously? Oh my god, the story just keeps unraveling." Sam points the camera back to you and you continue, "I asked if they wanted us to bring the sprit box in and it said yes. It also said yes to me asking if someone else killed him.." you look between them, "..and to if it was one of the prositutes."
"Yo, no. Are you fucking serious!?" Sam's mouth drops, "Is said yes to that?"
You nod, "Sure did."
"Izzie probably is intimidated by you." Colby says, "I think we have this all wrong." You run your hand over your head, "Mhm. But it was like not even a second after the light went green I felt this pressure around my neck and I couldn't move. I wasn't even sure if you guys heard me calling."
"I heard you scream Colby, a lot louder than when you yelled stop." Sam shakes his head, "If I would have known we would have came in.." he looks at Colby, "They said about the spirit box.."
Colby shakes his head and looks at you as Sam moves the camera onto you, "I think we should just take a break, give them time to settle, if they will." You suggest and Sam nods, "That's a good idea."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
The whole time you guys took a break, Colby hasn't left your side as you guys discussed and agreed on what you were doing.
He found himself glancing at your neck every so often, wondering if him putting up more of a fight would have kept you safe.
"Colby.." you whisper, "Colbs." You finally get his attention, "Stop it."
"Stop what?"
"Not your fault. I chose to go in there." You lay a hand on his cheek, "Okay?"
He nods, not really convincing you but you go with it as Sam walks over, "Are you ready?" He looks at you and you nod, taking Colby's hand in yours, "Yeah. We're ready."
"Anything else happens and I'm throwing you over my shoulder and taking you out of there myself." He whispers low into your ear as sam walks towards the house.
You smile slightly, "Don't threaten me with a good time."
He keeps his arm around you until you reach the front door. He walks in but you stop, staring up the steps, "Sam. Don't move."
Colby looks between you, Sam and the steps, "What?" He whispers quietly and you point slightly, "There's a woman.." you raise your voice, "Izzie?"
The figure you see turns from the top of the steps and goes into Callum's room.
"We need to do the spirit box."
You make your way up to the room and Colby walks in first. Then you, then Sam. The REM pod gets put on the floor, and turned on. Sam backs away from it and you take a deep breath.
"We mean no harm to anyone that is here." You say and look around, "Izzie. If you were the one that choked me, can you touch that box on the floor over by the window?"
You close your eyes as soon as it lights up.
"Fucking shit dude." Sam says pointing the camera to you. You open your eyes and step towards the bed, "Did you get jealous of the other girls? Make that light up for me if you were."
You look over at Sam and Colby, who are whispering stuff to each other, and back to the pod as it lights up.
"one more time if you want us to turn on the spirit box." You run a hand through your hair and turn back to them as it lights up a few times in a row.
Colby takes the camera and Sam grabs the box, walking over and setting it on the window sill, "You will be able to talk to us using this box here."
Colby moves over closer to you and Sam and as soon as Sam flips it on, "Why did you choke y/n?"
".. doesn't... belong.."
"She doesn't belong here in general or doesn't belong to Callum?" Colby continues and you chew on your nail as you wait patiently.
".. not.. his..."
"Can you tell us who isn't his? Are you talking about Callum?" Sam interjects, "Y/n doesn't belong to Callum."
"..Mine.. my doing.."
"Are we talking to Izzie or Callum?" You rest your hand on your cheek, "Can you please tell me who we are talking to?"
".. Colby.." 
"What the hell?" Colby groans and laughs slightly, "Can you tell me who I'm talking to?" He asks giving the camera to Sam, "I'm right here."
".. not.. yours.."
You look at Sam then go to Colby.
"..out.. out.. Izzie.."
"Did you kill Callum, Izzie?" Sam asks, "Was it you who shot him in front of the window?"
" .. y/n.. stay .."
You let out a quick scream as something grabs your arm, "No. I'm not staying. You cannot have me." The same bang on the window that happened while you were alone, happens again.
Colby aims the camera to the window, "fuck, what was th-"
".. keep her safe .."
"We are keeping her safe." Colby says as he pulls you in between him and Sam, "Do not touch her. Do not touch us."
You look around, "Shit." You jump, "Izzie. Leave."
" .. Sam .. "
"Okay no. No that's.. no.." Sam laughs nervously, "Do you want us to leave?"
" .. Colby ... and Sam .. "
"Alright we're done." Colby hands the camera back to Sam and turns off the box, "I don't think Callum is a demon. I think Izzie has some jealousy to figure out and she won't be doing that with you." He looks at you and you nod, "Fine."
"That was fucking insane, dude. What the actual fuck was that?" Sam shakes his head, unable to comprehend what just happened.
You hear another whisper as you turn towards the door, "did you hear that?" Sam and Colby stop talking and go quiet as they listen.
You turn towards them, "Please don't go is what I just heard.."
"We're going." Sam and Colby say in unison which makes you all kinda laugh, fear still in overdrive. You spin in a slow circle, "Whatever is in this room, this house, who ever you are, you cannot follow us out of this house. You cannot follow us home. You can not come with us."
As Sam bends down to pick up the REM, Colby lays his hand on your back but you wince and gasp, "What the fuck?"
"What?" Colby asks looking over you, "What happened?"
"Lift my shirt." You turn back around and Sam comes over with the camera, the light on top shining onto your back.
Colby slides your shirt up, "We're done. That's two fucking scratches l, Sam." He looks at Sam and you turn around, "Two?!"
As soon as you stand all the way up, you get dizzy and stumble back slightly into the wall. You suddenly feel like your emotions aren't yours anymore and you feel tears welling up in your eyes.
Flashes of a woman in a long dress and a man undressing her appear in your mind. 
She's screaming. Crying. There's two more guys, but they're standing in the corners, watching it happen.
You feel like you're seeing someone else's vision until everything goes black and you start to regain the imagine of Colby and Sam standing in front of you.
"Y/n.. hey." You hear Colby say as he shakes you gently, "Y/n. Hey where'd you go?"
Your head snaps up to him, "What?" You look around, shaking your head, "I don't.. what just.."
"You weren't you." Sam says, "You went back into the wall and then you were in a stare, Colby tried for like two minutes to get you to look up."
"We.." your chest rises and falls quickly, "I'm so scared right now." A loud thump on the wall behind you rattles the room and you high tail it out of there.
Down the steps and out the door as Sam and Colby follow you.
"Y/n. Hey, hey wait." Colby yells, "Y/n." He walks up to you and takes you into his arms. You freak out for a second until you realize it's him and you let your body fall into his.
"Is she okay?" Sam asks running up, "What the fuck just happened?"
Colby shrugs, "I have no idea. But I see why they don't just let anyone in here."
He looks down at you, arms still tightly around you, "Hey. You're okay. I got you." You tilt your head up, slowly looking back at the building.
You let out a slight laugh, "Did I.. just.. did I just get possessed or something?"
They're both looking at you worried, "I saw a woman.. screaming as a man was taking off her dress and two other men in the corners were watching.. I don't.. was that.."
"We don't have an answer for that, but what I do know is that we're getting far from this place as possible." Colby lets you go as you stand up straight.
You look at Colby and point your finger at him, "Remember what I said to you last night, about us probably having been through worse?"
Colby nods as his hands move up and down your arm.
"Well, this is worse." You laugh anxiously, tears welling up into your eyes again, "What the fuck was that?"
"We're going home. It's okay." Colby wraps his arms around you, "Sam, can you drive home?" Sam yells out a quick 'yeah' as he packs the trunk back up.
"Come on. We're going home."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
Thinking of maybe doing a part 2? Not sure yet, maybe like the aftermath of the Hellriegel Manor?
Likes and reblogs are appreciated!
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misshugs · 6 months
The Cameragirl || snc
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You've been Sam and Colby's cameragirl for some time now. Usually, nothing too crazy happened to you in most investigations, but this time...
warnings: paranormal activity, reader getting attacked, near death experience, strangling(?), cursing, angst?
a/n: took a bit of inspo after watching the boys' video of the asylum, but nothing exactly like it. just the fact that the place is an asylum
[part 1] [part 2] [part 3]
word count: 3.6k
[u n e d i t e d]
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
As they were making their iconic intro and explaining what this new place was about, you made sure to have a sturdy pulse whilst filming them.
"Today, it's just me, Sam and our lovely cameragirl, Y/n." Colby said, letting you shift the camera towards your face and smile at it.
"Hello there." You said, making sure your face was extremely close to the camera, merely because it has become your way of introducing yourself.
"And since it's only us today like the good old days, we decided to make something fun. ALL of us." Sam explained to the camera and smirked, looking directly at you.
You batted your eyes, looking at them while they kept on smiling menancingly at you. "This wasn't a part of the contract." You said, gaining a laugh from both of them.
You zoomed onto his face and began talking with this soft, almost narrative voice. A voice you very well knew they enjoyed. "What is this oh so fun idea you seem to be hyping about, mr. Golbach?"
"Why thank you for asking." Sam nodded slightly, moving his attention towards the camera. "The three of us are gonna do a little challenge tonight." He clapped his hands together as you began unzooming the camera, putting Colby back on frame.
"That's right, we're going to walk alone, lights out throughout some of the most haunted corridors from this place." Colby continued. "The owners of this place told us it gets freaky when people are alone, so we thought this might get us some good activity."
"We have some cameras with nightvision but we're not gonna see shit." Sam added, "After a while, we all should find our way back to the main lobby."
"So stay until the end to see how that's gonna turn out." Colby says, getting close to the camera before covering it with his hand, making you stop the recording for the cut.
"That was pretty good." You said, looking at the video slightly.
"You're still good with the challenge, right?" Sam asked, looking at you. You scoffed.
"Please. I wouldn't have come if I wasn't sure about it. Remember you told me about it before the video?"
"I know, I know. Just making sure, you know how I am." He laughs. "Wouldn't want you to do something you're not comfortable with."
"You're saying that like we haven't known eachother for how long?"
He chuckles. "You're right. I'm sorry."
"Alright, so since we're all settled, should we start right away?" Colby chimed in, looking at both of you.
"Not yet. This place has some good cinematic potential, lemme cook first." You said, looking around with your flashlight.
"Aight, we'll let you do your thing, I'll go ahead and look for the equipment." Colby said.
"Oh, shoot. I forgot to ask the owners about something." Sam said, taking out his phone.
"Go out with Colby, I'll be here waiting." You said, fixing back your camera to start recording.
"Alone?" They both asked, looking at eachother and then at you.
"I do my best work alone, gentlemen. You know that." You begin walking towards the shadiest corridor you've seen in your life, without even looking back.
"Oh wow. Fearless. She's trying to do the challenge before us." Colby laughed.
"Alright, I'll be super quick. If anything happens, just yell. As loud as you can." Sam said, smiling.
"Copy that." You laughed.
In the blink of an eye, you were left alone. You were used to these type of things, so it didn't bother you much. You've somehow become numb to all of this paranormal adventuring.
And that was one of the main reasons why you liked to take control of the camera, since you were able to keep your cool in stressful situations, making it easier for the viewers later on.
Plus, you didn't know how to act on camera and they were the professionals... allegedly.
Whenever something odd happened, you made sure to try and record as much as you could, in the best angles possible. You liked to joke around and call yourself a professional in your craft, although sometimes it wasn't even a joke.
You were passionate about it. The videos and the ghosts, it was only natural to try and do more, risk yourself to do something more interesting and outgoing.
That's a piece of yourself they loved about you. You were simply a perfect match in their combo.
As you began to do your cinematic, you began to have shivers. A sudden draft of air passing through you, as if a window suddenly opened.
Looking around, there was no possible way of that happening. You were in the middle of the corridor, absolutely no chance of an air draft simply passing through so randomly.
You thought it might've been a bit odd, but nothing you haven't felt before anyways. While you kept on making some videos, an eerie feeling of someone watching crossed over your spine.
The sensation of a presence slowly getting closer to you behind your back.
Almost feeling the heat of another person behind you, towering over you.
Hurriedly looking back, you were met with Sam's hand almost touching your shoulder. He stopped midway, knowing he got caught trying to scare you. "You bitch." You spit out, making him laugh.
"Damn it!" He said mid laugher. "I was so quiet this time, how do you always seem to know?"
"I can feel you lurking closer, you stalker." You looked away from his gaze, trying to ignore the thoughts of his pretty face. You began walking back to where he came from, meeting Colby in the process.
"I'm not a stalker, if anything, I'm protecting."
"Quietly from the shadows, sounds like a stalker to me, but you do you." You smiled softly, looking at the confused Colby.
"I left for a second, what did I miss?"
"Stalker behavior, nothing else." You said, putting your camera up again and ready to record.
Colby shook his head from side to side, already being on your side of the story without even asking further questions. "I can't believe you brother."
"Wha- it wasn't-..." Sam sighed, defeated. He knew you were joking, so he wasn't going to win anyways.
You laughed and pointed the camera at them. "Ready when you are." They nodded and you began to record.
"So as you can see, in our hands we have some devices that we'll scatter throughout this first room. If you've been here before, you'll probably be familiar, but if you haven't, these are basically some motion censor devices that will let us know if something walks infront of it." Colby explained, turning one of the devices on and showing to the camera how it worked.
As they organized everything, the REM-POD immediately began beeping. "Oh, shit. That's the rem pod." Sam said, stopping on its tracks. "That was the temperature dropping."
You made sure the camera caught that as you got closer to it. "Oh fuck. I was feeling a bit cold since we got here." Colby added. "Alright. I think we're ready."
"Okay. If there's any spirit around that would like to communicate with us, we would like for you to use any of these devices we've put up for you." Sam started, as you made sure to get far enough from everything for the shot.
"You can touch these lights on the floor, or maybe this device I have on my hand." Colby continued, pointing towards the EMF reader. "We mean no harm, we'd just like to talk to someone."
A couple of seconds passed, looking around, waiting for something to happen.
"Maybe they don't want..." Sam began, before getting interrupted by the REM-POD beeping, making you hurriedly move your camera angle. "Oop. Nevermind. Thank you very much. Can you do that again if you're here with us? To let us know it wasn't something else?"
Silence filled the room for a while, before the device started to beep once again.
Excited, they began asking questions to this entity, expecting for it to be somewhat intelligent enough to give answers back.
Luckily, it was. It seemed to be someone that died inside the asylum, a woman. Curious about the story of this woman, they kept on asking questions. Some of them being answered, others being completely ignored.
Asides from the constant beep from their device, you heard a knock coming from one of the corridors. Quickly looking around, they stopped talking. "What?" Colby asked.
"Heard something." You whispered. The room went silent, followed by what sounded like footsteps getting closer. You turn the camera back at them and their faces were shocked.
"Holy fuck." Sam whispered.
"That was like... thumps. We're the only ones here, right?" Colby asked him.
"Yeah, we're supposed to be." Sam says, walking towards the place they heard the sound, quietly. You followed close behind. "Hello?"
Nothing. They kept on looking around, searching and at the same time waiting for something else to happen. "There's no one here." Colby says. "But that was clear as day."
"Super clear, the camera must've have heard that, for sure." Sam said, looking at you as you nodded. "That was crazy."
"Yeah, let's try something else but closer to this area, maybe it's more active." Colby said, and all of you nodded.
A couple of minutes later, and you were all set up. This time around, they turned on a spirit box to try and communicate better.
The idea was to first use it as normal, then for Colby to do the Estes Method.
And so, the spirits began to talk.
"What's this." It spat out. Colby and Sam looked at eachother, smiling.
"Hello, this is a spirit box, you can use it to communicate with us. Would you mind telling us who you are?" Sam said, looking around.
"Hi, hello." Colby responded. "Who are we talking to."
"I'm scared."
"Scared? Scared of what?" Colby asked, furrowing his eyebrows whilst looking at the camera.
"Behind you."
They quickly looked behind them. "Oh, fuck. I hate that." Colby said, as you smiled at their gestures.
It quickly faded away when you felt the familiar presence of someone behind you.
Heart racing, you looked around for a second, but there was nothing there. It didn't mean the feeling went away, though.
"Monster. Care..." It seemed the audio cut before finishing the whole word.
"Monster... care?" Sam asked, confused.
"Or maybe it meant careful? Like, careful of the monster?" Colby questioned.
"It would make sense. What monster are you talking about? Is it harming you? Are you scared of this monster... or... person?"
It took a while before responding. Last thing it said, before a screech filled the radio was... "Run."
Quickly, they turned it off. They looked at eachother. "That was terrifying." Colby said. Sam nodded and sighed.
"Let's try and look around for some other place. This doesn't feel safe." Sam said and everyone agreed.
For the past hour of recording, moving around and joking here and there, you felt a bit uncomfortable. Usually, you weren't the type to get scared over the paranormal, but this place felt more eerie than usual.
You heartbeat has been increasing slowly, as well as a slight pain in your chest that quickly faded. You felt watched.
There was a point where you even felt slightly touched, quickly warning the boys about it.
Due to this, they almost discarted the idea completely, thinking you might be getting targeted, scared that it might do something to you. It took you a couple of minutes of convincing them to keep on recording before the conversation was dismissed.
You tried to brush it all off, as 'something you've felt before', but deep down you were really anxious about it. Perhaps it made you feel better to think about it being just the nerves.
But you weren't the type of person to feel these nerves for no reason.
"Hey, you good?" Colby touched your shoulder and whispered to you, noticing you seemed a bit weird. "You seem out of it today."
"Yeah, I'm good. I was just zoning out."
"Yeah, I noticed." He chuckled, looking into your eyes. "You sure you're okay though?" He raised an eyebrow, seemingly concerned. "You don't look well."
"What? Do I look like a ghost to you?" You asked, smiling, which quickly made him show that gorgeous smile you loved.
"More like you've seen one." You shook your head.
"I'm fine. I've just seen some shadows running in the corners of my eye, but nothing too big to point out."
He batted his eyes. "You've what?"
"Calm down, you know I see those things all the time. It's nothing new." Half of it was true. The other half, well... there was a chance you might've seen a whole figure standing close to a doorframe, but you felt your imagination was tricking you too much tonight, so you didn't say anything.
You weren't a psychic or a medium or something close to it anyways. If anything, you'd probably consider it more like a hallucination due to the constant lack of sleep you've been having lately.
"I know, I know, but still. You could tell us about it, you know? Maybe we all see the same thing you do and since you don't point it out, we don't notice."
You rolled your eyes playfully. You were about to say something, but a breeze passed through your ear, a soft whisper saying "Come play."
You jumped, covering your ear and walking closer to Colby. "Shit." You whispered.
Confused, he held your shoulders. "What? What? You heard something?" His worry was enough for Sam to stop setting the cameras up and walk closer.
"What happened?" He asked. You looked around where you were standing.
"Did you guys not hear that?" You asked, the shook their heads. "I heard something like... right next to me." When you said that, Sam began recording once again.
"Alright, so... apparently Y/n just heard something right next to her." He began explaining to the camera, pointing it at you.
"It was like a whisper, it.. uh... it just said 'come play', like, the creepiest shit you can say. I even felt the air on my ear, that shit made me jump." You tried laughing about it to not let the mood down, but it wasn't working much.
"Although I really want to, maybe we shouldn't do the challenge." Colby said, looking at Sam straight in the eyes, genuinely worried.
"Guys. Come on. Don't back down when we're this close." You said. "We're basically done for tonight, this is the last thing we're doing and we're out, right?"
"...yeah." Sam whispered. "Let's..." He sighed. "Let's do it. Just like she said, we walk through the corridor and come back straight away."
Althought skeptical, Colby nodded. "Fine. Let's hurry up then. The quicker we begin, the quicker we're leaving this place."
And so, everyone held their cameras and said their goodbyes. The three of you went through your respective corridors and began walking, alone, with no light.
"Alright guys. I'm not good at, like, talking to the camera but I'll try." You sighed, pointing the camera at your face while slowly walking the dark corridor.
"Honestly? I'm usually not as creeped out when we come to places like this, but this one is like... up there. It's giving me the chills, making me paranoid, I feel like I'm... seeing thing. Or maybe I'm just sleep deprived. That's... that's also an option now that I think about it."
