#sassy ominis
cursedonyx · 6 months
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Oh look its Ominis
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julietpricee · 10 months
MC to Sebastian: I’m with you for better or worse
Ominis walking past: It’ll probably be for worse
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pheexblack · 4 months
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What if Ominis couldn't escape the dark magic influence?
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rewritingcanon · 3 months
forgot to add but i did a hogwarts legacy uquiz some time ago he he har har
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5sospenguinqueen · 8 months
(Sebastian recounting his argument with MC)
Sebastian: Oh, Ominis. She was so angry. You should’ve seen her face.
Ominis: Well, yes. That would be nice.
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localravenclaw · 6 months
MC: If you're good at something, never do it for free.
Sebastian: Well, in that case—
Ominis, already holding up a sign:
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noelles-legacy · 7 months
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He’s just standing there… menacingly…
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crowlipso · 1 year
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The man the myth the legend
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sweetiebean00 · 5 months
Of Dueling Debates
This is a lil fluffy continuation of Of Nifflers and Magic, just a bit of Ominis roasting his best buddy with MC lol
Celia dug her teeth into her bottom lip, fighting to keep the laughter from bubbling out of her chest. A snicker escaped when she chanced a glance at Sebastian's face, his cheeks reddened as he leaned back on his hands and sulked from another of Ominis' sharp remarks. Hiding her face in one of the tombs gathered about them, she bit her lip harder at the look of betrayal Sebastian sent her way. She didn't know how long Sebastian was trying to argue his reasoning, to explain the logic behind teaching her transfiguration magic through dueling. 
"In my defense-" Sebastian tried again, speaking loudly over Ominis' dry commentary. "It worked didn't it?"
"If by worked, you mean you worked yourself into being transfigured twice..." Ominis raised an unamused brow, his voice thick with sarcasm as Celia snickered. "Then yes, it certainly worked... to prove you should never teach anyone again."
Of all the ways to teach something, Celia had to agree with Ominis. It was not one of Sebastian's greater ideas, although she had hoped he would have a better idea when it came to trying to drown himself in her potions. Godric's heart, she almost forgot. She still had to brew some wiggenweld, and at the very least see if she can salvage the ones Sebastian swam in.
"Excuse you!" Sebastian cried indignantly. "I'm an excellent teacher!"
"At curses, maybe."
Celia snorted, stepping through the mess of parchment and books. She had intended to study before Sebastian had found her on the way up the Astronomy tower, their impromptu study session interrupted when he saw how utterly useless she was with transfiguration magic. Still, she had to wonder. He watched her fail at turning a goblet into an animal, yet decided the best idea was to duel her into a corner where she turned him into an animal.
"Actually," Celia spoke up, flicking her wand to clear out the potions inside the cauldron. It's not that she didn't trust Sebastian with her potions, more that she didn't trust where he had been. Besides, he had been covered in fur and she really didn't need to gag on a health potion when she used it. "It was more like, five times?"
Refilling the pot, she let the water simmer. Grinding the materials together like Professor Sharp reiterated on the daily. An even, smooth motion. No irregularities. She loved making potions, the easy rhythm. The requirement of enough attention to not butcher the potion, but not too much to be able to think as she followed the recipe step by step. She could almost imagine Sebastian teasing her for still using the recipe, she just preferred accuracy over memory. Better safe than sorry, Sicilian always said. 
Celia jumped, the sharp tone nearly sending her elbow into the bottle of horklump juice. With the amount of health potions she went through on a daily basis, she couldn't afford to waste even a drop of wiggenweld. Especially with her stash having been gone through in the last week, between the poachers, ashwinders, bandits, and spiders. She needed to make the most of everything she had.
"If you're counting the first time -when he was turned into a chicken, the times I tried turning him back before and after I got you?" As she spoke, she glanced over her shoulder. Letting the cauldron simmer and tugging her braid into a bun, as Sebastian shook his head furiously. "Then it was closer to five times, maybe six?"
Sebastian grimaced, sending Ominis a sheepish grin as his hands raised in defense against his best friend's scowl. Ominis huffed, pinching the bridge of his nose. She shook her head, it wasn't like it was a secret. She had admitted to trying to turn him back on her own before she sought out the help of Ominis. Although, now that she's thinking about it...
"Does the time he was turned into a barrel count?" 
Celia’s question was answered with silence. With a frown, she looked to find Sebastian sending her another look of absolute betrayal. Ominis had his face in his hand, if it weren't for the near silence she was sure she wouldn't have been able to tell he was muttering under his breath. Sebastian huffed, running a hand through his curls as she turned back to her cauldron. Holding her breath as she added a pinch of dittany.
"You know what, Sebastian?" 
Ominis broke the silence, and Celia found herself glancing from the corner of her eye as she waited for the snarky comment she knew was coming. 
"You are right, you were successful. Celia, please, be a dear and turn him back into a barrel - I am in some desperate need of peace and quiet."
Celia snorted, shaking the bottle of horklump juice as Sebastian's whine cut through the room. She had just enough dittany and horklump juice for one last batch, maybe a handful of vials if she could stretch it but the potency wouldn't be as strong as a concentrated brew. Adding the drops, she would just have to go gather more when she had the time. She could do with the minimum. She'd just... prefer having more, especially since Ranrok’s loyalists are becoming more of a thorn in her side. She would have had more, had a certain someone not tried to drown himself in them.
"Ya know Ominis," She flashed a sharp smile over her shoulder, a sick sense of delight warming her chest at the way Sebastian paled from where he had frozen mid-argument with Ominis. "You did promise me proper transfiguration lessons, and turning him into a barrel could provide ample practice! Maybe then he'll learn to leave my potions alone."
