#sans and mae are also in there.
dawnblade · 1 year
dumping more heron doodles LOL theyre all just bust sketches cause i like to draw his face.
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irt short hair pic he just really doesnt like his hair that short LOL
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minish-mae · 2 years
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"I'll just be a hinderance to you!" "You won't hinder me. Relax gege."
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arleniansdoodles · 3 months
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Inspired by a "La Belle Dame sans Merci"-esque painting (included below because I couldn't find the artist), here's Noa and Mae again! Please forgive the messy sketchiness, I was getting kinda tired while drawing and decided to wrap it up as it is loll
I could've used La Belle Dame itself as a reference, but that one's been redrawn plenty of times, and because of that I feel like it's lost a bit of the novelty, if y'know what I mean? So I wanted to try something different while still keeping the same vibe, if possible!
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Also, here's the first fanart I technically did for Kingdom but never posted before! I went for a more stylized look because it was my first time drawing apes and boy oh boy was I struggling XDD
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summercomfort · 9 months
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in my pursuit of ever-increasingly niche comics, I drew a 13 page comic about Tape v Hurley, a court case about Chinese-American school segregation in 1885. The rest of the pages are after the readmore, as well as on AO3 here. More obsure Chinese American court case comics are there, as well.
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Historical Notes
Mary and Joseph Tape were not born in America, but their names and identities were very much formed in America. Joseph Tape was born Jeu Dip in Guangdong, China, immigrated the America when he was twelve, and spent his teenage years working as a house servant in an Irish household. Mary arrived in America at the age of eleven, and was found and raised as Mary McGladery in a Protestant orphanage as the only Chinese child amongst ~80 children. Both Mary and Jeu spent their formative years amongst White Christian families, so when Jeu Dip and Mary married in 1875, little wonder that Jeu picked the English name of Joseph Tape -- Joseph to match with Mary, and the German last name Tape as a nod to his former name of Dip.
The Tape family lived about 14 blocks outside of Chinatown, in a primarily white neighborhood. They dressed in Western clothing, spoke English at home, and Mamie grew up playing with non-Chinese kids. Naturally, they wanted their children to attend the local elementary school, a mere 3 blocks from their home. The principal, Ms. Hurley, denied her entrance, claiming that she was “filthy and diseased.” At the time, there was no public school option for Chinese children -- the 1870 state law stipulated separate schools for “African and Indian children” only, not Chinese. The Tape family, with the help of the Chinese Six Companies, their church, and the Chinese consulate, decided to sue, claiming that the 1880 California school code guaranteed everyone a right to public education and that this was a violation of the 14th Amendment.
They won.
But this was 1885, three years after the passage of the Chinese Exclusion Act and six years before Plessy v Ferguson. Regardless of what the California Supreme Court might decide, public sentiment was on the side of the San Francisco school district. Determined to keep out this “invasion of Mongol barbarism”, the California State Legislature passed a law permitting separate schools for Chinese children, which then allowed Principal Hurley to reject Mamie Tape once more.
While Mamie was rejected from the Spring Valley Elementary School for being Chinese, she also had a hard time fitting in to the Chinese public school. The Chinese merchants saw Western education as something primarily for boys. (Their girl children learned from their mothers at home.) Mamie, a girl dressed in Western clothes, would have stood out like a sore thumb. The final panel of the comic was based on a photo from three years later, and even then, Mamie was the only girl.
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Places where I fudged the history: Frank, Mamie’s younger brother, was actually six years old and should have been more present in the comic, but I wante to keep the focus on Mamie and Mary. Also, Mamie had actually shown up to her first day of school in Western clothes. An earlier draft of the comic had a separate arc involving Mamie feeling rejected at school and Mary buying her some Chinese clothes, but that got too long and complicated.
Much of this was drawn from Mae Ngai’s book about the Tape family and their experiences as 2nd and 3rd generation Chinese Americans, titled “The Lucky Ones.”
Here is Mary Tape's letter to the San Francisco School Board, 1885:
1769 Green Street. San Francisco, April 8, 1885. To the Board of Education - Dear Sirs: I see that you are going to make all sorts of excuses to keep my child out off the Public schools. Dear sirs, Will you please to tell me! Is it a disgrace to be Born a Chinese? Didn’t God make us all!!! What right have you to bar my children out of the school because she is a chinese Decend. They is no other worldly reason that you could keep her out, except that. I suppose, you all goes to churches on Sundays! Do you call that a Christian act to compell my little children to go so far to a school that is made in purpose for them. My children don’t dress like the other Chinese. They look just as phunny amongst them as the Chinese dress in Chinese look amongst you Caucasians. Besides, if I had any wish to send them to a chinese school I could have sent them two years ago without going to all this trouble. You have expended a lot of the Public money foolishly, all because ofa one poor little Child. Her playmates is all Caucasians ever since she could toddle around. If she is good enough to play with them! Then is she not good enough to be in the same room and studie with them? You had better come and see for yourselves. See if the Tape’s is not same as other Caucasians, except in features. It seems no matter how a Chinese may live and dress so long as you know they Chinese. Then they are hated as one. There is not any right or justice for them. You have seen my husband and child. You told him it wasn’t Mamie Tape you object to. If it were not Mamie Tape you object to, then why didn’t you let her attend the school nearest her home! Instead of first making one pre tense Then another pretense of some kind to keep her out? It seems to me Mr. Moulder has a grudge against this Eight-year-old Mamie Tape. I know they is no other child I mean Chinese child! care to go to your public Chinese school. May you Mr. Moulder, never be persecuted like the way you have persecuted little Mamie Tape. Mamie Tape will never attend any of the Chinese schools of your making! Never!!! I will let the world see sir What justice there is When it is govern by the Race prejudice men! Just because she is of the Chinese decend, not because she don’t dress like you because she does. Just because she is descended of Chinese parents I guess she is more of a American then a good many of you that is going to prewent her being Educated. Mrs. M. Tape
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astral-maria · 4 months
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So, here is my contribution to the fandom. I am absolutely obsessed with these two and I am happy to consume any content involving them. I had been thinking about how this particular scene from Princess Mononoke represented Noa and Mae so much and then I saw another account mention the exact same thing. They asked for fanart and I decided to answer! So this one is for all of my fellow shippers and those who also see the connection between these two and Ashitaka and San. ~ <3
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suzukiblu · 9 months
Cassie makes a claybaby please!
“Oh gods,” Cassie says just a little bit hysterically. Did she make an actual Wonder Baby? Please tell her she didn’t make an actual Wonder Baby. How is she supposed to raise a Wonder Baby?! She can’t put a Wonder Baby in daycare! She can’t even ask her mom to watch her! What if she can fly?! She might just take off into the sky and get lost somewhere! She might get kidnapped by a supervillain or crash into a plane or get eaten by a fucking grue! 
“Then genetically speaking, do I need to set up a cover for a biobaby or a foster one?” Tim asks, eyeing Mae assessingly. 
“I still don’t have answers for any of this, Tim!” Cassie hisses at him. “I was very clear about my lack of answers for any of this, Tim!” 
“DNA test it is,” he says, patting at his pockets like he’s looking for an evidence bag. Given it’s Tim, she wouldn’t be surprised if he had a few, but that really doesn’t feel like an immediate priority. This is a crisis and not every crisis can be solved with Bat-prep! “She looks too young for preschool, but I can update my list of local childcare and kids’ programs in Gateway City.” 
“You just said that like you have a list of local childcare and kids’ programs in Gateway City,” Anita says. 
“I do,” Tim says, giving her a puzzled look, like why wouldn't he have a list of local childcare and kids’ programs in Gateway City. 
“. . . why,” Cissie says. 
“De-aging incidents, time travel, unanticipated custody issues or accidental pregnancies, emergency foster situations–” Tim starts ticking off, and Cassie cuts him off while making a note to recommend more therapy to him. Like, just a little bit more. 
“Why do you have one of those for specifically my city?” she says. 
“I don’t,” Tim says. “I have one for all our cities and also San Francisco and Happy Harbor. I update them on a rolling six-month schedule.” 
“. . . Tim,” Cissie says, staring incredulously at him. “You have problems.” 
“Do you want to have a list of capable and not-supervillain-compromised pediatricians on hand the next time the Justice League gets turned into kids or not?” Tim asks, looking mildly annoyed. 