Looking around with the camera, although it's absolutely useless, you started feeling out of breath. Almost as if the air didn't reach your lungs anymore. "It feels... hard to breathe." You took a deep inhale and shakily exhaled.
You gulped, your throat suddenly feeling dry as the lack of oxygen was evident.
"I'm just gonna walk... faster. I wanna get this over with..." And so, you did. But the further away you got, the worse it all felt. You felt your vision starting to get blurry although you could barely see anything.
You paused as your vision began to get used to the darkness.
At the end of the corridor, what you could shape out like a human figure was standing there. Seemingly the same one you barely saw before.
This time, it didn't seem to go away.
You were also alone.
Unable to breathe.
You don't know when it started, but you were unable to breathe properly. You choked, trying to regain yourself from the feeling.
Your neck feeling tight, your stomach hurting at the sudden feeling.
Putting your hands on your neck, you coulnd't feel anything that would make you feel this way. You started to get worried.
You felt as if you were being choked. You tried to scream, but all that you could spat out from your lips was a soft, quiet, 'help'.
Trying to turn around and walk back, you saw the figure again and got scared, falling towards the floor. You coughed for air, sucking back as much as you could but being unable to.
Leaving the camera behind, you tried to crawl back to where you came from, but the lack of circulation on your body failed you as you coulnd't handle it anymore.
Your body falling on the floor, the camera seemingly recording your movements come to a halt.
Your eyes closing, leaving you unconscious.
It didn't take long before Sam and Colby got back to the lobby. Waiting for you, something seemed off.
They knew the corridor wasn't as long as theirs. You should've been the first one out by that logic. They've been waiting long enough and they were starting to get worried.
Even though the concept of the challenge was to be alone in the darkness, the idea of you being in trouble was too much to bare.
Heck, even if you were pranking them, the anxiety of you not coming back on time was driving them insane, they were ready for a scare if it had to come to that.
But the scare they were expecting wasn't the one they got.
Minutes of walking and calling out your name came to a stop when they saw you on the floor.
Hurriedly, they ran towards you and fell to the floor, yelling out your name. "This isn't funny, Y/n!" Sam yelled, moving your body, only to notice how cold you felt. His heart sank.
"Y/n, come on!" Colby said, putting himself on the other side, looking at Sam. The color from his face was gone when he felt her body. Colby, worried, touched your body and understood why he looked that way. "Oh, fuck. Fuck!"
Throwing the camera to the side, Colby quickly checked your pulse. "Sam. Call 911. This is serious." You still had a pulse, but you weren't breathing. First thing that came to his mind was CPR.
While Sam began to call, Colby was trying as hard as he could to help out. He began doing mouth to mouth, trying to bring some oxygen back to your lungs.
Tears streaming down both of their faces. Colby started making compressions to your chest, while Sam was talking to the 911 dispatcher and using the flashlight to illuminate Colby.
Luckily, they weren't too late. You began to cough and moved to the side to spit out some saliva. You breathed heavily and both of the guys sighed in relief.
As you tried to catch your breath, they softly held you up in place while your color came back to you. You blinked a couple of times, adjusting your view to your surroundings.
When you looked at them, they hugged you tight. "Fuck..." Sam whispered. "Let's get the fuck out of here right now." He held you softly and helped you out, as Colby grabbed all of the cameras.
It was hard for you to walk. It felt as if a ton of weight was keeping you from even standing up. It felt as if your limbs went numb, the lack of oxygen probably acting up.
Sam noticed, and didn't hesitate on holding you up and putting you on his back so that you could rest. They began walking as fast as they could, reassuring you that you will be fine.
You were focused on getting your breath back while listening to them scream at the spirits.
"You are not allowed to follow us home." Listening to Colby talk like this, while taking all of the equipment made you feel light. You started moving your arms and made sure to hold onto Sam, closing your eyes.
"You'll be okay. We're leaving." Sam reassured you, waiting for Colby to grab everything and get out of there in a rush.
After the police arrived and handed you an oxygen mask, you started feeling much better. You had some marks on your neck, like some hands were just squishing the air out of you.
Your body... at first, you could even see your veins pop out of your legs because of your lack of color. The poor circulation that ran through your body for a couple of minutes really drove your body to its limit somehow.
It took you a while to be able to stand on your two feet again, but before the police left you could walk on your own just fine. Sam and Colby however still managed to help you out.
"Let's head back home." Sam whispered to you. You nodded slightly and tried to walk on your own, only to be held up by Colby.
"Don't force yourself right now. You need some rest." He said, taking you back to the car. Your face having a rush of blood because of the gesture.
"I... I can walk."
"Let us do this. Please. It's too much already that you fainted right when we weren't with you." Sam said, looking at you, your heart racing at the look of his blue eyes upon you. You gulped.
"...f..fine." You said, resting your head on Colby's chest, making him smile.
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
part two is up!! the link is in the beginning! <3
thanks for reading all the way! likes, comments and requests are much appreciated.
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sturnioloxplr · 3 months
Sam Golbach Headcannons cause there's to much colby
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Hes defo a Cuddles over sex kinda guy
He loves kissing you whenever
He loves it when you play with his hair or style it
Loves watching horror movies like the conjuring and explain to yiu what happened
He loves it when he explore places with him and Colby
Hes defo thr kind of guy to say princess baby honey 💯
Overprotective not to much but doesn't like you going out in dresses that r short or can see your cleavage he finds it disturbing when others look at you
Unlike colby he isn't to much into kinks like cnc etc
ass over tits guy
Loves hearing you moan little wines out
If he had kinks it would probably be like Praise he does degrade yiu but only when u want it
Loves it when u grind against him
Loves it when you choke him
He loves giving and receiving oral
He loves yiu more then anything
He has a tattoo kink if you have any
Gets turned om by wearing or modeling the XPLR merch
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hope u enjoyed I did this caue sam never gets appreciated and is so underrated and never gets enough fans
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willowrites · 3 months
can you do a smut where y/n has a of and colby finds out
smile for the camera
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PAIRINGS. colby brock x fem reader
SUMMARY. it’s the very beginning of your and colby’s relationship and there’s a tiny little something you haven’t told him about your job…
WARNINGS. smut, fem!masturbation, oral f!receiving, colby talking you through it!!!
AUTHORS NOTE. thank you this was a very different request but i was sooo into it 🤤 sorry its so short and also i’m so so sorry for being mia again, i took a trip to mexico and came back with the WORST stomach bug but i’m back! 💝
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…and record.
you sat back down on your silk sheets on top of your bed. vibrator in one hand and your other propping you up against your camera.
you turned the vibrator on hearing the familiar buzz of the toy.
you made eye contact with the camera lens then made contact between the vibrator and your clit.
you lightly placed it on your clit; hips jolting at the sensation.
“fuck..” you whispered.
you close your eyes, imagining a certain man in between your legs. lips on your sensitive spot sucking and biting.
you pressed the vibrator even harder on your clit.
you groaned at how strong but how good it felt.
“mmm…please.” you begged to no one but your imagination.
you felt yourself get riled up. the feeling, it was so fucking good. you were starting to become overwhelmed by the pleasure.
you were so close. you felt it. you open your eyes to give the viewers more before your orgasm hits you.
“yes yes yes.” you whispered.
right there…
right fucking there…
you heard a door slam.
your eyes widened.
“shit shit shit.” the vibrator on your clit felt so fucking good. just a few more seconds…
you heard his steps coming up the stairs.
“please please…” you moaned.
then it hit you. the wave of pleasure taking over your body.
you pressed the vibrator further on your clit riding out your orgasm.
you heard the doorknob jiggle and before you knew it…it opened.
“hey, baby- i-” he stopped in his tracks as he saw you. you had thrown a sheet over the bottom half of your body but leaving uncovered the top part of your lingerie-covered body. “holy shit.”
“i didn’t know you were coming home early.” you gulped.
“yeah…we ended early.” he surveyed the room, and then his eyes returned to you.
the silence couldn’t have been louder.
“so what were you doing…” he walked further into the room.
“uh…” you paused. your eyes flicked to the camera that you had propped up against a pile of blankets then back to him. “nothing…”
“y/n…” he dragged out while walking on your left side, his right. “you can tell me what…”
his voice shortly stopped as he laid his eyes on the camera.
you looked at him then afterwards avoided contact.
“were you…recording yourself?” he had a small grin on his face.
“no! i um…i mean maybe i uh…” you stuttered. fuck just tell him y/n.
you looked at him then the camera.
“yeah…i was. for um…” you sat up straight. “i was going to tell you this…i have an only fans.”
his mouth slowly opened.
“and…and believe me when i say that i really was going to tell you but i didn’t know what you’d think. and i should’ve told you before we started like dating i just-” you kept ranting but he interrupted you.
“baby, it’s okay.” he set his stuff down and sat down beside you. “i’m not judging you at all.” his arm went up to your bra strap.
your breathing became heavier the closer he got to you. “are you sure? i can stop if it makes you feel uncomfortable.”
he completely disregards your question and asks you a question. “what were you doing before i walked in?” he whispered. “were you filming?”
you lightly frowned. “i was yeah…” you said quietly observing how colby’s hand made his way toward your upper thigh.
“what were you filming yourself doing?” he got closer until he was kissing your shoulder.
“i-i- was just um…” you lost your breath.
“just say it.” his hand came up to your chin tilting your neck more to give him more access to it.
“i was touching myself.” you whispered, enjoying the feeling of his lips on your skin.
“yeah? did u come?” he kissed up to your ear nibbling.
“yes.” you felt slightly guilty admitting that you made yourself have an orgasm from a vibrator but at the same time, you wanted to see what colby would do about it.
“did it feel good? better than my touch?” his hand inched up your thigh getting closer to where you needed him most.
“might need a reminder to answer that…” you were leaning closer to colby’s face looking at him and searching his eyes.
he raised his brow before taking the camera then getting up and connecting it to the line tripod that was set at the corner of the room.
“yeah? alright then, if i need to show you. i’m going to get it on camera.” he laughed but had no humor. he clicked the bottom igniting the red little dot on the camera signifying that it was filming.
he then rushed back toward you grabbing you by the neck and pulling you in for a kiss.
he immediately took dominance.
he pushed you back onto the bed grabbing both your hands in his and holding both over your head with only his right hand. “you’re okay with this?” he gestured toward the tripod.
you nodded connecting both your lips. you made out for a few minutes, the situation getting heavier and heavier.
afterward, he then connected his lips to your neck muttering, “can i take these off?” gesturing toward your lacy panties.
“mhm.” you nodded eagerly.
he quickly ripped them off so then nothing was between your bare skin and his clothed print.
you grunted feeling the burn from the material being pulled away from your body.
“wanna see me make you feel good? think i can’t do it?” he panted letting go of your hands so that he could move his mouth downward moving closer toward where you ached.
“mmmmm, we’ll see.” you were breathless and couldn’t help but flinch as he dove right in putting his tongue on your clit. “oh god.”
you squirmed under him still sensitive from the orgasm you had earlier.
“no come on baby you can take it.” he spoke against your sensitive spot. the sensation bringing chills all over your body.
your legs were starting to shake the more time passed by.
you already felt yourself about to hit that edge.
your chest moving up and down as you took deep breaths awaiting the pleasure that was about to hit you.
you looked down and saw colby with his eyes closed licking your juices up. it was that view that had your orgasm crashing into you. as he heard you moaning his name he went faster and faster helping you ride your orgasm out.
once time passed by you’ve had enough and we’re becoming way too sensitive.
“too much, baby?” his heavy breath hit between your thighs.
“mhm.” your body was limp as he crawled back up connecting your lips in a chaste kiss.
“can’t wait to watch this back.” he whispered.
you had totally forgotten he was recording…
© willowrites
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propertyofyoutube · 5 months
So the fic could be a Sam X reader, and it starts with just pure smut and him being dominant, then after right, the reader Is laying in bed and Sam's editing. The reader takes out her phone and does the trend 'this man just took my ability to walk and now he's editing' and the reader, who is publicly dating, posts it and it gets millions of view and likes and Sam gets a notification too and he opens it to see that, and then he stops editing and starts cuddling the reader, ending the fic in fluff or smut, your choice. Sam could also ask at the end 'you happy now?'
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Are you happy now? - EXPLICIT
WARNINGS: SMUT 18+, unprotected sex, dom!sam, controlling during sex, rough but passionate, angry!sam, creampie, oral, gagging, pure filth and love. Oh and bad language lol.
Not edited.
You sat peacefully on the sofa in yours and Sam's shared bedroom, happily scrolling through your TikTok foryou page. You suddenly came across an edit of you and Sam. Your eye fell wide as you watched the skills of the talented fans, highlighted moments in your relationship in the most amazing way. You and Sam had been public for almost 2 years now, and it still was hard for you to see yourself in this way. Something you'd probably never get used to. As you watched the quickly changing clips your heart dropped as you saw a text message from Colby drop down the top of your screen.
Colbs: yooo, warning! Shitty day, Sam's pretty angry about this last meeting...
You: oh fuck... is he okay? Are you okay? When you say angry, like shouting angry or silent angry?
Your thumb twiddled across your keyboard as you watched Colby's typing bubble show up. You wasn't sure which you'd prefer right now. Shouting angry Sam meant he would probably have to offload his stress on you with a monologue of curse words and exaggerated arm movements. But silent angry Sam, could be two things; 1- headphones on/movie on and cuddling in silence, 2- breaking your back in an outburst of dominance and frustration, most perfect stress reliever. Lowkey, you were hoping for the latter.
Colbs: I'm okay, Sam will probably explain it to you... but let's just say he hasn't said a word since he started driving home...
You: right okay... thanks for the heads up x
You sighed after texting Colby back. You hated when Sam had a shit day, it killed you to see him upset, and we're always willing to do whatever it took to make him feel better.
It had only been 20 minute you were waiting, still sat on the sofa, before you heard the front door open. You waited nervously as you closed your phone placing it down beside you. You could hear Colby's voice muffling in the background and suddenly the sound of footsteps making their climb up the staircase. You knew those angry footsteps anywhere.
You took a deep breath as the bedroom door opened and Sam walked in, throwing his bag down quickly, his jaw clenched and his fists stiff.
"Hey baby, are you okay?" You asked, trying to make it seem like Colby hadn't already told you that he wasn't okay.
Sam instantly began to take off his jacket, your eyes fell wide as his gaze met yours as he walked further into the room. You knew that look anywhere. His hands quickly unbuckled his belt as you felt your stomach do a flip and your heat twitch. “Clothes off. Now.” He spoke firmly as your eyes fell wide with both concern and excitement. “I need you.” Sam said his voice shaking with so much emotion.
You instantly stood up and began to remove your clothes your heart beating fast. As you quickly managed to strip completely naked, you looked up to see Sam, his expression softening ever so slightly at the view of you. “Fuck me…” he said, his voice low. “Get over here now.” He said firmly.
You bit your lip in anticipation as you began to head over to him. Sam stepped forward meeting you halfway as he crashed his lips onto yours. The kiss was instantly hot and passionate. His hands wandering around your body.
“I’ve had… such a shitty day…” Sam mumbled against your lips as his grip on your skin deepened.
“I know baby…” you whispered back between kisses.
“All I thought about… was you..” he continued, as he suddenly tugged on your hair, pulling your head back earning a moan from you. “And taking all my frustrations out on that perfect little pussy of yours…” Sam suddenly bit on your lip as his voice sent shivers down your body. “Do you want me to feel better baby?” He asked, his voice low.
“Uh huh…” you managed to squeeze out through moans.
You felt as Sam smirked against your lips, he quickly moved to near your ear as he spoke firmly, “then be a good girl, and get on those knees.” As he suddenly nibbled on your ear your eyes rolled back as you nodded.
Without question, you instantly dropped to your knees, his throbbing cock now directing in your eye line. “Don’t make me ask again.” Sam said with a smirk across his face. You smiled back up at him as you licked your lips, his hand grazing across your chin.
You quickly grabbed his cock as Sam’s jaw slacked open. Your eyes gazing up at him as you suddenly took the head of his dick into your mouth. Sam moaned low as you swirled your tongue around. “Fuck baby… if you don’t stop teasing me… I’ll fuck the back of your throat until you gag.” You loved this side of Sam. When his dominant side really shines through, the control he has turned you on more than anything.
You obeyed and quickly began to bob your head back and forth, taking as much as you could whilst stroking the rest of him.
“Fuck… that’s it baby girl.” Sam spoke between groans.
You couldn’t help but smile, you always felt proud of yourself when Sam praised you like this. His hand stroking the back of your head and the feeling of your lips surrounding his cock making both of you melt.
Suddenly Sam started to buck his hips slightly, you could tell his desperate for more. You looked up at him as you suddenly opened up your mouth wider, giving him permission to take over. He quickly looked down at you with his eyes full of love as they suddenly turned much darker and he bit his lip, grabbing the back of your head with both hands suddenly began to face fuck you. “Atta girl!” Sam groaned deeply as his cock hit the back of your throat. Again and again. Sam held his cock there for a moment as your eyes began to water and you couldn’t help but gag.
“Fuck…” Sam groaned as he pulled out slowly. Allowing you to catch your breath. After a moment, the air back in your lungs, he pushed his dick straight back in, repeating the same steps. As you gagged once more, he pulled out once again as he breathed heavily. “Fuck baby, come here.” He demanded as you stood up wiping drool from your chin.
“Jump.” He said firmly as you quickly hopped up, his hands grabbing your legs as they wrapped around his waist.
You couldn’t help but let out a squeal of excitement as he threw you onto the bed. He immediately followed you as he hovered his body above yours. He reconnected your lips in another moment of passion as he took his hand, moving it down along your body until it reached your heat. As Sam’s fingers found your clit and began to rub in fast circles, you moaned against his lips as he kissed you. Your back arched off the bed as your soaking core finally had some relief. But you wanted more, you needed him, you needed to feel him inside of you.
“You… are the only thing… that gets me through the day.” Sam groaned as he kissed down to your neck, rubbing faster.
“D-don’t stop baby…” you cried out, your head throwing back in pleasure. That knot forming in your stomach as you bucked your hips against his hand.
“What happened to your manners?” Sam said firmly, as his hand slowly lowered its speed.
Your jaw fell wide open as that ache returned, “p-please Sam. Please, just fuck me.” You begged as a smirk formed on Sam’s face.
“Be careful what you wish for…” Sam said catching you off guard as he suddenly took his cock, pushing it deep inside of you with no warning. Both of you simultaneously moaning loudly.
As Sam began to thrust in and out of you, your hands gripped onto his back as you slowly dragged your nails down, earning an even deeper groan from Sam. The knot in your stomach quickly reformed as you were now desperate to feel that release of pleasure. “Fuck Sam.” You moaned out as Sam felt your walls clench around him. Suddenly he lifted himself off you slightly as he began to pound into you, deeper and faster as your legs began to shake.
“That’s it baby, cum for me.” Sam spoke with demand on his voice.
His speed consistent as you felt it build up quickly, until it suddenly exploded. Your whole body filled from top to bottom with a rush of passion and pleasure. “Sam!” You cried out as Sam felt you cum all over him. Sam’s thrusts slowed down slightly as he rode out your high before pulling out of you. He quickly raised onto his knees.
“Turn over.” He demanded, the way his voice changed with his dominance was breathtaking. You obliged immediately flipping over as you tried to catch your breath.
Sam bit his lip as he began to tease your entrance with his cock. “If only… my employees could be as obedient as you…” he spoke as his heart pounded, remembering why he was so angry.
“Please Sammy…” you begged, your body now becoming more exhausted but ready for more.
“As you wish, princess.” Sam said as he quickly pushed himself back inside of you, hitting your g-spot instantly in your still sensitive core.
“Oh shit..” you gasped as he pulled back out before pushing deep inside of you once again. Sam groaned lower than ever as he began to pick up his speed with each thrust. His hips smacking loudly against your ass, loud enough for the neighbours to hear as he pounded into you.
