#tio nicolas
hildegardladyofbones · 9 months
If I ever get fish I want to name them after baroque people I like. Caravaggio, Joseph Nicolas pancrae Royer, Gentileschi etc.. You can quote me on this
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blogadrianaleite-blog · 4 months
Que Deus me perdoe, rindo muito!
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marmolady · 9 months
Grandchildren: Sol and Andi
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Summary: Endless Ending timeline. Middle-aged Taylor and Estela are entering a new phase of their life together, welcoming their grandchildren into the family. In four parts; this is PART ONE.
Word Count: 4117
Tagging: @saivilo, @edgydepressedchoicesthot, @sceptilemasterr, ​@mauvecatfic @rhemenway888
Thanks for reading!
Taylor pulled out an old plastic tub from under the bed.
“You coming, ‘Stel?”
It had been many years since they’d gone through all these things; treasures from their Liv’s baby and toddler days. Many years, but it felt like yesterday that little kid was crawling around their La Huerta home, bright-eyed and curious about a world that was all new.
Estela came into the bedroom and sat down on the rug beside Taylor, her eye going straight to a little cardigan.
“So long since you’ve knitted,” she commented. “You were good at it.”
Where had the time been for knitting while Liv was growing up? And then Rosa… though Taylor had managed to finish a couple of jumpers for their second daughter over the years, desperate that she too have something mom-made to hang on to. Now, Rosa was twenty, and though she still enjoyed the security of the maternal home, she was pretty much independent as she made her way through college. It was a good a time as any for Taylor to break out the old knitting needles and create something for a new generation.
“Thanks-- it always was kind of therapeutic. Maybe it’s time I get myself back in the knitting zone, make it part of my whole grandma asthetic.”
Liv was expecting. And Liv’s spouse Jeimy was expecting. Liv was carrying Jeimy’s genetic child, and Jeimy carried Liv’s. That they’d gone and had embryos transferred almost simultaneously had been, as Liv had put it, ‘just not wanting to put all our eggs in one basket’. Chances were, the first transfer wouldn’t be a success, but if they both gave it a shot, there was simply more chance of a baby-- one way or the other. But then, they’d gone and gotten extremely lucky. Liv’s cousin Reggie, already a father of three, had shaken his head in exasperation, declaring her ‘absolutely stark raving bonkers’. And the expectant grandmothers… could neither disagree, nor contain their jubilation at the news. It was unorthodox, but Liv and Jeimy would be given every support. They’d handled far worse ‘absolutely stark raving bonkers’ than a couple of babies on the way.
Estela smiled softly. Grandma Taylor was going to be about the cutest thing she’d ever see. “We’ll have to set you up with a rocking chair.”
Since the death of Tio Nicolas a couple of years prior, Estela and Taylor had lived in a small house two doors down from the Valle Brava home where they’d raised Liv from the age of eleven. It had been fortuitious that it had come up; while Nicolas had been ill, they’d lived with him to provide care, but soon missed the proximity to their elder daughter and child-in-law. Rather than build a granny flat in the back of the property, they had that little bit more space that allowed Rosa to stay home while she found her feet in adult life, and got to reconnect with a community they’d loved being a part of. Grace and Aleister still lived just a few minutes up the road, and their now-grown children visited regularly. It had been deeply emotional for Estela to leave behind the home she’d grown up in, but she sensed that for this next phase of life, this was where she was meant to be.
She became quiet, sorting through the onesies, and booties, and bibs, and bobble hats. The years just slipped away from her. She couldn’t stop it. The baby who’d worn these things was still that baby in her mind’s eye, and yet… all the things they’d shared, the full days and long nights, tears against her shoulder, puddles jumped in, bedtime stories, bike rides across the countryside, snowball fights, actual fights, hugs that lingered for hours… they were all still so real as well.
“We’ll have to warn Livita not to blink. It goes much too fast.”
Taylor looked up and met her wife’s eye, choked. Too fast by half.
The door swung open and Rosa came through, a couple of bags under her arm. “Have you found much?” Then she saw the large container, bursting at the seams. “Woah! Just… a lot.”
“Yes, just a lot,” Taylor admitted. “We’re pretty sentimental.”
“That’s not news,” said Rosa, and she sat down, drawn wide-eyed to the tiny clothes. “God, if I wasn’t broody before….”
Estela laughed gently. “We’ll make sure plenty of this finds its way to your little ones.”
Rosa ran her fingers over a little onesie, one she knew had been sewn by her Mama Taylor. How different Liv’s early days had been to Rosa’s….
“I wish I’d had stuff kept,” she said quietly. “I’m pretty sure everything got recycled, one baby after another until it was worn. Not that I’m opposed to reusing clothes--”
“Hon, you don’t need to defend yourself,” Taylor said.
Rosa’s cheeks pinkened. “It’s just nice to have some things that were made, or even just given, with love… especially for you. Do you remember my sunflower dress? I think it was the first thing you bought me the first time we went to the market together.”
“I remember it.”
“I cried so much when I outgrew it.”
“We have it, Rosita,” Estela told her. “Of course we have a ‘Rosa box’. No baby clothes, but the memories mean as much.”
“You kept it?”
“I’m sure we told you at the time, but you were eight or nine or something… it’s a long time ago to remember.”
Rosa bounced happily on the spot. “Oh my god!”
In no time, the three of them were looking through two big tubs of childhood memories. The bags Rosa had brought with her soon filled up with things deemed nice enough to pass on, but not so precious no one could bear their getting damaged. And Rosa held her special first Montoya family dress in her lap.
“Mom,” she said, getting Taylor’s attention-- an achievement when there were baby-Liv-sized bobble hats to be cooed over-- “do you think you could teach me how to sew? I’d love to make a patchwork blanket or something for the babies. I could even use pieces of my old clothes; that way I can at least pass something on.”
Taylor’s face split into the biggest of grins. “Baby, I would love that! We can have a proper sewing bee.”
“I’ve been wanting to start for a long time; I just get… daunted, you know….”
Her moms knew. Rosa and ‘new things’ was an ongoing challenge, but one she was winning. Stability in her life had been hard to find, so any perceived change, even good ones, brought up a fear response. Becoming an aunt… was genuinely frightening. Rosa was afraid of losing the closeness she had with her older sister. She was afraid the babies would reject her love. She was afraid to be faced with her own desires to be a mother… when the only person she’d ever imagined wanting to raise children with was highly impractical. But mostly, she was afraid of the unknown of it all. Rosa’s family unit had been consistent, all the way up until they lost Tio Nicolas. Of all the things to change, her family was the one she feared most.
“Well,” Estela said, “now we know it’s something you want to do, we’ll work on it.”
Estela passed Liv a coffee-- her daily ration since pregnancy began. “Did you manage to sleep?”
Nine months pregnant, Liv felt like a blimp on legs. Nothing was comfortable, and after a false alarm and being told to keep waiting at home, she certainly couldn’t turn her brain off enough to get any quality rest.
“A little,” Liv replied, gratefully taking the mug. “Jeimy kept me company while I was awake, though. I think I got more sleep than they did.”
Estela looked over her child-in-law, who was reclining on the couch, dark bags under their eyes, and looking every bit as heavily pregnant as Liv.
“You’re sure you don’t want anything, Lorito?”
The nickname had always deeply touched Jeimy, a lover of birds, their mother-in-law’s ‘little parrot’. Estela actually said that ‘little songbird’ would be more accurate, but pájaro cantorito was rather more of a mouthful. At any rate, Jeimy loved ‘Lorito’, for the term of endearment was one their beloved grandmother had once bestowed upon them herself. Without realising she was doing it, Estela had helped Jeimy feel closer to their deceased lola-- really, all of their birth family-- than they had in years.
Jeimy shook their head. “I’m fine. I was gonna drag myself out of my chair in a moment anyway and do my bird round.”
Liv groaned. “Oh my god, Jeimy! Just lay off the damn chores-- you hardly slept, and you’re having a baby in five days!”
