#sam holland x yn
hollandtwins22 · 3 years
My twin's best friend 〈Sam Holland 〉
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he requests open :)
Summary:Between Sam and yn there was always enmity and something else until one accident changes everything
Word Count: 1,524
Sam x reader
Being best friends with Harry Hollad since we were 5 years old had been no problem at all or well not entirely. Harry had a twin brother named Sam, he was really handsome, his freckles adored his faces, the color of his eyes that reminded me of the best time of year; Autumn, his hair that sometimes was a disaster but that other times it was perfect, many would say that it was perfect but it was not; Sam Holland was unbearable, obnoxious and of course we didn't get along. The reason? Do not know.
"Harry!" Someone yelled from inside the house as I tried to take some pictures of my best friend, "Damn, Harry!" Where are you?
"Hey, calm down," I turned to see what was happening, it was Sam furious and I didn't understand why.
"Calm me down ?!" Your idiot friend broke my most precious utensil!
"What?" I said confused, "I didn't break anything."
"Oh no?" He approached me pushing his brother.
"I ... I wasn't ...
-Was you!
-I did not go!
"She wasn't Sam, calm."
"Do you know how much this costs?" You couldn't even pay for it with the waitress's salary that you have, you could barely buy that stupid camera — he laugh shamelessly.
"Sam ..." said Harry.
''No, leave it' I stared at the freckled man “I could have saved months for my camera but at least my movie star brother didn't buy it for me because what you have there Sam, Tom gave it to you with his money!
We both looked at each other angrily, of course there was tension and Harry just looked at us worried, he knew that when Sam got angry he could be the worst of all but when it came to me, he just yelled at me
"Fuck off yn," he said, turning around.
When he left I took out all the air that he had withheld, I did not understand why he thought that I broke his precious knife, I looked at Harry and he was just as confused.
I was at the hotel for Tom's premiere and his new movie; We had been traveling to Los Angeles for a few days, Sam didn't think the idea of ​​me coming but he just got used to my presence.
"What time do we have to be at the event?" Harry asked as he was trying to put on his tie.
''At 7:00 pm
I noticed that he was struggling to put it on so I decided to help him, I stood in front of him and began to adjust his tie while he made jokes, we were at a considerable distance or at least that's how I saw it; Harry and I never saw each other as dating, our friendship was stronger and he liked my best friend.
"Stop moving!" I laughed and the same, we heard someone open the door and we separated; It was Sam who was looking at us with a serious expression.
"I'm going to go with Patrick for food, do you want something?"
"No, but" he looked at me, "you?"
"Don't ask her Harry."
"But she's here too."
"Let her go get her own food."
"Yeah little curls don't worry, he probably poison me."
"Ha!" You wish
I rolled my eyes and walked to my bed while the twins left the room, I listened to how they argued and within seconds Harry entered angrily; he always had to pay for the broken dishes, he argued with his brother because of me.
Today was yn's birthday, I was turning 22 years old, Harry wouldn't stop talking about it and it irritated me that there wasn't a day that my brother didn't talk about her? I didn't want to see her in my house, I couldn't stand her and I know she didn't either.
“Happy Birthday!” Harry yelled and gave him a hug.
"Thank you," I smile and for a moment I lost myself in her smile, while Tom and Mom congratulated her.
"Sam," I reacted to hearing my name, "aren't you going to congratulate her?"
"Happy Birthday," I said seriously and turned to go to the kitchen.
All afternoon went yn, yn, and even Tessa was happy to see her and she just laughed at Harry's lousy jokes and seemed to flirt with Tom. I got up from the chair and behind me she came.
"Hey Sam ...
“What do you want?” I turned to see her.
"I'm just trying to be nice to you. Is it too much to ask that you be nice to me?"
"I don't want to be nice to you," I said to turn to look for more food.
"You're a jerk ...
"And you don't have a home?" Or dads? Ah I have not forgotten that you are an orphan and that you have to come with your best friend's family because you have no one ...
I stopped when I realized what she was saying, I looked at her and I could see how tears were coming out of her eyes, we had not reached this degree, I had never gotten involved with the death of her parents, I felt a fist in my heart when I saw her leave running as Harry called out to her.
"What did you do ?!" He turned to see me.
"I ... I ... told her she was an orphan," I said without looking at Harry.
''What you what?!
I felt that at any moment Harry was going to hit me but he didn't, he just ran out of the house furious, I looked at my family who were disappointed in me, I was too.
I ran out of the Holland house not caring about everything, Sam had crossed the line,We insulted each other but it had never reached this extreme. My parents had died when I was only 12 years old. I had been left alone and the only person who could take care of me was my grandmother who died months ago, he was right, I didn't have anyone, I didn't even notice where she was; I just wanted to be alone Sam's words have hurt me.
"Yn!" Watch out!
I ignored Harry's voice because I knew that he was the him, until I heard him yell at me again and he ran towards me, I fed up and turned to see him; Then I saw how a car was coming towards me with full speed, I was static when I saw it so close to me, I just closed my eyes and everything turned black.
Everything was silent, nobody said anything. All my family and I were in the hospital room waiting for news from Harry and Yn, my idiot brother had run to save her but the car hit them both and I was more of an idiot for causing this. Tom just looked at me angry and disappointed, he just wanted them both to be okay.
"Relatives of Harry Holland and y / n and / l / n?"
"Yes," my mother said, getting up.
''It's a miracle, they are both badly beaten but they're fine, Harry has a dislocated shoulder and had to undergo surgery but that's fine, he will wear a neck brace for two months and he has some stitches on his head, yn she have bumps and scrapes, fortunately the blow to the head did not affect anything, he will also wear a neck brace for two months, a cast on his leg and hand; Due to the fact that she crashed against the glass she had to operate on her emergency and on the part of her cheek she will have a mark that will disappear little by little.
I sighed in relief but this was still my fault.
Three weeks had passed since the accident and she would stay at our house until the doctor discharged her, I was practically the slave of both and I deserved it, lately she and I have more conversation, sometimes I stay in her room to watch movies or we just talk, Harry says I'm taking his best friend from him but that's not true. She now she was making yn's bed so she could sleep, he put pillows on all sides so she wouldn't fall or hurt herself.
"I like that you're my personal male nurse," she laughed as she walked in with Tom's help.
"Yeah, well I deserve it."
My older brother noticed the turn this conversation would take and said goodbye to both of them after leaving
"Of course not, Sam."
''Yes yn, I was the culprit of the accident, because of me you ran out home crying, because of me Harry came out behind you and because of me the car ... she made a sign for me to approach her; I sat next to her and took my hand.
''I don't blame you, I should have noticed, I always scolded Harry because he run himself without noticing and look at me I'm screwed but it's not your fault, I know our relationship hasn't been the best but we're trying to get to know each other even though I've known you since we were 5 years. Sam I don't want you to blame yourself '' I stroke my hair ''I know you've been worrying about us for weeks and although Harry takes advantage of that, I don't '' I smile and I lost myself in his smile, I don't know what effect it had on me.
''Can I kiss you?
She looked at me surprised but with a smile, she came closer to me and I closed the gap between us kissing her felt like flying through the clouds, her lips tasted like strawberry; her kiss deepened but we both part with a smile on our face.
"Wow ..." she said.
"Oh my god" We both turned and it was Harry looking at us "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!"
I looked quickly at Yn and kissed her again.
"I like you, if I survive this I promise I will make you the happiest woman in the world."
I got up and ran as Harry followed behind me. I think this time I did things right.
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mrs-hollandstan · 3 years
More Than Perfect || Sam Holland
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Warnings: mentions of nudity, mentions of childbirth and the complications afterwards, self-doubt, language?, babiessss, Sam just being a supportive cutie
Word Count: 1,720
Author’s Note: Hopefully you guys enjoy a little bit of dad!Sam. Lemme know :) Also, huge credit to @/marsbudge on Instagram for the picture on the right. She’s amazing in expressing her beauty and is the whole reason I created this piece. Moms/ women in general are fucking superheroes. 
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There was nothing like having a baby. You were told that once you had a little one, your life would change and you would never understand the absolute love you have for this tiny human you'd made. When you and Sam got pregnant with your daughter, he was infatuated with your naked body. The tummy and the thick thighs and the ever growing breasts. Not that you yourself particularly minded being nude around your fiancè or just in general, especially when it just so happened that in the worst weeks of your pregnancy you'd be in the middle of summer. 
When your belly popped towards the bottom, blossoming up the further you got in your pregnancy, Sam lost his mind. He loved the bump and when his hands wandered, it's often where they ended up. More than anything, Sam appreciated the changes your body went through, especially the stretch marks around your thighs, hips, and belly. The boy was obsessed. That's why his Instagram blew up with pictures of your belly, pictures from the baby shower, of the nursery, of her closet, her name board above the crib, and eventually her when she arrived in the beginning of August. 
Virginia Elizabeth was what you named her and Sam, just as much as when she was in your belly, was obsessed with her. She was constantly in his arms and he admired each one of her little features on the daily, dressing her, feeding her (if you couldn't of course), changing her, rocking her to sleep. He was an all around great father. 
Especially because of the pain and exhaustion he inevitably and guiltily felt he inflicted on you. Your bump remained for a few weeks, but what it left, Sam saw, made you slightly depressed. Your feet were still swollen, your breasts were huge but your belly was starting to sag, and the bleeding was ridiculous. You slept most of the time because of the constant milk production and late nights, but Sam didn't mind taking Virginia out into the living room and kitchen, especially if his brothers were over to see their baby girl. 
However, after about a month you'd gotten somewhat used to being a mom and feeding her late at night with Sam right there at your side, giddy smile on his face the entire time at the look of his girls. He loved introducing you as his girls and going to see family and friends with your bubbly little girl in his arms. But something that seemed to remain after all of it was the nudity in your house. 
Sam found that most times he came to find you napping, you were nude beneath the blanket. Not that he minded. Easy access to the skin of your back and belly and thighs. He actually loved the sight and hoped that when he went back to culinary school and eventually went to work as a chef in one of your local restaurants, you'd still be like that, something to look forward to when he climbed into bed with you. 
With a day off from work but not from school, Sam was off in the afternoon and back before the sun started to set, walking up the stoop with a smile on his face. Even a few hours spent away from his girls was torturous. Shouldering the door open, he drops his bag just inside, kicking his shoes off just beside it, 
"Babe?" He calls. There's no reply, a frown covering Sam's face as he walks towards the nursery. He pauses in the doorway of your bedroom when he sees you, smiling to himself. You stand just before your bed, nude with your little girl, only clad in a diaper, in your arms. Your eyes are closed as you sway from side to side, the little one whimpering softly. Walking into the room, Sam stands with his hands on his hips, 
"Look at you two." He says softly. You open your eyes slowly, glancing at him. His smile is so wide you don't know how it fits on his face. He takes a deep, breathless like breath, looking you over, "You two are so perfect." He mumbles before he walks forward again, coming to stand behind you. His hands rest over your hips, lips pressed to your temple, 
"You smell like biscuits." You murmur softly, not faltering in the swaying, even as you lean back against his chest. He chuckles softly, 
"Orange cardamom biscuits. They'd go good with your tea, I'll have to make them sometime for you." He explains softly. You nod, lips pressing against Virginia's cheek. Her little face is turned up towards the ceiling, mouth hanging open as she fights sleep. You sigh, 
"I uhh, I took a shower, put her in that little bouncy thing just outside the shower and she got fussy cause it was hot in the bathroom. So I took her out of her onesie and was holding her and I just... her skin on mine felt amazing. Like yours does. And I miss her. I miss..." Sam can see the tears in your eyes now, "I miss my baby bump and being in the hospital smelling that newborn smell and all that." You tell him. He nods, 
"Its the postpartum peach. You know it'll pass and you'll have so much fun with her when she's older. Plus... the older she gets, the closer we are to havin another one. More of that newborn smell." He reasons. The look you throw him over your shoulder makes him swallow, 
"Alright... yeah, still traumatized from her birth, got it but... you don't have to be so upset. She's still little and perfect... both my girls are, and for the next... what, year, that won't change. She'll get nice and chunky and when she changes, we'll so be ready for it. She'll get giggly and fun and you'll love it. I know you will babe." He reassures. You nod, 
"I know I just can't help it. It feels like someone else is controlling my life, my emotions. I'm sorry." 