“Fuck y/n…” Sam groaning your name sent shivers throughout your entire body. Suddenly, Sam leaned forward grabbing both of your hands as he pulled them behind your back, allowing your chest to fall onto the bed. “I’m gonna split you in half.” Sam spoke through gritted teeth.
“Yes baby!” You cried out as Sam pinned your arms by the wrist to your lower back and he instantly sped up once again, his dick deeper inside of you with each powerful thrust. “Fuck fuck fuck!” You cried out as the side of your face rested on the mattress.
“Fuck, I’m close baby.” Sam groaned as he refused to lay off. “Cum with me, okay?” He said as you whined nodding your head, unable to form words.
“Good girl.” Sam praised once again allowing that knot to instantly form, quickly expanding in your stomach. You both became moaning messes as his pounded you to your limit.
“Fuck now, y/n!” He practically shouted as a string of curse words left both of your mouths. Your walls clenched around him, as you came all over his cock. Quickly followed by his hot cum filling you up entirely.
Sam’s thrusts slowed down, riding out both of your highs, until he slowly pulled out. His hot cum spilling out after him. “Are you okay?” Sam quickly asked, it was rare he was that hard on you, and he always needed to make sure you were okay.
“Uh huh…” you nodded with a smile as you breathed heavily, your heart pounding out of your chest.
Sam suddenly leaned down, kissing your cheek gently, as he moved your hair out of your face. “Why don’t you go take a shower baby?” Sam suggested before kissing you on the lips, much more sweet than before.
You nodded your head sloppily as your energy had gone from 100 to 0.
“I’ll be right here, waiting when you get back.” Sam said with a smile as you kissed him once more.
The shower was exactly what you needed after that. However, your legs were weak, and it was truly a challenge to stay stood up right whilst you washed. But, you managed to pull through.
As you walked back into the room, you looked at the bed to see Sam not there. You sighed slightly, as knowing this boy, he probably was working once again. Even after such a shitty day. Once you put on your pjs and brushed your hair, you left the bedroom and walked down the hallway, stopping at Sam and Colby’s shared office. As you peeped around the door, you saw Sam, headphones on, clicking away. You smiled as you watched the concentration on his face, however, this bitch promised to be waiting for you for a cuddle. You leaned on the door frame as you lifted your arm, knocking 3 times. Sam’s eyes quickly darted to the door as he lifted one side of his headphones away from his ear.
“Hey baby, I just thought I’d start editing next months video.” He said as he smiled at you. You smiled back with a sigh as you rested your head on the frame.
“Tonight?” You said with sadness in your voice.
Sam sighed as he glanced at his screen and then back at you, “just 15 minutes, I promise…” he said softly, which you knew full well would turn out to be a lie.
“Okay…” you said with a smile as he smiled back with so much love and appreciation on his face for you. After the pounding you had, you truly did just want him to hold you, you never really was one for much aftercare, but you felt so exhausted you just wanted to be with him.
You scrunched your face up, trying to think of a way to get him to bed, but unfortunately nothing came to you. You took a deep breath once again, as you looked over at him, his eyes glued to the screen as he clicked away. You took out your phone as snapped a video of him editing away. You chuckled to yourself as you walked back to the bedroom.
As you climbed into bed, you headed straight onto TikTok, immediately opening to another edit of yourself and sam. Which immediately gave you a bright idea. You bit your lip mischievously as you selected the video of Sam editing. You couldn’t help but chuckle to yourself as you joined the TikTok trend by typing, ‘man just blew my back out and now he’s editing🤔’ and added a sound. You paused for moment before hitting post, unsure of how Sam would take you posting this, but also knowing that the fans would absolutely love it. As you battled with yourself for a moment, the fans won. The fans will always win. You hit post and within 3 seconds, the comments, likes and shares started rolling in. Your phone going crazier than usual.
As Sam felt his eyes falling heavy, he already wanted to call it quits after 5 minutes. He just wanted to be with you, holding you after such a long day but such an amazing night. ‘Just one more clip’ he thought to himself but he suddenly noticed his phone flashing like crazy, as much as when they post a new Sam and Colby video. He frowned confused for a moment, as he removed his headphones picking up his phone. His mouth and eyes simultaneously fell wide as he watched your TikTok and the read the comments as they continued to roll on. The corners of his mouth slowly began to turn upwards as a smile spread across his face.
Almost 5 minutes had passed and you continued to scroll through your foryou page. You weren’t even sure if Sam had seen the video, so when he appeared in the bedroom, you kept your eyes on your phone as you spoke, trying your best to hold in a laugh, “finished so soon babe?” You asked with innocence in your voice.
Sam continued to walk across the room before climbing into bed beside you. He grabbed your phone out of your hands, locking it and putting it back down as he lifted his arm up over your head, signalling for you to cuddle him.
You looked up at him with a smile as you wiggled yourself into his arms. He squeezed tightly as he kissed your head and you exhaled deeply in a sigh of relaxation.
“Are you happy now?” Sam asked with a chuckle.
You gazed up at him with a mischievous smirk across your face, “I’ve never felt happier.”
Sam glared at you but he simply couldn’t resist that smile and those eyes, “it’s a good job I love you more than anything.” He said as he made himself more comfortable.
“It’s a good job I’m incredibly patient.” You said sarcastically knowing you are the completely opposite.
Sam looked at you his eyebrows raised, “hmm, so patient!” He laughed as you suddenly leaned up kissing him deeply.
As you pulled away he looked deep into your eyes as you spoke, “I love you more.” You said softly as Sam smiled, pulling you in and connecting your lips once again.
Authors note: hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this one! I know I enjoyed writing it! Make sure to leave your requests! 🖤
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woodle-isbae · 3 months
Pink Bubblegum
Sam Golbach x fem!reader
Warnings : Not proofread , soft smut , desperate!Sam , overstimulation , swearing , oral (f receiving)
A/n : this is based of the song Pink Bubblegum by lavi Kou
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I'm when your blue , I'm red , I wanna kiss your neck and make you purple all over
Hickies sprawled all over your thighs , his face buried between your legs , your fifth?..seventh? Time cumming, Lost count.
"S-Sam , wait please!"
Your pleads and whines fell apon deaf ears , too entranced by your taste , rarely comming up to breath , faint groans falling from his red puffy lips
"Just one more, please"
One more , that's what he said , three hours ago. He just couldn't help himself , he loves every aspect of you but that sweet flavourful cunt just has him in a choke hold
His hands gripping almost painfully on your bruised shaky thighs , keeping them pressed to your body to give him more room to devour you
"Sam..I'm- Sam..shit-!"
Clit throbing against his tongue , hole spasming around his fingers , juices squiring out to coat his pink tinted face , wasting no time but to drink it all up , not a drop gone
"I'm sorry...it's just so good"
That smirk , it's just so cocky , he stared into your eyes as he ruined you , had you near passing out but want to apologize?
"Fuck you Golbach"
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Finally Meeting
pairing: colby brock x fem!reader
warning: hickeys, making out, protected sex, death threats
A/N: this story is from kinktober but a longer version!
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I’ve been messaging a youtuber name Colby Brock for a year and I’m finally going to meet him at the Trap House. We met at Playlist Live last year and we’ve been chatting since then and facetiming each other and Colby showing me his roommates including some friends of youtube friends as well.
One day, I bought a plane ticket to go to LA so I can meet Colby in person, but I didn’t tell Colby about it because I want to make it a surprise. I text the Trap House guys without Colby in it and told them when I’m landing and where my luggage is at so they can meet me. When I landed I text them that I’m in Los Angeles, Elton, Corey, Devyn, and Jake came to pick me up from the airport and we made a plan because they said to the rest of the house that they’re going to Target, so we went to Target and got some stuff they needed and I got some stuff for myself.
“Let’s put your stuff in a separate bag so Colby will kinda figures out that you’re here.” Elton says getting a separate bag ready for me.
“Okay. Are you sure this’ll work?” I ask.
“Colby tells us what you eat by the facetiming you guys do.” Corey says.
“Okay.” I said. I hope this works.
When we got to the house I get nervous, Devyn notices and tries to calm me down, I can’t believe I’m meeting Colby since we saw each other last year.
“Alright, Devyn, stay with Y/N and Corey text Devyn when it’s time for you two to go in.” Elton says with a camera on and has the Target bags in his other hand.
“Alright, you ready Y/N?” Corey asks.
“I am but still nervous.” I say.
“I’ll be here with you okay?” Devyn says rubbing her hand against on my back.
I nod. I’m ready.
Elton, Corey, and Jake goes in and Devyn and I were talking quietly so no one inside can hear us. Corey texts Devyn, it’s time to see him. Devyn takes my things and opens the door for me, the house looks so cool in real life. Colby walks out, his face looks confused but excited at the same time, I run towards him and runs towards me, we hug so tightly, I can’t believe I’m here with him.
“I can’t believe it’s you! I thought you have school today?” Colby stops hugging me and says.
“I lied, I had a flight to come here and Elton, Corey, Jake, and Devyn helped me.” I say.
“I fucking knew it! I saw the bag of things that you eat, I knew there was something going on!” Colby says looking at the guys.
The guys and I laugh.
I get settled in the house in Colby’s room and I felt tired so I took a nap. After the nap, everyone and I went to Dave & Buster’s, Colby and I went around to other games so we can talk to each other privately.
“I still can’t believe you’re here.” Colby says while we’re walking to a game.
“I can’t believe it either.” I say following him.
“You wanna get in the photo booth?” Colby asked.
“Sure.” I nod and smile.
We go to the photo booth and we take pictures, like us smiling, kissing, and some of the trap house boys came in and photobombed us. The pictures came out great! I send a picture of the four pictures of Colby, the roommates, and I to my parents so they can tell that Colby is real including the roommates as well. My parents believe me!
Colby and I have been talking about our personal lives for a while now and we began to kiss each other sometimes, but we’re not ready to go too far.
“You still tired?” Colby asks me.
“I am, it’s just the time zones, you know.” I tiredly say.
“I get what you’re saying Y/N/N.” He says.
Eventually, Colby introduced me to some of his youtube friends like, Brennen Taylor, which he’s kinda nice but he makes me uncomfortable.
Colby and I went on some dinner dates and some of his fans were nice but really rude at the same time. We went to some haunted places in Los Angeles as well which I really enjoy haunted places and anytime I get scared I would hold on to Colby and he would understand what I’m doing so he would hold on to me as well.
One night, Colby and I were alone, everyone went out to do a video or something but Colby and I stayed back. Colby was really touchy this night. All you can hear is me giggling by him touching me, and we start to kiss. I haven’t been kissed before so this felt special to me. Colby and I made out for a few minutes until we began to take our clothes off and Colby getting a condom for protection. He goes in and out of me and us moaning at the same time. He gives me hickeys, I moan even louder, I don’t want him to stop.
We continue our session until Colby’s door opens and it’s Sam looking horrified and Colby covers us, I look embarrassed. I hide my face in Colby’s chest, I never felt embarrassed in my life. Sam runs out of Colby’s room and Colby and I look at each other and chuckle.
“We’ll go somewhere special next time I promise.” Colby gets a strand of hair out my face.
“I’d like that.” I smile.
I’m so happy I’m with him but I hope we do something else then what we just did.
I post pictures of Colby and I on social media.
And this how I told the world.
‘yes, the rumors are true, i’m dating colby brock. we’ve been dating quite some time now and he makes me beyond happy and my family and friends can see it, him and i are happy together and a lot of people support our relationship. love yourself and treat people with kindness! 🥰🤍’
I got death threats from a BUNCH of people.
colbsxkoala: why would he date her???
xplrupdates: she looks fucking ugly 🤮
colbyybbrocks_necklaceee: colby, choose better 🙄
sam_666_golbrock: it’s a no for me
solbybrockers: ew. i can see her fattiness in these pictures 🤮
Colby can tell on how much these comments affected me. Even the trap house noticed how my body language was and they all knew how upset I am about a lot of these comments.
“Don’t listen to them Y/N, they’re just trying to make you feel bad about yourself and your nothing but a sweet and kind person and I can tell how Colby feels around you, he’s so happy to be with you, I’ve never seen him this happy in my life.” Sam says to me while I was sniffling.
“You think so?” I wipe off my tears off my face.
“I know so, Y/N, don’t let these comments ruin your life, you wanna go out with the guys, the girls, including me and Colby to get some ice cream?” He asks.
“Yeah sure, ice cream always works for times like this.” I say wiping tears away from my face again.
“I mean that is true.” He chuckles.
Everyone and I went to go out and I felt nervous the whole time, Colby could see it.
“Relax, we’re all here, if something happens we’re here to protect you.” Colby whispers in my ear.
“I know, it’s just now I’m terrified to go out because of those people on social media talking about me.” I whisper in Colby’s ear.
“We’ll protect you on and offline.” He whispers.
“Thank you.” I whisper back.
We get our ice cream and then we walk around to see what’s going on in LA, some fans came up to us but I tried to stay positive around them but they were really sweet. I would check my phone once in a while and the comments are flowing in but I’m trying to check my messages like my parents wondering what’s going on in LA and am I okay there.
to be continued…
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cheriladycl01 · 4 months
I'm not scared! Colby Brock x MotoGPDriver! Reader Part 5
Plot: You made a tweet about Sam and Colby and were in a podcast and they brought up Sam and Colby where you talked about the paranormal and how it doesn't really scare you because you drive motorcycles at over 200mph.
Credit to misscalliopecruz for the GIF
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Eventually the tour guides, medium and caretaker all left off site and you guys watched them leave to confirm it.
"So what are we doing first, flashlights, rem-pod, spirit box!" you ask excitedly. Both the boys laughing at how excited you were getting.
"We can just start with the REM and EMF reader in this room, then maybe whip out the Ovulis?" Sam suggests.
"That sounds good!" you smile.
The boys start to set up while you look around at all of the pictures.
"Hi!" you hear next to you, it almost sounded like Colby or Sam doing a really high pitched girlie voice in your ear. You turn round to talk to whoever had come over to you, only to find you were alone and Sam and Colby were crouched down getting the equipment out.
"Did you guys just say something..." you ask slowly walking over to them. They both looked up confused and could see you were just as confused.
"No, we've both been here getting the equipment out" Colby says standing up.
"Did you hear something?" Sam asks and you nod.
"Yeah it was like one of you were doing a really high pitched girl voice that said Hi ... like right in my ear. I thought one of you were behind me!" you explained and they started to record to explain what had just happened to you.
"Okay, we have the REM pod here in the middle of this large dining room table. Y/N is holding the EMF reading and the Ovulis next to Colby... so lets start our dining room investigation!" Sam says clapping his hands.
Just as he did the clap the EMF Reader in your hand spiked once and turned back off.
"Woah, did that just spike to red?" Colby asks looking over your shoulder and you nod.
"If whoever did that can do that again that would be amazing!" you ask and it immediately went off again.
"Woah, that's incre-" Sam starts to say, but the REM-pod started to go off.
"WOAH!" both the boys yell as Sam pans the camera to where the REM-pod is going off.
"Does that mean we are with more than one?" you ask and the EMF-reader goes off making you grin.
"I think we are here with Bianca and Drake guys" you smile looking around the room, it feels a little colder but not in a malicious way.
"I think you are right, lets get the Ovulis on and we can start to ask them some questions!" Sam directs as Colby nods and turns on the black yes or no box.
"Okay, Y/N do you want to ask first. They seem to like you the most!" Colby asks.
"Erm, Hi hello! We don't come here with any ill intentions and we just want to here you story, is that okay?" you ask and the box makes a sound before flicking to yes.
"Thank you for that, are we talking to Bianca and Drake!" Sam asks and nothing happens.
"Is this Bianca and Drake?" you repeat and the box flicks to yes.
"They are only talking to Y/N!" Colby laughs, you giggle a little bit too.
"You guys dont have to be scared of Sam or Colby, they are friends. They are the ones who brought me here to see you!" you smile and the box waits a while until it flicks to yes again.
"You guys are welcome to follow us for the rest of the night and keep us safe, will you follow us?" Colby asks and it again answers yes.
"Was that you that I saw outside earlier?" you ask thinking of the little blip you'd seen in the grounds as you'd first arrived here.
The box started to freak out, repeating no no no 3 times before a bang was heard up in the left corner near a different room. The camera pans to yours and Colbys open mouthed expression from the shock of how loud that was.
"What was that?" you ask, Sam and Colby wonder off to investigate where the noise came from, but couldn't find anything and they slowly came back.
"Nothing?" you asked looking between them and they nodded showing you the camera.
"I'm guessing that wasn't something nice I saw outside behind the house then...guess someone will have to go out there later" you say before putting your finger on your nose. Sam shortly follows before Colby looks at the both of you.
"Fuck guys!" he cries laughing before you guys end the investigation there and decide to head to the next location where you were going to attempt to use the flashlights, not only did the fans love them but you were super intrigued to see them work in real time.
You guys move into one of the upstairs bedrooms, it feels, not necessarily negative but just upsetting like something bad happened here that shouldn’t have.
You guys place the torches at either end of the room, one on each mantle facing towards each other.
“Okay, I guess we start” Colby says before Sam gasps and ruffles through the bag of objects.
“It’s mandatory now to have the cat call as well when we do these” Sam says placing a cat pall on the floor somewhere away from you guys to stop any confusion.
“If there are any spirits in this room that would like to talk to us, please turn on this blue flashlight by me” Colby asks and almost instantly the room lights up further thanks to the blue torch turning on.
“Holy shit that’s crazy! Wait like how does that work. Can I stand next to it if I keep my hands behind my back?” You ask and Sam and Colby look at each other before nodding. They film you as you inspect the torch seeing it in in fact just a regular torch, one that is on its own and seemingly doesn’t have anything about it that would make Sam or Colby seem like frauds.
“Can you please turn this torch off and then the Red torch on!” You ask and right in-front of you eye-line the torch flickers out. And as if something walked across the room to get to the other torch it turns on a few delayed seconds later.
“That’s sick!” You cry in excitement before apologising profusely to the ghost worried about insulting it with your excitement.
“Okay, are we in the room with Bianca and Drake?” Sam asks and both torches then turn on at the same time.
“Bianca are you at the blue torch?” Colby asks looking to the torch you were stood near and it turns out.
“No so Y/N is stood with Drake, and Colby is over there with Bianca” Sam instructs and both torches turn back on.
“They are very intelligent spirits, do you guys mind if we refer to you as that?” You ask politely and both turn of, meaning they didn’t mind.
“Is there something that scares you in this house” Colby asks and both the torches remain on.
“Is it Madison?” Colby pushes and both flashlights flicker as if they were on the edge of a yes and a no.
“Should we be scared of Madison?” You ask, and both stop there flickering and stay on.
“What about your ex-wife Vasilla. We know what she did” Colby asks looking in your direction and both flashlights turn on.
“Yes and no is pretty hard isn’t it?” You sigh looking around feeling sorry for the spirits answering all your questions.
“Mmm maybe it’s time for … the spirit box!” Colby says in a creepy voice making you laugh and cringe a little.
“Why’d you say it like that! Never do that again!” You cry looking over at him in shock.
“Mmmm you don’t like my creepy voice” he grins in a teasing manner coming closer to you looking down at you making you look down shaking your head with a laugh.
@richardsamboramylove55 @braveangel777 @rockwyu @jada-lockwood @itzdarling @h3arts4harry @lemonnightmare
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megxplryxb · 6 months
How Can it be Over When it Never Really Started?
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Pairings: Colby Brock x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Slight mention of smut, Kat and Sam's break up is discussed (no sides taken), No mentions of y/n
Notes: I haven't written for Colby in over a year so please be kind, I know i'm a little rusty.
The Las Vegas air was hot and sticky as you reluctantly opened the car door, removing yourself from the refreshing air conditioning of your BMW. The car locked with a beep as you tossed your keys into your handbag, rummaging around for a clip to tie your hair back, already feeling uncomfortable in the warmth of the desert. Dry gravel crunched under your converse, the hot sun already kissing your skin as you approached the entrance of an all too familiar house.
