bigfatbreak · 10 months
How would’ve Sabine reacted if the peacock curse claimed Tom instead? Would she have gone down a similar path of vengeance?
yea probably
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frenchbulletin · 1 year
Le ministre chinois de la Défense est attendu en Russie pour une visite de quatre jours
Au milieu des discussions sur la position de Pékin sur le conflit en Ukraine, le ministre chinois de la Défense Li Sangfu prévoit de se rendre en Russie dimanche, selon Welt. La visite, à l’invitation du Kremlin, devrait durer quatre jours. En mars, le président chinois Xi Jinping avait déjà rendu visite au chef de l’Etat russe Vladimir Poutine. Les nations occidentales accusent Pékin de soutenir…
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kneedeepincynade · 1 year
Šojgu and sangfu are discussing things that will change the world while the Americans can only cope about it.
The post is machine translated
Translation is at the bottom
The collective is on telegram
🌟 Oggi, 14 aprile, il Colonnello Tan Kefei - Portavoce del Ministero della Difesa Nazionale della Repubblica Popolare Cinese - ha dichiarato che il Generale Li Shangfu, Ministro della Difesa Nazionale e Consigliere di Stato, è stato invitato in Russia da Sergej Šojgu, Ministro della Difesa della Federazione Russa 🇷🇺
💬 "Dal 16/04 al 19/04, il Ministro Li Shangfu si recherà in Russia per tenere colloqui coi vertici militari Russi, e visiterà le accademie militari" ⭐️
💬 "Negli ultimi anni, sotto la Guida Strategica dei due Capi di Stato, il rapporto tra le Forze Armate della Cina e della Russia ha mantenuto un elevato livello di Comunicazione Strategica e Cooperazione, e sono state condotte esercitazioni congiunte" ⭐️
💬 "La Cina favorisce un ulteriore progresso del Partenariato Strategico tra Cina e Russia per una Nuova Era" 📈
🔍 Per chi volesse approfondire il Tema delle Relazioni Sino-Russe può rifarsi a questi post del Collettivo Shaoshan:
🔺Master-Post sui Rapporti tra Cina e Russia 💕
🔺Sergej Lavrov: "I rapporti tra Russia e Cina sono migliori di qualsiasi alleanza militare" ⭐️
🌸 Iscriviti 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
🌟 Today, April 14, Colonel Tan Kefei - Spokesman of the Ministry of National Defense of the People's Republic of China - declared that General Li Shangfu, Minister of National Defense and State Counsellor, was invited to Russia by Sergej Šojgu, Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation 🇷🇺
💬 "From 04/16 to 04/19, Minister Li Shangfu will travel to Russia to hold talks with Russian military leaders, and will visit military academies" ⭐️
💬 "In recent years, under the Strategic Guidance of the two Heads of State, the relationship between the Armed Forces of China and Russia has maintained a high level of Strategic Communication and Cooperation, and joint exercises have been conducted" ⭐️
💬 "China Facilitates Further Advancement of China-Russia Strategic Partnership for a New Era" 📈
🔍 For those wishing to learn more about Sino-Russian relations, refer to these posts from the Shaoshan Collective:
🔺Master-Post on Relations between China and Russia 💕
🔺Sergej Lavrov: "Relations between Russia and China are better than any military alliance" ⭐️
🌸 Subscribe 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
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ziseviolet · 6 years
hi! do you know what kind of clothing would be worn at funerals- both by the dead and the living. thank you in advance!
Hi! Traditionally, at funerals the deceased would wear burial clothes called Shouyi/寿衣, which has its collars crossed right-over-left, as opposed to the left-over-right collars of the living. The living would wear mourning clothes called Sangfu/丧服, which I wrote about in more detail in my post here - please check it out!
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anxious-crybaby · 5 years
first time using flipclip to make a meme!
