m1sumisu · 1 day
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“What a beautiful eye...”
I saw this photo and it SCREAMED Sanji x Pudding wedding to me !! I can’t believe I’ve never drawn my girl Pudding before either !!
📷: Original Photo by @/xiuxiukong on X.
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weeklyartdump · 2 years
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totaldramafan1998 · 2 months
Double Proposal
You guys ever wondered, if Sanji and Pudding do get together in the near future, do you think Sanji would propose to Pudding?
In my own opinion, I think Sanji would propose to her if he ever found the right time to do so. But I also think Pudding would do the exact same thing. 
Hear me out, they have their own restaurant and Sanji soon decided to get down on one knee in front of everyone and propose to Pudding with a beautiful ring. 
At first, Pudding would be completely shocked by the gesture… before she quickly denies his proposal, much to everyone's shock, especially Sanji. 
Though Sanji would understand, believing that Pudding doesn't want to marry him… before Pudding drops the bomb on him and gets down on one knee like Sanji 
She would have the biggest blush of her life while looking both annoyed and worried before she pulls out a ring of her own and told Sanji she would be the one to propose to him. 
Everyone would be so confused, though some would be thrilled since it would mean that Pudding does want to marry Sanji. 
Sanj would definitely be conflicted by it, mainly since he never thought Pudding would propose to him. Before he just happily said yes to Pudding’s proposal and lifts her up into the air, causing everyone to just clap for them both.
Pudding would again blush... before she just smiled and hugged Sanji while she then placed the ring onto his ring finger before Sanji does the same to her.
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puddingapologist · 8 months
Pudding-Kidnapped Plot Significance Theories (interlinked, but each portion could be individually wrong)
1) Blackbeard doesn't know she has a devil fruit, and his purposes for kidnapping her are unrelated to her memory powers. My impression during WCI is that Pudding's devil fruit was VERY secret, and he wouldn't have had an opportunity to learn about it. Plus, if all he wanted was to steal it, he would have done it already. Why bother keeping her prisoner? He's much too practical-minded for that
2) Pudding is going to play a significant role in fixing Sanji's slowly-but-surely progressing Germa-fication. Specifically, I think once Sanji "loses his heart", her slice of his memories from WCI will act as a back-up save of him at Peak Romanticism. Probably not fully curing (since there a lot of other characters that would make for better "remember who you are!!" candidates), but definitely driving in a deep wedge to facilitate it
3) Blackbeard has plans to nullify each Straw Hat member individually, and i bet he's more than noticed Sanji's weaknesses to Women In Danger. So what better woman to leverage against him than the one he was *very publicly engaged* to? (Except he doesn't realize that Sanji's got the Germa-fication thing going on, and so it's not unlikely that this plan will COMPLETELY fall through for very upsetting reasons, assuming Theory Point #2 happens AFTER a Blackbeard Crew fight. Zoro will be trying to fulfill his "kill me" promise at some point, after all)
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hitohitonika · 8 months
If Sanji has to be straight, I hope he ends up with Pudding. She is adorable, she actually loves him for who he is (kind and brave and good), and the kiss scene breaks my heart every time.
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It was a quiet day in the vinsmoke household.
Pudding the wife of Sanji's was sitting at the table with Sanji, waiting to have dinner, their meals were in front of them, waiting to be eaten, but the couple were waiting for one more person.
Pudding," where is she?", questioned, while tapping her figure on the table. As she looked at the clock on the wall." It's already 7:40," added.
Sanji," if Katrina doesn't come in five minutes, then I'm looking for her," stated, with concern.
Katrina is the daughter of Sanji and Pudding. Who looks like her mother, but, with her father's hair and eyes colour.
It was a Wednesday evening, and Katrina, an 11-year-old child, had been out all day with her friends. But, today she was late in coming home.
As on cue, Katrina had walked into the house. Where, both her parents ran up to her, with worry.
Pudding," where have you been!? Do you know what time it is? Why are you so late?", pouring out with questions? With a light scoled.
Sanji," Katrina, what happened to arm?", asked, seeing a burse on his daughter's arm. That he spotted straight away.
Katrina," some kids and adults pushed me and called me a freak because of my third eye," explained, as she looked down, depressed.
Sanji" did they now,"
Pudding," Sanji! Where is my knife," letting her other personality come out.
Sanji," don't worry, pudding -chan, I'll deal with it, now, Katrina -chan, give me their names," smiled.
Katrina looked at her mum and dad, who looked like they are ready to commit a murder or something. But, she wasn't sure what was going to happen. So, she told her father, the names of the people who hurt her and. Call her a freak.
Sanji nodded and memories the names. Living in a small village, everyone knows each other.
Sanji" got it." Replies. back.
Katrina downcast her head to the floor." Is my third eye really freaky?", questioned. As she sound sad.
