#sapph gonna kill 'im
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twisted from: Tom Lucitor
homeland: Brimstone Border
favorite food: chilli dogs
hated food: bougie shit
talents: i dunno
gender: female (she/her)
sexuality: lesbian
UM: by opening her third eye Dia can look into a person's future. It's tiring though so she barley uses it.
💌: @h2llish @lowcallyfruity @boopshoops @thehollowwriter @skriblee-ksk
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autisticlalna · 1 month
I finally got to finish that tsmp vod and oh! WOw! EMOTIONS! Navigator what is WRONG with you?????? I continue to be knocked down several inches into the floor by Ruby and Vikings lore skills. I want to hug Sapphire and shake them with all my might. I cannot help but stare red-stringingly at Dominion and Summertime being the ones pulled into the clocktower. Also my goodness I've been waiting to see this moment and that was an absolutely horrendous 15 seconds for Summertime. AND Phantom! Once again Navigator what is WRONG WITH YOU?? Loosing it!!! 👍
I LOVE THAT STREAM SO MUCH, EVERYTHING IS SO !! ohhhh my god nav. ohhhhh my god sapph. ohhhhh my god summertime and dviking.
the way Navigator acts is so... bizarre. the difference between this and clocktower is - i mean, you can see why there's the red string about That Wasn't Navigator. and like, yeah he was lying to tRuby before about not knowing anything abt Sapphire, that's been confirmed since clocktower, but the way he treats Sapph especially is night and day. and Sapph knows it! because ze catches on to how his story doesnt line up! and his story doesnt line up, he contradicts stuff he said earlier, he goes from "trying to hunt down where tViking and tRuby came from bc theyre not supposed to be here" to "being the reason theyre there in the first place".
and tRuby is just so tired. everyone is using them! nobody is telling her the truth about anything! tViking has been hiding so much from him, and he only finds out after tViking Fucking Explodes and one of the weird Others manipulating his life decides to let it slip! and ve's just, disregarded So Much by Nav because he's so focused on talking to Sapph at the start. aaaaaaaaaaaa
god. Viking and Ruby are both fantastic actors. they absolutely kill it any time they do a scene, and the way ruby portrays Sapph especially - the bit where Sapph slips back into a normal Ruby voice to go "please dont leave me" kills me. AND NAV'S RESPONSE TO IT. "YOU'RE STARTING TO SOUND LIKE MY SISTER NOW!" WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
oughghhhh. once i get progress on jukebox night im gonna enter the transcript mines again. bc i get to transcribe tRuby and tVintage's date and then do the world's biggest mood whiplash with Navigator's Wild Ride
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lycanstonebutch · 5 months
lol maybe sapphes better up being host than me seeing as apparently my fucking body hates me and i need to lose weight bcuz instead of idk being fucking normal my fat distribution goes to my fucking liver which fucks me over :) I dont wanna be skinny nor lose weight both of those things make me wanna kill myself so like if we need to lose weight im not gonna be around to deal with that lol sapphe can handle it she's been upset the body's fat well heres your chance cuz im not doing it
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I'm always self conscious I dont like to show it though so I act really cocky any advice to stop be fake confident and get a bit more real confidence
aight here’s the real answer I know I’m a mean asshole sorry lmao :)
Sapphire: fsdahlksdjf hY aNoN h0w r U t0dAy i’M g00D I sAw a sHiNy tAil0w t0DaY aNd iT aTtAcKeD mY dAd bUt hE’s aLl g00d :D.
0k so Ruby just kame in and t0ld me t0 type liek a n0rmal pers0n bcuz every0ne kn0ws I can type I just pretend t0 n0t be able t0 t0 c0nfuse pe0ple s0 Ruby’s an ass g0 hate 0n him @every0ne. But I’m still g0nna rite all the “o”’s as “0″’s bcuz it’s fun :D.
