weaksspot · 11 months
fully understandable if it’s a squick/too gross for some people lol but i do think samdean/mary is conceptually intriguing especially with the idea of mary being resurrected to a sam & dean who are in an established incestuous relationship.
she gets jolted out of heaven and her sons are ~30 years older than when she last saw them and also clearly sleeping with each other. both of them but especially dean are weird asf about their father, her husband, now dead. both of them are weird asf about HER. especially in relation to one another. it’s all so deeply deeply weird and tense and.
idk i just think it opens up some avenues for very interesting psychological analysis at the very least. psychological horror perhaps even
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fandom-hoarder · 2 years
happy momfucker Monday! Thoughts on deanmary? If so how do you think Sam would react to them?
Happy Momfucker Monday!
Thoughts on DeanMary:
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Hahhh ok, actually it's deeper than that for me. There's always going to be a layer to DeanMary that involves John in some way. Be that the memory of him, or his relationship to Dean and how their relationships to Mary affected Dean's upbringing and self image (Dean as Mary's replacement; Dean as the keeper and protector of the Myth of Mary), or the parts of John that Mary sees in Dean, or Dean's fantasy/wish fulfillment around possessing a whole and happy family.
But also, s12+ DeanMary can be about healing. But only after they fuck through all that messy baggage. 👀
So if Sam found out, I think his initial reaction would be jealousy that presents outwardly as enraged concern for Mary's consent/autonomy at first. --Oh, Amara brought Mary back for Dean, huh? Does Mary get a say in this?--
--And he has to lash out at Dean because it can't be Mary's fault; it can't be her preferring Dean over him in everything-- everything... He can't blame her because he's never been able to blame her-- he's barely ever been able to talk about her, and even now that she's here she might as well not be; it's like she's not real; but it's-- not her fault-- and he can't ever say a word against her--
But really--- Dean and Mary having this is another relationship in his family he's shut out of -- and with s12 Mary, in particular, she hasn't given him anything near to this. And it's not that he would want that -- except maybe he does. Maybe he craves any kind of gentleness from her; any kind of affection; any attention; connection.
But also, her being here takes Dean's attention away. And Dean can say there's nothing and no one he'd put in front of Sam, but then why does Sam have to find out about Dean's meetups with mom when he accidentally sees a text message preview on Dean's phone?
Sure, he'd had his suspicions, but until he'd seen it he'd been able to pretend. God, he shouldn't be jealous of his mother, but--
Why does he find out about the rest of it by stealing a car from the bunker and tracking them down, only to drive up on the Impala parked down some dark, nameless road two towns over -- Dean balls deep inside Mary in the backseat; Mary writhing in his lap as Dean praises, "That's my girl, just like that," in a drawl so close to John's it makes Sam's heart lurch?
Why does Mary cling to Dean like that-- Like she has the right to-- like Sam is the one in the wrong here? Like he's breaking her heart.
** Now, if I have my way about it, Sam's jealousy ends with a messy threesome and a smidge of actual fucking communication. If I have my way, it's the full house of wincest up in here. ☺️😤
But maybe it still takes awhile to get there. Maybe Sam leaves when Mary insists Dean isn't taking advantage of her -- tells him he doesn't understand--
Leaves the dark road. Leaves the bunker. Goes radio silent for days (weeks). Turns off his phone and tries to evade Dean, but turns it back on when it works too well, suspicious his messages will be empty anyway-- they're not.
"C'mon, Sammy, don't do this," --and Sam wants to throw his phone across the room and smash it to pieces-- as if he's the one-- "Don't tell me I got her back just to lose you. That's not a fair trade."
And maybe Sam doesn't want to stay away anymore. Maybe Mary texts him I'm sorry. Can we talk? and he can't help the way he easily forgives her -- the way he folds into her arms between her and Dean and hopes, heart aching, that he's a necessary part of the whole.
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hiiii happy momfucker monday <3 what's your favorite version of sammary (or deanmary) - AU, s12-14, heaven/post-finale, etc?
Hey happy momfucker monday!!
Me and the bestie @fandom-hoarder have a whole samdeanmary thing that is just started from a tiny thought that spiraled out of control lol putting under the cut because of lactation mentions.
