#samuel norbert avery
babyjapril · 5 months
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xaprilkepnerx · 2 years
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April Kepner ist eine ehemalige Unfallchirurgin am Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital. Nachdem sie einen beinahe tödlichen Unfall überlebt hatte, kündigte sie bei Grey Sloan, um Menschen ohne Wohnung zu helfen, die medizinische Versorgung benötigen.
Sie war mit Jackson Avery verheiratet, mit dem sie einen verstorbenen Sohn, Samuel Norbert Avery, und eine Tochter, Harriet Kepner-Avery, hat. Später heiratete sie ihren früheren Verlobten Matthew Taylor, doch die Ehe war nur von kurzer Dauer. Nach ihrer Trennung zog sie mit Jackson und der gemeinsamen Tochter nach Boston.
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tinylittleshepherd · 3 years
Not sure why it isn’t showing up but this is called Impossible Pain by Rizzlestiva on www.fanfiction.net. Please note Trigger warning for infant loss.
oh look. I branched out. Sorta. This is the friendship we were robbed of and I will unlive on this hill. April and Amelia talk after Samuel. 
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Would you like to see a Japril spin off because honestly they were my favourite couple.
Their storylines were actually amazing and I loved their journey together except when April married Matthew after leaving him at the altar for Jackson especially since it was obvious Jackson and April were still in love with each other (this has to be one of the weirdest things that's happened on Grey's and there is many to choose from). Their chemistry is also out of this world.
Also just to note that both Jackson and April had the best character growth to me.
They also had some of the most underrated scenes -Samuel passing away in their arms; Ben performing a C section on April at home during a storm without any pain or nerve block meds etc. Their acting was during these scenes just blew me away especially Sarah Drew.
Hands down not even a question: I would love to see a Japril spinoff in Boston.
I totally agree-I think that Japril had a very beautiful love story despite all their bumps in the road. They were faced with so many challenges, and in the end it just broke them apart instead of brought them closer together (except having Harriet. that was the best thing ever for them).
My favourite moments of theirs were the rain scene in 9x24 when April screamed for Jackson when she thought he was dead. And then when she punched his chest after he got patched up. God, that scene BROKE me. Because she was so overwhelmed and sure physical hits are never the answer but I'll ignore it for them because you could see the panic in April's eyes. So damn good. (also the moments you mentioned were heartbreaking too. I still can't bring myself to watch Samuel die again, I always skip over that episode)
I have such hopes for Japril as a co-parenting couple because they were the OG ones. They didn't fight like Calzona did (do not even get me started on the New York shit), instead they worked things out like Amelink. It's what you do for your child that you share together. Japril will always have a special place in my heart and I love talking about them.
Send me Japril asks any day of the week, my friend. I love talking about them together, or separately!
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kissofchrysantheum · 2 years
Does anyone know a FanFiction of the missing scenes between 11x08 + 11x09 where Stephanie tells Jackson about Samuel’s osteogenesis imperfecta and where April finds out?
If not could someone write one?
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aprilshowers2236 · 5 years
If/Then: Grey’s Anatomy
Lexie and Mark, happily married and living in New York City, with their three kids. Lexie is a top neurosurgeon.
Callie and Arizona living in New York City with Sofia, happily married since 2011. They also adopted a little boy.
Zola living with a more severe form of Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus.
After surviving the car crash and with the news of Meredith’s third pregnancy, Derek re-evaluates his life. He takes a break from surgery, balancing his research with caring for the children, until Eilis is in kindergarten.
Jackson and April happily married since 2014.
Samuel Norbert Avery living with a milder form of Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI). Despite multiple fractures and surgeries, he is a happy-go-lucky child and his parents and little sister are blessed. In 2020, they moved to Boston.
Owen has been with his soul-mate Teddy for years; they married in 2016 and Leo joined their family via a closed adoption, before Allison was born 18 months later. Shortly afterwards, they moved to Malibu, to be closer to Megan and her family.
Amelia was happily single up until 2018, when she met the love of her life, Linc, with whom she has a beautiful little boy. A little over a year after Scout’s birth, they moved to LA to work with Addison in private practice. Then they had a little girl and the family enjoys lots of sun, sand and surf.
Maggie is in a loving relationship with Winston, thriving in her career. She acts as a mentor for Dr. Helm.
Alex and Izzie remained married. She completed her surgical oncology fellowship at the hospital.
Jo completed her OBGYN fellowship under Carina. It was she who delivered Alex and Izzie’s twins in 2015. They relocated to Kansas, but Stevens’ cancer came back. After his wife’s death, Karev returned to Seattle, with Alexis and Eli in tow. Eventually, he and Jo fell in love. They raised a family together, including a couple of foster kids.
Andrew completed his neurosurgery fellowship under Dr. Shepherd. Cristina arrived from Switzerland for a conference with Sam Bellow, now a peadiatric surgeon under Dr. Hayes. Sparks fly between them and eventually DeLuca takes a job at Klausmann Institute.
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japril-love · 5 years
22. Dr. Jackson Avery & Dr. April Kepner (Grey’s Anatomy)
"We don’t have a clear narrative reason why Jackson and April aren’t remarried right now on Grey’s Anatomy and expecting their third child. But there are so many other reasons why they’ve earned a spot on this list.
