#same with super tuna and moon
ugh-yoongi · 2 years
because of your previous answer, top 5 favorite bts sub-unit songs?
ok i will do unit songs & solo songs in separate lists bc once again i will be here forever and i just have to.
top 5 subunit songs
all cyphers (3 > 2 > 4)
outro: tear
waste it on me
top 5 solo songs
1 verse
intro: what am i to you
super tuna
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grossrottie · 4 months
heyy it's anon from a whileee ago and i'm also the one who commented the other day on the breezelion playing darkclan fic — do you have any other ideas for that au running around? it was very delicious but also the end made me so sad 😭 – @city-of-all-tunas
HELLOOO omg omg I’m so happy to hear from you!!
I was so flattered to receive that comment on my fic!!! It makes me so happy when people like the stuff I write. I like writing, of course, but it’s the comments that really make my day and make me want to write more!!!! /pos
You’re also super right about the sadness!!! ;w; it made me sad to write it but also caused a bit of evil giggling as well >:3 I love the angst
The fic (“your smile is sunshine on a cold winter's day”) was actually intended as a two-parter originally! It was initially going to have a second chapter that would fill the ‘Getting Back Together’ prompt of that Profic April! But I ran out of time and went with what I posted. I’d definitely wanna come back to it and write that second chapter!
BreezeLion is such a delicious ship and it’s one of my faves atm!!! The accidental taboo, the opposite appearances, the sun and moon vibes from Lion and Breeze respectively, the ‘two sides of the same coin’ aspect, their shared anger and stubbornness and competition, and the differences between them that make it even better. UGHHH I’m obsessed!!!
I have a love-hate relationship with miscommunication tropes, in that I love the angst but I also diiiiieeee when a miscommunication is so clearly able to be avoided. Which is also why I liked writing this one! I liked that it was almost an unavoidable miscommunication. Breezepelt is on one side of the gathering island, looking terrified and angry as cats yowl and hurt insults and gasps at the reveal. It’s a shock to him too! He’s dealing with his own fears and discomforts.
Lionblaze is on the other side of the island, staring aghast as his sister exposes their biggest secret to all four clans. He’s fearful, he’s anxious, he’s trying to run through his options while also struggling to accept that it’s actually happening.
They’re both shocked to learn of their true relation. They both think of each other. What is the other thinking? How are they taking this reveal? They look across the clearing to their lover, to the cat that they’ve felt closest to for moons. They both see fear, dread, horror, nausea in each other’s eyes.
They both misinterpret it.
Instead of realizing that they both want to flee and run away together, they see the look in each other’s eyes and they each think it’s directed towards them. They make this incorrect realization and they both think “I would never force him to stay with me after that. Who would ever want to continue this relationship? …I would. But I won’t force him. I love that tom far too much to ever force him to do anything. Least of all make him stay with me.”
AGHHH I LOVE THE ANGST. And the fact that no one else knew of their relationship. When they see Breezepelt or Lionblaze gaze across the clearing with a troubled expression, they’ll assume it’s due to malice, not the forlorn longing that roils within both of them.
If I was to write the recovery/make-up chapter, however, I’d have to figure out how the reconnection and communication happened. I’m sure I had a vague idea when I wrote the first chapter but now I can’t remember. What I’m thinking of now is some sort of prophecy, maybe? Some sort of “you must work together to avoid this terrible fate” thing?
I’m not too sure. But either way, I love these two with a passion!!
And tysm again for commenting and sending this ask, it genuinely makes my day!!!!!!! <3
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tomuchabotme · 12 days
Trot is a genre popular in South Korea. I don’t really know how to explain it, but it’s very upbeat & repetitive. It’s the genre that LYW does (a very popular SK artist & JM’s rival when it comes to votings 😭). I’m not sure if you heard Super Tuna, Jin released it almost as a joke, but it’s kind of the same. “Moon” was his solo song in the MOTS:7 album. It’s not a ballad, it’s more upbeat & kind of has a rock element to it. I would say it’s more upbeat than The Astronaut. It had a bit of a choreo when he performed it live, but definitely not Jimin intense choreo. SK ate it up when it came out. Filter was definitely the stand out because it almost got a PAK, it was literally #2 just behind the title track “On”, but “Moon” was up there, too.
I just see this, thanks you :)
I don't know about others' solo songs, but because of what are u saying he could go with that.
I know I wanted to hear moon when I got into bts (I liked the name) but when I knew it was jin's, I just didn't hear it
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purplesurveys · 7 months
Have you bothered to think of the future lately? Little bit. When I do, it's usually in terms of my career. What's the next step, what is it do I really want to do, what can I do that can sustain the rest of my life...it's all questions I barely have the answer to now which is partly frustrating and partly me trying to put the work in because I hope to figure it out soon.
Would you rather have stars in the sky or the moon? I love seeing the moon but stars are the sight that I just don't get to see as often so I would go with them.
If you could choose your phone number, what would it be? I'm fine with mine. I've had the same number for a decade now and I also just don't want to have a memorize a new set of numbers.
Would you rather be somewhere familiar or get lost? Be somewhere familiar. When I'm traveling somewhere new, I'm cool with being adventurous just as long as I have some kind of map and go to places where I know there would still be tourists.
Are you afraid of what you do not know? Not really, if anything it pulls me in for the most part.
Is there something you are always interested in? History is a top placer for this question. There's also cultures, pro wrestling, food, art...idk I like learning about a lot of things haha.
What did you last hear that made your jaw drop? A couple I know who've been a couple for the better half of 10 years just broke up because boy cheated on girl. Can't say I'm super shocked because boy had always seemed a little less invested than girl, but I am still shocked nonetheless. Have followed suit with the rest of my friends and blocked the dude everywhere.
Do you have a question for anyone right now? Not for anyone but just the void, really – What does the future have for me?
Is there something you always order when you go out to eat somewhere? Depends on the restaurant, but generally yes. Like if it's Japanese, I usually look for anything with spicy tuna; if the place serves pasta, I look for fettuccine alfredo or carbonara; if it's serves all-day breakfast I tend to lean towards an Eggs Benedict...
When was the last time you felt like you were starving? I skip meals so this is a usual occurrence.
Would you ever dye your hair all the colors of the rainbow? Like...ROYGBIV at once? Nah.
Do you miss childhood at all? I mean I miss the freedom and innocence of high school and college, but apart from that I try not to yearn for the past.
Do you like listening to music on speakers? Yes, if I'm in the mood for speakers. Sometimes I prefer my earbuds.
Ever feel paranoid? Paranoid can almost be my middle name with how often I get in such a state.
Do you like extra butter on your popcorn? Yes, sure.
Would you rather have Junior Mints or Reeses? Reese's, because I love them as it is but also because I have no clue what the other brand is.
Have you ever avoided going to the bathroom because you were busy? Yes. Same with eat. Thanks to work!
What is the longest shower or bath you have ever taken? I've taken hour-long baths. As for showers, I've occasionally lasted 30-45 minutes.
When was the last time you were in physical pain? Last Thursday. We held a client's event which involved a 3K run that I participated in, but being the absolute least active one in the team + the fact that I hadn't drunk enough water prior + I'm PRETTY sure I am anemic, I had a dehydration episode and all the physical symptoms showed up at once – feeling incredibly hot and cold at once, a pounding headache, seeing black spots, shaky legs, nausea, an upset stomach. Worst shit ever and after that evening I wish my team would start leaving me alone and not force me to join in those runs again for the sake of socializing. A year ago I had the same episode but it was an event that involved hiking a goddamn mountain for the same client, so Thursday just pissed me off because it's like, stop making me push my fucking body for the sake of work.
How many times have you broken a bone? Never and I hope it never has to happen.
Do you own anything “designer?” Sure.
Will you be attending any concerts in the next month? Not any time soon. I went to Seventeen's concert in January, but as far as upcoming shows there aren't really any acts I'm interested in seeing. I do have tickets for Miss Saigon in April but that's it.
What have you been worried about lately? My next job and where I can potentially be headed!!! My job-hunting phase sucked so I agreed to extend at my workplace for two months – this time under certain conditions in my favor – both so I can continue earning while also giving me time to continue looking.
Do you know how to swim? When it all boils down to it, no. Like I like to swim for recreation, but for life and death situations like getting lost at sea I doubt I have the skills to survive for long. I can hardly tread in the deep side of the pool as it is.
Do you think you could go a week without sugar? Well no, don't we all need a certain amount of sugar to survive?
Would you be willing to go one day each week without meat? Yes.
Have you looked at any old photos of yourself lately? Sure. There's been a popular template on IG recently where it makes you bring out a photo of yourself from 2019, so that's made me look at photos of my younger self.
Do you use sunscreen during the summer? I hadn't in the past but I started using BB cream this year and I plan on making it a habit now, especially for summer.
How many pairs of sunglasses do you own? One.
Are you a fast or slow reader? Fast.
Are you a short tempered person? Depends on what type of day I've had. I can definitely be cranky if the entire day has been giving me shit after shit circumstances.
Best thing you’ve found at a thrift store: WWE Encyclopedia.
Would you survive if you were stranded in a strange city all by yourself? Doubt it.
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 1 year
I get what you're saying about jungkook doing one big thing once in a blue moon and then nothing for most of the time, but also don't compare what jimin does or has done to what jungkook does or has done. They're two completely different people and you should look at what jungkook does and how he expresses himself. Has he ever done anything that he did for jimin for another member? The closest things I can think about (that to me anyway don't really compare) are when he made the bday video edit for yoongi, which was cool and showed love and admiration but had no romantic undertone whatsoever, him making a teasing video reacting/singing along (?) to *one of th songs*(sorry I don't remember which one), and maybe him teasing about That that or Super Tuna, but it was teasing? Nothing compares to gcft, both the trip and the video, or the bday video message??? And lately the live and the spamming of comments.
I also agree with your points about not knowing jimin was done with schedules or who wrote his favorite part of smfpt2, and even, if you miss your "bf" so much and he has schedules and he's tired, why the hell can't YOU go to HIS house and be there for him? It makes no sense to me. But also his behaviour in the wlive comment is confusing, because why the need to act as a fan on live the day before (watching all jimin content) and the say "everyone knows I'm your fan", it feels like they want people to make the connection letter=fan song, jungkook=jimin's fan, letter is for jungkook. But at the same time they don't feel that much up to date with each other or much in contact either. Are they so stalked that now they're in their solo era and don't have the group work as "cover" they can't even hang out as friends? It gives conspiracy theories tbh
Honestly, it's not my intention to compare him to Jimin. I know they're two different people, and if you look for it you'd find that I rarely talk about what JK does in terms of "Jungkook did this but Jimin did this other thing". In that post where I said the blue moon thing, I actually mentioned other ships and then I deleted because I thought it was pointless to bring other ships into it, but I had in mind to say that almost all of Jungkook ships are held by those random, spontaneous bursts of affection. Taekookers survived on the bare minimum for years, it was maybe two hugs in a year, a few "you're handsome" and that was the epitome of boyfriend for them.
Even when I compare, it's more about trying to get my point across as what would be a "boyfriend" or "couple" thing for me. I know they're different people and it's not the point to compare and say one has a better way of expressing themselves than the other. Objectively, it shouldn't matter. Subjectively, tho... for me, Jimin's way of expressing himself is better. For my personal standards and for the way it makes me feel. Jungkook has always made me feel unsteady when it came to jikook. So when I think of what does it mean to be a "boyfriend", to me Jimin's ways of treating Jungkook always made more sense than Jungkook's way of treating Jimin. Beyond some specific examples, I usually feel that Jungkook treats Jimin like he loves him, for sure, yes; but not like he's in love with him.
So for example, Jimin showing up for all of JK's birthdays is not inherently romantic in my opinion. It really isn't. But you see the difference between actually being there for Jungkook in comparison to JK saying "I want to go to a recording" while not doing anything to make that happen. In this case you don't even need to compare him to Jimin, becaue Yoongi showed up. He wanted to be there for the recording, and he was there. And Yoongi in my eyes is the coldest man ever, yet he showed more interest than Jungkook did, so what does that tell you. Hoseok visited Jimin at the set and they seem to talk a lot too.
I've said it and I stand by my opinion that the live was heartwarming, and really sweet. But in my books, showing up for someone means more than sitting at home watching their videos. Whenever I miss someone I call them personally, I text them privately to have an actual meaningful conversation, I make plans with them, I might even walk to their place and visit them. I don't sit at home watching their photos. So yes, I get what you mean that *some* of the things are more than what he's done for other members, but also right now other members have been doing more for Jimin than what Jungkook is doing. I personally think it would've meant more if JK had had a real interest in meeting Jimin, and would've asked him about his recordings so he'd go, or would've showed up at the MV set.
Also I haven't seen anyone mention Jimin's face of confusion when Jungkook said that he wanted to do. Jimin was like "are you for real? It's over". It took him a bit to laugh about it but he didn't look amused at first to me.
So if I think about what does it mean to be someone's partner and actually supporting them and not just to show the fans, as moving as the live was, it doesn't speak to me about a significant other.
I don't even take Jimin is perfect, and maybe in the future he might not show up for Jungkook anywhere either. I didn't take it seriously when Jimin commented on his lives either, I said it was cute and sweet but didn't think it was meaningful. When he said on a weverse comment that he'd go to his house, that also sounded extremely noncommittal. Now that he's said it again maybe he meant it, but I'm also not believing it until it happens. The thing is that Jimin usually keeps his words, and if he doesn't keep his word on this it's for a reason. From where I'm standing, to me it just really looks as if seeing each other is not high on their list of interests. It feels deliberate. Not in a conspiracy theory kind of way but in a way that they are not even trying to see each other.
I don't think him saying he's a fan is because he wants people to make the connection with letter. I don't think so because he does admire Jimin and he probably just said it because he was literally acting like a fan, watching his videos on YouTube. JK has said Namjoon was his first love, boy crush, his inspiration, etc etc several times every year, too. It's just nice but at face value, it's not romantic.
Why a conspiracy theory tho? I think it only seems conspiratorial because everyone's going from the assumption that they are dating; so they feel something has to be kept hidden. If you step away from that mindset and just see them as two friends, like you said, two people with different personalities, then everything makes sense.
The time Jungkook and Taehyung were never seen together or hanging out alone, not even in official content, taekookers took shelter in conspiracy theories because for them it didn't make sense that taekook weren't close. It wasn't possible that taekook weren't spending time together, it couldn't be possible that taekook were not a couple like they thought. So they had to make up conspiracy theories to explain why taekook didn't act like a couple. In the end, it turned out that taekook were actually not spending time together, there was no conspiracy theory. Just Taehyung and Jungkook not hanging out.
Sometimes things are exactly what they seem.
People are adamant on certain things being true and so everything else has to come together to make sense of that one thing they've already decided it's real. If people were more flexible with their thoughts and assumptions, and accepted that maybe Jimin and Jungkook are not lying 24/7, they'd realize that everything Jimin and Jungkook have said and done is normal for people who are not in a relationship. For people who are just friends. It's only abnormal for people who are convinced they are dating.
I mean, why does there need to be a conspiracy theory about a song that Jimin keeps saying he wrote for the fans and never stuttered or changed narratives when talking about it. It's probably the song he's made the most sense when talking about who is it for, what it means and what prompted him to write it. Why can't it just be that he's saying the truth? Because people have made up their minds that it's about something else so they don't want to hear or believe explanations that don't make sense with what they've already decided in their minds, that it's a love song for Jungkook. No matter how many times Jimin says it's something else.
I really don't think there's need for conspiracy theories about things that have been explained by the members. Right now, I actually feel Like Crazy calls more for conspiracy theories or theories in general because of how ambiguous and vague Jimin has been about the song.
If you didn't already believe jikook are dating, let's say you just think they're good friends, would you have a reason to think Jimin's lying about the song? Or that it's weird that they haven't met? Do you think there's some conspiracy behind Taehyung not supporting Jimin? Any conspiracy theories behind Jungkook never hanging out with Yoongi? Behind Jungkook not showing up to Hoseok's last birthday party before he enlists? Or you just see that as JK being JK and his way of being a friend.
I think people are refusing to let go of what they believe in because of their chemistry or because they're sweet to each other, or because they were special in the past. But you don't build a relationship only on chemistry and having fun together; you couldn't even build it on physical attraction either.
If people would just let go of what they so capriciously want to believe in, they'd realize that there is nothing that calls for a conspiracy theory, and whatever is going on is actually just normal behavior for two longtime friends who are in different places of their lives and whose priority right now is not hanging out or keeping in touch like that anymore.
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kimseokjin2024 · 2 years
'Global Shazam King' BTS Jin, Shazam 'Global Weekly TOP10' 1st place for 17 weeks… K-pop artist's first and longest record
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Jin of BTS has been ranked #1 in the 'Weekly TOP 10' of Shazam, the world's largest music search platform, and is constantly shining the 'Shazam King' aspect.
Jin ranked first on the Shazam 'Global Weekly Top 10 Artists' chart announced on March 10th, setting a record for two consecutive weeks.
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With this, Jin recorded the first place in the 'Global Weekly TOP 10' for a total of 17 weeks, breaking the record of being the first and longest first place by a Korean artist. Jin is the only K-pop solo artist to reach number one on that chart.
