#sarah rogers meta
stuckyfingers · 6 months
Hear Me out:
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Sarah and Joseph Rogers, Played by Saoirse Ronan and Jack Davenport.
Steve Rogers (played by Chris Evans) has got a mix of both their features:
Mother: cheekbones, hair color, eye color, chin, general facial structure- preserum.
Father: eye shape, eyebrows, jawline, nose, lips, general facial structure- post serum
Also,, both Jack and Saoirse are period drama actors.👀
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16woodsequ · 8 months
Sunday Steve - Day Ten
Things that would be new or unfamiliar to Steve in the 21st century, either due to the time period he grew up in, or his social-economic status and other such factors.
Day Ten: Laundry — Washer and Dryers
Washing Machine
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1920s ad for a Thor brand washing machine. One of the first electric washing machines. Note the exposed motor underneath that could shock users when wet. (Imagine Steve associating Thor with washing machines 😆).
Laundry machines have a long history. The first washing machines were invented in the late 1800s. There were mechanical, hand powered machines, consisting of drums full of water and handles to agitate the laundry and turn the rollers to squeeze water from washed clothes.
However, these devices were most common in middle class families. Poor families who could not afford the machines and rich families who did not have to worry about the labour of laundry likely did not have these machines.
Laundry was a laborious task and families who could afford it had hired help to do their laundry or they sent out their laundry to be cleaned and returned.
Here is an account of laundry days in the 1920s for a family who had a scullery. They used a 'washing copper' tub that was built into the floor and had a space for a fire underneath. It is interesting how it describes typical washing without a washing machine, but Steve and Sarah likely lived in a tenement apartment building and did not have these facilities available to them.
We will get into what Sarah probably did when Steve was growing up. But one last laundry innovation to talk about in the 20s was the electric washer. The first electrical washer appeared in the US before the first World War thanks to the invention of the small electric motor (Link).
This blog page gives a good overview of how a domestic electric washing machine worked in 1927. The metal drum was manually filled with water (if you didn't have a hose, lifting and pouring water into the drum was your fate). Pre-prepared soap was added then pre-soaked clothes could be washed. The machines could handle about ten pounds, so clothes had to be regularly transferred in and out. After the wash, clothes were wrung out and put in scalding rinse water to remove soap. Clothes were then wrung out again (maybe rinsed a few more times), starched, and hung to dry. Some families had heated dryer cupboards to hang their clothes.
Domestic washing machines inside the home were not common before the 50s. They were growing in popularity in the 30s, but I doubt Steve every used any type of washing machine in his own home. Depending on how well off you feel the Barneses were they may have had one, but I still feel this wasn't very likely.
In 1920 only 8% of US families owned a washing machine. And by 1941 "only 52% of U.S. families owned or had interior access to an electric washing machine—almost half of families were still hand rubbing or hand cranking laundry or using commercial services" (Link).
Tenement Laundry Days
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Reproduction of 1928-1935 tenement house.
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Reproduction of 1890s era tenement apartment.
Wash days were usually on Monday. Sarah probably did these steps: Soaking the laundry, scrubbing, boiling, wringing, rinsing, wringing agin, and finally, hanging to dry. (Link)
In the second picture above a scrub board can be seen in the deep sink. The sink was likely used for soaking, scrubbing and rinsing. Scrub boards were used well into the 20th century.
While indoor plumping for tenements was becoming common in the 20s (especially for toilets), if they didn't have running water Sarah would have to trek up and down flights of stairs to fill her tub from the tap in the yard. (Link) This would most likely only be the case if Steve and Sarah lived in a pre-1905 tenement building as laws about tenements changed around that time. However, many tenements were cold water flats, so water would be boiled on the stove.
In the picture above you can see a large oblong metal tub on the stove. This is likely what was used for boiling.
After soaking (usually started Sunday night) clothes that were still soiled would be scrubbed, then the laundry was boiled. Clothes were boiled in water for an hour and stirred with a rod or wooden stick. They would then be removed with a fork or a rod, wrung out, rinsed (to remove soap) and wrung out again.
If Sarah (or Winifred) was able to afford it she may have a mangle to squeeze the water from washed clothes ($5.95-8.00 for a basic one in 1920). These two wooden rollers were dangerous because women could get their fingers or hair caught in them. They also sometimes damaged or broke off buttons. If she didn't have one, she'd wring them out by hand.
The spin cycle was developed to wring out clothes, and some electric washers had this feature going into the 30s. (Link)
Once wrung out, the clothes were hung to dry. In the winter clothes could be hung in front of the fireplace or stove (on a clothes horse for those who had one) if there was space, but they could also be hung outside to freeze and brought in before nightfall.
Tenement buildings commonly had clotheslines strung between buildings. "The advantage of living on a low floor (with fewer flights of stairs to climb) became a disadvantage on wash day, because when hanging your laundry out to dry, ‘someone else might put out a red wash or a blue wash over it, and it drips down and makes you do your wash all over again." (Link)
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Berenice Abbott (1898-1991). Court of the First Model Tenements in New York City. March 16, 1936. Museum of the City of New York. (Link, many other examples of tenement clotheslines here. I think this is multiple days of laundry lines in one picture).
Abbott documented this space as a communal laundry line: ropes with pulleys led from apartments to five-story poles imbedded in concrete. Abbott made two exposures, with the laundry and poles forming different abstract configurations. She later recalled that winter day the laundry frozen stiff and the children huddled together, too cold to move.
If you didn't have a clothesline near your window you could dry your clothes on the roof. This required climbing more stairs and keeping an eye out for thieves. (Link)
Tuesdays were ironing days. There were electric irons in the 20s but people also still used multiple irons that had to be heated on the stove. Clothes needed to be damp and sprinkled with water while ironing. That is until steam irons were introduced in the 30s. (Link)
What did Steve do after Sarah died? The same thing the Rogers would have done if Sarah had no time to do laundry, which is likely because she worked full time and laundry was an long chore. If Sarah did do her own laundry as well as worked, she would have worked very long hours trying to stay on top of everything.
For those who couldn't do laundry they would send out their laundry. The peak of the commercial laundry industry was in the 1920s. Many laundries were owned by Chinese immigrants and these laundries catered to single men. (Link) These laundries were cheaper than white-owned steam laundries, which generally catered to large institutions like hotels and hospitals, although they advertised to women as well. Here is a picture of a large commercial laundry.
Sending out laundry may have been a necessary expense on Sarah and Steve's part that they had to budget for. This recounting of a Chinese laundry has the clothes dried and ironed by the workers.
Women, especially black women, took laundry into their home. It is possible Sarah and Steve sent out their laundry to washerwomen, perhaps even one who lived in their own tenement. (Link)
If Sarah did not have the time, nor could afford to send out laundry (especially in the 30s), Steve may have had to deal with the shame of going to school in dirty clothes. Cleanliness was a point of pride and I'm certain Sarah would have made every effort to keep him clean but it may not have always been possible.
Laundry soap
Here is what was most typically used as laundry soap. It was also common, especially for rural families, to make their own soap out of lye and grate or cut up that as laundry soap. (Link)
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(Link) Laundry soap options in 1927. They included purchasing flakes, chips, or powder; liquifying your soap ahead of time (right); and (left) grating your own laundry soap from a bar. Fels Naptha soap, which came in a big bar, was rubbed on difficult stains and rings around the collar.
The first laundromat or 'washateria' was opened in Texas in 1934. (Link) Laundromats grew in popularity and spread across the country. These early laundromats had rentable electric washing machines like the ones already mentioned in this post. Clothes were taken home damp to be ironed.
In the 40s the name laundromat became common to describe self-serve laundry. This name actually comes from a brand of automatic washing machine. (Link) Laundromats helps familiarize consumers with washing machines and grow their trust in them, thus ushering in the domestic washing machine age in the 50s and 60s and the decline of commercial laundry services.
Steve may have used a washateria or laundromat in the late 30s or early 40s but the machines would be different. They may have looked something like this:
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Toploading washing machine bought in 1939 (Link) It has a motorized mangle.
This blog also has many 1940s ads to show other styles of washing machines. I think our modern washings machines would be somewhat recognizable if Steve saw these ads, but in general washing machines now look very different from the ones he probably saw.
If one didn't hang their clothes to dry they were probably wealthy enough to have air dryers which became available in the early 1920s. These were rooms or cupboards. "These dryers could be powered by electricity, gas, or kerosene. In a good dryer, heated air circulated around the clothing so that the clothes did not bake and yellow. The hot air was pulled out of the cabinet and up a chimney" (Link).
Richer folks could also have their clothes dry in sunlit or steam-heated rooms at the top of their mansion or townhouse. (Link).
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A sailor getting a uniform out of a clothes dryer in 1943 (link)
The first electric dryer was manufactured in 1938. (Link) Here's a picture of a 1940s dryer, it looks a bit like an oven.