"You don't have to apologize Y/N. Your body, your mind are going through a lot of changes. You're maturing and all that. I'm not upset about it. The crying, from you or her doesn't bother me. At least there's some need for me." He half jokes. You smile, looking down at your baby girl. He sighs, 
"I'm really likin this naked thing with you though." He mutters, kissing your shoulder as he molds your hips in his hands. You hum, 
"Sometimes I'm just too lazy to get dressed, other times it's just too hot." You reason. Sam nods, 
"I like it." 
"Oh yeah?" He nods when you glance up at him, "Maybe you should join the party then. I wanna stare at her and she likes daddy's chest." He doesn't even need you to finish the before he's stripping from the grease and oil stained shirt and pants, leaving them in a pile on the floor as you sit at the edge of the bed. You scoot to your side, letting Sam lay down before you before you lay Virginia over his chest. He mumbles incoherently down at her, kissing the top of her head as he strokes down her back. He purrs which makes her whimper, the motion further lulling her to sleep. He glances over at you when you prop your head up on your hand, 
"You're a great father Sam. You've always been an awkward little bean but... when it comes to V, you do amazing." He chuckles softly, 
"Thanks Y/N/N. You two... mean the world." He admits, rubbing up and down your baby's back softly. You sigh, brushing his unruly curls aside, 
"I'm just glad that I don't have to cook. The food you make is excellent and you like doing it and baby loves it too." He laughs again, 
"And that's all that matters is making you both happy." He murmurs. There's a silence that permeates between you for a moment before you stand, finding the thin robe you wear all the time if it genuinely is too hot to wear anything else, 
"What was this... thing you were saying about orange cardamom biscuits?" You ask with a cock of your eyebrow. He smiles wide, tip of his tongue caught between his teeth, 
"I'm starting to think ALL you use me for is food." 
"I feed your little girl from my own body like eight times a day. The LEAST you could do is make bomb fucking food Holland." He hums after a moment, eyes averted from yours and to the little girl laid across his chest. He glances back up, 
"Can we just... have a little longer of this moment? Just a pretty little family before I'm whisked away to slave over a stove." He jokes. After a moment of staring at each other, you sigh, trying to fight your smile before you near the bed again, sitting at his side, 
"Fine Samuel. But only because you're pretty." You lean in to kiss his nose, kissing your baby girl's head just below his chin, "And you too little miss. I just hope you at least get something from me for all the pain and suffering I went through getting you here." Sam reaches up to tuck hair behind your ear, 
"You're a great mumma already. I have no doubt that she'll be witty and perfectly perfect. With a mum like you she'll always know she can never disappoint us with whatever decision or life choice she makes. You'll make sure of it and that's what matters. Raising a decent fucking human being." He says with such passion in his eyes you think you'll faint. You stare at him for another moment before sighing, 
"I love you more than anything on this earth Samuel Holland. Our little family is just perfect right now." You tell him. Leaning up to kiss you, he sighs, 
"Love my girls in all of their beautiful nudity. Love skin to skin." He murmurs. You lay your head against his shoulder, watching your girl sleep. Of course pregnancy and motherhood was difficult, but your fiancè made it so much better and your baby girl was everything and more for the both of you.
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tulipholland · 3 years
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harryholland64 @paddyholland2004 where you at? 😉
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myjegulusromance · 3 years
Spidys mad skillz
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WARNINGS: smut, fluff, swearing 
“Morning princess” Tom said as he placed a soft kiss on her cheek to wake her, “Unfortunately love I have to go on set today for some last minute scenes hope to see you on my break” “But Tom I want cuddles” she cried “I’m sorry love” she sighed as he placed a last few calm kisses over her tight squirmy body. “Darling you made it” the director said, “Toms been very off on set today” “He's probably just tense” Y/N replied with a grin. “Thank god you came princess ugh that yellow dress your wearing is so sexy” Tom whispered sexually as he pulled Y/N to the closest dressing room and locked the door behind him...
“Tom” she squealed as he grabbed her hips and pulled her panties down “so wet for me little slut” Tom grinned as he started to place hickeys leading down to her wetness to start licking her. “Oo yes tom” Y/N squealed as Tom placed his dick at her entrance making her squirm as he bit her neck he began thrusting. Tom’s thrusts became slow and sloppy they're heads clashed together he pulled out leaving a slimy goo on her he finished cleaner her up and left for set “oh also love i left you a little gift basket on the kitchen bench” he left she a wide grin on his face she rushed home to find the basket containing a gift card to bras and things the netflix remote and a purple vibrator she giggled to herself but unfortunately she had one of her best mates coming over so she had to wait. “hey beautiful” her best friend kate walked in and saw the gift basket right away “whos this from tom? im guessing” “well yes i don't know what toms tryna hint exactly but i get to spend money and pleasure myself im happy” eventually kate left and Y/n went straight to her glass bedroom and started to pleasure herself as she thought of tom all the sudden tom came home and he opened the door to hear her moans loud and clear and dropped all of his clothes and walked into the bedroom “does that do a better job then me dear?” “i don't know at this point!” “well how about we put it to the test” he said with a wide grin...
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waitimcomingtoo · 4 years
My Girl - Oh Baby
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Synopsis: everyone things Paddys crush on you is adorable. Everyone except Tom.
Check out the full series:
My Girl
My Girl - Something Blue
Regular Masterlist
A/N: another story where I mention chickens. Also, where are my gleeks 
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“I still can’t believe you bought chickens.” You laughed at a photo of Tom and his chickens before shutting your phone off and setting it on your nightstand. You rolled over in bed to face Tom as he let out a sigh.
“I had to!” He protested. “They’re not that bad. Our family of two has become a family of 5 now.”
You watched him carefully, pulling your bottom lip between your teeth before you asked the question that had been weighing on you.
“What about expanding our family even more?” You asked him, impatiently waiting for his reaction.
“Honestly, Angel, I love you but I can’t handle anymore chickens.” Tom looked at you apologetically and you laughed.
“No, I didn’t mean more chickens.” You shook your head and he raised an eyebrow.
“Another dog?” He questioned. You took this as an opportunity to take his hand and squeeze it.
“A baby.” You said softly. Toms eyes lit up at a happy smile appeared on his face.
“What?” He leaned in closer to you to make sure he was hearing you correctly.
“I want to have a baby, Tom.” You repeated. “I want to start our family.”
“You want to have a baby? A human baby?” His smile got impossibly wider.
“Preferably.” You chuckled.
“Really? Like really, really?” He sat up and squeezed your hands, looking at you with all the hope in the world
“Really, really.” You cupped his face and beamed at him. “So what do you say?“
“I say let’s make a baby.” Tom said triumphantly before pulling you into a kiss.
“We have an announcement.” Tom said excitedly as he stood before his family. It reminded him of the time he’d announced your engagement, or even the time he first told his brothers that he was dating you. He snuck a glance at you, admitting how far you’d come together. From his childhood crush to his wife, and soon the mother of his child.
“Divorce.” Paddy jumped up, ruining Tom’s daydream. “We all saw it coming.”
“What? No.” Tom quickly shut him down.
“Why are you smiling?” Harry questioned his younger brother.
“Lots of marriages end in divorce.” Paddy shrugged. “It’s okay, Y/n. It’ll be okay.”
You looked at Tom in amusement who had his hands firmly on his hips.
“What about me?” He snapped at Paddy. “And why am I bothered that you wouldn’t comfort me in my hypothetical divorce?”
“You have an announcement?” Nikki tried to bring the conversation back.
“Yes. We do.” Tom pointed at him mom before taking your hand in his. “Y/n and I are trying for a baby.”
“Ahhh!” Nikki screamed and got off the couch, running to hug you. Dom went to Tom and patted him on the back proudly.
“This is great news, Tom. I’m so happy to hear it.” Dom congratulated his son.
“Congrats, man.” Harry enveloped Tom in a bear hug.
“I’m the one you should be congratulating. I’m gonna be an uncle!” Sam joined in on the hug.
“But I’ll be the superior uncle.” Harry popped his head up from the hug to glare at Sam.
“There’s no one superior to Uncle Sam. Ask America.” Sam scoffed.
“We’re English.” Tom deadpanned.
“And? They beat us in all those wars. Maybe they’re onto something.” Sam retorted.
“I can be the fun uncle, you’ll be cool uncle, and Paddy will be the uncle that’s been staring off into space ever since Tom and Y/n announced they were trying for a baby.” Hardy joked as they turned their attention to Paddy. He wasn’t wrong. Ever since Tom made the announcement, Paddy had been staring off in a blank daze.
“Paddy? You all right?” Tom asked wearily.
“Do I seem all right?” He said without releasing his gaze.
“You seem possessed.” Harry remarked.
“You guys can’t have a baby!” Paddy sputtered, snapping his attention to you and Tom.
“Here we go.” Tom sighed, knowing the gripe was ahead.
“You’re so young and Tom is so immature and Y/n already works so hard while Tom plays dress up and…” Paddy stopped and took a deep breath, his eyes landing on the look on your face. You had been smiling before he spoke, and now you weren’t. He recalled the conversation he’d had with you at the wedding, how happy you were when he finally accepted your relationship with Tom. He sighed and gave a gentle smile. “And I’m really happy for you guys.”
“You are?” Your eyes lit up. Paddy gave you a gentle smile and a nod.
“Yeah. Toms taken care of me all my life. It’s time he takes care of someone else.” He decided. You broke into a huge smile and ran to hug him.
“Thanks, Paddy.” You said as you wrapped your arms around him. “I’m glad that you feel that way.”
He hugged you back, pleased with himself for making you happy. Maybe he didn’t support your relationship, but he was never gonna stop trying to make you happy.
Later that night, you and Tom sat in bed, brainstorming ideas for the baby’s name.
“If it’s a boy, how about Neil Patrick Holland?” You suggested as you flipped through a baby book.
“Dare I say I’ve never heard a worse idea.” Tom chuckled as he looked up from his own parenting book.
“Really? I think it’d be funny.” You shrugged as you turned your attention back to the book.
“It won’t be funny when our child resents us for giving him that name.” Tom pointed out and you chuckled.
“Fine. How about Hamlet?” You suggested and Tom gave you a tight lipped smile.
“Why don’t you let me think of the names, yeah?” He said as politely as he could.
“Well what were you thinking?” You challenged him.
“Well, for a girl, I was thinking Beth.” He said timidly, nervous of your reaction. A small smile lit up your features, all the way to your eyes. You shut your book and looked at Tom fondly.
“Beth? Like our wedding song?” You asked. He nodded shyly.
“Exactly.” He said. “Or maybe Charlie for a boy?”
“Like your grandpa.” You recognized the name.
“Yeah, if you don’t mind.” He wanted time make sure you were okay with it too.
“I don’t mind at all.” You reached over and laced his hand in yours. “I love those names.”