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Jin first appeared in the 'Global Weekly Top 10' with his first solo OST 'Yours' in May of last year, and continued his hot popularity with 'The Astronaut', recording a total of 35 chart-ins. did. She made 34 of them in the TOP3, breaking her own record as the first and longest chart-in for a K-pop artist.
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Jin also showed off his potential as a global artist by placing two solo songs at No.
Jin's first solo single 'The Astronaut' topped the list as of March 12, 18 days in a row and the longest in K-pop released in 2022, a total of 52 times. Jin's 'The Astronaut', which entered the Shazam 'Global' chart at the same time as its release, has been chart-in for 135 consecutive days, and among them, it has landed in the 'TOP 10' for 133 consecutive days, showing the strongest power of 'Shazam King'. .
On last year's Shazam's 'Global Top 200' chart, Jin's 'Yours' took first place for 102 days, setting a record for K-pop's first and longest stay at No. 1.
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'The Astronaut' took first place for 134 days in a row in Japan as of March 12, followed by Jin's 'Yours'. In particular, "Yours" has been on the chart for 490 days in a row, setting a record for a long-running chart-in.
In Korea, it ranked second, and has been ranked for 135 days in a row. In addition to this, Jin's solo songs include 'Yours', 'Epiphany', 'Awake', 'Tonight', 'Abyss', 'Moon', and 'Super Tuna'. All 8 songs entered the chart, realizing Jin's powerful brand power. In Malaysia, it has been chart-in for 134 days in a row.
In the 'K-Pop' category of the 'Global TOP 200' chart, 'The Astronaut' took first place for 132 days in a row, and in the 'Film, TV & Stage' category, Jin's 'Yours' continued to hold the top spot for a total of 448 days. there is.
As of the 12th, 'The Astronaut' was the first K-pop released in 2022 to break through 9.46 million Shazam, breaking its own record as the most Shazam K-pop in 2022. The first and most Shazam in K-pop history, Jin's 'Yours' has surpassed 12.55 million Shazams.
In addition, Jin is the first and only Korean solo artist in Shazam with 4 solo songs ('The Astronaut', 'Yours', 'Epiphany', 'Moon') exceeding 1 million Shazam, showing the potential of 'Shazam King'.
Source: Top Star News
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keefwho · 5 months
May 05 - 2024 Sunday
Last night I woke up at 5am and downed half a bottle of water because I was so dehydrated. When I woke up, I did my dishes which included cleaning the big ol crock pot bowl. During my shower I played VRchat on mobile with the goal of finding some people to just listen to which I did. When I was sitting after I had cleaned, I did speak up after I was addressed directly. For breakfast I heated up leftover rice a roni which was god tier. Something about leftover beef ricearoni goes super hard. I ate it while playing horse island and I had a really chill morning. Same when I drank my coffee. Then I switched to WT for a little. The morning devolved into playing things that were really more of a way to kill time than things I actually enjoyed. I had loosely planned to figure out a collab YCH with BD today and I made plans with her to do so just before DS messaged me to chill during fursuit time which was also loosely planned. So I drew with BD for about 40 minutes just to figure out how we could start to generate ideas. Then I called DS and we put on the Twilight movie recreated in the Sims 2. I made and ate tuna spaghetti while we watched which was delish. I left out the garlic powder and paprika, keeping it simple with just lemon pepper and tabasco sauce. We got through the whole Twilight film while talking about how weird and ridiculous the romance actually is. Then DS went to make dinner. I joined back on BD and they were playing Risk of Rain 2 which I joined them in. That was pretty fun. Also IT messaged me back and explained how she can't play VR due to some house damage and ranted to me about her Minecraft world on the Switch. I left BD and friends to chill until DS got back. As she worked on her suit we watched the latest Brutalmoose video which was pure cinema. I completed the moon mission I was having trouble with in KSP while we watched. Then I put a few episodes of Moral Orel and they were HEAVY. To end we witnessed the Lord Farquad makeup ASMR video and a sausage video. While DS was on her way to bed, I made dinner and was looking at Twitter but doing so very deliberately. I gave myself time to look at and process every post on my feed which had me noticing and thinking about a lot. It was a great experience to actually absorb some information. In bed DS and I did puzzles and I continued KH2. I beat another VERY annoying boss and started discovering how confusing the Kingdom Hearts plot is. I also shared some thoughts I had while looking at Twitter and some other stuff in general. Like how I've noticed that I can be very happy when I happen to drink and what that might mean I could change in my daily life. I think the problem is lack of focus and self judgement, things that go away when I get tipsy.
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rudjedet · 3 years
Would love your knowledge (however brief this is rather silly specific) on birds in Egyptian mythos and religion, were certain birds types of omens? Did the portrayal of certain deities as birds have any effect on how they would have treated that species? I know sparrows were considered pests. This is such a specific question I just really like birds and have hyperfocused on the Bennu Bird for many years I thank you for your time
I love this question because birds are great and ancient Egyptian birds are even greater. Hoopoe? Yes, thank you, I’ll have five.
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Birds in a tree, Tomb of Khnumhotep III, Beni Hasan
Ancient Egypt had a super rich avian fauna - as anyone who ever cast a look at the extended library of bird signs in hieroglyphs can attest. We know of at least seventy species of birds from tomb paintings and other images, and even more thanks to osteological remains. The Nile valley and especially the swampy areas of the Delta were an absolute paradise for many birds. So with such an overabundance of avian species, it makes a lot of sense for the Egyptian pantheon to have as many birds as it does, and for them to be of importance in the mythology. Though with that having been said, the first and foremost role birds had was as food. Fowlers and bird catchers aplenty, many people in all social classes kept geese for eggs, and the elite loved hunting ducks for sport.
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Nebamun hunting in the marshes, Tomb of Nebamun, Thebes
Now ancient Egyptians for most of their history didn’t really work with omens, so birds weren’t really considered omens of good or bad luck (exceptions apply once the Romans enter the scene). Sparrows were, as you say, considered pests and in that sense connected to the god Seth, but I don’t believe we have any evidence of an ancient Egyptian going “oh shit a lot of sparrows, get out the priests to stave off whatever evil they’re boding”. They probably just went, “look at those little agents of chaos, ugh”, and called their neighbour a sparrow-head when they were being a dick. 
As for how their connection to the religion reflected on their treatment, I’ve copied a part from the entry on birds in Redford’s Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt: 
Many birds played a role in Egyptian religious beliefs and practices. Several raptorial (predatory) species, however, were prominent. The most notable and frequently illustrated, especially as a hieroglyph, was the distinctive falcon belonging to Horus, the powerful god of the sky, who was closely connected with kingship; if the ancient Egyptians had a national bird, this would have been it. The Horus falcon, though, was regularly used as the emblem for other deities, such as Montu and Re-Horakhty; it was principally modeled after the Lanner falcon (Falco biarmicus) and the peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus). The griffon vulture (Gyps fulvus) and the huge lappet-faced vulture (Torgos tracheliotus) were abundantly figured too and were linked to the Upper Egyptian goddess Nekhbet, who protected the king. The two sister goddesses, Isis and Nephthys, had associations with both the kestrel (Falco naumanni and Falco tinnunculus) and the black kite (Milvus migrans), in their capacity as divine mourners for the dead. The barn owl (Tyto alba) appeared as a standard hieroglyphic sign, but only rarely appeared in art and seems to have played a minor part in religion. Precisely the same holds true for the Egyptian vulture (Neophron percnopterus). Among waterside birds, there was also the special relationship between the sacred ibis and the god Thoth, lord of the moon and patron of the art of writing. The god Amun, chief deity of the city of Thebes, chose as one of his manifestations the Egyptian goose. The gray heron, or bnw-bird, symbolised the god Atum when he emerged from the waters of chaos and first revealed himself on the primeval eart. As a solar creature, the Benu-bird was identified with Re, the sun god, at the rising sun, and with Osiris, god of the West, at sunset. Sacred pelicans were maintained by priests in the Solar Temple of Any at Abu Ghurob, having mythological associations with the sun cult. During the late dynastic and Ptolemaic periods, the ancient Egyptians bred and mummified millions of birds, primarily the sacred ibis and certain smaller falcons, which were then used as votice offerings at religious centers, especially at the sites of Saqqara and Tuna el-Gebel, in what was a phenomenon unique to that age: the birds were eventually interred in vast cemetaries situated near the temples. It was believed that such prepared animals were capable of transmitting the prayers of the pious peilgrims who purchased them and who wished to petition the gods.
Birds were treated roughly similar to any other animal in ancient Egyptian that was connected to the cult of a specific deity. That is to say, they had symbolic values attached to them when it came to religion, and certain individual animals could be considered a manifestation of that god on earth, but in the real world the species as a whole would not have been treated like “holy” animals the same way other cultures do/have done. At least throughout most of Pharaonic Egypt - it gets a little iffy when the Greco-Roman Period comes around, because then we have a cultural shift from “Egypt” to “actually Greece, but like, Egypt-flavoured”. 
I hope that more or less answers your question (if not feel free to specify further!) and thank you so much for being so patient about it!
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jeonqukie · 4 years
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SYNOPSIS / Consistently overshadowed by your older sister, you expect your days in high school to be filled with plastic smiles and apathetic peers with hidden intentions. Everything changes when four of the most popular guys in school join you and your best friend for lunch on the first day of school.
FEATURING / Kim Namjoon; appearances by Jung Hoseok, Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung, and Jeon Jungkook.
GENRES & TAGS / high school au, freshman reader, senior namjoon, student council president namjoon, best friend jungkook, lots of fluff, and some angst.
WARNINGS / Graphic and mature language, slight age difference/gap (to clarify, oc is 14-15 yrs old and namjoon is 17 - first part is rated pg); list will be updated as fic is updated accordingly.
WORD COUNT / ~10.3k
NOTES / I am a day late in posting this and I want to let you guys know that this is... not edited at all and I will be looking through this every now and then to correct any errors. But I hope you enjoy the first part of this series! I wasn’t expecting this to be relatively long, but it was all to set up the characters dynamics and the history behind the reader and Namjoon’s relationship. Any feedback is appreciated. To repeat, I’m so sorry this was super late. Please expect part 2 to be up in ~2 weeks. (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡
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All rights reserved © jeonqukie (formerly known as aiscka). All (or portions) of my work may not be reproduced, redistributed, reclaimed, translated, modified, or used in any way whatsoever without my permission.
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“You’re Sena’s little sister, right?”
You’d be a damn millionaire if you made a dollar for every person on campus tried to break the ice with you. It was a severe understatement to say that your older sister was known around town. She was vice president of the student council, president of the debate club, and the best player on the varsity volleyball team. All of the teachers and faculty adored her, every girl wanted to be her, and every guy wanted to be with her.
For the longest time, you assumed your sister was a celebrity on campus.
You were so wrong.
It was because you never met him. You’ve heard his name so many times whenever your sister had sleepovers with her friends or when she was on the phone with a friend, whispering so softly into the receiver, afraid that someone would find out about that she had a crush on him. You were perplexed because you thought your sister was a very forward person; she had so much confidence talking to so many guys who desperately wanted her attention yet somehow her palms would sweat over him.
“Hey, you know who Kim Namjoon is?” You would sit at the cafeteria for the first time with your best friend, Jungkook, who had devoured half of his ham and cheese croissant sandwich. He looks at you and he would raise one brow.
“Oh no, don’t tell me you’re one of those girls who’s obsessed with hyung.” But Jungkook sees the genuine confusion form on your face. You catch a glimpse of your older sister who sat on the other side of the cafeteria, thumbing a reply on her phone while her friend nudges at her when she sees the notorious posse that every girl swoons over.
It was a scene right out of a movie.
At that time, you had the faintest idea who they were, but you were quick to find out why they were so well known around campus. Jung Hoseok was the senior of the group; he was a dancer and was featured in numerous music videos by well-known artists and he had an extensive list of choreographers willing to work with him. Kim Taehyung and Park Jimin were inseparable; they were juniors who ran the school newspaper and the school yearbook – Taehyung being in charge of the photography while Jimin being in charge of the organizing the yearbook staff. Meanwhile, there was Kim Namjoon; student council president, valedictorian of his class, member of the honor society and numerous organizations on campus.
“Wait, you know who Namjoon is?” You were curious whether Jungkook knew of him, not exactly knowing the guy.
“Yeah. I mean, he’s been my next-door neighbor for god knows how long. His folks and mine go out for golfing twice a month.” You just nod to his answer when you are shoving a chocolate moon pie into your mouth.
But your mouth instantly goes dry when the four guys appear right across from you and Jungkook are seated.
“Gukie!” Hoseok exclaimed at the sight of Jungkook still devouring his croissant. “Look at you! Finally, you’re with the hyungs in high school.” The tease made Jungkook’s ears go pink and you feel your own face get hot; not because of second hand embarrassment, but because you can see everyone’s eyes on you – the two freshmen who had no right to be sharing a table with, what you can only assume, the four most popular guys on campus.
There were many times where people would only want to get to know you because of your sister; girls wanted to get close to you because you were had a cool older sister and boys wanted to be with you because they were so eager to come over to your place and obsess over Sena.
Jungkook, on the other hand, had no interest in her. As a matter of fact, you met Jungkook when you were in middle school and took a swimming class and later found out that you two were in the same class and bonded over your competitive nature in swim class.
“Who’s this? You got a girlfriend on your first day already?” You and Jungkook exchange a look of disgust with each other and create a sensible amount of space for each other to establish that you both see each other as friends.
“Oh my god, wait – you’re Sena’s little sister, right?” Hoseok corrected Jimin who had made the assumption you and Jungkook were an item. Jungkook can see the way you scrunch your nose from his periphery, and he decides to answer for you instead.
“This is YN. She’s… literally been my best friend since middle school.” Jungkook introduces you to the four people right across from you. “YN, this is Hoseok – well, I call him Hobi-hyung. This is Jimin-hyung and Tae-hyung. I’m pretty sure you know Namjoon-hyung because –”
“ – school council president.” You interrupt because you didn’t want Jungkook to reveal that you had been inquiring about him earlier. “I remember because you made that welcome speech this morning at the assembly.”
Namjoon is rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment and you resume eating your packed lunch, despite losing all appetite because you are surrounded by so many people did not know. They weren’t terrible people, but you weren’t mentally prepared for such strong personalities and dynamics to be introduced all at once. You felt like an intruder – a fly on the wall – because everyone carried on with their normal conversations; Jungkook and Hoseok were talking about plans for the weekend and then Jimin and Taehyung were already drafting out ideas for the yearbook. Meanwhile, you sat in silence as you ate your tuna salad sandwich, reading a new book you were gifted over the summer by your parents.
“Let me know when you’re done.” A voice catches your attention, and you stop all chewing. “The book, I mean.” Namjoon clarifies and he sees that you are already halfway done with it. “I read it a year ago and I’d like to hear what you think of it.” He offers you a heartwarming smile and you nod once, returning the same grin.
“I started it a week ago. I really like it so far.” The conversation is light and drowned out by the loud voices beside you.
You never really pinned him as a reader.
“So, how’s your first day so far?” He inquires and you honestly thought that the conversation was… over. Normally, that’s how all the conversations go when people find out your Sena’s little sister. They feign their interest in you and instantaneously ask about her.
“It’s… nothing special.” You admit, smoothing your fingers on the pages of the book. “Most of the classes I have before lunch, Guk’s with me. Now –”
“Now, her large, wrinkled brain is going to abandon me and get into those advanced program and honors classes.” You are rolling your eyes at your best friend who whines that you decided not to take the same classes as him.
“We literally have homeroom, social studies, and PE together and then we see each other for breaks and lunch. I think you’ll live.” The group laughs which earns quite a bit of stares from outsiders, but they seem to be completely unfazed by it. Everyone turns back to their own conversations and, usually, your social presence isn’t necessarily sought out by people.
It wasn’t until you hear another inquiry fall out of Namjoon’s mouth.
“What do you have right after lunch?”
“Honors biology, by the way. Can’t you spare just one regular class for me? Or does your GPA really matter that much to you?” Jungkook complains and you are left ignoring his comments.
If there was one thing that your older sister taught you (something you actually agree with) is that colleges love a good GPA and joining as many clubs as possible. You even remembered how she’d phrase it for you; college admissions officers will cream their pants when you score that 4.0 GPA and do something out of the box from the rest of your peers.
“Or just get smarter, Guk.” Hoseok poked fun at Jungkook, earning a shrug from Jungkook. Namjoon, on the other hand, is smiling from ear to ear at the dynamic between the elder and the youngest of the group.
“Let me see your schedule.” Namjoon urges as he spots your clear binder which has your printed schedule on the cover. You push over your binder to Namjoon who is scanning your binder; he reads through your name, your birth date, the list of teachers you had for the semester and the classes assigned to you.
You feel indifferent about the sudden attention on you, especially from Namjoon; a mere stranger who everyone obsessed over was so piqued by you. You observe the way the corner of his slips curve into an impressive smirk as he glances over at Hoseok.
“Guess who we have for calculus at the end of the day?” He slides over your binder where the rest of the group examine the rest of your schedule, only for Hoseok to find a coinciding class with you.
