#same goes for why they hate harringrove
ickypuppi3 · 2 years
i really do genuinely think that a lot of the hate towards billy comes down to jealousy
jealousy over him being one of the only characters with a backstory, jealousy that his backstory is so rich, jealousy because his trauma and abuse isn’t something up for debate, that it was shown on screen, jealousy because he isn’t a one dimensional character, jealousy because he’s so interesting
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lovebillyhargrove · 4 months
Why does Steve Harrington sometimes hate the new guy? Billy Hargrove or whatever his name is?
Sometimes, mind it. Not always. Usually he doesn't give a flying fuck about the dude.
Well .. because. Have you, by any chance, noticed how the guy sits? Yeah, how he fucking sits.
The bitch manspreads.
Wherever Steve comes across him - in a class, in the lunch hall, in the gym and the locker room .. oh, at parties .. ?? On Tommy's couch once when he invited some guys over to watch a basketball game, drink beer and smoke pot?
Hargrove's sitting with his legs splayed apart. Widely. Like he fucking owns the place, owns the stupid couch, the motherfucking gym bench. And it doesn't look ridiculous, oh no, he does it with style. Self-assured. Cocky.
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Steve has never been made so uncomfortable in his whole life. He wants to look away. He .. he's only human.
And okay, class or lunch - that's not a big deal, really, it's not like Harrington's gonna be peeking under the desk or table - he's not a perv, alright? - to .. uhm ..
But in the gym ?? .. When the asshole's wearing those tiny shorts? In the locker room after shower casually shooting the shit with the guys, wrapped in a goddamn towel? Your dujeels are about to fall out, dumbass, for the whole wide world to see
For Steve Harrington, to see.
Huh, if only.
Or, one time the towel was almost falling off his half naked butt - Steve's hands were itching to pull it down and slap it, but the hunch has always told him - messing with Hargrove isn't worth it, it'll cost ya, it'll bring trouble upon your own ass.
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There's just this bulge .. that doesn't let Steve live and breathe freely. The bulge .. And Harrington is not stupid, he's an adult for fuck's sake, - he's got a bulge of his own alright and it might actually be bigger than Hargrove's, Steve has an idea of what's under that towel, and under those shorts, and under those jeans.
He might've snuck a peek in the showers at the real thing. Didn't look, god forbid, stare, no just grazed the whole landscape with the corner of his eye. No time and opportunity to pay attention to all the savoury details.
Might've peeked at the tight firm naked ass the same way a couple of times too.
The problem .. it goes deeper. Steve has started wondering how it would feel like to see Hargrove splayed like this on his couch. Or .. in his bed. Like that, wearing undies only, after a super private party Harrington would invite him to. Getting out of the pool at Steve's house - just the two of them to swim there ..
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What was the question again? Why does Steve hate Hargrove? You get it now, right?
Harringrove manspreading? 🤔
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kittyphoenix12-xx · 8 months
20 questions for fanfic writers tagged by @elledelajoie 💗
How many works do you have on AO3?
42! What's your total AO3 word count?
221,866 What fandoms do you write for?
Predominantly Stranger Things and The Sandman, but I've written fics for Marvel, Glee and Julie and the Phantoms as well (and a lot of other oneshots for different fandoms). What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
keep on going when it's all falling apart (stand tall) - Julie and The Phantoms
i'm feeling lost, i'm feeling dead (the world keeps spinning) - MCU/Parkner
Arthur's Snake - Hetalia/Harry Potter
Dragons, Demons and Rising Snake Dudes - Naruto/Harry Potter
i greet the dawn and not the setting sun (when all is done) - The Sandman Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
most of the time i do! sometimes i forget and leave them too long, but i do read and appreciate each one ❤️ What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
the angsty fic i can think of is my glee oneshot make the smoke and mirrors disappear which is then continued in another fic so...
the closest i'll probably get to an angsty ending in any fic would an ambiguous/open ending. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
well, i've only completed three fics, so i guess it would be Dragons, Demons and Rising Snake Dudes? the other two are kinda open ended... Do you get hate on fics?
i did on fanfiction.net where i had the two crossovers before moving them to ao3 - people were unnecessarily rude over there. but ao3 has been very nice :) Do you write smut?
i've tried once, dont really want to try again. Do you write crossovers?
yes :) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
i hope not Have you ever had a fic translated?
yes, Monday's Child (Fair of Face) has a Russian translation here Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, but i would like to in the future What's your all-time favorite ship to write for?
Hmm... Dreamling and Harringrove are the most frequent, but i do love Argyle x Billy so I'll probably write more for them What's A WIP that you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
during lockdown i had an idea to rewrite the entirety of glee with the premise that Sue Sylvester runs the glee club instead of Mr Schue. I doubt I'll ever write it but it's fun to think about.
i do have a discontinued fic as well that i lost interest in, but other than that, i do want to finish the one's I've started. What are your writing strengths?
i think it changes. sometimes it's dialogue, sometimes action etc. it really depends on what the story needs/what kind of mood I'm in. What are your writing weaknesses?
setting descriptions. i hate describing things Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
large chunks, i'll probably italicise it and write [Blorbo] said in Spanish or something like that. one or two words I'll look up in online dictionaries and implement those. First fandom you wrote for?
technically Harry Potter, Hetalia and Naruto, since I wrote those crossovers around the same time. Favorite fic you've written?
longing for the sun you will come (away from home) which is my Argyle x Billy fic. it's very special to me.
eventually the sun goes out and we'll be coming down is the glee fic i just finished and it was very cathartic to write
and my soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the floor is the first Sandman fic i wrote and it holds a place in my heart
tagging: @thatgirlwithasquid, @ihni, @its-all-ineffable @strangerthingfanfic @nachtwaechterin @fellshish @kiraixi and anyone else because i cannot remember who posts their fics to ao3 and who doesn't lol
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memes-saved-me · 2 years
Apparently they tried to cancel Joe Keery too because of his old clip saying he liked billy i mean Maya also said she would kiss Billy. Literally half of the cast would like to kiss Billy because look at Dacre.. those stans are so worked up over this make me think they hate Dacre fr. wait there’s harringrove stans shipped steddie ?? 😭😭😭 yall so good cause their stans hate us, i dont know why but maybe because Billy could’ve been what Eddie Munson are today if the writers did him right so maybe that’s why I dislike him. And yes Eddie/Joseph cult is kinda crazy for me, the way they’re so ready to cancel Joe Keery, Grace Van Dien but when Joseph said he want to kiss vecna, a mass murderer and people cheered.
Joe Keery literally does his job and goes home. Man won't even know what they're saying about him lmao. Its wild they're pulling random shit from like 4 years ago. Literally the whole cast compliments Dacre constantly and he deserves it.
I really like Eddie and think his death was a waste to just upset fans because they're too chicken to drop some main characters but some of his fans put me off at times because they're too intense. Joseph Quinn is a great actor and deserves better fans or at least for the dicks to calm the fuck down.
I don't ship it but give props to anyone who does and tries to find content for it not from antis because damn.
Honestly fairs. Henry is 👌 but damn the hypocrisy of some people who let characters off on some things while condemning others for the same things
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giurochedadomani · 1 year
Steve for the ask game!
This is about this game
favorite thing about them
'peaked in highschool' kind of vibe. Don't get me wrong I adore him, but it makes for a really interesting character, when someone who has grown up in a really cozy safety net suddenly doesn't have it, things start not going his way, etc (the struggles with getting into an uni, the crappy jobs, etc.).
least favorite thing about them
I don't think I have one. The posh look in s1, maybe? And that's just because I've always been way more into metalheads, so the polos do absolutely nothing to me. But to each their own xD
favorite line
Ahoy, Ladies! Didn't See You There. Would You Like To Set Sail On An Ocean Of Flavor With Me? I'll Be Your Captain. I'm Steve Harrington
Robin, although I have read some fics that flesh a little more Tommy and Steve's relationship and in which Tommy helps Steve out 'for the sake of old times' which are....... interesting)
Metalsandwich (it's a breath of fresh air? It's honest to God the first time I encounter an ot3 which people don't reduce to a love triangle? Like, everyone has their own little headcanon about it, but all seems to be in the direction of thinking how would they work).
I also like Harringrove a lot
random headcanon
He's extremely competitive, but only in the stupidest context (which is bad, because Eddie knows exactly which buttons to push to get him to follow into some crazy idea)
He's exactly that type of person who'd ask you a hundred times if you're mad at him and why you're mad at him (which is not bad per se because when Billy is morose it can be a bit tricky prying of him why is he mad. And I kind of feel like Eddie would be kind of the same, shutting off in the bedroom and turning metallica up to a 110%)
He undersells himself a lot and cares a really unhealthy amount about what others think about him
He hates texting and has a brick phone until his 50s, however having a chat with him can add years to your lifespam
unpopular opinion
song i associate with them. If Steve was Spaniard he'd definitely be an Hombres G fan and he'd get all dolled up for a date to the tune of 'Voy a Pasarmelo Bien' (I'm going to have a great time) (🎵 I know I have some enemies, but tonight they cannot count on me, I'm gonna turn into a werewolf, I've promised myself that I won't sleep alone, because todayyyyy... Today I'm gonna have a great time 🎵) . Although Hombres G quite literally have a song that goes 'Devuélveme a mi chica' (Give me my girl back) about the loser of the class whose girl prefers to go with a really posh hot guy in a yellow sweater that would be more of a jonathan type of song but it does make me think about Steve
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Anyway Hombres G is one of the most iconic 80s Spaniard groups.
favorite picture of them
the moment he grimes up good I'm literally on my knees
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starkstruck27 · 11 months
Tag game: Stranger Things Edition!!
I was tagged by my bestie @oopsiedaisiesbaby. Love you!!💚💚
1. Ride or die ship (your otp): Harringrove
2. Most annoying ship: Mileven
3. Second favorite ship: probably mungrove (bonus points if I get the best of both worlds and it ends up as harringroveson)
4. Favorite platonic relationship: Either stobin or elmax. They're both amazing <3
5. Underrated ship: gonna go with elmax again for this one. Or Keg Boys. I feel like they don't get as much love as they deserve.
6. Overrated ship: normally I would say steddie, but I also love them, too, so I'm gonna say ronance. I can see it, but at the same time... meh?
7. One thing I would change in canon: a lot of the random, unneeded deaths. Bob, Billy, Alexei, Benny, Barb, Chrissy? I feel like none of those needed to happen for the plot to move along, and even if they did, like they didn't have to make them like an "Oh well, they're dead :/" thing. Like, they didn't deserve that. And even if they didn't do that, the way the other characters reacted to the deaths was kinda shallow, too. Like Nancy losing Barb would broken my heart a lot more if they didn't use her mourning as a plot device to make her lose Steve and hook up with Jonathan.
8. Something canon did right: the character dynamics. The way they had the kids fighting over petty shit while bad things were happening, how Dustin didn't have a dad so he latched onto Steve as an older brother type positive influence, the way Hopper had to get used to being a dad again and ask Joyce for help? All of that was just beautifully done.
9. A thing I'm proud of creating for the Fandom PLEASE BRAG ABOUT YOURSELF I WANT TO SEE/READ YOUR ART: All of my works on Ao3, but probably my favorite (at the moment) is my fic So Give Him Inches and Feed Him Well or my six fic series Cool To Hate.
10. A character who is perfect to me (wouldn't change a thing): Max, Lucas, Dustin and Will. They're all so sweet and funny and I love them.
11. The character I relate to the most and why: normally I would say Billy, but lately it's been more Max. She's stuck in a house with a jerk of an older brother who goes off like a volcano over the littlest things, though most of the time he's dormant unless he wants to annoy her, and she has to witness him and the only father figure she has fighting all the time. Getting into screaming matches, sometimes getting physical, and while in my situation it's more the son causing problems for the father, it's still bad. The only reprieve I get is when I'm out with my friends, and even though I still care about both of them, I'm starting to lose that love for one of them (in her case Neil, in my case my brother) because of how they treat everyone else and acts like everything is normal afterwards.