Automatic dryers were slower to arrive. Launderettes had dryers after the war and this helped facilitate the arrival of dryers in the home.
Before dryers became common in laundromats clothes were taken back damp and ironed. This was more or less ideal anyways since clothes needed to be damp to be ironed if you didn't have a steam iron (which was still a luxury).
Dryers would be very new or completely foreign for Steve. I doubt he used one.
Army Laundry Days
This post is already long (I know), so quick coverage of what I found here.
Army training camps had laundries. The army developed laundry trucks (Quarter Master Laundry Units) to service medical units and troops in the field.
When the trucks couldn't keep up with the front (although they did their best) soldiers made arrangements with local laundries or cleaned their clothes themselves.
Clothing exchange was sometime done instead of cleaning and returning the same clothes to speed up the process. This was done most often with front line troops, often in conjunction with showers.
Steve specialised uniform (really, all of the commandos' uniforms) would probably complicate this process which is really interesting to think about. This wash trucks wouldn't be able to just bring standard uniforms to switch out since they were all wearing different uniforms from different armies. If it could be arranged beforehand they might be able to bring a new uniform for Steve, but I wonder if he wore regular fatigues most of the time and only switched into his Captain America suit during active missions to make things easier.
The mobile laundries also organized clothing repair.
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This post got really long! I didn't get into the detailed steps of laundry before modern technologies really took off. But needless to say there's still a lot that could be said.
I have a housekeeping book from 1952 that goes into detail how to wash clothes. If anyone is interested in a post about that, you can let me know. I also have a catalogue reproduction showing laundry machines and prices from the early 20th century if anyone is interested,
Sunday Steve Masterpost
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usuallydeepcoffee · 1 year
Steve Rogers, the People’s P̶r̶i̶n̶c̶e̶s̶s̶  Superhero.
OR: Steve’s relationship with the media and regular people. I feel like I have a lot of thoughts that go in different directions: on one side, I feel like mcu Steve is on the shy/private side, so I don't see him accepting interviews or TV appearances left and right or having a strong online presence. He has already been a dancing monkey once before, so idk how much he'd enjoy being in the same situation again.
That being said, Steve is also the guy who can't help but step in when he sees injustice, so. It's a delicate balance. Would he engage in Twitter feuds with politicians and bullies? jury's out. But I definitely can see him not holding back IRL and in real time.
(I bet in the mcu you can find at least a couple of YT compilations that are like "Steve Rogers being a socialist for 9 minutes and 15 seconds" or "Steve Rogers clenching his jaw every time the journalists ask him about X Right Wing politician", because Avengers press conferences are a thing I can see happening, and I can definitely see journalists having a blast asking those questions. Even if sometimes he does try to tone it down, he probably doesn’t have a great poker face, lol).
But then again, Steve is also a guy who can be cheeky and friendly with regular people (Steve and Sam's first meeting? Him giving that cheeky little shush to the kid who recognized him at the exhibit? His interaction with Peter?), so. I bet there is at least one Reddit thread about celebs where a single mom is recounting how Steve Rogers saved her kid from a public meltdown at a diner one time, by helping her draw a picture of the Avengers. 
And lastly, he is a little aware of the effect he has on people (he does check himself out and says he has America's ass, come on), so. I love the idea of him messing with people while keeping a completely innocent face, leaving them wondering if he realizes what he'd just said.
(I can see Colbert making Steve take his questionert, and asking Steve the apples or oranges question and him replying with a straight face "Peaches". The whole studio would be buzzing as Colbert becomes red and looks into the camera and bites his lip hard. Meanwhile, Steve is just 😇😇😇)
Tl, dr: I think that it isn't as easy as it seems to balance out Steve's introverted nature, his little-shit nature (fandom sometimes goes a little bit overboard) and him being a hot blond and knowing it, but I think those three aspects of his character can definitely co-exist. And that would definitely make him one of the most loved-by-the public, hated-by-the-conservative-media heroes
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serialadoptersbracket · 7 months
Round 2 Polls:
(Projected length: 32 days)
(Bonus Rounds: Here)
Day 1:
1. Ogai Mori vs. Pascal
2. The Doctor vs. Franky
Day 2:
3. Madoc vs. Daenerys Targaryen
4. Inspector Barnes vs. Bright Noa
Day 3:
5. August vs. Claude Frollo
6. Cale Henituse vs. Leif
Day 4:
7. Simon Petrikov vs. Chiron
8. Yami Sukehiro vs. Sei Handa
Day 5:
9. Gintoki Sakata vs. Eithan Arelius
10. Dr. Gregory House vs. Maglor
Day 6:
11. Wolverine vs. Izumi Curtis
12. Roy Mustang vs. Abraham van Helsing
Day 7:
13. Askeladd vs. Rune Saint John
14. Guts vs. Jake Sully
Day 8:
15. Sir Reginald Hargreeves vs. Jean Valjean
16. Kohachi Inugami vs. The Fix
Day 9:
17. Kanan Jarrus and Hera Syndulla vs. Gumpa
18. Aphmau vs. Agent Washington
Day 10:
19. Grace vs. Vector the Crocodile
20. Alec Lightwood-Bane vs. Dadan
Day 11:
21. Bobby Nash vs. William Adama
22. Korosensei vs. The Warrior of Light
Day 12:
23. Kaname Date vs. Jack Starbright
24. Satoru Gojo vs. Dutch Van Der Linde
Day 13:
25. Xie Lian vs. Takashi “Shiro” Shirogane
26. Tom and Maddie Wachowski vs. Sakyo Furuichi
Day 14:
27. Welt Yang vs. Herlock Sholmes
28. Carlisle and Esme Cullen vs. Dracule Mihawk
Day 15:
29. Artemy Burakh vs. Barry and Iris West-Allen
30. Kazuma Kiryu vs. Yuugo and Lucas
Day 16:
31. Master Wu vs. Dave Seville
32. Axel vs. Izumi Tachibana
Day 17:
33. Arlecchino/The Knave vs. Sarah Jane Smith
34. Qifrey vs. Bell-Mere
Day 18:
35. Bobby Singer vs. Cap’n Craig Cuttlefish
36. Professor Hershel Layton vs. Donna Hanscum
Day 19:
37. Giovanni Potage vs. Ingo
38. Miles Edgeworth vs. Vil Shoenheit
Day 20:
39. Nick Fury vs. Dalinar Kholin
40. King Dedede and Meta Knight vs. Kavax au Telemanaus
Day 21:
41. Arataka Reigen vs. Jawbone O’Shaughnessey
42. Gol D. Roger vs. Abigail Pent and Magnus Quinn
Day 22:
43. Toriel Dreemurr vs. Master Kongo
44. Pongo and Perdita vs. Dr. Ivo “Eggman” Robotnik
Day 23:
45. Lance Strongbow vs. Derek Hale
46. Tony Stark vs. Roronoa Zoro
Day 24:
47. Jody Mills vs. Eric Gale
48. “Red-Haired” Shanks vs. Kurogane and Fai D’Flourite
Day 25:
49. Han Muchun vs. Iroh
50. Splinter vs. Lilia Vanrouge
Day 26:
51. Bruce Wayne vs. Thomas O’Malley
52. Jupiter North vs. Keishin Ukai
Day 27:
53. Kim Dokja vs. Roberto de Niro
54. Shōta Aizawa vs. Doctor Carmilla
Day 28:
55. Mendoza vs. Soundwave
56. David Wymack vs. Ash Ketchum
Day 29:
57. Wen Kexing and Zhou Zishu vs. Yondu Udonta
58. Eda Clawthorne vs. Gavroche
Day 30:
59. Fukuzawa Yukichi vs. Optimus Prime
60. Camila Noceda vs. QSMP!Philza
Day 31:
61. Phoenix Wright vs. The Dragonborn
62. Bruno Bucciarati vs. Oliver Queen
Day 32:
63. Whitebeard vs. Otose
64. Sojiro Sakura vs. Yukari Yakumo
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turn week day 2: content creator appreciation day!
Fair warning, this is mostly going to be rp blog related because that's the corner of the fandom I'm in mostly. I write on here and cabbxges-and-kings.
1. @annastrxng I always really treasure our threads from Hewlett to Abe to Rogers. I really love our Anna & Abe thread, even if it was crack related because of the cabbage cake. I feel like we have bridged the gap between Abe and Anna and how the writers gave them little to no chemistry. We have added more life to their ship than the writers ever cared to do. I always enjoy the chaotic nature of Rogers and Anna interacting and his dynamic with Philomena, both people wronged by Andre and their circumstances to where they come together by a mutual need of revenge. I also enjoy our Annlett threads and the idea of Ellie in the mix of s4, strengthening Hewlett's character arc in that season. I feel like nobody has the best grasp of Anna but you. I also really treasure our one thread of Hewlett and Elizabeth bonding over pirates, haha.
