#san trobida
marmolady · 6 months
Grandchildren: Aurora
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Summary: Endless Ending timeline. Middle-aged Taylor and Estela are entering a new phase of their life together, welcoming their grandchildren into the family. In four parts; this is PART FOUR.
Word Count: 4421
Tagging: @saivilo, @edgydepressedchoicesthot, @sceptilemasterr, ​@mauvecatfic @rhemenway888
Thanks for reading!
Rosa smoothed out the gown with a hand. Her Mama Estela’s beautiful wedding gown, a gift from an old friend, Seraxa. Georgie’s wife, Taamina, had made the necessary alterations to accommodate seven months’ worth of baby bump-- something that Estela had insisted they try out rather than have Rosa write off her dream dress. Guilt remained over doing anything to change it at all when there were such precious memories attached….
“You look nervous. Are you nervous?” Luz, Rosa’s other best friend, had been by her side since early that morning.
Most of the Catalyst kids had gotten permission to bring their significant others in on the secrets of La Huerta… but Rosa hadn’t the need, Vaanti fiance and all. With her looking to spend as much time on the island as possible, Varyyn had suggested he consult with the elders to gain approval for her to share her world with Luz, who’d been close to both Rosa and Georgiana since their early school days. This was the result; Niala’rei was here, and Rosa would be wed with her two closest friends by her side.
“...I….” Of course, Rosa was nervous. The dress was, admittedly, a factor. A part of her felt it was too beautiful, the kind of gown a goddess would show up to a wedding in. Did she really have the confidence to pull off a dress like that? Her Mama ‘Stel had, twice. But that made Rosa feel like a mouse stepping into a warrior costume.
Somehow, though, Rosa didn’t look like the mouse she saw herself as; she looked proud and confident. Perhaps she held herself differently just with the knowledge that this was her heritage, that she belonged. Perhaps she held herself differently because of the baby… she’d always been more courageous for Leo’s presence, maybe this little one had helped her grow further.
This dress was both Vaanti and Montoya. There was no way she’d wear anything else as she made her vows to Homori.
She had to be the warrior queen. And her fight was with herself, because the greatest fear that lingered, the shadow that loomed menacingly over her, was her inability to speak the words she so needed to speak.
“Wo--oa--oah! I’m having some serious deja-vu right now-- talk about a blast from the past, doodlejumps!”
The appearance of Raj, all wide arms coming in for a bear hug made the skittish Rosa jump, but she recovered enough to take the embrace.
Rosa had hit it off with her larger-than-life Catalyst ‘uncle’ pretty much from the get-go-- even timid and fragile as she’d been back then. He had this magic quality… you couldn’t help but be at ease around him, and the young Rosa had gotten so much comfort from that warm and jovial presence. He’d made sure he had time in his busy schedule for her wedding, saying he wouldn’t miss it for the world.
She smiled shyly. “I had hoped it could fit,” she admitted. “After Livi wore Mama Taylor’s, I thought it would be nice to…. It’s like a family tradition now, isn’t it?”  
“Seems like it,” Raj said. “Gotta pull out the old Niala’rei gowns for a Montoya wedding. You know, when your moms made it official in San Trobida-- you know I basically ran that whole gig, right?-- Estela was pregnant too. We didn’t know it, though, early days. But still, maybe that’s a tradition too!”
“It might be now.”
“Well, it suits you.”
He joined the crowd bustling into the throne room, and Rosa was left alone with Luz. All those people who’d be watching… there was surely no way she could do this….
“You can do this,” Luz said warmly, supportive as ever. “Just… talk to Mori. Look at him, look at the big smile on his dorky face, and speak to him.”
Rosa had never not been able to talk to Homori. Her body trusted him, never felt the need to freeze up. Her childhood challenges with selective mutism had been more or less overcome, but every now and then, usually when she least wanted it to happen, all her words would get… stuck. She preferred writing. Her hand never failed her like her voice did.
She couldn’t screw up her wedding vows, though. There was much that needed to be said; how much it meant to her that she could pour her heart and soul out to Homori and know she was being heard, how he made her laugh more in just a day by his side than she would in weeks without him. How he was exactly the parent to Leo that she, growing up in care, would have longed for as a young child-- sweet, and tender, and encouraging, and loving without bounds. Rosa had to promise him a lifetime of love, given honestly and openly. She’d promise that she’d have his back as they took on the challenges of parenthood, of finding personal fulfilment side-by-side, and navigating the divide between their cultures. She’d share his dreams, cheer his successes as her own, knowing that her joys would be his in the very same way. She had to say all that, aloud, get the words in the right order, and… and….
Luz squeezed Rosa’s hand. “It sounds like they’re ready for you, babe.”
Placing a hand on her belly, Rosa took a deep breath. Breathing techniques had gotten her through some real panics in her time…. She could feel the movement of the baby, and it weirdly made her feel more capable. Yes, she was definitely holding herself stronger and prouder since this little kid came along. For her baby, and for Leo, and for her lovely Homori, she could do this. She could damn well say what she needed to say.
The hall was full. Couples getting married, friends and family there in love and support. Rosa had attended Niala’rei before; when Georgie had taken Faiyara’s hand. She’d imagined it then… having the guts to choose a life far removed from the one she’d grown up with. Stepping into that hall, she was proud. Her and Homori, they were going to make it.
Her breath rattling with nervous excitement, Rosa saw through the crowd that was her family, and her eyes met with Homori’s. Oh, Mori…. His eyes welled immediately, and his face was in his hands.
Rosa giggled as she reached him, and wrapped her fingers around his. They laughed together, tearfully jubilant to be there hand in hand, so close to ever after.
Maybe they’d both have trouble getting the words out after all. It didn’t even matter. They had one another, and they could take all the time they needed.
The front door was ajar, so Liv pushed it open and tentatively stuck her head in. “Hello, Rosa?”
“Auntie Liv!” came the bellow of the small child who charged smack into her legs. Leonel barely even blinked, but wrapped his arm around Liv’s-- probably soon to be bruised-- thighs.
“Oh, hey Leo,” Liv said, recovering quickly. She was used to being almost being bowled over by small children by this point. “I take it your mommy’s in?”
“I’m here!” Rosa said, bustling over. “Thanks for grabbing him-- Mo just went out to the workshop to grab the crib, and I’ve been trying to convince Leo to wait here with me.”
“No worries.” Liv placed down her bags, and scooped her nephew up in her arms. He was a cuddly kid, and she was enough of a novelty that her attention would distract him from getting under his dad’s feet. “I just wanted to drop by the few things I said about. I’ll send more as Bea grows out of things, obviously, but just little little clothes and sleep bags for now.”
She sat her younger sister down and brought her a cold refreshment-- and Leonel a pineapple juice in a sippy cup.
“You really didn’t have to,” Rosa said as she sipped gratefully. The heat was admittedly hard to handle this late in pregnancy, even with all the fans going.
“Yeah, well, I didn’t want to go back home to San Trobida without being totally sure you’re all right,” Liv admitted. “I know first-hand how hard it can be with a newborn, and you’re fresh off the back of a massive life change. I want… I want you to know that I’m here for you. Me and Jeimy. I know we’re swamped with our own kids, but that doesn’t mean we don’t have your back as well.”
Rosa nodded quietly, looking down into her glass. She didn’t want to put anyone out, she’d always struggled with that. Her early life she’d gotten through by making as few demands as possible, well, until she simply cracked. Asking for help was still something she had only found herself able to do with Homori, her moms, and very rarely, Luz or Georgie.
“Rosita, I want to be there for you,” Liv urged.
Rosa exhaled shakily, her breath making the surface of her colourful drink tremble. She placed it down, and looked to the side shyly.
“I am scared,” she said finally. “Not of being a mom again, because I love being a mom, it… feels like it’s what I’m meant to be doing. I’m scared of labour and the birth… you know my pain tolerance is laughable. I’m not… I’m not like you. I’m not tough.”
Liv scooched closer and took her sister’s hand. “I’d think you were batshit crazy if you weren’t crazy. Labour is off-the-charts intense. You’ll cry, and scream, and swear, and probably crap yourself. And it’ll be worth it.” She paused. “They do… have everything on hand to give you an epidural if you need one, right?”
Rosa nodded, wiping her eyes. It was a relief to share her fears with someone other than Homori. What had Mama Taylor always told her?-- ‘you’re allowed to take up space’. The space she took up with her anxiety did not need to be apologised for. Or so she knew in theory.
“Y-yeah. I wanted to try without, it’s not really a thing women here use much.”
“Well, good on you. Just… don’t let other people’s expectations sway you one way or another. You know your body and what you need, and you don’t have to prove anything to anyone.”
Rosa could feel herself blushing.
“Mommy!” Leonel said, “Can I show Auntie Liv my room? I have dinosaurs on my bed, she’ll pro’lly like the dinosaurs.”
“Sure, I like dinosaurs,” Liv said. “Shall we go for this tour?”
Grateful to have the glare of attention off herself, Rosa happily let Leo do his thing. He had his auntie by the hand, and enthusiastically showed her round. So, Rosa took the opportunity to put her head through the door and check in on Homori with the new crib.
“There!” he said, “we’re ready as we’ll ever be!”
Rosa could’ve danced at the sight of that crib, the ornamental fox designs at the head hand-carved by the daddy-to-be. It was just gorgeous, and its placement by the bed signalled that it would not be long until the new family member would be there with them. God, the wait was feeling like an eternity. Naturally, she ran to Homori and kissed him.
A little while later, Rosa and Liv were back in the bedroom, sorting tiny baby clothes into neat piles.
 “I’m so glad you’ve got Georgie with you on this when the time comes,” Liv was saying. “She knows her stuff.”
“She really does,” Rosa said, and she smiled. How lucky was she that her best friend happened to be a midwife? She couldn’t be in safer hands. “Sometimes I think she’s almost as excited about baby coming as we are.
Liv had to laugh. “It’s a good thing she’s going to have her own to keep her busy soon enough, or I reckon you’d have to prise her off the baby with a winch or something.”
Rosa chuckled, but then turned away. She had the best people in her corner, a far cry from what she’d come from. She couldn’t forget that feeling though, the aloneness, and it made letting go difficult. Liv would understand.
The words caught.
“No rush, Rosi. You can take your time.”
“I have… Georgie. Helping. But she’ll have… she’ll have her own baby. I have Homori, and he’s everything.”
“Mo is an absolute freaking superstar,” Liv concurred. “Tio Diego would do anything for you as well, you know that, right? Varyyn too.”
Rosa looked at her hands, at the teeny, tiny babygro in them. Teeny and tiny, and representative of oh-so-much. “I… know that. Asking for help is… hard.” She laughed bitterly. “When I need help the most, I can hardly even string a sentence together.”
Liv frowned. “Maybe you could have a codeword to text or something? They want to be there for you-- they love you.”
It was hard to accept, even if logic told her it was true. Old insecurities were not Rosa’s friends.
“And I… I miss Moms.”
“Yeah. It’s a big change.”
“I know they’d drop everything if I needed help, but it still… scares me. I shouldn’t be scared of not living with my moms at twenty-six but I definitely am.” Rosa swallowed hard. “They said… they can stay on La Huerta as long as I need, but….”
“You’re not a burden, Rosita. Not at all.” Liv put an arm around her younger sister and hugged her close. “Worst case scenario? Moms get a month or two longer hanging out on paradise island. Mama Taylor will hang out with Tio Diego watching old episodes of Cinema Therapy and go on their little emotional journeys together. Mama Estela will teach Leony how to put the other kids in a headlock.”
Rosa snorted. “I guess they wouldn’t mind. Worst case scenario.”
“And you probably won’t even need that. You got this.”
There was a slight breeze. A welcome slight breeze, for it had been a muggy day even by La Huerta standards. Estela let her foot dangle.
Try and relax. It’s gonna be a long one.
She and Taylor sat on their porch swing-- it had been built and embellished with carvings by Homori who’d gifted it to them a year prior-- taking in the night, and resigning themselves to the anxious wait.
Rosa had been very afraid. Fair enough, Estela had thought, for childbirth was almost unimaginably painful. Rosi had never had a high pain tolerance. Estela did, and she’d found herself going to pieces in the agony that had preceded Liv’s entrance to the world. Her own instinct was to want to be near to Rosa, to help, but a plenty capable support team was doing that job. In all honesty, Estela had anticipated that Rosa would want her mothers there; she’d always needed their reassurance far more than Liv ever had, even into adulthood. Maybe it was a good thing that Rosa had other supports in place… her independence had certainly grown since Leo came along. Hell, she’d freaking blossomed.
Estela glanced down as her phone screen lit up.
‘6cm, looks like going into active labor. Starting to get a bit scary!’
“Oh, sweetheart…,” Taylor breathed. “That’s good. Good progress. Quicker than I was expecting, to be honest.” She sucked her cheek as she let Estela tap out an encouraging reply. “I’m selfish, but I miss her needing me so much.”
“You’re not selfish,” Estela said with a shrug. “You’d be selfish if you barged in, demanding she hold your hand. You can’t help your feelings, but you’re aware of them, so….”
“...so I guess I’m not making them anyone’s problem but my own. True. Well, apart from you.”
Estela looked her wife in the eyes and smiled gently. “It’s always comforting to know I’m not the only one having an internal freak-out.”
Taylor grinned. “We do our freak-outs as a team like the loved-up wives we are.”
She looked lovely out there in the moonlight, Estela thought. All full of hope and excitement, of tenderness for the frightened little girl who now existed only as a memory-- for Rosa had found her wings and soared.  Taylor was what she’d always been, a carer and protector, an inspirer and a confidant. She’d still be all of those things, but her role would change now as their children brought forth another generation. Time to be ‘grandma’.
Estela kissed her softly, heartbeat quickening at the tender caress of Taylor’s lips upon her own.
“You are never gonna not be needed,” she said in a hushed laugh. “Hermosa idiota.”
That made Taylor giggle. “I guess not.”
Leonel jumped up and down on the springy old couch, punctuating his bounces with chanting. “We’ve… got… a… baby! We’ve… got… a… baby!”
In Homori’s arms, a golden-haired infant slumbered, oblivious to the excitement.
“Mind you don’t wake your sister.”
With an extra big bounce, Leo landed on his bottom, and grinned from ear to ear. “My baby sister! I can’t believe she’s gonna live with us now!”
“I know,” Rosa said, and she groaned as she sat down. “No more jumping, okay, sweetheart? I can barely believe she’s out in the world either.”
“She’ll get a name, right?” Leo asked. “We can’t call her ‘baby’ when she gets bigger….”
“I’m sure we’ll think of something, mijo.”
It was even slower than usual to get Leo into his pyjamas, and clean his teeth, and brush his hair. A new baby sister was a significant distraction. The baby joined the three of them in Leo’s room, sleeping through the two requisite bedtime stories, and still not stirring when her big brother gave her a very gentle kiss on the top of her head.
Eventually, though, Leo was settled, and his parents could spend some quiet time with the newest member of their happy unit.
“I guess the next challenge,” Rosa said sleepily, “what’s her name? I think it would be really nice to have ‘Luz’ as the middle after all she’s helped me out… but I’m pretty stumped on a first name. D’you think you can come up with a short-list?”
Homori’s eyes were shining with love for the small infant snuggled against his bare chest. “She should have a human name-- English or Spanish-- like her brother. It’ll be easier for her to keep her secrets if her name does not attract attention.”
Rosa frowned. He was right, but it didn’t sit well. Their little girl was to be raised by a Vaanti father, she had a right to the cultural heritage that came with that. They could maybe even get away with some Vaanti names-- it wasn’t as if humans didn’t get creative when naming their kids, no one would necessarily suspect anything….
“Or,” Homori said, picking up the vibe his wife was giving off, “she could have a Vaanti name and a human name. Maybe we could give Leo a Vaanti name too. Even if they don’t always use them, it would be kinda nice for them to have.”
“Maybe,” Rosa said, thoughtful, “you could come up with some Vaanti names, and we’ll look up human names with an equivalent meaning.”
They sat together on the bed, poring over baby name websites, and a book of names they’d gotten out from the library in The New Celestial weeks ago. Rosa and Homori were on a mission; their baby girl was going to have a name before the night was out.
“Something bright and optimistic,” Homori pondered. “I quite like ‘Tahiyya’, which represents a hopeful future. ‘Hiyya’ is ‘future’, and ‘Tah’or ‘Taa’ is something you add on the front of a word or name… like a positive thing.”
“What does Taamina’s name mean?”
Taamina was the child of a close friend, who frequently played with Leo.
“‘Mina’ is like… ‘to dance’. So, I guess like a dance of happiness.”
“That’s cute! Pity that one’s taken by a close friend.”
Homori chuckled. “We’ll find her name.”
Rosa clicked her tongue. “Okay, names meaning ‘future’….”
She searched for five minutes, then ten. “Nothing really jumping out, to be honest.”
“‘Laniira’ is the name of the first Elyyshar, who brought our people together from across the island at a time of trouble. I’m not sure of the full meaning, but ‘niir’ is ‘sunrise’ and the ‘a’ sound is feminine. Something beautiful beginning… that’s pretty nice as meanings go.”
That was pretty nice. “Like ‘dawn’ or something….” Rosa pondered. Or how about…. “What about ‘Aurora’? Our new day. Her Vaanti name could be Niira.”
Homori beamed. “That’s it! That’s her name!”
The baby began to stir and whine, woken by his excited cry.
“Oops-- I’m gonna… I’m gonna have to get the hang of being enthusiastic quietly….”
Rosa couldn’t help but laugh. “And this is the kid who slept through ‘Hurricane Leo’.”
“Hurricane Leo is no match for over-excited Daddy Mo!”
Having picked up the freshly named Aurora and begun gently bouncing her upon her arm, Rosa looked up at Homori and grinned from ear to ear. To think she once couldn’t see herself ever so much as having a family… now her family, and the love they shared, just kept growing.
Somewhere along the line, she’d gotten so lucky. And Aurora, and her whirlwind Leony, would never know fears like the ones she’d had.
“Abuela, Abuela!” Sol cried as he ran, feet pounding on the sand.
Taylor grinned, looking up from her drink to meet her wife’s eye. “You’re wanted.”
Estela got to her feet and began limbering up. “Ready to lose, mijo?”
“’Stel! He’s only six! You’re gonna go easy, right?”
“And I’m sixty-five. Pretty damn fair if you ask me.”
Sol grasped his grandmother’s hand and led her to the firmer sand. He pointed up the beach. “To that banana tree that’s sticking out down there-- you see it?”
“I’m racing too!” Andi hollered, dropping her arepa con queso in her hurry to be included. She rarely beat her brother in a running race, but she didn’t tire of trying. Then, tagging along behind her was Leonel-- just another one of the ‘big kids’ as far as he was concerned.
“On my signal….” Raj announced, and he picked up a napkin to hold in the air. “Aaaand… let her rip!��
He dropped his arm, and the four were off… with Estela perhaps going a little easy on her grandkids.
