#sanji and usopp are also the main composers
kuroananosanji · 2 months
East Blue 5 band AU??
Nami: singer (and manager)
Zoro: lead guitar (pretty obvious, he has an extremely obnoxious looking three-necked guitar too)
Sanji: bass guitar, backing vocals (him and nami are the visuals💕)
Usopp: keyboard (also the one who fixes shit)
Luffy: drums (c’mon is it even a question)
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megashadowdragon · 9 months
sanji will awaken devil transformation
sanjis mother could be from the nerona family
sanji and luffy are consistently foils to each other and this is shown with what happens in the story
sanji and luffy are foils
sanji and luffy are foils    to each other and the blackbeard pirates are the evil counterpart to strawhats with
blackbeard being evil luffy
lexinthymia . tumblr . com/post/152629529785/alexinethymia-spacespheal-so-i-was  
So, I was thinking that Luffy and Sanji are like two sidesfrom the same coin, ‘cause there are some aspects of them that are the same or at least really similar, but some others are just complete opposites
(This is going to be pretty long, sorry, so I’m dividing it in blocks, which may be a lil messy, sorry)
Both, are thin, but, while Sanji is tall, Luffy is short. Sanji has blond and well brushed hair that covers part of his face, but Luffy’s got black messy hair. Both have a “mark” on their face, Luffy’s got his scar, Sanji’s got his eyebrows.
Sanji always wears formal clothes that are black, whileLuffy wears informal clothes, which are bright colored.
Fighting Style:
Both fight without anything else but thier body, but while Luffy’s a Devil Fruit user, Sanji’s not. On the other hand, Sanji’s the best swimmer in the crew. Also, Luffy uses mostly his fists to attack, while Sanji uses only his legs (well he uses knifes in his fight versus Wanze, but just one fight, so let’s ignore it).
Most of the time, Sanji’s composed and mature, but there’s a lot of moments when he’s really childish. Luffy, is most of the time childish, but he can be serious if the moment requires to. While Sanji has shown he has sexual desires, Luffy has shown he has less sexual desires than a snail.
Both are hopeless dreamers, with kinda impossible dreams. Sanji want to find a legendary sea that may not exist, and Luffy wants to find a legendary tresaure that’s wanted by a lot of people. Luffy will do whatever he has to do to achieve it, but Sanji has been shown to deny his desire to accomplish his dream, just for the sake of someone else.
Luffy’s an excited child that go running towards anything that sounds fun to him without any second thought. Sanji’s careful and thinks his next moves with precison, also Sanji is one of the main strategist of the crew
Luffy easily falls for lies,tricks and ilusions, while Sanji doesn’t and even sometimes uses them in his advantage.
Both are so damn protective, but Sanji’s a lot more sacrificed.
Luffy’s loud and bad at infiltrating, but Sanji’s quiet and awfully good at infiltraitng and finding ways to help the crew.
Both are saved by a pirate that looses, an arm on Luffy’s part, a leg on Sanji’s part,
Their fathers are both famous criminals, but while Sanji’s father’s more from the underworld, Luffy’s father from the upperworld.
Also both have two older siblings, but while Luffy’s aren’t blood related, Sanji’s are.
Well, that’s just a list of things that have come to my mind for now. Feel free to expand it.
Sanji can’t hit a woman at all, while Luffy could care less about your gender if you’re the enemy. Zoro’s in the middle of the spectrum. I got this from TV Tropes.
I’d also like to point out how Oda’s chosen colors for them are red and blue. While you have Zoro and Nami whose colors are their hair color, Sanji could honestly have yellow or even black as a color, but those were assigned to Usopp and Brook instead.
In most literature, red and blue are symbolic opposites. Usually they designate for convenience enemies or rivals at least. While Sanji’s rival is Zoro, sanji unwilling had sort of a heelface turn where in chapter 844 they actually had what they talked about sort of sanji vs. luffy more like sanji hitting luffy in order to strive him down both sanji and luffy had 2 flashbacks first one featuring their mentor and their mentors losing a limb for them and the second featuring a relationship with their brothers for luffy it was in spirit for sanji it was biological for luffy it was positive relationship for sanji negative
in the tea party since sanji is trying to save his biological brothers and father who he hates while e how luffy tried to save his brother in spirit ace
this serves as an excellent point of contrast while sanji is  saved his brothers  and father who he hates (along with his sister who he loves)  luffy tried to save his brother in spirit and failed where sanjis mentor lost a leg to protect him while luffys mentor shanks lost a arm saving him heck in the manga this was outright referenced when luffy told him
image and they are both connected to the sun with luffy being the son god fruit user
and sanji associated with sun in a meta way
Judge was to be named Saint-Germain, eventually this became the name of Germa Kingdom’s flagship. I think the name Saint-Germain comes from the city Saint-Germain-en-Laye (the same as Paris Saint-Germain FC). Interestingly, this city was the birthplace of Sun King Louis XIV
Sun king Louis supposedly had a twin brother who was the man in the iron mask  ( which is referenced in sanjis backstory )
in the story man in the iron mask
also germa kingdom is a reference to shocker from kamen rider and kamen rider black was solar powered who lit his legs and fists on fire and had a prince of sadness and prince of anger mode
while lufffys g5 is
( he was called stealth black when epitaphs of his siblings corresponds to their respective hair color.
plus sora sanjis mom could be from he nerona family and related to imu connecting him to celestial dragons ( the king of) connected via blood
while luffy is associated with the imus greatest enemy and member of the d clan via inherited will
luffy woke up powers of a god
while sanji will awaken the powers of a devil turning his hair black
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sanji awakens his devil form with anger and is raging/ not happy
while luffy in g5 is joyful
they were both saved by someone who lost their limb to save them shanks an arm and zeff his leg ( which they used to fight
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sanji repeatedly associated himself with devls from saying that for nami he would walk the path of a devil ( imagine if nami getting hurt causes him to awaken his devil form)
or diable jambe and sanji has alot of connections to satan/lucifer ( prince of wrath, master of fire who was placed by his father who played god into a dark prison for not being how he wanted
sanji is often associated with rams/goats and an interest in space in fanart
and oda made a lot of comments about the power of swirls
nami is a witch and witches are said to be the bride of satan
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jasonblaze72 · 2 years
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Burnin’ up
Summary: On a ship as lively as theirs, Zoro should have known there’s no such thing as privacy. Aka Zoro and Nami keep getting cockblocked. Rating: M. Explicit. 
Can also be found on FFN and AO3.
So, this is a sequel to ‘Feel the burn’. It’ll probably help if you read that first, there are a few references from that story in here.
Amazing Pink left a really nice review on FFN, saying they were looking forward to more and I was so adamant that this was a one-shot and at the time, I was so sure too! But my other WIPs are being difficult right now and my mind drifted over to what a sequel to this would look like… at 2am and thus, this was born! So really, we all have Amazing Pink to thank for the gentle prod, I’m not sure I would have given it any thought otherwise.
Also, no, I was not inspired by ‘Burnin’ up’ by the Jonas Brothers (but I did listen to it after I realised… it’s a good song, let’s not lie).
It’d been weeks since the crew had found out about his relationship with Nami. He wasn’t exactly sure what he was expecting back then when they inevitably did find out. They’d blinked up at the crow’s nest as him and Nami peered down at the crumpled form of Sanji, who was still laying there holding that stupid drink upright like it was the most important thing, and watched as a lightbulb slowly appeared over their heads as they pieced it together.
Well, Luffy took longer but when he finally realised, prompted by Robin and Usopp, he’d shrugged like it was nothing new and asked Sanji if he could have the drink.
They… didn’t care.
Not in the slightest.
Nami had rolled her eyes and said they should go down and get it over with. He didn’t enjoy the knowing looks, but it could be worse. He wasn’t sure what that worse was. They were crewmates… friends, what did they have to actually be upset about?
Instead they’d looked apprehensively as Sanji got to his feet, his eyes had flitted from Zoro to Nami, no doubt trying to decide what absurd reaction to have. The last thing Zoro had expected was for him to kneel in front of Nami, taking her hand in his and press his forehead to it, telling her he’d pray for her good luck, that she didn’t deserve whatever curse had been put upon her to have to deal with that marimo idiot.
Nami had been stupefied for a second but then she’d laughed, head thrown back and Zoro grit his teeth. Neither of them had expected this but of course he should have known that the stupid cook would take this opportunity to take a shot at him.
And just like that, the moment had passed. Everyone was up to speed and watched as Zoro and Sanji duked it out before Nami stepped in.
Nothing had changed.
Considering how easy everything had been up to then, from getting together with Nami and the crew finding out, this wasn’t a hurdle he was expecting.
They kept getting cockblocked.
Whether it was in her room, in the bathroom, in the men’s room… even in the library when she was supposed to be working on maps- they were interrupted. The main perpetrator was Sanji. Zoro suspected he was doing it on purpose, he wasn’t sure how, but he just knew it. It was to get under his skin, the cook was definitely thatpetty and what made it worse was that it was working.
This time was no different.
It was late and Nami had been sitting by her trees when he’d found her with a drink in hand. Dinner had long since passed and they could still hear Luffy and the other’s playing in the distance somewhere on the ship. But it was far enough away that they didn’t have to worry about being interrupted.
Nami’s head settled on Zoro’s shoulder and as much as he put on a show of griping about having to share his alcohol, he still let her have it relatively easily.
“Mm, this is nice,” Nami hummed.
Zoro didn’t respond verbally, but he did hum back at her in agreement. It was rare they could have a quiet moment together. That didn’t last for though as Nami’s hand came to rest on his thigh and started to play with the fabric of his trousers.
He looked down at the hand and although she wasn’t looking, he still raised an eyebrow. “Playing with fire there, Nami.”
“Nothing I can’t deal with,” she said, tilting her head up to look at him and even he knew that was an invitation.
Leaning down, he pressed his lips to hers and although he meant to keep it brief, her free hand snaked up to the back of his head to hold him there. Not one to be outdone, he slanted his lips against hers and pulled her into him. She hummed again but this one wasn’t to convey content; it was to spur him on.
It worked.
He was pushing her back after that, so she laid beneath her trees and he was hovering above her. Her arms wrapped around his waist and her hands ran along his back. As he slipped his tongue into her mouth, his own hand ran along her bare thigh to play with the hem of her skirt.
Just as his hand was about to explore further, that’s when it happened.
A voice that wasn’t his, calling after his girlfriend.
“I don’t believe in God, but I’m willing to if it meant he’d leave us alone,” Zoro said, irritated, against her lips. His hand already retreating down her leg.
“This was funny at first but now…” She sighed heavily; her head thumping back against the decking.
“It was never funny,” he hissed. His trousers were always way too tight when this happened, he couldn’t see the humour in it.
“Oh come on! Seeing the normally composed, aloof swordsman all worked up? Pure gold,” she teased, now looking at him and leaning in to press a lingering kiss to his lips. It was a winding down kiss and Zoro knew it all too well by now.
“Nami-san~” The voice sang again, much closer than either of them expected and the loud footsteps told them the interloper was drawing in quickly.  
How the hell did he find her so easily? Zoro was convinced he’d put a tracker on her.
Hurriedly, he was tugging her back up as she was smoothing her hair down to look presentable when Sanji appeared. Sanji didn’t look phased in the slightest, either he didn’t know, or he didn’t care what they’d been doing. It was too early to tell which it was. Zoro glared at him but Sanji wasn’t looking, eyes trained on Nami instead.  
“Sanji-kun,” Nami greeted, although even her voice sounded strained, at least he wasn’t the only one affected. However, that wasn’t the name he wanted to hear coming from her lips right now.
“Nami-san, I’ve made a dessert in the kitchen for both you and Robin-chan, would you do me the honour of accompanying me there?”
As soon as he asked, Zoro knew she wouldn’t refuse him. Nami could be rude when she wanted to be, normally when she was busy, but evidently, she wasn’t now, and she definitely wouldn’t continue where they’d left off. So, it was no surprise when she stood to follow Sanji, telling Zoro that she’d find him later.
When Nami wasn’t looking, Sanji threw an all to knowing smirk over his shoulder at Zoro.
He knew it! Bastard.
Zoro wondered if during the next storm that hit, he could push the cook overboard and make it convincingly look like an accident.
But even that thought didn’t make him feel much better.
Now, Zoro had no shame about being walked in on. In his opinion, it’s the person’s fault for not knocking or for not minding their own business. But that wasn’t the case for Nami. For someone who’s so forward and confident in her sexual appeal, she’s oddly shy. She goes red, either gets angry or fumbles through being caught (depending on who catches them) and then leaves shortly afterwards.
And that’s fine, the mood’s been lost and if she’s not completely into it then even he doesn’t want to continue. But someone needed to tell that to his dick. Because that’s still ready to go afterwards, ready to soldier through and he’s not sure if he can bear having to calm himself down again.
All of that is thrown out of the window however, when Chopper walks in of them.
Things are getting hot and heavy in the library. Nami’s hovering over Zoro, her lips firmly attached to the junction between his neck and shoulder and when he feels her teeth, he knows he’ll be wearing a shirt for the next couple of days. He doesn’t need the heckling in the men’s room.
Both of them are shirtless, having got rid of them ages ago and at this point, Nami’s skirt should join the pile too because his hands have travelled from the back of her thighs up to her behind to play with sliver of lace there. It really served no purpose now other than bunching at her hips.
He’s about to move things forward when she beats him to it. Her lips trace up his neck the same time her hand moves down to rub over the bulge in his trousers. It takes her almost no time to find his length and stroke him through the material. His head’s thrown back and he’s groaning at her ministrations. He could happily come like this.
“Feel good?” She whispers hotly into his ear, but he can’t respond with words. His loud groan is enough though as she laughs lightly.
Feeling encouraged at his heavy breathing, her hand plays with the waistband of his trousers, fingers tracing along the skin there and making his hips jerk upwards. She pushes past his waistband, past his boxers and he exhales loudly as her fingers delicately touch his dick.
But the strangled squeak at the door brings everything crashing to a halt. They both freeze and turn their heads in horror to see the tiny reindeer stood there. Chopper’s expression mirrors theirs, his eyes round like marbles, and they can see him silently panicking, unsure what to do. But Nami and Zoro aren’t sure what to do either. So all three of them, stay frozen and staring at each other for another moment.
Nami seems to realise their position quickly enough and her hand shoots out of Zoro’s trousers. Her mood does a complete U-turn after that. From the confident, sexy woman above him that just had him squirming for her to a blushing mess that is trying to bury herself into him… or through him, he’s not sure.
That leaves only Zoro and Chopper still staring at each other because Nami’s left him to deal with this as she tries to master how to be invisible.
That lack of shame from earlier was a lie in this moment when Chopper darts out, slamming the door behind him without a word.
Nami’s face is still buried in his neck and he can feel the heat from her face on his skin. He’s pretty sure his face is matching. But on the bright side, his boner has instantly disappeared. Apparently, it’s one weakness is tiny, talking reindeers.
At least he doesn’t have to calm himself down now.
“Oh god. That’s mortifying,” She mumbled against his skin after a few silent moments. “Do we… go after him?” She’s finally pulled her head back to peer up at him.
He shrugged back. How was he supposed to know?
“You should talk to him. You’re close, he looks up to you.”
He spluttered. “And you’re not?”
“This feels like a guy thing.” Sitting up now, she gives him a thumbs up, completely over her embarrassment. “Good luck, Zoro!”
He glowered at her cowardice but knew there was no use arguing. Apparently, this had been settled.
Nami had just got her top back on and skirt straightened when the door opened again and both of them turn to gape as Chopper re-entered. Except this time, he inches in with much more caution and a hoof covering his eyes.
“Is everyone decent?” Chopper asked, slowly moving his hoof down but keeping his eyes closed.
Nami’s gurgling is apparently enough confirmation for Chopper to open his eyes and when he does, he looks incredibly determined. Nami quickly scampered off of Zoro’s lap to sit next to him and attempted to look presentable. Zoro snorted but winced at the elbow he received in the side.  
Chopper approached them both and in his free hoof he was holding condoms. Nami’s eyes bulged and Zoro grit his teeth, knowing exactly what was coming.
“Safe sex is really important. It’s dangerous to not be prepared for a number of reasons, mainly unplanned pregnancy but also for sexually transmitted diseases.” He’s looking at both of them as he speaks, completely clinical and in doctor mode. “Even if you don’t sleep with other people, it’s possible to contract them in other ways and pass them on through sexual activities.”
“Oh god,” Nami said quietly, face burning but still nodding.
Zoro has enough sense to stick his hand out and accept the condoms. He almost balked at the amount of condoms Chopper puts in his hand and is that lube in there?! He doesn’t ask, he’s not sure Nami would survive it.
“Do you need a demonstration on how to put a condom on? Because incorrectly done makes the condom useless.”
Nami wheezes but shook her head and Zoro replied for the both of them. “No, we’ve got this covered.”
Chopper seems to accept that and nods.
“If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate.” Chopper paused, giving them both a moment to think it over, before continuing, “I’m the ships doctor and this is important. I’ve already had this conversation with Robin and Franky.”
That lightens the tension and their embarrassment floods out at the knowledge of tiny little Chopper giving their oldest members the talk. At least Nami doesn’t look like she’s going to combust anymore, and he knows that she’ll be getting details from Robin about that later.
Chopper left shortly afterwards, with a final comment to please come to him with anything, and Nami relaxed slightly, letting out a deep breath in relief.
“Well, looks like I don’t have to talk to him now.”
He felt like he didn’t deserve the punch.
“Whoops, sorry guys,” Usopp said, hand covering his eyes immediately after walking into the library and seeing them sat next to each other. “I didn’t see anything.”
“We weren’t-”
“No need to be embarrassed-” Usopp cut in.
“We’re not embarrassed!” Zoro said. What’s there to be embarrassed about, they’re not even touching.
“It’s a completely natural thing between a couple-”
“For god sake!” Nami snapped, “Uncover your eyes, we’re not doing anything!”
“Do you guys need more condoms? Chopper said-”
That was enough for Nami’s temper to snap. “Get out of here!” And then a book’s being thrown where Usopp once stood.
The door slammed behind him and they’re left in the silence of now knowing that there’s no way the crew aren’t talking about this amongst themselves.
Because Usopp had never walked in on them before.
Zoro wonders how Franky and Robin do it.
He’s currently in the crow’s nest and, normally, he’d be completely focused on what he’s doing but he can’t stop his mind from wandering.
It’s apparently no secret in their crew that him and Nami haven’t been able to get very far, much to his annoyance. Annoyance that they haven’t got far and that they’re all talking about it. He knows they are, based on the looks he’s getting from Franky and he hasn’t even walked in on them. The older man keeps giving him looks like he wants to come and talk to him about it. For now Zoro’s keeping him at bay with his glaring but he knows that only works for so long. He didn’t want to have another sex talk.
Maybe it’s all Robin, Zoro thinks, circling back to his original thought. Franky was huge, there was no missing him, but Robin was crafty. With all the hands and eyes and ears. Maybe she uses them to stop people walking in on them… and can’t she duplicate herself?
Zoro suddenly grimaces, catching himself before his thoughts go elsewhere. There is no way he’s thinking about someone else’s sex life right now. Especially his friends.
Maybe he should just suck it up and ask Franky for advice. He could already imagine Franky’s blubbering but Zoro knew he’d keep it a secret… although he’d definitely tell Robin and she’d tell Nami. And Nami would tease him, even if it helps her too.
“You’re doing it wrong,” a teasing voice called from behind and he turned to see Nami grinning up at him from the entrance of the crow’s nest.
Well aware of the familiar scene before him, he teased back, “Enjoying the view? That costs you know.”
Nami laughed sharply, pulling herself up into the crow’s nest to walk towards him. “We’ll call it even from the last time.”
“Oh, so you admit you’re staring now?” And just like that, any of his previous thoughts vanish as they fall into their normal routine.
Although he’s already warmed up, he still waits for Nami to catch up and stops his squats to walk over and correct her stance. They’ve fallen into a natural rhythm working out together. She doesn’t always join him, he works out every day and sometimes she just doesn’t have the time, so she appears whenever she has a moment to spare. He’s come to enjoy this time they spend together and sharing his knowledge with her. Also, from his appreciative glances when he’s not entirely focused, he can see she’s starting to tone up.
“Is there even a point to me spotting you? I’m pretty sure that weighs more than I do.” Nami’s warmed up by this point but she’s taking a small break before going into sit ups.
“No, but the view’s good so don’t move.” And shamelessly his eye flicked from her face to her chest and back. His grin only widening at her flushed cheeks, but he doesn’t miss the way her own eyes linger around his chest and arms. “Helps if you watch the weight though.”
“I could say the same to you!”
Despite his teasing, Zoro’s kept his hands to himself, only touching her when he needs to. A stark contrast from their normal workouts together and so far, Nami hasn’t noticed. As much as he wants to, he doesn’t know if he could face another interruption. Normally they don’t bother him up there, but if Nami’s with him the crew suddenly turn into blood hounds.
He’d back off until he can at least speak to Franky.
Pride be damned.
“Okay, that’s me done here. You’re going into sit ups,” Zoro said, pointing towards the mat in front of the crow’s nest bench.
With no hesitation she walks over to lay on the floor and start. Normally, he was taking orders from her but up here she followed his word so easily. It surprised him at first and at one point he wondered whether he missed her normal bossiness but she more than made up for it with smart remarks.
“You going to keep gawking like Sanji-kun or are you going to do something?”
Like that.
“Unlike the pervert, I can do both,” he said as he sat on the bench in front of where she was laying and picking up the weight there.
There was a peaceful silence between them as they focused on their respective tasks but Zoro found his gaze drifting over to Nami. Her eyebrows were furrowed and her breathing steadily getting heavier, but she was lasting much longer than normal these days. He’d have to switch up her routine soon to keep her on her toes.
When she laid down after her last sit up, he couldn’t stop himself from looking her over. From the blue leggings to the matching sports bra, she was panting on the floor and he had to try and keep himself from imagining her like that for different reasons. He’d made his mind up and getting himself worked up would only come around to punish him in the long run.
“Sorry to interrupt, but the rest of us are stepping off the ship for a bit.” The sudden appearance of a mouth on the wall didn’t faze either of them, they’d been around it for far too long. “We’ll be gone for a few hours… do with that what you want.” Humour was thick in Robin’s voice before the mouth disappeared in a flutter of flowers.
There was a short silence that followed afterwards as Zoro and Nami looked at each other. The atmosphere shifting slightly in the crow’s nest as the words started to sink in.
Except Nami didn’t seem surprised.
“You’ve been speaking to Robin,” he accused, narrowing his eye.
“Maybe.” She sat up and attempted to look innocent. “Can you really blame me though?”
“Desperate for me then?” He smirked and leaned towards her.
“Like you haven’t been thinking about talking to Franky.” She rolled her eyes, leaning back on her arms to stretch out her body. It worked when Zoro gave her a once over.
Well, she had him there. Sometimes he wondered if she could read his mind. He said nothing but that told Nami everything as her smile broadened.
“Anyway, you should be thanking me.” She stood, getting to her feet to stand in front of him and he wasted no time in making a gap between his legs for her to stand between. “We have a free ship. No interruptions,” she said lowly.