She needn’t have worried. No one was overdoing anything when abuela-to-be Estela was around. It was all good practice for when Liv and Jeimy really had their hands full and needed a hand with their various animals. Estela had housesat several times before, so it was really just a case of brushing up on feeding routines and the who’s who of Jeimy’s beloved collection of rescued birds.
“Thanks for this,” Jeimy said, tickling the belly of a colourful parakeet through the aviary wire. “I know you and Mama Taylor-- and Rosi-- are here to help, but it’s easier to accept help when I’m at least able to do a little bit.”
Estela laughed. “I’ll have you take care of the bitey ones for me as long as I can. I’ve got enough scars to be going on with. Anyway… it’s good for you to hang onto some semblance of your normal. It won’t be easy soon.”
It certainly wouldn’t. It had been a gamble to implant two embryos simultaneously, and miraculous as it felt to have two babies now on the way, the reality of what they were facing was hitting hard. Help would be close on hand from Liv’s family, but the care already being lavished served to highlight to Jeimy their estrangement from their own.
“I just wish things were different with my family,” Jeimy admitted. “When you imagine starting your own… you don’t exactly envision your parents not wanting to be a part of it.” They sighed. “I miss my mom. I shouldn’t, after the way she treated me, but it wasn’t always like that. I miss the mom who I thought would always love me.”
“It only makes sense that it’s hurting now… I’d think it would add a new layer of hurt when you have a child of your own,” Estela said, a hint of a growl in her voice. “Your mom and dad are lucky they’ve never strayed across my path.”
The thought made Jeimy chuckle, in spite of the surging pain. Their Mama Estela would take no prisoners.
“Heh, I’d bet. I wish it was as simple as just whoopin’ their asses into being decent parents.
“It’s like…,” they said, “I already love the babies, so, so much. And I don’t have favourites, but I already feel like I’ve bonded with Little Boy; I can feel him there, and I know him. I just don’t know how the hell anyone could feel love like this, and then turn their back on their child. The more time goes by, the more fucked-up it seems to be. I was meant to be their baby.”
Her heart aching in sympathy, Estela instinctively rubbed Jeimy’s shoulder. “It is fucked-up, and it’s not what you deserve.” It was difficult to fathom, even being so well-acquainted with the depths of human depravity. These assholes didn’t have a clue how lucky they were to have the ability to watch their child grow up, to blossom into a strong and capable adult-- they’d thrown it away in a fit of cruelty, while some parents would have done anything at all to be there for their child.
“I wish we could give you what you’re missing. I know we can’t, however much we might want to fill that hole, it doesn’t take away what you’ve lost and how you’ve been hurt.”
Estela loved Jeimy fiercely; her protective instincts flaring up almost immediately upon meeting the meek and gentle person who’d left Liv so lovestruck. Over time, she’d seen the core of steel that had gotten Jeimy through the hardest of times alone, and admired them.
But she wasn’t their mom. Taylor wasn’t their mom. What they shared with Liv, and with Rosa, was something different.
“You’re family, mijo.”
“Sort of,” Jeimy murmured. Liv was their family, so the connections they married into were what they had to hang on to when the faces of the past were beyond reach.
Estela shrugged. “We make our own. Blood isn’t the most important thing you can share with someone. It can be nice, sure, but it’s not everything.”
Jeimy considered Estela quietly. They’d been absolutely bricking it when they first met her all those years ago, with Liv having painted a picture of a hardened warrior who was a fluffy little kitten on the inside. The walls had come down faster than they’d imagined.
“I’m nervous about the birth,” they said after a long break in the conversation. “I think that’s part of why I keep thinking of Mom. And I think, she’s not even the person I’d really want with me… she’s just a substitute because she’s part of what my family used to be. I really wish my lola could be with me through this. She was magic how she could make anything all right… and she’d want to be here. She loved me.” Then, Jeimy ventured a subject they’d never dared bring up with Estela. “Was it hard not having your mom with you when Liv was born?”
“Well, yeah-- she wouldn’t have even been that old, only fifty two! She shouldn’t have been dead-- she should’ve been there. She wasn’t holding my hand because they stole it from us. Everything she did for me… she deserved to be there and see that everything could be perfect. Liv was perfect.” Estela swallowed hard.
“She still is,” said Jeimy with a soft smile.
“Yeah… she is,” Estela agreed proudly. “Mami would have adored her-- she’d have adored both of you. I think you and Livita both chose the right person to be taking this on with… even if you are crazy going for two babies at once.”
Jeimy giggled, the tension flowing from their body. Beyond the-- to be expected-- nerves, there was excitement. Excitement so big that the fear could be overcome. “There’s no doubt we’re crazy. I’m terrifed, but I also can’t wait to have our family of the four of us.”
Their babies… they couldn’t come soon enough.
The room was silent; they could’ve heard a pin drop. But the agonising silence was broken instead by the cry of a newborn, rising in strength as she found her breath.
“There we go,” said the midwife warmly, “your baby girl has arrived. Little darling just needed a moment.”
Jeimy put their hands to their face and sobbed, but Liv lay slumped and dazed, utterly spent, barely comprehending the activity around her. All she knew was a sudden emptiness, both physical and emotional.
“...She’s okay….”
Estela squeezed Liv’s hand tight. “She’s okay. You did it, mi alma.”
The infant was quickly transferred to Liv’s chest, and with assistance from Jeimy, the new mother rolled down her gown to allow the little one to feel the warmth of her skin, and to try and nurse.
She sniffed, still stunned, but gradually coming through the haze to a joy and a love unlike anything she’d ever known. She’d done it… their little girl was there in her arms. It all slowly fell into place; the empty space was alarming, but that baby she loved was right there, and she was holding her.
“...Hello, little one… it’s me… I’m right here….” she murmured, taking in the scent of the tiny child’s head as she nuzzled close to her.
She glanced up to Jeimy, who huddled in, shaking, their breath caught in their throat. This was it… they actually had a baby together.
“Hey, Little Girl…,” Jeimy gushed, “I’m your nanay. I’ve been waiting for you!”
But it was time the baby graduated from being just ‘Little Girl’.
“W-we wanted to call her ‘Andromeda’, but, well, ‘Andi’. Less of a mouthful,” Liv said after a little while. “Oh my god, she’s so perfect! Look at her little fingers….”
Jeimy was beaming, and still fending off the tears that rolled down their face. “She’s the most perfect thing in the whole world. Well… tied, I guess. How the heck are we ever going to get anything done with two of these to look at?”
Taylor chuckled. She couldn’t stop smiling; her cheeks ached terribly and it was absolutely wonderful. She hugged Estela, and was held tightly in return, finding herself feeding off the giddiness infectious in the room. “It’s going to be a challenge, that’s for sure. Good thing you’ve got as much help as you want. You’ve got this.”
Jeimy kissed baby Andi’s soft little head, then kissed Liv. “So… she’s baby Andi. I think we were gonna go with….” They paused for the nodded approval from Liv. “…Andromeda Chesa Montoya. ‘Chesa’ was my lola’s name, so we really wanted to use it. And we looked it up, and it means ‘celestial’.”
“Isn’t that just perfect?” Liv’s eyes were shining as she looked up at her moms. She knew well the significance for them. “And we really liked that ‘Andi’ is pretty gender-neutral. That’s what we’re going for with Little Boy’s name too.” That, though, would remain under wraps until he made his own appearance.
There was a blur of activity. Baby Andi enjoyed her first feed, then her first cuddle with a weeping and elated nanay Jeimy, while Liv used the little strength she had left in her to deliver the afterbirth. In no time, the family was transferred to a comfortable recovery room. Jeimy had assistance from the nurse in putting on the diaper and the best technique for swaddling, and was soon back on cuddle-duty.
Taylor put a gentle arm around her daughter’s shoulder. Her baby girl was a mom now, and she could just about burst with pride.
“We’ll let you get some rest, okay? Have some bonding time in peace-- god knows, you deserve it.”
Estela nodded solemnly, tears pricking at her eyes. “You’ve been so strong. We’re proud of you, and we love you.”
“Quick cuddle first, though, yeah?” Liv urged softly. “She’s so, so special to me. I want you to meet her properly.”