Taylor watched with a smile on her face and in her heart. A more perfect way to spend a day she couldn’t think of; Aurora’s first birthday, and a lively picnic surrounded by loved ones. Joining the Montoya clan, Raj had flown in; he’d taken up the role of ‘cool great-uncle’ with Leo and Aurora as if he was born for no other purpose, though he had Diego as stiff competition. Michael and Conor had joined him; Michael never missed a birthday of one of his donor kids. Rosa’s close friends Georgiana and Faiyara had joined the celebration with children Niraea and Rauan in tow, and Homori’s father had trekked down from Colonnade Cove to be there to commemorate the birth of his granddaughter.
Diego, naturally, was right by Taylor’s side.
“How’s it even been a year?” he asked incredulously. “Look at her-- she’s walking. Walking, Taylor!”
“That’s all of them,” Taylor laughed. “All of the grandkids walking, all walking straight into mischief.”
“You reckon Rosa’s done?”
“Yeah, she seemed pretty certain.”
“I’m not surprised,” Diego commented. “She and Mori seem really content. Rosi always talks about all these things she’s excited to do... easier once all the baby-having’s out the way.”
“You’re not wrong. She’s happy, and she’s just growing into herself more and more.”
“Five grandkids… not a bad effort.”
“Not bad at all.”
Having sat herself in the middle of the largest picnic blanket, Aurora seemed to know she was the centre of attention. All these people around, all the hubbub that came with a party, and she took it all in her diminutive stride.
“She looks like you,” Diego noted with a laugh. “Everyone else revolving around her.”
“Hey! I know I’m not the centre of the universe!”
How could Taylor not smile? So much of the people she loved in those five children, and each of the five was something unique and precious all on their own. Little pieces of stardust, brightening their family’s world.
Sol had joined Aurora on the blanket, and was cuddling Beatriz in his lap-- even as the toddler made a bid for freedom and for the oh-so-tempting cupcakes set out on the camp table. Still out on the sand, Andi was giving Leonel ‘whizzies’, holding him under his armpits and swinging him wildly around in circles until she collapsed dizzily. And Aurora was just taking it all in; chewing on her teething ring, and watching the antics of her friends and family with quiet curiosity. Every now and then, someone-- her mom and dad, of course, had a particular knack for this-- would catch her eye and smile or pull a face, and she’d come alight with a giggle.
“You know what you’ve gotta do?” Diego prodded. “Grannies and grandkids selfie!”
It wasn’t always going to happen that they’d all be together, Liv’s and Rosa’s lives being in different places. Yeah… they should take a picture.
Estela needed little convincing, and she swiftly herded up Leo-- who rushed over to snuggle with Grandma Tay-- and Andi --who was grabbled and dangled upside down as she laughed hysterically.
“You,” Taylor gushed as she squeezed her little Leo, cuddled up on her lap. “Are. So. Huggy!”
“Hugs are good!” he declared.
Hugs are good, Taylor concurred, as birthday girl Aurora came over with wide arms to join in.
Liv held up her phone to take a picture. “Mom, you’ve got Andi-Pants the wrong way up! Didn’t they ever tell you how to correctly assemble a kid?”
The giggling, squirming Andi was eventually tamed, leaning up on one side of Estela’s lap, while Sol took the other. Perched between them, of course, was baby Bea-- a little bewildered by the bustling around, but taking it in her stride.
Over the top of Aurora’s head, Taylor caught Estela’s eye and they shared a smile. Sometimes, it was necessary to take a moment and really marvel in the beautiful thing they’d made together. The odds faced, the fight for their lives… somehow it was a million miles away now. And ‘happy ever after’ just seemed to keep on coming.
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Can you answer the last nine questions about your OC's?
I know you don't get many asks, but I'd love to know!
TW: Angst, Suggestive content, Death, Sexual assault
Spoilers for the Bloodbound Series by Pixelberry Choices and my writing.
For the following last answers in the Obligatory OTP Asks-
I don't get many asks, no. But I'm happy you asked about my OC, Nonny.
Describe their weekend getaway?
Ash would have loved to travel more than just going to San Trobida for a year.
He often told Adrian he’d like to go to New Orleans for a holiday because travelling for work didn’t count in the same way, even if Adrian and the group took moments for themselves or together to try and make it so for him when they travelled to Paris, Prague and Athens, to get to the isle of Medieya.
Would they ever go skinny dipping?
Adrian respects rules and will follow them, but has never been conventional. He’s more likely to.
Ash perhaps would have joined him if it were just the two of them entirely alone.
Ash joined Kamilah as she went swimming naked, but he wore boxers.
He was comfortable because she was content to do it, and he was only in the pool to relieve his leg pain.
Who’s more likely to carry the other to bed?
Ash is more likely to carry their baby boy to bed, and Adrian adores holding the people he loves, so he’s more likely to carry Ash to bed.
Do they like watching clouds or star gazing?
Ash is a night owl and adores watching the moon and the stars. Adrian misses the Sunrise and watching the clouds.
What do they do to turn the other on/put them in the mood?
Ash might have simply asked Adrian outright, just as he did when he asked him to violate some health codes with him at the Restaurant once, or remarked that he was hungry while he was pregnant with their son.
Adrian would have simply asked to kiss him, and if it went further, and was what Ash wanted, it would happen.
Who’s the serious one when grocery shopping, and who likes to toss random things in the trolley?
Ash would usually write shopping lists in order of the usual store layouts, but if he was hungry, he might indulge and buy something he was craving while shopping.
Adrian would buy things for the fun of trying them, especially since he doesn’t actually need to budget.
Who’s more likely to hold a grudge after an argument?
Adrian and Ash hold grudges on other Vampires (Especially Dracula after what he did), and other people, but they could never hold a grudge with each other for long without talking it out.
Who tops? Who bottoms?
Adrian will naturally top out of habit and is more of a Service Top. Ash doesn’t mind bottoming, but will be a little Dominating if he tops. He’s not sure if He’s a Switch or not.
Who pulls the other closer when they’re sleeping?
Adrian was always the first to invite Ash into his arms, whether he was suggesting sleeping together or just offering comfort.
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bbaba-yagaa · 6 years
Sweet Pea (Part 1)
A/N: This is part 1 of a fanfic based on the heartbreaking headcanon by @esteladannishreyakamilah and for ES Appreciation Week Day 2 hosted graciously by @brightpinkpeppercorn and @mysteli. And for @choices-december-challenge day 8: family hosted by @kinda-iconic Characters: Estela Montoya, Nicolas Montoya, baby Olivia Montoya, Jake McKenzie Summary: This is a take on Estela's story post Vaanu ending. She handfasted M!MC and they were able to conceive a child (unknown to Taylor before his sacrifice). Rating: PG-PG13 Word Count: 3,400 Disclaimer: I do not own these characters, they belong to Pixelberry. There are two however original characters that I can claim. 
Estela wakes in the middle of the night to the sound of her daughter crying down the hall. In an instant she's out of bed and heading for the door. She scoops up and throws on a pale blue robe along the way; hastily tying it around her waist before exiting into the corridor. Upon reaching Olivia's room, she takes great care to enter slowly and quietly. Curled up tightly beneath her quilted comforter, the distressed four year old thrashes, still in the midst of what Estela assumes is a nightmare. The young mother brushes the disheveled brown hair out of her face, kneels down and plants a gentle kiss on Olivia's head.
“Olivia, baby, it's ok. Mommy's here.” She runs a hand through her daughter's hair and slowly but surely, the little girl turns over to face her mother. Tears come in a steady stream as she whimpers and gently wraps her arms around Estela. “M-momma?” Her small body trembles as she struggles to speak. “Yes, I'm here baby. What is it? What's scaring you?” “The- the man.” “What man?” Estela's gaze snaps to the dark corners of her daughter's room instinctively but nothing seems out of place or otherwise disturbed. “The man with no face.” Her small body is overcome with tremors upon uttering these words. The blood running through Estela’s veins turns to ice when Olivia describes her tormentor. It couldn't possibly be? No. Not a chance. Just a bad dream. She quickly shakes off the nightmarish thought and focuses on comforting her little one. “It sounds like your tio abuelo has been letting you watch scary movies again. I'm going to have a talk with him first thing in the morning.” “Don't be mad at him mommy. He only let me watch the Terminanator movie with the liquid man.” Ah, now her nightmare makes perfect sense. Nicolas would definitely have some explaining to do. Estela's heart rate slows and the fear in her mind dissipates. “Would you like to sleep with me tonight?” “P-pwease?” The toddler begins to dry her face as a smile finally begins to form upon it. “Come on then; let's go. You have to be well rested for our visitor tomorrow.” The little girl's eyes grow wide with excitement when she remembers who is coming to visit. “Uncle Jake!” “Yes, that's right.” Estela playfully ruffles her daughters hair before leading the way back to the master bedroom. As Olivia once again falls fast asleep, her mother lays awake wrestling with painful memories. 
She recalls that it's been almost five years since her husband gave his life to restore the world. Her father, Rourke, who was brought to justice and later executed for the murder of her mother in addition to his crimes against humanity. The justice served to her father brought great peace of mind as she subconsciously blamed him for Taylor’s fate. She remembers finally returning home to San Trobida, her Tio Nicolas and the persistent morning sickness that followed soon after. Then came nerve racking trip to the doctor that revealed the biggest surprise of her life: she was pregnant. Taylor had left this world with no way of knowing he was a father to be and this thought left Estela broken for many months. But with the support of her new extended family and of course, tio Nicolas, she met the challenge of motherhood head on. When the day of birth finally came, the decision of what to name her took but a split second in the young woman’s mind. She would be named for her grandmother: Olivia. Estela wakes the next morning with Olivia clinging tightly to her side. She glances at the at the clock on the nightstand and mentally kicks herself for oversleeping. “Olivia; wake up baby. We have to eat and get dressed. Jake will be here any minute.” In the blink of an eye, the blankets are tossed over the young mother's head and a tiny body erupts from beneath. “Yaaay! Uncle Jake is coming! What are you waiting for mommy? Let's go alwedey!” The little girl leaps out of bed and runs off down the hallway before Estela can remove the blankets from her face. The ecstatic toddler runs all the way to the kitchen where Nicolas is making breakfast for the three of them. “Hey chiquita, where's the fire? Breakfast is not even finished yet.” “I came to warn you tio abuelo; mommy’s mad at you.” She pulls out a chair from the kitchen table before climbing up and sitting down. “Mad at me? What did I do-” Estela quietly walks up behind him and grabs his ear, twisting it just hard enough to get his attention. “You let Olivia watch Judgement Day?” “Ow, Estelita! There's nothing wrong with T2. Hell, by the time you were her age, we'd already watched Aliens like three times. Ellen Ripley was your idol. What's the problem?” “First off, language. Second: she had a nightmare last night! She woke up saying that a faceless man was scaring her.” Estela releases his ear and Nicolas tenderly rubs it before responding. “Aw chiquita Livita, is this true?” The old man thoughtfully strokes his greying mustache as he looks to his great niece sorrowfully. Olivia nods while taking a bite of the toast in her hand. “Yes tio… the man was scawey. But he didn't say anything. He just stared at me until momma woke me up.” “Well I guess we have to be more careful with what we watch from now on huh?” Nicolas turns his attention back to the the frying pan on the stove; carefully avoiding his niece's cold gaze. The distant drone of a plane's engine catches everyone's attention and prevents Estela from further interrogating her tio. “Uncle Jakey is here!” Olivia flies off her chair and makes a mad dash for the front door. “Olivia, wait! You're not even dressed.” Her words fall upon deaf ears as Olivia is already outside and running across the front lawn while looking skyward, anxiously searching for her highly anticipated visitor. “Damn, I'm not even dressed.” Estela turns and briskly makes her way back down the hall. She tosses off her robe after closing the bedroom door behind her and grabs a pair of jeans and a black tank top from an open dresser drawer. The pants are all but jumped into and the shirt is slipped on just as quickly while she ties her hair back into a messy ponytail. Last but not least, her signature blue hoodie is snatched up as she makes her way back to the kitchen. While walking past the breakfast table, she scoops up a bagel and clamps it between her teeth before finally wrestling on the jacket. Nicolas sees her choice of nourishment and holds up his hands in bewilderment. “Really Estelita, a bagel?” He gestures to the magnificent breakfast that took all morning to prepare. Estela simply shrugs while chomping into the baked good. “We overslept because of your bad movie night decision so I'd say we are even. We’ll see you in a bit. Bye tio.” With those words she kicks open the front door and runs off to find her wayward daughter. Nicolas, being the stubborn man that he is, follows and yells after her. “Hey, why don't you invite your hot shot, pilot friend to breakfast? He's got the best stories and is always welcome. Also, can you remind me again why you two aren't a… you know, thing?” The young brunette whirls around to face her uncle. “Tio, my love life is none of your business. We've been over this before. Besides, that's just… weird.” “How is it weird when you've already built him his own private airstrip on our land?” “We've gone over this before as well! I got tired of driving to the airport and he loves being able to drop in anytime to see Olivia. It's a win win situation until you make it weird. Anyways, bye tio!” Estela waves him off and heads toward the sound of a small child bursting with joy. Olivia is jumping up and down in a hedonistic manner just outside the front yard barrier screaming at the top of her lungs. “Yaaay, Uncle Jake! Do the thing. Do the thing!” An small, older model passenger aircraft,  barrels toward the Montoya property. As it closes in, the plane shifts completely onto its side, into an aerial jackknife before it blazes past the young mother and her child. “Momma, he did it! He did it!” Olivia jumps up and down while feverishly waving her arms. “Yeah baby I saw. But that's the wrong type of plane for doing that kind of stuff. If you knew his track record with things that fly, you'd be a little bit more nervous when he does that. Now, get inside and put some actual clothes on while I fetch the truck. You're not dressed for visitors.” Olivia looks down at the long, white sleeping shirt that hangs past her knees. “Aww mom, do I have to?!” She twists her face into the most pitiful expression that it can muster in an attempt to sway her mother. “Yes. Now go on. Let's not keep him waiting.” “Maaaan.” The toddler hangs her head as she half jogs back to the house. Once the door closes behind her daughter, Estela makes her way around the back side of the house and to the detached garage. With a quick tug of the handle, she lifts the door open and hoists it overhead before grabbing a set of keys and jumping into the old utility vehicle. The aged, yet trusty truck roars to life and Estela slowly guides it toward the front of the house. As she rounds the north east corner of the building, a door flies open and little Olivia emerges, fully dressed with a slice of toast in hand. The young mother barely has time to come to a complete stop before her exhilarated daughter climbs aboard. “Hurry mom! We're gonna miss ‘im landing!” “Seatbelt, Olivia.” “Mom!” The toddler bounces in her seat furiously; seconds away from erupting into a tantrum. “Olivia. You have seen him land more times than you can probably count. You'll live. Now put on your seatbelt or we're not going anywhere.” Estela folds her arms sternly as she waits for the stubborn little girl to comply. After an extremely brief stare down, Olivia relents and quickly snaps her seatbelt into place. “Can we go now, puh-lease?” “Yes. Thank you for listening faster this time.” With these words, Estela puts the vehicle in gear and speeds off toward the airstrip to meet their guest. The old utility vehicle pulls onto the runway just as their visitor climbs out of his plane. Olivia leaps out of the truck and takes off running; her messy ponytail bounces wildly behind as she runs into the arms of Jake. He bursts into joyous laughter as she knocks him to the ground unintentionally. “Sweet Pea! Did ya miss me?” The pilot swats at the child's ponytail playfully. “Of course I did uncle Jake! Momma made us late ‘cause she wouldn't let me come down here in my jammies .” “Yep, that sounds just like your mom. You wanna help me up so I can get your gifts?” He offers his up his hand as the little girl's eyes grow wide. “You brought me pwesents?!” She grabs his hand with both of hers and tries desperately to pull him into a standing position. “You bet I did. I missed your birthday and I'm still really upset about it. So, I made sure to get you something fun and something extremely special.” Jake rises to a standing position, allowing Olivia to believe she had lifted him herself. “Wait right there and close your eyes. No peeking!” “Okay uncle Jake.” She carefully opens one eye slightly, trying not to be obvious as the pilot disappears into back into his plane. When he reemerges with hands behind his back, the first thing he does is call her out. “Hey, I said no peeking sweet pea. Now close ‘em.” He quietly walks up to her, kneels down, and presents his gift. “I want you to meet someone. This is Felix.” Olivia opens her eyes to find Jake holding a plushie alligator that's anthropomorphic in nature; complete with suspenders, a plaid shirt and a big hat. Her eyes grow wide with excitement as she reaches out for the toy. “F-felix?” “Yeah! Say hello Felix.” Jake clears his throat and lays his accent on as thick as possible. “Whooyeee! Howdy there lil sweet pea! It sure is nice to meet ya!” The little girl giggles excitedly and takes the plushie from Jake. “This is silly. Alli-magators don't wear clothes or hats!” “You are absolutely correct. We actually eat gator where I'm from.” Olivia gasps and hides Felix behind her back. “You're not eating Felix!” “Of course not. He's your friend now and can already tell you're like two peas in a pod. Now. There's one more gift and this is more like a long term commitment/ project for you and I. Let me grab it.” Jake once again ducks back into his plane as Estela finally makes her way over to see what all the fuss is about. She smiles warmly at Olivia who is affectionately cuddling her new toy. Her attention snaps back to the door of the plane when the pilot reappears carrying a shovel and a sapling that has its roots wrapped in gunny sack. Mother and daughter share a confused look as Jake holds his hand up in a ‘ta-da’ fashion. “You brought me a twee?” “Not just any tree sweet pea. This is a Laurel oak; native to the region I call home. She's gonna get real big. I was thinking we plant her here and I make you a promise. In a few years, when she's tall and strong enough, I'll build you a treehouse. As she grows up higher we'll make the ladder going up to your fort longer and longer. We can make the treehouse bigger and better along the way too. Finally, one day when I'm ready to retire, I'll convince your mom to let me move down here and live out of a hammock we can hang from one of the branches. Sounds pretty good to me. What do you think sweet pea?” Olivia is speechless; her mouth is ajar as she tries to process Jake's proposition. When she's finally able to break free of disbelief, the little girl once again throws her arms around him in a grateful hug. “Th-thank you uncle Jake. So, it's a pwomise then?” “Yes. Yes it is sweet pea. Now lemme catch up with your mom a bit alright? Then we'll go find a good place to plant her.” The little brunette collects felix and jumps aboard the plane; presumably planning to jump from seat to seat as she usually does. “That's a big commitment for you, Jake McKenzie. Are you sure you're up for it?” Estela crosses her arms but the expression on her face is surprisingly soft. “Aw hell. You know I am. When I first laid eyes on her after she was born, I knew then and there that I was done for. Wrapped me around her little finger before her first poop.” The young mother slaps Jake across the arm and laughs. “Don't let my tio hear you talking like that. Just a few minutes ago he asked why we aren't a thing. He'll start badgering you to make a move and buy a ring.” Jake rubs his arm while chuckling and wincing in pain simultaneously. “He should know by now that it was never like that and never will be. Boy-, I mean Taylor would want someone watching over you guys and it might as well be me. I owe him everything.” He trails off as sadness gathers in his cerulean eyes. “While we are on the subject: Have you told her more about him yet?” Estela shakes her head while thoughtfully chewing her lower lip. “I haven't told Olivia much but only because I have no idea what she'll understand and what she won't.” “Well the five year mark is coming up real fast. I'll be picking everyone up and we're gonna head back for a few days. Might be good for sweet pea. Y'know, to hear all the stories about him.” “About daddy?” Olivia reappears at the doorway of the plane and jumps out. “Momma told me he that he saved the world. But that meant he had to leave forever.” “Yeah, sweet pea, that's right. It was really brave of him.” Jake stoops down, picks up the little girl and props her up on his hip. “But if you and mommy come to our little reunion you'll hear so much more about him. All the good times and fun stuff.” “I'd like that a lot uncle Jake.” “I know you would baby. Whaddya say, Katniss? Can we count you guys in?” Estela looks to Olivia who gives her mother a pleading look. “Alright, count us in. It will be good for both of us.” The toddler is overcome with joy. She leaps from Jake's arms and rushes to her mother. “Yay! Thank you momma!” The young mother returns Olivia's hug and swoops her up. “You're welcome. Now are we going to plant this tree or what?” “Yes! Can we put it close to the house so I can watch it grow?” “Sure we can. Just not too close. We don't want it to smother the house once it gets big” The trio collect themselves, as well as the gifts, pile into Estela's truck and head back toward the house in search of the perfect place for the oak tree. ****** On the the last night of the La Huerta group's reunion, the young men and women gather at the Celestial’s pool. Everyone is enjoying good food and company while they exchange stories of the one member who can't attend the festivities. Olivia is sitting on her uncle Aleister's lap as he tries to explain the fine details of his story. “But, I thought my daddy fixed the world.” “He did sweetheart. By leaving with Vaanu. When they left together Vaanu took all the time anomalies with him and the world reverted back to its normal state. Does that make sense?” “I guess so. But uncle Al, what was Vaanu, a space alien?” “Hmm, in a sense, yes. But he appeared to us as an intangible being. Almost like he exists in another dimension that doesn't obey the same laws of physics as our own.” “Now I have no idea what you're saying uncle Al.” Olivia giggles as she squirms away from him. “Well you're not alone sweetheart. There are many men smarter than you and I that don't understand that complex concept either.” Aleister ruffles her hair before she skips off to see what Craig and Zahra are up to. Jake and Estela are lounging next to the pool opposite of Aleister; both of them casually sipping a beer each. They watch as Olivia skips away from her uncle and launches herself onto Craig's back. As he begins to spin her in circles, Estela lets out a sigh of relief. “This has been really good for her. I'm glad we came.” “Oh, is she still having nightmares?” Jake cocks a questioning eyebrow the brunette while taking another drink from the bottle in his hand. “No. Well they continued for awhile but they stopped when I encouraged her to play outside more. She's be fine ever since it seems like.” Estela shakes her head and chuckles slightly. “She's getting too big to sleep with me anyway.” Raj rises to his feet, calls for everyone's attention and proposes a toast. The group of friends gathers around the host and each one says a few words for Taylor. When everyone has said their piece, all eyes fall on Estela, who hesitates momentarily before clearing her throat. “I'll keep this short and sweet. The time that Taylor and I spent together was short, but it was best time of my life. I'll always be grateful for him.” Estela raises her beer, and everyone follows suit. They salute their missing friend and clink their drinks together. After saying their goodbyes, the group once again goes their separate ways. Jake flies everyone to their respective destinations, leaving Estela and her daughter for last. The young brunette mother falls asleep as they near their destination; leaving Olivia wide awake with her thoughts. When they finally touch down on the private runway, Jake offers to help them unload their stuff at the house.
