#sarahi did not deserve this
dhalsimxhonda · 10 months
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by dhalsimxhonda on tumblr
SUMMARY : edmond finally celebrates his grand opening of chanko house edomon.
SETTING : street fighter 6
CHARACTER INCLUDED : manon legrand
“how do i look, dhalsim-kun?” the sumo wrestler chef asked while dressing up his yukata, taking the folded half sleeves in his shoulder. edmond finished his kumadori makeup, taking a look before looking his best. with sarahi shorts and zori sandals, the sumo wrestler chef smiled and took a look in his mirror. it’s finally time for the grand opening of the chanko house, and he even invited manon and their friends to join the celebration.
dhalsim smiled and kissed his husband’s cheeks. “you look beautiful as a chef can be.” he responded while standing and taking a moment of silence and proudly happy for his husband’s dream coming true. “it seems like you did it, darling.. all of this restaurant dream is finally come true and the legacy of sumo wrestling will continue to grow. seeing you achieve it makes me incredibly grateful for all of the support you have received.” the yoga master sniffled as edmond honda kissed his husband’s cheeks back, taken aback at the moment.
he caressed on whom he kissed and smiled. “thanks to you and manon, things’re lookin’ up. i had a hard darn time decision’ on this location. if it weren’t for manon, i would’ve scrapped that dream. the version of myself that i want to world to see. that’s why i picked metro city!” edmond spoke. “do you think my restaurant will end up successful?”
“yes. i promise you it’ll end up being the best restaurant you’ll ever own, just like your bathhouse.” the yoga master smiled and edmond nodded. “you’re right.” both embraced into a hug. “the children will be watching your performance, so keep your best effort.” dhalsim spoke as both of them kissed for a short while. “see you for a while?” edmond asked. dhalsim nodded as they separated and waved. the yoga master left as edmond honda prepared himself for his performance in chanko house edomon.
“yoi-sho!” you entered the entrance of the chanko house, checking out at the performance that was all with lights off, everything covered in darkness. the light sticking out to the sumo wrestler chef, he stomps out twice with his knees bent with his stance, with people screaming out “yoi-sho” as edmond clapped twice. lights on, with the morning crowd.
“chanko house edomon is open for business!” the sumo wrestler slapped his belly and finally finished his performance along with his workmates. “irasshai!”
everyone applauded their hands as edmond smiled brightly. “welcome to the grand opening of chanko house edomon! i’ve poured my heart and soul into makin’ darn sure it’s got everything i want the world to see. it wasn’t easy gettin’ here. i traveled the entire globe lookin’ for the perfect place to set up shop. if it weren’t for my friend, miss manon legrand for the words she said to me after a cross-style match; i try to be the version of myself that i want the world to see!”
the judoka supermodel stood up as edmond lended a hand on her to get up the sumo stage. “congratulations and merci, mr honda! you deserve this wonderful dream.” she crossed her hands as the sumo wrestler chef lent another hand to the love of his life. “and to the man i loved for eighteen years of my life for helping me choose the name and for your endless support.
dhalsim teleports in front of edmond honda, giving him a nice embrace and kiss on their lips. “you finally did it, my darling!”
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lins-fandom-hub · 4 years
a friend’s demise
Boring title, I know.
@dat-silvers-girl​ and I talked through a potential alternate storyline in my MC’s multiverse, which I decided to write out in hopes of serving her character justice. Hearing about both of her game plays being banned by JC made me seriously angry, and there’s nothing more I would want to do than at least put out there how angry and empty I felt. But at the same time she had the idea and brought it up to me, so it’s perfect.
So this is for her.
This story takes place in Rowan Khanna’s POV.
The explosion still rang in my ears amidst the present solemn silence.
I glanced through dry eyes at my best friend wounding a long piece of pale lilac ribbon through her fingers, twisting it tightly to the thinness of a thread, relaxing the material when the strain was too tight. Through the fuggy film of her glasses I could see her red puffy eyes, the spark of life and joy now absent. Her ponytail, messily done in the morning before the funeral, now dangled limply near the end of her black hair—and I knew I couldn’t blame her for looking like a cold, empty zombie. No one would have known how quickly they would lose a friend.
“She didn’t have to go,” Clara muttered thickly, clearing her throat to rid it of the phlegm. “She had no reason to.”
I didn’t know the deceased as well as she did, and I could only imagine how she was feeling right now. I only remember tutoring her a few times in Potions and Transfiguration when she was struggling for the past few years. I’ve seen her with Clara a few times, though. They even played against each other in Quidditch once or twice overall—Clara as a Chaser for Gryffindor, and she as a Beater for Hufflepuff.
Sarahi Silvers. That was the name I caught on the jersey; that was also the name I caught on her gravestone.
“I don’t understand, Rowan,” Clara finally said, dropping her hands and turning to me. “All my plans were solely for Ben and Merula’s ears—how did you even remotely catch wind of what we were up to? And why did you follow me? Why did she follow me?”
It hurt to see the hurt in her eyes, the anger flashing in the tears that boiled at the brim, and I shook my head numbly.
“I hope you don’t get mad at me,” I murmured after another long stretch of awkward tense silence. “But I had a good reason for following you—I just can’t explain about her—”
“At least tell me why you did what you did first. I only kept ‘R’ a secret from you so that you would be safe!” Clara shouted. “The lesser people involved, the better off we all will be, right?”
“Remember that day at the train station, Clara? The day we went to get love potion ingredients so you could make the trade for an invisibility cloak?” I reminded her. “I told you that I wanted to do the right thing, and worrying about you and caring about you was the right thing. So when Charlie ended up telling me everything about ‘R’, I had to know that you weren’t getting into anything that would cost you your life.”
“But you’re not invincible either, Rowan! If anything, you could have been killed last night!”
“I know. You have every right to be mad at me right now, but you should know that we all do care about you. And you can’t blame Sarahi for doing what she did last night, either…”
The cold mist settled over my ankles like a blanket of frost, but I knew any sign of movement would give me away. I knew Clara only wanted to keep this between herself, Ben, and Merula, but I knew of their plan before they even stepped foot out of the castle. From a single black quill sitting innocently in Jacob’s room, with a transfigured message from ‘R’ asking him to meet them in the Forest Grove, they figured out that not only was Jacob in danger, but the rest of the school potentially could fall under defenceless mercy. I had no idea what they did to prepare, but they seemed prepared to go after ‘R’—at least, Merula was ready to go after Rakepick for the brutal Cruciatus Curse she cast on her in the Buried Vault.
I watched from behind the tree as Clara knelt by a bush and lifted up the low branches, eyes widening as they registered on something on the ground I could not see.
“Ben, Merula, I found something!” she called out.
“What—” Merula ran over to Clara immediately, flinching when she saw what Clara was looking at. “No, don’t touch that! It’s cursed!”
“What do you mean, that necklace is cursed?” Ben inquired, heading over to the two girls now. So that was what was under the bush—a piece of cursed jewelry that might have been of no use to Rakepick.
“That necklace is one of Rakepick’s dark artefacts. She showed it to me once,” Merula added upon seeing Clara’s confused face. “You can touch it if you don’t believe me, see what happens when you do.”
“No, I believe you,” Clara replied hastily. “It’s just…Dumbledore told me he had Rakepick’s Dark Artefacts stored at the Ministry of Magic. If she infiltrated even the one place that has greatest security measures…”
The cool night air suddenly plunged into a deep freeze, and I winced as the bark beneath my fingers began to gather a fine layer of ice.
“Then we’re in deep trouble.”
“No kidding, Lin!” Merula jerked her head at the fluttering black cloaks that surrounded the group. “Look!”
I have never seen them before in the flesh, but I would recognize them anywhere—Dementors, evil beings that sucked the happiness out of any specimen that could express even a sliver of happiness. Hovering in midair like nightmares that haunted the living daylight out of any of us, they closed in on the trio, forming a tight ring around them, obscuring them from view.
From behind me, I thought I could hear a twig snap, but I didn’t want to look back.
“Dementors! They’re surrounding us!”
“Too many!”
“Expecto Patronum!”
I watched with wide eyes as a silver unicorn emerged from Clara’s wand, cantering towards the nearest Dementor with its head bowed and goring it through with its horn. Silently, I applauded her. At least she had a powerful happy memory to fuel her powerful defence.
But even her strength had its limits. Too soon, they were wearing out, and yet the Dementor's ranks seemed to replenish with each attack.
“I can’t keep this up anymore,” I could hear Clara wheeze. “My Patronus…not powerful.”
“And when you drive one back, another takes its place,” Ben noted quietly.
“We’re screwed. Now what?!” Merula cried.
“Expecto Patronum!”
A silver lioness appeared out of nowhere, leaping towards the trio and roaring to the skies, driving every Dementor away with an ever-growing shield as thin as a bubble.
“What the…who was that?” I heard Clara ask.
Imagine everyone’s surprise when out of the shadows stepped none other than Madam Patricia Rakepick. Her fiery red hair gleamed under what little moonlight remained, her symbol of Ra polished to a shine. She towered over them like the Dementors did, save for the fact that she was robed in scarlet instead of obsidian black.
“YOU!” Merula screeched—but barely had she raised her wand when Rakepick knocked it aside, blowing her down with a simple non-verbal spell.
Non-verbal spells…they were hard to execute with as much precision as spoken incantations. How in the world could Rakepick exercise this kind of advantage against the rest of us? Either way, it was clear that the confrontation with the Dementors had completely worn the trio out, and Rakepick eventually struck them down like flies, or severely incapacitated them to the point where they were limping to face her.
At least, Ben was still standing and wincing with pain racking his body where countless blows struck.
“That will teach you a lesson!” he said.
“Take this lesson to your grave!” Rakepick countered, raising her wand. “Avada—”
My eyes barely registered a blur of black, yellow, and white running past me—and before I knew it, a girl about my age had lunged toward Rakepick with an almighty yell, tackling her to the ground.
“Ben!” I shouted then, running toward him as fast as my numbed legs would take me. “Clara, Merula…”
It was then when the trio saw me for the first time—Clara in shock, Ben in anger, and Merula with disgust.
“And here I thought Copper was the Crup puppy sticking around,” Merula drawled. “What are you doing here, Khanna?”
The point of a throwing knife sank deep into a tree near Clara’s head, and she didn’t emerge from it entirely unscathed—she cupped a hand to her ear, where the point of the blade nicked her skin.
“You—” Rakepick growled as she tried to throw the girl off her back. “Who are you? What do you want?”
That was when I saw the girl in a better light. Black hair splayed wildly over her brown eyes and pale wheatish skin in the fray, one fist curled around the curse-breaker’s gleaming red hair and the other holding another small knife like the one embedded in the tree.
“Sarahi?!” Clara exclaimed. “What are you doing here?!”
Sarahi did not answer her friend for a few seconds as she landed a roundhouse kick at Rakepick’s spine, sending her flying away from the group. Then she turned to her.
“I told you I could help with any physical fight, didn’t I?” Sarahi responded, pushing the hair out of her eyes. “You helped me find a place here at Hogwarts without making me feel like a waste of space. Now it’s my turn to return the favour.”
“Wait—that’s not—I didn’t—”
Somehow, given the harsh impact of the kick, Rakepick still managed to pick herself up, aiming her wand at Sarahi who ducked as the spell flew past her ear, blasting another tree to smithereens.
“Sarahi, you have to get out of here!” Clara shouted as best as her hoarse throat could manage, but she might as well have been screaming into an empty void. Everyone watched with wide eyes as Sarahi grabbed Rakepick’s arm with her free hand, pivoted her feet, and threw her with all her might to the ground, knocking all the wind out of Rakepick with a loud thud. 
“Run!” Sarahi screamed back at us. “All of you—go!”
“No!” Ben shouted. “This was my fight! I was supposed to protect you!”
“No one’s going to protect anyone if we end up dead, Copper!” Merula snapped.
“Aahhh!” Sarahi suddenly exclaimed as Rakepick’s hand closed around her ankle, sweeping her clean off her feet as she landed hard on her butt.
Physical fighting was not unheard of in the Muggle world, but in the wizarding world…one would only rely on such means of combat if they were left with no other choice. Anyone who didn’t have a wand would end up delivering a good punch in the nose, but what good would a bleeding nose be against the deadliest of all Unforgivable Curses? Yet there she was, scratching at Rakepick like a cat at a scratching pole with her free hand while the knife trembled in her tightened grip while Rakepick grabbed at her hair to slow her down.
I have never seen a stranger fight.
“Is this even allowed?” Ben inquired. “I would have loved to see Clara defeat a dragon this way.”
“This is not the time for commentary!” I hissed at him. “We need to get her out of here!”
Just as the words flew out of my mouth, though, I saw the blade plunge downward into Rakepick’s arm, the point sinking deep into flesh rewarded with the sinful scarlet fluid.
“You—” Rakepick growled again, pointing her wand at Sarahi who attempted now to choke her with her bare hands.
“Sarahi, forget her!” Clara screamed. “You have to go now!”
“NO! YOU GO!” Sarahi cried. “All of you go!”
Clara looked just about ready to argue, but I could tell she was in no shape to fight any more. I eventually dragged Clara by the arm while Merula took Ben, but just as we began to head back to Hogwarts I saw Rakepick raise her wand.
“Avada Kedavra!”
