#sana speaks? no sana’s sad
sanaimissyou · 1 year
The shipping discourse ‘cause of the poll has made me pretty sad actually ‘cause like. There’s literally no reason to be harassing other people over things that make you happy ‘cause the thing you’re arguing against 100% likely makes someone else happy
This isn’t just a naive “why can’t we all just get along thing” it’s just there’s ZERO. POINT. To being an asshole over pixels???
Obviously you can care very very deeply about characters and they can mean the world and everything to you and you’re also allowed to dislike things but like. Bottom line. Your characters aren’t gonna pop out of the screen and thank you for that. The person you’re bothering is a real fucking person.
It reminds me of the shipping discourse in Voltron and BNHA (both of which I stopped actively being part of ‘cause it was getting stupidly toxic)
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pnutbutter-n-j-elyy · 4 months
Chan| Misunderstanding
In which you are hurt by something Chan said.
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You were on your way to Chan’s studio, with a cutely wrapped pack lunch and note. You knew your boyfriend had the tendency to overwork and skip meals; so you wanted to make sure that he was eating at least one fulfilling meal a day.
Just as you were about to knock on the door you heard the guys laughing. You smiled and realized Chan must be working with all of them at the moment. It was so cute to you how he took all of them in as his kids.
You raised your hand to knock again as you heard Jeongin speak up.
“Channie Hyung, when is Noona coming today?”
You heard a shuffling of feet and a sound come closer to the door. The squeaking of styrofoam made you flinch a little as you could assume someone was getting water from the bubbler.
“I don’t know.” You tensed as you realized it was Chan by the bubbler. “She probably will at the worst time.” He said, chuckling and clapping his hands once. His voice was oddly light for something so hurtful. “But we’re gonna at least get Seungmin’s part down before she comes, because she’ll probably stick around for a while.” You can hear him walking away from the door.
“Do you not like your girlfriend coming around hyung?” You hear Jeongin say jokingly, a little nervous laugh in his voice. 
Before you can even hear a response you quickly make your way to the exit.
As you were walking you walked past Sana.
“Y/N!” She quickly embraces you and looks at you with a warm smile. “How is my favorite person doing?” Sana had actually been the one to introduce you to Chan, after you had met her and hit it off in a chance meeting.
You looked up and gave Sana a small smile, and her face immediately fell.
“What did that Pabo do? Do I have to beat him up? ‘Accidentally’ leak his latest comeback in a way that is bad?” She said seriously, squishing your cheeks, and stroking your hair like a comforting big sister.
You sniffed and shook your head. “It’s nothing…can you not tell him I was here Eonni?” You say quietly. She nods as Tzuyu walks up and smiles at you.
“Hi, Y/N!” You smile at her and wave as you make your way back to your car.
As you drive you grip the steering wheel tightly and bite your lip. 
You blink back a few tears and you make your way to your apartment.
You place the food you made for Chan in the back of your fridge, hiding the cute little ribboned package with a few jars of various things, not wishing to look at it, but not having the heart to throw away the food you spent so long preparing.
You felt too sad to even clean up the dishes you had used to make, figuring you’d go sleep off your sadness for a bit and clean up when you were in a better headspace.
You felt the bed shift beside you and familiar toned arms wrap around you. Chan’s scent engulfed you, something oceany mixed with linens  and the slight hint of sweat from his practice. This scent was something you loved, something you found yourself thinking of when you thought of home.
“I used your emergency key. You didn’t answer any of my texts, so I came over to check on you.”
You look at the clock.
11:04 p.m.
You had been asleep for a while.
“Are you sick baby?” He hummed quietly, nuzzling his head into the crook of your neck and shoulder.
“Sick?” You said hoarsely.
Chan’s eyes opened in concern as he sat up and turned on the bedside lamp.
“You sound sick baby, is everything okay?” He said getting up and rustling through the drawers by your bedside, looking for the thermometer he had placed there.
“I’m…I’m not sick.” You say quietly, trying to clear your throat. You had been crying a lot and ended up irritating your throat so much from your choked sobs it had become hoarse.
“Your voice sounds…nasally and hoarse.” He mumbles, still searching. “And you didn’t come to the studio, so it figures you must be sick.” He sighs and places his hands on his hips. “I think I left an extra thermometer for you down stairs I’ll be right back baby-” You look down as he places a chaste kiss on your forehead and makes his way down stairs, his feet making a staccato rhythm on the staircase.
Once Chan had found where he placed the thermometer and cold and flu tablets he opened your fridge to find something sweet for you to use as a chaser for the cold medicine you hated the taste of oh so much.
“I think I brought her a slice of cake the other day…” He mumbled looking through the fridge. He moved some things out of the way - perhaps he was overlooking something?
After moving a pickle jar he saw something with a cute little red ribbon.
He grabbed it and unwrapped it. 
“Y/N likes those little pastry shops, they always have cute packaging…” He trailed off looking a little confused as he saw a little envelope sealed shut with a pineapple sticker. 
It was placed on top of a few containers.
“Did someone make her a care package?” Chan wondered as he opened up the containers, but quickly realized that wasn’t it at all.
You had always loved making Mexican food for Chan, since it was something you were good at and he loved. He just didn’t get to eat it much because any of the places he could find that sold it always made things too spicy for him. You made it perfectly suited to his tastes.
A small breath left his lips as he  held the envelope in his hands and carefully peeled the sticker off in a way to keep everything intact.
He smiled as he read your little note to him, and chuckled at the part where you told him to tell Han to not steal your carne asada this time and if he wanted it that he would make you some when you were able to get to the store.
He gave a contented sigh as he carefully started to prepare things to be warmed up.
He contemplated the time he should take to warm things up.
“It must be left over from a day or two since she was sick today…” He mumbled messing with the settings, until he turned towards the sink to wash his hands and noticed the pile of dishes sitting there.
A pile that was very obviously used recently. He looked over in the trash can and saw the packaging of all the ingredients you used.
He started to click things together and then thought back to the odd interaction that had happened earlier.
“Hyung, I’m hungry ~” Han whined as Chan and him made their way towards another room.
“We can get something to eat after we finish-”
“Can’t I just eat some of what Noona brought you?” He asked, perking up a bit. “She always makes the best food.”
Chan hmmed in agreement. “She hasn’t brought anything today.”
“But its almost dinner time. She always brings-”
Han bows politely to Sana as she walks past. She stops and turns back to them.
“Ya- Chan.” He had turned around and saw his friend growing. “Stop being such a pabo and apologize quickly.” She said turning away and walking off.
Han looked at him and at Sana’s retreating figure.
“What did you do hyung?” He whispered quietly.
Cham furrowed his brows, because he was also at a loss.
He stood in front of your bedroom door, with the plate of food in his hand, but the medicine was left on the counter.
Because you weren’t sick. 
You were sad.
“Baby?” He said quietly as he walked into your room. You were sitting up in your bed scrolling through the shows on your TV, trying to find something to watch.
You looked up as Chan set the plate of food down and you swallowed as you realized he had found it.
You didn’t say anything as he sat down on your bed with you and pulled you into his lap, putting his head in your shoulder and just holding you.
You couldn’t help but feel your lip tremble as you started to cry quietly.
“Baby, shhh, its okay.” He said stroking your hair. “You heard what I said in the studio?”
You nodded and Chan looked at you and gently help your face.
“You didn’t hear all of it though.” He sighs quietly, flattening your unruly hair. “That much is clear.” 
You sniffed and wiped at your nose with the sleeve of your sweater and continued to stroke your hair.
“If I remember correctly, the conversation went something along the lines of you coming at the worst time and staying a while right?” He looked up at the ceiling and hmms in thought. “And then I remember Jeongin asking me if I didn’t like it when my girlfriend came to the studio. And I said no.”
You looked up at him, your lips trembling more now.
“I said No- I actually love it when she comes to the studios. She always comes at the worst times. When I’m feeling unmotivated, or hitting a wall with lyrics or the arrangement. But she comes, and she charges me up with motivation and inspiration when she stays a while. She fills up my battery life.” 
You looked at him, and could tell he wasn't just saying things to make you feel better. There was truth in everything he just said.
“Baby I could never get tired of you. You take care of me so well,” he mumbles, kissing your shoulder. “Besides, if I did Sana would never let me live it down. And to be honest, she becomes really scary when it comes to you." He says shuddering and nuzzling his head into you. 
You giggle and nuzzle back into him.
“Now eat,” He says, grabbing the remote from you and putting on a random drama. It wasn’t like he would be paying much attention to it anyways, he just wanted to look at his girlfriend who he hadn't seen all day.
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coldfanbou · 1 year
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A mysterious marriage. A lot of questions. Will they get answered? Not right now, due to Sana's seduction.
Length 1.7K
Sana x Mreader
Next Part
You were saddened by the news of your father's sudden passing. Most of the funeral planning was done without you as you traveled back home. The long flights and delays kept you for far too long. The day of the funeral came, and you're set to be seated next to a young woman you don't know. As you greet the other guests, she comes up to join you in doing so. You look her up and down, and while she is beautiful, she’s still a stranger. You ask her a question when there's a break in the guests. "Who are you?" 
"Minatozaki Sana. Your father's widow. So you're his son?" She says with a satisfied smirk.
You're taken aback at Sana's claims of being your father's wife; he had always said he would never remarry. After a second, you respond, "Yes, I am. I wasn't aware he remarried."
"We got married a couple of months ago." She says before more guests arrive. Your conversation ends on that note as you continue to greet the incoming guests. You can feel her gaze on you; it rarely leaves you. When you glance to the side, you note how she doesn't look sad at your father's passing. As she returns to side eyeing you, you catch a hungry look in her eyes. You refrain from speaking another word to Sana during the rest of the day. The funeral goes on without a problem, though Sana does bring some attention as it seems no one else knew that your father had married before his death. The guests give their condolences to you as they leave. In the end, it's just you and Sana. She remained seated the entire time. It's only now that everyone is gone that she moves from that spot. She comes up behind you and whispers softly into your ear, "You're going to inherit everything your father had…including me." Your ears perk up, and a shiver runs down your spine at her words. You start to turn around, but Sana takes your hand and holds it as she leads you out. 
You arrive back home for the first time in over three years. The space is much like how you remember it. Sana stands behind you and takes off your jacket, putting it on a coat rack before coming back to you and massaging your shoulders. You return to your senses for a second and ask her what she meant. "What did you mean by I'll be inheriting you?"
"It’s in the contract. You'll be inheriting me as your wife." Sana continues to massage your shoulders, "You've had such a stressful day, honey. I'll go run you a bath." Sana begins to leave the room when you put your hand on her shoulder and turn her around.
"No, hold on just a moment. This doesn't make any sense. What do you mean it's in the contract? What contract?"
Sana slowly lifts her hand and cups your cheek. "I'm sorry, Honey. I can't say anymore." Sana tries to kiss you, but you pull your head back. She giggles, "It’s nice to have a strong young man. I'll go run your bath." Sana leaves you alone as she starts the bath. The muffled sounds of running water start up. You're left wondering what kind of deal was made. You think to yourself that your father must have left something behind. You head into his study and start searching for any sort of document that would give you an inkling of what’s going on. Drawer after drawer, nothing of the sort turns up, and you leave the room before Sana can catch onto you. You enter the living room and sit down, but not a moment later, Sana walks in. She's clad in only a towel, her long smooth legs out in the open. "Come on, Honey; the bath is ready. I'll wash your back." You want to argue against her joining, but at the same time, you want to keep her in your line of sight.
"Fine." You respond. Sana hooks her arm around yours and leads you to the bathroom, where she helps strip you out of your clothes. Sana never takes her eyes off you, her hands lingering on your body as she takes each piece of clothing off you. Adjusting her towel, she looks at you before dropping it to the floor. Her modest chest, topped with light pink nubs, toned abs, and nether regions, are in full view. Sana turns and leans over, dipping a finger in the water, letting you stare at her ass before she steps into the large bath. As she settles in, she looks at you expectantly. You step into the bath and sit in front of her. Though you can't see her expression, you know she's smirking. Sana leans forward, pressing her breasts against your back. Her small nubs are hard as they rub against your back.
"Isn't this nice?" She asks. When you don't respond, Sana wraps her arms around you. "Honey, do be so quiet. There's no need to be embarrassed." You can't tell if she's playing dumb, but your train of thought is broken when you feel her hand touch your cock. You immediately become hard as her soft fingers wrap themselves around your shaft. "I'll get rid of all your stress and worries from today. You can let it all out…wherever you want." She whispers into your ear as she moves her hand up and down. You immediately moan, Sana's hand doing wonders. You feel Sana nibble on your ear as she uses her thumb to rub the head of your cock. It's a slow and smooth circular motion. You become putty in her hands as she takes complete control. Waves of pleasure course through your body, and you feel yourself quickly coming to your climax.
"Ah, fuck."
"It’s okay, Honey. I can already feel your cock twitching in my hand. Let it all out for me. Let it all out for mommy." Sana giggles for a second. "Oops, I mean your wife, but I can be your mommy in this way if you want." Sana kisses the back of your ears while she continues to jerk you off. "Just let it all out for me. Cum for me." You can't hold on much longer and cum on her hand. The bath water quickly cleans her off, though. Sana continues to stroke your shaft after you've orgasmed, slowly coming to a stop. "That felt good, didn't it?" Sana says calmly. "Cumming onto my hand might've felt nice, but somewhere else would be better. Don't you think so?" She squeezes your cock twice before feeling it stiffen again. "Ooh, it's getting hard again. Why don't we continue in the master bedroom?" 
You agree with Sana and step out of the bath. At the moment, you aren't thinking straight; having fallen under Sana's spell, you follow her wishes. Water drips from your bodies as you make the walk over. Watching Sana's hips sway from side to side makes your cock stiff. Unable to contain yourself any longer, you push Sana to the side, forcing her against the wall. "Ah! Can't wait to fuck me? What a naughty boy." With your cock in hand, you rub it against her cunt while you find her entrance. Once you find it, you ram your cock inside Sana. She screams, feeling your cock split her in two with your sudden movement. Sana's hands are pressed against the wall; you put yours over them and start thrusting into the young woman's pussy. "Fuck me!" She yells, enjoying the sudden roughness. You feel Sana's lower lips stretch around your cock when you're buried inside her, her walls squeezing your cock. You can't contain your moans as you fuck Sana from behind. Her soft ass presses against you like she wanted you to go deeper inside her. 