Tagging: @mysteli @brightpinkpeppercorn @roonarific and @mind-reader1
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noexistenadadeesto · 7 years
Am I the only speaking spanish person who feels weird everytime they see Tío and Cabrón without the tilde?
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i-am-a-fandom-hoe · 7 years
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They really DID THAT
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sceptilemasterr · 3 years
All the "domestic life" questions for Fiora and Shreya, and Estela and Ian please! Thank you!
Answered Fiora and Shreya's already, but thanks for asking! As for Estela and Ian:
1. If they get married, who proposes?
That's a tricky question. Both? Neither? Let's just say they almost didn't propose at all, but Alyssa and Diego were very invested in having both twins' weddings together.
So to answer your question, it was Alyssa and Diego by proxy. 😂
2. What’s the wedding like? Who attends?
They had two, actually! The first was a Niala'rei ceremony held in Elyys'tel, where they were married alongside Alyssa and Jake. Estela practically forced Zahra to be maid of honor, while Diego was best man. The celebration afterward was one of the biggest Vaanti parties ever!
They had a second, more traditional wedding ceremony in San Trobida following the Prism War. Zahra made it very clear she was not participating a second time except as a guest, so Alyssa was maid of honor this time around. All the Catalysts were there (including a disguised Varyyn), as was Tio Nicolas and Ian's adoptive parents. Awkwardly enough the wedding was the first time Tio Nicolas ever met Ian, a fact that he spent most of the night joking about.
3. How many kids do they have, if any? What are they like?
Three children, from oldest to youngest: Olivia, Antonio, and Kristal. More details here!
4. Do they have any pets?
No pets: due to both parents' schedules, between work and three children, they simply don't have time for a pet. They do enjoy playing with and pet-sitting for their family and friends' pets, though, especially Furball!
5. Who’s the stricter parent?
Estela, easily, though she relaxes a bit as the children get older.
6. Who worries the most?
Ian's the worrier of the pair. His experiences trapped for (from his perspective) five years in the Prism Realm means he has a constant fear that either himself or one of their children will be forced to make a similar sacrifice someday. He is determined not to let that happen, though he admits to Estela that he has no idea how he could possibly prevent it if it were necessary.
7. Who kills the bugs in the house?
Ian will toss or "reverse" a bug back out of the house, if possible. If not (the bug came in from underground, or it's been in the house too long to reverse), well... Estela's aim is deadly.
8. How do they celebrate holidays?
Always together, and always with family! Ian usually is forced to make at least a token appearance at Fiora and Shreya's, with Estela waving from the other side of the mirror (being Tuneless, she can't last long in the Stoicheal Realm without being drained of her energy). Aside from this, they'll spend most of the day together, either visiting Tio Nicolas in Colombia or with Ian's adoptive parents in Northbridge, usually alongside Diego and Varyyn (and sometimes Alyssa and Jake). Sometimes, Aleister and Grace will make time out of their busy schedules to celebrate together as well. Every holiday, and every year, it's always different!
9. Who’s more likely to convince the other to come back to sleep in the morning?
Depends on what's going on, but usually Estela. Ian frequently awakens at odd hours of the night with bad nightmares stemming from his time in the Prism Realm; Estela is always quick to calm him down and bring him back to Earth. Occasionally, it's Estela who has trouble going back to sleep, but this is a rarer occurrence.
10. Who’s the better cook?
Time-Attunement is an incredibly useful thing to have when cooking. Burnt the food? Reverse it! Waiting to boil water? Speed it up! As a result, Ian's become quite the cook, though Estela calls it "cheating." When she challenged him to try cooking without his powers, it was a bit like trying to write with the wrong hand: messy, confusing, and illegible (or inedible).
11. Who likes to dance?
Both, but only in private or in the company of those they trust. It takes a lot to get them onto the dance floor in public.
Thanks again for asking, anon!
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fakeyellow · 5 years
Kamilah takes care of an MC who catches a cold. 
MC is still human and she starts feeling sick.
Kamilah is worried but MC brushes off her concern because it’s probably just a seasonal cold. She always gets a bad cold this time of the year.
MC coughs and she’s feverish and she can’t stop sweating during the night and despite the excessive amounts of cough medicine she takes, she isn’t getting better.
She refuses to go to the hospital because she’s sure this is just her annual cold but Kamilah finally manages to convince her to call in sick one day.
MC sits pitifully on their bed, wrapped up in all of the blankets, her cheeks flushed, and Kamilah brings her in soup that she’s cooked herself because MC hasn’t had an appetite.
MC’s so feverish/cold that she refuses to bring her arm out from the blanket and Kamilah lets out a resigned sigh but can’t help but give in to MC, feeding her the soup.
Sick as she feels, hoarse though her voice may be, MC croaks in glee and talks about how this is the best soup she’s ever tasted bc Kamilah is feeding her.
Although she’s worried, Kamilah smiles fondly at MC, kissing her forehead as a reward for finishing the soup (the first whole meal MC’s consumed in a while). Her forehead is worryingly hot and Kamilah frowns as she goes to put the bowl away.
MC comes down with another coughing fit and when Kamilah returns to the room, MC’s clutching a crumpled napkin in her hand.
Kamilah doesn’t need to see the napkin; she can already smell the blood in the air and MC stares at her in shock.
“We should go to the hospital.”
As it turns out, MC probably should have been more diligent about the pills she’d been given during her year of volunteering abroad in San Trobida.
“Reactivation TB” is what the physician diagnoses her with, and he tells her not to worry. They’ve caught the TB early enough that as long as she sticks to the pills (and she actually takes all of them), she’ll make a full recovery. It hasn’t yet spread to the rest of her body.
MC sighs in relief at this but Kamilah is uncharacteristically silent, during and following the hospital visit.
But then when they reach home, Kamilah falls into a flurry of actions and she is the most attentive nurse to MC, taking care of her every need.
Kamilah changes out the sheets for her nightly and during the nights, MC cannot be more thankful that she’s in love with a vampire because Kamilah’s body is a cool poultice against her flushed skin.
Kamilah holds her tightly and yet MC somehow feels the most distanced from her she’s ever been. Kamilah’s been taking care of her but it’s almost like Kamilah isn’t there with her.
It’s been over a century since Kamilah’s last been with a human and she’s never felt the need to keep up to date on human medical advancements because all of the people she cares about are vampires.
But when MC first turns sick, Kamilah fears her heart gripped with fear. Because now she is forced to confront the sheer fragility of the mortal body for the first time in a while.
And with MC’s insistence on not being Turned, this is it. If MC dies, that is it. She will never again see MC.
So Kamilah nurses MC to the best of her ability, making sure she eats even if she doesn’t want, even making soup using a recipe she hasn’t used in thousands of years.
And then MC coughs up blood and they go to the hospital, but Kamilah already knows what she has. The physician’s diagnosis only confirms what she knows.
And the word “tuberculosis” transports Kamilah to the past, to the time of Renaissance Italy when she’d fallen in love with an artist.
Her features are still fresh in her memory and Kamilah remembers just how sickly the woman had fallen before Kamilah had Turned her, only to lose her in the end anyway.
Kamilah becomes even more vigilant in her nursing of MC but at the same time, she cannot fully get rid of the notion that MC will die. If not from this, then later, as she grows old.
One night when MC is still recovering from the disease and Kamilah is holding her in their bed, MC quietly asks if Kamilah is okay.
Kamilah feels a flash of guilt at having worried MC when MC is sick, and her heart clenches tightly before she exhales tremulously.
“Don’t leave me,” Kamilah finally admits, “I would not be able to bear a life without you.”
There is a pause and then,
“I’ll never leave you.”
It is a promise she cannot keep but MC makes it anyway, and lovestruck fool that she is, Kamilah lets herself believe it.
A/N: It’s been a while since I watched the sketchy video about TB so forgive me for any inaccuracies but i’m pretty sure that with RIPE therapy, it’ll turn latent again.
I was thinking about an MC who doesn’t want to be Turned getting sick and how Kamilah would basically freak out. She hasn’t been with humans in over a century and so she doesn’t know about any of the many advancements made in medicine. The last time one of her human lovers was sick, she was probably treated with leeches or some old shit (so Kamilah doesn’t have a very high opinion of medicine and she’s super worried that MC might die). Not to mention, Kamilah won’t even be able to Turn MC so this really is it (you can go on over to this fic to see why an MC might not want to be Turned)
And then I remembered Kamilah talking about how she once fell in love with an artist during the Italian Renaissance. She Turned the artist once she got TB but then a vampire hunter killed her. And I thought it’d be fun to play with Kamilah having to deal with an MC who has TB now, being forced to relive those memories back in Italy, when she’d lost her lover. Hee.
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ladyseaheart1668 · 5 years
Endless Summer Book 4 : Daughter of Vaanu (Chapter 45)
Description: With five Catalysts missing, the ones who remain have to band together to find their friends and protect the secrets of the Island.
Tagging: @endlesshero1122 @mysteli @whatmcsaid @xo-endlessmayhem-xo @feartheendlesssummer @tigerbryn11
Chapter 45: On the Case
The silence that follows my announcement is heavy. I watch the faces of my beloved's parents, their clear distaste breaking through their concern for their son. Until Molly puts a hand on Ramona's shoulder.
“Not now,” she says softly. “Whatever you feel, now isn't the time for it. You know that by now.”
“He tells me he is married to my son,” Ramona hisses. “How can--”
“Ramona. Remember last time. Both of you need to think very carefully about anything you say. You say the wrong thing now, you may very well lose Diego, even if he comes safely home.”
A look passes between Ramona and Eduardo, but both stay silent. I fold my arms, scowling.
“We are going to be in very close quarters for the foreseeable future, at least until my husband and his friends are brought home safely.” Ramona visibly flinches at the word 'husband,' but I do not allow myself to be thrown by it. “We should try to get along. Can I offer anyone anything to eat or drink?”
“...I do not believe I have any appetite,” Eduardo replies flatly. “What about you, cariña?”
“I don't think I can eat, either. But...I think maybe I could use a cup of coffee.”
I nod slowly. “Then I will be happy to bring you a cup of coffee. If everyone would like to make themselves at home...?” I gesture in the direction of the front sitting room, and everyone shuffles out of the foyer as I escape to the kitchen. Raj, Rebecca, and Lila are all standing around the island counter, where a platter of finger sandwiches and appetizers has been artfully arranged. They looks up when I enter, their expressions reflecting discomfort and sympathy. Under the gentle touch of their kind collective gaze, I let myself feel the distress I was clamping down on a moment ago. I groan, covering my face as I let myself lean back against the wall.
“I'm sorry, Varyyn,” Raj says. “That wasn't cool of Alodia's aunt, to spring the in-laws on you like that.”
“Diego is their son,” I admit wearily. “It wouldn't have been right not to tell them he is missing, and I suppose I understand that Alodia's aunt and uncle might want their friends' support right now. No doubt they drew a great deal of strength from each other five years ago.”
“But to not even tell you that they were coming?” Lila points out. “That's just rude.”
“A time like this, people aren't at their best,” Rebecca says softly.
“Perhaps it wasn't the best idea to gather everyone here,” I murmur. “I don't want to weather this storm alone, but...it is going to be so much harder if I am battling Diego's parents at the same time.”
Raj picks up his platter of treats with a flourish. “Well, if I can't promise to totally keep the peace, I can at least remind you that I am usually very good at it. Come on, Varyyn. Help me get everyone nourished.”
“When did you last speak to your father?”
Seated across from Officer Dawes in a quiet corner of the hospital lobby, I rub a clammy palm over my knee, hoping to blot some of the sweat off on the leg of my jeans. I try to focus on the officer and not keep glancing toward Rochelle and the others.
“A week or so ago? I...agreed to have dinner with him.”
“Would you say he was behaving normally?” “I suppose so. At least...as far as what normal has been since he came back.” I shake my head. “There was nothing about his behavior that stood out to me that night.”
Dax is on his phone over in the corner. His expression reads to me as exhausted desperation. Across from me, Officer Dawes' penetrating gaze draws my eyes back to her face.
“...Do you remember what you talked about that night?”
I can't hold back a sigh. “Not much. We don't have many safe topics between us these days.”
“And you didn't address any...unsafe topics?”
“...I wasn't in the mood for an argument.”
“What about his mood? Did he seem nervous or upset? Or unusually upbeat?”
I shake my head. “No. Like I said, nothing about his behavior seemed unusual. He was just...calm. But...” I trail off, frowning. Over in the corner, Dax has gotten off his phone and stood up. Poppy is standing, too, and Dax has her wrapped in a tight hug. They pull back reluctantly and Dax takes her face in his hands, kissing her gently. As my silence stretches on, Officer Dawes raises an eyebrow.
I look back at her. “I guess...there was something unusual. ...As I was leaving, Dad told me he loved me. ...That one day he would find a way to show me properly how much he loved me. ...I guess I didn't think much of it at the time, but...it has been a very long time since he said he loved me.”
She nods thoughtfully. “Might I ask...what does your father think of your girlfriend?”
I look sharply at her. “...My girlfriend? Tahira?”
“Yes. Does he approve of her?”
“I...I don't really know,” I answer honestly. As Dragonness, Tahira is Dad's enemy, but as far as I understand, he wants to use her, not simply destroy her. And as Tahira...I had always gotten the impression he approved of her for her business sense and work ethic and all that stuff that matters to him. But whether he considers my relationship with her a good thing or a bad thing in relation to his ultimate goal? I have no idea.
“Do you never talk about her?”
“Tahira...isn't a safe subject.”
“To me, that suggests he pretty clearly disapproves.”
“It's not Tahira herself that isn't the safe subject,” I lie. “It's...more her mother.”
“Her mother?”
“Rochelle.” I nod over in Rochelle's direction. I don't intend to say anything incriminating, and I expect Rochelle will gladly affirm my story if it means protecting her daughter. “Rochelle used to work for Dad. But just after Rochelle adopted Tahira, she and Dad had a falling out and Rochelle quit. I don't think Dad ever forgave her for it.”
“Do you know what the falling out was over?”
“Not really. It had to do with one of Dad's experiments. The most I can gather is that they disagreed over the direction he wanted to take with it. I guess it got pretty heated, and once Rochelle had her baby she decided to cut her losses and find another job.”
“I see. ...I only ask because your father went missing on the same day your girlfriend was attacked.”
“Are...you saying you think Dad had something to do with that?”
Her gaze grows impossibly more searching. “Do you believe that it's a possibility?”
I don't think so. I don't think Tahira is any use to him dead. “I don't believe he has any real motivation to harm her,” I say slowly. “However...after the events last summer, I guess I couldn't blame anyone for thinking it wouldn't be against his nature.”
She keeps her expression carefully neutral as she makes a note of my statement. “Can you tell us what you do know about the attack on your girlfriend?”
“I was at the office when I received a call from her cell phone. Except the call wasn't from her. Someone had found her bleeding, and she told him to call me.”
“So, she was conscious when she was found?”
“Yes. She managed to talk to me for just a minute before she passed out.”
“Did she say anything about who attacked her? Or who found her?”
I keep my expression steady as I lay out the story I have been rehearsing in my head since I agreed to stash Tahira's suit for her. “I don't think she knew the man who rescued her. Or the person who attacked her for that matter. She was mostly concerned about me making sure her mother could get to the hospital. ...She probably wasn't really thinking straight.”
“I'm told that her rescuer didn't call an ambulance.”
“No, he didn't. He brought her to the hospital himself and ducked out as soon as she was in hand. ...If you want my opinion, he is probably on the wrong side of the law himself.”
She nods, humming thoughtfully. Out of the corner of my eye, a bit of movement captures my attention. There's a surgeon coming out into the waiting room.
“Ms. Rogers?” Rochelle leaps to her feet, and the others follow. I look anxiously back at the officer, who follows my gaze and nods.
“Go ahead. I've got everything I need for now.”
I quickly join the others. The surgeon's expression is difficult to parce, but he doesn't seem too grim. I take Rochelle's hands, and she grips mine gratefully.