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croquis-el · 11 days
Chihiro (Mia Fey) did not try to insult or belittle Naruhodo (Phoenix Wright) in 3-1
Now that I have your attention, I'll explain
I don't know why the localization decided to make Chihiro a toxic lady, but in the original, she acts completely differently.
Yes, she still cringes at the mention of "heavenly love" from Hodō and acts very nervous, but she doesn't drip sarcasm like in the English version. For me, her words were quite cruel and unpleasant.
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I think in the localization she meant the most offensive nickname for boys (honestly, I'm shocked that such a thing exists). I won't write it here, I hope you understand me. In the original, she's just disappointed that he deceived her.
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こ、コラコラ! 依頼人を泣かせてどうするんぢゃ!
ko, korakora! Irai hito o naka sete dō suru n dji ~ya!
Hey, hey! What are you trying to do by making your client cry?
ī ndesu ~tsu!
It's okay!
わ……私……信じていたのに! なるほどさんのコト・・・・
wa… … watashi… … shinjite ita no ni!Naruhodo-san no koto
I... I... believed in him! Naruhodo-san...
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あの・・・・なるほどくんの、 どこにキュンっと来たのですか?
ano... naruhodo-kun no, dokoni kyun tto kita nodesu ka?
Um... What was it about Naruhodo-kun that made you fall in love with him?
“tadano kazehiki Nī-san”.... Kojin-teki ni wa, son'na kanjidesukedo.
"Ordinary brother with a cold"....
That's how I personally feel.
・・・・でも、半年前のリュウちゃんは とっても、お元気そうでしたわ。
demo, hantoshi mae no Ryū-chan wa tottemo, o genki-sō de shita wa.
...But Ryu-chan looked very healthy six months ago.
カゼひきですらなければ、 それこそ“ただのニイさん”…………
kaze hikidesu ra nakereba, sore koso “tadano Nī-san”…
If he hadn't caught a cold, he would have been "ordinary brother"...
カゼひき (kazehiki) - catching a cold, person with a cold
ただ (tada) - ordinary, common, usual
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She doesn't call him a "typical snotty-nosed college brat", implying that there's nothing good about him.
She doesn't touch rest of the planet, comparing Hodo to "a dime a dozen".
In the original, Chihiro calls him an "ordinary little brother", hinting at the younger brother figure who you want to pity, plus who also has a cold (+ to care). Yes, Chihiro doesn't see Hodo as a strong person (yet; and she doesn't need to), but at least she doesn't humiliate him. Chihiro even starts addressing him as Naruhodo-kun instead of Naruhodo-san..
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なるほどくん・・・・あなたは、 考えたことがあるかしら。
naruhodo-kun anata wa, kangaeta koto ga aru kashira.
Naruhodo-kun... have you ever thought about it?
美柳ちなみが、“なぜ” あなたとつきあっているか?
Miyanagi Chinami ga, “naze” anata to tsukiatte iru ka?
"Why" is Chinami Miyanagi dating you?
そ、それは・・・モチロン、 ボクにクビったけ・・・・
so, soreha mochiron, boku ni kubittake
That's... of course, she's madly in love with me...
(なるほどくん・・・・おねがい! もう、目をさまして・・・・)
(naruhodo-kun onegai! Mō,-me o samashite)
(Naruhodo-kun... please! Wake up already...)
・・・・審理がここまで来れば、 だれでもわかることなのよ。
shinri ga koko made kureba, dare demo wakaru kotona no yo.
...If the trial has come this far, anyone can see that.
She doesn't say "a woman like her", doesn't put a negative spin on the comparison. There's no sense of a lofty "her" and a pathetic "you".
Chihiro asks the question, focusing on the reason for their union (the bottle pendant around his neck), without any hint that they are as different as heaven and earth.
It's no wonder that people have completely different impressions of characters; a few extra words are enough for someone to appear to us in a different light.
I probably ruined Chihiro's image for some people, but that's a fact.
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chameleon66 · 2 months
Hazbin Hotel Baxter theories
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As many Hazbin hotel fans have been patiently waiting for season two to be released, Vivizepop gave us a sneak peak at an unfinished scene at the San Diego comic con that’s going to be in season two.
And in that scene we are introduced to a new character, Baxter. Baxter actually used to be part of the main cast for Hazbin hotel (Back in the Zoophobia days) before his role in the show was given to Sir Pentious. So in this post I’m going to discuss some possible theories for what Baxter’s role in the series might be, how his prescenes will affect the rest of the cast and the storyline, and what we know about him so far.
Chapter #1 Who’s Baxter?
In the clip we are shown that Baxter is a scientist who came to the hotel not looking for redemption but to study the idea of redemption, he claims that he doesn’t believe redemption is actually a thing that can happen so that’s why he came to the hotel.
Baxter first appeared in the Hazbin Hotel Pilot, however only his silhouette was shown. Then in the season one, episode two Radio Killed the Video Star we see him on one of Vox’s screens. Keep this clip in mind because we’re gonna come back to it later. Then we see him Cameo again in the Season one finale, the show must go on. Where he is watching the news about how the extermination was canceled. So his character is yet to be formally introduced to us but that doesn’t mean we don’t know anything about him.
According to the Hazbin Hotel Wiki, we have some information that has been revealed through posts, livestreams and others I’m pretty sure fans just made up, so take some of these with a grain of salt. Also keep some of them in mind because we’re gonna be coming back to them a little later.
Baxter appears to be an Angler fish sinner since he has a very dark and muted color palette with the occasional pop of bright colors like teal, yellow, or red which are commonly seen on ocean predators who live in deep parts of the ocean. Also according to Faustisse Baxter also has an underbite referencing another trait that’s common among Angler fish. Baxter also has fish like finns on the sides of his head and an esca (That thing Angler fish have on their head that light’s up to attract their prey). Like what was seen in Finding Nemo. One theory I’ve heard a few times is that Baxter might be trans since in real life, only female Angler fish have an esca. I would like to see this because 1. It seems like it would be good representation for the transgender community and 2. It would really add some depth to his character.
I’m not sure how high the chances are that Baxter is actually Trandsgender or if we’ll even get it confirmed within the show or by one of the cast or crew members but regardless I think it is a good concept for his character that may happen. I mean we already got one canonically confirmed within the Hellaverse. When in Hazbin Hotel’s sister show, Helluva boss, we were introduced to Sallie Mae, Millie’s older sister.
Fans first guessed she was transgender when they noticed her horns. In Imps in Helluva Boss, males have black and white horns with equal sized bands of each color while the females have black horns with smaller white bands but Sallie’s horns are of that of male variety so that was what first made fans believed she was a transgender women, Then in June of this year to celebrate pride month they released this piece of merchandise with the whole cast and decked out in pride flags which confirmed many of the characters sexualities. One of which being Sallie Mae who in that art was confirmed to be not only a lesbian but also Transgender. So the point here is since they already got one character who is confirmed to be transgender, another one probably isn’t out of the question. Ok back to Baxter.
Baxter was previously said to have died on the titanic however this was later changed because Vivzie didn’t want any real life events tied to characters death (especially tragic one to avoid coming off as insensitive), so it’s now said that Baxter died in a large boat that sank in the 1910s and officially the main cause of death was drowning which probably contributed to his aquatic demon sinner form.
It said on the wiki Baxter likes Science, Laboratories, and mad science experiments. But he dislikes being touched, this could imply he’s touch averse, touch starved, or maybe he just isn't comfortable with physical contact. It’s yet to be confirmed if he will have a laboratory in the hotel but I think he might just turn his room into one when he stays at the hotel. Personality wise Baxter’s personality is said to still be in development but Vivize likens him to the character Myron Reducto from the show Hervey Birdman in his mannerisms. He is screechy, neurotic, fidgety, anti-social “gremlin” and an all-round mess. He is introverted and wanted nothing to do with anyone preferring to do science alone in peace. I have a feeling that as soon as we are introduced to Baxter in the show he’s gonna automatically become a fan favorite, he just has all of the traits. Now we’ve gotten to know Baxter a little bit better it’s time to discuss him and what he’s gonna bring to the series.