“And I love you.” Tom leaned in to kiss you. You went back to reading your books, still holding hands. After a beat of silence, Tom reached the bottom of his page.
“Baby?” Tom spoke gently.
“Yeah?” You replied, still reading.
“How do we turn the pages?” Tom asked.
“Is it time?” Tom nervously cracked his knuckles after waiting the longest five minutes of his life. You nodded curtly and picked the pregnancy test up from the counter, not looking at it yet.
“Yeah. Come here.” You waved him over and he came quickly. He held your hand and kissed the back of it as you uncovered the results.
“Negative.” You read with a shaky voice. You threw the test down and covered your face with your hands, not wanting Tom to see you getting emotional. “That’s our fourth negative.”
“Hey, it’s okay.” Tom tried to pull you into a hug but you pulled away.
“No it’s not!” You threw them stick down, making Tom jump. “I don’t understand. What’s wrong with me?”
You sat down on the toilet and cried hot tears of frustration into your hands. Tom knelt down beside you and put a gentle hand on your back.
“Theres nothing wrong with you, angel. This isn’t your fault.” He said softly, rubbing slow circles on your back. You looked up at him through your tear filled eyelashes.
“I can’t do the one thing humans were put on this earth to do.” You said through gritted teeth. He gave you a comforting smile and wiped your tears with his thumbs.
“Hey, women are not baby making machines, okay?” He chuckled softly. “We’ve only tried a few times. It doesn’t happen for every body on the first try. We’ll try again tonight, okay love?”
“What if it never happens for us?” You whispered in fear. Tom took your hands in his and kissed them.
“There are other ways to have a baby.” He insisted. “We can adopt or try some fertility treatments.”
“I should be able to do this. Most women can.” You berated yourself.
“But not all women. We can and we will try again. This is gonna happen for us.” Tom took your chin between his thumb and forefinger and made you look at him. “I’m not leaving until you smile.”
You rolled your eyes but he stayed persistent.
“I’m serious. I’ll sit on this bathroom floor all night.” He said, making you crack a smile.
“That’s better. Now come on.” He held your hand and helped you off the toilet. “This baby won’t make itself.”
A month later, you were having dinner at the Holland’s. Tom organized it to cheer you up, being it was two months since you started trying for a baby, and still no luck. You excused yourself during dinner, feeling a little nauseous all the sudden. When you didn’t come back for a while, Tom began to worry.
“I’m gonna go check on her.” Tom said, beginning to get out of his seat. Paddy held up a hand and got out of his.
“You’re still eating. I’ll go check.” He said, always wanting to come to your aid. He went to the master bedroom and knocked on the bathroom door.
“Y/n? You all right?” He asked.
“I’m fine. I’m just feeling a little hot.” You called. Paddy was about to speak when he heard your phone ringing from the bed.
“Paddy, could you get that for me please?” You called from the bathroom.
“Sure.” He picked up your phone and held it to his ear. “Hello?”
“Mrs. Holland! Congratulations! You’re pregnant!” A cheery female voice sounded from the other side of the phone. Paddy’s hand clenched around the phone as his body froze in shock.
“WHAT?” He shrieked at a pitch that made Tessa start barking from the other room.
“Is this a child?” The lady on the phone asked.
“Y/n is pregnant? With a baby? A human baby?” He sputtered. He had overheard Tom telling Sam that he was having trouble having a baby and thought it was off the table.
“So this is definitely a child.” The woman said definitively.
“Uh, no.” Paddy cleared his throat and deepened his voice. “This is her husband.”
“No, it’s really not.” The woman sighed. “Could you tell Y/n to call her OBGYN please?”
“Her what?” Paddy didn’t recognize the word.
“Her gynecologist.” The woman tried a different approach.
“That’s even worse.” Paddy said honestly.
“Her gyno. Can you remember that?” The woman said tiredly.
“Yes. I think so.” Paddy nodded, repeated the word to himself to solidify it in his mind.
“Okay, thank you. Tell her to call her gyno immediately.” The woman asked as you came out of the bathroom. Paddy hung up the phone and dropped it on the bed, staring at you blankly as you approached him.
“Thanks, Paddy.” You picked up your phone and put it in your back pocket. “Who was it?”
“You’re pregnant?!” Paddy asked in disbelief, wondering why you never told the family.
“What? No.” You laughed him off and shook your head.
“If you’re not pregnant then why did your gyro just tell me you are?” Paddy asked and you tilted your head.
“My what?” You questioned.
“Your gyro.” He said simply and you stared at him blankly. “The gyrocologist!”
“My gynecologist?” You realized as your face paled.
“Yes! That.” Paddy snapped his fingers and you covered your hand with your mouth. He looked at you quizzically, thinking you already knew about the pregnancy.
“My gynecologist said I was pregnant?” You whispered as a tear slid down your cheek.
“Yes, she just told me.” Paddy said and came to an unfortunate realization. “Oh, you didn’t know, did you?”
“No.” You shook your head and placed a hand on your tummy.
“I ruined the surprise, didn’t I?” Paddy grimaced.
“It’s okay.” You gave him a gentle smile. “Can you go get Tom?”
“Yeah. Right. Tom.” Paddy dashed out of the room and returned shortly with Tom behind him. He quickly left the room to give you privacy.
“What is it, baby?” Tom asked as he entered the room, immediately going to you. “Why are you crying?”
You took his hands and placed them over your tummy. He looked at you curiously before it clicked.
“I just got a call from the gynecologist.” You told him and his eyes lit up.
“And?” He asked hopefully.
“We’re gonna have a baby.” You nodded and he broke into a huge smile.
“What?” He asked as tears filled his eyes.
“We’re gonna have a baby. A human baby.” You cried and he looked at your tummy in disbelief.
Tom, too overcome with emotion to say anything, pulled you into his arms and cried into your hair.
“Thank you so much.” He whispered into ear.
“I really didn’t think it was gonna happen.” You wiped a tear and hugged him tighter.
Paddy, who could hear the conversation from the hallway, smiled to himself. Your happiness gave him happiness, and he was determined to make this baby’s life perfect.
And that began with the pregnancy.
Paddy somewhat returned to his old ways around you. If you needed something, he was the one to get it. Tom didn’t mind the behavior this time around. Preparing for a baby was a lot of work, and an extra set of hands didn’t hurt. Besides, Tom was the one attending the breathing classes, shopping for baby clothes, and making a registry with you. If Paddy wanted to take care of the little things, he could.
And he did.
Paddy always made sure you had enough pillows…
“Baby support.” As he would call it.
…enough snacks…
“Pickles? You need pickles? I read in 13 different parenthood that pregnant women crave pickles. I also didn’t know what kinda of chocolate you wanted so I got it all.” Paddy said as he gentle placed a variety of chocolate bars on your six month pregnant tummy.
“Wow, thanks Pads.” You laughed as you opened a bar.
“Anything for you.” He smiled before his eyes landed on Sam. “Samuel, is that hot sauce?”
“It’s for my burrito.” Sam said awkwardly, mid bite of his burrito.
“Hot sauce is not safe for pregnant women to ingest. Is your burrito more important than my future niece or nephew?” Paddy demanded.
“No?” Sam asked in confusion.
“Take it outside.” Paddy barked.
…and enough attention.
“I read that babies can sense when the mother is lonely. Actually, I saw it in Birdbox. I brought your favorite movie and some pickles. I thought we could watch it together.” Paddy said as he presented you with your favorite film.
“Aw, that sounds great Pads.” Tom said as he entered the room, taking a seat next to his pregnant wife. Paddy, who hadn’t originally planned on including Tom, faked a smile.
“The more then merrier, is what I always say.” Paddy said through his teeth.
“When have you ever said-“ Tom began to question.
“Always.” Paddy snapped and popped the movie in the DVD player.
In nine short months, the day had finally arrived. The Holland family, as well as your family, patiently waited in the waiting room as you went into labor. Paddy, who had passed out when he heard the news of your water breaking, was now sitting glumly in a wiat room chair.
“Mate, come on. Y/n is gonna give birth any minute. Mum and dad are already in there.” Harry urged Paddy to get out of the waiting room chair.
“I’m not going in there.” Paddy grumbled.
“Are you crying?” Sam realized when he saw his brothers cheeks glistening.
“No.” Paddy sniffled as he wiped his cheek.
“Yes you are. Why?” Harry said as he took a seat.
“Because I’ve spent my entire life loving a girl who is about to have a baby with my brother.” Paddy protested, making Sam and Harry exchange a look.
“I thought you were over this.” Sam sighed.
“I thought so too!” Paddy snapped. “But Tom and I fighting over her has always been a staple of our family and now he has his own family. He’s not gonna come around anymore.” His voice got quieter and Harry and Sam understood what this was about. They knelt down on either side of of his chair and looked at him.
“Of course he’ll still come around.” Harry promised.
“Why would he? Why would he need his baby brother when he has a baby of his own?” Paddy said sadly. “He’s gonna start a new family with his new baby and he won’t need us.”
“He’s always gonna need us, Pads. I honestly don’t think he knows what detergent is.” Hardy cracked a smile and Paddy halted at him.
“This isn’t a joke, Harry.” He said bitterly.
“I know it’s not. But this baby isn’t replacing our family. It’s expanding it.” Harry reasoned. “We’re all gonna have to come together to make sure this baby is the happiest baby in the U.K. That’s gonna make our family closer than ever.”
“And you’re always gonna be our baby brother. But now you have a new title.” Sam added.
“What?” Paddy asked curiously.
“Baby uncle.” Sam said, making a face when he heard how dumb it sounded.
“Bunkle, if you will.” Harry nodded.
“I absolutely will not!” Paddy snapped.
“Then just uncle will do. And being an uncle comes with a lot of responsibility. It’s our job to corrupt that baby and make Tom look like a total nerd.” Sam jeered.
“He might have that part covered.” Hardy reminded them.
“What if I’m a bad uncle?” Paddy feared.
“None of us have done this before. We’re all gonna be figuring it out together. And if you mess up, just blame one of us.” Sam told him.
“Yeah. Just blame Sam.” Harry added and Sam gave him a look.
“No matter what, we have each other to fall back on. This baby is a great thing, Paddy. Just wait and see.” Sam smiled at his younger brother. Paddy nodded, finally smiling back. A nurse in pink scrubs coming into the waiting room caught their attention.
“Paddy Holland?” The nurse asked.
“Yes?” Paddy stood up from his chair.
“Y/n would like to see you.” The nurse smiled kindly.
“Coming.” Paddy told her before turning back to his brothers. “What’s that about?”
“Maybe she finally realized she wants to be with you over Tom.” Harry shrugged.
“Shut up. Really? No she didn’t. Do you think though? She wouldn’t. Right?” Paddy went through a range of emotions and his brothers laughed.
“Just go.” Sam pushed him forward. Paddy nodded and followed the nurse down the hall. She opened the door to a room and let Paddy go inside.
Once inside the room, Paddy saw you laying in bed with Tom right beside you. Something inside him told him to be quiet, so he stood patiently at the door without saying a word. The opening of the door alerted you to his presence and you waved him over.
“Hey, Paddy.” You said softly as Paddy approached your bed. “There’s someone I’d like you to meet.”
As Paddy knelt beside the bed, you moved your arms to reveal a sleeping baby wrapped in a pink blanket.
“We wanted you to be the first to meet her.” Tom smiled proudly at his brother. Paddy stared at the baby in childlike wonder and you bounced her gently.
“Paddy, this is Beth Patrica Holland.” You told him.
“Patricia?” Paddy looked you at you expectingly.
“Yeah. After my favorite brother.” Tom smiled at his brother, then held a finger to his lips, signaling him not to tell Sam or Harry.