Everything looked as it did the last time you’d been here. The overgrown bushes at the side of the house still needing to be trimmed, the walls still screaming for a fresh coat of paint and the lights you’d all hung up for Christmas still dangling from the trees in the yard. But while things looked the same, the feeling was completely different. It was strange, quiet and sad. Any other time before today, you’d have walked in, skipping through the house, singing and dancing, looking for Katrina, but she didn’t live here anymore and that’s exactly the reason why you were here now.
Kat and Sam had broken up three weeks ago, ending their seven plus year relationship which came as a shock to many. While it was mostly amicable, she just couldn’t bring herself to return to the house she had shared with her ex boyfriend to pick up the last of her things. So instead, you had volunteered to go, wanting to make things as easy as possible for her.
It had been a rough couple of weeks for your best friend, the break up hitting her hard and she'd never felt more alone. Kat had been staying with a friend for the last couple of weeks, tying up some loose ends before she left Vegas in the rear view mirror once and for all. You arrived yesterday, driving to Sin City to help with her move back to LA, knowing that she needed you now more than ever. Break ups were never easy and you wanted her to know she didn't have to go through this alone.
Taking a deep breath in, you pressed the ring doorbell, stomach in knots as you waited patiently for a response. Sam knew you were coming, you’d organised it with him yesterday to make sure it was ok, not wanting to completely blindside him upon your arrival. Of course he didn't mind. It hadn't been easy for him either and you were sure he was just as heartbroken as Kat.
“Hey, I’ll be right down.” You heard a familiar voice say through the speaker, your eyes widening upon the realisation that it wasn't Sam. Fuck.
“Oh hey, yeah cool, take your time.” You reply, moving back from the door, tugging at your bottom lip nervously, a sudden feeling of uneasiness creeping up on you.
There was a slight shuffle on the other side of the door before it opened and you were met not by Sam but by his best friend Colby, who you'd slept with two months ago.
“Hey stranger, long time no see." He smiles, pulling you in for a hug, wrapping himself around you. His scent was intoxicating, warm and comforting and you hated how much you had missed being in his arms.
“Hi.” You blush, reluctantly pulling away from him, avoiding his gaze until he closed the door behind you.
“You could have just walked in y’know, like you always do.” He teases as you shake your head, shrugging. “I didn’t really know what to do honestly, I guess it’s just kind of weird now that Kat’s gone.”
“Hey, you know you’re always welcome here, right? That’s never gonna change.” Colby states but you’re not sure even he believes that. You’ve seen how break ups go, how it damages not just the couple but the friends involved too.
“How is Kat? I texted her a couple of times but she hasn’t really been responding.” He frowns, biting his bottom lip. You could see the sadness in his eyes, he was hurting too. You all were.
“She’s doing ok. I mean, she’s devastated obviously but she’ll get there, it’s just going to take some time.”
“Yeah, I can’t imagine what they’re both going through right now. Sam is so quiet, he’s not really talking about it much.”
“Where is he anyway?” You look around, noticing the place was oddly quiet.
“He kind of chickened out last minute. I think he was afraid you were going to murder him, so he went for a run.” He jokes but you know he’s also kind of serious.
“Why would I do that? I mean, he just broke my best friend’s heart, it’s no big deal.” You reply sarcastically.
“Well, if it makes you feel any better, I kind of want to kick his ass too.” The black haired boy smiles and you can’t help but notice how utterly beautiful he looks right now.
“He knows I don’t hate him, right? Like, I wish I did because it would make things a hell of a lot easier but, at least he was honest y’know? He didn’t string her along or cheat on her. I’m just sad it didn’t work out for them.” You admit, holding back your tears.
“I know, I am too, it fucking sucks.” Colby sighs, throwing an arm around you, trying to pull you closer to him but he feels how reluctant you are to lean into him.
“I better get this stuff packed into my car. We’re heading back to LA in the morning.” You say as Colby nods his head, the corner of his lips turning downwards, leading you to the kitchen where Katrina’s things are laid out on the dinning table. There’s not too much left, just some clothes and shoes, bits of make up and unopened post and a framed picture of you all at the beach from last summer when Sam and Kat were still happy and you and Colby hadn’t blurred the lines of your friendship.
“That was a good day.” Colby chuckles from behind you. His hot breath hitting the back of your neck, sending a shiver down your spine.
“Yeah it was. They looked so in love here.” You frown, running your fingers over the picture.
“They were.” Colby agrees, holding the other side of the frame. “You looked so beautiful that day.” He whispers, causing you to shake your head.
“Yeah right.” You laugh, rejecting his compliment.
“I’m serious. Shit, I remember seeing you in that bikini for the first time too. All of the guys were looking at you and that douche bag asked for your number, remember?” He quizzed, causing you to chuckle. You remember it like it was yesterday, the guy strutting towards you while you sunbathed with Kat. He’d been so cocky, certain he was leaving with your number until you ran to Colby, kissing his cheek. Pleading with him to go with it and pretend to be your boyfriend. He did it without a second thought, arms draped over your body, nuzzled into your neck, placing little kisses on your shoulder until the guy got the hint and left you alone.
“Of course I remember, you wanted to kill that guy.” You tease, turning to face Colby who looks at the picture once more. “Yeah, I did. Fuck, I was so jealous.” He curses as you furrow your brows, a little surprised by his admission.
“Why?” You ask, your breath hitching as he takes the frame from your hands, placing it on the table.
“You know why.” He insists, his lips hovering over your own, backing you into the table as your heart fluttered.
There had always been something between you and Colby, an unspoken attraction that neither of you dared to explore until two months ago. The timing for anything other than a friendship had never been quite right, one or both you seeing other people. But he had always been flirty with you, sharing subtle touches or glances when no one else was looking and for the longest time, that had been it. That was until New Years Eve, at a house party hosted by Jake and Tara. Colby had been by your side all night, getting your drinks, laughing and dancing and when the clock struck midnight his lips were immediately on yours, like he’d been waiting an eternity to kiss you. It only took you a moment to kiss him back, his hands finding a home on your hips as you wrapped your arms around his neck, ignoring all the whistles around you, your friends screaming that it was about damn time.
Not long after, you arrived back at the house, the kiss not being enough for either one of you, both of you needing more urgently. Colby had quickly dragged you upstairs, undressing each other before you even reached his bedroom, lips never parting as he pressed you into his mattress. It wasn't what you thought it would be like, it was slow and sweet and Colby took his time with you, afraid he'd only get one chance at this. The next morning you awoke in his arms, limbs still tangled under the sheets until you managed to wiggle your way out without waking him, leaving before you had to have an awkward conversation about the night before.
"Colby, I can't do this right now." You sigh, shaking off your thoughts as you move away from him again.
“Do what?” He asks, raising a brow.
“Do this, whatever this is..” you state as he lets out a deep breath.
“Are we ever gonna talk about it?” He questions, folding his tattooed arms across his toned chest.
“What is there to talk about? It was just sex, wasn't it?" You shrug, causing him to scoff and you swear you can see a look of hurt on his face.
“We both know it was more than that.” He states, staring at you, almost begging you to be honest with yourself.
“When has it ever been more than that for you, Colby?” You argue, taking aim at his long list of conquests.
“When it was with you." He answers honestly, leaving you shocked. “That night when we kissed, I thought that was it, you know? That me and you were finally on the same page about us. But when I woke up the next morning you were gone and I never heard from you."
"I wanted to save you the trouble of telling me it was a one time thing." You admitted, lowering your head, embarrassed to look at him right now.
"That's all you thought that was to me? Do you not know me at all?" The boy asks as you let out a nervous laugh.
"Yes, I know you Colby, which is exactly why I left! I've seen your countless one night stands walk out that door the next morning, hoping that you'll call them again and you never do! You just move on to the next one and I'm not judging you, that's who you are. I just didn't want to be one of those girls that expected more from you." Colby looks at you, shaking his head, a prominent frown on his face as he walks closer to you. This time you don't move, frozen still as he cups your face.
"But that's just it, you're not like those other girls. There's always been something between us, more than a friendship, more than just sex. You make me laugh more than anybody, I don't have to pretend to be someone else when I'm with you. You've seen me at my worst and you got me through it, you Kat and Sam. Baby, I was an idiot for so fucking long, dating people I shouldn't have dated, being friends with people who I didn't even like. But I know what I want now and I want you. I want everything with you." He confesses, as you try to hold back tears.
"Colby, I..."
“What, honey? Tell me what you want?” He asks, his face inches away from yours and you could easily kiss him right now.
You know exactly what you wanted. When it came to Colby Brock, you’ve always known.
You’ve wanted it before he ever put his lips on yours, before you ever let him take you in his bed all those weeks ago and before he ever muttered that you were his as he came deep inside of you for the first time.
You wanted him, all of him but you knew that was something that just wasn't possible right now. Just as you were about to speak, the front door opened and closed with a gentle bang, footsteps approaching the kitchen as you quickly broke apart.
"Hey." Sam spoke, removing his headphones as you placed a loose strand of hair behind your ear. His eyes moved to Colby, who he knew would chew him out for this later.
"Hi." You greeted, moving to give him a hug.
"I'm sorry, I totally just interrupted something didn't I?" The blonde boy questions as you shake your head.
"Yep." Colby nods as you shoot him a look.
"No you didn't, honestly. I was just leaving." You reassure Sam but Colby takes your hand. "Please, don't go, we still have things to talk about."
You bite your lip, eyes focused on Colby as he pleads with you to finish your conversation.
"I really need to pack Kat's stuff."
"Hey, it's ok, I'll take Katrina's things to your car and leave you guys to it." Sam says as you give him a thankful nod. Once he's gone, Colby moves towards you again, his hands finding yours as you look into his ocean blue eyes, trying not to fall deeper than you already have.
"Colby, you know how I feel about you. Jesus, I was never good at hiding it." You joke, earning a small laugh from him as his fingers circle your palm. "But, right now, Sam needs you, like Kat needs me. We can't be together when they're like this, still heartbroken and lost." You state, beginning to choke up.
"Why not?" Colby questions, raising a brow.
"Because if we're together and one of them eventually moves on with someone else, it's going to get messy. They'll fight about it, they'll ask us to take sides and then we'll fight about it and probably break up and both be miserable too! Everything's just too complicated right now, not to mention we'd have to do long distance because I'll be in LA and you'll be here and–" You ramble on as Colby places his forehead on yours.
"It kind of sounds like you've already thought about this a lot." He teases, as you wrap your arms around his waist.
"Being with you, is all I ever think about." You whisper before he captures your lips with his. For a moment, you finally give in to him, melting into his touch as he deepens the kiss, sliding his tongue over your bottom lip before he slides it into your mouth. He swallows a moan from within you, pressing you up against the counter as you grab his shirt, trying to pull him impossibly closer.
"Fuck, you're so beautiful." He groans, placing wet kisses on your neck as you throw your head back. Suddenly, your phone vibrates in your pocket and you know it's Kat checking up on you. You had asked her to call you to make sure you didn't accidentally end up in Colby's bed upon your arrival and you were sure you would have ended up there if not for your best friend saving you at the last minute.
"Colby, shit, it's Kat." You whine as he finally detaches his lips from your skin. Once you told Kat everything was ok and that you were on your way, you hung up, both of you attempting to catch your breath.
"I really have to go." You state as he nods his head, pulling you close once more.
"Look, I know you think things might get complicated but that's only if we let them, right? I want to try and make this work, I want to be with you no matter what happens between them. I've honestly never felt this way about anyone before and I don't want to lose you." He confesses, kissing your hand as your knees almost go from under you.
"I don't want to lose you either." You reveal, a tear sliding down your cheek as he wipes it away.
"So, can we do this? Me and you, like officially?" He asks, grinning like an idiot as you shake your head.
"Slow down Mr. Brock, you haven't even taken me on a proper date yet." You tease as he kisses you again. "Oh, so it's like that huh?"
"Yeah, it's like that." You chuckle.
Well lucky for you I'm coming to LA next week, so how about I take you out then?" He suggests, as you wrap your arms around him.
"If we do this, we take this slow ok? Start with a couple of dates and see how things go?" You suggest as he nods in agreement.
"Sweetheart, we can go as slow as you want, just give me a chance to show you how happy I can make you?" He begs but you already know the answer.
Yeah, Colby Brock was a risk worth taking.
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mediocre-shark-tales · 8 months
Colby Brock x Reader
Summary - Colby didn't realize that another girl had been trying to pull him away from you. He fucks up big time and has to earn back your trust, earn back that unconditional love he's close to losing.
WARNINGS - angst, mentions of cheating, depressed thoughts, self hate, arguing, mentions of light violence, and swearing.
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You sat in your room, tears cascading down your face. You were currently living with Sam, Kat, and Colby in one large house. You and Katrina did have your own rooms, but they had been transformed into small office spaces where you both could do work from home or anything you needed to do without distractions around. Your office space did involve a small single person bed for the nights where you would get lost in work, or so overloaded that you would stay locked away in there. But Colby did have a key to your room and would usually carry you away to his room. That was where you normally stayed, since you two had been dating for so long. It was typical by now for any couple to be comfortable with sharing a room. So you two did.
Today had been your 25th birthday, Katrina being your closest friend had planed you a big party inviting all the friends you had made over the last few years. Seeing everyone was so great, especially Jake and Tara. Even though they were no longer together, they still were my close friends. On a scale they would sit together right below Katrina. As the night went on, I had become more and more frustrated. There was still no sign of my boyfriend, the one person I should have been guaranteed to celebrate with.
It was only 3 hours into the party when he posted on his instagram. It was him and Stan, they were hanging out together at some random bar or nightclub. I didn't pay attention that much, only that Colby was with Stas. That he forgot my birthday and had gone to a bar with another girl without telling me before hand.
Some may think that is insecure and jealous of me to expect him to tell me when he hangs out with girls. However when both of us are popular YouTubers who have fans watching and theorizing about our every move on a daily basis. Honesty about where we are and who we are with is the best way to keep our relationship happy and stable. I was already getting spam from comments trying to tel me Colby must be a cheat this time for hanging out with Stas on my birthday without me. They knew I wasn't there cause all of my friends and I had made a post about my party. Them wishing me happy birthday on different socials.
After seeing that text, I had begun overly drinking trying my best to get wasted. Jake, Tara, and Kat were keeping close eyes on me the whole time. Sometimes they tried to slow me down, or calm me down, anything that would get me to stop pushing myself. Sam had even told me that he was on my side about this whole mess up from Colby. He was trying his best to get in contact with his friend. But all of that was to no avail.
Which is why I now laid in my bed, locked away in my own room. I had stolen Colby's key to my room from him. He always kept it in the same drawer in his room. It was rare that he needed to use it so he always left it in the same place. I had thrown it onto my desk with my own key after locking the door.
It had been 1 hour since everyone told me goodbye and left back to their homes. I stared at my ceiling, the time I had spent crying had finally begun to lull me to sleep.
However when the front door opened, I could hear the footsteps of someone coming closer and closer to my room. When they tried the door handle, that is when I knew it must have been Colby. He tried knocking on the door, but I continued to ignore his attempts.
I even heard Sam talking to him. "Leave her alone Colby" He said with venom dripping from his voice. "You fucked up, and while you do owe her an apology and explanation, she had an emotional breakdown. You know what that means right? Maybe you don't since you had the audacity to forget such an important day. Well she went and got herself wasted, I was sure she would blackout or throw up in a matter of minutes after she started. So even if she was awake, she would be in no way able to talk to you." Sam finished. "But I-" Colby started but sam cut him off. "she could barely get up here by herself Colby. Jake, Tara, and Kat had to convince her in anyway possible to stop drinking and go to bed. You know what she talked about the whole time?" Sam asked. I heard another pair of footsteps come up, Katrina. She spoke finishing Sam's story for him. "She started to talk about everything she 'thinks' is wrong about herself. Don't you remember how many guys broke her heart like this Colby? You and I were her closest friends at the time. The way she came running to us back then, well that's exactly what happened tonight. She's in there probably covered in tear stains thinking the worst of herself. Until she found out where you were, she would ask us if we had heard from you yet. In a room of all her favorite people she still looked for you. She wouldn't have cared if you were just late, she just wanted to celebrate her birthday with you." I heard Katrina scoff before continuing. "And to think, she had spent a week preparing for your birthday, spending all of her time that day with you just last month. You couldn't even remember her birthday."
Sam spoke up once more. "Colby we are so disappointed in you, You better fix this, make it up to her. For now though, just go to bed and leave her alone for the night. She deserves that much from you." Colby said nothing more before walking off. Sam and Katrina also leaving to their room moments later. My body slowly gave out only a few minutes later, succumbing to the sweet release that accompanied well earned sleep.
When I woke up the next morning, my head had a dull small ache. Looking at myself in the mirror across from my bed. I saw that I looked like a mess. So I got up, changing into a pair of sweats and a random hoodie of mine. I then brushed out my hair and put it up into a messy bun. Checking myself over, I grabbed my phone and room key before heading out. I locked the door behind me, before waltzing down to the kitchen. I was in need of some water, I felt the dehydration buzzing through my system.
Turning the corner into the kitchen I saw Sam and Katrina. Across from them sat Colby and Stas. Colby looked like he slept horribly, Stas never once faltered the smile on her face. Katrina was scowling at them but gave me a sympathetic smile. Sam was the one to speak seeing me. "Hey y/n, there's some water bottles in the fridge for you. We left some medicine to help with the hangover on the counter over. The two burgers next to it are also your to help the hang over." He pointed to the counter where the meds and burgers sat. I nodded. "Thanks Sam."
Within the next two steps, Colby was already trying to get up and come over to me. "Y/n I'm so sorry-" I put my hand up towards him and he stopped mid step. "Now is not the time Brock, We will talk later, not while I'm suffering from a hangover. Especially when I have barely had any real time to process what the fuck you did last night. So sit you ass back down and continue with your conversation that I so terribly interrupted." He returned to his seat sadly, watching me with worry.
With that Stas got up coming over to me. "What is your problem y/n? he's just trying to explain himself, he deserves more respect from someone who just let their insecurity take over on some random night." I shook my head and rolled my eyes. She didn't deserve shit from me. In the next second my head was forced to the side, my left cheek slowly increasing in a hot burning sensation. The others yelling at Stas for slapping me. When I looked back at her, I watched her face fall from the angry smirk she gave me. I looked at her with the exact same blank stare I was giving her before. No reaction to her actions like she wanted.
"Actually Anastasia, I wasn't insecure about him being with you. I could care less because I know Colby has long gotten past whatever minuscule amount of adoration he held for you. The only girl he wants to be with is me. What I am upset about is that my boyfriend, forgot my birthday and instead spent the day with someone else. He could have hung out with anyone else in the world, I would still be the same way. Oh but keep trying to steal him away sweetie, maybe if you are lucky enough he may change his mind. However if you have a brain behind those eyes, then you would know to give up now and move the fuck on." I spoke to her in the same dead flat tone that my face showed.
I picked up my burgers and meds, grabbed a water bottle and walked out of the room. On the way back up to my room I could hear Kat yelling. "Stas, get the fuck out of our house. I don't want to hear from you or see you for a long time. Maybe until you know how to get your act together and move on from your hopeless love. Y/n used to be your goddman friend, how could you hurt her happiness just cause e you were crushing on her man!? Nope! Don't even try to explain yourself right now! OUT!" I smiled, I was glad to know that Kat would pick me over her without hesitation. I never wanted her to have to pick between me and Stas when the two of us fell out. But right now, it was nice to know someone had my side.
I opened the door to my separate room and went in. The door shut behind me as I sat down at my computer. After taking the meds, I began to edit some footage for a vlog I had gotten last week. Occasionally I had some bites of burger, this was how I was going to destress and calm down from that whole interaction. About 30 minutes later there was a knock at my door. "Come in." Glacing back I saw Colby open the door and peek in. "is it really okay for me to come in babe?" I sighed. I would have to get this over eventually.
