incorrectfmaquotes · 6 years
Edward: God, I’ve always been fucking terrible at math.
Envy: Yeah, Well I’ve got something small enough for you to measure.
Edward: Your brain cell count?
Envy: Well I was going to say you but honestly that’s fair
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vriska · 6 years
vriska ive held a shark before and he was NOT smooth
all sharks are smooth
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lynayru · 6 years
The way you draw dragons (and other things) is incredible, dude! I really love your painter-ish style of coloring.
Thank you!!! :’D
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ladybugkisses · 6 years
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Your blog is so cute i had to draw u a gamz
oh gosH AND WHAT A CUTE GAMZ THIS IS!! ! your art style is adorable omgg thank you sO SO MUCH!! ! ;v; 💕💜💞💖💞💜💕
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fantroll-purgatory · 6 years
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sorry for sending two so close so each other!
No worries I enjoyed the last one and I’m having fun with this one!
FIRST: Alternia with a different empress
Name (preferably include how you came up with it and why): Veveni Phobos - Veveni is very loosely based on the word vicious, and Phobos of course is the name of one of the two Gods of fear in Greek mythology. 
Age: 7 Sweeps
Strife Specibus: Whipbladekind - She relies on manipulating from afar, but when she has to get close, she isn’t afraid to use her Urumi.
Fetch Modus: Hue Modus - Objects are sorted by color in stacks, and all items of one color are ejected at once. A… hassle.
Love it. If you wanna go a step further you can make it so it’s sorted in stacks based on blood color, with items that land between suffering weird consequences (only part of the item being ejected, etc.)
Blood color: Purple
Symbol and meaning: It’s meant to represent DNA, and it reflects how she views each caste- as being biologically inferior.
It kind of looks like Gemgo, the yellowblood sign of The Original, with an assignation of Prospit and Space. That, in addition to her colored eyes, gives me an idea…
Trolltag: contagiousCacophony [CC]
Special Abilities (if any): She has a mutation that leaves her eyes permanently hued in her blood color. This gives her particularly potent chucklevoodoos, and strangely she finds it hard -not- to use them to get her way.
If you’ll allow me to sell you on this, I feel like this might be a fun idea: Veveni is a goldblood who is clawing her way to the top of the (landdwelling) hemospectrum. You can still endow her with the belief that she is innately biologically superior (as goldbloods apparently think of themselves as the smartest person in the room). She can pass her oddly-colored eyes off as a fortunate mutation that means her chucklevoodoos manifest physically rather than as a hypnotic gaze.
Lusus:  A small horselike creature with four eyes and tightly curled arm horns. ((loose reference to the four horsemen of the apocalypse
…arm…horns…WHAT ARE ARM HORNS. Wait does this horse. Does this horse have horns that look like flexing arms. I love it. If you wanna keep her a purpleblood you want them to be a seadwelling mammal so maybe keep that but make her a mermicorn. If you want to go with my idea that she’s a social climbing goldblood…(ʘ‿ʘ✿) she may have to kill or abandon her lusus to keep her cover.
Personality:  It’s easily said that, among her friends, Veveni sticks out as probably the most vicious. She was praised by the cult for her potent abilities from a young age, and since torturing lowbloods equalled respect for her, it was no surprise as ‘incidents’ of harmed or worse trolls pointed more frequently in her direction. At her current age, she’s more interested in writing about such things as lowbloods have long since steered clear of her direction, but she still makes a habit of terrorizing her less fortunate friend’s dreams particularly. Not that they know it’s her. Outwardly towards them she’s extremely laid back, almost tired, but when a situation calls for it she has very fast reflexes.
I think this is actually a good sell for her being a goldblood because purplebloods are supposedly EXTREMELY driven and will stop at nothing until they reach their goal, however whimsical it may be. Goldbloods, on the other hand, apparently tend more towards boom-and-bust cycles of showing off and then wearing themselves out. This is especially relevant since a bloodthirsty purpleblood would likely have their eye on being made a subjugglator to come in contact with yet more rebellious lowbloods, and this does not seem to be the case for her.
I’m also just a fan of this rework because having potent psychic abilities with no check risks making her overpowered; this reimagining would give her the hidden weakness of being psychically susceptible (though if she’s successfully infiltrated the subjugglator cult then it’s unlikely anyone would suspect as much).
Interests:  Literature, Writing, Torture, Online Roleplay, FLARP
Title: Heir of Blood
I don’t know that that title even fits your original character? I mean she’s definitely Prospit but I don’t know that her character has much to do with loyalty…given that she often heralds others’ death, you may want to give her Maid of Doom? Which would make her a Caprimino.