2. @honorhearted We've been writing for so long, I can't possibly talk about all our threads together. I fondly look back on our Hewlett & Ben Horse Girl Book ClubTM thread and can't help but imagine what could've happened in the show if they met personally. That thread really helped me develop Hewlett as a whole with how his past impacts the present. We also finished what the writers didn't care to finish between Rogers and Ben. Also the Abe and Ben bonding moments. You listen to my random ideas and you're always willing to interact with whoever, so I really appericate that. Thank you for joking around with me in dms and supporting my madness and to continue writing with me for 2 years.
3. @pagetreader A new mutual of mine. I always enjoy the thought and the depth in all your ocs and I can't help but notice how well you write Peggy. I really need to get to our drafts, but I'm really looking forward to exploring more with your ocs and seeing where our dynamics take us!
4. @calamity-bean This is a random mention because you aren't a roleplay blog, haha. But I've looked through your meta analysis of turn and I love every single one! I also loved your fic! I know you don't post turn content anymore, but I just wanted to mention you because I loved the way you explored the characters when turn was running. I also really enjoy your artwork in general.
5. @multipleoccupancy We haven't written in a while due to our busy schedules, but I still look over our stuff in my drafts. I'm always fond of Hewlett and to find another who appreciates him as I do and writes him with my muses is always a joy. I feel like you have a really good grasp of his voice and his mannerisms that I can't help but read your threads for him on my dash.
6. @anoseforrottenapples Best Mary hands down. I feel like Rose captures Mary perfectly to where she could've wrote her herself. I'm always amazed with her depth into Mary's background that all her headcanons are basically canon in my mind when I think of Mary. Rose is also very sweet and is always super supportive of my ocs, I couldn't appericate her more for it.
7. @retrograderesemblance I can't even begin to talk about all our dynamics throughout the year we've been writing, haha. I love how chaotic to complex our dynamics have gotten over time. I still re-read our threads from time to time. I think Lydia wouldn't be the oc she is today if she didn't interact with your muses. I always enjoy our ooc madness and how we can go from that to complex plot meta chatter. I really treasure all our threads, new and old, and I love how our writing flows so well together (and how our muses are almost seamless in the way they naturally interact with one another, like Sarah and Sean for instance).
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nursetosoldier · 4 months
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NURSETOSOLDIER is a private , extremely exclusive , low activity roleplay blog for BUCKY BARNES & BECCA BARNES originally based on marvel comics , but reimagined with custom lore. mun and muses are 30+. this blog has a mature rating , and is only for muns 21+. personal blogs dni.
reimagined by jj.
remembering . . . family , love , generational trauma , trauma and how it affects multiple people , growing a voice , standing up for what's right , memory loss , brain washing , defying everything for one another , sibling loyalty , abuse , grief.
heavily affiliated with: @marvelmyriad / @vintertsarn.
BLOG ROLL: tsarnvoiny ( anya barnes ) , brooklynbred ( steve rogers ) , stonerbitchsupremacy ( fandomless oc ) , crearefuturum ( james stark )
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NO DRAMA. this blog has a strict no drama rule. i do not have a lot of energy and so writing is my only hobby i can really do anymore. i deal with chronic pain daily , so i do not have any time or patience for drama. do not bring it to me. i don't want to be involved. i will block people who break this rule.
RATING / CONTENT. do to the nature of this blog , this blog is a mature blog , and you must be 21+ to interact. this is for my own comfort and there will be no exceptions. this blog will feature very triggering content. i will be tagging any triggering content with the following format ' tw trigger here. ' so you can block any triggers accordingly to protect yourself. i also will not be offended if you don't follow back. we are all in charge of keeping our spaces safe for us. ( any threads dealing with HYDRA muses will be tagged ' tw hydra muse. ' as i know some make people uncomfortable. smut may also find it's way onto this blog as well , and will not be placed under a cut , but tagged with ' usfw. '
FORMATTING. i will be formatting my posts , and will be using custom spacing , bold , italic text as well as page breaks and icons. you are by no means required to use any of this to write with me. this is for my own amusement. i judge if i want to write with you based on if i think our muses will mesh well.
SHIPPING. i love shipping with people. it's also very easy for me to ship something , as i am a shipping whore. that being said , please approach me before assuming a ship. i promise i am a very nice person and would be happy to discuss it. this is just how comfortable i am with shipping. just a quick im will do. i also prefer to plot out ships so the asking helps with that too.
rebecca barnes , though she goes by becca , is the twin sister to bucky barnes , and was originally left back at home when bucky shipped out. she even stayed when steve rogers shipped out , but when she had no knews from bucky for months . . . she took it upon herself to find her brother. she enlisted to be a nurse. she had already wanted to become a nurse after learning some from steve's mother sarah. she never found her brother , or steve , but found herself joining SHIELD in hopes that she might one day find her brother. when she seemed to get too close to finding out where her brother actually was , undercover HYDRA agents hiding within SHIELD were ordered to ' get rid of her ' and through a series of events that are still hazy to her . . . she was sent to the present day , and after finding her brother , decided to stay there where she could be with him.
work in progress.
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
📝Nina Rogers
| Send me 📝 and i'll give you a random amount of headcanons/facts about my muse!
So similar to Richard we'll do some meta stuff though I feel there is more I can say on Nina? I'll also cover her relationship with Autumn since you don't get that much on the blog.
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Nina is actually short for Valentina, so on official Documents and such she is listed as such. Mainly she just goes by Nina. Full name Valentina 'Nina' Sarah Rogers.
Even though shes adopted, i never gave her a last name from before cause shes just Rogers to me XD
Like Richard nina also had some character inspirations behind her creation I know I said one before but I'll repeat myself.
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Rapheal from tmnt 2003. It's why her color is red and why Nina tends to deal with simallair story beats in a sense. I guess her Leo would be another oc that belongs to my friend Jasmine. They are rivals and yet they do work well together. They butt heads a lot and fight the second eyes lock.
Nina is far more sensitive so she gets angry easy and tends to rely on that anger when it comes to fighting. She just learned far sooner that isn't smart thanks to Steve. She still has her bad temper she just dose better at controlling it but like her Lantia blood suggests shes a hot head for sure.
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Another inspiration because Sailor Moon seems to impact a lot of what I do XD. Is Makoto from Sailor Moon. I always loved how she was the tallest, and Strongest of the group but was also one of the most feminine characters in the series with dreams of falling in love, having a family, and being all into cooking.
Originally Nina used to have a ponytail for this connection. Nina does still have her more feminine trait now. Nina doesn't dress girly but she is very into beauty products also keep her out of the kitchen u-u.
Nina has been an avid fan of Steve for as long as she can recall. She got invested in him as she got older and learned about his story of being this poor sick kid from Brooklyn that became the Hero known as Steve Rogers. And it inspired Nina to do good for others despite her own situations. Being a hot head landed her in a lot of trouble for fighting, however. Steve didn't become her hero though till taking her under his wing and being a mentor to her.
Nina is a hopeless romantic in truth she's a sap for a good love story and claims shes a cupid, she has helped people get together in the end but she shouldn't meddle u-u
This is why Nina's own romantic history is a tad messy. She falls in love kind of easily in that sometimes a girl just says so much as hi and Nina's head over heels.
Despite her break-ups and such Nina has never been against dating and has had both short-term and long-term relationships the shirts being a month the longer ones about half a year or more. Her final relationship though is Autumn her wife.
Nina meets Aumtun in her second year of college, they meet in the campus library where Nina needs help finding a book for a mission because something just doesn't make sense to her. This kind of leads to a lot of thier interactions. Autumn's expertise makes her a sort of secondary source for Nina to hit when she needs help. Of course, the moment she heard Autumn's voice the girl fell hard. So it became a great excuse to see this girl more.
They start to date not to long after this meeting, Autumn was the first girl Nina ever dated who truly loved Nina for all she was and saw her as more than a strong girl. She saw ninas passionate side, her drive, and more importantly her brains. Autumn is the one who told Nina how she's a quick thinker even if she makes a mistake she's able to keep her brain working in stressful moments.
Something that stuck with Nina because she was so used to others thinking she was reckless or stupid no one else ever told her that before. Sure Nina's been in love before but that was when she truly felt something deeper for another person. Finally being felt seen in a way no one else ever has.
Nina lives for social media she has an account on a lot of the main sites.
Twitter: Where she is the most mainly to post updates on her hero work it's been a good way to connect with people and send out alerts for people to clear areas.