"Alright, I can take a break, come in and sit." I turned around and watched him walk slowly over to my bed sitting down next to me. I looked at him and spoke first. "You have 5 minutes tops to explain yourself or whatever you wanted to tell me, then it's my turn to talk without interruption no matter what I say." He nodded and began.
"y/n, I am so sorry for what I did. I completely forgot the one day a year to celebrate you and just you. I wasn't actually planning to meet stas that day, I was actually attending a sponsorship meeting for Sam and I. She texted me asking if I had time to go to the bar with her and hang out. After that long and boring meeting I was in need of a stress relief. But this isn't my excuse or my way to push the blame of me. It is my fault for forgetting in that moment about you. I promise you that I love you and only you. Whatever it takes and no matter how long it takes, I will make it up to you. I only want to see you happy. I'm sorry." With that Colby finished what he wanted to say.
I took a breath and began my speech. "Colby I can forgive your forgetfulness but it's gonna take a lot for me to forget it. Right now I just need you to be honest with me, Do you still want to be with me or not? If you have lost the feeling we used to share then we can end it right now, it will hurt a lot less." Colby shook his head. "No! I love you please don't say otherwise." I sighed at his words. "Okay, then you better stick to you words cause I have spiraled for the last 12 hours, I didn't know if I could ever try love again had you really lost love or worse cheated. I have been through that too many times. You are literally my last hope." I felt ears brim and fall from my eyes again. Colby's expression softening more.
He held his arms open and I hesitantly fell into them. He slowly moved to lay us together on the small bed meant for one person. He pet my hair as I cried into his shirt. "I'm so sorry for making you feel this way. I really fucked up. I will make it up to you. I will show you how much I love you, how desperate I am to be with you, all the reasons I love you. I will do this till the day I die. I love you y/n" His words slowly soothed me to sleep. Cuddling with him as we both napped in each others arms.
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lemonsdaydreams · 1 year
breaking the distance. |c.b|
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summary: You and Colby have been dating for nearly two years, enduring long distance and making the best out of time zones and chaotic work/ school schedules. The two of you knew one day the distance would be shortened to where there would be no more planes needed to see each other, and date night could finally be more than just facetiming and watching a movie together at the same time. One of you just happened to know it would be happening sooner rather than later.
No one ever expected Colby and I’s relationship to last, and I couldn’t really blame them. On the outside looking in, It seemed like it was a storm waiting to happen. Colby, a very well known social media content creator, constantly traveling and investigating new locations with his best friend in and outside the country, and lives on the west coast of the united states. Me, a non social media content creator, studying emergency paramedicine, lives on the east coast, and never even had a passport until two months ago. The main thing people always loved to throw at us was the distance. ‘Why date someone who lives a 5 hour plane ride away, when there’s plenty of people here in the same state for you to choose from?’
I personally didn’t fully expect us to be where we are right now when I met Colby over two years ago. It’s crazy how things happen though, how quickly you connect with a person. It’s as if I’d known him my whole life, as if I was connecting with an old friend I hadn’t seen in years that night at the bar. We talked and talked for hours, the rest of the crowded bar tuned out and all I saw was him. Colby and his friends he had traveled to the east coast with a few days later after we first ended up coming over to my apartment for a game night after constantly texting and getting to know each other more. Ironically, one of his friends that came with him, I knew from my childhood. Talk about a small world.
The buzzing of my cellphone in my hand snapped me out of the daydream I was in. A smile quickly spread across my face as I spotted Colby’s name on the caller ID before answering.
“Finally waking up, Mr. Brock?” I smiled as I held the phone to my ear.
“I’m so sorry beautiful, I slept through my alarm. I totally planned on waking up earlier to be able to talk to you in case you began to stress over your exam today.” His morning voice was something that always caught me off guard, the deep rasp. It always made me yearn for the day I’d be able to hear it in person, and not over the phone.
Of course over the past two years we’ve met up and spent time together, however it was usually when him and Sam were on a trip to film or when I had a small break between semesters at school and could afford to visit him.
“It’s okay Colby, I promise.” I smiled to myself and attempted to contain my excitement as I scanned the empty apartment once more. “I’ve been just cleaning and relaxing on the couch. I think if I tried reading any more of my textbooks my eyeballs might fall out of my head.”
Colby chuckled as my apartment door swung open, and I quickly muted myself as Seth, the friend of Colby’s that I’ve known since childhood came in. “Who’s ready to mo- oh shit, are you on the phone?” He quickly covered his mouth with a hand.
“Yeah, with Colby.” I giggled before giving him a ‘shh’ and taking myself off mute.
“You’re going to do great. You always do great. This is the final bridge needing to be crossed and then I’ll be able to have you in my arms every night and hear about the crazy encounters you have at work in person. God, I can’t wait for that to be real, beautiful. I miss you so much.”
“I can’t believe that it’s finally here. Just this semester and then I’m done, graduated, nationally registered to work anywhere in the country. By the way, My supervisor reached out to the base that’s not far from where you live, and they have an open paramedic spot that is up for grabs.” I bit my bottom lip and glanced at Seth who also shared the same nervous look.
I’ve always hated lying, and lying to Colby these past few months have been absolute torture. But he’s always the one surprising me, I wanted to finally surprise him. I ended up taking an earlier program that Colby didn’t know about, which allowed me to graduate and become a paramedic three months ago. However, Colby still thought I had another two months to go. During this time since finishing school, I’ve been working and studying protocols for the state I’d be moving to, coordinating with Sam on shipping my stuff to Vegas from New England without Colby seeing the boxes, selling stuff I don’t need to bring, and basically getting ready to move to Vegas. Of course, Colby knew this day would be coming, as we have a whole checklist we share on google docs to make sure we have everything lined up for when the day comes, He just doesn’t know it’s happening sooner. Or that I’m going to be there, in like 12 hours.
“Baby, Is it okay if I let you go? I can call you back later. I have to bring my phone to the apple store, I finally got an appointment to get my battery fixed.” I ran a hand through my hair, constantly reminding myself mentally the lying would be over soon.
“Oh good, I’m so glad you got that appointment babe, I have to get going anyway. Sam and I have to go meet up with some friends to film a video, but text or call me as soon as you finish your exam okay? I love you.”
After saying goodbye and hanging up, I groaned and laid back on the empty granite counter. “Dude, no wonder you hate lying. Thank god that wasn’t a facetime call or one look at your face and Colby would see your face and just know you were hiding something.” Seth chuckled and I flipped him the bird.
“Can we go get coffee before we head to the airport? This whole not having my own car thing sucks.” Seth chuckled once more before nodding and holding out his rental keys that I snatched out his hand before he could speak. “Yes, I’ll drive. You drive worse than my grandmother.”
“Now boarding Group A.”
“I’m really flying to Vegas without a return ticket.” I mumbled as I handed my ticket to the flight attendant at the gate. I glanced over my shoulder at Seth who stood behind me, laughing. “You’re finally moving to Vegas. Which means Sam and I won’t have to hear Colby talk about how much he misses your voice all the time and try to figure out what haunted places we could go see near where you live.”
“Are you sure he won’t question why my phone is off for over five hours? I mean we don’t talk on the phone all day every day, but we usually check in over text to say Hi and that we miss each other or something. I don’t think a phone battery replacement would take five hours.” I buckled my seatbelt once Seth and I got to our assigned seats. “You seriously worry too much.” Seth patted my hand as he smiled. “We’ve got it all figured out. He isn’t going to have any time to check his phone with what they’re filming.”
“This is going to be a long ass five hours, Seth. This is why teleportation should be a thing. I could already be there, with Colby.” I sighed as I turned to look out the window, anxiously tapping my foot on the ground. Seth laughed and out of the corner of my eye, I spotted him hold his phone out to take a photo.
“Don’t you dare post that.” I looked at him wide eyed, which caused Seth to laugh more. “Relax, It’s a video. For memories.” I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms across my chest. “Should I yell it out now that you’re a paramedic, just in case there’s a medical emergency?”
“Don’t you dare. I’m too nervous to provide any care, nor do I want to start my career as a medic off by taking care of someone on a plane. Why aren’t we moving yet?” I peered up and around the seats, huffing as I noticed not everyone was seated.
“God this is going to be so funny to look back on.” Seth mumbled as he put his phone down.
“I’ve got all your stuff in the storage unit, and your car should be arriving in the next few days.” Sam smiled as he drove Seth and I from the airport. Colby was back at the house editing and thinking Sam had just gone out to get food for the two of them. “It’s really good to finally see you, by the way. Colby is going to lose his mind.”
“I’m so nervous.” I mumbled looking out the window of the car and taking in the change of scenery. “He thinks I’m still in my exam right now.”
“Oh I know. Dude is a love sick puppy right now.” Sam laughs and gives me a smile. “Once we get to the house, I’m going to go inside to ask Colby to come out and help me grab some stuff from my car, but in reality it will only be you.” He added while Seth readjusted the camera on the dash of the car. I nodded and prayed we’d be arriving at the house soon.
Once at the house, I laid down in the back seat of the car to hide until Colby came out. “Yeah it’s on the passenger side in the back, If you can just grab it for me as well as the camera!” Sam called out, signaling that Colby was coming my way. Before I knew it, the door was swung open and I quickly sat up and smiled as my eyes landed on Colby. “Surprise!”
Colby stared in shock for a moment, eyes wide with confusion. Next thing I knew, He was grabbing my legs and pulling me out of the vehicle and up into his arms. My arms quickly wrapped around his neck, resting my head on his shoulder and wrapping my legs around him as he held me. “What is going on?” Colby yelled out, turning to glance at his friends back at the doorway before slamming the car door and moving so I was pressed against it and using one of his hands to pull my head back so he could see my face. “You have an exam?��� His eyebrows furrowed.
“Baby.” I laughed softly. “Oh my gosh I’ve absolutely hated lying to you. I graduated early, That’s why I was so busy over break and couldn’t see you. I didn’t tell you because I wanted to surprise you by being able to finally be here sooner than you thought.” I cupped his face in my hands and blinking back tears as I finally got a good look at him. “I can’t believe I’m here.”
“I missed your graduation?” He frowned, resting his forehead against mine. “I’m so confused baby.” He quickly closed the distance between us and kissed me gently. “But dear god have I been dying to kiss you.” He mumbled against my lips.
“No, It was a winter graduation so there’s no walk you didn’t miss anything.” I kissed him once more. “But I’m here. no more distance. It’s finally broken.” I ran a hand through his hair as I stared into his blue eyes. Colby pulled me closer once more and began kissing me again, deeper this time before beginning to head towards the house. “You guys should probably head our for a while.” Colby mumbled as he passed Sam and Seth, his gaze still set on me. “Already planned on it. We’ll be back later. Welcome home!” Sam called out as Colby walked away from them, still carrying me. I let out a small laugh and began kissing Colby’s cheeks and playing with his hair at the nape of his neck.
“I can’t believe you lied.” Colby fake pouted as he gently tossed me on his, ours now, bed before climbing on top of me. “But it was so worth it.” He mumbled before kissing me. “Now it’s time for me to welcome you home.” He smirked.
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samandcolbyownme · 11 months
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Summary: Anon request - "fluff estes method pregnancy with colby"
I did a smut version of this with Sam. If you haven't checked it out I suggest reading it! It's titled "Estes Surprise".
Warnings: pregnant!reader being touched, scratched, and talked to by the spirits, talk about death, murder, etc., dark entities, mentions of throwing up, some kissing, mostly fluff.
Word count: 6.7k | not edited
"What's up guys it's Sam and Colby, and today we have Y/n with us as well." Colby motions towards you and Sam moves the camera to you, "Hey guys."
"You excited?" Sam asks smirking at you from behind the camera. You raise your eyebrows and sighs, "I mean, I can't lie. I am pretty excited."
"Colby." Sam moves the camera back to him, "Wanna tell them why y/n is so excited to be here today?"
Colby smirks and presses his hands together, "Today.." he turns to look at you then back to the camera, "Y/n is going to be the one doing the Estes method."
Sam lets out a long and cheery, "Yeahhhhhhhh."
You laugh, "Yeah, yeah." You shake your head and Sam hands the camera to Colby and moves next to you, "Is there any reason as to why you chose to do it today, at this location?"
You nod, "I don't know, but when you told me about the history and the background about this place, you know filling me in, I got this feeling like I just had to do it here, you know?" You look from Sam to Colby, "Like I have to do it."
"That's spooky." Colby smirks, "But, as always. We'll be right there. If it gets to be too much, at any point during the investigation, just let us know."
"Such gentleman." You smirk and laugh.
"We try. We try." Sam shrugs and looks back at the old hotel, "Alright. Are we ready to go in?" You take a deep breath, "I guess so."
Colby lunges forward a few steps, his voice stained, "Let's do it."
He turns the camera off and hands it to Sam. He spins you so you're facing him, "I just wanted to say that I love having you on these things with us."
You smile and shrug, "I like being on these things with you."
He smiles and nods before leaning in to give you a quick peck on your lips. Sam groans, "Can you guys wait until we get inside, at least you'll have a hundred rooms to choose from."
You look over at Sam who can't contain his laughter and you give him the finger, "You're just jealous, Golbach."
"Jealous of what, y/l/n?" Sam rolls his eyes and you smirk as you walk up to him, "That I get to kiss Colby and you don't." You laugh as you walk by and Colby wraps an arm around Sam's shoulder, "Don't let her fool you, you can kiss me if you want."
You look back and see Sam pushing Colby away, laughing as Colby has his lips pushed out trying to kiss his cheek.
"Hey now." You point, "I don't want to have to kick your ass."
Sam laughs and Colby jogs up to you, "That would be incredibly hot on your part." You smirk and push on the door.
"Mm. I can't.." you push the door again, "I can't get this.. door to open.."
"That's because.." Sam walks up, camera rolling, "You have to pull it, dummy." Sam pulls the door open and you just stand there, "There should be a sign or something."
Colby lays a hand on your lower back, "S'okay, babe." He chuckles, "come on." He leads you inside and you stand there, surprised that the inside has power.
"The outside looks so abandoned, you wouldn't think the inside would be lit up like this." Colby turns to Sam and right as Sam is about to say something, there's a knock from down the hallway.
"Is there anyone else here?" Sam asks looks back at you guys from the hallway.
"No the owners left. They said no one but use would be here." You say whipping around to the other side, "there it was again, but on that side." You point and look back at Sam, "Mayne we should just start right here. Get the rem pod out, I'm sure we'll ge-"
Sam yells and jumps, "Whoa, hey. Something just grabbed my jacket."
"Seriously?" Colby asks moving around to look, "Like where? Here?" He moves his hand up, figuring out where Sam was grabbed.
You wait for him to calm down before making a comment, "I mean, I'd come after you to for wearing a jacket like that."
He glares at you, fighting back his laugh, "That's.. mean.. y/n. You're so mean lately." You shrug, "I'm just being honest, Sam."
Colby laughs and shakes his head, "you guys. It's insane how we literally just walked in and were already getting so much activity, like the owner said that it usually wouldn't happened until a little bit later on in the night."
Sam sighs, "I know, I know. I don't understand that." He hands Colby the camera and takes the REM pod from his backpack, "This is the REM pod, as some of you guys may know, the spirits come around, touch this little thing here and it lights up for us."
He walks over, setting it down by the one hallway.
"I can put the music box over by the other?" You ask and they nod, "Yeah so that way we know-"
Colby gets cut off by footsteps above you guys, and they're heavy. You freeze, staring up at the ceiling as your head moves slowly with the footsteps that slowly grow quiet the further away they go.
"Did you get that?" Sam asks looking over at Colby.
Colby nods, "I'll be surprised if I didn't. Those were loud."
The REM pod goes off, you haven't even gotten the music box out of Colby's bag yet, "Shit." Sam turns, "If that's the spirit of Adeline Nielsen, can you please make that go off ag-"
The light goes off and Sam looks back, wide eyed, "What the fuck."
"Adeline, touch that light if there's anyone else with you." Sam say and lays his fingers over his lips, waiting.
"Are you alone?" Colby asks and the light goes off, "Okay. Thank you."
You turn around, getting the intense feeling that you're being watched. You don't see anything, but you can certainly feel that something is there, "C-Colby."
You feel his hand on your shoulder, "Hey, what's up?"
You blink and look over at him, "I just got.." you take a deep breath and move closer to him. He hands the camera to Sam and wraps an arm around your waist, "what's going on?"
You feel like you could puke, like a massive wave of nausea just washed over you.
"I just got this.. feeling that something was watching me.. or us.. I don't know. I got this sudden feeling like I was gonna throw up." You look over at Sam and back to the hallway, "It was weird."
"Do you need to take a break?" Sam asks and you shake your head, "No. I'm good now." You sigh, "I'm good."
"You sure?" Colby looks down at you and you look up at him, "Yeah, Colbs. I'm good." You smile up at him and he nods, "Okay."
The REM pod goes off again, "Adeline, we know you're a good spirit, so please, feel free to follow us around the hotel if you'd like."
As sam walks over to grab the pod from the floor, it goes off and he stops and looks at you and Colby, "I'm not even close enough to make that go off."
"Maybe she wants to talk to us now." You suggest and it instantly goes off again. You raise your eyebrows, "do we have the spirit box?"
"Yeah, I can run out and grab it." Colby says giving your arm a squeeze. He leans in, whispering, "I don't know what it is, but I have this feeling you need to stay with either me or Sam this entire time."
You give him a weird look and he shrugs, "I don't know, y/n. Just please don't go wandering off."
You nod, "I won't. I won't. I promise."
He nods and goes out to the car to get the equipment. You walk over to Sam and he looks up at you, holding his hand out, "Wait.. do you hear that?"
You listen, and you hear distant footsteps, "Maybe it's Colby?" Sam moves over to the window, looking out and he shakes his head, "No Colby is standing at the trunk of the car."
You beat the footsteps again, this time they sound like they're walking right up to you.
"Sam.." you sniff the air and he turns to you, camera pointed at you, "I smell hairspray."
He gives you a funny look and sniffs, "I don't smell it."
You motion for him to come over to you, "Right here." You motion to right in front of you and he walks over, sniffing the area, "oh shit. You're right."
Colby walks back in, stopping as he sees you and Sam smelling the air, "Um.. what the hell are you doing?"
"Hairspray." You both say and Colby shakes his head, "No sorry I left mine at home."
You laugh, "No, Colby. It smells like hairspray but only like.." you motion, "Right here."
He walks over after closing the door and you guys are head to head, with the camera angled up at you guys as you move around sniffing.
"That's so weird, it's literally only right here." Sam leans back shaking his head. You lean in, "And now it's gone."
Colby leans in, eyes going slightly wide, "That's fucking crazy." He snaps, "You know, Martin did say that they also had quick whiffs of that too, apparently that was a big thing for all the women to have back then."
"No dude you're right." Sam nods, "That's crazy."
"We can definitely ask if it was Adeline." You take the spirit box from Colby's hands and walk over to the lobby area, setting it down on the small coffee table.
They follow, leaving the REM pod in its place.
"Whenever you're ready, y/n." Sam says giving you the go ahead to turn it on. You nod, sitting down in the chair and leaning forward.
Colby moves behind you, gripping the back the chair as he leans on it, "Hello, my name is Colby. These are my friends Sam and y/n. We would like to speak with whoever is willing to communicate with us."
"Are we speaking to Adeline Nielsen?" Colby asks, pausing so you guys can listen. You exchange looks with Sam and Colby when nothing is said for a few minutes.
"Is this someone else?" Sam asks and you get a cool chill down your spine, causing you to sit up. Colby looks down at you, "What was that?"
"I just got a chill." You laugh nervously and Colby gently squeezes your shoulder.
"..it's me.."
Your head snaps towards the spirit box, "Who? Adeline?"
".. try again.."
You and Colby look at Sam, trying to remember if Martin said anything about any dark entities roaming the halls.