I am aware enough of my own biases to know that I’m trying to shoehorn her into a Space role so I can retroactively justify the narrative thread I’ve woven here, but…I feel like I can make an argument for Prince of Space. With the new backstory, she’s literally destroyed others in order to carve out a space for herself in the hemospectrum. Much as Dirk’s destruction of the self was tied intimately to his self-involvedness, Veveni’s destruction of spaces can lay in her own scrabble for purchase.
Land: Land of Drought and Lemonade [LODAL]
If you want her to be a Doom purpleblood flip those two (LOLAD) and you’re GOOD. Her quest could be to fix the draught (because right now all the poor consorts have to drink is lemonade).
If you want to go with the Space goldblood It’s pretty easy just go Land of Lemonade and Frogs (LOLAF). The lemonade would also be great bc it would remind her of her lowblood status much as Karkat felt his planet was mocking him for his mutant blood.
Dream Planet: Prospit
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So. I got a little carried away with multiple sprites (for which fan-troll gets most of the credit for bases), but I promise I have my reasoning. From left to right, these are: a sprite based off your original drawing (surrounded by assorted symbols depending on if you want to modify the existing one or pick one of the two canon EZ ones if she was truly a purpleblood), the yellowblood version, a hypothetical transitional stage in which she is waiting for her hair to grow long enough to cover her second pair of horns while quietly swapping out clothing that would identify her “true” blood color (using an edited sprite from naphal), and her Final Form as a subjugglator.
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This if for if you want to keep her a purpleblood because tbh she doesn’t need to have a mutation to be exceptionally powerful; we’ve already seen that purplebloods can be bloody-minded in every possible way. Let’s go top to bottom.
Horns - I wanted to make them mimic the hourglass shape inherent to both your created symbol and to the goldblood one I assigned her; this just meant making them symmetrical to look like the bottom half. The teeny tiny second set is eventually covered with hair to successully complete her transformation into a purpleblood.
Hair - It’s just the hair you gave her. I couldn’t tell what you wanted the bangs to look like so I tried my best to make it look dynamic.
Eyes - I followed your design cue and gave her two lashes on the bottom outer corners of her eyes. Her redesign just uses one full color for each eye in keeping with goldblood design.
Mouth - both goldbloods and purplebloods tend to be toothy castes, so I gave her some teef.
Symbol - like I said, I gave her Gemgo, The Original, as a starter sign. The fake one she’s got at the end is Caprilo, which I initially picked just bc it looked like a coiled Urumi but is the sign of The Multifaceted. It tickled me, especially because it’s a Heart sign and she is very much using it to disguise her Self.
Outfit - most of these are just palette-swaps of your original outfit for variety, but I wanted to address the final one. If we look at the spread of purplebloods we have so far, even Gamzee, the soberest one (ha!), has an outfit that noticeably diverges from his peers’ in that it uses a polka-dot patterned pajama pant where even Feferi still uses colorblocking. The shirt and shorts seemed a bit tame for that, so I gave her a tutu and extended her boots out to look like clown shoes. Based on the purplebloods we’ve seen so far, bright yellow is a relatively common accent color, so I added that to the tongue of her boots and gave them a gold underlining as a nod to her original blood color.
So that concludes my review of Veveni! I’m a fan tbh.
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ask-bootleg-sgrub · 6 years
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cT: <-Ξ( Welcome to the ztream Vyalet!
cG: Ouch!! My head :( :(
cT: <-Ξ( No time for head injuriez, you got people on the line!
cG: Wait what??
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cG: 2omeone a5ked me 2omething!! Let’’5 see.....
cG: “”Am I a furry??”” Hmm..... I gue25 not?? I ju2t love lu5ii!! Not ju2t mine,, but everyone’’5!!
cG: I hope I didn’’t di2appoint :( :( (( @sarkiesark ))
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gemsonaresources · 6 years
Any ideas for a Covelline/Iron Pyrite fusion? ^-^
I would recommend Bornite/Peacock Ore or Green Goldstone for this fusion!
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poinko · 7 years
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heard u liked,, fantrolbs
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hscedits · 7 years
Could I get a panel edit of Cenios & Trisma? ^-^
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whatbigotspost · 6 years
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  sarkiesark said: 
This guy has a whole book of this shit omg
Ewwwww....hope we caught all the tags. Uck.
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omnisregion · 6 years
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Omnis Growlithe Line Design Poll
Let’s vote on which of these designs will become the official designs for the Omnis Growlithe line! Remember that the Omnis Growlithe line will be one of three lines commonly seen throughout Omnis. 