Her heart beating fast, Estela sat down on the comfortable couch by the window. How the hell she was going to keep from bursting into outright sobs she had no clue. She caught Taylor’s eye, as she sat down beside her, and saw the very same exhilaration. Neither of them had known the love of a grandparent, or even that of a grandparent figure. It was something new, a sign of the stability their family had found. They were surviving… they were thriving. And the future only looked bright. Her mom would’ve wanted nothing more.
They took the little bundle between them, and shared a held breath. With her free hand, Estela wiped her eyes.
“It’s good to meet you at last, nena…. Welcome to the world.”
Taylor grinned, giddy. “You’re gonna love it.”
It was a good thing, Taylor noted, that a large recovery suite was available for Liv and Jeimy--it was unusual to have the necessity of two hospital beds in a private maternity room. She recalled that sometime, many years ago, Estela and Aleister had jointly poured a good deal of funds into this hospital, though this private wing had been developed later. The room was nice… bright and airy, and overlooking the central gardens below.
Baby Andi, though, cared not for the comforts. She couldn’t see further than the blurry faces that kept smiling down on her. It had been a long time since Taylor had held a two-day old baby, and she was totally addicted. Taking care of the precious little one while Jeimy was in for the scheduled C-section was about the best gig she’d ever been offered.
“Your water, Grandma?” Estela offered, coming in from the bathroom. She was tense, coming down from the cloud-nine of Andi’s birth two days prior and anxious for news about the second baby. The not knowing what was happening was painful, but it was how it had to be. Liv was no longer their little girl, and hadn’t been for many years. She’d know the same aching maternal tug someday, of that Estela was sure. Andi and her brother would be off and away and living their lives before anyone could so much as blink….
Taylor smiled at her. The air was thick with nerves, and she could see it clear as day in her wife’s face. “Thanks, love. Actually, you look like you need a cuddle,” she said. “If you pop my glass down, I’ll pass you Miss Andi-Pants.”
It had all taken a long time. The scheduled C-section had been pushed back due to an emergency, and the ongoing wait only became more harrowing. There was no reason why Jeimy and the baby wouldn’t be fine… it wasn’t as if there was a life-threatening complication that had prompted the section, it was just a simple case of the baby being breach. But surgery was surgery, and childbirth was inherently risky; no one was breathing easy until everyone was accounted for, safe and sound.
They looked up simultaneously as the squeaking of hospital bed wheels pre-empted the opening of the door. And then, there before them was the rest of the newly formed family; Liv leading the way, Jeimy sat up and beaming in the bed, and a swaddled treasure in their arms.
“Oh, thank god!” Taylor gushed. “Everyone doing all right?”
“Everyone’s amazing,” Liv grinned. “And we’ve got someone special to introduce you to.” She exchanged a glance with Jeimy, who carefully placed the bundle in her arms with a mouthed ‘love you’.
“We’d like you to meet your grandson, Sol Nicolas Montoya.”
Estela gave a sharp intake of breath at the name. She wasn’t surprised; Tio Nicolas had basically been a grandfather to Liv, and she’d always idolised him, but to hear it touched her deeply. Sol would be lucky indeed to have anything of his great-great uncle about him.
“That means a lot,” she said softly. “His name.”
“It seems like we’ve got a family tradition going of naming babies after special people. Actually-- we did think about doing the whole she-bang and calling him ‘Draco’, but the Harry Potter connection is still too damn strong.”
Estela chuckled. “You can name a dog after me as a compromise, I won’t be offended.”
She looked into her newborn grandson’s wrinkled little face, and was enchanted. Sol had much more hair than his sister; actually, he didn’t look much like her-- he looked like baby Liv.
“Livita, he looks about as much like you as Andi looks like Jeimy.”
“Really?” Jeimy asked. “I think he’s got Michael’s eyes and nose. Maybe he’s an equal mix of both.”
“Much bigger than Michael, though--,” Liv said, a smile in her voice as she looked over her baby son, “nine pounds two.”
Taylor whistled. “That is a substantial baby. Good for you, Sollie. I can actually see it-- Andi looks so little next to him.” She looked up at Liv, terrible wrench as it was to tear her gaze from the baby’s darling face for even a moment. “Michael’s on his way?”
“Yeah, and he’s going to bring Auntie Rosa with him. Sounds like they were waiting for news together.”
 Swallowing past the lump in her throat, Estela put a gentle arm around Jeimy’s shoulder. “How are you feeling, mijo?”
“Seeing how big my ‘little’ man actually is, grateful for the C-section,” they said with a smirk. “According to the nurse, everything went completely smoothly. It was the most surreal feeling, like I was half-disconnected from the lower part of my body. I have to remind myself that it’s actually happened-- he’s here-- this little guy, that’s my boy. That baby I’ve been connected to all these months.”
Jeimy gazed at the little hand that grasped his Grandma Taylor’s finger. At Liv bursting with pride as she cuddled Andi beside them. At Abuela Estela standing protectively over them all. They couldn’t want for more; what mattered was here.
“Yeah, ‘surreal’ is definitely the word.”
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fichtfrank · 2 years
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(Werbung aufgrund von Markennennung) . 🥰🥰🥃 Wagemut Tastingbox Rum sweet Rum 🥃🥰🥰 . Geht mit Nicolas Kröger von Wagemut auf eine Reise des guten Geschmacks und lernt viele tolle Spirituosen in der Tasting Box kennen. . Bei dem ganzen Überangebot ist es aber sehr schwierig den Überblick zu bewahren. Um Enttäuschungen zu vermeiden und um den Geldbeutel zu schonen, testet Nicolas für euch feine und vielversprechende Spirituosen in den unterschiedlichsten Kategorien. . Die Wagemut Tasting Box enthält 6 verschiedene Fläschchen á 2 cl mit verschiedenen Rumsorten, verpackt in einer schönen Box zusammen mit einem Infoflyer. Das Besondere an diesem Set ist, dass man, nach scannen eines QR-Codes, per Video durch das Tasting begleitet wird und viele Informationen über Rum bekommt. Das ideale Geschenk für Einsteiger, Rumlieber und Entdecker. . Das perfekte Set für alle die es eher mild und süß mögen. . In diesem Set befinden sich folgende Rum-Abfüllungen: . 🥃 Tio Pedro 🥃 T.Sonthi Panama 🥃 Ida van der Ille 🥃 Port Narrow 🥃 Drink Syndikat Port Cask 🥃 Razels Peanut Butter Rum . Weitere Informationen zu dem Produkt und eine Bestell-Möglichkeit findet Ihr unter folgenden ℹ️ Link: . https://www.rumverliebt.de/wagemut-tasting-box-rum-sweet-rum.html . ⛔️Verkauf nur an Personen über 18 Jahren⛔️ . #sweetrumtastingset #rumtastingset #tastingset #rumtastingbox #tastingbox ##sweetrum #spiritdrink #portnarrowcaptainsblend #portnarrow #drinksydikat #portcask #drinksyndikatportcaskrum #tsonthipanama #razelsrumtreats #peanutbutterrum #rum #rhum #ron #tasting #rumtasting #rumlovers #rumcocktails #drinks #drinkporn #cocktails #cocktail #bar @t.sonthi_rum @wagemut_spirituosen @drinksyndikat @portnarrow @razelsrumtreats (hier: Rumverliebt) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp16TzmMV4i/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sentimentosecretos · 1 year
Novos problemas
Prometi que iria escrever varios textos por aqui para atualizar a minha vida, mais vamos rir um pouco da minha ingenuidade de achar que eu iria conseguir escrever tudo antes de me aparecerem novos problemas.
Lembro que um desses textos iria ser sobre a faculdade que eu passe e iria mudar a minha vida hahaha , deixa eu contar para vocês o quanto eu odeio comemorar as coisas antes de acontecerem, a faculdade que eu passei fica em catalão e eu moro no pará (um dia faço um texto explicando porque escolhi justo essa universidade) meu pai mora lá perto e seria facil ele me ajudar com tudo certo? errado, eu estava esquecendo que tenho um pai inutil e doente, sei que ele tem depressão, ansiedade e os caramba porém...