It's crazy how everything disappears from your mind when once the investigation actually starts.
"Um. Um." Sam taps the chair, "The maid. She was the one going around poisoning the women that Sebastian was bringing in, right."
Colby snaps, pointing to Sam, "Fuck, yes. Right right." He clears his throat, "Is this the maid that poisoned all of those women?"
".. so young.."
"All those women? They were mid twenties." Sam says moving over closer to you and Colby, "Why did you kill them?"
".. full of life.."
"Were you jealous?" Colby asked, "Were you jealous that he kept bringing those young women here?"
You tilt your head, "guys.." you shake your head,
".. not them.."
"I don't think she's talking about the girls.." you look up at Sam and he tilts his head slightly, "What do you mean?"
You couldn't describe it, but you just had this weird and very eerie feeling about what she was talking about, and the women who were murdered, weren't it.
"I just.." you shake your hands, "i can't shake this feelings that she not talking about the women she killed."
"Who else would she be talking about?" Colby moves to sit next to you.
"Did you kill other people?" You ask, waiting for a response but you sadly get nothing.
"Okay. I say we move to a new area." Sam leans forward, switching off the box, "Room 111, Sebastian's room."
"Maybe we can get more info there and try to piece this puzzle together." Colby nods, standing up, "You ready?" You look up at him, standing up as Sam doesn't grab the REM pod, "Yeah, I'm ready."
You make your way down the hall, stopping every so often because of knocking.
"That's following us." Colby points to the wall, "What if it's Adeline?"
Sam shrugs, "Could be."
"Why didn't she talk to us on the spirit box?" You ask and look at Colby before answering your own question, with a question, "What if she was scared of the maid?"
"Adeline was one of the victims, so it very well could be. The maid seems to be very intimidating from what I understood." Colby nods, looking from you to Sam.
Sam turns, "Adeline, if that is you, can you make that noise again for me please?"
You guys wait patiently and there a knock, a sigh of relief leaving their lips, but a part of you still didn't believe it.
"Okay. Let's just keep going. I think it's at the end of this hall up the steps." Colby points and takes the camera from Sam.
Sam walks ahead, "It was said that there was at least seventeen women killed by the maid here in this room, and I mean that's not even counting the implied others from whatever that was back there." He motions behind him as you walk up the steps.
You stop, looking from the bold numbers on the door to Sam and Colby, "We came, we saw, we can go." You laugh, which makes them laugh, "After you, Golbach."
He scoffs, "Oh yeah, use me as bait, like I don't have enough things attached to me." Sam smirks and shakes his head as Colby chuckles. Sam reaches for the knob, just as his hand wraps around it, there's a knock on the other side.
"Was that from in there?" Colby asks pointing, "That was oddly close."
Sam takes his hand from the knob and lifts it, knocking gently on the door. You bring your thumb up, chewing on your nail as you feel like you could puke again.
"You okay?" Colby asks and you look at him, "Mhm." You nod, "Yeah. That just kinda scared me." You laugh nervously and look back at the door.
Colby could tell there was something more going on. But he doesn't like to push you with questions. He knows that if you aren't okay, you'll come to him.
But that's the thing, you felt fine most of the time. It was only for a short, split second periods where you could feel like you could pass out or throw up.
You just thought it was the spirits because it's happened before, or at least, something like this, maybe not as intense.
"Okay, let's just announce ourselves as we go in." Sam looks at you and Colby and you both nod, "Okay."
Sam twists the knob, slowly opening the door, "Hello, I'm Sam. I mean no harm but coming in here." He walks in and you walk in behind him, instantly feeling off, but you shrug it off, "Hello. I'm y/n.. I come in peace, no harm at all."
Colby follow, announcing himself, "I'm Colby. I'm with these two, also meaning no harm." He steps in, panning the camera around the room slowly, "You know, it looks like a normal hotel room but-"
Sam cuts him off, "The vibe is way off. Something is here."
The door shuts, causing you all to jump.
"Oh fuck."
"What the hell."
"Jesus Christ." You lay a hand on your chest, heart racing under your own touch, "I guess they wanted the door closed." You laugh slightly, trying not to be as scared.
"I guess so." Sam sighs, "Okay. Um. So what do we want to do here?"
Him and Colby exchange glances and Colby shrugs, "Why don't get out the EMF?" Sam nods, "Okay, yeah. That way we can-"
A knock on the door silences Sam and his mouth drops open. You look from the door to Sam and he mouths, "What the fuck?"
You go behind Colby, getting out the EMF, "Where do you want it?"
Colby points, "the bed is probably the bed option." He looks at Sam and he nods, "Yeah, that's where a lot of them got sick and then died, so."
He sucks air through his teeth, "Lets get-" he stops and points, "There's that knocking."
You and Colby look at each other and listen, but nothing.
"I swear there was knocking." Sam says and you nod, "No sam we believe it." You walk over to the bed and as you're positioning the box and getting ready to turn it on, you feel something grab at your ankle.
You let out a slight scream and jump back into Sam. He lays a hand on your back to steady you as you grab your ankle, "Fuck, ow, what the fuck."
"What happened?" Colby moves over, handing Sam the camera so he can take a look, "Fuck, Sam look."
Sam leans around, eyes going wide as he sees the red line going over your ankle bone, "are you okay? Y/n." He looks up at you, "Are you good?"
You rub your fingers over the line, nodding, "It burned at first but now it's fine." You set your foot down on the ground and Colby backs you up away from the bed, "You're going to stay over here."
"Fine by me." You sit down in the chair, "Bringing your ankle up to rest on your knee, "let's just get started." You turn on your flashlight from your phone, examining the mark.
"Y/n just got scratched." Colby says to the camera. He turns to you, "Do you mind if I show the camera?" You look up at him and shake your head, "No go ahead." You extend your leg out and Colby holds your leg with his hand, moving your pant leg up a little.
Sam comes over with the camera, "They seem to be after her, but the question is.. why?"
"Do you think the maid could be jealous of her? I mean the maid did say young.. full of life? Y/n is still young and to what the elderly would consider full of life?" Colby rests your leg down on the floor and turns back to Sam.
"Let's ask. Seems like the only thing we can do right now." Sam walks over, looking down at his feet every so often as he stitches the EMF on.
"So this will give us yes or no answers basically. Green for yes, red for no. Pretty basic." He explains, "is there anyone here with us?"
Instant green light.
"Is it Sebastian's girls?" Sam follows up and it's a green light, followed by an instant red. He turns and looks back at you and Colby, "So it's them and someone else?"
Instant green light.
"Was it one of Sebastian's girls that scratched y/n?" Colby asks crossing his arms and it's an instant red light, "Was it the maid?"
Instant red light.
"If it wasn't-" Colby stops and looks from you to Sam, "Sebastian. Did you scratch y/n?"
Instant green light.
"You do not have permission to touch us. Understand? You cannot touch us. Hurt us. Follow us in any way." Colby's voice is deep, loud. Kind of a turn on, but it's ruined by the feeling of needing to puke.
"Y/n. Are you okay? You just got really, really pale." Sam asks glancing at Colby, "Maybe we should take a break."
You nod, standing up, "Y-yeah."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
After making your way outside, you beline off to the side, finally puking.
Colby rushes up behind you, his hands pulling your hair back from your face, "Hey. Hey." His hand that isn't holding your hair rubbing your back gently, "You're okay, baby."
He glances back at Sam who's standing by the door and back to you, "Was it the room?"
You slowly stand up, wiping your mouth on the sleeve of your sweatshirt, "I don't know, I don't feel like it was, but at the same time.." you shrug, "It's hard to say."
"What do you mean?" He tilts his head, "I'm not following."
You sigh and look around, "I didn't really feel good before coming here." You notice Colby frown and you quickly follow up, "Now I know I'm not supposed to do this blah blah, but at the same time, that's when we were at home. I felt fine on the car ride here and when we got here."
He sighs, "Are you okay?"
You nod, "Yeah, now that I threw up, I feel better than I did before we got here." You laugh slightly and he just pulls you in for a hug, "Y/n." He sighs, "If you don't feel good, you shouldn't be doing this." He whispers, kissing you on the head.
You nod, "I know, but I just.. really wanted to be with you today."
That wasn't a lie, something in you needed to be with Colby or you would have sat home and cried, which wasn't like you at all. Normally, you'd be fine with a call or a text here and there while they did an investigation, but lately, you couldn't go without him.
You didn't know what was happening.
He smiles and sighs, "you drive me nuts."
"You love me." You smirk and he nods, "That I do." He kisses your cheek, "very much."
You turn your head, "can I get some gum from the car before you kiss me, please?" He chuckles and nods, "I suppose so." He let you go and you walk over to the car, opening the door and grabbing your pack of Tropical Twist gum.
You take a piece out, unwrapping a piece before popping it into your mouth. You chew it a few times before gagging and spitting it back into the wrapper, "What the fuck."
You look around, opening the console and finding another pack. You grab a piece of the Spearmint and it works.
"Everything go okay?" Sam asks as you walk back up to him and Colby. You nod, "Yeah, but I just about threw up over my tropical gum. It was weird."
"This whole place is weird." Sam turns and looks towards the door, "Are you sure you want to go back inside?" He looks back to you and you nod, "Yeah. I'm good."
Colby looks at you and you smile at him, "I'm fine, Colbs. I promise."
"We aren't going back into Sebastian's room." Colby shakes his head, "No way in hell."
You and Sam look at each other and back to Colby. Colby looks between you both and shakes his head again, "No. absolutely not. No."
"Colby." You step towards him, "You guys need this. This is why you came here." He lays his hands on your shoulders, "You got scratched in that room, y/n. I'm not-"
"Then why don't we do it in the hallway." You suggest cutting him off, "We won't be in the room, we'll be outside of it. We can set the music box right outside of the door. Open it up. And that way if anything crosses the threshold, we'll know."
Sam raises his eyebrows and looks at Colby, "I knew you liked her for a reason." He smirks and Colby shakes his head, trying to hide his smile, "Shut up, Sam."
"See. You know it'll work that way too." You poke his chest, "We can do the Estes method."
His eyes move to you and he stares at you, "You still want to do that?"
"Of course I fucking do." You laugh, "That's why I'm here, right?"
You can tell that he has some hesitation at first, but eventually gives in, "Fine. But it starts getting any sort of fucked, I'm pulling you out of it." He nods towards you and raises his eyebrows and you nod, "deal."
Colby takes your hand, interlocking his fingers with yours and squeezing your hand as you walk back inside.
He doesn't say another word, mainly because he's thinking about you. Anxiously racking his brain as to why the spirits here would be targeting you.
You guys stop outside of room 111 and you squeeze his hand, pulling him to turn towards you, "Hey. You good?"
He smiles and nods, "I'm always good."
You tilt your head and Sam butts in, "Colby. You are not always good."
He looks over at Sam and rolls his eyes, "I'm fine, guys. Let's just.." he motions to the camera, "Before I do change my mind." He smirks slightly and brings your hand up, pressing his lips to the back before dropping it and letting go to swing his bag off his shoulder.
You take a deep breath as Sam starts rolling, "So we talked." He pauses and looks at you and Colby, "And we decided that we're going to do the Estes method with y/n, out here in the hallway."
"So I was thinking." You say, catching their attention. Colby stops unraveling the headphones and stares at you. You look at them, "Maybe I can start doing the session before you guys open the door. You know what I mean?"
A wave of relief washes over Colby as he was afraid you were going to ask to go into the room.
"That's actually a good idea." Sam nods and looks at Colby. He nods, "Yeah, no. That's actually a better idea."
You smile slightly and to sit in the center of the hallway, facing the closed door to room 111.
"Are you ready?" Sam asks and you look up at him, "Ready."
"Just repeat what you hear out loud, okay?" Colby says and you look up, nodding up at him. He's standing over you, looking down at you with a blindfold in his hands.
Definitely not a new sight to you.
He gently lays the fabric over your eyes, tying it in the back, "That tight enough?" You nod, "Mhm."
You couldn't lie, you were shitting your pants.
"Alright. Here we go."
Colby's words were the last words you heard before the loud sound of white noise filled your ears from the headphones.
"Adeline is here.." you say as soon as you hear the words.
"Adeline.. I'm glad that you're here." Sam says with a nod, "Can you tell us if anyone else is here?"
"Evil man.." you tilt your head, ".. hurt us.."
"Are you talking about Sebastian?" Colby looks from you to Sam and shakes his head, "He didn't hurt them did he? Only ever-"
"The maid .. hates us.."
"The maid was jealous of you wasn't she?" Sam asks, "Can you tell us if she killed anyone else?"
"Jealousy.. she is.."you straighten up, "..y/n.."
Colby clenches his jaw and tilts his head, "is she jealous of y/n?"  He looks to Sam and back down to you.
"Very much.."
"Why?" Sam asks, "is it because y/n is young? Just like you and the other girls were?"
There's a few moments to where it's just the noise and Sam and Colby just look at each other shrugging.
"Adeline.. can you tell us wh-"
You cut Colby off, "Full of life."
"That's what was said downstairs.. I don't.." Colby sighs, "I'm not following." He shrugs, "Can you tell us more please?"
"She wants it."
"Who? Who wants want, Adeline?" Sam asks, "The maid?"
"Yes.. her.. she wants her.." you pause, "Life.. in y/n.."
"Life.. in y/n.." Sam and Colby both repeat. Colby shrugs, shaking his head, "What does that mean exactly?"
"Maid.. wants the baby.." you can feel yourself growing sick again, "She wants it."
"No no no no." Colby starts tapping your shoulder and he takes the headphones off of your head.
"Colby? What?" Sam looks at Colby with a scared and confused look. You take the blindfold off and spins around slightly to look at him, "Colby?"
He looks pale, almost like he's the one who could throw up.
"We have to get out of here." He lifts you to your feet and shoves the equipment into the bag. You look at Sam and he shrugs, "Colby." You look back at him and he takes your hands in his, "Just.. come on."
He pulls you down the hall, Sam following behind the both of you, slightly frantic, "Colby.. yo Colby.."
You look back at Sam as Colby keeps a grasp on your hand. You make your way to the door and he pulls it open, leaving it for Sam to close.
"Colby. Hey. Talk to us. What's-"
Colby cuts you off, "Turn the camera off, Sam." Sam walks over, turning the camera off, "Okay. Now will you tell us what's going on?"
Colby licks his lips and pulls his lower lip between his teeth, "I think.." he pauses and you step towards him, "What, colby?"
"I think you're pregnant." The words roll off of his lips a slightly mumble and your eyes go wide.
"Huh!?" Sam yells leaning forward and you can't help but laugh at him, "Exactly what he said." You point to him and look back at Colby, "What do you mean exactly?"
Colby laughs nervously, "The way.. the way everything was going.. it just.. it just sounded like the maid wanted you because you were full of life, and it wasn't because you were young. Literally because you're-" he point to your stomach, "-Full of life."
You shake your head laughing, "No.. no. There's no way."
Sam sighs, "The walls are very thin. I can attest to that."
"Not helping, Golbach." You slap Sam's shoulder gently and turn towards Colby, "what do you want to do?"
"I want to go. Right now. Get some test. And I want you to pee on them. That's what I want you to do." Colby stares at you and Sam can't help but laugh.
"Sam." He looks at him and Sam holds his hands up, "I'm sorry. I just.. this is just so unreal right now."
You laugh slightly until you start thinking, "Maybe that why I got sick?"
Sam's face goes serious, "Oh fuck. That's right." He looks at Colby, "she has been extra mean lately too."
"Yeah, you've said that already today, Sam." You glare at him and he motions to you, "Point proven."
Colby smirks slightly, at the banter and thinking about the possibility of you being pregnant, "Let's just.. go and we'll figure it out."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
As you stood at the hotel bathroom sink, staring down at the five tests laid out, you felt nauseated.
You weren't sure how you felt.
You knew a lot could happen in the spirit world, I mean hell, Sam and Colby proved the afterlife while at the Conjuring, but this..
This felt surreal to you.
Maybe because it was actually involving you?
And Colby?
And a possible baby?
You sigh, shaking your head as you uncapped each one. One by one you dipped them into the little cup that contained your pee and you flipped them over, face down because right now, you don't think you could stomach the result.
You loved Colby, but you both were young. You guys have been together for a while, yes. But you haven't even talked about started a family.
It was all about the adventure of investigating the ghost world.
You capped the last one, setting it down to clean up before wrapping your arms around yourself. You slowly back up into the wall, staring at the tests as you think.
You felt your lips pulling into a slight smile as you pictured Colby holding your baby for the very first time. Imagining his little baby talk to whatever may be in your belly.
You weren't opposed to this at all.
"Colby." You call out, "Sam."
The door opens and Colby peaks his head in, "Yeah, babe?" You motion for him to come in, "Sam, too."
He glances back at Sam who follows Colby in, "What's up?"
You motion towards the test, "I took each one. I can't look. It's been two minutes or so. We need to read them now."
Sam lays a hand on his chest, "you.. you want me to look at them?"
You nod, "I can't."
Sam looks at Colby and he nods, wrapping an arm around you, his thumb rubbing your hip gently as Sam walks over to the counter.
He sets his phone up, pressing record, "Just in case. You never know." He laughs slightly and you roll your eyes with a slight smile.
You hang onto Colby, slightly nervous now that it's the moment of truth.
Sam flips the first one over, then is very quick to flip the next one over then so on until they're all flipped over, "Holy mother of god."
"What!? What Sam?" You step forward and he turns around, "I'm gonna be Uncle Sam."
Colby stares at Sam for a few seconds before laughing slightly, "That might be the most patriotic thing I've ever heard you say."
You laugh, tears welling in your eyes, "Oh my god.." your voice cracks, "He's Uncle Sam."
"Aw, baby." Colby pulls you into his chest and Sam walks over, hugging both you and Colby, "I'm Uncle Sam."
He leans back, looking from you to Colby, "And you're mom and dad."
"Oh my god." Colby looks down at you, a serious look taking over his face, "We're mom and dad."
You nod, smiling as a stray tear slips down your cheek, "a frickin ghost told us that."
You walk over, pulling your phone out to take pictures of the tests laying on the counter, "Oh my god.. this isn't.." you pick up the tests, examining how dark the lines are, "This isn't real."
Colby walks up behind you, laying his hand gently on your belly, "Believe it baby. It's happening." He gently presses a kiss to your cheek, "We got this." He looks up at you in the mirror, "We have Uncle Sam on our side."
You all burst out laughing as you both look at Sam in the mirror, "That's never going to get old."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
"You and baby are doing fantastic." The doctor says as she wipes off the gel from your small bump, "Would you like to know the gender?"
You bite your lip, looking at Colby immediately. He squeezes your hand, "can you write it down on a piece of paper? We want to surprise someone with it by writing their baby's name on it."
She smiles and nods, "Of course I can." She stands up, "Give me a few moments." She gets up and leaves the room and Colby pulls his phone from his pocket, smiling, "it's sam. Again."
"Yeah, brother?" He answers as he puts the phone on speaker and Sam sighs on the other end of the line, "About time. Did you find out yet?"
"Not yet. She's getting it for us now." You say as you wipe the rest of the gel off, "We have a surprise for you."
Sam goes quiet, "You do?"
"Uh huh. Now just sit there and be patient." Colby laughs as the doctor comes back in, "gotta go. We'll be back soon."
"Alright, bye." Sam hangs up and Colby lays his phone down. The doctor comes over, "You guys can take all the time you need, no rush to you at all. Congratulations." She winks as you take the envelope and you and Colby smile, "Thank you."
"See you in four weeks, y/n." She leaves the room and you press the envelope to your chest, "Oh my god.." you look at Colby and hold your hand out, "I'm so nervous."
Colby takes your shakey hand into his, kissing it, "Whenever you're ready, babe." He looks up at you, "I love you."
You smile, "I love you." You lean in, pressing a kiss to his lips, "I want to record this, you know so we can make that video for everyone."
He nods and smiles, "I totally forgot." He sets his phone up at the end of the bed, propping it up on a pillow, "Alright. Whenever you're ready."
