#sam rossi x ofc
lightblindingme · 1 year
Quick question: is anyone still reading Shane fics?
I used to write a lot for him, but it's been years since I wrote anything related to Shane and I see that reader's feedback has dwindled. I still love the character and would love to come back to him and my unfinished Shane stories as well as possible one shot.
I'm also thinking about bringing back Send a Pic, Get a Fic prompt series if there's interest...
What's Send a Pic, Get a Fic prompt series? - basically what the name says. You send me a pic and a character you would like the fic to be about, and I use the pic you sent as inspo. I wrote fics for Jon Bernthal characters such as Shane, Frank Castle, and Sam Rossi.
my Shane x OFC fics :
My Forever is Yours series
The Sun Will Rise (With My Name on Your Lips)
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myinconnelly1 · 3 years
5 Men and a Baby: Pt 12 Good Intentions
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Rating : explicit for the series A/N: This is a Supernatural, Psych, and Criminal Minds crossover, so hold on to the reigns as it gets crazy Warnings: mentions of previous smut. Summary: A case in Santa Barbara gets some special attention from several highly trained investigators as it rolls into the ER on a gurney. Word Count: 783
Reid sat in Chief Vicks’ office with three books open and not reading any of them.  Rossi had told him to cool off, while he smoothed things over with the agent that Reid had punched.  His hand hurt, his mind was racing, and the pain he felt in his heart drowned all of that out.
Gia had been a great girlfriend.  She was understanding of Reid’s crazy schedule and didn’t ask a lot of questions about his work.  He didn’t want to bring those horrors home and she felt the same way about what she saw at the hospital.  They had been living next door to each other for a little while before he had started hunting Thomas, and Reid felt they were pretty serious.  But as he saw his luck with women, something horrible at work bled over into his normal life and Gia had been hurt.
He hadn’t been fast enough to get Thomas when he had attacked Gia.  And Gia had to go over horrific encounter with two men who had broken into her apartment shortly thereafter.  He had read the report several times coldly and distant from the connection he shared with the woman he’d needed to think of as the victim.  Reid had tried to convince her to move in with him, but she said she needed to get away from D.C. for a while and she had packed her things up and moved away.  It had been startling to walk into the Santa Barbara Hospital and find her guarding the ICU.  She looked well.  Healthy and all things considered happy.
“I’ve got some ice for your hand,” Juliet O’Hara said kindly as she came into the office and drew Reid out of his thoughts.
“Thanks,” He said half-heartedly as he took the small baggie.
“Wanna talk about it?” she offered as she sat next to him.
“I’ve never really hit someone on the same side of the law as me,” He chuckled ruefully.  “But he just admitted to doing something awful and I really just lost my cool.  Did Rossi get things settled down?”  Spencer grimaced as he realized he was still going to need to come out of this room and deal with Sam and Dean.
“I think so.  Sam and Dean seemed to understand where you were coming from and just didn’t want to make a big deal about it.”  Juliet said.  “This Thomas guy must be really bad to have all four of you FBI guys after him.  Why does he think he is a witch?”
“He uses a mixture of drugs and other things create the perfect scenarios with his victims and this power mixed with his delusions has given him this superiority complex.”  Reid explained.
“Well how does Gia and her baby fit into this?”  Jules asked then covered her mouth and stared wide eyed at Reid.  Spencer looked like he had been struck by lightning before he stood and jogged out the office to find Rossi.
“I know why things changed for him in D.C.  Why he seemed to follow Gia,”  Reid said as he found the older man.  Dean and Sam were nearby and leaned into hear the information.
“Gia’s pregnant.  I think that Thomas might think the baby is his in some kind of sick way.  Like she conceived the child while in the throes of his spell.  I think he might actually be angry about this.  Which is why he’s escalated,”  Reid said in a rush.
“He might be impotent,”  Rossi nodded thinking it through.
“Wait, Gia’s pregnant?”  Gus asked as he and Shawn approached the group.  Shawn lifted his finger to his temple thinking about all the clues that he had seen but not really understood until the revelation was said out loud.
“Of course, Gus!  I can’t believe you stole her donut,”  Shawn said giving his friend a push.
“Can it Spencer,”  Lassiter said as he came over to join the group with Juliet in tow.  “Your witch struck again.  Whatever he is doing it’s getting bigger.  There’s three bodies downtown.”
“That’s not far from the hospital,”  Sam said looking over at Dean.
“We just left there, Gia is safe.”  Gus said, as Shawn answered his phone.
“Dad?”  Shawn asked putting the call on speaker.
“Shawn, I had to go for a cat-scan and when I came back Gia was gone.  I probably wouldn’t have thought too much about it but you got me thinking about that John Winchester guy, and there was piece of paper in my room with a drawing that I had seen from when he was at large.  I think something bad happened to your friend.”  Henry sighed heavily.
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@maliburenee @itsthebeckyzone @thoughts-and-funnies @ladywinchester1967 @lyarr24 @kickingitwithkirk @donnaintx @perfectluminarylight @deandreamernp @deangirl7695 @foxyjwls007 @spnbaby-67 @akshi8278 @snffbeebee @woodworthti666​ @mrswhozeewhatsis​
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darlingshane · 2 years
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💖
Okay, in no particular order:
Banana Split (Swaino x f!reader) - This is very poorly executed but it brought me so much joy when I wrote it that to me it's a masterpiece. And I have an idea for a sequel already.
The Breadth Of An Ocean (The Mute x f!reader) - I think this one of my favorite stories I've ever came up with.
Aiming in the Dark (Shane Walsh x OFC) - This fic is actually a mess, at least the first 15 chapters or so, but Shane & Olivia are my babies and I love writing for them.
Unbounded Series (Frank Castle x f!reader) - For purely thirsty reasons. This was way out of my comfort zone when I started working on it. I loved diving into it and figuring out how to write something that was safe and respectful to both- reader and Frank.
Morning Dew (Sam Rossi x f!reader) - I left Sam for the end cause I'm very fond of those new pieces I've shared recently and I didn't know which one to chose. I went with this one cause it's very different from everything that I've ever written and I loved the backstory that I created in my head.
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roguesandsaviors · 4 years
Cozy Holidays
Fandom: Sweet Virginia
Characters: Sam Rossi, Madison (OFC)
Pairing: Sam x Madison (OFC)
Summary: The holidays are approaching. Sam and Madison spent some time together in a snow storm.
Word Count: 1,540
Rating: SFW
Warning: None
A/N: A fluffy, short idea that popped into my head after seeing someone post Chris Evan’s instagram post today. Mistakes are all my own as it is un-beta’ed. Hope everyone enjoys.
The loud whistle of wind echoed through the house, the storm not letting itself go unknown. There was a blanket of a white outside, surely a few feet by now. It had been coming down hard for a couple hours now, well before they had woken up. It was the first major snow storm of the season and it was a good one. Thankfully, neither of them had to be outside. The plows would come by soon enough, at least clearing the roadway so Sam could go and check on the motel. He was sure everything was fine and the new hire was young enough to be clearing the lot once the trucks had been through. 
Moving away from the window and the chill that was seeping through the edges, Sam moved towards the living room. The room was significantly warmer than the back room, the fireplace crackling and cracking as the wood burned. It could still be heard over the soft sounds of the Christmas movie on the TV. The flickering lights of the small Christmas tree played off the window and the television from the angle he was standing at. They had only put it up yesterday, Sam having felt unsure about it to begin with. Madison had ultimately convinced him, having gone out and bought them ornaments and lights. The entire act of setting it up and decorating it had been more enjoyable than expected, helping to put him more in the holiday mood. 
The scene in front of him was enough to put a smile on his face and make him pause just behind the couch. He always didn't want to ruin the peace. He soaked the second in, enjoying it from the outside, which was fine by him. This whole thing was something that he thought he would never have again. Then Madison came into his life, quietly at first. It certainly had not felt like anything like this would happen. He had been happy to have a new friend before it had developed even further. He was a damn lucky man and he knew it.  