I was pretty self k0nci0us but I never akted t00 c0cky (at least n0t as much as Ruby s0rry R00by but it’s true). Ruby taught me h0w t0 have m0re self c0nfidence and it really helped with my insecurities. He made me make lists 0f all the g00d things ab0ut myself. We started with 3 g00d things and the next time we did 5 and s0 0n. It’s pretty hard but ya just have t0 ign0re that v0ice in yer head that tells ya “If y0u akn0wledge any 0f yer qualities, yer a c0cky d0uche.” (yes I had that v0ice in my head. n0 I’m n0t ashamed. fyte me.) Emerald w0uld help t00. We w0uld have battles and Ruby w0uld rec0rd them. We’d all watch the replay and it w0uld sh0w me that I’m talented at battlin’ (It was als0 g00d f0r me and Rald t0 see what we c0uld impr0ve in battles :) I d0n’t really kn0w h0w t0 help ya with the c0cky part, but I think gettin’ s0me real self c0nfidence helps reduce ar0gance and I’ve seen it with my 0wn eyes f0r Ruby’s case.
Ruby: Anon, I am so sorry that you had a stroke while reading Sapphire’s answer I will personally pay your hospital bills (unless they’re expensive)((Mod message: idk how expensive medical bills are I live in a country where you don’t have to pay medical expenses :P)) Anyway, I used to be cocky and I’d show off and act arrogant to hide my true feelings and because I was insecure. I seemed self-centred but deep down, I couldn’t think of a single good quality about myself. Once I finished helping Sapphire with her ‘insecurities training’, she realized that I needed some too. She made me do the whole list of good qualities thing but it was a little harder for me since I have sO mAnY gOoD qUaLiTieS :D. She made me write more personal things, unlike things I’d write along the lines of ‘best coordinator in Hoenn’. I mean, it’s true, I don’t know why she didn’t let me write it but whatever. She’d start writing things about me as an example. (She could think of A LOT of things. Partly cause I’m so amazing and partly because she loves me :,) But the personal things would be like ‘caring about your loved ones’ so maybe try the whole list method. You could also look in a mirror every day and say ‘I’m a good person and I deserve to be happy.’ I’m not even being sarcastic or cocky, it really does work. So yeah, that’s all the advice I’ve got for you, anon, I’m sorry once again about the stroke you had earlier while reading Sapphire’s answer.
Sapphire: What do ya mean a stroke, ya idiot?!
Ruby: Oh come on, Sapphire, I had a heart attack the other day reading your text messages.
Sapphire: Yea rite, ya prissy drama kween. Yer so dramatic sometimes, jeez.
Ruby: I am no-
Emerald: Alright, Littleroot dirt for you. Points E-Shooter at Sapphire and shoots dirt at her face.
Sapphire: HEY!
Emerald: And Goldenrod dirt for you. Points E-Shooter at Ruby and shoots dirt at his shirt.
Ruby: HEY, Emerald! You got my shirt dirty you little-
Emerald: And that’s all for today, anon, you can thank me for saving you from endless flirting by sending me a Christmas gift. Bye.
Ruby and Sapphire: Wha-
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bw-2 · 5 years
pokespe characters ranked by whether or not they play fortnite:
red: started playing fortnite unironically. hardly knows it's a meme
green: what the fuck is a fortnite. this damn generation. sees yellow fortnite dancing and cries
blue: doesn't play the game because she's too sexy for that but knows the dances just to piss off green
yellow: her and gold started playing "ironically" but they just kinda play together sometimes. she knows the dances and green is crying
gold: see above
silver: he's too busy watching anime to know what a fortnite is
crystal: knows what it is because of the kids she teaches but if gold mentions it one more fucking time she's gonna snap
ruby: tf is a fortnite. im too pretty for this
sapphire: yeah
emerald: plays "ironically". fortnite dances w/ sapph to kill ruby instantly
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c1nnamonn · 5 years
for the ask game pokespe, kidomomo, and green pksp (u can do all 3 or pick and choose idk)
OKAY only doing pokespe bc im tired rn also putting under readmore
001 | pokespe
Favorite character: YELLOW i love her so much i think if there is anything the manga should be known for it is her and her alone. honorable mention to green tho as the character i may or may not kin
Least Favorite character: this is a very difficult choice bc i don’t dislike any characters out of the chapters ive read so ill just take the easy shot and say lack even though i have yet to read unova
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): okay in no particular orderred/greengold/silver/crystalgreen/yellowblue/yellowemerald/ruby (u win brendan. i care them now)
Character I find most attractive: blue is half the reason im a lesbian today i think. pretty
Character I would marry: crystal bc 1. pretty and 2. easily the dexholder i would like to spend the rest of my life with bc she’s both nice and responsible and also kicked the Actual God of the pkmn universe in the face. which doesn’t necessarily relate but it’s still cool
Character I would be best friends with: silver! i think he would be fun to hang out w/ and also i would like to give him a hug.