“How the fuck are you in a senior’s class? Are you some math whiz or something?” Taehyung’s eyes widen at the sight of an advanced calculus class on your schedule. It was one of the things you were proud of you; you were good at math – it happened to be Sena’s worst subject and your parents often joke what she lacked; you had gained immensely.
“Yeah, YN’s cracked, hyung. I don’t understand. I remember in middle school they had to make arrangements for her to get into a pre-caclulus class or some shit like that.” Jungkook finishes his fruit cup and gathers all of the trash on site to toss over to the closest garbage bin.
Namjoon is sliding your binder right back at you, brows raised at you with the same grin he had on. He stares at you for what seemed like a long time – to you, it seemed like a long time and he is glancing back down at where your fingers brush against each other and he pulls away, not wanting to make you feel uncomfortable.
“I – um, saw that you were taking orchestra too.”
You nod and chew on your cheek, self-conscious all of a sudden about your appearance because you are very much aware that Namjoon is examining every aspect of your face.
“Yeah. I mean, I already know how to play the piano, so I might as well learn how to play another instrument, right?”
“No – yeah, you’re right.” He stammers and he folds his hands together only to be interrupted by Jimin tossing over a bag of pretzels at Namjoon.
“Bell’s about to ring. Pretzels was all they had left. We need to head to physics soon.” Taehyung and Jimin are swinging their bags over their shoulders. Hoseok is too busy on his phone, showing Jungkook a video of his new choreography.
Suddenly, you are receiving a plethora of notifications in the depths of your jean pocket. Your fingers unlock your phone only to reveal a series of text messages from your sister.
Sena [12:29]: Did you just spend your entire lunch with Kim Namjoon?
Sena [12:32]: Earth to YN?
Sena [12:41]: You have officially made a fucking impression to this school. I’m so proud of you. You’re sitting with us at lunch tomorrow.
“Guess I’ll see you later, YN.” The bell doesn’t descend you back to reality. Instead, it was his voice that brings you to pack up your things into your bag. “You might want to sit at the back for Mr. Lu’s biology class; he’s a spitter.” Namjoon swings his backpack over his shoulder. “He reuses the same lesson plan every year. If you need any help with them, you know who to look for.”
As you’re swinging your own bag, Namjoon leaves you with a wink as he is exiting the doors of the cafeteria into the school hallways.
Now, you understand why the entire world was obsessed with Kim Namjoon.
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“Alright, let’s get started,” Mrs. Kang, your calculus, is a middle-aged woman who didn’t look like she had aged past thirty. You found it incredibly hard to believe the woman was nearly in her mid-forties who had three kids of her own. She looked like a stern woman but had a good heart from what you remembered; she only wanted what was best for the class even though it meant tormenting them with a shit ton of homework. “I don’t need to go over the syllabus with you bunch. As you can see, this is a much smaller class than a regular class because not a lot of people pass this class.”
Silence fills the room from when you had first arrived. You were one of the last few people to find your seat because your class was all the way on the other side of campus. It seemed like everyone in your class were juniors or seniors. There were so many of them who knew each other from previous classes; they were all huddled in their own designated spots in the class, so you sat at the front of the class because all the seats at the back had been taken and it may help that you’re at the front because it’ll force you to pay attention.
“There’s a lot of material to cover and there’s only so much I can do. Since we’ve implemented the new block schedule, we’ll only be seeing each other for an hour and a half every Wednesdays and Fridays. First thirty minutes will be on new material, next thirty minutes will be spent on practice problems, and then the last thirty minutes will be working with your partner on getting your homework started. I’ve figured getting a head start on the homework for the last thirty minutes will be helpful just in case you or your partner are lost, you have me to ask for assistance.”
Someone’s hand raises up in the air out of your periphery.
Mrs. Kang points to them. “Yes, Namjoon?”
“How do we determine who are partners will be?”
“Please tell me we get to pick our partners.” Mrs. Kang is already turning her back to the class as she searches for a box that had been hidden behind her computer monitor only for her shake the contents of the box.
“The last time I gave the students the opportunity to choose who their partner was, I’ve written a disciplinary notice for academic dishonesty twice a week.” Mrs. Kang prefaced, and the room goes silent. As she continues ruffling through folded papers inside the wooden box, you are already aware of how the partner system is going to work.
Everything was going to be randomly assigned.
“We have 26 of you total which means there will be 13 pairs.” Mrs. Kang announces, and she walks around the class starting from the left where the person is picking a folded paper out of the box. Each person who had unfolded their paper sat patiently until Mrs. Kang had completed distributing the paired assignments around the room. She is fetching a pen and paper as she sits on her desk.
“Alright, our first pair is –” Mrs. Kang looks up to see two people raise their hands; it had been Hoseok and a girl with the prettiest bangs named Mimi. Mrs. Kang continued jotting down the pairs until you scanned the number on your own paper; a large 12 inscribed on your already tattered paper.
You hear Mrs. Kang’s voice as she calls out for the twelfth pair and you raise your hand. You don’t see anyone in your periphery raise their hands, so you turn your body around to search for your partner.
Your body turns cold and still, but you can feel your cheeks get warm at the sight of Namjoon seated down at the back with Hoseok with his hands raised, revealing that he had pulled the same number as you. The thumping in your heart is loud and it beats hard as each moment passes.
Both your hands lower and you are trying to turn your attention back to the front of the class where your teacher stood, but you can feel his eyes on you. You remembered scolding yourself, unaware of why you were so nervous and so shocked to be his partner – he saw you nothing more than another classmate; someone to help him with his assignments.
“Perfect! Since we have our pairs, everyone will be sitting next to their partner from now on; I don’t care where it’ll be. I just need you to sit with them, so we’re not scrambling at the last thirty minutes of class to find them.” Mrs. Kang says sternly, clearly not wanting to waste time in this class. “Shall we begin?”
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“How do you already have so much shit to do?” Jungkook laid comfortably on your bed, shoving down salt and vinegar potato chips that your parents had bought from the store last weekend. “Do you like never take a break from reading or what?”
“It’s just a really interesting book.” You say as you flip through the next page and bite into an apple.
You two laid on your bed, basking in the afternoon sun. Normally, you two didn’t have this much down time. Last summer, you two volunteered to be camp counselors to lessen the boredom you two would endure. It was either that or spending every goddamn weekend on the golf course with Jungkook’s parents and yours.
“I was thinking of trying out for the track & field team.” Jungkook informs you and you resume reading. “Namjoon-hyung tells me that the team runs right after school and it sounds fun. Events are early though, and we all know I’m not an early riser.”
The mention of Namjoon urged you to reminisce back to your last period that day. Mrs. Kang mentioned that she wasn’t going to let the class immediately sit right next to their homework partner – thank god. You just wouldn’t know what to talk about with him; you don’t really know what to talk about with people because they always somehow led the conversation back to your older sister.
But, at the end of class, he did manage to keep up with you as you hastily packed all your items into the bag before you darted outside of the classroom. You planned on walking home with Jungkook and you two would meet at the front of the school. Namjoon, somehow, caught up to you in time.
He had grabbed your arm and greeted with you with his million-dollar smile. “Hey,” He breathes, and you stop to offer him a meeker and shier smile.
“Hi, what’s up?”
“You’re meeting with Guk?”
You give him a single nod before he hands you two pieces of paper. You’re curious as to what they are, and you see the words parent’s consent form along with the health forms to give to a doctor – for a physical.
“He’ll know what they’re for.” He reassured you and you hold onto the forms. “Thanks for that. I have to go; I have a meeting in five minutes with the student council.”
“I’ll be sure to give it to him. Was there anything else you wanted to tell him?”
He shakes his head, and he starts reversing his steps, clutching onto the straps of his bags. “I – um, I’m really looking forward for calculus – you know, the whole partner thing. I must be really lucky to be partnered with a cracked, math whiz like you.”
Now, you’re blushing because you weren’t really sure if you were supposed to be flattered or offended.
And he read you so well because he is suddenly panicking but he hid it. He stops his reverses, and he takes one step closer to you.
“I’ll see you and Guk at lunch tomorrow, if that’s alright?” He hums; his voice sounded so soft and clear to you – no one can hear a single thing he had said to you, but you heard him bright as day. Suddenly, you feel a grin creep up to your mouth and you nod once. You had regained some of your confidence back and Namjoon can see it. “Cool, well, I’ll see you ‘round, YN.”
“Earth to YN.” Jungkook snaps at you and you pay attention to your friend who is lying next to you. “Did you hear a single thing I said?”
“Sorry ‘bout that. I dozed for a couple minutes.” You admit and he scrunches his brows, dismissing your moment of silence.
“I was asking how it was like to be in a class of seniors.”
“There’s no difference, honestly.” You begin your thought. “It sucks just because I don’t really know anyone, and everyone knows everyone.”
“Yeah, but you have Namjoon-hyung and Hobi-hyung.” Jungkook reassures you. “They’re basically your friends now because we’ll be hanging around them a lot.”
You weren’t sure if you were looking forward to or nervous to be spending a lot more time with the older guys. They made a good first impression on you though; they’ve probably only mentioned your sister’s name once. Granted, it was only thirty minutes spent together, but it was so much better than most of the conversations you’ve had with everybody else.
“That’s true. I have Namjoon as my homework partner, so I’ll… definitely need to get along with him.” You chuckle under your breath as you read through each line without comprehending a single thing. Your mind had been so clouded with the idea of Namjoon and you weren’t sure why.
Jungkook decided not to stay for dinner that evening even though mom made two pans of lasagna to feed a village. However, he did help you and your mother prepare it. Your mom was pretty insistent on it, so you promise that you’d be giving him some leftovers for lunch the next day. Your dad arrived home next; it was a typical evening – he beelined to your mom, planted a kiss on her cheek and patted your back before he hastily moved to the office to continue working. Sena arrived home from school at a later hour than usual before she was already setting the plates on the dining table.
“Alright, Guk, final offer.” Your mother says as she is pulling out two piping pans of lasagna out of the oven.
“No, thanks, Mrs. LN.” He respectfully declines before he is swinging his backpack over his shoulder. “Mom’s expecting me home right about now for dinner. I’ll definitely ask YN to pack me up some leftovers though.”
“Alright.” She waves him a goodbye before you are showing him to the door. “Walk home safely.” She bids him a goodbye softly as she pulls the foils off the pan.
“Pack me an extra serving, please.” Jungkook pleads and you roll your eyes before he already made his way out of the door.
“Honey, dinner’s ready!”
“You did not tell me Jungkook was friends with Namjoon.” Sena settles herself on the dining table and you sit right across from her, waiting for your mom to begin serving everyone a slice of lasagna.
“Quite frankly, I didn’t know Jungkook even knew Namjoon either. I’d say I’m just as surprised as you are, but I really don’t know what the fascination is with Namjoon.” You lied through your teeth as your mom serves herself first (she called dibs on the corner piece) and you decide on getting the smallest piece since you weren’t so hungry that evening.
“Are you talking about Mr. and Mrs. Kim’s son? Is this the same Namjoon we’re talking about right now?” Your mom’s curiosity is evident in her tone, taking small bites out of a side salad she had prepared.
“Yes, and Sena is hopelessly in love with him.” You shove the lettuce into your mouth as you wait for your lasagna serving to cool down momentarily.
“How can you not be in love with him?” She breathes out hastily. Your dad has his brows raised in disbelief; his daughter talking endlessly about her crush.
“He is a nice boy; responsible, kind, gentle, polite, seems to get things done, really cute too.” Your mom lists his never-ending advantages, and you stray away from their eyes because you hate the admit that you find him incredibly cute.
“Can we please talk about something other than this boy?” Your father is already exhausted from listening to you talk about Namjoon and you don’t blame him, really. “How was the first day for you, dear?” He refers to you and you are still chewing on your dinner.
“I have three classes with Guk. I like all of my classes so far; I can already tell calculus is going to be… a lot of work. We have a test every week and we mandatory study sessions after school for the exam to qualify for college credits. Thankfully, I have a partner to work with just in case I don’t understand anything. There’s also –”
“Who’s your partner? Maybe I know them.”
Your silence is defeating, and you look at your dad who is waiting for his answer and you dart your eyes back at Sena who is piecing the puzzle in her head, so she drops her mouth open, gasping at your lack of a response.
“No fucking way!”
“Language, please, Sena.” Your mom scolds.
“I mean, you’ve been in the same classes as him before! I’m sure you’ve been in a group project with him or something. You guys are in the same clubs. I don’t understand why you haven’t asked him out.” You weren’t so sure what motivated you to blurt it all out because your sister was definitely a good catch, but the obsession with him was getting way out of hand.
“That’s ridiculous, YN. I would never ask out a guy. I don’t even know he likes me that way.” Sena is taking small bites out of her dinner and you sigh to yourself, chewing on the inside of your cheek. “If there was only a way for me to find out. It’s not like I have a sister who’s partners with him in a class – oh, she’s also best friends with his next-door neighbor! How convenient.”
She eyes at you where you decide to focus on your meal, but her eyes are pleading and desperate.
“I… am completely eliminating myself from this predicament, Sena. If you want to ask him out for yourself, you should do it. Besides, who wouldn’t like you? You’re amazing.” Your voice is sincere and genuine, and you hope she pushes all of her fears and insecurities to the side to do something about her feelings.
“It would just be so much easier if I knew if he thought I was cute or something.”
“Everyone thinks you’re cute.”
“That’s not the point, YN. Listen, how ‘bout this? You don’t even have to drop my name in there; just ask what his ideal girl is like or something… or let Guk do the work! I’m sure he already knows the answer. Just help a girl out, please, YN.” You sigh defeated because your sister was really good at convincing.
It wasn’t really hard to figure out what type of girl Namjoon was interested in or… if he was interested in girls. All of this was easier said than done and you were going to rely on Jungkook a lot on this.
“I’m not going to prioritize this.” You surrender and she is giddy in her seat.
“YN, you are the best sister anyone could ask for.”
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Several weeks have passed since you had last had your conversation with your older sister. You made an emphasis that you weren’t going to prioritize delving into Namjoon’s personal life. You were purely on a calculus homework and best friend’s next door neighbor relationship with him. But you finally get an idea of what Namjoon likes in a girl when he had to leave early for calculus to get pep rally ready for the first football game that Friday.
Unknown [14:34]: It’s Namjoon. Got your number from Guk.
For some reason, you feel your heart leap out of your chest at the text message. You’re still seated in calculus class working on the first few problems of your homework without him. You look up to see that Mrs. Kang is too busy assisting other students confused with the problem. Honestly, you were confused too and were unsure with your methods, but your mind had been too focused on your cellphone the entire time.
Namjoon [14:35]: Should’ve gave you the heads up about this. Sorry about leaving you alone to work. ):
You [14:36]: It’s no big deal. Seems like everyone’s confused, tbh.
Namjoon [14:36]: Fuck, mb. It’s the first game of the night, so I’m kind of required to be here. I’ll make it up to you, I promise.
Namjoon [14:37]: I have some down time after setting up. Maybe we can work on it then?
You [14:37]: Just tell me the time and place, I’ll be there. (:
Namjoon says that he had somebody covering his duties for the student council before the game began. You see him rushing inside a computer lab that remained open for students to use. You had reserved a table at a secluded corner because you wanted to be away from prying eyes. He spots you trying to reread your notes and erase the umpteenth method you had tried for a word problem you were stuck on.
He admires the way your brows knit together; lips pursed as you began redoing your method on a separate piece of paper. He keeps standing, not taking his place on the chair right next to you – too afraid that you would interrupt your flow. You feel a presence right next to you and he nearly gives you a fright and you realize just how tall he is.
“You scared me.” You inform and he chuckles softly at how endearing it was. He takes the seat right next to you where he is already pulling out notebook and pencils from his bag.
“I left my book at my locker. Do you mind if I share your book with you?” You look at your open textbook and nod at once pushing the textbook closer for both of you to see. “Thanks.” He scoots much closer than you had intended and when he strips his hoodie off of him, you can smell his cologne and how good it smelled on him.
You ignore your thoughts and scurry back to the problem you’re on.
“What problem did you end on?” He inquires and you point to the exact word problem you had been staring at for the past thirty minutes in class.
“It’s been bugging me. I didn’t want to ask Mrs. Kang because I wanted to figure it out myself.” You were so stubborn, he thought to himself. You had only completed a total of eight problems when there was so much more to do for the weekend. For some reason, you decided to stay stuck on that problem for god knows how long and Namjoon found it adorable – one of the few attributes he liked about you.
He reads the word problem and begins trying to solve the problem on his own. After several tries, he had figure out what you had done wrong and he so desperately wanted to point it out to you. Just when he was about to open his mouth, you turn to him and shake your head, covering your ears with your hands.
“No. I refuse to let you tell me what you did wrong. I can figure this out myself.” You whisper harshly. Namjoon can’t help but respond with silenced laughter because this is exactly how your homework sessions have been going; just the both of you refusing to let the other correct each other until the other figured it out themselves.
“Can I give you one clue?”
“Nope.” You popped your ‘p’ to accentuate just how persistent you were. You stuck out your lower lip as you examined the word problem again and he looked at the glossiness of your mouth and the softness of your cheeks; how he desperately wanted to lay his own petals right on yours as his fingers crawl to your face.