“She’s beautiful.” Paddy breathed as he saw mini versions of your features in the newborns face. “She looks just like you.”
“You think so? I think she looks more like Tom.” You laughed softly as you nuzzled your nose to Beth’s head.
“No, no.” Paddy shook his head. “Like I said, she’s beautiful.”
Before Tom could respond, Beth coughed and her eyelids fluttered open. Paddy stared into her eyes, seemingly void of color but a mixture of every color all at once. He smiled at Beth, and smiled back.
“She smiled at me!” He tried to keep his voice down, but the excitement got to him.
“That means she just used her diaper. Tommy, could you?” You held the baby up and Tom happily took her in his arms.
“Of course. Come here, Princess.” He cooed to his daughter as he walked to the changing table. Paddy finally took a good look at you. You were sweaty and makeup free, forehead still glistening. Your hair was pushed back and your cheeks had a dewy pinkness to them that Paddy had never seen before.
“You look beautiful too.” He said sincerely and you chuckled.
“I look like a just pushed a human out of me.” You shook your head.
“Exactly.” He said. “That’s a beautiful thing to do.”
You looked at him fondly and gave him a soft smile.
“You know, it was my idea to make her middle name Patricia.” You told him.
“Really?” He asked.
“Yeah. I had to name her after my boy.” You cupped his face and he beamed at you. Maybe he didn’t end up with you like he wanted, but he was still your boy. You had just confirmed it.
“I’m gonna take care of her.” Paddy looked over at Beth with determination. “I promise.”
“I know you will.” You said and pulled him into a hug.
Over at the changing table, Tom sang quietly to Beth as he changed her diaper.
“Just a few more hours and I’ll be right home to you. I think I hear them calling. Oh Beth, what can I do? Beth, what can I do?” He sang and she squeezed his finger, making him well up with tears. He picked her up and held her against his chest, letting her warm up after being on the cold table. He continued singing softly in her ear as stroked her tuft of hair.
“Hurry up, Tom.” Paddy called quietly from the bed, dying to see Beth again. “I want to see my girl.”
Tag List 🏷
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tomdiddlyumptious · 4 years
P.P|what the fuck??
Summary: you let peter, Sam, and Bucky do a lil voice over
Warnings: language, confusion
A/n: ahaha
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“Alright, I made a video. Can you do a voice over?” You ask, Sam and Bucky nodding in agreement, having nothing else to do. Peter wrapping his hands around your waist and having his head on your shoulder, kissing your ear and whispering a yes.
You flinched from his hot breath making Sam and Bucky giggle, but soon you got up and entered the YouTube room (right next to the interview room, which you’d know from my other fic). You made sure to clean up in there some as peter, Sam, and Bucky sat down.
“Just watch the video, and say whatever, I’m gonna go grab some food, want anything?” You say, already walking out the door.
“Chips!” They all say.
Once you got everything it was time to let it rip, you left the room and let them do whatever.
“Click play!” “No you!” “Would you both shut up” peter rolled his eyes, clicking play to the video as Sam hogged the doritos.
You were in your fuzzy pink high chair sitting in front of your black vanity, apply moisturizer.
“Isn’t that uh, foundation?” “No it’s concealer” “no it’s lip stick!” “Why would she put lipstick on her cheeks, Sam?” “Why would I know that?”
“Well y/n doesn’t do any of that face stuff, she has clear skin” peter explained, Bucky ‘ohhing’ and Sam shrugging.
You applyed toner as Sam snapped his fingers pointing at it.
“Now that’s highlighter!” “Isn’t that like age stopping serum?” “She’s younger then you, she doesn’t need that” “peter calm down, although she is related to cap, she could be secretly like a-thousand years old” “wouldn’t that make her older then him?” “Yeah, I guess it would”
You did your makeup out of order, it didn’t really matter to you. But you did start doing your eyebrows.
“Yo, she draws on her eyebrows?” Bucky questions. “Yeah, they’re already thick and black?” “I’m pretty sure it’s just to touch it up” “bla bla peter, you don’t know everything” “well I know more then you” peter mumbles, trying to take a few chips before Sam pulls it awa, turning to him and glancing at him. “I’ll kick yo ass boy, keep playin” “sorry”
After you were done with that you did concelear. “Know that’s foundation!” “Nah it’s moisturizer” “why is it showing more on her skin color then, and why is she using a brush?” Sam asks.
You used your bronzer as little freckles across your face. “FACE PAINT!” “It’s the that what makeup is?” “Yes”
You next put lipstick as the blush, smearing it. “Why did she put lipstick on her cheeks?” “Does it matter? Look at how beautiful she is!” “Lover boy Parker, the classic” “oh how we love him” Sam uses his clean head and playfully pushes his head to the side, making peter laugh a bit.
You add the gold eyeshadow and put it on your eyelid, closing each one at a time. “Eyeshadow” “she don’t do that, don’t let her fool you” “euuhh, look at her” “she lien to all y’all”
You sprinkle the hearts on your eyelid, making sure it’s sticking. “Now that’s extra” “that wasn’t necessary” “it makes her look beautiful! Just watch the thingy!” “It’s called a YouTube video, but alright pete”
You then stocked out your tongue while you cut the eyelashes into different pieces. Sam scrunched up his face “I can smell her breath through the screen” “big stanky” Peter groans and rolls his eyes, but only stays silent.
You put them on and stab your eye somehow, making Sam and Bucky laugh. “Man you should do this more, Bucky” Peter says. Bucky furrows his eyebrows in confusion, looking at peter, Sam chuckling as he starts to remember. “What are you talking about?” “You know, your eye shadow that goes across your eyes and under your eyes?” Peter chuckles, Bucky smacks his eyes and take chips from Sam, crumbling them up and throwing them and peter.
“OW!” Peter whines as it got in his eye and in his hair, Bucky smiling “try it again”. Peter rolls his eyes, after he somehow got it out, about like 5 minutes later.
You sat there all pretty, Sam and Bucky, Peter smiling, Peter a little to much, Sam an awkward smile, and Bucky clapping. “Is it over? I’m hungry” Sam claps his hands, Peter side eyes him as Bucky raises an eyebrow. “You litterly ate the whole fuckin bag” “and?”
Peter stopped the video as Sam and Bucky left, slamming the top of the door making peter jump, frightened. And suddenly the door closes, Peter sighs and rolls his eyes “those assholes” he ends the recording, going to the door and trying to open it, he fiddled with the handle again.
“Oh shit!” Peter groans, he’s gonna regret it but, he punches the door near the whole and big enough for his fist, murming how he’s gonna fuck Sam up as he reaches in and opens the door from the outside. Once it opened he messaged his knuckles, looking up and meeting Tony’s eyes, currently wearing a bonnet be borrowed from you and cereal in his hand, his mouth opened slightly as the cereal bowl dropped
“Dammit Peter” tony rolls his eyes, if you didn’t know already. Peters cheeks are firing scarlet, he closes his eyes shut as he thinks it’s a dream.
“No it isn’t a dream, just go home peter”
“But I live here”
“Then go to your room, just go somewhere”
He still stands there awkwardly as tony raises his hand at the hallway, peter sighing and walking off.
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Best Friends Brother
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A/N: made this one last night sorry it’s kinda short. It’s not that good but enjoy! :) also gif is not mine.
Dating Harry but people thinking you and Tom are together because you're in a movie together but in an interview all of that changed.
As you sat in a lounge waiting for the interview to start you sat next to Harry watching him scroll through the footage he was taking during the press. The footage mainly focused on you because he loved looking at you, you were the love of his life, he never felt anything like this before.  “You need to take more stuff of your brother, the fans like him more.” she said as he chuckled. “Well i like you more.” he said as she started blushing. “Well i like you too.” she said as she held his hand.
Once tom got there the interview face was ready, you both entered waiting for the interviewer and harry started rolling as you saw he placed the camera. All you did was smile and he smiled back looking at your lovely face. Before the interviewer came in you blew a kiss, as he took it and blew one back.
“He is literally so whipped.” Tom says as you laugh. “Fuck off tom.” harry said as you smiled at him. “Well he's not lying.” you say as tom laughs, “youre lucky youre so cute,” he says as the interviewer walked in.
“Hey guys sorry i'm late, traffic.” he said as you nodded. “Don't worry about its fine.” you said as he sat down. “Don't worry mate, happens to the best of us.” tom said as the cameras were rolling and questions were asked. They first few were about the movie and how the roles affected us and if we had any similarities or differences, then came on some personal questions.
“So tom, some of the fans wonder who you’re dating?” he asked as tom laughed, “well i'm not really dating, i'm not good at meeting lovely ladies. My dating game isn't really good. You can even ask y/n. ” he said as you chuckled and the interviewer looked at you. “Its true, he isn't good at dating but his brothers, haz, tuwaine and i help him out. But he tries his best ladies.” you say as the interviewer laughed.
“Some wonder if you two are together because you know you are love interests and you y/n spend lots of time with the holland family.” he says as you look at harry and at tom.
“Well no were are not dating as much as the fans want us to, were are really close friends actually.'' Tom said as I nodded. “Yeah i get along with them very well because they're like family to me.” i said he didn't seem so convinced. Harry and I talked about telling our fans about us, but we weren't really sure when it was the right time. I wanted to but at the same time I wanted to keep it private.
“Well that's good being close with the family.” he said, getting eager to get something out of us. Just then i spit it out. “I'm actually dating toms brother.” you said as you were shocked on how fast those words came out and how good it was to say it out loud.  “Really?” he said as i looked at harry, who was smiling at the fact that you told him he was yours. “Yeah she is, he's actually behind you.'' Tom said as he turned around said hello and waved.
After the interviewer you all said goodbye and headed out. You held harry's hand as you walked out. “Harry, i'm so sorry, i just blurted out because like it was just waiting to come out and oh go-” you said as he kissed you halfway through your sentence. “Love it's fine, at least everyone knows your mine and not my brothers.” he said as you smiled. Guess you got it good by liking your best friends brother.
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alloftheimaginess · 4 years
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Just a sucky imagine that I’ve had saved for months. It mentions a bunch of my favorite people
Hi I'm (Y/n) Holland and I play Jules Vaughn" I say.
"Hi I'm- (y/n) you are not Jules" Hunter says and I start laughing.
"I didn't think you would catch it" I say laughing harder.
"Come on be professional" she says whining as she leans her head on my shoulder.
"Hi I'm (Y/n) Holland and I play Nessa on Zendaya's new HBO show, euphoria" I say and she starts laughing, wheezing as she does.
"I hate you so much" she says leaning on me as she laughs.
"Hi I'm (Y/n) Holland and I play Nessa on HBO's new show called euphoria" I say.
"That's Tom Holland to you" hunter screams jumping up from behind me and I laugh squinting at her.
"And take 14"
"Hi I'm (Y/n) Holland and I play Nessa on HBO's new show Euphoria" I say.
"Hi and I'm Hunter Schafer and I play Jules Vaughn" she says wiggling her eyebrows before she jumps on me.
"One crazy story from filming Euphoria. Go" she says pointing to me and I think.
"Quickly! Quickly! Quickly!" She shouts rushing me and I just say the first thing.
"When we first started filming euphoria I was on live on set and I made a joke about Zendaya only being my friend because of who my brother is and all of her fans sent me hate saying that's the only reason why anyone likes me" I say laughing and Hunter starts cracking up.
"Well they aren't lying."
"What's your favorite thing about me?" I ask. "Everything" she says laughing.
"But if I had to pick just one, it would be how giving you are because you will give your all wanting nothing in return and that's so amazing" she says kissing my cheek and I squeeze both of her cheeks.