Chapter #2 Charlie and Baxter
Charlie is ecstatic to have another guest staying at the hotel but she is definitely still trying to heal from losing Sir Pentious in the battle. Because it’s pretty clear she’s kind of labeling Baxter as a replacement for Sir Pentious due to them having shared characteristics, such as being Inventors/Scientists, having very old school styles of dressing, having quite similar mannerisms/ hand gestures while talking to people, and they honestly kind of sound similar too. (But that may be just a me thing)
Charlie has also made this clear because even after Baxter tells Charlie his name she continues to call him Pentious, albeit by accident but the point still stands. This could become a plot point where Charlie continues to treat Baxter like he’s Sir Pentious and this makes Baxter upset until he most likely snaps at her and she’s forced to finally deal with her grief over losing Sir Pentious. Which Charlie may be trying to hide because she wants to be a strong leader for everyone else during this difficult and confusing time but while she’s allowing everyone to dump their feelings and problems onto her while she’s continuously being forced to hold her tongue and play therapist for everyone. Husk really was right there. “Princess, is a bleeding heart who wants to solve everyone else’s problems except her own.” - Husk, Season one, episode four, Masquerade.
I mean, don’t get me wrong here. No one in the hotel is completely okay. They’re all got problems, trauma, and insecurities. But trying to help others improve themselves and get through hard times is no excuse for Charlie to be neglecting her own needs. And I think that with Baxter joining the crew at the hotel, it’s really going to bring Charlie’s problems to light.
Chapter #3 Sir Pentious and Baxter’s connection
We also learn in the clip he has a connection to Sir Pentious somehow, as when Charlie mentions him in the sneak peek clip, He says that he’s nothing like him and calls him “A pompous snake”. This means the two sinners knew each other, that feels likely since both of them are Inventors/Scientists who died around similar times.
I have seen this one idea floating around the internet that Baxter was actually the one who helped Pentious create his Egg Boiz which would make since Baxter called himself a mad scientist and in a lot of cases mad scientists try and create life through their experiments and we’ve seen that Baxter actually has a bag will crab eyes and legs which is pretty likely he created. And it feels unlikely Pentious would have created the Egg Boiz on his own because he had always been portrayed working with machinery and steampunk kind of equipment; we've never seen him create anything living, so that means he at the very least probably had some help creating his henchmen. It’s also confirmed in the Finale that at least one of the Egg Boiz still remains in Hell after the battle in which Sir Pentious and what seems to be many of the Egg Boiz died in too. So maybe that remaining Egg Boi will recognize Baxter and spill some information about him to the rest of the cast. Since it has been shown they have a habit of spilling information they weren’t supposed to, as we saw in the season one, episode three, Scrambled Eggs.
An idea I had was that Sir Pentious and Baxter were rivals that maybe used to be lab partners but then had a falling out for whatever reason. It was confirmed we would see more of Sir Pentious’s past so that could mean we could see what the connection is between him and Baxter. Another idea here is that after Baxter hits his limit of Charlie constantly making him the replacement for Sir Pentious he reveals what happened between him and Sir Pentious in some kind of dramatic flashback or maybe even a musical number (Now that would be fun to watch).
Chapter #4 Baxter’s love interest?
Another character in Hazbin hotel I think will become close with Baxter is Nifty. I’ve seen a few posts online where Baxter and Nifty are being shipped together. Personally I think the Ship is very cute, but since we haven’t seen much of Baxter yet there isn’t much ground for a relationship to be built on. But There is some evidence out there to suggest that Nifty and Baxter might have a romantic relationship with each other within the show.
Back in the pilot days of Hazbin Hotel Vivziepop used to draw Nifty and Baxter together during livestreams and in one she even drew them sharing a milkshake together with Nifty not so subtly staring at Baxter. Keep in mind before Baxter was going to have Sir Pentious’s role in the series and Nifty during the episode Pentious was introduced in was infatuated by him but by the end of the episode she’s over him because she learns he’s not “A bad boy”. Throughout the show Nifty has been shown to have a thing for bad boys. Baxter is much more rebellious than Sir Pentious ever was and with Nifty’s track record it wouldn’t surprise me if she was attracted to him.
Baxter on the other hand would probably be a little less cheerful towards Nifty, since he’s not very social and prefers to be on his own. Nifty however couldn’t be more different in that sense. She’s shown to enjoy being in the company of people regardless of who she’s with in most circumstances. I can see a sort of HuskerDust dynamic here, with Nifty constantly bugging Baxter to try and get his attention while Baxter is just annoyed with her continuous antics.
However that being said, I think Baxter and Nifty could actually make a great match. Because while they are very different from each other they also have things in common. Like both enjoying doing experiments though Baxter’s are probably less chaotic and more scientific, they both are labeled as “Gremlins”, and appearance wise they are both two of the shortest members of the cast. I honestly can see a sort of scenario where Nifty as a show of her affection towards Baxter giving him some kind of dead insects or animal that she killed maybe and instead of getting grossed or weirded out like everyone else does with her, he’d be curious and ask her if she’d be okay if he did some kind of experiment on it and then she’d just get all excited and gleefully follow him to his lab to watch him work. Maybe I need to write this later as a short Fanfic, would you guys be interested in seeing that? Let me know.
Anyway, Nifty and Baxter have the potential to have a very cool dynamic whether as a couple or as just friends and it also gives us some potential to see Nifty developed more since so far in the show she’s been only portrayed as the maniac maid in the hotel and as comic relief which works great but I think some depth to her character could make her that much better. Some dynamics/Tropes I could see them having included. Opposites attract, We’re not so different after all, Pure looking (But super shady) x Scary looking (But is actually a softie), Chaotic baddie x Sweet baddie, Energetic x Serious, and Mad scientist duo.
Chapter #5 Alastor and Baxter
Of course we’re talking about Alastor here. It wouldn’t be A Hazbin Hotel analysis/theory if we didn’t talk about Alastor. Alastor is a fan favorite within the fandom and it’s not hard to see why, he’s entertaining, funny, and has a lot of mystery about him. Something for everyone within the fandom to enjoy. I has been said we’re going to see more of Alastor’s past in season two which I think is going to give us more insight into his intentions, because right now it’s clear he’s playing a bigger game than he’s letting on but he also has his own little deal that he’s not letting anyone else no about and if you mention it bad things happen. Just ask Husk. (Play the scene here)
Alastor in the finale loses his fight to Adam and afterwards has a mental breakdown where he’s singing in riddles and not giving us exact answers because of course not they don’t wanna make things too easy for us to figure out. Alastor is clearly shaken up and is now definitely looking to speed things up in his plan and break his contract with whoever’s leash he’s on. But he also is still going to have to keep up appearances by helping Charlie with the hotel and keeping his listeners convinced he’s the almighty radio demon. And Baxter might just be involved in his plan, either as an ally or as an hindrance depending on which way everything goes in. Let’s break it down.
Alastor likes to have control with what’s going around him including with the people, that’s one of the main reasons he makes deals with people, to ensure he’s the one with the power. With the arrival of a new face in the hotel Alastor is probably eager to see what he can get out of Baxter. Since that’s something Alastor does with people too, he doesn’t just keep someone around for nothing, most times it’s either to get something from them or just to keep up appearance as a “Nice guy”
One of my speculations comes from a moment in the finale. When Alastor’s staff breaks in his fight with Adam, then we see him have his solo in the finale song and his staff is still shown to be broken. Then he comes in at the end of the song he doesn’t have it with him. Now we aren’t exactly how Alastor’s staff works in the pilot its shown to be alive which I’m not sure is still a thing but I think it’s a pretty safe bet that Alastor probably can’t fix it on his own since if he could’ve he probably would have before he returned to the main group to wrap up the song. So maybe after Alastor realizes that Baxter is quite intelligent, he goes to him to see if Baxter could possibly repair his staff for him, which Baxter might do as part of a deal they make for whatever hopefully plot relevant reason, because Alastor threatened him to do so, or maybe just out of mutual respect.
Because I think Baxter and Alastor might become relatively close with each other. I’m not saying they’ll be friends but they might come to some kind of partnership or alliance for both of their benefits. It could start with Nifty telling Alastor about Baxter (Since it’s been shown the two are actually kind of close with each other, though with Alastor it could be all fake) which could bring Alastor to the idea to make use of having Baxter around the hotel but then Alastor come to realize he actually doesn’t mind Baxter as much as everyone else in the hotel. Think about it, everyone in the hotel wants to become closer with each other and Alastor is usually having none of it. Since he likes to keep his cards close to his chest as they say. Especially with more bubbly and cheerful characters like Charlie, Nifty, and Frank around the hotel always trying to get closer to Alastor and figure him out. Even with less cheery characters like Angel, Husk, and Vaggie they all are kind of trying to figure Alastor out and get a read on him. I can imagine Alastor getting sick of all this but of course not directly saying it to any of them under most circumstances to keep up appearances with characters who he has trust with.