A flash of green light enveloped the girl who was in the midst of drawing another knife from her robes; the force blasted her away, and for a moment I thought I saw her mouth morph into a silent scream before her body landed limply on the hard-packed earth, the knife she had just unsheathed sliding off in another direction. At the same time, I saw a scarlet bottle of something fly through the air, landing on the girl where it exploded with a loud BOOM on contact.
I thought I would never hear the end of Clara’s howl of pain after Rakepick Disapparated without another word.
“No, Sarahi can’t be blamed,” Clara realized after a while. “She must have followed you for the same reason you followed me. She...wanted to protect me too."
"And you're sure Sarahi knew nothing about 'R'?" I asked her.
"Positive. The only time I ever mentioned anything even remotely related to this was when I told her Merula had the mindset of a killing machine."
"Well, whatever the case, she must have seen you as someone very important, just like everyone else is," I remarked hollowly. "She must have looked up to you, too."
"Did you know her well?"
I shook my head. "I only tutored her once in a while in Potions and Transfiguration for the last few years. But I had no idea she knew you. She must have known that we were best friends, though."
"Who wouldn't? It's always been us since the beginning. Even the most unwary of students would know," Clara pointed out with a nod, glancing down at the ribbon still crumpled in her hands. "I just wish I could have given her more than just a few words and a simple birthday present. I mean, I could tell she liked it but…"
"You wish you had more time with her?"
"Mhmm. There's so much about her I still don't know."
She eventually fixed her ponytail and tied the ribbon over the elastic, where it now gleamed on her head with a few creases like a tin foil crown. Then she wiped her glasses and sighed, her hands balling into fists.
"They did it, then," Clara finally remarked bitterly. "'R' successfully took a friend's life. But we will take what should have been theirs, had there been no enemy in the way of defying them."
"What are you saying, Clara?"
Clara looked over at me, a storm gathering in her eyes, and for a moment I thought I saw lightning flash in the clouds that formed in her irises.
"We will avenge her in our own way. And once we do, there will be no stopping the storm."
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gucciwins · 3 years
Do I Know You?
of all the places to be recognized you did not think cherry pit at a harry styles concert would be one of them - especially by the man himself.
Word Count: 7014
A/N: hello friends! i had been wanting to write famous mc for a while and then i finally got the idea. in this story, harry is the rockstar we know and love. y/n belmonte is a famous actress known for her roles in the the queen's gambit and the hit drama new amsterdam. i gave her a last name and her father is mexican-american and her mother is english. truly something sweet filled with fluff. if you got any questions i'll be happy to answer them
you'll have to let me know if you wish to see more of them <3
please do let me know what you thought of the story and please reblog <3333
love on tour series //
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St. Paul, Minnesota
Being in Minnesota was fun. You were visiting your best friend taking a well-deserved break. You had just finished filming a Netflix show that had lots of buzz around yet did not have a release date and had attended the Emmys. As award season had come to a close, you decided visiting your favorite person would be an excellent way to celebrate. Especially since free days were becoming rarer and rarer. You were thankful for the role in The Queen's Gambit and its direction for your career, but it was always lovely to enjoy time with loved ones.
Naomi had let you stay in her guest bedroom, letting you know to stay for as long as you wish, but you wouldn't last longer than five days. You didn't like intruding on Naomi and Sarai, Naomi's partner. They both assured you that it was no problem, but you begged to differ.
On your second day, Sarai surprised you with enchiladas just like your grandma had made. Their family was from Acapulco, Mexico, just like your grandparents. Naomi always liked to say she was meant to bring you all together, and she had.
That wasn't the only surprise you had come to learn she had for you as she said to dress nice and be ready at eight. You were even more shocked to hear that Sarahi would not be joining you. They informed you they had to meet with their cohort to go over a project they were handed.
You had a limited selection of clothes from your suitcase and clothes you had left over the years. After getting out your favorite pieces, you dressed in black flares that made your ass look amazing. You paired it with a silk cami, a mint color that matched your nails. You paired it with your favorite pair of red leather boots that were always packed first in your suitcase. They're a few years old, but you treasured them too much to say goodbye. They were the only classy shoes you packed because you swore you could pair them with anything, and thus far, you have.
You debated the most about doing your makeup, not being able to make up your mind before deciding to go with mascara and red lipstick. Looking in the mirror, you felt hot and knew you looked great. Being in the public eye, you learned to spot all your insecurities before the world could and owned them. The scar running up your thigh was always an attention grabber until the story of how you got it was exposed, and then no one seemed to care about a bicycle accident that happened at the age of twelve.
Grabbing your wallet and phone, you headed out to the living room where Naomi was sitting on her couch scrolling through on her phone, Sarai having left already.
"You don't mind carrying my wallet, do you?" You asked.
"Course not, give it here."
Naomi, nosy as always, opens up the wallet and takes a look inside as you grab some water before you have to head out. She's quiet, so you peek over and see her standing with the wallet still in hand.
"I'm in your wallet." She states, showing you a photo of last December of her standing arms raised as she stood in the center of the ice rink.
"You have been since that time you gave me a photo of you that was taken during team pictures for Tennis in ninth grade."
Naomi nods, remembering how she had given one to you and her parents then hiding them away. "Yeah, I don't know. Nice to know you keep me close."
"Always do, only one person I call my best friend."
Naomi shakes her body out, pocketing the wallet into her pink cross-body bag. "Alright, enough being a sap. We've got to go."
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In the car, Namoi decides against music and instead decides to interrogate you on your next project. For the first time in a long time, you didn't have anything definitive lined up. You filmed and auditioned like crazy the past few years, so your manager, Viola, was giving you a much-needed break. She loved to remind you to relax and enjoy it all, and thanks to her, you had. Viola has always had your best interest in mind since she met you at age seventeen.
"Viola said I'm a free bird for a few weeks, months she had said, but I'll surely have an interview or two pop up soon."
"Does that mean you'll be staying with me?"
You laugh, "Nice try, but someone is busy with her dissertation, and I'd be a distraction."
"A pretty one at least."
"Gee, thanks." You reply sarcastically.
"What will you do?"
You shrug, "Life has a funny way of working things out, so I'm not worried."
Naomi looks over at you, confused, "I've never seen you so mellow."
"It is because life is good, and I'm here with you. Being with you reminds me of home."
"New York?" You don't answer, so she keeps going, "Los Angeles, Miami, New Orleans?"
Naomi frowns, "London?"
"I had not stayed for longer than a week but those four months. It felt like it could be home, or well, I could make it home."
"Do you think it has to do with your parents?"
You look over at Naomi, who's focused on the road, making a right turn into a busy street filled with traffic. "Yeah, it does."
Neither of you continues the conversation as you finally see the destination in front of you.
The Xcel Energy Center.
Naomi had brought you to an arena where hundreds of cars and many people walked towards what you assumed was the entrance. There were two entries to the parking, and she picked the one that said VIP.
She rolls down her window and leans in to look at the name tag on the security. "Hi, Jason." She greets confidently.
"Miss you a VIP member?"
"No, but I can be." The man frowns. "I got royalty in the car." She gestures her head to you. God. Of course, she's playing the famous card.
You lean closer, "Hello Jason, good evening."
The man's eyes widened, and that's when you get a good look; he couldn't be older than 25. "Shit! Sorry--you're! Oh my goodness! I love you. You're my hall pass."
Naomi is biting back a laugh, and you smack her thigh to silence her. "Very flattering, Jason. Thank you. See, I wasn't aware I was coming to the show, or I would have called ahead to make an arrangement; if it's not possible, you can direct us to the available parking lot. I believe it's close to show time."
"No worries, Miss Belmonte. You follow straight ahead of the cones, and Connor will meet you at an entrance. Do you happen to know where you'll be sitting?"
You look at Naomi, waiting for her to answer. "Cherry pit."
"Very well. We'll have bracelets ready for you and someone to direct you in." Jason offers kindly.
"Thank you so much, sorry for the bother. You've been an angel." The young man blushes but doesn't look away. "Could I offer you a photo?" You suggest, genuinely thankful for his help.
His smile falters, "I would love that, but I'm on the job, Miss Belmonte."
You smile, admiring the man and following their protocols. You think for a minute before reaching into the glove box where you know Sarai keeps extra purple index cards for some reason. There is a pen right beside it. You write a thank you, folding it in half and handing it to him.
"Thank you, Jason. I'll never forget your generosity."
"Same here, my niece looks up to you. She thinks you're a real-life princess."
"Do send her my love then."
Jason nods, stepping back, and Naomi continues to a parking lot where few cars are parked.
"You amaze me." Naomi states. You laugh, not sure how to respond. "You handled that with some much grace even after I abused your fame card."
"As long as you don't do it again," You chastise her as you've done many times before.
"We'll see," she chuckles, "come on, Miss Hall Pass."
You roll your eyes, slip out of the car and see a man waving at you. You both offer your wrists where he puts on the wristbands after he checks Naomi's tickets. He nods, asking you to follow him in. There's loud chatter, and you can hear "Olivia" being played through the arena. Conner walks you down the steps to the entrance, where he bids you a good time.
"I can't believe you surprised me with a Harry Styles show."
Naomi grins, throwing her arm over your shoulder walking you towards a side of a stage that looks empty. "I know, I'm the best."
"Yeah, everyone looks amazing. There are so many boas." You marvel at how there are people dressed as if they were about to walk the runway.
"Do you think he'll show tits tonight?" Naomi giggles, thinking back to your reaction to her sending you a photo of his Las Vegas outfit in which he was dressed in a pink fringe vest showing off his toned body.
"A girl can dream," you joke.
"I'll never understand how you've never run into him again." Naomi shakes her head, "The one person who should be your friend and isn't."
"Wow, thanks. That's totally why I became famous."
"It's why I stuck around being your friend." She quips back.
You scoff, "jerk."
"Yeah, yeah."
"Let's bet you get recognized tonight?"
You nod because you're confident it won't be happening, "Sure, what do you want?"
"Christmas in London."
"New Year in Italy."
"Damn, that's good. I hope I lose."
You laugh, causing a few heads to turn to look at you, and you duck, not liking eyes on you. "Ah, Miss Introvert makes her appearance."
"Leave me alone, you stinker."
Naomi laughs at you, pulling you in for a hug so you can hide properly, "Think on the bright side, no one cares about you because compared to Harry Styles, you're like a nobody all over again."
"That felt like a backhanded compliment."
She shrugs, "Take it as you please."
There are loud cheers suddenly filling the arena, causing you both to look over at the stage when it's only a box in the middle of the runway being taken under the stage.
Naomi stares at it as you untangle yourself from her hold. "You've heard the box theories."
"Only a hundred times because you don't shut up about it."
"Come on, I think it's cool. I want to see how he gets in and if he's uncomfortable or if someone's spun him around a few times. Like I can't imagine it to be comfortable."
"Alright, for Christmas, I'll get you one of those boxes, and we'll roll you around."
"Would you really?"
"Christ, you're a weird one."
You settle down swaying and singing along to Bohemian Rhapsody.
"When did you even score these tickets?"
"Two years ago," she answered nonchalantly.
You gasp, "what?"
"Yeah, remember how he postponed it because he wanted to film two movies well then."
"Wow, I love you."
"I know."
The lights go out, and the cheers are deafening. A poem starts being read, and you can see the band coming out setting up. The female band members are in orange, and the men are in blue/green shade. You let out a loud cheer letting it get lost with the thousands of other people's yells.
Here's to a night to remember.
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It has truly blown away how amazing Harry sounds. You had been dying to hear his new album live since it came out in 2019. Each song has a different intro making it feel like a whole new song. The band matches his energy, and you can tell how much he thrives on it.
Harry constantly blows kisses out into the crowd, smiles at posters, and responds to a few with an exaggerated reaction. The intro to Sunflower Vol. 6 with Niji had to be your favorite. You could see how Harry and the crowd loved the beat as the cheers only got louder.
You had not stopped dancing and singing along since he came out. You could hear how horse Naomi's voice had become due to shouting out the lyrics.
Harry had not been wrong when he had said you might be getting lots of ass tonight, but you weren't complaining; it wasn't a bad view. He was so effortlessly himself on the stage that you felt his presence no matter where you stood.
This had to be one if not the best concert you have ever attended.
After Sunflower, Harry takes a moment to take in the crowd; he spots a poster reading, "Should I text him?" He proceeds to go on a long tangent about double texting, thumbs upping means they replied last, and finishing off by saying, "trash, trash, trash." That erupts lots of cheers.
No, you did not think you would ever hear Harry Styles be giving relationship advice to a sold-out arena, but damn, does this man continue to surprise you.
The concert continues, Cherry making you swoon; it is one of your favorites on the album because you were a sucker for sad songs. Lights Up easily becomes your favorite song he performs. He sings the song with his whole heart, and the crowd does the same. Singing "do you know who you are" in an arena of people knowing you're doing what you love with amazing people in your life, you happily sing back. You really understand what people mean when they say Harry makes you feel part of something bigger, makes you remember the importance of embracing who you are one hundred percent.
It's after Lights Up that he begins walking around closer to your side. He smiles at your section before doing a double-take; he grabs more of the cord and steps closer, causing the fans around you to start cheering louder as he's showered with bouquets of flowers.