“She's stable,” the surgeon says, and I feel the relief ripple through us in a physical wave. “The internal damage was not as bad as it could have been, but there were some lacerations to the intestinal tract.”
“But...she'll be all right?” Rochelle asks weakly.
“As I said, she's stable. We'll have to keep a pretty close eye on her recovery for a few days at least. There's no way to be sure of anything at this point, but there's good reason to be optimistic.”
Rochelle sags against me, and I clutch her hard to keep her upright. There are tears on her cheeks, and I can't blame her. I can feel them leaking out of my eyes, too.
“C-can I see her?” she whispers.
“Of course. She's not awake yet, but she's in recovery now...” He trails off slightly, eyeing the rest of us uncertainly. “...Though...I can't allow more than two visitors at a time.”
“Go with Rochelle, Grayson,” Eva says before I can say anything. “The rest of us have something else to take care of. We'll check in later. ...Just let us know if anything changes.”
As it hits me that Dax has left the hospital, I realize that I have a hunch regarding the nature of their other business. I nod. “You, too.”
I am glad that Grace and I were still in Northbridge when the news broke. I am glad that my sister had not yet flown back to San Trobida with Quinn. It means none of us are wasting hours traveling in order to do what must be done to see everyone through this crisis.
Quinn, Grace, and Craig have taken it on themselves to look after Reginald and Tricia Gayle while Estela and I meet with Zahra at Rourke International's Northbridge location. On the way, we attempt to contact Tahira, but reach Grayson Prescott instead, who informs us of her present situation. We gather in the office under a grim atmosphere, but there is also determination as Zahra links Iris's drone up to her computer and begins typing furiously. In the dimly lit office, the computer screen casts her face in an eerie blue light.
“So, what precisely do we know?” Estela asks.
“Well, the latest development appears to be that there is at least one Vaanti in Northbridge, and they were responsible for attacking Tahira. Not that we can tell the police that.”
“My money's on Anachronist,” Zahra murmurs, not taking her eyes off the screen. “They're the only tribe unaccounted for since the timelines merged.”
Estela and I exchange a glance. I certainly don't want to believe it. But truth does not care about what I want.
“...I had rather assumed them lost,” I say slowly. “But then, I thought the same of the Endless, and she reappeared after Alodia came back.”
“It seems Alodia's reappearance has definitely caused a few blips in the time-space continuum,” Zahra agrees grimly. “Her whole existence was always an anomaly. There were bound to be ripples. Maybe one of those ripples was an Anachronist with a grudge against the Endless.”
“Uqzhaal did manage to convince a number of them to follow him,” I concede. “...But then why would one of them attack Tahira? They would have to have known she is Alodia's cousin for the motivation to make any sense. And even then, wouldn't it have made more sense to attack Alodia directly?”
“I expect it is not as simple as a grudge,” Estela sighs. “Between Alodia and Diego, Jake and Sean and Michelle, and now Tahira...it's all too well-timed for me to believe it's a coincidence.”
“I'm inclined to agree. Zahra, what of the security data from La Huerta? Jake was sailing one of our vessels, was he not?”
“Yeah. I already sent the relevant security data over to the police. All above board and transparent so the cops know we're cooperating.”
I nod. Of course, we are cooperating. We want our friends back. But there are certain things we cannot share. The world has gotten larger since it was just the twelve of us trapped alone on an island. We do not have to search for our friends alone, but we also have to see that the Vaanti are protected.
“What information can we glean from the data?”
“No security breeches on La Huerta. Codes were reset the week of the wedding, and only Jake, Mike, Sean, and Michelle had the new codes. Jake punched them in at the checkpoints, and the last data from the yacht's tracker puts his coordinates at least an hour north of La Huerta. Whatever happened, it happened well out from the island.” Her phone buzzes on the desk beside her, the screen lighting up with a text alert. She glances down. “Finally. Will someone buzz Dax in?”
“Yeah. Dax Darcisse. In case you didn't hear, Silas Prescott's broken his parole. I'm guessing Dax's intel is gonna be useful.”
I frown as Estela moves to enter the code into the electronic lock to open the front door. “I dislike this immensely. On top of everything else, Prescott chooses now to break his parole. I fear we are being toyed with.”      
“I'm sure there are red herrings all over this bitch,” Zahra mutters. “Another reason I want all the eyes possible on it.”
As if on cue, Dax pushes open the suite door. He looks expectedly haggard. I move to take his jacket. “Thank you for coming. Can I offer you some coffee? There's a kitchen just through there, and I could brew a pot.”
“No, thank you. I had a few cups at the hospital. I think if I have any more, I'm gonna take off.”
“Has there been any word on Tahira's condition?”
“Yeah, actually. Poppy called when Iwas on my way. She's out of surgery and stable. The damage wasn't as bad as they feared, but she still hasn't woken up. Her mom and Grayson are with her now. Poppy, Eva, and Kenji are on their way here. They want to help, too.”
“Where do we even start?” Estela wonders grimly, looking over at Zahra.
“I'm so glad you asked that, Estela. Because I know exactly where to begin.” Zahra stands, looking out over the computer monitor at the rest of us. “We know Alodia and Diego were taken off in ambulances. Possibly the same ambulance. We also know Fiddler was the one who snatched Alodia. ...So we're gonna find that ambulance. And we're gonna find Fiddler.”
I don't know how long Allie and I are trapped in the back of the ambulance for. A few hours, at least. Long enough for hunger to start biting in earnest, though I guess it would have been doing that already, since we were abducted right before we were going to go to lunch. Probably unsurprisingly, I'm more concerned about my pregnant friend than my own growling stomach.
“Are you okay, Allie? Relatively speaking?”
“...I don't have to pee at all. I'm nine months pregnant. I always have to pee every twenty minutes.”
There is so much to unpack in that statement, I doubt I could lay it all out in my mind. I gently press my free hand to her belly, where flutters of movement serve to reassure me somewhat. At least my little goddaughter is still kicking.
“They won't let anything happen to the baby, Allie.”
“Right, because kidnapping her mother and strapping her down in a speeding ambulance for hours without food or water is great for a fetus,” she grumbles.
I swallow, moving my hand to cover hers again. I don't know that I can say anything comforting. I've been trying to read street signs through the back window of the ambulance, but we've been moving along too quickly for me to catch a glimpse. And at this point, we're probably well outside familiar territory anyway. I also spent a few minutes scratching at my eyebrows and plucking out the hairs that came loose to drop them in the shadows on the floor as a DNA sample for any police who find the ambulance, since I assume it will have to be abandoned eventually. But I can't tell Allie that. The partition keeps us from seeing who's driving the ambulance, but it probably isn't soundproof.
The vehicle starts to slow down, and for several minutes, I feel the ground undulating beneath its tires as it navigates hilly terrain. Allie clutches my hand, her pale face slowly turning an unsettling shade of grayish-green beneath a coating of sweat. Oh, shit...
“Okay, deep breaths, Allie,” I murmur. “It's okay. If you gotta puke, just turn your head to the side.”
“I...d-don't think I...have...” She cuts herself off with a moan, pursing her lips and screwing her eyes shut. She holds that pose, breath hissing from her nose, squeezing my hand with an iron grip, until the ambulance slows further and finally stops. My heart and stomach lurch as the engine goes quiet and I hear the sound of the door opening.
I knew it was Fiddler who abducted Allie, so when she's the one who opens the ambulance doors, my shock is mitigated, but it's still surreal to see her face again after all these years. But even that moment of disorientation is soon swallowed up in anger and fear. I glare at her.
“Well. Look who clawed her way up from the pits of hell. It's a good mask you found. Very nearly hides where the maggots have eaten through your face.”
She smirks, scoffing. “Nice. Betcha spent the whole ride on that one. Okay, listen up, kiddos. You cooperate, and no one has to get hurt. You both know who's gonna get hurt if something goes wrong, so don't try any shit. We're stoppin' for a bit. Tonight at least, the accommodations will be quite cozy, so no bitching, and no squirming while we put the blindfolds on.”
Three more thugs in Arachnid gear show up on either side of her and start climbing into the ambulance. I grip Allie's hand in mine, but neither of us fight the blindfolds. And when they unlock our cuffs and get us on our feet to get us out of the ambulance, we go where they lead us. I do get the slight satisfaction of hearing Allie finally give in to her motion sickness, and one of the Arachnid mooks yelp in disgust, but that dissolves into worry when I feel the ground change under my feet. It's uneven. Rocky. The air that rustles the trees around us is chilly. Then as it turns warm and still, and the ground becomes the hard, even surface of a linoleum floor, we're immediately led to a set of creaky wooden stairs. How can they expect a pregnant woman to navigate rocky terrain blindfolded?! How can they expect her to walk up the stairs? What if she falls?!
But we both make it to the top of the stairs. They remove our blindfolds and we blink, looking around dazedly at our surroundings. We're in a room at the top of the stairs of what looks like some kind of country cabin. The floor is hardwood. There's a double bed in the corner, dressed with plain sheets and a simple comforter. In another corner, there's a wooden table and chairs, set with two bowls, two cups, two spoons. On a towel on the floor is a crockpot and two plastic jugs of water. There's a toilet en suite in a space the size of a closet. There is a single, porthole window in the wall, and it has bars over it in a criss-cross pattern. A sparse, comfortable prison.
One of the Arachnid goons takes out something that looks like a police scanner gun and aims it at Allie. A light flickers over her body and he checks a reading on the side.
“All looks good,” he informs Fiddler, who nods approvingly.
“There, you see? No need to whine. Mom and brat are in perfect health.” She points at the table. “Eat. Drink. There's good stuff for you in that crockpot there. Then sleep while you can. We won't be here long.”
She doesn't wait for our answer before turning and leaving with her goons, shutting and locking the door behind her. Allie shuffles over to the bed, sinking down onto the edge. I come to sit beside her, putting an arm over her shoulder. For a long moment, we both sit in silence.
“...You should eat something,” I murmur at last. “We both should. We need to keep our strength up.”
She nods, but she doesn't move toward the table. She doesn't even look at me. She is quiet long enough that I am starting to consider going over and dishing her out a bowl myself, but abruptly, she looks up.
“...What's in there?”
“I dunno. Wanna come find out with me?”
She nods, rising slowly and moving toward the table. She's walking kinda hunched over. Her movements are slow and deliberate and a little bit clumsy. I put out a hand to steady her.
“Are you okay there?”
She nods. “My pregnant body did not like being chained to a gurney for so long,” she mumbles.
I guide her to one of the chairs. “Sit down. I'll dish you up some of...whatever that stuff is.” I go to lift the cover off the crockpot and get hit with a warm cloud of meat-scented steam. “Some kind of stew. Looks like chicken. Plenty of vegetables.”
There's a ladle on the towel beside the pot. I fill her bowl up, and pour her a glass of water. Then I serve myself. We eat in silence, focused on the task at hand. I don't think either of us really want to eat. In spite of how hungry I know I am, fear is killing my appetite. But I don't really have the luxury of not eating, and neither does she. With grim determination, we scoop spoonful after spoonful of meat and vegetables soaked in warm, salty broth into our mouths. Finally, we both lower our spoons into empty bowls.
“...Do you remember the first time we went to summer camp?” Allie asks softly, staring at her empty bowl.
“You mean the only time we went to summer camp?” I ask with a wry smile. “At least, the only time I went to summer camp. You did those gymnastics and dance camps, but my folks could only afford that one summer. ...How old were we that summer?”
“Nine.” She raises her eyes to meet mine, smiling weakly. “We hated it, didn't we?”
“Yeah. Because we weren't allowed to be in the same cabin. And almost everything was done by cabins. Everyone ate at a table with their own cabins, two or three cabins did activities at one time...”
“But everyone went swimming together. And we had free time every day that we got to spend together. And whenever our two cabins were together for activities we were allowed to hang out together. ...Still the worst three weeks of that summer.”
“Without a doubt.”
“...Do you remember the game we played? To get ourselves through it?”
I nod. I had a feeling that I knew where she was going with this. “Yeah. We were super spies who had been captured by our enemies, and the camp was actually a prison camp. We were being kept apart because if we were together, we would come up with a plan to escape and stop their evil plans.”
“...Every time we met, we would speak in code to each other. Or...what we thought was code. We would check up on each other. Make sure the evil counselors weren't torturing us too badly, and we hadn't been poisoned by the food.”
“The food was actually pretty good, as I remember it. I don't think I've had chocolate milk that perfect since. But those activities could be pure torture. I mean, kickball and candle-making? Getting smacked in the face with a huge rubber ball...wearing shorts to make candles and dripping hot wax on bare legs...”
“...You went to that camp in the other timeline, too.”
I reach across the table, offering my hand. “Don't, Allie.”
“It's true. You were there alone, and I was the ghost you played with in your imagination...”
“Allie, don't do this to yourself.” She looks up at me with eyes shimmering, and I flick my fingers just slightly, reminding her of my hand waiting on the table. She hesitates a moment before placing her hand in mine. “...That timeline existed once. But it's not the one we're living in now. And there's no reason for you to feel bad about that other one existing.”
“...I don't feel bad as in...guilty. Not really. ...Maybe a little.”
“That timeline doesn't matter anymore, Allie. You're here. You exist. You have a husband. You're going to have a child. ...Right now, we really need to focus on dealing with what's in front of us.”
She nods, drawing in a shuddering breath. “...Captured by our enemies. ...I liked this game better when we were nine.”
“Yeah. ...So did I.”
We've mostly been quiet since the Arachnid soldier came in with her bottle of water, letting the drug cocktails work their way through our systems. There is a particularly awkward series of moments when we all collectively realize we need to pee, but our hands are still cuffed behind our backs. Michelle is the first to get over her embarassment and volunteer to help us get our pants down. Not surprising, I guess. She's a doctor, and she's seen it all in a clinical context before. I volunteer to return the favor. It takes a lot of maneuvering and wiggling, and there's still a lot of awkwardness, but we all manage to relieve ourselves in the airplane toilet. Honestly, I think the only reason we all got weird about it is because we needed to break the tension. What better than toilet humor to add a little absurdity to this horrible situation?
Once we've all got our pants back on, though, we settle into a tense silence for awhile. Jake is the one to finally break it.
“Maybelline, how long would whatever they drugged us with last for?”
“Six to eight hours,” Michelle replies. “Possibly longer, maybe a little less, depending on what all was in there, and how much of everything they used.”
Jake sighs. “...Damn. We could be anywhere. Don't know where the boat landed and this bird took off from. Don't know where it's going or how long we'll be flying...”
“How far could a plane this size get?” I ask.
“Hard to know for sure when I've just been inside the bathroom. But based on the sound of the engines, it's a sizeable jet. Could take us a damn good distance from the Caribbean. ...Would have to have hit a port somewhere. This bird seems way too big to fit on an aircraft carrier...”
He inhales sharply, sitting up straight, his eyes widening. Michelle and I react, mirroring his body language.
“What's wrong?” Michelle asks.
“...You feel that?”
I sit still for a moment, trying to tune my senses to pick up on whatever Jake feels. Then it hits me. The subtle dampening of sound as the changing air pressure blocks up my ears, a sensation that's become familiar after traveling with the team for so many years.
“...We're landing.”
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badchoosey · 5 years
BloodBound, Book One. Chapter 1: The Interview
New York City.
Raines Corporation Headquarters, downtown Manhattan.
You sit in the sleek modern lobby, waiting for your job interview to begin. Men and women in expensive suits bustle by. 
Amazon: (Everyone looks so serious and professional… do I even have a shot? I really need this job…)
A pair of doors slide open, and a stunning woman with an icy demeanor approaches.
Nicole Anderson: Amazon?
Amazon: Yes, that’s me. 
Nicole Anderson: I’m Nicole Anderson, VP of Operations at Raines Corp. I’m ready to interview you now. 
Amazon: Oh! Uh, sure… absolutely…
Nicole Anderson: You sound surprised.
Amazon: I just wasn’t expecting to be interviewed by someone so high up in the company…
Nicole Anderson: You’re applying to be the executive assistant of our CEO, Adrian Raines himself, one of the most powerful and influential men in the world. We take our hiring process very seriously. 
Amazon: Of course! I totally understand!
Trying to keep up a confident look, you follow Nicole into a sterile conference room. 
Nicole Anderson: Now then. The Raines Corporation is a global leader in technology and innovation. Why exactly are you interested in being the executive assistant to our CEO?
Amazon: Look, I’m not going to lie. The pay here is through the roof, and I need the money bad. I’m drowning in student loans, I still owe my roommate half of last month’s rent, and I’m a little worried I’m going to get scurvy from living off expired ramen. No one in the city is offering the kind of money you are. And I’ll do anything for it. 
Nicole Anderson: An unusually candid answer. I suppose there’s something to be said for that…
Just then, the door at the back of the room swings open, and a handsome man in a perfectly-tailored suit strolls in. His eyes sparkle with a cold intelligence as he assesses you. 
Nicole Anderson: Adrian. I wasn’t expecting you…
Adrian Raines: I had a free minute. Is this the candidate?
Nicole Anderson: Yes… but I’ve just started the interview and--
Adrian Raines: I’ll take over from here. 
Nicole Anderson: … Of course, sir. Go right ahead. 
Adrian pulls up a seat opposite you. It’s like his eyes are burning right through you. 
Adrian Raines: Amazon, is it?
Amazon: That’s right. 
Adrian Raines: Tell me, Amazon. What do you desire?
Amazon: You mean… why do I want this job? Because I--
Adrian Raines: I didn’t ask why you want this job. I asked what you desire.
Amazon: I desire power. 
Adrian cocks an eyebrow.
Adrian Raines: Really?
Amazon: I want control over my life. I want to make my own choices. I want the power to do what I want, when I want, how I want. 
Adrian Raines: I’m impressed with your honesty. 
Amazon: Hey, you asked, right?
He looks down at your resume. 
Adrian Raines: Let’s see here. Graduated college a year ago… Bachelor’s in Communications… interned at Mannon Financial… Volunteered in San Trobida abroad for a year.
Amazon: Yep. That’s right.
Adrian Raines: And how was that? Tell me in three words. 
Amazon: Difficult. Enlightening. Rewarding.
Adrian Raines: Good. This job can be challenging and unpredictable. Are you comfortable running unusual errands?
Amazon: Absolutely. 
Adrian Raines: Handling confidential information?
Amazon: I can keep a secret. 
Adrian Raines: Working nights?
Amazon: Always been a night owl. 
Adrian Raines: Good. Anything else I should know about you?
Amazon: I have a great memory.
Adrian Raines: Oh? What was the first thing I said when I walked in?
Amazon: Look, I’m Adrian. Howdy howdy howdy.
Adrian Raines: I definitely did not say ‘howdy’. 
Amazon: Okay, so my memory’s not great… but I’m hilarious, right?
Adrian Raines: I’ll give you that. One last question. 
He leans forward, hands folded together on the table. His expression is intense, impenetrable. 
Adrian Raines: A long time ago, there lived a man in a distant village. He had a good enough life… a wife, three kids, a village of friends, a plot of land to call his own. But one day, while plowing his field, he found a buried lamp. And when he rubbed it, a genie appeared and gave him three wishes. For the first wish, he asked for great wealth. A pile of gold appeared all around him. But the rest of the village suffered instantly. Their crops withered, wells dried, larders went empty. 
