#sammy is such a good boy i love him 🥺
duusheen · 7 months
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Brisa has been thinking about Sammy lately and, although she wasn't sure about committing to a boy she met in high school, she's thinking about giving him a chance 👀
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moonferry · 2 months
some sam puppyboy antics because i literally can't get this man out of my head.
* we all know he loves to do the "big dog who thinks they're a lapdog" thing where he will literally demand to be little spoon despite being Massive but please consider: sam with a really strong partner who actually picks him up and sam looks like those pics of huge dogs who aren't used to being held.
* loves i mean LOVES having his hair played with . i feel like he'd just spontaneously combust if you ran your fingers through it or scratched his scalp with your nails.
* gets those big, wet puppy eyes when he really wants something and it's impossible to say no to.
"farmer, can we please get/do [crazy antic]"
* he probably gets the zoomies lol. like if he's been working on one thing for too long, the energy just starts to build up and he needs to run around to let out some steam.
* definitely sticks his head out of the bus/car window. he's smiling the whole time, too, like a goober. and then you laugh when he gets smacked in the face by a tree branch or road sign.
* takes up the ENTIRE bed when you leave the farmhouse / it takes you too long to return at night and you just shake your head.
* wants to be super helpful so he follows you around the farm. he'd gladly hold your tools for you.
* literally holds anything you give him without hesitation or question. like you hand him a strange black and red egg? sure why not. anything you need him to hold, he's going to hold it like a good boyfriend.
* likes to receive words of encouragement/praise when he's done something good. "i watered the plants!" "oh, good job, sammy. thanks." ":D"
* little treats are a must. he isn't picky, but if you have him a joja cola or a mini pizza, he would be so happy.
* i think it would be hilarious if the farmer were to do the "dog owner talk" just to tease him like "oh, who's a good boy?! who's such a good boy? that's right, it's sammy-wammy!" he thinks it's hilarious, too, a bit annoying but funny nonetheless.
* he just likes being in the same room as you. it doesn't matter what's going on. he could even be on the other side, doing his own thing, but if you walk in you two could sit in silence and he'd be content.
* very physically affectionate & (if you're okay with it) loves to give you affection any chance he can get.
* i think he does that little excited shake/butt wiggley dogs do when their person comes back. he'd just be like yeaaah!!!! probably does it as a joke, but he's still super excited to see you. i think it would actually translate more into him running to the door and wrapping you into the biggest hug ever.
* nicknames & pet names are what you primarily call him but if he does something particularly stupid you just pull out the "samson."
* i think he'll just go off in the woods for a period of time and come back with a random trinket and then he's like "hi. i found this and i brought it back because i thought it was cool & that you'd enjoy it."
* very accident prone & is always covered in bruises from running into things or getting himself hurt.
* can fall asleep anywhere - even in positions that seem physically impossible or extremely uncomfortable.
* unrelated to the puppyboy thing but adhd sam has my heart.
* if you put your hands near his face, he is going to lick you. i'm sorry. like he has a stray hair and you try to push it out of the way? he licked your hand. it's mostly to annoy you and because he wants to be a little goober
* HOWEVER, if he's feeling very soft, he may smoosh his face into your hands and demand you cup his cheeks . just like *gently holds* yk?
* makes little noises or is constantly quoting things. i think he's a big vocal stimmer.
* loves to show you his favorite things!!! it could be some silly video on his phone or whatever but he'd be so proud of it and immediately want to show it to you.
* he would definitely go play in the mud when it's raining outside. you probably have to hose him down with the gardening hose before letting him back in the farmhouse. which also means you'd have to chase him because he does NOT want to shower
adding to this:
* he loves kisses. like a lot. he will definitely cover your face in kisses any chance he gets.
* loves it when you gently hold his face and give him kisses too. bonus points if you give him forehead kisses. he goes crazy for these and doesn't get to receive them that often bc he's so tall.
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luveline · 2 years
Hii!!! This is a request for Steve zombie!au
I don’t know how you do it but this au (and everything you write honestly) ITS AMAZING!!!!
I read that you wanted to eventually write about Steve+reader having kids so I was wondering if maybe you could write something like them talking about what they think their future would look like or Steve seeing reader interact with children and it just warms his heart… idk
Again, your work is truly so so so good, I love it!!
Hope you have a beautiful day <3
hi! thank you 🥺 I hope this is what you mean!! steve zombie!au ♥︎ fem!reader
On a rare day where you have work to do in the community and Steve doesn't, he misses you like crazy. He'd complain profusely about this wicked scenario to Robin, if only Robin weren't on shift too. As it lies, Steve is alone, bored and restless with your pillow pulled against his chest. 
Steve is functional. Steve is a fully grown man, with hobbies, interests, and a personality outside of being with you. But Steve is in love, and he isn't ashamed to admit that his very favourite hobby is being with you. You are the most interesting thing around. 
It's cold today, though he wears two pairs of socks, denim jeans, a long-sleeved shirt and a loose hoodie under the thick layer of blankets you keep on the bed. 
You must be cold. 
Your jacket's right there on the door. You'd forgotten to take it with you to the kitchen. 
Steve doesn't feel proud of himself, per se, but he also doesn't feel ashamed when he ends up in the doorway of the cafeteria. School is in session, their makeshift teacher Sammy standing near the dishes trolly with a whiteboard and pen. She's drawn a huge diagram of a piece of paper with cuts missing, and a smaller one of that paper seemingly after the cuts are made, labelled Origami Giraffe. 
He's surprised to see you near immediately, sitting at one of the cafeteria tables with a bundle of the community's youngest children (babies and toddlers not included). 
You're snipping at a sheet of paper slowly, hands held up so the dark-haired girl to your right can reach the crayons in front of you. 