Harry has stopped walking, and you feel as if he was staring right back at you. You're four rows back from the barricade but now he has the eyes of a hawk not missing anything, just like he spotted the Green Bay Packers fan earlier in the show.
"Do I know you?" Harry speaks into the microphone.
You foolishly turn around before looking back at him before pointing to yourself. He laughs. "Yes, you."
"Don't think so." You shout back, hoping he can hear you.
That wasn't the truth, but it didn't feel like a lie. See, many moons ago, when Harry was still in One Direction, and you were booking Indie films and minor roles for prominent directors, you both happened to be attending the same event a mutual friend invited you to attend. Harry approached you and chatted with you for a long time, sharing a drink of apple cider until he was whisked away.
You didn't know he tried to find you again later in the night or that he asked everyone who attended if they had seen you or knew who you were, but no one seemed to recognize her name. It wasn't until his sister, Gemma, mentioned watching a show named "New Amsterdam'' did he find you again. You were a semi-regular from London a surgeon and were so positively received by the audience that it seemed you were coming back as a regular. Then after finally finding out your name, he fell down the rabbit hole of your IMDB, and well ever since 2018, it's like he always had an out for you.
Harry watched your newest horror thriller film Ready or Not and Love and Monsters, where you had a small role but captured his attention every time you were on the screen. He had watched countless interviews and learned how you had worked with Dylan O'Brien before in a film named First Time, sharing how Dylan gave you lots of advice and managed to be a friend through your growing career. Maybe he was biased, but he thought you were an outstanding actress, each role you made your own. Acting alongside Tom Hanks and being the person to stand out. Don't even get him started in your role in The Queen's Gambit; he could discuss it all day and night.
Well, Harry can proudly be called your fanboy.
Harry had that party in 2015 flash through his mind, and he was hoping you remembered him as well. He'd known he would recognize you in any crowd; he just didn't expect it to be in Minnesota.
He steps closer and narrows his eyes. "May 2015."
You gasp, and it stuns his fans. Not that he knows you, but that he stated a date that they could maybe pinpoint. You doubted it as you don't remember documenting the night or making conversation with anyone other than Harry.
"Yeah," you smile, nodding. "Thought you wouldn't remember."
"I remember a lot in the big head of mine." He jokes. You laugh. "Any requests?" He's smiling at you, waiting to see what you'd say.
You think about it, "Medicine!"
He smirks. "Did you say canyon moon?" The crowd cheers for medicine, and a few yell, asking for to be so lonely, "well, we will be doing Canyon Moon. This is for you." Harry sends you a wink before strutting away to get ready.
"Did Harry Styles recognize you?" Naomi asks, not believing that happened.
"From six years ago."
"Holy shit. What is your life?!"
You laugh because that did not feel real. Naomi spins you around as you happily dance and sing along to a song now dedicated to you. You're trying your best to ignore the glances and the few cameras being pointed at you. You see the recognition in many girls around you, and with no security, you hope they stay respectful.
"Think you might have to get away," Naomi grimaces.
You sigh, still dancing along to the song, "yeah."
"I'll just slip out and wait in the car. You finish the show." You tell her, not wanting to take this experience away from her.
Naomi pouts, "You're too good of a person. We'll leave before the encore. Got like two songs left."
You nod, knowing she has a point, enjoy the last bit and worry leaving in a while everyone is distracted cheering for an encore they knew was coming.
After finishing crying to Fine Line, swaying with your best friend to a song that brings you so much comfort, you make your way towards the exit where you entered, knowing it'd be the easiest way out. Naomi links your hands together and pulls you forward, staying close to the barricade when a hand sticks out, landing on your elbow stopping you. You startle bumping into Naomi, not recognizing the man. Naomi is ready to rip him a new one when he lifts a pass up. "Love on Tour: Manager."
You let out a sigh, instantly relaxing. "I'm Jeff." He introduces himself.
"I'm Y/N, and this is Naomi."
Jeff smiles, "I know who you are. Think most people do. The cameras put you on the screens."
"Oh," you feel your face flush.
"If you need to leave, we can get you out backstage, but you can also watch from here with me if you'd like to. I've got fancy one-of-a-kind lanyards."
You look at Naomi but know the choice is in your hands, and well, you're hesitating. "I've got it on good authority that someone wants to meet you." Jeff offers.
You nod, letting him hand over a pass, slipping it over your head going over to a side entrance where the security enables you to pass through. You thank him before greeting Jeff in a handshake, and he seems taken back at the gesture before shaking your hand.
"Can I just say I'm a fan of your work? You were incredible in Queen's Gambit. My wife adores the show and you." Jeff tells you as you stand next to him.
You grin at him. "Thank you, means a lot to hear that. Send her my best, will you? If you want, we can send her a message or sign something." You offer.
"You're kind, thank you."
Naomi finally speaks up, still on edge, "Listen, Jeff, don't go taking advantage of her."
"Course not. I understand how much H values his privacy. I imagine it's the same for you."
You nod, "She means well; she's very protective. We've been friends since the sixth grade."
"I understand friendship," He squeezes your arm in assurance. "I feel like I've known Harry all my life. I'd never try to jeopardize your privacy. But you are at a concert for one of the most in-demand artists of the time."
You giggle, "That I am."
You turn back on stage as Harry starts singing Sign of the Times, and the note changes make you feel as if you're hearing it for the time. You sing along, loving that Jeff sings as well. You had not expected to be here but wouldn't change this moment for anything.
Harry introduces his band, Elin, Ny Oh, Niji, Pauli, Mitch, and Sarah. Jeff laughed as he heard you scream the loudest for Sarah out of the other members. You know he makes a mental note of that. Harry begins having the audience riff off with him. He's walking around going from side to side, seeing who can sing it louder. Harry goes back to where you were initially standing to seek you out but doesn't find you. He asks for the house lights and nothing. He frowns, and you catch that on the screens before he moves down, finding a fan dressed as a banana.
He begins singing "she's dressed as a banana" in a beat that fits so well with what the band is playing. That truly is impressive. The crowd singing it with him just as loudly. You're sure that catchy tune will be stuck in your head for a long time.
"He was looking for you," Jeff yells over the intro to the song.
"Was not." You state.
"He was. I know him well. Also, you were the only one he interacted with within the area."
You hum, "Never thought he'd spot me in a crowd."
"Are you kidding? He'd find you in the crowd of time square. He's got a crush on you." Jeff lets slip.
"You don't say," you smirk.
"Please don't tell him I told you."
"Secret is safe with me."
You dance singing back the lyrics when Jeff looks over at you, "Well,"
"Well, what?" Not amused, he interrupted your singing to watermelon sugar.
"You fancy him?"
"Honestly, he's a dream. We clicked all those years ago, so maybe it's still there."
Jeff nods, liking your response, beginning to dance when you see someone else going crazy for his moves, and you start cheering them on. You come to learn his name is Tommy, and he's also part of Harry's team. After kiwi, Jeff ushered you backstage, taking you into a communal area where everyone meets after to celebrate with a drink.
And now you wait.
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The band comes in full of chatter; Pauli has a bi pride flag resting on his shoulders. Sarah has her hand resting around Mitch's waist. Elin and Ny Oh were laughing with each other as they all stepped in Jeff at your side.
You wave hello to everyone, holding your breath as you feel all of their eyes on you. Turning to the side to look at Jeff, he does nothing but laugh, "Friends, this is Y/N Belmonte and her friend Naomi. Y/N and Naomi, this is Sarah Jones' band." You all let out a laugh, instantly thankful for Jeff's joke to break the ice.
"A pleasure to meet you all. You were incredible out there." You grin at them, hoping someone will say something.
"Thank you," Mitch replies, and it instantly relaxes you.
"Someone's favorite is the drummer," Jeff teases as they wait for Harry to make his way inside as he had to remove his mic pack and also took a moment to himself after.
You feel your face flush, "my grandma liked playing the drums, and I was rubbish. I'm great on piano, but I just have so much respect for the drums. Not that you all aren't amazing, it's just personal." You defend.
"No worries, I respect that," Niji replies, offering a fist pump.
"So are we okay to take photos with you? We're big fans, and I think Queen's Gambit is always playing in our tour bus." Elin tells you.
"Oh, and the thriller about hide and seek," Pauli informs you.
"Thank you, of course, we can."
After getting photos with everyone, make sure to get them on your phone as well, knowing you'd have to share on your close friends' list about how great the concert was and how lucky you were to meet the band. By the time Harry comes in, everyone is chatting as if we've known each other for months. You learn how funny and intelligent Pauli and Niji are. Ny Oh tells you about life on tour. Elin shares how she's having the best time and offers to show you some tunes on the guitar.
"Jeff-she's gone again. I couldn't even-" he stops in his tracks as he sees you standing with Mitch and Sarah, their phone in hand as they were showing you photos of their baby. "How are you here?"
"Oh, my best friend Naomi bought us tickets. Very nice of her. She said something about Ticketmaster sucking." You laugh thinking back to her story about how she got online early and even had Sarai helping her.
"No backstage. I looked for you in the crowd. I didn't see you."
Jeff gives you an I told you, so look from the side, and you bite back a smile.
"Oh, that's what you were looking for. Thought you lost a contact lens." Naomi teases.
"Jeff was kind enough to offer us to exit backstage if we needed a way out and also said it was okay if we stayed." You smile at Harry's confused but elated face. "Said you might want to meet. Got a good manager in your hands."
Harry nods, his voice soft, "can I hug you?"
You grin and nod, in two strides, he's in front of you, bringing you wrapping his arms around you, and you do the same, resting them on his waist. He's holding you tight as if he won't be letting go any time soon.
He squeezes you tightly two more times before letting you go but leaving a hand resting on your back. "You should introduce yourself with your full name. I only had your name to go by."
You frown, "I used my first name with Jeff, and he knew not to sound conceited or anything."
"No, six years ago. You left, and I never found you that night. I only had your name to go by."
Your eyes widen in surprise, "Well, shit. I didn't know that."
"Yeah, I didn't know who to ask."
You're aware everyone is tuned in with your conversation with Harry but don't mind. "Could have asked Harry Lambert. He invited me to the event."
"Who?" Harry asks, not sure if he heard you correctly.
"Your stylist, Harry Lambert. He helped style me a lot when I was starting out. He said to call him if I ever needed him, and it was thanks to him, I found Gabbi. She's amazing and the reason I dress so well." You gesture down to your outfit.
"Holy shit, six degrees of separation."
"I mean, I asked everyone at that event about you, but Lambert had left early. Why did you leave?"
You shrugged. "Didn't know anyone other than Lambert, and we had a conversation, but you literally bounced from person to person, so I assumed you wouldn't circle back and left."
Harry nods, "Sounds like past me; I'm better at staying in one place now."
"Right, well, fancy a drink again?"
"Ginger ale or sparkling water?"
You don't even ask why he remembers, "Water is fine."
"Alright, you had your moment. I'd like an introduction." Naomi walks over after he hands you your drink.
You chuckle, "Right. Naomi, meet Harry Styles. Harry, meet my best friend, Naomi Hart."
"Pleasure, Harry. I'm a big fan. That was a hell of a performance." She offers her hand to him, and he happily shakes it back.
"Thank you! It means so much. Have you been to a show before?"
Naomi nods eagerly. "Yes, we were in London both nights as a graduation gift for me and my partner and your final show in LA."
"Ah," he smirks, "big fans then."
"Oh yeah, want to know something about Y/N. She always cries to fine line."
You elbow her in her side, "shut up before I make him blocklist you."
Harry frowns, "Wouldn't dare."
"Fine, I'll block you from all my events," you falsely threaten.
"Quite rude of you to say. We wouldn't be here if it weren't for me."
"Actually for me- I could have spent my days off at home with-"
Naomi interrupts, "Please, you don't know what's home?"
You're aware everyone is still watching and frown, "hey- that's not nice."
"Sorry, babe, but you are a little lost."
You can't help but nod because it's true.
"Thank you for bringing her today; I'm a big fan." Harry addresses you both.
"Are you?" You're genuinely surprised.
"Of course. You're amazing. You're acting breathtaking."
"Well, I'm excited to see your film as well. Florence is a good friend, and she speaks highly of you."
"Thank you. Next year if you can believe it."
Release dates may be far, but they come quickly; you've learned, "you nervous about that?"
He nods, "just a bit; it will be different from Dunkirk."
"Sure as a male lead. I'd assume so."
"Do you sing?" Mitch asks, changing the conversation, "sorry, it's just that you said you play the piano."
"You do?" Harry's eyes widened in amazement.
"I can carry a tune," you offer, looking at Mitch and grin at him.
"Carry a tune, my ass." Naomi scoffs. "She's on the soundtrack of Coco. Singing in Spanish and English, and she composed a lot for things like The Greatest Showman and even a new Marvel film." She tells them proudly.
"Alright, stop talking before we have to make them sign NDA's," you joke.
"We'd be glad to," Harry replies.
"You're fine. Most of the info is available online anyways."
"Hmmm…why don't you perform?" Pauli asks.
"I like acting; it's where I'm meant to be. Learning new roles and also most of my directors let me learn from them. Always give me constant feedback. Think the end goal is one day directing my own kind of movies or shows that allow people to feel something, something to connect to."
"That's remarkable," Jeff tells you.
"Yeah, I'm proud of what I've done. Sure, I might not have lots of awards, but I love what I do, and I can proudly stand behind each work that has come out."