Instagram: Is mostly her posting pictures of herself around the tower leaving for missions or returning she never post the same days those go on just to be safe. Has posted many photos of Steve's dad get ups. Lots of Cooper photos
TikTok: Shes usually follows the trends roping Brook, Peter, and even Astrid into joining her. Peter usually has more idea on what's going on and tends to work the camera since he has experience. Lots of skits to trending sounds or dance videos
snapchat: this is mostly her and Aumutn just sending photos back and forth to each other
Nina deff had a Myspace back in the day, she has a facebook but don't use it when people left Myspace. She once had tumblr but she wasn't much of a blogger and just assumed that all it was for.
Nina always wanted to be part of a family. Her own was such a mess and torn apart. Mom didn't want a kid (fair) Dad was stuck with her and seemed to always wish to get away from her. She had a grandmother she often was dumped off to but they weren't exactly always wanting to babysit her.
You can say this adds a lot to her trust issues.And why she can be fast to pull others in despite it.
In truth the reason she can't stand Drac? he reminds her too much of her biological sperm donor. Nina doesn't care if she gets hurt its why she rushes into fights and takes all the hits she can so someone else won't have to. But she fears him hurting Steve again and Brooklyn. To her he hasn't done a thing to prove he won't leave them (I will say him leaving CABEL would be the start to her agreeing to reconsider)
It's unfair to Drac but that's a whole land mine for Nina an issue and area she doesn't want to touch on if she can avoid it.
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Very rough I need to work on this but this is Nina's hero logo an 'S' with a star shape. Nina design a lot of her own brand in a sense even her hero costume she designs before having Tony get it set up to be made.
Next to Steve Nina also admires Tony Stark, mostly for his achievements in inventions and he's the reason she goes to school for engineering he encouraged it even. When she was first brought in he took note of her interests and ended up getting her a scholarship and more for her remaining high school years. This did cause some issues between them Nina not wanting a hand own but he made it clear it never was a hand out he truly thinks she has a mind that needs to be 'properly looked at' an insult and compliment. Tony is differently a second father figure to her no matter the verse. Often when mad at Steve it's Tony she goes too
Natasha is her third idol and the one she learned most her fighting from when she wanted to prove herself to Steve.
Nina’s favorite way to excuse anything she dose is say it’s because she’s [insert random star sign here] Nina doesn’t know her star sing nor understand anything about this stuff so she’s always saying whatever ones comes to mind
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birdieart · 2 years
some sarah rogers thoughts
(tw: eugenics, ableism)
mcu sarah would have given birth alone, likely very young (in her late teens), newly widowed, and in a foreign country. if she had a hospital birth, she would have only had the midwives, since joseph was gone by then
steve was probably very sickly early on (colic, cradle cap, eczema, fever, etc) and that would have worried her, especially if he was a small baby (very likely)
when it became clear steve was chronically ill (probably around 6-7, if the asthma, heart problems, vision and hearing issues, possible allergies, scoliosis, and anemia showed by then), sarah would have probably been taken aside and told she should give steve up to a sanitorium (a common practice with disabled children), where he would eventually be quietly euthanised, as was common in those hellholes
obviously, she didn't do that, and instead decided to work TWO JOBS during the DEPRESSION to make sure they had a roof over their heads, food on the table, and medicine and doctors visits for steve, not to mention things like books, schooling, art materials, etc she would have saved up to buy for him to make him happy, and later herself, since steve remembers his art making her smile, which is why he kept at it when he was a kid
she probably worried about him being bullied, and didn't realise her own stubbornness and fighting spirit had been passed onto him until she came to pick a 9 year old steve up from school after he got into a fist fight with a much older boy and steve told her he got into a fight because the boy was being mean to a girl and no one else was telling him to back off
(she couldn't decide if she was proud or exasperated. a bit of both. she bought steve a soda on the way home after deciding she was mostly proud of her baby being so brave)
when steve dragged bucky into the rogers apartment by the sleeve for the first time, sarah was convinced bucky was an angel sent to watch over her boy. he was so sweet, polite, and such a sensitive, kind child, with an adorable smile and a head of dark curls.
bucky ended up being less of an angel, but still someone who loved steve enough to try to protect him, even if he cried when he got hit and wasn't quite the fighter steve was. but they were good for each other. the barnes and rogers families ended up being very close, sarah and winnifred trading the boys off for sleepovers every other weekend
sarah, watching steve reach his teenage years, scrappy and hot headed, opinionated, and stubborn as all hell, realising that his life is always going to be hard because people will always look at him like he's not enough despite how fiercely he burns with his love for his family and his need to protect people like him when no one else will
steve was 14 when he got surgery for his scoliosis, and sarah waited in the hospital hallway for hours, not knowing if this new form of treatment would work or if it would kill steve in the end. refusing to leave his bedside when he came out of surgery and reading his old favourite books to him, telling bucky to stay quiet when he visited and steve was asleep.
she missed joseph, a lot. they'd come to america together, so young and unsure, but she knew he's be proud of his little scrapper - steve looked a lot like him, had the same angular features and crooked nose. as steve got older, she realised just how much he looked like joe, and sometimes it made her tear up because in some angles, it was like looking at a ghost. but when he smiled, it was all him, a little crooked, but still handsome and a little devilish.
at 17, once all the hormones had calmed down, steve stopped taking the bait for every fight and sarah had to patch up less bloodied knuckles, less cut lips, less sprained joints. but that fight was still there, simmering under the surface. steve was quiet, but had a few friends - bucky and arnie, both good kids, both of them boys she could trust with him.
(sometimes, she saw how bucky looked at steve when he didn't realise anyone was looking - the utter love and devotion in those big, sad eyes made sarahs heart clench, knowing it wouldn't be easy if it was what she suspected it was. but bucky loved steve and she was grateful for that, because that meant someone else in this world was just as affected by steve in their life as she was, even if in a different way)
when sarah got sick, she knew she wouldn't shake it. she had lived long enough to see steve graduate from high school and get into auburndale art school, following bucky who went a year earlier for their music program, and she was proud of her boy, and regretted nothing except that she wouldn't be there for the other things she imagined for him - starting a career, enjoying his adult life with his friends, maybe getting married and having a family of his own, if he wanted that (part of her thought he didn't - he wasn't the most social, and he kept to his own people, the people he chose. he was sort of like a cat in that regard, even as a teenager)
sarah rogers died, maybe not knowing the specifics of what steve would become, but knowing in her bones that he was going to great things.
she would be so, so proud of him if she saw what he became - a soldier like his father, a fighter like her, and something altogether his own, against all odds
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luna-rainbow · 3 years
I was wondering if you would have any insight on this. Steve's mother Sarah was a TB nurse and later died of it. How did Steve, with all his health issues, never get Tuberculosis? It looks like there was a vaccine in 1921 so I guess he could have gotten that, but wouldn't Sarah have gotten it? Or was she more likely to still catch it because she worked with TB patients? Would Steve have had to take precautions around her? Would Sarah have been concerned about working with TB patients given all her sons health issues?
Oooh thanks for the interesting ask! Also apparently "medical" is a banned tag now.
As with many medical things, there's a lot of variables, some of which we still don’t understand. For example, why do some people walk around just fine with Covid, others get really sick, and even others never get better?
The TL;DR answer to your questions:
It’s quite likely that Steve (and possibly Bucky too) did get infected, but they weren’t having active illness (i.e. it was a latent infection). The chance of reactivation at a later time is small but probably higher risk for Steve.
Latent infection is not easy to pick up back in those days and may not have been found on Steve's enlistment health screening
Being a TB nurse definitely increased Sarah's risk of getting it. Passing it onto Steve would definitely be on her mind but presumably being a TB nurse was not a popular career choice and it was the best respectable job she could get during a very difficult time for an immigrant widow.
TB patients are encouraged to reside in sanatoriums, but that means no income for the family. It would have been a very difficult situation for Sarah and Steve, especially if he was still school age.
The BCG vaccine was probably not available to the masses in Steve's childhood.
I'm not sure how much people already know about TB so I might just mention some basics first.
TB infection
The bacteria that causes TB is called "Mycobacterium tuberculosis", which is a rather unusual bacteria in that they can become "dormant" i.e. they can stay inactive for many years and then cause disease years later. The other quirk to this bacteria is that they are notoriously slow growing, e.g. it takes about 4-6 weeks for them to show up on cultures. It's suspected that only a small number of bacteria are needed to establish an infection -- one of the methods used to diagnose an infection is to look for the bacteria in phlegm, but it's like looking for a needle in a haystack. You COULD miss it on the sample they give you but at other times they still cough up enough bacteria to pass on the infection.
From the moment of exposure, there are 4 possible outcomes: 1) immediate clearance (ie no infection), 2) immediate onset of active disease, 3) latent infection, and 4) reactivation disease. What's important to note here is that the vast majority of people with latent infection (90%) DON'T go on to reactivate. But in those that do - half of them will happen within the first 5 years, the other half will reactivate any time after that. Death rate prior to antibiotics for active disease was around 80%.