"Will you cut mine for me next, please?" a blonde headed boy asks him. He's pale, and as Steve draws closer he can see the little boy's brown eyes. 
He kind of looks like me, Steve thinks, startled.
"Of course I will," you say gently. "You're a great artist, honey, I love all these purples and greens you're using." 
"It doesn't look like the driraffe." 
His mispronunciation has you smiling. It's an expression Steve knows well, your guilty bemusement. 
"That's okay! Do you know how many drawings of giraffes there are? Millions and trillions, and I bet none of them are as brightly made or as creative as the one you've made." 
"What about mine?" the dark-haired girl asks. 
You pause your cutting to peek at her giraffe. "That's so cute, I love it," you praise. "Wow, I'm sitting with the next Picasso's and I didn't even know it." 
Your voice… Steve's barely ever heard you speak like that. So soft, and so loving. 
Not that you don't speak to him sweetly, half the time he thinks your words are more love than sense, but this is new. That's how parents talk to their kids, how sisters talk to younger siblings, and aunties talk to niblings. It's a familial, mellow sound.
It kind of drives him crazy. He tightens his hands in the fabric of your jacket, head racing with thoughts he hadn't stopped to think of before. You with kids. You with a family, his family. Kids that look like you, that carry your features and your sweetness around for you when you can't.
Kids that don't look a thing like you, or him.
You put down the scissors and hand over a freshly cut, stand-up giraffe to one of the kids. It looks great, and the kid says thank you with a clumsy ardency that you clearly adore. 
"You're welcome, Nina," you say. "I'll do yours next, Hal, if you're ready." 
The blonde boy passes you his giraffe. Before you take up the scissors again, you look at the boy's front, and you laugh kindly. "Baby, your buttons are all wrong. They're wonky, see?" 
"Oh," Hal says, looking down, "I don't know how to do them."
"I can help, if you want." 
He nods voraciously. You start to correct his buttons in silence, and Steve isn't afraid to admit to himself that it's the last straw. There is something endearing, hypnotising about watching you take care of others, he thinks the forbidden words — you would make the most beautiful mother. 
You giggle and straighten Hal's shirt when you're done. "Tada." 
"Thanks," Hal says, sounding pleased. 
"You're super welcome. Stevie?" 
It takes Steve a second to realise you're talking to him. You're looking up at him where he's frozen, concern knitting together your darling brows. "Is everything okay?" 
"I just– brought your jacket. It's cold." 
You stand up from the table and pat Hal on the shoulder, a frown twisting over your face. 
"You look pale," you say, taking your jacket. You pull it on one arm at a time, and tilt your head back as Steve dives in to zip it up. "How are you feeling?" 
"I'm fine," he says. I'm going insane, he thinks.
"You caught me slacking off." 
"This is slacking off?" 
You huff a laugh. "Well, yeah. I should be checking the dates on a box of cornflour right now." 
"You haven't mentioned this," —he gestures vaguely at the table of art's and crafts— "before. Do you come in here a lot?" 
You hum as you wrap your hands around his wrists. You pull his hands to your shoulders, and grin when he gets the memo and gives you a hug. 
"Thanks for bringing my jacket." 
His hand scrapes up your back, trying to pull you closer when you're as close as you can possibly be. "You know how busy my schedule is." 
"I know." Your sarcasm is biting. "My poor boy." Less so. 
You pull away and he still can't believe it. You have an air of content about you, a lightness he's always amazed to see. 
"Sammy asks me for arts and crafts help all the time. The uh, apocalypse kind of threw a spanner into the works for most of these kids. Some of them don't know how to write, or use scissors. And we all know they barely need me in the pantry, they could replace me with a well organised book." 
"Do you like helping out here?" he asks carefully. 
"Yeah, I do." 
His head is reeling. 
The future is a long way away and right here at the same time. You and Steve could make something. 
He doesn't know what you want. Maybe you don't want kids, maybe you won't be ready for another ten years, but the possibility isn't something Steve can ignore. 
"You can stay and help if you want to?" you ask.
He doesn't have control over his own body when he nods, a panging ache in his chest for the possible future. You beam and lead him over to the table of children, taking up your scissors as Steve settles in a chair a ways away from you. 
"Hi, guys, this is my boyfriend, Steve. I bet some of you have seen him before. He's gonna help us with the cutting out, okay?" 
Steve smiles at the gaggle of little faces that turn his way. "Hey, guys. I'm a way better cutter outer than Y/N, so if you want the best giraffe you gotta ask me." 
Some are old enough to understand his sarcasm, and some aren't. He's delighted when Hal, the blonde-haired, brown-eyed boy, turns to you to stroke your arm. "It's okay," he says, "I still think you're the best one." 
"Thank you, Hal." 
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according2thelore · 6 months
can i mention ls/es verse on this mommy monday? bc the old versions seem like such a fucked up fountain of that ☺️
putting a cut for brief nsft and a dash of mommy monday
it's hard to say which dean truly out-mommies.
on one hand, LS!Dean is so domesticated, and "is nesting" so like. obviously. yes.
he makes sam sandwiches and wraps him in little towels and lovingly tends to sammy's injuries while saying how proud he is of his little boy and how important he is.
he tells sam no with a strong voice, and sam really only follows through with a lot of it if he has dean's permission, lmao. like for the trials, S!1-2 sam would absolutely attempt do them behind dean's back anyways, but they actually have a conversation about it in S!8 (as stilted as it is) and he gets his mommy's permission! so nice!
but on the other hand ES!Dean is A MOMMY! he's overprotective and controlling and tries so desperately to get sammy's approval. sammy is his preteen and has decided that dean's not cool anymore, so dean is frantically trying to bring up things they did when he was younger like "oh haha don't u remember that time that we fought that werewolf in jackson? good times 🥺 </3"
he cradles sam's face in his hands and places thumbs at the back of his neck so sammy can't break eye contact, because he can tell from just one look if he's going to be okay.
he brushes off sammy's worse injuries like the classic "get up, shake it off" and jumps head-first off of a three-story bridge because sammy goes first.