“At this point, I don’t think I’d care if we were interrupted.” His gaze darkening as his hands palmed at her hips.
“Big words coming from someone who still can’t look Chopper in the eyes,” she snorted, her hands equally adventurous as they ran along his shoulders.
“You can’t either!” And he pinched lightly at her hip in retribution.
“Shut up and kiss me Zoro.” She’d long since had enough of this conversation but it didn’t matter for Zoro because it’s a command that he can wholeheartedly get on board with.
He wasted no time in pulling her down onto his lap
The kiss is bruising, and it’s with more force than he’d intended, but honestly, he didn’t care. Because she’s kissing him back just as roughly, lips frantically moving against the others and their teeth clash together at one point, but it doesn’t deter them. They’ve both been waiting far too long for this and it’s obvious in the way she’s already pulling at his hair and he’s probing her lips with his tongue.
They pause to breath roughly against the other’s lips but there’s no rest when her hands insistently start pulling up his top. “You never wear a top to work out and you pick today of all days to?”
“You should have told me your plan beforehand and I would have made sure I was wearing as least as possible.”
The moment his top’s off and thrown behind them, her hands are smoothing across his chest and he’s pulling her back into their kiss. It’s less bruising now but still just as desperate, enthusiasm dripping into the kiss. His hands slip up her waist lingering around the dip in it before fiddling with the clasp of her sports bra.
The bra teases him when they work out together and it’s still doing it now.
“Would you hurry up,” she said against his lips, impatient but unwilling to break the kiss properly. Her hands are now playing with the waistband of his bottoms and it’s not helping him focus on the task.
“Well it’s hardly like I’ve had much practice with taking your clothes off, is it?” He grumbled back. His fingers felt far too big for such a tiny clasp, how did women do this every day?
“We’ll work on it, but now’s not the time.” Her hands leave his waistband to meet his at her bra clasp and she pushes them away to unhook it with such an ease that it almost mocks him. It’s hard to still be annoyed when the bra’s off and joining his top of the floor.
With her breasts now free, he aims for her neck, working kisses down it and nipping as he works his way down. Her hands are in his hair, threading through it and encouraging him to continue. He kisses a particularly sensitive spot when she shallowly gasps but it’s nothing compared to the noise she makes when he finally reaches her breasts. It’s louder, less surprised and filled with pleasure that makes him twitch in his trousers.
He’s rewarded with the sound again when he takes her nipple into his mouth and licks. Her hips are grinding into his and it’s hard to focus but he doesn’t stop her. If anything, his free hand is pressing her hips into his even more to increase the pressure.
When she bounces this time, he’s pushing her off of him and onto the mat on the floor. He follows after her quickly to cover her body with his own and this position is much easier to roll his hips into hers. They both moan when he does.
“Zoro- hah- take off your trousers,” she rushed out, breathless when he doesn’t relent on sucking on her nipple.
He just about hears what she’s saying over the pulsing in his ears but he’s more concerned with getting her leggings off. He leaves her nipple then, leaving it with a parting kiss before he’s sitting up and pulling down the waistband of her leggings. He doesn’t need to say anything for her to lift her hips, but he does when he struggles to get the leggings off her legs.
“What are these things made of?” He huffs, now sat back on the ball of his feet and glaring down at them.
Nami doesn’t respond but she does start laughing when he gives a particularly harsh tug and they barely give.
“Laughing isn’t helping here Nami!”
“Sorry- it’s just- your face!” She snorts in laughter. “Actually, take these too.” And she’s pulling her underwear down to meet the leggings now at her calves.
Zoro tried to stay focused but she’s almost naked before him for the first time ever and he can’t look away. The leggings finally give and he’s angrily flinging them across the room, hoping he never sees them again.
The foot on his arm distracts him from lingering on that thought for much longer and Nami’s nodding towards his own bottoms. “Take them off too!”
Something that he wholeheartedly agrees with and he’s standing
Nami’s looking up at him in disbelief and eyebrows raised when he joins her on the floor again. He quirks an eyebrow.
“No underwear?”
He snorts. “Never do. Waste of time.”
He’s not interested in her response, although she definitely does mutter something under her breath and it’s most likely snarky. Instead he’s kissing her again, less rushed as it sinks in that they’ve really got time and there’s no one ready to walk in at any second.
His hand wanders down, skimming over her stomach and all too quickly it’s grazing over wet lips. He bites back a groan when he realises how wet she is when they’ve barely done anything but Nami’s moaning below him as his hand teases her. Stroking up and down, he watches her eyebrows knot and she’s biting her lip to hold in her moans.
That won’t do.
With his free hand, he holds her jaw to make sure she can’t look anywhere else but at him and the thumb on his other busy hand stroke over her clit. She gasps then, unable to hold in the noise.
“Come on Nami, you’re not normally quiet. I want to hear you loud, tell me how much you’re enjoying yourself.”
The pinch in her eyebrows and downward curve of her mouth tells him she’s about to refuse him but when she opens her mouth his thumb picks up the pace and instead of words, a wanton moan breaks free from her lips.
“That’s it,” he praised and as much as he’s desperate for his own relief, hers is far more important to him. He’s trying to take in as much of her face as he can, and he almost wished he still had his other eye in this moment.
“Okay, enough,” Nami panted out and she’s pushing his hand away. Before he can ask what’s wrong, she’s cupping him. “I want you in me.”
And he’s all too ready to follow that command.  
“Hang on.” Zoro got up and walked over to the locker across the room. He pushed some stuff out of the way before finding what he was after. He turned back to Nami and smirked as he held up a condom.
“Chopper would be so proud,” Nami laughed. “But you called me desperate yet you’re the one storing condoms around the ship?”
“Saved us time, didn’t it?” He said, shrugging, as he walked back over, throwing the condom down next to her and covered her with his body again. “And don’t mention Chopper right now.” That’s the last thing he needs going through his mind.
He kisses her after that, trying to quickly reclaim the mood and it’s not as lost as he thought it was when her legs start to wrap around his waist. What he doesn’t expect is for her to suddenly roll them so that she’s on top.
“I’d rather be on top if that’s okay with you?”
Oh shit. “Fuck, you’re sexy.”
“I’ll take that as a yes?” She winks at him and moves her hips against his. He can feel her wet heat on his dick, and it makes his head go fuzzy for a second. He needs this to speed up before he loses his load.
“Yeah, you’re sure? We can stop at any time.”
She’s smiling down at him softly and nodding back at him.
After that, she’s picking up the condom and rolling it down his dick. He stops breathing as she does. Then she’s taking his dick into her hand, lining him up and sinking onto him. He grips her hips and shit; this feels better than he could ever have imagined. Nami throws her head back and her palms are spread across his chest to give her some leverage.
He shouldn’t be surprised that she wants to be on top and in charge. It’s no different to their normal daily interactions, where she’s bossing them around and although he’d normally argue back- this he doesn’t mind. In fact, it gets under his skin in a pleasant way and makes him feel even hotter. It’s no secret that her bossiness turns him on a bit and the look she’s throwing at him now tells him she knows it too.
The first time she moves bobs up and back down he almost smacks his head back into the mat but he’s not about to take this laying down. The second time he digs his feet into mat to match her thrust and he’s rewarded with a load moan from her.
The pace only picks up from there and the room is filled with the sound of their moans and skin slapping as they both work towards their high together.
Except, far too soon, Nami’s pace is starting to slow and the way her legs are twitching tells him that she’s getting tired.
He sits up then, more than happy to take over the reins. “More squats for you next time,” he quips in her ear.
She swats his shoulder but buries her face in his shoulder and moans weakly at her last attempt to grind down on him. Gathering her in his arms, he started to stand, refusing to pull out of her and walked them towards the empty wall of the crow’s nest.
He’s well aware of how familiar this scene is, except this time around they’re having sex instead of making out. He presses her up against the wall, her legs still tight around his waist and he thrusted back into her.
“Do you know how good you feel?” He whispered to her.
He restarted the pace, slowly grinding into her and picking it up from there. He continued to whisper into her ear, about how she feels, how he’s going to make sure she sees stars and it worked as her moans start to pick up and she’s moving her hips against him.
She grips onto him, clinging to him in her pleasure and he knows he’s doing something right when he nails start to dig into his shoulders. Maybe it’s the masochist in him but it only turns him on further and makes him work harder.
The way she started to babble nonsense means he’s close to pulling her with him over the edge and he sure hoped so because he can feel his end coming.
“Touch yourself,” he said, his hands too occupied with keeping her up against the wall.
“Zoro.” The way she moaned his name really does something for him and he wants to hear it again. “I’m really close,” she whined.
“Me too,” he panted against her neck.
He kisses her after that and it’s sloppy and uncoordinated and they take more breaks to breath against each other’s lips than actually kiss but it only heightens the feeling.
It’s then, when her moans start to break apart and tumble out of her lips that he felt her tighten around him and he can feel his high drawing in. He can’t last though that feeling of her clamping down of him or her calling out his name. He thrusts in relentlessly to chase after his high and join her and he felt it shortly after, pleasure streaking down his back.
He isn’t even sure how he’s still on his feet or holding her up, but he managed it as he worked through his orgasm with her. It’s only as he started to come out of it that he realised he’s probably crushing her into the wall now instead of holding her up against it.
Stumbling over, he made it down to the mat and collapsed back, pulling Nami on top of him. She moaned weakly when he pulled out of her. Considering how his back stung, he can only imagine the marks he has there.
Nami came to when she started to press kisses against his chest and his hand continued to run a path up and down her back.
“Zoro, that was-”
“Great? Yeah, it was.” He smirked down at her and pressed a kiss to her forehead. “Makes you want to kill our crew members for constantly interrupting us when we could have been doing this sooner? Yeah, it does.”
Nami laughed lightly at that but groaned shortly after. “I feel gross.”
And she had a point. They were sweaty from working out beforehand but mixing in sex with that only made it worse. He grimaced as he peeled off the condom.
“Let’s go get cleaned up.”
“Bathhouse?” She asked, eyes lighting up and it’s evident from her tone that they’ll be doing something other than getting clean.
“The door has a lock too.” His expression mirroring hers and promising other activities.
Nothing more needed to be said as Zoro hauled Nami up and towards the exit of the crow’s nest, clinging to one another as they went.
Shout out to Marimoandtangerine from Tumblr. She drew a scene of Nami and Zoro working out in the crow’s nest for the Tumblr event that we both took part in and joked how much our pieces mirrored each other without us even knowing… but now they definitely do because I incorporated that scene when writing this.  
You can see her fantastic art here.
Chopper said safe sex! The moment I had him walking into this cockblocking escapade, I had to have him giving a lecture.
As always, please excuse any errors.
Thanks for reading.
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danwhobrowses · 4 years
One Piece Chapter 979 - Initial Thoughts
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Is anyone else nervous? I feel like we should be nervous...
After another week break we have One Piece, and I feel like these waits are gonna kill me before COVID gets close
But Spoilers for the Chapter, and Support the Official Release when it comes out
Another cover story bombshell, oh my fucking god! Just...How!? Pound you lucky son of a bitch how the fuck are you alive? The Will of P has not yet been snuffed out! Does that mean that Pedro and Pekoms may still have a chance at revival? What happened with Germa too, where is my Baeju!? Also the Tontottas finding him is gonna be hilarious, giant man and little people, hopefully we get a family reunion...and maybe some reverie news
Still very concerned about Law, he wasn’t cut from panel this time but he just looks very, solemn, like he’s about to do something he’s not all happy about
I find it odd that not everyone is clued in on Kanjuro being on Orochi’s side, sure it slows him down but even the people on the ships that were intercepting the scabbards were able to identify him as the traitor
Momo though has got some ideas, he knows how to use a sword but he’s only gonna be able to cut the rope before Kanjuro notices, I doubt he could even use it on Kaido. I dunno, Momo does not seem to be that kinda guy, also if he was able to control his DF he’d be able to escape those ropes much easier
We’ve got the Brachio Tank and Black Rhino back out, I liked the Fishman Island nod but this also means we’ll likely be getting Franky Shogun again, but Franky made note that there were upgrades so maybe it’ll be a new Iron Pirate/Super Armoured Me
Definitely laughed at the ‘He’s for sure gonna be spotted’ and ‘He’s for sure getting lost’ because it’s so painfully true. They have good intentions but they’ll sneak off, don’t be surprised if Zoro walks into the exact wrong room
Alas poor Sanji, you can’t get in the Harem Tank. Usopp does lowkey know how to be a ladykiller (though I doubt he thinks about it, he does have a doctor at home). But Carrot does work the Beast Pirates garb too, as does Robin...but as I said last chapter with Nami, you could put a paper bag on them and they’ll make it work.
Ooof, right in the Frobin there. We know what that was code for Franky, ride the back of your motorcycle you dog!
But Brook has to tickle my funny bone too by thinking it’s for him XD I guess the small victory here is that it reminds me of Grim Fandango; a giant beast that lives to build and upgrade riding a beast of a machine with a snarky skeleton at the back
Sanji still trying to get on the Tank though, he should really be using Stealth Black to find Luffy and Zoro, get a Monster Trio team up ¬u¬
But this does give Robin and Jimbei (whose Beast Pirates garb is cool but does nothing for being covert since it doesn’t cover his Sun Pirates tattoo at all) some time to chat, we’ve got a new formation as the Mature Duo, I would add Brook or Franky to that but the two do tend to do silly things from time to time
Someone is lurking though, which is a little worry, but I don’t think they’re enemies. I think if they were they would’ve jumped at the two at this point. Could be a scout, or it could be someone ready to throw another spanner in the system
Yup, I love Ulti, she tickles me with her dual personality. Also Sasaki’s cape is fire, kinda reminds me of Minato Namikaze from Naruto, I also think it’s a little telling that Who’s Who doesn’t have a cape or any long garment, it makes him stand out a little bit more
So King and Jack can now be accounted for, and the former is the one who summoned the Flying Six. It also seems clear that everyone knows that the Six want the Disasters’ spots
I will continue to add that Kaido keeps looking smaller and smaller, I mean, look at his debut panel
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he’s standing in a crater and he still dwarves Kid, Hawkins and Apoo, but in the panel he looks like he’s about 3 times taller than Drake (who is 2.3m tall, about 20cm taller than Kid), his scale just feels reduced
Also on heights, Black Maria is taller than King. That is a Giant Woman
Bao Huang makes me feel like Oda’s been playing some Legend of Zelda in his spare time, though I ain’t mad at it
The schedule seems a bit weird, Orochi has a speech after Kaido? I guess it’s just a welcoming address because Kaido will afterwards be announcing the Big Mom alliance
Kaido is keeping a secret, and that is actually quite intriguing...it also means that the Raid will not succeed for a while, since we are to expect to hear this Chekov Announcement
Kaido’s son is not seen, but we know his name: Yamato. It’s a very interesting name to choose actually; it can refer to simply the dominant ethnic group of Japan, the clan, the period, the province, the Yamato Dynasty prince Yamato Takeru, Yamato-damashiii, could even go Okama with Yamato Nadeshiko or even just the battleship. It could also be a corruption of Yamata, which connects to Yamata no Orochi
For my money, Yamato would be based off of Takeru. With some minor wikipedia research it does have some narrative notes that could fit being Kaido’s son, I doubt he would slay an older brother because Kaido calls him an ‘idiot son’, but Takeru’s father Emperor Keiko kept sending him to other provinces, I could see Kaido sending Yamato across Wano or the world to try and emulate Oden, the last man he respected. Takeru’s legend is also interesting because he gets the Kusanagi sword, which Susanoo fished from the Yamata no Orochi, there’s also a brief note of cross dressing and composing the first sedoka in the Kai province, which can tie in with the other Yamatos listed
Yamato must be strong though if the Flying Six see it as troublesome, Yamato could be the one hiding in the bushes behind Robin and Jimbei. Him being relative to the announcement makes me think that Kaido has an arranged marriage for him, since that’s how Big Mom does alliances, maybe it’s to Pudding, or Smoothie, or that bitch Flampe
Ulti again has no fucking fear, the steel balls of this woman. But Kaido knows when to dangle the carrot, Who’s Who definitely wants that All Star spot, which continues to add focus on him
LUFFY! How is it that you manage to get to the big ass crowd of people, and it’s not like Kid is hard to find, look for someone with a Metal Arm next to a guy who blurts out FAFAFA...and of course he almost gets his cover blown by some drunkard and gets distracted by food (his chest scar is back now though after disappearing last chapter)
Oh god...memories of sweet-baby Tama are found in the reflection of the spilled soup, the Beasts Pirates being clear about how they disregard and waste the food while others starve. I bet Zoro and Sanji would also react similarly in this state for their own other reasons, hell even Big Mom could have a word or two to say about it, she really enjoyed that soup
But when Luffy has that glare, few things are gonna stop him
So obviously, really good chapter. A lot of lines have been drawn in the sand and we’re eager to know what comes next. But as much as I am eager I am waiting for the main thing to go wrong. We’ve already split our Monster Trio, in fact the largest group of the crew are the Weakling Trio in the Brachio tank with Sanji who could disappear anywhere, Shinobu and Carrot, there’s still the uncertainty with Law as well.
I am keen to know more about Yamato (though I am a tad let down that Katakuri isn’t related to Kaido, only because I wanna see Katakuri again) and about the Flying Six, but it’s also gonna be a tough spot if Luffy causes a rumble right now, Apoo and Queen are in that area and BM’s crew, Orochi and the Numbers are all within earshot.
Alas, another week break, though when Oda made the announcement about COVID I kinda did expect it, I guess I’ll just have to toil about it in my own spare time XD But what’s important is that everyone stays safe, and an extra week can help with the fan theories.
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mangastr-blog · 4 years
One Piece Mangastream
Mangastream is now avaiable
During its translation, it appeared to be tricky to interpret the onomatopoeia sounds.  A single onomatopoeia seem found for a replacement for most onomatopoeia sounds.   Story and characters: Eiichiro Oda composed this Manga.  It's one of the masterpieces of him.  He worked very hard on it.  While introducing the idea of a devil fruit, then he was perplexed.  It was believed by him as a thing that could fulfill the desire that was human.  He worked with periods for food morning to 2 am the next morning out of 5 am. One Piece recorded many achievements in the history of novels and Manga.   Publishers gained revenue of roughly $21 billion.  It's being read in over 43 countries in the world. On his way, he rescues a swordsman.  And they became friends.  They start their journey together.  They fulfill a navigator called a pure liar Usopp, Nami plus a chef named Vismoke Sanji.  Other personalities join them during the story, including Tony Tony Chopper, Nico Robbin, Frankey, Brook, and Jimba.
One-piece characters are extremely famous nowadays.  The main character of this story is Monkey D. Luffy.  He gained a few rubber-like properties after ingesting a peculiar fruit.  He became a pirate and researched the planet in search of One Piece, the best treasure of the world.  One-piece anime is also very popular.  One Piece anime got accomplishments.  This anime is rated anime.   Monkey D. Luffy ate the devil fruit.  Devil fruit is the fruit that gives some abilities that are super to the consumer.  Devil veggies are of three types.  Every type blesses the user with a quality.  A User may simply eat devil fruit once.  If he attempts to consume second, he will die.  The devil fruit can split him.   It stayed the selling manga for decades.  Eiichiro Oda wrote and illustrated it.  This Manga published on July 22, 1997.  And nearly 96 volumes are recorded till April 2020.
Devil fruit is the fruit that gives the consumer some abilities.  Devil veggies are of three types.  Every type blesses the user with a quality that is specific.  A User may eat devil fruit once.  If he attempts to eat instant, he'll die.  Him cans divide.  It's said that the devil fruit eaters cannot swim in the sea as the sea despises them. They combined and began encountering other pirates, hunters, criminals, etc., they reach their own dreamland.  The world of One Piece contains various types of races, such as individuals, fish-men, minks, giants, etc..  Some attributes are possessed by Each habitant of a single Piece.  All do not have the very same attributes.  As they are gifted with supernatural skills some are superior to other people. One-piece characters are famous.  The main character of this narrative is Monkey D. Luffy.  After ingesting a strange fruit called devil 14, he gained some properties. They united and began encountering other pirates, hunters, criminals, etc., they reach their own dreamland.   Each habitant of a single Piece possesses some attributes.  All don't have exactly the exact attributes.  Some are superior to others as they are gifted with supernatural abilities. He became a pirate and explored the world in search of One Piece, the ultimate treasure of the planet.  Anime is also remarkably common.  One Piece anime got lots of accomplishments.  This anime is rated anime.   1 Piece is Japanese Manga's Manga.  It remained the highest selling manga for years.   This Manga released on July 22, 1997.  And almost 96 volumes have been listed until April 2020. 1 Piece recorded many achievements in the history of novels and Manga.  Nearly 470 million copies of One Piece have sold out.  Publishers gained earnings of roughly $21 billion.  It is being read in more than 43 countries on the planet. Eiichiro Oda composed this Manga.  It is one of those most despicable of him.  He worked very hard on it.  He was perplexed while introducing the concept of a devil fruit.  He thought it as something which could satisfy the appetite.  He worked out of 5 am morning with little intervals for food the following morning to 2 am.
On his way, he rescues a swordsman.   They start their journey.  They meet a navigator called Nami, a liar Usopp plus a chef.  Other characters join them throughout the story, including Nico Robbin Tony Tony Chopper, Frankey, Brook, and Jimba.
Monkey D. Luffy is the main part of the narrative.  He chose to become a pirate.  He acquired some rubber properties.  When he ate a devil fruit these supernatural forces were gifted to him.  He started his journey to locate the world's treasure,"One Piece"  And to be proclaimed as pirates' Head. Monkey D. Luffy is the main character of this narrative.  He chose to become a pirate.  He got some rubber properties.  These supernatural forces were gifted to him if he ate a devil fruit.  He started his journey to locate the planet's treasure,"One Piece."  And also to be proclaimed as the Head of pirates.
Throughout its translation, it seemed to be tricky to translate the onomatopoeia sounds.  A onomatopoeia seem found for a replacement for most Japanese onomatopoeia sounds.   Story and characters:
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satoshi-mochida · 6 years
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One Piece: World Seeker will launch for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on March 15, 2019 in the Americas and Europe, publisher Bandai Namco announced.
Pre-orders will include the following downloadable content: “Strange Island Rocks Mission” (reveals the secrets of the mysterious monster-shaped rocks on the island), “Military Costume,” and “Swimsuit Costume.”
In North America, a “Gum Gum Bundle” will be sold via the Bandai Namco Entertainment Store (PlayStation 4, Xbox One) for $129.99, which includes a copy of One Piece: World Seeker bundled with a Luffy and Devil Fruit figure.
In Europe, a “Pirate King” collector’s edition will also be released and include the following:
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A copy of One Piece: World Seeker
The Season Pass
An exclusive 21cm Luffy figurine
A replica of the Gum-Gum devil fruit
The original soundtrack of the game composed by Kohei Tanaka
Here are the latest gameplay details, via Bandai Namco:
As well as seamlessly traversing the world using Luffy’s acrobatic Gum-Gum fruit abilities, we are introduced to Luffy’s two main action modes (Haki). The first, is the strength-based Arm Haki, that focuses on raw power, allowing Luffy to use overwhelming force to defeat his opponents. The second, Observation Haki, which allows Luffy to slow down time as well as improving his sneaking prowess with stealth attacks and the ability to see enemies and more through walls.