Your hands move down to Sana's waist, pulling her back as you thrust. "You like my pussy? It's all yours." Sana moans as she turns her head to the side. You hold it with one hand as you steal a kiss. Sana's tongue tries to part your lips; you let her in. Her muffled moans become high-pitched as she edges closer to her orgasm. You break the kiss as you run out of breath. Your fingers stay by Sana's mouth as you hold her head; she uses her tongue to lap at them. Hook your fingers inside her mouth, and Sana starts sucking on them as your thrusts grow wild. You feel your orgasm approach as you continue to impale Sana. She stands on the balls of her feet, her hands gripping anything they can reach for dear life as you use her. Her whines reach their apex as she cums. Sana's pussy tightens around your cock, and her nectar sprays onto the floor, joining the water that's dripped off your bodies. A few seconds later, you join Sana in absolute bliss as you fill her pussy with cum. It feels incredible; Sana's walls feel like they're milking you for everything you have. Your legs grow weak, and you fall to the floor bringing Sana with you. 
She slowly turns around to face you, cupping your cheek. She shares a deep kiss with you as she places your cock back inside her. After a moment, she rests her head on your chest. You feel her grind against you, slowly making you hard again. "You've got so much energy. I think we'll be a good match." Sana rubs her belly slowly. "And I don't feel that full yet. I'm sure you have a lot more to give me, don't you?" Silently, you kiss Sana. Your hands run over her body as you start to learn it. 
The next morning you wake up in the master bedroom with Sana lying on your chest, cum flowing out of her well-used cunt. In the quietness of the morning, your head is clear, and you remember what you were doing before you had sex with Sana—trying to find out more about that contract.
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phoenixkaptain · 2 months
My favourite thing about Leia is how fucking soft she is.
Like she is a little lady. She speaks very gently. She cares so much. She’s protective and warm. She just smiles and looks so happy. With Luke. Like, only Luke.
In the movies, this is also the case, but it really is one of my favourite parts of the 2015 run of the comics. They’re like, Leia: “Luke is doing great” while Luke is in the background getting thrown through a wall.
Sana (I love Sana) says she’ll won’t take Leia to Nar Shaddaa (to Luke) for free and Leia immediately offers her credits. When Sana is like “nah, just give me Han” Leia immediately agrees, and like. It’s funny for a variety of reasons but my favourite one is that Leia is trading Han for the Chance of seeing Luke.
And like, the comics show Leia telling Luke that she supports him even though he has to leave and she is very sad about it. She’s super disappointed she doesn’t get to go on the long probably meant-to-be boring mission with him. She just wants to hang out with Luke and make sure he’s okay and try not to lose him in the first fifteen minutes (again) or fifteen minutes after finding him again (also again).
I mean, it isn’t just Leia, I fucking adore Chewbacca’s relationship with Luke because. “Who would be stupid enough to volunteer to go on a doomed rescue mission for Skywalker-“ and it’s Chewbacca, Chewbacca is stupid enough, Chewbacca has the ship idling in the hangar, Chewbacca has had a Luke Rescue Kit in the ship since Luke left a week ago, Chewbacca is so ready to go on a doomed, borderline suicidal rescue mission for Luke.
Chewbacca just beats up a bar full of people to get them to tell him where Luke is. Like, that’s amazing. It’s adorable. He makes C3PO come with him. A wonderful idea. Chewbacca eventually picks Luke up like Like is a big cat. My favourite panel of all time.
Chewbacca and Leia are both over there like “I’ve only had Luke for three and a half months and if anything happened to him, I would kill all of you to get enough blood to perform an ancient ritual to make him perfectly alright again and I would start with Han.”
Han, meanwhile, is over there like “rude. Understandable, but still. Super rude.”
And I just think how soft Leia is with Luke is really sweet and how soft Chewbacca is with Luke is really cute and how both of them are so sarcastic to Han for literally no reason other than that they Thrive with his annoyance-
It’s great. If nobody else gets the characters, the 2015 run comes the closest.
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sanaxo-o · 2 months
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Reaction to their S/O wanting a pet (Hyung Line)
Genre: pure fluff, slightly sad for Jacob but reader comforts him, very very very cute, pouty hyunjae haha, not proofread
Sana: I know I disappeared for more than a month ig and I am not at all totally back but this is a draft I had for a long time and decided to finish it before sleeping. So here it is as I promised @from-izzy this hyunjae did see the light of the day (we cheered lol)
Word count: 1288
Tagging: @deoboyznet @a-dream-bookmark @mosviqu @kimsohn @cloverdaisies
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Getting tired of trying to get your boyfriend’s attention you sit back down on the couch with your head placed on Sangyeon’s lap as you stare up at his face which was buried in the book he was currently reading.
You knew he was busy, but he had been busy with his work for the past few days which made you want to crave for his attention more than anything.
You closed your eyes as you enjoyed the feeling of Sangyeon petting your head with his hand while his other continued to use the phone.
The silence continued until you decided to ruin it by the most sudden question you could think of.
“What do you think about having a pet?” You ask out of the blue, which made Sangyeon stop using his phone while his hand took a complete halt which was busy petting your head a while ago as he diverted his attention to you.
“Huh?” He says in confusion as he keeps his phone away before he stares down at you. Leaning down he gave your lips a small peck as he decided to speak again, “Why this sudden thought?” He asked softly, his hands raking through your hair soothingly.
“I don’t know, it would be nice to have some company. I am bored most of the time when you’re busy with your work..” you tell him as you bring your hand up and poke his cheek with your finger which made him give out a small grin.
“I don’t know sweetheart, we both are busy most of the time with work. Who will take care of the pet when we’re not here?” He asks softly.
He had a point, you both were pretty swamped with work on the weekdays so having a pet will only increase your work.
“Can’t we just get one pet? Please…” you plead, you knew you wouldn’t be able to take care of a pet because speaking logically you cannot even take care of yourself without hurting yourself at least once.
“Do you promise you will take care of it?” He says suspiciously, his hands coming to a halt as he brings them up to scratch his neck.
“Yes, I promise I will take care of it!” You say with enthusiasm, happy that Sangyeon is agreeing to you getting a pet only for your smile to get replaced with a scowl when you hear his answer.
“The answer is still no. Maybe sometime in the future when we have more time for us. At the moment, I am the only one who should be having your attention.” Saying that Sangyeon brought his hands to your waist as he started tickling you which made laughter erupt from your throat.
You sit beside Jacob who was busy keeping his niece entertained, letting out a small sigh, you stare at his brother playing with their pet dogs.
“What are you thinking about?” Jacob whispers softly as he places his niece on the couch beside him once he was asleep.
“Do you ever think about having another pet? You ask softly as you stare at him.
Seeing the slight hurt in Jacob’s eyes immediately reminds you about the recent passing away of one of his dogs.
Inching your hand closer to Jacob’s, you hold it in your in a comforting grip as you slide closer to Jacob to pull him closer in your warm embrace.
“I am sorry, I didn’t realise that you must be still trying to move on from the recent death.” You say, your voice coming out hushed since your face was buried in Jacob’s shoulder.
“It’s okay…having another pet is a huge responsibility and I don’t think I am just ready to get another one…” Jacob mumbles as he buries his face in your neck to try and stop himself from crying.
“I am sorry for bringing it up.” You apologise as you pat his back comfortingly.
You stared at Hyunaje who was trying to get Darong’s attention for the past half an hour.
You came to his folks place to look after his pet while his family was away for some time. You have known Hyunaje for almost seven years and you surprisingly warmed up to Darong quite well.
Darong himself would always jump in your arms whenever you came over at his place which of course made Hyunaje pout. His girlfriend was giving her attention to his dog who would ignore him while his dog was busy cuddling his girlfriend instead of meeting his own owner.
You smiled in adoration when Hyunaje gave up on trying to get Darong’s attention as he just settled down on the couch beside you with a tired sigh escaping his lips.
“Why do puppies hate me?” He mumbles softly as he slowly lays his head on your lap and hums in satisfaction when he feels your fingers gently brushing and massaging his scalp in a soothing manner.
“Maybe because you always annoy them?” You suggest with a small laugh escaping your throat when you see Hyunaje pucker his lips at your mean, mean words.
“Don’t say that..” he says that as he pokes your cheeks with his fingers and plays with your fingers while humming to a song.
“Why don’t we adopt a pet? A pet who could also accompany Darong and give him company?” You say with excitement as you pick Darong up, who was standing beside you while wagging his tail waiting for you to take notice of him. You place him on your other lap and pet his head, “Would you like that darongie?” You call out his name and smile when he barks in response.
“I think he’s on board with the plan Jae..” you tell him as you pick up Darong in your arms and stand up from the couch which led to hyunjaes head falling back on the couch. You turn a blind eye to your boyfriend who was calling out your name in desperation.
“What’s the point of getting another pet if I am going to be ignored either way?” He mumbles to himself as he slowly sits back up and scoffs when he sees you playing with Darong.
He could still feel his cheeks turning upwards in a smile when he hears your laugh echoing throughout the room whenever Darong listens to your orders.
If getting another pet made you happy, he would gladly buy how much ever you wanted if that’s what makes you smile this huge.
Entering the house you gasp when you see a dog (who was not Bori) playing with Younghoon.
You immediately drop your bag on the floor and sit down on the floor beside Younghoon to pet the new puppy which was busy biting and playing with Younghoon.
“You’re back!” Younghoon exclaims as he hugs you tightly.
“Where did you get this dog?” You ask while slowly picking it up and booping your nose with the dog.
“Some person abandoned it on the street.” Younghoon replies sadly as he goes into the washroom to clean his hands.
Hearing the reply you gasp as you look at the cute puppy with sad eyes, upset that someone could dare to do something so demeaning.
“I knew you always wanted your own dog…thought you’d take a liking to it so I went to the vet and got him checked and everything.” Younghoon says once he comes back to the living room.
“I love it.” You mumble, your whole attention on the puppy as you continue playing with it.
Younghoon smiles softly as he takes a few photos of you with the puppy to store it as a memory (and to also keep that picture in his wallet.)
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takingchences · 7 months
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A descendant of a legendary quirk longs to separate herself from her family name, but first she'll have to confront villains, ghosts from the past, and her growing attraction for Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight.
Pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x OP!fem!oc
Warnings: mature language
series masterlist + my masterlist
The Sports Festival was fast approaching, and Sana and Bakugou used most of their spare time studying and working on their technique. If she wasn't with the explosive blonde, she could be found in the weight room with Kirishima, doing yoga with Mina, or on morning jogs with Shinso... but only if she and the lavender-haired boy hadn't stayed up all night texting (which was almost every night thanks to his insomnia). Not that she minded. That's what friends are for.
"Fuck off already!" Bakugou held his hands out threateningly towards Sero and Denki, who'd been pestering the blonde for the last half hour for the hell of it.
"Face it, dude. You're stuck with us," Denki threw an arm over the ash blonde's shoulder.
"Yeah," Mina chimed in, twirling her short hair with one hand, her fingers a blur as she typed something on her phone with the other. "So suck it up, buttercup."
Sana reached across the table to poke his surprisingly squishy cheek. "Turn that frown upside down-" she retracted her hand just before Bakugou moved to bite it. She laughed. Over his shoulder, she spotted the back of Shoto's head.
She and the youngest Todoroki hadn't spoken since the day of the USJ attack, but not from lack of trying on her part. He'd successfully avoided her each time, to the point that she'd shown up to his house to ambush him. Fuyumi had answered the door with an angelic smile, though her gray eyes carried the same deep sadness that plagued every Todoroki child. She'd reluctantly admitted that yes, Shoto was home, but he'd asked not to be disturbed. She'd almost pushed past the older girl and forced her way into the house, demanding the boy face her himself.
Instead, she'd apologized to Fuyumi for showing up so unexpectedly and sprinted home with tear-stained cheeks. Her hope for repairing their relationship was dwindling with each passing day.
"I wanna try something new." Sana suggested once Bakugou had joined her in their usual spot. The clearing was open, spacious, and secluded, which made it the perfect place to beat each other up in public. But that wasn't what she had in mind today.
"Give me your hand."
"Huh?" Bakugou flinched, his expression contorted. "The hell are you saying?"
Sana rolled her eyes, her arm still extended towards him. "I want to experiment with our quirks." She calmly explained. "I think we can make each other stronger."
"I'm already strong, dumbass." the blonde puffed out his chest. "It's your shitty quirk that needs help."
The sunset-haired girl shot him a deadpan look worthy of Mr. Aizawa. "Humor me," she insisted, wiggling her fingers impatiently.
Letting loose a string of curses enough to make a sailor blush, the blonde joined her on the ground. They were facing each other, their folded knees nearly touching from how close they now were. His warm, calloused hand engulfed her own, their fingers firmly interlocked. His palms were damp with sweat, though she wasn't sure if it was due to nerves or just a quirk thing.
"Now what." He refused to look her in the eye. A deep blush was blooming across his cheeks, though Sana couldn't blame him for being embarrassed. She'd been the one to suggest the idea, but she hadn't prepared for her body to react so strongly to such an innocent gesture. His touch and proximity made her feel weightless, but at the same time, anchored. It was an odd, but pleasant sensation.
Sana cleared her throat before speaking. "Use your quirk."
Bakugou looked wary, but complied. A small eruption of sparks was released from his palm into her's. It tickled her skin, the small vibrations making her smile. Smoke slipped through the seams of their fingers. Sana focused on the heat, absorbing it into her body. She held it for a moment, then two, then pushed.
Bakugou didn't know what was happening. His hands were enveloped in immense heat, and for once, he wasn't in control of it.
"What are you doing?"
She released a breath, her lips curling into a victorious grin. She shook their joined hands in excitement. "It worked? You felt it?"
"What do ya mean? What the hell was that?" He demanded.
"My quirk," she giggled breathlessly. "The longer I thought about it, the more I realized how versatile it could be. I've been limiting myself without even realizing it." She shook her head in disbelief, a heavy sigh passing her lips. "I've always been so focused on taking energy in that I never thought about giving it away. I didn't even know if it was possible."
She stared up at him, her irises no longer glowing, but still brighter than any other he'd seen. Her expression was one of child-like wonder.
"Do it again."
The next few days were the same; the two teens opting out of their usual sparring to lie in the grass and hold hands as day faded into night.