12. The character I hate the most and why: Karen Fucking Wheeler. How she can go from being a concerned, doting mother in season one to pretty much a sexual predator in the span of a few seasons, I'll never know. I could understand if she cheated on Ted and went after someone her own age, but the fact that she went after a boy no older than her daughter just makes me sick. And yes, Billy flirted with her, too, but come on. He's a misguided 17-18 year old abused kid looking for any kind of affection wherever he can get it. And Karen is the adult. She should fucking know better.
13. Something I've learned from the fandom: How to politely disagree with people and kill them with kindness. That's why I have an anti's ask pinned to the top of my blog, because I want people to know that I don't care who or what they like, so I'll respect them, but if they come onto my blog actively trying to start shit, I will not fucking stand for it :)
14. Three tags I seek out on Ao3: hurt/comfort, Fluff and Angst, and enemies to lovers.
15. A song I strongly associate with my otp/favorite characters: I made a whole playlist dedicated to Billy, so.... but if I had to pick -
For harringrove: In The Woods Somewhere by Hozier or Don't You Dare (Make Me Fall In Love With You) by Kaden MacKay
For Billy: Far Too Young To Die by Panic! At The Disco, Beautiful Girls by Van Halen, Bella by the Red Hot Chili Peppers, and Cherry Pie by Warrant. Also pretty much Guns N Roses' entire discography.
So, everyone I usually tag for these has already done it (I think), but on the off chance you didn't, I'll tag @thissortofsorcery and @half-oz-eddie , as well as anyone else who wants to participate!
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ventya · 2 years
It Boys - harringrove au
Where is my rich boys rivalry Harringrove au? Where their feud has been insinuated by their parents and the history of rivalry their families have with each other.
Their dads have made sure their sons knew that the other is the one they have to beat in school, exams, extracurriculars, sports, pre-university exams, wearing the best clothes, being the most charming young man at any event, and charming the finest ladies in the city.
They go to the same school, which happens to be the most elite in the city, together and everyone in that school knew about the rivalry between the two young men that come from the most important families. Harrington and Hargrove are the most popular boys in school having their own groups that rival each other. Gossip between the students is hot when it comes to them, it goes around quickly on who got the better score in the mid-terms or who got the hottest car.
Their rivalry is at an all-time high when Harrington storms after Hargrove into the locker room: “You’re a fucking cheat.” He spat, sweat glowing under the light. Hargrove turned to face the other a laugh escaped him.
“How does one cheat in tennis, Harrington?” He asked, throwing his racket on the bench. His shirt was sticking against his hot skin.
“You tell me, Hargrove,” Steve growled his name out.
“You’re just mad I finally beat you tennis just admit it.” The smug look on Billy’s face made Steve boil. “Like I did in the others. Sailing, polo, swimming, and horse riding.” His smugness only seemed to grow as he listed all the sports they did. Harrington grabbed into Hargrove’s collar and slammed him against the nearest locker. Billy laughed in Steve’s face. “There isn’t one thing I haven’t beat you in, Harrington, you will always be under me.” Steve’s grip tightened and his face got closer. He hated Billy Hargrove.
“Are you sure about that?” Steve wanted to sound threatening, he wanted to put Billy in his place. He could feel Billy’s breath on his skin and he couldn’t help but glance at his lips.
“I am sure, Steve,” Hargrove smirked, less smug than before, but there was something mischievous under his pretty lashes. “Unless...” he began voice low and eyes dark. And Steve caught him glance down. The sweat on his forehead didn’t seem to cool down when Billy leaned closer lips close to his skin. “Unless you prove me wrong, pretty boy.” It was a whisper against Steve’s pale burning skin. Steve shivered, his brain short-circuited Billy pulled back his head leaning against the locker with a look on his face that he had only seen when Billy was kissing a girl’s neck and his eyes were on him, obviously trying to show off, trying to show Steve how to treat a girl. “So what is it going to be, King Steve?”
Steve Harrington hated Billy Hargrove.
He watched Billy’s eyes flutter close when their lips brushed against each other, “Don’t hold back.” Billy’s hand had gripped Steve’s shirt to pull him closer. Steve growled.
“Don’t tell me what to do Hargrove.” Billy couldn’t even think what Steve had meant by this as his lips were attacked by Steve’s lips. It was a hot and hard kiss, Steve used his teeth to get some noises out of Billy (they sounded different in Steve’s dreams) and his hands were all over the other. Steve wasn’t kissing like he was used to kissing, slow and gentle, no because this was Billy Hargrove. And he hated Billy Hargrove. That’s why he had him pressed against the locker with his body, that’s why he let Billy pull on his hair and that’s why he groans into the kiss.
Their rivalry wasn’t the same after this. Sure they kept their competitions, but after every heated game, they found themselves in each other’s arms to release the ache they both felt. The ache to show the other who really is the better one. Suddenly the young ladies didn’t matter anymore, because after every political, school, or community-related event they’d find themselves in a closet or the backseat of a car or in one of the unattended rooms or in the backyard of whoever was hosting the event.
Things seemed simple until they stayed together late at night and talked to each other about other things than their rivalry. Things seemed simpler when they didn’t find each other longing for these nights. Longing for each other in the hallways, at the events when they are both dolled up in expensive clothing, when they are in the locker rooms with other people in it or when Billy traced Steve’s moles as he was falling asleep. 
Everything was simpler when they competed for the best grades and not for the other’s affections. Because what will happen if their families found out that their perfect sons are no longer the rivals they wanted them to be?
Spotted! Our pretty boy S and feisty B kissing in a little downtown cafe! Now that is something we all didn’t expect, right? How is this going to go well when your families are rivals? Good luck to our two boys.
xoxo gossip girl
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thewaywardkees · 1 year
Tag Game — Stranger Things Edition!
Tagged by: @destroya2005
Note: this was based purely on my opinion.
Ride or Die ship (OTP): Harringrove (Steve Harrington + Billy Hargrove). There is something about their dynamics that draws me in. Plus fanfic writers and video editors make the pairing believable enough! (:
Most annoying ship: personally, I don't really enjoy Steddie but it is mostly because of the toxic part of their fandom. I have seen a lot of people in that fandom bullying other m|m couples… makes me wonder why people love wasting their time making others feel miserable. Just chill and reblog some stuff! | Huge shout out to Steddie fans who don't witch hunt others! And to the ones who make amazing fanart!
Second favorite ship: Lumax (canon), Jopper (canon) and Argilly (non canon). Lumax and Jopper are definitely the best couples on the show! And Argilly??? How did people come up with that ship!? It is amazing!
Favorite platonic relationship: Stobin. I must admit I was a huge fan of the couple in S3 until Robin came out to Steve. The duo is one of a kind!
Underrated ship: Munver... tiger-freak... whatever you guys wanna call it. I mean... that ship has a lot of potential! Chrissy-Heather-Robin. Love them too! The fanart people are creating for the trio is chef kiss.
Overrated ship: — .
One thing I would change in canon: the whole introducing new characters in the show only to kill them in the last episode of the season... It is a never ending cycle. Like… don't be shy, kill some of the originals. The Duffers REALLY need to learn from George RR Martin… like, have you guys read/watch Game of Thrones (A song of Ice and Fire)?. The man doesn't give a crap about what fans think! He/She/They are your favorite chars? BAM! DEAD! 💀
Something canon did right: the 80's setting (music, clothes, cars, etc. Etc.).
A thing I am proud of creating for the fandom: I haven't posted my share yet, I am planning to… maybe someday… someday, yeah….
A character who is perfect to me: Hopper. He reminds me of my dad, they have the same personality.
Character I relate to the most and why: Steve Harrington, we are pretty similar in lots of aspects. We learn through experience (rights and wrongs) and both have deconstructed ourselves and created critical thinking of our own. — also, we both have great hair ;D
Character(s) I hate the most: Neil Hargrove, Henry Creel and Dr. Brenner… The three of them are monsters. (🚩🚩🚩)
Something I've learned from the fandom: I haven't interacted with the fandom as much so nothing yet. However, I admire how passionate people can be over their favorite characters.
Three tags I seek out on AO3: AU - Canon Divergence and/or Modern Setting, Happy Endings, Enemies to Lovers (👀).
Songs I associate with my OTP and/or Favorite Character: Harringrove — More than Words (Extreme), Words (F.R. David), Him and I (Halsey, G-Eazy), Bloom (The Paper Kites), There is a light that never goes out (The Smiths), Shameless (Camila Cabello). || Steve Harrington — Good old fashioned lover boy (Queen), The Archer (Taylor Swift), You are on your own kid (Taylor Swift).
No pressure tags: @theladycarpathia , @bigdumbbambieyes , @hephaestn , @harrgrove , @lemonhitsu , @ihni , @thediktatortot . And everyone who wants to participate, really! 🩷
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hellshee · 2 years
Chiming in as well.
It is essential to know how to distinguish between excusing a character and understanding a character. As you said, nuance is the key. This rule applies to all characters. I can understand the motivations of even a serial killer if necessary for the study of the human psyche or even simply to have fun during a slasher movie (or any media), but never excuse them. Besides, if the goodness of our hearts were measured in terms of the characters we like, we'd have a world consisting of only criminals. The important thing is not to attack fans directly and personally simply because they have a somewhat controversial character preference. I say this because I, who love almost every Stranger Things character, am very sick of seeing insults and attacks on social media. This goes for fans of Mike, Will, 001, Brenner, Billy, Steddie, Eddissy, Harringrove, Byler, Mileven, Elmax, I can do an endless list. If you don't like someone else's opinion or favorite character or ship, just ignore it. It is not difficult. And I haven't talked about the attacks not just on fans, but on the actual actors. In conclusion, please be kind to each other.
i agree with you!
being able to make that distinction can free you to enjoy watching all sorts of characters without a) feeling guilty for enjoying a character that is written as an antagonist or villain and b) not getting into fights where you're trying to prove that they're actually completely innocent characters
you can enjoy watching a variety of characters and understand them but not excuse them.
of course, there is something to be said about the idea of an abused character turning into an antagonist or villain that sends a message to the audience that isn't exactly the best of messages so i understand that aspect of arguing for a redemption arc as well. sometimes they're just not written like that for whatever reason, but i do understand why people not just enjoy, but need to see fleshed out, human redemption arcs. for some it's just the wholesomeness of it, for others it's the ability to see that there's hope to get better. but that being said, in this specific case, wishing to see a redemption arc and having the ability to see billy's home struggles with an abusive dad does not justify or excuse his actions towards everyone else.
as for insults and such... i am a firm believer that people can post on their blogs their own opinions about whatever character, and that as long as they tag them correctly (in this case, using the anti tags, which is detrimental to offering your followers and tumblr at large the possibility to curate their experience) and not sending hate to people, they can gripe about a character online. just be mindful of the other people you share your online space with.
of course, it goes without saying that being homophobic, sexist, etc. is not a valid reason to hate on a ship or a character.
as for the actors: there is almost never a reason to harass or bully an actor over the character they are playing. that is absurd and ridiculous and i hate this aspect of fandom very much. actors are people going to work the same you go to work and they do not have to deal with online brats who can't make the distinction between fiction and reality. in fact, i think people like this aren't capable of consuming media and should probably experience the world a little before they interact with fandom spaces. actors see the hate they get, at least part of it, and it does affect them, so it is online bullying and harrassing.
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grey-sides · 2 years
Day 15 from chrisbitchtree's harringrove April list! Today's prompt was bandaid. You can read my response to yesterday's prompt here.
Steve only really smokes when he's drinking and since he's cut back on the drinking, he's also cut back on the smoking. It's probably better for him, even if he still finds desire at the end of a cigarette, the end burning cherry red into a dark sky. He likes the immediate smoke too, the burning tobacco smells especially good against a cold winter breeze. This is probably why he lets Billy smoke out past the pool, almost in the woods, even if Steve isn't joining in. His secret love for cigarettes is the only reason he watches Billy put one to his mouth, jaw jutting forward a bit to hold it in place while he lights it.