The gameplay footage also, provides a first look at the Skill Tree and Crafting/Cooking mechanics. By completing missions and progressing through the game, Luffy will be granted Skill Points that enable players to upgrade his powers and abilities via the Skill Tree to suit their own play style.
Crafting is accessed via Usopp or Franky, two of Luffy’s Straw Hat Pirate Crew, who can use items and materials found by Luffy in the world to create new equipment, while Sanji can cook Lunch Boxes for the rest of the crew, enabling them to explore the islands and gather additional resources for players.
Finally, Luffy’s incredibly powerful Gear Fourth mode is revealed for the first time, giving players access to powerful new combat skills and traversal techniques, abilities that last only for a short time.
Watch the latest trailer below. View the latest screenshots at the gallery.
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creative-type · 7 years
Chapter 218 is Amazing and Here’s Why (Continued)
So I had intended to finish my analysis of chapter 218 of One Piece in one post, but things were starting to run a little long and I split it in two. Here’s Part 1 for those who are interested. For the rest of you, let’s jump in where we left off
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I know I say this a lot, but I really like that panel. For one thing, Usopp is using a desk lamp. Knowing him, he probably invented it himself just for the occasion. 
On a more serious note, the entire feel of this scene is completely different than the last time the Straw Hats as a group interacted with Robin. I wrote extensively on chapter 114 here, but what I want to draw attention to now is how the tables have (supposedly) turned. Remember how Robin held all the power and was seated above the Straw Hats while tossing them around like a bunch of punks?
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Yeah, that’s no longer the case. Robin is surrounded by Usopp, Zoro, and Nami, the three Straw Hats who distrust her most. And while Usopp’s too much of a chicken to be intimidating, there’s no mistaking Zoro and Nami’s body language. They’re closed off, guarded, and Zoro at least has his weapons close at hand. 
At the same time, the way the speech bubbles are placed draw attention to Chopper and Luffy. You can barely make out a hand, and one might assume it’s Sanji’s, as he’s the only Straw Hat not visible. 
Which, of course, it’s not
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This set up is the impetuous for three hilarious pages where Robin one by one wins over the Straw Hats (except Zoro, because he’s a killjoy). I recommend reading the entire sequence to get the full effect. It’s classic Oda humor from start to finish that makes me smile every time I read it
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(especially this)
Now going back a bit, Robin tells Usopp that she’s an archaeologist from a long line of archaeologists and has been on the run for twenty years. Never once in this entire “interview” does she lie. In fact, I can’t recall Robin ever  lying in the entire series, except for when she didn’t give Crocodile Pluton’s location. 
There are a couple of different reasons for this. For one, it’s convenient for the narrative if the audience doesn’t have to second-guess everything the main characters say. On the whole the Straw Hats are pretty honest people - Usopp being the obvious exception. (Nami is also a bit of a wheeler and a dealer, but since Arlong Park is more prone to using her good looks and force of will to get her way over straight-up lying. That, or stealing what she wants outright.)
Secondly, Robin has had a bounty on her head for a long time. The Ohara incident was publicized around the world. There’s no reason to hide certain aspects of her backstory when it’s essentially public knowledge. 
Still, it’s interesting to note that the one Straw Hat who is known world-wide as a demon who has betrayed every group she’s joined tells the truth here. It’s obvious that in addition to winning the Straw Hats over, Robin is using her ability to direct the attention away from herself. One might even suggest that Robin tells Usopp she’s an assassin to rattle him enough to avoid more personal questions. She does a masterful job of using each of the Straw Hat’s weaknesses against them. 
It becomes more apparent later on that Robin is an incredibly private person. When Chopper and Sanji are looking for her on Water 7 they don’t know where to even to start, because there are no ancient ruins about, and that’s the only place they can think of where she would go. 
Now, this falls more into the realm of theories and head canons, but since Robin’s whole dream focuses around finding The Truth and since her whole life has been ruined by vicious slander and falsehoods, I would imagine that Robin hates lying more than the average person. She will misdirect, avoid questions, or tell bits and pieces of well-known information without giving context, but she won’t lie.
Moving on, Robin uses the same intelligence and playful nature that was established in chapter 114 to avoid any more of Usopp’s questions (consistent characterization, gotta love it) before having a private word with Zoro. I like how Robin doesn’t even try the same tricks she used with the rest, because I think she knows it won’t work. Instead she addresses him more or less as an equal.
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Assuming this is a nuanced and accurate translation, when Robin says “This isn’t that bad” we can make the assumption that she thought it would be bad. It’s understandable that she would think this way - the Straw Hats were her enemies not too long ago - but it brings up the point that Robin willingly stowed away on a ship she knew she wouldn’t be welcome because she had no place else to go. When Zoro affirms that the Straw Hats are basically a bunch of dorks, Robin smiles.
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Now Robin smiles an awful lot for someone who wants to die. It’s basically her default expression, and it’s nothing but a front to hide her real feelings. She even smiles when she’s just been stabbed and is about to be buried alive after living a miserable, meaningless life without accomplishing anything she’s ever set out to do. That’s one deeply-rooted defense mechanism.
This is the first time we see Robin really be happy, and her surprise at learning that the Straw Hat Pirates are fun-loving and cheerful even when traveling with a former enemy is the kick-start to Robin’s character arc.
Because make no mistake, the Robin who joined the Straw Hat Pirates was the same Robin who joined Crocodile. All the stuff at the beginning of the chapter helps flesh her out into a fully-realized character instead of a cardboard Vivi replacement, but at this moment Robin’s beliefs about the Straw Hat Pirates are challenged, and a character can’t change if they aren’t challenged. 
There’s a cute Zoro-pouty face to that ends this scene, and our focus swings back to the Straw Hats as a whole. An undetermined amount of time has passed because now they’re talking about the weather and Zoro is back to lifting weights
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I don’t know if you can have foreshadowing that’s paid off in one panel, but Oda doesn’t waste a beat with the little clacks of wood against wood. For the second chapter in a row there’s an amazing twist at the end that no one could have seen coming. I already shown this spread in my last post, but it’s so epic it deserves a second viewing
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I can’t remember if this is the only time Oda has used a real life quote in One Piece, but if not, it’s one of very few. And honestly, what could be more appropriate for a series like One Piece? The whole composition of this page is beautiful, and all the little details take my breath away. I really don’t get it when people say Oda’s art is ugly, because they’re wrong. 
Anyway, things get crazy for a couple of pages while the Straw Hats try not to capsize. Oda has this thing he does when he uses square or rectangular panels for his dialogue and uneven shapes like trapezoids for action scenes. I think that’s pretty standard procedure for comics (I’m by no means an expert) but here Oda helps sell the chaos by composing his pages so it feels like the panels are tilting with the ship
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There’s also a nice gag with Usopp that doubles as a character moment. Instead of grabbing hold for dear life Usopp sits and closes his eyes to pray, completely ignoring the problem in hopes that it goes away. It’s funny here when he gets a skeleton to the face, but it highlights a huge flaw that finally comes to a head during the Water 7/Enies Lobby arcs.
After that we get this sequence of panels
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Please forgive my horrendous edit, but I wanted to show how the speech bubble fits into curve of the wave in the second panel and leads the eye through the rest of the sequence even though the individual images don’t really relate to one another. Oda constructs this scene in such a way that we feel the chaos, but he does so in an orderly fashion. Each panel gets smaller and smaller - similar to the “fade to black” technique I talked about previously, and it leads directly the last splash panel on the page
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The chaos ends just as abruptly as it began. The Straw Hats are mystified, and, honestly, Oda could have ended the chapter here. It’s such a high note, a good dose of Grand Line craziness after so much focus on the crew. But Oda isn’t satisfied with stopping here. He ends the chapter with what I believe to be one of the best story hooks in the series, tied only with Zou for sheer “WTF, the Straw Hats are going where?” moments in all of One Piece.
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Skypea isn’t my favorite arc in the series. A lot of people say the same. But if you can pretend that you’d never read/seen what was coming next and take the end of 218 for what it is - and that’s pure hype - then you’ve got to admit that Oda has done his job.
So that concludes our look into chapter 218 “The Log Pose and Why It Is Round”. To summarize my thoughts on the chapter and why it’s amazing
Ships fall from the sky
Oda never forgets 
But he does lure us into thinking he does
Ships fall from the sky
Robin is established as a “protagonist” without necessarily being a “good guy”
Excellent page composition
Gags that reveal character
Consistent characterization with hints of further development to come
and last but not least
      10. Ships falling from the sky
(Thanks to everyone who has the patience to read this far. Next I’ll continue my Nico Robin study with chapter 253, specifically looking at Robin’s place in the Skypea arc and how Oda prefers stealth development over big character moments. See you next time!)
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opotakuism · 7 years
Thinking of OP fanfic ideas
I have this crazy fanfic, One Piece world with modern!AU of Luffy, Sanji, and Zoro as a roommate with other Straw Hat members as they go to same high school. I would imagine them making web show or something and it made them become famous among teens.
Luffy would likely have an idea of traveling around to search some good restaurants or eat Sanji’s foods as he evaluates the taste. Or, or, he would make a random variety web show like Infinite Challenge, or Running Man (from Korean TV program) with his friends.
Zoro would love have an idea of Running man (especially catching others’ name tag while chasing). I mean, as long as he doesn’t get lost while tracking his “victims”.
Sanji would have his main corner of cooking or baking. He would film himself cooking some challenging meals and let his crews eat them and score how many stars out of ten. But when it comes to some variety show topics, he would compete against Zoro, or team up with Luffy and Zoro.
Usopp would love to play a prank and might love to make a “hidden camera” to monitor his victims (especially the guests). But he would do them along with Luffy and others.
Nami is like Song Ji-Hyo of Ace (from Running Man) for she is ALWAYS lucky. And she would likely beat up her opponents when it comes to games. Well, she might tag along with Robin about that.
Robin would be type of a member to give her friends a lot of informations with games and “missions”. Although, she would sometimes trick them along with Nami. Or when the crews ask why she sometimes does not let Chopper participate with the game, she would reply it will be “too dangerous” for him.
Chopper would likely be a medic or join Luffy with games. Even though he is a bit upset with the fact that Robin sometimes don’t let him participate, he appreciates her for caring for him.
Franky will be the one to set the cameras or mechanics for the game show Luffy makes. Sometimes, he would have Paulie or others to do the camera as he also joins in for the game. I might have strong feelings that he will always lose to Robin.
Brook is more likely the singer for the show. He would make new, or cover theme song for each season. If there’s a special for talent show, or concert, he would help his friends composing songs and suggest them some ideas. He sometimes appear for variety games.
Oh, and the guests will be the characters that most readers want me to make a debut in each chapter. It doesn’t need to be one guest (it could more then one or two guests). But the most guests appearance characters have will be Trafalgar Law, Eustass Kidd, Nefeltari Vivi, etc...
The series would be about either:
- Talent Show (singing competition, or something)
- What If (requested by readers, it could be like what if Luffy pretends to date with Boa Hancock, or what if the Straw Hats challenging themselves with babysitting, Ivankov swaps Sanji, Luffy, or anyone’s gender, etc)
- Monitoring/Hidden Camera (either Usopp or Luffy play pranks)
- Halloween Special/Horror Special (all Straw Hats and their guests will challenge their courage by entering haunted/abandoned houses filled with fake ghosts and monsters)
- Zombie Special (Straw Hats pretend they are in apocalyptic world and goes on a mission to retrieve the antidote vaccine to save humanity and all races)
- Making or parody films/dramas (Straw Hats will divide their group with guest to film their short movie or dramas. Some may contain with extreme plot twists and such)
- Family/Sibling specials (where the variety show will begin with Straw Hats’ family. Luffy: Ace, Sabo, Garp, or Dragon. Sanji: Owner Zeff, or his biological family, the Vinsmokes. Etc...)
- Girls and boy’s night out (Girls will have their night out, while boys do the same. Luffy would invite all guys, while Nami invites her friends)
- Amusement Park special (Crazy request by readers or viewers as the Straw Hats ride on crazy rides. e.g: Luffy eats Spaghetti while riding on roller-coaster)
- Christmas Special (secret santa mission, or celebrating christmas with mostly all guests)
- Couple game {Usopp x Kaya, Kidd x Keimi (I ship ‘em), Rosinante x Bell-Mere (I ship ‘em, too), etc...)
- Fairy Tale Special (e.g:Nami and Robin pretends to be princes, while Luffy and the boys become a damsel in distress/princess. Female guest will have male role as male guest gets female roles | Or it could made as cruel fairy tale.)
(That’s all I can think about~! If you guys have any ideas, mail or ask me~!)
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megashadowdragon · 2 years
sanji will have a devil mode with black hair
oda keeps hinting at it 
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twitter . com/dengekivinsmoke/status/1568630208671907841
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sanji and luffy are foils
sanji and luffy are foils    to each other and the blackbeard pirates are the evil counterpart to strawhats with
blackbeard being evil luffy
lexinthymia . tumblr . com/post/152629529785/alexinethymia-spacespheal-so-i-was  
“ So, I was thinking that Luffy and Sanji are like two sidesfrom the same coin, ‘cause there are some aspects of them that are the same or at least really similar, but some others are just complete opposites (This is going to be pretty long, sorry, so I’m dividing it in blocks, which may be a lil messy, sorry) Appearence: Both, are thin, but, while Sanji is tall, Luffy is short. Sanji has blond and well brushed hair that covers part of his face, but Luffy’s got black messy hair. Both have a “mark” on their face, Luffy’s got his scar, Sanji’s got his eyebrows. Sanji always wears formal clothes that are black, whileLuffy wears informal clothes, which are bright colored. Fighting Style: Both fight without anything else but thier body, but while Luffy’s a Devil Fruit user, Sanji’s not. On the other hand, Sanji’s the best swimmer in the crew. Also, Luffy uses mostly his fists to attack, while Sanji uses only his legs (well he uses knifes in his fight versus Wanze, but just one fight, so let’s ignore it). Personality: Most of the time, Sanji’s composed and mature, but there’s a lot of moments when he’s really childish. Luffy, is most of the time childish, but he can be serious if the moment requires to. While Sanji has shown he has sexual desires, Luffy has shown he has less sexual desires than a snail. Both are hopeless dreamers, with kinda impossible dreams. Sanji want to find a legendary sea that may not exist, and Luffy wants to find a legendary tresaure that’s wanted by a lot of people. Luffy will do whatever he has to do to achieve it, but Sanji has been shown to deny his desire to accomplish his dream, just for the sake of someone else. Luffy’s an excited child that go running towards anything that sounds fun to him without any second thought. Sanji’s careful and thinks his next moves with precison, also Sanji is one of the main strategist of the crew Luffy easily falls for lies,tricks and ilusions, while Sanji doesn’t and even sometimes uses them in his advantage. Both are so damn protective, but Sanji’s a lot more sacrificed. Luffy’s loud and bad at infiltrating, but Sanji’s quiet and awfully good at infiltraitng and finding ways to help the crew. Story/Family: Both are saved by a pirate that looses, an arm on Luffy’s part, a leg on Sanji’s part, Their fathers are both famous criminals, but while Sanji’s father’s more from the underworld, Luffy’s father from the upperworld. Also both have two older siblings, but while Luffy’s aren’t blood related, Sanji’s are. Well, that’s just a list of things that have come to my mind for now. Feel free to expand it. Sanji can’t hit a woman at all, while Luffy could care less about your gender if you’re the enemy. Zoro’s in the middle of the spectrum. I got this from TV Tropes. I’d also like to point out how Oda’s chosen colors for them are red and blue. While you have Zoro and Nami whose colors are their hair color, Sanji could honestly have yellow or even black as a color, but those were assigned to Usopp and Brook instead.
In most literature, red and blue are symbolic opposites. Usually they designate for convenience enemies or rivals at least. While Sanji’s rival is Zoro, sanji unwilling had sort of a heelface turn where in chapter 844 they actually had what they talked about sort of sanji vs. luffy more like sanji hitting luffy in order to strive him down both sanji and luffy had 2 flashbacks first one featuring their mentor and their mentors losing a limb for them and the second featuring a relationship with their brothers for luffy it was in spirit for sanji it was biological for luffy it was positive relationship for sanji negative in the tea party since sanji is trying to save his biological brothers and father who he hates while e how luffy tried to save his brother in spirit ace
this serves as an excellent point of contrast while sanji is  saved his brothers  and father who he hates (along with his sister who he loves)  luffy tried to save his brother in spirit and failed where sanjis mentor lost a leg to protect him while luffys mentor shanks lost a arm saving him heck in the manga this was outright referenced when luffy told him
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and they are both connected to the sun with luffy being the son god fruit user
and sanji associated with sun in a meta way
Judge was to be named Saint-Germain, eventually this became the name of Germa Kingdom’s flagship. I think the name Saint-Germain comes from the city Saint-Germain-en-Laye (the same as Paris Saint-Germain FC). Interestingly, this city was the birthplace of Sun King Louis XIV
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Sun king Louis supposedly had a twin brother who was the man in the iron mask  ( which is referenced in sanjis backstory )
in the story man in the iron mask
also germa kingdom is a reference to shocker from kamen rider and kamen rider black was solar powered who lit his legs and fists on fire
there’s a tokusatsu that we know Oda likes, which would be a much more explicit inspiration for the Germa 66 : Kamen Rider. specifically the villainous organization shocker
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Shocker was a terrorist organization that planned on ruling the world (in the original manga is shown that Shocker had some influences over the governments of the world), with virtually all of its members modified in some way. The founders had mostly Nazi ties
so it fits that germa66 not only references the nazis but the shocker organization from kamen rider
Shocker’s scientists performed surgical alterations that gave the subject superhuman fighting abilities. Even the most basic Shocker soldier was tougher, stronger and faster than the average human civilian. The most powerful of their forces were the Kaijin, modified humans who were combined with animal DNA and human cybernetics to create living weapons.
In an attempt to create the ultimate warriors, they were responsible for the rise of the very first Kamen Riders 1 and 2, whom defected and became the heroes who would ultimately lead to the fall of Shocker.
and sanji and his siblings were altered genetically
and the kamen riders specialty is the kamen rider KICK
In it Kamen Rider Black RX is a cyborg whose motif is a black grasshopper, which mirrors Sanji’s own epithet as Black Leg. Grasshoppers are known for their incredible spring like leg muscles that allow them to jump incredible heights which allow them to launch themselves in the air to fly. However he also has another motif and that is based on the sun. Kamen Rider Black RX is a photosynthetic warrior who is powered by the sun.
Since Kamen Rider is powered by the sun, he can set his legs and fists on fire to increase the lethality of his kicks and punches, which is basically what Sanji’s Diable Jambe does
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twitter . com/Oeuf2BoaEnCoque/status/1542888958354460673
luffys strongest form is g5 where his hair turns white sanjis hair if the experiments were succesfful would be black ( and its possible that his devil form will have black hair  when he gets it
sanji is often associated with the devil/satan
so while luffy ate the sun god  he would be the devil’
while luffy will defeat a man with a darkness logia ( a pirate)  sanji will beat a man with light logia ( a marine) before their final fights
@pernanegra​ @sanjiafsincedayone​  @crunchy-multi-fan-one-9​
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hotokeiki · 7 years
Week 132: J-pop
Yo minna-san,
 How’s it going? I’m sore, because we did laps at Tae Kwon Do last night (10 push-ups and 0 crunches, and then a lap, decrease by 1 push-up and add 2 crunches every lap until it’s 0 push-ups and 20 crunches). It’s been a while since I did a workout that intense, so I’m feeling it. This might be a shorter post, because I’m sore and I don’t know what to say, but I REALLY like this song.
 So, let’s get to it!
 ONE-WORLD~sekai no minna-san konnichiwa by Mayumi Tanaka is a character song of Monkey D. Luffy from One Piece.
Yes, this is a One Piece character song.
 And just so you know, I’m planning to do a One Piece character song special, but I’m gonna wait until they stop coming out with new songs. (Let’s go see Master Cat Viper XD)
 And this isn’t my favorite Luffy character song, so it won’t be on that list anyway. I’m in the clear. XD
 I’ll go more in depth on One Piece for the character song special, so we’ll just talk about the song right now.
 So, while I was at my internship today, I had a desire to listen to some One Piece character songs. I listened to all of them on Tra-guy’s playlist on Youtube. But before I got to the playlist, I saw that there was a Straw Hat Version of this song called ONE-WORLD. I told myself I’d probably hear it in the playlist, and I was right… but not.
 Because it was the Luffy character song in the playlist. And I didn’t know what to expect, but it definitely wasn’t what I got.
 And what I got was this song, and it makes me feel so happy.
 Compared to the other Luffy character songs I’ve heard, this is completely different.
 I mean, it starts off sounding like something from the animated Hercules movie with it’s gospel-soul feel and backup chorus. It blew me out of the water. And I had this stupid grin while I was listening to it.. and we’re not gonna say how many times I listened to it today. XD
 So, before I go any further, this is a really happy song. I mean, hello is said in multiple languages!
 The Youtube user Artur New World commented that this the song's main theme is that One Piece has no boundaries or racism.
 And there is stuff like that in One Piece, but the idea is that everyone should get along as ONE WORLD. The Straw Hats fight that kind of discrimination.
 Now, regarding the details of the song. First, Mayumi Tanaka always sounds happy and energetic singing Luffy character songs. Second, I thought the gospel-soul feel would be cliché, but it works so well. I mean, Hercules is a good movie, especially the music… although our choir sang “Zero to Hero” too many times. XD
 The instrumentation is so good. The backup chorus has good harmonies and is in sync. The bass is kicking the funk out of my ear drums. (Linda: What?) (It doesn’t have to make sense, Linda. XD) The claps bring so much energy. The percussion section is diverse and well utilized. The melody is interesting and easy to sing along to. There are some interesting rhythm choices in the singing and rhythm section. And I love the pitch bending before everyone sings “JUMP!” (It’s so good!) .. oh, I just heard chimes!
 Album: One Piece Nippon Judan 47 CD Cruise
Track: 00 (an extra on the album)
Lyricist: Seiko Fujibayashi
Composer: Kohei Tanaka
Arranger: N/A
Artist: Luffy (CV: Mayumi Tanaka)
 Oh yeah, I mentioned the Straw Hats Version before.
 It’s even better, because it just sounds like the Straw Hat Pirates hanging out and singing a song. And this song just works so well for a group to sing it.
 Straw Hats Version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ftma87E4s4Y
 And by the way, I absolutely want to do a collab cover of this song. It’s so good. I listened to it more than 10 times today… oh shoot, I wasn’t supposed to tell you that.
 Editor, will you remove that?
 Editor: why don’t you just move your mouse and highlight the text and press “Delete”?
 No, that’s too much work. Nevermind, then. It’s fine.
 Anyway, I will cover this song at some point!!