Now, because the initial bacterial load is small and because it's so slow-growing, generally people don't have many symptoms until it's too late. Most might have a fever during their initial infection but not any lung symptoms. Latent infection is asymptomatic (because the bacteria is dormant). Reactivation TB is often diagnosed late because people tend to have months of mild non-specific symptoms, but they can be infectious long before the diagnosis is made -- sometimes up to 2-3 years!
Risk factors for reactivation are all linked to lowered immunity, e.g. malnutrition, steroids/other immune therapy (not available during Steve's time), HIV/AIDS, diabetes, kidney disease, cancers/cancer treatments, old age etc. Cigarette smoking is also a risk factor for progression.
Social context: It's well-established even (earlier than) in the 1800s that TB predominates in poorer neighbourhoods that suffer from overcrowding and poor sanitation. 1930s stats showed that Black and immigrant neighbourhoods had TB mortality rates 6 times that of White neighbourhoods. Amongst "transients" living in the Bowery District (I mention this because I saw that Steve's childhood home is in one version of canon listed as Lower East Manhattan), death rate was approaching 350 per 100 000 population. Screening of around 4000 homeless people in NYC found 5% had active infection -- now remember how we said 5% of people with latent infection develop active infection? That means that it's highly likely that the number of homeless people carrying latent infections were 10-20 times the number of active cases.
Assuming Sarah died in Steve's late teens, and assuming we take Steve's year of birth as 1918, and assuming that the duration from diagnosis to death is about 2 years, this means Sarah probably died somewhere around 1934-1937 and was diagnosed 1-2 years before that. The timing is important in that it coincides with the tail end of the Depression and the introduction of the New Deal. On the health front, though, there's been a progressive loss of interest by policymakers because TB mortality was starting to become overtaken by other illnesses. Follow-up treatment of new patients were left to voluntary agencies, hospitals and private physicians, with only 14% of new cases being supervised by the Health Department in 1936. This meant poorer patients generally fell through the cracks for their treatment.
Treatment: Pre-antibiotic era TB treatment was sanatorium based - residential homes for TB patients. It served both to sequester infectious patients from society, and also ensured that they had rest, nutrition and fresh air. It might sound idyllic but it's really not your 21st century hotel quarantine. People were mandated strict horizontal bed rest for months, which meant 1) people become debilitated from the bed rest and 2) movement through the beds are SLOW so there's an extremely long wait for a spot. Places often incurred substantial cost, although the health department subsidised some (and also forcibly detained some people), but if you're the breadwinner in a poor family, losing income for months even if you didn't have to pay for your sanatorium admission is just not feasible. I don't know enough about what Sarah and Steve would have been able to access through social programs. I don't see a loving mother leaving her teenage son if she couldn't be sure he had some way to support himself, but she also wouldn’t have wanted him (or Bucky) to have the burden of caring for her when she is highly infectious. Maybe he dropped out of school to work (not easy for a sickly kid with no experience or education to find a job during the Depression!), or maybe he got a scholarship and Bucky shared as much of the living costs as Steve would allow, or maybe Steve moved in with Bucky’s family for some time while Sarah was at a sanatorium until Steve found a job.
Screening: here's a good article on TB screening for army recruits throughout the wars. WW2 screening for TB was based on radiographs, which erm...I cbb looking up the exactly sensitivity, but it's easy to miss a mild or latent TB on an X-ray. The Mantoux test (tuberculin skin test) wasn't introduced for army screening until the Korean War, which would have been far more sensitive in picking up latent infections if Steve had one.
Vaccine: You brought up an interesting point about the BCG vaccine (which is still used today) being first tested in 1921. The efficacy had been difficult to measure before newer diagnostic methods became available in the last few decades, but it rates somewhere around 30%.
This article provides some insight on the checkered history of the early BCG vaccine. In summary: it was first tested in France in 1921 and trialled in other European countries by the end of that decade. The US team in 1929, however, isolated virulent TB from the vaccine, which made them hesitate in using it. This was immediately followed by the "Lubeck disaster" in 1930, where the majority of 250 infants in Germany who received a contaminated vaccine developed TB, with almost a third of them dying. The cause was NOT the vaccine, but the incident gave it a terrible rep. It looks like the BCG didn't get used more commonly until WW2, so it's possible that Steve and Bucky might have gotten their vaccinations there, but not before.
So there you go. I feel like the time around Sarah’s diagnosis and death would have been awful for Steve. He’s at the cusp of adulthood, which is already a very stressful and uncertain time, more so for someone with chronic illness, and now he has to wing it on his own. It was a particularly difficult time for the rest of society too, so people are likely to be less charitable in general, and a desperate kid with no guardian or advocate is an easy target to take advantage of. This is most likely the period Steve refers to when he says “even when I had nothing, I had Bucky”, so my guess is Bucky contributed a lot to help Steve through these few years.
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pigtailedgirl · 2 years
If Sarah Rogers lived
What if Sarah Rogers had survived her TB and was there through Steve’s decision to try and enlist,  get serumed and become Captain America? Would it happen? Oh god the angst of it not and the AU and fallout. No Steve to rescue Bucky and the Commandos, no Steve but another guy being America’s fronted guy, but Steve in another job, Steve in comfort and conflict with his own ma. 
Cause, would she want her boy on the frontlines? After her husband’s death?Would they conflict? What would change about his self-esteem and reactions without her loss? 
She 100% wouldn’t be pleased imo with his physical need to change. Improving health yes, changing to be “perfect ideal” no. The experiment angle. This need to prove self thinking sacrifice of self is only way. It conflicts with mom love. 
I want the drama. 
Comics, she’s so proud of Steve, and that’s lovely and so heartfelt, of who he became and his drive. But it’s him looking at her or the what if of an after the choice. But living through it with him, the momma toll and love of being proud of what he wants to become versus already proud by virtue of son and is being you know. Imagine Steve reckoning with that. Imagine a real her and him POV in the moment. I want it so bad.
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wolfhuntsmoon · 5 years
Sarah Rogers and how Steve inherited ‘stubborn little shit’ from the womb
Okay, so I was noodling on Sarah after reading her Marvel wiki and some extraordinarily good posts about how EG Steve should have gone back to see his mum instead of Peggy etc and the timings of Steve’s early story struck me as... interesting.
Steve is born on 4th July 1918, before the end of WWI, meaning he would have been conceived in September or October of 1917 - that is, if he was born on time or only a few weeks premature. Which, given the tech and prognosis for preemies in the early 20th century, must have been the case because things were grim enough even if you weren’t born prematurely, for both baby and mother. If you were giving birth, you had a 6% chance of dying in Ireland in this period - roughly comparable with the rest of Europe but shockingly high by our standards. The odds were better if you were rich, but not by that much. Childbirth remained the leading cause of death for women worldwide until the late 1940s, remember. And kids fared no better. One in five children born in Dublin in this period died before their 5th birthday. Again, the figures would be better or worse depending on how well off you were, but even the richest still suffered appalling infant mortality rates.
Anyway, depressing history of women’s health aside, this means that Joseph Rogers, American solider, and her, must have been doing the do about then, and probably seeing each other on the regular before that, because believe you me, casual sex in the early 20th century was a big no no. Not to say it didn’t happen, but usually only via prostitution ESPECIALLY in Ireland, because the Catholic Church ruled supreme there even more than the British did and contact between the sexes was very restricted and frowned upon. Sex ed was nonexistent, and women knew that even a whiff of scandal about them was enough to ruin them, their entire family, and the rest of their life. It’s a hackneyed joke because it’s true: Ireland is small and everyone knows everyone. You would get found out and then suffer the consequences - sent to a mother and baby home if you were lucky, and those places were worse than prisons sometimes. That cultural context would carry over even if Sarah wasn’t actually in Ireland at the time.
So, likely they were married by then, because again: social ruin. The Marvel wiki says they were married, but not when. (I know nothing about the comics, I’m sorry) Soldiers and their sweethearts often married very quickly, and there are actually quite a few accounts of nurses falling in love and marrying the soldiers they tended. (More on this later) However, if she was widowed and could have the child respectably, why not return to Ireland? With, presumably, a support network that makes emigrating to America a worse, not better, prospect? This is the crux of my theory: Sarah Rogers was seen as an unmarried mother, and treated as such, because she married Joseph abroad, probably without permission, and when he died, had no social proof of the marriage. And in those days, unmarried mothers either: aborted in secret, had the baby concealed by the church where they were then taken and given up for adoption, or were cast out with nothing and ostracised if they decided to keep the baby. Sarah ending up in America strikes me as her taking the third option, and indeed the only option she could, to keep her baby.