Sometimes, Steve will reach over and snatch it right from his mouth. He'll put it against his own lips and lick the filter just to piss Billy off. It's a game, their little joke. Steve doesn't even buy cigarettes anymore, he just bums them off Billy if he's really craving one. It doesn't mean anything that he makes Billy light it for him every single time. Billy doesn't call him on the lighter Steve keeps in his pocket, so Steve is going to keep doing it.
Tonight is…different. Billy had pulled up to the house just as Steve's parents left in the other direction to go to the country club for a charity auction or something. Steve wasn't invited so he had planned on an evening of cold beer and maybe a little bit of masturbation. Until Billy showed up, out of the blue, like he always did. They never talked about trading phone numbers because that would have gone too far. Made it too real.
So they're out back, sitting on a blanket on the ground. They used to sit just straight on the ground but Billy would complain about what felt like hours after about how cold and sore his ass was. So Steve keeps a blanket next to the back door to bring outside whenever he comes over.
They always sit facing each other, shoes just barely brushing and Steve always sits with his back to the pool. Even if he knows that the real danger is the woods, that the pool is just an unfortunate casualty, he still hates looking at it. Sometimes Billy swings around to brush their shoulders together instead if the stars are out. He knows a lot about the stars and likes to point out the constellations in a hushed voice when they're getting high. Or, Steve figures Billy's telling the truth because he definitely doesn't know anything about the stars. And the way he threatens Steve to not ruin his street cred by telling anyone about it. Steve could tell people about it. If he was brave enough.
Tonight Billy has decided to sit next to Steve and his breath smells like straight booze. He's fine, physically, at least, but jumpy. And his hands are shaking just a little where he rests them on his lap. Steve wants to ask but he's done that in the past and Billy has stormed out for it before. So he doesn't, he just stares out at the forest silently, leaning back on his elbows.
"Wanna smoke?" Billy asks when they've been silent for far too long. His jacket is discarded next to him and he leans over to grab at it. A moment later, he pulls out a fresh pack of smokes, some wrappers, and a little baggy of ground-up weed.
"Yeah," Steve agrees easily. "But let me roll it, you always make them too long." He takes the stuff from Billy, accepting Billy's silence as agreement. He's actually fine at rolling, but with the way his hands are shaking, he's probably not going to do a good job.
Steve sits up and slides over the book that lives with the blanket. He's told his mom he keeps it by the door so it's easy when he wants to go out and read. She hasn't noticed that it's been the same book for almost three months now. Steve crosses his legs and slaps the book on his lap to make a little table. The baggy goes next to him and he pulls out a wrapper, pressing it flat with one hand. Then he grabs the pack of smokes, moving to rest his elbow over the wrapper so it doesn't blow away in the breeze.
Billy is just watching him silently, not even goading him about rolling. He just has his gaze on the side of Steve's head and Steve blames his staring for what happens next. He goes to open the pack of cigarettes, sliding his finger under the lid to pop the glue. It must be the way he has his finger crooked because just as soon as the glue opens, he feels a sharp sting.
"Ah shit," Steve mutters, dropping the box and looking down at his finger. In the low light from the moon and the lights by the pool, he can see blood well up immediately. It's not deep, but it stings and he doesn't want to get blood in the joint. "Let me go put a bandaid on."
Steve opens the book to tuck the wrapper in the cover for safekeeping and goes to get to his feet. To his surprise, Billy gets up too and follows him into the house. He doesn't say anything, just follows wordlessly behind. "Not that I don't find your company great as it is, but are you alright, man?"
Billy shrugs, pushing past Steve to turn on the bathroom light. He goes straight to the cabinet below the sink and pulls out the first aid kit. "Yeah my dad's just…threatening to take my car after I graduate so I can't leave," he mutters. Steve goes to open the kit to get out a bandaid but Billy nudges his hand away. "Let me, it's on your left hand so you're gonna fuck it up and it'll be uncomfortable."
Steve opens his mouth to argue until he thinks better of it and just leans his hip against the sink. "That's shitty, dude. Did you like do something to piss him off?"
Billy pulls out a bandaid and some Neosporin, grabbing at Steve's hand to inspect his finger. He gently wipes away the blood and turns it into the light. "With my dad, I don't have to do anything to piss him off, I piss him off by existing."
And that's…a lot more than Billy usually says on the subject so it must have fucked him up. Even though his hands were shaking earlier, they seem to have steadied when he opens the bandaid to put some Neosporin on it and then carefully covers Steve's cut finger. He stares at the bandaid for a moment and Steve isn't sure if he should move his hand away yet.
"Parents are assholes, man," Steve finally says, swallowing around a dry tongue.
Billy looks up at him for a split second before he drops his gaze to focus on putting the kit back in the cabinet. "Yeah. They are."
Steve walks out of the bathroom with Billy and back to their spot. The book has kept the wrapper from blowing away, but Billy takes the setup now since Steve's finger can't quite bend all the way. He watches Billy snap a cigarette off at the filter, wondering if he's thinking of anything specific when he does it. And when Billy finally passes over the joint, already light and smoking, their fingers brush.
Steve takes a hit, holding it in his lungs until it makes him cough. He looks over at Billy and his eyes are already starting to burn. For a wild moment, he thinks about offering to drive Billy wherever he wants to go, but it has to be the weed talking. Because they're not like that. He doesn't even have Billy's number. But maybe he could. If he was brave enough.
"Shotgun?" Steve offers when the joint is back in his hand. Billy just stares at him again, eyes heavy and pupils blown from the weed and the dark.
"Yeah, give it here," Billy finally says and his voice has gone scratchy from the smoke. He takes a hit, eyes fluttering shut and he leans into Steve's space. It's not a kiss, even if their noses brush, and Steve can taste Billy's liquor in the air he pushes into his lungs. But it could be. If he was brave enough. 
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So @billy-baby mentioned That 70’s Show and Harringrove, and it reminded me of a *whole ass* set of hc’s about a 70’s/Stranger Things AU that has been sitting in my notes for literal years collecting dust, so here it is:
-Billy & Hyde would be besties, probably neighbours in the same shitty neighbourhood
-They headbang to hard rock and metal, jam to 60’s & 70’s rock while drinking TONS of beer and hotboxing the Camaro and El Camino, respectively
-Bands they’d have in common: AC/DC, Black Sabbath & Ozzy Osbourne, Scorpions, KISS, Judas Priest, Van Halen, and Led Zeppelin just to name a couple
-Hyde always gives Billy shit for like, never wearing a shirt, Billy gives Hyde shit for his ever-present sunglasses & sideburns
-They know each other’s parental problems, and take refuge in the Forman’s basement/the empty Harrington house (yes, we’re talkin’ a Hawkins, Indiana/Point Place, Wisconsin mashup here)
-Billy still has a major crush on Steve (Harrington that is, Steven Hyde will only be referred to as Hyde [and that possible name mix-up could cause some hilarity whenever anyone calls out “Steven”, and some embarrassing rumour drama for Billy, Steve, & Hyde (or omg a block party at the Formans where Kitty calls out “William! Steven! Michael!” And she turns around and has Billy, Will, Hyde, Steve, Mike, and Kelso starting at her expectantly)])
-Billy probably also thinks Eric and Kelso are kinda cute, but total dumbasses, they both definitely annoy him
-Fez would have a totally awkward and hilarious crush on Billy, and you just know Billy would flirt with him on purpose just to make him nervous (this might make Steve a lil jealous and annoy him to no end)
-Jackie would have the BIGGEST crush on Steve, after Kelso, and drag him around to go shopping and shit, he would tolerate it but Billy would absolutely hate her as a “bitchy rich entitled snot-nosed brat” cause she would be vocal about him being poor and he’d have to be calmed down by Hyde and Steve all the time
-Billy would give Hyde an unimaginable amount of shit for going out with Jackie, hooo boy!
-Steve would get a kick outta Kelso, but I think he and Eric would be pretty close friends, with Steve always pushing to hang around at the Forman’s cause Eric’s parents are always present, as opposed to his empty house (he adores Kitty Forman for SURE as the mother he never had)
-But the gang would surely hold parties at the Harrington’s....and only sometimes get away with it (both these groups are known for their KEGS! and the 70’s teens would lose their damn minds over Keg Kings Billy & Steve)
-Billy would put the charm on for Kitty sometimes just to see her blush, and Red would get annoyed and just a little threatening saying something like “Like to see how charming you are with my foot up your ass” and Billy being the abused kid that he is automatically takes it a little too seriously- probably flinches, goes a little pale, stutters out a “Yes sir, sorry sir”
-This would make Kitty and Red a bit concerned, pay a visit to the Hargrove household- I wouldn’t be surprised if they experience Neil putting Billy down or catch a glimpse of a smack or something and they would for sure take action with Red intimidating Neil cause you know he could
-Anyway! Girls. Robin and Donna would be THE BEST FRIENDS EVER, cause Donna had no other cool girl friend to hang out with and you just KNOW Robin might have an “itsy bitsy” (huge) crush on Donna, cause she’s Hot Donna, also they’re both super into female empowerment (and honestly, when Donna/Eric break up I could see her maybe falling for Robin too)
-Donna and Billy would be buds, she might like him for a hot minute but be cool with him being gay (Out of everyone in the 70’s gang, I think he’d most likely share this with her - cause she’d probably figure it out - even if it’s just to gush about their dumb, brave, pretty brunette boys to each other)
-Max would LOVE Donna, not just because of the hair (but also redhead solidarity is important), but because they’re both badasses and would totally vibe together- Max, Billy, and Donna would be an unexpectedly fun trio (and Billy would complain about having to drive the “GingeTwins” around all the time or something to that effect)
-And Jackie having to babysit Erica (because Donna does it sometimes, but she’s out for the night) would be the best thing ever good lord, Erica would put Jackie in her place, but they’d probably make up some schemes together too
-Also Erica would be absolutely appalled at having a similar name to Eric, she’d probably call him something along the lines of “Supreme Nerd” or “King of the Nerds” and have an endless supply of unimpressed looks for him during their debates of whose name is better
-Eric would totally join Mike, Will, Lucas & Dustin in their nerd exploits (STAR WARS!) And he and Dustin would get into loooong nerd debates
-I think Kelso would join Dustin & Lucas (and maybe the other boys too) in doing mischievous experiments including but not limited to: pyrotechnics, wrist rockets, radios and electronics... He’d begrudgingly listen to the scientific explanations of the boys (which would all fly right over his head) and they would have a moderate success rate, but also have to run away from the trouble they’d get in
-Lucas and Hyde would always be cool, but after finding out about Hyde’s biological dad they could become closer (Hyde’s dad and Lucas would have the best banter)
-Will and Eric would geek out over comics, and I think Eric would be super nice/supportive about seeing Will’s drawings
-Jonathan would be pretty quiet at first, but might talk to Fez since they’re both kinda the odd man out in each group (and he’d be genuinely NICE to Fez, *side eyes 70’s teens*)- then he’d be roped into doing random/stupid/mildly illegal stuff with the gang
-And despite Billy & Hyde being besties, I think Jonathan would bond with Hyde over shitty dads (plus I think Hyde would love Joyce, and she’d be another offer of refuge for him & Billy) and WEED WEED WEED
-Actually that might definitely be a sub-trio: Jonathan, Billy, & Hyde- they’d all have each other’s backs when it came to family drama (and later on when Hyde gets his record store, he’d offer them both jobs and Jonathan would be over the fuckin’ moon and work there)
-Billy would for sure work for Red in his muffler shop, and Red would take him under his wing, probably unwittingly become the father figure Billy never had.