 ONE-WORLD ~世界のみなさんコンニチハ ~9人の麦わの一味編~
(ONE-WORLD~sekai no mina-san konnichiwa~ku-nin no mugiwara no ichimi hen)
ONE-WORLD~hello everyone of the world~9 person Straw Hat Crew version
 Album: Yuriko Yamaguchi [Kyou-osamukura 4-shuuta] (4 song collection)
Track: 02
Lyricist: Seiko Fujibayashi
Composer: Kohei Tanaka
Arranger: N/A
Artist: Straw Hat Pirates
- Luffy (CV. Mayumi Tanaka)
- Zoro (CV. Kazuya Nakai)
- Nami (CV. Akemi Okamura)
- Usopp (CV. Kappei Yamaguchi)
- Sanji (CV. Hiroaki Hirata)
- Chopper (CV. Ikue Ootani)
- Robin (CV. Yuriko Yamaguchi)
- Franky (CV. Yao Kazuki)
- Brook (CV. Chō)
 And here’s a sample of every song on the One Piece Nippon Judan 47 CD Cruise album (minus this song).
 And here’s an article talking about how a poster for a different character off the album was put up in each prefecture in Japan. (I’m just throwing stuff at you guys. XD)
 Okay, that’s it.
 Wow, if this is short, I don’t want to see long. XD
 I actually didn’t feel too sore typing, so it was fun!
 >> Also, you had better like this song, Micah.
 If you message me saying you didn’t really like it… no, don’t even think about it. XD (we will discuss)
 Alright, that’ll do it for this week.
 If you have any questions or requests, please let me know.
 I’m also planning to stream again this Saturday @ 2:00pm CDT if you want to tune in!!
All right!
 Catch you next week.
 Nanatsu no umi wo koete ikou!
Itsutsu no tairiku mi te mawarou!
 - Chris
Minna, gokitai kudasai!!
0 notes
megashadowdragon · 1 year
sanjis black hair mode will be when he is at his most restrained or he will be very serious
sanji and luffy are consistently foils to each other and this is shown with what happens in the story
sanji and luffy are foils
sanji and luffy are foils    to each other and the blackbeard pirates are the evil counterpart to strawhats with
blackbeard being evil luffy
lexinthymia . tumblr . com/post/152629529785/alexinethymia-spacespheal-so-i-was  
So, I was thinking that Luffy and Sanji are like two sidesfrom the same coin, ‘cause there are some aspects of them that are the same or at least really similar, but some others are just complete opposites
(This is going to be pretty long, sorry, so I’m dividing it in blocks, which may be a lil messy, sorry)
Both, are thin, but, while Sanji is tall, Luffy is short. Sanji has blond and well brushed hair that covers part of his face, but Luffy’s got black messy hair. Both have a “mark” on their face, Luffy’s got his scar, Sanji’s got his eyebrows.
Sanji always wears formal clothes that are black, whileLuffy wears informal clothes, which are bright colored.
Fighting Style:
Both fight without anything else but thier body, but while Luffy’s a Devil Fruit user, Sanji’s not. On the other hand, Sanji’s the best swimmer in the crew. Also, Luffy uses mostly his fists to attack, while Sanji uses only his legs (well he uses knifes in his fight versus Wanze, but just one fight, so let’s ignore it).
Most of the time, Sanji’s composed and mature, but there’s a lot of moments when he’s really childish. Luffy, is most of the time childish, but he can be serious if the moment requires to. While Sanji has shown he has sexual desires, Luffy has shown he has less sexual desires than a snail.
Both are hopeless dreamers, with kinda impossible dreams. Sanji want to find a legendary sea that may not exist, and Luffy wants to find a legendary tresaure that’s wanted by a lot of people. Luffy will do whatever he has to do to achieve it, but Sanji has been shown to deny his desire to accomplish his dream, just for the sake of someone else.
Luffy’s an excited child that go running towards anything that sounds fun to him without any second thought. Sanji’s careful and thinks his next moves with precison, also Sanji is one of the main strategist of the crew
Luffy easily falls for lies,tricks and ilusions, while Sanji doesn’t and even sometimes uses them in his advantage.
Both are so damn protective, but Sanji’s a lot more sacrificed.
Luffy’s loud and bad at infiltrating, but Sanji’s quiet and awfully good at infiltraitng and finding ways to help the crew.
Both are saved by a pirate that looses, an arm on Luffy’s part, a leg on Sanji’s part,
Their fathers are both famous criminals, but while Sanji’s father’s more from the underworld, Luffy’s father from the upperworld.
Also both have two older siblings, but while Luffy’s aren’t blood related, Sanji’s are.
Well, that’s just a list of things that have come to my mind for now. Feel free to expand it.
Sanji can’t hit a woman at all, while Luffy could care less about your gender if you’re the enemy. Zoro’s in the middle of the spectrum. I got this from TV Tropes.
I’d also like to point out how Oda’s chosen colors for them are red and blue. While you have Zoro and Nami whose colors are their hair color, Sanji could honestly have yellow or even black as a color, but those were assigned to Usopp and Brook instead.
In most literature, red and blue are symbolic opposites. Usually they designate for convenience enemies or rivals at least. While Sanji’s rival is Zoro, sanji unwilling had sort of a heelface turn where in chapter 844 they actually had what they talked about sort of sanji vs. luffy more like sanji hitting luffy in order to strive him down both sanji and luffy had 2 flashbacks first one featuring their mentor and their mentors losing a limb for them and the second featuring a relationship with their brothers for luffy it was in spirit for sanji it was biological for luffy it was positive relationship for sanji negative
in the tea party since sanji is trying to save his biological brothers and father who he hates while e how luffy tried to save his brother in spirit ace
this serves as an excellent point of contrast while sanji is  saved his brothers  and father who he hates (along with his sister who he loves)  luffy tried to save his brother in spirit and failed where sanjis mentor lost a leg to protect him while luffys mentor shanks lost a arm saving him heck in the manga this was outright referenced when luffy told him
image and they are both connected to the sun with luffy being the son god fruit user
and sanji associated with sun in a meta way
Judge was to be named Saint-Germain, eventually this became the name of Germa Kingdom’s flagship. I think the name Saint-Germain comes from the city Saint-Germain-en-Laye (the same as Paris Saint-Germain FC). Interestingly, this city was the birthplace of Sun King Louis XIV
Sun king Louis supposedly had a twin brother who was the man in the iron mask  ( which is referenced in sanjis backstory )
in the story man in the iron mask
also germa kingdom is a reference to shocker from kamen rider and kamen rider black was solar powered who lit his legs and fists on fire
while lufffys g5 is when he is the most free and is very goofy and cant restrain his laughs  sanjis black hair mode is when he is very serious all the time and restrained
it will be the opposite of freedom
the vinsmoke kids were modified to be unable to disobey his orders what if sanjis black hair mode is when he cant disobey judges orders or will be compeleld to 
maybe he will be able to break it through sheer will if he is told to beat a woman ( and this will show his conquerors haki for the first time.
but what if he does beat up a woman in that state
what if instead of being compelled to listen to judge due to some stuff like the thing that causes unlocking of that state or chemicals  it will focus on someone else like zoro or luffy  or an enemy of strawhats
or  on a more positive note it may just mean he will be in a state of silent anger/tranquil fury where he is so angry that  the heart eyes gag doesnt appear even if a beautiful woman shows up or nami is near
 and he is completely focused on the destruction of the target of his anger
where even if nami or a beautiful woman says something that would normally cause sanji to do something we associate with sanji like the mellorine , nosebleeds,  
sanji wont do that and his mind will be focused on the defeat of his enemy that he would ignore it or handle it like a normal person
basically the woman gag is gotten rid of when he is in the black hair sanji mode
@bottlepiecemuses @pernanegra
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megashadowdragon · 2 years
when sanji goes into black hair mode he will have a  very sad/somber aura and will likely face 2 or 3 admirals
also sanji and luffy have always been foils to one another
sanji and luffy are foils
sanji and luffy are foils    to each other and the blackbeard pirates are the evil counterpart to strawhats with
blackbeard being evil luffy
lexinthymia . tumblr . com/post/152629529785/alexinethymia-spacespheal-so-i-was  
So, I was thinking that Luffy and Sanji are like two sidesfrom the same coin, ‘cause there are some aspects of them that are the same or at least really similar, but some others are just complete opposites
(This is going to be pretty long, sorry, so I’m dividing it in blocks, which may be a lil messy, sorry)
Both, are thin, but, while Sanji is tall, Luffy is short. Sanji has blond and well brushed hair that covers part of his face, but Luffy’s got black messy hair. Both have a “mark” on their face, Luffy’s got his scar, Sanji’s got his eyebrows.
Sanji always wears formal clothes that are black, whileLuffy wears informal clothes, which are bright colored.
Fighting Style:
Both fight without anything else but thier body, but while Luffy’s a Devil Fruit user, Sanji’s not. On the other hand, Sanji’s the best swimmer in the crew. Also, Luffy uses mostly his fists to attack, while Sanji uses only his legs (well he uses knifes in his fight versus Wanze, but just one fight, so let’s ignore it).
Most of the time, Sanji’s composed and mature, but there’s a lot of moments when he’s really childish. Luffy, is most of the time childish, but he can be serious if the moment requires to. While Sanji has shown he has sexual desires, Luffy has shown he has less sexual desires than a snail.
Both are hopeless dreamers, with kinda impossible dreams. Sanji want to find a legendary sea that may not exist, and Luffy wants to find a legendary tresaure that’s wanted by a lot of people. Luffy will do whatever he has to do to achieve it, but Sanji has been shown to deny his desire to accomplish his dream, just for the sake of someone else.
Luffy’s an excited child that go running towards anything that sounds fun to him without any second thought. Sanji’s careful and thinks his next moves with precison, also Sanji is one of the main strategist of the crew
Luffy easily falls for lies,tricks and ilusions, while Sanji doesn’t and even sometimes uses them in his advantage.
Both are so damn protective, but Sanji’s a lot more sacrificed.
Luffy’s loud and bad at infiltrating, but Sanji’s quiet and awfully good at infiltraitng and finding ways to help the crew.
Both are saved by a pirate that looses, an arm on Luffy’s part, a leg on Sanji’s part,
Their fathers are both famous criminals, but while Sanji’s father’s more from the underworld, Luffy’s father from the upperworld.
Also both have two older siblings, but while Luffy’s aren’t blood related, Sanji’s are.
Well, that’s just a list of things that have come to my mind for now. Feel free to expand it.
Sanji can’t hit a woman at all, while Luffy could care less about your gender if you’re the enemy. Zoro’s in the middle of the spectrum. I got this from TV Tropes.
I’d also like to point out how Oda’s chosen colors for them are red and blue. While you have Zoro and Nami whose colors are their hair color, Sanji could honestly have yellow or even black as a color, but those were assigned to Usopp and Brook instead.
In most literature, red and blue are symbolic opposites. Usually they designate for convenience enemies or rivals at least. While Sanji’s rival is Zoro, sanji unwilling had sort of a heelface turn where in chapter 844 they actually had what they talked about sort of sanji vs. luffy more like sanji hitting luffy in order to strive him down both sanji and luffy had 2 flashbacks first one featuring their mentor and their mentors losing a limb for them and the second featuring a relationship with their brothers for luffy it was in spirit for sanji it was biological for luffy it was positive relationship for sanji negative
in the tea party since sanji is trying to save his biological brothers and father who he hates while e how luffy tried to save his brother in spirit ace
this serves as an excellent point of contrast while sanji is  saved his brothers  and father who he hates (along with his sister who he loves)  luffy tried to save his brother in spirit and failed where sanjis mentor lost a leg to protect him while luffys mentor shanks lost a arm saving him heck in the manga this was outright referenced when luffy told him
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and they are both connected to the sun with luffy being the son god fruit user
and sanji associated with sun in a meta way
Judge was to be named Saint-Germain, eventually this became the name of Germa Kingdom’s flagship. I think the name Saint-Germain comes from the city Saint-Germain-en-Laye (the same as Paris Saint-Germain FC). Interestingly, this city was the birthplace of Sun King Louis XIV
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Sun king Louis supposedly had a twin brother who was the man in the iron mask  ( which is referenced in sanjis backstory )
in the story man in the iron mask
also germa kingdom is a reference to shocker from kamen rider and kamen rider black was solar powered who lit his legs and fists on fire
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sanji is stealth black so its fitting if when his dna fully awakens he gets black hair ( his siblings hair color is due to their dna alteration
luffys strongest form is g5 where his hair turns white sanjis hair if the experiments were successful would be black ( and its possible that his devil form will have black hair  when he gets it for he was meant to be stealth BLACK and his siblings hair colors which match their nickname 
twitter . com/fukayoru_06/status/1570051867308331008
black being the absence of light/color  ( which reminds me of someone making a black flame ( which absorbs light by throwing some material into fire)
and  white being the true color of the sun representing light
also I believe that sanji will get black flames in the future ( combining adv coc with his flames which will come after the transformation  to contrast to luffy getting adv coc and then g5 )
and luffy has the df of joyboy and when he goes into g5 he cant stop laughing
kamen rider black had two forms prince of anger mode ( which makes me think of hells memories) and prince of sadness it is a fitting contrast if  the thing that causes sanji to transform is something that would make him very sad and somber a cold fire /hate etc so rather then show his anger on his face it will be a tranquil anger
given that luffy will face a pirate who has powers of darkness so sanji faces a marine with light powers but blackbeard has multiple df’s so it would fit for sanji to face multiple people including kizaru and admiral to correspond to the quake fruit powers ( which can connect to earth)  be it green bull ( who  would contrast to how quake quake fruit is meant for destruction) 
not to mention his introduction scene reminding me of sanjis introduction
and black leg being a disease fatal to cattle 
I put my bets on sanji vs kizaru and green bull
and sanji once boasted about the marines fearing sanji the most and sanji beating multiple admirals would fit that
or akainu  whose df also possesses high dc ability and who is also from north blue ) 
 and if blackbeard gets a third df  (which I am beginning to doubt  )sanji will have a third opponent in the fight
basically sanji vs green bull, akainu , and kizaru to correspond with luffy facing blackbeard who has 3dfs
(though I doubt it ) its likely sanji vs green bull and kizaru while fujitora fights akainu
or sanji vs akainu and kizaru while fujitora deals with green bull
not to mention it would parallel the scene how luffy went past 3 admiral 
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megashadowdragon · 3 years
sanji and viola comparison to luffy and hancock meeting
sanji and luffy both met boa hancock and viola   both of whom were victims of a celestial dragon who has been implied to have raped by  them when they were both ( viola and hancock ) were 29 years old
and they both ended up touching the girls heart due to their personalities which fits given that 
sanji and luffy are foils to each other
So, I was thinking that Luffy and Sanji are like two sidesfrom the same coin, ‘cause there are some aspects of them that are the same or at least really similar, but some others are just complete opposites
(This is going to be pretty long, sorry, so I’m dividing it in blocks, which may be a lil messy, sorry)
Both, are thin, but, while Sanji is tall, Luffy is short. Sanji has blond and well brushed hair that covers part of his face, but Luffy’s got black messy hair. Both have a “mark” on their face, Luffy’s got his scar, Sanji’s got his eyebrows.
Sanji always wears formal clothes that are black, whileLuffy wears informal clothes, which are bright colored.
Fighting Style:
Both fight without anything else but thier body, but while Luffy’s a Devil Fruit user, Sanji’s not. On the other hand, Sanji’s the best swimmer in the crew. Also, Luffy uses mostly his fists to attack, while Sanji uses only his legs (well he uses knifes in his fight versus Wanze, but just one fight, so let’s ignore it).
Most of the time, Sanji’s composed and mature, but there’s a lot of moments when he’s really childish. Luffy, is most of the time childish, but he can be serious if the moment requires to. While Sanji has shown he has sexual desires, Luffy has shown he has less sexual desires than a snail.
Both are hopeless dreamers, with kinda impossible dreams. Sanji want to find a legendary sea that may not exist, and Luffy wants to find a legendary tresaure that’s wanted by a lot of people. Luffy will do whatever he has to do to achieve it, but Sanji has been shown to deny his desire to accomplish his dream, just for the sake of someone else.
Luffy’s an excited child that go running towards anything that sounds fun to him without any second thought. Sanji’s careful and thinks his next moves with precison, also Sanji is one of the main strategist of the crew
Luffy easily falls for lies,tricks and ilusions, while Sanji doesn’t and even sometimes uses them in his advantage.
Both are so damn protective, but Sanji’s a lot more sacrificed.
Luffy’s loud and bad at infiltrating, but Sanji’s quiet and awfully good at infiltraitng and finding ways to help the crew.
Both are saved by a pirate that looses, an arm on Luffy’s part, a leg on Sanji’s part,
Their fathers are both famous criminals, but while Sanji’s father’s more from the underworld, Luffy’s father from the upperworld.
Also both have two older siblings, but while Luffy’s aren’t blood related, Sanji’s are.
Well, that’s just a list of things that have come to my mind for now. Feel free to expand it.
Sanji can’t hit a woman at all, while Luffy could care less about your gender if you’re the enemy. Zoro’s in the middle of the spectrum. I got this from TV Tropes.
I’d also like to point out how Oda’s chosen colors for them are red and blue. While you have Zoro and Nami whose colors are their hair color, Sanji could honestly have yellow or even black as a color, but those were assigned to Usopp and Brook instead.
Someone asked oda what all the strawhats smelt like, what there specific colors are and numbers
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In most literature, red and blue are symbolic opposites. Usually they designate for convenience enemies or rivals at least. While Sanji’s rival is Zoro, sanji unwilling had sort of a heelface turn where in chapter 844 they actually had what they talked about sort of sanji vs. luffy more like sanji hitting luffy in order to strive him down both sanji and luffy had 2 flashbacks first one featuring their mentor and their mentors losing a limb for them and the second featuring a relationship with their brothers for luffy it was in spirit for sanji it was biological for luffy it was positive relationship for sanji negative in the tea party since sanji is trying to save his biological brothers and father who he hates while  how luffy tried to save his brother in spirit ace this serves as an excellent point of contrast while sanji is trying to save his brothers and father who he hates (along with his sister who he loves) luffy tries to save his brother in spirit they do in fact rescue Sanji’s family, Sanji was able to save his biological brothers who he loathes, while Luffy failed in stopping ace from dying and for the people they saved  ace/ germa66 both ended up saving/helping them in turn but the vinsmokes didnt sacrifice their lives ( I dont think they are dead but if they are then both of the people sanji and luffy fought to save lost their lives helping them in turn) where sanjis mentor lost a leg to protect him while luffys mentor shanks lost a arm saving him heck in the manga this was outright referenced when luffy told him
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megashadowdragon · 3 years
luffys mother foreshadowed
So, I was thinking that Luffy and Sanji are like two sidesfrom the same coin, ‘cause there are some aspects of them that are the same or at least really similar, but some others are just complete opposites (This is going to be pretty long, sorry, so I’m dividing it in blocks, which may be a lil messy, sorry) Appearence: Both, are thin, but, while Sanji is tall, Luffy is short. Sanji has blond and well brushed hair that covers part of his face, but Luffy’s got black messy hair. Both have a “mark” on their face, Luffy’s got his scar, Sanji’s got his eyebrows. Sanji always wears formal clothes that are black, whileLuffy wears informal clothes, which are bright colored. Fighting Style: Both fight without anything else but thier body, but while Luffy’s a Devil Fruit user, Sanji’s not. On the other hand, Sanji’s the best swimmer in the crew. Also, Luffy uses mostly his fists to attack, while Sanji uses only his legs (well he uses knifes in his fight versus Wanze, but just one fight, so let’s ignore it). Personality: Most of the time, Sanji’s composed and mature, but there’s a lot of moments when he’s really childish. Luffy, is most of the time childish, but he can be serious if the moment requires to. While Sanji has shown he has sexual desires, Luffy has shown he has less sexual desires than a snail. Both are hopeless dreamers, with kinda impossible dreams. Sanji want to find a legendary sea that may not exist, and Luffy wants to find a legendary tresaure that’s wanted by a lot of people. Luffy will do whatever he has to do to achieve it, but Sanji has been shown to deny his desire to accomplish his dream, just for the sake of someone else. Luffy’s an excited child that go running towards anything that sounds fun to him without any second thought. Sanji’s careful and thinks his next moves with precison, also Sanji is one of the main strategist of the crew Luffy easily falls for lies,tricks and ilusions, while Sanji doesn’t and even sometimes uses them in his advantage. Both are so damn protective, but Sanji’s a lot more sacrificed. Luffy’s loud and bad at infiltrating, but Sanji’s quiet and awfully good at infiltraitng and finding ways to help the crew. Story/Family: Both are saved by a pirate that looses, an arm on Luffy’s part, a leg on Sanji’s part, Their fathers are both famous criminals, but while Sanji’s father’s more from the underworld, Luffy’s father from the upperworld. Also both have two older siblings, but while Luffy’s aren’t blood related, Sanji’s are. Well, that’s just a list of things that have come to my mind for now. Feel free to expand it. Sanji can’t hit a woman at all, while Luffy could care less about your gender if you’re the enemy. Zoro’s in the middle of the spectrum. I got this from TV Tropes. I’d also like to point out how Oda’s chosen colors for them are red and blue. While you have Zoro and Nami whose colors are their hair color, Sanji could honestly have yellow or even black as a color, but those were assigned to Usopp and Brook instead. Someone asked oda what all the strawhats smelt like, what there specific colors are and numbers
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In most literature, red and blue are symbolic opposites. Usually they designate for convenience enemies or rivals at least. While Sanji’s rival is Zoro, sanji unwilling had sort of a heelface turn where in chapter 844 they actually had what they talked about sort of sanji vs. luffy more like sanji hitting luffy in order to strive him down both sanji and luffy had 2 flashbacks first one featuring their mentor and their mentors losing a limb for them and the second featuring a relationship with their brothers for luffy it was in spirit for sanji it was biological for luffy it was positive relationship for sanji negative in the tea party since sanji is trying to save his biological brothers and father who he hates while e how luffy tried to save his brother in spirit ace this serves as an excellent point of contrast while sanji is trying to save his brothers  and father who he hates (along with his sister who he loves)  luffy tries to save his brother in spirit
they do in fact rescue Sanji’s family, Sanji would have been able to save his biological brothers who he loathes, while Luffy failed in stopping ace from dying  
where sanjis mentor lost a leg to protect him while luffys mentor shanks lost a arm saving him heck in the manga this was outright referenced when luffy told him
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(also luffys dream is to find the one piece and become pirate king something that would be for him and him alone while sanjis dream is to find the all blue which can  be for all people ( like a one for all and all for one deal)
shanks bonded with luffy but didnt take him in while sanji was taken in by zeff
sanjis relationships with his brothers by blood are opposite to luffys brothers by spirit
and judge vinsmoke and dragon are foils ( judge is a conqueror dragon is a liberator dragon leaves sanji alone but is still supportive and loving and gives luffy freedom  judge locked sanji up disregarded sanji and viewed him as a failure  and kept sani from following his own dream/path
what if luffys mother is imu
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Black Cat, Part Two
Can this be classed as an epilogue when it’s as big as the main story? This just ran away from me. I wanted to tie up some plot points I couldn’t get in the first part… but honestly, I just wanted to write the lemon that I couldn’t justify in the first part.