a random thought: blue and green should’ve been the main characters of frlg instead of red. don’t get me wrong i love red but that entire chapter is basically red fanservice. mainly blue shouldve been the main character but i care green so him too
An unpopular opinion: specialshipping isn’t that great. it’s not bad obviously but like. red and yellow are so similar ???? it just isn’t interesting at all to me and i think the only reason it’s significantly more popular than originalshipping is bc Straight People
My Canon OTP: hahahahahahahahaha nope.
My Non-canon OTP: probably red/green
Most Badass Character: blue bc she’s the only reason anything within the first few chapters actually happened, what with her balancing everything behind the scenes. god i wouldve killed to see her be the main character of frlg instead of red
Most Epic Villain: i hate the masked man so much but he was a cool villain. his motivation kinda sucked tho but what else r u gonna get from kusaka
Pairing I am not a fan of: fr*ntic and also i never really liked red/yellow or green/blue bc i always thought they were kinda boring
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): my heart goes out to sapphire she deserved so. so much better. also ruby as well bc like sapph he was set up to be a really interesting character but kusaka cant write. but mainly Sapphire I Am So Sorry
Favourite Friendship: i think blue and green are wlw mlm solidarity and judge other people together
Character I most identify with: green. i think if i was a talented eleven year old with 0 parent supervision i too would become a vaguely overdramatic asshole who thinks capes are cool Also real smart person hours while simultaneously being incredibly fucking stupid. i love him and again may or may not kin him
Character I wish I could be: yellow bc cute and powerful and ambiguous gender? sign me the fuck up
pokespe kinda sucks bc God it is not written well but its real cringe hours so. stan yellow
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tumblunni · 7 years
okay im gonna just try and write down all my damn pokemon i can remember from every generation fuck fuck i know i could never get ALL OF THEM cos it was at least 100 each gen but i can hopefully remember my main teams??
~ Sun and Moon Team ~
Pulcinella the male Primarina (Egotistical smarmy jerk-with-a-heart-of-gold celebrity boy) Herald the female Mimikyu (nice grandma + amateur newspaper reporter, sends them back to the other ghosts at the thrifty megamart) Charlene the female Golisopod (never really thought of a personality for her? I didnt originally intend to use her but then she was really good and i love golisopod’s design?? so i just named her randomly after charon cos wimpod is kinda shaped like his hair, lol) (i think maybe one of those cowardly characters who’s brave when she needs to protect her friends? like eduardo from foster’s home for imaginary friends) Suspenders the female Lurantis (stoic samurai type, but also very sweet, naive and a little ditsy. easily gullible to pulcinella’s pranks cos she just takes everything seriously with samurai honor.) Ampere the female alolan Raichu (sweet mom friend of the group, makes everyone pancakes and mitigates all the conflicts. you’d think herald would outrank her in mumsiness but she’s more like the eccentric grandma who encourages her kids to misbehave, lol) Sherbet the male Muk (super chipper cuddly little toddler type fella who luv and support he friends) (OH GOD i caught a shiny muk in bw2 and i was gonna say they were cousins and i was so excited to have them finally meet.. aaaa... T_T) (THE COUSIN IS NAMED NOUGAT AND HE IS ALSO A SUPER CHIPPER CUDDLY BABY AND NOW HIS WHOLE FAMILY IS FUCKIN DEAD) (god that gives him a plotline to differentiate him from his alolan version but GEEZ i didnt want it to happen like that...)