“So, I have a question.” He starts.
“And I can try to give you an answer depending on what it is.”
“Are… you and Guk by any chance – y’know?” His question is vague, but you definitely know what he is asking you because lots of people were never really used to the idea of a boy and a girl ever being best friends; for some reason, people assume they always end up dating and never talking to each other again.
“God, no. I love him, but I don’t love him like… I’d date him.” Your cheeks were fully flamed, and you weren’t so sure why you were so embarrassed to discuss this with Namjoon. All the times you had to clarify people on your relationship with Jungkook, you were almost disgusted and quick to reassure people that you two were nothing more than friends.
“Well, is there anyone you were willing to date?” Namjoon is pushing the boundaries here and he knows it very well. But he feels like he has gotten to know you well enough in the past few weeks to ask such a question.
“Not that… I know of really.” You try to remain composed when you respond to his question, but you feel his eyes burn into your soul, so you’re doing everything you can to avoid his stare. But Namjoon continues to stare right into you. He really can’t take his eyes off of you. “Honestly, I don’t think I’ve ever really experienced what it’s like to be attracted to –” Just when you had mustered the confidence to look at him, he is quite literally staring so deeply into your eyes that it is taking your breath away.
He is making you eat your words right now; you can’t take your eyes off of him.
“You don’t know what it’s like to…?”
“I don’t what it’s like to be attracted to someone.” You sigh softly; your breath fanning him. “On the contrary, I don’t think anyone’s ever really been attracted to me.” A chuckle comes erupting from your mouth, shaking your head. “Fortunately, that’s not really my goal in high school.”
“You don’t know that.” He quips.
“I don’t know what?”
“If someone’s been attracted to you before.” You shake your head in disbelief, chewing on the inside of your cheek knowing fully well that he was doing this because he wanted to seem like a dick for not disagreeing with your self-deprecation.
“Well, what about you?” You pose the question to him. “From what I understand, most girls and guys I pass by swoon every time you pass by.” He is chuckling to himself this time and he is very much aware of his desirability among his classmates. “You have plenty of choices; I’m sure you have the opportunity to date someone you must really like at this very moment.”
“That’s what I’m hoping on. I’m just not quite sure how she feels about me.” You feel like you were unraveling his darkest secrets and you were happy he considered you close enough to reveal who it is or give an inkling to who it is.
“Do I know her by any chance?” You’re hoping that you can narrow down who he is interested in. Because you barely knew anybody, you knew this would be a piece of cake.
“Yes.” He replies simply and he is staring at you. “You know her very well, YN.” He sighs, hoping you would finally understand what he is alluding to.
“Is she in my grade?” You were really hoping that the answer would be no or else you’d be breaking some terrible news to Sena that evening after the football game.
Namjoon nods slowly and he can see how you are not picking up his hints. He sees the slight disappointment in your face for whatever reason. Suddenly, he is perplexed because, in his eyes, he has made it pretty clear who he was interested in from the get-go. Many people should make the assumption, too, considering there was only one person he had his eyes on – only one person he was giving his attention to.
“Is it… that girl in Guk’s class who –”
As you are trying to list out the girls in your class who has interacted with Namjoon, he is in complete disbelief that you have not figured it out at all. How much more clueless could you get? He is sighing now because is frustrated. He admires your persistence when it came to solving difficult word problems in calculus but it’s frustrating when you are unaware of his feelings for you.
Just when is about to confess his feelings for you, you are greeted with another presence calling for both your names.
“So, this is where you two have been.” Jungkook ambles hastily towards your table and you grin from ear to ear when he is taking out his algebra textbook. “YN, one last chance, please. I didn’t pass my last quiz which brought me one letter grade down and my dad’s going to make me quit track & field if I don’t –”
“I told you I’d help you over the weekend, dumbass. I’m busy getting shit done with Namjoon.” You breathe softly before he is hugging you on your side and you grunt at how much stronger he has gotten. “But you’re buying me coffee for a week.”
“Sick.” Jungkook simply replies before he begins unpacking some of his homework. “You excited for the football game, Namjoon-hyung?” Jungkook queries and Namjoon is baffled because the moment is gone. One interruption from his next-door neighbor and the moment’s lost.
“Fuck yeah.” Namjoon replies and he sees that you’ve suddenly lost interest in the subject. You were subconsciously listening on their conversation while you are back to resolving the complicated word problem right in front of you. “Will you two be going to the game?”
“I’ll go, but YN won’t go because she hates crowds and, honestly, she doesn’t know how the game.” You exhale in response to Jungkook’s statements. Namjoon observes that you decide to move onto another problem, wanting to tackle the word problem at a different time. “Everyone you know will practically be there. Why not give it a shot?”
“We usually have half of the bleachers reserved for the student council since we’re in charge of tickets and concessions, so it won’t be that big of a crowd.” Namjoon attempts to entice you with modifications to appease your concerns. “Plus, we’d all get to hang out with each other; no homework, no calculus talk – just… us.”
Jungkook is stunned to see you agree.
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The night was a lot more enjoyable than you thought it would be. Namjoon waived off the entrance fee for the game the moment he mentioned that you and Jungkook were volunteers. Taehyung was already on the field taking photographs of the football players and cheerleaders while Jimin took photographs of the students on the bleachers. You even passed by your own sister who was busy with her own group at the entrance entertaining friends, families, and alumni into the bleachers. Meanwhile, Namjoon was overseeing every single aspect of the event; he was mainly at the concessions, not wanting to create so much traffic around it.
“Is there anything I can do to help?” You offer your assistance before he notices that you have your hair all tied up. “I’ve washed my hands if that helps.” Namjoon can’t hide his smile and he offer you a pair of food safe gloves.
“I’m usually one to decline help, but we really need it. Let’s see – Yuqi really needs to go use the bathroom, so you can be in charge of the drinks and chips right now.” You take your station at the drinks and chips stations. It was going faster than you had expected; people ordered too fast or too slow – there was no in between. There were people who were very certain with their order which you appreciated. Then, there were the people who were very fickle with their order and you can’t help but stand awkwardly to wait for them to decide.
“I can’t believe you roped me into helping.” Jungkook grumbles under his breath. “Hey, I didn’t rope you into anything.” You take the five-dollar bill from the student and offer them back their change.
“Yeah, but you made me seem like a real asshole sitting there not helping.” You can’t help but laugh at Jungkook’s pout because you knew just how much he wanted to just spend his time on the bleachers, watching the game with his hyungs. But he was stuck here helping out the student council while most of them were on their bathroom breaks.
“Once someone’s back from their bathroom break, you can go back to your game.” You soothe him and the chaos outside the booth is starting to die down. Less and less people were coming because they’ve all satisfied their craving and the game was building up – it was pretty close, so you understand why Jungkook was in there sulking with you. When you turn to look at Namjoon, hoping to convince him to let Jungkook off the hook, you don’t see him there.
You look out the window to hear your sister’s pretentious giggle. She laughed so differently around him – acted so differently around him. He stood right next to her with the rest of the council members, giving them a big pep talk. She looked at him like he was an angel who fell from heaven. Their conversation ends and the rest of the council members disband except Sena and Namjoon. They are having a personal conversation and you can’t read mouths, but you can’t tear your eyes away from their beaming faces.
“Hey, can I ask you something?” You clear your throat, speaking so softly so only Jungkook can hear you.
“I’m all ears.”
“Does – does Namjoon have a type?” You say out of curiosity. Jungkook raises a brow at you, curious as to what motivated you to ask the question.
“Uh, I don’t know. I’ve never really heard hyung talk about any girls… or his type, to be honest.” He hums and he is staring at you stare at your sister and Namjoon. “Why’d you ask?”
“It’s… for Sena.” It was the truth, but your own curiosity was definitely a motivating factor. “She’s been obsessed with Namjoon since… as long as I can remember.” You breathe out, hoping no one else can eavesdrop on your conversation. “She’s been talking a lot about him more since she found out I knew him, y’know?”
“Huh,” Jungkook leans on the table and folds his arms. “Why doesn’t she just tell him?”
“Apparently, she needs some sort of confirmation that he thinks of her that way too, so she doesn’t make a fool of herself.”
“Why don’t you just ask him then?” Your silence is clearly something Jungkook wasn’t expecting because you never actually considered it once. “He’s a pretty easy-going guy; just ask him and he’ll be honest.”
“We’re not on that level of friendship yet, I guess.”
“Well, I consider you guys close enough to ask that kind of question.”
“Then, he’d just assume I’m being friends with him because my sister was using me.”
“Well, are you?”
Your own answer stuns you almost. Just a couple weeks ago, you knew nothing of Namjoon and, suddenly, you are on a level of friendship where you think you can confide him in anything. Perhaps, now, you really understood why everyone obsessed over him; why everyone wanted to be friends with him, why everyone wanted to date him, why everyone just wanted to be noticed by him.
“Then, feel free to ask him yourself.”
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You hadn’t really worked up the courage to talk to Namjoon about his dating life. You repeated to yourself that it wasn’t really a priority to delve into what goes on behind the scenes with Namjoon. You were in a consistent state of going to school, doing your homework, reading books, and retraining your body to try out for the swim team next semester. 
But the time came when you got sick for an entire week and missed so much material, especially calculus material.
But you were eternally saved by Namjoon himself.
Namjoon had requested to drop off the homework sheets and printed copies of his notes over to you. Everything was so detailed, and you were impressed with how organized everything seemed to be. You didn’t know what motivated you to reach for your phone on your bed and dial in his number. Maybe you felt like it deserved a personal thanks rather than a typed one.
“YN?” His voice on the other line sounded so surprised and there was so much noise on the other end. “Give me a second.” He excuses before you hear him move to another location, somewhere much quieter.
“How many times do I have to thank you for being an absolute saint?” Your voice sounded so stuffed. The flu was getting to you really bad, but you were recovering well. But he chuckles into the receiver and you are flipping through each page he had printed before you fall onto your bed, sighing blissfully. “I’m serious, Joon. I’ll say it a million times if I have to.”
“You’ve pulled my weight when I was off doing council work so much. I’m sure if I got sick, you’d do the exact same thing. It’s what partners do.” Namjoon is smiling from ear to ear; he was glowing, and no one was there to really witness it. “I – um, did you see my note attached at the back?”
You are now flipping through the pages frantically until you see a handwritten sticky note that read: “We have a quiz on the Monday you come back. I’m free this weekend if you wanted to study with me.” And there was even a little smiley face attached to it and you are experiencing a whirlwind of emotions.
“You have got to be fucking with me.” You can feel the panic starting to bubble in the pits of your belly, but you were trying not to let it show. “You’ve already done so much for me. I can’t rob you of your weekend. It’s just – It’s just too much.”
“I’m happy to do it, Ace. I promise.” The guy deserved everything in the world because he was too generous for the world and you weren’t so sure what you did to deserve such kindness.
He chuckles embarrassingly into the receiver, chewing on his cheeks. “I – uh, it’s a nickname. I hope you don’t mind.” Suddenly, butterflies erupt from your stomach and there is a glow on your cheeks that you are very much aware of and you are curling into your bed with a shit eating grin on your face.
“I – I like it.” You sigh and Namjoon leans on the wall as he observes the rest of his friends and council members enjoy slices of pizza, taking a well-deserved break from preparing for the pep rally event coming up next week.
“So, is that a yes to a study session this Saturday?”
“Yes.” Your voice is small and hesitant because it feels like you’re doing something wrong when you were just having a quiz session with your calculus partner.
“Great. My place or yours?”
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Namjoon insisted on coming over to your place because you were still recovering. Coincidentally, your parents had the weekend trip away with your dad’s work colleague for a wine tasting event. You debated whether you wanted to tell Sena that Namjoon was going to be arriving in an hour, but you soon realize that she was out with her friend’s house for a movie night session.
You had the place all to yourself and you were relieved and frantic all at once.
You busied yourself the entire day to make yourself look decent; brushed hair, brushed teeth, clean face, and fresh clothes. You throw used tissues into trash bins, changed your sheets, and kicked all of your dirty laundry into your hamper that had fallen on the carpeted floors. As you are jogging downstairs, you discover you have no food in the fridge, so you’d probably have to order a pizza or something to share with Namjoon.
Immediately, you question why you are so desperate to make the place and yourself so presentable when this was a mere tutoring session with your calculus partner?
The doorbell ringing prompts you to peek through the peep hole and you see him; he is wearing a regular white t-shirt, jeans, and sneakers. He has his hoodie thrown over his shoulder as he begins texting a message on his phone, waiting for you to open the door for him.
When you unlock the front door and open the door for him, you smile timidly at him.
“Hi,” You greet him nervously.
“Hey, Ace.” He waves before he examines how you look. Despite your red nose and tired eyes, he missed seeing your face for a week; he really did. You stood awkwardly fiddling with your fingers and he can sense just how anxious you are, so he decides to tread lightly. “May I come in?”
His tone is so polite which effectively allows you to open the door wider for him to enter. You are nodding and you close the door shut behind him, ensuring that you have locked them. “I – um, I can’t really offer you anything to eat since my parents are out of town, but we can order pizza, if you want. It’s what my sister and I usually do.”
“I’m more than okay with pizza.” He permits and you nod and begin walking to the living room. “Will we be working here?”
“We can work anywhere.” You announce. The conversation is so light, and you hate how quick yet reluctant you are to your responses. “I – I can get you a glass of water, if you’d like. I’ll just get my things from upstairs and bring them down to the living room.” You inform him and he nods as he is making himself comfortable on the couch.
You are scurrying off upstairs to go get your materials and catching your breath because you think you were holding your breath the entire time. You’re stalling because you’re making a check list of every single thing you need for downstairs to avoid seeing him or talking with him. Just when you are about to exit, you see him at the bottom of the stairs. He is examining each family portrait on the wall.
Your face is hot because you can only imagine how terrible you looked like a child, so you jog downstairs with your study materials to gain his attention. “I never really realized how much Sena looks like your dad.” Namjoon comments and you stop in your tracks, only to examine the portrait he is looking at. “Exact same nose and smile.”
You purse your lips into a thin line because you are reminded once again that he is probably only interested in getting to know Sena – there was always that possibility. You were so familiar with this feeling of discussing your sister with other people because – yes, she is absolutely beautiful and intelligent and there was no denying it.
“But you are like your mother.” He comments as he takes a closer look at your mom who seems to be so much more youthful. “The way she’s smiling here looks so much like the way you smile.” He describes and you allow him to explain more by staying silent. “When you smile, your nose kind of crinkles and the corners of your eyes creases and your dimples are a lot more –”
Your throat seizes because you’re flattered and aware that he has perfectly examined your appearance and all the features in what he sees. He grows silent and he is chuckling nervously, scratching the back of his hand to distract himself.
“Sorry that was… super random.” Namjoon clears his throat, and you are shaking your head before you point towards the living room.
“I – I’m ready now.”
Now, you’re desperately hoping Sena doesn’t come home too early from her friend’s house.
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Hours have passed since Namjoon have gotten you caught up with all of the materials and have assisted you through last week’s homework sheets. Namjoon was impressed with how you can keep up despite your recovering condition. One minute, you were sneezing and wiping your nose clean and, the next minute, you have your lips pursed and brows furrowed as you are writing equations down on a separate piece of paper.
“I got a question for you.” Namjoon begins and you are still too busy piecing everything together for a specific word problem you wanted to master.
“Are you always this focused?” You are typing things into a calculator before you are erasing things on your paper and you turn to look at him, showing him the calculator.
“Is this the right answer?” You ignore his question for a moment.
He nods and you grin at him before you proceed onto the next word problem.
“If I’m a week’s worth of lessons behind, yes, I’m focused all the time.” Namjoon is shaking his head and he is in awe at how you are so quick at writing all the information; he notices how neat your handwriting is too. Namjoon checks his watch and realizes just how late it has been and he clears his throat as he looks out the window to see the sun has gone completely down.
“Will your sister be coming home tonight?” Namjoon notices that you stop writing – you stop solving the word problem that you are tackling because you, suddenly, realize that he is asking about your sister.
“She’s probably still at a friend’s house or something.” He senses the atmosphere has changed and you shift your mind back to the practice problem right in front of you. “Why do you ask?”
“No reason – well, I honestly thought she should be taking care of her recovering sister.” You snicker at his statement.
“She’s a great sister, but she’s not that great.” You quip, biting your tongue at how ridiculous he sounded. “I think we can all agree that she’s smart, charismatic, and ambitious. I will admit she’s a really considerate sister too, but she thinks caring for her ill sister is a parents’ job – not hers.”
“Okay, okay, I get it she’s amazing but not… amazing.” He raises his hands to surrender and his words coming out of his mouth urged you to inquire about his relationship with her.
“If you think she’s amazing, why don’t you date her?” The words came spilling out of your mouth uncontrollably. Maybe it was the meds, you thought. You see the grin disappear from Namjoon’s face into utter confusion and he tilts his head for further clarification. “What I mean is that… you’ve known her and worked with her for so long and she’s a great girl – I’m obviously really biased considering she’s my sister, but you two would make a… great couple.”