Everyone is staring at you, and you grow nervous. "Did I say something wrong?"
"No," Harry assures you.
Sarah answers for everyone, "it's nice to see you sticking to your values."
"Well, of course, I know it's harder to address when in the public eye, but I try my best to be honest because sure they might not know me, but they are a part of me just as I am of them."
"That's really insightful. Thank you. I—I'm going to think about that more." Harry tells you, giving your hip a comforting squeeze.
You nod. Everyone quickly falls into chatter after a moment, and you're relieved, glad the attention has shifted well not everyone one's as you feel Harry's on you as you take a drink of the water. Naomi is chatting with Pauli, who's showing Naomi their outfit doing a small spin.
"This must be nice to experience each night; it feels like family."
Harry agrees, "They are. Everyone is important. Especially since we spend so many days on the road together away from those we love."
You both grow quiet, enjoying the laughter and chatter that everyone fills in the room.
"When Naomi said you didn't have a home, is that true?"
You sigh. "You don't have to answer." He assures you.
"Know anywhere more private we can chat?"
Harry nods, taking your hand in his leading you down hallway after hallway before arriving at the stairs leading to a luxury suite. You can see workers taking down the set; there are so many people out there.
"Wow, I've never seen it being taken down."
"Yeah. Build it each day only to take it down and do it again the following day."
"The 360 stage is great. Honestly felt your presence the whole time."
"Just what I like to hear." He laughs.
Harry takes a seat, and you follow, sitting right next to him, knowing he's waiting for you. You take a moment to gather your thoughts before deciding that, yes, you do want to share this with him.
"I lost my parents when I was eight. A drunk driver hit them when they were on their way to pick me up from school. I lived in England all my life, specifically Brighton. My father was born in the US, and his parents still lived in California. They moved from Mexico with a Visa, and they had a hard upbringing here, but they fought to give my dad the best they could. He fell in love and followed my mother across the world. I knew what death meant when they passed, but I didn't understand that I wouldn't see them anymore. That morning having breakfast together would be the last memory I'd ever have with them." You stop and take a breath when you feel Harry take your hand in his.
"So at eight, I was uprooted from my life and moved to California to be raised by my grandparents. They were mourning the loss of a son and a daughter-in-law, but they told me that I was the miracle that helped them keep moving forward. They taught me Spanish, and I picked up Italian from my neighbor. I lost them in 2016. My grandma had a heart condition, and after she passed away, two weeks later, my grandpa passed away."
You're no longer fighting back your tears; it's been a while since you've shared the story. Honestly, you can't remember the last time you spoke about this, but it feels good. Not as heavy.
"My abuelo said he was sorry to leave me alone but assured me I was in good hands and that I surrounded myself with great people that would look out for me. Grown, the limited series I did for HBO, won me an Emmy, and it was based partially around my life and how I had to grow up alone building a found family as I went through life. It's very little, but it's my story to the world on my own terms if you know me. The screenwriter and director are two who have worked with me closely since I came into this crazy world and honored a bit of me in the best way they could."
Harry has tears running down his face, and you reach your free hand up to wipe them away, hating that you made him sad. "After losing them, I wasn't sure what to do. Naomi was in Minnesota, and well after they passed, I moved in with her. I had the house, but it wasn't the same, and as much as I love Naomi, she's got someone else she calls home. I finished filming in London a week before the Emmys, and it's the safest I've felt. I just don't have many people to call family in London."
Harry reaches a hand to rest on your cheek, and you let out a deep sigh letting yourself relax in his hold. "You got me. I know we just met or well reunited, but let me in, and I promise I'll never leave your side. Let me help you see London as home again.
You nod, letting his words sink in, "I'm a wanderer who's looking for a place to call home."
"Song lyrics?"
"No, it's a saying I always said to Naomi."
He hums, "Might just have to write a song together."
"Not anytime soon."
"I'm patient." He promises. "Thank you for sharing that with me. Clearly, it wasn't easy, but I'm proud of how far you've come and can't wait to continue to see you grow."
"Thank you for listening. It's been a while since I've told anyone. I'm sorry if it was too much."
He shakes his head, "no apologies, love."
You nod; Harry leans back in the seat, letting his hand drop that was resting on your face on your lap. You're quick to catch it before he can remove it playing with his rings. You fall into a comfortable conversation talking about what stood out the most from the show, and you tell him about favorite places to eat in Minnesota. He shares that he loves that you accidentally matched. He makes you take a photo on his phone so that he can send it off to his sister to make her jealous. He takes a lot, an excuse to hold you close, not that you mind.
His phone rings with a phone call he is quick to ignore, then three chimes follow. He sighs, "I need to get on the road."
"Right," you don't move to get up, and neither does Harry.
"Alright, if we exchange numbers?"
"Be disappointed if we don't. I want those photos we took." You remind him.
You swap phones inputting your name as Belmonte 2015 💛
He smirks as he sees your name, and you laugh at how simple his contact name is: H 🕺
"Thank you for sharing with me."
"Well, next time, you owe me a life story." You declare.
He sounds smug, "next time?"
"Sure, told you my life story. Means you're part of my life forever. And I liked spending time with you."
"Yeah, I did too," he goes silent. "Felt like a date."
"Sneaky, Styles."
"I deserve to be asked out properly, don't you think?"
Harry nods, "well, of course."
"Good, so," you urge him on.
"Will you let me take you on a date?" His voice wavering, not sure if you'd accept even though you told him to ask you.
You nod. "Yeah, six years late, but yes."
"You liked me too?" He asks, bewildered.
You grin, "I laughed at your jokes, batted my eyes at you. I flirted and think you were too busy being Mr. Popular to notice."
"Maybe, but god, you made me nervous and relaxed at the same time. I've never felt that way again until tonight when I saw you in the crowd."
"Well, I can't wait to see where life takes us."
As you make your way down the now empty hallways, you saunter, trying to extend your time together as much as possible. He asks about your favorite song to karaoke to, you ask about his go-to meal on the road. Going back and forth with questions. Not stopping until you're back in the room you were in earlier, except now only three people sit there, Naomi, Jeff, and Tommy.
"Did you fuck?" Naomi asks bluntly.
"Fuck Omie, and you ask why I don't take others anywhere."
"To be fair, I'm a lot to handle."
"No, we didn't," Harry answers, not wanting her to ask again.
You see her sitting next to more than a few items that have bunnies and Harry's face on them. Naomi follows your gaze, her smile widening. "I went shopping." She gloats.
"I see they found a way to get you to behave."
"Well, of course. Lots are for Sarai and me mostly; you can claim something you like as yours. We'll count this as your payment for staying at my apartment for free."
You laugh, not at all upset that she used your card; God knows there is so much money on there and if she wanted to use it by all means.
"Why am I not surprised?"
"You did leave it with me, and I know to use it for emergencies. Clearly, it was one."
"Jeff, you made our new friend pay?" Harry asks.
"She insisted."
"I did," Naomi agrees. "This one would have thrown a fit if not." Gesturing to you with a point of thumb.
"Geez, don't need to call me out, but she's right. You're all a hard-working team, not the only paychecks it'll be going to."
Harry knows he can't argue with that.
Naomi brings the topic back to them, "So anything interesting happen up there you'd like to share?"
Harry happily replies, "we will be going on a date."
"That's great, but we got to go," Jeff responds, leaving no room for argument.
Harry nods, not hiding his sadness as he brings you in for a hug. Your arms go around his waist; it truly felt like a reunion of a few months and not years.
He was not ready to say goodbye so soon when he got an idea.
"Say what you doing Friday?"
You pull away to look up at him, a bit shocked and a bit nervous about what he might ask you. "Not sure; I got a free schedule for some time."
Harry smirks; he brings a hand up, gently caressing your cheek with his thumb. "You like Chicago?"
And well… that's a story for another time.
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thank you for reading, any kind of feedback is welcomed and appreciated.
would you like to read more on harry and y/n? let me know
i love you
chicago part two
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dat-silvers-girl · 4 years
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Canon vs Headcanon Rakepick
aaaaAAAAHHHHH I've been working on this since December and it's finally done!
There's a HUGE difference between Jam City's "canon" Rakepick, who is a Dementor that can go screw herself, and my headcanon Rakepick who is actually HUMAN with real human emotions. While my headcanon Rakepick is still a murderer and antagonist, I devised headcanons to make her a human with real regret ie. Somewhat redeemable. SOMEWHAT. NOT COMPLETELY. DON'T FIGHT WITH ME PLEASE.
Headcanons and more below the cut...
The Golden Flower Sarahi had gifted Rakepick in Year 5 is the symbol of the relationship between them. She had recieved more kindness from Sarahi than she every had from anyone else, leading her to feel absolutely terrible about the betrayal and everything else that followed suit, as she had acted out of fear.
Reasons why headcanon Rakepick isn't the worst despite everything:
1. The real villains are 'R' members Alan Wattle* (aka Jammy) and Cassandra Halloway*, and the 'R' leader. And possibly Verucca depending on who she is when she shows up. Cassandra and/or Verucca know about the soft spot Rakepick had for Sarahi, and used that against her by promising that as long as she did what they said, the 'R' wouldn't hurt Sarahi. Rakepick made the mistake of blindly believing them.
2. Killing a friend was an order Rakepick wished she hadn't followed. She traumatized herself by becoming a murderer, because not only did she completely break the child she loved, but her best and only friend in 'R', Adelaide Inkwell*, got mad at her for it to the point of abandoning her to fend for herself. The gravity of her mistake of killing Rowan hit her moments after the killing curse had been cast, once she had heard Sarahi's screams.
3. She desperately wants to make up for what she did, but couldn't due to her deep seated fear of the Cabal, and that she knew what she had done was unforgivable. She knew Sarahi wouldn't take her as an ally again, so she let Sarahi take her prisoner.
4. Once she finds out what was actually in the Sunken Vault, Rakepick knows that she owes her life and sanity to Sarahi's mercy, and that the 'R' wanted to be rid of her. (This headcanon rides on the hope that she escapes before getting to Azkaban.)
5. Despite having done R's bidding to the tee by killing Rowan, 'R' broke their deal by hurting Sarahi indirectly. Alan Wattle's attack on Sarahi had placed a fatal curse in Sarahi's blood. This curse would only hurt Sarahi when she comes in contact with one of the cursed gems that had placed the curse on her in the first place, and it hurts worse than Crucio by making you feel like the insides of your body are on fire. Verucca and/or Cassandra went out of their way to get Sarahi to hold a gem, and the unbearable pain would have killed her, if it wasn't for Rakepick who knew the obscure counter-curse and saved her, thus officially resigning from the 'R'.
6. Rakepick has a soul that takes the form of her friend, Adelaide Inkwell, as her voice of reason, and Sarahi Silvers, as her heart. She helps in the Rebellion against 'R' led by Adelaide. She died fighting for a happy ending she knew she deserved no part of, just so that the only two people she ever loved and had loved her back could have it.
*Cassandra Halloway, Alan Wattle and Adelaide Inkwell are 'R' member characters I made up. Because if Jam City won't give 'R' depth, I WILL.
Video version because it do be better quality.
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Here the actual drawings I deleted wips because I'm a banana
Look I'm just really obsessed with Rakepick and forever salty about her being the antagonist OK
54 notes · View notes
HPHM Petition - Save Sarahi Silvers
(By the way, Akemi, if I get any of the details wrong, do not hesitate to correct me so I can fix them!)
I don’t know how many people are aware of this situation, but a very wonderful Youtuber/Tumbleweed called @dat-silvers-girl​ , also known as Akemi Stormborn, recently had her account (and her backup account) banned by Jam City. They have not, to my knowledge, responded to her inquiries at the time that I’m writing this post. However, we can presume that the reason for the ban was because she hacked the game. Suffice it to say, I believe this was wrong and they should not have done it. 
(Consider the rest of this piece an open letter to Jam City as well, since I’m primarily talking to them.) 
I’m going to say something that is potentially controversial. Opinions among gamers and gaming companies are widely divided about this topic, and some might think that it’s an entitled opinion. But I’m going to say this anyway - video game cheats are harmless. Assuming that you’re not using them to gain an unfair advantage against other actual players, then it’s no one else’s business if you’re cheating. No, not even the company that designed the game.
Here’s the thing - Hogwarts Mystery is not a game where it’s even possible to cheat against other players. 
The game is contained, it’s single-player. There’s no multi-player mode or anything that would be made unfair if some players had access to cheats. Now, I know what you might be thinking - what about House Pride? What about Dueling Club? What about Full Marks? What about all the events where the game has you interact with and compete with other players? To which I say...yeah? What about them? Jam City, let’s speak honestly.  I know that they’re all bots. You know that they’re all bots. Anyone who pays attention can figure out that they’re all bots. So to repeat myself, yes, it is impossible to cheat against other players. Even if you want to pretend otherwise, it doesn’t excuse banning a player without any prior warning, and not even notifying them to explain why. This was exceedingly unprofessional. 
What exactly did Akemi Stormborn do wrong, again? 
Even if you are staunchly against cheating, and nothing is going to sway your mind on that...that’s fine. You have a right to that stance. But it doesn’t mean that she deserved to have her accounts banned for it. Accounts that she put time and effort into, had emotional attachment to. I realize this isn’t as black and white as some other video games, like ones that are purchased. (In those circumstances, there is no defending companies that ban players who are only tampering with what is literally now their property.) But this is different - Hogwarts Mystery is free. That isn’t lost on me, Jam City. I’ve said in that past that people need to appreciate you more for all you do. 