Amazon: Mmhmm..
Adrian Raines: Next, the man wished for immortality. The genie granted it… but when he ran into his house, his wife and children were all dead. 
Amazon: Okay…
Adrian pauses, stares into your eyes, searching, intense…
Adrian Raines: Tell me, Amazon. What should the man ask for, for his third and final wish?
Amazon: He should choose to undo his last two wishes. 
Adrian Raines: Because…?
Amazon: Because he’d already had all he really wanted or needed. It’s a story about greed and temptation. There’s no way for the man to win, because he should never have played this game. All he can hope for is to bring things back to the way they were. 
Adrian nods thoughtfully, momentarily far away… He pauses, deep in thought, fingers steepled… and grins. 
Adrian Raines: You’re hired. 
Amazon: Wh… what? Seriously?
Adrian extends his hand, and you take it. His grip is firm, his skin impossibly smooth. 
Adrian Raines: Welcome to the Raines Corporation. 
Nicole Anderson: But… we have fifteen more candidates! We haven’t even--
Adrian Raines: This is the one. 
Nicole Anderson: … Of course. Understood. 
Amazon: Mr. Raines, sir, I--
Adrian Raines: Call me Adrian. 
Amazon: Adrian, I’m just… so honored for this opportunity! I promise I won’t let you down.
Adrian Raines: Good. Because I take promises very seriously. 
Amazon: When do I start?
Adrian Raines: Right now. 
Nicole leaves to process your paperwork, and Adrian escorts you towards a glistening, shiny elevator… You step inside, and Adrian presses his keycard to a scanner to make a display with buttons appear. He presses one labeled ‘Executive Office’. 
Amazon: So… is this your own private elevator?
Adrian Raines: Yes. 
Amazon: Wow…
Adrian Raines: It’s not as pretentious as you might think. Sometimes it’s necessary for me to get around the building quickly. 
Amazon: Oh, I didn’t mean… I understand you’re a busy person. 
Adrian Raines: One of your jobs is to help me be more efficient so I can get more done. My previous assistant… she didn’t understand that.
Amazon: Is that why she’s no longer… with the company?
Something unexpected passes in Adrian’s eyes. Guilt?
Adrian Raines: … Among other reasons. 
Adrian turns his steely eyes to yours, studying you almost clinically, without a word…
Amazon: (His eyes… like stars in a night sky…) I’ll do my best, sir… I mean, Adrian.
Adrian Raines: I have no doubt you will. That’s why I hired you. 
Amazon: I’m ready to hit the ground running. What’s on the agenda for today?
Adrian Raines: My schedule for the rest of the day is packed. Right now, I need to prepare for a meeting with some very important partners. 
Amazon: Got it. I’ll be sure to meet them as they arrive. 
Adrian Raines: Don’t worry about that. They’re longtime associates of mine. They’ve been here before and know where they’re going. 
Amazon: How many of them are coming?
Adrian Raines: Just two. 
Amazon: Would you like me to order some dinner for the three of you?
Adrian Raines: That won’t be necessary. But there is one thing I’d like for you to do. 
Amazon: Of course. 
Adrian Raines: My guests are formidable people, at the height of power in their fields. And I’m conducting some delicate negotiations… So I wanted to welcome them with some memorable gifts. 
Amazon: No problem. Would you like me to run out and shop for some special items? I can shop like nobody’s business. Especially with someone else’s money. I’m seriously like, semi-pro. 
Adrian Raines: I’ve actually already personally selected a few… unique things. All you need to do is pick them up for me. 
Amazon: Absolutely. 
The elevator stops at the top floor and the doors open to reveal the lobby outside Adrian’s office. 
Adrian Raines: This’ll be your desk. 
Amazon: Wow. 
You step towards it, but Adrian stops you. 
Adrian Raines: You’ll be going back down. All the way down… to the basement archives. 
Amazon: Is… that where the gifts are?
Adrian Raines: Yes. They should have everything ready for you. Afterwards, come find me on the 75th floor conference center. Just be prepared… The archive clerk can be a bit… unusual.
Adrian reaches into the elevator and pushes ‘B’ for basement…
Amazon: ‘Unusual’? Wait, is this some kind of test?
Adrian doesn’t answer, just steps back out and smiles faintly as the doors close… The elevator descends, down, down, down…
You exit the elevator and find yourself in the basement archives.
Amazon: Um… okay… not what I expected…
Archive Clerk: What are you doing here?
Amazon: Whoa!
You’re startled by an old clerk with a deep scowl and an old-fashioned suit. You gather your composure and offer your hand. He doesn’t shake it. 
Amazon: This is a test, right? This has to be a test. 
Archive Clerk: I have no idea what you’re talking about. 
Amazon: Right. I’m here to pick up some items for Mr. Raines…. Some gifts he requested for his guests?
Archive Clerk: Do you have an authorization form?
Amazon: Authorization? No, I…
He turns on his heel and hunches away…
Amazon: Wait! I’m so sorry, sir! Please, just give me a moment. 
The clerk stops and turns around. 
Archive Clerk: You’ve got one moment. 
Amazon: I’m Mr. Raines’ new assistant. I just started today. I’m sorry, I didn’t realize I needed an authorization form, but Mr. Raines himself requested that I come speak to you directly. Thank you for letting me know the proper procedure. I’ll be sure to follow it next time, but Mr. Raines is expecting these items. I don’t want to get fired before I even get a chance to prove myself. 
The clerk doesn’t answer. He just grunts and disappears down a dark aisle of shelves. 
Amazon: (Please, please, please let that have worked… Maybe I should’ve cried a little?)
A few moments later, the clerk reappears with a carved wooden box in his hands. 
Amazon: Is that… everything?
Archive Clerk: It contains three things. Do not get it wrong. 
Amazon: Get what wrong?
He reaches into the box and pulls out an elaborately engraved silver dagger. 
Amazon: Um. 
Archive Clerk: The dagger is for Mr. Castellanos. It’s from the 14th century. 
Amazon: Like… the for real 14th century?
Archive Clerk: Do I look like I play jokes?
Amazon: No. I was just expecting like… a fancy pen with a Raines Corp logo or something. 
He carefully places the dagger back in the box, and next takes out a gold Egyptian scarab beetle, encrusted with precious stones. 
Amazon: That’s… beautiful. 
Archive Clerk: This scarab is 2100 years old. 
Amazon: Like…
Archive Clerk: For real 2100 years. 
Amazon: Holy… I studied these in a history class…
Archive Clerk: It is intended for Ms. Sayeed. 
Amazon: Got it. Anything else?
The clerk pulls one last item from the box: a tiny glass vial filled with a red powder and sealed with a tiny cork. 
Archive Clerk: Mandrake extract. That is something Mr. Raines requested for himself. 
Amazon: Dagger, scarab, mandrake… I’ve got it. 
The clerk nods and hands you the box. 
Archive Clerk: Godspeed. 
He turns and disappears down a dark corridor. 
Amazon: Okay… Thank you, bye… 
From down the corridor, you hear him muttering…
Amazon: (Well, that was incredibly weird. What is the deal with this place?)
You get back in the elevator, carefully cradling the box and its precious contents. As you ride up in the elevator, you pull your phone out of your pocket with one hand and search ‘mandrake extract’. 
Mandrake extract is hallucinogenic and narcotic. It was historically used to treat melancholy. In large doses, however, it can induce delirium or unconsciousness.
Amazon: (Okay, like… at what point do I get alarmed?)
You slide the phone in your pocket and pull out the mandrake vial. You hold it up to the light, examining it. The red powder is refined, silky, mysterious…
The elevator arrives. You tuck the vial into your pocket and knock on the door of the conference room. Adrian lets you in. 
Adrian Raines: Excellent, Amazon. Come in please…
You see two other people seated at the massive table. A stunningly elegant woman with an intense gaze and a sweaty, older man who looks you up and down with hungry eyes…
Adrian Raines: This is Amazon, my new assistant. 
Kamilah Sayeed: You do go through them rather quickly…
Adrian Raines: Amazon, this is Kamilah Sayeed, CEO of Ahmanet Financial.
You reach over to shake Kamilah’s hand, but she dismisses it with a curt nod. 
Adrian Raines: Kamilah is a brilliant and fascinating woman, but warmth is not her forte. 
Kamilah rolls her eyes at him. 
Lester Castellanos: I, on the other hand, would be more than happy to shake your hand, gorgeous…
Adrian Raines: … And this is Lester Castellanos, of Castellanos Meats. 
Lester rises and grasps your hand in his. With his other hand, he reaches out and strokes your forearm gently…
Lester Castellanos: What a beautiful, beautiful girl…
Amazon: Whooo… Um… Adrian….?
You look over to Adrian, alarm in your eyes…
Fast, impossibly fast, Adrian crosses the room, grabs Lester’s wrist, and slams his hand into the table with a crack. 
Adrian Raines: Hands to yourself, Lester. 
Kamilah Sayeed: Lester, please, come join us in the 21st century. This sort of conduct is so tiresome. 
With a scowl, Lester jerks his hand back and cradles it. 
Adrian Raines: Amazon, I apologize for Lester’s behaviour, since he doesn’t have the manners to do it himself. Are you okay?
Amazon: Yes, thank you. 
Adrian Raines: Back to business. To commemorate our partnership, I have chosen some small gifts for you. Amazon, can you do the honors?
Amazon: Absolutely…
You reach into the wooden box and pull out the bejeweled scarab.
Amazon: This scarab is for Lester Castellanos. 
Adrian Raines: Ahem…
You look to Adrian, he subtly tilts his head towards Kamilah. 
Amazon: So sorry. My mistake. This is actually meant for Kamilah. 
Lester Castellanos: What a tease you are, Amazon…
Amazon: So sorry. (sorrynotsorry.)
You hand the scarab to Kamilah. Kamilah turns it over in her hands, admiring it. 
Kamilah Sayeed: Ptolemaic Dynasty. Very nice, Adrian. 
Adrian Raines: I thought you’d appreciate it. 
Amazon: The scarab is a symbol of rebirth, if I’m recalling my college class correctly?
Kamilah glances up at you, as if really noticing you for the first time. Your eyes meet. Hers are brown, the deepest, most beautiful brown you’ve seen… like you could lose yourself in them…
Amazon: (What…)
Lester loudly clears his throat, pulling you out of the moment. 
Lester Castellanos: Lovely. Poetic. But what do I get?
You pull the dagger from the wooden box. 
Lester Castellanos: Ooo… angel with a switchblade! I’m in love. 
Kamilah Sayeed: For god’s sake…
Amazon: Actually, it’s an antiquity from the 14th century… and it’s for you, Mr. Castellanos. 
Lester Castellanos: Please, call me Lester. Or Daddy. Whichever you prefer. 
He takes the dagger, facetiously making a point not to touch your hand as he does. 
Lester Castellanos: Thank you, Adrian. And did you see, I minded my manners!
Adrian Raines: Congratulations, Lester. You did the bare minimum not to be walking slime. Thank you, Amazon. You may go. 
Amazon: Let me know if you need anything. I’ll be at my desk. 
You leave the room. 
Amazon: (Blech, what a creep. Though Kamilah seems pretty cool… I’m just glad I made it through that without being fired!)
You head to your desk and wait for the meeting to be over, and text your roommate Lily. 
Amazon - It’s getting late and they’re still in there. This = weird. Do I stay or come home?
Lily Spencer - It’s your first day. Stay. It’s not like you have plans. 
Amazon - Yeah… I guess he did say I’d have to work some nights…
Lily Spencer - Careful w/ that. Been more weird attacks all over the city…
Amazon - More?
Lily Spencer - Yeah…
Amazon - Ugh, so creepy. What are you up to tonight?
Lily Spencer - Date night w/ Melanie
Amazon - Sexay…. Have fun, you be safe too. Gotta go! Later!
You hear the door to the conference room opening, and hear Adrian saying goodbye to Kamilah and Lester. You tuck your phone back in your bag as Adrian approaches your desk. 
Adrian Raines: You’re still here?
Amazon: Well, I wasn’t sure if you still needed me, so… How was the meeting?
Adrian Raines: … Satisfactory. 
Amazon: Fair… enough. So… is there anything else I can do for you, or…
Adrian Raines: No, you’re welcome to go home. I don’t want to keep you any later. But…
Amazon: But?
He hesitates for once… as if thinking it carefully over… 
Adrian Raines: I make it a point to get to know my new employees. Especially those I’ll be working closely with. There’s a restaurant I was planning to go to tonight. One of the finest in the city. Perhaps you’d care to join me for dinner? If you’re not busy that is. 
Amazon: I… have other plans. 
Adrian Raines: Ah, I understand. That’s too bad… Another time, perhaps. Thank you very much for your help today. Have a good night, Amazon. 
He smiles, and there’s a surprising kindness to him, for just a second. 
Adrian Raines: I look forward to working with you. 
Amazon: Yeah. Me too. 
You grab your bag and head out. A little while later, you arrive back at your apartment. Your roommate Lily is there, hanging out on the couch playing a videogame… 
Lily Spencer: Gold medal for kills… gold medal for damage done. Play of the game…. The real Play of the Game would be getting McCree and Hanzo to kiss…
Amazon: Happy as I am to see you crushing it, didn’t you have a date with Melanie tonight?
Lily Spencer: Still waiting for her to text me… 
Amazon: Oh… 
Lily Spencer: Forget it! Tell me all about the new job!
Amazon: It was good. 
Lily Spencer: Awesome! Overly Excited Roommate High-Five!
You emphatically high-five Lily. 
Lily Spencer: Dude, no one deserves a break more than you. 
Amazon: Yeah, yeah. You’re just happy I can make rent. 
Lily Spencer: Not gonna lie, that’s a perk. Well, let’s toast to you being gainfully employed, and… wait, what’s your actual job anyway?
Amazon: I’m assistant to the CEO. 
Lily Spencer: Wait, the CEO? Like Adrian Raines?
Amazon: Yeah. 
Lily Spencer: Oh snapaloosa! Tell me all about him!
Amazon: I’ll tell you everything… if you have a drink with me. 
Lily Spencer: Sure thing. Just know that Melanie is supposed to text me any minute. 
Amazon: She flakes on you all the time… 
Lily Spencer: No, she doesn’t… Okay, she does… 
Amazon: Why do you put up with it?
Lily Spencer: I don’t know. Honestly. 
Amazon: Give her the benefit of the doubt. You wouldn’t want to mess this up if she’s innocent, right?
Lily Spencer: Yeah. Right. You’re the best bestie. I love you. 
Lily hugs you. 
Lily Spencer: Now, where’s that bottle of the good stuff we were saving for a rainy day?
Amazon: Or an employed day!
Lily pulls a bottle of red wine out of the back of the cupboard and opens it. 
Lily Spencer: A toast to Adrian Raines!
You laugh and grab two wine glasses from the cabinet. 
Lily Spencer: What’s he like?
Amazon: He’s super hot. 
Lily Spencer: Now that’s what I’m talking about. Dish! DISH!
Lily pours the wine into the glasses, and it flows like a red waterfall… Something about the color jars your memory.. 
Amazon: Oh no… wait!
Lily Spencer: What?!
Amazon: The red mandrake!
Lily Spencer: Red mandrake? Are you into magic now? Because I am always down for a Buffy marathon…
You pull the small glass vial of red powder out of your pocket. 
Amazon: I forgot to give it to Adrian!
You throw your jacket on and grab your bag. 
Amazon: Sorry, sorry, I have to go!
You rush out into the night, leaving Lily alone. 
Lily Spencer: So… I realize I poured this for us to drink together… but some poor grapes gave their lives for this wine and it would be a tragedy to waste it…
Lily drinks her wine. And yours. 
You dash back to the office, begging the security guard to let you in, and take the elevator back to your desk. You see a crack of faint light under the door to Adrian’s office, just beyond… 
Amazon: (Phew, he’s still here…)
You push his office door open… 
Amazon: Adrian… Oh my god!
Adrian cranes his head up from the body of his VP, staring at you… 
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mechaspirit · 6 years
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Author’s note: For Endless Summer Week, I’ll be creating four fanfics with four different pairings based on the prompts right here. https://mechaspirit.tumblr.com/post/180292333401/light-based-prompts#notes  Should’ve posted this earlier, but writer’s block and all. (And it turned out...bad). There will be one more fic after this one. Hope you guys enjoy! Thank you @mysteliand @brightpinkpeppercorn for hosting this!💗
Disclaimer: All rights go to Pixelberry.
Rated: T
Pairings: EstelaxMC
Tagging: @mind-reader1 , @brightpinkpeppercorn,@scgdoeswhat , @princessstellaris, @queenaryn,@itsagoodluckkiss,@sophie-summer , @xo-endlessmayhem-xo,@endlessly-searching-for-you ,@sceptilemasterr ,@blightartsand@daniela2510 and@mysteli !
Summary: On the night of the San Trobida beachside, Ian and Estela share a moment under a moonlight while reminiscing a few moments... 
“You got the blankets and everything?”
“Is Olivia asleep?”
“Mhm. Just tucked her in few minutes ago.”
“And if she wakes up…”
“Don’t worry, Estela. Your uncle agreed to watch over her for a moment. Besides, Liv is a heavy sleeper.”
“Gee, I wonder where she got that from.”
Ian chuckled at the way the female assassin was teasing him and helped her carry all the stuff for tonight. It’s a rare, but a soon-to-be special night for them, even long after a year and a day they spent together as married couple.
Every summer, the couple visit Estela’s uncle, Tio, at the beach house the older man built for the family and did almost everything together from swimming in the ocean to having the Montoya family teaching Ian the ropes of survival such as sparring. And let’s not forget that their daughter Olivia made a wonderful addition to the family ever since she was born. She was already at the age of three and she already adapt to San Trobida at the beach side. Not to mention, her great uncle always dotes on her.
Soon, Ian and Estela left the house and head towards the cliff of the beach side and saw the full moon shine brightly with its reflection shining at the ocean. The couple stared at the scenery in awe.
“It’s...beautiful.” Estela spoke out.
“Yeah...it really is.” Ian agreed before turning to his wife. He could see a rare, but a soft, beautiful glow that appeared on the assassin, thanks to the moonlight from the sky, and he couldn’t help but admire it, “Remember the time back at the hotel on the island where we first sat together looking at the stars and the moon?”
Estela nodded, “That was the first time you’ve ever approached me. I don’t think I can ever forget that.”
“Me neither.”
The wind breezed through around them, prompting the two of them to shiver a bit. Ian pulled out the blanket that was in his bag.
“Looks like we both need this.”
Estela chuckles in agreement and helped the dark hair to setup the campfire on top of the cliff. It only took them a moment to gather the firewoods and snuggled against each other, with the blanket they’re sharing and sat in comfortable silent while looking up at the full moon. It was only then until Ian prompt a question.
“Estela, do you ever wonder how our lives would be different if we haven’t met in La Huerta?”
The former assassin bit her lips in thought, “Sometimes, to be honest, but I really don’t want to ever think about that. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be able to have this life with you.”
The dark hair smiled and moved closer so he could wrapped his arm around her, “And I wouldn’t want to change any of that just so I can meet you. Even if it keeps happening over two thousand times.”
The couple stared at each other in a warm, loving moment before meeting into a passionate kiss. Turns out, it’s going to be a long night for them.