“I love you so much for that” I say and she kisses my head.
“I love you too baby girl” she says wrapping her arm around my shoulder.
“If I didn’t know any better I’d think you were trying to get into my pants” I say giggling and she shrugs.
“I’ll let you know by tonight” she says grabbing a question.
"Euphoria is so different from any of your previous work. How hard was it to make that transition?" She asks smiling at me.
"When I first went into acting I promised myself that I wouldn't do any work that I wouldn't feel comfortable watching with my parents are younger brothers but then Euphoria jumped out at me and I knew I had to do it. The switch wasn't that hard at all. I just feel like it matured me in a lot of different areas if I'm being completely honest" I say and she smiles at me.
"What personality trait do you and Jules share?" I ask throwing the piece of paper to the side of us and she kicks it before it hits the ground, sending it even further.
"Probably the free spirit, I'm not nearly as cool as Jules so I only have half of the free spirit she has" she says and I shake my head quickly.
"I completely disagree. I feel like you, Hunter are way cooler than Jules. You walk around with this carefree attitude and you are so kick ass that even though this is your acting debut I look up to you so much, a lot of us do because you came out and ruled it" I say and she awe’s squishing my face.
"How does that one song go?" She asks looking at me.
"Stranger. Still don't know my name" I sing and she nods laughing.
"You still don't know my name and I would die your slave" she sings and I dance to it cheering her on and she starts laughing.
"You're so stupid" she says laughing and I smile at her.
"I forgot we were in the middle of an interview, hunter pay attention" I say grabbing another question out the bucket.
"Joe Keery" she says laughing and I laugh with her.
"Is that all it says?" I ask and she nods.
"Joe keery is my baby" I say and she starts giggling.
"Joe is my fiancé, he also plays Steve Harrington on Netflix’s hit show stranger things" I say but Hunter cuts me off.
"And if we let her, she'll talk about him all day" she says covering my mouth and I laugh.
"My dear Hunter. My honey bunches of oats, my little love, princess, baby doll" I say and she shakes her head.
"What?" She asks pretending to be annoyed.
"What's the reaction you want the fans to have after watching every episode?" I ask and she looks deep in thought.
"I want them to be as shook as possible. I want them to want the next episode the second they finish the one they are on because then that's how you know you have a good show. Actually scratch that, I want them to want the next episode in the middle of the one they are on" she says.
"One can dream of a show that good" I say.
"There is one" she says.
"Euphoria" she says at the same time I say "stranger things" and they crew starts laughing as we stare each other down.
"Future Mrs. Schafer?" she asks.
"Yes honey?" I ask and we both start laughing. "Another Joe Keery one" she says reading it to herself.
"What's it like being with Joe and does he love your friends as much as you?" She asks raising one of her eyebrows and I laugh.
"Being with him is amazing" I start and she groans pretending to vomit and I shove her.
"He's great and I'm glad that I get to soon spend the rest of my life with someone so loving, caring, selfless and beautiful" I say laughing.
"He really is beautiful, especially his hair" Hunter says smirking at the camera.
"And to answer the second part of that question he sure does, I think he loves them a little more if I'm being honest."
"What's your favorite memory with the cast?" I ask bawling up the paper and throwing it at her and she karate chops it.
"Easy. The one time me, you, Barbie, Ze and Storm were all in your car making the drive from Los Angeles to San Francisco and it was just filled with laughter, music and some good food" she says and I smile thinking back to that day.
"Favorite song that's been on euphoria?" She asks.
"There's so many great ones, but I'm going to have to go with that unreleased Labrinth song. The one that goes oh oh oh oh" I say doing it and she starts cracking up.
"You know, that one" I say smiling at the camera.
"I have to admit all the music he wrote for the show is amazing" she says.
"Yeah, it really captures the vibe of drugs" I say laughing and she shakes her head giving a look to the camera.
“Last message your sent to me and last message you sent in general” she reads tossing the paper away.
“To you” I say pulling out my phone and I go to my messages scrolling to her name and I start laughing.
“I said I’m showered and fed now it’s time for some head” I say and we both start laughing super hard.
“To which I responded go get it girl with a bunch of hand clapping emoji’s” she says reading off of my phone.
“That was two weeks ago” I say.
“(Y/n) and I don’t really text, we FaceTime more than anything so if you want to hear those conversations” she says laughing and I go to my last sent message.
“My last sent message is to my sibling groupchat and my baby brother paddy asked when we’d all be home next and Harry said he doesn’t know where home is and I told him good because we didn’t want him there anyway with two devils” I say and hunter laughs shaking her head.
“My last text was to my sister Hannah and she told me to tell (y/n) to follow her and I responded with I guess that’s all I’m good for now. Not even a hello” she says and I laugh.
“Now I have to follow her” I say going on Instagram and finding her so I can follow her.
“And done” I say and she shakes her head laughing.
"It's been fun guys" I say wrapping my arm around Hunter's shoulder "this was (Y/n) and Hunter answering random questions thrown into a bowl" Hunter says bowing and I turn to her and she turns to me "I love you" acting like I don't know the camera is still rolling and she grabs my face making it look like we started making out.
"I just want to apologize in advance because I know this editing process is going to be hell" I say going to grab my coat.
"They knew when they sent us" Hunter says laughing as she puts her coat on.
"See you later babe" she says grabbing and squeezing my hand before walking out so she can head to her next interview.
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txtandroll · 4 years
Hello ! I love your writing it's really cool! I just discover your account and it's amazing! Could you do prompt #10 and #29 with Harry please? 😊
request blurbs from the prompt list 
#10 “oh i’m sorry, i didn’t know you were the queen of england.”
#29 “fuck you i’m a genius.”
with harry holland
You were in quarantine with your boyfriend Harry. Well, Harry and your friends. One day, both you and Harry were bored, and decided to have a bake-off.
“We have to make it look good and taste good!” You told Harry as you agreed on the rules to the bake-off.
Harry threw his arm around you and pulled you into his chest, “of course, love. But just don’t be to heart broken when you lose, okay?”
“Fuck you,” you chuckled and hit him lightly in the chest.
You were standing on opposite sides of the kitchen, putting together each your baked goods while trying to hide what you were doing from each other.
“Don’t look you div,” you laughed as you pushed Harry away from the cake you were making.
“I am not looking.” He stated as he cut into the brownie he had made.
You decorated your cake with icing, really concentrating on what you were doing and making sure it looked as good as possible. You made small decorative tops with the icing, really proud of the outcome.
“Fuuuck,” Harry breathed out from his side of the kitchen, “shit, shit, shit.”
You looked over at him, seeing him struggling cutting the cake. The knife stuck to the bottom of the cake for some reason.
“What the hell did you do?” You asked him with a small chuckle.
He looked up at you and let out a long breath of frustration, “the gummi bears melted.”
“The gummi bears I had in the brownie, they melted and now the entire bottom of the brownie is melted gummi bears.”
You started laughing as you approached your boyfriend. You wrapped your arms around his waist as he still tried to cut the cake properly.
“Of course they melted, babe,” you said and kissed his neck, “it’s gummi bears. What did you think was going to happen? That they would stay in the cake in original form and not melt?”
Harry sighed, “fuck you I’m a genius.”
You laughed even more at Harry’s comment, “sure babe, you’re a genius.”
You walked back to your side of the kitchen and finished your cake. When you both were done and Harry had managed to cut the brownie into pieces, you decided to taste both the cakes.
You cut a slice of your cake and placed it on a plate. The both of you took a fork each and tasted the cake.
“Mmm,” Harry placed his arm around your shoulders and pulled you closer, “this is delicious, darling.”
“I know.” You stated and gave your boyfriend a smile, before giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. “Now, your brownies.”
You got a slice of the brownie on a plate and both of you took a bite.
You turned to Harry while chewing the brownie, “dude, it’s so sticky. It’s impossible to chew.”
Harry rolled his eyes at you, struggling to chew his bit as well.
“Even you can’t chew it.” You laughed at him, “I mean, one should be able to easily chew a brownie.”
“You have way too high standards when it comes to cake, love.”
“It’s really hard to eat, Harry.” You giggled.
“Oh I’m sorry, I didn’t know you were the queen of England.”
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imintoodeeptostop · 5 years
A Dancer’s Dream || pt3
Summary: The group are finally on their way to Paris and Yn has no clue she’s only hours away from seeing her favourite people.
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Permanent taglist: @stuckybanner @alopix861
Series taglist: @loxbbg
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alyswritings · 2 years
Mean Girlfriend
Request: Hiiii could you do a Hollandxsister where Sam is dating a girl who doesn't like Yn and insults her when no one is around?
Sam Holland x sister!reader
Summary: Sam's girlfriend isn't as nice as she seems.
Warnings: swear words, rude/mean comments, sam being a bad brother for part of this, some soft holland sibling moments though
a/n: thank you for the request! hope you all enjoy!
(gif not mine)
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Sam was bringing his girlfriend over for the first time since he started dating her about two months ago. She's met Nikki, Dom, and Harry, but hasn't had a chance to meet the other three yet.
Y/N is setting the table while Nikki finishes up dinner with Harry helping her. The front door opens and Sam walks in, his girlfriend right behind him, their hands latched together.
"Hey, guys." Sam greets, him and his girlfriend making their way to where everyone is in the kitchen. "This is Blair. Blair, that's Tom, Paddy, and Y/N. And you remember my parents and Harry."
"Of course I do. Lovely to see you all again." Blair tells the parents and twin, a sickening sweet smile on her face. "And it's great to meet you all." She sends polite smiles to the other three siblings.
"Nice to meet you." Tom nods in greeting.
"Hi." Y/N waves.
"It is great to see you again, Blair." Nikki smiles. "Would you like something to drink?"
"Oh, uh, just a water right now, please." Blair says.
Nikki gets her a glass of water and everybody eventually ventures off. Harry drags Sam away to show him something, leaving only Blair and Y/N in the kitchen.
"I like your bracelet." Y/N says, trying to start a conversation.
"Thanks." Blair mutters, slightly rolling her eyes.
"So, uh, Sam says you met--"
"Do you always talk this much?" Blair cuts her off.
"Uh... sometimes." Y/N awkwardly chuckles. "I've barely even said anything, though."
"Well, you've said more than enough. No need to be a motormouth." Blaire remarks.
"Right. Sorry." Y/N mumbles, looking down at her hands.
"So sensitive." Blair sighs, walking out of the kitchen.
Y/N stares after her confused, wondering what she did wrong. Maybe the girl's just in a bad mood.
"Hey." Y/N turns to find Sam walk in. "Where's Blair?"
"Oh, uh, she just left. I think she went outside." Y/N informs.
"Okay. Do you like her?" Sam asks.
"Um..." Y/N trails off, not sure what to say. "Yeah. Yeah, she, uh... she seems nice." Y/N forces a smile. She's going to give Blair the benefit of the doubt, even though she's not sure if she should. Besides Sam seems happy and that's what's important.
"Great." Sam giddily smiles and Y/N's smile becomes slightly more genuine seeing her older brother happy. "You wanna go out there?"
"Uh, no. I'm... I'm just gonna stay in here. It's been a busy day, bit of quiet time would be cool." Y/N lies. All she's done today is sit around and watch TV.
"Okay." Sam nods. He presses a quick kiss to her cheek before practically dashing outside.
"You haven't done jackshit all day." Y/N jumps at the voice at the other twin.
"Jesus, Harry!" Y/N exclaims.
"I'm just saying. You've had plenty of quiet time today." Harry says.
"Being lazy isn't a quiet day." Y/N retorts.