You didn’t believe that you were talking about this to Namjoon. You didn’t think you would have the guts to discuss this with him, but the opportunity came up and you took it. But you are faced with such an unfamiliar emotion. True discomfort arises at the pit of your stomach as Namjoon’s brows furrow together and he is shaking his head with the same boyish grin he always flaunted to the world.
“Ace, she’s great, but I… honestly see her as a friend.” He isn’t so sure how many times he’s reiterated those words before. Because little did you know, so many people have asked the exact same thing. Peers and colleagues in their class were very much aware of Sena’s not so little crush on Namjoon for quite some time.
“Well, I mean, isn’t that how all relationships really start? Becoming friends and then possibly developing feelings for each other? Most people always see each other as friends until one of them is aware of the others’ feelings, right?” Your tone was so quizzical. You were treating this conversation like it required rationale and logical reasoning to tackle the issue at hand.
But this wasn’t a problem the mind can solve.
“That’s the usual circumstance, yes.” He admits and he sees that you resume back to the worksheet. “But I’ve known Sena’s had a thing for me and, quite frankly, I’ve been interested in someone else for a while, remember?”
“Someone far more interesting than Sena?” You are in disbelief. You are trying to eliminate other people in school who is on the same social standing as your older sister. “That’s… not possible.” You breathe.
“You’re wrong.” You stop writing because you are retracing your steps on the word problem you are solving. He finds it so endearing how you can’t seem to understand that he is utterly into you, but you are so lost in numbers.
“No, don’t tell me, Joon. I’ve told you this hundreds of times –” You lift your head to look at him to accentuate your reminder; you didn’t want to know what you wrong, you wanted to solve the problem yourself unless you demanded the assistance yourself.
Normally, Namjoon would comply with your request. It was so rare for him to point out your mistake, but he figured this was the perfect time to do so.
“You’re so stubborn.” He breathes before he dives in.
You don’t complete your sentence. Because when you turn your head to look at him with pleading eyes, you are met with his pillowy petals on yours. Your cheeks heat instantaneously, and you can feel your heart leap from your chest.
His kisses were soft and slow. You don’t realize that he has already cupped your cheeks. You’ve never kissed anyone ever before but, for some reason, it was like you knew how to move your mouth against his. He was gentle but there was a certain control he possessed. You pull away momentarily to breathe and, suddenly, you feel the heat of his tongue swipe on your lower lip. A shuddered whimper leaves your mouth before you are regrettably pulling away from addiction.
“N – no, that’s not possible.” You’re still in denial from the events that occurred. “Sena – she’d be so… betrayed if she –” Your brain is glitching and it didn’t help that you can taste the mint of his lips on yours.
“Listen, Ace, for one moment stop thinking about Sena and answer me honestly.” Namjoon positions his body to look straight onto you. “Do you feel the same way I do or not?”
“I don’t – I don’t know.” You shrug before avoiding his eyes. “I – I shouldn’t like you.” You sigh defeated and you are covering your face. You were ashamed not because you like him, but because you didn’t understand what you were really feeling, and you didn’t understand what you wanted to do. “Why – why do you like me?”
“You’re hardworking and incredibly intelligent.”
“I know plenty of other girls who are… exactly the same.”
“Your tastes in book are impeccable. You’re selfless to a degree that I can’t quite comprehend. You keep to yourself, but when you speak your mind, it leaves a lasting impression. Listen, YN, I can keep going, but you can’t… keep doubting my feelings for you.” Namjoon justifies and it was a tough pill to swallow.
You were too stunned to say anything. Too many emotions flooding your brain and it took too long for it to process, so you remained expressionless. Namjoon found it incredibly difficult for him to read your face.
“Ace, it’s really hard to tell how you’re feeling right now.” He points out and you understand just how awkward you sat there; head spinning with so many things to say but very little coming out of your mouth.
“I – I don’t know what you want me to say.” You admit. “I’m not sure what you’re expecting out of me with a confession like this. If I don’t feel the same way, what would’ve happened? If I do feel the same way, what – what was I supposed to do?”
“Well, for starters, do you actually feel the same way as I do?”
“I – I do.” You croak to respond to his inquiry. “I – I don’t think I’ve ever admitted that to myself either, but… I think I like you.”
A wave of relief washed over Namjoon, but there’s a bit of relief for you too. It’s out in the open now, and you know that there’s nothing really you can do about it. There’s a very content grin plastered right across his handsome face, but it slowly transforms into a frown as he realizes that, despite your feelings for each other, nothing will change between the both of you.
“Namjoon, we can’t be anything more than friends.” You realize the unfortunate circumstances the both of you were in. “It’s not fair to my sister. I don’t think it’s very fair to make me choose between you and my sister. I – I don’t think it’s very fair that… you’re in this position.”
Your heart swelled just moments ago, and you can feel it crumble into pieces as the words come spilling out of your lips.
“I understand.” He agrees softly and you perk up at his acquiescence. “I’m not going to force you to be in that position, Ace.” The reassurance softens your tense form, and his fingers cradle your chin, lifting up to be at eye level with you.
“But when you’re ready to reconsider... us, I’ll be waiting.”
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↪ Please stay tuned for the next part!
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200 notes · View notes
sailorfailures · 5 years
September 10th is Ami Mizuno/Sailor Mercury’s birthday!
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So how can you celebrate?
☿ Rewatch or reread your favourite Mercury-centric chapter, episode, or musical! As the second Sailor Soldier introduced after Sailor Moon, she’s a main character throughout every season; try episode 008, her introduction episode; episodes 027 and 041, where Ami meets and later reunites with an apparent genius boy to whom she is both his rival and role-model; episode 062, where Ami gets the opportunity to fulfil her dream of studying abroad, but at the cost of leaving the Sailor Team; episode 071, where Ami faces off against Berthier in a chess match; episode 080, where a Droid manipulates Ami into hallucinating her friends have turned against her; episode 097, where Ami begins to feel like she’s a nuisance to the other Sailors, and is targeted for her Pure Heart; episode 151, where she is so moved by a music piece she finds online that she writes lyrics for it and endeavours to deliver them to its composer personally; and episode 191, where the Sailor Soldiers find themselves embroiled in a very different fight - a video game tournament, and it’s up to Ami to win first place. The plot of episode 062 was expanded on slightly in the musical Shin / Henshin - Super Senshi e no Michi - Last Dracul Jokyoku, making Ami a more prominent character in that musical. Lastly, she is, most notably, the main character in the animated short Ami-chan no Hatsukoi [“Ami’s First Love"], based on the manga special of the same name.
☿ Sailor Mercury has several official image songs across different canons you can play for her big day:
90s anime: Someday... Somebody...; Onaji Namida wo Wakeatte [“Sharing the Same Tears”]; Koibito ni wa Narenai Kedo [“Though We Can’t Be Together...”]; Ashita mo Mata Jitensha [“I’ll Cycle Again Tomorrow”] Live Action: Mi Amor; Yakusoku [“Promise”]; Crystal: a touch of rain Musicals: Drive Me The Mercury She was also given a new song in Dic’s English dub of episode 062 to replace Onaji Namida wo Wakeatte; Only A Memory Away.
Here’s a playlist of all these songs and other Sailor Mercury BGM cues!
☿ Fix yourself Ami’s favourite food, sandwiches! Ami herself has stated she loves them because she can eat them with one hand while reading/typing/studying with the other. So you could probably apply this logic to any one-handed finger-food. She seems particularly fond of cucumber sandwiches, but any filling would suffice - just steer clear of yellow-tail tuna, her least favourite food.
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For sweets, another favourite food of hers is anmitsu, a combination of agar jelly, fruit, red bean paste, and “kuromitsu” treacle. And if you’re in the mood to bake, then here’s a tip Ami learned from her mother - use the engraved base of a drinking glass to pattern some sugar cookies.
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☿ Ami’s hobbies are all befitting of a cold-seeming but warm-hearted genius schoolgirl; Why not relax in a bubble bath with that book you’ve been meaning to finish? If you’re already an avid reader, why not try something in the non-fiction genre, which Ami seems to prefer?
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She’s also proficient at chess. Beginner or master, why not see if there’s a chess club in your area you could visit for the day, play a round online, or visit a park frequented by those looking for a match?
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Ami is, of course, known for her talent at studying, but it’s not just to assure she gets into a good high school (and later, university). She is passionate about studying for self-improvement, including proficiency in multiple languages; teach yourself something new today in her honour. Go on a random-page wiki walk or watch a documentary or two. If you have a new hobby, or a hobby you’ve been neglecting for a while, now’s the time to do that boring practice or study you’ve been putting off that you know will help you improve in the long-run.
For sports, Ami is a talented swimmer. She prefers the pool to the beach, but you could visit either today for a dip in her name.
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Ami’s most surprising hobby is video games, for which she has a competitive edge. Pick up a new title or host a casual competition online or with friends (if you throw a blue shell you’re dead to me). Why not play one of the many, many Sailor Moon titles for the Nintendo or other systems?
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☿ Dress like Ami for the day! Ami’s style fits firmly in the “preppy” category, occasionally veering into vintage and couture, probably thanks to her rich doctor mother who drops diamond rings like it’s nothing. Common articles of clothing include cardigans, oversized coats with shorter skirts/shorts, and dresses. She typically dresses modestly, but does occasionally show off her legs. She doesn’t often wear trousers, but sometimes likes to dress down, showing a casual, sporty side. As expected, she wears a lot of blue, but also a lot of red, soft pinks, yellows, and pastel minty greens. Common accessories include jewelled brooches, belts, and headbands.
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As Sailor Mercury, she wears simple blue studs that later turn into triple-studs, which she can press to summon her iconic “VR” goggles (though they are better described as augmented-reality). Anyone still have Google Glass?
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☿ Troll somebody.
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☿ Fav and read some Sailor Mercury fanart and fanfic on sites like Pixiv, Twitter, and AO3 - or contribute your own new content! Don’t forget to tag!
Feel free to reply and reblog with your own ideas of how you’re going to celebrate Ami’s day!
Happy Birthday, Ami!
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2K notes · View notes
I love your casual headcanons! Do you have any for TUA characters and spicy food?
Aw, you’re so sweet. And you come to me with something intriguing. Let’s see...
Luther is probably pretty unfamiliar with spice between the seemingly fairly bland fair at the Academy and the “nothing but soy paste” on the moon. I feel like he might be the kind that likes having peppers on/in things or a stuffed jalapeño or something but not particularly care for spicy sauces and condiments. 
Diego is the kind of guy who will eat a whole habanero or ghost pepper just to prove that he’s “tough” and then immediately go running for milk to chug (straight from the bottle like a caveman) because his spice tolerance is actually pretty low. But he will not learn his lesson, and will continue to do shit like that or order the highest level of spice at a restaurant trying to impress people, etc. 
Allison can do a pretty hot level of spice, but prefers sweeter dishes over spicy/salty/savory ones so she doesn’t look for it most of the time. Has also been known to indulge in a little fancy dark chocolate with chilis
Klaus strikes me as a spicy food guy, almost too much. Like might order his food extra spicy, or add a lot of hot sauce to something. But I think it also depends on his current state. Because sometimes the drugs can amplify sensations and make the spice Too Much or the withdrawal can make him nauseous. So basically, one can never predict with Klaus. 
Five is a spicy food guy but at a reasonable level, like jalapeños chopped in something or a “medium” curry or the like.
Ben is the kind of asshole that pranks their friends with stuff like habanero-infused jelly beans and then when they get mad eats like 7 without flinching to prove it’s not that bad and they’re being a baby.
Vanya prefers mild food. It’s safer and easier and less likely to screw up. Also probably more familiar from childhood. The only exception is in condiments (spicy brown mustard, hot and spicy bbq sauce, chipotle mayo, etc.) because those have a really nice tang to them that she likes.
Non-siblings beneath a cut:
Hazel HATES spice. What is the point of food that hurts?
Cha-Cha canonically orders her food extra spicy. And then if that’s not enough probably adds hot sauce or capsaicin powder.
Elliot loves tuna and jello and ambrosia salad. I feel like the spiciest thing he’s ever eaten is a taco that someone put salsa on and he scraped it back off. Thinks black pepper is “too spicy.”
Reginald is literally an alien. Who’s to say he processes taste the same way we do? He might have the instinct that spice = poison. 
Grace is Classic Texas. Spicy chili, tangy barbeque, a lot of Mexican influences. Will do spice, but probably doesn’t go super intense on it. Hot but not Very Hot. 
Sissy loves spicy food. But doesn’t cook spicy, because Carl complains and Harlan won’t eat it. 
Ray, growing up in the Black South, probably grew up on a lot of soul food, a lot of Caribbean-inspired food. Big, bold flavors, including the spice.
The Handler feels like a mild food person or whatever looks the most classy/trendy depending on where along the show timeline we are. In her younger years though, probably at spicy if that was what was being served in the cafeteria that day because she did as the Commission told her, right down to diet. 
Lila likes some spice but not a whole lot. But if she’s trying to impress (or intimidate) will also be the sort to eat a whole habanero. But she has the control to wait to seek soothing until she’s alone/no one is paying attention. 
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fawkes-rinzler · 4 years
More Cats 2019 headcanons!
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Hell ya~! Here we go!!
First, some random ones
Demeter, Cassandra, Socrates, Plato, and Alonzo are all Jellicle protectors.
Cass and Tugger have a thing going, but no one’s entirely sure what it is...
Tantomile is Munkustrap’s little sister~! She keep an eye on Syllabub and Jellylorum
And Munkustrap keeps an eye on all three of them.
Gus the Theater Cat was who found Mr. Mistoffelees as a kitten and brought him to the Jellicle. 
Alonzo, Plato, and Socrates are all brothers, and they share a mother with Rum Tum Tugger. 
Now for some specific cats~! Starting with Jennyanydots
Jennyanydots’ kitchen is a safe haven to most Jellicles. 
Her owns are aware that the “street cats” like hanging out around their house, so sometimes they bring out food to them. 
They’re very used to seeing Munkustrap and Mr. Mistoffelees around especially
Jenny loves picking on the four siblings, but she focuses most of her jokes and teasings on Tugger. 
They’re able to handle themselves tho, and Jenny knows better than to push too far.
She one time insulted poor Alonzo so bad that he refused to go to her house for a week. She went to him herself to apologize
Kittens love hanging out around Jenny’s house.
If Munkustrap is everyone’s dad or older brother, Jenny is everyone’s Mom or older sister
Meows a lot. All different sorts of meows.
Very very very very very talkative cat
Will groom whoever’s nearest because she be like that.
Has a weakness for Cream
Aorrible prankster, much to everyone’s chagrin
She is Skimbleshank’s sister.
A British shorthair
Now for Mistoffelees~!
Mistoffelees and Munkustrap are owned by the same lady.
Misttoffelees used to get in trouble all the time when he was little, with Cassandra and Demeter forced to come to his rescue.
As a result, Cassandra and Demeter kinda treat him like an obnoxious little brother
Much to Misto’s chagrin
Literally follows Munk around everywhere.
Curls up into the tiniest possible ball when he sleeps.
His owner made him a cute little top hat. He wears it around everywhere.
Cross paws~!
Everyone just kinda has an “Oh, it’s Mistoffelees...” kinda reaction to his presence
He really is just a good boy
Except Munk, Jenny, and the kittens
Syllabub thinks he’s the best thing since Caviar~!
What kind of cat is Mistoffelees?
Why..... a magical cat~
Mistoffelees is a super tactile cat
He’s prone to having inner ear problems, which makes him clumsy
Despite his reputation for being a little weird, a little shy, a little awkward, a little clumsy, and a little accident prone, the Jellicles will defend Misto with their lives
Yes, even Cassandra and Demeter
Time for Skimble, where is Skimble~?
Skimbleshanks’ owner has specially groomed his whiskers to go up like a little mustache
Which is really very dashing
Skimble usually spends a week or two on the trains, then a week or two with the Jellicles
When he’s around, he helps take care of the elder cats that need it, like Deuteronomy and Gus
A leggy boi
When he’s with the Jellicles, he can usually be found at Jenny’s house
The Kittens LOVE Skimbleshanks
Munkustrap looked at Skimbelshanks one day and said “I want a kitten.”
A week later, Skimble showed up with baby Syllabub, who had been abandoned.
Skimble is, of course, the best dad. 
Sometimes he takes the kittens on the train with him for a trip up to Glasgow for a day. 
The Stationmaster finds it delightful
Although he keeps mistaking Munkustrap for a female
Which Skimble finds hilarious
Skimble’s grooming sessions take hours
Because he is very very dedicated
Skimble has a weakness for tuna
Between the Skimbleshanks Glare and the Munkustrap Mournful face, you will never know peace for your crimes.
Skimbleshanks, like Jenny, is a British Shorthair
And Victoorriaaa~~~!
After the Jellicle Ball, she goes to live with Jennyanydots
Because Munk and Misto’s owner is 78 and literally cannot handle another cat, poor lady.
But Jenny’s family absolutely adores Victoria and give her a really good home
She is a Khao Manee
Like Misto, she is a very very tactile cat
Will cuddle basically anyone who tolerates her
She’s super shy about grooming, and basically only grooms Munk, Misto, and Jenny
She is still a teeny bit intimidated by Cass and Demeter
But Cass and Demeter have basically adopted her as their kitten
Despite Munk’s best attempt to make Victoria his kitten.