13 notes · View notes
marmolady · 8 months
Grandchildren: Leonel
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Summary: Endless Ending timeline. Middle-aged Taylor and Estela are entering a new phase of their life together, welcoming their grandchildren into the family. In four parts; this is PART TWO.
Word Count: 3208
Tagging: @saivilo, @edgydepressedchoicesthot, @sceptilemasterr, ​@mauvecatfic @rhemenway888
Thanks for reading!
Rosa was trembling as she hung up the phone, the news taking several moments to sink in.
It was a ‘yes’. It was happening. She was going to be bringing home her baby boy.
The whole story went back several years-- or to Rosa’s birth if we’re talking the real beginning. Raised in one of Santa Juana’s children’s homes after being abandoned on the doorstep as an infant, she’d found herself drawn back there, initially to help process her own traumas but then to lend a hand where she could in helping others through the system. The home wasn’t far from Rosa’s university, so it was easy enough to volunteer an hour or two most days, just being there as a friendly face. Even after graduating, she kept up her commitment, and then… Leonel arrived.
Rosa had actually been at the home when the baby was discovered upon the doorstep. Foundlings were not unusual in San Trobida; taking into account the small population, baby abandonment could even be considered commonplace, especially around the two main cities. The tiny country had found stability in the decades since the civil war, but the knock-on effects remained. Leonel, like Rosa, was a casualty, presumably, of that ongoing trauma. She’d jumped in to assist, not knowing that as soon as she took the infant in her arms, she would feel a pull to him as if by a chain through her very heart. Leo didn’t have to spend years in the system, bouncing between orphanages and foster homes; Rosa wouldn’t let it be. She would be his mom.
Months had passed. There was a lot to be arranged. Rosa was ready to be a mom, and began nesting. Her home was also her mothers’. A lot of San Trobidans lived in multi-generational households, so it wasn’t a concern; Rosa talked with Mama Taylor and Mama Estela about the possibility of her moving on to her own place, but they were undaunted by the prospect of a live-in grandchild… and Rosa just simply preferred her family close. It was no longer the separation anxiety that had plagued her in years gone by-- she could leave, she just didn’t want to.
Leo wouldn’t have that problem, she’d make sure of it. He’d never know a day where he’d wonder if someone, anywhere, wanted him. Rosa would ease him through his feelings about his background, and he’d know she was on his side, always, even when she wasn’t physically by his side.
Tears began to roll down her cheeks. You’re coming home, baby.
With shaky steps, Rosa entered the kitchen; her moms were putting a simple dinner together, and were engaged in conversation that halted as they saw their daughter’s dazed state.
“Rosa?” Estela straightened her back, as if bringing herself to her full height to intimidate some invisible threat. Ready for action should Rosa need her.
Taylor was quicker to get a read on Rosa’s expression. This was good news. She put her hands to her face. “Rosi?”
“So, uh… I’m gonna be a mom.”
And the room erupted with joyous squeals and shouts.
“Penny for yours?” Taylor asked, sitting down at the breakfast table. Estela looked as though she was miles away.
“Hng?” Estela brought herself back to the present. “Huh, sorry, I was just a little lost in thought there.”
“I mean, fair enough. It’s a lot to get your head around-- this time tomorrow, Rosa’s bringing baby home. Once things got moving, they got moving fast.”
Estela smiled gently. “Yeah… it hardly seems real. Reminds me of when we were doing this. Long… long time ago now.”
Rosa was their baby, but she was no baby anymore, but a twenty-three year old young woman. The years had flown by, far faster than they’d done with Liv. Just two years out of college, Rosa was stepping away from her fledgling teaching career to focus on the child she was taking as her son. Even sharing the same roof, there was only so much Estela and Taylor could do for her, that she’d accept from them.
“Just nerves, I guess,” Estela said. “A long time since we’ve had a baby at home.”
Taylor gave a little laugh. “Rosi’s going to be amazing… but we might have gotten a little too used to uninterrupted sleep.”
Then quiet fell between them.
 A smile quirked at Estela’s lips. “I’m not the only one overthinking?”
“Part of me worries…. It’s stupid.” Taylor looked to her wife. You know what I’m going to say, don’t you? “She’s pouring everything into Leonel, almost as if she could erase her own pain by preventing his. I’m scared for her realisation that you can’t protect your child from everything.”
Estela sighed. “Yeah. I’ve thought that too. But, mi amor,” she said calmy, taking Taylor’s hands, “she’s not any different to either of us when we had Livi. You’re gonna want your kid to have everything you wish you’d had. Sometimes, you overcompensate. And sometimes,” she sighed again, heavier, “the things that hurt the people you want to protect are the things you don’t see coming.”
“Yeah…. I see so much of me in her. It’s part of why I connected with her so hard in the beginning; she had no roots, and I could give her that. I could give her that… to a point.”
Estela’s caloused thumb traced along Taylor’s forefinger. “And you learned to live with your own limitations.”
“Of which I have many,” Taylor admitted with a sad laugh. She looked into her lover’s eyes, now lined with deep creases. The earnest tenderness there gave her strength, as it always did. “But Rosa will be better prepared for my own experiences. We’re so lucky we’re still as close as we are. You imagine your kids finding their wings and flying away… but I’m not remotely sorry Rosi’s taking her time with the ‘leaving’ part.”
Estela smiled. “No. I’m not sorry at all either. Poor kid spent too many years with no family; she can make up lost time as long as she wants, and we’ll always give it to her.”
Taylor leaned forward and kissed her wife’s lips, lingering just long enough to bring out a happy little sigh. She could be trepidatious for Rosa-- for all of them-- but her joy was far greater. Their family was perfect in all its scars and stories. Leo, like Rosa before him, would simply add to the tapestry, enriching her life in ways she couldn’t yet know. And Taylor was happy, for her Rosi damn well deserved that.
Leonel was as he’d always been; bright, curious, his dark brown eyes following Rosa’s from the moment she came close. It was different this time. How far he’d come since she’d first met him, a newborn all alone in he world; it was just on her last visit with him that she’d heard his first giggle, his black hair was coming in thick, and he was reaching out for things he wanted. Today, he reached for Rosa.
“Come here, darling,” she cooed, and she scooped him up, bringing him to her chest. This time, there wouldn’t be a goodbye; Leo would belong in her arms for good.
“You’re going home, Leonito!” his foster carer, a sunny older woman by name of Elena, announced. She rubbed Rosa on the back, a supportive ‘over to you, now’.
“Oh….” Rosa wiped her face as well as she could while holding her precious baby, her son. “I knew I’d be a crying mess!”
Elena smiled a twinkling-eyed smile. “And so you should be. Today is a beautiful day. You don’t waste a beautiful day not feeling it!”
Rosa couldn’t not feel this. It was everything. It filled her up and left her weeping.
“I’ve got you, bebe… I got you….”
Holy shit… this whole little life was in her hands.
Rosa’s nerves were unbearable as she stepped forward to knock on the door of the pretty little hut just outside the bustling marketplace. Leonel was his usual easygoing self-- not a grumble out of him the whole journey there-- and as she held him, Rosa found herself wishing she had something of his knack for taking life in his stride. If he had a stride, anyway…. Taking a deep breath, she knocked on the wooden doorframe, and it was barely room for her exhale before the response came.
“Your son!” Homori exclaimed as he threw open his front door and thew open his arms. “I can’t believe it-- and he’s beautiful! I have never… never seen a baby like him-- his hair is so dark already!”
“Oh!” Rosa laughed, her nerves falling away in the face of her dearest friend’s pure exhilaration. He pulled her into the moment and out of her own stormy mind, as was his talent. “Human hair is a bit different to Vaanti; we can be one colour most of our lives, or start dark as a baby and go lighter.”
“I knew you go grey instead of brown, but I guess I’m still learning. I think his dark hair makes Leo look like he’s wise like an old man, and his face is bright and new.”
Homori’s yellow eyes were wide with wonderment as the three of them came through to the cosy sitting room of his hut, and within mere moments, it had filled Rosa with utter delight. His heart on his sleeve as per the norm. It was one of the things she loved about him; there was nothing hidden. When Homori loved, it filled every inch of him and couldn’t be denied. Rosa was shyer, insecure, but not for a second had she doubted what she shared with her starry-eyed young man from Colonnade Cove.
“Would you like to hold him?” she asked. “He’s pretty good with new people.”
“People who look like me, though?”
“Didn’t bat an eyelid when he met Varyyn. Anyway, Leony’s going to be spending a lot of time out here… best he gets accostomed to the fact that some people are blue or green.”
Homori tore his gaze from Leo’s curious one to look Rosa in the face, earnest and hopeful. “A lot of time out here? I’d like that. I know it’s hard… so much of what you love is far away, but there is much you can share with him here. I’d share with him too, if you wanted; even if I can’t be his dad, I will be s-someone who cares for him….”
He trailed off, his voice cracking with emotion. He’d be Homori’s dad. He’d love him, for he loved Rosa, and this was Rosa’s baby who found his way into their world through her kind heart. Baby Leonel was, however, another tie binding Rosa to a place Homori couldn’t belong to, a faraway place he could only know through stories else risk his life and the lives of his people.
A lump formed in Homori’s throat. He nodded. “I’d really love to hold him.”
“Yeah?” Rosa breathed. “Just… just make sure his head doesn’t flop forward. His neck’s getting stronger, but still a bit of help needed.”
She eased the little child into the Vaanti man’s arms, and was pleased but unsurprised when Leo took the transition all in his stride.
“Leonel, my sweet one! I’m so happy to meet you! I am! I am!” Homori cooed, exaggerating his adoring grin as the baby smiled back at him. “Look at that smile-- just like your mama!”
Rosa didn’t want to cry. Homori would feel guilt, and this was her decision, her fault. Several years had passed since their brief summer romance, but they hadn’t managed to keep the flame from rekindling, inconvenient though it was. If not for the pregnancy scare, maybe they’d have stayed caught in in the whirlwind of young love, but the reality was that their worlds were separate. Homori simply could not just waltz into the life Rosa lived in San Trobida, and even after weeks of soul-searching and feeling as though she might drown in her own tears, she knew that there was too much she couldn’t walk away from.
This was the best they could do. Rosa and Homori were in love, and they were honest about it. Their time together was never long enough. Should one find a relationship in the absence of the other, it would be with a blessing already spoken. Rosa didn’t want anyone else. She wanted to teach children-- it was what she’d studied for-- and she wanted to stay near to the family that she’d gleaned so much strength from. She wanted to make San Trobida better for kids like her, and kids like Leonel. The thing was, her heart remained with Homori as well.
They all sat down together, and Homori gently bounced the infant on his knee, all the while talking to him, delighting in each smile brought to the small round face.
When Homori looked back to Rosa, his eyes were sparkling with unwept tears, and he saw the emotion plain in her own. He wouldn’t have her hurt for him-- not on a day as special as this.
“You have everything to be happy about, sweet flower, and everything to be proud of. Look at this boy! He’s growing up loved, and that’s you.”
“Yes,” said Rosa, “I’m happy. I can’t believe he’s here right now; my son, discovering La Huerta for the first time. Meeting you.”
She was quiet for a few moments, then--
“I know what we agreed. I just… don’t see myself feeling this way for someone who isn’t you.”
“Me neither. So maybe… for now… we just accept where and what we are, trusting it won’t be forever.”
Homori dared look hopeful, and Rosa thought how beautiful he was like that, holding her little Leo like he was his own. She couldn’t let this not be what she was heading towards. What she saw there before her was everything she could ever want….
“I’d never ask you to wait for me,” she said, “I stand by that. I’ve just got so much to work out with my life….”
“That’s nothing to apologise for,” Homori said gently, and he clicked his tongue for Leo as he resumed the rolling bouncing of his knee. “You have a lot that you care about. It’s far better than to not care enough!”
Rosa sighed a laugh. “I can’t argue with that. It was kind of inescapable, the family I got adopted into… caring to the point of almost destroying yourself is kind of a Montoya family trait. I’m lucky I have you; you love big and proud... and somehow you’re just so cool about it?”
“Hey, I’m a cool guy!” Homori attempted a hair flip, which he didn’t pull off, but earned a big smile off both Leo and Rosa, so he took it as a win.
She didn’t want to lose this. She could hope no one else ever caught his eye while he waited for her to get a hold of her life, or…. But she was afraid, and words were never her strong point when she was afraid.
Homori’s expression quickly became serious, concerned. He edged closer to her on the sofa, so that baby Leo could happily snuggle against either or both of them, then let the silence be.
“I hear you, Rosa.” Homori’s voice was smooth and warm… effortlessly comforting.
“I love you.”
Homori’s eyes had filled with tears. “Okay, maybe I’m not that cool….”
“You are to me,” Rosa choked out a laugh. “To me, you’re perfect.”
And Homori put his forehead to Rosa’s, her precious baby boy contentedly cuddled between their bodies.
“I love you too, sweet flower. And now your baby as well!” “The love we have could never steer is wrong-- I really believe that. Maybe it’ll change like it’s done before, but I know it’ll always be there.
Like the love she had for her Leonel. Trust in love came with difficulty, but this… this was impossible to deny. So, she and Leo, and Homori… they were going to be okay.
Rosa sat out on the hill overlooking The Celestial, baby Leonel slumbering in her lap, wearing a homemade onesie gifted from Aleister and Grace’s daughter, Erin, a little bobble hat knitted by his grandma, and swaddled in a blanket passed down from Andi and Sol that Rosa had made for them. The first baby born into the Catalyst extended family in several years, the little guy had enjoyed plenty of attention. It was small wonder he was exhausted, but still he took it all in his stride. Rosa, on the other hand, would be glad when the interest waned. The love was welcome, but it didn’t take much for her to become overwhelmed when it came from all sides.
“You’re a resilient little man, you know that?”
Where possible, she’d make it so he didn’t have to be, but inner strength would serve him well when she could not protect him from life’s challenges. Besides… some of the best things came out of hurt, and loss; her Mama ‘Stel had told her that.  It had been Rosa’s own pain that spurred her to be where she’d been to meet Leo in the first place, and now she was his mother.
She watched the usual beginning-of-reunion frivolities from her secluded spot; it had been the norm for her to retreat here when it all got overwhelming. That was something else she’d gotten from her mothers, for this was ‘their’ hill. Right now, they were in the thick of things, Mama Taylor with young Andi on her knee as they toasted marshmallows, Mama Estela sharing a drink with Jake and Craig. Both Reggie’s wife Mariama and Liv’s spouse Jeimy, Rosa had already quietly noticed, were off the alcohol, adding to her growing suspicion that there might be even more little kids around soon-- Isla was heavily pregnant with twins as well, so Leo would not be the baby of the bunch for long.
Leo breathed heavily in his sleep, completely at peace. Rosa had just been ready to go indoors and get him settled in his crib when he dropped off, and now couldn’t bring herself to risk disturbing him. But the night air was comfortable and slightly cool, and she was quite content to enjoy the feel of him snuggled against her, while taking in the sounds of family. She adjusted her position, bringing him further upright so she could lean down and kiss the top of his little head, his hair so soft to touch. To hold him and kiss him was to have warmth spread through her body, touch her very soul.
What would their future be? Rosa couldn’t see herself not returning to this place. Perhaps, when Leonel was that bit older, and she that bit more settled into motherhood, she’d find a way to balance her life in San Trobida with the home she had and would always have on La Huerta. Before Leo, she’d been on the verge of making that leap… but babies change things.
“We’ll work it out, Leonito, and it’ll be fun. I know you trust me.” She kissed him again. “Love you.”
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fal-carrington · 6 years
Back to you Pt.2
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Pairing: KamilahxMc
Disclaimer: The characters belongs to Pixelberry and as usual I'm just burrowing them.
Prompt: Relationships are build with love and patience, that's what Hayley used to be believe. Hayley and Kamilah dated for two years and half, and those years Hayley dedicated herself at the work to demolished the strong and old walls around Kamilah's heart. At one night, after a big fight, words spilled without thinking can be harsh and can destroy everything. Hayley ends up leaving the country and a regretted Kamilah behind. 7 years later when Hayley came back to New York, unexpected events can reunited them, bringing old strong feelings back. Now Kamilah has to get Hayley back, but how the vampire queen is going to do that?
To my fellas @hitlerpromised, @tothehighestdegree @teanerystheunicorn thank you so much for the amazing comments! You guys rock ;)
March 11th. London, Gucci show at 1:30 AM
Hayley's pov
The cold night air hit my face as I left the hospital. I shivered in my black overcoat, trying to warm myself with that scarf around my neck. I squeezed the handle of the crossbody leather bag around my shoulder.
The street seemed very busy that night, traffic surrounded the streets of London. Another parade was happening. Fortunately, the hospital was in the center of the city, so there was more than one street so I could escape the crowds.
"Hey, it's me. I'm sorry for calling this time. I just got out of a surgery. I removed a huge tumor from the left ventricle, you needed to seen it was a surgery of more than six hours." I spoke with a smile, pressing the phone against my ear. "When you wake up, call me back. We can arrange to do something over the weekend before I get back to New York. So... We talk later, ok? Bye." I hung up the phone and put it in my pocket.
"Hayley? Honey?" I heard a voice coming from behind me, at once incredibly familiar... It could not be.
I turned.
Was her. Priya Lacroix was standing a few feet from me, wearing a dazzling red dress that could only have been made by herself.
"Oh, Fuck," I said and she laughed at my comment. "Priya... It's good to see you." I tried to smile.
"Hayley, my dear!" She approached me boldly, grabbing my cheeks and giving a kiss on each side. "Did I mention that I missed you? And your fabulous sexiest british accent?"
"Uh, no." I tried to pull away, but she kept clinging to me. "What are you doing in London?"
"Gucci and my company are making a partnership tonight, if I knew I would bump into you here, I would have personally invited you to stay in my exclusive box." She smiled smugly, with Priya little was too much and all care was little.
"Oh, I appreciate the gesture, but I..."
"You look so different! You looked like a teenager yesterday and look at you now! You've become a beautiful woman." She complimented me, her brown eyes burning, I swallowed hard and pulled away. "The last time I saw you, your hair was short, let it grow, hm? I liked it."
"Yes, I... I thought it would suit me more."
"Oh, and those greenish eyes, my god, it's impossible not notice them. Your genetics is wonderful, inherited from mommy?"
"My grandfather," I corrected with a smile, a little annoyed at the approach. "I'd love to stay and chat, but ..."
"Oh, tell me all about your life, what are you doing in London? Are you working as an assistant to someone important?"
"Mmm, as you know, I graduated in communications, later I participated in volunteer work in San Trobida. Then I started to study medicine, which was always my parents dream, and I locked it up. So I moved to New York and the rest you already know "
"So you're a doctor now? That's sexy, did I mention I have a crush on doctors?"
"I didn't..."
"It's okay, honey. I know Kamilah would freak out if she knew I slept with you." She said vaguely running her fingers down my cheek, speaking like a child who was been grounded. "It's not my fault that your eyes are so attractive"
"Kamilah, hm?" I said bluntly, that name who fuck with me every time I heard it and I tried not to pronounce it. I tried for years to move on and that's what I finally got to do, but when her name was mentioned, I'd rather avoid prolonging that subject at all.
"Oh yeah."