Here are your options (you get one vote!):
Submission by velvet-draws
Submission by dragoncurl
Submission by whereismypineapple
Submission by toldentops
Submission by luigis-a-lad
Submission by sollyinpurplepants
Submission by burntbeebs
Submission by sarkiesark
Submission by the-lightest-shadow
Submission by scatteredembers
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11. Submission by utter-hypocrisy
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12. Submission by gishath706
Since questions was removed, you will need to vote by commenting to this post, replying in Disqus, reblogging this post, or sending us a message.
Which of these good boys gets your love?
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castleparv · 6 years
Sarkiesark -> Ardatable
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petcareawareness · 7 years
Hello! Hypothetically, is keeping small wildcat species an attainable/humane prospect? I've been researching Servals for a very long time and obviously understand how they differ from domesticated animals and would have a specialized dietary/enrichment setup. I know smaller cat species can be a touchy subject, but I've talked to people who've had great success with Servals?
Attainable? Maybe. Ethical or humane? Probably not, no
- Dark
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omnisregion · 6 years
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Say hello to Omnis Ponyta and Omnis Teddiursa!
The races were incredibly tight, but @utter-hypocrisy‘s Omnis Ponyta and Omnis Teddiursa designs came out on top, so congrats to them! We had some really neat designs, so we would like to thank everyone who entered and voted!
Omnis Ponyta Poll results:
utter-hypocrisy- 20 votes
dragoncurl- 18 votes
toonirl / sarkiesark- 11 votes (TIE)
Omnis Teddiursa Poll results:
utter-hypocrisy- 30 votes
trakolock- 27 votes
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fantroll-purgatory · 6 years
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.FIRST: Alternia with a different empress
!!! And, from the look of it, a MUCH crueler one!
Name (preferably include how you came up with it and why): Xelaik Evendo and I s2g there used to be a story behind the name
I don’t doubt that there is a story behind the name, and I’d love to hear it if you remember!
Looking over your bio, there’s a lot about the (artificial and robotic) body as a determinant of the person, and given that you’ve got yourself a sapphic android who is being silenced by her authoritarian oppressor I think a good anchor for her is this Janelle Monae lyric at the end of “Q.U.E.E.N.:”
“Will you be electric sheep? Electric ladies, will you sleep?/Or will you preach?”
This is not to say that we should base the entire troll off Janelle Monae. Rather, I think it’s worth using your troll to explore themes similar to those that Janelle Monae does with her suites: those of the electric lady/electric sheep, or the notion that technology can be used as a means of freedom or as a cudgel to beat someone into submission.
With that in mind, I am proposing the name METRAA NEXSIX, the first name a nod to the silent film Metropolis, which features an android’s deceptive role in a working class uprising; and the last name a nod to Nexus-6, the model of android from Phillip K. Dick’s Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, which explores themes of artificial intelligence and humanity.
Age: 7 Sweeps
Strife Specibus: Slingkind (she doesn’t enjoy fighting, but when she has to she uses a Kestros)
I have…a cruel option for her, which may come in handy depending on where you decide to take the character. Just start with a simple pistolkind and arm her with a captive bolt pistol. It’s a weapon that’s used to stun animals before they’re slaughtered, and has a number of variants ranging from harsh stunning to deadly force.
Fetch Modus: Sigil Modus - Each item has a sigil unique to it, and to get the item out she draws it from memory in the air (it doesn’t hurt to have a troll-google sheet pulled up in your cyber eye tbh)
I think I’d normally protest because it doesn’t relate directly to the android theme but…there are SO MANY sapphic witches, and we already had Eridan, our resident Almost Only Violetblood, as Kinda Harry Potter, so I’m gonna rule that I fucking LOVE it and she’s valid as hell.
Blood color: Violet
Symbol and meaning: Three jagged violet signish lines. They’re fanning out a bit to look like some abstract sparks.
It looks good and fits with Violet “sign language,” but I’ll still assign you a new canon one after I have a look at your aspect and moon.
Trolltag: geoCyberpunk [GC]
? I feel like “geo” implies a rocks connection, which I didn’t really see in your character? This can easily be fixed by making her a crystal to power her though. Or…unless that was a reference to crystal magic? I can make it work.
Quirk: S-she has a stutter at the beginning, of, um, each sentence? ~*  S-she isn’t very confident, uh, while she’s speaking.. ~* .\ [emotes with one eye, suffix to look like sparkles]
Special Abilities (if any): Her cybernetic eye has heat sensors, but nothing natural.
I actually…have an idea for that, based on your backstory…
Lusus: A VERY large seaturtle with six fins that her hive is built on the shell of.
Hmmmmmmmm! So instead of living under the water she lives on it! I like it, especially since her new status as a robot probably doesn’t make her very waterproof.