Se eu tivesse com o mesmo odio de ontem quando descobri que ele está assim porque é obcecado na ex mulher, esse texto seria só de chingamentos.
Ontem meu querido pai tentou ir com deus se é que vcs me entedem, e agora que a minha mãe viu que ele não tem instabilidade nenhuma pra mim ir morar com ele, ela não quer deixar eu ir mais, agora voces entendem o porque eu estou com odio. Ele nunca fez nada por mim a vida inteirinha e quando eu mis preciso dele, ele não vai poder ajudar porque está sendo egoista, odeio ele com todas as minhas foças.
tenho tanta, tanta coisa para escrever aqui que fico perdida por onde comecar, queria poder está falando sobre a minha fanfic nova e como eu estou animada para escreve-la, mais tenho andado tão mal com esse assunto que mesmo escrevendo lá, não consigo escrever aqui.
Acho que o motivo e que a fanfic me faz fugir desse mundo, enquanto aqui eu sinto que a minha voz da mente se torna alguém e eu nem sei dizer se isso é bom, mais é assustador, uma coisa também que vem passado pela minha cabeça é a suspeita que eu possa ter ou adquirir problemas mentais, além dos que eu já tenho.
Meu pai tem todos aqueles problemas que voces já sabem, minha mãe ansiedade, meu primo se brincadeira nenhuma tem retardo mental, minha tia tambem, vó por parte de pai tem problemas com acumular coisas, e tenho um tio esquizofrenico.
Serio minhas chances são muito altas de um dia eu não está mais no comando, e eu me tornar um deles, se eu já não for. Enfim eu nem queria escrever hoje aqui mais se eu não fizesse isso iria acumular de novo, então até depois.
Quin, 31 de Marc As 00;56
esqueci de dizer que o nicolas já está melhor e está tomando os remedios.
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rumverliebt · 2 years
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(Werbung aufgrund von Markennennung) . 🥰🥰🥃 Wagemut Tastingbox Rum sweet Rum 🥃🥰🥰 . Geht mit Nicolas Kröger von Wagemut auf eine Reise des guten Geschmacks und lernt viele tolle Spirituosen in der Tasting Box kennen. . Bei dem ganzen Überangebot ist es aber sehr schwierig den Überblick zu bewahren. Um Enttäuschungen zu vermeiden und um den Geldbeutel zu schonen, testet Nicolas für euch feine und vielversprechende Spirituosen in den unterschiedlichsten Kategorien. . Die Wagemut Tasting Box enthält 6 verschiedene Fläschchen á 2 cl mit verschiedenen Rumsorten, verpackt in einer schönen Box zusammen mit einem Infoflyer. Das Besondere an diesem Set ist, dass man, nach scannen eines QR-Codes, per Video durch das Tasting begleitet wird und viele Informationen über Rum bekommt. Das ideale Geschenk für Einsteiger, Rumlieber und Entdecker. . Das perfekte Set für alle die es eher mild und süß mögen. . In diesem Set befinden sich folgende Rum-Abfüllungen: . 🥃 Tio Pedro 🥃 T.Sonthi Panama 🥃 Ida van der Ille 🥃 Port Narrow 🥃 Drink Syndikat Port Cask 🥃 Razels Peanut Butter Rum . Weitere Informationen zu dem Produkt und eine Bestell-Möglichkeit findet Ihr unter folgenden ℹ️ Link: . https://www.rumverliebt.de/wagemut-tasting-box-rum-sweet-rum.html . ⛔️Verkauf nur an Personen über 18 Jahren⛔️ . #sweetrumtastingset #rumtastingset #tastingset #rumtastingbox #tastingbox ##sweetrum #spiritdrink #portnarrowcaptainsblend #portnarrow #drinksydikat #portcask #drinksyndikatportcaskrum #tsonthipanama #razelsrumtreats #peanutbutterrum #rum #rhum #ron #tasting #rumtasting #rumlovers #rumcocktails #drinks #drinkporn #cocktails #cocktail #bar @t.sonthi_rum @wagemut_spirituosen @drinksyndikat @portnarrow @razelsrumtreats (hier: Rumverliebt) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp2Qt63MHbE/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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redacaonacional · 2 years
Menino de 10 anos morre por disparo acidental ao brincar com arma em MG
Menino de 10 anos morre por disparo acidental ao brincar com arma em MG
NICOLA PAMPLONARIO DE JANEIRO, RJ (FOLHAPRESS) – Um menino de dez anos morreu ao ser atingido por disparo acidental no início da tarde de sábado (22) enquanto brincava com a arma de fogo de um tio em Juatuba, na Grande Belo Horizonte. Parentes contaram à polícia que estavam reunidos em um quiosque na área externa do sítio da família quando ouviram um estampido e gritos de socorro da prima da…
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bbaba-yagaa · 6 years
Sweet Pea (Part 1)
A/N: This is part 1 of a fanfic based on the heartbreaking headcanon by @esteladannishreyakamilah and for ES Appreciation Week Day 2 hosted graciously by @brightpinkpeppercorn and @mysteli. And for @choices-december-challenge day 8: family hosted by @kinda-iconic Characters: Estela Montoya, Nicolas Montoya, baby Olivia Montoya, Jake McKenzie Summary: This is a take on Estela's story post Vaanu ending. She handfasted M!MC and they were able to conceive a child (unknown to Taylor before his sacrifice). Rating: PG-PG13 Word Count: 3,400 Disclaimer: I do not own these characters, they belong to Pixelberry. There are two however original characters that I can claim. 
Estela wakes in the middle of the night to the sound of her daughter crying down the hall. In an instant she's out of bed and heading for the door. She scoops up and throws on a pale blue robe along the way; hastily tying it around her waist before exiting into the corridor. Upon reaching Olivia's room, she takes great care to enter slowly and quietly. Curled up tightly beneath her quilted comforter, the distressed four year old thrashes, still in the midst of what Estela assumes is a nightmare. The young mother brushes the disheveled brown hair out of her face, kneels down and plants a gentle kiss on Olivia's head.
“Olivia, baby, it's ok. Mommy's here.” She runs a hand through her daughter's hair and slowly but surely, the little girl turns over to face her mother. Tears come in a steady stream as she whimpers and gently wraps her arms around Estela. “M-momma?” Her small body trembles as she struggles to speak. “Yes, I'm here baby. What is it? What's scaring you?” “The- the man.” “What man?” Estela's gaze snaps to the dark corners of her daughter's room instinctively but nothing seems out of place or otherwise disturbed. “The man with no face.” Her small body is overcome with tremors upon uttering these words. The blood running through Estela’s veins turns to ice when Olivia describes her tormentor. It couldn't possibly be? No. Not a chance. Just a bad dream. She quickly shakes off the nightmarish thought and focuses on comforting her little one. “It sounds like your tio abuelo has been letting you watch scary movies again. I'm going to have a talk with him first thing in the morning.” “Don't be mad at him mommy. He only let me watch the Terminanator movie with the liquid man.” Ah, now her nightmare makes perfect sense. Nicolas would definitely have some explaining to do. Estela's heart rate slows and the fear in her mind dissipates. “Would you like to sleep with me tonight?” “P-pwease?” The toddler begins to dry her face as a smile finally begins to form upon it. “Come on then; let's go. You have to be well rested for our visitor tomorrow.” The little girl's eyes grow wide with excitement when she remembers who is coming to visit. “Uncle Jake!” “Yes, that's right.” Estela playfully ruffles her daughters hair before leading the way back to the master bedroom. As Olivia once again falls fast asleep, her mother lays awake wrestling with painful memories. 