Mainly i love Mary coming back and she is just lost in the whirlwind of everything. She's back, Sam's missing, John's dead, her infant and toddler are now full grown men who look like John. All this going on and she isn't paying attention to her own body, the moment she's around Sam her breasts start leaking milk because it's her baby. She knows Sam isn't an infant anymore, her body hasn't quite caught up with her mind.
It starts off with her trying to hand express, ignoring it because who is she going to take care of? She's in pain, she's extremely engorged and has developed mastitis. She wants to ask them for help, specifically Sam, but doesn't know how to do so without it being weird.
In the end she doesn't have to ask, Sam finds her in the showers crying, she's so full that not even the hot water is helping. Sam offers to help and mary is so lost in tears and pain that she just agrees to it. She doesn't think he'd try to latch on but when he does, instant relief and she feels that connection again.
Dean is like 🥺🥺🥺🥺because Sam finally has mary but also slightly jealous he can't fulfill one of Sam's needs.
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thetruthbetween · 1 year
I finally got to Season 12 today. So I met resurrected Mary. And immediately. IMMEDIATELY. I went “Oh God Where’s the Mary Shipper I Need To Tell Them.” Yes, you have been dubbed the Mary Shipper™️ in my head, except I couldn’t remember who you were until I saw that SamMary post. And LEMME TELL YOU. I’ve read some DeanMary before, some SamMary, some SamDeanMary. But my fucking god I didn’t realize it was so OBVIOUS in the show. Like it’s DELICIOUS. MAGNIFICENT. SO easily read into it, I already have two fic ideas brewing. God bless. Hail Mary. Goodnight 🤪
I cannot. I CANNOT. Express how absolutely fucking DELIGHTED I am by this message LMAO I absolutely accept the title of the Mary Shipper™️!
Also like. Yes. So much yes. Like the Mary/Dean is especially obvious, because, y'know. She was a gift for him. (WTF who DOES that? "Here, bud, I'm giving you a gift. It's your mom. Surprise!" A powerful cosmic deity gave Dean a PERSON as a GIFT. There are connotations to that!) But! That's not to say that there's a lack of Sam/Mary just because the Dean/Mary is as subtle as a brick to the face. (Okay comparatively speaking, yeah there's a lack, but that doesn't mean it's not there, you just have to nudge Dean to the side a bit to see it)
I hope you start writing Mary fic! There needs to be more Mary fic! (... I should write more, too, but the spoons, I tell ya)
Anyway yes, Mary has wonderful chemistry with her boys, and should absolutely smush faces (and other parts) with them, and I absolutely encourage and support anyone else who feels the same way LOL
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jadensdixon · 2 years
A long hunt, wearing both Sam and Dean out to their cores. They're weak, their muscles trembling at any movement. They clamber into the bunker, all but quietly. Mary rushes out from whatever nook she was in, bolting up the stairs to meet her boys where they stand covered in blood -- Theirs or something else's, Mary wasn't sure.
"Boys," She says sadly, embracing both of them in her arms. She kisses each of them on the forehead, then their cheeks, noses, finally landing on their lips. The boys melt, relief washing over every sore muscle, every stressed thought. Dean sighs and places his head on Mary's shoulder.
She guides them down the stairs slowly, down halls, finally into her room, where she places them on her bed. She removes their clothes, as they're caked with blood and dirt and God knows what else.
She retrieves a washcloth, wetting it in the bathroom sink with hot water. It drips water onto the floor as she walks back to her boys.
She washes them, gentle around bruises and cuts which is practically their entire body.
"Mommy," She hears Sam cry out as she cleans gashes on Dean's arm.
"Yes, dear?" Soft, honey-like words. Nothing has ever sounded better to either Winchester boy.
"I love you."
"And me, I love you too," Dean says, eyes darting away from his mother.
"I love you too, boys."
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laikuh · 3 years
no bbg update bc I’m depressed and didn’t finish anything, and the dynamic most on my mind is sam/dean/mary, so if i write anything after work today it’s gonna be that.
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writexthegoodfight · 10 years
Sam/Dean/Mary bathtime
Mary was up in her and John’s bedroom with baby Sammy, the four month old infant laying on the bed in front of her, the blonde with her legs crossed as she played with his little toes. 