Alastor might find Baxter to be a refreshing change since he’s said to be very introverted and prefers to work alone. Baxter reads to me as the kind of guy who won’t bother you as long as you don’t bother him, Alastor could find this nice and see that Baxter has the potential to be a good ally. But at the same time, Alastor could also view Baxter as a threat to his plan and try to bring Baxter down in whatever way he can. Which brings me to my next speculation.
Chapter #6 Why did Baxter come to the Hotel?
Everyone in the hotel came to the hotel for a reason whether they claim something different or otherwise. Vaggie is there to support her girlfriend, Lucifer is there to support his daughter, Angel Dust claims to be staying there so he had somewhere to live where he didn’t have to pay rent but to me he’s there to try and redeem himself so he can try and break his contract with Valintino, Husk and Nifty came because of Alastor, and Alastor claimed to come there for the entertainment and to help Charlie succeed, though no one there is completely buying that story. Baxter claimed that he came to the hotel to study redemption but I’m not going to take that claim at face value because there is some evidence to push that Baxter isn’t there just to experiment with the idea of redemption but to also hide from something or rather someone.
We’ve been told that the Vees are going to be major antagonists in season two, we aren’t sure what they’re plan is but it’s clear they’ve now got their heads in the game. Now here’s the big speculation that I’m honestly surprised hasn’t been talked about more. What if Baxter used to work for the vees, specifically Vox. Now at first this might feel like a stretch but if you take a step back then it actually makes sense within the show. Remember that clip from season one episode two I wanted you to remember for later, well now it's time to discuss it.
In the clip of Vox spying on everyone we see Baxter on one of Vox’s screen and he appears to be in a place very similar to The Vee’s meeting place which we see in the same episode, now there’s no way to confirm it’s the Vee’s meeting place but you can't deny the similar wall coloring and the how similar the chairs look. Baxter also seems to fit the bill for a person who’d work for Vox because he has the dark and muted base colors with the brighter blue and red accents on him. Much like Vox and his other employees that we’ve seen. Baxter is also a sinner based on an aquatic life which also fits with Vox’s theme since we’ve seen Vox’s employees such as one that appears to be his assistant and he has a tail which looks similar to that of an axolotl or maybe a sting rays, either way it definitely looks like some kind of aquatic animal’s tail to me. This also fits with Vox because in his lair he has a giant tank where he has several of what look to be sharks but maybe some Hell mutation of them. To me it wouldn’t be to far fetched if maybe Baxter used to work as part of the science department at Vox tech, we haven’t heard of him doing much tech related work but that could be because we haven’t been introduced to him yet officially in the show and he very well may be versatile in his work with science.
Ok let’s entertain the idea that Bxter used to work for Vox and by extension the other Vees. What would that mean for the sake of the plot and storyline? It could be like the other case where the Vees sent sir Pentious to the hotel to act as a man on the inside to gather information on Alastor. But this doesn’t feel very likely to me. 1. Because the Vees probably wouldn’t be dumb enough to try doing the same thing twice, 2. The writer’s of the show probably wouldn’t be as uncreative to reuse the same idea twice for very similar characters. So why else would Baxter be at the hotel in this hypothetical scenario where he used to work for the Vees? Maybe it will help if we first try and figure out why Baxter no longer works for the Vees.
Because we can already rule out that Vox fired him, because let’s be real here. If the Vox wanted to fire Baxter he would use real fire, that and/or Baxter wouldn’t make it out alive. Since They themselves have said to shoot the lowest earners among their employees. So it’s likely the Vees didn’t willingly let Baxter go. It’s also pretty much known that The Vee’s own their Employees souls like all overlords, It’s pretty likely that if Baxter did work for Vox at some point then Vox would have owned his soul too. And if Vox has the same style as Valintino then he would have his employees sign a contract that confirms they own their soul or something along those lines. Maybe Vox just didn’t read his own terms and conditions and Baxter found a loophole somewhere in his contract that broke his deal with Vox setting him free. This doesn’t feel out of character for Vox because unlike Alastor he isn’t always looking at the bigger picture, rather he just tunnel visions onto one single thing and then the rest of the details just fly under his radar.
Baxter's motivation for breaking his contract with Vox isn’t too hard to figure out either, it’s pretty clear the Vee’s aren’t the best people and treat their employees horribly so it’d probably push Baxter to his breaking point and make him want to be free from them. What happened could be that after Sir Pentious and Baxter had their falling out, Baxter began to fall on hard times and when Vox found him and wanted to hire he probably immediately took the chance not knowing the risks of doing so. It’s a pretty common tactic among Overlords in Hell like people in real life to target people when they are most desperate or in vulnerable positions because they’re more likely to agree to whatever you want them to.
Now obviously the Vee’s (More specifically Vox) probably wouldn’t like that Baxter tricked them out of his contract so they’d probably want to get him back or eliminate him entirely to eliminate the risk of him telling the press about how horribly they treat the people who work for them or just how bad they are in general, which the only reason their current employees probably don’t do that is because they’re bound by contract. But Baxter isn’t, not anymore at least. So let’s say Baxter is now on the run, he’d definitely need somewhere else to stay and that’s why Baxter really came to the Hotel, think about it. There are a lot of powerful people in the hotel like Charlie, Alastor and even Lucifer himself so by putting himself next to some of the most powerful people in Hell now makes him have a protective wall around him because now that he’s a resident at the hotel everyone else is now obligated to protect him from the Vees. And as we learned from Angel dust he doesn’t even have to pay them to live there.
But now this creates another problem for Baxter, now that he’s living in the same place Sir Pentious used to live and we know how things went for Sir Pentious. Imagine what would happen if someone. Anyone in the hotel found out he had ties to the Vees, even if he uses the past tense it’ll look all too suspicious especially after what happened with Sir Pentious, the people at the hotel know that the Vees are known to do this kind of thing. But Baxter now doesn't work for them anymore in this scenario. Which he can use to try and convince the others they're wrong but it’s not guaranteed to work. Especially taking into account one specific character. I’ll give you a hint, his name starts with an A and ends with a Lastor. In case you don’t get it, that’s Alastor.
Chapter #7 The betrayal?
Now there’s a lot of Potential in this scenario if Alastor finds out Baxter used to work for Vees and by extension Vox. Since they’re rivals and while Alastor wasn’t very phased when Vox tried to pull this trick the first time, imagine it the second time after all of the events that happened. Alastor realizing he’s not the most powerful piece on the board and he can be bested, Alastor taking a liking to Baxter and asking him to repair his staff for him. Even if it wasn't at the front of his head, Alastor was likely building a connection to Baxter and maybe even a little trust. But now that he finds out about Baxter’s past with working for Vox, his enemy. Alastor is automatically going to assume that this a part in some grand scheme from Vox to takeover and possibly even end him. And after that confidence hit he took from Adam he’s going to be feeling extra defensive about himself and his safety.
Baxter would either be kicked out of the hotel or at the very least put on some kind of parol or house arrest in the hotel and since no one would really be sure if they can trust him. Meanwhile Nifty can be forced away from Baxter by Alastor because he wants to protect her, again we are not sure if Alastor genuinely cares for Nifty or she is just another pawn in his game. But either way Alastor could want as little to do with Baxter as a way to protect himself and his own plan, whatever that may be. And what do you know? You’ve got yourself a good old star crossed lovers story between Nifty and Baxter. This literally writes itself.
Chapter 8 The conclusion
To wrap this all up, I want to say that Baxter has the potential to be a key character in Hazbin hotel and whether or not any of my predictions, theories, or analyses come true. I’m sure Baxter is going to be a great addition to the cast of Hazbin Hotel.
Chapter #9 Bonus stuff
Wow, you’re still reading. I’m impressed. I was convinced no one would read this whole thing because of how long it is. So Thank you for reading my weird jumble of thoughts related to one of my biggest current hyperfixations. And now as a reward for making it this far, I give to you some random headcanons about Baxter that I just came up with or found on tumblr or other online platforms with but couldn’t find a way to fit into my predictions/theories. Enjoy.