-Nancy, hmmm, well she’s on the richer side of town so her and Jackie might be friends? but she’d for sure get annoyed with Jackie’s shallow bullshit
-OH and Robin would also hate Jackie I think, ‘cause of her entitlement and relentless obsession with boys (poor Jackie, I’m not setting her up for anything great here huh)
-So that’d be why Steve is friends with her, if only ‘cause he feels bad when she alienates herself from the rest of the teens, they (and I hate to say this) *could possibly* date for like 5 minutes, it’d be a REALLY hard time for Billy...and Kelso. And those two would probably come up with some hairbrained scheme to break them up (and succeed, but each get ripped a new one because of it)
-But at least the group of teen girls would be bigger if Donna, Robin, Jackie, and Nancy all hung out together sometimes (and if they tried to have a sleepover or something there would be toooo many idiot boys trying to creep on them, I think Billy would be the voice of reason and tell them they’re all being dickheads)
-And he’d give Fez a fuck ton of shit for being such a voyeuristic creep, probably make him stop hiding in people closets (wait what? Fez is like constantly coming out of closets in that show?! hello?? is that a thing??? Oh ho-ho they’d have a whole talk about that)
-Steve would get a kick outta Fez, probably think he was the funniest dude on the planet, as I’d say they’re the goofballs of the group (and yes, I am mostly excluding the King Steve narrative from this and using only cool mom Steve, cool? cool.)
-Steve might also have a lil crush on Donna, (‘cause a strong personality and blue eyes is like his kink, we all know this) but Eric would throw a fit about that and then they’d be all buddy-buddy discussing Donna & Billy (I think Eric being kind of a dumbass about his own gay kiss might put Steve off for a bit [and make Billy super hesitant and real pissed], but I also think Eric would be cool with hearing Steve out about his big bisexuality-discovery-adventure)
-Donna and Eric trying set Steve and Billy up by saying they’re all gonna hang out, and then like locking Billy/Steve in a room together or something and leaving😈
-When Billy/Steve’s relationship comes out, Hyde’s reaction is probably “That’s cool, man” Kelso would make some corny statement about how hot *he* is, Fez would probably fangirl over it with big ole heart eyes, Jackie would be like “weird, whatever”, Kitty would get flustered and then overly excited about it after a while, Red would be uncomfortable but okay with it saying something like “I better not catch you two dumbasses doing anything in my house”
-Ohmygod, Red as a father figure to Billy, Kitty as a mother figure to Steve, and they end up being so supportive of the boys ‘cause they have to put up with so much parental shit (say what you want, but the Formans have compassion) and they convert their house/backyard into a little private prom for the whole gang just so Billy/Steve can dance together and be themselves
-Billy, Steve, and Robin would die laughing every time they saw/talked to Leo. And I feel like Robin would talk her way into a job at the Photo Hut and then just end up being the manager and hires Jonathan herself to do the developments
-And you know how Hyde is always punching Kelso in the arm? Well he’d always get one, and Billy would punch the other arm as he’d classify Kelso a special kind of idiot, they’d always be teasing Kelso together, but Billy (and Steve I’m sure) would have some wicked BURNS that Kelso would love
-Steve and Kelso as friends? Sure, pretty boys gotta stick together~ especially when Steve gets called that by Billy, and then Kelso insists he’s a prettier boy, and Billy either rolls his eyes or flirts aggressively cause Kelso doesn’t understand WHY that’s Steve’s nickname, and it’s a whole can of worms you guys
-(And I didn’t forget about El, I’m just not quite sure where she fits in this AU... she probably doesn’t have powers and is the new kid who moves into town cause of a bad home life, she’d befriend Max in school and then I think Donna would take her under wing, then she’d be a hit with the teen gang cause she’d break her quietness with witty comments/one-liners, and since she’s very intuitive still, she gravitates towards Billy & Hyde and there would be some touching heart-to-hearts about shitty parental situations followed immediately after by inappropriate offers of beer to which she responds with a firm “gross”)
-And finally, *the Circle* would be so much bigger and funnier with the Stranger Teens in it
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harringrovetrashrat · 3 years
The Gobbler II: The Witching Hour
Harringrove Big Bang 2021 is here!!! A huge thanks to @harringrovebigbang for organizing this!  Also a huge thanks to my team, @monsdasarah and @catharrington, who did the art and moodboard, respectively.
But without further ado, here we go.  The Gobbler II.  Time to get cracky.
Steve wasn’t counting the days until the full moon. He wasn’t.
Fine, he was. He was thinking about Billy at pretty much every chance he got. Because, while the blow job had been fucking mind blowing, Billy was… Billy had insisted on them hanging out some, going over rules and such, as well as sharing emergency information should anything happen while Billy wasn’t in control. And Billy was funny. He was smart. He was an asshole.
Check, check, check. Each box for Steve’s Horny/Falling Deeply in Love list had been checked and Steve was struggling. He could deal with Billy being hot, a lot of people were hot, and Steve could get over that. Hell, he’d thought Robin was hot until she very kindly turned him down. But the problem was that Billy wasn’t just hot. Steve liked him. Liked him, liked him. Third grade schoolyard liked him. Because while Billy was snarky and rude and a total dick when he wanted to be, Steve could tell he had a good heart. He saw it in the care Billy took with him regarding everything with The Gobbler. Saw it when Billy mentioned his sister and his eyes softened, even if he called her a shitbird. Hell, Steve watched Billy step over an ant hill instead of on it and his knees went weak.
He was fucked and he knew it.
“I still don’t know,” Robin said, brow furrowed with worry. Steve was finishing up the garlands she needed, weaving together the hay and wheat so flowers could be intertwined safely without fear of them falling out. He sighed and set down the garland before stretching out his fingers.
“I know, I know,” she said, cutting him off with a sigh as she paced back and forth in the living room while he worked. “But I don’t fucking trust him! And while I’m glad you won’t be traversing the woods--” She cut herself off, eyes narrowing. “You’re both staying inside, yeah? You’re not planning on going looking for it are you?” Steve rolled his eyes.
“We aren’t going to look for The Gobbler in the woods. We won’t even look at the woods.” Steve felt bad, just a bit, when Robin visibly calmed from the reaffirmation, though she did continue to pace. He knew she was just worried about him, but still. He did know what he was doing. Mostly. Enough. Steve stood and wiped off his hands before halting her movements by pulling her into a hug. “I know you’re worried,” he mumbled into her hair. He pulled back, giving her a smile. “But seriously. It’s gonna be okay. I know you don’t trust him, but do you trust me?” Robin scoffed, rolling her eyes a little with a small, fond smile. “Actually, don’t answer that.”
“I was gonna say,” she replied with a smirk. “You don’t exactly have the best track record.” She let out a sigh, enough nervous energy finally leaving her body for her to plop onto the couch. “But I get it. I know you won’t let him do anything you don’t like, but I just… Something is… off.” She shook her head as Steve looked away, choosing to go back to finishing the garland instead of responding. Robin was right, and while Steve wasn’t a bad liar by any means, she knew him too well. Robin looked. She listened. She saw his nervous tics and heard the words he didn’t say. So instead, he said nothing and finished the garland as she checked through her notebook and made sure everything was accounted for.
By the time Steve finished, Robin was done packing up the rest of her things.
“Hope tonight goes well,” Steve said, giving her another quick, firm hug as they stood in the doorway. He pulled back, grinning wide. “Say hi to Heather for me,” he said sweetly, getting a shove from Robin as her face turned red.
“Oh my god,” she groaned. “Shut up!” Still, she smiled, and gave Steve a softer, more playful shove. “Have a good night. Don’t stink up the house with your boy fumes.” Steve snorted and shook his head.
“Billy and I both smell great, thank you.” Robin rolled her eyes and headed out, hopping onto her bike and waving one last time as she rode off. Steve waved until he could no longer see her, sighing happily as he went back in the house. It was only a moment however before he kicked it into overdrive. Steve ran to the living room, shoving everything away. He wanted things to be clean and ready, anything breakable moved out of the way. He had no idea how the night was going to pan out, no idea if Billy would even go for him again. How did the curse even work? Would he need a different dick every month? Would their plan even work?
Steve decided that he didn’t care. That they would figure it out. That he would figure this out, no matter what. Billy acted cool and unbothered, but it was obvious that this curse made him… Unhappy wasn’t the right word, but neither was disgusted. Uncomfortable, maybe? Steve could work it out later; right now, he needed to focus on getting the house Gobbler proofed.
Steve was up and out of his seat in record time when he heard the doorbell ring. He had to stop himself in the entryway and take a few deep breaths. It was probably weird how excited he was. How much he wanted this. But, Steve had a crush, a big one, and he was known to have poor judgement when he was into someone. Steve ran his hand through his hair before finally opening the door.
“I was wondering if you were gonna stand there forever or let me in,” Billy joked as he stepped into the house and brushed Steve’s shoulder with his. Steve flushed as he remembered the stained glass window in the front door, where Billy probably saw him run up and stop. He swallowed his embarrassment and followed Billy to the living room. While he had been over a few times, they usually had met up at Billy’s place. Robin’s distrust of Billy made him nervous, put him on edge, so he didn’t like coming to Steve’s often. Which sucked. But today Billy was here. He was here and he was standing in Steve’s living room, looking around with a small smile. “You and Buckley decorate like fucking grandmas,” he said, turning to give Steve a teasing smile, tongue caught between his teeth. It made Steve’s heart stutter.
Yeah, he was royally fucked. This was probably the worst idea he’d ever had.
He was still gonna do it.
“You should do an open mic, really, with all those zingers,” Steve replied. Billy cackled and Steve smirked back. “C’mon. We can come back down here to order pizza and put on something, but I, uh,” he faltered, turning a little red. “I figure you can put your bag in my room?” His nerves made it sound like a question, but he wasn’t the only one feeling a little funny about it, since Billy also went red. He blushed down his neck and Steve wondered how far down it went. To his collarbone? His nips? Steve cleared his throat and gestured to the stairs, leading Billy up silently.
“It’s a nice house,” Billy said quietly, breaking through the tension. “Grandma accents aside.” Steve snorted and opened the door to his room, suddenly anxious for Billy to like it. He had plants on plants, pots on every shelf, every nook, every cranny. Herbs lined his window sill, along with a few succulents. Steve loved plants. Loved the energy they brought. His parents had hated how he had loved to be in the dirt, to feel the magic of earth and nurse it, keep it thriving and strong. They were white magic users, full of spectacle and grace. Steve, well, wasn’t.
The rest of his room was somewhat bland, lots of greens and blues, the wood of his bed frame and desk a nice light brown. Billy looked around, eyes a little wide, setting his bag on Steve’s made bed. His room was cluttered, but organized, and Billy seemed amused at all the little knick knacks Steve had.
“Wow,” Billy breathed. “I don’t know why but I expected more plaid.”
“I don’t know whether to take offense to that or not,” Steve replied with a grin. Billy shrugged, his smile easy going.
“Your choice.” Billy went to the window, looking out at the garden in the backyard. “I’m gonna assume you’re the one who did the garden too?” Steve joined him by the window, looking down.
“Kind of. I do a lot of the gardening, but Robin helps a lot. We like to have native species of plants, and I hate nettles, so she’s the one who deals with them.” It was nice, talking to Billy. He seemed genuinely curious to know Steve and he hadn’t had anyone this interested in him since school, when he still reaped the benefits that came from his last name.
“Native species?” Billy asked, turning to Steve.
“Oh, I could go on for hours, you don’t want--” Steve began, face flushing.
“Dude,” Billy said, huffing slightly as he turned to face Steve more. “I like hearing what you have to say, okay? You don’t gotta censor yourself for me.” And there it was. The soft nougaty bit of Billy Hargrove that made Steve feel soft and squishy and seen.
“Well, why don’t we order the pizza and then we can talk?” Steve asked. He wanted to get out of his room before he shoved Billy onto the bed here and now. Steve had an inkling that Billy felt the same, but he was incredibly nervous that he was just reading too much into the situation. So instead of facing his feelings like an adult, Steve turned and headed downstairs, hearing Billy’s heavier footsteps behind him. He grabbed the phone out of the cradle, punching in the phone number for the best pizza place in town. “What do you like on your pizza?”