“And this little piggy went to market, this little piggy stayed at home, this little piggy had roast beef, but this little piggy had none. And thislittle piggy—” She tickled along the babies sides, smiling through her words as she continued.  ”This little piggy went weeeweeeweeeweee all the way home.”
Laughing along with her son, Mary blew a raspberry against his tummy, then picked him up. Murmuring softly to baby Sam as she climbed off the bed, she walked into the bathroom where she double checked the water temperature. When she was sure it was fine, she lay him in the slightly sudsy baby bath tub. Keeping her hand behind his head, just to be safe, she let him kick about in the water for a moment, watching him fondly as he did. 
Mary looked behind her when she heard a soft voice. “Yeah, baby?” After a few moments, a four year old appeared beside her. “You bathin’ Sammy? Can I help?”
“‘Course you can, honey.” She smiled, “Pass me that washcloth?” Dean grabbed the wash cloth off the side and passed it to Mary. She dunked the cloth in the water, then gently wiped across Sam’s body. “See how i’m bein’ gentle?” She paused, glancing at Dean as he nodded. “You have a go now.” Handing the cloth to him, she shuffled over slightly as Dean copied her movements, little tongue poking out of his mouth in deep concentration. “Like this, Momma?”
Smiling, Mary placed her free hand over Dean’s guiding him with the cloth, “Little bit firmer. Firm but gentle. He’s not as breakable as Daddy would like to believe. Like this, see?”
After a while, she let go of Dean’s hand, moving on to squeeze a tiny bit of baby shampoo onto the tuft of hair on the top of his head. Making sure his head was propped up sufficiently, she gently rubbed it into a lather. “Wanna help me wash the shampoo out? Then we can let him have a little splash.”
Dean nodded, grabbing the tiny cup off the side of the bath tub. “Okay, fill it up with water, and pour it over his head slowly.” She lay one hand over Sam’s forehead, protecting his eyes from the suds, the other holding him steady. Dean poured the water over Sam’s head, smiling to himself  as he washed the soap away. “Just like that. Well done, baby.” She pressed a kiss to her eldest’s head as she carefully lay Sam back against the side of the baby bath. “Now we can let him splash for a bit.”
Both Mary and Dean splashed with Sam, using their hands to gently splash the water as he laughed, kicking his feet. Both ended up covered in water, though neither minded. How could they? Dean got to help bath his little brother, and play with him, and Mary watched her sons play. 
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fandom-hoarder · 2 years
Ok but imagine alpha!Dean and alpha!Mary getting territorial over omega!Sam 👀👀👀
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fandom-hoarder · 10 months
Bestie your trademark to me is sammary/sammarydean 🖤
🥰🥰🥰🥰 My unexpected beloveds! Bestie, I feel like we're in SamMaryDean business together lol.💜
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fandom-hoarder · 1 year
No promises on delivery, cuz I start *way* more than I finish, but I figured you'd appreciate the concept anyway. I'm writing a fic titled That's Sammy's Milk. Notable themes: early season 12, threesome (with dp), sibling rivalry, lactation kink. Because we're here for the porn not to ask why (the porn is the why) 😎
Omgggg, that sounds amazing! I love that title, too. ☺️ The porn is definitely the why 👁👄👁 (Hey, same, though. I have way more google docs than time and muse to finish lol)
Feel free to hit me with these lovely thoughts whenever you want, dude! 💗
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Happy momfucker Monday! Sam getting sick and Mary being upset that Dean is trying to take care of her baby boy lol
Oh bestie this just gives me munchausen by proxy Dean feels.
Sam getting sick repeatedly and Dean somehow shifting the blame on Mary like
"Mom I told you that Sammy's allergic to raspberries, did you put any in his smoothie?"
Sam doesn't have any allergies but he used the same thing on John when they were growing up so Dean could be the only one providing/taking care of Sam.
Mary catches on, but she doesn't want to break Sam's heart by calling Dean out on his bullshit. Instead when Dean has no choice but to leave sick Sam with her, she just soaks up and enjoys those snuggles.
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fandom-hoarder · 2 years
Happy momfucker Monday! Who do you think makes the first move?