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ziseviolet · 6 years
Hi! I'm pretty new to hanfu (and chinese culture in general) and I was wondering, are there any kind of mourning clothes? Like, to wear outside of funeral ceremonies, to show that someone's in mourning. I know white's the color traditionally associated with death but at least a lot of chinese shows have people wearing white or whitish clothes casually.
Hi, thanks for the question!
丧服/Sangfu is the name of mourning clothes in Chinese. White is the traditional color of mourning in Chinese funerary ritual, but color symbolism can vary by region.
Traditionally, family members of the deceased wear white and sack cloth garments. Men wear white headbands, and women wear white hoods. More distant relatives wear garments in different colors of white, black, blue and green. Below - photos from modern-day traditional funeral rites (note - all photos are from public sources): 
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The traditional Confucian Chinese system of mourning dress is called “Wufu/五服” or “Five Mourning Grades”, and it prescribes five main types of mourning dress. What type had to be worn depended on the mourner’s relationship with the deceased and the status of the deceased.
1. The deepest mourning (example: son for his father) is called Zhancui/斬衰, and it consists of: an untrimmed sackcloth coat and skirt, staff, twisted girdle, hat with strings of cord, and coarse shoes. It was worn for three years, and over time, restrictions in dress were gradually lessened (note - below illustrations depict clothing styles of the Ming Dynasty):
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2. The second level of mourning (example: child for their mother), Zicui/齊衰, was worn for three years or one year (depending on the relationship), and consists of: a hemp coat and skirt, staff, cloth girdle, hat with strings ofgrass-cloth, and coarse shoes. 3. The third level of mourning, Dagong/大功, was worn for either nine or seven months, and consists of a grass-cloth coat and skirt:
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4. After three months, this mourning dress is replaced by the Xiaogong/小功 coatof bean fiber cloth, and this was worn until the nine months were complete. 5. The final level of mourning dress is the Sima/緦麻 or fine hemp mourning. It was worn for only three months:
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Simply put, the closer the mourner’s relationship to the deceased, the longer the mourning period, and the more uncomfortable the clothing. The coarseness of the garments are intended to be an external manifestation of grief.
Some more image examples:
- From history:
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- From TV:
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As you can see, casual white clothing wouldn’t be mistaken for mourning clothes, as the latter is markedly different from regular clothing, and is worn with its own unique accessories. Therefore, it wouldn’t be that unusual in the past to wear white clothing in daily life.
Hope this helps!
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ziseviolet · 6 years
Hello! Do you happen to have a master post of all of your asks/posts anywhere? Just to help me navigate! ^^
Hi, thanks for the question! (Image via duitang)
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For all my own posts, please see my China tag (that’s the tag I use for my original posts).For navigation via tags, my Tags page has links to common & useful tags on my blog. I’ll be updating the Tags page and this Masterpost as needed ^^.
Ziseviolet’s Replies Masterpost, Part 1 (Part 2):
Hanfu Terms:
What is Hanfu?
Guide to the different types of Hanfu
Hanfu names
Difference between Hanfu & Huafu
My favorite Hanfu style - Part 2
Top 10 most popular Hanfu styles of 2018
Unisex Hanfu
Formal Hanfu
Difference between Ru & Shan
Banbi (half-sleeve jacket)
Bijia (sleeveless jacket)
Zhaojia (men’s Bijia)
Difference between Bijia & Banbi
Daxiushan (large-sleeve robe) - Pt 2
Difference b/w Beizi/Daxiushan/Dachang
Yuanlingpao (round-collar robe) - Pt 2 / 3
Difference b/w Tang & Ming Yuanlingpao
Hezi (chest undergarment accessory)
Weichang (short outer skirt)
Doupeng (cloak/cape)
Parallel/straight collars
U-collars (Tanling)
Aoqun & Pipa Xiu (pipa sleeves)
Jian Xiu (arrow sleeves)
Can Pibo & Pifeng be worn together?