Maybe we’ll call this a two-shot instead?
Part one.  This can also be found on AO3 and FFN
Rating: M for language, grief and le sexy times.  Words: 21K, get comfortable. 
A huge thank you to everyone on FFN, AO3 and Tumblr who supported this story, it’s meant so much to me. To those who wrote such wonderful reviews/comments, I cannot thank you enough.
This is for all you lovely people.
“Stealth, throw me.” Black Cat shouted, sprinting towards Stealth Black.
He pushed the man in front of him back and whipped his head around to look at her in complete bewilderment.
Did she just ask him to throw her?
Black Cat rolled her eyes, her pace not slowing. “Launch me,” she explained, “on your leg.”
His head turned and found stray criminals attempting to flee the scene, but she could still see him thinking about his next move. They didn’t have time for this, especially as the guy in front of Stealth Black was starting to get up.
“Stop hesitating and do it now.”
Whether it was what she said or that she was still charging at him, he finally got into position. He extended his leg just as she was jumping and when she landed, he launched her with all his might. She understood his hesitation, but at the same time, it’s something that could get them both seriously injured or killed in battle.
She soared through the air, quickly catching up to the fleeing men ahead of her but Stealth Black had overshot it, and she overtook them. As she started to descend, she sent out a strong gust of wind to soften the landing. The men looked stunned at her sudden appearance but before they could fight or flee, she was running at them. Extending her clima-tact she dug it into ground to swing herself around on it and hit one of the guys, sending him into the man next to him. One of them wasn’t expecting it and cracked his head against the pavement.
One down.
The other one was quicker on his feet and was up pulling out a small blade. Aggressively he was attempting to stab Black Cat, growing more and more desperate when she blocked him with her clima-tact. He swept his foot out to trip her, but she dodged it, flipping backwards and pointing her clima-tact skyward to start forming black clouds. The man didn’t stand a chance when she took aim, swinging down and electrocuting him where he stood. He crumpled to the floor in a black sooty mess.
Looking around, Black Cat could see Stealth black finishing up with the last standing criminal. She took the opportunity to tie up the two passed out men in front of her, ready for the police to pick up.
Since Arlong and his gang had been taken down just over a month ago, it had quietened but there were still new organisations attempting to recreate the drugs. They’d been spending their time taking down small drug rings and feeding back to the police.
What had helped is with Arlong behind bars, people they caught were more talkative and just last week one of them had let slip about the type of vehicles being used. What was alarming, is how many of these vans they’d seen since then. They’d started patrolling to look out for them. Some of the vans they had stopped were just civilians and had been very grateful for the work they were doing, but most of them had dangerous men with guns and ingredients for drugs in.
With the last criminal tied, she started to drag them towards the others also bound to leave them with the van for a smooth handover with the police.
“Let me.” Stealth Black said, coming up beside her and trying to take the men from her.
He wasn’t looking at her, but she still rolled her eyes. “Thanks, but remember your ribs? They should have healed by now but took longer because you refused to take it easy.”
After their clash with Arlong, she’d left the clinic before Chopper could give her a run down of Stealth Black’s injuries, but it hadn’t taken long to realise the bad state of his ribs. He had tried to keep himself composed but he couldn’t stop from cringing when he breathed too deeply or moved at a weird angle.
“It’s been two weeks since the pain resided and I’m fine.” He muttered. To be fair, he was right. She’d watched him like a hawk because he’d downplay anything wrong with him and he hadn’t flinched at all in that time.
“Still, let’s have Chopper decide that when you see him later. Get the drugs from the van and we’ll leave it with them.” He hesitated for a moment but knew it was an argument he’d lose based on her tone.
She wished he’d look after himself better, she thought as he moved towards the van.
It was only as she was gathering the tied-up criminals together that she heard something. Was someone calling her name? Her civilian name?!
When she turned, Luffy was charging for her, arms waving frantically above his head and broad grin on his face to greet her. It was him?! How many times had they had this conversation?
Mask on, Black Cat. Mask off, Nami.
“OOOOOIIIIIII!” Luffy shouted, completely ignoring her panicked look and arms flailing to get him to stop. “Naaa-”
Luffy was abruptly shut up as he face-planted the floor. In his single-minded focus to get to Black Cat, he’d missed Stealth Black sticking his foot out to trip him and stop him revealing her identity. Black Cat sight in relief, from what she could see the criminals were still out cold and police and news reporters hadn’t arrived yet.
As she made her way over, Luffy was picking himself up and pouting. “What’d you do that for?” He asked grumpily, glaring at Stealth Black.
“How else am I supposed to stop you running your big mouth? Next time why don’t you bring megaphone.” Stealth Black crossed his arms.
Just as Luffy was about to retort, Black Cat put her hand up to stop anything else being said. “Luffy, why are you out on your own? Where’s Z-”
“Oi, I told you to wait until I stop the car before getting out.” Another agitated voice called out. The three turned to see Zoro walking towards them, a frown marring his face.
Since Arlong had been put away, Luffy had been in awe of the work that Zoro did and had promptly resigned from being firefighter to become a police officer like the green haired man. What Black Cat couldn’t understand is who on earth thought it would be a good idea to put Luffy and Zoro together as partners. Maybe it was punishment for Zoro, make him babysit Luffy but if anything, it just spurred both of them on. She’d heard countless stories of the reckless things they both did.
Yet they were still the best officers she knew. That’s probably why.
Luffy was back to pouting. “But we’d been in the car so long already,” he whined.
Black Cat sighed; she’d been around them long enough to know what was going to follow.
“Ohoooo, got lost did we Marimo?” Came Black Stealth’s teasing remark. She gave him a side eye and she was right; a shit eating smirk was on his face. How that was possible behind his mask was beyond her.
And here came his angry response. “I did not get lost, you pervert! There were diversions…”
Rolling her eyes, she knew one was about to threaten the other and they so did not have time for that right now. “Enough. Stealth put the drugs with them,” she then pointed at Zoro, “they were transporting drugs, feedback for police to start stopping vehicles like this,” and finally Luffy, “use our superhero names, Luffy. It’s the last time I ask nicely.”
The boys did as she asked, although Zoro made a point of grumbling about bossy witches under his breath.
An arm wrapped around her waist as sirens were heard in the distance, “I think that’s our cue to leave,” Stealth murmured into her ear.
She knew well enough by now what this gesture meant; he was about to take off. She nodded and braced herself for what was to come until Luffy interrupted.
“See you guys tonight right?”
They both agreed, confirming the time and location.
Black Cat knew they were against the clock, but she couldn’t stop herself. “Perhaps this time Zoro, you’ll be able to keep up with me when we drink.”
He gave her the reaction she wanted. Complete outrage. “I had work the next day, you know that!” He fumed. When Stealth Black next to her started to snigger, Zoro turned on him too. “And what are you laughing at? One drink and you’re under the table, pervert.”
Whether it was the sirens getting louder by the second or the way she squeezed him as her arms wrapped around him, Black Stealth took off without a word.
Nami and Sanji were walking hand in hand towards the bar where they were meeting their friends. Sanji had used the opportunity to cook her dinner beforehand but she also wondered if it was to calm himself. He was trying not to show it, but he was nervous, his free hand kept clenching and unclenching. He hadn’t met Usopp yet and whilst Nami hadn’t meant to, she’d made it clear how close the two were. It was incredibly sweet to her that Sanji was so intent on winning over her best friend.
He’d passed with flying colours with Chopper and Robin.
In all fairness, Chopper wasn’t that difficult, all it had taken was for Sanji to compliment what a good doctor he was and for someone so young.
He’d met Robin when he’d come over to the apartment Nami and Robin shared. The older woman had been out and came back earlier than expected, so Sanji didn’t have a chance to work himself up. Robin normally appeared quite cold until you knew her well enough to know she didn’t mean it like that. However, Sanji hadn’t been phased. He’d instantly offered her some of the dinner they had left over, heating it for her so she could sit with them and that had been it. Conversation had flowed from there and although Nami was technically supposed to be the host, Sanji had made sure to keep their wine topped up the whole time. Robin had been won over.
Nami was brought out of her thoughts when Sanji squeezed her hand to get her attention. “You should prepare yourself; you’re going to meet the perverts of the group.” He warned, in a mock serious tone.
She didn’t even hesitate. “I thought I already had, that title belongs to you, no?” Nami smiled cheekily up at him and if that had been from someone else, he’d probably swear at them. Instead, he chuckled, amused by her wit.
“I have nothing on them.”
“Well I’m sure you’ll swoop in to save me.” She fluttered her eyelashes at him.
Sanji couldn’t resist that look. He stopped walking and turned her towards him, his hands resting loosely on her waist. When her hands came to rest on his chest and she leaned in, he took the invitation to press his lips to hers. His hands tightened and brought her in closer as her head tilted, deepening the kiss. Just as his tongue swiped against her lips, Nami pulled away.
“Come on, we don’t need to be arrested to public indecency.” Regardless of her warning, Sanji still tried to score another kiss until Nami put her hand over his mouth. “We’re going to be late.”
When they started to walk, almost at the pub, she added as an afterthought, “Also, I know you’re worried about meeting Usopp, but you really don’t need to be. Seriously.”
She smiled secretively, refusing to tell Sanji what she meant by that and dragged him forward by their adjoined hands.
“It’s you! It’s really you! In the flesh!”
Nami tried to keep an innocent smile on her face, instead of outright laughing but she couldn’t hold it. Between Sanji looking uncomfortable at the overwhelming attention he was receiving and Usopp starry-eyed at meeting the infamous superhero, it was too much. They’d barely taken a step in when Usopp had pounced.
“The way you fly through the air is so cool and the power in your kicks!” Usopp continued to gush. “It’s so unfair that Luffy and Zoro get to see you in action all the time!”
Sanji’s cheeks had gone red by this point, which only added to Nami’s amusement. It was probably mean not to tell him that Usopp was a fanboy when he’d been nervous about meeting him, but how could she miss this reaction from Sanji? The only time his cheeks went red with her was when things got a bit too heated.
“Thanks but the clima-tact you made is far more impressive. How did you do it?” Sanji asked, desperate to get the attention off himself.
Usopp’s chest puffed up in pride at that comment and Nami knew what was coming. Whilst he was her boyfriend, she would happily abandon ship and leave him to suffer this alone. She squeezed Sanji’s hand before pulling away and at his questioning look, she pointed to the bar where Robin was. As she walked away, she could hear the start of a long drawn out tale and she sniggered, the poor fool didn’t know what he was in for.
Approaching the bar, Robin turned, Nami’s favourite wine already in hand and offered out to her. Honestly, that woman had a sixth sense.
“How’s it going Nami?” Robin inquired.
Scanning her eyes from her new position, she could see that Franky (who Sanji had pointed out, before Usopp had jumped them) had now joined Usopp and Sanji, the three laughing at a joke Usopp had told. From the other side of the bar Zoro was drinking with Luffy and Chopper shoving straws up their noses next to him. It was unsettling how quickly Nami and Sanji’s group of friends had meshed together after only meeting a few times. It’s like it was meant to be.
It made her happy, her previously fractured life felt like it was starting to come together.
“Better than I expected.” Sanji caught her eye and gently smiled at her, before his attention was stolen back by Usopp.
“And you and Sanji…?”
Nami’s mood instantly soured at Robin’s comment, it was the last thing she wanted to think about right now. She turned towards the bar and took a long drink from her wine.
“I just don’t get it Robin. At first his ribs were cracked, so obviously that put a damper on things and don’t get me wrong, I can wait. But he’s normally the one that initiates but just as clothes are about to come off, he pulls away.” Nami lamented. “It wouldn’t be so bad if he didn’t give such mixed signals.”
Nami and Sanji hadn’t had sex yet.
Ever since that night in Sanji’s apartment when she came as Black Cat to give him information, that was the furthest they’d ever gone. His reasoning then had been to get to know each other and when she’d thought about it with a level head, he was absolutely correct. He’d more than lived up to his words from that night. He’d wined and dined her and more. She couldn’t imagine being with anyone else other than him.
Yet, when things became too heated, he would pull away. He would be the one coming to her to cuddle when they were hanging out at his or her place, he would be the one to press just that little closer or give the first grope. When she reciprocated or he felt he’d gone too far, crossed the invisible line that he’d drawn, he would freeze and pull away, making an excuse. We both have work, it’s getting late, Robin will be back soon. He always found a way. But she saw how he was when he pulled away. Breathing haggard, his pupils blown wide and looking on edge. He’d also need time to, ah, calm himself… after he pulled away. He could try to hide his tented trousers all he liked but it was still there.
“Well he seems very interested, so you don’t have to worry there. He looks over at you every couple of minutes.” Robin observed. Nami didn’t doubt it; Robin did have a keen eye and Sanji had no shame in showing his interest in her, even if they were together. Which made it even more confusing.
Nami sighed. “He makes it obvious that he is, that’s not my worry.”
“If I may offer some adv- Are you ready for your interview tomorrow?”
Nami looked at the other woman quizzically, baffled as to why she changed topics so abruptly and just as she was about to voice her confusion, an arm slipped around her waist.
“Sorry to interrupt ladies, but I wanted to introduce my gorgeous girlfriend to Franky.”
Ah, so that’s why.
Nami turned in Sanji’s arm and now in full view, her eyebrows shot up. The bar was fairly crowded earlier and although he was tall, she’d only seen his shoulders and head but now… well. He was wearing the tightest shorts she’d ever seen, and his top was completely unbuttoned, who had let him in dressed like this?
Sanji laughed at his girlfriend’s obvious reaction. He had warned her. “Nami, this is one of the perverts I was telling you about, Franky.” He lowered his voice with his next words so only their friends could hear, “He’s the man who keeps my suit up to date and adds anything… but of course, you already knew that.”
Franky didn’t seem offended by the way Sanji introduced him, if anything Franky seemed flattered. “This guy, he’s such a charmer!” Franky’s hand rubbed behind his head. “But you, finding out who I was, that’s sneaky! How did you do it?”
Sanji interrupted before she could reply. “She was following me; she did have the hots for me after all.” He said teasingly, waggling his eyebrows.
She elbowed him in the stomach for that and rolled her eyes. “Hardly like I can deny it, look at where we are now.”
“Now if you lovebirds will excuse me, I need to buy this lady a drink.” Franky said, looking at Robin and putting his hand at the small of her back to guide her further down the bar. Robin was already at the bar seated, but it was obvious Franky just wanted some alone time with her.
Robin looked back over her shoulder to throw Nami a wink, amused by her stupefied look.
Nami then looked to Sanji for further explanation and was even more surprised that he didn’t look shocked. “Did you know?!”
He chuckled and shrugged his shoulders. “I’ll be honest, I thought you knew. Don’t you two live together? Franky told me about his interest in her, figured she’d do the same.”
Nami was still trying to process the information. Robin and Franky? Since when was that her type but as she looked over at them, she could kind of see it. Robin was quite aloof, and the other man was a bit ridiculous. They almost balanced each other out. Still, Nami couldn’t help but be resentful that she’d missed out on gossip. But then she could almost hear Robin’s voice in her head, you didn’t ask. It was annoyingly flawless logic from the secretive woman.
“Wait, did Usopp know?!” Her gossipy best friend better not have held out on her. They had a pact.
“From what you’ve told me about him, most likely not, unless Franky and Robin want it broadcast.” Okay, he had a point.
“Well, if Franky has Robin’s interest then he must be a decent guy. So, two perverts down, where’s the third?”
“You’ve been spending too much time with the directionless-wonder.” Sanji said. It was meant to sound like a bad thing, but Sanji was actually pleased that she had connected with them so quickly. And she got under Zoro’s skin occasionally, which was just another win if you ask him. “But he’ll be here-” Sanji was cut off as the lights went down and a tall, slender man took to the stage. “-now. That’s him.”
The fairly crowded pub felt like it had multiplied as people started to pack in, moving towards the small makeshift stage.
Nami was standing on tiptoes to try and get a better look when Sanji moved her in front of him, moving his arms to drape across her shoulders. He could still see over her and there was a gap for her to see through. She sent him an appreciative look. “You didn’t tell me he was a musician, is he any good?”
“Luffy befriended him, saying he’d always wanted a musician friend. He’s an odd one but he’s incredibly loyal and occasionally funny, but don’t tell him I said that.” If Brook knew, he’d never hear the end of it or his puns.
“Yohohoho, my my, look at this place. You’ve all come to see me!” The crowd cheered back, arms waving. “This song goes out to my good friends that are here tonight. Get ready for binks sake.”
Nami’s hands came up to clasp Sanji’s arms around her shoulders and they swayed to the song. Sanji was right, the man was good. The previously rowdy pub had quietened so that you could almost hear a pin drop as the sweet notes came from his violin and his voice lulled you to sleep.
They both basked in the rare moment of peace, where they could enjoy each other’s presence, without having to think about their jobs or superhero counterparts. She should be enjoying it but when Sanji’s arms tightened around her and he dropped a kiss onto her cheek, she couldn’t stop her thoughts from leading down that path, the one she tried not to dwell on. Their non-existent sex life.
Although, as she thought about it, it was always him making the first move before pulling away. Maybe he thought she wasn’t ready… but then why not ask? Maybe it was a gentlemen’s code or something he had. Hm, perhaps she’d make the first move, it was her after all that had kissed him first. But then, she didn’t want to pressure him.
Clapping brought her out of her thoughts as the song ended and the previously quiet audience launched back into their rowdy nature. They began to chant, “Soul Par-ade, Soul Par-ade.”
Questioningly, Nami looked to Sanji for an explanation. “It’s one of his most popular songs, you’ll see why.”
And she did. He swapped his violin for an electric guitar and the crowd in the bar somehow became even louder. The peaceful atmosphere changed as everyone started to jump, the energy in the room tripling as Brook took off, fingers moving quickly along the fret of the guitar. Soon the crowd started to jump along to the beat and the heat picked up.
Luffy waved them over, their group of friends coming together to finish listening to Brook’s set. Nami sat down at the bar next to Zoro as he slid her a beer and Chopper caught Sanji’s attention asking about his cracked ribs.
It was 20 minutes later when Brook was giving a bow and exiting the stage. He stopped to chat to people and sign some autographs before he joined them. Luffy was instantly on him, saying how much he’d missed him whilst he was away.
Another 10 minutes and Sanji was deep in conversation with Brook, leading the older man towards the bar to meet Nami.
“Oh my, you are as beautiful as Sanji said.”
Nami could feel heat crawling up her neck, she was used to the compliments she sometimes received but to have it said to her in front a group of people was fairly embarrassing, especially as other people round the bar turned to look at her. “Your set was great by the way. How long have you been on tour?” She asked, changing the topic to give her cheeks a chance to calm down.
That was how the rest of the evening progressed, their friends chatting and catching up. Brook at one point asking Nami about the colour of her panties and Sanji shouted at him to knock it off. God knows how he even managed to slip that casually in, she almost spat out her drink, but she shouldn’t have been surprised, she was warned.
Slowly, their group of friends started to dwindle after that, the evening turning into the night as the sky grew darker. Sanji offered to walk Nami home when she tiredly rested her head against his shoulder, fighting back a yawn. Walking back hand in hand, they chatted idly until they were in front of Nami’s apartment.
It was then that Nami decided to put her thoughts into motion.
Leaning up on tiptoes she brushed her lips against his, her hands coming to rest against his chest. She could feel his heartbeat starting to pick up and she smiled to herself, she didn’t think she’d ever get sick of his reaction to her. Growing annoyed at the soft touches, he pressed their lips together with more force and her hands slid their way around his neck as his came to rest low on the small of her back.
Breathing heavily, she pulled away to look at him. His cheeks were flushed and his bright blue eyes hazy as he looked back at her. “Do you want to come up for coffee?” She asked, suggestively pressing herself against him and biting her lower lip teasingly.
It worked when his gaze lowered to her lips and he groaned, hastily pressing their lips back together. His hands grasped her hips, causing her to gasp and start to walk them closer to the door of her apartment.
When her keys came out, it seemed to wake Sanji up and he pulled back from the kiss. “You have an interview tomorrow, you should sleep.” His hands moved from her hips to rest at her waist, seemingly trying to control himself. She didn’t miss the way his eyes flicked from her eyes to her lips.  “Call me when you’re done, I want to know how it goes. I have my fingers crossed for you.”
Nami was baffled. One moment they’re basically making out on the street and the next he was talking conversationally about her interview, as if she hadn’t just invited him up and he shot her down. It was hard to keep up.
Her mind was still reeling but she realised she’d nodded at him, agreeing to call him. He parted with a lingering kiss and a longing gaze that left her wanting more.
Well that solved nothing and now she was hot and bothered.
She needed to talk to him, she was done tip toeing.
The talk never happened.
It was pushed to the back of her mind with everything that had happened the next day; her job interview, being offered the job, the newspapers slandering Black Cat and Sanji ranting on the phone to her.
The interview had gone as well as she’d been hoping for. It turned out they’d both gone to the same university and were catching up about the professors still lecturing there. They’d been laughing and chatting together before even getting to the interview questions but when the lady saw the recommendation from one of the professors that they’d both been taught by; it’d sealed the deal.
She’d been asked to wait outside for the next stage, but when she was called back in it was to inform her that they wanted to take her on and confirm a start day, should she accept. She did so without hesitation. She’d be crazy not to. To have a job offer on a first interview was something she’d never imagined, she was planning on using this as a test run.
When she left, she was on cloud nine. She’d be starting in a week and would be spending her time predicting weather patterns and climate change to either the government or to research projects. It was something she’d dreamt about when she was younger, and she was being paid for it! No more pouring coffee for her.
She paused mid-step, peering into a news agent when the daily newspaper headline and picture caught her eye. It was her. Black Cat.
Drug gang takedown by Black Cat and Stealth Black. Is Black Cat a new superhero trying to atone for her past or attempting to escape the laws she broke?
After everything and they were still harping on about this? She was starting to feel like her past would never be forgotten. She went in to buy the newspaper, to see what else they wrote and perhaps she shouldn’t have.
Sitting down on a bench near the park, she read what they’d written. They spoke about investigating her, taking her to court and slamming the police for not doing more.
But then, the police were still under investigation themselves. Zoro had told her a higher up had already been fired, although they said he took early retirement. Paid off by a dangerous gang with no intention to do anything about them and then completely let off. And she was supposed to be the criminal?
Her relationship with the police force had been contentious. She attempted to avoid them for the time being. They never had much of a chance to pursue her, she was normally leaving when they arrived, and they had their hands full with whatever her and Stealth Black had rounded up for them. The one time they had seen her, they’d shouted her name in outrage and she’d had to hold back Stealth Black, he’d been furious.
Sighing, she put the newspaper down to try and forget about it for the time being. This should be a happy day for her. She sent a text to Sanji to tell her she was out of the interview and a second later his name was lighting up on her screen.
“Hey, how did it go?” His voice was tight, although he was trying to keep it light. He must have seen today’s paper.