You slowly open the envelope, pulling out the folded sonogram.
You take a deep breath as you turn it towards Colby and open it. He gasps and a hand slaps over your mouth, "Oh my go-" your voice cracks and you lay your  head on his shoulder as you start to cry.
"It's a girl." He says, "oh shit." He lays a hand on your head, kissing your forehead, "It's a girl, baby."
You sit up, wiping your face, "oh my god." You sigh, "I was right." Colby nods, "That you were." He lays his hand on your belly, his fingers gently scratching, "I'm so fucking happy right now."
You nod, "I couldn't agree more."
Once you guys got everything together and checked out, you headed home to where Sam was waiting patiently.
"It's about time." He says standing up from the couch as soon as you walk through the door. You laugh and motion back towards the couch, "You're going to want to sit back down for this."
He looks between you and Colby, "What is this?"
You smile and hold up the envelope, "This is top secret information, Golbach."
He sits right back down on the couch, "Gimme." You walk over as Colby gets his phone out to record Sam, and you hand him the envelope.
Sam opens it, slowly pulling the sonogram from it and unfolding it. His eyes scan over it, going wide as his eyes read over the word GIRL.
"Get out. Oh my god." His head snaps to Colby, "Colby's a girl dad!" Colby chuckles, "Colby's a girl dad."
"Ayyyyye!!" Sam cheers and goes to get up but you stop him, "Wait, Sam. There's more."
He turns towards you, "More?" He opens the envelope to see a smaller piece of paper in the bottom, "Ohh." He pulls it out, unfolding it and you can see the tears form as he reads, "Hi Uncle Sam.."
He sighs and shakes his head, "I can't wait to meet you, I thought you should be the first person, besides mom and dad to know my name, so i would like to introduce myself.."
"No." He pouts and wipes his eyes, "Sami Grace?" He leans over, pulling you in for an immediate hug and you can feel him crying , "Thank you."
You wrap your arms around him, whispering, "You've been there for Colby through everything. We love you tremendously."
He leans back, laughing as he wipes his face, "Fuck." He looks up at Colby, "You better not be filming this you asshole."
Colby laughs and walks over, pulling Sam into a hug after he hands you his phone to keep recording, "You know I have to. I love you brother."
"I love you, brother." Sam mumbles as he grips ahold of Colby's jacket, "I'm so exited to see you in fairy dresses." He leans back laughing and Colby sighs, "I guess that's my future, huh?"
You laugh and nod, setting down his phone, "Oh yeah. But don't worry. She'll have one just for Uncle Sam, too."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
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@/ColbyBrock: My girls ♥  @/yourusername Also, we'll be dropping the video from the hotel here soon, and that has a very surprise ending.
@/fanuser1: OHMYGOD oh my god no way no way @/fanuser2: GIRLS?? COLBY IS A GIRL DAD @/fanuser3: Colby is a DAD WHAT @/yourusername: We love you! Me and little babe are doing wonderful! @/samgolbach: A very surprising ending that even had me crying
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
I know I normally only write smut, but I thought this was such a nice change and it was such a cute one shot. Let me know your thoughts!
Likes and reblogs are appreciated!
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misshugs · 6 months
₃The Cameragirl³ || snc
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After a cheeky reply you might've regretted, you end up dragged into the office to have a little... talk.
contains: SMUT +18, oral (both ways), unprotected sex, cursing, pet names, alcohol consumption, no mention of Y/n
a/n: you asked, i delivered.
[part 1] [part 2] [part 3]
word count: 3k
[u n e d i t e d]
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
You thought about how lucky it was for the room to be soundproof, glad that nobody will hear your screams. Although... it would be quite pleasant to let everyone know how they please you, how they touch you like nobody else.
The way you know only them could do it.
You didnt expect this to be the way you'd be doing your cardio, but it seemed destiny had some other plans.
[hours before]
You were basically shaking as they took you back onto the office, the thought of them asking about your stupid comments instead of going with the flow like they always did.
It was too obvious to be jokingly flirting this time, and they noticed.
And you were scared shitless.
You didn't know if they would genuinely go ahead with it or maybe let you know they're not interested, which made your stomach growl in response to your anxiety.
Well, to your hunger as well. You haven't eaten anything since yesterday.
They just got to sit you down on the table before listening to your poor stomach. They laughed.
"Right. You just woke up." Sam said as you shamelessly nodded your head out of embarrassment. "Then let us eat before talking it out. Wouldn't like for you to pass out on us."
"Come on, then." Colby continued, extending an arm to you, which you cheekishly ignored and stood up from the table wilst puffing your cheeks out. "Giving me an attitude? Yikes." He laughed.
"Didn't even help me out when I was stuck in Sam's arms? Yikes." You replied, walking out of the room. You could hear their chuckles before walking down the stairs and into the kitchen.
Heating yourself something to eat, they reluctantly got closer and sighed. "Hey, uh... we need to leave right now. There's this person we have to meet for another haunted place and this is the only time they have available. We completely forgot." Colby explained to you, looking back at his phone, guessing it was the message he received.
"Oh, okay. I'll be here, then." You said, giving him a side look before continuing making your food.
"You don't wanna come with us?" Sam asked.
"I wanna eat?"
"Right, right... well, we'll talk later, then. Don't think you're still safe." Sam smiled at you before walking away with Colby.
You rolled your eyes jokingly, but when they left, you let out a big sigh you've been restraining.
You were safe, for now at least. While thinking of a way to try and avoid the topic all together, you got a message. It was a mutual friend of yours, asking you to come to a party.
Quickly agreeing at the false sense of hope you received, she told you that the boys were also invited. She also agreed upon picking you up beforehand, since you weren't really going to do anything anyways so being early and prepping everything up was also a nice way to keep your mind out of the gutter.
After eating, you basically had the whole day for yourself, so you might as well prepare yourself earlier.
Thinking about them, you thought cautiosly about what to wear.
And honestly?
You felt like you needed to push their buttons a little bit more tonight. Yeah, whatever happened a few minutes ago made you a blushing mess, but at the same time, boy... the adrenaline you got from it sure was fun.
Then again, you guys weren't exactly together... so what's wrong with wearing something a bit more... revealing?
And so, it was decided. Searching throughout your closet, you found a short dress that fit your criteria for the night. With a slit through the back that went down to heaven and short slits on the side, making your thighs almost pop out.
It wasn't something you usually wore. Heck, you forgot you had it for all you remembered, but it looked so good in your skin that you just had to use it.
A couple of hours passed by and you were already at the party, getting things ready before some people started coming through. It didn't take long before the place began crowding with people.
The host, your friend, has been under the influence even before it all began. You were starting to get a bit tipsy yourself, getting loose at the dance floor whenever a good song started playing.
"Hey, quick question." Your friend yelled at you. "Where's Sam and Colby? They said they were busy and didn't know if they were gonna come." She explained. Looking at her with confusion, you then remembered.
"Oh! They're talking to someone for their next investigation, that's why." Unbeknownst to you, you were merely half right. Yes, they were talking with someone about their next location, but they also denied due to other reasons involving you.
Thinking about it, you believed they weren't going to arrive at the party, therefore, you were somewhat down at the thought. You wanted to tease them tonight, but it seems that your plan wasn't going to happen.
It didn't step you away from having fun, though. Drinking, dancing, talking with friends... it was a good time. That is, until a random dude you've never seen in your life started approaching.
Disinterest in your eyes was visible, but the guy seemingly ignored it completely and kept making the cringiest remarks you've heard in your life.
He tried to get closer to you, reaching out to your waist before you could try and run away.
Your heart racing at a thousand per hour, his hands were rough, almost certain that there might leave a mark on your fragile skin.
"Won'tcha come with me tonight, 'lil mama?" He smirked, holding you tight and close to him, making you almost puke.
"Get the fuck away from me!" You tried to scream, tried to push him away but to no use. You were still weak from your recent investigation after all.
"Now, come on. Don't do this to me, honey." Holding your chin on place, he made you look at him. "I can make you feel really g-"
"Back off dude, she's taken." You heard a familiar voice before finally setting free from his grasp. Colby was the first one you saw, taking off the guys arms from you.
Another set of hands held you softly by the waist, pulling you closer, away from him. Sam. You looked up at his face, he seemed mad.
He looked at you, now worry in his blue eyes. "You alright?" He asked softly in your ear, holding one of your hands to try and comfort you. You nodded quickly, glad that you've been saved once again.
Looking back at the guy, Colby was pushing him away. A determined stare down from his side, making the guy that was trying to gain your attention chuckle.
"Where were you, huh? When she was having fun all alone in the middle of the room? You're just tryna pull her off as well. You dipshits are nobody." He snarled back at Colby, annoyance in both their faces.
"We're not gonna let shits like you touch our girl, understand?"
You could barely hear what they were saying due to the loud music from every side, but you surely heard that last part.
Their girl? What did that even mean?
A visible smirk on Colby's lips when he turned around to look at Sam. You didn't think the next set of actions were the respond to this childish kids play, but you could feel Sam's soft hands on your chin, making you look at him and his lips interlocked with yours in an instant.
Oh fuck.
Oh fuck, what was happening?
Was there a faucet running? Cause boy you were dripping wet. These men were driving you crazy.
You caught a glimpse of the now pissed guy walking off before Sam could pull away. When he eventually did, you looked at his smiling face for a second before reality hit you like a truck.
Your face flushed with a red tint on your cheeks. Looking back at Colby who was walking closer towards you, both of them now towering over you.
"I-I thought you guys weren't gonna make it?" You asked, genuinely confused now that you remembered your friend vividly explaining they were busy.
"We weren't, but our plans for the night switched places." Colby smirked at you, making Sam laugh at the remark, even more with your confused face.
You didn't understood at the time, but their plans were supposed to be you. "We finished earlier than expected, but then when we got home you weren't there." Sam explained. "Why didn't you tell us?"
"Well, she told me to come here early to help her out, so..."
"Ah, so you've been here for longer?" Colby asked, putting his hand on the slit on your back. "I guess I can't blame the guy, such a revealing outfit for so many hours..." He continued, slowly caressing your back with his hand, moving his hand down your bare skin. "I don't think I'd be able to hold it on a minute longer if I were him."
Shivers went throughout your whole body after listening to his words. "So if you didn't know we were coming, did you put this on for everyone else to see?" Sam asked, looking at you in the eyes. "I'm a bit jealous."
Your lip was quivering. The plan was to flirt back and tease them if they eventually came, but right now, you were speechless. The touch of their hands making your legs weak and shaky. A sudden hand up the side slit of your dress from Sam caught you slightly off guard, caressing your hip softly.
"Showing this much skin... Is this dress yours? Why have we never seen it before?" He asked.
"I don't.. I-I don't use it often." You managed to reply before panting at the constant feeling of getting touched by them. The adrenaline of someone possibly seeing what they were up to with you was nerve racking.
"We'll make you use it more often then, but only for us." Colby whispered, holding your ass and making you let out a soft moan. "We might as well have to find another place to chat more comfortably, what do you think, Sam?" He asked and Sam nodded.
Holding your hand tighter, he started walking away from the croud and into a random room from your friend's house. Closing the door, they noticed the music was barely heard. "Soundproof?" Sam asked.
"Seems like it."
"Most her rooms are..." You explained, making them look at eachother with a smirk before looking back at you.
"Good. You won't have to worry about screaming our names too loudly tonight then." Sam said.
"W-wha-" You could barely manage to say before Colby lifted you up and walked you to the bed.
Sitting you down, you looked up at them towering over you again.
"You're not escaping us tonight. You know that, right?" Colby began, crossing his arms.
"We're gonna have that... talk. Right now if we need to." Sam said, making you gulp.
"Can the talk be a bit more... dynamic?" You opened your legs slightly, which made them smirk.
"It was going to be from the start, sweetheart." Colby said with a deep tone, putting his hand on the insides of your thighs, quickly getting his hand closer to your heat. You sighed when you felt it, Sam fixing your hair behind your ear before getting closer to your face for another kiss.
While you kissed back, your legs closed a bit by instinct when you felt him playing with your clit through the fabric of your panties. "She's so wet, Sam." He informed, making Sam chuckle in the middle of the kiss, pushing his tongue deeper inside when you opened your mouth.
They made you lie down on the bed while your heated make out session with Sam didn't give you a second to even breathe. You moaned slightly when you felt your legs being pushed apart.
Sam slowly pulled down your dress, leaving your boobs out in the open, he separated from your lips and sighed. "No bra or anything, it almost seems like she was expecting us to fuck her." He said, pulling back only to see your whole view. "Fuck." He whispered.
Colby took off your damped panties and threw them to the floor, pushing up the skirt of your dress to have a clear view of your pussy.
You could see him licking and biting his lips while admiring the view. While sam went back to your soft, tasty lips, he began kneeding one of your breasts, playing with your nipple. You whined at the feeling, your heart racing at the touch.
Not a minute later, you could feel your legs being slightly lifted and a tongue licking your pussy, making you moan in between the kiss, letting Sam's tongue slip back in once again.
Shaking, you could feel Colby's tongue making circles around your clit, sucking at it, eating you up, making you arch your back at the feeling.
Sam separated from your lips and started giving you wet kisses around your face, slowly descending through your neck and onto your boobs, nibbling at your skin before making its way towars your nipple.
Sucking at it, you moaned softly and held onto his hair for support, while Colby kept on sucking and pushing his tongue inside of you, exploring every inch he's able to.
While Sam started sucking and licking one of your nipples, he made sure you were kept entertained. Putting two of his fingers inside your mouth for you to lick, you began sucking on them while drowning the moans in between.
From all of the stimulation, it didn't take long for you to cum all over Colby's face. He cleaned you up with his tongue, making sure to look at your erotic expressions whilst having Sam's fingers in your mouth, drooling all over them.
They both separated from you. You were filled with a sense of loss for a moment, but nothing that was going to stay for long. Sam sat behind you, making sure you lied your back on his chest while holding one of your breasts and opening up your legs.
Colby, enjoying the view, waited patiently for his friend to make you feel good. "Let's make sure you can suck us up well, yeah?" Said Sam while slowly moving the hand he had in your mouth down to your pussy.
Opening your lips with his fingers, he teased for a moment before pushing inside of you, making you moan and pull back your head on his shoulder.
One finger, then two, then three.
He stretched you up good while Colby was busy taking off his pants and looking at everything his eyes could manage from the view.
"Make sure Colby can see your pretty face." Sam whispered, thrusting quickly with his fingers. You could feel his bulge quickly rising behind you, poking your back.
You did as told, looking at Colby in the eyes while moaning and whining, your legs shaking at the feeling of being stretched out. "Colby... fuck. I need you."
"What do you need, baby?" He asked seductively, putting out his dick while you moaned at Sam's teeth biting onto your skin.
"You.. your dick... please." You whined.
"You want him to also make you feel good?" Sam asked while squishing one of your boobs and you nodded rapidly.
"Yeah. Yeah, please. Oh, fuck. Please." Pleading in such an erotic way, they couldn't just say no. Sam's fingers left you right before you were on the edge of yet another orgasm, but it didn't take long for something even better to take its place.
Colby's tip was slowly pushing in, making sure to not hurt you. You opened your mouth, taking out your tongue as the feeling was euphoric. He got closer and sucked on it before kissing you.
When he was completely inside, he began thrusting slowly but surely. Quickly speeding up when he felt you were already getting used to his length.
Moaning his name out, you looked back at Sam and whined for him as well, touching his erection from behind you, making him grunt. "Sam. Take... take it out." You panted in between moans.
And he did as told, quickly pulling out his dick while getting on his knees so that you could quickly hold it and put it inside your hot, wet mouth. "Oh, fuck." He let out when he felt your tongue up his friend.
You were quick to put it inside your mouth, bobbing your head up and down while getting railed up by Colby. The vibration of your moans sent shivers down Sam's spine. Holding your head up for support, he began thrusting inside your mouth as well.
It was a dream come true, you were on cloud 9, almost fainting at the pleasure you were receiving from both ends.
You didn't take long to cum, neither did them. After all, those teasing were killing them as well, they were just trying to hold it long enough for you to release yourself first.
You gulped down Sam's juices before pulling out, panting when he did. You were beat. If you barely had any strength before due to the recent investigation, now you were sure of it.
They made sure to clean you up before fixing your dress, giving you kisses all over your body, looking at the now visible hickeys all over your skin. "Gotta let people know you're taken. We can't have what happened before again." Colby whispered in your ear before kissing your cheek.
Breathing heavily, you nodded at them, not even entirely sure what you were agreeing upon.
"Well, that was a nice chat, was it not?" Sam said, smiling at your wobbly self.
"It really was, glad we could clear things up, right?" Colby continued. "I mean, I'm guessing you understand what we meant, right?"
You looked at him, getting your breath back together, smiling. "That you're my boys?" You asked, "Or maybe you have to explain it all over again, maybe I didn't understand what you meant."
They looked at eachother, smirking. "Then let us explain it again."
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
"come over here and kiss me on my hot mouth, i'm feelin' romantical."
thank you so much for reading <3 //also last part isn't a cliffhanger, we all know they went for round two, the end
smol taglist from those that wanted pt 3 *(sorry if you didn't want to be tagged): @oh-prettylady @lemonnightmare @honey-bees-13 @jupiter1700
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fearfully-fiction · 2 years
Memorabilia- Colby Brock x Reader
word count:2695
warnings: fluff, this is also my first fic for Colby so I really hope you guys like it! feedback is always welcome!
summary: Colby comes home from The Conjuring House for the second time and you decide that going down memory lane will give him some peace of mind.
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(gif not mine!)
There was something about fear that had always intrigued you but lately, you’d garnered more and more of it, not for you, but for your boyfriend. He had continued his journeys and adventures to haunted places and you could tell it took a toll on him. He had most recently visited The Conjuring House for the second time. You had reassured him that you would go with him but he told you not to. He said to you that it was best if you stayed home. You didn’t want him or Sam to go and stay there alone. It worried you to death, and honestly, you knew a part of him was worried too. 
He had called you when the morning came and you could tell how exhausted he was. It broke your heart that he did that so much, but you knew he loved what he did and worked so hard. You just wanted him to have a break every now and again. You could hear through the phone that the night had not gone very well for either of them and you just couldn’t wait for them to get home. All you wanted was to have him back in your arms and when he finally got home you knew it was going to be a rough few days. It was something he showed no one but you, how truly scared he was. 
The sound of the door opening caused you to leap out of your bed and quickly walk down the hall. Your apartment wasn’t the biggest but it was home, and to Colby, it was a truly safe space for him. You could see the bags under his eyes as he looked at you. Your heart broke at the small, tired smile on his face.
 “Hey baby,” he said and you immediately engulfed him in a hug. He instantly wrapped his arms around you and buried his face in the crook of your neck. “I missed you, Colby,” you said softly and cradled his head while gently letting your nails scratch his scalp soothingly. His hands were splayed across your back gently pulling you closer to him. 
“I missed you too, so much,” he said and slowly pulled away from you. You placed your hands on his cheeks while his stayed on your back. “You seem, tired love,” you said and let your thumb trace soft lines under his eyes. He hummed quietly and closed his eyes. “Just a little,” he admitted. “Why don’t we get you comfortable, and we can lay in bed and watch whatever you want?” you asked. He nodded his head slowly. “Yes please,” he sighed and you leaned up to kiss his cheek. You felt your heart break at the sight of him so exhausted both mentally and physically. It always hurt to see him in a state like that. 
You interlaced your hands and tugged him to your bedroom. “Do you want to take a shower?” you asked softly as you sat him on your bed. “I took one before I got here,” he said and you nodded, “Alright, well I have your clothes here for you,” you said and rested them next to him. 
“You know, I really did miss you,” he blurted out and you looked at him with a soft gaze. 
Stepping in front of him and between his legs, you set your hands on his shoulders. He wrapped his arms around your waist and rested his head against your stomach. You moved your fingers through his hair.