“Pineapple and onion. I can do ham or no ham.” Billy said it casually, like he hadn’t just spouted out the most disgusting combo Steve had ever heard.
“Oh, dude, I dunno. That’s crossing a damn line--” Steve began, aghast at the idea of pineapple on pizza, much less paired with onion.
“It’s good!” Billy protested with a pout. “Listen, order a medium one and then whatever your dainty tastebuds want. You’re gonna try it and I know you’re gonna like it.” Steve gave him a blank look, unimpressed and unconvinced. Billy just crossed his arms and raised a brow, tilting his head. Steve sighed and when Benny picked up the phone, he ordered.
When the pizzas arrived (pineapple and onion for Billy, while Steve got the olives and green peppers), Billy sat Steve down on the couch, handed him a slice, and sat on the coffee table, staring intently. Steve eyed the pizza, then Billy, then the pizza again.
“Trust me,” Billy said. “It’s good.” Steve sighed and rolled his eyes dramatically before daintily going in for a bite. “That’s a fucking nibble, get some of all of it, asshole.” Steve shot Billy an exasperated look, but he did take a real bite. And… Fuck. That smug asshole was right. The acidity and tart sweetness of the pineapple paired well with the sweet onion and the acidity of the tomato sauce. It was savory and sweet, with some good crunch, and Steve couldn’t help his surprised groan, staring at the pizza in shock. Billy made a choked noise and Steve looked at him, eyes wide.
“It is good,” Steve replied, taking another bite. Billy’s face was flushed, but Steve didn’t pay much attention, snarfing up his slice quickly.
“Told you,” Billy said, grin wide and proud. “It’s good shit. I know my food, dude.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Steve said through his mouthful of pizza. “You win this one, Blue.” At that, Billy paused, giving Steve a confused but curious look.
“Blue?” Steve blushed and realized he’d never actually said that nickname out loud before. Not in real life, at least.
“Yeah, uh, like your uh, your eyes,” Steve stammered out. Billy looked at him, silent, looking torn about something. Finally, his face settled and he snorted, shaking his head.
“Should I call you Brown?” Billy asked, snatching up a slice for himself. Steve fake gagged.
“Oh god no, please don’t.”
“Sure thing, Brown Eyes.”
“Billy, I literally said--”
“You said not to call you Brown. This is different.” Steve groaned while Billy smirked around the string of cheese connecting his lips to the pizza. They continued to joke around while they ate, Billy flinging the olives off his slices, like they had personally offended him. Eventually though, it was starting to get dark. Steve could see the tension and stress building inside Billy as the night went forward, inching closer and closer to the peak of the moon.
“Do you know when it’ll happen?” Steve asked. The pizza boxes had been broken down and put into the compost bin, all the leftovers wrapped in foil and put away. The sun had set and the only light in the house was from the multiple lamps Steve had. Billy had been subdued for the last hour, getting lost in his head. Steve knew because he did the same thing. “Just, like, is it a set time or does it depend on the season?”
“9 PM,” Billy replied softly, his earlier mirth replaced with concern and anxiety. “You don’t have to do this. You really don’t.” They’d had this talk multiple times, but Steve could see the weight on Billy’s shoulders. He knew how it felt to feel like a burden, so he reached out and took Billy’s hand.
“Maybe we met in some weird ways, but you’re my friend.” Billy looked at him, eyes shining a bit. “I wanna help you with this, and if we have a way to keep you inside and distracted all night? Why wouldn’t we?”
“You aren’t forcing me into anything, Billy. This is a choice I am making. Clear headed and sure.” Billy visibly relaxed, sagging a little. Steve kept hold of Billy’s hand, giving it a squeeze. “You wanna go up to my room?” Billy went red at that, flushing down his neck again.
“Yeah.” They walked up in relative silence, tension creeping again, but this time it was different. Steve felt electricity on his skin, felt heat curl in his belly. Billy sat on the edge of Steve’s bed, already looking out of it. “You can strip and leave your clothes on the dresser if you want,” Steve suggested. Billy just nodded, standing up. He stripped slowly, turning his back to Steve like they weren’t about to have sex. Still, Steve let Billy have his privacy. He did catch a glimpse of Billy’s ass, toned and tight, and he licked his lips, mouth suddenly dry and sticky.
“Thank you,” Billy whispered, and if it hadn’t been so quiet in the room, Steve wasn’t sure he would have heard him. Steve nodded, reaching behind him to find Billy’s hand and squeeze. There was a sharp intake of breath and a squeeze back. Looking back at the clock on his nightstand it said 8:59. Steve very suddenly was hit with the vivid memory of his torn jeans last time, and he scrambled to get out of his clothes.
“Shit!” Steve hissed. “God damn it!” He was nearly tripping out of his pants when he heard a low growl start from behind him. He paused, hairs standing on end in anticipation. He knew it was Billy but there was something so different about the timber of the noise. Steve turned to look behind him and Billy was standing there, head hung, hair gone limp, staring at Steve from under his brow. It sent a shiver through Steve, right to his dick. “Hey there,” he said, voice shaky. The Gobbler staggered forward, looking out of depth in these surroundings.
“Schm...eat…?” Steve let out a puff of breath, nervous laughter bubbling in his throat.
“Schmeat,” Steve replied with a nod. It was like flipping a switch. One moment, he was Billy, nervous and and ansty, the next, he was The Gobbler. It showed in the way he seemed to have a singular drive, a singular purpose. The way he heard Steve’s confirmation and everything else seemed to leave The Gobbler’s mind except getting Steve laid out. Strong arms hoisted him up and Steve let out a small squeak of air. “The bed! Put me on the bed!” He said, since The Gobbler was eyeing the window. He landed on the mattress with an oof, looking up as The Gobbler crawled on top of him. It was quick, a blink and he was above Steve.
“Schmeat. Hole.” Steve’s brows shot up.
“Hole? I thought you just sucked?” Did Billy-- The Gobbler wanna fuck him? Like, he definitely wasn’t against that, but he thought Billy had mentioned it was more an oral craving that anything else. The Gobbler growled again, moving down to nose at Steve’s balls. “Oh, shit,” Steve gasped. That was fast. He could feel drool dripping onto his groin and, while he was already getting hard, the process went a little quicker at the feeling.
“Hole,” The Gobbler repeated, more insistent this time.
“Okay?” Steve replied, because he really didn’t--
And then he was suddenly flipped over, face down, ass up, with his cheeks spread, saliva dripping down his crack.
“Oh,” Steve gasped. That’s what he meant. The warm spit cooled in the air of the room, sending a shudder up Steve’s spine. He grunted, arching his back a little. “Fuck yeah,” he breathed out. It ended in a choked off stutter when he felt a wet, hot tongue drag itself over his hole. He could feel the rumble as The Gobbler growled once again, this one less aggressive and more lustful. “That all big guy?” Steve teased, honestly a little desperate to feel more. “C’mon, go at--” Steve cried out when he felt lips against his hole, sucking the skin. “Ohmygodohmygod,” Steve chanted, suddenly painfully erect. He hadn’t been expecting that at all and holy shit did it feel good.
Steve’s reactions were paid no mind as The Gobbler pressed his face into Steve’s ass, a low moan rumbling from his chest. He was salivating, spit already dribbling down Steve’s taint to his balls. He sucked at Steve’s hole, leaving a hickey just to the right of it. Steve keened, dick already starting to leak. Apparently, they weren’t wasting any time today. The Gobbler slurped up his drool, lapping at Steve’s hole, which was already starting to look red and puffy. Steve gripped the sheets, holding on for the ride as The Gobbler’s tongue started making long broad strokes up his crack. Each lick was hot and wet and left Steve shaking. He could feel sweat beading at his temples and on his back. There was a grunt and Steve’s hips were shifted, ass tilted up more. The sting of the burn from the mustache grazing across his skin paired so perfectly with the soft velvet of the tongue soothing over it. Steve’s mind was already fogging over, eyes going a little hazy.
“Shit,” he murmured into his pillow, each stroke of the tongue pulling tiny gasps and moans from him. The sounds alone drove him wild and Steve wished he could grab his dick and stroke, but honestly he had no idea if he would be allowed. Wondered too if he could cum just from this. It was looking quite likely. Especially as The Gobbler started wiggling his tongue inside him, licking into his hole desperately. Steve was loosening up, but apparently it wasn’t enough, seeing as there was a whine from behind him and a nose pushing even harder into his crack. The wiggling was teasing and light, a steady pressure that was driving Steve a little mad. He pushed back, a whimper escaping his lips and fuck, there. He could feel the tongue wiggle in just a little farther as he pushed back, getting another moan from behind him. “Yeah, yeah, fuck,” Steve moaned, starting to steadily roll his hips back against The Gobbler’s face. The hands on his cheeks gripped a little tighter, maybe even enough to bruise. Steve selfishly hoped so.
The Gobbler began to fuck Steve with his tongue, each thrust opening Steve up more and more. He could feel spit dribbling down his crack, down his balls, dripping onto the sheets. His dick was hard, so fucking hard, and Steve tilted his head to look down. There were tiny globs and strings of pre coming from his cock, leaving a small growing stain on the sheets as well. Steve was definitely gonna have to do some laundry after this.
With harsh, heavy breaths, The Gobbler finally pulled back. Already Steve had a poor sense of time, and with his brain steadily melting into a pile of warm, blissed out goo, he had no idea how long The Gobbler had been eating his ass. Like it was his last meal and he was a starving man. Steve couldn’t help the desperate whine that escaped his throat, or the way his ass pushed back, seeking that hot tongue. He jerked when there was cool air blown onto his hole. The Gobbler switched between blowing on the cooling spit dripping down Steve’s taint and his now red and loose asshole. It made Steve shake, made his thighs tremble as sounds were pulled out from deep inside his chest ah, ah, ah. It had him gritting his teeth and clutching the sheets so tightly his knuckles were white. Teeth grazed along the meat of his ass, gently nipping at the skin and making Steve jerk forward with each light sting of teeth. The Gobbler started to suck, marking up Steve’s ass with his mouth like he didn’t know any other way to do it.
Not that Steve was complaining. Like, at all. His ass was probably gonna give him plenty of trouble tomorrow, but he couldn’t find the energy to care. Not when this felt so good. He gasped, sweat dripping down his face and onto the pillow below him as The Gobbler dove in again. Steve’s hands twisted in the sheets, moans practically leaking from his throat at the tongue wiggling it’s way into his asshole again. He was so loose, and just from his tongue. Even the thought made him shudder as more precome leaked from his dick, adding to the stain already spreading on the sheets. When The Gobbler pulled away for air, Steve could feel his asshole flutter, desperate for something to fill it again. He actually yelled when suddenly there was a finger pushing into him. It paused, hesitant, and Steve pushed back against it, hips moving as he fucked himself. A glob of spit slid down his crack and the finger pushed it inside him.
“Oh god,” Steve cried out, feeling his balls start to tighten. “Oh god, oh god, oh god--” And suddenly a hand clamped around the base of his dick, keeping him from cumming. Steve whined, loud and long, starting to turn over and push himself up.
“Mine!” The Gobbler snarled and pressed against his back, pushing him down into the mattress. Steve inhaled sharply as his finger shoved in farther, curling it up as he pulled it out.
“Fuck!” Steve screamed, unable to cum but feeling so fucking desperate. “B-Billy! Please!” He didn’t even really register that he’d called him Billy. Didn’t feel the desperation in the way the second finger pushed in, a little early. But Steve just made a low sound of pleasure, relishing in the burn of the stretch. It was the perfect amount to accentuate the pleasure without overpowering it.