They'd made considerable progress over the past two weeks. Sana wanted to push her limits and lengthen how long she could hold onto such intense heat before she was forced to expel it from her body. Back and forth they passed the energy like a ball: each time the wave of heat circled back it felt hotter, more intense, more powerful. The longer they went, the higher her quirk creeped up his wrists and forearms, steadily making its way up his body. He felt sweat forming in his palms and around his hairline.
Usually, Bakugou had to focus on how powerful he wanted his explosions to be: controlling how much sweat he used, how much heat to put in the blast, etc. But being so close to Sana, who is as equally hot natured as him (if not more so) opened up his pores, allowing more sweat to be released, which made more powerful attacks possible much faster.
Bakugou opened his eyes after delivering a particularly nasty blast to her palms.
Across from him, Sana was tense, her eyes screwed shut in concentration. Her chest rose up and down quickly, sweat dotting her own temples. Her fingernails dug into the backs of his hands from how tightly she gripped him, etching crescent moons into his skin. Her mouth twitched, more of a grimace than the usual grin she wore.
She looks... like she's in pain.
"Oi, dumbass, that's enough." Her grimace deepened, breath hissing through clenched teeth. "Knock it off, idiot." Bakugou tried to pull his hands away, but she only tightened her grip further. "Let go, dammit!" He spat, ripping himself away from her grasp.
A wave of energy rolled across the clearing the instant their hands broke contact, rustling the grass and trees.
Her eyes snapped open. The irises were glazed over, though not as badly as they were during the villain attack. After a few seconds, she blinked rapidly, her focus coming back.
"What happened?" Her expression was confused as she glanced around them. "Why did you stop?"
Bakugou clenched his jaw. "Because you got that weird look again." She cocked her head.
"What look?"
He tossed his head back with a groan. It took all his self restraint not to smack her head. "Like at USJ," he reminded her. "Before that Icy Hot bastard knocked you out."
Sana inhaled sharply, a chill creeping down her spine. Had she really been so close to losing herself just now? Bakugou's explosions weren't strong enough to send her over the edge... but it was rather sunny out, and she had been overworking herself lately... and there was the tiny, insignificant fact that she hadn't used her full quirk in days in order to test her boundaries.
Well, it looks like I reached my limit.
"What's the deal with that anyway?"
She tugged free a few blades of grass, following their path as they scattered in the wind. "I'm not sure what you mean."
The blonde scoffed, his vermillion eyes picking up on how her shoulders were hunched inward. It looked like she was trying to retreat within herself. "During the attack on USJ, I could feel your quirk from across the damn building. You took on that mutant freak with no hesitation. You reacted faster than even All Might. But since then you've been," he shook his head in frustration, not sure how to put it into words. "I dunno. Different. Like you're holding back."
She stared down at the grass, avoiding his searching gaze. She'd hoped no one would notice how little she'd been using her quirk in class, but Bakugou was just too observant. "It's nothing-"
Sana narrowed her eyes, the rest of her expression carefully blank. "I'm not going to give you an advantage over me a week before the Festival. I'm not as stupid as you think I am."
"I don't give a shit about that crap," he spoke sharply. "I don't need help beating you. A win is only a win if everyone goes all out. So if you go out there half-assing it like you have been, I'll tear your ass to shreds."
She tried to fight the half-smile curling her lips. "You're so obsessed with my ass." She taunted.
"Shut up," the blonde's lips curled in a small, crooked smile.
"During our first class with All Might, the combat training? I didn't have a plan or strategy in mind. I was just going to wing it and hope for the best. Facing Shoto made me doubt my abilities... but it also made me want to prove something to him... and maybe myself, too."
Bakugou noted the use of Icy Hot's first name, further confirming his suspicions that there was some type of history there.
"The only reason my team won was because I realized my partner's quirk and mine weren't so different." She worried her bottom lip. "I'm not as strong as you, Bakugou." Sana smiled sadly. "I have to work twice as hard to do something that comes naturally to you. But I'll keep pushing myself until I reach your level."
His jaw tensed.
"I want to stand by your side. Not as an 'extra,' but as an equal." She poured her heart out, the weight of years of insecurities and self-doubt lightening with each admition. "You and Shoto are so tough and resilient," she sighed. "It's pretty annoying, but also pretty inspiring to watch." She rolled her eyes with a bittersweet smile.
Bakugou wasn't sure how to respond, or if he even should. She seemed to be talking just as much to herself as she was to him. All he could do was listen as she unburdened herself.
Her fingers fisted in her lap. "I was taught to use my quirk by people that didn't understand the capabilities... and only recently did I realize how little I know about myself."
She remembered when she was younger, after receiving her quirk, how members of her family would show up at her house to evaluate her potential. The unsure looks they'd share when they thought she wasn't paying attention. No one in the history of their family had had a quirk quite like her's, and none of them knew how to handle it. She'd taken after her mother more than they'd anticipated when they'd first proposed the idea of a quirk marriage.
If only the woman had stuck around long enough to help her gain control of her quirk.
It's why her family had reached out to Endeavor in the first place. The Pro had more knowledge and experience due to his own connection to heat. But there were parts of her power that she still struggled to accept even now.
Moments like these being one of them.
She swallowed the lump of dread that formed in her throat as she thought over her next words. "During the USJ attack," she fidgeted with her hands, a restless energy inside her body clawing to get out. "I wasn't... myself."
"The hell does that mean?" The blonde finally spoke. His face was twisted in confusion.
Sana winced. "My quirk allows me to absorp large amounts of energy, remember?" She waited for him to show that he was following along. "But I can only take in so much at a time. The time limit varies depending on the temperature and how I'm feeling. Extreme heat..."
Bakugou waited for her to continue, but she no longer seemed willing to go on. He mentally reviewed the events of USJ. She'd been in the fire zone, she and others had confirmed it. She'd used her quirk a lot, too. The flashes of power had resembled solar flares, the light they gave off damn near blinding. Then he thought back to her behavior in the plaza. She'd been half-mad, mumbling under her breath to herself.
Don't touch me. That part he remembered perfectly. But what else had she said? Something was too much? What the hell did that even mean?
His mind snagged on a memory from the beginning of the semester, when Sana had first tried to explain the mechanics of her quirk. "Obviously, the Sun is my main source of energy, but any kind of heat will do... Your quirk has to do with fire, so naturally, your body's core temperature is higher than normal."
"Don't touch me," she'd said after putting distance between herself and the rest of the group. "It's too much." Then, he remembered how carefully that bastard had handled her while she was unconscious, only allowing her to lean against one side of his body.
The ice side.
"Too hot."
"I know her better than you do." The half and half boy said to them before handing her over to the paramedics, who'd wrapped her in insulation before touching her.
Bakugou saw only fear and shame, none of her usual playfulness present. He didn't like how small and vulnerable she appeared to be. "So you overdid it."
A curt nod. "When I'm in that state, I'm not... me anymore." She lowered her head, her loose hair hiding her expression. Her fists trembled in her lap. "I can't control it."
"But what about in the plaza?" He pushed, his jaw tense in frustration as he tried to connect the final piece of the puzzle.
"When the brain overheats like that, it can temporarily alter a person's behavior," Sana explained softly, her voice no louder than whisper. "It can make them confused, delirious-"
"No, I mean-" He huffed, shoving a hand through his spiked hair. "How did you stop that Nomu?" How did you stop it from killing me? He left that part unsaid, unwilling to admit how close he'd probably come to dying had she not interfered.
Sana shrugged her shoulders helplessly, her eyes shining with unshed tears as she finally met his gaze. "I don't know," her voice sounded exhausted, as though she'd aged years during the conversation. "I don't remember any of it." It said a lot, he realized as they stared at one another, that even after boiling her own brain trying to restrain her quirk, some instinctive part of her had acted in his defense.
Like her body had moved without thinking.
They'd ended the night shortly after that, but not before Sana could plant a kiss dangerously close to the corner of his mouth. "Thank you," she whispered. He jerked back, his movements stiff and face steaming.
"What for?" He grumbled, looking away.
Sana shrugged. "For being you."
By now, she was well aware that her feelings for the explosive blonde went deeper than friendship. Her chest tightens whenever he's around, her palms damp and mouth dry as a desert. Somehow, Bakugou made her heart speed up and slow down at the same time.
There had always been something about the blonde that drew her in... but she hadn't expected her innocent schoolgirl crush to develop into real feelings. It was the first time she'd felt so strongly towards someone after him. Sana was by no means perfect, but she knew there wasn't a more perfect match for Bakugou than her.
If only she could make him see it, too.
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alcoholfreenayeon · 1 year
Mina being jealous because reader is very close to other members
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Most people would have the impression of Mina being quiet and introverted. And that was how she really was more often than not. Also she would daydream a lot.
However she surprised you by being a complete chatterbox. You actually found it kind of cute, how she would sound shy and excited while speaking about her favorite topics yet she would also be slightly guarded, making sure you were really listening and then smiling cutely when she saw you were.
The two of you became friends when you joined her Minecraft server. It was a complete accident though, she forgot to make it a private server and coincidentally you went on it.
A couple of months later you both decided to meet up and safe to say both of you were a bit surprised.
You couldn’t believe that your Minecraft friend was THE Mina while Mina was taken aback by how you were just as charming in real life as you were online.
The two of you grew extremely close really soon and Mina introduced you to the other members.
Fast forward a month and the 10 of you all became good friends but due to scheduling conflicts couldn’t really meet together.
Mina hurried towards the building, she was already 30 minutes late. All of twice were supposed to meet up today but she had a photo shoot and it took longer than it should have.
She entered the room, apologizing but was taken aback to find y/n there.
Y/n what are you doing-
‘I invited her’, Sana interrupted, ‘I asked y/n if she could make it and fortunately she could.’
‘Come on let’s finish already!’, Chaeyoung whined. ‘Mina unnie, there’s some food in the kitchen, we’ll finish by the time you finish eating and then you can join us the next round’
She went to the kitchen, took some pizza but didn’t go back to the others, instead she sat by herself, her chin resting on both her hands. She felt tired, sad and for some bizarre reason even betrayed.
Mina just couldn’t understand why she felt like that, everyone was late to the Twice gatherings at some point and they always played mafia or liar game or something while waiting for the person who was late. In fact this wasn’t even the first time she was late.
It’s silly to feel this way, she told herself. No one is doing anything wrong. No one is being mean. Everyone likes each other. So why did y/n not tell me she was invited?
The realization hit her, she wasn’t upset at her fellow members, she was upset at y/n for not telling her. She was upset that y/n was getting closer to the other members than her.
But she couldn’t really blame y/n, after all it’s much easier to get along with Sana due to her friendly and extroverted nature or Chaeyoung who is unique and quirky or Dahyun with her charismatic personality or even….
Sighing, Mina stopped thinking about it, she was feeling envious towards her friends and that was so unlike her…it’s so wrong of her to think like that.
‘What’s going on with me today’, Mina thought to herself bitterly. ‘Well firstly it was a bad work day then I’m losing my friend to my other friends and th-.’
‘Oh I see’, she noticed, ‘I’m feeling jealous because I felt like y/n is going to be closer to the others’
‘Mina…?’,You asked as you saw her sitting by herself at the table looking forlorn. ‘Everything ok?’
‘I’m-I’m fine’, she quickly replied, a bit surprised at you for interrupting her thoughts.
‘It’s just that you looked sad right now and….you haven’t even touched the pizza yet. Also I..everyone is waiting for you. Is something bothering you?’, you asked her, taking a seat opposite to her.
‘It’s nothing, I was just thinking…’, She replied with a longing smile.
‘About what?’, you ask her, tilting your head with a curious smile.
‘I….I just wondered who is your favorite twice member?’, Mina blurred out unable to think of anything else.
‘Obviously it’s you Mina’, you replied a little shyly. ‘I mean I like all of you but your my favorite. I feel we get along with each other and that’s what sets you apart.’
Mina smiled cutely and thanked you. ‘I was just overthinking’ she thought to herself.
‘Well come on let’s go to the others then Minari! I have been waiting for you to come for so long!’, you said, grabbing her hand and getting up, ready to drag her.
Mina smiled and slowly got up and followed you to the other. ‘Y/n really is so kind to me, I was wrong to be jealous but it’s hard not to be when such a nice person is close to you’
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mechaknight-98 · 1 year
Connections Ft: Sana
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A Jihyo X Male reader Fan Fiction
Sana and Jihyo shared a deep connection that few could comprehend. Wherever one went, the other was usually close behind, hyping each other up and emulating their actions. Their bond was so strong that when one developed feelings for a boy, the other often felt the same. Recently, Jihyo had fallen hard for a boy, and Sana, being her best friend, was determined to lend her full support. That’s where you come in.
You are an indie artist that has been rising due to your unique sound that often left those raw with emotion and left your peers begging to learn the secrets behind your unique sound. Here’s the thing after your latest album and tour you have come into the wall every artist's face: writer’s block. So while you waited for inspiration to come back you did the next best thing collaborations. You had been featured with artists ranging from “Bring Me the Horizon” to “The Weekend” and when you were done the question was always the same “Where’s the next album?” So after a year of features you began working on that new album well you would until you got a call you never expected. On the night before your scheduled recording, you received a call from an unknown number. Procrastinating you answered it on a whim.
“Ahoy” you greet the caller
“Yes is this Sad Face Happy face?” The caller asks in an accent that seems vaguely familiar.
“Yes, this is he?” You responded
“Well I’m a representative for JYP and I was wondering if you’d be interested in doing a collaboration song with our Artist Twice.” Your eyes pop out of your socket almost. You loved twice, they were one of the artists that inspired you to make music originally during Covid. Their infectious tunes and melodies often helped you through those dark years. So it was a no-brainer you accepted in a heartbeat.
Cut a few weeks later and you found yourself in South Korea to discuss business. You didn’t know if you were going to meet twice today but just in case you wore one of your shirts from their American tour. As you ride the elevator to the high rise your nerves start to ramp up
“What if they don’t like me?” you think
“What if they hate my ideas?” Your mind races as you approach the office door. You take a breath and open it.
You are greeted by 18 pairs of expectant eyes staring at you as you walk in. You take another breath and introduce yourself
“안녕하세요 저는 Sad Face Happy Face” Even with hours of practice your voice is still shaky but the eyes that stare at you seem to soften.
They go through the greeting you’ve heard thousands of times and give a small wave.