Hmmmm 🤔🤔🤔
I think Dean is aware of his feelings first (I'm looking at you In the Beginning!Dean 👀👀), but he won't act on them until Mary makes the first move --but he telegraphs the fuck out of his feelings, to be clear. He drives her batty sometimes with his flirting, and the looks.
But for SamMary, I think it's the opposite! And he doesn't just give her permission; he takes what she wants to give him the same way he takes her unfinished apology with his whole self.
But also, for SamMaryDean, I've written fic where it's implied Mary makes the first move... but if she doesn't, it has to be Sam and Dean together or else the jealousy and possessiveness will be through the roof until those motherfuckers settle into a comfy polycule.
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weaksspot · 11 months
sorry but whereeeee is the samdeanmary threesome content. there’s like 12 fics on ao3. i’m just genuinely surprised there’s not more even as an exclusive samdean main in general
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fandom-hoarder · 1 year
Hahhh ok-- *mind instantly goes blank* Okay, uh...
Naruto x Sasuke x Sakura (Naruto -- see also: Team 7 ot4, or basically ANY-Team ot3\4 👀)
Yuki x Tohru x Kyo (Fruits Basket)
59 x 27 x 80\Gokudera x Tsuna x Yamamoto (Katekyo Hitman Reborn)
Tezuka x Ryoma x Fuji (Prince of Tennis -- my friend group called this the holy trinity and made a shitposty angelfire website about them called the church of pot and we all worshipped a different deity from the trinity and atobe was lucifer and ryoma was jesus and i also shipped them together hahhh)
Akira x Hikaru x Waya (Hikaru no Go -- this...does not even exist i don't think🙃🙃🙃)
Akira x Hikaru x Sai (Hikaru no Go)
Finn x Poe x Rey (Star Wars sequels)
Not ot3 cuz: The Scooby Gang is a Polycule
Kid Flash x Dick Grayson Robin x Superboy (Young Justice animated)
Teen Titans from TOS are also a polycule
Merlin x Arthur x Gwen (BBC Merlin)
Merlin x Arthur x Gwaine (BBC Merlin -- this DOES NOT EXIST ISTG)
SamDeanMary (SPN)
SamDeanJohn (SPN)
SamDeanJess/WinJess (SPN)
Wincestiel (SPN)
SamDeanJack/WinKline (SPN)
Just off the top of my head...
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happy momfucker monday!!!!
breastfeeding? (any ship)
Ok so me and bestie @fandom-hoarder started this....bestie how did we start this😂
Ok so I can't originally remember how we started this but the idea of Mary coming back to life while her body acting as if she never died when sam was 6 months was bothering me. At 6 months whether you breastfeed or not your body still responds to baby cries and stuff.
I love sammary, that bond yet that flavor of wincest that makes me 👁👄👁 playing house with Dean which fuels my samdeanmary feels.
Which makes me think of Dean bottle feeding Sam Mary's milk while they're away on a hunt or she's away on a hunt but then that turns into them facetiming with her and it always ends up with some form of phone sex? Video facetiming sexting type thing lol
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12, 30, 37
Ok round three trying to answer this again lmao Tumblr has eaten this like 3 times(don't ask why I didn't think to copy and paste lol)
12. What I love about my best friend, for online it's @fandom-hoarder. She is so easy to talk to and makes me feel like I've known her for years. She gets where I'm coming from on anything and everything. She hears my rants and rambles on different spn takes, different ideas for fics, I mean we basic created a samdeanmary lactation verse lol its all in saved chat and I love to look back on it every now and then lol she's amazing and caring and I love her.
For friends who live here in town it's Prissy and Lexi. We had a falling out sometime last year due to lack of communication and them just leaving me out because they assumed I would say no to going out to lunch.
After some extensive talking it out we got on the same page again and we are all busy with our own families and check in our each other from time to time.
Adult friendship is hard, we've seen each other through marriages, divorces, funerals, health scares etc etc, at the end of the day this is us
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30. My closet is NOT organized lmao I just talked to a friend about this earlier this evening
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37. I don't mind others in the kitchen if I'm cooking, I like the company. But I like to handle the cooking myself.
If it's the holidays then I'm used to multiple people being in there for food prep.
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