Basically Victoria has a bunch of parents.
She’s fine with this.
Misto is her big bro! And is like... the best thing since Cream!
She and Syllabub LOVE chasing mice together!
And Tantomile will literally corner Victoria for a groom
Victoria secretly loves the attention tho
Victoria and Jelly love caterwauling at the moon together 
Victoria still doesn’t trust Jerrie and Teazer
But that doesn’t keep her from hanging out with him
Much to Cass, Demeter, and Munk’s chagrin...
Although a few stern talks with Victoria’s “parents” have made Jerrie and Teazer be very careful with her
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wolffupdates · 4 years
Alex Wolff on 'Castle in the Ground,' Producing a Movie with Nicolas Cage and His 'Jumanji' Future
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The actor also reveals the text his friend Cage sent him about playing Joe Exotic.
[This story contains spoilers for Castle in the Ground.]
At 22, Alex Wolff has already had a full 16-year career in Hollywood. From his supernatural horror hit, Hereditary, to his expanding role in the Jumanji franchise, Wolff has even written and directed his own film, The Cat and the Moon. Wolff’s latest role as Henry in Castle in the Ground checks another box that is consistent with most acclaimed actors as his grieving, opioid-addicted character required dramatic weight loss. Since he was already quite lean, losing 30 pounds took its toll on the New York native.
“I only had a couple weeks before I started shooting. I know that [my diet] just didn’t turn out very well, and it turned out to be super unhealthy at the end of it,” Wolff tells The Hollywood Reporter. “I had a lot of problems, but I’ve now found out since then that there’s some totally better, more healthy ways that you can do it. And a can of tuna and an apple is not that.”
At the end of 2019, Wolff wrapped production on Michael Sarnoski’s Pig, and the experience went so well that he’s already collaborating with one of his co-stars on another project. That co-star happens to be one Nicolas Cage.
“I have a movie that I’m going to direct that I wrote and I’m really, really excited about it. And without spoiling too much, Nic is actually producing it with me,” Wolff shares. “I’m going to be starring in it… But yeah, I’d say it’s a character drama with elements of thriller. It’s definitely a psychological drama.”
In a conversation with THR, Wolff discusses Castle in the Ground’s impact on him, his Jumanji future and the text exchange he had with Cage regarding Cage’s new role as Joe Exotic.
You lost 30 pounds for Castle in the Ground. Did you subscribe to Christian Bale’s Machinist diet of one apple and one can of tuna per day?
Oh God. Yeah, I’ve heard of that. I’ve heard of a lot of different diets. I mean, mine was really interesting because I only had a couple weeks before I started shooting. It was like two or two-and-a-half weeks. I know that mine just didn’t turn out very well, and it turned out to be super unhealthy at the end of it. I had a lot of problems, but I’ve now found out since then that there’s some totally better, more healthy ways that you can do it. And a can of tuna and an apple is not that. (Laughs.)
Does a character like Henry ever frighten you to the point of being more cautious in your own life?
Interesting. I think more than anything, it really made me have empathy for people who make bad decisions. More than make me not make bad decisions, it makes me have more empathy for the people who make these kinds of decisions with addiction and everything. I see them more humanly.
As Henry showed, one wrong choice can create a ripple effect that has complete control over you.
Yeah, it just seems like this kind of thing happens so quickly. That’s the scariest part of the whole thing. This can happen so quickly once you start dipping your toe in this pool of these drugs and this kind of lifestyle. You just get completely sucked in, swept up, chewed up and spit out.
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When your characters go through a difficult experience and you have to play those feelings and emotions that come with the territory, has that ever prepared you, to some degree, for a similar experience in real life?
I think it’s more the opposite. I mean, there are certain eerie times when life imitates art, but it’s more that my life experience becomes applicable to certain movies and characters. I can do some transference, but I don’t really think that anything that I’ve done in a movie has prepared me for anything in life. What I’ve done in movies has been a collection of my own experience.
I loved the voicemail scene between you and Imogen (Poots). Did you guys rehearse that scene since the timing is so precise and comedic?
I love that scene. We didn’t do much rehearsal in this movie at all. It was pretty guerilla warfare. (Laughs.) We could just go for it. So, we may have run through it a few times, but really, the rehearsal was us just kind of figuring it out as it goes along.
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At first, I thought Henry was angling for a romantic relationship with Imogen’s character, Ana, but then I quickly realized that he wanted to transfer the caregiving of his mother (Neve Campbell) onto someone else who was sick in her own way. Do you also think he was dependent on caring for a sick person, as opposed to some romantic fixation?
Maybe he had a crush or something, but I think it’s kind of deeper. He needed anything. He needed anything from her — whether it was romantic or to just be around her, I think he just needed somebody in his life to fill the void of his mom. I don’t think it’s as simple and as clean-cut as her replacing his mom, but I think it’s just that he needs something. He needs some family.
[This next question contains spoilers for Castle in the Ground’s ending.]
The movie ends on an ambiguous, full-circle moment, but given the unforgiving and relentless nature of the opioid crisis, I think history repeated itself in Henry’s mom’s bedroom. Was that your interpretation as well?
Well, I almost want to keep the end a secret for people who haven’t seen it. So, I kind of want that to be one of these big surprises. But I think you’re right. I mean, I’m thinking about it, but I think you’re right. He kind of gives into it eventually. I think he protests, but he lets her do it. I think it’s this moment where, yeah, it’s like history repeating itself. It’s like a prophecy or premonition that he’s going to end up doing it. I kind of want people going in, thinking that it’s going to go a different direction or thinking that it’s going to all come up daisies. You think it’s going to go that way, and then, I think it’s important that it’s like “nope.” It should end super hopeless and punishing because that’s how this actually ends. This is how these drugs usually end.
I loved how aggressively blunt Henry could be at times. He was pretty reserved for the most part, but he did not hold back when it came to Ana’s friends. For example, Tom Cullen’s character said to him, “You seem like a good kid,” and Henry responded, “Thanks, I kind of thought you were a piece of shit...”
(Laughs.) Yeah, I think it’s his only way of survival. I think he is shy, and I love that too. That was really a good element in the script, and I think we worked on beefing that up a little bit. He’s like a little boy, and I think little boys are like that sometimes. They put on a front of toughing it out, hence “I kind of thought you were a piece of shit...” But I think it’s also his way of giving and receiving love. I think it’s how he and Ana bond. I think it’s just his way of connecting.
Henry’s girlfriend, Rachel (Star Slade), had her own life while he was taking care of his mother. She was also going off to school soon. Was Henry’s decision to break up with her partially inspired by the fact that she didn’t need him as much as his mother or Ana did?
That’s interesting. That’s a really good question, but I didn’t see it that way. Maybe to a certain degree, but I would say that instead of her being more independent, I think it was about the fact that she was almost too good for him at a time when he couldn’t handle it. He couldn’t handle any kind of positive thing in his life. He wanted to be miserable. He wanted to follow the danger and follow his id, not what was healthy for him.
You started acting at six years old. Once you became old enough to make your own choices, did you ever sit down and assess whether you wanted to keep acting or not? Obviously, you made the right call, but sometimes, we hold on to things just because they’re all we’ve ever known.
I think about quitting acting every single day. I have a very love-hate relationship with it. The second I start a movie or when I’m not good in a scene, I’m like, “Fuck, I don’t want to do this anymore. This is hard.” You have to, in equal measure, be completely in love with it and need to do it. It feels like a need. It feels super deep and heartfelt.
Given the sad state of the world, have you done a screen test or chemistry read with another actor yet via Zoom?
Yeah, I’ve done a bunch of monologues and stuff with people, which has been really fun. I’ve been writing monologues and sending them to my friends, and I think that’s been really good. I’ve done some play readings on Zoom, but it’s not the same. It’s not great, but it’s okay. It’s better than nothing. The lag time is better than I actually expected, but it’s just still not perfect. It just isn’t.
You were an uncredited partygoer in Cory Finley’s Thoroughbreds, and you just had a supporting role in his latest film, Bad Education, which is excellent. Clearly, Cory felt guilty over the size of your Thoroughbreds part, right?
(Laughs.) He better have! He better feel guilty. No, I was shooting Patriots Day like an hour away from where they were shooting Thoroughbreds, and I knew the producer. So, I came just to hang out, and they just threw me in there, which was fun. But yeah, he’d better feel guilty for not giving me a bigger part. (Laughs.)
In Bad Education, I was quite fond of your outburst after Geraldine Viswanathan’s character pressures your character to publish her exposé, but he’s torn because of his recommendation letter from Hugh Jackman’s character.
That was kind of a fun day because Cory doesn’t usually have people improvising, but I kind of just went for it.
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Jumanji: The Next Level left things in a very tantalizing place as the Jumanji game world has returned to the real world a la the original Robin Williams movie. Are you intrigued by the possibility of your real-life characters acting alongside the avatar characters for a change?
Oh my God, yeah. That better happen. That would be so amazing. I want that. Yeah, I think it would be full circle. To come back to the real world.
I think you just came up with the title.
Jumanji: Full Circle? Yeah, it better be that. Jumanji: Full Circle, I like that. The idea of all the kids, The Rock, Danny DeVito, Danny Glover and everybody else in the real world makes me so unbelievably excited.
Recently, your name was on a very exciting list of actors in connection with a new movie from one of my favorite filmmakers, M. Night Shyamalan. Can you say anything about this?
(Wolff imitates static noise.) We’re going through a tunnel actually. Sorry, I’m going through a tunnel right now. There’s a tunnel in my house. Can you hear that? (Laughs.)
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You’ve heard this quite a bit, but Hereditary’s car accident scene is one of the most disturbing scenes I’ve ever seen. Oftentimes, when the cast and crew know they have to shoot something dark like that, they find ways to keep the set as light as possible. Was that the case that day?
No, actually. That was not the case. For me, sometimes if they’re trying to make it too light, it’s kind of distracting. So, I sometimes have to just stay in the zone. I kind of just was wearing my headphones and trying to stay in the spirit of it. I think it’s sometimes too hard to completely jump in and out.
Did that scene mess with your head for a little while after shooting it? No pun intended.
(Laughs.) I think it did mess with my head in the moment. I think the whole movie was kind of difficult. It kind of stuck with me. I think that scene in particular definitely stuck with me at least for a few days. But I think that movie was like a constant attention-taker. I think it haunted me for a while.
This is a shameless question, but have you texted your friend Nic Cage about his brand-new role as Joe Exotic [of Tiger King fame]?
Of course, I have. Of course, I have. I said, “Are you playing Joe Exotic?” and he texted me back (Wolff imitates Cage.) “You bet your ass I am.”
It’s perfect casting.
When I first saw it, I said the only person who could possibly play him in a fictional world is Nic. I just feel like that guy is so larger than life, and anybody else would not be able to go there. Nic is the only person who can go there, I think.
Are you itching to direct again?
Yeah, man. I have a movie that I’m going to direct that I wrote and I’m really, really excited about it. And without spoiling too much, Nic is actually producing it with me. Yeah, I’m really excited about it.
Can you reveal the genre yet?
I would say it’s a character drama, and I’m going to be starring in it. I’m really excited about it. But yeah, I’d say it’s a character drama with elements of thriller. It’s definitely a psychological drama.
Castle in the Ground is now available on Digital HD and VOD.
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@this-is-gizmo I remember a while back you wrote your birthday and I MAY or may not have put it in my calendar so I could write this for you??? ahhh anyway enjoy???
“Okay, so we all know the plan right?” Pascal tapped against the board a serious look on his face. His little army nodded, equal looks of seriousness on their faces. 
Lace was sitting next to Wulf, looking rather unnerved over how Mahogany was stretching their leg over his and Wulf’s legs. God, legs for days on the gangly noodle that was intent on getting kids out of all of them. Wulf had slung an arm over his shoulder and was playing with his collar in a way that made extra four eyes open up slowly. They all ignored the silent scream Wulf made as he pulled Lace closer into his arms. 
Sal was sitting on the other side of Mahogany, eyes half shut as Wulf’s fingers (from his other arm being slung over Magpie’s shoulders) gently scratched into his head. Pascal wondered if Sal minded the fact that Wulf was causing his little apple head to bobble but...he didn’t. Huh. Well, Dae was probably wondering the same thing as he doodled figures of them all and wrote down the plan next to the figures. 
“Operation; Seduce the ghost that haunts our life amazingly is a go!”
“O-ok! Here we are!” Lace beamed as he led Rhys into the living room. The blankets had been sprawled out with ice cream floats resting next to some spice cakes that Dae had baked (he had baked too much so Lace had took some off his hands.
“I figured we could sit, read, cuddle and uh-” He cleared his throat and ignored the small grin on Rhys’s very cute face. “Snuggle.” 
“Aye. M’sure it’ll be fun love-lace.” Rhys was adorable when he smiled and the taller man found himself nodding dumbly, flushing when Rhys took his hand and walked to sit down with him. Lace was rather proud when he heard the small noise of pleasure as Rhys settled down on the blanket. Oh, he looked so small and Lace wanted to pick him up and carry him away where he’d be safe- 
“Lew?” He was brought back to attention when he noticed that Rhys had started to sip his float, Ferret padding along and squeaking as he clambered onto Rhys and immediately started to dig because obviously Rhys carried tuna in his crotch. The monster felt his heart melt when the pale man had laughed and stroked a finger along ferret, cooing to him. God, maybe Mahogany was onto something when they demanded kids. 
But for now, Lace smiled softly and settled down on the blanket, pulling a slow arm around his small boyfriend and ignoring the questions about where Wulf and Dae were. He’d see soon. 
“My jewel, I t’ink yer may have gone a bit overboard...” But Rhys was smiling so Dae sighed carefully and took his hand, letting his sweet boyfriend take in all the smells and “sights” of what he had baked. He had baked a lot of things, mostly coffee flavoured things but Dae had made himself a small collection of coconut flavoured treats because he knew that Rhys would demand it. 
“Ah-and? Y-you deserve it, no doubt ah-about th-that.” A part of him still felt nervous about saying such things in such a manner, but when you had six partners that fussed and split you precious chores apart? You kind of had no choice but to gain some confidence. And this day was all about Rhys so he definitely deserved more and...was certainly going to get it...
The pale man beamed and Dae felt like he was walking on air, like was completely delighted, which he was because Rhys liked what he had made and put work into with as much love as possible. The diamond-studded man felt weak in the knees when Rhys practically moaned in delight as the first taste of the treats. “I j-just wan-wanted to m-muh-make sure you had puh-plenty to enjoy.” After all, he and Wulf always worried over how thin half of the group seemed. With Rhys at least, they could do something about it. 
“I love it, darlin’. Jus’ a shame dat Sal an’ Pascal couldn’t be here t’enjoy it.” Rhys said and Dae shrugged, nervously handing his marshmallow a plate to take into the living room with him. 
“W-well,” He tried to not wince when he heard the choked gasp from Rhys as they went in and saw the dining table full of stews, broths, Irish breakfasts and more desserts laid out. “I’m sure th-that they’ll have puh-plenty later.” 
“Steady, little love.” Wulf smiled as he led Rhys on, being sure to tell him small facts about the trees and flowers they were passing. There had been amazement (and a few tears) on Rhys’s gorgeous face, but nothing was comparing to now where he led the smaller man into a clearing of Álfheim.
It was meant to be night, but Álfheim never really was dark thanks to the beauty and light of Frey but it was at this time that the elves of the realm would gather and dance into the brighter light with their flutes and wines being celebrated. Sadly, they wouldn’t be able to join in, Light Elves were sensitive about who could be among them for such a tradition, but at least he and Rhys could sit some distance away and watch the show together. It was really quite spectacular. 
The Elves started out slow but it wasn’t long until all Wulf could see of them was dazzling twirling lights. Smaller pixies and forest spirits had started to appear by the edges too. Pixies, Dwaves, Huldras and even Slattenpattes had arrived, although this made the Asgardian wrap an arm around his lover to keep Rhys closer. He could see interested eyes flicking over before they too were eventually dragged back to the stunning sight of the elves. Good, the last thing Wulf wanted was for the most special person in his life being whisked away by something more magical than he was. 
“Next time,” The wind rider whispered, pressing a kiss to Rhys’s forehead and loving the pleased noise the smaller man had let out. “I’ll take you to the realm of the Dwaves. They’re very good drinkers.” 
Rhys had glanced over and in that moment, Wulf could have sworn that Frey and Freya had blessed this man he loved so dearly. Who he would give up his very own apple of immortality for. Rhys seemed to have been glowing as brightly as the elves themselves, a stark contrast against the black rock shirt he wore. His beaming grin alone could have had any god on their knees and swearing eternal loyalty to him and him alone. 
“Oh, Wulf, I-” Rhys didn’t get to finish what he was saying because Wulf was pulling in the man he loved most to kiss him and cup his sweet face in his rough hands. He would make tender love to Rhys tonight and would smile softly when the smaller man would chat excitedly to Mahogany and Lace about what Wulf took him to see and he would laugh at the embarrassed noise of jealously that Lace would make.
“A-ah! S-starshine, are yer sure dat d’is is safe?” 