Baxter headcanons
- Introverted as hell; mostly because he finds people confusing and hard to deal with, or people will find him off putting or weird and make fun of him for really just being himself. So for him it’s just easier to be on his own and maybe kind of lonely then have to put up with people he finds annoying.
- He has built up an immunity to several different types of poison and drugs while testing various concoctions of his and now enjoys the taste of some.
- If you’re nice and respectful towards him there is a much higher chance of him saying yes to doing something for you (Maybe why he agreed to help Alastor fix his staff).
- His hearing is a little impaired due to all of the explosions he’s been in from his experiments.
- Was most likely sent to Hell because he had no value for life and is willing to cross a lot of moral gray areas in his experiments.
- By extension of that, due to his analytical views and unsympathetic mindset, when asked what his favorite color is he’ll say “Morally gray” just because he finds other people’s reactions humorous.
- Would probably try to use the other residents of the hotel as test subject for his experiments before probably being stopped by Vaggie, the only person in the hotel who’d let him do experiments on would probably be Nifty (Because she’s got the hots for him and she’s a tiny bit psychotic).
- Whenever he gets an idea or realizes something his esca lights up (Like the old visualization or a light bulb lighting up above someone’s head when they get an idea).
- He also uses his esca as a headlight for when he’s reading or working.
- Does not understand the appeal of Angel Dust’s movies because of how there’s literally no characters, plot, or storyline established throughout any of them and he’s a Demisexual (I do not see this sexuality used enough in characters).
- Baxter doesn’t like drinking alcohol because he hates the feeling of his head not being on straight.
- He has developed something of a sixth sense for when someone’s about to touch something in his lab and will just say “Don’t touch that” with the most monotone voice to whoever is in his lab.
- Baxters crab carry on bag we saw in the teaser clip is named Clemmy.
- Sometimes lisps his Hs when talking because of the sounds anglerfish make. (I actually listened to a recording of anglerfish sounds before and they legitimately sound like underwater zombies)
-After going through various posts on Tumblr I have given the ship name, NeedleFish to Baxter x Nifty. (Credit to dolliezilla)
- Nifty calls him fishy as a term of endearment.
- Baxter has the worst vision without his glasses that he made for himself (Real angler fish are blind). Without his glasses he’ll bump into every and anything or anyone, cannot read anything, and he’ll trip over any obvious obstacle in his way.
- He’s a manners boy, he always calls everyone mister/miss, asks permission to leave the dinner table, and says “Please” and “Thank you” all the time.
-Baxter learned morse code when he was alive and since he’s pretty sure no one else in the hotel knows morse code, sometimes during group conversations he’ll tap his finger on some kind of surface and make comments about whoever he’s with. (But then later on Alastor figures out he does this and teaches himself morse code so he can translate what he’s saying, and honestly he just finds Baxter’s analyses of everyone to be hilarious).
Author’s note: So it's been a longtime since I’ve posted something this long and for that I am the sorriest. I’ve been going through a tough time lately and I didn;t have any motivation for a long while to write anything more than incorrect quotes. I promise I will upload a new Fanfic soon, but please let me know what you think of my theories/predictions/analysis and feel free to correct me anywhere if I made a mistake or to add your own thoughts into this one sided conversation. Thank you guys for reading and I hope you have a wonderful day/night/anything else.
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recentadultburnout · 1 year
Info for writer in Thai series fandom: More language thingy
Swear words and metaphor
*Some words may have more meaning than what I mention.
ไอ้ Ai and อี ee = words to be added in front of other words (a name or swear word), showing contempt or closeness (in a rude way).
Ai is masculine and ee is feminine, but nobody actually cares at this point.
เหี้ย hia or เชี่ย shia = Varanus salvator
These two words are the same. Hia is an original, and shia is a word that is born from distorting the voice in order to reduce vulgarity. It's kind of like referring to an f-word with any other word starting with f. We also used many other words that mean "Varanus salvator" as a sensor version of the "hia" swear word. little crocodile or chicken eater, for example.
They can also be used to empathize by adding to the end one or two times, for example, "super cool" would be "cool hia hia".
Tbh, whenever I read in English and see the word "hia," I always think of this word before a word that means "older brother." And to make it worse, the placement of both of them in the sentence can be exactly the same. Sometimes it took me an embarrassingly long time to realize the writer intended it to be an older brother.
สารเลว saraleo = miscreant, bastard, swinish, vile, caitiff, rascally
If you are 2gether fan, this is the word Tine calls Sarawat.
There are many similar words, such as
rayam-ระยำ-wicked, disgusting, inauspicious
chanrai-จัญไร-vile, unfortunate, ruined, crush
เสือก sueak = to meddle in matters that are not their own; to meddle in other people's affairs
ห่า har = infectious disease (cholera), pestilential disease (plague), and the evil spirit responsible for disease epidemics. 
สัตว์ sus =animal
พ่อง pong=your father
แม่ง maeng =your mother
They are shorten from por(father)/mae(mother) mung(you)
ดอกทอง dok thong=whore
This word sounds like a golden flower, but it's just a coincidence as far as I know.
ส้นตีน son teen=heel=lowest point of your body
ควย kyua=cock
หี hee=vagina
สันดาน san dan=in-born traits
as in bad inborn traits. The "bad" is omitted on the assumption that everyone understands.
ตอแหล tor lear=liar, fake
-->sato (สตอ-Crudia chrysantha Schum)-->strawberry
เปรต pret=The hungry ghost, frequently described as a very tall monster with a needle-sized mouth. = tall(negative meaning) or a bad person
อ้อย oi=suger cane=อ่อย oi=attempt to entice something or someone to be caught (typically used by a woman seducing a man).
For example, a cane truck has overturned here.=Someone here is trying really hard to seduce someone.
งิ้ว ngiw=bombax anceps (thorn-covered tree)
In the story, when sinners go to hell, the adulterer must climb this tree naked.
Mark from Love Mechanics asks on Facebook how hurtful it would be to climb a ngiw tree after having sex with Vee, implying that he is at least interested in someone who is not single.
Gold fish=short memory
Tiger=flirtatious person who is good at getting who they want (typically a guy)
A tiger with faded stripes=old tiger=someone who used to be flirtatious but is no longer. 
Dog can be alot of things depent on the context but usually a bad things.
"Dog with a rotten head" means someone nobody wants to get close to or interact with.
If someone looks just like a dog, that means their current state is bad. Too drunk = like a dog. Crying too much = like a dog.
Giving someone dog food means making someone, usually your friends, a dog. Used when you complain about your love life to someone, ask them for advice and they tell you to leave your current partner since the partner is being awful to you, you say so! Then you turn around and reconcile with your partner. So now your friend is a bad guy whom your partner won't want you to associate with anymore because they incite you to be at odd witn your partner.
Temple's dog = low status, usually used for a low-status man who likes a high-status woman who would be called ดอกฟ้า(dokfha) which translates directly to "sky flower." Use something like, "You are a temple's dog yet want to pluck a sky flower, you should know your place!"
A dog that serves someone means someone who only cares about serving their boss (who is a bad person) and nothing else, like morals or other people. A lackey
Bird(quite a new slang) = Can't get what you want, typically means someone you want as a lover.
Phonix = immortal bird = repeatedly failing to get what you want *We do use phonix as a poetic expression too, not just for this meaning.
Buffalo = idiot/fool. 
You can say A is putting horns on B when A is cheating on B; this means A makes B an idiot for believing in A.
When you fail your exam, you might say that these days you eat grass instead of rice (like a buffalo).
There is a saying that goes like this: "One who remembers when they get hurt (and leaves or does something to not get hurt again) is a human; one who is willing to endure it is a buffalo." If you put up with something you shouldn't, you are a buffalo.
weak/easy to win against
rhinoceros=Someone who tries to steal someone else's lover or just acts inappropriately in general according to the traditional feminine standard. Originally, it was only used to call women, but it is no longer the case.
barking deer=gay man
It was originally used by trans women to refer to cis women. can be seen as rude, but like many other words, many people don't actually take offense if it is used playfully. These two words, "barking deer" and "gibbon," are usually used together.