Winter Hanfu - Part 1, Part 2
Farm worker’s Hanfu
Casual/adventurer type Hanfu (Shuhe)
Hanfu sleepwear
Mourning Hanfu (Sangfu)
Burial Hanfu (Shouyi)
Waist-high Ruqun from Wei/Jin dynasties
Identifying Hanfu in a photoset
Chinese armor
What does Dunhuang style mean?
Hanfu History:
Did Hanfu exist after the Han dynasty
Comparison/charts of Hanfu from different dynasties
“Left-over-right” rule of crossed-collar Hanfu - Pt 2, Pt 3
Children’s Hanfu - Part 1, Part 2
What type of Hanfu would old women wear
Hanfu for empress/noblewoman
What type of Hanfu did maids wear
Commoner’s Hanfu - Part 2
Poor people’s Hanfu
Hanfu and cleavage - Part 2
Qin dynasty Hanfu
Han dynasty Ruqun & footwear
Three Kingdoms period Hanfu
Northern & Southern dynasties Hanfu
What Mulan would’ve worn
Tang dynasty emperor’s Hanfu
Hanfu robes with just one shoulder
Was Daxiushan restricted to royal ladies
What Hanfu did people wear in winter
Song dynasty Hanfu styles
Ming dynasty skirts
Ming dynasty summer Hanfu
Yuan/Qing dynasty Hanfu - Part 1, Part 2
Symbolism of Orange-Red and Turquoise color combination
Differences b/w contemporary & historical Hanfu
How Han women managed periods/menstrual belts
How women used toilets while wearing Hanfu
Books & magazines on Hanfu - Pt 2, Pt 3
Wedding Hanfu:
What are the colors of wedding Hanfu?
Wedding Hanfu recs
Pictures of wedding Hanfu
Wedding Hanfu accessories
Manchurian vs Han wedding attire
Why couples both wear red even when it’s not the traditional color for certain styles
Modified Hanfu, Hanyuansu, Mix & Match:
Incorporating Hanfu styles in a modern way 
Combining Hanfu & modern styles
Modified Hanfu shops recs - Pt 2
Men’s modified Hanfu shops recs
Websites that sell modified Hanfu
Where to buy modified Hanfu
Modified Hanfu shops in the West
Identifying Chi Xia’s modified Hanfu
The term “modernized Hanfu”
Hanfu Accessories:
Pibo (long scarf) 
Tuanshan (rigid fan) - Pt 1, Pt 2, Pt 3, Pt 4
Difference b/w Tuanshan & Folding fan
Jinbu (waist ornament) - Part 2
Hebao (purse) - Part 2
My tag for Chinese hats/headgear
Weimao (veiled hat) - Part 1, Part 2
Weimao (veiled hat) Taobao Recs
Tiger hats
Douli (conical hat)
Yingluo & Xiangquan (necklaces) - Pt 2
Traditional Chinese earrings
Meaning & History of Jade
Bangshoudai (hand wraps) & Huwan (wrist guards) - Pt 1, Pt 2, Pt 3, Pt 4
Panbo (strings to tie up sleeves)
Miansha & Mianlian (Veils) - Part 2
Nail guards - Part 2
Hanfu Shoes
Hanfu boots (xue)
Hu Ban (ritual tablet)
Eyemasks & Masks
Hanfu Hair Accessories:
Names of Chinese hair ornaments
Shop recs for hair accessories
Hanfu hair accessories
Fabric flower hairpins for Hanfu
Ronghua (velvet flowers) - buy & make
Hair accessories for fine hair
Phoenix crowns (Fengguan)
Lotus crowns
Miao silver hair accessories - Pt 1, Pt 2
Huasheng (forehead ornament)
Hairpin styling question
Fasheng (hair rope) & fakou (hair buckle)
My tag for Chinese hats/headgear
Jewelry boxes for hair accessories
Rongqiu (pompoms)
Hanfu Hairstyles:
Hanfu hairstyle tutorials
Traditional hairstyles
My favorite hairstyle
Pre coming-of-age ceremony hairstyles for Han girls
Double bun hairstyles
Looped hairstyles in “The Empress of China”