Sebastian's cry of protest was drowned out by the sound of Ominis laughing. It was cool, as clear and crisp as his speaking tone. And yet... there was a warmth to it that was missing when he spoke in class. It was like stepping out on a hot summer day to feel the cool relief of rain, not the sharp jarring cold that sent you coiling back. But the softer kind, the one you longed for and could smell in the air. She smiled, chancing a glance at the blonde. His head was tipped back, eyes squeezed shut as he laughed from deep inside his belly. 
Her cheeks burned, no one had the right to look like that. Completely unfair to her and the other normal people in a world of magic. The hair on the back of her neck stood and Ceila looked to meet Sebastian’s eyes. He smirked, brows wiggling as he glanced between her and Ominis knowingly. The heat in her cheeks increased and she jerked her attention back to the potion she was supposed to be stirring in a clean and even motion. 
Thankfully the night Ominis had confronted her outside the Undercroft had Sebastian sworn to the utmost secrecy. Not that it’s stopped him, Poppy, and Natty from planning when they can. He still didn’t let her live it down, reminding her of the time he had taken off through the entire castle in search of the sweet Hufflepuff who had just received a threat from someone that left many shaking in their shoes just from a sharp look in their direction. Only he didn’t find her scared, oh no, why would she be scared? No, he just happened to find her cursing Ominis’ “beautiful stupid face!” as she casted confringo after confringo at the dummy the room had set in front of her. 
Releasing a sigh, as she carefully poured the potion into as many of the vials as she could squeeze. She was never more thankful the blonde was blind and couldn't see her interest. Poppy and Natty still hadn't stopped teasing, hadn't stopped trying to "help" by lumping her with the blonde as a partner in the classes they all shared. Sebastian interfering made it so much worse. 
Tucking her potions away, Celia paled. Eyes widening as she took in the sight of the boys gathered about the floor with their school work scattered near and far. Tugging the wand from the bun she had haphazardly thrown it into, she flicked it until a couch was spouting beneath the both of them. Tables collecting their parchment and books and a rug stretched across the center tiles beneath it all.
"Oh my Merlin! I'm so sorry-!" With another flick of her wand, the mess of potions was cleared away before she was shoving it back into her bun. "Forgive me, I didn't even think to-!"
"You know conjuration?!" Celia nodded, ducking her head as Sebastian laughed. "That's amazing! Can you teach me? I want to-"
"Please, there's no need for an apology, dove." Ominis kicked Sebastian beneath the table, earning a pained grunt as Celia dug her teeth into her lip to keep from smiling or Merlin forbid, snickering with the way Sebastian was rubbing at his shin with a pout. "It's not like you intended for us to overstay your welcome after his grand idea of teaching."
"Thought we went over this," Sebastian grumbled. “I'm an excellent teacher, Ominis.”
“Your opinion is not fact, Sebastian.” 
Celia smiled, her heart doing a funny little dance in her chest at the smirk that graced Ominis' lips as Sebastian huffed and crossed his arms. She shook her head at his antics, using her wand to conjure an overly large ottoman. With a huff, Celia flung herself into the soft fabric. Bouncing lightly as she hummed.
 "Yes, because pouting will further your point Sebastian."
The laugh that escaped her chest was bright and full, overpowering any other quips and comebacks they exchanged as she cackled into the ottoman until her stomach hurt.
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Hogwarts Legacy, everything is normal, except Ominis curses regularly. The interactions with him where he’s pissed off (which is most of them) would be even better if he was dropping f-bombs.
“Did you just come from the Undercroft?! How the fuck did you get in there?”
Also I feel like he would call Sebastian a raggedy bitch 24/7.
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annarielmidori · 4 months
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A faceswap Thranduil -> Ominis. Another sass queen.
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julietpricee · 6 months
Chapter 14 - Forbidden Desires
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With the chaos that broke out in the Sallow Household we get an insight into Ominis and Anne’s rocky relationship, whilst Juliet and Sebastian only grow closer.
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AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51959458/chapters/138550939
Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/1432739173?utm_source=ios&utm_medium=link&utm_content=share_writing&wp_page=create_writer&wp_uname=JulietPricee
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pheexblack · 4 months
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He is a Gaunt after all
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anto-pops · 1 year
I just want to say that I read To The Victor Go The Spoils every few days religiously. Oh my fucking god, that one drives me absolutely feral. He is such a horny boyfriend, if Imelda ever tried that again I’m sure he would quit the team. You’d sleep in his room every night with him wrapped around you after he’s had his fill and his roommates would just expect you to be there. A silencing charm and the curtains around the bed closed, they know exactly what’s going on. Rooming with a filthy boy.
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That fic is easily one of my favorites to this day, it was so fun to write and I love a good needy boyfriend trope >:))
Sebastian's roommates can never catch a break after the fact- it's a given that you're in bed with him all the damn time. If he ever forgets the silencing charm, there's instantly like 6 wands pointed at his bed to do it for him. Will they ever get a peaceful night's sleep ? Probably not. Will Imelda ever go to such lengths again in the name of Quidditch ? Absolutely, but Sebastian will go down swinging before he ever puts himself through that shit again LMAO
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my-magical-oc-s · 1 year
Amory: Don’t do anything stupid until I come back.
Ominis: How can I? You’re taking all the stupid with you
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lyworth · 2 months
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Okay, so what if the sassy blond Slytherin with the pretty blue eyes is kind of cute, actually?
Aged up MC and Ominis are part of my fic!
(Reposted separately)
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