She recalls that it's been almost five years since her husband gave his life to restore the world. Her father, Rourke, who was brought to justice and later executed for the murder of her mother in addition to his crimes against humanity. The justice served to her father brought great peace of mind as she subconsciously blamed him for Taylor’s fate. She remembers finally returning home to San Trobida, her Tio Nicolas and the persistent morning sickness that followed soon after. Then came nerve racking trip to the doctor that revealed the biggest surprise of her life: she was pregnant. Taylor had left this world with no way of knowing he was a father to be and this thought left Estela broken for many months. But with the support of her new extended family and of course, tio Nicolas, she met the challenge of motherhood head on. When the day of birth finally came, the decision of what to name her took but a split second in the young woman’s mind. She would be named for her grandmother: Olivia. Estela wakes the next morning with Olivia clinging tightly to her side. She glances at the at the clock on the nightstand and mentally kicks herself for oversleeping. “Olivia; wake up baby. We have to eat and get dressed. Jake will be here any minute.” In the blink of an eye, the blankets are tossed over the young mother's head and a tiny body erupts from beneath. “Yaaay! Uncle Jake is coming! What are you waiting for mommy? Let's go alwedey!” The little girl leaps out of bed and runs off down the hallway before Estela can remove the blankets from her face. The ecstatic toddler runs all the way to the kitchen where Nicolas is making breakfast for the three of them. “Hey chiquita, where's the fire? Breakfast is not even finished yet.” “I came to warn you tio abuelo; mommy’s mad at you.” She pulls out a chair from the kitchen table before climbing up and sitting down. “Mad at me? What did I do-” Estela quietly walks up behind him and grabs his ear, twisting it just hard enough to get his attention. “You let Olivia watch Judgement Day?” “Ow, Estelita! There's nothing wrong with T2. Hell, by the time you were her age, we'd already watched Aliens like three times. Ellen Ripley was your idol. What's the problem?” “First off, language. Second: she had a nightmare last night! She woke up saying that a faceless man was scaring her.” Estela releases his ear and Nicolas tenderly rubs it before responding. “Aw chiquita Livita, is this true?” The old man thoughtfully strokes his greying mustache as he looks to his great niece sorrowfully. Olivia nods while taking a bite of the toast in her hand. “Yes tio… the man was scawey. But he didn't say anything. He just stared at me until momma woke me up.” “Well I guess we have to be more careful with what we watch from now on huh?” Nicolas turns his attention back to the the frying pan on the stove; carefully avoiding his niece's cold gaze. The distant drone of a plane's engine catches everyone's attention and prevents Estela from further interrogating her tio. “Uncle Jakey is here!” Olivia flies off her chair and makes a mad dash for the front door. “Olivia, wait! You're not even dressed.” Her words fall upon deaf ears as Olivia is already outside and running across the front lawn while looking skyward, anxiously searching for her highly anticipated visitor. “Damn, I'm not even dressed.” Estela turns and briskly makes her way back down the hall. She tosses off her robe after closing the bedroom door behind her and grabs a pair of jeans and a black tank top from an open dresser drawer. The pants are all but jumped into and the shirt is slipped on just as quickly while she ties her hair back into a messy ponytail. Last but not least, her signature blue hoodie is snatched up as she makes her way back to the kitchen. While walking past the breakfast table, she scoops up a bagel and clamps it between her teeth before finally wrestling on the jacket. Nicolas sees her choice of nourishment and holds up his hands in bewilderment. “Really Estelita, a bagel?” He gestures to the magnificent breakfast that took all morning to prepare. Estela simply shrugs while chomping into the baked good. “We overslept because of your bad movie night decision so I'd say we are even. We’ll see you in a bit. Bye tio.” With those words she kicks open the front door and runs off to find her wayward daughter. Nicolas, being the stubborn man that he is, follows and yells after her. “Hey, why don't you invite your hot shot, pilot friend to breakfast? He's got the best stories and is always welcome. Also, can you remind me again why you two aren't a… you know, thing?” The young brunette whirls around to face her uncle. “Tio, my love life is none of your business. We've been over this before. Besides, that's just… weird.” “How is it weird when you've already built him his own private airstrip on our land?” “We've gone over this before as well! I got tired of driving to the airport and he loves being able to drop in anytime to see Olivia. It's a win win situation until you make it weird. Anyways, bye tio!” Estela waves him off and heads toward the sound of a small child bursting with joy. Olivia is jumping up and down in a hedonistic manner just outside the front yard barrier screaming at the top of her lungs. “Yaaay, Uncle Jake! Do the thing. Do the thing!” An small, older model passenger aircraft,  barrels toward the Montoya property. As it closes in, the plane shifts completely onto its side, into an aerial jackknife before it blazes past the young mother and her child. “Momma, he did it! He did it!” Olivia jumps up and down while feverishly waving her arms. “Yeah baby I saw. But that's the wrong type of plane for doing that kind of stuff. If you knew his track record with things that fly, you'd be a little bit more nervous when he does that. Now, get inside and put some actual clothes on while I fetch the truck. You're not dressed for visitors.” Olivia looks down at the long, white sleeping shirt that hangs past her knees. “Aww mom, do I have to?!” She twists her face into the most pitiful expression that it can muster in an attempt to sway her mother. “Yes. Now go on. Let's not keep him waiting.” “Maaaan.” The toddler hangs her head as she half jogs back to the house. Once the door closes behind her daughter, Estela makes her way around the back side of the house and to the detached garage. With a quick tug of the handle, she lifts the door open and hoists it overhead before grabbing a set of keys and jumping into the old utility vehicle. The aged, yet trusty truck roars to life and Estela slowly guides it toward the front of the house. As she rounds the north east corner of the building, a door flies open and little Olivia emerges, fully dressed with a slice of toast in hand. The young mother barely has time to come to a complete stop before her exhilarated daughter climbs aboard. “Hurry mom! We're gonna miss ‘im landing!” “Seatbelt, Olivia.” “Mom!” The toddler bounces in her seat furiously; seconds away from erupting into a tantrum. “Olivia. You have seen him land more times than you can probably count. You'll live. Now put on your seatbelt or we're not going anywhere.” Estela folds her arms sternly as she waits for the stubborn little girl to comply. After an extremely brief stare down, Olivia relents and quickly snaps her seatbelt into place. “Can we go now, puh-lease?” “Yes. Thank you for listening faster this time.” With these words, Estela puts the vehicle in gear and speeds off toward the airstrip to meet their guest. The old utility vehicle pulls onto the runway just as their visitor climbs out of his plane. Olivia leaps out of the truck and takes off running; her messy ponytail bounces wildly behind as she runs into the arms of Jake. He bursts into joyous laughter as she knocks him to the ground unintentionally. “Sweet Pea! Did ya miss me?” The pilot swats at the child's ponytail playfully. “Of course I did uncle Jake! Momma made us late ‘cause she wouldn't let me come down here in my jammies .” “Yep, that sounds just like your mom. You wanna help me up so I can get your gifts?” He offers his up his hand as the little girl's eyes grow wide. “You brought me pwesents?!” She grabs his hand with both of hers and tries desperately to pull him into a standing position. “You bet I did. I missed your birthday and I'm still really upset about it. So, I made sure to get you something fun and something extremely special.” Jake rises to a standing position, allowing Olivia to believe she had lifted him herself. “Wait right there and close your eyes. No peeking!” “Okay uncle Jake.” She carefully opens one eye slightly, trying not to be obvious as the pilot disappears into back into his plane. When he reemerges with hands behind his back, the first thing he does is call her out. “Hey, I said no peeking sweet pea. Now close ‘em.” He quietly walks up to her, kneels down, and presents his gift. “I want you to meet someone. This is Felix.” Olivia opens her eyes to find Jake holding a plushie alligator that's anthropomorphic in nature; complete with suspenders, a plaid shirt and a big hat. Her eyes grow wide with excitement as she reaches out for the toy. “F-felix?” “Yeah! Say hello Felix.” Jake clears his throat and lays his accent on as thick as possible. “Whooyeee! Howdy there lil sweet pea! It sure is nice to meet ya!” The little girl giggles excitedly and takes the plushie from Jake. “This is silly. Alli-magators don't wear clothes or hats!” “You are absolutely correct. We actually eat gator where I'm from.” Olivia gasps and hides Felix behind her back. “You're not eating Felix!” “Of course not. He's your friend now and can already tell you're like two peas in a pod. Now. There's one more gift and this is more like a long term commitment/ project for you and I. Let me grab