Sal prided himself on the fact that he didn’t roll his eyes at Rhys’s panic. Pascal had said that “You’re really unhealthy man” and that apparently equalled to “you’re going to sit with me, Wulf and Rhys to talk about your feelings every week”. It was dumb but...Sal could tell Rhys he loved the dumb sap much easier now and there were...softer moments between them both that made everything easier. Although Rhys still needed hints as to when Sal suddenly needed space. Mahogany was good at tugging Rhys away at those times and stopping an outbust. 
“Yeah Moodle-doodle, you’re all good babes.” The hybird grinned and took Rhys’s hands, floating them a little higher and bathing in the full moon’s love. He had kissed the pale man in his star form, mostly ‘cause everyone else seemed to be doing heartfelt and super mushy gestures and Sal...wasn’t good at those. He got nervous at the romantic stuff Rhys did (and sometimes the taller man went a little to far and it always made Sal cry) and Sal could never figure out what would be good enough for the man who loved him most. 
He wanted to be able to give Rhys something good. Something Sal yet...romantic. He didn’t know what he would have given if he knew romance as easily as the others did but...He could try, right? Kissing Rhys in his star form and taking him flying, one of the best things in the world to Sal, seemed like a good thing. Rhys looked beautiful, dark skinned with twinkling white spread across his body. He was missing a mouth and most human features apart from overly large white eyes and Sal adored the sight. He wanted to put his arms around Rhys and twirl them in the great dark sky forever and ever. “Wouldn’t let bad shit happen t’ya. Y’know that.”
The taller man seemed to soften at that and Sal felt himself get pulled closer, let himself gently nudge his head against the other’s and closed his eyes. He wanted to stay in this moment forever, just him and Rhys and the stars that would burn on until they didn’t. 
“I love yer Sal.” Rhys muttered against him, parts touching where their lips would have been and Sal wondered if the other man liked being so far away from what he originally ever was. “I know yer wouldn’t, no matter what.” Sal wanted to scoff at that and tell Rhys that maybe he would so there, nyehh. But...fuck, he was sappy and he just shrugged and squeezed tighter around his neck. 
“Yeah, I...love you too, Moonie.” He squirmed slightly, feeling small in more ways than just physical and wanted to melt into everything that Rhys wanted and be it for him. Be what Rhys wanted and needed. 
That is, until Rhys spun him and made Sal squeal. He’ll never forgive that pale and lovable dummy for that....until tonight. For now, they grinned and cuddled in the air while Dae waited on the ground below, blankets and hot drinks waiting for when Rhys returned back to normal.
When Rhys squealed in joy, Mahogany chuffed in delighted and ran faster. They were large and wild looking, a long whipped tail swinging around as their toes, padded and hoofed at the back. Their mouth was long and dripping thick drool but the most impressive thing was their horns. Flesh and bone twisted together to form roots against the thick mane of their hair, hair that wrapped around their sweet little mate to keep him safe against the winds and speed they ran at. 
They ran past trees that bent slowly as they ran and the wendigo fluffed up when they began to slow down, padding softly by the trees and letting their horns brush against the bark. They could feel Rhys panting in excitement as he ran fingers through their tangles and Mahogany trilled when he leaned down and gave a kiss to their head. 
“Magni, thank yer! How’d yer know dat I’d always wanted t’ride yer?” He grinned and Mahogany beamed at his sweet red cheeks. He felt so warm on them and they just wanted to roll him over and cuddle and kiss and do everything sweet and loving with Rhys. He was everything to them and Mahogany wanted to share the freedom that they always had and Rhys always deserved. It still infuriated them that his old pack had been awful because Rhys was perfect and deserved a pack of wildly different and perfect people who just wanted to love him.
“Don’ yer al’ways wan’nah ride me?” They grinned when they could smell Rhys’s sweet scent turning slightly spicy. Another thing they adored about him was how easily Rhys was happy to love and and ravish with them (another word they had learnt from him and Sal was happy to give them a physical show of it). As their lover shifted off of them, the wendigo brushed their cheek against his puffer jacket, pulling up the hood to make sure that the fur inside the hood kept their sweet little bunny warm. “Yer wan’nah go walkin’ near t’lakes? I can catch a bird an’ even not eat it!”
Rhys smiled and they felt a flutter in their stomach. “Aye, sounds wonderful baby. As long as t’birds aren’t in pain, yea?” Mahogany nodded and pushed their head into his arms, huffing in a pleased manner when he squeezed them. “Aye!” 
Their mate grinned and Mahogany butted heads softly with him, purring as he let their hair tangled around his arm and led them off through the woods and home. They loved their big and impressive pack and Mahogany wanted to be with all of them always but they adored being able to stare at Rhys’s amazement when they reached the lake and Mahogany taught Rhys to catch his own fish. Wulf insisted that it was cooked and made them sulk until Dae agreed to eat the fish raw with them.
“Alight, this is Billy...” Pascal handed the american short hair into Rhys’s arms, beaming when he heard a noise of delight come from the other man as the kitten mewed. “Billy Meowish.” 
The gasp of delight turned to a groan and Pascal took that as his cue to press a kiss to his very beautiful boyfriend’s cheek. “I love it when you spend time with me. And tell me that you love me. And hold me. An-” He wasn’t silenced by a kiss, but rather a small paw being pressed to his lips. 
“’Scal, yer too cute and I love yer! I’ve wanted t’meet yer kittens all week after yer told me!” Rhys grinned and this time the other blind man leaned up to kiss him. God, he knew Rhys was short because of bad reasons but still....he was small and Pascal loved his tiny boyfriends. They lifted like the sweetest dogs and it made him melt every time. 
“Thanks, I know I usually show you the dogs but I figured that maybe you’d like to see the cats? I know Ferret is basically a little cat and you have Zuko...And Mahogany. But! More cats the-” 
“The meowrrier?” 
“Exactly!” Oh my god, he was going to marry this man. Someone who finished his awful puns without any future vision? He really was in love with the hottest fae around. Pascal beamed and wrapped an arm around his lover’s waist, using his other hand to give a little scritch-scratch to baby Billy’s head. The kitten squirmed in pale arms and looked up with big eyes that Pascal assumed were blue still. “You’re perfect, has anyone ever told you that?” 
“Aye, plenty of times by plenty of people I adore.” Rhys said and Pascal had no choice but to go awww and press his forehead against Rhys’s, moving his hand away from Billy and curling a finger through beautiful white hair that went in his mouth every time he slept next to Rhys and woke up. There was nothing more he wanted than to be able to wake up near this man every day for the rest of his life. 
Pascal sighed and kissed the beautiful man, smiling into his lips. “Well, I’m glad we can do that for you. Gotta put our asses to some use, am I right?” He wiggled his free hand’s fingers in a magical gesture, pumping his eyebrows for some extra measure, despite the fact that neither of them could see it. “Besides, I was thinking that later tonight...we could take Korra out and eat fast food in the park? They’re gonna be playing Disney movies and I definitely did not bend them into playing treasure island followed by Lilo and Stitch...” 
It was wonderful to see the smile on Rhys’s face get even bigger and yeah, he was rather proud of thinking of something so romantic. He liked being able to live up to the levels of Wulf and Dae, even if he was the height halfway for the both of them. He was looking forward to a romantic night where they could have good food, good movies and their sweet little daughter snoring softly nearby. But speaking of daughters...
“Y’know, looking after these kittens is great practice for when Magpie finally milks some kids out of us.”
Rhys choked and Pascal took Billy off him when the little guy started to squirm in discomfort. One thing better than how gorgeous Rhys looked when he smiled was how cute he was when he blushed. 
“Now this is what I’ve been want’in,” Rhys moaned when he slid into Mahogany. “All dis’ time.” 
“Well...ya could’a said, Moonstar.” Sal scoffed but he was cut of when Wulf (gently) pulled his hair back to kiss the shorter man. He moaned when his lip was roughly bit before gasping when Wulf lifted him and placed him on top of Mahogany’s face. “Wha- Wulf!” The hybrid glared because Windy Wendy knew that he didn’t appreciate being manhandled like that. 
But before he could yell at the big lug, Sal was cut off by a flustered moan when the wendigo started to lick happily, filling him up with their broad tongue as pale hands came up to hold his thighs and keep him sitting on his face. “Aye, what our sweet star says, little love. Even from his little throne.” His joke got a snort from Rhys but they all knew Wulf would be paying dearly for that later on. 
Rhys smiled sweetly, leaning down to take Sal’s ridged cock into his mouth (no one could convince Sal yet that they loved him as he was. Wulf could see where he and Rhys had so much in common). Meanwhile, Wulf had finally taken up his position, admiring Rhys’s beautiful back, stunning thighs and positively enchanting behind. He groaned softly as he began to push in to the warmth of Rhys’s hole. Odin’s beard he was tight, Dae had really taken the time to stretch Rhys out and Wulf would kiss the diamond-studded man for it if he could. 
Speaking of, their sweet redhead was squirming between Pascal and Lace, looking rather flushed as Pascal murmured praises into his ears while Lewis moved and circled his palm slowly and hard into Dae’s crotch. Suddenly there was a loud crack from Dae’s....special place and all heads whipped around, Wulf and Rhys already being ready to pull out and rush over to check over their most sensitive boyfriend. 
But rather than suddenly screaming in pain, Dae had begun to moan loudly before his voice cut out and he silently squirmed and slumped against their monster lover, legs twitching as Pascal grinned and slowly rolled his hips into the scarred man’s. 
“...Well shit.” Sal blinked and started to laugh before it cut off when Mahogany took their cue to stretch their tongue into him, rolling and curling it against his inner walls. The wendigo rolled their hips and seemed to chuff in delight as Sal gently rolled his hips on their face, whining as they gave an affectionate kiss to his pretty and warm little hole. They felt Rhys’s shadows start to play at their useless hole, making them spread their legs wider in order to take more of Rhys’s love. They couldn’t wait for the first pup to make their pack even bigger. Especially when their pack’s siblings came to visit. “Did anyone know if tha-that’s a g-good thing or not?”
“I hope it is,” Rhys frowned, pulling away from a whining Sal. “We’ll give him a thorough check later, yea?” The frown turned into a small smirk and oh, a lot of stomachs in that room were suddenly flipping at that moment. 
“Aye. But for now?” Wulf thrusted his hips and the sound of Rhys’s moan set a heat into his stomach and Wulf knew that their little lover wasn’t going to last long at everything going on around him. Let alone the feeling of being filled so nicely in his ass and mouth, let alone the tight and soaking cold he was being pounded into lovingly. “We’re going to ensure you know how deeply we care for you and to give you every inch of our affections aye?”
“Aye.” Rhys grinned before Sal pushed back into his mouth and started to thrust at a hard pace while Wulf gave slow rolls. Mahogany whined, feeling themself drip as their own holes got filled nicely as Dae whined when Lace began to fuck him, his body shifting to molten lava, which was perfect for Pascal to fuck into as he could easily stand the heat, having a sun within him after all. 
And in an hour, they would argue over who wooed Rhys best and then get laughed at for how goofy they all where. And then gang up on a squealing Dae in order to check him over and properly thank him for the breakfast he cooked despite it being Wulf and Lace’s turn today. 
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lost-n-stereo · 5 years
For anon, Nick and Sabrina for the ship question meme. This got super long (over 4300 words) and they kind of go in order, so I guess you can read them as one long fic broken up into moments. Or you can skip around and read individually. Warning: Some sexy times but nothing super explicit.
who likes to go on drives to nowhere in particular
She gets a car for her seventeenth birthday. It’s small and sleek, a black convertible that fits her personality like a glove. Nick asks for a ride the night of her birthday party, gives her a wicked grin like he’s not only talking about the car. Sabrina laughs happily and grabs her keys, throws a see you later in the direction of her aunts and drags him outside by his hand.
“Where do you want to go?” She asks him as she starts the engine, relishing in the way the purr vibrates through her entire body. The car is quiet as a mouse as the top comes down and tucks into the back seat.
Nick reaches over and sets his hand on hers where it rests on the gear shift. “Wherever you’re going, Spellman.”
They drive until they end up in the middle of nowhere, nothing but the moon illuminating their path. When they pull over Nick raises an eyebrow, silently asking her what’s next.
Sabrina gives him a devilish grin, climbs over into the passenger seat and kisses the breath from his lungs.
who is in charge of the radio or playlist in the car (and what do they play)?
“This band sucks.”
Nick growls, his girlfriend’s face a mix of annoyance and amusement. She likes control of the radio, hell she likes to be in control always, but they have an agreement that whoever is driving gets to pick the music.
“I’m driving, Spellman,” he retorts. “My car, my music.”
Sabrina pouts, a cute little trick she’s learned will get him to do her bidding any time she likes. “Nick…”
He wants to roll his eyes when she leans over the console to brush a kiss across his cheek but he can’t. “That’s not fair,” he says and she giggles, grabs her phone from her bag and plugs it into the stereo.
“You’ll like this song, I promise.”
She plays some oldies, songs he remembers his parents listening to before they died, and when he looks over to see his girlfriend bobbing her head to the music he can’t be mad.
He doesn’t need to like the song. He just needs to love the girl.
who reaches over to hold the other’s hand 
“Tell me again why we’re here?”
Sabrina laughs, takes in his furrowed brow and narrowed eyes. Baxter High’s senior prom is in full swing, black and gold streamers and balloons covering every square inch of the school gym.
“I thought you wanted to come to this with me?” She asks, and she sees something flash across his face. Nerves, maybe. But Nicholas Scratch doesn’t get nervous or scared of anything.
“I just…” He’s quiet as he looks around. “The last time we went to a school dance I almost got you killed.”
Her heart breaks as his voice does. “Nick...don’t say that.” She reaches for his hand and brings it up to her lips, dropping a kiss to his knuckles. “I don’t blame you for that, I never have.”
He doesn’t look convinced so she grabs his other hand and turns so she’s standing directly in his line of sight.
“There is nowhere else in the world I want to be right now, Nicholas. And nobody else I want to be here with.”
There’s a flicker of worry in his eyes for a split second and then he practically melts into her, wrapping his strong arms around her waist.
“Let’s go dance,” he whispers in her ear and she nods, kisses him once quickly before dragging him behind her by the hand.
who is more likely to hog the bed
She wakes up inside of a furnace.
At least, that’s what it feels like. Nick’s body is spread across her dorm room bed, somehow taking up all of the extra space while still being wrapped around her completely. He’s asleep on his stomach, pressed against her shoulder to ankle.
She’d be mad if he wasn’t shirtless, showing off all the hard planes of his back muscles in the pale light of the moon shining through the window.
“Nick,” she murmurs, lips pressed against the back of his shoulder. “Nicholas.” She repeats his name a little louder, pushing him a little with the tips of her fingers.
“Babe, I’m sleeping,” he says into the pillow and she snorts.
“If you’re sleeping than how are you answering me right now?” She whispers to the back of his head, laughing when he groans and flips over.
“Isn’t it bad enough you kept me up all night,” he says with a wolfish grin and she smacks his arm lightly.
“You’re hogging the bed. And you’re too hot.”
She regrets the words the minute they leave her mouth because he laughs, pulls her body so it’s under his.
“Never heard you complain before,” he says, dropping lazy kisses from shoulder to shoulder.
“You’re the worst.” It doesn’t take long before her shirt is off and on the floor next to her bed.
“Maybe, but you love me.”
who favors lazy morning sex
Feather light touches on his back wake him up, his eyes squinting against the bright morning sun.
When he turns over she’s watching him, her eyes already alight with want, and he chuckles as he moves closer to her under the covers.
“G’morning, gorgeous.” He whispers the words across her lips and she hums in response, her eyes falling closed as he gently pushes her onto her back.
Her breath hitches when he hooks her legs around his waist. They’ve been known to get a little wild when they are alone, even breaking her dorm room bed her first week of college. But he takes his time, kisses down her neck while she breathes his name in his ear.
They are almost completely silent, open mouth to open mouth, as he rocks into her and brings her to the edge with him. Her eyes squeeze shut when she reaches the brink but he nudges her chin with his knuckle.
“Look at me, Sabrina.”
She does, her eyes blazing red fire hot into his, and he says her name like a prayer when they let go at the same time.
They are practically panting when he falls onto his back and Sabrina hooks her leg over his, despite the fact that his skin is burning hot and sweaty.
“We should start every morning just like that.”
He couldn’t agree more.
who likes to drink their coffee or tea outside in the mornings
It’s strange, being in Nick’s bed without him.
When she started college he thought it was lame living at the academy, his words not hers, and decided to get a small apartment for himself near her campus.
It’s sweet, the way he stops by every Tuesday and Thursday to have lunch with her, and she spends more nights at his place than her dorm room.
Usually they wake up at the same time, legs intertwined under his black silk sheets. Sheets that she makes fun of him for mercilessly but in truth she loves the way the soft fabric feels surrounding her.
But this morning she’s alone and she knows that if he’s not with her there is only one place he’d be this early in the day.
She dresses in a pair of socks and the black button down he wore to Dorian’s last night. It still smells like his cologne, like warm spices and leather from his jacket, and she lifts it to her nose once quickly before setting off to find her boyfriend.