 “I missed you too, so so much love. I miss you every second I don’t see you,” you said and leaned down to kiss his head. You felt him place a kiss on your stomach before pulling away. “I’m glad you weren’t there though,” he said and your brows furrowed a bit. “And why is that?” you asked, still, softly running your fingers through his hair. Sweeping it from across his eyes, so you could fully see those beautiful blues. “It was one of the scariest nights in my life,” he told you and your gaze softened. 
“Well, it’s over now and you’re home. You’re safe here,” you told him and smiled softly down at him. You could tell that he still had a bit of tension and so you had an idea. 
“Love,” you said and gripped his chin lightly to make him look up at you. “Hmm,” he hummed in acknowledgment. “You put these on and I’ll be right back ok?” you asked and gently swiped your thumb over his bottom lip. You could feel him smile a bit and it made you smile too. “Ok,” he closed his eyes and nodded his head. You leaned down and kissed him softly before moving to walk out of the room. “(y/n), wait,” you heard him say and you turned around. “I love you,” he told you and you smiled brightly at him. “I love you too,” you said before exiting the room. 
You heard a soft sigh and shuffling. Your heart ached to see him so worn out, but you knew something that always made him feel better. It was something you didn’t do often but when you did you could always see the gleam in his eyes that made your heart skip. You thought it would be a good idea to go down memory lane for a while. 
You went to grab the photo album that was sitting on your coffee table from when you looked at it the other day while he was gone. 
You picked it up and smiled knowing all the memories it held. It was such a special thing for you both and you were always adding to it. 
You walked back to your room to see the door open and Colby lying on the bed with his face smooshed against your pillow. You chuckled softly, “Colbs, I have something for you,” you said softly and sat on the bed next to him. He opened his eyes and sat up a bit. “What might that be?” he asked. You placed the photo album in front of you and you saw his eyes light up as a smile eased its way onto his lips. “We haven’t looked at this in forever,” he said and picked it up. “Right, and you know what else you haven’t seen?” you asked with a big grin. “What?” he asked with a raised brow. 
“I have collected some things over the course of our many years together. And I think it’s time you should see them,” you said and moved to your closet to pull down the box. He looked at you with a big grin and the softest gaze. “You have a box full?” he asked almost in disbelief. “Yup, plus some things scattered around the room,” you chuckled. Glancing at the sticky note on your vanity from a random note he left you.
You sat back down on the bed and set the box between you. “Alright, the album first,” you said and scooted closer to him. You nudged the box aside so that you could curl up next to him. He wrapped his arm around you and pressed a kiss on your head. He opened the book and there on the first page was one of your first pictures together. It was a group photo from a while ago, it was Colby, Sam, Jake, Corey, Kat, and you. “That was forever ago,” he said and sighed. “Yeah, that was when we were awkward around each other and they forced us to stand together. Neither of us knew what to do so we kind of kept a distance and smiled,” you laughed at how awkward the two of you were. “Yeah, you have no idea how nervous I was,” he told you and you looked at him in mock surprise. “Really? I thought you were just weird,” you said and he rolled his eyes. “You were nervous too,” he said and poked your side. You squirmed a bit and he chuckled. “I was actually, I mean standing so close to literally the most handsome guy on earth is pretty nerve-wracking,” you said and looked over at him with a teasing grin. You could see the blush on his face. “Oh shut up,” he said and nudged you. You chuckled. “It’s true!” you defended. He just chuckled and shook his head. 
You looked at the other page and laughed out loud, it was you and Sam on your birthday. You could tell that you were tipsy and you were both in the middle of laughing at something. Big smiles were on your faces and tears from laughter were shining in your eyes. You had a birthday crown and made him wear a feather boa. 
“I love that one. You took it, remember?” you asked and looked at him. He nodded his head, “I looked at you and knew I needed to remember that moment. My best friend and the girl I’d fallen for. I mean, that’s my favorite picture of you two,” he told you and you smiled up at him. “Well just to let you know, I’d fallen for you too,” you said and leaned up to kiss his cheek. “Oh really?” he asked with a raised brow. “Definitely, I don’t know how anyone could’ve stopped it,” you said and he leaned down to kiss you softly. He pulled back and you rested your head on his shoulder as the pages flipped. The next one was of you two after you had gotten together. You had gone out with friends just to hang out for the night and your feet ended up hurting because of the heels you wore. 
He sat you down on a bar stool and kneeled down to take your shoes off for you. You smiled sleepily at him. He chuckled, “Let’s get you, home babe,” he said and kissed your knee softly before getting back up. “Yeah, we’re gonna head out too, see you guys!” Sam said as you all walked out of the bar. Kat chuckled at how sleepy you looked, and how adorable it was that Colby was holding your shoes for you. 
“C’mere,” Colby stopped for a second before scooping you up into his arms to carry you the short walk to the car. Kat quickly reached for her phone and took a picture making sure to send it to you. You fell asleep with your arms around his neck and your head resting on his shoulder.
“That was a really good night,” you said and chuckled at the memory. “I swear you were about to fall asleep standing up,” he said and you both laughed. “I did fall asleep when you picked me up though,” you said and he held you tighter. “Yeah, you did. I promised myself that you would always trust me to carry you home,” he said and you smiled up at him softly. “I trust you more than I trust anyone,” you told him and he swore his heart melted. 
He took a glance at the box by your feet, and you noticed. “You wanna see the box now?” you asked. He nodded excitedly. “Yeah, I really do,” he said and you chuckled. 
You grabbed the box and set it down in front of you both. Opening it you smiled when you saw the ticket from the first movie he took you to see. You had so many memories just sitting there in one space that it was almost overwhelming. In the best way possible. 
“You have the movie ticket?” he asked in surprise. “Of course, I do. That was our first date,” you said and picked it up. You handed it to him and he held it like it was one touch away from disintegrating. He quickly set it down when he noticed a flower petal, “What’s this one from?” he asked. “Remember that night I called you crying about my dog passing away a few years ago?” you asked. He nodded his head, “Yeah, I remember that,” he said. “You came over as fast as you could. You brought me flowers to cheer me up,” you said and smiled fondly at the memory. “I tried so hard to find the best ones,” he recalled. “Well you did, and now I have that memory forever,” you said and pressed a kiss to his shoulder. 
“This one is my favorite,” you said before picking up a tube of lipgloss. He looked at you in confusion. “Do you know what this is?” you asked with a big grin. “Lipgloss?” he asked and you laughed. “It is lipgloss. It’s the same one I was wearing when you kissed me for the first time,” you told him. His eyes softened as he looked over at you. You had kept it all these years, you had kept so many things over the course of your relationship and it just warmed his heart that you loved him so much that you didn’t want to forget a thing. 
“C’mere,” he said and took the lipgloss and put it back in the box. You looked at him in confusion, “is everything ok?” you asked as you closed the box and set it on your nightstand. “Of course, everything is fine. Just c’mere,” he said and tugged your arm. You moved closer to him and he grabbed you gently placing you on his lap. You smiled softly at the look in his eyes. They were bright and so gentle. 
“I can’t believe you keep those things,” he said and ran his hands up and down your back. “Of course I do, everything, even if it’s small it’s a memory with you and I want a piece of that memory forever,” you said in sincerity. Placing your hands on his cheeks you let your thumbs sweep under his eyes. His eyes were shiny and glossed over with a layer of unshed tears. You smiled sadly at him.
 “Why are you gonna cry my love?” you asked as he shut his eyes tightly. Tears streaked down his cheeks, the droplets hung from his lashes when he opened his eyes. “ I guess I just didn’t know that a movie ticket could mean so much. Seeing all these things makes everything come flooding back. It makes it all so vivid. It made me realize how much I want to make memories with you forever,” he told you and you smiled softly.
 “Well then, now you know, and starting right now I promise, that we’ll make memories forever no matter how small, and I’ll keep them all not just in my heart, but right in there,” you said and pointed at the box. He wrapped his arms around you tightly and you nuzzled as close as you could. “I love you (y/n),” he said and kissed your head. “I love you too Colby,” you said and pulled away slightly so you could place a proper kiss on his lips. Your arms were around his neck and his hands were placed on your face, gently holding you in place. His hands were warm and his lips soft as ever. If there was one way he showed his love to you it was through his kisses. It was one thing you couldn’t live without and you were sure you’d never have to go without them. 
He pulled away and sighed. “I hope you know that most of the memories we make for the next few weeks will be here, right here, just you and me for as long as time will let me have you to myself,” he said and you giggled softly. “I don’t know if you remember this, but you have a home too you know? Plus, you have editing to do, so we can’t always be here,” you teasingly pointed out. He sighed heavily and rested his head on your shoulder. “I don’t care, these next few weeks it’ll be me and you. I don’t care what we do or where we are. Just me and you,” he told you and you smiled tenderly at his words. “Just me and you,” 
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willowrites · 16 days
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⌗ dom!sam x fem reader
notice ! nsfw later on
𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬. dominant sam is so underrated omg
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sfw !
dom!sam who never ever lets you drive yourself anywhere when it’s you and him going somewhere.
“get the fuck out of the drivers seat y/n.” he demanded opening the drivers side where you sat all pretty.
you pouted. “but i wanna drive today.” you placed your hands on the wheel .
“no.” he shortly said. you knew there wasn’t any arguing so you hurried toward the passenger side.
dom!sam who always opens the door for you.
dom!sam who is always big spoon. he wants to feel like he’s keeping you safe.
“what if i wanna hug you?” you muttered as sam had his hands wrapped around your waist as you two laid beside each other.
“too bad, i wanna hug you more and m’gonna.”
dom!sam who is always defending you no matter what. if it’s from comments online or comments in person he always has your back.
3 attachments
@/samgolbach: my pretty girl
@/user8273: don’t let your girlfriend stop you from finding your wife (me)
↳ @/samgolbach replied to @user8273: my girlfriend is my wife.
dom!sam who always has a hand on your thigh.
dom!sam who is always willing to tie your shoes, take them off, put them on, anything you need.
dom!sam who always has a hand on either your back or your waist when out in public so that he knows you’re always with him.
dom!sam who loves nothing more than when you’re wearing his clothes.
“you look good in my clothes, baby.” he grins as you enter your bedroom with one of his oversized tees.
“oh really? ya think?” you did a little twirl. he looked you up and down nodding.
“yes ma’am.”
dom!sam who whenever you’re having an argument, he refuses to let you walk away or turn your back to him while he’s speaking.
“don’t fucking walk away when i’m speaking to you y/n.” he says in frustration walking after you.
“why not!? it’s not like you’ll listen to anything i say!” you yelled throwing your hands up.
“i- yes i will, just.. just fucking stay here so i can explain.”
dom!sam who when he feels bad about something he immediately needs to handle the situation and show you how much he’s sorry and cares.
“baby?” he called out, finding you sitting at the edge of the bathtub with tears still streaming down your cheeks. “fuck — m’sorry for what i said. i didn’t mean it. i promise.”
“then why’d you say it?” you sniffled.
“it was in the heat of the moment and — fuck that’s just an excuse. there’s no excuse for how i acted baby im sorry.” he then dropped to his knees in front of you. “please, let me make it up to you?”
nsfw !
dom!sam who loves to watch as you struggle to keep going…
“that’s it baby, cmon. ride me, i know you can do it.” he said as you were grinding on his hard cock struggling to keep yourself upright.
dom!sam who when he’s eating you out he wants you to maintain eye contact.
“keep looking at me.” he tutted, keeping your legs open as he sucked in your pretty lower lips. “don’t look away. wanna see you when you cum.”
dom!sam who’s fav sex position is doggy in front of a mirror so that he can pound into you from behind but still look at your pretty face while you cum.
“look at you — fucked dumb.” he grinned as he slammed into your pussy from behind. “taking my dick so good. look at you, how good you’re taking me.”
dom!sam who secretly loves when you call him daddy
“daddy — fuck! shit..” you muttered as you let the name slip out on accident due to the amount of pleasure that was going through your body.
“mm mm, say it again baby go on. who am i?” he questioned as he thrusted into you nice and hard.
“mm — fuck… ! d-daddy..” you moaned as he hit your sensitive spot over and over again.
dom!sam who has an extreme breeding kink
“gonna put my babies in you. you want that? my fucking seed pumping in you.” he said on the verge of release earning a nod from you. “gonna fill up your pretty belly baby.”
dom!sam who smacks your ass during sex because he loves when he sees his red hand print on it.
dom!sam who is really big on aftercare.
he dabbed the warm washcloth on your sensitive skin. “stay still, baby.” he told you as he wiped you down. “gotta take good care of my girl.”
© willowrites
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propertyofyoutube · 5 months
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You could chose them both - FLUFF
Your_g1rls_g1rl: Ima type my idea. So it's y/n is a fan, and she meets Sammy and colby and immediately ask for a pic. They say yes, and she is really not so they stop on either side of her, kinda fighting over her, and they literally both ask her to coffee and are really trying to be the one she choses, but she's a ditsy queen and doesn't realize
WARNINGS: NO SMUT!, pure fluff, Sam and Colby fighting over reader. Bad language.
“Honestly I wouldn’t even think twice about him…” your best friend, Lauren said as you both walked out of a gift shop during your weekend break in Las Vegas.
You sighed as you locked your phone once again, “I just can’t believe… that after everything he has the cheek to post with her on instagram!”
Lauren suddenly stopped in front of you, stopping you in your tracks as she placed both hands on your shoulders, “listen to me y/n…”
You sighed as you looked into her eyes, crossing your arms.
“He is a no good, truck driving, boot loving, cousin fucking hillbilly!” She passionately spoke, it was clear she was never a fan of your ex boyfriend.
“He’s never fucked a cousin!” You laughed as you interrupted her.
“Stop defending him!” She snapped back, “he is a cheating son of a bitch and karma will bite him right in the ass!”
You studied Lauren’s face as you tried to hate him as much as she does.
Lauren’s tone changed as she continued much softer, “and you… well you are everything. You’re smart, beautiful, kind… and goddammit you’re sexy as fuck!”
Suddenly your eyes fell wide, “I don’t fucking believe it…”
Lauren’s face scrunched up, “well you should fucking believe it!”
Your eyes snapped back to Lauren as you’d actually been looking over her shoulder, “no…” you spun her around with a chuckle, “is that not Colby Brock?”
Lauren’s eyes fell wide as a smile spread across her face. She looked over at Colby who had just walked out of a store and before she could speak Sam followed him out, “and Sam!” She said excitedly.
Lauren slowly turned to face you, “you gotta ask them for picture…” she said seriously as you tilted your head at her.
“And why can’t you?!” You laughed as she shook her head quickly.
“Um… social anxiety says… no!” Lauren replied with a chuckle. “Please! I’ll take it for you!”
You looked over at Sam and Colby as they talked and laughed, your face scrunching up as you thought about it.
Lauren grabbed your shoulders once again, “hey think about it! An instagram post like this, would definitely outshine hillbilly ex’s new bleached blonde.”
You looked at Lauren rolling your eyes as you saw Sam and Colby starting to head in your direction. You exhaled sharply, “fine!”
You glanced over as you took a deep breath, Sam and Colby were just about to pass you as you spoke out, taking a step towards them, “excuse me?”
Sam and Colby’s eyes both darted towards you as you switched from one set of blue to the other. “Hey…” Sam said softly as small smile appearing on his face.
“What’s up…” Colby spoke with the same tone, their eyes refusing to leave your face as they both stared at you, the corners of their mouths turning upwards.
You couldn’t help but feel your stomach fill with butterflies with the way they were looking at you. But you thought nothing of it, trying to focus on building up the courage for your questions, “um… I know this is lame, but could I maybe get a picture with you guys?” You said with a nervous smile, “big fans…” you said awkwardly as you glanced at Lauren who stood frozen clinging to her phone.
Sam and Colby refused to look away from you as they both spoke up together, “yes of course!” They both quickly looked at each other, confused looks spreading across their face. They both know that look anywhere, they had the hots for this girl… both of them.
You looked between them awkwardly as they looked at each other, “okay… shall I just-“
Suddenly Colby cut you off, “yeah sorry, come stand here!” He said reaching out to gently place his hand on your arm. His smile wider than ever as he glanced down at you.
“I’ll stand on this side!” Sam said quickly as he stood on your right. He quickly put his arm around your back, his hand gripping your waist as he pulled you into him slightly.
Lauren slowly help up her phone to take the photo and quickly noticed the way the boys looked at you and then to each other.
“What’s your name?” Sam asked, still looking down at your face.
“Y/n…” you said as you looked at Lauren who suddenly had a smirk on her face.
“That’s a really pretty name.” Colby said catching you off guard as you turned to look at him.
Sam noticed Colby’s efforts and didn’t want him winning that easily, “perfect name for the most beautiful girl.” He said softly as you quickly turned to look at him. Your face frowned in confusion but you just presumed they were being overly nice, so that they kept up their social media persona.
“Okay smile!” Lauren shouted as you looked at her, blinking a few times to gather yourself as your slowly lifted your arms around the backs of the boys. All three of you smiled as Lauren snapped a few pictures. “All done!” She said excitedly as she lowered her arms.
Neither Sam or Colby let go as they both looked back at you. You waited for a moment before slowly releasing yourself from between them.
Colby looked up at Sam and noticed his cogs turning and wanted to get in before he did, “so, y/n… would you maybe wanna get coffee some time?” He asked, peaking your interest as you turned to face them.
“Oh.. i-“ a smile appeared of your face but before you could reply Sam cut in.
“Or dinner? Maybe…” he said with smirk. Colby’s eyes darted towards him, his smile dropping slightly.
You snapped your head at Sam, “oh um…” you wasn’t sure what to say, and definitely didn’t understand what was happening right now. Especially because both Sam and Colby clearly want to see you again, which alone blew your mind. Why you? But you convinced yourself that they properly just liked your aura. “Well, we’re in Vegas until Monday,” you said as they both looked at you eagerly. “You could call me.” You suggested.
Sam and Colby quickly pulled out their phones, “yeah sure what’s your number?” Sam said quickly as Colby gave him a death stare once again.
“Or you can give to me, he’s terrible with his phone!” Colby laughed. Sam was not impressed by his comment.
You looked between the boys feeling awkward as they bickered slightly, “why don’t you both take it…”
They smiles returned as they looked back at you. You read your number out as they both added it to their contact lists. You looked at them with a soft smile.
“Thanks, we just uh…” Colby said looking at Sam.
“Got some stuff to sort out.” Sam finished as he looked at you, “and then I’ll call you.”
“Or I will.” Colby added as they both looked at you.
You looked between them with a slightly frown forming. “No problem.” You smiled, “nice to meet you both.” You said as you slowly turned back to Lauren who waited for you.
“Yeah you too!” They both shouted after you excitedly as you giggled. Sam and Colby looked at each other before walking away quickly.
Lauren waited until they were out of hearing range, “No fucking way!” She said excitedly.
“What?” You laughed as you took her phone to look at the photos.
Lauren looked at you gobsmacked, and shocked you hadn’t realised what was happening. “Hello!! Earth to y/n!” She said as you quickly looked up at her confused. “They were both hitting on you!”
You froze, unable to form words for a moment as you stuttered, “they were not!”
Lauren threw her arms up in disbelief, “y/n I love you… but damn you can be so delusional!”
“I am not!” You said quickly with a laugh.
Lauren rolled her eyes before linking her arm with yours continuing on your shopping trip, “you know… they’re both going to call…” she said with a smirk. “Who you gonna choose?”
You shook your head in disbelief, “look, even if you are right… and they did both call me… I.. I don’t think I could choose…” you said looking at the photo of the 3 of you. Both of their smiles warming your heart.
Lauren chuckled as she watched how you looked at them, “you could choose both…” she said as you looked at her confused. She giggled before she continued, “What happens in vegas… stays in Vegas.” She bit her lip excitedly as you rolled your eyes.
Deep down, if Lauren was right, you would want them both… but you had no idea what you were in store for….
Authors note: I loved this litter request… who wants part two? 😏🖤
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