Mina and Dahyun are delegated English-speaking duties
“We would like for you to be featured on our next full album,” Mina says to you.
Doubts plagued your mind. “What if they don’t like me?” you worried. “What if they hate my ideas?” Taking a deep breath, you opened the office door and were met with the expectant gazes of 18 members. Introducing yourself, you noticed Mina and Dahyun took charge of English-speaking duties. Mina conveyed that they wanted you to be featured on their next full album, and you felt honored. Amidst some awkward moments during the business-focused meeting, you sensed the stares of Sana and Jihyo, which left you internally screaming. Nevertheless, you maintained composure and continued with the discussions on royalties and master rights.
After the meeting, you were eager to return to your hotel, but Chaeyoung insisted on getting your number for a tattoo artist referral, and Momo requested you to sing her favorite song of yours, “Rush.” Surreal as it was, with your phone passed around by the entire group, you finally made it back to your hotel after some decompression. And as you started writing, all the pent-up emotions from the past year rushed to the surface. Melancholy about the stagnation of the music industry and rage at its abusiveness engulfed you. You realized your writer’s block wasn’t conventional; it stemmed from a desire to pursue something different that might alienate your fans. The most frightening part was that this different path wasn’t just a phase. Your frustrations with the world had found their outlet in music, but you had been hesitant to fully embrace it. Instead, you clung to the hope that fame would overcome your inner misery. However, that hope had long faded after your second world tour, as the allure of fame lost its luster.
With these revelations, you began writing the first song of your new album, titled “Jaded.” As you sang, you noticed your voice taking on a more aggressive edge, resembling bands like Silverstein or “Bring Me The Horizon” rather than the hip-hop/pop sound you had previously cultivated, aligned more with acts like Post Malone or Lil Uzi Vert. Feeling restless, you momentarily stepped away from your notebook and guitar, but the emotions running high drew you back to finish the song, at least the first verse.
“I tried to break through but I find myself broken and bruised. What must I do to remain true? The suffering extends. Wondering will it ever end. I am a shell of a man. All that’s left is for me is pain….”
as you begin your finishing up the first verse you noticed your voice was taking on an aggressive edge that sounded more in line with Silverstein or “Bring Me The Horizon” than the more hip hop pop sound you cultivated that had you more in line with acts like Post Malone or Lil Uzi Vert. you decided to step away from the notebook and guitar you had brought with you and laid on the bed, but you were restless your emotions running high, and quickly found yourself back at both finishing the song. at least the first verse
“We are Hopeless, Selfish, all we do to captivate and display an image on the case. we trample over others. leaving them smothered, and I can’t take I’ll break it I will make this right, because someone has to make it right. Oh god please someone save me from the pressure to be what everyone wants me to be. Let me garner a victory or even some semblance of Piece. I am broken, beholden, to my Jaded piece of mind.”
as you finished up the first verse you got a surprising text. it was from Jihyo it read, “Can you come to this location please?” you responded “Sure” In the flash of a second it took you to process her message. You headed out almost as instantly. when you got to the location you were surprised it was a restaurant. it wasn’t super high-end but more business casual as opposed to the numerous fast-food joints you had been to. due to not only your height but also your skin color you stood out from the other patrons. As you walked in so did Jihyo and Sana. you bumped into them as you tried to look for them…literally. your head and Jihyo’s knocked into each other
“미안해” you both responded. To your surprise, Jihyo was all smiles here as was Sana. Gone were the glares and looks of disapproval. It put you at ease only slightly as you sat down with them.
“So what did y’all want to talk about?” You ask after being seated in the restaurant and getting your drinks.
Sana whose English wasn’t as good as Jihyo's said
“We want to know if you are…(her eye went up to the top of her head as she thought about something to say) real.”
You looked at both beauties confused “Real? What do you mean by that?”
Jihyo intervened at this point “Your music seems synthetic and not sincere now having seen you in person and up close. Jihyo said sternly “You were this smile but you carry all this…pain.” she added
“Oh, really a K-pop star is going to attack me based on my music being manufactured. Something Kettle Something Something Pot something Black,” you respond.
Jihyo smiled “See that was real, that was genuine. Your music sounds forced.” she asserts. the way she speaks and moves confusingly arouses you. it’s like she’s insulting you but in an almost flirty way. Like she is prodding at something but she isn’t sure yet. so you play along with her game.
“So I am just supposed to be happy that my music has constantly been overlooked for awards when artists like you keep seemingly have everything granted to you?” you ask, and at that moment you see it in Jihyo’s eyes. She caught you, and you both knew it. Sana watched on eager to see how the night would unfold.
“Oh so are you jealous of us?” Jihyo says playfully
“No, never you girls are fantastic, talented, and deserve every success you have. I am just competitive and my album that came out that year was better than yours.” you confidently. Jihyo smiles wide.
“Oh really and why do you say that?” she asks innocently
“Oh because even you said it.” You respond showing her a screenshot of her hyping up your album on her story.
Jihyo laughs “Oh wow. you follow me?” she questions surprised. Sana giggled seeing the two strong personalities clash. “But I thought our music was…Manufactured.” Jihyo teased.
You eased off, “Yeah and I never said there was anything wrong with it. you said that about my music, and hey I at least felt my music before.”
Jihyo softened upon hearing this. “Wait what happened?”
your emotions were so high when she became soft again and showed genuine concern you faltered. this caused Jiyo to ask again.
“The last year has been rough on me. after watching what happened with a lot of the artists I enjoyed being attacked it became hard to make Happy optimistic music about how great the music industry could be.” Jihyo awned at your explanation and gave you a big hug. She was unbelievably soft and warm. after the hug, she smiled at you and texted you. She told you to wait till you got back to the hotel to read it. The rest of the dinner was nice but less flirty this disappointed Sana as she very rarely met a boy who could go with Jihyo at such a tit-for-tat level, but Sana knew one thing after watching the two of you. you two needed to be together. after Dinner, you went back to your hotel again. After you showered and got ready for bed you finally checked out the text from Jihyo.
“Let’s make some music tomorrow. Meet me at this studio tomorrow.” the text read. your eyes widened and you could barely contain your excitement.
the next day you arrived at the studio Jihyo mentioned early, but not earlier than the Bathykolpian Beauty herself .she was dressed comfortably but not modestly. when she saw you she smiled and asked if you were ready you nodded swinging your guitar around to show her. She nodded and led you into the studio. you started with the beat. you had been recently listening to Silverstein and so the drum parts sounded a bit similar to the ones heard in the song Bankrupt by the band meaning they were big and booming. Jihyo feed off this and started working on her vocal warm-ups. after that it was keyboards. you decided to do something a bit more acid jazz adjacent for this, however, you went for a more subdued sound that helped round out some of the rougher drum parts.
“So you play all these instruments?” Jihyo asked as you began to move to the guitar parts.
you nodded explaining, “I learned the basics of how to play and then began playing by ear.” you explain.
“오 대박“ she responded. you smile as you start. you begin to hammer at the guitar similar in a way to a song you heard recently but couldn’t remember who it was by. After that, it was based on which you did an extremely calm blues sound. after that, you went to the mixer room and began tweaking and going back and rewriting until everything sounded just right. You always did vocals last as you never knew what the song would bring out in you, or who you worked with. Jihyo watched you work with exceptional intrigue. after finishing up the instrumental you turned to her and said “You ready?”
she looked at you surprised as if taken out of a trance of the instrumental. She nodded with determination as you got ready to record her raw vocals.
“Do you have anything you want to talk about?” she asked.
you shook your head and said “Just listen to the instrumental fully and sing what you feel. We will take it from there.” Jihyo nodded and felt herself get lost in the music. She was used to more structure and more rigidity, so this power this freedom she was granted by not only the music but the process of creating it was empowering a bit too much so.
You watched in awe as the shot got lost but then she began to sing. her powerful voice at complete ease in this powerful song.
“What’s atop the mountain what do we chase when we’ve won the race? who are we when there’s no one to beat? I can only face myself and keep upping the seat. My throne of Glass and Marble will stay atop the mountain built to last you can’t stop me. you can’t stop me. the only one who can is me.”
her voice was inspiring as you listened to her belt out assertive and robust vocals that gave the track both soul and presence. using her springboard as the chorus you went in after.
for the first time, you didn’t get yourself caught up in the artistry you just came as you were and went for it. Jihyo watched in awe as you took the baton of liberation and excellent she handed you and delivered an unusually punchy yet soft verse that was followed up by a bombastic and energetic second verse, a meandering bridge that was brought home by a skull-crushing last verse, and outro. when you finished you listened over the song and began tweaking lyrics for better flow and clarity within the scheme you two had set up equalized the mixing and finished the song. for the final version you had her sing in her native tongue and to your surprise her change in tone and approach bolstered the song even further satisfying your more perfectionist tendencies. .after finishing Jihyo noticed you were anxiously biting your thumb.
“What’s wrong?” the ethereal beauty asked
“It’s just I am not sure that people will like the new sound you know. this is a very hard departure from what I usually do and I hope that people will like it, but you know part of me worries ya know.”
Jihyo’s leader self kicked in. She grabs your face and says “Look at me. You are an excellent artist who embodies his music and whose music embodies him. This song will speak to the right people if you let it.” The bronze baroness smiles at you as she lets you go. “Come on you know have to help us with our song now, and I am going to need you to be at your A game.”
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sanaimissyou · 1 year
Imagine if Alkakurei could participate in the solo song polls. Imagine.
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an1meslvt · 2 years
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|lets get high baby|
tag: stoner!shuri x blackfemreader
warnings: weed, smut (18+), thigh riding, semi exhibitionism (semi public sex), childhood friends to lovers trope, fluff at the end:)
translation: xhosa: ndiyakuthanda nam sana-i’m in love with you baby, sthandwa-my love, ndiyaphila baby- i’m cumming baby
summary: you and shuri get high, she confesses her feelings for you:)
“yo y/n! you smoke?” shuri asked, puffing on a freshly lit blunt. you shrugged as you laid on her shoulder. “sometimes, but i don’t do it a lot.” shuri looked down at you, putting her arm around your waist. “you should start smoking with me…it could be our bonding time.” she smiled at you, causing you to smile back. “come on mami, get high with me.”
you and shuri sat in her ‘weed garden’ high as hell and having a good time. “you having a fucking weed garden is insane.” you laughed. she playfully hit your shoulder. “i’m the fucking queen of wakanda! i can have whatever i want!” she said loudly, smiling down at you for the millionth time. she licked her lips before speaking again. “but there’s one thing that i want…but i can’t seem to have.” you looked at her confused as hell. “what do you mean?” you asked. she sighed before speaking.
“y/n, how long have we been friends.” you paused for a moment. “ever since i moved here with mom and dad…for the job opportunities here.” shuri nodded. “and you remember when you used to go back to the states to visit family? i would cry all day long. and when i finally developed griot, i could holograph you, so i wasn’t as sad.” you nodded, trying to see where she was going with this.
“y/n! it’s so fucking obvious!” shuri yelled. you looked up at her, very confused. she sighed before grabbing your your neck softly. “y/n, sthandwa, ndiyakuthanda nam sana.” living in wakanda (on and off) you’ve learned most of the language, but you could not believe what the hell you were hearing. “sh-shuri? you’re in love with me?” she nodded, looking deep into your eyes. “and i know you’re in love with me too, y/n. it’s kinda obvious.” you looked at her with dismay.
“shuri udaku! you mean to tell me all these years i’ve been crying to myself because i thought you would never love me but you actually did? AND DIDNT TELL ME?” shuri smiled. you were so cute when you were mad.
“easy there, usana. i was sliding down the wall and crying too! don’t feel special.” she smirked, causing you to push her playfully. “soooo, we’re a thing now?” you asked, causing shuri to deadpan at you. “duhhh y/n, you’re my girl now.” you smiled at her, causing her to smile back. she licked her lips, looking down at yours.
“shuri…can i kiss you?” you asked breathlessly. shuri’s chest heaved in excitement. “yes sthandwa, kiss me usana.” you finally connected your lips to hers, your tongues instantly locking with eachother. you felt her tap your thigh, signaling you to sit in her lap. “fuck, usana. ride my thigh.” she groaned as you began to grind against her.
you moaned slightly as you rode her thigh. you felt her hand grab the back of her neck, kissing you deeper. “shuri! i’m about to cum!” you wailed as she guided your hips faster. “that’s it sthandwa, cum on my thigh. make a mess for your queen.”
and god did you make a mess. the thin shorts you were wearing were now sticky with your release, also leaving a puddle on shuri’s bare thigh.“you’re so wet usana.” shuri groaned, rubbing you through your shorts. “please fuck me shuri…i’ve waited so long.”
“ughn fuck shuri!” you yelled, your face smothered in her pillows. shuri had you in ass up face down, a belt tied around your neck and your hands tied up behind your back. she was drilling your shit, making you feel every inch of her strap. “yea? you like that? does my little slut like having her pussy pounded?” shuri teased as she picked up the pace.
“fuck daddyyy, don’t stop!” shuri smirked as she listened to your pleas for her to make you cum. she slapped your ass, making you cream all over the strap. “fuck baby! i’m gonna squirt.” your eyes rolled back to your head as shuri used the belt to pull you up to her chest.
“do it sthandwa. cum all over this dick. i want my sheets wet after this.” she panted in your ear as she reached her own high. “oh my-fuck!” you came everywhere and so did she. “ndiyaphila baby!” she yelled, her wetness dripping down her thighs.
she pulled out and collapsed next to you. “fuck y/n. you brought it out of me.” she chuckled breathlessly. you smiled weakly. “yea well i didn’t know you were into that kinda stuff.” she smirked, taking off your restraints. “everyone has their quirks. anyways, i’m gonna run you a bath, and then i’ll change the sheets. i love you usana” she kissed you sweetly before going into the connected bathroom. “i love you too shuri.” you mumbled.
author: y’all i love this so much! thank you to the lovely anon who sent this! make sure to send more requests! 💕🫶🏾
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darkstar225 · 2 years
Twice's 10th member is receiving hate
The members noticed the difference in her mood the whole day. It could be because she got bad grades, she woke up late as she spend the night training or because of the hate she's receiving. Maybe all of them but the unnies wouldn't know, she didn't wanna seem weak and bother them with her issues when she knows all of them also receive hate and are doing fine. After a long day, she said good night to her sisters and practically sprinted to her room without her roommates (SMC) sleeping as soon as her head touched the pillow, which was already a bad sign since she hated to sleep without someone in the room with her.