ES!Sammy is dean's misbehaving thirteen-year-old that wears uneven black nail polish and combs his bangs over his eyes and talks about the "darkness in his soul" and dean is cooing over him and insisting that "my kid's not the problem. YOUR little brat on the other hand..." and rolls up to PTA meetings with chunky highlights and a purse filled with bricks.
but in the ES/LS verse, i think LS!Dean would probably ultimately out-mommy.
because like...c'mon.
LS!Sam and LS!Dean have settled so much into that dynamic, into the quiet dance of caring and being cared for, of power being already negotiated and traded. they're a lot more comfortable in the language of tending (even though they're definitely Still Weird), whereas ES!Sam&Dean tend to inject caring and caretaking with a power struggle that they're not used to yet. ES!Sam gets a little frustrated and resentful when ES!Dean's concern/attempts at mothering (to be frank) come off as patronizing. LS!Sam seems a lot more accepting that LS!Dean's attention can chafe, and while he sometimes still snaps, he also kind of basks in it. he loves when dean gets a little possessive or protective and loves it when dean becomes reassuring (thinking S!8 finale). they definitely negotiate that power more deftly than in ES, and so ultimately, i think they're more comfortable with the idea of "mommy."
but also, LS!Dean is putting his whole pussy into mommying. he's got TWO little baby brothers to look out for? mommy overload.
LS!Dean is showing ES!Sam how to fix the engine on some random, shit-ass ford pinto in the bunker's garage, and when he gestures ES!Sam over with a quiet "c'mere baby, you see how the--" not even thinking about it, and ES!Sam goes absolutely perfectly fucking still because oh my god? holy shit?
and LS!Dean crowds in behind him, voice low in his ear, "you see how the rotor's not connected here? so what do we do when the fan's tilted like that?"
and sam shakily picks up one of the wrenches and makes some adjustment, and a hand slaps down low on sam's waist, turning the skin into live wires. sam jumps a little at the touch, not used to something so openly affectionate, to the sheer size and weight of the man behind him.
"good boy, sammy," LS!Dean murmurs, right into his hair, "you're payin' attention so well."
the words white-out sam's brain, fuzzing warm and hot and spilling over like a pot on a stove. and ES!Sam is suddenly, achingly hard, chest heaving, leaning back into LS!Dean's chest, almost blind with how bad he needs...something.
something is crawling up his throat and down his legs and he should feel patronized--he's not a fucking dog--but the praise goes straight to his cock and to the back of his neck, prickling the hairs there and his heart is hammering and his mouth opens and--
anyway. happy mommy dean monday!
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annieqattheperipheral · 3 months
My avs dreams n wishes for today and into free agency/summer:
Johnson - team dad it won't be the same wo you pls sign🥺
Trenin - god you're awesome and i did not know ur game and now that i do woof LFGOOOOOOO pls sign
Walker - surprisingly hot man who had a bit of jo doppelganger going and also more than decent, sure wouldn't mind having him back
Kiviranta - honestly feels like you were supposed to hangout in our background forever, i love when you make yourself known and we get to cheer a bit of kivi! kivi! kivi! I mean would love it if you signed but i understand if you have other needs the avs can't give that others can
Duhaime - it was swell getting to know you further mountain dew and boy how i enjoyed how you jumped to defend any of our little fellas. But i get the feel you weren't fully settled after leaving minn and your other half. I'm happy with whatever you need to be happy, here or elsewhere
Jones - dude i am so sorry i forgot you existed on our roster every game. I understand if you need to move on to find a fit that makes you happier and where you perhaps get to shine a bit bc we have too many stars to focus on. good luck man and thank you for stepping up when sammy g needed time away
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headfullofpresley · 2 years
Sometimes I wish I could go back in time, as who I am today, knowing what I know about Elvis, and even if it was just for one day, love him the way he needed to be. Like, let me pet you and talk baby talk and snuggle and make you burned bacon and yummy sammies and tell you what a baby you are. Let me see your heart and soul. Let me look into your eyes and kiss your fingers and marshmallow lips. Lay your head on my chest while I tell you what a good boy you are and how loved you are. I want to have him sing quietly to me. I want to talk to him about our souls and energy work and numerology. He could tell me stories about his mama. I’m making myself cry but I could die and go to heaven happy after that. We probably all have days that we think things like this but yeah just sharing 💕🥹
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thank you for sharing, dearie <333
that's the sweetest thing ever!! also, i adore that picture. little menace babyface. 🥺
sitting outside in the grass in the middle of the night, talking about life and the man who put us here, reading together, i want it aaaall. i could've honestly talked to him for hours- he'd probably tell me to shut the fuck up.
trips to the memphian! i need it and i need it NOW.
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theangiediary · 2 years
omg Angie that was exactly what i meant and i loved it! I also adore Lebanon's favourite "are they?aren't they?" couple and imagining samdean co-parenting is such a delight. "If the baby looked like Sam, Dean would have like 12 disorders" got a laugh but it's so true i don't know how he'd handle it. It's similarly what makes me also like the idea of Dean having to deal with a deaged Sam just to see how gobsmacked he'd be. (Also those mommy recs? For a friend? 👀)
1. Oh good I’m glad it resonated! Truly, Dean would be against those baby chest carriers until the little guy was born, and then he’d not only constantly be wearing him strapped in, he’d also have one arm wrapped around at all times. Also that baby would not have a nursery, Dean would put the crib in their bedroom so he could be as close as possible, sit on the rocking chair at night just staring (Sam gets it, at least enough not to press the issue).