Slinger was the first to notice that he had come back. His head lazily lifted to look back at Sam before flopping back down again. Sometimes it amazed Sam how the dog went from the little bean that fit into his palm to the massive ball of fluff that was settled at the end of the couch. More like taking up the entire end of the couch, paws hanging off the edge and looking rather comfortable. It hadn't taken long for Slinger to take the space that Sam had abandoned when he had gotten up. 
"Hey boy," he murmured and reached out to give the dog a pat before moving around to figure out where he could get himself back onto the couch. Madison laughed as she realized he had come back and shifted into a seated position. "We need to get a bigger couch," Sam grumbled. It was a thought, though they would need a massive one to be able to fit both of them and Slinger onto it.
"Slinger, off." She motioned for the dog to head over to the love-seat. Sam stood there and watched as Slinger lifted his head like he was being disturbed with the greatest of inconveniences. Madison rarely had to repeat any commands to their boy and Sam waited to see if Slinger would listen.The dog huffed, which was enough to get Sam to laugh before listening to her. Slowly, he pushed up and made a show of stretching out as he slid from the couch and padded over to the love-seat. "We could just get him his own couch," Madison offered up in a tease, turning her attention to him and away from the movie.
"He has that in the love-seat. It's practically his." Which was the truth. Slinger, at nearly one hundred and fifty pounds and almost three feet tall, took up the entirety of the smaller piece of furniture. The only thing that saved it was the blanket that lived over it, protecting the fabric from the dog's hair. That was more for the sake of not having to clean it daily more than anything else. They had learned their lesson earlier on with that. 
Sam settled down beside her, the blanket that he had gotten up to retrieve shaken over and wrapped around the both of them after a second. It was cozy and Sam didn't have a worry in the world outside keeping the both of them comfortable. "He's spoiled enough already. At least we can all relax on a bigger couch." Madison grinned as she turned to look at him. 
"You're a big softie, you know that?" Her hand came up to rub his cheek, scratching lightly at the beard that she had convinced him to trim down just a bit, finally. More of a clean up. He hummed in appreciation of the additional soft touch. 
"I think everyone knows that at this point." She laughed and leaned up to kiss his chin. "I just have to live with it." 
"Well, I for one don't see a problem with it and I know for a fact that Slinger doesn't either." He wrapped an arm around her and pulled her in a little closer. Kissing the side of her head, his eyes focused on the television. 
"What are you watching?" Sam didn't recognize what was on the television. Then again, it had been some time since he had even bothered watching a Christmas film. It was an older one, black and white pictures playing across the screen. 
"It Happened on 5th Avenue." She settled against his chest as they both moved with a practiced ease. With a few shifts, Sam had his back pressed to the arm of the couch with Madison resting between his legs,her back against his chest. His arms wrapped around her waist, holding her close. Her hands moved to his bad leg and worked softly, massaging the sore muscles. He relaxed more, appreciating the gesture as always. She knew just how to press to give him some relief. 
"I don't think I've ever seen it," he hummed softly. 
"It's one of the more underrated Christmas movies. Everyone knows It's a Wonderful Life and Miracle on 34th Street. But this one fits right up there with them in my opinion. I almost put on The Grinch but thought that maybe something a little more adult was appropriate." Sam laughed. 
"Hmm, maybe we will have to watch that next then. I at least know it." It was silly but neither of them had to worry about that with each other. Watching cartoons was even more acceptable at Christmas time. "Slinger might appreciate getting to watch Max work. Could give him ideas so he isn't such a couch potato. He is meant to pull a sleigh after all." She laughed with him this time, turning her head to look at the dog in question.
"You leave our boy alone. He's perfect just the way that he is." Still chuckling, Sam kissed the back of her head. Our boy. Every time she said that, it echoed in his head. This time of year always reminded of children. With the marketing how could it not? Madison saying that just made those thoughts circle his head again. It probably wasn't a smart idea, something he had to remind himself. Not with his health. 
"Fine, you're right." His presence was enough to keep the house safe and that was perfectly fine by Sam. He really didn't mind the dog being lazy. It made life easier on him than to have the giant fur ball be crazy and overactive. "He is perfect. And we have you to thank for that." 
"You're the one that worked with him as a pup, handling him and socializing him."
"I had your help and Maggie's," he reminded her. Madison couldn't argue that, though she had the rest of the litter to worry about. She kept them until they were weaned off the bottle. Maggie had taken one, Sam had kept Slinger and the other two had found homes within the community. Helping Sam with Slinger had brought her closer to the man, allowing the relationship to develop. 
"Maybe but that doesn't mean that you didn't do the majority of it. He was around you more than anyone else." It had been adorable to see Sam carry the pup around until he couldn't. From there, Slinger was practically attached to his side. Thankfully the pup had been a quick learner and an excellent listener given that they were still at the motel at that point. 
"Yet somehow, he is definitely a momma's boy," he teased. 
"I can't really argue that."
"Nah, you can't. But that's okay. I can't blame him for it." He gave her waist a small squeeze. He was in the same position after all and it was not something that he could complain about. 
Here, in the peace of the house, with the warmth from the fire, and the comfort of Madison against him, Sam felt truly content for the holiday season. It was simple but it was just what they needed.  
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ao3feed-crowley · 7 years
Little Black Book of Love
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2uN2vxo
by Hayzkid
Snippets of your life with the one you love.
WILL INCLUDE: Avengers. - MCU Daredevil. Deadpool. X-men. Flash. Arrow. Supernatural. NCIS. (All spin-offs) CSI (All spin-offs) Criminal minds. LOTR / The Hobbit. Ghost Adventure. Twilight. Transformers. Elementary. Doctor Who. Hawaii 5-0 Jurrasic World. Star Wars. Celebrities. (Actors, singers.)