Meanwhile in the living room...
Jihyo - Did you girls see how she looks tired?
Jeongyeon - Yeah, she's also in a mood. The girl can give us a run for our money when she's being sassy *rolls her eyes*
Nayeon - I taught her well *dries fake tears*
Momo - Be serious grandma, we're talking about our child
Dahyun - With all due respect unnie, shhhhh. You know Y/N is a light sleeper (can't relate, I could sleep through an earthquake)
Tzuyu - She's right unnie, once I got thirsty and opened the door to go to the kitchen and get a cup of water. She woke up immediately asking if I was okay
Chaeyoung - Fr, can someone go check if she woke up, please? I feel like it's been some time since she fell asleep so fast, she's probably exhausted. I agree with Jihyo unnie.
Sana - I'm gonna see if she's still in her room, brb
On the SMC room...
Y/N - Well, that didn't go the way I wanted. I wish I'd just escape this hate, they're not being fair to me, I keep being up all night overthinking all the mistakes they point out and training to be better than what they see. Am I not good enough? Maybe I suck at this. What if the group did improve without me being the black sheep? 
While thinking all of this she wasn't aware that a certain hamster had entered her room and informed the rest she was awake. When she finally came back from her mind, she let out a scream because her unnie was just staring at her looking quite creepy
Sana - Sorry honey, you're somewhere else but I knocked before entering. How are you? You seemed kinda out of it...
Y/N - I'm doing okay unnie, just lost a night's sleep, otherwise, I feel fine  
Sana - Don't lie to me, we know you. Right guys?
At that moment everyone that was outside the door went inside and nodded their heads.
Mina - Sana's right babe, we took note that you're not the same as always as soon as you got out of your bed this morning. 
Y/N - But-
Jihyo - No buts, we're getting through the issue you're having and you're getting some sleep after this with me (Jihyo, Jeongyeon and Mina's room)
Dahyun - Unnie is right (again), start talking, please... We're worried about you!
Y/N - That's exactly why I didn't wanna talk with you guys. I don't want to be a burden.
Momo - Again with this... We already talked about it, you know you're important to us and we care about you and your feelings, every time you need someone to hear you, we're there for you. Stop thinking that you're burdening us when you get sad, hurt or even mad like this morning. We know you like the back of our hands and we'll understand anything you request without questioning 'cause you always try to express what you need. Except if you ask for my jokbal lmao
Chaeyoung - What a way to kill the moment, da- dang.
Nayeon - And here I thought Momo was speaking facts, yeah... That sounds more like her lol
Jihyo - You did well Momo... Don't think we forgot about you young lady
Y/N - I mean, you could... Jk, tysm for always assuring me that you love me, sometimes things appear to be harder to believe after everything you hear from people.
Jeongyeon - Which people? Who do I've to kill? 
Tzuyu - Am I the only one who already understood what's going on? She's receiving hate! Now that I know everything falls in place, the anger, the sadness, the insecurity...
Mina - Wow, it makes sense. Is this it sweetie?
Y/N - Yo, are you a therapist 'cause gee, you read me like a book lol 
Sana - Stop joking, if that's the case, it's something severe
Y/N - Ok, ok. I'm sorry. Yeah, I got some hater recently that I can't get out of my hair, they talked about my dancing skills, my vocals, how I'm always lazy on stage and my poor expressions. It sucks as I'm starting to believe it and I can't seem to stop wanting to train, that's why I stay late at the studio. I'm exhausted unnies, it hurts so much to see that no one notices my efforts and just sees what I did incorrectly. *sobs*
Jihyo pulls Y/N closer and she lays on her chest while crying. Jihyo feels her shirt getting wetter as time went by and she felt heartbroken to see her maknae so glum. Without anything else to do everyone sat near and gave their love in their own style, all while Jihyo caressed Y/N's back repeating that things will be okay. 
After half an hour, sobs turned into sniffles and Y/N got out of Jihyo's chest and leaned on Momo that was behind her. Momo instantly gave her a kiss on the forehead, making the maknae giggle and the unnies hearts flutter with how cute she looked being so vulnerable. 
Jihyo - Are you better now?
Y/N - It's not something that goes away like magic but you guys made me feel inches better, you're the best family I could ask for!
Twice - OWNNNNN, that's what we're here for love bug. We're pressing charges against your haters or we're not TWICE!
You can certainly expect all the members to appear at JYP to threaten JYPapa so he can make that come true and give some vacation so they can help their dear maknae to heal because they love their dear maknae. 
A/N: I'm sorry for any errors, English is not my first language. Pls, let me know if there's something wrong, ty for reading <3
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coldfanbou · 1 year
Contract (Fem Reader Version)
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To the person that wanted it. Here's your fem reader version of the first contract part. It's a little bit longer than the original. I tried my best.
Sana x F reader
Length 2K
You were saddened by the news of your father's sudden passing. Most of the funeral planning was done without you as you traveled back home. The long flights and delays kept you for far too long. The day of the funeral came, and you're set to be seated next to a young woman you don't know. As you greet the other guests, she comes up to join you in doing so. You look her up and down, and while she is beautiful, she’s still a stranger. You ask her a question when there's a break in the guests. "Who are you?" 
"Minatozaki Sana. Your father's widow. So I take it you’re his daughter?" She says with a satisfied smirk.
You're taken aback at Sana's claims of being your father's wife; he had always said he would never remarry. After a second, you respond, "Yes, I am. I wasn't aware he remarried."
"We got married a couple of months ago." She says before more guests arrive. Your conversation ends on that note as you continue to greet the incoming guests. You can feel her gaze on you; it rarely leaves you. When you glance to the side, you note how she doesn't look sad at your father's passing. As she returns to side eyeing you, you catch a hungry look in her eyes. It sends shivers down your spine. You refrain from speaking another word to Sana during the rest of the ceremony. The funeral goes on without a problem, though Sana does bring some attention as it seems no one else knew that your father had married before his death. The guests give their condolences to you as they leave. In the end, it's just you and Sana. She remained seated the entire time. It's only now that everyone is gone that she moves from that spot. She comes up behind you and whispers softly into your ear, "You're going to inherit everything your father had…including me." Your ears perk up, and a shiver runs down your spine at her words. You start to turn around, but Sana takes your hand and holds it as she leads you out. 
You arrive back home for the first time in over three years. The space is much like how you remember it. Sana stands behind you and takes off your coat, putting it on a coat rack before coming back to you and massaging your shoulders. You return to your senses for a second and ask her what she meant. "What did you mean by I'll be inheriting you?"
"It’s in the contract. You'll be inheriting me as your wife." Sana continues to massage your shoulders, "You've had such a stressful day, honey. I'll go run you a bath." Sana begins to leave the room when you put your hand on her shoulder and turn her around.
"No, hold on just a moment. This doesn't make any sense. What do you mean it's in the contract? What contract?"
Sana slowly lifts her hand and cups your cheek. "I'm sorry, Honey. I can't say anymore." Sana tries to kiss you, but you pull your head back. She giggles, "It’s nice to have such a beautiful young woman.” Sana keeps her hand on your cheek, staring into your eyes. You can feel something drawing you to her. “ I'll go run your bath." Sana leaves you alone as she starts the bath. The muffled sounds of running water start up. You're left wondering what kind of deal was made. You think to yourself that your father must have left something behind. You head into his study and start searching for any sort of document that would give you an inkling of what’s going on. Drawer after drawer, nothing of the sort turns up, and you leave the room before Sana can catch onto you. You enter the living room and sit down, but not a moment later, Sana walks in. She's clad in only a towel, her long smooth legs out in the open. "Come on, Honey; the bath is ready. I'll wash your back." You want to argue against her joining, but at the same time, you want to keep her in your line of sight. Something telling you it would be worse if she could freely walk around the house.
"Fine." You respond. Sana hooks her arm around yours and leads you to the bathroom, where she helps strip you out of your clothes. Sana never takes her eyes off you, her hands lingering on your body as she takes each piece of clothing off you. Adjusting her towel, she looks at you before dropping it to the floor. Her modest chest, topped with light pink nubs, toned abs, and nether regions, are in full view. You’re amazed by her seemingly perfect body, feeling slightly jealous as you look at yourself. Sana turns and leans over, dipping a finger in the water, letting you stare at her ass before she steps into the large bath. Sana has her back against the tub’s wall, forcing you to sit in front of her. As she settles in, she looks at you expectantly. You step into the bath and sit in front of her. Though you can't see her expression, you know she's smirking. Sana leans forward, pressing her breasts against your back. Her small nubs are hard as they rub against your back.
"Isn't this nice?" She asks. When you don't respond, Sana wraps her arms around you. "Honey, do be so quiet. There's no need to be embarrassed." You can't tell if she's playing dumb, but your train of thought is broken when you feel her hands cup your breasts. She traps your nipple between her index and middle finger, pinching and pulling them lightly. "I'll get rid of all your stress and worries from today. You can let it all out…" She whispers into your ear. Sana moves her right hand down your body to your cunt, using her index and ring finger to separate your lips before sliding her middle finger along your slit. You try to hold your moans in, Sana's hand doing wonders for you. You feel Sana’s breath on your neck; she kisses your nape before getting by your ear and nibbling it. Unable to contain yourself anymore, your voice breaks through your lips, and you moan in the quiet bathroom. It's a slow and smooth circular motion. You become putty in her hands as she takes complete control. Waves of pleasure course through your body, and you feel yourself quickly coming to your climax.
"Ah, fuck."
"It’s okay, Honey. I can already feel you getting close. Let it all out, cum for me. Cum for mommy." Sana giggles for a second. "Oops, I mean your wife, but I can be your mommy in this way if you want." Sana kisses the back of your ears while she continues to finger you. Your body begins to jerk as you near your orgasm. "Just let it all out for me. Cum for me." Sana repeats as she bites your earlobe. You can't hold on much longer and cum on her hand. Your nectar mixes with the bath water as you struggle to catch your breath. Sana continues to finger you after you've orgasmed, slowly coming to a stop. You don’t want Sana to stop; you enjoy the feeling of her finger pushing deep inside you. "That felt good, didn't it?" Sana says calmly. "Cumming onto my hand felt nice, didn’t it? But I think you’re still a little stressed." She kneads your breast, drawing another moan from you. "Why don't we continue in the master bedroom?" 
You nod in agreement with Sana and step out of the bath. At the moment, you aren't thinking straight; having fallen under Sana's spell, you follow her wishes. Water drips from your bodies as you make the walk over. Watching Sana's hips sway from side to side makes you want her more. Unable to contain yourself any longer, you push Sana to the side, forcing her against the wall. "Ah! Can't wait to fuck me?” She says with a smirk. “What a naughty girl." Your hand rushes to Sana’s pussy; pressing it against her, you push two fingers inside and feel her walls wrap tightly around you. She moans, feeling your fingers dive deep into her body. Your other hand moves to her modest chest, and you feel her soft mounds melt into your grasp. "Ah, Fuck!" She yells, enjoying the sudden roughness. You feel Sana's lower lips stretch around your fingers as you add a third. Her soft ass presses against you as her body thrashes from the pleasure. 
You pull your hands away from her body for a moment as you get on your knees. You spread Sana’s cheeks and stare at her cunt. Noticing her nectar has steadily dripped down her thighs; you take small licks of the sweet substance before diving into the star attraction."Do you like my pussy? It's all yours." Sana moans as she turns her head to the side. Your tongue pushes past her folds as you give into Sana. Your hands desperately gripped her body. Her moans become high-pitched as she edges closer to her orgasm. Sana fishes around for the back of your head and pushes you into her cunt.
Though you struggle to breathe, you continue to eat her out. You can’t get enough of her sweet nectar. Sana’s hands grip anything they can reach for as she looks for something to hold onto for dear life as you use her. Her whines reach their apex as she cums. Sana's pussy squeezes your tongue, and her nectar sprays into your mouth, running down your chest as you try and fail to drink it all. It feels incredible. Sana lets you go, and you fall back, resting on your side. She slowly turns around to face you, her hand coming closer until she cups your cheek. The enchanting woman shares a deep kiss with you.  After a moment, she rests her head on your chest, kissing your breast and staring at them, debating whether to suck on them. You feel her grind against you. Her wet cunt stains your thigh with her juices. "You've got so much energy. I think we'll be a good match." Sana runs her hand down your body until she reaches your pussy. "I'm sure you have a lot more to give, don't you?" Silently, you kiss Sana. Your hands run over her body as you start to learn it. 
The next morning you wake up in the master bedroom with Sana lying between your legs. Your hips rise off the mattress as Sana’s tongue explores your insides. “Good morning, Honey. I’m sorry to wake you, but I was thirsty and thought you could give me a nice drink.” You wrap your legs around the beautiful woman’s head and press her forward with your hand. Sana, unable to speak, continues to eat you out. You feel every slight movement of her tongue, from the long slow drags across your walls to the quick flicks across your clit when she moves back. You loudly whine as you near your orgasm, your voice going higher. 
“Oh god! I’m going to cum!” You yell as your body starts to grind against Sana’s face instinctively. You feel a tightness in your core like you’re being wound up. 
“Cum for me, Honey,” Sana says in a low tone. Her fingers play with your clit as she attaches her mouth to your cunt. Your head shoots back; you grimace as you climax and begin to give Sana her well-deserved treat. Sana eagerly laps it all up. When your legs grow weak and loosen, Sana crawls forward, up your body until she’s face to face with you. She holds your chin and tilts your head down as she kisses you. You taste yourself on her tongue and are powerless to refuse. She takes her time exploring your mouth before finally breaking off the kiss.”Thank you for the drink, Honey.” Sana climbs off you and leaves the room, heading in the direction of the bathroom. 
You remain on the bed, your chest heaving as you recover from your morning orgasm. In the quietness of this morning, your head becomes clear now that Sana is gone. You suddenly remember what you were doing before you had sex with Sana—trying to find out more about that contract.