The reason why a character does not always know information stated in the subtitle
Gender of someone
The Thai language, for the most part, is gender-neutral. The she or he in the English subtitle usually has to be chosen by the translator.
Who/what the speaker is talking to/about
Many times, sentence structures in spoken language won't require a subject or object. I guess when that gets translated, it looks weird, so the translator has to pick something to add in. In a lot of situations where I am not sure how to address my interlocutor, I can simply avoid doing it, but when I'm writing in English like this, I have to pick something, right?
There are no tenses in Thai the way there are in English. We have words for determining whether something happened in the past, present, or future, but you can say something without using any of those and it will be just fine.
When someone asks if someone has eaten rice(ข้าว-khao) yet, the word rice usually means meal/food and not strictly rice. The word rice can mean food in general a lot of the time.
Polite words
There are a lot of words that mean the exact same thing but have a different degree of politeness. You may already have noticed it with the way there are so many words that mean you or I. You may also notice it when you watch alot of any Thai series. Like, how when a character says "eat" in the subtitle, there are some varied sounds, such as daek(แดก-rude), kin(กิน-common), than(ทาน-a bit more polite-shorten from rapprathan), rapprathan(รับประทาน-polite).
Meaning of polysyllabic words
Some polysyllabic words, when each syllable is separated, still have a meaning, but their meaning may not be consistent with the meaning of that polysyllabic word. So even when you recognize the meaning of each syllable, the meaning of the polysyllabic word you deduce from it may not be correct. I mean, if we look deeper, we should be able to make it make sense, but yeah.
For example, the word "witch" in Thai is mae mod(แม่มด). Mae means mother or something you can used to indicate that a word it is in refers to a woman and Mod means ant when it's a separate word, but when combined, they mean witch. Or for the word whose meaning is more similar to the words used to create it, the word khun nhu(คุณหนู), which means "young master/mistress." used for address the child of the boss, when sperate khun is a prefix to show politeness or respect, and nhu means mice or a word used for calling children. You can see that while some of the single-syllabic words are arguably related to the meaning of the polysyllabic word, some aint so much.
I hope this explanation doesn't make you more confused.😅 But if it is, do tell me. I will try to do better.
Thai alphabet
Our letters are named after words they used to spell. Like, both letters ญ and ย sound the same(yor), but the word woman (หญิง-ying) uses letter ญ and the word giant (ยักษ์-yak) uses letter ย, so letter ญ is named yor ying and letter ย is named yor yak.
Think of it like if A's full name is "A apple".
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shoujo-dump · 1 year
Manga recommendations for people who love Hikaeme ni Itte mo, Kore wa Ai manga, dedicated to @aengelren and all the other readers that enjoy the series ❤️
I have listed some categories below that are similar to the genres & subgenres of Hikaeme ni Itte mo, Kore wa Ai. Hopefully there might be some new series there that will be added to your reading list. Please note that not all series are obviously identical to Hikaeme, however I have used a ⭐ to indicate series that I think share most similarities with the series either in more than one genre or if the series have a similar atmosphere/general vibes to Hikaeme ni Itte mo, Kore wa Ai.
If you love the art style of Hikaeme, then I recommend checking out other series created by the same mangaka:
Hatsukoi ni Kiss (omnibus of 8 oneshots)
Kanjuku Summer End (oneshot)
Koi Wazurai no Ellie
Machiko wa Oborekake (oneshot)
Fast Romance:
Kare Kano (has anime adaptation!)
Koi no Mae ni, Amaku Hajimete. Hikaeme Elite-kun ga Watashi ni Dake Hatsujou shite imasu 🌶️
Museru Kurai no Ai wo Ageru ⭐
Ore Monogatari!! (has anime adaptation!)
Suki tte Ii na yo. (has anime, movie and live action adaptation!)
Atashi no Banbi
Boku ni Hana no Melancholy
I My Me Mine ⭐
Hajimete Koi o Shita Hi ni Yomu Hanashi (however doesn't seem to be an official nor fan English translation anywhere, the series has live action adaptation though!)
Hana yori Dango (has anime and several live action adaptations)
Hana Nochi Hare: Hanadan Next Season (has live action adaptation)
Haru no Ogawa wa Dokidoki Suru yo. (oneshot)
Iincho to Furyou-kun
Junai Tokkou Taichou!
Kimi ni Koishite Ii desu ka.
Kokuhaku Suru Aite o Machigaemashita
Megane, Tokidoki, Yankee-kun
Me no Tsukedokoro ga Deep Desho
Mikansei Demo Koi ga Ii
Mochizuki-san ka no Yankee ⭐
Raou-kun wa Watashi ni Kamau
Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun (has anime and live action adaptation!)
Webcomic: Kono Yankee wa Ubu Sugiru!
Love Interest Changes:
Futari de Koi wo suru Riyuu
Koukou Debut (has live action adaptation!)
Male Lead Falls in Love First:
Batsuichi ga Moteru nante Kiitemasen
Chorokute Kawaii Kimi ga Suki
Einheli no Hanayome 🌶️
Furare Girl 
Hananoi-kun to Koi no Yamai (anime adaptation is going to be released in 2024!)
Kanojo ga Kawaii Sugite Ubaenai
Kimi wa Kawaii Onnanoko
Mainichi Kiss shite ii desu ka?
Sakura wa Watashi wo Sukisugiru ⭐
Slow Jet Coaster
Tsuiraku JK to Haijin Kyoushi (has live action adaptation!)
Webtoon: A Good Day to Be a Dog (available on webtoons.com)
Webtoon: The Fantasie of a Stepmother
Webtoon: As You Wish, Prince
Webtoon: The Reason Why Raeliana Ended up at the Duke's Mansion (also has anime adaptation!)
Webtoon: Writer's Block of Romance 
Webtoon: Your Ultimate Love Rival
Straightforward Male Lead:
Hamuko to Gao-kun
Kuchibiru ni Kimi no Iro
Living no Matsunaga-san
Midori no Himitsu (oneshot)
Neko to Kiss
Takane no Ran-san
Unmei no Hito ni Deau Hanashi
Uruwashi no Yoi no Tsuki ⭐
Yubisaki to Renren (will have anime adaptation in 2024!)⭐
Opposites attract:
Beast Master 
Kimi ga Kirai na Koi no Hanashi 
Kimi ni Todoke (has anime, live action )⭐
Webtoon: Midnight Poppy Land (read the official English translation on webtoons.com, it currently has over 100 chapters) ⭐
Kuudere Female Lead:
Akuma to Love Song
Webtoon: I Failed to Oust the Villain!
Webtoon: Villains Are Destined to Die
Warm Ambience:
Honnou Switch 🌶️⭐
Houkago, Koishita.
Koori Zokusei Danshi to Cool na Douryo Joshi (has anime adaptation!)
Ojou-san to Yobanaide
Tonari no Stella ⭐
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i-am-baechu · 1 year
Tumblr media
♬ Summary: Everyone has established that Jungkook is a very jealous person. He’s finally gotten used to Y/N’s love for Red Velvet but her love for a boy group...what the fuck, plot twist.
♬ Pairing: Established relationship; Jungkook x reader 
♬ Rating:  Explicit (18+) 
♬Genre: Established relationship, comedy, angst?, fluff, and smutish
♬ Warnings: Smut angst(ish) and fluff (lol) 
♬ Part of, ‘ His Fan Girl
Y/N has a secret and the only person that knows it is Jimin but not by choice. She was in the practice room waiting for Jungkook when she decided to have some fun. She will never forget his look...
It was quiet and usually she was okay with that but not today. She loves girl groups, that was her whole Twitter page but she was also hiding something. She liked some boy groups but she never told anyone this. Not even Mae. Of course, she loved Bts, they were her second family but she didn’t want to imagine Jungkook’s shocked face if she was listening to another boy group. 
She took out her phone from her pocket and started playing the song that’s been on her mind, “Slow it down, make it bouncy...” She was moving her head from side to side as the Bouncy by Ateez echoed in the empty room. She felt safe doing this knowing Jungkook was running late, it was time to relish in her secret. She was somewhat doing the dance while she was sitting without realizing someone was watching her with an amused look. 
She jumped at the voice and quickly shut off her phone. She turned around to see Jimin smirking at her and she felt her face heat up, “W-What are you doing here?” 
“Jungkook told me you were waiting for him in here and I wanted to say hi.”