Sanji was very vocal to her about how appalled he was about the newspaper doubting her. He’d offered countless times to make a statement through Stealth Black, but she refused. She didn’t want them dragging his reputation through the mud too.
She paused for a moment, attempting to lighten the mood by being dramatic. “I got the job! They offered it to me on the spot.”
“Nami! That’s fantastic! Let’s celebrate. What do you want to do tonight?” His voice had lightened considerably with her good news.
“It sounds boring, but I’d actually just like to stay in with you.” In all fairness, she did want to but there may have been an ulterior motive there as well.
“If that’s what you want. Come over whenever you’re ready and I’ll cook dinner.” He sang happily.
“Okay, I’ll get changed and head over.” She looked at the time, it was almost 4. “So, based on your previous tone I take it you read today’s newspaper?”
That was all it took, and he was growling in frustration. She couldn’t see him, but she knew he’d be pacing and running his free hand through his hair. “I’d just forgotten about that. How can they still be writing this absolute trash? You’re doing a better job than the police and they still continue to doubt you.”
“They’re dragging the police through the mud as well.” She added.
“They deserve it. This was supposed to be their job, and we’re still cleaning up after their mistake.”
She knew that no matter what she said he wouldn’t change his opinion and honestly, she didn’t want him to. She’d never had someone believe in her so wholeheartedly, he never doubted her.
“At least you’re not going down with me.” She shrugged, relieved they’d left him alone and trying to see the bright side in this.
“I’d take the fall for you in a heartbeat.” He said with no hesitation and complete conviction. Sometimes his devotion worried her, but she tried not to dwell on it, there was no changing him.
She was almost at her apartment, so they wrapped up the conversation and she said she’d be seeing him soon.
40 minutes later and she was walking down the street towards Sanji’s apartment. She had something that she needed to bring up with him and was thinking about the best way to do so.
He must have been keeping an eye out for her because when the doors of the elevator opened for her on the fourth floor, he was waiting for her at his door. He’d clearly snapped himself out of his mood because he was opening his arms and encouraging her to run towards him.
Normally she’d wave him off, conscious of other people around but she threw caution to the wind and was running towards him, giggling like a child the whole time.
To his credit, he didn’t budge a bit when she leapt into the hug. His arms came around her and he swung her around in circles, her giggles filling the quiet hallway of the apartment complex. When he came to a standstill, he didn’t release her, and she didn’t pull away.
He gave some of the best hugs she’d ever received, they were warm and comforting. He also smelled fantastic, which was a lovely bonus. Whether it was his constant cooking or perfume, he never smelled like smoke, even though he did so regularly. She melted into his embrace, feeling all the tensions from the day slip away.
“Congratulations on the job, my love.” He said, kissing the side of her head.
She pulled back a few moments later and he stepped aside to let her into his apartment. Putting her bag down she could smell orange wafting through the air.
“Desserts done but I wasn’t sure how long you were going to be, so I held off on dinner. It’s still early so it shouldn’t take too long.” Sanji explained.
“That’s okay. Come on, I’ll help, it’ll be quicker this way.”
Sanji never argued against her helping him and she had the suspicion that he enjoyed it. She was no professional chef, but she could cook fairly well, Robin always enjoyed what she made. In all fairness, this was also something she enjoyed too. Sanji had poured wine for them both to sip on as they worked, the radio was on low and they peeled in comfortable silence. It was relaxing.
Cheekily, she hip-checked him when she was finished with the carrots, moving away before he could retaliate to put the peeled vegetables into the pan. Sanji seared the beef and put it in the pot with the carrots, adding the last few ingredients before putting it in the oven to cook.
Once he’d finished, Sanji turned towards Nami to say something but she interrupted him. “So, there was something I wanted to talk to you about.” His face grew serious, it was rare that she started a discussion this way. “I’ve been thinking about going home.” She paused; his face was odd, like he couldn’t pick an emotion. Was he upset? But why would he be? She went over her sentence again, oh. “Wait, no, I mean- visit. I haven’t been home for a while and now this is all done, I wanted to visit.”
Exhaling loudly, he felt his shoulders relax. He would of course never argue against her if she wanted to move back home but in that brief moment it crossed his mind that she might be breaking up with him. They’d been, officially, together over a month, but it still crossed his mind. She was, well, there wasn’t enough adjectives and he- she was out of his league. “You definitely should then, I’m sure your family would be happy to see you. I can patrol as Stealth Black alone.”
Bless him. “Well, I actually wondered if you wanted to come with me. You’ll have to meet them at some point, so why not now?” She took a sip of her wine.
“Really?” He spluttered, trying to stay composed. “You want me to meet your family?” That was certainly a big step but there was hope in his chest.
“Yeah, I was thinking maybe a week? I’ve got a week until I start my new job, do you think you’ll be able to get the time off?”
He shrugged, he couldn’t see why not, off the top of his head no one else was on holiday.
Nami put down her wine glass and rolled her shoulders. She mentally prepped herself. One down and one to go. Time for the biggen. “There’s something else too.” She paused, thinking about how to phrase it. But there was no other way to phrase it, other than, “I took some of Arlong’s money.” She rushed out.
Where was the anger? He was looking at her like she was discussing the weather. “As in, money that I didn’t hand over to the police. That I kept for myself.”
“Yeah I get that.” He shrugged and had the audacity to smile at her reassuringly.
“Why aren’t you angry, or at least shocked? I’m pretty sure what I’ve done isn’t legal. You’re supposed to be a good guy!” She was expecting him to be even a little disappointed or angry and yet here she was angry with him for not being angry with her. If she wasn’t so surprised, she might have even laughed at the situation.
He walked over to her, placing his hand on her neck. She lifted her head to look at him, waiting for an explanation.
“Because it’s you. You’ll have done it for a reason and I’m sure it’s a damned good reason too.”
She breathed out, laughing lightly at his reasoning. She’ll add overwhelming faith to the list. She’d even thought about this today too. Moving his hand up from her neck to her cheek, she turned her head to the side to kiss his palm.
“You ridiculous man.” She said fondly, beaming at him. “But you’re right. It is for a good reason. I want to give the money to my village when I go back home. It’s for everything Arlong took from them. I can’t go back just to see them struggle when know I could help… and I’m not relying on the police to sort this out.” She finished, winding herself up. He hadn’t asked for an explanation, he trusted her, but she wanted him to be in the loop.
“I think that’s great and if you’re really sure, I’d love to come with you.” Sanji’s other hand came up to cup her other cheek and bring her into a soft kiss. It would be nice, Sanji thought. To see another part of Nami’s life that he didn’t get the chance to be a part of.
“Now, tell me more about this interview.”
Genzo did not like Sanji.
Nami’s father figure made it crystal clear in his critical gaze and steely expression. There was definitely more beneath his dislike, mainly that Sanji was Nami’s boyfriend and the day she decides to return home after years she brings along someone else.
To his credit, Sanji tried to ignore it. Nami could see his nervous behaviours, the clenching and unclenching of his hands, but that was just to her trained eye. He addressed Genzo as sir when they met, extending his hand and giving a friendly smile, not even dropping it when Genzo didn’t reciprocate the smile. Nami kept throwing Genzo looks but the man ignored her.
All was going well before their meeting. Clearly word had spread of Nami’s visit as villagers were approaching without surprise, asking plenty of questions and even teasing her about the man accompanying her. She waved her hand at them, cheeks red as she introduced Sanji to them.
It felt like she’d never left, seeing the faces from her childhood chatting as if they’d seen each other earlier in the day. Sanji fit right in, friendly and genuine as always. She rolled her eyes as he eagerly engaged in a conversation between two elderly women about home recipes they had. That’d be him out of action for a while.
Perhaps it was a good thing because she heard her name being yelled. Turning to look in the direction of the voice, she could see her sister running towards her. Nami chuckled to herself, clearly Nojiko had the same idea as herself, her previously short blue hair now running past her shoulders.
Not a second later and Nami was running towards her, meeting in the middle for a tight hug. Nojiko squeezed her, trying to catch up on years of missed hugs.
Pulling away, she slapped Nami’s shoulder. “You didn’t reply to me with your arrival time, it took someone coming to the house for me to know!”
Nami laughed. “It’s been hard enough getting through the village as it is, I didn’t need a herd.”
“Can you really blame them? It’s been long enough.” Nojiko said.
Sanji had broken away from his conversation with the two women with all the commotion to watch them reunite. Nami didn’t miss the way he picked up on Nojiko’s comment, the length of her absence had been mentioned many times since their arrival. She wasn’t sure she was ready to have that conversation.
Realising they weren’t alone, Nojiko turned towards Sanji. “Hi, I’m Nojiko, Nami’s sister.” Extending her hand.
“I’m Sanji, Nami’s told me plenty about you.” He replied, shaking her hand.
“Don’t believe all the bad things she says, I’m the good one out of the two of us!”
He laughs lightly at the unintentional joke Nojiko just told. “Oh I can believe that.” He sends her a smart smile at the end, no doubt referring to their superhero alter egos and all the grief she gave him.
Nami rolled her eyes at the pair of them. “Where’s Genzo?”
“Well, if you’d told us a time, he’d be here to meet you. He’s back at mine, let’s go.” Nojiko started to walk towards her home with Nami and Sanji in tow, along the way pointing out new additions to their village or filling in Sanji with memories.
And that’s what had led them to this moment.
Nami and Nojiko sending each other looks whilst they tried to disperse any tension, mainly from Genzo. Nojiko engaged Sanji in conversation, asking him how long he’d been a chef, whilst Nami asked Genzo for a word in private.
Once outside the room, Nami settled him with a flat look which Genzo refused to look at.
She rolled her eyes, not in the mood to talk to him about this right now. Something was a bit more pressing and Genzo would come around, he was just being stubborn.
“Don’t make a big deal out of this, but I have some money for you.”
His eyebrows shot up, mainly in surprise. “Why are you giving me money?”
“It’s not for you, I’m giving it to you for the village. After everything,” she waved her hand, vaguely referencing previous events, “I’ve been collecting money, so no one has to struggle anymore. I know you’ll put it to good use.”
He looked concerned. “Is this what you’ve been doing all this time? You don’t owe this village your life, keep the money.” His voice was firm, not budging.
She expected this. “You know I’ve been doing other things; I got my A-levels and degree in that time, didn’t I?”
“And after that? That was years ago, what have you been doing since?” He’d expressed his concerns whenever she called about what she was doing now university was over, he was never impressed by her vague answers. She’d never told them about her alter-ego, the last thing she needed was him to worry or lecture her, which she was somewhat getting now.
“I’ll explain that in a second. Are you going to take this money or not? I will give it to the village, with or without you involved.” She needed to be firm as well if she wanted him on board, he normally knew when to give in and when to push.
He gave in. “I’ll take it but if you ever want any of it, for anything, this is your home too. You deserve some of it.”
“Who says I haven’t already taken my cut?” She winked at him, grinning cheekily.
He laughed, shaking his head. So like her mother, he thought. He’d missed having her around.
“Come on, now that’s over with, I’ll fill you and Nojiko in. Just,” she paused, mulling over her words, “keep an open mind, would you?”
He frowned, now concerned with what he was about to hear.
When they entered the room, Nojiko and Sanji were laughing. Nami’s eyes zeroed in on the photo album, trust her sister to do this in her absence. “Nojiko!” Nami said, outraged.
Nojiko didn’t grace her with a response, just heartily laughed and quickly flicked to an embarrassing baby photo before Nami snatched the album away.
“Nami, you were such a cute baby!” Sanji sang teasingly.
Nami puffed her cheeks, pouting and refusing to look at the pair. Sanji wrapped his arms around her shoulders, attempting to calm her down and only doing the opposite.
Genzo looked on at the scene fondly. He hadn’t heard a great deal of laughter in this house for a while. Nojiko was happy, of course, but not like this and as for Nami. Well. She’d been gone for years and after their Mothers death, she’d barely ever smiled, let alone laughed. Yet here she was, head now thrown back, seemingly laughing at something Sanji had said.
He sighed to himself. This man made her happy, huh?
Their laughter subsided and Nojiko was soon asking a question. “I asked Sanji, but he gave such a boring answer.” Nojiko whined. “You live in the city where the superhero’s Black Cat and Stealth Black also live, you must have some sort of gossip?”
Nami stiffened, not expecting it to be brought up this way. Now she understood. Poor Sanji, having the navigate that alone. She’d told him before coming here that her family didn’t know but she was toying with telling them, if he was okay with that. He’d said to do whatever felt right. She looked at Sanji and he was looking at her apprehensively, but he shrugged. Okay, so that meant it was her call.  
That didn’t stop her from toying with them. “Well, I suppose I might have something good for you.” She took a pause, making Nojiko crane in with bated breath. Even Genzo was, poorly, trying to disguise his interest.
“I’m Black Cat.” She announced, grinning broadly.
Nojiko and Genzo gaped at her, trying to process what she’d just said. Their reactions differed after that. Nojiko threw her head back, laughing and Genzo looked horrified.
“Trust you to do something like that!” Nojiko exclaimed.
“You’re what?!” Genzo challenged, not believing his ears and proceeding to having a meltdown.
Gleefully, Nojiko turned to Sanji. “And that means you’re Stealth Black. So this is true then.” She produced a gossip magazine from the pile of papers on the table, laying it in front of them so they could see the headline.
Black Cat and Stealth Black spotted gazing into each other’s eyes, is this the confirmation that they’re dating?
Nami snorted, she hadn’t seen this one yet. How desperate were they? The photo the trashy gossip magazine had used was the both of them facing each other and talking after they’d rounded up the last criminal. Nothing romantic there at all.
Well, it probably looked romantic to the untrained eye, Sanji did give his full attention to her whenever she spoke and it could be intense, but they didn’t know how much deeper it actually went. Not that she was complaining, for the most part, Nami had never had a boyfriend that paid her so much attention.
Nami and Sanji had discussed whether Black Cat and Stealth Black should reveal themselves as a couple but had decided to postpone it for the time being. They were just starting a relationship themselves and whilst their civilian identities weren’t famous, the timing would be so close, they didn’t want to run the risk of anyone connecting the dots. Rumours flew around like lightening in that city.
It didn’t stop Nami from teasing them, of course. Letting her hand linger on Stealth Black a fraction too long or standing a bit too close and he definitely didn’t complain. Kept her admirers at bay for the time being too.
“How’s that for some inside gossip-”
“You’re parading about in- in that?!” Genzo exclaimed, interrupting Nami and pointing at the magazine accusingly. His daughter, in that suit, in front of all those men in the city.
A thought suddenly occurred to Nojiko, whilst Nami was shrugging at Genzo and attempting to wave him off. “Wait, didn’t you guys just take down the Arlong gang?”
The room went silent after Nojiko’s question.
Any joviality from Nami’s previous announcement died down to be replaced by a heavy atmosphere, as the weight of what Nami had done settled in.
Nami gritted her teeth, refusing to look at anyone. She knew what their expressions would be; sympathy, grief and hurt for her. For what she’d had to go through to achieve this goal.
Looking her Mother’s killer in the eye and pretending everything was okay; her tormenter and the man that ruined their lives. All alone. She closed her eyes, pushing out those thoughts.
Genzo looked troubled and his heart broke. When she’d left, he’d wanted her to live again. Yet she’d done the exact opposite. “That’s what you’ve been doing,” he croaked, piecing everything together. “The money… that’s where it’s from, isn’t it?”
That single answer was deafening, in the eerily silent room.
Nojiko approached Nami, not saying a word as she wrapped her up in a hug. Tears were streaming from Nojiko’s eyes and Genzo joined them, wrapping his arms around both of his daughters. Even his eyes were misty.
Sanji was content to hang back and let the small family have this moment together, it wasn’t his place to get involved. He was proved wrong though when Genzo pulled back, extending his arm in invitation for Sanji to join them. Still surprised, Sanji walked over to stand on the opposite side and cocoon the two sisters in the centre.
Genzo’s hand came to rest on Sanji’s arm.
Sanji stirred, his hand searching for the warm body that should be next to him and found himself alone. Funny, this hadn’t happened since she’d stayed the night as Black Cat, she’d never had a reason since then to leave without him. He laid there, thinking about how much had changed and could only smile. She was the best thing that’d ever happened to him.
Finding himself now fully awake, he rolled on his to see what the time was. 5.03am bleared at him from the alarm clock. Whilst he wasn’t concerned at first, he was now. He’d just suspected she might be with her sister, but even Nojiko wouldn’t be awake at this time.
Quietly, he got dressed and left the house. The last thing he wanted was Genzo asking questions, technically Nami shouldn’t have been with him and the older man would query that.
When sleeping arrangements had been mentioned, Genzo had made a fuss about Sanji taking the spare room at his house. It was one of those moments where Genzo wouldn’t give, stubbornly looking back at Nami. She’d relented with a huff, muttering about what a prude he was.
That didn’t stop her from sneaking through the window into Sanji’s room later that night when Genzo had gone to bed. Sanji had sniggered, even Genzo should know better by now.  
Although odd, he suspected that she’d be at Nojiko’s and if she was, he’d more than happily give her the time with her sister, he just wanted to make sure she was okay. Nami liked to get up early, but this was extreme for her.
Hands in pockets, he strolled through the quiet village, a stark contrast to the daytime. It was relatively small, but the people were boisterous and busy. He could see why she was so fond of them all, they’d been more than welcoming towards him and were absolutely thrilled to see her.
It was a short walk, he was in front of Nojiko’s house and he could see the orange trees swaying in the gentle breeze when a noise piqued his interest. He was stuck between continuing on but also checking what that could be. Life in the city as a superhero had ruined him as he changed directions, now walking down a little dirt path shrouded by trees. He became alarmed when he could hear someone… were they crying?
The dirt path opened up, the trees now behind him and a vibrant field in front of him. The field cut off at the end to make a cliff edge overlooking the sea and whilst it should be picturesque, what he saw made his stomach drop and heart break. The dirt path continued onwards, cutting through the fields and at the end was a wooden cross with Nami sitting in front of it.
Her back was to him, but he’d be able to recognise her orange hair anywhere. Her shoulders were shaking, and he could hear her sobbing.
That was what he’d heard before.
Sanji had always known this would happen, whether it was here or back in the city. When she’d said she was going to visit her village, he’d kept an eye on her. Since Arlong had been taken down, she hadn’t shed a single tear. Not in grief or relief. He’d wondered if maybe she’d done it when she was alone or perhaps this had been processed when she was younger. But then, to come face to face with your mother’s killer was surely going to bring something up. He’d been as supportive as he could without pushing for anything, letting her go through the motions at her own pace and this was it.
Well, she wasn’t going to do it alone.
Strolling towards her, he sat down next to her. He didn’t say a word, but she did jump and tried to hastily wipe her face.
“O-oh, Sanji. How did you find me?” Her voice cracked halfway through, desperately trying to compose herself.
“Tell me about Bell-mère.” It wasn’t a question and he wasn’t expecting a response, but he didn’t want her to think she had to stop mourning just because he was here.
Nami had tried to keep it together when he appeared, tears still streaming down her face, but no sound came out. When Sanji said her mother’s name, she couldn’t stop the sob escaping her mouth. She was done trying to be strong.
“She-she was so-,” Nami choked out, her chin trembling and hands dragging down her face, “She was so young.” She wailed. That was all she could manage as her body shook and another onslaught of tears started.
Sanji could feel his eyes starting to well up as the woman next to him became distraught. He felt no shame as they started to track down his face and he joined Nami in mourning, what he imagined, was an amazing woman.
Seeing him crying as well, just seemed to encourage the hot tears to multiply and streak down her cheeks. Her head came to rest on Sanji’s shoulder and that’s all he needed for his arms to wrap around her, pulling her to him. She didn’t hesitate as she sat up, shuffling towards him as his arms guided her into his lap. She curled herself up in his arms, tucking her head under his chin as his cheek came to rest against top of her head.
Fully cocooned in Sanji’s arms, they both wept in front of the cross. For Bell-mère’s shortened life, for Nami’s lost youth and for a family torn apart by tragedy.
Laughter filled the air as Nami finished telling him about a story from her childhood, where Bell-mère would make Genzo flustered to distract him from scolding her. It helped Sanji understand why Genzo was so prudish, he always had been and by the sounds of it, living with these three women didn’t help.
Once Nami and Sanji’s tears had slowed, they’d stayed sat in front of Bell-mère’s cross, enjoying the silence until she’d broken it by reminiscing. The pain was still there, and she knew it always would be. But she hadn’t allowed herself to think about her memories with Bell-mère before today, instead she’d used her image to drive herself forward; too focused on Arlong.
It was nice to think about her again. Her heart ached in sorrow but also in joy for the time she did have with her.
Sanji had sat quietly, listening and laughing with her. Asking questions and soaking in every bit of information she gave him. Her eyes were puffy and red, face drawn but there was beauty in this vulnerability that she hadn’t ever shown him before today. She was beautiful. He wanted to burn this moment in his mind forever.
Unbeknownst to Sanji, Nami was having similar thoughts. She was horrified when he’d arrived at first, for him to see her so weak but now she felt stronger. More connected to him. He knew when to be silent, when to squeeze her just that bit tighter and when to speak. She was thankful to have him.
He was looking out at the sea when she turned her attention to him, a quiet, comfortable lull settling between them and it was in that moment that she realised she was in love with him. She’d felt this before, but it hit her so abruptly in that moment that it couldn’t be overlooked. The quiet letting it sneak up on her. Now wasn’t the time to tell him, but it made her feel content.
Feeling eyes on his face, he turned towards her. “Hi.” He said, bashfully when he saw the look on her face. He’d never seen her look at him like that before.
“Hi.” She replied softly. “Thank you, I really needed that.”
His hands rubbed along her bare arms. “You don’t have to thank me, I wanted to be there for you and I really enjoyed hearing about your childhood.”
Maybe it was the sound of the ocean making her feel at peace, being in front of her mother or her newly realised love for him, but she continued to share unprompted. Perhaps it was all three. “I haven’t dealt with my grief for Bell-mère very well. I remember crying when she died but I never did again after that, until today.” She paused, thinking about the last couple of years.
Sanji nodded, running his hand up and down her arm soothingly.
“I know you caught what everyone has been saying to me. Because I wasn’t coping, I did the only thing I could think of, I left- to avoid having to deal with… all of this.”
“How long have you been gone?” He asked, quietly, not wanting to ruin this moment.
“I got a part time job when I was 16 and completed my A-levels and university degree in different cities… but- it wasn’t enough.” Her eyes clenched. “To think he was out there, doing this to other people and parading around, scot-free, after what he’d done to her.” Memories started to flick through her mind, unwanted memories of the worst day of her life. She swallowed the lump in her throat.
“And you haven’t been back since?”
“I couldn’t. I needed to do this.”
“You’ve been gone so long.” He felt sad. Sad for her youth and what little she actually had of it, not only the grief she’d carried with her but shouldering this. He’d never imagined it was so long.
She shrugged. “It was my choice. I called and sent letters.”
He squeezed her and she continued. “I moved around a lot after university, but it was difficult because he’d gone underground. I had my big break when I moved to the city. Usopp and Robin helped a lot and honestly, I don’t think I could have done it without them.”