The Gobbler panted into Steve’s ear and he could feel the drool dripping down onto the junction of his neck and shoulder. It shouldn’t have been so hot. Steve shuddered, feeling The Gobbler’s erection grazing against his ass cheek. He wanted it at least between his cheeks if it wasn’t gonna go inside. But The Gobbler didn’t even seem concerned with his own erection, just with touching Steve. He mouthed at Steve’s neck and between his shoulder blades, fingering Steve slowly. The tenderness of the kisses and the changed pace altered the feeling completely, and suddenly it was intimate. The pads of The Gobbler’s fingers massaged his prostate and Steve’s back arched. His hair was nearly wet with sweat, the whole room reeking of musk and sex. Goosebumps pebbled his skin as a shock went through him, the world focused to the sheets below him and Billy, The Gobbler, pressed up close behind him. The Gobbler took his fingers out slowly, pulling back. Steve whined, arm reaching out behind him. But instead, hands grabbed his hips and helped turn him over.
Hair splayed out around him, sheets mussed and wrinkled from being twisted and wrenched tight in his fists, Steve lay there, gazing up at The Gobbler. He hovered above him, hair draping down and shadowing his face. Still, his eyes shone bright, staring into Steve’s so intensely it made his dick leak. It was angry and red, throbbing as it bobbed, nothing giving him enough satisfaction to come. The Gobbler grinned, ducking down to suck one of Steve’s nipples into his mouth. Steve arched into it, hand gripping the back of his head. The Gobbler groaned, low and rumbling, hips rolling and his hard cock smeared pre along the vee of Steve’s hips. Steve was mush. Utter mush. His face was flushed and his eyes were glazed as The Gobbler went down, down, down and finally took Steve’s aching dick into his mouth. With one hard, wet suck, The Gobbler’s head bobbing only one time, Steve came with a shout that stuttered into silence. He came so hard his vision went white for a second. The Gobbler swallowed around him, drool mixed with jizz leaking from the corners of his mouth as he humped the sheets, fast and ruthless. Steve’s toes curled and his legs spasmed, knees tightening around The Gobbler’s ribs.
There was a loud slurp and a smack as The Gobbler pulled off Steve’s dick, letting it flop onto his groin, wet, shiny and softening. He swallowed audibly, letting out a moan as he came into the sheets, damp with sweat and drool. Steve watched him through half lidded eyes, watching as Billy blinked away the remains of The Gobbler. Steve smiled as his favorite pair of blue eyes turned to him, staring at him in awe. He wasn’t sure what other emotions he was seeing; he was too tired to discern much.
“You have got one hell of a tongue,” Steve slurred out. Billy continued to stare at him, eyes wide.
“You… You said my name,” he stammered out. Steve blinked at him, honestly drained and finding it hard to figure out just what Billy meant. And then, as sleep overtook him, it clicked. Fuck.
Steve woke up with a jolt and a sharp inhale. He blinked, looking out his window where the sky was still dark. He sat up, already starting to feel how sore his ass was. Billy must have gone ham on the biting and stubble rubbing, because he felt kinda raw. A good raw though, something that made him smile a bit at each tiny twing.
Then Steve remembered that he had actually shown his whole ass by moaning Billy’s name and a chill went down his spine. Billy wasn’t in the room, wasn’t on the bed, but Steve saw that his jeans were still on the floor, and it made him relax a bit. He got up, tossing on an old shirt and some sweats, before making his way downstairs quietly. The clock read 4:45, so Steve had definitely conked out deeply after he came. Billy wasn’t in the kitchen, but when Steve went into the living room, he saw Billy sitting by the window in the large armchair. He was resting his chin on his fist, just staring at the forest behind the house, lost in his thoughts. He had a glass of water on the table next to him, and didn’t look upset, so Steve took that as a good sign to start. He was quiet as he walked closer, pausing when Billy sighed heavily.
“I can hear you thinking from there, Steve,” Billy said quietly, without any heat.
“Sorry,” Steve replied on reflex. He sat down on the couch, watching as Billy continued to gaze out the window. “I--”
“Why did you say my name,” Billy asked, voice quiet and unsure. Steve looked down at his hands, pulling and tugging at each other as he wrung them together. He didn’t know quite what to say. It would have been weird to call out Gobbler, but he knew what Billy meant. In fact, was kinda shocked he even remembered.
“I… I mean, it won’t change my answer either way, and I don’t mean it as like-- Fuck,” Steve grumbled, rubbing his forehead with his hand. “How do you remember that? I thought--”
“I get… Bits. Not everything. I’m able to remember small things and feelings and small clips, but mostly it’s hazy. I can’t piece it all together. But,” Billy took a breath, deep and bracing. “I didn’t imagine that part, did I?” His voice was calm and unannoyed, but Steve still felt his stomach wriggling around inside him.
“No. You didn’t. I… Billy, I’m selfish,” Steve began, words coming out on a shaky breath. But this needed to be said. And he needed to apologize. “The first time this happened I mean… I hadn’t gotten laid in ages and you were hot and so it worked out. But this… time I--”
“Steve--” Billy said, voice laced with hurt and curiosity.
“Please,” Steve got out, cutting Billy off. “Let me. Let me say it all and then we can. We can talk.” Steve sniffed, rubbing his sweaty palms on his thighs. “This past month getting to know you has been so incredible. You’re a smart guy, just enough of an asshole, and you… You listen to me. And you care. The first thing you were concerned about last month was me, even though you’re under a spell forced to do a bunch of weird shit! Me! You were concerned about me!” Steve could feel Billy watching him, but eye contact would make his throat close up and maybe make him vomit, so he kept them at the table. “I know we don’t know each other super well -- I mean, it’s only been a month -- but I… You’re an interesting person and I fucking like you. I like you so much, Billy. All of you. Seriously.” Steve let out a long breath, closing his eyes to focus on getting the lump in his throat small enough that he could talk. “You need someone to help you and I… I’m too selfish to say no, even though I should because you--”
“Fucking christ, Steve,” Billy said, voice closer than it should be. Steve’s head snapped up and Billy was across the coffee table, leaning forward and bracing himself as he gazed at Steve. He didn’t look mad, didn’t look annoyed. Looked more fond than anything else and Steve felt his stomach do flips that were more along the neutral vein than flips that felt like he was about to start weeping. “You gotta let me get a word in.” Steve looked away again, apology ready to tumble from his lips, but Billy’s hand came and tilted his chin up, making him lose all ability to form thoughts, much less words. “Just to, yanno, condense all that, you said my name because you… you wanted it to be me?” Steve nodded, feeling his cheeks heat up. But when Billy smiled, relieved and excited and hopeful… It was so bright and overwhelming, Steve’s heart started fluttering, all of his insides squirming in joy and delight. “I’ve been so fucking worried. Because I really thought you were just… Humoring me. That this was you feeling like you maybe had to, or just to get some dick while you could--”
“I would never--” Steve began, horrified at the idea of using this against Billy.
“I know,” Billy replied gently, brushing his thumb over Steve’s cheekbone. “I know. It’s happened enough before I was worried I was being swayed into some false sense of security, but,” Billy let out a huffy laugh, smile going soft, “But this is just you. You’re just like this.”
“Like what?” Steve asked, unable to raise his voice above a whisper as he looked at Billy. Took in everything about him in the soft light of the moon. There was a shift in the air, something beautiful and new coming into fruition. Magic fluttered around them, Steve could feel it, bright and eager. It made the house feel warmer, feel fuller, and Steve’s breaths started coming in a little heavier. It took more energy to pull it in, but it was filling and exciting, making his skin tingle and thrum. His fingers itched to run over Billy’s skin. Which, come to think of it, he could do.
“Kind. Good. Silly.” Billy listed, pupils dilating as he moved around the coffee table, hand never leaving Steve’s face. Steve was grateful, unsure he could handle the feeling of loss if Billy had stopped touching him. As Billy sat, Steve’s hand came to settle at the small of Billy’s back, fire sparking in his gut and heart as their skin touched. Billy’s breath came in shaky, stuttering, and Steve leaned closer, their foreheads touching. “When you’re as hot as I am,” and some of the tensions eased at that, a snort escaping Steve before he could stop it, the magic shifting from something waiting for a spark to something more grounded. The feeling of hearth and home. “Yeah yeah,” Billy replied with a grin, “I know, I know. But really. People… Don’t see the person behind the abs.” It was silly, but Steve understood what he meant. Understood the struggle of people not just being blind to the person inside the body, but refusing to look beyond what they saw. “So thank you. For not being like everyone else.” Billy kissed him then and--
Steve was a witch, had been born into magic and felt it thrumming inside him. He’d been open to magic all his life, had felt the shift in magic during the change of the seasons, had done spells that had filled the room with power. Steve had seen amazing feats and more, but this kiss sent something through him. Something strong and vibrant and like nothing he’d ever felt. A crashing wave of signals and comments from the Earth and the magic within. He was overwhelmed with everything that coursed through him from the chaste kiss, hand pressing Billy closer as he tilted his head, mouth opening slowly. The kiss wasn’t hurried. It wasn’t hot and heavy. But it made Steve’s skin prickle with goosebumps, made his heart race and his lungs squeeze. He pressed closer, feeling Billy’s hand drop from his cheek to his shoulder, thumb brushing over his collar bone. It was a languid kiss, drawn out between a drag of the tongue, a light bite, the shared breaths between them.
When Billy finally pulled back, Steve knew his cheeks were flushed and he was panting just a little. It would have been embarrassing if Billy wasn’t also blushing, all the way down to his chest.
“I think,” Steve said, trying to catch his breath. “I think that we should go on a real date.” Billy’s laugh was bright in response, his head falling to rest at the junction of Steve’s neck and shoulder.
“Of course,” he breathed out. “Of course that’s what you’d say first.” Before Steve could even pretend to be offended, Billy kissed his neck, soft and sweet, his mustache dragging along Steve’s skin just a bit. “I’d love that. I’d love that a lot. But maybe we should get some sleep first, Brown Eyes.” Steve could feel the energy draining out of Billy now that the air had been cleared, and sleep started to tug at him as well. Even as he rolled his eyes at Billy’s simple nickname. However, he would have been lying had he said it didn’t thrill him and make his insides flutter.
“I think that’s a good idea,” Steve said in agreement. They moved together, hands still grabbing gently at each other, both of them unable to separate for long, if at all. It was like the truth had magnetized them and they just couldn’t fight the need to connect. They fell into the bed, smiling and warm and excited, ready for what this change would do for them.
As much as Steve wanted a languid morning filled with slow kisses and gentle touches in the lazy morning sun, Billy had places to be. Specifically, helping his sister Max.
“She’s moving in with her boyfriend, finally,” Billy replied when Steve asked, mouth full of egg and toast. It should have been gross, but Steve only found it endearing. “I won’t say I think it’s their best idea, but they’re at least keeping separate rooms. I know Max needs her own space.” Steve nodded, using the corner of his toast to burst the yolk of his fried egg.
“It’s good of you to help out,” Steve said, dipping his toast into the yolk as he cut through the egg with the edge of his fork.
“More like it’s required because I missed helping her move into her last place. Not like I was fucking sick or anything.” He set down his fork, plate already clean, before downing the coffee in the mug before him. “Sorry to eat and go, I would really rather stay here and--”
“It’s fine, it’s fine,” Steve said with a chuckle. He was also eager to talk more about them, but promises made were promises kept. “We have plenty of time, yeah? I mean, you can always come back here later,” Steve purred, thrilling a bit when Billy’s cheeks flushed.
“Don’t tempt me or I won’t leave,” Billy said, standing and leaning down to cup Steve’s cheek, kissing him lightly.
“That a promise?” They were distracted by the door opening, separating slowly. Robin came in as Billy was leaving the kitchen, both of them awkwardly giving the other space while pretending they weren’t doing just that. “How’d it go?”
“We’ll see this winter,” Robin replied, snatching the last bit of his egg between her fingers and quickly shoving it into her mouth.