and honorary member Neopolitan the Kadabra who was on the team early on but got replaced with Charlene cos when SuMo first came out there was a dumb glitch that prevented kadabra from learning one move in its learnset and it was just STUCK WITH NO ATTACKING MOVES FOR 20 LEVELS GEEZ but neopolitan was still a supportive friend yes possibly personality like that monk robot guy from overwhetch?
also honorary member: that leavanny that my friend Beezah traded me and i spent ages training it up to level 80 to rematch her and i NEVER GOT TO DO IT I think his name might have been cedric?? or some other c name??
~ X and Y Team ~
Didnt really think of personalities for these ones or have any big attatchment to them, except that the game came out on my birthday by some strange coincidence. funny how we’ve gone from that to losing games on my birthday! the xy birthday was like the only time my birthday hasnt been GIANT MISFORTUNE in the last seven years, and the only time i managed to meet up with any irl friends and have some sort of a party. so i guess i’ll remember that fondly about XY even though the story was possibly my least favourite in the series.
Namaqua the male Greninja Jayus the male Aromatisse (named for an OC of mine at the time, who’s also my steam handle!) Dwedd the female Gourgeist (who was actually my most powerful pokemon in sun and moon competitive?? god im gonna miss her now)
and I’m seriously struggling to remember if there were any others :P
~ ORAS Team ~
I played both versions of this so my team was kinda huger? Still not super memorable as a generation, tho. one of the ones im least depressed about but more depressed than xy. but still depressed about all of them. AAAAA
York the female Blaziken Roquefort the female Swampert (a duo! i played with both of them as my starters cos i only played a little bit of alpha sapph before switching to omega rube for the main playthru. i just love tabitha!) (oh and they were named for some of my ocs at the time.) Wesley the male Charizard (actually got him in XY but never used him there) Seraphim the female Salamence (REALLY sad about this one cos she was a gift from my friend Zoe whom i’ve now lost contact with, same one who gave me the birthday party when xy came out, same one who traded me like EIGHTY OTHER POKEMON ACROSS ALL MY GAMES and LITERALLY SAVED MY LIFE ONCE and WAS AN AMAZING PERSON) Nick the female Gyarados (also traded from zoe. it was named after her fish who died :< I LET HER DOWNNNNNNNN) Tanka the female Gardevoir (just a shoutout to the one i had back when i first played the original rse as a kid, but lost along the way. it was also my username and the name of like forty different ocs for every fandom i had as a kid? i just thought it was a cool word. its the name of a type of poem i heard in class once) Pascal the female Ludicolo (Only one who i gave any sort of personality to. I kinda liked her so much she was more like my starter? i felt like she was a super chill badass. repurpose all those old chuck norris memes for pascal!) Lockjaw the female Banette and Hex the male Mismagius (actually pokemon i made as ocs for a team galactic fanfic i never wrote. usually i make pokemon ocs based on mons i caught, but these ones i went out and caught them to match the story. spent so long chaining mons to find a story-fitting nature for lockjaw that i stumbled onto a shiny shuppet along the way?? i was like “fuck but that isnt what i asked for, but i’ll take it anyway” XD) (oh and i named the shiny shuppet Chuckie) (oh and lockhjaw and hex were meant to be the rest of charon’s pokemon team to give him enough for a decent boss battle)
~ BW Team ~
Anotehr generation i didnt really enjoy? honestly there was a large gap between sinnoh and sun and moon where none of the main plots grabbed me. i still enjoyed the gameplay and the increased graphics for all the cool areas and stuff, tho! im just a plot lover so SuMo bumped the series back up from “just consistantly good” to “the best game ever” But strangely enough I did get really attatched to these guys, even if i didnt really think up personalities and backstories for all of them
Shogunkora the male Samurott (Back when i was in highschool i drank so much caffeine it was like a running joke i was ‘that cola kid’ so i just named my starter after a dumb attempt at ‘cola in a japanese accent’. Ugh, past-me!) (But Shogunkora was actually a casuality long before this! I lost him during the time i was transferring pokemon using a friend’s BW cartridge. I actually had to sell my BW game cos i was preparing to run away from my abusive parents and live in a homeless shelter. Thankfully i did indeed survive that! i had to pick on only one game to keep and of course it was sinnoh. But then i ended up losing the cartridge when i moved house and then finding it earlier this year and then causing me to buy bw2 and put the sun cartridge down and.. well, you know the rest.) Boku the female Leavanny (named as an in-joke cos my roselia was Ore in sinnoh. also a casualty who got lost in that hectic transfer.. alas...) Alviss the male Roggenrola (I was very fond of that pun. He managed to survive, and i even got to pet him in sun and moon! I miss him... gahh.. he survived so much and it was all for nothing...) Flint the male Lampent (i only just finally was able to evolve him in sun and moon, thanks to beezah’s help! i miss him tooooo... fuckkkk...)