Words: 371, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Avengers, Marvel, DC - Fandom, Supernatural, NCIS, CSI, Criminal Minds, lotr - Fandom, Ghost Adventures, Twilight, Transformers, Elementary (TV), Doctor Who, Hawaii Five-0 (2010), Jurassic World (2015), Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens (2015), Celebrities - Fandom, Actors - Fandom, Singers, daredevil - Fandom, Deadpool - Fandom, X-Men (Movieverse), Flash - Fandom, Arrow - Fandom
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Reader, Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Wade Wilson, Steve Rogers, Clint Barton, James "Bucky" Barnes, Pietro Maximoff, Vision, T'Challa, Phil Coulson, Loki, Peter Parker, Scott Lang, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Matt Murdock, Logan (X-Men), Charles Xavier, Oliver Queen, Barry Allen, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural), Gabriel (Supernatural), Michael (Supernatural), Balthazar (Supernatural), Crowley (Supernatural), Chuck Shurley, Benny Lafitte, Anthony DiNozzo, Jethro Gibbs, G Callen, Dwayne "King" Pride, Christopher LaSalle, Mac Taylor, Don Flack, Nick Stokes, Greg Sanders, Horatio Caine, Elijah Mundo, Aaron Hotchner, Derek Morgan, David Rossi, Legolas Greenleaf, Thranduil (Tolkien), Aragorn I, Smaug (Tolkien), Zak Bagans, Carlisle Cullen, Emmett Cullen, Jasper Hale, Jacob Black, Seth Clearwater, Paul Lahote, William Lennox, Optimus Prime, Ironhide (Transformers), Jazz (Transformers), Bumblebee (Transformers), Ratchet (Transformers), Sideswipe (Transformers), Sunstreaker (Transformers), Sherlock Holmes, Marcus Bell, The Doctor (Doctor Who), Steve McGarrett, Owen Grady, Poe Dameron, Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Misha Collins, Tom Hiddleston, Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans (Actor), Sebastian Stan, Tom Holland, Benedict Cumberbatch, Grant Gustin, Alex O'Loughlin, Chad Kroeger
Relationships: Tony Stark/Reader, Bruce Banner/Reader, Sam Wilson/Reader, Steve Rogers/Reader, Clint Barton/Reader, James "Bucky" Barnes/Reader, Pietro Maximoff/Reader, Vision/Reader, T'Challa/Reader, Phil Coulson/Reader, Loki/Reader, Peter Parker/Wade Wilson, Scott Lang/Reader, James "Rhodey" Rhodes/Reader, Matt Murdock/Reader, Wade Wilson/Reader, Logan (X-Men)/Reader, Charles Xavier/Reader, Oliver Queen/Reader, Barry Allen/Reader, Sam Winchester/Reader, Dean Winchester/Reader, Castiel/Reader, Michael/Reader, Gabriel/Reader, Balthazar/reader, Crowley/Reader, Chuck/Reader, Benny Lafitte/reader, Anthony DiNozzo/Reader, Jethro Gibbs/Reader, G Callen/Reader, Dwayne 'King' Pride/Reader, Christopher LaSalle/Reader, Mac Taylor/Reader, Don Flack/Reader, Nick Stokes/Reader, Greg Sanders/Reader, Horatio Caine/Reader, Elijah Mundo/Reader, Aaron Hotchner/Reader, Derek Morgan/Reader, David Rossi/Reader, Legolas Greenleaf/Reader, Thranduil/Reader, Aragorn/Reader, Smaug/reader, Zak Bagans/Reader, Carlisle Cullen/Reader, Emmett Cullen/Reader, jasper hale/reader, Jacob Black/Reader, Seth Clearwater/Reader, Paul Lahote/Reader, William Lennox/Reader, Optimus Prime/Reader, Ironhide/reader, Ratchet/Reader, Bumblebee/Reader, Sunstreaker/Reader, Sideswipe/Reader, Sunstreaker/Reader/Sideswipe, Jazz/Reader, Sherlock Holmes/Reader, Marcus Bell/Reader, The Doctor (Doctor Who)/Reader, Steve McGarrett/Reader, Owen Grady/Reader, Poe Dameron/Reader, Jared Padalecki/Reader, Jensen Ackles/Reader, Misha Collins/Reader, Tom Hiddleston/Reader, Robert Downey Jr./Reader, Chris Evans (Actor)/Reader, Sebastian Stan/Reader, Tom Holland/Reader, Benedict Cumberbatch/Reader, Grant Gustin/Reader, Alex O'loughlin/Reader, Chad Kroeger/Reader
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2uN2vxo
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ao3feed-castiel · 7 years
Little Black Book of Love
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2uN2vxo
by Hayzkid
Snippets of your life with the one you love.
WILL INCLUDE: Avengers. - MCU Daredevil. Deadpool. X-men. Flash. Arrow. Supernatural. NCIS. (All spin-offs) CSI (All spin-offs) Criminal minds. LOTR / The Hobbit. Ghost Adventure. Twilight. Transformers. Elementary. Doctor Who. Hawaii 5-0 Jurrasic World. Star Wars. Celebrities. (Actors, singers.)
Words: 371, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Avengers, Marvel, DC - Fandom, Supernatural, NCIS, CSI, Criminal Minds, lotr - Fandom, Ghost Adventures, Twilight, Transformers, Elementary (TV), Doctor Who, Hawaii Five-0 (2010), Jurassic World (2015), Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens (2015), Celebrities - Fandom, Actors - Fandom, Singers, daredevil - Fandom, Deadpool - Fandom, X-Men (Movieverse), Flash - Fandom, Arrow - Fandom
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Reader, Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Wade Wilson, Steve Rogers, Clint Barton, James "Bucky" Barnes, Pietro Maximoff, Vision, T'Challa, Phil Coulson, Loki, Peter Parker, Scott Lang, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Matt Murdock, Logan (X-Men), Charles Xavier, Oliver Queen, Barry Allen, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural), Gabriel (Supernatural), Michael (Supernatural), Balthazar (Supernatural), Crowley (Supernatural), Chuck Shurley, Benny Lafitte, Anthony DiNozzo, Jethro Gibbs, G Callen, Dwayne "King" Pride, Christopher LaSalle, Mac Taylor, Don Flack, Nick Stokes, Greg Sanders, Horatio Caine, Elijah Mundo, Aaron Hotchner, Derek Morgan, David Rossi, Legolas Greenleaf, Thranduil (Tolkien), Aragorn I, Smaug (Tolkien), Zak Bagans, Carlisle Cullen, Emmett Cullen, Jasper Hale, Jacob Black, Seth Clearwater, Paul Lahote, William Lennox, Optimus Prime, Ironhide (Transformers), Jazz (Transformers), Bumblebee (Transformers), Ratchet (Transformers), Sideswipe (Transformers), Sunstreaker (Transformers), Sherlock Holmes, Marcus Bell, The Doctor (Doctor Who), Steve McGarrett, Owen Grady, Poe Dameron, Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Misha Collins, Tom Hiddleston, Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans (Actor), Sebastian Stan, Tom Holland, Benedict Cumberbatch, Grant Gustin, Alex O'Loughlin, Chad Kroeger
Relationships: Tony Stark/Reader, Bruce Banner/Reader, Sam Wilson/Reader, Steve Rogers/Reader, Clint Barton/Reader, James "Bucky" Barnes/Reader, Pietro Maximoff/Reader, Vision/Reader, T'Challa/Reader, Phil Coulson/Reader, Loki/Reader, Peter Parker/Wade Wilson, Scott Lang/Reader, James "Rhodey" Rhodes/Reader, Matt Murdock/Reader, Wade Wilson/Reader, Logan (X-Men)/Reader, Charles Xavier/Reader, Oliver Queen/Reader, Barry Allen/Reader, Sam Winchester/Reader, Dean Winchester/Reader, Castiel/Reader, Michael/Reader, Gabriel/Reader, Balthazar/reader, Crowley/Reader, Chuck/Reader, Benny Lafitte/reader, Anthony DiNozzo/Reader, Jethro Gibbs/Reader, G Callen/Reader, Dwayne 'King' Pride/Reader, Christopher LaSalle/Reader, Mac Taylor/Reader, Don Flack/Reader, Nick Stokes/Reader, Greg Sanders/Reader, Horatio Caine/Reader, Elijah Mundo/Reader, Aaron Hotchner/Reader, Derek Morgan/Reader, David Rossi/Reader, Legolas Greenleaf/Reader, Thranduil/Reader, Aragorn/Reader, Smaug/reader, Zak Bagans/Reader, Carlisle Cullen/Reader, Emmett Cullen/Reader, jasper hale/reader, Jacob Black/Reader, Seth Clearwater/Reader, Paul Lahote/Reader, William Lennox/Reader, Optimus Prime/Reader, Ironhide/reader, Ratchet/Reader, Bumblebee/Reader, Sunstreaker/Reader, Sideswipe/Reader, Sunstreaker/Reader/Sideswipe, Jazz/Reader, Sherlock Holmes/Reader, Marcus Bell/Reader, The Doctor (Doctor Who)/Reader, Steve McGarrett/Reader, Owen Grady/Reader, Poe Dameron/Reader, Jared Padalecki/Reader, Jensen Ackles/Reader, Misha Collins/Reader, Tom Hiddleston/Reader, Robert Downey Jr./Reader, Chris Evans (Actor)/Reader, Sebastian Stan/Reader, Tom Holland/Reader, Benedict Cumberbatch/Reader, Grant Gustin/Reader, Alex O'loughlin/Reader, Chad Kroeger/Reader
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2uN2vxo
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ao3feed-ncis · 7 years
Little Black Book of Love
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2uN2vxo
by Hayzkid
Snippets of your life with the one you love.
WILL INCLUDE: Avengers. - MCU Daredevil. Deadpool. X-men. Flash. Arrow. Supernatural. NCIS. (All spin-offs) CSI (All spin-offs) Criminal minds. LOTR / The Hobbit. Ghost Adventure. Twilight. Transformers. Elementary. Doctor Who. Hawaii 5-0 Jurrasic World. Star Wars. Celebrities. (Actors, singers.)