But first: Joseph and Sarah need to meet in order to get down and dirty. How? He’s an American soldier who would never have set foot in Ireland in WWI - the British government kept their troops there, obviously, but the Americans were all put straight onto the continent or mainland Britain once they crossed the Atlantic from 1917 onwards (remember the US only joined in WWI in April 1917). In fact, the US wasn’t able to send significant numbers of troops to Europe until the following spring of 1918, because their army was so small and outmoded for trench warfare they basically had to send a lot of stuff over until they had enough trained bodies, which took about a year to organise. Based on this, if Joseph and Sarah were making baby Steve in September 1917, Joseph must have been in the regular US army before it entered the war, and likely in for quite a long time and experienced, to be sent over so soon. That experience would have been invaluable, meaning he never would have been assigned to stay in Ireland even if the US did send troops there. He would have been deployed straight onto the battlefield.
In which case, if Joseph never sets foot in Ireland, then how does he meet Sarah? Well, we’re told she’s a qualified nurse, and that was a solidly middle class job back then. You needed to have a good education, beyond primary level (which was all that was free for kids back then - you had to pay for secondary or tertiary level) and speak English well. In addition to that, your training to be a nurse took three years, and you weren’t paid or funded at all for those. So I don’t buy the theories that she emigrated to America only speaking Irish and totally penniless. Sarah most likely came from quite a well off family to become a nurse, although it’s not impossible she rose from much humbler circumstances as there were a number of scholarships and the like for the deserving poor set up by rich upper class ladies bored out of their minds drinking endless teas in salons who liked to do things like Help the Poor but only if they’re Pure and Mannerly. Qualified nurses were paid about £40/year in WWI by the British government, when your average domestic maid would have been earning about £20/year - quite a big difference.
Either way, Sarah, as a nurse, was exactly the kind of woman the British government was desperate to recruit by 1915-1916 when the true scale of modern attritional warfare became clear, and no longer pussyfooted around keeping women and their delicate sensibilities away from the battlefield. The Battle of the Somme between July-Nov 1916, for example, claimed the lives of over 20,000 British soldiers ON THE FIRST DAY. The British alone sustained over a million casualties (dead, missing or wounded) across the whole battle. They couldn’t afford to stay prudish. There were just too many casualties to deal with. They even opened up medical degrees to women without restrictions because they were so desperate! Which was a big part of the reason why Britiain introduced conscription for the first time in 1916, including in Ireland (which led to the Easter Rising and Irish War of Independence, hoo boy was that a mistake). Droves and droves of young women were recruited to fill all sorts of jobs while the men were away, but a large number also went overseas to the battlefields of Belgium and France. Sarah must have been one of them. If she was qualified beforehand, she would most likely have been sent to work in a field hospital abroad, because the voluntary members were mostly kept working as assistants on the British mainland. Lots of women joined these Voluntary Aid Detachments (VADs) at the start of the war to nurse wounded soldiers, but the military hated the idea of using them until they couldn’t cope in 1915. Even then, volunteers were only used for the more menial tasks. Professionals like Sarah were what was needed the most.
Now, I’ve said that she likely came from a middle class family, so money probably wasn’t a worry until after she got to America, later on. Why go, given the pay wasn’t significantly more than you’d earn as a nurse at home? Well, the rigid social hierarchy of the time broke down in some pretty major ways out there, and it was likely the only chance an unmarried woman would ever get to travel that wouldn’t immediately ruin her reputation. And if you accept more the idea she became a nurse via scholarship and was poor, the increase in pay working abroad would have been sorely appreciated. And we can also consider patriotism might play a role - not all Irish were rabidly anti-British before 1916. Indeed, many ordinary and middle class Irish only became ardently nationalist in the wake of the brutal repression following the 1916 Easter Rising. And more than that, many Irish, even if they disliked the British, disliked the idea of the Germans and Austrians-Hungarians winning the war even more. Personally, I think Sarah was an adventurer who seized her chance to escape the restrictive social confines of Ireland and didn’t once look back, even if her family disapproved.
I couldn’t find a birthdate for Sarah, or a maiden name to tell me where she might have hailed from (thanks, Marvel. Not.) But let’s say she was part of that first initial wave of volunteers who signed up in 1914 - because it was HUGE. It’s really difficult for us, so jaded now, to get into the mindset of people then, but they did sign up in huge numbers. Partly due to patriotism, partly because they thought the war would be over by Christmas, partly fear of being shamed for not ‘doing their bit’ - there were lots of reasons. But it’s very telling that the British government didn’t feel the need to introduce conscription for men until two years after the war broke out, and they never introduced a civilian equivalent. So Sarah would have been very familiar with the horrors of the battlefield and the war by the time fresh faced Joseph Rogers arrives on the scene in 1917.
How did they meet? Sarah would have most likely been working in a field hospital, overseeing a team of volunteers. Field hospitals were behind the front lines, but only by a few miles, and nurses were killed by enemy shelling and gas attacks. They were the first real point of medical care most soldiers would encounter after having bandages slapped on them at a dressing station in the trenches, before being carted off to the field hospital (if they survived the journey) by stretcher bearers, horses, or increasingly as the war continued, motorised ambulances. So Sarah and her ilk were lasses made of steel, honest to god. They were in the thick of the worst of it, men screaming and dying, and often afraid for their lives while they tried to care for them. A lot of those nurses developed PTSD (then called shell-shock) as a result. Jospeh is most likely to have met her if he was a wounded patient of hers brought in from the battlefield. But only lightly wounded - if he had been badly wounded he would have been shipped straight back to mainland Britain to convalesce as soon as he was stabilised, thwarting any budding romance.
We’re also told that Jospeh dies in a mustard gas attack. So this hospital trip must have been for something different - a broken bone perhaps, or a minor shrapnel wound that would see him off duty for a while but still stationed in the area and therefore able to court Sarah. Young people (Sarah must have been less than 28 because that was the cut off age for nurses to be recruited in 1915-1916) being young people, I imagine they fell in love, fell in to bed, and biology did its magic. The timescale on this is open to interpretation, because the ABSOLUTE earliest they could have met is May 1917 (travel time by ship from America to Europe took weeks during the war), and Steve must have been conceived by October, latest. Which is a pretty whirlwind romance, but not unusual for the time. The Germans first used mustard gas from July of 1917, but Joseph must survive up until September/October.
So, that cause of death as mustard gas? This is strange given how mustard gas was well known at the time to be the ‘best’ gas to have inflicted on you. It produced horrific blisters and burns, particularly on the inside of your throat and airways, but rarely killed. Chlorine and phosgene were MUCH deadlier. So Marvel saying this is more poor research, but let’s go with it - gas affecting you would make it that much more likely you’d be caught by machine gun or shellfire or any of the other myriad ways to die on a WWI battlefield. Here’s where things start to align quite nicely (well, badly for Sarah, but good for fic writers) as mustard gas was deployed by the Germans on a large scale between October 9th-12th to defend the Passchadaele Ridge from a joint British and French assault on the German defences. This was part of the second biggest battle of WWI, the Battle of Passchendaele, notorious for the seas of mud men had to slog through up to their waists, and one of the battles which, like the Somme, gave WWI generals such bad reputations. In three months the British lost 350,000 men and advanced just a few kilometres. They abandoned the battle on November 10th.
So, Joseph Rogers? Must have died between October 9-12th, well before Sarah realised she was pregnant even if Steve was conceived at the start of September. Likely he was caught in a mustard attack, started choking because he couldn’t get his gas mask on/hadn’t got it fitted properly, and then was killed by gun or shellfire after his initial injury. Mustard gas took time to affect the skin and membranes of the body, so if he fell while the gas was still around, it would have looked much worse by the time his body was identified and retrieved from the battlefield. The date, however, means Joseph died never knowing he was going to be a father (sad!), and Sarah, newly widowed, likely didn’t see any reason not to continue working as a distraction until she encountered the first signs of preganancy. The stiff upper lip thing was a real coping mechanism back then. She would have been kicked out as soon as anyone could tell, or she told them and got kicked out, because that was legal and expected then. Pregnant women were fired for being pregnant in any job, and the idea of a pregnant woman working in a theatre of war, as you can imagine, would have outraged everyone.
So, Sarah gets kicked out, has no job. She’s widowed and pregnant. But, the marriage would probably have taken place without her family’s permission (letters were pretty slow and heavily censored on the front lines, the timeframe likely wouldn’t allow for anything except a note telling them she married) and although she would have had a marriage certificate, turning up at home without a husband but with a baby from a military camp? Would have been a deep, deep scandal at the time. Particularly if Sarah came from a middle class family who would have been extremely conscious of their social position and the danger she and her baby posed to it. Catholic mores plus unsanctioned marriage plus Irish social structures equals daughter returning in disgrace to besmirch the family name in a way that is literally unthinkable at the time. Family therefore issues an ultimatum - come back and get rid of the baby and the marriage cert so you can be respectable, or don’t come back at all. I really cannot stress this enough - families would, and did, prefer to say the woman had died and never have any contact with them again, rather than accept an unmarried mother back into their house.