"How is she?" I asked with my hands in my pockets.
"She's a workaholic definitely she's not well. She's still is that old grumpy grandmother"
"She did not change then," I laughed.
"Have you been talking to Adrian?"
"I keep in touch with him and Lily, we talk at least once a month"
"And Kamilah? Have you been trading words with your ex?" She smiled as she saw the change of features on my face as if she knew she was hitting it the right spot. Talking about Kamilah was worse than thinking about Kamilah, I felt vulnerable. Like a nerve exposed after an trauma accident.
"Mmm, no."
"Oh, I see. Then you still hold resentments against your ex. It's okay, I understand. It was the reason you left"
"That's not... It was one of the reasons. I was already planning to go back to college and with everything that happened I thought it would be better if I went back home."
Priya smirked.
"So, when are you going to New York to pay me a visit?" She raised her eyebrows, smiling. She had not heard a word that I just said.
I sighed.
"Actually, I'm going back there" I said and for the first time that day, I saw surprise in Priya's eyes.
"Oh really?"
"Mmmm, yes. I got a call from the director of the Mount Sinai hospital offering me a place in the part of cardiology, that is my specialization, they need a head to the cardiology center. Believe it or not, you are not the only ones with contacts"
"Kamilah will be so happy to know you're coming back! Imagine her face" She said excitedly. I narrowed my eyes just thinking about it.
"You can not tell her! You can not tell anyone."
"Why not? It's going to be so much fun to tease Kami." Priya frowned in disappointment.
"Look, I don't know what kind of rivalry you two have, but I don't want to be in the middle of it. You realize that I'm not coming back to Kamilah, right? I'm just going to work there"
"Relax, my dear. I will not tell anyone, especially to Kami, your secret is safe with me"
"Thank you." I sighed in relief.
"Let's have a drink. I know a wonderful place, or if you prefer we can do something even more fun in my hotel room." She said smiling, playing with the fabric of my overcoat.
"Mmm, sounds wonderful. But, I will have to decline unfortunately. I've been working for 36 hours and I just got out of a long surgery, I'm exhausted. I just want to go home and sleep"
"Okay, we can save it for later. Ah, before I forget, we must have a something to remember of this moment!" She took the phone out of her purse.
"What moment?"
"This moment." She pulled me close, her arms tightening around my shoulders and she smiled at the camera. "Smile, my dear!" And she took the picture. "Oh, I loved it!"
"You're not going to show this to anyone, are you?" I said.
"Of course not, I told you that your secret is safe with me"
"Miss Lacroix... Your car is waiting." A man in a suit approached.
"Oh, right. Hayley, my love, I'll see you in New York." She squeezed my cheeks and disappeared down the street with her driver.
April 4th. New York, Adrian's office 2h15AM
Pov Kamilah
"Cancel my next meeting, I want this paperwork ready by monday." I hung up before my assistant could say anything else. I sighed, feeling the cool night air around me.
I walked back into the Adrian's office, Adrian was sitting behind his desk, busy picking up papers.
"It's alright?" He asked looking at me.
"Yes, my assistant made a stupid mistake, I had to cancel my meeting." I said as I prepared a drink for myself.
"You'd be surprised at how many times that happens to me." He laughed and ran his papers again.
"Is it too much to ask for a little perfection? I never expected less, and they know it"
"Did I tell you how happy I am, for not work for you?" He smiled and I chuckled. "Actually, I think you need to rest. That's all you've been doing in the last few years, working, that's all."
I sat down in the leather chair in front of his desk, crossing my legs.
"What am I supposed to do besides that?"
"Go out, have fun... Flirt, date." He smiled at the last word. I rolled my eyes.
"I don't have time for such trifles"
"Well, you used to." He raised his eyebrows.
"You know what? I got an idea, get your coat, let's go for a walk." He stood up.
"Do you know what time it is?" I looked at him cynically.
"2h15am?" He shrugged and smiled.
I sighed and got up, Adrian helped me put on my overcoat over my suit.
Soon we were walking the streets of New York, Adrian walked beside me talking about how things had changed and how the city had prospered since our time. I just listened and walked beside him with my hands in my pockets.
We continued walking until we reached Central Park. Adrian sat on a bench and I sat next to him.
"If you had a day that you could erase from your life, anyone. Which one would you erase?" He asked.
"Mmm, how about the day I met Priya? This is a day I wanted to forget." He laughed and I said seriously. "Maybe the day my brother died, or..."
"The day Hayley left?" He asked with frowning brows.
"What is your purpose?" I looked at him with a grimace. "Hayley is in the past. Look, she's coming back. This is good for her, that's great. I'm happy for her, but It's over, Adrian"
"Oh, come on. Don't act with. Indifference." Adrian laughed. "There was this thing that I always thought, but I never actually ask you. Did you go after her?"
"Yes." I sighed. "4 years ago I got into my jet and went to London after her "
"Wait, why you didn't tell me that?" Adrian said shocked. "Did you talk to her?"
"No. I saw her coming out of college, she was talking on the phone. She was wearing a plaid black skirt and her favorite loose red sweater. Her bag was on her shoulder, that bag that she loves with all that bottoms on it." I smiled reminding myself of that day. "I tried to get out of the car and talk to her, but I didn't have the courage, I just saw her walking away"
"You couldn't..." He tried argue with me.
"I was scared, okay?!" I spoke in response. "The last time she looked at me, there was so much disappointment in her eyes, so much pain, I did not forgive myself for that day. We have nothing left now, and we both moved on. I tried to look for her, I called, I left messages, she ignored me, she acted like an immature child!"
"Of course she did it, you hurt her. You said horrible things, got her away from you and you've been doing this for a long time. You never even said that you loved her. She loved you and you broke her heart."
"I wasn't ready at that time. I wasn't ready to tell her that loved her. And she did the very same with me. She hates me. Face the facts, Adrian"
"She doesn't hate you," Adrian said. "I've known her, she doesn't. She's just hurt and resentful, and she can act kind of bitter at first and try to push you away, she may deny it, but she loves you. I talked to her and I could see that, even with her current situation." He lower his voice at the end of the sentence and I narrowed my eyes.
"What do you mean by her current situation?" I asked.
"I'm not the one to tell you."
"Adrian, what are you hiding from me?"
"Nothing." He shrugged. "You should ask her when she gets here"
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bbaba-yagaa · 6 years
500 Word Challenge
Thank you @queerchoicesblog for tagging me in this! I loved your short story and I felt I had to contribute as well.
Rules: Write a 500 word story. (This particular story ended up being 749 words. I'm sorry I tried to keep it short and sweet!)
Brief summary: A pivotal moment in Estela Montoya's life before the events of Endless Summer.
Tagging: @mind-reader1 @brightpinkpeppercorn @roonarific my ever loyal group of friends!
On a pitch black night in San Trobida, Estela patiently awaits her contact. Well her tio's contact really. Emanuel Hernandez, who is bringing the final resource she needs to begin her quest for vengeance. The moon is hidden behind a veil of clouds and the only ambient light on this night comes from the millions upon billions of stars over head. Off in the distance, a pair of dim headlights slowly makes its way toward the eighteen year old brunette as she stares off into the night sky. Her soft brown eyes instinctively seek out the constellations she's been taught to identify by her guardian and mentor, Nicolas. The Big Dipper, Little Dipper, Orion's Belt. But a particular set of stars seems to glow brighter than the rest and this anomaly momentarily perplexes Estela. She doesn't recognize these stars or their assigned group if they have one. When her eyes fixate on the curious cluster, a strange sensation seems to tug at the young woman's heart. What is this feeling she wonders. Recognition?
When an older model truck pulls up to Estela and turns off it's headlights, she shakes off the strange feeling and returns her attention to the task at hand. An older man, approximately the same age as her tio exits the vehicle cautiously and stands quietly by the driver side fender. He nods respectfully to the woman standing at the opposite end of his vehicle's hood: an immeasurable determination burns in her eyes. Emanuel nervously twirls the bushy hair of his upper lip as he contemplates what to say.
Estela grows impatient and speaks up first. “Hernandez, do you have the documents?”
“Of course I do, Estela! I'm simply contemplating what Nicolas will do to me when he finds out what I've done.”
“He won't find out if you keep your mouth shut, Emanuel.” Her words come off unintentionally harsh but her resolve is the same nonetheless.
“We are referring to the same Nicolas Montoya are we not? It's not a matter of if; it's a matter of when he finds out. He has his ways and I've known him long enough to know better. The man is no fool.”
“Then tell him I threatened your life. I think that's a believable fiction. He knows what this means to me. Please know: whatever happens to me after you hand me those documents is on me. You are not responsible for my actions.” Estela holds out an open hand and motions for the older man to hand over what he promised.
The man sighs in exasperation and tosses a large yellow envelope onto the hood of his truck. “I'd feel a whole lot better about this if you didn't talk about this undertaking of yours as if it was a one way trip.”
“I don't expect you to understand. She wasn't your mother.” Estela snatches up the envelope and tucks it into the waistband of her pants.
“You're right, she wasn't. But I knew your mother and Nicolas long before you were born. I regard all of you as family.” Emanuel’s eyes grow misty as they meet the fiery gaze of the young woman before him.
“Then you know why I have to do this. You understand what this means to me and you know damn well you'd do the same if you were in my position.”
“I would. But that doesn't justify me helping you throw your life away.” The exhausted older man steps back and opens the door of his truck. “Take care of yourself Estela.” He takes a seat, closes the door and fires up the engine before woefully looking at the young woman for what very well may be the last time.
“Thank you Emanuel. For everything.” She gives him a slight wave as he turns his truck around and drives away slowly.
Before Estela leaves to catch her late night flight to the states, she writes a note and leaves it on the kitchen counter for her tio Nicolas to find in the morning.
Tio, I'm sorry that I went about this the way I did but I really had no other choice. You would never have let me take on this endeavor if I had consulted with you. The man who stole mom away from us must pay with his life and I will not rest until I see to it personally. I love you tio Nicolas and I hope I'm able to return home. But I can't promise that I will.
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lorirwritesfanfic · 6 years
Get to know Samantha
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Shay Mitchell as Adrian Raines’ personal assistant bloodkeeper Samantha Holden 
Name: Samantha Amalia Holden
Nationality: US American
Birthdate: December 9th, 1995
Hometown: Blackstone, VA, USA
Current Residence: New York, NY, USA
Talents/Skills: Public speaking, writing.
Parents: Scott Holden and Inés Sales (divorced)
Siblings: Anna (older sister) and Natalia (younger sister)
Character Background: Samantha was born in a fairly rich family in Blackstone, Virginia. She lived without worry until she was about 12 years old, when her life began to change because her parents got divorced. After living with her mother and stepfather for five years, Samantha wanted more than what a small town could offer. She moved to New York, got a Bachelor Degree in Communications, interned at Mannon Financial, graduated college at age 21, and volunteered to help in San Trobida for a year before getting a job as Adrian Raines' personal assistant.
Best childhood memory: Slumber parties with her sisters and friends.
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 139 lb
Ethnicity: Filipino / African American
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Hair Color: Wavy brown (original color)/ wavy long blond bayalage hair
Skin color: Brown 
Ideal Career Path: Journalist, writer
Academic Inclination: Communications
Occupation: Personal assistant 
How does he/she dress: Chic, street casual, classic (for work)
Habits: She tries to have meals and is constantly on a diet, but she eats a lot when she's anxious. Also, she breaks things when she's angry.
Hobbies: Reading, watching movies, writing
Likes: Drinking, shopping, fashion, reading, traveling
Dislikes: Cruelty, injustice, prejudice
Religion: None
Strengths: Clever, adventurous, outgoing, confident, ambitious, kind
Weaknesses: Arrogant, immature, nosey, impulsive
Sexual orientation: Straight
Relationship status: Single (For now... It's very complicated)
Love Interests: Adrian Raines , Jax Matsuo
What initially attracted her to her partner?
She loved his sense of justice, his commitment to the causes he fights for and his acid humor.
Relationships background: Samantha had many boyfriends during her teenage years, but nothing serious.
Close Friends: Lily Spencer, Kamilah Sayeed and Natalia Holden
How does she express affection?
Big hugger. She loves to smooch people's cheeks. 
Does she have/want children?
She isn't sure how she feels about it.
Does she have a temper?
Yes. Do not cross her.
One random headcanon: she tried to have a healthy diet to keep up with Lily. Now she does it to stay healthy to defend herself and give blood whenever a friend of hers needs it.  
Does she exercise?
Gym and running. After she became closer to Jax, she joins Shadow Den combat classes every now and then.
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kamilahmademedoit · 6 years
She Loves Control (part 3)
It took me longer this time but I was preoccupied with work and had very little time to write for pleasure. Also, this part is longer. And since we had so little time with Kamilah this chapter, I’m posting this now, after the bare minimum of proofreading - sorry ‘bout that. Fun fact - I wrote the scene of the Gala before we got to meet Vega and... well, I guessed his aesthetic correctly. 
Pairing: Kamilah x MC
Words: 3142
Warnings: none this time
Part 1 | Part 2 ...
Anna had this spontaneous, effortless, almost childish way about her that made her not exactly courageous but uninhibited enough to say what was on her mind and do what she felt like doing. She could even be rather charming when she didn’t think much of it and everyone that ever had any role in her life - from her childhood friends to her college flatmates - agreed she was at least somewhat endearing. 
“There must be more to life than going through it”, she had told her mom, while packing the suitcase for her year abroad in San Trobida. 
“Here for a good time, not a long time”, she used to say while greeting friends at the club, though they found it incredibly cheesy as they’d told her so on multiple occasions. 
“I want to feel deeply”, she had told Adrian, one of the first things she ever said to him. 
But Anna had never anticipated the intensity of the last few weeks. Because here she was now, convincing an ancient vampire to go to a diner with her like normal people did and she couldn’t quite fathom how it had come to this.
“Well, aren’t you looking gorgeous”, Lily passed by the mirror on her way to the kitchen. 
“It doesn't count”, Anna informed her. “You wouldn’t be my best friend if you didn’t say that.”
“What? I’d lose my BFF privileges over not paying you a compliment? That’s harsh. Even for you...”
“Come here, ya goofball.” Anna squeezed her in a hug. “Are you sure you’ll be alright?”
“You mean not kill anybody? Yeah, I can manage”, Lily shot back, a small laughter escaping her lips. Anna finally released her, unamused. 
“I’ll be fine.” Lily said, her tone serious. “You go have fun… or not, it doesn’t really sound like a party.”
“Well, it’s not.”, Anna confirmed. “I’ll play coordinator all evening, making sure everything goes smoothly...”
“But you’ll also see Kamilah, right?”, Lily inquired, making her blush a little. 
“Uh… I… yeah. I guess I will, huh.” Anna tried to feign disinterest but there was no fooling Lily. 
“You know I could hear your heart beating faster from miles. I mean, I literally could...”, Lily said, grinning at her own joke, but also at Anna’s meek attempts to disguise her infatuation. 
That very moment Anna’s phone lit up on the coffee table and a short ringing sound interrupted their banter. 
“It’s Adrian, he’s outside”, Anna announced. 
“Saved by the bell”, Lily kept on teasing. 
“You’ll be alright?”
“For the last time - yes. Now, go, go, go. Get out of here! Go to that fancy Gala thing. You look like a million bucks and your highlighter game is strong, so nothing can go wrong.” Lily opened the door to the apartment and handed Anna her sequins-covered clutch, rushing her out. 
“Okay, bye, but text me if-”, but the door shut before Anna could finish her sentence. 
Adrian was waiting for her in a black limousine with dark windows parked right outside of her apartment building. The sun was setting over the cityscape, red and orange hues painted over the glass facades. 
“I congratulate myself on my faultless taste”, Adrian greeted Anna as she sat opposite him. “The dress suits you.”
“Thank you”, Anna was quick to reply. “The compliment would mean so much more, hadn’t you turned it on yourself, but I suppose you couldn’t help it.” She said, a cheeky smile in her eyes. 
“I’m glad you’re in a good mood”, Adrian returned her smile, though there was visible strain in his expression.
“Unlike you, it seems”, Anna’s smile faded. “What’s going on?”
“Relax”, Adrian chuckled at the sight of her face going from zero to ‘ferals are attacking’ in the span of a few seconds. “It’s nothing supernatural. Unless you consider my business skills exceptionally lacking.” Anna said nothing in response, just raised an eyebrow. Adrian sighed. 
“After a couple of failed negotiations you were informed about”, he began and she gave him a slight nod to confirm she was indeed informed, “I have to show everyone business is still going strong. Or as Nicole would put it, we need good press coverage.” 
“Well”, Anna smiled at him. “It’s a good thing you have me on your team.”
“It is”, he agreed, returning the smile.
Flashing lights were everywhere. Anna was not prepared to be photographed, much less from the moment the doors of the limousine opened right until they entered the enclosed area where only a few people with cameras were allowed in. 
The Gala was held at the grounds of Adam Vega’s enormous colonial style mansion. A cluster of huge cream coloured tents was spread across the lawn, the whole arrangement impressive both in size and in structure. Garlands of what in this light looked like pale blush roses decorated the tents and strings of warm yellow lights created a web over the heads of the guests. The mellow jazz played from a small platform at the far end of the lawn permeated the warm late-April air with bittersweet melancholy as the last red hues in the sky made way for the indigo dusk. 
Anna stayed by Adrian’s side as he greeted a few of the guests and posed for pictures with the host. It took almost an hour of pleasantries and picture-taking but after the whole ordeal was over, Adrian visibly relaxed. The air got somewhat lighter and he led her to the bar, hand respectfully placed on her back where her dress provided coverage. 
“You look distracted”, he noticed, placing a glass of Old fashioned in front of her. 
“Huh?” Anna cast a quick glance his way before searching the crowd again. 
“She’s not here”, Adrian said, immediately gaining her attention. “Yet. Texted to tell me she’s on her way a few minutes ago. Traffic.”
“I...”, Anna opened her mouth to say something but Adrian cut her with a smile. 
“Have no idea who I’m talking about?”, he suggested. 
“Oh, God, I must be so obvious”, Anna finally relented, her expression changing from anxious to defeated. “Lily already makes jokes at my expense, now you...”
“I’m not making jokes.” Adrian shook his head. “And no, you’re not that obvious.”
“Then how…?” 
“I had a feeling”, he replied, slightly shrugging. “I’m a good observer, let’s say. And Lily… she’s your best friend.”
“I guess you’re right”, Anna sighed. “I mean, it’s not like I’m making any effort to hide it or anything...” 
Adrian lifted his glance from her face with intention. “And here she comes...”, he mumbled. Anna turned around with her whole body to see Kamilah making her way through the crowd, cameras following her every move. In her simple, yet elegant full-length caped wine dress she exuded authority. She graciously allowed Vega to kiss her hand when he came to greet her and exchanged a few words with him before her eyes caught Anna’s for a single fleeting moment. 
Kamilah then proceeded with answering some reporter’s questions, her expression unreadable the whole time. Eventually she made her way to the bar to greet Adrian right when Priya Lacroix seemed to stumble upon him, clearly looking for a drink rather than small talk but rising to the occasion nonetheless. 
“Don’t you look like a vision in this dress, dear!” Priya turned to Anna after greeting Adrian first. 