Words: 371, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Avengers, Marvel, DC - Fandom, Supernatural, NCIS, CSI, Criminal Minds, lotr - Fandom, Ghost Adventures, Twilight, Transformers, Elementary (TV), Doctor Who, Hawaii Five-0 (2010), Jurassic World (2015), Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens (2015), Celebrities - Fandom, Actors - Fandom, Singers, daredevil - Fandom, Deadpool - Fandom, X-Men (Movieverse), Flash - Fandom, Arrow - Fandom
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Reader, Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Wade Wilson, Steve Rogers, Clint Barton, James "Bucky" Barnes, Pietro Maximoff, Vision, T'Challa, Phil Coulson, Loki, Peter Parker, Scott Lang, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Matt Murdock, Logan (X-Men), Charles Xavier, Oliver Queen, Barry Allen, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural), Gabriel (Supernatural), Michael (Supernatural), Balthazar (Supernatural), Crowley (Supernatural), Chuck Shurley, Benny Lafitte, Anthony DiNozzo, Jethro Gibbs, G Callen, Dwayne "King" Pride, Christopher LaSalle, Mac Taylor, Don Flack, Nick Stokes, Greg Sanders, Horatio Caine, Elijah Mundo, Aaron Hotchner, Derek Morgan, David Rossi, Legolas Greenleaf, Thranduil (Tolkien), Aragorn I, Smaug (Tolkien), Zak Bagans, Carlisle Cullen, Emmett Cullen, Jasper Hale, Jacob Black, Seth Clearwater, Paul Lahote, William Lennox, Optimus Prime, Ironhide (Transformers), Jazz (Transformers), Bumblebee (Transformers), Ratchet (Transformers), Sideswipe (Transformers), Sunstreaker (Transformers), Sherlock Holmes, Marcus Bell, The Doctor (Doctor Who), Steve McGarrett, Owen Grady, Poe Dameron, Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Misha Collins, Tom Hiddleston, Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans (Actor), Sebastian Stan, Tom Holland, Benedict Cumberbatch, Grant Gustin, Alex O'Loughlin, Chad Kroeger
Relationships: Tony Stark/Reader, Bruce Banner/Reader, Sam Wilson/Reader, Steve Rogers/Reader, Clint Barton/Reader, James "Bucky" Barnes/Reader, Pietro Maximoff/Reader, Vision/Reader, T'Challa/Reader, Phil Coulson/Reader, Loki/Reader, Peter Parker/Wade Wilson, Scott Lang/Reader, James "Rhodey" Rhodes/Reader, Matt Murdock/Reader, Wade Wilson/Reader, Logan (X-Men)/Reader, Charles Xavier/Reader, Oliver Queen/Reader, Barry Allen/Reader, Sam Winchester/Reader, Dean Winchester/Reader, Castiel/Reader, Michael/Reader, Gabriel/Reader, Balthazar/reader, Crowley/Reader, Chuck/Reader, Benny Lafitte/reader, Anthony DiNozzo/Reader, Jethro Gibbs/Reader, G Callen/Reader, Dwayne 'King' Pride/Reader, Christopher LaSalle/Reader, Mac Taylor/Reader, Don Flack/Reader, Nick Stokes/Reader, Greg Sanders/Reader, Horatio Caine/Reader, Elijah Mundo/Reader, Aaron Hotchner/Reader, Derek Morgan/Reader, David Rossi/Reader, Legolas Greenleaf/Reader, Thranduil/Reader, Aragorn/Reader, Smaug/reader, Zak Bagans/Reader, Carlisle Cullen/Reader, Emmett Cullen/Reader, jasper hale/reader, Jacob Black/Reader, Seth Clearwater/Reader, Paul Lahote/Reader, William Lennox/Reader, Optimus Prime/Reader, Ironhide/reader, Ratchet/Reader, Bumblebee/Reader, Sunstreaker/Reader, Sideswipe/Reader, Sunstreaker/Reader/Sideswipe, Jazz/Reader, Sherlock Holmes/Reader, Marcus Bell/Reader, The Doctor (Doctor Who)/Reader, Steve McGarrett/Reader, Owen Grady/Reader, Poe Dameron/Reader, Jared Padalecki/Reader, Jensen Ackles/Reader, Misha Collins/Reader, Tom Hiddleston/Reader, Robert Downey Jr./Reader, Chris Evans (Actor)/Reader, Sebastian Stan/Reader, Tom Holland/Reader, Benedict Cumberbatch/Reader, Grant Gustin/Reader, Alex O'loughlin/Reader, Chad Kroeger/Reader
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2uN2vxo
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lightblindingme · 6 years
Hey, y’all! During the month of July I started a new concept of writing fics that's really fun and so exciting for me. I'm bringing it back in September!
The idea is this:
Basically, you send me a photo and tell me which character/couple you want me to write about and I write a fic inspired by it, ranging from 500-2000 words.
If you want your prompt to be anonymous, just let me know and I won’t tag you 😊
It can be about:
- Shane x Tess Walsh (my my original female character)
- Shane Walsh x reader
- Frank x Maria Castle
- Frank x Karen (Kastle)
- Sam Rossi x reader
- Sam Rossi x Cleo (my original female character)
- Matt Rayburn x reader
- Matt Rayburn x ofc
Note: Any distasteful pics will be ignored! 
You can check out all my works here and the fics I wrote during the previous round here
I’m planning on posting every couple of days and I’m looking forward to any and all prompts :D 
tagging: @allinourprivate-traps @kteague  @outofbluecomesgreen @frankcastlestanktop  @the-punishers-coming-for-you  @officialpunisher @lpdwillwrite4coffee @thisgirl-knm @misanthr00pe @deansdirtywhore in case you guys want to send anything though you are in no way expected to so no pressure :)
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myinconnelly1 · 4 years
5 Men and a Baby Pt 1
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Square Filled: Cross-over Rating : teen (for now) A/N: This is a Supernatural, Psych, and Criminal Minds crossover, so hold on to the reigns as it gets crazy Warnings: none for now. Summary: A case in Santa Barbara gets some special attention from several highly trained investigators as it rolls into the ER on a gurney. Word Count: 461 Created for @anyfandomgoesbingo
“You should just call him, Gia,”  Juliet said as she hugged her friend.  “It might be awkward, but it’s best to get it over with.”
“Jules!  What are you doing here?”  Shawn asked as he and Gus walked near the nurse’s station at the hospital.
“Uh, I’m seeing my friend, Gia.  What are you two doing here?”  Juliet asked as she looked at Shawn.
“And what are you doing here Gia?”  Shawn asked.
“I work here,”  Gia said looking at him curiously.  “I thought the scrubs gave it away.”
“I often wear scrubs to places I don’t work,”  Shawn said in mock seriousness.
“No you don’t, Shawn,”  Gus said waving at the two women.  “Shawn’s dad had an Appendectomy.  We’re here visiting.”
“Oh that’s nice, Gus, but this isn’t the right building,”  Gia smiled sweetly.
“See, I told you,”  Gus said crossing his arms and turning his back on his friend.
“Well there must have been some reason that I felt compelled to come to this building,”  Shawn said as he put his finger to his forehead.
“Cause you can’t read a sign,”  Gus said snarkily over his shoulder.
“I’m sensing there are donuts, or bagels, perhaps somewhere near here,”  Shawn continued ignoring his friend.
“Actually,”  Gia started, but she was interrupted as a group of nurses and doctors ran through the hospital with a man on a gurney.  Gia stepped out in front of several people who obviously didn’t work at the hospital.
“FBI,”  All of them said over the top of each other, pulling out credentials and pushing them in front of her face.
“I don’t care if you’re the grim reaper, you can’t go back into ICU unless a doctor says you can.”  She stood her ground in front of the 4 men, blocking them with a stare.  The oldest man turned and pulled out a cellphone, before walking away.
“Which department are you two with again?”  The young man in the vest asked the other two FBI agents in suits.
“Gus, just cause the feds are here doesn’t mean you can steal the girl's donuts!”  Shawn exclaimed at his friend who had picked up a blueberry crawler from her desk.