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puphyo · 1 year
Jihyo's first drop and she's just confused as everyone around her. You don't have to write this if you're busy with something else, it's just a thought 😭
i absolutely love the idea of hyo dropping, and everything feels so big, and for some reason, she really wants jeong, who tends to get on her nerves at times. so when jihyo toddles to jeongie, her bottom lip trembling. jeongyeon is confused, of course, this isn’t typical behavior from jihyo. sana or nayeon, even momo at times, but not jihyo. so when jihyo settles in next to jeongyeon on the couch, resting her body against jeongyeon’s, jeongyeon decides to speak up. “are you okay jihyo?”
her bottom lip trembles harder, wrapping her arms around jeongyeon’s larger frame, when jeongie asks if she can help, and jihyo just shakes her head. it makes jeongyeon text sana, who, mina follows behind sana, holding her hand. once they see jeongyeon’s predicament, mina walks closer, where she calls jihyo “unnie” to ask her what she might need, and jihyo shakes her head. jihyo doesn’t feel like an unnie, she’s small and needs to be loved. everything feels so big, her feelings just hurt and she wants - she needs to be cared for. this confuses mina, jihyo has never been one for enforcing being called unnie, but she’s never fully…slid it to the side? as she did just now.
“you don’t have to be an unnie right now, jihyo,” sana kneels down to the floor and reaches out to rest her hand on jihyo’s knee. “how can we help you, honey?”
jihyo thinks for a moment, then reaches for sana instead of jeongyeon. sana picks her up, thankful for visiting the gym as much as she had been lately, though she can feel jihyo’s weight tolling on her muscles. “you can be our small little girl, if that’s what you need jihyo. we’ll take care of you.”
jihyo’s head comes up from where she had tucked it into the crook of sana’s neck, her eyes wide and bottom lip trembling. “promise?” her voice isn’t as deep as usual, though it still has some of it, sana feels sadness in her chest looking at hyo. she looks small, vulnerable. nothing like the stoic leader they all know. it makes sana think they’ve neglected taking care of jihyo, that just because she’s the leader, so busy caring for everyone else, no one remembered to care for her, and this is how it boiled up and got out.
sana nods, pressing a kiss to jihyo’s forehead, whispering “i promise, jihyo. unnie promises, i’ll do better to take care of you.”
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knightyoomyoui · 1 year
NaMo (Nayeon x Momo) - “Now We’re Even”
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The book returns after almost 3 months of absence! Sorry for the lack of updates; I've been very busy with stuff in my life, plus I do admit that I'm getting a bit lazy with writing stories these days.
Anyway, I hope you all enjoy reading this one, despite how short it is. This was actually intended to be angst at first, but instead I changed it to fluff. I want to take a break for a while from making sad stories lol.
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At the moment, Nayeon and Sana were enjoying their ice cream from the fast food restaurant they went to while sitting on the seats within the airport. Everyone in their immediate vicinity was moving back and forth, contributing to the cacophony of sounds and noises that was already there. Nayeon and Sana still managed to interrupt their talk and spoil their enjoyment of their delectable sweets. After Nayeon reiterates the sole concern she will be considering for the remainder of the day, they both become silent. without Sana standing by her.
That is the reason for it. Sana was informed by Nayeon that she was at a loss for what to do at her dorm on her alone. Sana lamented having to leave her buddy and felt sorry for her. She is the reason they are at the airport. Her flight is the one they are now waiting for. Because her parents have discovered a better possibility for their daughter to succeed in the course she wants to take on her path to her dream profession, Sana is planning to return to her native Osaka, Japan, to attend college there. The agreement was finalized once she provided her consent. It's bittersweet that she has the one Korean she mostly knows, who she has become particularly close to and precious to, at her side on this final day that she has left in South Korea. The last spoonful of ice cream was scooped onto Nayeon's cup, and she ate it. "It's not a problem to me if the landlord starts looking for my new roommate to settle in with me, but..." she said. She scowled, "I'm not used to waiting longer for someone to come, and it takes time for me to build trust with that person. They're just not like you, Sana." Sana grins warmly at her friend's final sentimental comment. "Don't worry, unnie. I assure you, I'm going to do something about it. Don't be like that, okay? I want to make you happier and see you smile before I go."
Nayeon started to glare and furrow her eyebrows at Sana's reply. She moderately plunged her fists on the younger lady's arms which earned a giggle. "Aghhh! Why you gotta do me like this, Sana. I said I'm not going to cry."
"Hehehe sorry." Sana said."As what I'm saying, I do indeed have a plan."
"And that is?"
"To get you a new roommate by myself."
Nayeon's curiousity arises. "That? How would you be able to do it? Do you know someone aside from me here?"
"Yes, I do know more than you Nayeonnie but..." Sana paused as the image of that person she's referring popped up in her mind. "That wasn't from here, it's on Japan."
"Eh? W-wait, so you're saying..."
"Yes, I plan to get you with my friend from Japan. Speaking about right timing, both of us were changing ways for our college life; if I'm going back... she's... going far away." Sana explained.
"And that friend of yours decided to... come here?"
Sana nodded in response. "Yes, she said she wants to visit and try the lifestyle and culture of Korea while she's studying... so I just contacted her a while ago if she would like to accept my invitation of her being my substitute to become your roommate, Nayeon."
Nayeon's eyes expanded and jaw slightly unclenched. "Wait, you got me already a new one?"
"Mhhmm... and don't worry about her. Now that she's recommended from me directly, you don't have to doubt about her a lot. I've known her for many years, she's my childhood bestfriend in Japan." Sana revealed.
The two threw their trash off to the garbage bin before they proceeded to talk.
"What's her name?" Nayeon asked.
"Oh nope, I'm not going to tell you. I want you to meet and know everything about her personally." Sana shook her head and smirked. "But hey, I'm going to give you just one since I have mercy."
Nayeon was excited to know, so she listened attentively to Sana. "What is it?"
"Well you're going to notice that she has this habit of acting very dumb. Like literally, dumb. If not dumb, maybe spaced out?" Sana said with a bit of confused tone in tbe end at the inassurance. "I don't know, but coming from a perspective and experience of being her longtime friend, despite how she's like that; look at her now. She won't be an exchange student if that's frequent of her to be like that.", she shrugged.
"Ahh I remember how I used to call her 'airhead robot' before as one of my ways to tease her." Sana flips upon the recollection of her past memories with her childhood friend. "I miss her and I'm going to miss you too, Nayeon. I may not be seeing neither her or you, but please... I want you both to be good, okay?"
"Okay." Nayeon nodded and pursed her lip. "Thank you Sana, I appreciate how you're still considerate of my situation knowing you have to do the hard thing even if it's not what you want to do in the first place. I'm going to miss you too."
An alarm sound echoes in the airport followed by an announcement coming from the lady secretary.
"Next plane for South Korea to Japan has arrived. Please, fall in line to the departure entrance and follow the instructions given by the security and personnels while escorting you all. Thank you." the voice of the lady disappeared and the alarm beeped three more left before it also went gone.
Both Nayeon and Sana heard that cue. "Oh, there's my flight."  Sana stood up first on the seat and starts to grab her bag and hold the handle of her luggage while Nayeon just observes her sadly.
They both stepped near to the entrance. Nayeon and Sana stood for a while and faced theirselves. "I guess this is it."
"Yeah" Nayeon muttered.
Sana didn't waste any more time and embraced Nayeon's body, wrapping her arms around the latter as she began to cry in her presence as she saw the queue beginning to grow with other passengers from the plane.
"I'm going to miss you so much, unnie. This won't be the last of us, but I just want to say thank you so much for helping me live confortably and familiarize everything about South Korea. You have became my partner of creating memories, and I would like to do it more with you someday where the time would allow us again, my friend."
"Goodbye, Sana. I'm going to miss you a lot too. I will be fine. I promise to be okay with someone you got for me, and I have to support the paths you're choosing for your career because I'm your friend and I want to see you again too, Nayeon stated between her sniffs and heavy breathing as she continued to cry on Sana's shoulder.
They let go and smiled at each other. "You have to go there now; you wouldn't want to miss the flight, Nayeon joked.
Sana chuckled at Nayeon's hilarious remark. "They won't. The princess of Osaka, Japan, should be prioritized at all costs." She swayed her hair aside with an aura. Nayeon was impressed at how Sana transitioned from influencing her self-confidence.
"Just go, you squirrel." Nayeon pushed her away gently.
Sana walks near and falls in line across the entrance, where the guards are checking the items of every individual entering.
As she was granted access by the security, Sana turned her body one last time to wave her hand and bid goodbye for now to Nayeon who sent the same gesture. "Be safe on your way home, Satang!" Nayeon shouted, didn't cared about the people around her who were startled at her loud voice.
Sana warned her to be quiet quickly and laughed after at her friend's sillyness before she finally made her way through the inside, where her body is nowhere to be found in Nayeon's sight.
Her friend is now gone, hopefully for temporary measure... but Nayeon who is standing all alone in the middle of the airport, couldn't be helped but to feel lonely and down about it.
If she wasn't sleeping, her mood would just force her to perform tasks that hardly even pique her interest or provide her with amusement but which she is yet required to perform, such as housework, eating, or finishing her schoolworks. Until the next day, when she heard a knock at her door, Nayeon remained monotonous and lifeless. The owner of the apartment she is renting is there in her doorway as she threw open the door, but she's not alone though. There is another person standing next to her, and as Nayeon fixed her focus on this stranger, it seemed as though everything abruptly ceased to move or function at its varied rhythms and speeds. The other girl next to her attracted her interest, she had long black hair styled in a hime cut with blonde streaks, was dressed in a black dress and a red skirt, and was carrying two bags and a luggage. Given that she truly resembles a foreigner, Nayeon surmised that this is the Japanese female Sana is referring to. The landlord utilized her purpose for being here with them even though it was uncomfortable for her to be next to these two who were lost in thought as they continued to stare at one other.
"Oh yeah... yeah, sorry. Good morning, Mrs. Kim." Nayeon sheepishly smiled and scratched her head.
Mrs. Kim shook her head and formed a little smirk in her lips. "Kids these days..." she muttered to herself.
"Sorry to interrupt your breakfast or calling you up after you just woke up but... as you can see I came here with this girl with me." Mrs. Kim said, shooting a glance at the mysterious girl beside her who is still switching her looks at the two, but stays longer on Nayeon as she gets more curious about the Korean rather.
"And I'm here to tell you that this girl will be your new roommate, Nayeon, Mrs. Kim said, gesturing her hand at the Japanese as if she were presenting her. "I received a call from your previous roommate and my tenant, Sana, that she already paid for this friend of hers to occupy with you in this dorm."
"Oh, she did?" Nayeon fakely commented, hiding her confirmation that this girl indeed is the childhood friend of Sana she's mentioning to her back in the airport.
"Yes. Well, I couldn't stay here longer. I still have to manage my son to prepare for school. I hope you two get along well." Mrs. Song patted the Japanese girl's shoulder before she left.
Nayeon and Sana's friend were the only ones left in the quiet, bright hallway. "O-oh, yeah. Please let me help you with this."
"A-arigato..." the Japanese bowed in gratitude to Nayeon. She figured that she spoke in Japanese, so it seems that unlike Sana, she would be encountering a language barrier with her because she doesn't speak Korean.
Fortunately, Nayeon knew that very familiar Japanese word, so she still understood it. She grabbed the luggage and brought it inside the dorm.
"Come in, make yourself feel at home, Nayeon invited her as she let the Japanese remove her shoes and place them on the shoerack. She steps inside, and Nayeon moves the luggage so that she can close the door.
"A-ah... eeh..." Nayeon pulled out her cellphone and searched for a translator generator on Google to help her communicate with the girl. The latter was sneaky, though; she caught Nayeon's actions and silently laughed at how cute this girl is when she is tensed and how oblivious she is also.
"You don't need to. I can speak Korean." the latter said to Nayeon, who was taken aback, her fingers almost inches away from touching the screen.
"Y-you can?"
"I studied it. Going to Korea was one of my biggest dreams when I was young, so I learned Korean with Sana." she answered
"Oh...." Nayeon reacted in fascination. It was dumb of her not to think about that. She assumed too early and didn't check it further. "Sorry, I just heard you speak Japanese, and I thought that you were not fluent in Korean."
The Japanese girl laughed. "No problem. It's my fault anyway. Well, sorry too. I just want to still speak in Japanese despite knowing other languages because I don't want to end up forgetting completely my own language, she said. "I'm afraid of that happening. My parents would probably disown me too", she joked.
"Makes sense." Nayeon nodded. "Well, that's a great way to start a conversation with you. I'm Nayeon, Sana's friend and former roommate here."
She offered her hand.
"I'm Hirai Momo, Sana's childhood bestie and... your new roommate, I believe." She smiled and accepted Nayeon's hand for a introductory handshake.
"Let's go to the couch, you should take a rest for a while. I suppose you might be tired." Nayeon said as she lets Momo have her way on the living room. "Cmon, don't be shy. This is now your second house too anyway so go ahead."
"Well, who am I to reject a kind offer. Thank you." Momo said and sat at the couch, feeling its softness that made her relax in an instant. "I came a long way from here and the heat outside along with the length of the ride I took feels like my body is already exhausted."
"Like I said, take a rest. You can sleep already if you want."
"I can't. I- I haven't ate proper breakfast yet."
"Oh, is that so?" Nayeon was quite surprised. "Hey, I'll prepare us food. Good thing you said that. I'm getting hungry too."
Nayeon grinned at Momo who had to watch her cook their breakfast meal for this morning.
After minutes of waiting, Nayeon served their food on the dining table and followed it up with drinks. Momo thanked Nayeon for this.
"I hope you like it, I'm not really that good at cooking but atleast I know how to do this so yeah... pardon me." Nayeon shyly pleaded.
"It's okay. It's not like it's burnt." Momo shook her head and examined the bacon she stabbed with fork. Taking a bite, she munched it and analyzed the feeling of it inside her mouth while Nayeon is anticipatingly waiting her her reaction.
"A little bit over cooked, but still good." Momo said, smiling. Nayeon nodded and formed a relieved smile.
"H-how can you tell it easily by the way? Does your parents taught you how to cook perhaps?"
"I just love eating, that's why." Momo smiles cheekily. "And I used that to motivate myself to cook on my own so that you know, people won't just call me as a heavy eater or eating machine for one reason. I still like those terms, it's true anyway. I don't take it much as an insult." she added.
"Ahh... woah impressive of you, Momo. I kinda feel jealous for you, I still haven't improved. Sana would probably be disappointed at me if she knows she's teaching me for nothing." Nayeon stated problematically.