"Well, it hasn't been a busy day. And I don't recall us getting on your nerves." Harry says.
"You're on them now." Y/N fires back.
Harry studies her, sensing something's wrong, but decides to leave it for later. He pinches her cheek before going outside.
At dinner that night, Blair was the sweetest she could be. All smiles and full of manners. She acted like she hadn't spoken the rude words. Y/N supposes they weren't that rude, but they still weren't something you really say to someone.
"I'm gonna drive Blair home." Sam announces.
"Okay, drive safe. It was wonderful seeing you, Blaire. Hope to see you again soon." Nikki warmly smiles at the girl.
"Oh, yes! I would love that." Blair gushes, hugging the woman. Everybody bids goodbyes, Y/N sitting at the bottom of the stairs.
"Bye." She calls as Sam walks outside, Blair being the only one around.
"You eat like a teenage boy and it's disgusting." Blair states.
"Well, I was raised with four of them." Y/N fires back, a sardonic smile on her face. Blair rolls her eyes, leaving.
- - -
Ever since that dinner, Blair comes over a lot more often... much to Y/N's disdain. Anytime the two are alone, Blair takes as many jabs at the Holland girl as she possibly can. But when somebody's around, she acts as if they're best friends and has done no wrong in life. Y/N absolutely hates it and isn't sure how her brothers don't see through the nice act.
Y/N wants to speak up, but she also wants Sam to be happy. And she's also not sure if anybody would even believe her.
Y/N is leaning against Tom's side as they sit on the couch in the living room and watch New Girl. They turn when they hear footsteps, seeing Sam and Blair walk in.
"Hey." Sam greets.
"Hi." Blair smiles.
"Hey. Hi, Blair." Tom waves.
"Hi." Y/N mutters, quickly turning her attention back to the TV. Sam sits next to her and Blair is on the other side of him.
"Ooh, I love this episode." Sam whispers.
"Don't you love all episodes?" Tom chuckles.
"Yeah, but this is one of my favorites." Sam says.
"Aren't they all basically you're--"
"Shut up, Tom." Sam cuts his brother off, making both of his siblings laugh.
"Sam, could you go get a beer?" Blair sweetly asks.
"Hmm? Oh, yeah, sure." Sam says. "I'll get us all some snacks too." He offers, getting up. "Tom? Help?"
"Yeah." Tom gets up, Y/N whining when she falls onto the couch. "Sorry, Y/N/N. Personal heater is taking a break." Tom says, mockingly saluting her as he follows Sam into the kitchen.
"Are you always so clingy?" Blair wonders.
"What's it to you?" Y/N grumbles.
"I just think it's a bitchy thing to be clingy." Blair says.
"Where did I ask for your opinion?" Y/N bites, glaring at the older girl who glares right back.
"You know, if you weren't such a little shit, maybe more people would like you." Blair hisses.
"I'm an introvert. People not liking me is the dream." Y/N says, just to piss the blonde off.
Blair rolls her eyes, but before she can retort, the brothers make their return. Tom tosses a pack of Oreos at Y/N who barely manages to catch it.
"You could take somebody's eye out with that, you know?" Y/N says.
"But I didn't, did I?" Tom smiles at her. She sticks her tongue out at him and he reciprocates the action before sitting down next to her again.
- - -
It's been a few months since Blair first met the whole family and the secret verbal abuse towards Y/N has gotten under the girl's skin much more. At first, Y/N would always just brush the blonde's words off and fire back comments as best she could.
But over time, Y/N started getting less annoyed and more angry and hurt by the words that Blair would say to her. She didn't want to be affected by them, but they do and she hates that they do.
Y/N tried to talk to Sam about it, but he just brushed her off and defended Blair.
Now, the family of seven -- plus Tessa -- and Blair are all at the Holland household and enjoying the nice weather outside in the backyard.
Nikki, Dom, Harry, and Tom are sitting at the table, Tom talking about the new movie he's going to be in. Sam, Blair, and Paddy are sitting on chairs as Paddy talks about stuff happening at school. Y/N is sitting on the other side of the yard and shooting hoops, mostly out of boredom.
Y/N is simply minding her business when Blair makes her presence known.
"You know, being antisocial isn't very polite." Blair says. She keeps the sweet smile on her face so the others don't think anything of it.
"Being a bitch close to hearing distance? Getting risky, are we?" Y/N questions.
"I'm not being a bitch. I'm simply stating facts. You're antisocial and rude and a bitch and ugly and a terrible sister to your brothers. I mean, nobody in their right mind would ever love something that looks like you."
Y/N's jaw clenches, but she's unable to contain the anger that's been building up for months. Y/N throws the basketball at Blair, but she catches it, smirking.
"Have to do better than that, sweetheart." Blair says in a condescending tone. "You probably can't even put up a fight. You're too weak and tiny.
"I grew up with four brothers. Trust me, I can handle a fight." Y/N says.
"Sure you can." Blair says sarcastically.
Y/N tries to hold back, but before she's able to register it, her fist is colliding with Blair's face. The blonde lets out a noise of shock, dropping the basketball, a hand flying to her face.
"You psycho bitch!" Blair exclaims, slapping Y/N across the face. Y/N coldly chuckles, glaring at Blair. The rest of the family look over just as Y/N attacks Blair, the two starting to hit and tear at each other.
The rest of the Hollands rush over, attempting to break the fight up. Tom and Paddy try to drag Y/N off while Sam and Harry pull on Blair.
"Girls, girls!" Nikki tries to yell over the shouts and screams.
Eventually Tom is able to yank Y/N away as the twins hold Blair back.
"Enough!" Dom bellows, getting everybody to stop. "That's enough." He says in a calmer but still stern voice.
Blair takes a deep breath.
"I'm gonna, uh... I'm gonna go assess my injuries." Blair says, hurrying off inside. Tom keeps an arm around Y/N in case she decides to pounce. Once she's in, Sam turns to Y/N with a glare on his face.
"What the bloody hell is wrong with you?!" He questions.
"Sam--" Nikki starts.
"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with your bitch girlfriend?!" Y/N retorts.
"Don't call her a bitch! You're the one who started a whole fist fight." Sam states.
"Because she's been talking shit about me since the moment she met me!" Y/N informs earning an eye roll from Sam.
"God, stop being so jealous." Sam rolls his eyes.
"Sam." Tom warns, knowing whatever is said between either of them is probably going to be regretted later on.
"Jealous?!" Y/N shrieks. "I am not jealous!"
"Yes! Yes, you are! Look, I'm sorry I don't have as much time for you as I used to, but that doesn't mean you can ruin my relationship!" Sam shouts.
"I'm not trying to ruin anything! I'm trying to tell you about how she's not how she seems!" Y/N yells back.
"Could you just be happy for me for once?! Just let me be happy!"
Y/N looks at him with teary eyes, slightly glaring at him.
"Mate, come on." Harry whispers.
Y/N bats Tom's arm away from her, going for the house.
"Wait. Darling, wait!" Tom calls.
"Fuck off!" Y/N yells, going inside, the door slamming shut behind her.
"Both of them need to apologize to each other. Now. You and her too." Nikki orders Sam. The boy silently nods and his parents head inside.
Once it's just the four of them, Paddy slaps Sam on the chest.
"What the fuck was that?" Paddy asks.
"What?" Sam asks.
"She's not jealous. Have you ever known Y/N to lie?" Harry asks.
"To get stuff she wants, sometimes, yeah." Sam says.
"Yeah, like when she was little and wanted a cookie or something. She wouldn't lie about something that would effect any of our feelings." Tom says.
"Exactly. She cares too much." Paddy states.
"Whatever. I'm gonna go check on my girlfriend." Sam says, shoving past them.
"Yeah, because she's much more important than your sister!" Harry sarcastically yells out.
- - -
Y/N is lying in bed, hugging a pillow to her chest, dry tear stains on her cheeks. There's a knock on her door.
"Go away!" Y/N calls out.
The person behind the door just opens it, the girl turning to see Tom, Harry, and Paddy.
"I said go away." Y/N mutters, turning back around to face her wall.
"Here." Tom holds out two ice packs. "Your cheek and your hand. You both got each other pretty good." He says.
"Thanks." She mumbles, taking the ice packs. She puts one to her swollen cheek and holds the other to her knuckles.
"Look, we're on your side." Harry tells her.
"Thanks." Y/N quietly says.
Tom leans over and kisses her on the head, resting his chin on her arm to get a better look at her face, wincing when he sees the tear stains.
"I'm sorry about both of them." Tom quietly says. "I'll knock some sense into Sam, I promise." Y/N lightly smiles and Tom squeezes her arm comfortingly before leaving. Harry pats her leg before following Tom out.
Paddy doesn't leave, instead sitting on the bed and making himself comfortable, even turning the TV on.
"What are you doing?" Y/N asks.
"Not letting you be alone. Also if I see Sam, I might just punch him in the face. And I'm sure he's not coming in here." Paddy says.
- - -
A few days later, Y/N is on the couch and watching TV. Her, Sam, and Blair were forced to apologize to each other the other day, even though the three knew that none of them meant it.
The front door opens, but Y/N tunes whoever it is out, not in the mood to care. However, that soon changes when Blair walks into the living room.
"God, you're allowed back here?" Y/N asks.
"Hmm." Blair smiles. "Guess your family likes me more than you."
"No. Sam likes you more. But he's outnumbered." Y/N grins.
"If you weren't such a psychotic bitch, none of this would even be happening." Blair says.
"I'm the psychotic bitch?" Y/N asks.
"Yes. You hit me, remember?"
"Because you constantly insult anything and everything about me."
"Well, maybe you should look and act better. I mean, really?" Blair motions to Y/N's cropped shirt and shorts that only go a few inches down her thighs, but they're long enough to cover her butt. "You call those pajamas? You look like a fucking slut."
"What'd you just say?" The girls turn to find Sam in the entry way with two beers in hand.
"I, uh... I'm... well, she started it." Blair accuses. Y/N rolls her eyes.
"Even if she did start something, that doesn't mean you have a right to call her a slut." Sam says.
"Well-- I mean, isn't she, though?" Blair asks, making the eyes of both Hollands pop out of their sockets.
"No. No, you are not going to talk to or about my little sister that way." Sam declares, putting the beers on the coffee table.
"Okay, but really? Come on, Sammy. You wanna defend that thing?" Blair asks, motioning back to the girl on the couch.
""That thing" has a name and it's Y/N. And she's a much better person than you are." Sam says.
"Come on, Sam. You are always calling her annoying and complaining about her." Blair says.
"A. it's not always, it's happened maybe three or so times. And B. she's my sister. Only me and our brothers are allowed to do so. Nobody else. And we would never call her that." Sam declares.
"No. No, we're done. Get out." Sam orders.
"What? Come on, babe."
"No! Get the fuck out of this house!" Sam yells. "We're through!"
"Are you serious?" Blair asks.
"Extremely." Sam nods.
Blair turns to Y/N with a cold glare.
"Fuck you." Blair seethes.
"Don't talk to her. Get out." Sam demands, dragging Blair to the door and kicking her out. Sam sighs, leaning his forehead against the door, softly hitting it with his fist. "Damnit." He whispers to himself.
Sam trudges back into the living room, Y/N back to watching the TV. Sam goes over and sits on the coffee table facing her.
"I'm a complete and utter idiot." Sam states.
"Oh. Look who finally came to his senses." Y/N sardonically smiles.
"Look, I... I don't deserve it and I understand if you don't want to, but hopefully one day you forgive. I... I'm very, very sorry. I-- I should've believed you from the jump. You're my little sister, it's always you over a girl I've known for a few months. And I know you wouldn't make up something like that. And I'm sorry for everything I said the other day. I've been a massive dick."