2. About A Boy with deaged Sammy: they’d have to end the show right there! Dean would run off into the night with itty Sammy, let some other hunter deal with the missing people. (/hj, I don’t actually remember what their relationship was like prior to that ep, all I know is it was VERY funny to me that they had a solution to the mark but Sam was like 🥺 “I am not baby?? no more Big Bro? Unacceptable.”  
3. Fic Recs
Haha, well! So many flavors... I’m throwing a huge mixed bag here, read what sounds interesting, skip what doesn’t.
Vice and Wish by thatsakitkat (incomplete, ABO A!Sam/O!Dean, 42k)
One of my all time favorites. It’s a little OOC, but Sam’s uh, canonical entitlement toward Dean/Dean’s body and resources is so so sexy. Cockblocking him, spending his money, joining him in Dean’s subconscious against Dean’s protests. Spn was allergic to having a consistent stance on souls, but if you largely view soulless!Sam as Sam without empathy, then.. Yeah. I think the Sam in this fic/universe is realistically ruthless in getting what he wants (a baby in Dean).
(Taste Every Fruit by the same author doesn’t have pregnancy, but is a lactation fic and uhh. Quite good.)
Nesting orphan_account (ABO A!John/O!Dean, 12k)
It’s been a minute since I read this, but I remember it being sweet, in a conservative fantasy way. Stanford era. Forced retirement. Small town. Also slightly OOC but like above, comes with the universe.
homebody by hellhoundsprey (ABO A!Jared/O!Jensen (background Jared/Ruth and Jensen/Tahmoh, 18k)
Listen, if you’re hesitant about rpf, this author writes it very much “vaguely inspired by the PR personsona of X”. People have been fantasizing about celebrities forever, heck, the SPN cast joke about rpf at cons. 
Anyway. Great fic. Darling sex kitten/tease and “Trying to be good” dynamic.
Share the Spoils Ch 2 by vintagedean (Fem!Dean/Sam, 2k)
Recently published, Deanna finding out if she’s pregnant and what she and Sam can do if that’s the case. Pushy teen Sam, distracted Deanna. "John's looming shadow" deserves its own character tag.
the need to choose by deadlybride (Hal!Dean/Sam, 3k)
Canon (post s7) divergence. The author has this halman universe which is similar to ABO but not quite; Dean’s something like an omega but not ✨feminine 👧🌷. Still, one of the things that the author does is realistic sex descriptions/pretty explicit naming of body parts: Dean has a clit, cervix, etc. Explores what having a baby would mean for them, in the context of SPN’s vessel plotlines. Sad, longing, open ended.
They Think I'm Possessed by deandatsgay (Dean/John, Dean/Sam 27k)
No pregnancy; Dean raised as Sam’s mom (thus inclusion in this list). Dark, dirty bad wrong porn. I love it.
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mlobsters · 11 months
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supernatural s11e16 safe house (w. robbie thompson)
you know the first time i tried to watch the haunting of hill house i noped right out of it because straight out of the gate it was kids in bed and ghosty things and them being scared and hit all the parent of small children alarm bells at once. anyway, similar vibes :p (now all 3 of my kids sleep in the same room [their choosing] and my 5yo told me if he has a bad dream when he wakes up he's not scared because he sees his brothers in the room with him 🥺🥺🥺)
all right. scraped off a sigil, rufus in the thumbnail
SAM Dean we can't just sit around and - and wait for a lead. Plus, it would be nice to get a win, this case seems like a lay-up. DEAN Yeah, when's the last time we had a layup?
we sure never get to see them if they do :p milk run to basketball
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RUFUS. Yeah. Well if by backup you mean you do all the heavy lifting while I watch. It's Shabbat! BOBBY Are you serious? RUFUS Deadly! BOBBY You drove over here, ain't that against the rule? RUFUS Ah, ah, ah! Less talkin', more hunting.
little callback to 6x16
DEAN I got to say, I never figured Rufus for the religious type. BOBBY Well, he didn't exactly keep kosher. He always used to pull the old "can't work on the sabbath" card whenever we had to bury a body.
ugh, i missed him. and he makes me more fond of bobby too (who i don't dislike, i just never really fully connected with). their bickering is top notch
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possible ghost hunt with jackass, i love it
RUFUS What what, my turn? Yo - yo, Bobby. Read my lips, Bobby. I cannot help you. Alright, it is Sabbath. BOBBY It is after sundown, so get to diggin'. RUFUS (Looking around at the darkness around them) Good catch.
so cute. the direct parallels to the boys -> amara / apocalypse are a little much but i'm not gonna complain with all this good food from robbie
BOBBY Been burning the midnight oil. Last couple of weeks. Up for days. Lookin' for ways to stop the apocalypse. Lookin' for - anything. Sam and Dean are right in the middle of this thing. I'm worried about my boys, Rufus. RUFUS Your boys? [BOBBY gives him a look.] RUFUS Hey, hey. Alright, okay, Papa bear. But you know more than anyone, Bobby. Even if we find a way to keep the world spinning, not everyone's going to be on that bus ride home. Sacrifice, greater good. All that jazz.
makin me cry
BOBBY Yeah, I know. RUFUS Oldest rule of hunting, Bobby. You can't save everyone.
rufus 😢
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nosy neighbor / the x-files s2e5 duane berry
this lady was in the duane berry episode of the xfiles which i can't find her in the episode but it was the one with mulder in the red speedo :p
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i like sam's shirt. this back and forth brainstorming is nice (could you pick a more uncomfortable place to perch your ass, sam). also another break from the main plot is a relief
RUFUS What happens to the remains of the souls in the nest? BOBBY Well they wither too, but they stay with the Soul Eater, keeping it fed in lean times. Sorta like a cud. RUFUS Ew.