I suspect you might want to wipe out cheating because you fear that it will discourage players from ever making in-app purchases.
But this is fruitless. You are never going to wipe out cheating. It has existed for as long as video games have, and it always will. Hackers are evolving just as fast as the defenses against them. What’s more...I promise you, the profits you make are not affected by cheaters. 
If a player is firmly against in-app purchases on principle (and many people are) then they are never going to make an in-app purchase on the game, ever. Whether they have access to cheats or not. It won’t make a difference. Likewise, if a player is willing to spend money on the game, and they’re loyal enough to do so...they don’t lose incentive to do that by using cheats. As far as I can tell, Akemi’s only cheat was Infinite Energy. Obviously, energy is a coveted commodity, but let’s be honest - no one who spends money on the game is spending money on energy. It replenishes. It’s technically already infinite, just on a timer. No, people spend money to get notebooks. To get more gems. To get exclusive outfits and hard-to-obtain pets and dormitory customization. All things that Akemi’s cheat did not provide for her. What money are you saving by banning her? 
What’s more, you should really be aware that banning players for using a cheat isn’t exactly going to build the kind of loyalty that you want in your players, if you want them to spend money on the game. I’ve made in-app purchases before. But let me tell you, even as someone who has always been a fan of yours...I’m not happy with you right now. I’m not impressed with how you handled this. Will I ever make an in-app purchase again? I don’t know. I might not. Other people might not either, if they see you treating players this way. There’s one more thing - I have no idea if Akemi has ever made an in-app purchase. I vaguely remember her alluding to having done so in one of her videos, but I could be wrong. You might have access to that information though. Remember what I said about companies that ban players who bought their games? Yeah, if Akemi has made an in-app purchase in the past...if any player (even ones who use cheats) has made an in-app purchase in the past...then I’m gonna say you have no business taking away their save file. The file that they spent money on, money that you now have. Can you see the issue with that? Again, you banned her account with no warning at all, and haven’t even responded to her messages asking why. 
I have one more point to make, and it’s an important one.
 I don’t know how many people have visited Akemi’s youtube page (Which you should, her content is amazing) but she has an entire video log recounting the journey of her character, Sarahi Silvers. I suspect this is the primary reason she used cheats in the first place, to provide this content. Jam City...you do realize that such videos are promoting your game, don’t you? That people who upload screenshots or videos of themselves playing are essentially giving you marketing for free? I’m not kidding about this, I know at least three people who only started playing because I shared a Hogwarts Mystery video with them. Not only does this make it more of a betrayal for you to ban Akemi...it honestly begs the question of why you would want to. Can you not see how doing this is a lose-lose, not just for your players, but for you as a company?
I don’t normally ask for reblogs. But I think this is an important message to get out there. If you like Akemi’s content, or if you just like the game in general and would hate to see this happen to your own file, if you think Jam City should un-ban Sarahi Silvers and recognize that she brings nothing but good things to the fandom and the game...reblog this. Get the word out. Sign the petition to save Sarahi, because this should not stand. Jam City, I think you’re better than this, and I challenge you to live up to that. 
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Halloween I thought it be more fitting let the characters dress up in the baroque theme with the twist.
Freya ( @marmotish ) enjoys a piece of cake because she deserves a cake, Stephie ( @elite4steffi )looking at the expensive snacks admiring how good they are while Artemis( @wolfsunshineblog ) and Isabella ( @isabellaofgryffindor ) looked stunned by Tonks outfit.
Helene ( @heleneplays ) was nice enough to give Jon a snack break , while Neon and Tulip wanted to do something daring like from the muggle novel they read about.
Sarahi ( @dat-silvers-girl ) is celebrating her birthday  with Danielle ( @glowin-theshark ) whose next to Barnaby and Mia ( @butterbeer-and-badgers ) , with Skye whose next to Orion , Vix  ( @ladycibia ) with Chiara and also with Aishwarya ( @hogwarts9 )
while Phyl ( @phyl-the-gryffinclaw ) and Finn ( @theguythatdraws ) are fighting who gets to dance with Chiara while Bill try to calm them as everyone watch ( @sly-vixen-up2nogood ), Jae and ( @tsikuri ) with Murphy
Charlie asked Kaoru ( @skyline-timeturner )for a dance because while waiting for the show , the dance would be killing the time or chatting he asked her if she’s alright because she’s wearing those shoes and it hurts while Hana ( @hannahsecretchamber ) got comfy slipper for her to wear in secret
the dancefloor , Andre asked Alana ( @weasleyismyking540 ) to dance with him and Luna ( @electricslytherindog ) is dancing with someone while holding a fan, Merula was so in shocked that Mathias ( @theevildoc ) is well dressed and thank the merlin he did not wear that sporty look in the party because the party has strictly dresscode and Allison said(when joking) that her ancestor would drown the ones who follow her rules .
Chester kissed Mushu ( @rymushu) by the hand and she likes it, Jade ( @sungoddessra​ ) compliments Eliza’s dress ( @the-elena-show​ ) while Angelica leads them front stage for the beheading the king while Kohaku ( @shinypainterkid​ ) watch.
Felix looked flustered from Elia’s tease and asked for a kiss from him, while Jane look at Felix in jealous because she fancies Elia , Talbott and Badeea accidentally painted his nose
Ben and Salatiarwell ( @jadeowl19 ) looked curcious on why does the elves ran away from Allison and also cry when seeing her costume screaming don’t drown us, she said she bears the resemblance of her infamous ancestor which by the way its her death anniversary or her deathday while Ellie ( @secretdazedragon ) is excited to see the beheading of the king
the four group got lost in the maze and encounter the little girl, which she’s “nice” enough to escort them out of the maze.
Sam ( @moko-sh ) felt something is off with the little girl , because her hands are cold and why is in the maze by herself and Rowan is slightly scared.
Penny believes that Allison brought her little cousin with her at the party and she finds her adorable and innocent while Uriel ( @diddy00 ) warns Penny not to get close to the little girl and she doesn’t remember Allison has a little cousin aside that her little cousins are a week old and not a Garrison but Ashfords , she knows Eurielle is the only cousin whose related to Garrison
Alright I did it I ended up getting sick as in literally I got sick at some point like I had to stop using the computer but I got better little bit just the cough but it;’s worth it I hope you guys like it and happy Halloween in your country if you guys celebrate 
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seercinus · 8 years
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selfie taken mere moments before being reminded of my amazing friends and s/o vs. selfie taken moments after being reminded of my amazing friends and s/o
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lilacbombs · 6 years
A J N for tara
You didn’t specify a number anon so I guess you meant... all of them? why not!
A: Aptitude (Tara)1. what are your oc’s natural abilities, things they’ve been doing since young?- Tara has always been a natural climber. (buddha have mercy on aba and the others) For anything- trees, walls... cabinets... She always manages to find higher ground- even the giant tree that sits inside avalo vihara, AND the roof. She’s also naturally good at performing menial tasks, like tending a garden or building small structures. (because monks have to do that sort of thing, and this is the rare case where tara wishes she could have dish duty.)2. what activities have they participated in?- Does drinking count? why not. Tara has also done regular kid/teen things like snowball fights, cards, diving off cliffs... hopscotch (I KNOW THE VINAYA SAYS NOT TO DO THAT but what beef did the buddha have with hopscotch??? why!! *that one ‘what was the reason’ video*)3. what abilities do they have that they’ve worked for?- Tara had to learn to use a sword- at first it was just a “in-case-of” thing, but after a while tara found it as a good way to let off steam/get out pent-up energy.4. what things are they bad at?- Tara was once moderately good at things like sutta-chanting, but not anymore. Tara has always struggled with meditation, as it requires that whole sitting-still thing... she usually ends up falling asleep.Tara can’t draw/do math to save her life, but it’s not because she’s stupid- it’s just not that valued of a skill in her area. (most kids only have a pre-k education, with most of them either go into mercenary work/agriculture/family business or on rare occasion, leave for college in the capitol.)5. what is their most impressive talent?- probably the tree-climbing thing, but I think using a sword can be impressive. too. I think some people might admire tara’s unfaltering nature, too. That and she fought a mercenary captain and won somehow.
J: Joy (Tara)1. what makes them happy?- being around friends, animals, children. Seeing people get what they deserve. (in a good or bad way)2. who makes them happy?- June, sarahi + other people at the watering hole, laomia (their relationship has just begun but shes a very nice person) 3. are there any songs that bring them joy?- uhhh I don’t have any original tunes or songs written for this comic yet but, if this counts- tara really likes the metta chant, which she memorized as a novice by singing it. She would sing it for June as novices sometimes, too.  (thank you imee oi for my life)4. are they happy often?- for the most part, yeah. tara rarely experiences really high, outward expressions of joy- she’s usually just “ :| ”5. what brings them the most joy in the world?- june approval from others, mainly people she cares about.
N: Never Have I Ever1. what would they never do?- kill another person. This one is kind of conditional, though... I mean I think there are a lot of things we say we’ll never do but we end up doing anyway, either on accident or because a situation forces us. that’s all I’m going to say on it though..tara would never cheat or give up another person. Unless it was a really bad person- tara would always offer herself in place of another.2. what have they never done that they want to do?- see the world, travel across/visit the ocean3. is there anything they absolutely can’t believe people do?- be straight cruelty to children/animals... like tara doesn’t like any cruelty but at least adults have a way to defend themselves... hurting children is really like saying “fuck this thing that has done absolutely nothing wrong.”also wearing corsets/several layers of underwear... its rumored that people do that in the capitol but like why would someone ever wear that many layers?? hahaha4. what is the most embarrassing thing they’ve done?- get in a fuckin bar fight, drink a whole bottle of perfume thinking it was whiskey5. have they done anything they thought they’d never do?- get in a fuckin bar fight, fight a giant snake with a slightly smaller snake and your bff, become a novice, tara’s entire life basically
I’m shocked I thought you guys would go straight for the angst ones but I guess not lol
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twocatskissing · 8 years
Random questions 1. Do you bite or lick ice cream? lick lick lick lick (i like) 2. What is home to you? where ever i feel comfortable. so..not necessarily my house all of the time, it depends who i am with. 3. What was the last lie you told? i ...dont know. i just went thru my texts and i can't recall. but i've lied several times today probably without knowing. 4. Does everyone deserve the truth? no. u dont deserve my ass honey! 5.What is the creepiest toy ever made? i'll think about it 6. Describe a moment in which you did something unacceptable in a bad situation. talk shit get hit 7. List two things that are more easily done than said. (No, I didn't mix them up.) literally anything work related. i hate explaining to people, i just want to do it myself, it's so much more easier. but this question is making my head hurt so i'm moving on. 8. When was the last time you worked really hard to achieve something? i worked REALLY Hard on print edition II 9. How many all nighters have you pulled? probably one? two? i'm not good at them 10. If humans didn't evolve to laugh or smile, how would we express our happiness instead? hugs. 11. How many romantic "things" or "flings" have you had? maybe...three? 12. What is your paradise? honestly where ever you are 13. What is your favorite background noise? (Ex. Water dripping, people talking.) RAIN NOISES. UGH. I LOVE THEM. I WOULD DIE FOR THEM. 14. How many hearts do you think you have broken? one, not including myself 15. What is the most important thing about electronics? What does this say about you? communicating. i think it says i suck at communicating in person. 16. Why do people care about celebrities? Do you care about celebrities? i care about celebrities because i aspire to be like them, and i enjoy learning about other's successes 17. What is the most annoying thing someone can do to you? i dont know how to answer this. anyone doing anything for me makes me so happy 18. Do you overexaggerate? What are the pros and cons of this? i do this a lot, i get it from my mom. i think it just makes me sound annoying. 19. Have you played any instruments before? Which instruments? no i'm a potato 20. Do you like taking selfies? Why or why not? i used to take them a lot but one week during 9th grade my self esteem plummeted and now i hate taking them. i think i am so ugly and unattractive. 21. List 3 things you like about yourself? i'm kinda emo rn so i cant think of anything 22. What is the best advice someone has ever given you? don't make mountains out of mole hills 23. Do you have what it takes to raise a child? Why or why not? HELL NO. i cant even take care of my damn self. even my pee is telling me my body is in serious danger. 24. How do you cheer yourself up after a bad day? i talk to sierra, practice a makeup look, or go to sleep really early 25. When was the last time you felt awkward? when i went out to starbucks earlier tonight i was in this really weird state where i felt really weak and off, i felt kinda awkward and bad 26. Are you introverted or extroverted? Or a mixture of both? im super introverted but i always like having one person with me, i don't like being completely isolated, but i hate having multiple people around me. 27. What constitutes a good friend? having conversations that never dry out, being there for you right on the spot, good hugs 28. Would you rather have a lot of friends to hang out with or just one best friend? i would want just one best friend, but i've come to realize that people i'll get super close with get really annoyed with me easily and that's not what i want 29. In a regular day, what do you not want to hear? that hetero shit. 30. What is your dream job? journalist at refinery 29 31. Is it better to be lazy but smart or hardworking but unintelligent? hardworking because from there you can build your skills 32. What is a truth about yourself that others find hard to believe? IM A VIRGIN 33. What have you always wondered about the other gender? why he so ugly. 34. Which fantasy world would you like to visit the most? what does this even mean 35. Describe the worst friend you have ever befriended. i don't want to hate them again 36. Imagine that you have switched bodies with someone you don't know. You can't switch back. What do you do? hope they aren't suicidal like i am 37. If you found the recipe for immortality, would you sell it or would you burn it? girl i'd sell that shit. need that college money. 