The door to the balcony is ajar, just like she knew it would be, and Nick’s relaxing in a chair with nothing but a pair of grey sweatpants sitting low on his hips. A cup of coffee in his hand, resting on his knee, is his only accessory.
She considers saying something, but he looks so peaceful that she’s content to just watch for a minute or two. His eyes are closed, head tilted back as he soaks up the morning sun.
“Enjoying the show?”
She’s startled when he speaks, a slow smirk appearing without him opening his eyes.
“I am, actually,” she admits as she makes her way over to him. He looks up at her finally, eyes playful and happy, before setting his coffee cup on the small glass table next to him and pulling her onto his lap.
“I don’t like waking up without you,” she says and he grabs her pouted bottom lip between both of his.
He kisses her senseless before whispering two words into her skin that sound like the world’s greatest promise.
“Never again.”
who reads the paper or watches the news
There’s something to be said about a crisp newspaper in his hand.
He doesn’t care much about mortal news, if he’s being honest, but he does like to be knowledgeable in a multitude of areas. It helps in his part time job at Dorian’s, where he works as a bartender when he’s not attending upper level classes at the academy.
If someone comes in and wants to talk about the weather, or the mayoral race, or whatever the heaven else people care about, he wants to be able to hold a decent conversation.
Sabrina makes fun of him for reading the local Greendale paper, says it’s a lot of mortal nonsense as if she’s not half one herself.
But sometimes she’ll curl up on the couch next to him while he fills in the weekly crossword. Or she’ll laugh over his shoulder at a silly comic.
He finishes up the Monday paper, carefully rips out a comic that he thinks she’ll like and tacks it to his refrigerator.
When she comes in later that night, exhausted after a full day of classes, he hears her open and close the fridge before dissolving into a fit of giggles.
And that right there is worth the price of the subscription tenfold
who feeds and takes care of the stray cat that hangs around the house (and pretty much makes it not a stray)
“We can’t have two cats.”
Sabrina huffs and looks at the tiny black kitten that is currently eating tuna out of a dish on their porch.  
“Salem isn’t even really a cat,” she argues. They have been living in this house for three weeks now and she’s been feeding this little one since the day after they moved in.
“He sure uses the litter box like one,” Nick retorts and she rolls her eyes. “Who’s going to take care of it when we’re at school and work?”
Salem meows from the other side of the porch and Sabrina snorts. “I think Salem is offering.”
Nick grumbles as he looks at the tiny mangy kitten that’s more fur than body. “How is one cat going to take care of another?” But he still moves forward and reaches down to scoop the little kitten into his arms.
“What shall we call you, small creature?” He asks as he stares into its yellow eyes.
Salem meows again and Sabrina claps. “Delphi is perfect, Salem. See, he’s taking care of her already.”
Nick narrows his eyes and looks down at Delphi, her tiny ears twitching when he says her name out loud for the first time.
“Well,” he sighs. “Welcome to the family, Delphi.”
who chooses the color of paint for the walls
Sabrina shakes her head and shuffles through the stack of paint chips in her hand. “Green?”
Nick pretends to gag which makes her laugh. “Yellow?” He asks holding up a canary shade and she pulls it from his hand and rips it in half. “Guess not.”
They play this game until there are only three paint chips left and they reach for the same one at the same time.
“Red?” Sabrina asks, eyes hopeful as she holds the cranberry swatch out to him.
“Red,” he agrees and just like that their bedroom wall has a new accent color.
Sabrina grins, tossing the paint chip over her shoulder where it lands in the center of the others.
“We make a good team,” she says as she crawls into his lap, nipping at his lips with her own.
“That we do, Spellman. That we do.”
who comes home with the weirder work stories
His job at Dorian’s comes with certain perks.
They drink for free, for starters, which is nice because his girl loves a shot of absinthe every now and again. Dorian decided to officially open up the club to everyone, witches and warlocks alike, at Sabrina’s request. Nick knows that Dorian has a soft spot for his girlfriend and it both annoys him and pleases him at the same time.
Being a bartender also opens him up to a world of strange people and the stories that they bring with them. Sabrina likes to hear them when he gets home from work, curls up in the armchair next to the fireplace in their bedroom and listens while he tells their tall tales. Tonight is no different and as he steps out of his jeans and into a pair of sweats he tells her the latest.
“We had a warlock come in tonight that claimed to be Isaac Fawkes.” He laughs at her confused face. “One of the first stage magicians, supposedly dead for a few hundred years, but I suppose it’s not unheard of for someone to fake their death.”
“That’s fascinating. You don’t believe him?”
Nick shrugs. “Isaac Fawkes was married with children, so unless they were all witches, I highly doubt it.”
“It doesn’t really matter if it’s true or not,” Sabrina says, allowing herself to be pulled up when he reaches for her hands. He drops a kiss to her nose. “It’s a good story, either way.”
The next night at work he hears about a coven of witches in Norway that celebrates the northern lights every year with a three day festival. He listens carefully, knowing that Sabrina will love to hear about it when he returns home.
who takes long baths 
All the lights are off when she get home from school, which is strange since she saw Nick’s car parked outside.
“Nicholas?” She looks around, sees the only light shining is coming from where the bathroom door is slightly open. “Nick?”
The door opens quietly and she lets out a small gasp when she sees candles everywhere, lining every surface, some even floating in midair.
“Welcome home, Spellman.” Nick is sitting on the edge of the bathtub which is already full of water, the water so hot there is steam rising from the surface.
“What is all this?” She asks, spinning around to see the room from every angle. Their bathroom is large, the entire reason she wanted this house to begin with, and he’s managed to make it feel small and intimate.
“Just wanted to treat you to a relaxing night. Come, the water is just how you like it.” He holds his hand out and she steps between his legs. His hand comes up to her side to slide down the zipper of her skirt and she uses his shoulders to hold onto as she steps out of it.
“Will you be joining me?” She asks as she gets undressed with his help. He grins, reaches behind him to pull the Henley he’s wearing off his body.
“I thought you’d never ask.”
who has the full skin care routine
It’s no secret that her boyfriend is a little vain.
She’s always laughed at his nighttime routine, because as a warlock he’s been blessed with practically eternal youth. His olive skin is always blemish free, a dark brown lock of hair never out of place.
But he holds a secret that he’d never tell another living soul, one that involves a shelf full of vials and potions. Only they aren’t magical, not in the strictest sense of the word.
“Nicholas,” she laughs as he washes his face that night. “You do realize you’re basically immortal, right?” This isn’t the first, tenth or even hundredth time she’s muttered these words and it definitely won’t be the last.
“Sabrina,” he says with the same inflection that she spoke his name with. “It doesn’t hurt anything to make sure my skin stays looking youthful. Trust me, you’ll thank me when we’re in our hundreds and I still look this good.”
Her heart clenches a little in her chest and she grins, slides her arms around his waist from behind. “So you think we’ll still be together in our hundreds, huh?”
“Well, I hope so,” he says, echoing the same sentiment from all those years ago on her aunts’ front porch.
She drops a kiss to the middle of his back and tells him to hurry up so they can get into bed.
He misses several steps of his nighttime routine that day.
who gives the other a massage when they seem tense
The front door slamming startles Nick as he’s flipping pancakes in the kitchen, causing the one on his spatula to fly off and into the sink.
“Babe?” He calls out, listening to the sounds of Sabrina huffing and throwing her school bag onto the small bench by the door. Seconds later she appears in the doorway, looking adorably angry and practically stomping her foot. “Hey, everything okay?”
She scowls. “I hate my history professor, Nick. He thinks he’s so much smarter than everyone else and he’s not…oh boy, is he not.”
Nick hides a grin behind his hand. “I’m sorry, love. What happened exactly?”
She goes into a long story about correcting some information her professor was spouting and him tearing into her in front of all of her classmates. While she’s telling him he stands behind her, hands kneading into her shoulders to relieve some of her tension.
“I should turn him into a toad,” she says seriously. “Can you imagine? One day he’s talking about ancient Rome and boom!” She claps her hands once. “Frogs legs for dinner.”
Nick snorts. “You’re starting to sound like Zelda.”
It makes her shudder, he can feel it under her hands. “Shit, you’re right.”
He grins as her head starts to drop a little and she hums in satisfaction. “Is this helping?”
Sabrina reaches up and holds his hand, gives him a thankful smile over her shoulder.
“More than you know.”
who is more easily turned on 
He’s learned, over the years they have been together, that making love to a mortal, even a half mortal, is nothing like being with a witch.
And he means that in the best possible way.
It’s no secret that he’s lived many years longer than Sabrina and because of that, and the lustful ways of witches, he’s had more than his fair share of experience.
But nothing compares to how it is with Sabrina.
Every touch seems to set her on fire from the inside out. Barely there kisses make her toes curl. It’s as if her mortal side falls prey to him, amplifying every sensation no matter how many times they are together.
But then there’s the witch side, the side of her that completely and utterly owns him. The fire within her pulls him under, time after time, until he’s gone entirely. It’s then that she has total control over him, sending him to his knees with a whisper or a touch.
So yes, he’s spent many years on this earth and has experienced more things than he can remember, but not a single one of them mattered until her.
who prefers to kick back with a drink in the evenings
Dorian’s is packed wall to wall with dancing witches, bodies melding together under the lights shining above them.
Sabrina sips her drink, something fruity and pink that Dorian promised she’d love. Nick drinks his standard bourbon, one hand holding his glass on his knee and the other resting on her thigh.
“This place is insane tonight,” he says with a grimace. “Glad I had the night off.”
Sabrina leans over and kisses him, licks the taste of bourbon from her lips and relishes in the way his eyes darken as he watches the trail of her tongue.
“With this many people we really shouldn’t stay long.” Her fingertips start a slow and lazy trail starting at his wrist, up his arm to the back of his neck. She pushes her fingers into the lush hair on the back of his head and he practically growls.
“Careful, Spellman. Keep it up and I might not be able to wait until we get home.” His grip on her thigh tightens, sending chills up her spine.
Looking around, she spots a door that leads to a hallway full of offices and storage rooms, places she knows no one will look for them in.
“Maybe we can stay and drink,” she says and laughs when he pouts. “But after we...” He follows her line of sight and gives her a devilish grin.
“Ladies first.”
who stays up too late reading
The moonlight wakes her and when she reads the clock it tells her that it’s near two in the morning.
Nick’s side of the bed is empty but she can hear soft music coming from downstairs so she knows he made it home from work okay.
She climbs down the stairs quietly, careful to miss the second step to the bottom that creaks. It’s not that she wants to scare him or spy on him, she just loves to see the Nicholas Scratch that no one else gets to see.
He’s sitting in his favorite armchair, Salem perched on one arm and Delphi curled at his feet. A large leather bound book sits in his lap. If she squints she can almost make out the words on the side, something in Latin that tells her it’s a spellbook of some kind. That doesn’t surprise her, as he’s been trying to climb the ranks in the Church of Night, on their mutual quest of helping her Aunt Zelda transform it into a coven to be proud of.
Nick absentmindedly scratches Salem on the head and she watches as her familiar purrs, nudging his hand when he stops. Sabrina chuckles, perhaps a little too loudly because Nick’s head shoots up and he raises an eyebrow when he catches her watching him.
“What are you doing up?” He asks, motioning for her to come to him, pulling her onto his lap when she reaches him.
“I could ask you the same thing,” she retorts as she runs her fingers through his hair. “I’m not supposed to wake up without you, remember?”
“To be fair, you woke up about five hours before I expected you to.” Nick presses a kiss to her knuckles and turns her hand over, placing another kiss to her palm. “I missed you tonight.”
She hums. “Just tonight?”
His eyes are warm when he looks up at her. “Whenever we’re not together,” he admits. “It’s something of a problem.”
She doesn’t fight him when he tugs her down for a kiss that lingers after he pulls away.
“What are you reading?”
They stay that way for the next hour, his arm wrapped around her waist and her hand in his hair, until they are both so tired they can barely keep their eyes open.
When they finally go to bed, both cats following loyally behind them, Nick holds her hand and doesn’t let her go, even as he drifts off to sleep.
who is the deep sleeper 
He whispers her name against the bare skin of her shoulder but she doesn’t budge. Saying her name again, he places the small velvet box he’s been hiding for the past three weeks onto the pillow beside her cheek so it’ll be the first thing she sees when she wakes up.
“Spellman,” he says with a laugh. “I swear woman, you sleep like the dead.”
For a minute he considers maybe just letting her sleep and trying again later but then she stirs, eyelashes fluttering as she opens her eyes. She blinks a few times, the world coming into focus a little at a time, and he can see when she registers the foreign object in her direct line of sight.
His heart is pounding in his chest and nothing has ever been this nerve-wracking, which is saying something considering he once held Lucifer himself as a prisoner inside of his body. She’s sitting up now, the small box resting on her open palm.
“Is this what I think it is?”
He chuckles softly. “If you think it’s anything other than an engagement ring, than no.” A tear falls down her porcelain cheek and his hand comes up right away to wipe it away.  “Open it up, Spellman.”
“Oh my gosh, Nicholas. Is this…” She carefully takes the ring out of the box. “It looks just like…”
“Your mother’s,” he nods. “Ambrose found a photo and I thought that you’d like it.” All of a sudden he’s second guessing himself, and he’s sure that his voice is giving him away.
“It’s the most beautiful thing in the entire world,” she whispers and all he can think as he looks at her is impossible.
She’s the most beautiful thing in the entire world.
“So what do you say, Spellman? Think it’s time I start calling you Scratch instead?” He asks as he takes the ring from her, slides it onto her ring finger and looks into her eyes, which are quickly tearing up.
“I think I’d like that,” she says with a watery laugh, and when the ring is on her finger she gives herself a minute to look at it before tackling him onto their bed. 
“Except, it’ll be Spellman-Scratch,” she says against his lips and he laughs, holds her tightly by the waist and kisses the breath from her lungs.
“Of course,” he says in earnest. “Wouldn’t have it any other way.”
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kimseokjin2024 · 2 years
BTS Jin's 'Super Tuna' hits 30 million on Spotify
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BTS' Jin's self-composed song 'Super Tunar' surpassed 30 million streams on Spotify and gained global popularity.
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'Super Tuna' surpassed 30 million streams on March 16 on Spotify, the world's largest music platform. As of the morning of March 20, it exceeded 30.43 million streams.
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‘Super Tuna’ is a gift song that Jin revealed to fans as a surprise on his birthday on December 4, 2021.
Jin's 'Super Tuna Special Performance Video', which was released on BTS's YouTube channel 'BANGTANTV', exceeded 10 million views on the first day of its release and became the most viewed video in the world, proving Jin's immense global popularity. As of the 20th, the number of views has exceeded 83 million, and the number of views is increasing rapidly.
With "Super Tuna," Jin broke PSY's "GANGNAM STYLE" record and set a milestone by becoming the first K-pop solo artist to top YouTube music worldwide for 16 days.
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'Super Tuna' is an attractive song with a refreshing and cute expression of Jin and lovely choreography. The catchy melody, bright and upbeat atmosphere, and easy-to-follow choreography for anyone to catch attention, sparked a global challenge frenzy.
The most popular children's channels, Pororo, Baby Shark, Pinkfong, Cocomong, Pengsoo, and even Teletubbies all participated in the 'Super Tuna' dance challenge. The scene where he danced the 'Super Tuna' dance with his kindergarten friends was enthusiastic.
In addition, the Korean Embassy in China, the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, numerous local governments, the Korea Tourism Organization, and Daegu Cultural Broadcasting also participated in the challenge, creating a global syndrome enjoyed by various occupational groups and people of all ages and genders around the world.
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The hot topic of 'Super Tuna' proved its global popularity by recording high views every day on the global short video platform TikTok.
As of the morning of March 20, #supertuna recorded 467.9 million views and #supertunachallenge recorded 137.7 million views, and the hashtag related to 'Super Tuna' continued to be popular, realizing Jin's mighty power.
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in's 'Super Tuna', which was only available on SoundCloud and YouTube, was officially released on all streaming platforms in October of last year along with Jin's other solo songs, Abyss and Tonigth. , and at the same time it was released, it dominated the iTunes charts in each country.
On the chart, 'Super Tuna' ranked 1st on the iTunes 'World Wide Chart', 3rd on the 'Europe Chart', and 10th on the 'US Chart'.
In particular, starting with Lithuania on iTunes, it reached the top in Finland, Malaysia, Vietnam, Turkey, Brazil, etc., and reached number one in 39 countries. 1 on iTunes in 41 countries, demonstrating its strong sound source power.
In addition, along with Jin's first solo OST 'Yours', it set a long-running chart-in record on the 'Billboard Hot Trending Song Weekly Chart'. With Yours charting for 49 consecutive weeks and Super Tuna charting for 45 consecutive weeks, Jin became the first artist ever and the artist to have two solo songs chart for the longest 45 consecutive weeks.
Not only this, 'Super Tuna' is Jin's solo songs 'The Astronaut', 'Moon', 'Yours', 'Abyss', 'Tonight' It also entered the Hungarian Singles Chart with.
Currently, Jin is serving in the military as an active duty soldier, and despite his military service, Jin's solo songs have consistently been on charts around the world, showing off his presence as 'top solo artist JIN'.
Source: Star News Korea
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