SAM You know it's too bad Bobby and Rufus aren't around to see this stuff. They'd have been great Men of Letters. DEAN Yeah, grumpy old Men of Letters, but yeah.
💔 yeah. thinking about how they don't have that more experienced hunter backup in a person anymore, someone who is gonna be on their side no matter what, just the bunker files and flaky celestial beings. sad trombone
DEAN Which means one of us has to go on there. SAM Yeah. DEAN Not it. SAM Uh, dude.
children, lol
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years or winning with one blip, i don't think sammy's worried
DEAN We are never settling anything with that stupid game again. Ever.
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BOBBY If memory serves, things are about to get hairy. RUFUS You wanna hold my hand?
cute cute. is dean gonna see bobby in the nest?
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ah, a fake dead sam, that's surely a good choice for making his soul vulnerable
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aw, and a fake dead sam and dean for bobby. catch me wondering if those are era-accurate sideburns on sam :p
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bobby and rufus are the slowest painters to paint. come on boys, pick up the pace! good grief. stressin me out :p
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THE SOUL EATER You know your brother wants to go to The Darkness. He needs to go. But I can keep you safe. Both of you. Forever.
seems very trustworthy
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(from earlier in the episode) SAM The Soul Eaters aren't really here or there, but apparently they can muster enough strength to yank their vic's souls out of this world, and into their nest. And then as soon as the vic's in the nest, they're outside of our space and time.
had to go back and see if he said something about the nests not being bound to time, i will admit to sort of zoning out during the details of the monstery stuff. so sam and dean saved bobby from the future, make me cry again
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BOBBY My boys. Both of 'em. Both of 'em dead. And I saw… well I don't know what the hell I saw. RUFUS Yeah well. Forget the oldest rule, Bobby. BOBBY Are you gettin' soft on me, Rufus? RUFUS Yeah, soft this.
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s11e16 / s7e12 (forgot what jody looked like with longer hair!)
SAM Hey, you said the Soul Eater made you see things. Plural. So… what else did you see? DEAN I saw you. Dead on the floor. SAM Hmm. DEAN What? SAM How messed up are our lives that you seeing a vision of dead me is actually kind of comforting?
indeed it is, on both accounts. also comforting that dean just tells him, doesn't brush it off. is this growth?
thank you again, robbie. giving the people (me) what they like/want/need
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happy wincest Wednesday!! can you share some fluffy headcanons, please? i've had a crappy day and would like sweet fluff to feel better. thank you! ❤
sure friend 🥰 I hope you feel better 🥺 it's been a rough couple days for me as well
I really love the idea of Dean giving the best massages. Especially as the boys get older he'd be really good at getting out the cracks in Sam's back, but even in the early seasons and preseries, dean would be amazing at making his sammy feel better, rubbing his shoulders and feet and temples. Sam would fall asleep in Dean's lap because of the soft pressure of Dean's fingers making soft circles in Sam's skin right below his hairline, and dean would think it was so cute. he would run his fingers through sam's soft silky hair because he'd never be caught doing this while sam was awake but he secretly loves the smoothness in his hands.
i'm also a sucker for forehead kisses, so i think dean would give sam lots of them as kids, and it's one of the many babybrotherisms that has stuck around throughout their lives. eventually it becomes kisses on sam's eyelids as he sleeps, on sammy's cute little nose, the corner of his lips--not quite on the lips, but almost there. it wants to be a real kiss, but dean doesn't know that yet. it's eventually sam that grabs him and holds him there until their mouths open and they sigh together, what's been coming since forever.
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chateautae · 2 years
Hi Sammy…I get really good and comforting vibes from you so even tho we don’t know each other, so I feel like I really would love to hear your advice on this🥺 I moved across the world recently and found an internship and I’m crushing so SO badly on one of my colleagues. He’s kind of my superior in the sense that he has a higher position in the firm but he’s only a few years older than me and isn’t my boss. At first I was extremely intimidated by him and never spoke but as weeks passed by we got more comfortable around each other and he’s actually so helpful and nice to me. My other colleague told me that he usually always works solo and is very introverted and doesn’t like to help or be bothered but I feel like he’s the opposite with me? He includes me in stuff he does and isn’t cold at all when I ask for help, in fact he often asks me if everything is ok. When we’re out for drinks with my other colleagues I also felt like he was lowkey flirting but in a soft manner? As in teasing me? Also, I’m home for the holidays now but before I left he told me he would get me on board his work once I get back so that I could be more involved and I know he doesn’t do this normally. He also tries his best to include me in the firm’s activities and remembers basically everything I tell him. I was so happy with the way everything was evolving but my boy best friend told me that he’s only like this because he wants to sleep with me and that I should give up this crush immediately because there’s no positive outcome to this situation since we’re colleagues and nothing can ever happen between us. And that made me feel really sad and shitty about myself, like it’s impossible for a guy to just like me? I feel like girls know when a guy just wants to sleep with us and that’s not the vibe I’m getting from him, I feel like he genuinely wants to help me evolve and is genuinely nice to me. So I wanted to ask, what would you advise me to do? Do I just give up since it’s anyways doomed like my friend said or do I let it evolve naturally all while subtly letting him know that I like him? What is your opinion on relationships within a working environment? I just don’t know what to do because I haven’t felt this way towards someone in a long LONG time and I know I am going to spend more time with him once I get back because we’re gonna work together more often…Sammy help me please😔
AWH BUBS PLEASEE THIS IS SO CUTE THANK YOU!! Ofc I can give you some advice babes, but just remember that I could also be wrong so take this advice however you like! Tbh I'm not getting a vibe that your colleague just wants to sleep with you either. There's surely a certain behaviour men exhibit when they simply want to sleep with you (leering, sleazy comments, blatant flirting, constantly asking you out/pursing you even if you're hesitant), and I'm totally not getting it from this guy, I think he honestly likes you because yes!! ofc a guy can like you!! But then again some men do use the method of first befriending you, making you feel comfortable, and then kinda just using you :/ unfortunately it's happened to me so you can never truly be safe. But personally, I think you should just assess how he interacts with you, you know? Detect the genuineness in his words and actions. If he genuinely cares about you and tries to make you a better person in the workplace and overall is just a kind person, I think you can honestly judge when things like that come from a man's heart.