She looked away from his amused face and he chuckled at this, “Hi...” 
“Does he know?” 
She felt a small sweat drop go down her neck but she glanced back with a small smile, “What are you talking about?” 
Jimin shook his head and sat in front of her with that smirk that annoys his hyungs, “You were listening to a boy group. Ateez to be exact.” 
“I-I don’t know what you're talking about.” 
“Shut up, you were listening to Ateez. Why didn’t you tell me?”
She sighed and shook her head, “Jungkook is a jealous man-”
“Really, I didn’t notice that.”
She rolled her eyes at him and let out a small laugh, “He's jealous when I listen to Red Velvet...could you imagine if I listened to a boy group.”
Jimin let out a small laugh and nodded his head, “I think it is cute he's so jealous of things like that. Who's your favorite in the group?” 
“I honestly like all of them-” 
“Who’s your favorite?” 
She pouted and looked away, “I like Seonghwa, Yeosang, and San.”
“Seonghwa is your age...I guess you really do have a type.” 
She rolled her eyes and looked at him with a serious look, “You can’t tell Jungkook...I don’t want him to feel insecure or something like that.”
“Fine, I won’t. Even though I wanted to make fun of him.”
That was a week ago and Jimin was making fun of her in secret but Jungkook saw it. He wasn’t sure why Jimin was picking on her but he didn’t like it. Especially when it made Y/N look so nervous, he didn’t like seeing her like that. That’s why today he was going to talk to him about it during his meeting with the others. 
Jungkook sat there as Namjoon raised his eyebrow at him, “Are you okay?” 
“I need to talk to Jimin...”
Speaking of the devil, the door opened to Jimin and Taehyung talking to each other about something random. Jungkook glared at Jimin who stopped in his tracks when he saw the look, “What did I do?”
“Why have you been making fun of Y/N?” 
“He’s been doing what?” 
Jimin swallowed his spit when he saw Yoongi glaring at him, “It’s about something...”
Jungkook glared at him and shook his head, “She’s been looking nervous and I want to know why. I hate seeing her like that.” 
Jimin rubbed the back of his neck and looked at Taehyung who shrugged his shoulders, “I really don’t know how to say it.”
“Jimin, just tell me.” 
“I’ll just show you.”
Jungkook raised his eyebrow at this and watched Jimin pull up a chair next to him. He took out his phone to show him a video. Jungkook's mouth fell when he saw his girlfriend do the bouncy challenge in the dance room with Jimin showing her how to dance. Jungkook looked at Jimin with wide eyes, “She listens to them...”
“Yeah, she has albums and photocards.”
Jungkook looked back at the video and was impressed with the way his girlfriend was dancing. He shook his head and looked at Jimin, “Why were you making fun of her?” 
“Because she was scared that you would become jealous. You know how you are with Red Velvet.” 
Jungkook pouted and crossed his arms over his chest, “I don’t get jealous.” 
Yoongi rolled his eyes and let out a laugh, “You do get jealous. Just last week you were jealous that Y/N ordered Red Velvet merch.”
Jungkook rolled his eyes and looked back at Jimin’s phone, “Send me that video...” 
“My business, not yours.” 
Y/N was sitting on her couch watching a documentary that Namjoon told her about. She heard the keys against the door and she turned her head to see her boyfriend smiling at her, “Hey, how was the meeting?” 
“The meeting was good...I learned something new.”
She tilted her head at him and watched him take off his shoes, “I knew you could bend far but I didn’t know you could go that far.” 
She raised her eyebrow at him and let out a nervous laugh, “What?” 
Jungkook went to sit next to her on the couch and took out his phone to show her something. She glanced down at the phone and then back at him with a confused face, “You should show me other dance moves.” Her eyes widened at this and looked at his screen with horror. Jimin must’ve shown him the video and then shared it with him. She stood up from the couch hiding her face behind her hands. Jungkook let out a small laugh and shut off his phone, “What's wrong?”
“Why do you have that?” 
“I have my ways, you look really hot.” 
She turned towards him with a raised eyebrow, “H-Hot?” 
“I don’t know why but seeing you dance to boy groups is kinda hot.”
“Jungkook, you're so weird...You were jealous of me dancing to Red Velvet.”
 He rolled his eyes and stood up from the couch to wrap his arms around his waist. He kissed her forehead with a small smirk, “Because those boy groups could never take you away from me...Irene might.” 
“Shut up...”
He rubbed her hips gently and she nuzzled her head into his chest as she let him rub her skin. It wasn’t until his hands groped her bottom that she let out a loud gasp, “Jung-Jungkook!?” 
“Baby, I need you.” 
She let out another loud gasp when he gently smacked one of her ass cheeks, “I-I...Okay.” 
He picked her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist as they kissed. Jungkook loves Y/N, he makes it known to anyone. There was something about Y/N dancing that turned him on and how much fun she was having. Especially when she was bending down and her chest was bouncing up and down, it was hot. He couldn’t explain it but it was hot. 
Her feet hit the carpet and they finally broke the kiss. She looked up at him with a shy gaze and it only fueled him even more. He leaned down and kissed her cheek, “No foreplay baby, I really need you. Are you wet enough?” 
He leaned down and kissed her lips quickly with a smirk. Jungkook went to their bed taking off his pants and boxers while Y/N stood there watching him. They’ve been together for years but she’s still awkward with sex. Something Jungkook found cute. She watched closely as she rubbed her thighs together gently, she loved Jungkook so much. She really does. 
Jungkook watched her rub her thighs and smirked, “Take off your shorts baby. Show me how wet you are.” 
Her face felt hot but gave him a nod. She slipped off her spandex shorts and he watched with a haze. She took off her underwear and was about to toss it to the side but Jungkook opened his hand. She tilted her head at him with a confused look, “Do you need something baby?” 
“I want your underwear.” 
Her eyes widened and she clenched the fabric in her hand, “Wh-What!? Why?” 
“I want proof that you're wet.” 
She glanced at her underwear and back at him with a nervous glance. She nodded her head and gently placed the fabric in his hand. She watched him rub the fabric in his tattoo with a smile, “All this from kissing?” 
“Yo-You know how sensitive I am.” 
Jungkook patted his lap and she knew what she had to do. She gently sat on his thigh looking at him with those innocent eyes she always had, “Do you want me to take off my shirt?” 
“No, you look hot in my clothes.” 
Jungkook gripped the base of his cock with one of his hands and the other on her waist. She took a deep breath and sunken down with her tight walls tightened around him. He let out a low groan and pushed some hair behind her ear, “Baby...Slow it down, make it bouncy”
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stariiku · 2 months
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Second Legacy Household Introduction: Kiayo Goth and the Kim-Goths Family
Backstory ⋆˙⟡
The current heir of the second branch of Astrea LeBlanc's legacy family, Kiayo Goth. One of his mothers, Yuna Ito-LeBlanc (Goth) was Astrea LeBlanc's third and youngest child. is second mother, Kassidy Goth, is a direct descendent of the infamous Goth family of Willow Creek. He grew up in a small apartment in San Myshuno. Unbenownst to Kiayo money was quite tight, so Yuna took to adult streaming while her child was asleep to make ends meet. Kassidy was a lazy yet aspiring author and coder, not really helping out with the family's finances either. When Kiayo was a teen, his parents got divorced. After he left for college his mother began and soon married professional housewife Mae Inoue-Goth. After highschool Kiayo got recruited to play D1 soccer at Foxbury Institute while also studying engineering. Unfortunately after his freshman year Kiayo dropped out (primarily due to me hating uni gameplay from the pack) and moved back home. Kiayo and Mae got along just fine, often baking sweets together, much to his biological mother's delight. Soon after Kiyao got recruited to play soccer professionally, where he eventually rising to MVP status. At some point in adulthood while still living at home Kiyao met his future husband Seo Kim-goth, and after an extended period dating, the two got married and had one child via surrogate. The couple moved to Mt. Komorebi, Seo Hyun's home world, to raise their child in a gorgeous townhouse on the bottom of the mountain. His husband Seo Hyun Kim-Goth is a semi-famous internet streamer who often works during the early hours of the day, leaving him at home to take care of their son while Kiayo is off at games around the world. Their son Kai came out looking like the spitting image of Seo Hyun, with homophobia heterocromia in his eyes. Kai recently aged up to a young adult, so who knows what our young heir will do next...