“Snooze you lose, dingus,” she said with a grin. “Last night go...okay? Anything happen?” She searched his eyes for any hint of deception and, for once, Steve wasn’t really worried about what she’d find.
“Kind of?” Steve said, mouth tugging into a smile. Robin furrowed her brow. “Nothing bad, seriously, all good things.”
“Steve?” Billy asked, knocking on the door frame. Steve stood and went over, leaning in close. “I gotta head out, but I’ll text you later, okay?”
“Sounds good, Blue,” Steve replied. Billy just smiled, eyes darting to Robin for a moment before he ducked in for a kiss.
“Catch ya later, Brown Eyes,” Billy replied as he headed out the door. Steve rolle dhis eyes, but really couldn’t help the smile on his face. Billy left with a wave and wink, disappearing into his car, and leaving Steve feeling smitten on the doorstep. He watched Billy’s car go, jumping when Robin’s voice came from right behind him.
“So that’s what happened, huh?” She asked, voice lightly amused. Steve blushed and shut the door, turning to give her a sheepish look.
“I did say it wasn’t bad.” When Robin didn’t reply with a quip, Steve paused, smile freezing on his face. “Rob?”
“I’m happy for you, Steve, really, I am,” she said, and Steve could hear the ‘but…’ coming from a mile away. “But I still think you need to be careful.”
“Robin, please--”
“It’s not about me trusting him this time.” Steve looked up at that, curious. “It’s because… Steve. I’ve only seen you this smitten with one other person in my life, and that was Nancy.” That. That made Steve freeze. He’d loved Nancy fiercely, too fiercely, and had been utterly smashed when she’d broken it off. Had been depressed for months. “I don’t want you to get hurt.”
“Oh.” Steve wasn’t sure how to respond. Because he didn’t think he was that attached yet. Even if the idea of never talking to Billy again made it hard to breathe and made his lungs tighten and made his eyes water--
Oh fuck, Steve thought.
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memes-saved-me · 3 years
Thank you for tagging me in this brilliant idea!!! @lovebillyhargrove 💖💖💖💖💖
Answers below😁
1. Do they get together BEFORE MF possessing Billy or AFTER shit goes down? (Or maybe DURING😲)
I'm a sucker for their tension boiling over some time around Christmas and that's when they either kiss, have sex, get together or all three lol. That or post Starcourt Steve is left to take care of Billy because no one else is around who can and he slowly falls for him while Billy falls for Steve all over again.
2. Who kisses who first?
Steve. Steve going on for the kiss is my favourite. Billy of course returns it and is the one to take it further but Steve is the one to lean in or push Billy against a wall and go for it. Billy hesitates because he likes to tease and because he isn't fully sure Steve is on the same page.
3. Where do they have their first sex? (Location) (HJs and BJs count)
Blowjobs and handjobs at school. Hidden away or a party where they're drunk and it's messy but amazing. Sex wise Steve's room. Either its romantic and its been building to this or they rush to his, up the stairs and one is pushed down on the bed and so on. Its either intense and tension breaking or slow and caring. Or both honesty but its at Steve's house.
4. Who says 💖 I LOVE YOU 💖 first?
Billy. Steve thinks, knows he does way before but is scared to say it first so he waits and then once Billy says it, probably before, during or after sex he says it every chance he gets. Billy is a little less generous with it but when he says it Steve finds it means more than saying it all the time.
5. Bottom!Steve or Bottom!Billy?
I personally believe they'd switch. Hormone filled teenage boys happy to get what they can and deal it just as much. However, I'm a sucker for bottom Billy to begin with, Steve just getting into being bisexual so at first experienced Billy takes that position until Steve is comfortable enough to go for it. After that its whoever wants to or both of them. They just love being either side of things.
6. Do they give gifts to each other?
Steve will buy Billy things he wants or needs at any opportunity but Billy will buy little things here and there that have significant sentimental origin. Or he makes things like daisy chains and puts them on Steve while they sit in the grass. Little things like that.
7. Where do they end up living?
I love the idea of them leaving Hawkins, going to California and it just not being as good as Billy remembered. He bigged it up in his memories and they can't really afford the kind of place they would like there so they leave and go somewhere else to build a life together instead of relying on their past to bring them comfort. I'm not sure where they would end up really, maybe even another country eventually.
8. What are their future jobs?
Steve in sales, office work sort of thing. Billy a mechanic or dog trainer.
9. Who's a better cook?
Steve likes to think he's a better cook but Billy for sure is.
10. Steve Hargrove or Billy Harrington?
In terms of 😏 Steve but on terms of "Oh shit he's my favourite" Billy
11. What's Max's reaction when she hears they're together?
She's honestly disgusted by Steve's lack of taste and standards but is glad to know why Billy had been acting happier recently. Her first theory was drugs so being gay with Steve was more than better.
12. Describe in ONE SENTENCE Hopper's reaction when he hears the names Hargrove and Harrington mentioned together?
His ears perked up at the mention their names while sitting at the table with El, her run down of the day stating they were a couple which definitely caught his attention because never did he think the resident bad boy Billy would end up with preppy boy Steve but hey, teenagers are teenagers.
13. Does Robin like Billy OR does Robin hate Billy?
Robin loves anyone who helps her tease Steve but she also gives him the shovel talk which isn't as affective considering he was practically dead at one point. They have similar music taste and Billy is always brushing girls off and sending them in her direction which is an added bonus so yes Robin loves Billy as a friend but hates him as Steve's boyfriend because that's the best friend rule, you don't like their bf especially when they complain about them one minute then gush over him the next.
14. What about Dustin?
Dustin is just confused, for a long time. He doesn't really get why Steve would do this. Waste his time on Billy and he constantly asks him why but then he sees them together and sees Steve smile like he does when he's genuinely happy and he lets it go. Whatever makes Steve happy is okay with him. But he also gives Billy a talking to regarding hurting Steve or dumping him.
15. Fav Harringrove AU?
That's a real tough one. I'd have to say maybe the catching fire one I did because it lives in my head rent free and I mean in luxury with no bills rent free. It fits too well not to lmao.
Maybe the one where Steve accidentally kills Neil and they run off, idk there's just something about that.
16. Billy+Camaro=
Others have said it but I see the Camaro as a reflection of Billy and his current state. Like in S2 its all loud and fast and dangerous but then at the end once Max has threatened Billy she takes control of it just like she did Billy. In s3 its in a state of disrepair while he is flayed and catches fire as his fate is sealed and he dies just like the car. Also these shots right here are just 😭
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I'd ramble for hours but I don't have time🥲 but thank you!! I just love talking about these boys!!!! Also everyone seems to have been tagged but I'm not sure so I'll leave this open for anyone!!💖💖💖
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hargrove-mayfields · 3 years
Harringrove April Day 29- Pillow
The first time Steve is allowed to visit Billy’s new place, a tiny fixer upper paid for with his government checks, all of the in-home nurses are gone, and he’s independent enough to at least answer the door when Steve shows up.
But there’s still something off with him, and Steve can tell the whole time he’s there. He asks him, “Is everything alright? Your new place treating you well?”
Billy scoffs, goes on a tirade about how much it is very much not treating him well, “The floors are creaky, the bathroom grows mold, I can hear everything that happens outside through the walls. It’s a piece of shit.”
Steve sees the look in his eye that says he’s holding back, so he probes, “And?”
“And it’s fucking hell being on my own here all the time.” Billy says, not looking at Steve.
“Tell me about it.” Steve says and Billy scoffs in agreement, but he wants to hear more, so he tells him, “No, I’m serious, I wanna know so I can see if I can help you.”
“I can’t look out the windows at night, so if I hear something I’m just holed up in here terrified ‘til the sun comes up. I can’t use the stove. I shower cold and the water pressure sucks.” Billy sighs, and shrugs his shoulders, like he doesn’t care even though he’s very obviously bothered by his living situation, “I hate it here. Strike me down now, but I’d almost rather be in Neil’s house.”
Steve doesn’t know what to say other than, “Why didn’t you tell anybody it was so bad?” but that must strike a nerve with Billy, because he snaps, sounding exhausted, “Because I can handle myself, Harrington.”
Steve doesn’t take the bait though, he knows better than to do that anymore, knows why Billy ever threw the line out in the first place, so he offers instead a genuine, “But you shouldn’t have to.”
“Look it’s not a big deal. Life goes on, you know? I can’t ask everybody to focus all their attention on me 24/7.”
“If that’s what you need, then you absolutely can. It’s not your fault if you need help, and not everybody’s going to be bothered by giving it, you know.”
Defensive, Billy asks, “Yeah, well, you offering?” and again Steve shuts down his attempt at arguing, telling him,“I was getting there actually. Would you be into having a roommate?”
The thing that shocks him is, Billy doesn’t say no, he narrows his eyes and asks him, “You gonna baby me?”
“Not unless you want me to.”
“I only have one bed.” Billy says to try to talk him out of it, but Steve says immediately, “I can sleep on the couch.”
“Do you really wanna deal with all this ?” This one Billy asks pointedly, motioning to the medications lined up on his coffee table, the oxygen tank sitting next to him.
“I don’t think helping you out counts as ‘dealing with’ anything.”
“Fine. But I have ground rules.” Billy says after thinking about it for a long while, then lays them out, “No hogging the bathroom, no leaving shit around, no playing shitty music on my player, and absolutely no inviting the brats over.”
“Fair enough. Can I throw one suggestion out there though?” Steve asks hesitantly, continuing when Billy nods at him, “No pushing each other away. We’re gonna be living together, we’ve got to leave behind all our high school bullshit.”
Billy looks up at him, and says simply, “I already left that all on the mall floor.”
So it was decided. In what was probably the most spur of the moment choice he had ever made, Steve would be moving in with Billy. Two days later he shows back up at his door with a trunk load of his things, Billy waiting for him on the porch while he get out the two suitcases he’d been able to fill.
“S’that all you brought?”
“I only own like, a handful things in my house. My parents didn’t let me take much.” Steve feels uncomfortable suddenly, worries this was a bad choice and he made it too hastily, “Is that a bad thing? I don’t want it to seem like I’m trying to mooch off of you or something.”
“Nah, I was just expecting you to have a bunch of rich boy luggage or something.” Billy opens the door for him, letting him drag his suitcases in and adds,“Think it’s better like this anyhow.”
“It is a pretty small space.” Steve points out, to which Billy agrees, “Yeah, but… I think- I think it’ll be better with you around.”
That makes Steve smile, reminds him of how things are going to be now that he was going to be living with Billy, and he assures him, “I think it will be.”
Because there was pretty much nothing to unpack, they make quick work of it, all he had room (or permission) to pack was his clothes, anything personal, and a single pillow off of his bed anyways.
Steve gets his first taste of what helping Billy take care of himself ensues, only an hour after getting settled in having to hold Billy’s hair back when an especially bad coughing fits makes him sick, and help him through a panic attack when he turned on the stove; he thought that before Billy had meant it didn’t work, not that he was terrified of it.
His first night there, after Billy slinked off into his room to get some sleep, Steve takes his one pillow and lays down on the couch, but he can’t sleep. It’s a thrifted feather couch, and not only does he think it’s disgusting, sleeping on pretended furniture, but he’s pretty sure he’s allergic to the feathers inside.
Steve’s in the kitchen, just sitting at the table with a glass of water from the fridge when Billy pops his head into the room, announcing his presence with a “You don’t have to sleep on the couch.”
“Well you’re not in any shape to.” He says back, making it known he was absolutely not going to be talked into making Billy sleep in his own living room, “It's fine, Billy.”
“No I meant that you could sleep in my bed. I-If you wanted to.” Billy rambles, staring at the tiled floor instead of at Steve while he talks, “You don’t even have your own blanket so I thought you’d want to.. I don’t know, just forget I said anything man. My meds must be makin’ me loopy.”
“No I want to.” Steve dumps his cup in the sink and grabs the singular pillow from the living room, telling Billy with a soft smile, “Like I said, no shutting each other out, right?”