As for pursuing someone in the workplace, unless there's a policy against dating then I don't think you guys are doomed!! I'm unsure why your guy best friend said that, but I've dated a co-worker before and it was totally fine. I think the only harm that comes from dating a co-worker is that if your relationship ends badly then that can really impact the environment of your workplace and may backfire on your own mental health (cough cough what happened to me, my relationship ended badly and seeing my ex at work just made me feel meh). In that situation only either of you leaving the workplace or switching departments would put you at ease (for example, I quit but my ex still works there). So generally people avoid dating co-workers for that reason, but if you vibe with someone and feel a genuine connection, I'd say it's worth the risk!
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giggly-squiggily · 2 years
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I'm gonna go ahead and answer all these together :P
Anon 1: Aww! Thank you so much! I'm definitely planning on it! Next time I can get a good doggo/cat fic, I'll be sure to share! :D
Anon 2: Thank you! Funny story with this one; it was actually Mama Squiggily who named him! We're watching Demon Slayer together (currently working through the District Arc- we've both seen it subbed but we're rewatching it dubbed :D) and when she first met the Hashira, she...wasn't a fan (The exception at the time being Giyu- she likes Giyu). She's a big Nezuko fan so hearing the Hashira being basically "She's a demon so she must die" made her side eye them for awhile (No one come at her- she ultimately came around akljerjkajrkeajkr)
So when Rengoku was born, she took one look and said: "That's Rengoku. Look at his eyes? That's him!" And the name stuck! (She's also a fan of Rengoku now- Mugan Train made her one :D)
And so; Rengoku the cat was born! :D He had some tough competitors for names (Levi, Benimaru, Gojo) but ultimately he's a Rengoku boy, and we love him dearly...even when he knocks things over and tries to escape through the front door every morning.
@d1lucs-w1th3r3d-r0s3s Aww! They sound sweet! Animals can definitely be annoying at times (For me personally it's either Sammy whining at an ungodly hour or Rengoku sitting on my keyboard and deleting my entire fic) but they always mean it with love! I hope they bring you lots of love and happiness friend! :D
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sarah-dipitous · 11 months
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 301
Plot Description: eager to find Gabriel, Sam, Dean, and Castiel consider some risky options. Rowena’s tampering with fate puts all of humanity in danger
Did I talk at all about how Gabe really and literally burned Azmodeus up? I feel like I didn’t and I feel like I should have
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: I would NEVER make an enemy of Rowena, so she’d have no reason to kill me. I’d be more like the boy toy she had tagging along with her
Also Cas saying “Rowena’s right. You never go to parties” like….sir, do you remember what show we’re on?
Sorry, more Cas thoughts…babes, why do you think Dean wouldn’t know what a Hail Mary play is? Like…you only recently learned all human idioms. They had to create Jack to take your wide eyed, confused about humans place
Yes, Sammy, justify Rowena’s setting that rich woman ablaze. Join my side
Dean’s giving into too many bad ideas, I think
I like this angel that’s supposed to be guarding the gates of heaven. Oh no…he was being snarky to cover up how depressed he is and how little he believes anything matters anymore 😭
Nooooooooo. I’m glad Castiel is getting help from the angels but are they gonna try to put him in a leadership position again??
I sure hope nothing bad happens to this reaper. She’s apparently been keeping tabs on the boys since Dean almost died when Billie was revealed to be the new Death. She knows entirely too much about them (please don’t eat that three day old burger in your room, Dean. Please throw it out when you get back. NO! IT IS NOT FOR EMERGENCY CASES ONLY! IT IS FOR THE TRASH CAN, DEAN!!)
All-powerful Rowena is very hot
I can’t believe they’re summoning Jessica the reaper like she’s Siri or Janet from The Good Place
I have to know what Dean thinks is Ashton Kutcher’s best movie…
This is me officially turning my back on Sam forever no matter I say in his favor ever again. He’s destined to kill Rowena, and I can’t forgive that
Lmaoooo the angels lost their wings so long ago, Dean got unused to people just popping up in the backseat of his car
Hmmmmm…is Rowena trying to negotiate immortality for herself??
I did not realize the angel shortage was THAT DIRE. There’s about eleven left….anywhere, and that’s why heaven’s having power surges
God I love Rowena. Is she killing bad people in the pharmaceutical industry who lied about their product and hurt thousands of sick people? Yes…but she’s not doing it for the “right” reasons
Ohhhhhhhh, oh. She wants Crowley back 🥺 that’s why she’s trying to get Death’s attention
Bernard (Roro’s boy toy) is the most relatable character to me “she’s powerful, she’s gorgeous, and she’s paying me a small fortune. That woman didn’t have to cast a spell on me” I need him protected, but Dean’ll probably kill him :/
I love that she can stop witch killing bullets now 💖
Billie’s hands off policy for reapers is getting to be a liability for the boys. Rowena’s got Sam, and Dean could have gotten there sooner if Jessica could have helped him kill Bernard
Billie’s fair but….it still feels cruel.
