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The Fresno N. family and Sasha-Kate, characters for my new "smalltownbuilding" project. So far? I love it, I got some more characters although they are not cryptids nir folklore, just some lame humans (and a ghost).
I think I'll post the story here if I end up not using it for my RPG lol.
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doctorslippery · 1 year
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liminalaesthetics · 2 years
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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"NOT TAKING MEN FOR TRIP' TO WESTERN HARVEST FIELDS," Toronto Star. October 10, 1942. Page 3. ---- Only University Students and Experienced Farm Workers Being Accepted --- TO SASKATCHEWAN ---- More than 1,000 college students and farmers from Ontario points will leave Toronto by harvest train. during the week-end. Trains are routed to Regina and Saskatoon, where the men will fan out to help with the harvesting of Saskat chewan's huge, unreaped crop. A section of the "Continental Limited" will have 400 students on board. Of this number. 250 are University of Toronto men bound for Regina. Both C.P.R. and C.N.R. trains will handle the western. movement of harvesters. Colonist cars, in which the men can make their own beds and cook their own food, will be provided. Facilities also will include luncheon counter cars. The selective service board will continue to sign on men for the trip! today, it was announced. Only University of Toronto students and men with recognized farming ex- perience-farmers' sons, farm laborers and farm operators will be accepted on the special train leaving Toronto tonight. A party of 150 Queen's university students left Thursday night, and another group of 100 left McMaster yesterday. Large groups will leave for Saskatoon from Guelph Agricultural college and Western university through Union station tonight.
Allan Sharp, selective service board, signed on men and issued tickets at the University of Toronto yesterday. "Men who should be employed in industry will not be sent," an official said. "Nor will we consider men who want to go merely for the trip. The men will have to work, and work hard." Ahead of Schedule London, Oct. 10 - Three days ahead of schedule, 60 University of Western Ontario students have left to help in the Saskatchewan wheat. harvest. About 20 more are expected to go next week.
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narutonkachi · 2 years
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narollto and saskate :o
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entertainmentnerdly · 5 years
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I took a photo of a portion of the Orion constelation as it rose above the horizon in Saskatchewan, Canada. Capturing some of the different colours and nebula in that region of the sky (OC) via /r/space https://ift.tt/353Zu9U
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nunoxaviermoreira · 5 years
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Swainson's Hawk by Turk Images Swainson's Hawk (Buteo swainsoni) roosts along the edge of a pasture before hunting again near Last Mountain Lake east of Simpson, Saskatchewan, Canada. 24 September, 2014. Slide # GWB_20140924_4727.CR2 Use of this image on websites, blogs or other media without explicit permission is not permitted. © Gerard W. Beyersbergen - All Rights Reserved Worldwide In Perpetuity - No Unauthorized Use. https://flic.kr/p/2hEyqfm
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emienews · 4 years
Immigrate To Canada With Low IELTS Score And Without Proof Of Funds. Get A Job In Canada From Your Country Of Residence Right Now. The Ultimate Guide 2021.
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Hi there. I am sure that by now you must have heard about the various relocation options to Canada.
You have probably heard about the two most common yet difficult relocation options most People are going through right now to legally relocate to Canada, which are:
1. The Express Entry Program.
2. The Provincial Nominee Program. (PNP)
If you don't know what the above terms mean, here is a brief explanation. They are point based immigration programs. You score points for your education, age, proficiency in English language (IELTS TEST), work experience, sibling in Canada, employment offer in Canada, etc. So there is a cut-off point set and you are required to meet it, that's how the Express Entry goes.
The Provincial Nominee Program is a bit more complicated. You apply to a province, the province selects you if you have the required criteria/points. For example, if you have family members in the province or work experience in the field they need. Once you are selected or nominated, you then apply at the federal level. Usually, the province gives you enough points to scale through the federal level cut-off.
If either of this two has not worked for you, then I have something that will make it possible for you to see yourself in Canada in six months time from now if you take action now.
Before I go on, I have some questions to ask you.
1. Would you like to know about a more straight forward relocation program you can start working with today and be in Canada within the next 6 to 9 months?
2. Have you been having difficulty with your Canada relocation process and simply stuck?
3. Would you like to learn more about an easier route that is now available as a means of getting your Canadian Permanent Resident Visa?
If your answer to all this questions is yes, then read this article to the end.
You see, a lot of people have used this program am about to share with you right now to relocate to Canada without stress.
Reasons Why You Should Relocate To Canada.
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1. Canada is that first world country that is inviting and welcoming immigrants with the broadest open hands at the moment. Why are they doing this? Well it is because they need people, they are underpopulated. They need people to fill in their work force and other aspects of their social-economic space.2. Canada has one of the worlds best (free) health-care and education systems.3. Canada prides itself in being one of the safest and secure countries. Very low gun deaths when compared to places like the United States.4. Canada is a country with one of the worlds highest human rights index. They are also very immigrant friendly.5. Canada's economy is sound, and her unemployment rate is very low.6. To sum it up, Canada is fun. Remember that this gate will close soon once their immigration quota is full. I see it slowly happening because the cut-off points are higher than it was a couple of years back. Again, you may have heard of the Express Entry, or the Provincial Nominee Program and have applied and it was not successful. It is because the cut-off is high, yes higher than it was before. More people are applying as the awareness is much more than before. The yearly quota is reached quickly as there are more applicants now. If you want to relocate to Canada, there is  something you must bear in mind
:Canada's immigration policies changes from time to time. What this means is this. The information you currently have and working with could be outdated. And unless you have the right information, and know precisely what the new changes are, you would most likely fail at your application.