~ DPPT Team ~
THE GOLDEN ONES god that was back when i was so extra into pokemon, aaa it legit helped me survive thru abusive dad times i got so atattched to sinnoh and all of these lil guys... fuckkkk...
Ore the male Roserade (Personality was like a cheerful and goofily oblivious typical shonen action hero, but like.. eight. He had a sad backstory where he was befriended by a kind old blind human back when he was a wild pokemon, and then some sort of tragedy burned down the forest and killed both that human and all of his family. And also burned off his hands. I mean, he’s a plant so he can grow those flowers back, but it was still super traumatic. So he took up his trainer’s sword in his burnt off hand stumps and promised to avenge him, and thus gained a magical girl style transformation into a human, somehow...??) (the theme for this party was ‘gijinkas’ and i thought it would be cool if there was a different reason behind it for everyone. he was the more magical type.) (oh and he really liked sandwiches) (oh and he was comic relief a lot cos he was a pokemon who turned into a human instead of vice versa. like ariel in the little mermaid where she combs her hair with the fork. HOW DOES HUMAN WORK) Mangos the female shiny Luxray (traded to me by another best friend that i lost touch with long ago, Clash. I miss her too, it sucks that now all i have is one well-protected drawing of an oc she gave me in high school to remember her by..) (anyway, Mangos fit into this random plotline by being the opposite to Ore. she was a human who got turned into a half-pokemon through an evil genetic experiment. And she balanced him out by being an ultra stern and serious mom figure. She was actually a policeman as a human, so she kicked a lot of ass!) (I know that this whole serious personality doesnt really fit with a name like mangos but shiny luxray looks like mangos) Zene the male Infernape (another shonen hero type comic relief guy?? but he was a teenager and comparatively buff, i guess? i didnt realize these two were so samey despite being opposite elements lol. i guess just the difference is that zene did more comic relief and ore did more cuteness factor) (he was also the least developed one in terms of backstory for being in this half-pokemon heroes team. I just knew that he was some sort of martial artist trainee who wanted to be the best, and that was still his goal after he got superpowers, rather than actually saving the world and all. he’d always recklessly get into fights and have no sense of danger, just HEY THAT THING LOOKS DEADLY LEMME PROVE IM DEADLIER) (oh but i did think way too much about how the law would work in this situation?? like, he was depressed and ended up joining this travelling group cos he got banned from the martial arts tournement he was in. having pokemon superpowers would put him at an unfair advantage.) (oh, i think actually his powers were just genetic or something? like it was a mystical power his whole family line had, but he was an orphan so he didnt know until he hit puberty and started breathing fire. but comedically he thought it was because he ate a magical riceball instead. “it was supernaturally yummy!”) Gaspar the male Haunter (Actually came from that one memorable trollish trade in sinnoh where that lady offers you a haunter and it doesnt evolve into gengar, DAMN YOU. i was determined to love him forever to spite her!) (oh and he eventually did evolve into gengar in xy due to a friend trade and me forgetting to tell her not to evolve him. i’d gotten really attatched to him as a haunter so i was sad for a while before realizing it was dumb and that i might have made my friend think i was mad at her?? thankfully we worked it all out!) (Gaspar’s gijinkaness was literally just... i Died.) (He was a human from the 1920s or something who died horribly and came back as a ghost to avenge his own death. but then after he avenged it he continued to exist, and he floated around aimlessly for a long time before learning to appreciate his second chance and form a new life and a new family. He was like the goofy sitcom dad of the team!) (oh, and he liked candy. i still maintain the headcanon that all ghost pokemon like sweet things!)