And that's all the heirs of my main households! Can't wait for the next heirs' stories to unfold
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marsosims · 9 months
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Gameplay stuff!!
Hi! I just wanted to make this post because it's currently the game/save I've been playing and IDK I'm in a sharing mood today. Putting it in a read more because it's lengthy and I'm pretty sure only a few people will be interested in seeing it.
My save right now is kind of an alternate version of Pleasantview because I love that world a lot and I wanted to play in it (but not really in it - do you get what I mean?)
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I'm mostly playing as Kaylynn Langerak and her life as a maid trying to work her way up in life and build her own business. However, between juggling her maid job and her love life with her landlord (oops... in my defense they have AMAZING compatibility), she's really not doing much in that department.
I've also been playing with her family, the Langeraks. Kaylynn's aunt, Zelda Mae has been my favorite to play with in that family because she's so fun. She's basically a failed indie artist turned interior decorator who's also trying to get herself back into the dating scene.
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A close second favorite in their household is Kaylynn's brother, Parker, who's pretty much always trying to get girls at clubs (and fails at it massively).
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A special showcase of their home because I love the way I made it.
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Anyway, here's a rundown of some of the decisions I've made:
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Kaylynn Langerak currently lives in the Futures Past apartment (on the main strip of Oasis Springs)
Don Lothario currently lives in the apartment buildings near the gym on the lower right portion of the map
The Brokes currently live in their trailer on the poorer side of Oasis Springs
The Lotharios (Don's parents) live in the subdivision area of Oasis Springs
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The Langeraks live in the upper portion of San Sequioa (the house that's a little cut off in the picture above)
The Newbies (Mary-sue Pleasant's parents) also live nearby in a rental apartment a little ways from the Langeraks
The Pleasants currently live in their original home on the southern portion of San Sequioa. I haven't really fleshed them out and really played with them because the Langeraks are just more interesting for me. However, I did make them hire Kaylynn as their maid (using the NPC maid job) and I'm currently working on having Daniel and Kaylynn have their affair.
The Fiorelios (Don's maternal grandparents) also live in the cottages near the Pleasants
Anyway, that's the save so far!! IDK, just felt like making this post haha
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burningexeter · 1 year
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Here's what may very well be in my opinion one of the most interesting pieces of "What Could Have Been" or "cancelled media" that I think could've actually been awesome. So here's everything that I was able to gather on it and it was a looooooooooot.
Originally back in 2011/12, Dwayne McDuffie conceived of and was looking to develop a Gwen and Charmcaster spin-off series which he mapped out a fair amount of it and actually planned it out through-and-through. But what ended up happening to throw it out the window was as simple as can be — Dwayne McDuffie died. Therefore it ended up getting replaced with the still polarizing Omniverse.
So let's begin, shall we:
The tentative title for the series or rather idea was "Where The Magic Happens", named after the Ultimate Alien episode of the same name. Ledgerdomain was to be one of the main primary locations in the spinoff.
It was to take place a week after the events of UA's series finale and pick up Charmcaster's storyline from where it left off with the episode "Couples Retreat". Dwayne McDuffie liked both characters so much that he thought the two could hold their own show together.
Ashley Johnson and Kari Wahlgren were obviously gonna reprise their roles but Gwen would've had a different look from time to time. As in sometimes she would be in her AF look and other times she would be in her UA look.
The premise was essentially gonna be this:
Gwen and Charmcaster were gonna become unlikely and hesitant allies who team up to protect Ledgerdomain and fight crime with Gwen deciding to use her powers to help others full on and Charmcaster doing whatever it can to save her home.
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A main plot point would've been Gwen developing a type of PTSD due to several things she's been through throughout the previous three shows, especially this scene from the OG episode "The Return". Being crushed by a tower as a child is giving her reoccurring nightmares that begin affecting her life only for Charmcaster to help her through it seeing as she owes it to her after "Where The Magic Happens" and "Couples Retreat".
On top of that, it would've also explained why the events of the OG Ben 10 happened coincidentally during the summer road trip as a sort of crawling out of the woodwork.
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One thing that was to be featured in this series were easter eggs and references to the events of other media that heavily implied a shared universe. For example, in-passing they were to bring up the T-Rex from Isla Sornia Site-B rampaging through San Diego back in the late 90s. Sound familiar?
Another thing is it's still unclear as to whether or not Ben would've appeared in the show as either a cameo or a full on appearance in an episode. So that's still up in the air.
As far as I can tell, a three part pilot was written by McDuffie along with a series bible as he pictured the show running for five seasons but so far nothing has been released. Understandably.
An interesting thing here is there was gonna be a flashback episode that would've been set after the events of "Secret Of The Omnitrix" where Charmcaster kidnaps Gwen from her home for one final confrontation.
Another juicy tidbit would've been a reoccurring villain that ultimately becomes the main antagonist as the show progressed - in this case, it's a pastor who develops dangerously unstable telekinetic powers after surviving a plane crash. McDuffie wanted Clancy Brown to voice him.
Other actors that McDuffie wanted for the show were Michael Jai White, John Lithgow, John Kassir, Geno Segers, Mae Whitman, Colleen O'Shaughnessey, Morena Baccarin, Greg Abbey, Powers Boothe and Will Friedle. Cool.
One thing that was to play a major role was a large book that Charmcaster's written during her time in Ledgerdomain that chronicled the history of magic in the world as well as how the numerous alien races play a part in its creation.
Unfortunately here's the last piece of information that is available or I can find on this cancelled spinoff and it's a good one: Dwayne McDuffie wanted to have comic book-inspired title cards for the episode and he was eyeing Tim Jacobus as the artist to design them.
So yeah this would end up being replaced by the still very polarizing Ben 10: Omniverse and top it off, McDuffie passed away.
But it's still interesting nonetheless. Would any of you have loved to have seen this show.
Let me know what you think of all this.
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redgoldsparks · 10 months
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I will be attending a screening of the new documentary THE ABCs of BOOK BANNING this coming Thursday, December 7th 2023, at 7:30pm at the Marina Theater at 2149 Chestnut St, San Francisco, CA, 94123 (cross street is Steiner). This film was directed and produced by Sheila Nevins; it's about 30 minutes long and I appear in it for about 3 minutes. After the screening I'll be part of a panel discussion with Jeffrey Friedman, whose films include The Celluloid Closet and many other wonderful queer documentaries, and the film's editor Gladys Mae Murphy. It's free to attend but you have to RSVP ahead of time to [email protected].
If you can't make it to the screening, the film is also streaming now on Paramount+
Speaking of banned books, my episode of the podcast Borrowed and Banned from the Brooklyn Public library is now up. I haven't had a chance to listen to it yet, but I loved the first couple episodes of the show that I listened to back in October.
And finally, if you have someone who loves puzzles on your holiday gift list this winter, you could consider this 500-piece new Banned Book puzzle published by Chronicle Books. The spine of Gender Queer is included with many other beloved titles. A portion of the proceeds go towards PEN America, an organization which combats censorship and has supported me over the past few years.
Also! My next book, Breathe: Journeys to Healthy Binding written with Sarah Peitzmeier is now available for reorder :D
instagram / patreon / portfolio / etsy / Gender Queer / redbubble
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chaifootsteps · 9 months
this new year in “viv stans ignoring context to invalidate someone”…
> twitter user says it’s “not that farfetched” to think viv sexualizes women, and chooses one of the pin sets as an example
> stans grumble that it’s an adult show and point their fingers at the 3-4 sexy male pins in the image and scream CHECKMATE THERE ARE MEN
4 men… compared to the 8 women, some of which only made 1 appearance.
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Apparently this was also in response to another tweet that's unfortunately been deleted. It seems like something that was part of an ongoing conversation.
I can see what they're saying. Sans Blitzo, the guys are mostly posed sitting around normally and it's the female characters that are throwing bedroom eyes and in the act of stripping off their swimwear. Even Stolas and Angel, both notorious horndogs, aren't as suggestively posed as the girls.
Viv treats her characters with an apathy (Vaggie, Millie) that occasionally crosses over into outright disdain (Stella) except for when it's time to make merch flaunting their tits and asses. Or in Sallie Mae's case, flashing her massive dong, the only part of her anatomy Viv seems to care about.
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