Japril is the epitome of the “best friends turned lovers” trope gone right. Perhaps that’s because the writers didn’t even realize what they had until two years into the characters’ tenures at Seattle Grace-Mercy West. Give them a few episodes at the medical boards in San Francisco, some stress-relieving sex, and some of the best natural chemistry on TV in the decade finally comes to light.
Sarah Drew and Jesse Williams make each other better actors. All you have to do to recognize the truth behind this statement is to watch a scene where their characters’ emotions are simply motivated by each other. Jackson standing up at April’s wedding to protest is one of the most iconic moments in “modern” Grey’s Anatomy history.
While their subsequent marriage is soaked in tragedy, there is a world in which it survives thanks to genuine friendship, love, and passion for each other. Through the death of their son Samuel, the show was able to tell a story that still resonates with parents who have lost children today. Plus, there is nothing more beautiful to watch on screen than a husband praying to a God that he doesn’t believe in for the miracle his wife needs.
Their daughter Harriet is the joy that came after the pain of their divorce. At one point on the show, she almost brought them back into each other’s arms where they belong. It’s bittersweet to think about. But fans will always have Montana."
You can erase two characters but you can't erase history.
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trulisthetic · 6 years
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Japril The (gifset) Series
Gifset 01 || “Second Eclipse of the Heart” [14x24 AU]
“He said, ‘If you love someone, you tell them’. And, goddamn it, I always have to remember that at the worst possible moments, don’t I?”
You may use these as long as you tag me.  @trulisthetic​ (PREVIOUSLY japrilgreys) on tumblr, @demitruli on twitter.
This gifset is a belated Christmas gift to my Japril-bestie @delicatenachocollector​ . Thank you for always being my rock!
Gifset 02: HERE
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mygreyscaps · 5 years
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withbridgesburned · 8 years
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babyjapril · 1 year
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moment of silence for my friend who is at the point of season 11 where April finds out she's pregnant and is now going off about how she looked up that they named the baby Harriet
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japriet · 8 years
I could see April getting a tattoo of Samuel’s footprint on her foot in memory of him. I don’t think she would ever get a tattoo for anything else but I think she would do that. Or maybe just his initials in a hidden spot.
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etreandzeit · 8 years
This project started here during the summer hiatus for 30dayswithjapril but for some reasons I never finished it. Today is my birthday so I thought it would be a good time to finally just post it.
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Make it make sense,
I’m gonna give my opinion on some major deaths on Grey’s Anatomy because I am pissed about DeLuca.
10-makes sense;
5- wether they were alive or dead the story wouldn't have been affected;
1-thanks for the shock value buddy, you a bad storyteller;
Thatcher Grey 7/10
By the time when he died, Meredith was done with needing him. It was a death that finished her storyline with her father, which had been finished for a long while. It was a death that showed more Meredith's development than anything else.
Ellis Grey 6/10
One lives, one dies. It’s not a bad end, but it was a wasted death. There was still much to be explored in their relationship.
Adele Webber 9/10
For Richard to move on, it made sense; they had explored a lot of their past relationship by that point and she had moved on from him. Divorcing a sick woman would have just been cruel on Richard’s part and would’ve made him look like a dick.
Doc the Dog- -1/10
Undeserved, he was the goodest of boys
Henry Burton 8/10
Teddy’s husband was a sweetheart and they could have done a lot more with him, but that would have meant him working in the hospital and since he hadn’t any degree related to a medical field it made sense. I wish it didn’t, because I really loved him. His death also gave a new dynamic to Teddy’s relationship with both Owen and Cristina
Reed Adamson & Dr. Charles Percy 7/10
It was a mass shooting, people die. Here the writers really had a free for all on who they wanted to axe. Reed’s death was better than Percy’s.
Denny Duquette 9/10
It had repercussions on the story. I wished he would've lived and he was always fun on the screen, but yes, it makes sense.
Dylan Young 0/10
The bomb was out. Severd no purpose, other than to have George's weird sex dream realised in a fucked up way. Really the guy deserved to live
George O’Malley 4/10
He really could have just left. Sure, it was emotional and it was a big loss, but really he could've just left.
Dr. Craig Thomas 3/10
He was old, okay. Did he really need to die? No. He was a wonderful man that would've helped Cristina realise that returning to Sloan-Grey was the right move.
Derek Shepard 10/10
Derek was toxic, he sure as hell was and I loved the man either way, but without a complete character assasination him leaving the show would have made no sense.
Mark Sloan 3/10 & Lexie Grey 2/10
I'm grouping them because their deaths happened in close proximity, but something could have been invented for them to move in. Not even Sophia would've been an issue.
Samuel Norbert Avery 2/10
I'm giving it this grade because it led to that whole Maggie/Jackson nonsense. It was badly done on the long run.
Heather Brooks 1/10
-she was a good kid and the way she died was mean and just for shock value.
Paul Stadler-Jo’s ex husband 5/10
I get no one wanted to write an episode where Jo goes to court but and drag out the story some more but I would've liked it to be done.
Andrew DeLuca -10/10
Like George, he could've just left. He was one of my favorite characters so I'm extra salty about it and I went into it in another post.
Alex Karev's entire story ark -3/10
Here is a character whose death would have made more sense. What were they smoking in the writer's room when they came up with this, because I'm pretty sure it was expired.
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