~ RSE Team ~
These guys actually were also part of my sinnoh team, but they originated from RSE. I didnt really get attatched to my pokemon in rse or gsc cos i was still salty over having my yellow cartirdge stolen and losing my starter raichu that i loved. TOOK THIS LONG FOR IT TO HAPPEN AGAIN, EH? *cries forever*
Reaper the male Sneasel (My honorary starter and oldest pokefriend. I miss him the most.. fuck..) (He was like.. kinda sirius black from harry potter? but teenage? and like.. trying to be serious? like, a total goober prankster loveable uncle figure but he wants everyone to think he’s a brooding dark antihero, and gets flustered whenever his true cuteness slips through. He looked like squall from ff8 except with dark skin and sunglasses??) (He was also someone who was a pokemon with human powers, instead of a human with pokemon powers. But he adapted a lot better to human society, he was just like.. pride at being wild? He hated the idea of being captured by a trainer, or now the idea of losing his true self and becoming like those humans he hated. So all his moments of failing to pass as human were more cos he refused to lower himself and do [insert normal thing here], rather than cos he was oblivious like Ore. But he actually did end up getting a soft spot for his trainer and becoming like a dad figure to her, like how mangos was a mom to ore and zene, and gaspar was the grandpa/dad to everyone in general. I had quite a complex set of relationships worked out for everyone!) (oh, and yeah, they had a trainer! cos i mean i was playing the game, of course they did. but it was more like the one token powerless human on a team of magical girls and boys. she just pretended to be their trainer so they could travel around pretending to be normal pokemon when necessary. and they were all bffs and protected her cos she didnt have parents. she was kind of a self insert..) (oh, and reaper’s backstory was that he was one of the shadow pokemon captured by team cipher, and then when he got rescued and purified it somehow gave him superpowers too or something. he was blessed by celebi and was like the chosen hero of that legendary. But he didnt wanna, he just wanted to use his new human feet to go buy booze and stuff XD) (i actually did get him in collosseum and he was my fave and best and i kept him forever and now he’s fucking gone) (fuck) Nether the male Sableye (Basically my oc Malachi?? its been all these years and i just suddenly recently revived his plot concept as his own character in his own original story. I hope maybe now i could do that with all the others in some way, so i dont forget them..) (he was all the same back then, down to dying from being bricked up inside a basement. except he became a magical gijinka instead of a more normal ghost.) (oh and this version had him as an adult instead of a child, and his personality was... vague? he started off as a loki-ish trickster and then was a complete jerk and then was the comic relief and then was a gym leader and blablabla. At one point he was even Reaper’s boyfriend, which is ridiculous now this character is a kid instead! (tho he’s still remained bisexual in honor of that) Funnily enough he was also Reaper’s sworn enemy gary oak rival at some point too!) (Basically he was the least developed personality-wise, so i dont feel bad that i changed him quite a bit as malachi. it doesnt feel like a change and more like i finally figured out what i originally wanted to do with him.)