“Thank you”, Anna replied, suddenly timid. 
“Doesn’t she, Kamilah?”, Priya shifted her gaze to her. 
“You _are _very talented, Priya”, Kamilah agreed, the corners of her mouth twitching. “Afterall, the mark of a good design is no one paying attention to the dress in favor of the woman wearing it.”
A warmth spread across Anna’s face as she lowered her gaze for a second. Kamilah had noticed she looked even more lovely when blushing, the blood rushing to her cheeks making these soft noises like rivulets did in forests. 
Adrian relieved the tension with a small cough that brought Anna’s attention back to the party. A sharply dressed young man had caught her eye and she leaned to Adrian’s side to speak more privately to him. 
“This is Harrison Stanford over there. Two years ago he invested four million dollars in a program called ‘Every family’, which funds in vitro procedures. He’s the perfect investor for the new technology Raines Corp. develops - this is personal for him. Oh, also, he and his wife, Jamila, adopted their second child last month.” Anna informed him in a hushed voice. “Ah, yes, it’s a boy, they named him Kamal”, she added, tugging at Adrian’s sleeve and just a moment later another thing came to her mind, so she spoke again. “First child - daughter - Aida.”  
“Priya, Kamilah”, Adrian gave each of them a small nod, “I’m pained to leave you so soon, but I have to go congratulate my old friend Harrison over there on his second child. I hope to see you both again before the night is over.”
Adrian smiled at Anna reassuringly and started making his way towards Harrison, leaving her alone with Kamilah and Priya. The silence felt awkward to Anna, though the other two women didn’t seem bothered. 
“Well, frankly, I’m getting bored”, Priya spoke again eventually. “And I’m gonna go mingle before Kamilah starts talking about Council business.” She grabbed her drink from the bar before turning to leave.
“Are you enjoying yourself?”, Kamilah asked almost as if she had been waiting for the opportunity. 
“I wouldn’t call it that”, Anna replied honestly. “But it’s beautiful.” 
“What is?” Kamilah seemed surprised at her answer. 
“The whole evening”, Anna said, her eyes on the horizon where the sky was slowly growing black. “The feeling of the warm air on my skin, the smell of these roses… I even like the music. And yes, I might be a little… tipsy.”
Kamilah chuckled, then her expression became somewhat distant, her eyes staring into space. “I hadn’t noticed the roses”, she murmured, then snapped out of it. “I see you have a drink, but would you care to dance?”
“You mean… with you?” Anna seemed taken aback. 
“You’re perfectly free to say ‘no’...” 
“No, no, I’d love to. I mean, yes… yes, I’d love to… dance with you.” Anna started faltering, her cheeks turning red again. 
Kamilah outstretched her arm towards her. The moment their hands touched their fingers intertwined on their own. Kamilah led her to where a few more couples were slow-dancing before gently pulling her closer, her hand on the small of Anna’s back. Their eyes met and for a moment Anna felt home. Nothing had ever felt as familiar as Kamilah’s arms around her. Anna was not typically clumsy, but she couldn’t pass for a good dancer if her life depended on it, yet her feet seemed to be moving on their own now. Everything felt so easy. 
And then suddenly the air felt heavy. Something had changed, Kamilah tensed, her arms closed around Anna tighter. There was screaming. People running. Adrian appeared seemingly out of nowhere. “Get her out of here, I’ll deal with this”, he told Kamilah with determination. She gave him a slight nod, her hand closing around Anna’s wrist. 
“Wh-what’s… going...on..?” Anna barely verbalised her question. They seemed to cross the yard in seconds, Anna was running out of breath. Once they reached the car, Kamilah turned to her to answer her question, “Ferals.” 
“I mean, I figured as much”, Anna said, catching her breath. “But I can’t quite figure out...”
“Why.” Kamilah finished her sentence for her, keeping her eyes on the road, her brows furrowed. She never replied back and a tense silence settled in the car.   
Kamilah tossed the car keys on the kitchen table first thing after closing the door. The place was spacious and somewhat barren. An open-plan living space with nothing but a black leather couch, a coffee table, a dining area and a modern kitchen with no appliances or food on the counters - no fruit bowls, no vases full of professionally arranged flowers, no paintings on the walls, nor pictures… just a long wall of windows opening up to a balcony overlooking the city.
“Are you feeling alright”, Kamilah asked, her voice softening, her face almost relaxing. 
“Yes. It’s not like anything happened to me...”, Anna replied. “But what about those people there?”
Kamilah sighed. She took her eyes off Anna’s face for a moment, looking through the windows instead. “We can’t save everyone”, she said finally. “We can, however, get to the bottom of this.” 
“That file you asked me to find for you earlier… You think someone on the Council is behind all of this. And not just omitting the truth but… plotting.” 
“I do, in fact, believe this”, Kamilah asserted. “But I was looking for something else today.”
Kamilah seemed to asses Anna for a moment. Not questioning whether she could trust her, but rather wondering whether she should involve her in all of this. But then again, Anna was in danger as it was, there really was no way around it anymore. 
“Dirty laundry”, Kamilah said after some consideration. “No one on the Council is outright involved in any questionable endeavors. But if you read between the lines...”
“You… intend to blackmail them?”
“God, no”, Kamilah breathed out with a tone of reproach. “Blackmail is such an ugly word. But sometimes loyalty is not enough to persuade a person...”
“Okay, then. Not Blackmail. Whatever it is, whatever you’d rather call it, let me help.” Anna said with determination.
Kamilah held her glance a little too long, her expression unreadable. Anna didn’t back down, didn’t flinch a bit, just stood there meeting her eyes with this almost naive tenacity of hers verging on stubbornness that Kamilah seemed to have a soft spot for. 
“Alright”, Kamilah said. “I’ll go change into something… more appropriate. You find all the files and we’ll go over them.”
“Okay.” Anna smiled at her, the smile of a person who got their way. “Wait, where are these files?”
“My office is over there”, Kamilah pointed to a door near the kitchen and then turned in the opposite direction. “They’re on my computer, but you’ll find a full list of passwords somewhere on the desk.” 
“You… keep a list?”
Kamilah sighed. “It’s more of a notebook. They are so many and I only use a third of them on daily basis...”
Anna entered her office and turned on the lights. Unlike the rest of Kamilah’s apartment, her office was nearly homey. Her desk was rather messy, something Anna had not anticipated. She opened the laptop and started looking around for the notebook of passwords.  
After some fruitless fumbling around Anna opened the top drawer of the desk and started going through the pile of office supplies there, until something sharp scratched the tips of her fingers. She stopped to look at this unexpected finding of hers. A yellowed picture of a woman, a little torn at the edges, pressed between two glass panels, not quite a frame. The picture had faded, but Anna could still make out the dark curls at the woman’s forehead and the strings of pearls around her neck. 
Anna suddenly tensed. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to pry, I was searching for that notebook...”, she turned around to see Kamilah looking at the picture over her shoulder.
“It’s okay”, she assured her softly, her eyes still on the small portrait. 
“She’s beautiful… Who is she?”
“Her name was Daisy. Daisy Caulfield. She was quite the little starlet back then”, Kamilah said, her voice holding a sort of nostalgic tenderness and the notes of an inside joke, meant for someone long gone. “But fame never meant much for her.” 
“Did you...”
“Love her?”, Kamilah’s eyes met hers, a challenge in them, an unspoken question. Then her gaze softened and she looked at the picture again. “I did. Very much.”
“What happened? I’m sorry, I- You don’t have to tell me...”
“What always happens”, Kamilah replied. “She had a beautiful life. Grew old in a quaint country house like she had dreamed of.”
“So, you didn’t...”, Anna trailed off, searching for something in Kamilah’s now composed expression. 
“No. How could I?” Kamilah locked eyes with her as if searching for the answer to her rhetorical question there. “We cannot afford to be selfish with the ones we love, Anna, no matter the pain.”  
Anna took a step back. Kamilah was too smart not to be making a point, she never said things without a purpose to them, and Anna felt the subtle accusation in her tone.
“Lily was going to die”, she shot back. Kamilah slightly lifted her brows in surprise. 
“I wasn’t referring to your friend”, she said. 
“What… what were you implying then?”
“But I already made it clear how I feel about your decision”, Kamilah spoke again as if continuing a thought, disregarding Anna’s question. She turned around, making her way out of the study and into the living room. “You’re meddling in things you can’t even begin to comprehend...” 
“To save her life!” Anna insisted, following closely behind her, her expression hardened in stubborn determination. 
“To play God”, Kamilah corrected her, slightly shaking her head, a shadow of pain passing behind her eyes.
“How could you say that?”, Anna stopped in the middle of the spacious room as if demanding her undivided attention, wherever she thought she was going. Kamilah turned to her, the city lights twinkling behind her. “She would have died...” Anna breathed out, a hint of disbelief in her voice as if she could never even imagine that. 
“Yes,” Kamilah said simply. “She would have. But did you consider it for a second that maybe she should have?” 
Anna opened her mouth to reply, but Kamilah wasn’t done. 
“Who are _you _to say who is to live or die? Who are you to decide her faith for her? You foolish, selfish little girl...”, Kamilah crossed the distance between them in a split second. “Have you taken a life, Anna?” Kamilah’s penetrating eyes were fixed on hers. “Have you?... No.” 
“What point are you trying to make..?”, Anna whispered, though she already knew on some level what Kamilah was talking about. 
“If you had the choice,” Kamilah continued, her breath on Anna’s face, her gaze uncomfortable, intrusive “would you keep your parents alive, just to have them by your side for longer, even when their time had come?”
“And would you then”, Kamilah went on without waiting for her answer “have the audacity to say you love them?” 
A silence fell upon them that seemed to last forever.  
“To love means to respect the other person’s path, Anna. Even if that path takes them away from you.”
Anna stood there in the middle of the living room, blinking back tears, while Kamilah made her way to the balcony.
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sceptilemasterr · 6 years
ES Act 3, Scene 9 - Midnight Vigil
Title: Endless Summer: The (un)Official Screenplay
Main Pairings: Estela x Ian (M!MC), Jake x Alyssa (F!MC)
Other Pairings: Craig x Zahra, Grace x Aleister, Michelle x Sean, Diego x Varyyn
Genre: Full Rewrite
Rating: PG-13 for swearing, violence, alcohol, and sexuality
Summary: That night, Ian gets an unexpected visitor.
Previous Scene: “Not Just Anyone”
Masterlist: Link
A New Note: Being an Estela stan myself, I know the slow burn of her relationship here must be frustrating, especially in contrast to Jake and Alyssa in the previous scene! I felt it fit her character better to open up more slowly, but don’t worry, she and Ian will get their “30-diamond” moment eventually. Plus, this scene has a lot of plot and I didn’t want to alienate anyone who’d rather skip the steamy scenes!
The Note Strikes Back: There are some hints toward it here, but the whole backstory with Olivia, Rourke, and Lila is going to be significantly different from canon and probably the biggest plot divergence thus far!
Return of the Note: Those of you who’ve read my Estela anthology fic might recognize a certain moment here... 
Much later that night, Ian lays in bed, eyes open, turning restlessly as he tries to fall asleep. There is a soft knock at the door. Ian jumps and narrows his eyes at the door suspiciously. Slowly, carefully, he gets out of bed and creeps as quietly as possible to the door. He peeks through the peep-hole... and immediately opens the door when he sees who it is, trying and failing to smooth down his bed-head as he does so. Estela is standing on the other side, looking incredibly nervous. It is a massive contrast from her usual demeanor.
IAN: ...Estela?
ESTELA: Ian. I can’t sleep. Do you mind if I... if I join you for a while?
IAN: I, uh, well... of course! Sure! I- I mean... I couldn’t really sleep much either, to be honest.
Estela sighs in relief and visibly relaxes. She enters the room, closing the door behind her, and crosses to the bed, where she sits down. After a brief hesitation, Ian joins her, and the two sit side-by-side. Neither says anything for several moments, until finally:
ESTELA: I hate this... it’s like this island is taunting me. I’m no closer to finding what I came for, and now we might die tomorrow at the hands of these... these “Hostiles” that apparently just appeared out of nowhere!
She grunts in frustration. Ian tentatively puts an arm around her shoulder, and to his surprise, she leans in rather than pulling away.
IAN: Come on. We’re tougher than that. You’re tougher than that. If anyone’s gonna die to those elf guys, it’s not gonna be you.
ESTELA: You don’t know that.
IAN: Pretty sure I do, actually. I’ve seen you fight, Estela. I may not know your mission, but I promise you’ll get the chance to do... whatever it is you’re here to do.
ESTELA: I probably owe you an explanation, don’t I? I’m sorry for not telling you sooner-
IAN: Seriously, I get it. You don’t need to tell me if you don’t want to.
ESTELA: I do want to. You’ve already earned my trust. You deserve to know.
She takes a deep breath and sighs, then continues:
ESTELA: I don’t... don’t exactly know what to say. Where to start. My mother, I suppose.
She takes Ian’s hand in hers.
ESTELA: I grew up in San Trobida. My father died the day before I was born, and I was raised by my mother and my tio... my uncle. But my mother was always traveling. Working. All for me. Trying to save enough money to move my tio and I out of San Trobida and into a peaceful, safer life. She wanted nothing more than that. To know that I would someday be able to live in peace, grow old, start a family if I wanted. Everything she did, she did for me.
IAN: It sounds like she cared about you a lot.
Estela smiles.
ESTELA: She was. That’s why she spent so many years working for Rourke International.
IAN: Wait, what? Your mom worked for Rourke?
ESTELA: Yes. Here on this very island.
Ian’s jaw drops.
IAN: Here. At the Celestial?
ESTELA: I’m not sure. On La Huerta, certainly. She was always so secretive about her work; it was for our own safety that we not know too much. I think even then, some part of her knew how dangerous this island, and Rourke, could be.
IAN: Rourke is... dangerous? I mean, from what I’ve heard, he’s kind of a smug jackass, but-
ESTELA: Very dangerous. More than you know. More than I realized... until her last letter.
She shuts her eyes tightly, blinking back tears. She reaches into her pocket and pulls out a yellowing, wrinkled, torn sheet of paper, handing it to Ian.
ESTELA: This letter hasn’t left my side since it was sent to me, two years ago. I haven’t shown this to anyone besides my tio.
Ian unfolds the letter, reading it aloud. As he reads, his voice transitions into the voice of Estela’s mother, OLIVIA MONTOYA, in voiceover.
IAN/OLIVIA: My dearest Estelita: I do not have much time. This island is no longer safe. Someone here is trying to have me killed. I do not know who, but I have discovered a horrible secret about this island, and about our very world. If I do not survive, you must finish what I began. Go to Rourke’s island. From the gates: 55, 90, 19, 08. Look beneath. You will understand. Trust no one there but Rourke. Someone on his staff is the killer. Stay safe, my daughter. Stay safe, Estelita.
Ian stops reading and looks at Estela, who is staring down at her hands, clenched tightly into fists.
ESTELA: If only she knew. Not two days later, we received another letter. Directly from Rourke International. It claimed that my mother had died in an “unfortunate incident.” But I knew better.
Ian nods, coming to the same conclusion Estela had.
IAN: Rourke did it. Your mother thought she could trust him... and he killed her.
Estela’s gaze turns cold and steely.
ESTELA: I vowed, then and there, to come to this island, discover the secret that my mother had died for... and to avenge her death.
IAN: You’re here to... kill Rourke?
ESTELA: Or die trying. I got lucky, winning this contest. I had come to Hartfeld because I knew Rourke had a son who hated and resented him; I planned to find out who he was and convince him to help get me to La Huerta.
IAN: So that’s why you stood up for Aleister back there.
ESTELA: Exactly. As soon as he told us he was Rourke’s son, the pieces all clicked into place. He’d been the one I was trying to find all this time.
IAN: Makes sense. So do you have any idea where Rourke might be? Aleister said he was supposed to be here this week.
Estela pauses, looking at Ian curiously.
ESTELA: I don’t know what reaction I expected, but... you really still want to help me? After I told you I want to kill Rourke? Most people would try to talk me out of it. Tell me I don’t need revenge. Or that “it’s dangerous,” as if I don’t already know that.
IAN: I promised I’d help you, didn’t I? And I never break a promise. Besides, Rourke’s the reason I’m stuck on this island in the first place, so it’s not like I’ve got any love for the guy. He already seemed like a total dick anyway.
Estela laughs for a moment at Ian’s comment, then turns serious once more.
ESTELA: I... I don’t know why I’m telling you all of this. All this time, I never... I never wanted to trust anyone. I never even told my tio what I’d done, before I left for Hartfeld under a fake name.
She swallows hard and looks away, searching for words. Ian waits for her patiently.
ESTELA: I can’t explain it. I don’t really... I’ve never felt like this about anyone before. I feel like I can trust you, Ian. With anything. When I’m with you, it just feels... I don’t know. Comfortable. Familiar. Like we’ve known each other...
Her voice trails off, and Ian finishes the sentence:
IAN: ...our entire lives.
ESTELA: Exactly.
IAN: Estela...
Estela embraces him, and he returns the hug. They hold one another tightly for several moments. Then they finally break apart, and Estela holds Ian’s hand, gazing into his eyes. Both of them look equally nervous, yet hopeful.
ESTELA: Look, I... I don’t have any experience with this sort of thing. I don’t exactly know what to say, or...
IAN: To be honest? Me neither. So there’s no pressure.
Estela visibly relaxes.
ESTELA: So, uh, what happens now?
IAN: What do you want to happen?
In response, Estela grabs Ian and pulls him into a sudden kiss. He flinches, surprised, and she breaks away, averting her gaze.
ESTELA: Dios, I’m sorry, I- why did I-
In response, Ian returns the kiss, holding her tightly. When they finally break apart, Estela’s eyes are watering.
IAN: ...Was my kissing really that bad? I know I haven’t really had any practice-
Estela’s tears turn to laughter as she shakes her head, hugging him.
ESTELA: What? No, I- I was just so scared-
IAN: You, scared? You faced down two sabertooths, a giant crab, some warrior elves, and a sea monster! I’m pretty sure you don’t get scared.
ESTELA: Those kinds of things? I know how to handle them. But this... being open, vulnerable with someone... trusting someone like I trust you... that does scare me, Ian. But somehow in a good way. Sorry, I know that must sound strange!
Ian considers this, then smiles at her and nods.
IAN: Like how I froze up downstairs. I was scared, too.
They both start laughing at the memory.
ESTELA: We were both such idiots!
IAN: ...Guess we’re idiots together, then.
Estela leans into him, all fear and nervousness forgotten. They sigh and lay down on the bed, suddenly feeling tired.
ESTELA: ...Ian?
IAN: Yeah?
ESTELA: Can I... stay with you tonight? Not like- you know- not yet. But I just-
IAN: I get it. ‘Course you can. I can sleep on the couch if it would make you more comfortable-
ESTELA: No. Please, just stay here. Beside me. So I know you’re safe.
IAN: Of course, Estela. Don’t worry. I’ll be right here.
Lying side by side, the two of them drift off to sleep, safe in each other’s arms...
Next Scene: If At First You Don’t Succeed...
Tag List: @brightpinkpeppercorn @mysteli @edgydepressedchoicesthot @bbaba-yagaa @endlesshero1122 @endlessly-searching-for-you
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