Sarah, being Sarah though, grits her teeth, spits in God’s eye, and packs her bags for the first steamship to New York. She was a lot better equipped than most to make the journey, with some savings from her salary and a profession she could rely on once she arrived. But it was still a recklessly brave thing to do because at this point in time the ENTIRE Atlantic was infested with German U-Boats who were doing their level best to sink any Allied or Allied associated ship they could get in their periscope sights. And they were terrifyingly effective in 1917, although by the end of the year when Sarah would have beeen sailing, countermeasures like the convoy system had greatly reduced this. But still scary as fuck, because by that point the German U-Boats were even sinking hospital ships - until then left alone by both sides.
She probably arrived in the US in January or February of 1918 - it would have taken time to arrange her travel and the journey itself took 3-4 weeks. Little Steven G Rogers came into the world on July 4th, 1918, without a clue as to the sacrifices his mother made to keep him and bring him to America, or the heartache she endured in the previous years. And that, my fellow nerds, is why Sarah Rogers is AWESOME and a sorely underused character and development point for Steve in the MCU. Because to do what she did, and to make it through took more than guts, it took sheer bloody-minded spite and stubbornness, and hey - who does that remind us of? Steve doesn’t grow up and get angry and fighty - no, he’s got that shit in his GENES from Sarah from the beginning.
EDIT: Part 2 is up! Consisting of Sarah’s journey and entry to America, plus how Very Not Good it was to be Irish whilst trying to do so.
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I genuinely do not understand the antis who say Sarah Rogers would, and I quote ‘whoop Steve’s ass when he gets to heaven’ for living a full and happy life. Like, completely putting that disgusting mischaractization aside, imagine being a mother who genuinely loves her child to death, then being mad that he lived an extremely long and happy life with a partner he adores, bc BrOs BeFoRe HoEs.
Also if we’re going by happy comic or AA canon, she prolly would’ve done the EXACT same thing if it meant she could go back and raise Steve with Joseph.
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steverogersified · 6 years
You know, I would watch a movie of young, impoverished, immigrant Sarah Rogers raising young Steve during the Great Depression as a single parent. It would make for a fascinating (and utterly heartbreaking) film.
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zae82 · 3 years
A Bigger Place.
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The Rogers moved into a bigger place. A house by the docks with a pool and a backyard. I mean they have three growing kids, they need a yard.
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They also have a new golden retriever puppy. I did consider naming him Dodger but that’s just too meta. So his name is Champ in honour of President Biden’s late dog. Anyway he looks like a Champ. The kiddos adore their new pet.
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Did I tell you that Sarah Rogers is kinda whiney and clingy? She needs to be comforted all the time. I mean you know Nat probably doesn’t coddle her as much as Steve does.
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Steve is such a great Dad, even playing dolls with Sarah.
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Natalie is a toddler now. Her hair is super light blonde and her eyes are green like Nat’s. She looks so Scandinavian by the way. Also another Daddy’s Girl but not as clingy as Sarah.
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Family Portrait!
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The girls are obsessed with their Princess dresses.
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Jamie is like Nah “I’m kewl don’t need no costume.” Aaaaaaaaah see this is why James Rogers is awesome and why he needs to exist. The reason for Capwidow/Romanogers.
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Of course Steve and Nat gotta christen the new place that very first night for luck. Hot hot Capwidow sex. Yes I made sure she is on the pill. No more Babiesss.
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Also Gotta try out the hot tub. And I think he really likes her boobs. 😏 More like obsessed.
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afaimsarrowverse · 4 years
The 35 Craziest Arrowverse Episodes
„Crazy“ is an ever changing measure, especially in the Arrowverse. When Time Travel and Parallel Universes were introduced it was a heavy leap from the norm. A couple of seasons later it was pretty much normal. So this list reflects changes in the norm, episodes that pushed the crazy and unusual. What is crazy for on show is not crazy for another one. So if you mix it you might not find it as crazy as something below it, but it is as crazy … for the show it’s featured in.
 So, let’s get into it:
  35. Haunted (Arrow Episode 4.5/74, Written by: Brian Ford Sullivan, Oscar Balderrama, Directed by: John Badham)
 John Constantine crosses over in the Arroverse in this episode which reveals Olivers dealings with him in the past and shows him restoring Saras soul. With this episodes the show started to embrace it supernatural arc, here „Arrow“ got mystically weird.
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34.  Hey, World (Legends 4.16/67, Written by: Phil Klemmer, Keto Simizu, Directed by: Kevin Mock)
 In the Season 4 Finale of “Legends” Nate is brought back to life by the power of love and song, Vandal Savage returns in an unusal way and we meet a dancing dragon. Good stuff indeed.
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  33.  Mr. And Mrs. Mxyptlk (Supergirl Episode 2.13/33, Written by: Jessica Queller, Sterling Gates, Directed by: Stefan Pleszczynski)
 Do not listen to the haters. This is basically the “Supergirl”-Version of the 90s Trek-Episodes with Q in it. This one is probably the most comic book-y episode “Supergirl” ever did and it’s great.
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32.  Welcome to Earth2/Escape from Earth2 (Flash Episodes 2.13-14/36-37, 36: Written By: Greg Berlanti, Andrew Kreisberg, Katherine Walczak, Directed By: Millicent Shelton, 37: Written By: Aaron Helbing, Todd Helbing, David Kob, Directed By: J. J. Makaro)
 Like I said, we got used to multiple earths. However this two parter is the first time we ever visited one. We visit Earth-2 in this, where pretty much everything and everyone is different. We are in for a lot of surprises.
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 31.  License to Elongate (Flash Episode 6.6/120, Written By: Thomas Pound, Jeff Hersh, Directed By: Danielle Panabaker)
This one is the „Flash“-Version of a James Bond Movie, with Barry and Ralph encountering a Bond loving villain who steals ideas and lines from movies, which is exactly as much fun as it sounds.
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 30.  The Book of Resistance Chapter 4: Earth Crisis (Black Lightning 3.9/38, Written by: Lamont Magee, Directed by: Tasha Smith)
 In this one „Black Lightning“ discovers the multiverse and Jennifer meets different versions of herself, which lead to the shows best episode in quite a surprising way.
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29.  Cause and XS (Flash Episode 5.14/106, Written By: Todd Helbing, Jeff Hersh, Directed By: Rachel Talalay)
It’s the “Flash”s time-loop episode. More dark than funny, but with a lot of deaths and an happy ending, so in the end really worth it.
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 28.  An Un-Birthday Present (Batwoman 1.11/11, Written by: Chad Fiveash, James Stoteraux, Directed by: Mairzee Almas)
„Batwoman“ goes into the whole doppelganger business with this unusual episode, where Beth is back, which is a surprise for Kate, even more given that Alice is still running around as well.
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27.  Invasion! (2) (Arrow (5.8/100, Written by: Greg Berlanti, Marc Guggenheim, Wendy Mericle, Directed by: James Bamford)
While the writers cleary had fun with Barry and Kara in this one, the heart lies in the dream reality, where weg et a look at a world where the Gambit never sunk.
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 26.  Doomworld (Legends Episode 2.16/32, Written by: Ray Utarnachitt, Sarah Hernandez, Directed by: Mairzee Almas)
 Alternate timelines are kind of an Arrowverse thing, but this one did not came to be through time travel but through the Legion of Doom rewriting history to their own liking. Therefore there is no cause and effect to the changes, which allowed the writers to have a lot of fun.
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 25. Camelot/3000 (Legends Episode 2.12/28, Written by: Anderson Mackenzie, Directed by: Antonio Negret)
 From the far future to Camelot and King Arthur – this episodes travelled far and mixed those two areas up quite nice.
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24. Witch Hunt (Legends Episode 4.2/53, Written by: Keto Shimizu und Matthew Maalaa, Directed by: Kevin Mock)
 Here „Legends“ inserted the a singing Fairy Godmother into the era of the Salem Witch Trials. The Fairy Godmother was really not the fairytale kind, but rather an evil one, but boy, she could sing.
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 23.  Back from the Future Part 1 (Supergirl (Episode 5.11/98, Written by: Dana Horgan, Katie Rose Rogers, Directed by: David Harewood)
 An evil Winn from another earth turns up, which brings back our Winn and we get a Winn-Off, so to speak, and Winn with Clark Kent glasses so he wouldn’t be recognized.
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 22. Elongated Journey into the Night (Flash Episode 4.4/73, Written By: Sterling Gates und Thomas Pound, Directed By: Tom Cavanagh)
 This episode introduces the main one, which was Ralph of course, who discovers his new powers in this and is not as amused about them as we are.
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21. What’s Past is Prologue (The Flash Episode 5.8/100, Written By: Todd Helbing und Lauren Certo, Directed By: Tom Cavanagh)
 In the 100th episode Barry and Nora time travel through the history of the show, face down the Flash greatest villains of the past while trying not to change the time line, which of course does not work out.