Sanji and Pudding hugged their daughter.
Pudding," no, your third eye is beautiful, those people are jealous, and will pay for what they did." Explain.
Sanji," Katrina -chan, you're beautiful just like your mother. And those who hurt you, are just ugly. And I will be right back. I forgot, luffy wanted to come over later, and we have no meat," as he left.
Katrina," I thought the shops are shut?"
Pudding smile at her daughter," oh, there is one open, anyway, let's go have dinner,"
Katrina," okay"
With sanji
Sanji walked outside, with his cigarette lit up, he had called his crew, who lives in the same village.
On the transporter snail.
Luffy," hey! Sanji what up"
Sanji," I am good, anyway, I called to find out if anyone wants to join me in a fight, "
Nami," zoro heard the fight and just left ", said.
Luffy, "so, why we fighting?"
Sanji," some people hurt and called Katrina-chan a freak, now, I am going to beat them up. Wanna join"
Robin," Sanji, give me names"
So, Sanji gave the names and the location to meet.
Luffy," captains new order, beat these people up for bullying Katrina, take their meat. And go."
Usopp," I better I find a place for the bodies."
Nami," they are going to wake up, dead broke."
After hanging up on the snail.
Every one of the straw hats agreed, to join Sanji when they all met up, Nami had to Drag Zoro, in the correct directions.
By the time they were done, with what they were doing and went home.
Sanji walked in seeing his girls sleeping on the sofa, so, he carried them to bed. And by morning, he woke up to pudding who had a little bit of blood on her cheek. He didn't question it,
When pudding woke up to sanji, she noticed the blood on her cheek.
Pudding," don't worry, I didn't kill anyone, I just scared them a little. No one gets away with hurting my baby girl, especially the ones who call her freak," stated, innocently.
Sanji," I agree," smiled, wiping the blood off, before, giving his wife, a morning kiss, before he left to make breakfast .
At breakfast.
Katrina," mama, Papa, what is that red stuff on the knife"
Pudding," only jam," said.
whether she was telling the truth, was unknown. And sanjj, didn't seem bothered about it. And Katrina just shrugged, and waited for breakfast.
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sunnyul · 7 years
Hi can I ask some analysis on some of Sanji ships? ZoSan, LuSan, LawSan, SaNa, SanVio, SanPud?
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ZoSan: They’re basically two sides of the same coin. Though they differ from each other in some aspects, both have core traits of being monstrously powerful, fiercely competitive, and suicidally self-sacrificial. I think their deepest bond comes from sharing the pivotal position of flanking Luffy, and watching out for the crew while their captain takes out the main enemies. They may bicker with each other due to their competitive nature, but it’s mostly friendly rivalry between peers that show how close they are (and they do show agreement on really important matters). Their mutual respect and trust is almost tangible, and I think Sanji in particular deeply admires Zoro’s strength and determination. From Zoro’s perspective, I think it’s rare for someone full of pride like him to actually acknowledge a person’s power and trustworthiness to the point of having absolute confidence. He’s lucky to have Sanji who he can secretly count on to always have his back, really. And of course, the best part of their dynamics is that all of this is mostly left unsaid between them.
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LuSan: The ship that really needs to be reevaluated after the current arc. I don’t doubt that Luffy has equal love for all of his nakama, but Sanji’s the only one who got to hear “I can’t become Pirate King without you” from him. Also, you know just how much Luffy loves to eat, and he went as far as going on a hunger strike for the first time in his life just to get his cook back. It should also be noted that Luffy’s the person who understands Sanji best in terms of personal history. Out of the crew, only Luffy got the hear about Sanji’s experience of starvation and what Zeff and the Baratie meant to him. He was also the only person present when Sanji joined the crew, and up to now no one other than him has ever seen Sanji truly cry. In short, there are a lot of exclusive moments between them. To add on, I think Luffy could be particularly fond of Sanji in that he’s the main provider of what he loves the most: food. Sanji might call him out for bad table manners and such but I can easily imagine him always thanking Luffy for loving his cooking so much.  
