#save me!! lawl!!!
lookingforkas · 1 month
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newjeans brainrot caught up to me ithink i'll go epxplode now
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peridyke · 2 months
ok I'm still kinda waking up and I'm a little groggy so I hope I get this concept across but sometimes I feel like some tme lesbians can be kinda...disingenuous about transmisogyny among lesbians and in lesbian culture? a lot of the time people have a very kneejerk reaction to any associations of lesbians with terfs WHICH IS FAIR I have seen some people say some really lesbophobic things where they just blatantly say all lesbians as terfs or associated with terfs etc which I think is unfair and ironically ignores the presence of trans lesbians BUT!!!!! I also think like its pretty obvious that there's a lot of stuff that people need to unpack if they want to actually be safe for trans women. I don't think I need to tell anyone that there's a really big and politicized focus on lesbians' genital preferences specifically excluding penises and a huge focus on how much lesbians are supposed to be crazy for pwussyy and like yeah obviously gay guys get a similar thing with people saying how much they have to love dick exclusively but with lesbians preferences are waaaaaay more politicized and a lesbian's lack of intimacy with someone who has a penis is supposed to be this hugely political defining part of our sexualities that symbolize how we are like. I don't fuckin know free from the shackles of patriarchy or some bs like that. its hard for me to put into words really but there are so many little things in lesbian culture that are casually trans exclusionary or transmisogynistic and it just all adds up and ends up hurting girls who are already really vulnerable. I don't like how much lesbians are told that we have to have this innate violent disgusted reaction to a part of someone's anatomy or that our lack of interest in men is supposed to mean something grander than just a preference in who we want intimacy from. and I think a lot of the time tme lesbians will still hold and repeat these beliefs to varying extends and then just quickly tack on a comment about how trans women are women without unpacking their deeper biases. a lot of second wave lesbian feminism really focused on this association of lesbianism with grander political idea of "women who are free from the shackles of males" and if we are going to reminisce on that part of queer history we need to recognize its biases and grow from them rather than pretend that these concepts existed in a vacuum that never inherently excluded and hurt trans girls. how lesbianism connects to patriarchy and the unique misogyny and violence we will face because of that is something that needs to be discussed but that discussion must always include the experiences of trans lesbians too not just as a disclaimer at the end of an essay that is blatantly only talking about the cisgender/tme lesbian experience but as something fully integrated and understood as an unquestioned part of our history and community. there have always been trans girls who have been lesbians and there have always been tme lesbians who date and love and fuck trans girls and people need to stop acting like thats a development from the last ten years and that lesbianism and its culture has only ever been defined and pioneered by people who were afab
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arsene-fixates · 3 months
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imblocking-you · 2 months
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lemongogo · 1 year
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#HELPP ok i have thoughts.my thinking cap back on#LOVEE the ending as far as the actual direction goes yk.like people seeing (literally) the pain&plight of plants#and vowing to protect and look after them w utmost care#loved that knives technically survived the fall and the aftermath esp in recruiting someone to care for vash#BUTTT i dont know how i feel ab his death ;___; the symbolism w the apple tree and him using the last of his energy is sweet#and i dont think i would dislike it necessarily if we just had more time#to marinate in his story.i think... the ending does not give u a lot of time to reach the full conclusion#i think that theres a whole side to his story i WISHH nightow explored and i wish we had seen knives turmoil and vashs acceptance of his#experiences more than the select few scenes we got beforehand. its soo rushed T_T DONT GET ME WRONG im still more or less satisfied that#we didnt get an ending like.. oh everyones dead and miserable and vash killed knives and ppl never learn to coexist right#like it could actually be so thematically worse BUTT im just like. THATS ITTT??? THATS ALL..sitting here twiddling my thumbs#waiting for a complete resolution thatll never come to be.and it sucks bc i wish i could look towards stampede to get that neat wrap up#but stampede completely altered knives' story and fell into the nasty horrid pittrap of aligning him with reprehensible values#so no conclusion of theres will ever touch on max!knives' conclusion and i think that is the thing im looking 4 the most#no conclusion of theirs* sry LAWL#also read some posts (by trigum LUVV ur analyses btw i need to rb some now that i finished) that the max ending#doesnt give vash an ACTUAL ending. we reach the climax in his confrontation with legato and then his commitment to save knives#but anything beyond that just doesnt exist. MY GODD imagining a reality where we got like 5 more chapters at LEAST to#give it a hearty ending#anyways. the reporter bit is so cute im bummed they went straight to that in stamp :sob: best like... cute ending fr#trigun spoilers#trigun maximum#trigun#vash
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giddlygoat · 6 months
uh oh i’ve developed both a hyperfix on customizing rubber ducks and argos and mr plant within a matter of hours. on top of ttcc. how am i going to be able to sleep with all this adhd energy dawg
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jrwiyuri · 10 months
Mom let me buy crochet shit and I didn’t even have to use my own money!!!!