~ RBY virtual console team ~
aaaargh only just got them and already lost them whyyyy
Chuppy the male Raichu (reincarnation of the first pokemon i ever got on my original Yellow cartridige, which got stolen because kids are ASSHOLES) (i cried for days and i feel like doing it again right now.. how little life changes...) Starlet the female Clefable Gumdrop the Nidoqueen
i didnt even have time to love you enouuuuughhh
i didnt love any of them enough aaaa
god this made me sad
but at least now i wont forget any of those memories
i dunno how to tag this so i dont forget
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mixer-in-monochrome · 7 years
What is your favorite aspect of Ruby and Sapphire? Who is your favorite ruby and why? How did Sapphire interest you and grow on you?
OoOOooh boy this one got super long sorry folks!!! Id tag it but im on mobile so that’s a no go for now. Also, sorry for not getting to this last night Anon I fell asleep somewhere around explaining my favorite ruby ^^;;;
Ok so there are…. so many good things I love about Ruby and Sapphire, idk if you meant as a couple or as separate individuals so I’m just gonna answer all three possibilities????
With Ruby I love her passion and just how vibrant she is in everything!!! Like Gosh Darn!!!!!!!! I’d kill for that level of verve and sincerity but I don’t actually have enough drive for that!!
And Sapphire I think I love her in almost the exact opposite direction?? Like she??? Is me with how I deal with things but generally better at it? Like in mindful education where she saw all these thoughts rearing their heads and she and essentially went into Hide Mode™…. just super relatable, but she manages to pull out of it eventually with a little help and she still Gets Shit Done
As the wonderful power couple they are I love the supportiveness of their relationship. They’ve got love for millennia and more at their disposable and they’re not afraid to use it to make each other’s lives better wherever they can!
My favorite Ruby (excluding CG Ruby) is probably Leggy, also for relatability reasons! She’s new at this whole being alive and knowing things thing and has a confusion streak a mile wide because of it . While I’m not nearly to that point of confusion anymore I was like that a lot in middle school. Plus!! I’ve been in her shoes a lot as a new member of a friend group where everyone knows each other since I moved around a lot as a kid
As for your last question I’m not entirely sure! I think at first it was just that Garnet was my favorite character up to that point and that transferred immediately to Ruby and Sapphire since they were parts of her and?? The episodes after have only ever given me more reasons to love them to bits.
But since we’re talking about Sapphire specifically, it started with her voice and general personality impression? Erica Luttrel has a Phenomenal voice and I loved that immediately, and then Sapphire falls pretty squarely into the base personality type that I immediately go ‘Oh yes that one’s mine now’ with.
Like…. recently I saw some fanart for Todoroki from Boku No Hero Academia and even if I hadn’t read enough to figure out the nuances of his personality at the time I could tell he would be a favorite of mine immediately?? And all I did was watch the opening to HunterxHunter and I immediately knew Killua and Kurapika were going to be some of my favorite characters?
Something like that at least, and nothing she’s done so far has negated my interest in the least. In fact mindful education made me even more enthusiastic because that whole scene was just a big bucket of ‘yeah same pls be careful’.
Then going beyond the show fanfic gave me a lot of avenues to explore different interpretations of her and it brought out the common themes of her personality that most people seemed to agree with and so my headcanons of her got more fleshed out and obviously in so doing I got even more attached.
But what i think was the kicker for getting me super invested in her was joining an rp group a little over a year ago now, and when I was gonna apply I noticed both Sapphire And Garnet were open (I’d been expecting most all of the main cast to have been claimed already tbh, but I got in early enough I guess?).
I can’t remember how exactly I decided, though I think it might have had something to do with Ruby having already been taken so obviously there had to be a sapphire to match?? But I ended up applying for Sapphire and I got in and did a few in-depth roleplays as her for about half a year before I had to call it quits for personal reasons :(
But I got really into Sapph’s character around that time and actually I think that might be why she’s my icon now??? I think it was a turtle or a drawing of me before I started rping I can’t remember for sure. Now I’m attached to Sapph icons and I’ll probably be stuck like that for a bit =w=;
if anyone still wants to send in honesty hour stuff im all for it!
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