"You're not gonna hear me disagreeing." Y/N tells him.
"I'm really sorry. I will do anything to make it up to you. Anything. Paint your nails, get you food, clean your room, whatever." Sam offers.
"Anything? Really?" Y/N asks.
"Well... I mean, not technically anything. Because I'm not going to endanger anybody or anything like that." Sam says.
"Get my pint of ice cream out of the freezer." Y/N says and Sam practically dashes into the kitchen. He soon returns with the pint and a spoon, giving them to Y/N.
"Thank you." She says, taking them and Sam nods. He sits on the couch by her feet. Sam takes sips of his beers as Y/N starts to eat her ice cream.
"You know... I was letting you be happy." Y/N says, breaking the silence between them.
"What?" Sam asks, looking over at her.
"The other day... you asked me to just let you be happy. That's what I was doing. It's why I let it go on for months." Y/N says.
"I'm sorry." Sam frowns, feeling terrible.
"I know you are. And I... mostly forgive you. But you're still waiting on me hand and foot until I say so." Y/N says.
"I deserve that." Sam agrees and Y/N grins.
Taglist: @glxwingrxse @peyton-14 @venomsvl
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thatweirdoleigh · 2 years
love letters
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I have wax sealing stuff and need excuses to write letters. therefore love letters!
Rules: One request per person, X reader or Character x Character. Angst? yes Fluff? also yes. Smut? No. Requests go in inbox via asks
TVDU: Elijah Mikaelson, Klaus Mikaelson, Kol Mikaelson, Rebekah Mikaelson, Freya Mikaelson, Finn Mikaelson, Hope Mikaelson, Hayley Marshall-Kenner, Marcel Gerard
MCU: Steve Rodgers, Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson, Natasha Romanoff, Wanda Maximoff, Vison, Bruce Banner, Tony Stark, Virginia (Pepper) Potts, Loki, Holland!Peter Parker, TASM!Peter Parker, Mj Jones, Ned Leeds, Harley Kenner,
S&B/SoC: The Darkling, Alina, Mal, Kaz, Inej, Nina, Matthias, Jesper, Wylan
Taglist incase any of you are interested.
@imgoingtofreakoutnow @elijahs-wife @yn-ymn-yln @dumble-daddy @xxwritemeastoryxx @hellotvshowtrash @dizzydancingdreamer @imaginearyparties
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mrs-hollandstan · 3 years
Ok so fluffy request for Sam. What if you're trying to cook him a special dinner (bc he always cooks for you) but you end up burning it and get upset. When he comes home he comforts you and you guys cook the dinner together and he teaches you his special chef skills and it's just suuuper fluffy
Current predicament: sobbing on the kitchen floor. Points for image. You look beautiful, but points deducted for the mess of your kitchen. Your chicken is burnt, your potatoes are too milky, your asparagus is bland, and now… your makeup is ruined. The front door clicks open and Sam calls out for you as he enters. You sniffle, trying to collect yourself as he seeks you out, crumbling to his knees beside you when he sees you,
"Peach… what is it?" He asks, worry etched into his features. You shake your head, rising to your knees,
"Nothing… I'm fine." He purses his lips and tilts his head softly before the smell of burnt food draws his eyes to the mess in the oven and on the countertop. He clicks his tongue, reaching up to stroke your hair down,
"Oh babe… were you trying to make me dinner?" He asks. You nod, tears springing to your eyes again,
"Yes." He shakes his head, features softening,
"Oh no, no! Baby don't cry! It looks good… well… I'm sure it would've been amazing. Oh love." He drags you into his arms, soothing you softly. After a few minutes, he sits you up, caressing your cheek,
"I'm sure it would've been fantastic babe. But what do you say I teach you some tips yeah?" He asks. You nod, sniffling before he's standing, taking your hands,
"How bout a surf and turf yeah? Shrimp scampi and steak? Sound good?" He asks. You nod, watching him pull out all of the ingredients you both need. After a few minutes, he's adding butter to a pan and you watch closely as he cooks, explaining all of his steps thoroughly. He even wraps you in his arms, his hands guiding yours in their movements as you help him.
The house quickly fills with a delicious scent and you're serving up two plates of medium rare steak, seasoned to perfection and a beautiful, steaming side of pasta and shrimp. Sam sits at the dining room table, inviting you into his lap. You sigh, nuzzling in his neck,
"I'm sorry I couldn't surprise you." You murmur. He shakes his head,
"That's alright baby. You can only be perfect at so many things and… everything else you do is perfect." He tells you. You smile, leaning in to kiss him,
"I'll never be able to cook like you babe."
"Well no, that's the point. I went to culinary school." He teases. You giggle and he holds your chin in his fingers, kissing you softly for a moment,
"You break my heart when you cry like that. Don't do it again yeah?" He poses. You nod, looping your finger round his when he offers it, kissing his nimble fingers,
"Atta girl." He murmurs, dragging you down and snuggling you into him.
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tulipholland · 3 years
samholland1999 Tom’s not the only one with spidey sense. Happy birthday mate. Love ya ❤️
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nnatasha · 5 years
don't blame me for falling, ii
part one
tom holland x reader
 he comes back to town after years and years, and the press are just eating it up, and you’re falling too hard and too fast
an; this is a messy one cause an dElEted it so it's a lot more condensed and less,, tender because I was rage writing. ngl, the tom/yn interactions are iffy, but they improve a hecca lot more next chapter (lol remember when this was supposed to be a oneshot?)
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harrison was the last person anybody thought would be getting married first.
his wedding was beautiful, all fancy and ornate and generally golden, much like the trophy wife curled around his side in an elegant slip of a dress. she looked gorgeous, not that you had expected any less from harrison. tonya, her name, was a brunette, skinny, high-earning model who was smart as whip and the dumbest person you had met in your whole life: she could crack out the answers to confusing math problems that left your mind boggling in under a minute, but she was constantly putting the fork in the microwave with the gravy she barely knew how to make. she was perfect for harrison and he knew it, beaming at her every second of every minute like she was a gift straight from god.
you supposed she was, in the grand scheme of things: harrison had been the butter in your sandwich for most of your life, sticking together all your favourite fillings and being the undertone that was such an amazing flavor that you just couldn't quite place until you switched butter brands. harrison was the guardian angel you never asked for but most definitely would die without.
you watched on with tearful eyes as he was bonded, heart and soul, to the love of his life, and you had watched on weeping when they took their first dance, the happiness radiating off them in a golden aura, warming the venue and inviting the summer sun out from behind the few clouds hung up in the sky. tonya's hair had almost looked blonde in the sunlight and you couldn't help the stray chuckle that escaped when the clumsy girl had stepped on harrison's foot for the third time. still, they swayed in time with the music, their warmth and love filling the suddenly suffocating tent.
you stepped outside, shooting a small smile to stacey, who shot you a teary grin. the sky was a beautiful blue and the grass was green, the kind of green that was so screwed into all your memories of summer as a child; lying on the grass that was a tad too long and tickled your cheeks and got caught up in your ears and your hair when you were six, a gappy grin on your face as you stared up at the slow moving clouds. climbing a tree in a game of hide and seek and falling out onto a patch of green, green grass and the green grass of the hospital gardens, which you hobbled about in with a nervous wreck of a tom looking on, feeling so, so guilty about you falling out a tree because of him. the grass that got caught up in your hair and left green stains on your favourite red dress when you were fourteen, lying all scrambled up in a big group of girls in an empty field as the sun set on you, drunken giggles warming up the chilly night.
"I love summer." you sighed to stacey, who nodded along with you, both knowing that in a couple weeks when the cute sun would turn stifling and would burn your skin, you'd both be complaining about how much you hated summer. you remember once, when you were fourteen and young, and had prayed to god in a french class to not let summer come too quickly that year, and had been positively distraught when it rained every day for two months.
stacey's elbow bumped against yours and she sighed wistfully, staring out at the long, sprawling fields filled with such green, green grass surrounding the farm harrison was gettiing married at. "summer is deceivingly beautiful." she muttered, and you noticed the sheen of sweat on her dark skin, and the iced water she was holding in one hand, and the tiny fan poking out the top of her dress, it's batteries sure to run out too soon for your friend.
"oh, but the grass." you said in an almost whine.
"oh, but the grass."
the two of you shared a small giggle before slinking back inside the huge white tent through a flap in it's exterior, bumping into a small group of guys who were almost impossible to get through.
"bloody hell," you muttered underneath your breath, "excuse me!"
and then all the love and warmth and golden hues that radiated off of harrison and tonya seeped into your soul through your skin as tom holland turned around, smile on his lips. he looked different since you had last seen him, not that it had been too difficult, with the hazy, dark images of him that had swirled through your head for weeks on end after he had up and left you for the second time in your life.
his skin was burning you through his dress shirt and his suit and you flinched away, stumbling back into stacey, whose arm wrapped around you waist and you could feel the intensity of her glare without even looking. "holland." she spat out, her voice hard and devoid of any emotion except to you, and you watched as all the anger and the hatred that was within her word traveled through the air before being engulfed in an overwhelmingly golden cloud of warmth and love.
"stace." he acknowledged and you realized that his eyes were calling for you and, of course, you were so weak, too weak, and the sea of browns and golden hues pulled you into your friend.
"hey tom." you greeted and you could almost imagine yourself spitting up your heart for him in that very moment, love sewn into each of it's chambers as you handed it over to the boy in front of you. "long time no see, eh?"
"which, personally," stacey's strong voice interjected over your shoulder, "I think was a pretty great deal! so, me and yn shall be leaving. goodbye forever!"
stacey turned on her heels -which was an impressive feat in itself, as they added an extra seven inches to her already long enough legs- and you held her hand as she dragged you away.
"wait!" tom's voice called out to you and you stopped almost immediately, blushing furiously and sending apologetic looks to a stumbling stacey before you peeked over your shoulder at tom.
"are you going to harrison's thing later?" tom asked and you nodded, grin creeping onto your face. harrison's thing was, of course, a party that took the form of him not being there, on account of it being his wedding night. someone had planned the party and had said it was by harrison, who ever so graciously took the credit for it. "see you there, then." tom's voice was light and airy and something stacey was definitely going to laugh about for the next couple of months.
"I can't believe you!" said girl ranted as the two of you walked over to the drink station. "I had said 'goodbye forever', idiot! don’t you know what that means? no, obviously not if you turned around five seconds later to talk to the guy who left you to deal with an entire nation of fucking teenage girls to deal with."
you grimaced as you sipped on a glass of spiked punch (because of course harrison would do that at his wedding) , rembering the blood, sweat and tears you had shed trying to clear your name after being called 'holland's harlet' by too many media outlets too many times, "it wasn’t that bad." you weakly defended yoursled, giggling at the look stacey shot you.
"not that bad? bitch, you told kate garraway  that you lost your virginity in an abandoned office building to tom holland when you were fifteen." stacey shot at you and you groaned, head rooping onto your shoulder.
"don’t remind me of that, I think I might be traumatized." you moaned.
"you're not in a wheelchair, shut up."