Tang dynasty pinned peony hairstyle
Ming dynasty hairstyles
Dynasty with long loose hairstyle
Did ancient Chinese people have bangs
Half-up half-down hairstyles - Part 2
Short hair and Hanfu
Simple hairstyles for shoulder-length hair
Use of wigs in hairstyles 
Huadian (forehead decoration) - Pt 1, Pt 2, Pt 3, Pt 4, Pt 5
Did men wear Huadian
Traditional Chinese makeup ingredients
Tang dynasty lip makeup
What makeup is used to replicate traditional makeup styles
Men’s Hanfu:
Hanfu styles for men
Men’s formal Hanfu
Types of men’s Hanfu
Resources for men’s historical hanfu styles
Pictures of men’s Hanfu
Dachang (open-fronted robe)
Zhiduo vs Daopao
Yesa/Yisan vs Tieli
Yichang vs Yesa/Yisan
Men’s Hanfu blog recs
Men’s Headwear/Hairstyles:
Historical hairstyles for men
Did men wear ponytails
Men’s hair accessories
Where to buy Xiao Guan
Men’s hairstyles & Guan
Guan (headdress) - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Guan & Mianguan
How bald men put up hair with a Guan
Fangjin (four-cornered flat cap)
Hanfu Undergarments:
Hanfu undergarments guide - Pt 2, Pt 3
Children’s Hanfu undergarments 
Hanfu petticoats - Part 1, Part 2
Emperor’s undergarment for Mianfu
Dudou (chest undergarment)
Lower body Neiyi (underwear)
Zhongyi & Neiyi
Wearing Hanfu:
Tutorials on wearing Hanfu
How to put together a Hanfu outfit
Mixing hanfu from different dynasties
Plus-sized Hanfu - Part 1, Part 2
Girl wearing men’s Hanfu
Wearing Hanfu made for a gender you are not part of
Chest-high Ruqun for big-chested figures
Chest-high Ruqun skirt slippage
Is Hanfu hard to wear/sew
Is Hanfu comfortable to wear
Are chest-high styles restrictive for the chest - Part 1, Part 2
Hanfu renting/dressing up
Photo studios for renting Hanfu and taking pictures in Shanghai
Do people in China still wear Hanfu - Pt 2
Events in present-day China where people wear Hanfu
Making Hanfu:
Resources for sewing Hanfu - Pt 1, Pt 2
Hanfu sewing patterns - Pt 1, Pt 2
Buying Hanfu sewing patterns
Making Hanfu by hand - Part 2
Making Chest-high Ruqun
Making Hanfu with patterned cloth
Using shiny brocade fabric
Young people learning to sew Hanfu
Buying Hanfu & Hanfu Accessories, Part 1 (Part 2 in Pt.2 of Masterpost):
My recs for places to buy Hanfu
Where to buy Hanfu & Chinese hair accessories  - Pt 1, Pt 2, Pt 3
Recs for non-Taobao Hanfu shops
Hanfu clothing stores outside of mainland China
Recs for places to buy hanfu accessories that aren’t based in China or have an English website
How to buy Hanfu on Taobao
International shipping on Taobao
Using a Taobao agent
Posts with links to where to buy Hanfu
Buying Hanfu in US/Washington DC
Hanfu shops in Shanghai
Where to buy Hanfu in Hong Kong
Hanfu shops in Singapore
How to distinguish b/w authentic & knockoff hanfu
Recs for colorful & flowy Hanfu
How to search for large-sleeved crossed-collar Ruqun on Taobao
Taobao shops that regularly carry larger sizes for men’s Hanfu  
***Hanfu in films/dramas/animations is in Pt 2 of Masterpost!*** 
***Hanfu revival movement is in Pt 2 of Masterpost!***
***Comparison with kimono & hanbok is in Pt 2 of Masterpost!***
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