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LawSan: At first sight, what clearly ties them together is that they’re both North Blue boys. I haven’t sighted any common denominators in their past stories yet but who knows - what happened in their childhood could be connected in some way or another, given their hometowns’ relative geographic proximity. That being said, it’s interesting how traumatic incidents shaped their characters differently. Whereas Sanji still had enough resilience to maintain his childhood innocence and hope for the future to some extent despite all that he had gone through, Law was totally stripped of his humanity until Corazon went out of his way to mend him back. What resulted in this difference is debatable but it certainly is worth noting. I don’t think it’s likely that they have particular feelings for each other just because they’re both from North Blue, but it’s possible that Law regards Sanji as the most sensible and reliable Straw Hat in terms of strategic planning, since he’s the one who pointed out his flaw and reminded him the bigger picture in Dressrosa. For Sanji, Law’s probably one hell of a picky bastard who deserves to get his ass kicked for hating bread. and umeboshi XD 
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SaNa: Be it in a platonic or romantic sense, I believe Nami holds a special place in Sanji’s heart. She’s probably the first woman he got to interact on a regular basis outside the framework of the Baratie, not to mention that the first mission he had to go through as a Straw Hat was none other than saving her from Arlong. Sanji swoons over just about any lady of course, but I think he genuinely likes Nami’s character, from her cunning nature and wildness to her bravery, kind heart and willingness to sacrifice herself for the sake of everyone else. Nami might constantly brush away Sanji’s swooning out of annoyance, but I think she was so worried about him in the current arc partly because she’s grateful for all the care he shows for her, either consciously or unconsciously. Also, it need not be said that Nami’s the person who had the best understanding of Sanji’s situation and how he must be feeling in this arc, since she had gone through same shit before and that’s when she got to know Sanji as nakama. I think she slapped him not just because he hurt Luffy, but also because she was disappointed that he thought his nakama would be stupid enough to believe his lies and actually throw him out. Anyway the development of their relationship in this arc is quite amazing and I’m definitely looking forward to more intimate moments between them.
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SanVio: Just like Pudding, Viola was deeply touched by Sanji’s pure and kind heart (you could say it was his chivalry that won her heart, but I think at the root of his chivalry lies his gentle caring nature). She could’ve seen more than just Sanji’s skeleton, curly eyebrows and perversion (ahem) with her eyes, like what a heart of gold he has and maybe that’s one of the reasons she thinks so highly of him? Sanji did nosebleed massively after she hugged him and all, but I think this ship is more about how Viola feels for Sanji than vise versa. Their meeting was very brief and Sanji parted with her without getting to know her all that well, but he did manage to leave a lasting powerful impression on her - enough to make her blush and smile with fondness. I have a hunch that they’re going to meet again some way or another and when they actually do reunite, Viola’s going to help out Sanji big time.
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SanPud: Ah, the groom and the bride in question. If Sanji and Pudding really get married, I can imagine their relationship working out pretty well somehow. Sanji has no qualms whatsoever about marrying a three-eyed girl (not only having no qualms but he actually thinks her eye is beautiful) and he’d rejoice when teaching Pudding how to make chocolate (provided that she really does love to make it and wasn’t acting). As for Pudding, well, I think she totally fell for Sanji after he complimented her third eye so Sanji just being Sanji would be enough for her, I assume. Since they both had the traumatic experience of being abused by their own family, I think they can deepen their relationship by talking about their childhood trauma and comforting each other. Sanji in particular can give Pudding a lot of advice and assistance and maybe that would heal her twisted personality to some extent. This is all based on the assumption that they’re getting married of course, but even if they don’t it’s likely that their encounter with each other would become a lasting memory to both of them. After all, they did make each other succumb to tears, albeit on different occasions.      
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sgt-terra · 6 years
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Tbh, day 2 of cosmatsu was the best. I was able to meet my crewmates in person, (especially Capt. 😂 too bad @camille_camiang wasn't around with us 😔) and it's my 1st time doing a double cos. I'm very flattered and happy when we made one of OP's OTP, SanPud (ehehehe) ♡ And one thing, a surprise happened and I suddenly cried demmit 😂😭💖 thanks so so much for thiss Wait a moment... I FINALLY GOT TO MEET HITMAN REBORN COSPLAYERS 😭😭💖💖 especially Tsuna my best husbando ♡♡ aaahhhhhh I do hope we'll meet this coming 2019 huehue #onepiece #onepiececosplay #onepiececosplayer #puddingcharlotte #charlottepudding #puddingcosplay #wholecakeisland #onepiecewedding #heartpirates #piratesofheart #trafalgarlaw #shachi #penguin #shachi_heartpirates #penguin_heartpirates #cosplay #cosplayer #anime #manga #katekyohitmanreborn #hitmanreborn #hitmanreborncosplay #tsunacosplay #sawadatsunayoshi #hibarikyoya #hibaricosplay #gokuderahayato #gokuderacosplay https://www.instagram.com/p/BsB_PdNhP0e/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=iuu3znfqqxzr