38. What is the most important, applicable class you have ever taken? speech, bc u need speech to speech 39. Name the last book you read. animal farm 40. Imagine that you are unable to express emotion. How would this affect your world? BROOO i would say i would love this, but i would never be able to be with someone if i'm like that. no homo. 41. When was the last time you made the first move? ...Never 42. What is your opinion on electronic music such as dubstep or trap? it's ok :/. nothing is worse than country music, tho. 43. What was the last movie you watched? hidden figures 44. Do you like and appreciate your life? no 45. Do you like and appreciate yourself? No. 46. When was the last time you cried? on saturday 47. What are you scared of? rejection and thunder storms 48. What is the most embarrassing, cringe-worthy thing you have ever done? no let's not get into that tonight 49. What are some of your hobbies? makeup, editing stories 50. What is a superficial yet annoying mistake you constantly make? overthink and over analyze 51. Are you a good friend? What makes you a good friend? If not, what makes you a bad friend? i would say i'm a decent friend. i'm extremely loyal and supportive, but at the same time i will shut u out if i'm sad and be really clingy. 52. Do you honestly learn from your mistakes? no. same ol' mistakes - rihanna 53. What have you learned the hard way? she wasn't shit 54. What is the most important thing to have in order to attain happiness? friendship 55. Which medium do you use for expressing your artistic emotions? (Singing, writing, etc.) i write a fuckton l56. Are you a creative or a logical thinker? logical 57. What is the smartest thing you have ever done? get a job 58. What is your ideal meal? sushi 59. What is the worst thing someone could do on a date? tell me they're a republican 60. Do you like animals? Which kind is your favorite? DOGGIES 61. If you could turn one legal thing illegal, what would it be? discrimination against transgender citizens/denying access to preferred bathrooms 62. Do you have any guilty pleasures? i really like the kardashians 63. What is the best thing that the internet has ever created? the kardashians 64. Do you like playing video games? Which video games? i like playing overwatch when i'm at my dad's house but i rarely come over there 65. What is your opinion on beauty in today's society? do what ya want hoe 66. Are you a morning person? When do you usually wake up? i usually wake up at around 7:30 on a weekend but you won't find me walking around because i'll stay in bed until 10 67. Do you have a favorite Disney movie? Character? i love ratatouille, but my favorite disney character will be tiana from princess and the frog because i love her. 68. Would you rather live in the city or in the countryside? in the city. i want to live on a skyscraper. 69. Would you rather live near the ocean or in the mountains? near the ocean because beach towns are so cute. 70. What are the best things about winter? how it's not 1000387377227° 71. What scares you most about the future? rejection from colleges, and any relationships i attempt to peruse. 72. What makes you feel old? ratatouille came out ten years ago 73. How many hours do you spend on the computer or phone on average? 24 74. What are some of your New Year's resolutions? i don't make those they're annoying 75. What is your life story in 6 words? really really really really emo 76. Describe yourself in one word. ugly 77. What bad habits do you do? um it should say *do you have, but i guess i tend to put myself down a lot whenever someone compliments me. and if i'm having a bad day and someone says something mean that's suppose to be a joke, i start crying. 78. What genre of music do you listen to? everything except country 79. Most prominent childhood memory? my dad's last day before he moved out 80. Imagine if you had an older brother. If you already have one, what is it like? If you don't, how would this change your life? no thanks 81. Spirit animal? sloth 82. Do you believe in horoscopes? sort of? i didnt until i realized i hate capricorns 83. What is the worst advice you've ever been given? just stop being sad 84. List the 3 most important people in your life right now. that's hard i have a lot of people i care about so imma add one more -dana -sierra -sarahi -chloe 85. Favorite memory of your family. hmm not really 86. What do you look for in a relationship? someone who likes me back, loyalty 87. Do you have a role model? Why or why not? i don't pay attention enough to look up to someone 88. What is your opinion on social media? i love it 89. Are you a pessimist or an optimist? both, it depends on the environment 90. List some things that you think are overpriced? M👏🏼A👏🏼K👏🏼E👏🏼U👏🏼P 91. What is your worst memory or creepiest experience? well earlier today when i was closing this people stood out the door waiting for me to come out it was really weird 92. What superpower would ruin the world? being able to read minds 93. What is something you swore you would never do when you grew up, but you did anyway? date girls hdhshshns 94. What lessons have you learned from movies and which movies were they? girl i am too tired for this 95. If you could travel anywhere, where would you go? i would go back to costa rica ❤ 96. How do you approach people? i dont. 97. What is your opinion on first impressions? what does this even mean 98. What are some things you did as a child that you no longer do? dance the cha cha slide. i'm too embarrassed to do it now. 99. What languages can you speak? english and most spanish 100. What do you think society will be like in 30 years? i feel like it'll be a lot more progressive. my 101. What do you do on your lazy days? i just lie in bed 102. What ended your last relationship? well as for my last real relationship it ended because i was really sad and so were they 103. Favorite food? sushi or chiles rellanos or hot wings 104. What is the most terrifying dream you've ever had? most of my dreams are terrifying in that i either get rejected or people leave. what's new? lol. 105. When was the last time you got seriously angry? like two weeks ago i read a text and i got seriously angry and had a suicidal episode 106. What was the last friendship you broke? i dont....know... 107. Do you have any pet peeves? i hate hearing people chew, or people talking over me 108. Who was the last person you gave a hug to? no one gives me hugs. 109. When was the last time you got seriously stressed? like this morning jdhsbsbsb 110. What part of your personality do you want to change? all of it. i want to be a cold distant bitch who is likable. i also want to get rid of my depression 111. Who is the most positively influential person in your life right now? everyone stay negative 112. What is your biggest motivation? this question is grammatically confusing 113. What did you want to be when you were little? a vet or a singer 114. What are some things that you are good at? im pretty good at my job, and doing reading/writing stuff 115. What is one thing you want to be good at? math 116. What distracts you the most, especially when you're trying to work? my phone definitely 117. How important is privacy to you? very. i hate nosy people. 118. If you could create one social norm, what would it be? don't be nosy kiddos! 119. What's the craziest lie you've ever told? i'm straight 120. What story do you like to tell about yourself at parties? i don't go to parties, but when i do i do not talk about myself, or talk at all 121. What is the lamest thing that you have seen someone do? ummmm i don't know how to answer this 122. What is the stupidest thing you've done to impress someone? i will spend all of my money on people or things to impress others, it's ridiculous. i'll pay for dinner if i'm trying to impress a friend, or just waste my money. 123. What is your morning routine? spray myself in rose water. get dressed. Maybe MAYBE do some makeup 124. What's the last thing you did that is worth remembering? taking photos with sierra 125. If karma was coming back to you, would it help or hurt you? help i believe. i'm not doing anything shitty rn 126. What is your opinion on playing "hard to get?" i will honestly drop you so quick if you do that to me and i find out. i have no tolerance for that shit, i will not fall for it, and i will leave your ass. 127. What are the pros and cons of straightforward? pros: sends the message, makes things quicker cons: getting offended, no fun 128. What do you consider "leading" someone on? BROOO DONT SVEN GET ME STARTED ON THIS SHIF WHERE DO I EVEN FUCKING START OHHHH NY GOODDDHDHDHSHS BITCHDHDHSHSBS IM SGEJSNSBSANSBSBBVSSBA 129. Are you the friendzoner or the friendzoned? both, but mostly zoned. 130. What do you admire most about your friends? their intelligence. i'm so jealous of them, but i admire it. 131. What do you admire most about your family? their strong work ethic 132. What is your opinion on "going with the flow?" it's so hard to do, no gracias. i need structure 133. Do you enjoy talking or listening? listening 134. When is it time to end a friendship? when it's causing deep painful and emotional harm to you, it's abusive in a sense 135. What is the worst excuse you've ever come up with? "i'm just stressed out" 136. If GPA didn't matter, what courses would you have taken? delta, so i could study hospitality and tourism dhshhsejsh 137. What are your favorite baby names? babies are gross 138. When was the last time you had a deep conversation with someone? when i went to the park with dana on monday 139. What instantly ruins a conversation? dry ass responses 140. Biggest turn ons and turn on offs. turn on's: buying me tonight's, hugs, touching, eye contact, laughing turn offs: distance, being ignored 141. Biggest disappointment. rejection by ******* 143. When did you last do something outside of your comfort zone? when i talked to wheatsville 144. Prized possession(s)? my costa rica ticket, my makeup collection 145. What is your opinion on second chances? it depends on what they did to fuck up 146. Text or call? text 147. What do you like about the 21st century? my phone 148. What advice would you give to yourself 5 years ago? don't date until ur mentally stable 149. How organized are you? ask sierra 150. Favorite mode of transportation. car
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lins-fandom-hub · 4 years
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"Is everyone ready?"
Cedric turned to the entire group setting up the greenhouse for a joyous occasion, courtesy of Clara for telling him beforehand. Cato, Dimitri, Roman, and Bill were all in the midst of decorating the cake on site with sliced fruits and berries, Roman setting homemade chocolate chip cookies on the edge of the giant silver platter the triple-tiered chocolate cake was set on. Katriona was watching Dawn and Hillary putting up strings of colourful lights, once in a while contributing to the process by blowing balloons and levitating them to the ceiling with the Levitation Charm. Fred, George, Lee, Angelina, and Alicia were also present, setting up the giant stack of gifts in another corner of the room.
"Fred, what did I tell you about putting Stink Pellets in the gift wrapping?" Sarahi inquired, pulling out an entire pouch of the prank from Dimitri and Skylar and Roman's gifts.
Fred's ears turned red. "Hey, I thought it was funny."
"No, it's not! No one wants to have their birthday go up in stink!" Dawn protested. "Has anyone seen the streamers?"
"They clash with the lights, don't they? I took them away," Clara responded, tying off a ribbon in the flower crown for the birthday girl. "The lights should be enough."
"No, you can't have a cookie yet, Skylar!" Dimitri hissed as he saw his sister trying to take one of the cookies off the platter. "Wait till the birthday girl arrives!"
Skylar sighed at her brother--how did she get caught? She simply shrugged and put the cookie back, tucking it in the stack.
"This should be good," Cedric said with a nod as the last of the balloons floated to the ceiling. "Remember, Professor Sprout will lead Em into the greenhouses. The code word is 'wiggentree'. Only then will you surprise her--not before! We don't want to spoil it too early!"
The older students nodded solemnly.
Angelina quickly poked her head out of the greenhouse in time now to see Professor Sprout walking towards them, and she waved her hand. "Assume positions, everyone!"
Immediately, everyone went to find someplace to hide. Clara, Cato, and Skylar ended up crouching by Fred, George, and Hillary, while Sarahi, Katriona, Dimitri and Roman ended up smushing elbows with the other first years. Angelina and Cedric ran back to the others just in time--Professor Sprout had lead Em into the Greenhouse now. One could see the tip of her old patched hat to recognize her anywhere.
"Now, what's the occasion here?" Professor Sprout questioned now, feigning surprise. "I thought I brought you in here to help me tend to a few sick Wiggentrees."
"Wiggentrees? But--"
Everyone jumped from behind the tables, big smiles on their faces and confetti raining down on Clara's cue. Instantly, Em turned to her friends and some of her sister's friends too, her jaw dropped in awe.
"Wait, you guys did all this?" she said. "All for me on my birthday?"
"Hey, you deserve it!" Katriona reassured her with a huge grin. "Besides, it's not everyday you get to celebrate a birthday at Hogwarts."
"And what better way to celebrate it than with friends and family?" Professor Sprout added with a smile. "I must admit, you all did a wonderful job with the decorations. Mr. Diggory and Miss Lin did a wonderful job with leading the charge."
"We hope you like the cake too," Cato said then. "It took us a while to find a good recipe for the occasion." He gave Bill a nod, and Bill simply beamed back--this might not have been Molly Weasley's homemade fudge, but hopefully it was close enough.
"Cake, and presents, and all this...thank you," little Em finally managed to say. "Thank you all."
"You're welcome, Em. Happy birthday," Clara finally said, giving her sister a big hug.
I AM 2 DAYS LATE ON THIS. I KNOW. And this is super rushed and I feel so bad and I am super sorry! But it's here, at least it's here. And yes, what better way to celebrate a birthday than with loved ones all around?
MCs/OCs mentioned:
Cato Reese (@catohphm )
Dimitri Di Angelo, Skylar Di Angelo, Roman Rokudo (@demon-twins-and-co )
Katriona Cassiopeia (@kc-needs-coffee )
Sarahi Silvers (@dat-silvers-girl )
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dat-silvers-girl · 4 years
Golden Flower
Needed to write a short story for homework, so I used that as an excuse to write a story from Year 5, when Sarahi had adored Rakepick.
Somewhat spoilers for Year 6 ahead.