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favoure · 1 year
Do you have the reaction image where the guy is clutching the other guy’s shoulders
as in this one ?!
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cmadz · 11 months
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speedpaint under cut
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ofieugogyshz · 1 year
I'm so mad
I had a dream about some kinda-epic anime movie and I guess it had crossovers and groups with x color association (like how idols have x image color? but not specifically limited to only idol characters)
and in this movie, otoya was part of it, and, at the very end of it during a climatic battle scene, as part of the red color associated squad, Lance joined up too, and both of them got to meet
the image was so clear and colorful and bright in my mind and i could have sworn i'd see gif and image set posts on tumblr if i didnt realize it was fake upon waking up.
also the squealing/screaming in me could NOT be contained when they both interacted. i was squealing and kicking and trying to hide my face while also cheering. all of the feelings at once. like. they just had THE CUTEST SCENE TALKING TOGETHER AND WERE BOTH SO CUTE IN THEIR ANIMATIONS HHHHHH
there were also other characters that joined up in each color-associated, at least 5 diff color squads (note: they were not called that in the movie/dream, but idk what else to call it) and 5 "original" characters for the movie (ie not from other media like otoya and lance are) and at least 4-5 characters per squad during the final showdown. and during a scene when they'd show the ones who made up each squad in like one of those dynamic flash group poses, silver also got the tiniest of cameos, but that was also probably my brain/consciousness coming alert and injecting him at the association of "red" and "son" lol.
sincerely so sad and disappointed that it was not a real thing. do you know how badly i would love to spam this blog and main with images from that scene?
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supermarketcrush · 2 years
personally i think the major reason why s3 seemed like the weakest season to a lot of people is that they really lost the found family part of the show. tua keeps stressing how important family is and how much they love each other but in the end the hargreeves all end up divided again. it's back to exactly how it was at the beginning of s1. the very thing holding the show together is gone lol
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misophoria · 1 year
lowkey annoyed that in sdv, the place outside of pelican town that u can stay at is the island where its version of the mines is only ten levels and annoying to try and get its version of resources. and not the desert where u can go indefinite levels of spelunking in. like wrow.... lame
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wonysugar · 3 months
she’s RICH. like i’m talking LOADEDD, it’s only natural she would wanna spend all of her money on her adorable girlfriend, even if you feel incredibly shy when it comes to anything financial. it’s her love language, she can’t help it aheheheh
“heyy wony i didn’t expect you to stop b— what is that.”
“it’s a cute little bag i saw while shopping!” and she’s smiling so innocently, “it reminded me of you, so i got it. do you like it?”
already aware of her compulsive buying tendencies, (and having acknowledged the very flamboyant, very visible chanel logo on the bag) you automatically ask, “wonyoung.. i love it i really do but— please.. how much was that..”
she stands there, trying to recall the estimate amount she spent on it (since she doesn’t even look at the pricetag before buying something lawl). “hm. around 5k i think? i would’ve gotten you something more expensive, but it was just so cute—“
“you spent five thousand dollars on me????”
oh please save me sugarmommy!wony i’m giggling… the way she would call her driver mid-date for you just so she can take you out to dinner in some expensive ass 5 star restaurant?? IT SOUNDS SO SPECIFIC BUT BARE WITH MEE
“i’m a bit hungry, aren’t you?” you asked, walking in the streets of downtown, holding onto her arm. “i know this burger place not far from here, we could g— wonyoung?” you ask.
“huh? oh sorry, i was just calling my driver to come get us.”
“isn’t he on break— why are you even calling him?”
and she looks at you puzzled, “??i thought you were hungry? also i’ll just pay him extra, his break can wait..”
“yeahh…? and where exactly are you planning to take us?”
her expression changes to a warm smile, “oh not that far.. do you remember that one restaurant i brought you to on our first date?”
you’re practically screaming at this point, “???the one that charged you 300 dollars for each of our meals???”
also kinda completely unrelated not really BUTTTT…. she’d buy you certain articles of clothing just because she thinks it looks good enough to rip it off of you later.. AHEHEH
heavy on lingerie btw. she’ll DRAGGG you to a random victoria’s secret just so you can try on the ones you think look nice! her evaluation criteria; ‘hmmm that one has free space on the sides so like if my calculations are correct i SHOULD be able to settle my hands on there and rip it off if i want to—‘
plus, who cares if she actually rips the lingerie apart? she can always buy you new ones :]
do i need her? yes. yes i do.