“It’s alright, it was making me sick anyway,”  Gia said looking quite pale true to her word.  “Anne, can you hold down the fort for me please,”  She called to one of her coworkers as she and Juliet walked away and to a bathroom.
“Detective Lassiter, I need to… Oh crap, why are you two here?”  Lassie asked Shawn as he got to the nurse’s station as Juliet left.
“You’re too late detective, you missed all the action,”  Shawn gloated.  “Jules’ friend stood up to the FBI.”
“FBI?”  Carlton turned around to see the three FBI agents.
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ao3feed-hawaiifive0 · 7 years
Little Black Book of Love
read it on AO3 at http://ift.tt/2uN2vxo
by Hayzkid
Snippets of your life with the one you love.
WILL INCLUDE: Avengers. - MCU Daredevil. Deadpool. X-men. Flash. Arrow. Supernatural. NCIS. (All spin-offs) CSI (All spin-offs) Criminal minds. LOTR / The Hobbit. Ghost Adventure. Twilight. Transformers. Elementary. Doctor Who. Hawaii 5-0 Jurrasic World. Star Wars. Celebrities. (Actors, singers.)
Words: 371, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Avengers, Marvel, DC - Fandom, Supernatural, NCIS, CSI, Criminal Minds, lotr - Fandom, Ghost Adventures, Twilight, Transformers, Elementary (TV), Doctor Who, Hawaii Five-0 (2010), Jurassic World (2015), Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens (2015), Celebrities - Fandom, Actors - Fandom, Singers, daredevil - Fandom, Deadpool - Fandom, X-Men (Movieverse), Flash - Fandom, Arrow - Fandom
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Reader, Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Wade Wilson, Steve Rogers, Clint Barton, James "Bucky" Barnes, Pietro Maximoff, Vision, T'Challa, Phil Coulson, Loki, Peter Parker, Scott Lang, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Matt Murdock, Logan (X-Men), Charles Xavier, Oliver Queen, Barry Allen, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural), Gabriel (Supernatural), Michael (Supernatural), Balthazar (Supernatural), Crowley (Supernatural), Chuck Shurley, Benny Lafitte, Anthony DiNozzo, Jethro Gibbs, G Callen, Dwayne "King" Pride, Christopher LaSalle, Mac Taylor, Don Flack, Nick Stokes, Greg Sanders, Horatio Caine, Elijah Mundo, Aaron Hotchner, Derek Morgan, David Rossi, Legolas Greenleaf, Thranduil (Tolkien), Aragorn I, Smaug (Tolkien), Zak Bagans, Carlisle Cullen, Emmett Cullen, Jasper Hale, Jacob Black, Seth Clearwater, Paul Lahote, William Lennox, Optimus Prime, Ironhide (Transformers), Jazz (Transformers), Bumblebee (Transformers), Ratchet (Transformers), Sideswipe (Transformers), Sunstreaker (Transformers), Sherlock Holmes, Marcus Bell, The Doctor (Doctor Who), Steve McGarrett, Owen Grady, Poe Dameron, Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Misha Collins, Tom Hiddleston, Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans (Actor), Sebastian Stan, Tom Holland, Benedict Cumberbatch, Grant Gustin, Alex O'Loughlin, Chad Kroeger
Relationships: Tony Stark/Reader, Bruce Banner/Reader, Sam Wilson/Reader, Steve Rogers/Reader, Clint Barton/Reader, James "Bucky" Barnes/Reader, Pietro Maximoff/Reader, Vision/Reader, T'Challa/Reader, Phil Coulson/Reader, Loki/Reader, Peter Parker/Wade Wilson, Scott Lang/Reader, James "Rhodey" Rhodes/Reader, Matt Murdock/Reader, Wade Wilson/Reader, Logan (X-Men)/Reader, Charles Xavier/Reader, Oliver Queen/Reader, Barry Allen/Reader, Sam Winchester/Reader, Dean Winchester/Reader, Castiel/Reader, Michael/Reader, Gabriel/Reader, Balthazar/reader, Crowley/Reader, Chuck/Reader, Benny Lafitte/reader, Anthony DiNozzo/Reader, Jethro Gibbs/Reader, G Callen/Reader, Dwayne 'King' Pride/Reader, Christopher LaSalle/Reader, Mac Taylor/Reader, Don Flack/Reader, Nick Stokes/Reader, Greg Sanders/Reader, Horatio Caine/Reader, Elijah Mundo/Reader, Aaron Hotchner/Reader, Derek Morgan/Reader, David Rossi/Reader, Legolas Greenleaf/Reader, Thranduil/Reader, Aragorn/Reader, Smaug/reader, Zak Bagans/Reader, Carlisle Cullen/Reader, Emmett Cullen/Reader, jasper hale/reader, Jacob Black/Reader, Seth Clearwater/Reader, Paul Lahote/Reader, William Lennox/Reader, Optimus Prime/Reader, Ironhide/reader, Ratchet/Reader, Bumblebee/Reader, Sunstreaker/Reader, Sideswipe/Reader, Sunstreaker/Reader/Sideswipe, Jazz/Reader, Sherlock Holmes/Reader, Marcus Bell/Reader, The Doctor (Doctor Who)/Reader, Steve McGarrett/Reader, Owen Grady/Reader, Poe Dameron/Reader, Jared Padalecki/Reader, Jensen Ackles/Reader, Misha Collins/Reader, Tom Hiddleston/Reader, Robert Downey Jr./Reader, Chris Evans (Actor)/Reader, Sebastian Stan/Reader, Tom Holland/Reader, Benedict Cumberbatch/Reader, Grant Gustin/Reader, Alex O'loughlin/Reader, Chad Kroeger/Reader
read it on AO3 at http://ift.tt/2uN2vxo
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ao3-spideypool · 7 years
Little Black Book of Love
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2uN2vxo
by Hayzkid
Snippets of your life with the one you love.
WILL INCLUDE: Avengers. - MCU Daredevil. Deadpool. X-men. Flash. Arrow. Supernatural. NCIS. (All spin-offs) CSI (All spin-offs) Criminal minds. LOTR / The Hobbit. Ghost Adventure. Twilight. Transformers. Elementary. Doctor Who. Hawaii 5-0 Jurrasic World. Star Wars. Celebrities. (Actors, singers.)