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 20.  Reset (Arrow (Episode 8.6/166, Written by: Onalee Hunter Hughes und Maya Houston, Directed by: David Ramsey)
Yes it’s a time loop episode in „Arrow“! It’s probably the moment the show embraced it’s funny pages origin the most wholehearted.
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19. The Virgin Gary (Legends Episode 4.1/52, Written by: Phil Klemmer und Grainee Godfree, Directed by: Gregory Smith)
 John Constantine joins the Legends in the time for a murderous unicorn at Woodstock that roofies most of the team and gets Ray to snog a tree, Mick and Nate to exchange loving vows, and Zari to chase lights.
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18. Helen Hunt (Legends Episode 3.6/39, Written by: Keto Shimizu und Ubah Mohamed, Directed by: David Geddes)
 Helen of Troy single handedly destroys the Golden Era of Hollywood, simply by being there and driving men nuts. Studio exes try to kill each other in order to get her, while Damien Darhk becomes her agent to wreck even more havoc.
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17. The Fellowship of the Spear (Legends Episode 2.15/31, Written by: Keto Shimizu, Matthew Maala, Directed by: Ben Bray)
 This episode is “Legends”-Homage to Tolkien and his works. However the most quotes and nods go to the Peter Jackson Movies, which is no problem, because we love them too.
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16. Starling City (Arrow (Episode 8.1/ 161, Written by: Beth Schwartz und Marx Guggenheim, Directed by: James Bamford)
We are essentially reliving the pilot with a few signifcant changes. Turns out we are actually on Earth-2 and Oliver pretends to be his doppelganger in order to do a thing for The Monitor.
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15. Séance and Sensibility (Legends Episode 4.11/62, Written by: Grainne Godfree, Jackie Canino, Directed by: Alexandra La Roche)
 What have Jane Austen and Bollywood in common? Both a represented in this episode that features a Bollywood number and the death of Jane Austens writing career.
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14.  Luck is a Lady (Flash Episode 4.3/72, Written By: Sam Chalsen und Judalina Neira, Directed By: Armen V. Kervokian)
This episode introduces Hazard, a Meta who generates Bad Luck in order to have Luck herself which creates a lot more chaos than you would think.
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13.  Emerald Archer (Arrow Episode7.12/ 150, Written by: Marc Guggenheim und Emilio Ortega Aldrich, Directed by: Glen Winter)
„Cops“ meets „Arrow“. This is a documentary about Team Arrow, or rather the making of the documentary about Team Arrow or rather a very special very unsusal episode.
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12. The Bottle Episode (Supergirl Episode 5.10/97, Written by: Derek Simon, Directed by: Tawnia McKiernan)
 We get a lot of doppelgangers, most of them Brainys, and a lot of chaos, I mean more chaos then most other shows usually have, except for „Legends“.
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11. Aruba (Legends Episode 2.17/33, Written by: Phil Klemmer und Marc Guggenheim, Directed by: Rob Seidenglanz)
 The Finale of Season 2 features two sets of Legends, while the team goes back and while Malcolm, Damien, and Snart are mostly confused Eobard strikes back by recruiting a lot of his former selfes.
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10. The Good, the Bad and the Cuddley (Legends Episode 3.18/51, Written by: Marc Guggenheim und Phil Klemmer, Directed by: Dermott Downs)
 In the Season 3 Finale we got a massive Beebo who fights a gigantic demon. The Beebo was created by a Legends Orgy and symbolizes … well love I guess.
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9. Raiders of the Lost Art (Legends Episode 2.9/25, Written by: Keto Shimizu, Chris Fedak, Directed by: Dermott Downs)
 This is officially the episode where „Legends“ went nuts. Oh and it’s a delicous one. George Lucas never became a filmmaker after being scared of by Malcolms and Damiens attempts to kill amnesiac Rip Hunter who thinks he is an American filmstudent, whose script is basically the plot of the shows first season of „Legends of Tomorrow.“
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8.      It’s a Super Life (Supergirl Episode 5.13/100, Written by: Robert Rovner, Jessica Queller, Derek Simon, Nicki Holcomb, Directed by: Jesse Warn)
The 100the episode watches videos of the show and comments on them, then inserts Kara into the past and let her change things and create alternate timelines, what ifs, so of how things would have turned out if she had made different choices.
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7. Beebo the God of War (Legends Episode 3.9/42, Written by: Grainne Goodfree und James Eagan, Directed by: Kevin Mock)
 Mostly it’s the episode about Beebo Day. You know, the blue god, who hungers for war and conquest? Whose birthday we celebrate once a year in december and … wait? What was I talking about?
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6. Crisis on Infinite Earths Part 1-5 (Supergirl, Batwoman, Flash, Arrow, Legends, Part 1: Supergirl Episode 5.9/96, Written by: Robert Rovner, Marc Guggenheim, Derek Simon, Jay Faerber, Directed by: Jesse Warn, Part 2: Batwoman Episode 1.9/9, Written by: Din Whitehead, Holly Henderson, Directed by: Laura Belsey, Part 3: The Flash Episode 6.9/123, Written By: Lauren Certo, Sterling Gates, Eric Wallace, Directed By: David McWhirter, Part 4: Arrow: Episode 8.8/168, Written by: Marv Wolfman, Marc Guggenheim; Directed by: Glen Winter, Part 5: Legends of Tomorrow Episode 5.0/68, Written by: Keto Shimizu, Ubah Mohamed, Directed by: Gregory Smith)
 In the biggest and craziest Crossover in the history of television the multiverse is destroyed and rebuilt, Oliver Queen dies, we meet an evil Batman and we get a Supermen Team Up, among many other things.
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5. Legends of To-Meow-Meow (Legends Episode 4.8/59, Written by: James Eagan und Ray Utarnachitt, Directed by: Ben Bray)
 Sulky about missing out on the Crossover the Legends crossovered with themselves in Season 4. John and Charlie destroyed the timeline for selfish reasons, and now everything is wrong and everything they do makes things worse instead of better.
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 4.     Meet the Legends (Legends Episode 5.1/69, Written by: Grainne Godfree, James Eagan, Directed by: Kevin Mock)
This episode is the documentary and the making oft he documentary. Think Arrows „Emerald Archer“ only way carzier and funnier.
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 3. Duet (Flash Episode 3.17/63, Written By: Aaron Helbing, Todd Helbing, Greg Berlani, Andrew Kreisberg, Directed By: Dermott Daniels Downs)
 It’s the Musical Episode! The „Supergirl“-Crossover has all the jazz – singing, dancing, kissing, opening up about feelings – and also a mini „Glee“-Reunion.
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2.      Elseworlds Part 1-3 (Flash, Arrow, Supergirl, Part 1: The Flash Episode 5.9/101, Written By: Eric Wallace und Sam Chalsen, Directed By: Kevin Tancharoen und Tom Cavanagh, Part 2: Arrow Episode 7.9/147, Written by: Marc Guggenheim und Caroline Dries, Directed by: James Bamford, Part 3: Supergirl Episode 4.9/74, Written by: Mac Guggenheim, Derek Simon und Rob Rovner, Directed by: Jesse Warn)
In this Crossover Oliver und Barry switch identities which no one on Earth-1 believes, but Kara’s help leads to an evil not-quite Superman and a brand new reality.
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1.      The One Where we‘re Trapped on TV (Legends Episode 5.13/81, Written by: Grainne Godfree, James Eagan, Directed by: Marc Guggenheim)
And the award for the Craziest TV Episode of all time goes to this one, where the Legends are trapped on TV. We get very familiar but strange versions of „Friends“, „Downtown Abbey,“ and „Star Trek“ with the Legends as the main characters instead.
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ao3feed-buckybarnes · 3 years
Very, Very Happy
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2WfLniS
by Notanotherpeggycarterblog
For my Steggy Bingo Prompt Roles Reversed
Since What If explored the idea of Captain Carter, I thought I would switch around the personalities and such of our favorite couple. Peggy is shy and caring newcomer, while Steve is this calm cool and respected jock who she can't help but admire.
Words: 5621, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Captain America (Movies), Agent Carter (TV)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Steve Rogers, Sarah Rogers (Marvel), Peggy Carter, Angie Martinelli, James "Bucky" Barnes, Original Female Character(s)
Relationships: Peggy Carter/Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes/Angie Martinelli
Additional Tags: Roles Reversed AU, College AU, Marvel - Freeform, Steggy - Freeform, Steggy Bingo Bash, BAMF Steve Rogers, Small Peggy Carter, i actually hate this one, Minor Angie/Bucky because I love it, Angie/ Bucky, Meta, ao3 is mentioned, Peggy writes fic, Steve is a jock
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2WfLniS
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