“Right, uh, it’s probably smaller than what you’re used to, but it’s a bed I guess.”
The bed is big enough that they don’t have to touch, laying back to back in a pile of comforters too hot for Steve, but perfectly suited to how cold Billy was anymore. It’s tense, feels like there’s some energy between them until Billys scratchy voice, muffled by the CPAP breaks the silence, “Steve?”
He responds, rolling over onto his back in the bed, “Yeah?”
Billy does this same, his voice cracking as he asks, staring up at the ceiling, “Why are you doing this for me?”
“Because you deserve it, Billy and I care about you.” Steve admits honestly.
“Don't flatter me, Harrington.” Billy mumbles in response, but then his hand is finding Steve’s between them, lacing their fingers together and squeezing gently. He whispers into the dark, “I care about you too, Steve. Thank you.”
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bombshellbois · 3 years
Harringrove Week of Love Day 2: Mythological Creature AU
Rating: T
Words: 1641
Summary: Steve is barely paid enough to scoop ice cream under the hot sun at the Hawkins Aquarium. He's definitely not paid enough to deal with their asshole of a science project.
Steve is used to Dr. Owens showing up at his job by now. The Scoops Ahoy stand at the Hawkins Aquarium sees most of the science staff at some point because Indiana summers are fucking hot and a 15% employee discount is a 15% employee discount. Dr. Owens doesn’t come for the ice cream, though. He comes to ruin Steve’s day, usually carrying a bucket of raw fish for the... secondary duties Steve has now. 
There is no bucket today. There’s a black eye, a busted lip, and a ruined wetsuit under a Hawkins Aquarium windbreaker, but no bucket. The signs of carnage are not uncommon either. 
“Still think having a mermaid in an aquarium is a good idea?” Steve asks, glancing at him briefly before he goes back to wiping down the stand’s serving counter. 
“I didn’t ask your opinion,” Owens says shortly. Talking splits his lip back open.
“But you want something from me.”
“You’re on the clock, aren’t you?”
Steve could argue, and sometimes he has, that he’s on Scoops Ahoy’s clock, not Owens’. Not even the aquarium’s, technically. And he’s being paid 3 bucks an hour to sling ice cream, not deal with the world’s first known mermaid. But Owens seems to be having a tough day, so he lets it go. 
“Fine. Robin will be back from her break in 5 minutes. What do you need?”
Once Robin is firmly in charge of the ice cream scoop, Steve heads to the giant laboratory at the back of the aquarium. The heavy door buzzes open as soon as whoever watches the cameras sees him coming. Yeah, they all know him here, the asshole in the sailor uniform who’s Owens’ bitch.
‘We need to clean the tank,’ Owens had said. Which meant they needed to empty the tank first. 
Billy wasn’t having any of that, apparently. 
Steve sighs as he climbs the industrial staircase up to the top of the massive 2-story tank. There’s a lot of humming in his ears from the giant industrial filter and all the equipment in the room. He can’t hear shit inside the tank, but he doesn’t need to. A cursory glance over his shoulder confirms that, yep, as per usual, he’s got a mermaid following behind him. Probably staring at his ass. 
Billy pops up at the top of the tank, folding his arms on the rim of it as Steve reaches the top of the stairs. He shakes his head of wet, blond curls out, and grins when water splatters all over Steve’s blue work uniform. Steve has no idea where a mermaid learned to be such an asshole. 
“Hey, pretty boy,” he says, running his tongue over his sharp teeth. Steve doesn’t know where he learned that either. 
“Why are you roughing up Owens?” Steve asks, crouching on the platform along the lip of the tank, bringing himself down to Billy’s height. “You always bitch that your tank isn’t clean enough.”
“It’s not. Because it’s a fucking tank and not an ocean.” Billy flashes him a grin that shows off his teeth, like rows of pins. “What can I say? They don’t handle the merchandise correctly.”
Steve gives Billy a critical once-over. He’s all muscle, from the sturdy human trunk to the thick red tail that Steve has seen him use to break ribs. “Too delicate for Owens’ handling? That’s what you’re sticking with?”
Billy scrunches his nose, and that’s all the warning Steve gets. The giant fan of his tail fin pops out of the water and slaps down on the surface, hard. It sprays Steve with more cold water that definitely, definitely needs that cleaning. He coughs and splutters, fumbling for his hat when it falls. Billy makes a grab for it, but Steve manages to slap his hand away. This time. Billy already has two of these stashed somewhere in his tank, and Steve’s boss is going to start charging him if he keeps losing them. Even if it’s aquarium property that’s stealing them.
“Were you saying something there, princess?”
“Asshole.” Steve drops his weight back and sits on his butt. “What’s got your mer-panties in a wad? Seriously.”
Billy’s tail fin slides back under the water and he shrugs. “Where’ve you been? You haven’t come to see me.”
Ah. That’s probably it. “Missed me?” 
That earns him a dramatic rolling of eyes as if Billy has ever heard of anything so absurd. As if he hasn’t just roughed up a man in his fifties to get Steve to come to his tank. As if Steve is somehow the unreasonable one here.
“It’s okay if you did.” 
“We don’t feel shit like that. Merfolk aren’t pussies.”
Steve is pretty sure that’s a lie. According to Owens, mermaids might have a very complex system of interpersonal relationships, which may or may not include bonding the way humans do, blah blah blah. From what Steve can tell, Billy’s pretty human in respect to how his emotions work. He’s just a typical guy about them, meaning he doesn’t want to talk about them or acknowledge that they exist. 
He really hates that he’s the emotionally mature one here. That is not a thing that should be happening in Steve’s life right now. Robin has already confirmed for him that if emotions were a car, he wouldn’t even have a learner’s permit. He’d still be on roller skates. It’s a sound analogy, and it’s comforting because it confirms what Steve pretty much already knew. 
“I’m sorry I haven’t come to see you,” he says because it’s just faster. Pointing out that he’s not allowed inside this place unless Owens has requested his help won’t end well. Steve is pretty sure that’ll make Billy  just dig in his proverbial heels every time he wants to see Steve. That’s kind of sweet, in a Billy sort of way, but Steve doesn’t want to suddenly find himself working six days a week and on-call for Sundays even though the aquarium is closed. Easier to just take the blame. 
Billy huffs a breath out through his nose. “You’re just being nice so I’ll let them clean the tank.”
“And you were only an asshole to Owens so I’d show up and be nice to you,” Steve points out. He’s learned not to let Billy’s bullshit slide. He might be some majestic legend of the sea, but he’s also an asshole. And an opportunist. 
Billy breaks out into a grin, doing that Thing with his tongue again. “You got me.”
“So. Will you let them clean the tank?” Steve asks. “I’ll bring you your lunch in the holding tank and tell you about the bullshit new ice cream flavor they’re making us push.”
Billy looks up and off to one side as if he’s considering it. “Hm... sure.”
That was relatively easy. Small mercies. “Awesome,” Steve says, getting to his feet, sneakers squeaking on the wet platform. “I’ll tell Owens to get that hammock thing th—“
“But only if you carry me.”
Steve stares down at him. Billy just gives him a shit-eating grin, popping his tail fin back up and swaying it in what Steve swears is a taunt. Not that he knows anything about mermaid body language but that... that’s taunting right there. 
“Then I’m not leaving my tank.”
Steve flails helplessly, gesturing to include all of Billy. “Dude. You’re over 200 lbs.”
Billy fakes an affronted look and pats his sculpted abdomen. “Hey. I’ve been watching my figure.”
“Your tail is the size of a person.”
“Only a small-to-medium size person.”
“I am not hauling your slimy ass down two flights of stairs.” Steve is not paid enough for this bullshit to begin with, but this is a whole new level of paid that he’s not getting. 
“Excuse you, I am not slimy!” Billy strikes the water again with his tail on a hard angle, sending a small wave of water crashing over Steve. Then he shoves back from the side of the tank and starts to submerge. 
“No, no, no!” Steve coughs and wipes the water from his face, crouching back down. “Okay. Okay, you win, I’ll carry you.”
Billy pauses and raises an eyebrow. “...And?”
“And... you’re not slimy.” Steve has no idea if that’s true or not because he doesn’t usually have to haul Billy’s entire ass around. But apparently, he’s about to find out. 
Getting down two flights of industrial stairs with a mermaid whose tail is the size of Steve when the whole thing is out of the water is... interesting. In a lot of bad ways. Steve’s arms feel like they might rip out of his sockets after the first  five steps because Billy is well over 200 lbs of muscle and fucking fish scales and maybe he’s not slimy but he’s definitely slippery. And then he has to get up a half flight of stairs to get Billy to the smaller holding tank. 
Billy thinks the whole thing is hilarious, and also steals his hat in the process. 
The only satisfaction Steve gets is dropping Billy’s heavy mer-ass into the holding tank completely without ceremony. Which, as he should have remembered, does the same thing as dropping any other large, heavy object into the water. Steve gets soaked for a third time today when the wave it creates crashes over him, but at least this one doesn’t reek. And maybe it even gets some of the fish smell out of his uniform. 
Billy pops back up from the water, laughing his ass off. “Good thing you look good wet, pretty boy,” he says, leaning on the side of his tank. “Now I believe you said something about lunch?” He snaps his fingers twice. “Chop, chop, I’m starving.”
Mermaids are assholes and Steve is absolutely not paid enough to deal with them.
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Okay random ship thots.. listen to my brain okay hear me out… yes it’s creepy that as a society we have any level of media with underaged kids being in any sexual or romantic nature and then adults ship the canon ship (that’s straight). Like El and Mike it’s seen as awww cuuute, but I didn’t see it all that cute for many reasons but that can be a whole nother post.. my point being if I @ someone for shipping that ship they’ll say well it’s just like adorable coming to age love and it makes me reminiscent of my own life around that age. Okay I see that I hear you buuuut now hear me out…. Why is it that that same energy can’t be brought to queer/gay coming of age love/ships. Why do ppl @ blyer shippers or harringrove shippers etc being that their younger. Now I can only speak for myself but I’ve always picked ships where I could insert myself as one or the other boys being a closeted trans guy in denial most my life that was my way of coping with pissing up most my younger years and of expressing so much I couldn’t and still can’t even put into words. I still do it and I like to ship younger ships because well it makes me reminiscent of a time I can’t get back that I wish I was myself during and that I was able to be myself openly with someone like that.. I’ve still never really dated because I struggle with so much interpersonal stuff but my escape is ships, always has been, I can live out an alternative reality where I get that do over again and again in every possible way. And sometimes (more often then not actually) I care more about all the little things. The aspects of a relationship that make your chest hurt and you wanna cry about, like the bylers fight in the rain where Will realizes he feels stupid for how he thought of their relationship to that point, and breaks down. Like all of those deeper sometimes terribly sad moments that build up a ship for us have not a single ounce of sexual or romantic energy to them but just a deep love that makes you feel that ship’s presence. In those types of ships I think we yearn for far more comfort then the characters usually get, we want for their heartaches to be remedied with warm honeyed hugs. With seeing them finally come to the same understanding that we do of just how fucking deep these characters love for each other goes. And more then that I’d say we want to see the self acceptance and other people (even if just the other person reciprocate) love and acceptance of them.. maybe because we want better for the characters then we got. Maybeee it’s our way of reliving/revisiting traumatic moments in our lives and getting that do over how ever we want. (I think that’s why half the time we love more angsty/hurt-comfort stuff that includes more then just the ship itself but the people around them that care about them as separate individuals as well. We project just like you straight people do we cope but often with a lot more.
To sum up my thoughts I just hate that society really be tryin to act like we’re perverse for attributing the same things to a ship that isn’t straight but then they turn around and are shipping the het versions of our ships with less “actual deep soft” moments.. like they’re not doing the saaame thing we’re all doing when we see cute young love in these coming to age type scenarios. Shut up we’re all just living with our own regrets and vicariously living out a better version of our lives through fictional characters lol get off your (homophobic) high horse
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