Words: 371, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Avengers, Marvel, DC - Fandom, Supernatural, NCIS, CSI, Criminal Minds, lotr - Fandom, Ghost Adventures, Twilight, Transformers, Elementary (TV), Doctor Who, Hawaii Five-0 (2010), Jurassic World (2015), Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens (2015), Celebrities - Fandom, Actors - Fandom, Singers, daredevil - Fandom, Deadpool - Fandom, X-Men (Movieverse), Flash - Fandom, Arrow - Fandom
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Reader, Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Wade Wilson, Steve Rogers, Clint Barton, James "Bucky" Barnes, Pietro Maximoff, Vision, T'Challa, Phil Coulson, Loki, Peter Parker, Scott Lang, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Matt Murdock, Logan (X-Men), Charles Xavier, Oliver Queen, Barry Allen, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural), Gabriel (Supernatural), Michael (Supernatural), Balthazar (Supernatural), Crowley (Supernatural), Chuck Shurley, Benny Lafitte, Anthony DiNozzo, Jethro Gibbs, G Callen, Dwayne "King" Pride, Christopher LaSalle, Mac Taylor, Don Flack, Nick Stokes, Greg Sanders, Horatio Caine, Elijah Mundo, Aaron Hotchner, Derek Morgan, David Rossi, Legolas Greenleaf, Thranduil (Tolkien), Aragorn I, Smaug (Tolkien), Zak Bagans, Carlisle Cullen, Emmett Cullen, Jasper Hale, Jacob Black, Seth Clearwater, Paul Lahote, William Lennox, Optimus Prime, Ironhide (Transformers), Jazz (Transformers), Bumblebee (Transformers), Ratchet (Transformers), Sideswipe (Transformers), Sunstreaker (Transformers), Sherlock Holmes, Marcus Bell, The Doctor (Doctor Who), Steve McGarrett, Owen Grady, Poe Dameron, Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Misha Collins, Tom Hiddleston, Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans (Actor), Sebastian Stan, Tom Holland, Benedict Cumberbatch, Grant Gustin, Alex O'Loughlin, Chad Kroeger
Relationships: Tony Stark/Reader, Bruce Banner/Reader, Sam Wilson/Reader, Steve Rogers/Reader, Clint Barton/Reader, James "Bucky" Barnes/Reader, Pietro Maximoff/Reader, Vision/Reader, T'Challa/Reader, Phil Coulson/Reader, Loki/Reader, Peter Parker/Wade Wilson, Scott Lang/Reader, James "Rhodey" Rhodes/Reader, Matt Murdock/Reader, Wade Wilson/Reader, Logan (X-Men)/Reader, Charles Xavier/Reader, Oliver Queen/Reader, Barry Allen/Reader, Sam Winchester/Reader, Dean Winchester/Reader, Castiel/Reader, Michael/Reader, Gabriel/Reader, Balthazar/reader, Crowley/Reader, Chuck/Reader, Benny Lafitte/reader, Anthony DiNozzo/Reader, Jethro Gibbs/Reader, G Callen/Reader, Dwayne 'King' Pride/Reader, Christopher LaSalle/Reader, Mac Taylor/Reader, Don Flack/Reader, Nick Stokes/Reader, Greg Sanders/Reader, Horatio Caine/Reader, Elijah Mundo/Reader, Aaron Hotchner/Reader, Derek Morgan/Reader, David Rossi/Reader, Legolas Greenleaf/Reader, Thranduil/Reader, Aragorn/Reader, Smaug/reader, Zak Bagans/Reader, Carlisle Cullen/Reader, Emmett Cullen/Reader, jasper hale/reader, Jacob Black/Reader, Seth Clearwater/Reader, Paul Lahote/Reader, William Lennox/Reader, Optimus Prime/Reader, Ironhide/reader, Ratchet/Reader, Bumblebee/Reader, Sunstreaker/Reader, Sideswipe/Reader, Sunstreaker/Reader/Sideswipe, Jazz/Reader, Sherlock Holmes/Reader, Marcus Bell/Reader, The Doctor (Doctor Who)/Reader, Steve McGarrett/Reader, Owen Grady/Reader, Poe Dameron/Reader, Jared Padalecki/Reader, Jensen Ackles/Reader, Misha Collins/Reader, Tom Hiddleston/Reader, Robert Downey Jr./Reader, Chris Evans (Actor)/Reader, Sebastian Stan/Reader, Tom Holland/Reader, Benedict Cumberbatch/Reader, Grant Gustin/Reader, Alex O'loughlin/Reader, Chad Kroeger/Reader
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2uN2vxo
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ao3feed-buckybarnes · 7 years
Little Black Book of Love
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2uN2vxo
by Hayzkid
Snippets of your life with the one you love.
WILL INCLUDE: Avengers. - MCU Daredevil. Deadpool. X-men. Flash. Arrow. Supernatural. NCIS. (All spin-offs) CSI (All spin-offs) Criminal minds. LOTR / The Hobbit. Ghost Adventure. Twilight. Transformers. Elementary. Doctor Who. Hawaii 5-0 Jurrasic World. Star Wars. Celebrities. (Actors, singers.)
Words: 371, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Avengers, Marvel, DC - Fandom, Supernatural, NCIS, CSI, Criminal Minds, lotr - Fandom, Ghost Adventures, Twilight, Transformers, Elementary (TV), Doctor Who, Hawaii Five-0 (2010), Jurassic World (2015), Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens (2015), Celebrities - Fandom, Actors - Fandom, Singers, daredevil - Fandom, Deadpool - Fandom, X-Men (Movieverse), Flash - Fandom, Arrow - Fandom
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Reader, Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Wade Wilson, Steve Rogers, Clint Barton, James "Bucky" Barnes, Pietro Maximoff, Vision, T'Challa, Phil Coulson, Loki, Peter Parker, Scott Lang, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Matt Murdock, Logan (X-Men), Charles Xavier, Oliver Queen, Barry Allen, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural), Gabriel (Supernatural), Michael (Supernatural), Balthazar (Supernatural), Crowley (Supernatural), Chuck Shurley, Benny Lafitte, Anthony DiNozzo, Jethro Gibbs, G Callen, Dwayne "King" Pride, Christopher LaSalle, Mac Taylor, Don Flack, Nick Stokes, Greg Sanders, Horatio Caine, Elijah Mundo, Aaron Hotchner, Derek Morgan, David Rossi, Legolas Greenleaf, Thranduil (Tolkien), Aragorn I, Smaug (Tolkien), Zak Bagans, Carlisle Cullen, Emmett Cullen, Jasper Hale, Jacob Black, Seth Clearwater, Paul Lahote, William Lennox, Optimus Prime, Ironhide (Transformers), Jazz (Transformers), Bumblebee (Transformers), Ratchet (Transformers), Sideswipe (Transformers), Sunstreaker (Transformers), Sherlock Holmes, Marcus Bell, The Doctor (Doctor Who), Steve McGarrett, Owen Grady, Poe Dameron, Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Misha Collins, Tom Hiddleston, Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans (Actor), Sebastian Stan, Tom Holland, Benedict Cumberbatch, Grant Gustin, Alex O'Loughlin, Chad Kroeger
Relationships: Tony Stark/Reader, Bruce Banner/Reader, Sam Wilson/Reader, Steve Rogers/Reader, Clint Barton/Reader, James "Bucky" Barnes/Reader, Pietro Maximoff/Reader, Vision/Reader, T'Challa/Reader, Phil Coulson/Reader, Loki/Reader, Peter Parker/Wade Wilson, Scott Lang/Reader, James "Rhodey" Rhodes/Reader, Matt Murdock/Reader, Wade Wilson/Reader, Logan (X-Men)/Reader, Charles Xavier/Reader, Oliver Queen/Reader, Barry Allen/Reader, Sam Winchester/Reader, Dean Winchester/Reader, Castiel/Reader, Michael/Reader, Gabriel/Reader, Balthazar/reader, Crowley/Reader, Chuck/Reader, Benny Lafitte/reader, Anthony DiNozzo/Reader, Jethro Gibbs/Reader, G Callen/Reader, Dwayne 'King' Pride/Reader, Christopher LaSalle/Reader, Mac Taylor/Reader, Don Flack/Reader, Nick Stokes/Reader, Greg Sanders/Reader, Horatio Caine/Reader, Elijah Mundo/Reader, Aaron Hotchner/Reader, Derek Morgan/Reader, David Rossi/Reader, Legolas Greenleaf/Reader, Thranduil/Reader, Aragorn/Reader, Smaug/reader, Zak Bagans/Reader, Carlisle Cullen/Reader, Emmett Cullen/Reader, jasper hale/reader, Jacob Black/Reader, Seth Clearwater/Reader, Paul Lahote/Reader, William Lennox/Reader, Optimus Prime/Reader, Ironhide/reader, Ratchet/Reader, Bumblebee/Reader, Sunstreaker/Reader, Sideswipe/Reader, Sunstreaker/Reader/Sideswipe, Jazz/Reader, Sherlock Holmes/Reader, Marcus Bell/Reader, The Doctor (Doctor Who)/Reader, Steve McGarrett/Reader, Owen Grady/Reader, Poe Dameron/Reader, Jared Padalecki/Reader, Jensen Ackles/Reader, Misha Collins/Reader, Tom Hiddleston/Reader, Robert Downey Jr./Reader, Chris Evans (Actor)/Reader, Sebastian Stan/Reader, Tom Holland/Reader, Benedict Cumberbatch/Reader, Grant Gustin/Reader, Alex O'loughlin/Reader, Chad Kroeger/Reader
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2uN2vxo
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ao3feed-castiel · 7 years
Little Black Book of Love
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2uN2vxo
by Hayzkid
Snippets of your life with the one you love.