it.” Jake once again ducks back into his plane as Estela finally makes her way over to see what all the fuss is about. She smiles warmly at Olivia who is affectionately cuddling her new toy. Her attention snaps back to the door of the plane when the pilot reappears carrying a shovel and a sapling that has its roots wrapped in gunny sack. Mother and daughter share a confused look as Jake holds his hand up in a ‘ta-da’ fashion. “You brought me a twee?” “Not just any tree sweet pea. This is a Laurel oak; native to the region I call home. She's gonna get real big. I was thinking we plant her here and I make you a promise. In a few years, when she's tall and strong enough, I'll build you a treehouse. As she grows up higher we'll make the ladder going up to your fort longer and longer. We can make the treehouse bigger and better along the way too. Finally, one day when I'm ready to retire, I'll convince your mom to let me move down here and live out of a hammock we can hang from one of the branches. Sounds pretty good to me. What do you think sweet pea?” Olivia is speechless; her mouth is ajar as she tries to process Jake's proposition. When she's finally able to break free of disbelief, the little girl once again throws her arms around him in a grateful hug. “Th-thank you uncle Jake. So, it's a pwomise then?” “Yes. Yes it is sweet pea. Now lemme catch up with your mom a bit alright? Then we'll go find a good place to plant her.” The little brunette collects felix and jumps aboard the plane; presumably planning to jump from seat to seat as she usually does. “That's a big commitment for you, Jake McKenzie. Are you sure you're up for it?” Estela crosses her arms but the expression on her face is surprisingly soft. “Aw hell. You know I am. When I first laid eyes on her after she was born, I knew then and there that I was done for. Wrapped me around her little finger before her first poop.” The young mother slaps Jake across the arm and laughs. “Don't let my tio hear you talking like that. Just a few minutes ago he asked why we aren't a thing. He'll start badgering you to make a move and buy a ring.” Jake rubs his arm while chuckling and wincing in pain simultaneously. “He should know by now that it was never like that and never will be. Boy-, I mean Taylor would want someone watching over you guys and it might as well be me. I owe him everything.” He trails off as sadness gathers in his cerulean eyes. “While we are on the subject: Have you told her more about him yet?” Estela shakes her head while thoughtfully chewing her lower lip. “I haven't told Olivia much but only because I have no idea what she'll understand and what she won't.” “Well the five year mark is coming up real fast. I'll be picking everyone up and we're gonna head back for a few days. Might be good for sweet pea. Y'know, to hear all the stories about him.” “About daddy?” Olivia reappears at the doorway of the plane and jumps out. “Momma told me he that he saved the world. But that meant he had to leave forever.” “Yeah, sweet pea, that's right. It was really brave of him.” Jake stoops down, picks up the little girl and props her up on his hip. “But if you and mommy come to our little reunion you'll hear so much more about him. All the good times and fun stuff.” “I'd like that a lot uncle Jake.” “I know you would baby. Whaddya say, Katniss? Can we count you guys in?” Estela looks to Olivia who gives her mother a pleading look. “Alright, count us in. It will be good for both of us.” The toddler is overcome with joy. She leaps from Jake's arms and rushes to her mother. “Yay! Thank you momma!” The young mother returns Olivia's hug and swoops her up. “You're welcome. Now are we going to plant this tree or what?” “Yes! Can we put it close to the house so I can watch it grow?” “Sure we can. Just not too close. We don't want it to smother the house once it gets big” The trio collect themselves, as well as the gifts, pile into Estela's truck and head back toward the house in search of the perfect place for the oak tree. ****** On the the last night of the La Huerta group's reunion, the young men and women gather at the Celestial’s pool. Everyone is enjoying good food and company while they exchange stories of the one member who can't attend the festivities. Olivia is sitting on her uncle Aleister's lap as he tries to explain the fine details of his story. “But, I thought my daddy fixed the world.” “He did sweetheart. By leaving with Vaanu. When they left together Vaanu took all the time anomalies with him and the world reverted back to its normal state. Does that make sense?” “I guess so. But uncle Al, what was Vaanu, a space alien?” “Hmm, in a sense, yes. But he appeared to us as an intangible being. Almost like he exists in another dimension that doesn't obey the same laws of physics as our own.” “Now I have no idea what you're saying uncle Al.” Olivia giggles as she squirms away from him. “Well you're not alone sweetheart. There are many men smarter than you and I that don't understand that complex concept either.” Aleister ruffles her hair before she skips off to see what Craig and Zahra are up to. Jake and Estela are lounging next to the pool opposite of Aleister; both of them casually sipping a beer each. They watch as Olivia skips away from her uncle and launches herself onto Craig's back. As he begins to spin her in circles, Estela lets out a sigh of relief. “This has been really good for her. I'm glad we came.” “Oh, is she still having nightmares?” Jake cocks a questioning eyebrow the brunette while taking another drink from the bottle in his hand. “No. Well they continued for awhile but they stopped when I encouraged her to play outside more. She's be fine ever since it seems like.” Estela shakes her head and chuckles slightly. “She's getting too big to sleep with me anyway.” Raj rises to his feet, calls for everyone's attention and proposes a toast. The group of friends gathers around the host and each one says a few words for Taylor. When everyone has said their piece, all eyes fall on Estela, who hesitates momentarily before clearing her throat. “I'll keep this short and sweet. The time that Taylor and I spent together was short, but it was best time of my life. I'll always be grateful for him.” Estela raises her beer, and everyone follows suit. They salute their missing friend and clink their drinks together. After saying their goodbyes, the group once again goes their separate ways. Jake flies everyone to their respective destinations, leaving Estela and her daughter for last. The young brunette mother falls asleep as they near their destination; leaving Olivia wide awake with her thoughts. When they finally touch down on the private runway, Jake offers to help them unload their stuff at the house.
Tagging: @mysteli @brightpinkpeppercorn @roonarific and @mind-reader1
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endless-vall · 7 years
Three times and once more - Estela x Mc fanfic
Summary: The word “Marry” is exchanged three times between Estela and Mc while they’re in La-Huerta, but what does each time mean? Author’s note: Anon asked prompt line 33. “Will you marry me?” for Estela and F!MC. They elaborated on their request, but I actually wasn’t really able to do that. Instead - this came into my mind, and I’m happy with how it turned out. Hope you’ll like it too! Enjoy! 😄 *little side note, I had to write it twice! it didn’t save the first time 😒
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The first time, it comes out totally nonchalant and carefree. Estela saves Mc from the king crab, and Mc exclaims the words, not really meaning them. “Oh, gosh, Estela, I could marry you…” She tells sarcastically, clenching to Estela’s side. Still, it’s enough to scare Estela off and make her wear a terrified look and turn away, suggesting they slice open the crab to provide food for the gang, totally ruining the moment.
The second time, is in the night before the watchers attack. Danger hangs over their heads, as it always is, and they spend the night together for the first time. Mc is soundly asleep, lying on top of Estela’s chest, tangled in her embrace. Estela watches as she sleeps in peace, and she realizes the thought doesn’t scare her anymore.  Suddenly, the thought of being vulnerable with someone wasn’t so bad, so long as this someone was Mc. I could marry you… Estela repeats Mc words from earlier weeks. Almost a year into the future holds the third time. They’re celebrating the Elyyshar Varynn’s betrothal to Diego. It is customary to hold the Vaanti’s weddings in pairs, as it turns out. Mc’s eyes sparkle as she listened to Uqzhaal telling the story of the Vaanti’s past. The Vaanti don’t use a ring as an engagement gift, but a necklace. Estela learns.  She starts working on preparing a necklace for Mc, as she gets help from an unexpected source - Seraxa. She finishes preparing the necklace merely a day before the wedding.  She finds Mc near the tree house where the wedding is being planned with Diego. Diego isn’t supposed to be allowed in there, but he brushes it off by saying Vaanti rules don’t apply to humans, successful in amusing everyone around enough to let him in there anyway. Estela peeks in, and Mc notices her immediately.  “Estela, come in!” She calls, coming her way. Just as Estela enters the room, she gets on one knee, holding out the necklace she worked so tirelessly on up to her. “I know it’s kind of sudden and really in the last notice but… Mc, will you marry me?” Mc throws a look back to Diego, who's holding both of his hands up in a enthusiastic 'thumbs up' gesture, before looking back at Estela excitedly.  She then attacks her, making her fall to the ground. “Yes yes yes yes!” She leaves kisses all over Estela’s face, not minding the crowd forming around them.