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mihawking · 6 years
“Sanpud” sounds more like a harsh martial arts move than a name for a pairing LMAO
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mcaesarclown · 7 years
Ship Meme (Imma send you some of the same ones :'D): DoflaCaesar, VitoSpero, TesoroSpero, TeachSpero, Fem!CCxFem!Spero, SanPudding, BruleexDiesel, and I think that's all I got for now xD
Also uh, this a lot of ships so I’m gonna reply under cut~
A+: OTPA: I love itB: It’s really cuteC: Not a bad shipD: I’m neutral on itE: I don’t really like itF: NOTPN/A: I don’t know the ship well enough
Entirely your fault that I even thought about this ship at all but MAN IT’S ADORABLE, I don’t even care if they haven’t interacted much in canon, your headcanons make up for it plenty~
A+: OTPA: I love itB: It’s really cuteC: Not a bad shipD: I’m neutral on itE: I don’t really like itF: NOTPN/A: I don’t know the ship well enough
Okay like… I sent you that married meme mostly for the lulz but then I started thinking about it more and… this would be a rly cute ship?? Pero’s definitely fabulous enough to be paired with Tesoro XD
A+: OTPA: I love itB: It’s really cuteC: Not a bad shipD: I’m neutral on itE: I don’t really like itF: NOTPN/A: I don’t know the ship well enough
Also your fault, this shit’s dark and twisted and I love it, nuff said
A+: OTPA: I love itB: It’s really cuteC: Not a bad shipD: I’m neutral on itE: I don’t really like itF: NOTPN/A: I don’t know the ship well enough
Just… considering the fact I hardcore ship them normally I’m gonna ship them in any AUs as well, especially if it involves more lesbians 8) 8) 8)
A+: OTPA: I love itB: It’s really cuteC: Not a bad shipD: I’m neutral on itE: I don’t really like itF: NOTPN/A: I don’t know the ship well enough
Sanji… I can’t really ship with many characters, especially not if they’re female, with how he treats them. Pudding deserves someone way better imo ^^;
A+: OTPA: I love itB: It’s really cuteC: Not a bad shipD: I’m neutral on itE: I don’t really like itF: NOTPN/A: I don’t know the ship well enough
I didn’t actually think about this ship until, again, you pointed it out but I think it could be super cute 8D So yas, shipit~
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totaldramafan1998 · 2 months
Charlotte Pudding: Straw Hat Sous Chef Headcanon 6
Pudding and Sanji before their reformed Relationship
Sanji and Pudding did not hit it off immediately after she joined the Straw Hats (mainly since they barely knew each other, and they were in an arranged marriage that was fake)
At first, they both struggled working together in the kitchen due to the fact that Pudding struggled with her emotions for the curly brow chef while Sanji tried to give Pudding her space and privacy, mainly since he thought she still hated him
After 3 weeks being with the crew, Pudding slowly began to control her emotions and help Sanji out more in the kitchen. (Seeing how tired Sanji was and how much work he put on himself) 
This led to Pudding teaching herself how to cook different types of recipes besides pastries and desserts, wanting to take her role as Sous Chef seriously. Much to Sanji’s surprise and impressiveness
After a while, Sanji and Pudding slowly began to socialize with one another more often; chatting about their own passion for cooking, learning more about their past (and their past trauma) and even teaching each other different types of recipes they’ve learned throughout their lives 
This soon gave both Sanji and Pudding a new perspective on one another, resulting in Sanji to actually form a crush on the Three-Eyed Sous Chef while Pudding’s feelings for Sanji grew even more than ever
Nearly 2 months after joining the crew, Pudding decided to admit to Sanji how she truly felt for him and gave him back the memory she stole from him back in Totto Land
Sanji was bewildered and shocked about the returned memory before Pudding admitted she did it because she never wanted to hold Sanji back and she never forgave herself for lying to him and breaking his heart
Pudding thought Sanji would be mad at her… before she was surprised to be embraced by him. Sanji soon forgave Pudding and admitted to having falling for her ever since she joined their crew, seeing her true self no longer hiding behind a fake smile and seeing how amazing she’s been as his sous chef
This soon resulted in the two officially becoming a couple while also agreeing to take things slow and have more boundaries, wanting to start out fresh for both their sakes… which was after Pudding gave Sanji a surprise kiss on the lips… which he accepted full heartedly 
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weeklyartdump · 2 years
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Let me Cater 2 U.
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totaldramafan1998 · 3 months
This here is a direct prequel to my One Piece 2023 fic about Pudding's first birthday as a Straw Hat Pirate
However, this one will focus on when Sanji learns about Pudding's special day coming along with her traumatic past of her previous birthdays
Happy Birthday once again, Charlotte Pudding
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totaldramafan1998 · 5 months
A One Piece Time Skip AU fic where Sanji is now the owner and captain of his very own sea restaurant/pirate ship while Pudding is the Head-Baker and Vice-Captain of the ship.
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weeklyartdump · 2 years
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totaldramafan1998 · 7 months
My first fanfic of 2024 (I seriously need to get my mojo back somehow)
And it is a late Valentine's Day One Piece One-shot... featuring Sanji x Pudding.
Which takes place in my AU where Pudding joins the Straw Hats as their newest Sous Chef.
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