There was a lot to take in, but his instant reaction was sorrow. His heart ached for her and he wondered if it would ever not after this. There was nothing he could say though, nothing would make it better for her. He still tried though. “I’m just so sorry-”
“Don’t be. Whatever you’re about to be, don’t.” She interrupted softly. “Out of all this has come Luffy, Zoro and everyone, but most importantly you. My life’s good now and that’s what I live for.” And it was true. She’d thought this a lot lately but everything bad that had happened seemed to finally fruit some good news.
“That’s a lovely way to think about it. I’m thankful to have you in my life too.”
They lulled back into silence, enjoying the sound of the waves and the soft breeze.
Nami looked back up at Sanji, the morning sun rising, making his blonde hair bright like the sun and eyes blue as the ocean. He fussed over her a lot but sometimes she wondered if he realised just how handsome he was. From his thick hair to chiselled jaw, it’s a wonder he wasn’t snagged up before she came along. Perhaps fate was on her side after all.
He boyishly smiled at her and in that moment, her brain ignored all filters it possessed, and she blurted out, “Why haven’t we had sex yet?”
The smile melted off of his face and she felt Sanji go rigid underneath her. For a brief second, she wondered if his eyes would pop out of his sockets and hair stand up from the shock.
“ah- uuuh, what?” He asked, desperately trying to compose himself. He’d heard her alright, but he just needed a second.
“Well, you always seem to want to when it leads that way but then you pull away, I’m just a bit confused. I mean, if you want to wait that’s fine! No pressure. I’d just like us to be on the same page.” She could feel heat on her cheeks, but she imagined it was nothing compared to Sanji’s face. His was rivalling a tomato at this point.
He couldn’t be surprised with her asking. When they’d gotten heated the last couple of times, he’d seen the look on her face and knew she was beginning to wonder. “You’ve been through a lot recently and I wanted to give you time-”
“I’m pretty sure I’ve given enough indication that I’ve wanted to.” She pressed
He wasn’t sure how to phrase this, but he sighed, knowing she’d see through anything else. “I didn’t want you to regret it at first, because we’d just dealt with Arlong and I knew you probably wouldn’t be in the right place. I kept telling myself that and then I just freaked myself out the longer I waited. I mean, I built it up more and more, so yeah.” He finished with a shrug, feeling self-conscious.
Her arms wrapped around his neck, squeezing him and she laughed lightly, relieved. Pulling away, she cupped his face in between her hands, “You ridiculous man,” and pulled him in to kiss him. “It’s us, we’re a team, we’ll be fine whatever’s thrown our way.”
“A team on and off the field, huh?”
“Exactly.” She said before pulling him back into a kiss.
“Maybe we shouldn’t be having this conversation in front of Bell-mère’s grave?” He was suddenly aware of where they were having this conversation.
Nami laughed, completely forgetting where they were when she’d blurted out her question. “She’d be lecturing us both for taking so long, especially you, denying her darling daughter.” She winked, teasing him.
He turned to the grave, bowing his head. ���I’m sorry Bell-mère, your beautiful daughter will be denied this,” his free hand waving down his body, “for another week.”
Snorting, she shoved his shoulder and he laughed. “Too right, Genzo’s getting old, we don’t want to finish him off.”
Packing the last bit of clothing, Nami couldn’t help but feel sad. Their time visiting her village had gone incredibly quickly but it’d been great. She’d tended to Bell-mère’s grove with Nojiko, spent some time with the young children in the village with Genzo and cooked with Sanji for her family.
But she wouldn’t miss it too much, the city was calling out to her.
Sanji was putting the last of their luggage in his car, as Nojiko wrapped her up in a tight hug. “Don’t be a stranger.”
“Maybe you can visit us, stop being such a hick and join us city dwellers.”
Nojiko laughed, “Temporarily perhaps, but I like small living.”
Meanwhile Genzo had walked over to Sanji to speak to him. They were out of earshot so Nami couldn’t overhear but based on their faces, it was a serious conversation. Since their initial meeting, Genzo had warmed up to Sanji, considerably thank god. Nami didn’t need that for their week here.
“I approve, just so you know.” Nojiko smirked.
Nami rolled her eyes, about to make a smart comment but Genzo and Sanji had finished saying their goodbyes with a handshake before making their way over to the sisters.
Soon they were both walking towards Sanji’s car, turning around to throw in a wave whilst they still could.
Nojiko’s voice boomed, cutting through the peaceful afternoon air, “Next time I see you, I want a ring on your finger or at least a little Nami or Sanji in the oven.”
Both Nami and Sanji spluttered, whipping around to face a smug Nojiko. Genzo was equally flustered next to Nojiko.
“I’m too young for that!” Nami choked out, shaking her fist in the air and trying to stamp down the blush. Sanji was losing his battle, stuck between flustered and delighted, no doubt at the thought of an adorable little Nami.
“Ignore her, she likes to tease, and she’s got a lot to make up for.” Nami said to Sanji.
His hand reached out to hold hers. “It’s a nice thought. Not for now, but the future perhaps.” He kissed her hand and opened the car door for her. She was too stunned to reply and thanked him as she entered the car, the door closing behind her.
They’d driven back in a comfortable silence and Nami watched as vast green fields soon started to turn into houses, train tracks and skyscrapers the closer they got to the city.
Making their way through the city towards Sanji’s apartment, they noticed a lot of police sirens going past them every few minutes. They both looked at each other concerned but were interrupted when Sanji’s phone went off.
“Could you get that please Nami?” Sanji asked, eyes still on the road.
Leaning into the backseat for his jacket, she fished around and just as she grabbed the phone, it started to ring. Looking down Zoro’s name was lighting up, she frowned, that couldn’t be good.
“Zoro? What’s up?” Sanji looked at her questioningly, Zoro hardly ever called him.
“Hey, are you back yet?” He asked calmly, ignoring what she’d said. She could hear Luffy in the background shouting obnoxiously and trying to take the phone from Zoro to speak to her. Zoro sounded like he had his hands full.
“Yeah, we’re just driving through the city. Why are there so many police sirens about?”
“There’s a hostage situation downtown. We’ll probably need your help.” He still sounded so calm; how did he do that? Perhaps all the time spent on the force.
“How did this happen!?” Sanji threw her an alarmed look as she raised her voice.
“No time to explain, I have to go.” And just like that, he hung up.
Turning to Sanji, she quickly relayed what little information she’d received, and he was warning her to brace herself as he put his foot on the accelerator to speed towards his apartment.
Bursting through the doors, their luggage abandoned in his car for the time being and trying to find their suits.
“Sanji, please tell me I left a suit here!?” She didn’t want to think about having to make a trip to her apartment right now, considering the situation.
“I picked it up from Usopp last week with the repairs he’d made to it, it’s in the safe, 0307.” He rushed out, going into his room to change into his suit. “You’re clima-tact’s in there too.”
If they weren’t against the clock, she’d probably tease him for using her birthday as the combination but secretly she was touched.
A few minutes later, she left his office, clipping on her belt and was surprised to see Stealth Black already at the door. “And here I thought I was quick; how do you do that?” It was sweet he hadn’t rushed her.
He followed her to the window, checking for anyone around. “Trade secret. When we have some time, maybe I’ll show you.”
She pouted but held on when his arm came to wrap around her waist. Not moments later and they were soaring through the city.
They landed with a bang on a police car outside the bank. Black Cat sniggered when a few officers almost jumped out of their skin, but they all turned their head around to look at the new additions. She could see Zoro and Luffy off to the side, she tried not to look directly at them but almost laughed when she saw Zoro smack Luffy’s hand down when he tried to wave to her.
“What’s the situation?” Stealth Black asked an officer in front of them, diving straight into the matter.
“What’s she doing here?” The officer sneered back, jabbing an accusing finger at her.
Stealth Black started to rile, and she knew that would lead nowhere helpful. She put a hand to his chest and looked towards a different officer. “Well? We’re against the clock here.”
He looked hesitant but answered her. “A lot has happened in your absence. One of the guys you handed in last week was chatty and told us there’s a new leader in Arlong’s place. His name’s Hody Jones. We stopped a van that we’d been warned about and he was in there too. A shoot out started, and they ran into the bank. They’re been in there for 30 minutes; we’re waiting for the negotiation team.”
Black Cat could kick herself. They’d been off relaxing for a week and there was a huge lead that had now led to a dangerous hostage situation. “Do you know how dangerous Hody is?” She’d only heard of him, when Arlong was about he was a small fry, not even worth mentioning. This development was surprising, but if he’s taken any drugs, it might be a different matter.
“As far as we know, not very. Not smart though, to be moving around in the open.” The officer replied back.
“Anyone dead?” Stealth Black asked.
The officer shook his head. “Not yet, or that we know of. We suspect some are probably injured.”
Black Cat was thinking whilst they spoke, trying to strategize how to resolve this with minimum damage. “At least they’re not organized, probably trying to think about what they’re going to do now. We could probably use this to our advantage.” She looked at Stealth Black.
He nodded back at her, now thinking about how to move forward. “Have you got floor plans of the bank yet or know the layout well?”
The snotty officer from the start spoke up. “And have a thief go into an unguarded bank?”
He was ignored.
Another officer stepped forward, nodding and giving them the layout of the bank, drawing rough illustrations in her notebook.
“Stealth, we can use the door on the roof to get in. They’re not prepared, they may not even know it’s there. They’re probably not even expecting us.”
He nodded. “Do we know how many there are?” Asking the officers in front of him.
“There’s probably 6 or 7. Definitely under 10.”
“Okay, leave it to us then. We’ll get hostages out alive.” Black Cat said, her arm wrapping around Stealth Black as he got ready to launch them to the roof of the bank.
Another voice interrupted them before they could. “Why are we relying on a criminal?” The snotty officer again.
Okay, he was getting on her nerves now.
Before either of them could say anything, Zoro was storming over to grab him by the front of his shirt. “Quit your whining. They’re about to go in there and take direct fire, do you want to do that? Are you bullet proof?” He pushed to officer away and turned towards the pair. “We’ll back you up where we can. Take this and keep in communication.” He said, handing them a walkie talkie.
Black Cat clipped it into her belt and smiled at him. A few officers wishing them good luck as they took off. Seemed a few of them were coming around, at least.
Landing on the roof, Black Cat was prepared to move away when Stealth Black tightened his grip on her, his hand moving from her waist down to rub along her rear.
“Did you really just cop a feel?” She asked in incredulously, as he let her go.
“Perks of the job.” He leered down at her, acting like it should be common knowledge.
It was amusing how even in such a tense situation; he was ready to try and lighten the mood. With that reasoning in mind, she let him get away with it.
Bending over the roof, she tentatively looked through the glass skylight to the second floor.
Behind her, Stealth cocked his head looking over the form in front of him, and murmured to himself, “Definitely a perk.”
“I heard that. You’ve had your look, pay attention now.”
He joined her looking through the skylight, they were silent for a second as they observed. “I know you’re blaming yourself. I could see it on your face. We have to live as well.”
“It’s just that-”
“I know, believe me. But we’re only human, we have to rely on the police sometimes.”
She knew he was right. Even she knew it deep down. They were only two people.
Shaking any other thoughts, they both discussed their next move; pointing out rooms on the second floor they’d need to clear and the staircase they could see leading to the first floor. They both agreed invisibility would be key for this, whilst they were still undetected. As soon as hostages were involved, they’d go visible to take the attention.
“We need to speak to Usopp and Franky about bullet proofing you’re suit.” Stealth Black said, his eyes skimming her suit in concern.
“I’m pretty quick on my feet,” she joked but he didn’t look convinced when she looked at him. “But really, don’t worry. We’ve done worse.”
Stealth Black took the lead, after Black Cat had picked the lock on the roof door leading to the second floor. They were slowly sweeping through the second floor, using the heat tracking in their glasses to see if there was anyone in the rooms. Just as they thought, unorganized, everyone was on the first floor.
They were reminded to not be overconfident when they heard footsteps coming closer behind them. They just managed to dodge out of the way, pressing tightly against the corridor walls as one of the hostage-takers walked past them.
Clearly, they were starting to get their bearings if they’d sent someone to sweep the building. However, this was a great chance for them to pick off one of them.
Black Cat extended her clima-tact, electrocuting the man upon contact and Stealth Black was there to catch him before he hit the ground and alerted the others. They tied and gagged him, leaving him in one of the rooms.
Moving down the staircase at the side, they were met with an empty front room. There was clearly panic when the hostage-takers had moved in, chairs thrown, plants tipped over and, by the looks of it, guns fired. Hopefully they were just warning shots. Like they’d suspected, hostages were taken behind the cashier desks, into the large space behind. The officer outside had been correct, with the guy upstairs, there was only seven in total. Black Cat recognised one of them to be Hody Jones and pointed this out to Stealth Black.
“We need a distraction.” Black Cat whispered to Stealth Black. “Draw them apart.”
“Good call, it’d be safer like that.” He pondered. “For once I actually want one of Luffy and Usopp’s toys.”
“Stealth! You genius.” She was turning him around, rummaging through the compartments of his belt. “Luffy is always playing with your belt when he’s around, he must have crammed something in here… and here it is.” Triumphantly, she held up a small wind-up toy Usopp had made of, funnily enough, Stealth Black himself.
“For once, I’m thankful for his snooping about. I’ll go set it off, deal with them and come back.”
“I should come with you for backup.”
“One of us needs to stay here, in case they catch on. We can’t have them shooting hostages.”
“Okay, that makes sense. I’ll move closer in case.” She only wished she could see their faces when the hostage-takers found that small toy and then found the real version.
Moments later and everyone was freezing as a sound erupted from the second floor. The hostage-takers all looking at each other.
“What the fuck was that?!”
“Shit, is someone else in here? Another questioned.  “Where is Tom, by the way?”
“Maybe it’s him? He is doing a parameter?”
“And he’s been at least 10 minutes, the building isn’t that big… you don’t think- y’know…”
“Nah, can’t be. They haven’t been active all week.”
“They have to come back some time.”
“Right, I’ll go check, you two come with me. Everyone be on guard until we’re sure what it is.”
Hm, so they were clever and somewhat organised. Wouldn’t matter though, Black Cat thought to herself, moving along the length of the cashier desks to manoeuvre behind the hostage-takers and hopefully get the attention of a hostage. When half of them ran up the stairs to the second floor, she became visible and peered around the corner, successfully making eye contact with a hostage. She signalled to move to the other side of the room, but they made the mistake of nodding.
“What the fuck are you nodding at?” One of the hostage-takers asked hotly, already paranoid and looked in that direction but found nothing. He started to walk over; gun raised.
He was just at the counter when there were thumps coming from upstairs, thumps that sounded like bodies being thrown around. She pinched the bridge of her nose but flicked her clima-tact and watched as fog started to erupt from it.
“Oh shit. Oh shit. They’re fucking here.” One of them screamed, panicked. “Grab one of the hostages.”
“Move to the back of the room, now.” Black Cat yelled and she vaulted over the cashier desk, clima-tact spinning between her fingers to deflect bullets as they started to fire at her.
The hostages scrambled to the far end of the room.
And chaos erupted.
Black Cat couldn’t get an opening to properly take any of them down. There was only three of them, but they were either trying to hit her or grab a hostage, so they could bargain their escape. She was having to play offence and defence.
A game she couldn’t keep up with when one of them finally clocked her across the cheek and whilst she was stunned, they managed to trip her. The next moment she found a gun in her face.
“You’ll make a nice hostage. Now, where’s Stealth Black?”
“I’m offended, I’m not enough?” Black Cat said, in faux hurt, pouting at the man in front of her. “That’s quite rude.” She kicked her leg up, knocking the gun out of his hand and as the man in front of her dived to try reclaiming the gun, he was stopped by an invisible wall.
Slowly the invisibility faded, and Stealth Black was revealed.
Fuming, Stealth Black shoved the man back and kicked him sharply, sending him into the wall across the room. Turning around, Stealth Black looked to where Black Cat was, but she was gone, already dealing with the two men left before they did anything to the hostages.
“Black Cat, get the hostages out; I’ll deal with them.” He called to her and she nodded, falling back to the hostages.
Running over to them, their faces turned from fear to sheer relief as the situation was becoming less dangerous. “Can everyone walk okay?” Black Cat’s eyes scanning across them, looking for any injuries. They all nodded. “Good, everyone up and let’s go.”
Although the coast was clear, it didn’t hurt to be cautious considering she didn’t know whether Stealth had time to bound everyone upstairs. A normal person wouldn’t get up from a kick of his, but she liked to be sure. At the door, she was ushering out people, reminding them to be quick when they kept stopping, trying to thank her.
She went still as a voice behind her spoke. “You’ve fucked everything up. First with Arlong, then tipping off the police about our vans and now this.” He spat. “Your dead body will be payment enough.”
A gun clicked behind her and the remaining people left inside the building was scrambling away, screaming.
Across the room, Stealth Black stilled at the voice. Finishing off the guy in front of him he turned and felt dread fill his stomach. Black Cat was now on her knees, arms up, with a gun behind her head. And the guy behind her was someone he had finished off upstairs, one of the tougher ones he had a problem with.
Hody Jones.
He knew he should have bound them, but he wanted to get back to her. He could kick himself.
He was about to take off across the room when someone caught his eye behind Hody. Looking back at him was a familiar set of amber eyes, mischief dancing across them. He let out a sigh of relief and instead started to run towards the hostages left.
When the gunshot went off, Black Cat’s image faded away and Stealth Black had huddled the remaining hostages in front of him, using his cape to deflect any other gunshots.
Hody was confused as the woman in front of him faded away but didn’t have a moment to respond as Black Cat jumped behind him, her arms hooking around his shoulders and throwing her legs around to use the momentum to knock him to the floor. She kicked the gun away. Hody was quick to recover, his hand grabbing her ankle to take her to the floor to join him. He was over her in the next instant and she managed to block his fist aiming for her face just in time. Although she blocked it, he hit hard, her arms dully throbbing, and she was starting to wonder if he’d taken the drugs.
Hody didn’t get the chance to attempt to hit her again as a foot hooked into his side, kicking him off Black Cat.
“Are you okay?” Stealth Black asked, his hand extended to her to take but his eyes remained on Hody Jones. He wouldn’t take any risks right now.
She accepted the hand, standing next to him. “I think he’s taken the drug.”
He nodded. “I think so too. He’s the only one from upstairs to get back up.”
Hody started to hack as he got up and blindly ran at them. It appeared he wasn’t as skilled as Arlong and the drug wasn’t nearly as effective. He swung for Stealth Black, but he flipped back, leaving an opening for Black Cat to hit Hody with her clima-tact.
Their time working together had paid off, they fought off Hody in sync. One of them would create an opening for the other to land a hit and vice versa. Hody managed to throw them off a few times but it was quickly over when Stealth Black delivered a powerful kick into Hody’s chest, sending him flying over to the lightning strike Black Cat had set up.
“You should walk out with him, it’ll help.” Stealth Black said, both of them stand over Hody Jone’s battered and blackened body.
“You’re overthinking this.”
Clapping and cheering filled the air as they exited through doors of the bank onto the street, Hody in handcuffs in between Black Cat and Stealth Black. Police moved past them into the bank, to round up the others left inside and take them into custody.
She wasn’t sure how to react. Considering the bad press and hostility she was usually met with; this was a breath of fresh air. A group of children with black cat ears came running up to her, screaming her name and asking her to sign pictures or have photos with her. She must have looked shocked because Stealth put his hand on her back to gently push her towards them and nodded, trying to reassure her.
Bending down, she cooed and awed at their costumes whilst photos were being taken by the press all around her, trying to ask her questions. It was a bit uncomfortable but as the children chattered at her, it was easy enough to ignore. She looked around and Stealth Black was with the police, handing over Hody Jones and most likely debriefing them.
A loud ruckus caused her to divert her attention and she had to supress a shudder at the sight. She’d met this… fan, before. He was… passionate… to say the least, and that was being kind. Whilst she appreciated the backing, in all honesty, he gave her the creeps. With all these camera’s around, she’d have to be polite.
“Black Cat, Black Cat! Do you remember me?” He called, pushing past people to get to her.
“Ah… uh, yes. Zap, right?”
“Yes!” He screeched. “Well actually, it’s Zappa, but you’re so close! You really remember me!”
“How could I forget.” She deadpanned.
“Would you sign this? It’s new, I look at it day and night.” She would never understand how he managed to get such good photos of just her, she was normally with Stealth Black. Maybe he was good at photoshop. She dreaded to think what he actually did with these photos. “You’re a vision of beauty today, is that a new suit too?” He asked, leaning closer and closer, she actually had to tilt backwards to give herself some space.
A familiar hand wrapped itself around her waist, pulling her away and into a warm body. She let out a sigh of relief, knowing she was being bailed out. She didn’t miss the way Zappa’s face became agitated with the new presence, but then she imagined Stealth Black didn’t look much different. A glance up confirmed that. The two men glaring at each other and silently arguing.
“Oh, Zip, right?” Stealth Black said smugly, like he did when he taunts Zoro.
“It’s Zappa, actually! Or Zap, but that nickname is just for Black Cat to use isn’t it cute? She just gave it to me.”
Steam was virtually coming out of Stealth Black’s ears at this point, he always did get awfully jealous. She had no idea why, but he usually handled it fairly well. The tension between the two men was only getting thicker and thicker by the minute. She figured she might as well help out Stealth a bit, and maybe get Zappa off her back. With Stealth’s hand around her, she curled further into him, one arm coming up behind his back to rest on his shoulder and the other resting on his chest to get his attention.
Innocently, she asked, “What is it that you wanted by the way?” If Zappa looked agitated before, he looked downright foul now. Stealth, on the other hand, now looked like he was about to turn into a pile of goo.
He cleared his throat, trying to compose himself. “The press wanted to ask some questions, so I came to get you.”
Stealth Black led her away towards where the press was waiting, holding her hand. “You’re going to out us you know.”
He ignored that comment. “I hate that guy.”
“No, really? You hide it so well.”
He barked out a laugh. “I can’t help it, he’s just so overly familiar with you.”
“He definitely eggs you on too.” She leaned in closer to whisper to him, “But remember who gets to take me home.”
They came to a standstill as he stopped walking and gaped at her. She tugged him forward by their joined hands. “Come on, we don’t have time for that now. Can’t have the press saying I’m tardy too.”
They’d answered a few questions before handing over to the police to finish up. Both of them starting to fatigue, after dealing with criminals, zealous fans and then them. They’d nodded at Zoro and Luffy as they went past, giving a final wave to whoever was still around to see them before Stealth Black launched them skyward bound.
She’d never quite get used to that, she thought when they made it into the apartment, her hair no doubt a bird’s nest on her head. It must have been because Sanji came up to her and tried to smooth it down. She didn’t know whether he was doing a good job or not, but it was so relaxing having someone play with her hair. Her hands came up to rest on his chest but frowned when she felt something damp.
Looking at her hands, they were a brownish colour. “Sanji… are you bleeding?”
She felt him cringe and his hands left her hair. “I might be a little, but really, it’s just a graze.”
“We stayed that whole time afterwards and you’re bleeding?! Bathroom, now.”
She didn’t give him a chance to respond, his shoulders slumped as he followed behind her.