“I can’t believe you’re finally going to meet tio Nicolas.” Estela exhales, riding the car with Mc to San Trobida. Mc knew they were ‘married’ by Vaanti standards, but she wanted it to be even more official. Estela has no idea what she’s been planning for her. “I know, I’m excited too.” Mc admits. She’s not entirely lying, though. She is excited. Pulling over one turn before theirs does make Estela suspicious. “I just wanna buy some sweets to offer, and not come totally empty-handed.” Mc comes up with an excuse. “Okay, but after that it’s straight to tio’s.” Estela nods, oblivious. “Oh, did I mention you need to wear a dress?” Mc asks as she’s parking the car in a small, nearby chapel. Estela’s gaze widen as she watches Mc get out of the car, pulling her eagerly out with her. Her tio Nicolas is standing with Diego in the driveway, each of them holding a wedding dress in a dress-bag and waves at them. She shifts her gaze back to Mc, blinking at her in surprise. “I’m so sorry for not telling you, but I wanted it to be a surprise. I already met tio Nicolas, and saved the date. All our friends are already inside, and if we go in we’d be married by law. All you have to do is say yes.” The words come rushing from Mc’s lips, speaking fast as if she’s the most nervous person on the planet. All it takes to calm her down, is Estela taking her hand and smiling contently at her. “Estela Montoya, the light of my life… Will you marry me?” Mc asks, now, calmly. She throws in a little “Again?”, while resting her forehead against Estela’s. “Yes.”
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man Belgium is weird
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marmolady · 1 year
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Estela's salvaged family photo.... It just gives me all of the feels; they look so happy. How often would such peaceful moments have had a chance to play out, especially with all of them together? How old would kiddo 'Stel be there, about ten? Tio Nicolas looks SO different here to his actual sprite.
But mostly.... How cute is kiddo Estela?!
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who would win in brawl: Estela or Logan?
Estela v Logan in brawl? Logan could actually use his GT Devore (idk how) in this fight and Estela could still take him down without breaking a sweat!
(Thanks for the ask!)
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holdoncallfailed · 2 years
top 5 paintings 😳
this is a cruel trick only doing paintings and not drawings/illustrations/photographs/collages/prints/etchings! but probably better in the end cos otherwise i would be agonizing over this answer for hours.
1. la tempête by pierre auguste cot, 1880. i know it's saccharine and it's been reproduced a million times but the original (which hangs alongside le printemps) is so unspeakably striking in person. the shades of green, the quality of light, the folds in the fabric, their expressions, the size of the canvas, the frame it's in...nothing could be more beautiful. i've cried in front of this so many times.
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2. fire next time by jennifer packer, 2012. i love packer's paintings in general but this one is especially gorgeous. it reminds me so much of the thick of the heat in the city during summertime—it's extremely large and i imagine in person the effect would be even stronger. i also love fans and fire escapes as objects for their utility and geometry so i like seeing depictions of them. i really really regret not going to her show at the whitney :(
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3. saint sébastien soigné par irène et sa servante by nicolas régnier, c. 1625. i couldn't make a list of favorite paintings without including a saint sebastian 😁 but i like this one best because it is obviously very very erotic while simultaneously retaining a real tenderness—i love irene's gentle hands. i like the use of the color red and how the colors become more saturated as you read the image from left to right in a reflection of the life returning to sebastian's body over time.
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4. zwei mädchen — liebespaar by egon schiele, 1911. yeah yeah i know schiele was gross i'm a bad feminist whatever. but i love this painting so much, the colors and their sweet expressions, how the figures are so close that they sort of bleed into each other. i love schiele's work in general and his emphasis on flesh in all its grotesque beauty.
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5. de tio största, n°10 alderdomen by hilma af klint, 1907. obviously this whole series is amazing in person but i like this one especially because of the composition and the contrast between rectilinear and curvilinear shapes. and i love the colors!!
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sceptilemasterr · 3 years
All the "domestic life" questions for Fiora and Shreya, and Estela and Ian please! Thank you!
Answered Fiora and Shreya's already, but thanks for asking! As for Estela and Ian:
1. If they get married, who proposes?
That's a tricky question. Both? Neither? Let's just say they almost didn't propose at all, but Alyssa and Diego were very invested in having both twins' weddings together.
So to answer your question, it was Alyssa and Diego by proxy. 😂
2. What’s the wedding like? Who attends?
They had two, actually! The first was a Niala'rei ceremony held in Elyys'tel, where they were married alongside Alyssa and Jake. Estela practically forced Zahra to be maid of honor, while Diego was best man. The celebration afterward was one of the biggest Vaanti parties ever!
They had a second, more traditional wedding ceremony in San Trobida following the Prism War. Zahra made it very clear she was not participating a second time except as a guest, so Alyssa was maid of honor this time around. All the Catalysts were there (including a disguised Varyyn), as was Tio Nicolas and Ian's adoptive parents. Awkwardly enough the wedding was the first time Tio Nicolas ever met Ian, a fact that he spent most of the night joking about.
3. How many kids do they have, if any? What are they like?
Three children, from oldest to youngest: Olivia, Antonio, and Kristal. More details here!
4. Do they have any pets?
No pets: due to both parents' schedules, between work and three children, they simply don't have time for a pet. They do enjoy playing with and pet-sitting for their family and friends' pets, though, especially Furball!
5. Who’s the stricter parent?
Estela, easily, though she relaxes a bit as the children get older.
6. Who worries the most?
Ian's the worrier of the pair. His experiences trapped for (from his perspective) five years in the Prism Realm means he has a constant fear that either himself or one of their children will be forced to make a similar sacrifice someday. He is determined not to let that happen, though he admits to Estela that he has no idea how he could possibly prevent it if it were necessary.
7. Who kills the bugs in the house?
Ian will toss or "reverse" a bug back out of the house, if possible. If not (the bug came in from underground, or it's been in the house too long to reverse), well... Estela's aim is deadly.
8. How do they celebrate holidays?
Always together, and always with family! Ian usually is forced to make at least a token appearance at Fiora and Shreya's, with Estela waving from the other side of the mirror (being Tuneless, she can't last long in the Stoicheal Realm without being drained of her energy). Aside from this, they'll spend most of the day together, either visiting Tio Nicolas in Colombia or with Ian's adoptive parents in Northbridge, usually alongside Diego and Varyyn (and sometimes Alyssa and Jake). Sometimes, Aleister and Grace will make time out of their busy schedules to celebrate together as well. Every holiday, and every year, it's always different!
9. Who’s more likely to convince the other to come back to sleep in the morning?
Depends on what's going on, but usually Estela. Ian frequently awakens at odd hours of the night with bad nightmares stemming from his time in the Prism Realm; Estela is always quick to calm him down and bring him back to Earth. Occasionally, it's Estela who has trouble going back to sleep, but this is a rarer occurrence.
10. Who’s the better cook?
Time-Attunement is an incredibly useful thing to have when cooking. Burnt the food? Reverse it! Waiting to boil water? Speed it up! As a result, Ian's become quite the cook, though Estela calls it "cheating." When she challenged him to try cooking without his powers, it was a bit like trying to write with the wrong hand: messy, confusing, and illegible (or inedible).
11. Who likes to dance?
Both, but only in private or in the company of those they trust. It takes a lot to get them onto the dance floor in public.
Thanks again for asking, anon!