It’s really off putting to hear that, in this universe where heaven and hell are very real places, “everything ends” includes heaven
Normally when you fight Death and lose, you die. But Rowena is special like that i guess
Plot Description: the Doctor and her friends encounter a seamstress named Rosa Parks
Fuck that bus driver. Stole her money and drove off
1955 Alabama is…an interesting place to forget is very dangerous for Ryan to be running around with his modern sensibilities
It’s not often that the local police force of an American town is a potential hindrance for the Doctor and companions
Who is this dude following them around?! I know that’s not what the new Master looks like
Pfffffft, the Doctor insinuating she could be banksy
Omg Graham telling the officer he’s Steve Jobs
The optimism expressed in this show is nice and I have to remember that this is a family show because…otherwise I’d be a little too jaded for it
Why does this guy want to stop Rosa from being on that bus so badly??
To be fair, if we’re in a room with Rosa Parks and MLK, I’d have a hard time not constantly using their full names, too, Ryan
Oh. The guy who was trying to stop Rosa was just racist……not the most interesting motivation, especially since Ryan got rid of him pretty quickly and easily with the dude’s own vortex manipulator
Obviously living in the Jim Crow south is harder, but strictly speaking from a character perspective, it must be hard for Graham to be one of the white people on that bus. His recently deceased wife ADORED Rosa Parks to the point that on their first date, when she found out he was a bus driver, she made sure he wasn’t like the one who told Rosa to move. This must feel like he’s betraying her
But they kept history from being nudged so I guess that’s that
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biancasolangelo · 1 year
The last post i reblogged made me think about my sisters dog. I love him so much hes a poddle something, nobody knows what kinda 'doddle' he is. When i was a child a dog bit me and i was terified of dogs for a long while, then my sister got Sammy. Even when he was a puppy he could tell i was scared so he always would be gentle with me, other peple? No worries playful puppy bites everywhere. When i went with them to a dog park thing for the first time he noticed i was scared of most of the other dogs so he put himself between them and me the entire time even growling at a dog 3x as big as him when they came too close to me. Hes still that way a few years later and hes still very concious even of the playful biting, one time he did and i flinched so violently he spend half an hour whining and trying to get me to play with him again like 'look im the best boy im sorry🥺'. Hes such a good boy 😭😭😭🐩
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according2thelore · 2 months
Holy heck I found the mommy dean tag in your blog and immediately devoured everything under it 😭😭😭
Yall, I've been screaming mommy!Dean to the void ever since I got back into Supernatural, but my friends won't listen to meeeeee.
Dean does NOT slack off mommying! He did such a good job!!! Look at that 6'4 moose???!!!
Dean: *looks at 15yr 6 foot gangly Sam* Damn?! How'd the hell did you get so tall??? Who fed you??
Sam: "You?????"
My personal headcanons are
- That Dean totally has a stash of recipes that he made/collected over a period of time from cooking for Sam [like the exotic Mac & Cheese]
- That Dean had personally setup some sort of make shift bassinet in the impala just so that Sammy more comfortable
[lol ignore the glaring warning for vehicular safety (haha But would John care? Let's be real)]
The last head canon is from my actual childhood where (according to my grandmother) my older sisters tried to make the 7hr drive more comfortable for toddler me when we were running away from a bad home situation.
Urghhhh sorry for the rant, parentification of fictional older siblings are my absolute faves!!!!
hi, anon!!!
we ARE mommy friendly on this here blog--your friends don't see the vision, but we do, anon 🤝
Dean: *looks at 15yr 6 foot gangly Sam* Damn?! How'd the hell did you get so tall??? Who fed you??
Sam: "You?????"
AHAHAHAHA anon that sent me through the ceiling! and AGH! i totally love those headcanons! the bassinet 🥺🥺 that's so sweet that your sisters did that for you--what a beautiful thing!
i can 800% see dean making one! as long as it got sam to sleep and kept dean occupied (leaning over the bassinet every few minutes to make sure sam was still breathing okay), john would be fine with it, lol!
and you're totally right about the recipes--they start with his crazy, scraggly writing from when he was five (mic 2, 30 sekets, most of the letters are backward) and get more mature as he gets older, and the recipes get more complicated. they're on motel pads of paper and napkins and the backs of sun-faded receipts.
one of my personal headcanons is that the one school year sam did soccer (if you remember dean's nostalgic joy about it ("one of the only times you were allowed to be a real boy")), dean attended all of his practices. at first, it was so he could keep an eye on him, because he wasn't used to leaving him alone--and they were in town for a hunt, after all--then he told sam it was so he could hit on all the other soccer moms.
but they talked about local gossip ("did you hear about monica's husband? died on a hunting trip!") and kid-rearing tips ("we use gatorade when jeremy's sick because of the electrolytes" "vaporub will save you, but you can make some of your own using XYZ" "wait, you put WHAT in mac and cheese") and dean still uses the safety-pin-in-the-seam trick they taught him when he has to do a quick repair on his jacket.
you could always find a line of moms on the bleachers with their dye jobs and underlined eyes, and a fifteen year old dean, tobacco stained fingers and four layers of shirts.
dean cheers when sam makes a goal even in practice, and sam gets upset if dean is distracted and misses one. the moms all call him "dean's sam" and sam fuzzes warm and happy when dean leads him away with an arm across his shoulders because yes!! in fact, he is!!
no apologies AT ALL!!! i completely agree--parentification (esp dean's parentification) makes me bite straight through cardboard, lol!
PLEASE rant with me about mommy dean anytime you like!!!! i LIVE for it!!!