Personality: Before she got into an “accident” with someone she guarantees that heiress asshole sent, she was a lot more outgoing. She was actively hemorebellious, and it wasn’t uncommon for her saphhic ass to hang around lowblood bars and flirt around. This is how she met her ‘moirail’ more so summarised as “emergencypailbroincasesheaintsmoothwiththeladies”. One night she must have stepped too far out of line for someone’s liking, and again she KNOWS who that motherfucker was, and she promptly got the ever living shit beat out of her. Now she has two(2) false arms, half her face, and a fake leg. Fun. The Heiress was //so kind// as to find her a mechanic. She’s… still afraid of mechanics. He didn’t know what anesthesia was, or didn’t care. After that she became more of a shut in, and stopped really dealing with anyone below her. She doesn’t know, but her new cybernetic parts might be to blame for her new view of the hemospectrum. Nowadays she’s a ball of anxiety that low-key knows she’s better than you but is way too awkward to not be a pushover.
You don’t mention how her new cybernetic parts might have made her more complacent, so let me propose a theory. We saw in literal Homestuck canon that Aradia, upon inhabiting Aradiabot, immediately becomes more violent. There are many theories as to why this happened; it’s possible, for example, that as a ghost she had simply become unused to emotions and was unable to handle them upon getting a corporeal body. However, the predominating theory is that, upon inhabiting a robot that had been filled with indigo blood, she was possessed with highblood rage. She still, however, maintains her telekinetic abilities.
This suggests to us that there is both a soul and body component to aspects of trolls’ personalities and abilities. I am suggesting that our girl’s cybernetics  are filled with rust blood, thus making her extremely susceptible to psychic manipulation, which is, of course, being constantly broadcast to her new body. This also potentially makes her exceptionally powerful because if she manages to harness the latent psychic abilities associated with her blood color she’d be able to fucking wreck shit.
Interests: Witchcraft, Wiccanism, Marine Biology, g I r l s, obscure forum websites.
Title: Knight of Space
I see where this assignation comes from, but may I suggest Knight of Rage? She’s swamped with this…this total narrowing of options, but it’s ironically that precise narrowing that may eventually become her tool to free herself. I’m especially recommending this because of her potential role in a hemorebellion.
Land: Land of Crystals and Frogs [LOCAF]  -Ill have a locaf frappe, thanks
Hjgkrrlsgdl I love that. I wanna keep the acronym so lemme try Land of Crystals and Fissures? It’s pretty standard but repairing fissures as a Rage character is a good quest.
Dream Planet: Obligatory Prospitian
I feel like…as a person whose robot parts are literally deciding her personality for her, it’s kinda…important to me that you make her a Dersite, because the thesis of Derse is that it’s the moon of Free Will over Destiny, and it’s tough and scary and unscripted but ultimately you don’t answer to anyone.
If you take my suggestion that she’s a Rage player and a Dersite we end up with…Aquiborn…which…pretty much looks the fucking same as her symbol lmao. The title is The Hedonist, which I actually really like because it’s such an of the body title for someone who’s been so thoroughly dis-.
Let’s move on to the redesign!
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I will be honest and say that part of the reason I did this was just because I thought she’d be fun to sprite; save for the symbol and muted colors the outfit is mostly a suggestion, though I hope you consider the change!
Horns – your drawing made it look like Eridan’s horns so I just ran with that! It fits both he old and new symbol easily. I just fixed one up to be robotic.
Hair – this is courtesy of fan-troll’s sprite sheet since it matched well enough! Edited a bit because that sideburn had so much personality.
Eyes – I tried to follow your drawing’s lead and give her three prominent eyelashes on the side and two smaller ones at the bottom. For her robot eye, I used Aradiabot as a template to figure out how best to sprite her with an overlay of the kinda EKG spike you’d put into her eye. Her redesign has rust eyelashes to signify that rust blood is being pumped through her system, much as we got the same visual cue with Aradiabot.
Outfit – the original is just a recolored mashup of Eridan’s and Karkat’s outfits. The new one features bagelart’s Whovian outfit and some shoes from fan-troll. My reasoning is as follows:
You mention that her cybernetics have given her a new view of the hemospectrum that specifically places her above others as befits her caste, so even if she’s lowkey about it it makes sense that she’d dress fancy
We have exactly two examples of violetbloods across different universes and they are both FancyBoys. It may not be that all violetbloods are fancypants but it’s fun nonetheless
Janelle Monae’s persona is a pan android and she is extremely well known for wearing suits to show solidarity with the working class from which she originates. This is also alluded to by her rust-colored bowtie. You can spin this as the kind of outfit she wore even before the accident to signify both her class and her desire to romance some lower blooded ladies.
So those are all the notes I have for this beautiful sapphic siren! I hope you liked my notes, because I sure like her!
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