"Oh so Sana is the one who cooks for you both?
"Yes, but ofcourse if she needed help I willingly volunteer."
"She won't be mad at you, I know that. That girl doesn't even get mad instantly, but when she does... nevermind, I don't want to recall that, Momo said as she nearly got terrified of that one rare particular flashback she had with her friend. "It just sends chills all over me." She acted like she was freezing cold.
"From the way you're saying that, I'm being grateful that I never triggered her in the span of 3 years of having her as my roommate." Nayeon chuckled.
"Sure you do, because you'll never like it when she's angry." Momo scoffed under her breath.
The two proceeded to take a couple of bites and a spoonful of their food before they talked to each other again.
"How did you and Sana met, if I may ask?" Nayeon curiously pondered.
"We were 8 years old back in elementary. It was the first day of school and she was my seatmate. Given how bubbly and sociative Sana's personality, she decided to come up and be friends with me which I did the same because she's so nice to me. Then one time we found out that we actually live not that far from our own houses so... that's where it all began." Momo narrated her story with Sana.
"How about you?"
"Well just like how I met you today, that's the first time me and Sana saw each other." Nayeon replied. "She was also standing there with her belongings. I thought she was clueless at what's happening around herI caught a glimpse of her blank expression but when she landed her eyes at me, there's this smile of hers that makes you feel trusted, you know? The way she looked at me, she's sure that me and her will become friends quickly and she will be okay on her stay her in Korea."
"And I'm happy. I'm happy that I somehow fulfilled and reached that expectation she has on me." Nayeon smiled as she roamed her eyes around the house, reminiscing some of those many memories she and Sana did that occured here.
"And now that I have you because Sana entrusted me to you, all I need to do is to pass my responsibility to you... and I for me to be able to do that, would you like to be friends with me, Momo?"
Momo looked at Nayeon who is offering her friendship to her, questioning for confirmation while her free hand is presented to her.
Given all the allegations she revealed with her, Nayeon does appear to be a kind person after all. She's bringing up a valid argument. Without Sana, she wouldn't be here at all, and if her friend didn't know Nayeon well enough to recommend her as her new roommate, she wouldn't have much faith in her. Sana wanted her to meet Nayeon so that she could experience what it's like to have someone like her staying by her side.
Thinking about all of that profoundly, Momo's increasing assurance and her desire to discover is what urged her to choose the right thing.
She accepted Nayeon's hand and shaked it to finalize their agreement of considering one another's creation of friendship.
"I want to be your friend, Nayeon." Momo smiled at stared at her delighted expression.
"Now we're even!" Nayeon exclaimed. "I promise, Momo. Just like everything I've done for Sana, I will treat you without difference. As long as you have me on your side, I will make sure you're going to enjoy my company as your friend and roommate."
Momo went agaped at Nayeon's swear. That was exactly what she's just thinking earlier. She wouldn't take it much as a coincidence because now, as how she can observe Nayeon; she can determine her sincerity of being close to a person and be a part of her life.
They finished their meal and Nayeon volunteered to clean the table and do the dishes as she encouraged Momo to take a look at her room.
"How is it?" Nayeon asked Momo who is standing below the doorframe, tracing the area of her new room.
"The space is just perfect for me. I like it." Momo said as she pulled her luggage with her inside.
"You and Sana were indeed friends." Nayeon blurted and stiffled a laughter as she starts washing the plates on the sink.
Momo started to open her things and remove them one by one as she places it on the bed after she decided where should she put all of these around.
She was busy inserting her folded clothes and other various garments when she heard Nayeon yelling from the kitchen.
"If you need help, don't hesitate to call me, okay?"
"Okay!" Momo shouted back after she heard that.
"Ahh I'm so glad you're here, Momo. I've been so bored and lonely these past few days." Nayeon yelled again behind the walls. Her words were audible for Momo to pick up and understand it forwardly, which it made her smile and touched at Nayeon's welcoming behavior.
Yeah, she will definitely like it here, she said to herself.
As time passed, their closeness with each other became thinner. They started to hang out even more, especially after realizing that both of them were studying at the same campus and that they were classmates in some of their subjects.
That allowed both of them to know a lot more about each other. However, that gives Nayeon a different feeling, which she unconsciously develops as she digs deeper to learn everything about Momo.
It brings her satisfaction and delight. and attraction for her new roommate, enumerating all the moments they had in her mind where she had those feelings, keeping her to think about it every single day.
Some of her favorites are when Momo revealed that she is a dog lover just like her; she adopted two new dogs so that she wouldn't be jealous anymore of Nayeon having her own dog; Momo being the home chef as she cooks all their food every day; and they share the most similarities in their interests in other things.
Through that, she starts to see Momo differently from an admirer's perspective, which is pretty impressive for her at how unbelievable it is that Momo turned her into that when Sana couldn't even do it to her.
One month later, Nayeon and Momo celebrated Boo and Dobby's first month after being adopted.
They ate and drank alcohol like there was no tomorrow until Nayeon became drunk faster.
Momo, who is still sober from all of the contents she consumed, helps Nayeon transfer her into her room, where she can finally rest comfortably and sleep the night away.
As she was tucking the blanket around her body, she kept staring at Nayeon's peaceful face. Momo thinks she couldn't even recognize if there were times when she didn't see Nayeon as adorable and... attractive.
She was born with it, she guesses. That's why it's so natural for her to be that way, and... from how it makes her feel about it these days.
Momo's cheeks puffed as she smiled in flutter at the thoughts in her head until it was interrupted when she heard a mumbling coming out from Nayeon, who felt some movements being done to her and slightly woke up.
"M-momoring~~~" Nayeon said with a smile as she patted Momo's arms still connected to the sides of the blanket she's using to cover Nayeon's body.
"Yeah, I'm here Nabongs. Sleep well, okay? You need to rest. Goodnight." Momo said, smiling at her nickname being called in a singsong tone almost near to the usual aegyo treatment she's getting from the older which she secretly adore.
"N-night night Momoring~~~" Nayeon's hands climbs up from Momo's arms and went into her face where she cupped her cheeks. Momo couldn't move at this bunny's sudden action.
"T-thank you..." Nayeon lets out a hiccup for a sec. She stared at Momo's face with half lidded eyes as she continues to pinch her soft cheeks. "Ah~ you're so r-reliable. I want to stay with you always.
I like it. I like all of you so much, Momoring hehe~"
Momo heard and saw her speak that with shock and surprise, staring at her friend who just unknowingly expressed her likedness on the latter.
Nayeon fell back asleep again, leaving her friend in dazed and confused who is still processing what did just happened.
She gulped hard and looked at Nayeon one more time, now in her sleeping state before she left the room with her senses barely functioning properly, still being disturbed by Nayeon's double meaning compliment on her.
After that day, Nayeon noticed that Momo became distant and awkward with her again. She literally personified what Sana has been describing her, and it doesn't sit well on her.
She couldn't move around the house if both of them were having this some sort of line drawn between each other that prevents them from an attempt to be closer as what friends always does.
It remained like that for almost a week until one day when she received a call from Momo.
"Hello, Momoring?"
"H-hello, is this Im Nayeon? Momo said that you're her friend, am I correct?"
"Yes, this is Nayeon you're talking at. What do you need and why are you using my friend's number?" Her eyebrows furrowed.
"Sorry if I got you unconfortable, miss. I'm Lee Sunmi, her dance instructor. I just want to inform you that Momo unfortunately got injured today during our rehearsal."
Nayeon's eyes widened, covering her mouth in bewilderment. "W-what?! How's she doing right now, Miss Lee?"
"We already given her proper medical aid to treat her injuries. She's here in my office, you can take her home to rest and help her recover. I already considered it as a temporary leave for her. As an instructor, my student's health condition matters the most to me."
"Thank you, Miss Lee." Nayeon said with gratitude present in her voice. She ended the call and placed it hurriedly on the table as she rushed to prepare herself before going outside and drive ahead to the dance studio where Momo is at.
More than half an hour later, Nayeon successfully took Momo and she brought her home where she applied instant care in massive worriedness.
"What happened to you?" Nayeon asked Momo who remains silent on her seat since during the drive.
"My foot went outbalanced while performing our dance break." Momo explained, her voice is plain along with her emotion.
Nayeon clicked her tongue and shook her head. "That's bad. I hope you got to be careful next time, okay?"
Momo just nodded and hugged her pillow tighter.
"Do you want to eat?"
She just shook her head and answered "No."
"O-okay..." Nayeon is starting to feel awkward again and she hates it. "Uhm, do you know how long you'll be out?"
"I don't want to talk about it." Momo repositioned herself, her body now facing away from Nayeon who has now at her lowest limit of resisting as she inhaled deeply before deciding to pour out everything she's enduring.
Momo was still acting different and Nayeon who's had enough, confronted her to know the reason why.
"Why are you being so cold to me?"
Momo didn't make a move.
"I know you're still awake Momo. What's wrong, did I do something bad to you that I don't know?"
Meanwhile, Momo is hiding herself her face in the pillow with tension and fear.
"This won't do. I guess I'll ask her about it later." Nayeon has given up, sighing heavily. She was about to rotate her body when she heard Momo speak behind her.
"You didn't."
Nayeon slowly looked back at Momo who is now staring at the ceiling. "... but you did do something you didn't know."
Nayeon's curiousity activated. "Is that why? Cmon, tell me. What is it?"
"So you really don't remember." Momo chuckled at the confirmation. "You were really out like a light at being drunk on that night anyway."
"W-wait... HAVE WE DONE SOMETHING- UHH... MOMO, D-DID WE?!" Nayeon suddenly hugged her body as her face presents surprise.
"What?! No! That's not what I mean!" Momo exclaimed. "Gosh, that's not what I'm referring at, you pervert."
"P-pervert?!" Nayeon defended. "You're the one here who's giving double meaning, as if I can tell what are you really implying!"
"But that doesn't deny you being like that, grandma." Momo rolled her eyes. Nayeon's agitation fueling up inside of her.
"Fine, you wanna know?!"
"Yes!" Nayeon replied. "Do you know how I keep asking myself, What have I done to you that you became so distant and cold to me? It was like, very weird considering how much we had fun when we celebrated Boo and Dobby's first month of adoption."
Momo saw Nayeon lowering her head, probably at the switch of sadness she's starting to feel. Having empathy for her, she had finally decided to do it. It will, after all... would help both sides to know the answer they've been peering for.
"Yeah, we did have so much fun that night, Momo agreed. "That's why you became so drunk you wouldn't even remember that you told me how much you like me, Nayeon."
Nayeon's eyes seem to be almost going to pop out of her sockets. Her heartbeat rose, embarrassment went over the roof, and chills ran throughout her body as she realized what she had done.
It was her fault all along that she was being like this, not just because of Momo's strenuous actions being the cause, but because of her drunken confession being exactly why.
Nayeon has concluded that she won't be drinking alcohol ever again. She hissed at herself.
"What did you say?"
"You said you liked me, Nayeon, Momo repeated. Nayeon became flustered even worse. "I was fixing the blanket for you when you just grabbed me out of nowhere on my arms, then it crawled upward, and you were pinching my cheek," she recalled.
Nayeon couldn't remember but she can surely imagine what Momo is describing and knowing it was her who's doing the shameful act, she is having the heavy guilt for herself on doing that.
"You've been telling me how reliable I am and you were grateful of it... until you just informed me of your likedness that you're having on me."
Momo slowly sat up on the couch, her injured feet remained anchored on the end.
"And I was wondering about it for days, that's why I couldn't have myself going near from you... because, I don't know... I'm troubled? Thinking, what exactly is this likedness that you developed from me?"
Nayeon looked up and saw Momo looking at after asking that.
"So, Nayeon. Since you and I want to be clear about this. I gave mine... and to make it fair, please give yours." Momo said.
"Do you like me as just a friend... or is there something else more than that?"
Nayeon remained staring at Momo for a while as she replayed all the occurrences of hints regarding her attraction to Momo that had progressed that led them to this very moment.
Knowing what she has done accidentally and in mistake on her part, Nayeon has no choice but to take the turn and provide what Momo wants her to give.
She breathed deeply and tightened her lips before she spoke of the revelation behind what happened on that given night.
"I do like you, Momo. You're more than just a friend to me."
Momo didn't show any surprise or shock in her face. She remained stoic, but deep inside her blossomed heart, blood is flowing from the swift run of cursing through her body like butterflies all over her stomach gone wild.
The effects of the enjoyment and satisfiction that she rather felt is taking control of her.
"How did that happened?" Momo asked. Nayeon pleaded mentally that she could just collapse anything in the mix of utter nervousness, emnbarassment and terror disturbing her.
"I- it was when I got to do things with you that we both share the same interests for." Nayeon said. "The more and longer I see you being happy with me as we do all of that, it was like I just want us to stay like this forever. That's probably why my feeling grown upon you. My heart's solution for me to keep you still on my side is to make you mine.
So I fell in love with you. The new replacement as my roommate that I met at that door, I found her so beautiful and it was a lucky opportunity for me to get to know such pretty interesting person like you, Momo.
You were the only one who make me know what is love in my whole life. I can't believe you took it just easily to grab my attention and expand it into further possibility that myself would want more of you just like how I admire all of who you are.
It was like, we're compatible to each other. We're indeed like a pair. And I like that idea, because Momo... I would surely be delighted of having you as my partner through all of my happiness, sadness and in our interests for the rest of our lives."
Nayeon expressed all of that and Momo can admit that she spotted how it came all from the heart.
The sincerity, the dedication, the admiration. It was all there within Nayeon's speech of confessing the love she's protecting in her own will.
Not until Momo saw a teardrop flowed down on Nayeon's face. She was shocked at well, she caught it and looked at it.
"God, what is this? W-what am I crying for?" Nayeon puzzledly asked as she coped it with laughter. "I brought up myself that much, do I?"
"Yeah, you do." Momo nodded. "But it was fine to me. I truly understood and felt how you really liked me, Nayeon."
Nayeon smiled and nodded. "T-thanks."
"I agree with everything what you said. Our lifestyle perfectly suits within each other. We couldn't find anything that will seperate us apart from each other. It was like, wherever I go; you'll follow and we'll be just like that on repeat."
"We can go through circles with it, but you know what... I'll never get tired of it, especially if I was running along with you Nayeon."
Nayeon's smile shrinked as she sensed that Momo might have been leading up to something here.