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timetravelingcas · 1 year
So awhile ago I bought Season 2 and 3 of SPN DVDs from a thrift store and I'm finally watching it on my 14 year old computer that still has windows 7. Let's begin!
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Omg this is so nostalgic for me even tho when this episode came out I was 8 years old and never heard of supernatural.
When I first watched the season 1 finale I was shocked. Like I didn't see that coming and neither did Sam and Dean! Lol
We start off the episode with them in Impala almost dead and a demon confronts them. The graphics of the demon smoke is horrendous lol
I don't get how it was night and now it's already daytime when the ambulance and fricken helicopter show up like it really took the first responders that long? Anyway.
Sam asks "are they alive?!" But the real question here is HOW could Dean and John still be alive??
Dean's finds out that he's a spirit not in body currently and honestly sometimes I wish I could jump out of my body sometimes too.
Sammy is so adorable.
Wow I'm surprised how much Dean wants to live here. He hasn't been like that for many seasons I believe.
John has messed up priorities.
Oh Dean was watching the whole I didn't remember that part. He's got every right to be suspicious of that asshole of a father.
"What the hell kind of father are you!!" I'll tell you Dean, a peice of shit one.
How can a girl be on floor choking and calling out for help and one hears? Sheesh
Dean meets Tessa and she was a reaper no? I can't remember.
Ha Sam brought an Ouiji board 😁
Dean feels like he's at a slumber party but he's never been to one probably how sad really 🥺 he would have loved slumber parties.
I can't believe his own Father left him at the hospital. He's just so awful. Didn't even say what or where he's going.
Oh right she was a reaper like I remembered.
I don't care that John to make a deal for Dean. That's not what makes a good father.
Damn yelloweyes just jumped into a reaper and then brought Dean back to life. How??
"Can we not fight?" Hmm how about you start telling the truth! Look how John makes Sam feel guilty because John is trying to distract him from the truth! Such manipulation. He says he's done the best his could. Bullshit.
Dean was such a sweet boy even John can admit that. Where did he learn that from? Mary? Cuz it certainly wasn't John.
Imagine all the bullshit you've been saying for years and then on your deathbed you open up and say you're proud of your son? Probably said that for the first time ever? Ya that's a peice of shit father. Too little too late.
Then he tells Dean he has to kill Sam. Big YIKES. Johns dead, at what cost?
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punktr · 3 years
Good Intentions
hook x reader 
warnings; a few cuss words, injury
requested by anon!
I hope you enjoy!! 🥺🖤
*I do not own this gif!*
Gif credit to @backfliptopancake​
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You and Hook had both debuted recently and the fans loved to ship you two together. You never really interacted that much backstage, but you were very similar in many ways, especially with how you both carried yourselves in the ring. Which had led to Tony suggesting you join Team Taz, thinking it would be something the fans would enjoy since they obviously thought you and Hook were a good match already.
At first it was awkward with you having more of an introverted attitude, but eventually you got along with the boys pretty well. You and Hook found the shipping of you two quite entertaining, eventually deciding to see how far the two of you could push it just to mess with the fans. Hook started to do subtle things on camera like step closer to you when other guys were around, putting an arm around your shoulder during an interview, or even holding your hand on the way to the ring.
Inevitably, you and Hook started to catch real feelings for each other. Everyone could see it, Ricky, Hobbs, most people backstage, even Hooks dad could see that the two of you were deeply in love with each other. You and Hook were always together, wherever one of you went the other followed, even constantly holding hands or leaning onto each other. After a while the guys got tired of how oblivious the both of you were and put together a plan.
After some convincing the boys got Tony to put together a match, you and Hook versus Sammy Guevara and Tay Conti. You were excited and nervous at the same time about wrestling with Hook, you knew together you would be undefeatable so you had no worries going into the match. The match was going smoothly until Tay hit you with a roundhouse kick that immediately made you nauseous, the whole room was spinning and your body fell down like a bag of bricks. Hook could tell something was wrong and jumped into the ring, shoving the ref out of the way when he attempted to hold him back.
“Hey, hey talk to me baby girl, are you okay?” Hook asked you worriedly. He could see the pain in your expression and it only confirmed his worries when all you could do was barely shake your head no. Not knowing what was going on Sammy hopped into the ring, pulling Hook away from you and slapping him. Hook slammed Sammy to the mat with fire in his eyes, glaring daggers into the man beneath him.
“She’s hurt you fucking idiot.” Hook shouted, immediately redirecting his attention back to you and helping you out of the ring, making the fans awe and adding more fuel to the shipping flames. The bell rang and Justin announced the match would be counted as no contest due to injury. Once in the trainer's room you kept apologizing to Hook for costing the match, but he reassured you every single time that he didn’t care and your health was more important to him.
“You called me baby girl out there.” You spoke quietly after a moment of silence. You liked the nickname and you were worried he only did it to keep the facade up. You couldn’t help but giggle at Hook’s cheeks turning pink in response. Hook looked down and took a deep breath.
“I watched the girl I love get kicked in the head extremely hard and fall to the ground, I panicked. Can you blame me?” Hook chuckled. You couldn’t hide the smile on your face at his response. Hook gently pulled you into his side, kissing the top of your head. He was in the middle of telling you about the moment he realized his feelings for you when the boys entered the room, giddy looks on their faces. Looking up at them you were confused until Ricky opened his mouth.
“Ok listen, we had good intentions and we didn’t think (Y/N) would get hurt, but we convinced Tony to put together the match in hopes you two would finally realize your feelings for each other and it looks like our plan worked!” Ricky exclaimed.
“Minus your concussion of course, we're really sorry.” Ricky apologized, making you laugh. Even though you were concussed and not cleared to wrestle, you couldn’t be happier. You had the best group of friends and now the best boyfriend you could ever wish for.
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