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rumverliebt · 2 years
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(Werbung aufgrund von Markennennung) . 🥰🥰🥃 Wagemut Tastingbox Rum sweet Rum 🥃🥰🥰 . Geht mit Nicolas Kröger von Wagemut auf eine Reise des guten Geschmacks und lernt viele tolle Spirituosen in der Tasting Box kennen. . Bei dem ganzen Überangebot ist es aber sehr schwierig den Überblick zu bewahren. Um Enttäuschungen zu vermeiden und um den Geldbeutel zu schonen, testet Nicolas für euch feine und vielversprechende Spirituosen in den unterschiedlichsten Kategorien. . Die Wagemut Tasting Box enthält 6 verschiedene Fläschchen á 2 cl mit verschiedenen Rumsorten, verpackt in einer schönen Box zusammen mit einem Infoflyer. Das Besondere an diesem Set ist, dass man, nach scannen eines QR-Codes, per Video durch das Tasting begleitet wird und viele Informationen über Rum bekommt. Das ideale Geschenk für Einsteiger, Rumlieber und Entdecker. . Das perfekte Set für alle die es eher mild und süß mögen. . In diesem Set befinden sich folgende Rum-Abfüllungen: . 🥃 Tio Pedro 🥃 T.Sonthi Panama 🥃 Ida van der Ille 🥃 Port Narrow 🥃 Drink Syndikat Port Cask 🥃 Razels Peanut Butter Rum . Weitere Informationen zu dem Produkt und eine Bestell-Möglichkeit findet Ihr unter folgenden ℹ️ Link: . https://www.rumverliebt.de/wagemut-tastingbox-rum-sweet-rum.html . ⛔️Verkauf nur an Personen über 18 Jahren⛔️ . #sweetrumtastingset #rumtastingset #tastingset #rumtastingbox #tastingbox ##sweetrum #spiritdrink #portnarrowcaptainsblend #portnarrow #drinksydikat #portcask #drinksyndikatportcaskrum #tsonthipanama #razelsrumtreats #peanutbutterrum #rum #rhum #ron #tasting #rumtasting #rumlovers #rumcocktails #drinks #drinkporn #cocktails #cocktail #bar @t.sonthi_rum @wagemut_spirituosen @drinksyndikat @portnarrow @razelsrumtreats (hier: Rumverliebt) https://www.instagram.com/p/CncWVcQL35A/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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luiz-henrique · 2 years
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-:"{ O Espírito do Verdadeiro Jihad..., em Pról de uma Nova Ordem Mundial }"-:
" Os Tanques Russos com a Atuação das Tropas , Lançadores de Mísseis e Foguetes , Aviões , e o Mais Abrangente ...,
com o Sistema de Detectar e Eliminar Drones do Inimigo...,
ao Todo Referido é Eficaz Armas Não Convencionais e até Secretas , Jatos Direçionados de Som , Hipersônicas e Jatos de Emissões -: Já tentaram Desenvolver os Raios da Morte com Antenas e o Mais que os Direçiona , como os Mencionados por Nicolas Tesla , Jatos de Partículas , Cátions ( no Ajuste certo podem gerar Efeitos como Arma ),
Gás Paralizador ,
Lançado à Distância ,
Embora se o Inimigo estiver com Máscara Não fará efeito , ou com Roupas Especiais , Certos Gases mesmo com Máscara , podem Paralizar se o Inimigo Não estiver usando Roupas Especiais , em Contato com a Pele...,
Mísseis Balísticos...,
e Armas Secretas Outras , e Aquela que dá um Efeito como a Explosão de Tunguska...,
Exemplo -: Explodir onde Soldados Russos Não estejam uma Área que seja do Tamanho de Grande Parte do Saara...,
então o Inimigo Fugaz que só se Adianta como Juiz e Dono do Mundo , Usando Nações Aliadas, Pactuadas, Compradas e Apadrinhadas...,
Através da OTAN , e de Vários Serviços de Inteligência como a ABIN e o Mossad que são Controlados pela CIA , que Tem Grande Influência na Interpol e no seu Controle da ABIN , pelas Ligações da Interpol com a ABIN , e por Outras Vias ,
como Também Através da União Europeia...,
da Jurisdição do Tribunal Internacional...,
do Grupo de Nações G7...,
e Mais...,
Onde os Estados Unidos da América...,
Controlam com Rédeas e Cabresto...,
Dentro das Mais Veladas Metas dos Americanos...,
que Tem Ânsia de Controle e Domínio Mundiais e Expansão no Espaço...,
Ditam e Tiram Sanções e Mais -:
Usando Outros e Hipnotizando Multidões , onde o " Tio Sam...,"
Grande Empresário...,
Mestre Cirquense , de Circo ...,
Com seus Fantoches e Marionetes...,
Fantoches como os Israelenses , os da ABIN..., os Sul Coreanos e Aliados Japoneses...,
Onde a Jordânia ,e o Egito são a Resguarda Americana de Israel...,
Tendo os Estados Unidos da América...,
a Arábia Saudita e os Emirados Árabes Unidos como Aliados , ainda...,
e Nisto Mais...,
então se Assombrarão Atônitos e Abaixarão o Topete...,
Verão que a Gloriosa Federação Rússia tem Armas Secretas...,
que na Atualidade é Válido Liberar uma e Outra...,
Como os Estados Unidos da América fizeram com o Japão em Hiroshima e Nagasaki...,
que Promoveu o Fim da Guerra...,
Após o Triunfo de Stalin e do Valoroso Exército Vermelho sobre o louco Adolf Hitler...,
e Sobre os Sonhadores Nazistas...,
Daquela Época...,
Assim os Estados Unidos da América...,
ficará Estupefado...,
e Recuará...,
ou Prefere Enfrentar o Potencial Russo...,
da Gloriosa e Triunfante Federação Rússia...,
que Lançou Sputinik...,
o Primeiro Satélite...,
e com a Volstok-1...,
Iúri Gagarin...,
foi o Primeiro Astronauta no Espaço...,
pela Re- Ajustada , Atual e mesma-:
com seu Novo Nome...,
a Antiga e mesma Rosaviacosmos...,
Onde a Grandiosa Nação Russa ganhou a Corrida Espaçial...,
com sua Bandeira Triunfante que Resplandece Rumo as Mais Altas Conquistas, Também no Espaço...,
e pelo Elo de Contato com as Forças Superiores do Mais Além desta Terra (...)-;
Por Detrás dos Véus da Envultação...,
que Excedem ao Além do Mais que Sigiloso , que está Além do Sigilo...,
Que no Breve Imediato -:
Romperão com os Americanos e Outros Contatados -: Não com Todos...,
e Quebrarão o Elo de Contato...,
e dos Estados Unidos da América...,
Lhes vão Tirar , em um Único Segundo-:
Todos os Ovnis Secretos , Humanóides que Não são Clones e que são os Cinzentos e Outros , Operadores de Algumas Abduções ,
Arqui-Complexos e Complexos Intra-Crostáticos...,
em Onde Tiverem ...,
Tirarão dos Estados Unidos da América...,
e de Algo Secreto na ONU...,
em Um Segundo...,
Único e Sem Volta...,
e o Sistema Secreto Governamental , Envultado e Oficializado Ante Algo Secreto na ONU , Desconhecido pelo Âmbito Governamental Extrêmico que se Refere o Regime Elegido de Cada Nação , que se Mostra as Multidões , e com Alas e Câmaras Secretas Militares ,
Pois o Sistema de Governo tem o Regime de Governo no Estado Co- Jerárquico...,
Dado para cada Nação , Mas o Governo de Cada Nação tem um Ultra Desconhecido e é este que se Refere ao Sistema Mais que Secreto de Governo de cada uma das Nações , ante Ofício de Algo Secreto na ONU-:
Sofrerá Ruptura...,
Porém a Gloriosa Federação Rússia será Beneficiada...,
na Conveniência de Estabelecer uma Nova Ordem Mundial...,
Não Mais com o Predominio da Daninha Influência Americana...,
Mas com o Ofuscar do Triunfo da Gloriosa Bandeira da Federação Rússia...,
ao Lado da Valorosa China...,
da Grandiosa Coréia do Norte...,
do Irã e de seus Aliados, como a Grande Nação Soberana que é a Síria...,
e dos Verdadeiros Aliados Russos (...)!!!-:
Assinado-: Henrique (Henrich : Chyren)!!!! -: ALLAHU AKBAR
-: à União dos Povos Árabes Aliados do Irã...,
em Pról das Mais Altas Metas do Islam (...)!!! ! !!! "
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