Do you remember giving your teachers gifts on special days in the year? Teacher’s day? Valentine’s day? Do you remember putting in the extra effort on the gifts for your favourite teachers?
Sarahi Silvers was the first and last person to ever give Professor Rakepick a genuine gift.
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"Students! Students! Do hush up now, Valentine's Day is over! We have more important things to learn about!" Professor Rakepick announced while clapping her hands, in the attempt to quiet down her very talkative students, while waiting for the remaining ones.
"Especially you, Miss Silvers." She added, shaking her head. "Don't make me move you away from Mr Lee."
Sarahi giggled nervously. "Good morning to you too, Professor."
Sarahi mumbled a quick 'Later Barnaby' and came up to her Professor. "You didn't show up at all yesterday, Professor Rakepick, even when Lockhart made his appearance in the Great Hall. Where were you all day?"
"Avoiding that idiot, Lockhart. I've met him before, and believe me, once was enough."
"Oh, I'm not even going to question you on that. I agree 100%. I think he tried to use a memory charm on me and my friends yesterday at Madam Puddifoot's."
"I would hope you haven't forgotten anything important. Like how to pay attention in this class?"
"I only forgot what Lockhart said to us beforehand, other than that I'm golden."
"As long you haven't forgotten what your mission is, I won't concern myself with your personal life. But no distractions in my classroom!"
"Understood, Professor!" Sarahi answered with a respectful nod.
Rakepick smiled. "Good! Now take your seat, class is about to begin."
"Hold on hold on! Wait a second, Professor. Hold on… uhhh…" Sarahi stuttered, while digging around in her robes for something. "I just wanted to give you this before the class started."
"Give me what?"
"Ah! This!" Sarahi beamed, and pulled out a fresh golden flower from her pocket and held it out to her mentor.
Rakepick eyes widened at this sudden gift. "You are giving me… a flower?"
Sarahi tilted her head in confusion. "Uh… yes!"
"Oh right you've never- Professor, I always give my teachers flowers on Valentine's Day. I used to give them in muggle school. And I've done it every year at Hogwarts too! And you are my teacher, aren't you? So, this one is for you! You weren't around yesterday, so I'm giving it to you now!"
Still not believing what was happening, Rakepick shook her head. "You… Miss Silvers, you… you really think I deserve a flower too?"
"Well… yes! I mean, why not? You deserve love too!"
Rakepick froze at those words, staring at the flower in her student's hand. Slowly but surely, her shock lifted a bit, and only then did she actually take the flower.
Sarahi gave Rakepick a gentle smile. Something in Rakepick broke at this, and as she carefully stroked the petals, she felt compelled to say something.
"I… you think I deserve… But…" She stuttered like never before. She shook her head and slightly smiled. "That's the thing, Miss Silvers. I don't."
Sarahi raised an eyebrow, but her smile did not falter. "Why would you think that, Professor?"
Rakepick finally took a deep breath and regained her composure.
"...never mind. Thank you, Miss Silvers. It's a lovely flower."
"You're welcome Professor! Now I realize that I've been standing here for quite a bit and it's time for class so I'm going to sit down now!"
Rakepick laughed. "Has anyone ever told you that you try to act way too smart sometimes?"
"Yes. You." Sarahi replied, while walking towards her seat next to Barnaby.
"Very funny, Miss Silvers." Rakepick mumbled, but mostly for herself. Sickleworth had by now clambered onto the desk and was sniffing the flower in his owner's hand. He did his little happy dance doing so, as Rakepick turned around to see him.
"I know Sickleworth. It's a nice flower. And no mister, it's not that shiny. I'm keeping this!"
Sickleworth made a disappointed noise and ran to a seat, probably to ask for a flower of his own, where a certain Hufflepuff and Slytherin were using all their willpower to not flirt.
Rakepick's smile slightly faltered, as she tucked the flower into her robes.
It would serve as a horrible reminder later. She betrayed the only person who'd ever seen her as deserving of love.
"He trusted you, you selfish witch! I TRUSTED YOU!" … "ROWAN!! NOOO!!!"
"Patricia?! Patricia!!" The older witch called. "Patricia, the others have been trying to get us all together for half an hour! What are you…? Oh…"
Rakepick barely looked her comrade's way, her attention fixated on the worn but well-preserved golden flower in her hands.
The witch sat down next to her, trying to be compassionate. "I know, Patricia… but you have to come. Or they'll begin to question what we do alone."
The red-head gave her friend a pained smile. "Adelaide, I've made a terrible mistake."
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dat-silvers-girl · 4 years
I’ve made my choice (Ending 3)
Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3
(Endings are chosen from within Part 3.)
To try to coax Rakepick to come with them
Rakepick POV
"We can't leave without you!" Miss Silvers exclaimed.
"We can't?" Jacob asked, raising an eyebrow.
Miss Silvers gave him a look. "No, we can't." She stated, and shot a spell behind me, stunning an 'R' member who was attempting to ambush me.
"I didn't think your students were this stupid, Patricia." Cassandra jabbed.
"YOU'RE stupid!" Jacob spat, coming up next to Miss Silvers.
"Fantastic comeback Bhaiya…" Miss Silvers commented.
"Take your little fight up with me Cassy." I hissed, trying to keep the students behind me.
One could almost see the steam coming out of Cassandra's ears.
Our wands crossed streams, and while I had to keep my focus on her, I could see her other accomplices getting ready to attack as well.
"BOMBARDA!" Miss Silvers yelled, and immediately afterward I was able to blast Cassandra back. I realised that Miss Silvers had cast the spell at her feet, which not only startled her and helped me throw her back, but it also stunned the other members.
I suddenly felt a tugging on my arm.
"They won't be out for too long! Hurry, Professor!" Miss Silvers pleaded, being the one who was pulling on my arm.
I decided not to waste time arguing with Miss Silvers if this is what she wanted. But I was glad she wanted to save me, even if I didn't deserve it. My students smiled at me and made some room so I could also hold on to the Portkey.
Every moment of this reminded me of why I chose them over the 'R'. I'm glad I made this choice.
And so I did what the students wanted me to do. I held onto the Portkey as well-
"Think you're tough, do you little Silvers!?" I heard Cassandra sneer. I turned my head to see her pointing her wand at the roof above us. "I'll show you a real blast! BOMBARDA MAXIMA!!"
The roof above us was collapsing. "PROTEGO MAXIMA!!" I shouted, creating a dome above us all protecting my students.
"PROFESSOR RAKEPICK!" Miss Silvers yelled for me, when she realized I wasn't holding the Portkey anymore.
In that moment the Portkey activated, and took all the students away, hopefully back to the safety of Hogwarts.
I may not have been able to escape, but I had no regrets. I did what I wanted to do. My students would be safe… for now.
I will protect them from the 'R' for as long as I'm alive. I'm ready to fight Cassandra and her lot here until my last breath.
In the meantime, I hope my students will be alright. I closed my eyes for a moment.
"Good luck, Curse-Breakers."
Sarahi POV
When the world around me finally stopped spinning, I landed hard on the floor as if I just fell from a great height. Granted, I think I did.
I shook my head a few times just waiting for the room to come into focus. The first thing I noticed when my vision cleared is that the Portkey has landed us right in the middle of the High Table in the Great Hall, and that everyone who was still there this late, including my friends, were staring at me and my team, who were also stirring and trying to get up on their feet. Merula was the only one who stayed put, which is good. She needed the rest after what happened.
"Sarahi!" Rowan called me. "You're all back! What happened!?"
"It's… a long story…"
"Are you alright… uh… Merula, was it?" Jacob was asking Merula.
"Yeah, yeah… I'm good. I just need a moment to catch my breath." Merula answered.
I crouched down next to her. "You need more than a moment!"
Merula shook her head and tried to get up. "I'm fine, Silvers, seriously! You're worrying-"
"BULL! You stay put! Penny, could you get some help please?"
"Yeah, I'll do that!" Penny answered and ran off.
"Who are you?" Tulip asked, walking up to my brother.
"Oh! Uh. Jacob Silvers, Miss!" He answered nervously, instantly getting into an attention pose.
"You can relax, Bhaiya. She's my friend."
"So you found your brother after all! Nice to meet you, Jacob. We've heard a lot about you."
"Should I take that as good news or bad news?"
"What happened in the Vault, Sarahi?" Rowan asked, crouching next to me and Merula. "And where's Professor Rakepick?"
Merula and I shared a look, as we both had the same idea about what her fate was. I shook my head and subconsciously fiddled with the Eye of Horus pin on my cardigan.
"She… I don't think she made it. We tried to bring her back, but she stayed behind to save us. It's… a long story." Some of my friends came around us, confusion written on their faces.
"Bill, I think we need some space. Is that alright?" I requested.
"Sure, Sarahi. I'll tell everyone what happened. Come on, everyone..." Bill led our friends away, leaving me, Merula and Jacob alone.
"I wish mum were here…" Merula stammered.
I sighed. "I know… you'll be alright. I'm here for you."
"Is that 'Ugh, I'm hurt'? Or your usual 'Ugh, buzz off'?"
"It's just- I don't even know what hurts more! The fact that Rakepick lied to us, the Cruciatus Curse, or that she's probably dead by now!"
I sighed. "It was like getting hit in the face with giant bricks."
"I still can't believe she did that." Jacob mumbled, grabbing both our attention. "I was just about ready to murder her after what she did. I promised myself I'd take her down if I ever got freed. And then she does… well, that."
"She saved our lives, Bhaiya."
"Exactly! She saved our lives! Which I was fairly certain she cared nothing about! You both MADE her care. How did you manage that?"
"I have no idea." Merula answered. "But I think Silvers' description of being hit in the face with bricks is probably the best definition we're going to get right now."
"Are you still hurting because of the Curse, Merula?" I asked.
"Not… really. To be perfectly honest, Silvers… my head and back hurts but… for the most part, I've already forgotten. I think I'm more hurt by what happened to Rakepick."
"Same… I'm… I'm going to miss her."
"Well, there's another thing we agree on, huh, Silvers?" Merula remarked, slightly smirking at me.
I smiled a bit. "I think we can both thank Rakepick for that. But maybe there's the slightest chance that she escaped?"
"Did you see how much more powerful those 'R' members were? The chances looked slim, Silvers."
I sighed and shook my head. "You… you have a point."
"And as for you…" Merula said to Jacob. "You're the famous Jacob Silvers. What is that hair?"
Jacob's expression changed to one of annoyance. "Let's just say that the last time I was in that Vault, that dragon burnt off my dignity along with my hair."
Penny ran up to us, with Professor Dumbledore, Professor Snape and Madam Pomfrey.
"I… ran all over… didn't have… time to tell them." Penny muttered between breaths.
"Miss Haywood told us enough to know that you needed help. What happened?" Professor Dumbledore asked us.
"It was chaos. We were all in the Cursed Vault, and Professor Rakepick-" I explained, but I got interrupted.
"Madam Rakepick did this to you, Miss Snyde?" Professor Dumbledore asked instantly.
"Wait, what, NO!" Merula exclaimed. "It was another 'R' member! Professor Rakepick called her Cassandra. She used the Cruciatus Curse on me…"
"You didn't let me finish, Professor…" I muttered. "If anything, Professor Rakepick saved our lives. She told us that she's an 'R' member and-"
"I knew that witch was up to something." Professor Snape drawled.
Merula and I both facepalmed. It seemed that our Professors had already been suspicious of Rakepick, and rightfully so. But she was a hero in our story.
"Stop accusing Professor Rakepick!" Merula cried. "She saved our lives!"
"Merula's right. So if you will let me finish-" I said, shaking my head at Professor Snape. "You were only half right, Professor Snape. Yes, Rakepick was an 'R' member. She confessed that to us in the Vault. But she did a heel turn and went against the 'R' to save us. Somehow the other 'R' members found out immediately, and they apparatted into the Vault to attack us. We fought for as long as we could, but just as we were about to escape, Professor Rakepick stayed behind and sent us out with the Portkey."
My head fell as I finished my recount. Jacob placed a hand on my shoulder to comfort me.
"Where is Rakepick now then?" Professor Snape asked.
"She stayed behind to hold the 'R' members off. I don't know if she's going to make it…"
"So… Rakepick winded up saving you lives?" Professor Snape looked more confused than Barnaby's usual confusion.
"No, she winded up trying to kill us." I responded sarcastically. "Of course, she saved our lives! Isn't that what I've been trying to say this whole time? Should I explain in French!?"
"That… won't be necessary, Miss Silvers. I see your point."
"And I can see that you found Jacob Silvers in the Vault?" Professor Dumbledore commented, noticing my brother.
"Next silly question?" Jacob retorted, crossing his arms. "Of course she did. You can see me here, can't you?"
"I suppose I should probably talk to you-"
"No! I'm not talking to you Professor Dumbledore!" Jacob exclaimed, looking annoyed. I didn't understand why he was so angry. "The more I talk to you, the more time I waste. Everyone knows helping your students is beyond you. I'm glad I'm not anymore."
He turned to me. "Princess, you NEVER let him control you. If Professor Dumbledore here had his way, nothing would ever get done."
"As much as I agree with you Bhaiya… why are you so angry?" I asked.
"I'm sorry Sarahi, but last time I saw Professor Dumbledore, I got expelled and everything went to crap. I don't want to talk."
"We can deal with this situation later…" Professor Dumbledore mumbled, mostly to himself, but I heard.