As more people apply and try to get into Canada, the policies get tighter. The minimum requirement that got people into Canada two years ago wont get you in today. You can ask around or you could just google search the cut-off marks for the past two years and observe the steady increase. My advice, ACT NOW. 
This is where we all need help and guidance, and that is why i put this article together to help as much people I can help. And to show people what worked for me. How I and eight of my friends were able to get jobs in Canada even when we were still living in our own country. And how we were able to relocate there successfully without stress. The bottle neck associated with the Express entry program or the Provincial Nominee Immigration programs are:1. High CRS score required.2. High proof of funds required.3. High IELTS score required.4. No employment offer to boost your CRS score.5. Age factor. The older you are, the lower your point for age.6. Education. etc Many applicants find this hurdle too high. This is why this new program just released by the Canadian Government is apt for you. The Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot. It was announced in Q1 2019 and opened in November 2019, and it provides a better pathway for you. Here is a brief overview of The Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot. Canada is a country well known for accepting high numbers of Immigrants. However under the current Immigration system, the vast majority of immigrants choose to live in major cities like Toronto, Montreal, and Vancouver.The Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot seeks to change this by helping smaller communities to attract new-comers and support their settlement. The communities accepted receive support from the Federal Government to help them identify and select new candidates for permanent residency. The new comers are expected to have a positive impact on economic development. This program includes communities in Ontario, Manitoba, Saskat Chewan, Alberta, British Colombia, Nunavut, The North-West territories, and Yukon.
1. You require a low IELTS score.2. You get a job in these communities. There are many jobs available, and employers are willing to higher. This guide will show you how to get an employment offer fast. These job offers are Labor Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) exempt.3. Age does not matter.4. You only require a two years post-secondary education. Eg O.N.D. This will be impossible via the Express entry or Pnp route.5. Settlement funds required is way lower than the other programs.6. The Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot is not a point based system. All you need to do is meet the essential criteria and you are in Canada. A detailed step by step guide on how you can apply for The Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot from start to finish have been put together by Immigration experts Daniel Ola and Nike Johnson, and with this detailed guide, you do not need to pay any visa agents. The information in this guide is the most detailed and informative you can find on this Brand-New pathway to Canada, which is The Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot.If you want to successfully relocate to Canada, get this step by step guide first. Here is why:-It shows you the practical process to go about The Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot from start to finish. And in this guide, you will learn the following:1. How to get a job offer from one of the participating communities while you are still living in the country you live in at the time of application.2. How to get a Canadian phone number while in your country.3. How to pass the IELTS exam. IELTS prep guide.4. The most important thing you need to know about sending your transcript for verification, so it does not get delayed or lost in transit.5. How to get a community recommendation.6. How to get your medical and police report.7. Step by step guidance on how to submit the entire application all by yourself from start to finish until you bag your Canadian PR status without giving a Dime to any agent. Note: I have seen people spend over $5000 on this.8. It will prepare you for life in Canada. All this value and even more for a little token of $50 or if you are in Nigeria 20,000 Naira. Click on get the guide below to get this guide. See you in Canada.
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myweddingsandevents · 3 years
Open SmartNews and read "Saskatchewan residential school survivor reacts to discovery of unmarked graves" here: https://share.smartnews.com/2PwKU
To read it on the web, tap here: https://share.smartnews.com/cwSDp
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bohemebureau · 5 years
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Lookbook FW19/20 Marianna Senchina 
Photographer @stephanlisowski Photographer assistant @saskats Stylist @laboheeme Muah @terezkafras Model @vika_lisen@ocmodelmanagement
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newborn girl in bucket. little moments matter photography Lloydminster Saskat… http://bit.ly/2xezTfC
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hazelcallahan · 7 years
Saskate what now
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cushydiet-blog · 7 years
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Frozen bubble photography in your own backyard - Saskat... - https://wp.me/p8IYwe-eV2 - #Backyard, #Bubble, #Frozen, #News, #Photography, #Saskat
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Here's what I know about trauma councillors in canada: where I live(BC) there is 100 of them, saskat. Only has 30. Quebec and Ontario have the most at between 200 and 400. They are very few and far between and the wait to see them can be years, and if you were a youth when you asked to see a trauma councillor, then you age out you have to start the process over again. As someone who had to go through this I can not suggest online therapy enough. It's gotten me through many days.
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williamhherr · 8 years
RT https://t.co/VxfT5IlvPC Dentistry … The Top Profession For 2017! ... https://t.co/D7LUj8BVxI #Saskat… https://t.co/HYFCpWPmhK
RT https://t.co/VxfT5IlvPC Dentistry … The Top Profession For 2017! ... https://t.co/D7LUj8BVxI #Dentist #Saskat… pic.twitter.com/HYFCpWPmhK
— William H. Herr (@williamhherr) January 26, 2017
Source: @williamhherr January 25, 2017 at 07:26PM More info Dentist Charlotte NC
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