"I agree on all of that because, Nayeon...
I would be happy to be your partner too and I'm looking forward to share my life with you more, because I like you too."
Nayeon walked towards to Momo and accepted her invitation presented with open arms as she hugged her lovingly.
The two felt each other's heat fumed ny the rapid beats of their heart pumping nothing but love and affection the more they gain contact and attention with each other.
"I'm sorry if I kept you waiting and worried, Nayeon. I was scared too that you'll choose the opposite of what I'm expecting from you. I thought you wouldn't like me back." Momo whispered apolegetically.
"Don't mind it, Momo. Atleast it was all worth it, in the end we still had ourselves discovering that we are still even in anything, including love." Nayeon stroked Momo's hair from behind and squeezed her body a bit tighter.
They separated from each other and leaned away, creating distance in their middle. Both smiled at each other, knowing how their bond has improved and evolved today.
"So... we are dating now then?" Momo smirked while blushing.
"Yes." Nayeon laughed and nodded in answer. "Yes, we are."
For their 9th anniversary of their relationship as girlfriends, Nayeon and Momo fulfilled their desire to go to Japan to visit and stay there.
With Momo having Japan as her home country, she guided Nayeon in their adventure to explore the wonders and treasures of Japan.
In addition, they didn't come here only for that reason. They also flew to Japan, which allowed them to be reunited with their friend Sana, who currently lives in her hometown of Osaka.
"NAYEONNIEEEE!!!! AHHH MOMORINGGG!!! I MISSED YOU TWO SO MUCHHH!" Three of them ran ahead and went for a group hug as they got to see their friend again after being gone for quite some time.
"How are you these days, Sana?"
"Doing great! My studies are stable in its high grades, I got to spend time being with my family and this time... with you girls which I'm very happy that I am because I love to be with you two again~~" Sana pouted and cooed which heartwarmed Nayeon and Momo.
"And alsooo, I would like to introduce someone to you girls..." Sana stepped aside and let this unfamiliar Japanese woman to appear and face Nayeon and Momo.
"Hi, I'm Myoui Mina. Nice to you meet you two." She softly smiled and presented her hand for a greeting.
"Nice to meet you too, Mina. I'm Im Nayeon."
"And Hirai Momo, we're Sana's bestfriends." They accepted the shake.
"You girls have finally met my girlfriend." Sana said as she holds Mina's hand who became shy and touched.
"H-HUH?!" Nayeon and Momo reacted simulteanously. "Omooo, you two are in a relationship?!"
"For how long now?"
"We're going strong for more than a year and counting." Sana explained with huge proud smile in her face as she looked at Mina tenderly while swaying their locked hands back and forth.
"How about you two? Are you both interested at someone these days?" Sana asked the two of them.
Nayeon and Momo glanced at each others next and exchanged smirks at one another.
"Actually, Sana..." Momo went first.
Nayeon grabs Momo's waist to pull her closer beside her and holds her hand nefore raising it. "Momo and I are in a relationship too."
"HUH?!" This time it was Sana and Mina who were surprised. "What?! Really?!"
"Yup. It's been 9 months for us now, and we're celebrating it today here in Japan." Nayeon informed and laid her head on Momo's shoulder.
"Well, that makes it even better!" Sana beamed up. "Since both of us are here as couples... why don't we just have a 'double date' instead?!" Sounds good?", Sana initiated, changing the purpose of their meetup.
"Count us in!" Nayeon and Momo approved before all four of them laughed at how great their moods are having so far.
"Lets go eat first!!! I'm really starving already." Sana requested.
"Oh so that's why you didn't wanted to eat breakfast first back at the house, eh? You wanted to save it up until once we arrive here at the mall."
"Hehe sorry Minariii~"
"I will never say no to food so let's go!" Momo cheered which Nayeon found her antics hilarious.
Sana and Mina walked first to lead the way. Behind them were Nayeon and Momo, who shared romantic gazes at one another before holding their hands again as they followed the other duo in front to officially begin their double date together.
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sanaxo-o · 1 year
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Rainy Days (Jacob Bae)
|| Inspired By Taehyungs song Rainy Days||
Warnings: angst, fluff, a happy ending folks, kind of like ex 2 lovers (THEY WERE ON A BREAK), mentions of kissing
Sana: hello (awful British accent) my very first Jacob fic and me is very very proud of it because I like it very much for the very first time. Yes. Your girly is proud proud. I don’t even care if it does not reach a lot of audience because I am just very happy and proud to write for Jacob ❤️‍🩹
Word count: 1,637
🎵Rainy Days, I’m thinking ‘bout you
What to say, wish I knew how to🎵
Tossing and turning on his lone bed the young man continued to stare out of his bedroom window in wonder while he watched the rain drops pour on the glass.
Slow music playing in the background the lone boy continued to be in his own bubble of loneliness. In thoughts he constantly checked his phone to see if he at least got a small text from her. But nothing. He got nothing in return.
He could not clearly remember the reason for a break you both had in your relationship. He wondered back to the time when he had that conversation with you. It was pouring that time just like now. But that was the only sad moment he had with you when it was raining.
“Jacob..maybe we should take a break,” you said slowly as you stared down at the table. Too afraid to look in the eyes of your lover who you still loved dearly. You knew you would feel bad if you would look at him.
“Wh..what?” You closed your eyes in guilt when you heard his voice break “Why? Everything’s fine. Then..why?” You could see a lone tear drop fall on the table. Slowly looking up you managed to stay calm somehow.
“It’s just…there’s too much going on. My work has been piling up. I am not able to give any time to you. I think…it’s best if we take a break for now and pay more attention on our life’s. I love you Jacob but right now…I want my job to be steady before anything else. I am sorry..” staring up in his eyes you could feel your eyes well with tears. You leaned back a little in your seat and took a deep breath in.
“I am sorry. I feel like…I just need a break from our relationship..” you could feel your voice shake while saying that. Standing up you stormed out of the place to afraid that you will cave and feel guilty when you hear Jacob speak.
End of flashback
Sighing Jacob abruptly stood up from his bed and walked towards the fridge. Opening it he sighed in disbelief when he saw that there was nothing in there.
Lazily walking back to his bed he sat down and grabbed his phone, opening his message his fingers automatically clicked on her profile
💬 Love 🫶
Contemplating on whether to send the text or not Jacob threw his phone beside him and grabbed his head in frustration.
He knew that he should not be afraid to text her. I mean you can still talk to her even if you’re on a break, right? There’s nothing wrong in that. There should not be anything wrong in that.
He could remember all the hurtful words you said to him that day. It was still clear to him how hurt he was, how he barely slept for the first few weeks while reminiscing about your past, how he was the one who made you laugh in the hard time but still you left him hanging like that. But no matter what, Jacob still found himself only thinking about the good memories. The memories in which you both were laughing, while being in each other’s embrace.
He still remembers that one rainy day where you had caught cold because of the sudden whether change, but he was the only one who was there with you by your side, to take care of you.
🎵On rainy days, I’m thinking ‘bout you
What to say, wish I knew how to🎵
It was rainy days like these he thought the most about you. Walking towards the windows Jacob stood there and looked outside. The sky was dark. The rain still pouring on the ground. The sound of thunder coming from time to time. There were still people who were going on with their lives despite the rain. Why couldn’t he do the same?? Why couldn’t he stop thinking about you?
“Is this how you make the batter?” You heard Jacob ask you from distance. Looking up from the recipe you were reading you walked towards him and stared at the batter which he was mixing.
“I..I don’t know. Is the batter supposed to look like dough?” You ask him another question as you stare up at him.
“I have never made this before. How would I know?” Jacob stared at you back. Shrugging you told Jacob to continue mixing it.
“If it tastes good then that’s all that matters,” you say as your gaze goes to the window. Gasping in delight you shook Jacob’s shoulder and dragged him towards the window.
“Look! It’s raining! Doesn’t it look so pretty?” You say with delight, huge smile spread across your face. “Your apartment gives such a great view when it rains.” You say with excitement. Agreeing with you Jacob dragged you in the kitchen with him.
“Help me figure this out. Why is the batter so runny?” Jacob asked “Should I add more flour?” He said in a questioning tone as he grabbed the bag of flour and started pouring it into the batter without any thought.
“Jacob no-” you stopped talking when you realised that you had knocked the bag out of his hand in panic. By then the flour was everywhere. Looking up at Jacob you widened your eyes when you saw his face being fully covered by flour.
“I am so sorry. I did not mean to..” you mumble as you grab more of the flour which was on the counter and poured it on his head. Laughing you noticed how Jacob just stood there as he tried to process the whole situation. Looking around the kitchen Jacob finally spoke up again. “The kitchen’s a mess, love,” Jacob said softly. Laughing you looked at the kitchen in wonder. From your peripheral vision you noticed Jacob grabbing some of the flour. Before you could react he had already smeared all of the flour on your face. Laughing Jacob pulled you closer to him and stared you in the eye
“How do you still manage to look so beautiful with all that flour on your face?” Jacob said softly as he grabbed your chin and kissed your lip’s gently. Giggling in the kiss you looked at him lovingly when he pulled away.
“I could ask you the same question. How do you manage to look so handsome but look like a dork at the same time?” You said with a smile as you ruffled his hair which made some of he flour fall off.
End of flashback
Wiping the lone tear he grabbed his phone
🎵Remember how I used to
Make you laugh the most?🎵
💬 Love 🫶
Let me make up for all the time we lost. Please don’t tell me it’s over. Can we start over?
Sending the text Jacob threw his phone beside him as he started biting his nails in nervousness.
Taking his phone back in his grasp Jacob contemplated on whether to delete the message or not when he heard his phone ting.
💬 Love 🫶
Can I come over?
It felt like his world stopped for a second when he saw your reply. With shaky hands he typed out a sure as he started pacing back and forth in the apartment.
Stoping in his tracks Jacob took a deep breath in before he went to open the door. Seeing you stand there, beautiful as always he could feel how he stopped breathing.
Letting you in Jacob closed the door gently.
“How..how are you doing?” You asked softly as you sat down on his bed, which was quite messy but you did not seem to pay any mind to that which Jacob was glad for.
“Okay..I guess? I don’t know. It’s just..it does not feel the same without you around.” Jacob admitted softly as he stared everywhere but at you.
“Jacob..I also missed you. A lot to be fair. You don’t know how much I regretted saying that we should take a break. It was a stupid decision I made. Maybe it was the work load but I won’t blame it on that when I know that I gave that a lot of thought.” Jacob looked up when he heard you say that. He could feel his heart beat again.
“You don’t know how much I missed you, your touch, your kisses, your smile, i missed everything..” Jacob said as he walked towards you and picked you up in his arms.
“You don’t have to anymore. I am here now in your arms again.” You said as you kissed his cheek softly with a smile on your face.
“I am glad we found our way back to each other on a rainy day like this.” Jacob whispered in your ear as he walked towards the kitchen with you still in his arms.
“I am glad. I should have known better that no matter what you would always be there for me. I am sorry for being so stupid on the past.” You told him in a quite voice.
“It’s okay. I understand, work must have been hard and stressful. You don’t have to apologise love. And stupid or not, I would love you no matter what, love” Jacob replied as he leaned down and kissed your forehead, coming down he kissed both of your cheeks. Smiling in middle Jacob kissed your chin.
Pulling away Jacob grinned at you, leaning back in he finally attached his lips on yours. Grabbing the small of your waist he pulled you closer to his body. Your body heat keeping you warm in the chilly rainy day.
Tagging: @deoboyznet @zzoguri @hongyangi
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mosviqu · 11 months
could u assign ur moots as a particular fic you’ve written??
ANON this is the most fun mutual game ive ever recieved thank u 😋
@csenke is definitely how we make sunny days. her vibe is very much sweet and calming and very very comforting. this fic is very golden hour late autumn vibes which fits her a lot hhh. but also i feel like i should say liebestraum bc....duh.. 🙄
@zzoguri is sympathy subtraction. and mon now, this fic is special to me. but i somehow think you have the same comforting vibe but also you and your work kind of radiate the same longing as this fic does?? also u are a really great friend to me and u kind of fit the vibe of vernon in this fic but also the whole friendgroup.. idk it just fits okay
@satoruly is annoying (derogatory) and listen NOT because you're annoying because youre NOT! but i rlly enjoy the vibe of this fic and somehow i think it fits you...? its kinda fun but also kinda silly but also kinda sweet and i think thats a perfect mix for you
@sungbeam is potential. i dont even know why ?? maybe its the dynamic of the friendgroup and also yn and chenle that kind of reminds me of beam. there is a lot of care in the relationship they share and also a lot of identity crisis in chenle that reminds me of u beam NOT IN A BAD WAY THO its just that i see you as a very complex and interesting person and i think chenle in this has a lot of depth. also just fyi this fic is my top 5 ever and i adore beam a lot so
@decembermoonskz is i'm not angry anymore (well, sometimes i am) for the band vibes idk TT but also there's something about the time i wrote this fic in that reminds me of you. it's my comfort fic in a way and you izzy are my comfort person too
@flowerjun is you're not the only one !! this fic is somehow wholesome but also bittersweetingly sad and something about that is very kyuzu to me :,) also kyu i miss u and i love u. this fic has little sister vibes and thats you to me.
@injangism is all is on my side. a lot of love and longing and missing someone went into this fic and the way mc and jeno love is the type of love we have to each other - never ending, selfless and pure (in my opinion... idk if it shines through in the fic haha). ily sm xx
@kimsohn is sweet like candy :p cool but lovely vibes, very much maya. mc of this has your vibes in my opinion?? also this fic was very fun to write and i always have fun when i talk w u !!!:pp
@winterchimez is the storm's fury and now do NOT ask me why... it's literally league lore...? TT but again the vibes kinda fit and it's one of my only fantasy fics and i think this genre kind of radiates your vibes for some odd reason
@heemingyu is lee felix's guide to hating you. idk i wrote this fic a LONG time ago but i remember it as being very fun but also kind of personal to me ?? i don't really have much reasoning for this becuase sometimes i speak vibes only but if this fic had a trailer/moodboard/something it would be sana vibes for sure
@justalildumpling is just saying NO ARGUING idk for some reason j gives me yangyang vibes in this fic especially. very real, very fun, very self-aware, very silly and very adorably delusional (that fits you as a sunwoo stan). altho i will say you are cooler than yang AHAHA.
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