"mate, I said traumatized, not petrified."
and so you and stacey laughed the wedding away, the one braincell the two of you shared gifted to tonya as a wedding present, hopefully welcomed with opened arms by the hundreds she had. neither of you realized that, indeed, you were not petrified nor traumatized nor paralyzed, just a little girl in too-big a body who didn't know how to keep her mouth shut on live news stations.
  there were no proper chip shops in your town; no crunchy, perfectly salted chips and crunchy battered cod in a blue trimmed shop owned by a nice, big man called chris who would give you an extra half-a-sausage if you sent him a toothy grin. no. there was, however, one chinese shop that had evolved into selling soggy, too-salty chips and battered sausages that were too batter-y to be called sausages. you supposed it was why they also sold the greasy, slightly too expensive for what they were, simple chinese dishes.
the shop was a two and half minutes walk from your house, and you had to cross a big two-laner and a small not-dirt-but-also-not-quite-tarmac road to get to where it was, next to a tesco express. tonight however, after harrison's wedding and the after-party and the stupid amount of alcohol you had drunk, the route took the better half of ten minutes.
you stumbled arm-in-arm with stacey, hand drunkenly tugging down the (way too bright) neon green dress that made you look like a highlighter under the street lights, but a glow stick that attracted men like moths to a light in the dark. stacey was barefoot, bar a pair of little ankle socks, and was moaning about something she stood on every couple seconds. behind you were myra and mia, the remaining two girls that completed you and stacey. they too were stumbling and giggling and whenever you glanced back, the vodka bottle (vodka and cherryade, as you kept being reminded) myra held glinted under the moon's yellow glow. leading the pack was tom, harry and sam, who's voices were loud and deep in the night air.
the seven of you had migrated back to your house around 1am, quickly becoming hungry for a good (or, rather, bad) chinese 'n' chippy. the said shop was a mere few metres away and mia was making a mental list of drinks and other snacks to get from the tescos, eyebrows furrowed and mouthing items silently as she entered the bright shop. tom and sam had taken it upon themselves to go into the shop, and you sat down on a bench with stacey.
"should I get a t'too?" she slurred, head dropping onto your shoulder.
you shook your head and stacey's answering grumble filled your ear. "just cause yours turned out shit."
"hey!" you defended loudly. "I was just a widdle baby."
"old enough to sleep with tommo." stacey giggled in your ear and you hit her leg.
"is that all you're going to talk about tonight?"
"no." stacey said and you could see the lie immediately through dizziness in your eyes. "why don't you just, I dunno, bang him again?"
"because.. im a smartie now. sex is a no-no." the words came out of you mouth and fitted together into a jigsaw set nobody could work out.
"riiight." stacey giggled again, the alcohol on her breath mingling in the air. out of the corner of your eye, you saw a flash go off just as the boys exited the shop, arms laden with bags of food. a cheer resonated through the five of you, mia wooping in delight, plastic bag crunkling on her arm.
  stacey laughed at something mia said, the noise bouncing around your lounge. you were lounged on a sofa with tom, cold toes pushed underneath his thigh, his warmth seeping into your skin, your bones, your soul. myra was pouring yet another round of shots and you groaned. your house stunk of smoke and liquor, and you weren't looking forward to when you'd have to clean it.
tom's face was lit up by your yellow toned lights, his eyes just as red as the pink of his lips, head resting against the sofa and smile etched so deep onto his face it relaxed your soul just seeing it. his hand was trailing up and down the inside of your calf, and you shuddered whenever his fingers brushed the small tattoo on your ankle.
you tore your gaze away from him when mia pushed the plastic cup of red currant rum into your left hand, the shot glass of vodka cold against your right. you rolled your at her, sloshing both back with a slight grimace, throat sore from the burn of vodka.
"yn,yn,yn." tom said in a singsong, eyes so warm and so inviting as he looked at you. an emotion flickered in them and his hand stopped and held your knee, banging it against the other one. "love you."
the quiet words traveled through the air and right into your heart, starting up all the blood and flowing right down to the tips of your fingers and your toes. "yeah?" you murmured.
he nodded forcefully, with a look that made him seem so young, like an adamant toddler, "yep! you're my bestest friend."
the warmth in your blood dissipated, even as he pulled you into his once so familiar lap, rubbing his head into your hair. it floated around you, buzzing like a flock of bees. mia had her phone out and was taking a video of the room, and you smiled as the camera panned over you, trying not to look like your heart had just been ripped out by superman.
  the next day was surprisingly cold, a light drizzle waking you up in the morning. you were in your bed, wrapped up in the warmth, stacey snoring next to you, stabbing your head like a knife with every exhale. you groaned, hand mushing across your face. mia's small figure appeared in the doorway, sending you a weak smile and pointing at your dresser, where a cup of water and a pack of head medicine lay. her face was worried and you frowned after popping two pills.
"don’t, um, don’t be mad at me. please." her voice was quiet as she padded into the room, her feet slippered in a pair of old superman slippers you had had in the cupboard. sitting on the edge of the bed, mia shoved her phone in your face gently, and it took your eyes a couple seconds to adjust to what was on the screen.
"what the fuck." you muttered, taking the phone from her. an article was pulled up, 'does holland have the hots…again?'. a few dark photos were scattered throughout text as you skimmed it, of you and him at the wedding, the chip shop, and a few screenshots of you in his lap.
"I deleted the video as soon I could, I didn't know they would be looking at my profile." mia hurried. "im so sorry, I didn’t mean-"
"it's fine, it's fine." you shushed her as stacey stirred next to you. "is he still here?"
mia nodded and you sighed in relief. "'kay, cool."
somewhere in the back of your head was furious at mia, at you, the emotion hidden in a dusty corner in a box of suppressed memories you only dug out when you were feeling extra sad. you had learnt, after the horrible aftermath of the last set of photos, that caring made things much, much worse.
you could still feel where he and trailed his fingers up and down your calf, the action so careless.
  breakfast was a quiet affair, the sounds of scraping knifes and forks digging into everyone's heads. the dread of a hangover hung in the air, weighing down every shoulder in the house. tom had, indeed, left, a mere twenty minutes after you woke up. the lack of his presence, as well as his brothers',  was an unspoken thing, however much you could feel stacey twitching beside you.
you were eating off the plates your mum had bought you when you moved into your house, their edges striped blue and white, just like the perfect chip shop that was somewhere in your head.
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shieldsecretbase · 5 years
All The Right Moves - peter parker x stark!reader
[part seven] - leave the oldies
words: 841
summary: After deciding you needed to get away from your home town and everything you know, you move in with your uncle. Who also happened to be Tony Stark. Through him, you meet Peter Parker and a blooming friendship forms. Will your life be better with the Avengers? Or will the danger be too much for you?
warning: swearing I think?
A/N: sorry I haven’t posted in a hot minute! a girl has been going through it. but here it issss. I'm sorry it’s short and probably not the best but I hope you guys enjoy and hopefully I’ll be back with a regular posting schedule 
When you had texted Thor saying you ‘hurt’ Peter you hadn’t expected him to literally come down and throw Peter over his shoulder. You and Bucky had burst out laughing, trying to contain it when Peter glared at you. He looked like a puppy and that caused you to burst you laughing, hiding behind Bucky as Peter tried to shoot a web at you. What an unfair advantage. 
 “Hey, don’t you get that sticky shit on us,” Bucky yelled at the kid, his laugh making him seem less menacing. 
 “Thor, let him down, he’s okay,” you chuckled, a grin plastered on your face as you saw Thor nod and literally drop Peter onto the mat. Once again you and Bucky were doubled over as you burst into a fit of laughter. Oh, you two were going to be dangerous. 
 Groaning, Peter rubbed the back of his head. “That was unnecessary,” he muttered, standing up and cracking his back. Glaring at you and Bucky, the two of you looked away innocently. “Thanks so much for the help guys.”
“Oh your absolutely welcome,” you giggled and walked over to Peter. Patting his back you smirked. “I didn’t hurt you too much did I?”
“Just my dignity,” Peter muttered but was quick to bounce back. “Impressive fighting skills.”
With a simple shrug, you grabbed your water. “What can I say, Uncle Tony always wanted me to be prepared.”
“Prepared enough to crush a spider,” Bucky commented, earning a punch in the side from Nat. You simply rolled your eyes and shook your head.
“Now now children, Peter was just taken off guard. But even if he did know, it would only prolong the inevitable. I would have still crushed him,” you noted, a smirk on your lips as you took another sip of water.
“Hey!” Peter shouted, narrowing his eyes. “I could win if I want.”
“Oh don’t make me laugh,” Bucky retorted, smirk still on his face. 
 “I’ll kick your ass Barnes, leave the kids alone,” Nat threatened with narrowed eyes.
“How did your guy's workout turn into arguing about the kids?” Sam asked as he walked into the gym. “I mean hell, Steve is the only one doing anything and he’s laughing on the treadmill.”
You shook your head, the small smile never leaving your lips. How were the strongest people alive this ridiculous? Hell, you can’t remember the last time you’ve laughed this much and since the incident that caused you to move, you haven’t been genuinely happy until then. 
 “But hey YN, are you don’t have any powers or anything?” Steve asked, slowing his run on the treadmill to a walk to cool down. 
 You thought about it for a moment but only shook your head and sat on a bench. “Pretty sure I’m one hundred percent powerless.”
“Damn and you were able to beat someone with inhuman strength. That doesn’t happen very often,” Nat spoke, warming up with Bucky for their sparing match.
“I was taking it easy on her, I didn’t want to hurt her,” Peter tried to cover up, his dignity already hurting enough.
Shrugging, you walked over to Peter. “It doesn’t matter now. Come on, let’s go wash up and leave the oldies to their workout.”
“Hey!” you heard some of them shout, you and Peter laughing as you left the room before any of them could come after you. 
 “Movie at my place?” Peter asked, walking up the steps to get to the main floor. 
 “Thought you’d never ask. Just let me go shower and change. You can hang in my room until I’m done.” Peter only nodded, a blush forming as he followed her upstairs and sat on her bed. 
 Once you were done and the two of you made it to Peter’s, you laid on his bed, laptop resting on your stomach as you idly scrolled through Netflix to find a movie. Peter was in the shower, cleaning up from their workout. You couldn’t help but recount your walk over. Something was off and you had felt a pair of eyes on you the entire walk. Pushing it to the side, you clicked on a movie and paused it as the water stopped and Peter emerged in sweatpants and a t-shirt moments later. 
 “Ned and MJ are coming over later to watch a movie and study for that test with us,” you called as a greeting, pushing the laptop away. 
 “If they’re coming over can we take a nap?” Peter asked, grabbing his phone and crawling into bed beside you.
Closing the laptop, you placed it on the bedside table. “That sounds like a way better plan.”
Peter chuckled and wrapped the blanket around them. Settling into the bed, your phone went off as a text came in. Frowning, you grabbed it and read the text message. Your heart stopped for a moment and you froze. 
“Everything okay?” Peter asked, lookin over at you worriedly. 
 “Huh? Yeah yeah, I’m good.” Turning your phone off, you ignored the message and curled up beside Peter. 
tag list: @holland-underoos @fangirlingisajob @viarogers @cubedtriangle @captainstartights @maraudingmaraudeers @hawkxyes @witchyandkin @cautiouscalum @izabellah816 @vinerlover @polishpotterhead @can-i-fangirl-yet @adorluvr @queenmxndes @freddies-fried-chicken @isabella-bby @poorguys-head @sweetboitom @melymarvelgeek @princessizzy36 @marvelouslymedicated @imsuperawkward @marigoldstudy @leo-is-ma-man @multifandomwriter121 @nowheredreamer @gayguysayswhat @stuckonpeterparker @lala-florez @fandoms-all-around-catiel @jesus-jagiya @peter-spider-parker-man @theresultofcaffiene @nerdypartytrashpsychic @luvelyjjk @queenofthearchitect @savedbystark @psycho-on-thephone @samthesnoop @littlelunaticfringe @highfantasymath @marvelousmarauderstrash @rock-androllmadonna @deanismypie0876 @rororo06 @quicksilverandspiderlokipokidoki 
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