"It's straight to the Hospital wing for you, Miss Snyde." Madam Pomfrey demanded.
"Do I have to…?" Merula mumbled.
"Yes, you have to!" I told her. "And Jacob, you're going to the Hospital wing too."
"Wait, why am I going?" He asked.
"Bhaiya… six years in a portrait. You ought to relax, and straighten out, just for a little bit."
"But-" He tried to make an excuse, but I gave him a stern look before he could.
"Alright! Alright, I'll go!"
"I feel like I should come along-"
"Sarahi! Come here! It's Ben!" Rowan called.
"Go on, Princess. Your friends need you." Jacob told me with a smile.
"Are you sure? Both of you?"
"We'll be fine, Silvers." Merula reassured. "Go see Copper."
Oh. Oh no.
Why would he do that…?
I re-read Jacob's letter about twelve times, and I still couldn't believe it.
That… IDIOT! Papa is waiting for us and he just- left!? Just like that!?
This can't be right!
Dear Sarahi,
I know, I know. You have questions. But after recovering, when Professor Dumbledore tried to force me into talking with him, I just couldn't stand it. I can't stay here. Rakepick did us good by protecting us from some of the 'R', but the rest of them will catch on eventually. It's much bigger than just Cassandra and her lot. I want to be there for you and keep you safe, but I can't do anything while staying in one place. And I certainly can't go home. That would mean leading the 'R' straight to our safe place, because they will never stop following me. I can't let them get to the next Vault. I hope you understand why I had to go, little princess. Please don't tell Papa that you found me. I'll find you again soon, I promise. Until then, please be safe. I love you very much.
How can he say he loves me when he just abandoned me again!? Rakepick sacrificed everything to keep us together and he just-!
This is all Dumbledore's fault. Jacob's right. Logic is lost on that man.
But then again, I only just got my brother back. Only to lose him again?
This isn't what Professor Rakepick has died for. She died to keep us safe.
I only hope it won't be in vain.
I still have the Eye of Horus pin she gave me close to my heart.
I'll take the lead, Professor. I'll try not to let you down.
Timeskip to Year 6, Chapter 18…
Sarahi POV
"EXPECTO PATRONUM!!!" I yelled. My Unicorn Patronus shot out of my wand, lighting up the area around us, but beautiful as it was, it just wasn't powerful enough to ward off all the dementors surrounding us.
Merula was also using her Patronus. Despite the fact that it was incorporeal, it was rather effective in pushing back the dementor at the very least.
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But no matter how hard Ben, Merula and I tried, we couldn’t do it. There were just so many of them.
“It’s no good!” I yelled. “My Patronus isn’t powerful enough to banish them all!”
“And when you drive one back, another just comes to fill its place!” Ben responded.
“What do we do!?” Merula asked, shivering. The fear was getting to her. I understood why.
This was a doomed scenario. Dementors were surrounding us, and none of us had a Patronus that was powerful enough. I couldn’t see any way out.
I am afraid. Only a miracle will save us.
The three of us backed up as much as we could. Merula looked like she was about to cry. My heart ached and I grasped her hand, and Ben’s too. We just turned around, and shut our eyes holding each other’s hands, waiting for the inevitable…
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Our attention was grabbed by a familiar voice, and we turned around to see a Lioness Patronus make her place between us and the dementors. It roared so fiercely, it drove away every single dementor surrounding us in a bright flash.
“A Lioness patronus…” I mumbled to myself.
The Lioness glowed brighter, and as it faded away… I couldn't believe my eyes... Rakepick emerged from it.
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“PROFESSOR RAKEPICK!” I yelled out. I don’t think I have ever smiled so big in my life.
Next to me, it was easy to see how chuffed Merula was to see her too.
“Looks like I made it just in time.” Rakepick remarked, smiling at us.
After I thought she died in the Portrait Vault, I was so happy to see her again that I ran up to her and actually gave her a hug. As did Merula.
I think we shocked Rakepick at first, but she quickly relaxed. She held us and returned it with a little laugh. “Ah, it’s good to see you too, Miss Silvers, Miss Snyde. You too, Mister Copper.” She said, looking at Ben, and then back at us.
“We thought we’d never see you again, Professor Rakepick!” I gushed, as Merula and I both loosened our grips.
“Madam.” Rakepick said.
“I’m not your Professor anymore.” She clarified, shaking her head.
I laughed. “It’s a habit now. You’ll always be our Professor.”
“How did you escape the Vault!?” Merula asked, still smiling away.
“Ever heard of apparition, Miss Snyde?” Rakepick answered smugly.
“What happened after we left?” Ben asked, walking up to us.
Rakepick sighed. “That’s… a long story. But first of all, please tell me. What in the name of Merlin are you three doing in the Forbidden Forest in the dead of night?”
I scratched the back of my head, looking at Merula and Ben. “That’s a long story of our own.”
"Tell me the short version."
"Well…" I started, but then we heard some rustling in the bushes behind us.
"What is that?" Merula asked.
Professor Rakepick looked alarmed and pointed her wand at the tree where the sound came from. "Who's there?" She demanded.
The spy peeked from behind, and after noticing Professor Rakepick, they walked up to us.
"Rowan!?" I yelled. "What are you doing here?"
"Were you… were you following us, Khanna?" Merula asked.
"Yes… I was. I'm sorry, Sarahi." Rowan apologized, looking nervous. "But I was really worried about you when I found out that you were going to look for 'R' and Jacob in the forest. So I followed you. And uhhh… nice to see you again, Professor Rakepick."
"Likewise, Miss Khanna." Madam Rakepick said, giving her a respectful nod, in lieu of her lack of surprise.
"Rowan, what were you thinking!?" I scolded, grasping her hands. "You should have at least told me! What if something bad happened to you?"
"I'm sorry, but I knew you didn't want to involve me, but I couldn't shake off that feeling that something bad might happen to you."
"You were looking for Jacob in the forest, Miss Silvers? Isn't he with you?" Rakepick asked me, looking rather confused.
"Unfortunately, he isn't with me, Professor Rakepick. He left shortly after we returned to Hogwarts from the Portrait Vault because he was convinced that 'R' was following him." I informed her. "The reason we're here is because of this…" I held out the black quill note I had found in Jacob's room earlier. Rakepick took it from me and looked it over.
She read it as I continued. "It was probably meant for Jacob. Apparently an 'R' member wanted to meet with him. I thought he would be in danger, so we decided to come and intercept the meeting. But nobody came. And then the dementors… I assume that you already know about the Japanese wizard who escaped-"
Rakepick nodded understandingly. "Kitsueki, yes, I know. He was an accomplice of mine in 'R' before he was caught and jailed. And I think I see exactly what's going on here."
"What is…?" I asked.
"First of all, this is just one of the reasons I don't like the Ministry. Whose bright idea was it to let that many dementors lose? And secondly, this was a trap. A trap set specifically for you, Miss Silvers."
"I knew it… That's why Merula and I came with Sarahi." Ben said.
"And why I followed…" Rowan mumbled.
"What kind of trap?" I asked.
"The same kind of trap that I was luring you into. Your love for your brother. They planted this in his room because they knew you'd find it and come for him. Miss Silvers, as much as it pains me to say this, I think your brother was right about the 'R' following him. They have been trying to hunt me down as well, which is why I have been hiding since I escaped."
“That’s actually what we want to know. How did you escape? I mean, other than apparition?”
“The short version? I knew I was doomed in that fight. If I died in there, Cassandra would go back and tell our superiors everything. The same would happen even if I escaped. So after immobilizing them and waking up the dragon, which you left alive, Miss Silvers-”
“I will never kill a creature. Ever.” I interrupted.
“Fair enough. I woke up the dragon, left them to their fates, and escaped. A bit of spying later let me know that while Cassandra made it out, a lot of her group didn’t.”
“I see… that’s rather fortunate, I suppose.”
“Miss Silvers, that day when I chose to join you, REALLY join you, I promised myself I’d protect my students for as long as I am alive. Which includes now. This Black Quill was a fake made to mislead you.”
“I have another concern. Remember the threat I got last year? That one of my friends would die? Professor, they haven’t given up. I got a threat again from a white quill from Sickleworth. They still want to ‘collect’ a friend’s life.”
“Not on my watch, they won’t!” Suddenly her eyes widened. “Wait- Sickleworth!? How did Sickleworth bring you a quill?”
“Jacob said that ‘R’ was using him to deliver messages. In fact, the last time I saw him,  he said he was going to follow Sickleworth.”
“They’re using MY niffler!? They’re using him to find me. They know Sickleworth will run straight to me! And while I don’t really care if they do, how DARE they use my niffler!? Was Sickleworth alright when you saw him, Miss Silvers?”
“Sickleworth was fine, though I’m fairly certain even he is upset by your absence. Maybe you should come back to Hogwarts with us?”
Professor Rakepick shook her head. “I will walk you all back to the edge of the forest. No one here will attack you all while I’m here. But I cannot come back to Hogwarts. I have to keep moving to hide. Let’s go.”
“No one will attack? Was someone meant to attack Sarahi?” Rowan asked, as we all started making our way back to Hogwarts.
Professor Rakepick looked behind us for a moment. “I am certain someone was. And they can’t anymore. I will make sure of that. In the meantime, there’s a lot that you all should know…”
You got the Best ending!
Want to see what happens if you had chosen something else?
What would happen if Sarahi left with her friends?
What would happen if Sarahi stayed?
(And for those asking, yes, I am assuming that Victor Kitsueki was the Japanese assassin. It’s just my own theory.)
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lins-fandom-hub · 5 years
True happiness
Another short story featuring @dat-silvers-girl ‘s MC, Sarahi Silvers! Thought she might like some fluff and happiness today.
Barnaby Lee. The name just rang in Clara’s mind like a bell, a lucid clear note making her smile every time she heard it.
It was hard not to think of all the things she liked about him every time she saw him--his bright smile, his emerald eyes gleaming with joy, his little mannerisms that made her see past his otherwise tough exterior. Anyone who saw her in those moments would think she’d gone even more crazy than usual. After all, she had spent so many weeks chasing after her brother since they last saw each other in the buried Vault! How far could her insanity go, exactly?
Still, Clara knew that love was only fleeting. In the mind of a young teenager, romance seemed like a pretty big deal, especially when it came to others crushing on the same guy.
And she found herself in that situation when her friend, Sarahi, decided to confide in her that she wanted to ask Barnaby Lee on a date.
“What? That’s great!” Clara managed to say past the pain in her chest that only a shard of glass embedded in the flesh could cause. “I think you should do it.”
“I don’t know,” Sarahi admitted quietly, twisting her hands in her lap and refusing to meet her eyes. “I’ve seen the way you look at him. I can see you’ve got it hard for him, too.”
That was true. Clara couldn’t deny the butterflies that fluttered in her stomach every time she saw him, or talked with him. The unfamiliar sensation always stirred within her with every mention of his name--a sensation she knew that only could be quelled with the affirmation of love, with his voice alone. Still, she knew that there was a lot to love about him--and a lot of girls did see him the same way she did, after all. Part of her did want to cling onto him and never let him go, but she thought back to the day Ismelda felt the same need and longing for him--a need so desperate she went to desperate measures to get his heart.
And Clara knew she wasn’t that kind of person. Barnaby was fully capable of making decisions, and he deserved more than being treated as property. Besides, what’s the use in thinking about romance when there were curses to break and a potential life to give up? She couldn’t risk having her heart shattered by the mere thought of seeing him lifeless, sacrificing his life for her.
Loving him would mean hurting her more.
“I will admit, there’s a lot to Barnaby Lee that I like,” she told Sarahi, nodding. “But he deserves someone who would take care of him and love him unconditionally, no matter what. And with me and the Vaults...it’s been taking up a lot of my time. I can’t think about romance when ‘R’ has made me and my friends a target.”
“But just say--”
“That it doesn’t work out? It will,” Clara reassured her. “Being in love with someone only gives me another reason I would feel broken beyond repair. I’ve got a mystery on my hands that could result in blood and guilt on my conscience. The last thing I want is for one of my friends that I care about so much rise to that bait.”
Sarahi nodded slowly, the words slowly sinking in. “And you think I’m the best fit for him?”
“You’re a Hufflepuff. And I’ve seen the way your eyes light up whenever you see him, too,” Clara responded. “It’s okay, Sarahi. I’d say go for it.”
“And that’s okay with you?”
“More than okay. I’d rather see him living his fullest life with the one he loves, with a smile on his face, than heading to his grave leaving a guilty conscience in my wake,” Clara said. “He makes you happy, and if he’s happy with you, then I’m happy for you too.”
For a moment, neither girl spoke. Sarahi kept glancing at her folded hands, every finger intertwining with each other, before looking up at her friend and nodding.
The two girls eventually went to the library, where Sarahi eventually found Barnaby and asked him out on the next Hogsmeade trip. Barnaby’s eyes lit up and he accepted--rather loudly, Clara noticed, which resulted in the both of them being shushed by Madam Pince more than once. 
Still, she only smiled when next she saw them holding hands, about two weeks after said Hogsmeade trip. The glass shard had been removed from the flesh long ago, the wound healed with genuine warmth and happiness.
One day, she will find her true happiness, when the business with the Vaults finally blows over. But for now, she saw true happiness unfold, and that was what made her truly happy.
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