WILL INCLUDE: Avengers. - MCU Daredevil. Deadpool. X-men. Flash. Arrow. Supernatural. NCIS. (All spin-offs) CSI (All spin-offs) Criminal minds. LOTR / The Hobbit. Ghost Adventure. Twilight. Transformers. Elementary. Doctor Who. Hawaii 5-0 Jurrasic World. Star Wars. Celebrities. (Actors, singers.)
Words: 371, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Avengers, Marvel, DC - Fandom, Supernatural, NCIS, CSI, Criminal Minds, lotr - Fandom, Ghost Adventures, Twilight, Transformers, Elementary (TV), Doctor Who, Hawaii Five-0 (2010), Jurassic World (2015), Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens (2015), Celebrities - Fandom, Actors - Fandom, Singers, daredevil - Fandom, Deadpool - Fandom, X-Men (Movieverse), Flash - Fandom, Arrow - Fandom
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Reader, Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Wade Wilson, Steve Rogers, Clint Barton, James "Bucky" Barnes, Pietro Maximoff, Vision, T'Challa, Phil Coulson, Loki, Peter Parker, Scott Lang, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Matt Murdock, Logan (X-Men), Charles Xavier, Oliver Queen, Barry Allen, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural), Gabriel (Supernatural), Michael (Supernatural), Balthazar (Supernatural), Crowley (Supernatural), Chuck Shurley, Benny Lafitte, Anthony DiNozzo, Jethro Gibbs, G Callen, Dwayne "King" Pride, Christopher LaSalle, Mac Taylor, Don Flack, Nick Stokes, Greg Sanders, Horatio Caine, Elijah Mundo, Aaron Hotchner, Derek Morgan, David Rossi, Legolas Greenleaf, Thranduil (Tolkien), Aragorn I, Smaug (Tolkien), Zak Bagans, Carlisle Cullen, Emmett Cullen, Jasper Hale, Jacob Black, Seth Clearwater, Paul Lahote, William Lennox, Optimus Prime, Ironhide (Transformers), Jazz (Transformers), Bumblebee (Transformers), Ratchet (Transformers), Sideswipe (Transformers), Sunstreaker (Transformers), Sherlock Holmes, Marcus Bell, The Doctor (Doctor Who), Steve McGarrett, Owen Grady, Poe Dameron, Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Misha Collins, Tom Hiddleston, Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans (Actor), Sebastian Stan, Tom Holland, Benedict Cumberbatch, Grant Gustin, Alex O'Loughlin, Chad Kroeger
Relationships: Tony Stark/Reader, Bruce Banner/Reader, Sam Wilson/Reader, Steve Rogers/Reader, Clint Barton/Reader, James "Bucky" Barnes/Reader, Pietro Maximoff/Reader, Vision/Reader, T'Challa/Reader, Phil Coulson/Reader, Loki/Reader, Peter Parker/Wade Wilson, Scott Lang/Reader, James "Rhodey" Rhodes/Reader, Matt Murdock/Reader, Wade Wilson/Reader, Logan (X-Men)/Reader, Charles Xavier/Reader, Oliver Queen/Reader, Barry Allen/Reader, Sam Winchester/Reader, Dean Winchester/Reader, Castiel/Reader, Michael/Reader, Gabriel/Reader, Balthazar/reader, Crowley/Reader, Chuck/Reader, Benny Lafitte/reader, Anthony DiNozzo/Reader, Jethro Gibbs/Reader, G Callen/Reader, Dwayne 'King' Pride/Reader, Christopher LaSalle/Reader, Mac Taylor/Reader, Don Flack/Reader, Nick Stokes/Reader, Greg Sanders/Reader, Horatio Caine/Reader, Elijah Mundo/Reader, Aaron Hotchner/Reader, Derek Morgan/Reader, David Rossi/Reader, Legolas Greenleaf/Reader, Thranduil/Reader, Aragorn/Reader, Smaug/reader, Zak Bagans/Reader, Carlisle Cullen/Reader, Emmett Cullen/Reader, jasper hale/reader, Jacob Black/Reader, Seth Clearwater/Reader, Paul Lahote/Reader, William Lennox/Reader, Optimus Prime/Reader, Ironhide/reader, Ratchet/Reader, Bumblebee/Reader, Sunstreaker/Reader, Sideswipe/Reader, Sunstreaker/Reader/Sideswipe, Jazz/Reader, Sherlock Holmes/Reader, Marcus Bell/Reader, The Doctor (Doctor Who)/Reader, Steve McGarrett/Reader, Owen Grady/Reader, Poe Dameron/Reader, Jared Padalecki/Reader, Jensen Ackles/Reader, Misha Collins/Reader, Tom Hiddleston/Reader, Robert Downey Jr./Reader, Chris Evans (Actor)/Reader, Sebastian Stan/Reader, Tom Holland/Reader, Benedict Cumberbatch/Reader, Grant Gustin/Reader, Alex O'loughlin/Reader, Chad Kroeger/Reader
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2uN2vxo
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ao3feed-daredevil · 7 years
Little Black Book of Love
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2uN2vxo
by Hayzkid
Snippets of your life with the one you love.
WILL INCLUDE: Avengers. - MCU Daredevil. Deadpool. X-men. Flash. Arrow. Supernatural. NCIS. (All spin-offs) CSI (All spin-offs) Criminal minds. LOTR / The Hobbit. Ghost Adventure. Twilight. Transformers. Elementary. Doctor Who. Hawaii 5-0 Jurrasic World. Star Wars. Celebrities. (Actors, singers.)
Words: 371, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Avengers, Marvel, DC - Fandom, Supernatural, NCIS, CSI, Criminal Minds, lotr - Fandom, Ghost Adventures, Twilight, Transformers, Elementary (TV), Doctor Who, Hawaii Five-0 (2010), Jurassic World (2015), Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens (2015), Celebrities - Fandom, Actors - Fandom, Singers, daredevil - Fandom, Deadpool - Fandom, X-Men (Movieverse), Flash - Fandom, Arrow - Fandom
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Reader, Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Wade Wilson, Steve Rogers, Clint Barton, James "Bucky" Barnes, Pietro Maximoff, Vision, T'Challa, Phil Coulson, Loki, Peter Parker, Scott Lang, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Matt Murdock, Logan (X-Men), Charles Xavier, Oliver Queen, Barry Allen, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural), Gabriel (Supernatural), Michael (Supernatural), Balthazar (Supernatural), Crowley (Supernatural), Chuck Shurley, Benny Lafitte, Anthony DiNozzo, Jethro Gibbs, G Callen, Dwayne "King" Pride, Christopher LaSalle, Mac Taylor, Don Flack, Nick Stokes, Greg Sanders, Horatio Caine, Elijah Mundo, Aaron Hotchner, Derek Morgan, David Rossi, Legolas Greenleaf, Thranduil (Tolkien), Aragorn I, Smaug (Tolkien), Zak Bagans, Carlisle Cullen, Emmett Cullen, Jasper Hale, Jacob Black, Seth Clearwater, Paul Lahote, William Lennox, Optimus Prime, Ironhide (Transformers), Jazz (Transformers), Bumblebee (Transformers), Ratchet (Transformers), Sideswipe (Transformers), Sunstreaker (Transformers), Sherlock Holmes, Marcus Bell, The Doctor (Doctor Who), Steve McGarrett, Owen Grady, Poe Dameron, Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Misha Collins, Tom Hiddleston, Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans (Actor), Sebastian Stan, Tom Holland, Benedict Cumberbatch, Grant Gustin, Alex O'Loughlin, Chad Kroeger
Relationships: Tony Stark/Reader, Bruce Banner/Reader, Sam Wilson/Reader, Steve Rogers/Reader, Clint Barton/Reader, James "Bucky" Barnes/Reader, Pietro Maximoff/Reader, Vision/Reader, T'Challa/Reader, Phil Coulson/Reader, Loki/Reader, Peter Parker/Wade Wilson, Scott Lang/Reader, James "Rhodey" Rhodes/Reader, Matt Murdock/Reader, Wade Wilson/Reader, Logan (X-Men)/Reader, Charles Xavier/Reader, Oliver Queen/Reader, Barry Allen/Reader, Sam Winchester/Reader, Dean Winchester/Reader, Castiel/Reader, Michael/Reader, Gabriel/Reader, Balthazar/reader, Crowley/Reader, Chuck/Reader, Benny Lafitte/reader, Anthony DiNozzo/Reader, Jethro Gibbs/Reader, G Callen/Reader, Dwayne 'King' Pride/Reader, Christopher LaSalle/Reader, Mac Taylor/Reader, Don Flack/Reader, Nick Stokes/Reader, Greg Sanders/Reader, Horatio Caine/Reader, Elijah Mundo/Reader, Aaron Hotchner/Reader, Derek Morgan/Reader, David Rossi/Reader, Legolas Greenleaf/Reader, Thranduil/Reader, Aragorn/Reader, Smaug/reader, Zak Bagans/Reader, Carlisle Cullen/Reader, Emmett Cullen/Reader, jasper hale/reader, Jacob Black/Reader, Seth Clearwater/Reader, Paul Lahote/Reader, William Lennox/Reader, Optimus Prime/Reader, Ironhide/reader, Ratchet/Reader, Bumblebee/Reader, Sunstreaker/Reader, Sideswipe/Reader, Sunstreaker/Reader/Sideswipe, Jazz/Reader, Sherlock Holmes/Reader, Marcus Bell/Reader, The Doctor (Doctor Who)/Reader, Steve McGarrett/Reader, Owen Grady/Reader, Poe Dameron/Reader, Jared Padalecki/Reader, Jensen Ackles/Reader, Misha Collins/Reader, Tom Hiddleston/Reader, Robert Downey Jr./Reader, Chris Evans (Actor)/Reader, Sebastian Stan/Reader, Tom Holland/Reader, Benedict Cumberbatch/Reader, Grant Gustin/Reader, Alex O'loughlin/Reader, Chad Kroeger/Reader
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2uN2vxo
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ao3feed-doctorwho · 7 years
Little Black Book of Love
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2uN2vxo
by Hayzkid
Snippets of your life with the one you love.