“Sit and take your shirt off.”
“You should take yours off,” he said, voice muffled as he pulled his shirt over his head and sat on the toilet lid.
“Maybe you can do that for me later.” Any previous anger dissolving as she took a look at wound. It really was just a graze.
Nami went to the cupboard over the sink and to grab the disinfectant and bandages. Normal people probably have skincare and other toiletries in their cupboards, but he had medical supplies in bulk, she should probably tell him Chopper would give him a good discount.
Walking back to him, he opened his legs for her to stand between and his hands came to settle heavily on her hips, pulling her in to stand as close as possible. There was a hazy look in his eyes. Knowing him he was now imagining her topless after her comment back to him. She rolled her eyes; he’s bleeding and that’s what he’s doing. He’d need that blood if that’s what he’s got in mind.
She set about disinfecting it and wrapping it. His breath was heavy against her collarbones and his gaze penetrating, it was taking everything she had to focus.
“How did this happen?” She asked as she worked, trying to distract herself.
“It was upstairs, I wasn’t quite quick enough when one of them starting shooting.”
“And you were worried about my suit being bulletproof.” She smirked down at him, she could joke about it now that she knew it wasn’t anything serious.  
“The irony isn’t lost on me, m’love.” He squeezed her hips in retaliation but still looked just as amused as her.
She finished wrapping, bending down to kiss just above the bandages. “All done.”
“I’ve never had a personal nurse before.” Sanji stood back up to full height, leaning over Nami, his gaze intense.
“I’m not surprised, we are expensive.” She winked at him. “I’ll add this to your bill.”
“Worth every penny.” And his lips were diving in to capturing hers in a searing kiss; he couldn’t resist her anymore.
She didn’t waste any time in roaming her hands across his bare chest, the last time she’d had him topless was all those months ago when she’d stayed the night as Black Cat. His hands were pawing at her hips and he was slowly walking her backwards, only pulling away to breath before diving back in. She gasped when her back made contact with the tiles of his bathroom wall and he used the opportunity to sweep his tongue into her mouth. Her hands moved from his chest to around his back to press him closer, if that were even possible at this moment.
Sanji’s hands moved from her hips, one of them running from her behind, down her thigh to bring it against his hip. He repeated this and she jumped to make it easier, locking her legs around his waist. If she thought they were close before, they were even closer now as Nami could feel Sanji rubbing up against her through his trousers. They both moaned when she rolled her hips.
He panted into her neck and started placing kisses there, whilst her hands threaded through his hair. She was going to kill him if she kept wiggling her hips like that.
Her hands were pulling his face away from her neck. “Are we really doing this?” She panted out.
He took a second to organise his thoughts, willing his scrambled brain to piece together what she was asking. Nodding once he finally had, “Well, if you want to of course, I don’t-”
She interrupted him by pulling him into another long kiss that left his legs a bit weak. “We’re going to need a bed then.”
That’s all it took, and he was kissing her fiercely, whilst he moved them both through the apartment towards his bedroom. She was giggling along the way when he stumbled in his haste.
When he laid her down on the bed and hovered over her, he became nervous.
Sensing this, Nami’s hands ran along his arms, careful of the bandage, to rest on either side of his face and bring his ear near her lips. “You said something about taking my top off?”
All moisture had left his mouth and he almost wheezed. Off of the top of his head, that was probably the most erotic thing she’d ever said. Good god, this woman.
She kissed him again to distract him and his hands ran slowly along her sides, squeezing the side of her breast before finding their way to the zip. He slowly dragged it down and as more of her creamy skin became visible, he was painfully becoming aware of something else. “Are you not wearing a bra?”
Shaking her head, she attempted to look up at him innocently, even batting her lashes at him. “I never do.”
“Never?” He wheezed out. This was it. He was going to die. Happily.
She laughed and shook her head. He was such a lovable idiot and as hilarious as his reaction was, this was moving too slowly for her. She bucked her hips up and that seemed to bring him out of his daze.
Sanji’s hands resumed their previous job. He kissed down her neck, to her collarbone and, when he was done with the zip, he kissed the top of her breasts. He pulled the leather away from one of her breasts and teasingly avoided her nipple, kissing and licking around until Nami whined above him. Only then he took her nipple in his mouth and flicked it with his tongue, he was rewarded with the loveliest of moans from her. His other hand rubbing and squeezing the other neglected breast.
The way she was saying his name was heaven and ever since he’d started playing with her breasts, she’d started rubbing against his thigh. Just from that he could feel how warm she was, he could only imagine how wet she was.
“Sanji- mmm- more.”
As if he could ever deny her that. “I think it’s time to get rid of this.” His hands pulled at her leather suit. First, he unclipped her belt, throwing it to the floor.
The hard part was the suit. How on earth did she get this on so quickly? Whatever mood they’d created was quickly diminishing as he struggled. He’d just managed to get it off her upper body and that was hard enough, it didn’t help that he’d stopped to ogle her now free breasts. She’d nudged him to continue when she’d realised.
Boots were unzipped and joined her belt on the floor. It was the rest of her catsuit. Now he was trying to pull it from her legs, and he couldn’t blame the suit for wanting to stay, she had lovely legs, but he wanted to see them unclothed.
Nami didn’t help either, she was now laying down giggling at the sight. “Sorry- it’s- just, your face! And, well, this is so funny.” She managed to get out before fully laughing. This hadn’t crossed her mind when he’d suggested taking off her suit, but it was lovely that they could laugh whilst in the heat of the moment.
Sanji joined her, laughing at this ridiculous situation. She was propped on her elbows, cheeks red from laughing and half dressed, the leather of her suit stuck around her thighs. He imagined he didn’t look much better with one glove still on, no top and ruffled trousers. He couldn’t be any happier in this moment.
“How do you get into this thing?”
Once she’d stopped laughing, she responded. “Lots of practice. You’re more than welcome to help in the future.”
“I’ll help you get out of it.”
“You’ve got yourself a deal. Right, I’ll do this, you get out of your trousers.”
He was supposed to be taking off his trousers, but he couldn’t pull his eyes away from her. More skin being revealed by the second. His eyes bulged when she took off her thong and shot it at him to get him moving. Trousers and briefs were off in record time after that.
Nami crooked her finger at him and slowly opened her legs for him, inviting him in. As desperate as he was to join her again, he had to take a moment to take all of her in. His eyes scanned up her body, lingering along the way to finish at her face where she was giving him a smouldering look and biting her lip. Okay. This had to be the most erotic thing she’d ever done.
He had to remind himself not to pass out.
Resisting the urge to dive back in, he took his time working his way up her body. Kissing up her thighs and teasingly lingering before moving on to leaving open mouthed kisses on her hip bones and listening to her breath in sharply. He ghosted his lips along her stomach, and she whined at the lack of pressure, arching her back but he didn’t give in, continuing to follow the path between her breasts up to her ear.
“You make the sexiest noises,” he whispered into her ear, placing a kiss just underneath and she shuddered in pleasure. “I’m going to make sure I get every moan from you.”
She kissed him firmly, eager for him to follow through and her hands began roaming down his back, greedily taking in his muscles.
Sanji’s hands slowly moved back down her body, retracing his previous path, caressing and making her gasp until his hand arrived at the intended destination. His fingers played with her lips before running along her slit. He groaned when he felt how wet she was.
Being a professional chef was really paying off for Nami, she knew he had talented hands from watching him cook but he was demonstrating that right now as he stroked her. They’d stopped kissing, their faces still close as their breaths mingled with each other. Sanji was focusing on bringing her all the pleasure he could and Nami didn’t know what to do with herself, moans tumbling out of her mouth.
Continuing to stroke her, Sanji moved down, kissing a path past her breasts, down her stomach until he was reunited with his fingers. He looked up and Nami was looking down at him biting her lips with hazy amber eyes. He smirked up at her before his tongue made contact with her.
She threw her head back when his tongue played with her nub and she moved her hips in rhythm with him, when his fingers entered her. She could feel heat starting to build in her stomach as his pace picked up and as good as this was and he was, she wanted something else right now.
Pushing back on his shoulder he looked up at her worriedly, “Is something wrong?”
“No, no but, can we- you know-” how old was she? Why couldn’t she just spit out the words. She took a breath in to compose herself. “I want you in me.”
Sanji stilled and even his imagination was nothing compared to her actually saying it to him in real life. He climbed back up her body and gave her a brief kiss before leaning over to his dresser to pull out a condom.
With shaky hands he tore it open and Nami’s hands joined him, smoothing over his hands to stop the shaking. She was smiling up at him, so sweetly that he couldn’t stop the smile crossing his face. He reminded himself in that moment that he knew her, they’d been through so much and this would be another thing they shared together.
He breathed out, relaxed at that thought. With the condom now on, he rested on his elbows over her. “You’re sure?”
She nodded back at him. “Are you?”
He mirrored her previous response. “If you want to stop at any time, just say.”
“You too.” Her hands cupped his cheeks and brought him into their softest kiss so far.
He lined himself up and slowly entered her, eyes scanning her face to make sure she was okay. It was a difficult task though, she tasted great but felt even better and he was trying to control himself from just pushing all the way in. He scattered kisses along her face and was graced with her giggling.
Fully settled in, he waited for her to make the next move. She gripped his shoulders and wiggled her hips, drawing a gasp from the both of them. He gave a tentative thrust and was rewarded with a moan, her legs wrapping around his waist to keep him locked in place.
The temperature in the room spiked and Sanji felt like he was going to melt. He was panting into her neck, she felt incredible. So wet and hot. Each thrust rewarded him with a wanton moan from Nami. Her cheeks were flushed, and hair splayed out on the pillows, her hands had moved from his shoulders to run up and down his back.
He pulled away from her neck to look at her face and he wanted to commit it to memory, the pleasure on her face was almost enough to push him over the edge. His pace started to pick up and he could feel himself almost at his end, but he was intent to get her there first. One of his hands moved to stroke down her leg, catching it behind the knee to lift it onto his shoulder and the reaction was instant.
She started to chant his name and her fingers digging into his back trying to anchor herself to something. The small shift had caused him to hit the right spot inside her and she couldn’t get enough of it. She could feel her stomach starting to coil and heat building, what tipped her over was when Sanji started to whisper into her ear about coming and how she felt. She should feel embarrassed but, in that moment, it was exactly what she needed.
Feeling her clench and pulse around him, her cries as she came, was all too much for him and he found himself quickly following after her. His hips bucking to prolong her ecstasy and for him to come.
It was a few moments later when he finally came too, realising he was probably crushing her and leaned back onto shaky forearms so he could look down at her. Her eyes were cracked open, still coming down from her high and he mentally congratulated himself at the blissed look on her face.
“Are you okay?” His forearms and back were begging him to lay down, but he wanted to check on her first.
She didn’t respond, just nodded and gave him a satisfied smile. That was all he needed to see as he laid down next to her, gathering her up to pull against his bare chest. It didn’t take long for her fingers to start dancing across his chest.
He could kick himself for waiting so long to take this step with her. There were very good reasons not to at first. He really did want to know her, and he did have cracked ribs but after that, he’d built it up so much he wasn’t quite sure how to get down from his unreachable expectations. But she was right, they were a team, and this had been better than he’d imagined.
He was pulled out of his thoughts when he felt her shift in his arms, she rolled onto her front propping her chin on her hands over his chest. “Sanji, that was…” Lost for words on how to describe it.
“Amazing, fantastic, annoying that I’d held back for so long when we could have been doing this so much sooner?” His hands now played with the hair falling down her back.
“You forgot to add mind-blowing but that all sounds agreeable too.” And it was true. For all his hesitating, he’d more than made up for it and the longer she laid there, the more she wanted a second round.
“I’ll add it to the list.” Leaning down to press a kiss against her forehead and her eyelids fluttered closed. “You have your first day tomorrow, it’s still early, I can make dinner and I want to put some ice on your cheek.”
It’s wasn’t too sore, but she knew he was right, it wouldn’t be a great first impression to show up with a swollen cheek. She had other things in mind right now though. “Dinner sounds great, but,” she propped herself up and ran one hand teasingly down his chest, watching as goose bumps erupted on his skin, “you gave me such thorough attention earlier and right now, I want to repay the favour.” His eyes widened when her hands reached their intended destination and cupped him.
He recovered quickly. She felt him twitch in her hand and he pounced.
It was a while until they actually made it out of his bedroom but the lure of food and quickly diminishing time hurried them along.
After eating, they were both washing up, even though Sanji had tried to keep her away with the lure of wine and relaxing but she honestly didn’t mind helping. He washed anyway, she just dried.
He was draining the water from the bowel as she was drying the last plate, walking over to put it in the cupboard overhead. It wasn’t a moment later that he was pressing up against her from behind, his hands resting just below her breasts.
Something about her in a domestic setting just did it for him, especially the kitchen. He’d definitely need to take her in here at some point. He turned her around and pressed her up against the counter, lips hurriedly finding hers. It wasn’t long until she was hoping up on the counter and he quickly filled the space between her legs. Sanji’s lips moved from her lips to leave a scorching path down to her neck.
Nami was aware of where this was heading, and that time was getting on. “I’m going to need to sleep at my place tonight, my work stuff is all there for the morning.”
He nodded but didn’t let up from peppering kisses down her neck or caressing her breasts.
“You know- mmm-” letting out a moan when he paid attention to the sensitive area behind her ear. She lost herself for a second, her hands eagerly running through his hair to press him closer. She regained her thoughts when she felt him pressing against her, “- Robin’s not home toni, ah, tonight, maybe you can stay at mine?”  
That got his attention. “Do you mind if I bring some clothes so I can go straight to work from yours?”
“Not at all, grab a bag and we can go. Then we can break in my bed.”
He left her with a kiss and took off across his apartment in haste.
Considering their previous evening, it still wasn’t enough for Sanji and in the morning Nami found herself having to bat his hands away when she tried to get up to get ready in the morning. He was definitely making up for lost time or he had a big sexual appetite. The second explanation wouldn’t be a bad thing. But one of them had to be responsible, otherwise they’d never make it out of the apartment.
Getting ready together was easier than she’d expected. She’d allowed him to shower with her, but only if he agreed to behave himself and he did, mostly. Soon enough they were both at the front door, gathering the last few pieces they both needed and Sanji was packing the lunch into her bag he’d made her.
Locking the front door, they walked out to the street and stopped to say their goodbyes, both heading in the opposite direction.
Sanji reached out to hold her hand. “Have a good day and maybe if you’re free I can see you after work?” He wanted to know all about her first day and, if she could come, he wanted to discuss something fairly big with her.
“I should be done by five, when do you finish?”
“I finished at five today too, we’ll see who makes it back to my place first.” He challenged, wiggling his eyebrows at her.
“You know I can run in heels.” She reminded him, all too happy to give into the childish competition.
Shortly after they were saying their goodbyes, wishing each other a good day and parting with a kiss far too brief for Sanji’s liking.
Whatever nerves she’d had that morning had vanished when she’d met everybody in the team. They’d been so friendly and welcoming. They were just wrapping up a project, so she shadowed one of her colleagues in the morning and in the afternoon, they briefed her on their next project they’d be starting soon. To track the weather was a dream come true. And to think she got paid for this.
Now she was on her way to Sanji’s apartment and replying to a few texts from her friends she’d received throughout the day. They knew it was her first day and had been asking questions and wishing her luck. She was getting out the lift and walking towards Sanji’s door when she sent her last text to Robin. Considering she lived with the woman, she’d barely seen her, both of them involved with other people had taken up their time. Nami would have to arrange a girl’s night for them.
The door opened before she could knock. He’d beaten her home but not by much from the looks of it, suit jacket and tie still in place.
Eagerly he pulled her through the door and wrapped her up in a hug, welcoming her back. “Well?”
“It was great! Everybody was so nice, and the next project looks so interesting.”
They’d pulled apart and Sanji was leading her towards his living room to sit on the sofa. “I’m so pleased for you. Do you want anything to eat or drink?”
Ever the gentleman. But she nodded, asking for a tea and orange that her sister had given to her before leaving. Actually, she didn’t have many of them left. Nami wondered how much it would cost for her sister to ship them to her. Nothing beat the oranges from her grove.
Sanji came back with her tea in hand and orange, a newspaper tucked under his arm. He put them down onto the coffee table, moving around to sit next to her and slowly unfold the paper.  “This might just add to your good mood, it certainly did mine.”
She looked on inquisitively as she was handed the newspaper.
Commissioner of Police officially drops investigation into Black Cat after successful hostage situation downtown.
Nami gaped down at the newspaper, barely believing the words staring back at her. She’d never expected this day to come. Her eyes continued scanning below the title.
This news follows after Arlong’s protégé, Hody Jones, was arrested by the superhero duo just yesterday. Black Cat has previously worked with Stealth Black to take down the illusive Arlong Gang, who were running criminal activity and producing body altering drugs.
She could feel tears starting to swim in her eyes but what finished her was the next sentence.
Multiple sources confirm that it was actually Black Cat who pursued Arlong, working undercover, and Stealth Black merely aided.
Sanji’s arm wrapped around her shoulders and he pressed a kiss into her temple, overjoyed for her. She was stuck between wanting to cry and sheer happiness. To not be affiliated with Arlong was a weight off of her shoulders, to not be linked with that vile man.
For people to know the truth.
“This really does add to my day.” They both leaned back on the sofa, basking in the news and Nami used the opportunity to start peeling her orange.
“You’re getting low on those.” He said softly, not wanted to disrupt the peaceful atmosphere that had settled over them.
It was sweet he’d noticed. “I was just thinking that myself. Between here and my apartment, I think I maybe have three left?” She’d made a point of spreading out her oranges when she’d gotten the chance, she spent so much time in between the two places.
Sanji stood, walking over to the door that lead to his outdoor balcony. “I had a thought earlier, and you definitely know more on this topic than me, but I was thinking you should use one of them to grow an orange tree.” He gestured to outside. “There’s more than enough space for it to grow out here and in the winter, we can just move it inside, just outside the balcony. I’ve been doing some research…”
She watched him as he continued to talk about growing an orange tree and explaining what he’d learned. Whilst it was a wonderful idea and she’d happily talk about this all day; the feeling was back. Just like it had been when he came to Bell-mère’s grave.
It came over her so quickly. For him to take the time and research this just to make her happy. All it took was a tree to push her over the edge.
“I love you.”
Whatever he’d been saying was cut short at her interruption. Did he just hear that right? That look on her face was back again. She’d directed that look at him a few times, but he could never figure it out.
It was so open and warm. And now it made sense, the final piece revealing itself.
It was love.
He didn’t bother to finish what he was saying. He strode over to her, leaning over her to cup her face and kiss her full on the lips, trying to pour all of his feelings into it. “I love you too. I think I’ve loved you ever since I first set eyes on you.”
“I’m pretty sure that’s just the leather suit talking.”
“Have you seen yourself in that suit? But I’m pretty sure I knew for certain the moment you swooped in and saved that boy.”
“I was having a good hair day, so I don’t blame you.” She teased, purposefully ignoring what he actually meant.
His hands came down to lightly tickle her sides in retaliation as he settled over whilst she squirmed underneath him. She screeched when he hit a particularly sensitive spot and as Sanji looked down at her, her eyes watering and crinkling from his ministrations, he couldn’t be any more in love with her.
It was true that he’d known for a while, but he never wanted to say it first. He’d wanted her to come to terms with it and have the freedom to say it whenever she wanted. Before Nami, he’d always been unlucky with love. Whatever relationship he had never lasted with his alter ego, he’d learnt the hard way that balance would always be an issue. But she made it so easy, almost like breathing. To have someone to share all of this with.
He could say with confidence that she was the love of his life.
He let up when her hands started to smack at his and she was breathing heavily. He laid down, moving her so she was resting on his chest and catching her breath, whilst one of his hands played with the exposed skin on her side.
The late afternoon light filtered through the room and Sanji had never been more content. He wanted this all the time.
Maybe now was the time to broach this.
“This is nice.”
Nami hummed back at him in agreement, her eyes closed. She almost looked like a cat stretched out, basking in the warmth, and the irony wasn’t lost on Sanji.
“I’ve also been thinking about something else, for a while now, and maybe I’m moving too fast- and this is completely your decision, I won’t be offended if you want to wait or-”
“Just say it.” Her chin now resting on his chest to look at him, aware that he wanted to discuss something. He was so considerate of her feelings, but he had a tendency to work himself up because of it.
“Move in with me.” He blurted out.
Her eyes widened, not expected that at all and when she went to speak, Sanji smoothly cut in.
“It doesn’t have to be right away, there’d be a lot to sort out. Like Robin, we can give her the time to find a new place or roommate- but I have a bigger place and it’s the same distance to work-”
She cut him off with a firm kiss. He was starting to ramble and as adorable as it was, she wanted to enjoy this moment with him. He followed after her when she pulled away, trying to prolong the kiss.
“I’d love to.”
Love is in the air! Hearts are broken around the city as the newly formed superhero duo Black Cat and Stealth Black are confirmed to be a couple.
Black Cat snorted as she read the magazine headline. Stealth had finally snapped when her fans had almost doubled after her investigation was dropped and she was announced as a superhero. They’d been waiting for her after their most recent gang takedown with all new photo’s, eager for her to sign with Zappa was right at the front. All rumours were put to rest when he’d kissed her square on the mouth, the camera’s flashing to get their front-page shot.
The rest of the crowd had gone crazy.
What still tripped her though was the superhero part. It’d jarred her a couple of times when newspapers used it and people, whether police or fans, used it in conjunction with her name.
She was pulled from her thoughts, when Stealth Black came up to her, wrapping his arm around her and asking if she was ready to go. The radio had just warned them about a highspeed car chase moving through the city.
As they soared through the city, the air rushing past them (no doubt tangling her hair) and wrapped around the man she was sure she wanted to spend the rest of her life with, she couldn’t help but think…
Yes, she was technically a superhero now and her life had finally found peace; but if a few jewels went missing along the way… well, old habits die hard.
And that’s a wrap folks.
I spent ages picking the perfect font to differentiate between the newspaper and magazine headlines... AO3 wouldn't let me use the magazine font, FFN and Tumblr this just chose a different font... *sigh* For anyone that's interested, I picked Lucida Calligraphy, apparently for only my enjoyment.
The idea of a prequel or sequel is definitely something I’m chewing on but not for now. I want to unwind; write some smaller things and work on other projects I have ongoing. I post updates on my profile on FFN if you ever want to check in, or just shoot me a message/ask (FFN, AO3, Tumblr, take your pick)- I’m always happy to chat!
Can you even imagine a cop comedy with Luffy and Zoro? The absolute chaos. I also enjoyed sprinkling in Luffy’s inability to keep a secret. The concept of a secret identity is lost on him.
Do you guys remember me saying I was inspired by the Sam Smith song, ‘To die for’? Do you even know how many times I almost killed Sanji/Stealth Black? My angsty fingers were begging. But I’d made Nami suffer enough and I don’t like writing anything that can’t end happily.
Thank you for waiting patiently for me to write this. Please forgive any errors; I write and eyeball this by myself, I do the best I can.
I hope everyone is well and keeping safe.
Until next time.
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