WILL INCLUDE: Avengers. - MCU Daredevil. Deadpool. X-men. Flash. Arrow. Supernatural. NCIS. (All spin-offs) CSI (All spin-offs) Criminal minds. LOTR / The Hobbit. Ghost Adventure. Twilight. Transformers. Elementary. Doctor Who. Hawaii 5-0 Jurrasic World. Star Wars. Celebrities. (Actors, singers.)
Words: 371, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Avengers, Marvel, DC - Fandom, Supernatural, NCIS, CSI, Criminal Minds, lotr - Fandom, Ghost Adventures, Twilight, Transformers, Elementary (TV), Doctor Who, Hawaii Five-0 (2010), Jurassic World (2015), Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens (2015), Celebrities - Fandom, Actors - Fandom, Singers, daredevil - Fandom, Deadpool - Fandom, X-Men (Movieverse), Flash - Fandom, Arrow - Fandom
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Reader, Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Wade Wilson, Steve Rogers, Clint Barton, James "Bucky" Barnes, Pietro Maximoff, Vision, T'Challa, Phil Coulson, Loki, Peter Parker, Scott Lang, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Matt Murdock, Logan (X-Men), Charles Xavier, Oliver Queen, Barry Allen, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural), Gabriel (Supernatural), Michael (Supernatural), Balthazar (Supernatural), Crowley (Supernatural), Chuck Shurley, Benny Lafitte, Anthony DiNozzo, Jethro Gibbs, G Callen, Dwayne "King" Pride, Christopher LaSalle, Mac Taylor, Don Flack, Nick Stokes, Greg Sanders, Horatio Caine, Elijah Mundo, Aaron Hotchner, Derek Morgan, David Rossi, Legolas Greenleaf, Thranduil (Tolkien), Aragorn I, Smaug (Tolkien), Zak Bagans, Carlisle Cullen, Emmett Cullen, Jasper Hale, Jacob Black, Seth Clearwater, Paul Lahote, William Lennox, Optimus Prime, Ironhide (Transformers), Jazz (Transformers), Bumblebee (Transformers), Ratchet (Transformers), Sideswipe (Transformers), Sunstreaker (Transformers), Sherlock Holmes, Marcus Bell, The Doctor (Doctor Who), Steve McGarrett, Owen Grady, Poe Dameron, Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Misha Collins, Tom Hiddleston, Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans (Actor), Sebastian Stan, Tom Holland, Benedict Cumberbatch, Grant Gustin, Alex O'Loughlin, Chad Kroeger
Relationships: Tony Stark/Reader, Bruce Banner/Reader, Sam Wilson/Reader, Steve Rogers/Reader, Clint Barton/Reader, James "Bucky" Barnes/Reader, Pietro Maximoff/Reader, Vision/Reader, T'Challa/Reader, Phil Coulson/Reader, Loki/Reader, Peter Parker/Wade Wilson, Scott Lang/Reader, James "Rhodey" Rhodes/Reader, Matt Murdock/Reader, Wade Wilson/Reader, Logan (X-Men)/Reader, Charles Xavier/Reader, Oliver Queen/Reader, Barry Allen/Reader, Sam Winchester/Reader, Dean Winchester/Reader, Castiel/Reader, Michael/Reader, Gabriel/Reader, Balthazar/reader, Crowley/Reader, Chuck/Reader, Benny Lafitte/reader, Anthony DiNozzo/Reader, Jethro Gibbs/Reader, G Callen/Reader, Dwayne 'King' Pride/Reader, Christopher LaSalle/Reader, Mac Taylor/Reader, Don Flack/Reader, Nick Stokes/Reader, Greg Sanders/Reader, Horatio Caine/Reader, Elijah Mundo/Reader, Aaron Hotchner/Reader, Derek Morgan/Reader, David Rossi/Reader, Legolas Greenleaf/Reader, Thranduil/Reader, Aragorn/Reader, Smaug/reader, Zak Bagans/Reader, Carlisle Cullen/Reader, Emmett Cullen/Reader, jasper hale/reader, Jacob Black/Reader, Seth Clearwater/Reader, Paul Lahote/Reader, William Lennox/Reader, Optimus Prime/Reader, Ironhide/reader, Ratchet/Reader, Bumblebee/Reader, Sunstreaker/Reader, Sideswipe/Reader, Sunstreaker/Reader/Sideswipe, Jazz/Reader, Sherlock Holmes/Reader, Marcus Bell/Reader, The Doctor (Doctor Who)/Reader, Steve McGarrett/Reader, Owen Grady/Reader, Poe Dameron/Reader, Jared Padalecki/Reader, Jensen Ackles/Reader, Misha Collins/Reader, Tom Hiddleston/Reader, Robert Downey Jr./Reader, Chris Evans (Actor)/Reader, Sebastian Stan/Reader, Tom Holland/Reader, Benedict Cumberbatch/Reader, Grant Gustin/Reader, Alex O'loughlin/Reader, Chad Kroeger/Reader
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2uN2vxo
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lightblindingme · 6 years
More Than a Crush - a Sam Rossi fic
Pairing: Sam Rossi x Original Female Character - Cleo
Summary:  Sam Rossi has a routine. He breaks it every Wednesday morning.
Chapters: 3/3
Note: Inspired by my conversation with @kteague and by a fic idea I’ve had for a long time.This is my first time writing Sam, so if it’s too ooc, I apologise. 
My dear K, I hope you'll like this last part. I wanted to give you some Sam fluff and sweetness, let me know if I managed to do that. 
Chapter excerpt: Several days later, Sam finds himself sitting in a chair in Cleo's salon as her skillful hands cut his hair with her special tools. They are alone, since Cleo insisted he come by early in the morning before any of her usual clients show up.
Read it on AO3
tagging: @allinourprivate-traps @deansdirtywhore @frankcastlestanktop
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