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nafohcnis · 3 months
jd is just so much hes Such a good character. as someone with an actual shitty oldest brother that ruined his life i kind of find how people treat his flaws funny. esp when people blow them out of proportion like my guy was struggling and stressed and trying and . it didnt go so well but hey! he’s never hurt you on purpose and he wants to make up for it and be in your lives again
johnd oddory uhhggffgggg!!!!!!!! its so silly whenevr i think of how engrained this guy is in my head, cuz im the youngest out of my siblings but im closest with my sister The Eldest Daughter.. AND WHATS FUNNY is she says i’d be john dory and she’d be branch.. i forced her to watch trolls.she hates musicals. LAWL.
oh but anyway john dory’s whole dynamic.. ESPECIALLY with branch is soo… John Dory as the eldest, and the least favorite brother among them and branch as the youngest and most adored.. ugh it just so so so good. especially with how they mirror eachother so much… and how everyone treats them differently even though theyre so similar!!!! not that its a bad thing its just so.!!!
JOHN DORY MAKES ME FEEL SO BAD when i see him reuniting with his brothers like oh my god. because i KNOW his last impression on them was horrible and all their reactions are reasonable but man. John “GOODBYE FOREVER” Dory was the Only one to come back to the troll tree. Was the one to get everyone together to save floyd. Was in isolation for 20 years thinking his brothers were dead probably all his fault.
AND THEN guess what he WASNT EVEN OBSESSED WITH THE PERFECT FAMILY HARMONY AGAIN WHEN THEY REUNITE!! when floyds like ‘jd its diamond💔’ this dumbass goes ‘DIAMOND SHATTERING DIAMOND HAMMER’ he wasnt even THINKING OF IT!!!! uggghhhh and then theyre like THE SAME OLD JOHN DORY which is .partially true. but i feel like the siblings anger at him was definitely some bottled up feelings coming out cuz ths guy was clarifying that it was For FLOYD!!!!! ugh ugh ugh whateve Watt ever..!!!! ugh ugh ugh ugh everyone hug eachother and apologize and talk NOW!
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ask-itager · 10 months
A bit dark, but uh, what would happen if one of you died? How would the other react?
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im not really the type to want to protect anyone but now if germany was in danger i would absolutely make sure he would survive instead of accidentally saving him with the pictonians. since if he dies that means hes leaving me!!!!!!!!!! D:
germanys honest reaction would be the blog banner lawl
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sbk-zgvlt · 7 months
Bro could you just imagine Sebek and Rollo face to face with each other and Sebek immediately turning around not wanting to get exposed only for Rollo to be like.
"Ah Sebek Zigvolt, one of Shaftlands most distinguished actor. I am honored to meet you, I have sat in for many of your plays when you were in Fleur city and waited for when you return to the spotlight once again."
Sebek sweating heavily under the many watchful stares and especially Rook's who's eyes are gleaming too much there
Let Rollo and Rook fight on who is the first Sebek fan if Sebek was a childhood theatre kid who is as popular as Neige and Vil in movies.
Rollo looking over the students of NRC with judging eyes, before noticing a student he doesn't quite recognize with their cat beast familia- HOLY SHIT IS THAT SEBEK ZIGVOLT
He's a HUGE fan, even if he doesn't want to admit it. Constantly makes references to production Sebek has ever been in during the whole fucking tour. "Ah, I do remember that you used this handkerchief during one of your works. It was a retelling of one of Fleur City's famous stories about a woman who saved the Righteous Judge's close friend. Your acting as E-" "IT HAS BEEN 2 YEARS SINCE THEN LET US NOT SPEAK OF THE PAST!!!!"
His student aide and vice president always make it a point to tease Rollo for his admiration for Sebek's acting, telling Sebek that the only time he's ever missed summer classes ("Summer classes?? That's kind of sad." "Ruggie how about we NOT provoke the guy who's letting us stay over.") was when he found out that Sebek came back to the Shaftlands. He was there in the audience on his first day.
Rook is DEFINITELY not letting this go. "Monsieur Crocodile dabbles in the theatrical arts? Why, how come I've never heard of this before!" "You stalk people, how have you NOT."
Asking Sebek when his next performance will be, if he can get a discount or a free ticket (He literally has the money to buy a whole row of seats what is bro on about), just absolutely MINDBLOWN
If ever Rollo and Rook were to fight over who Sebeks biggest fan was, I think it would be passive aggressive lawl.
"I must say, Mr. Zigvolt, your acting is absolutely spectacular."
"Oui! Hearing such praise makes me want to see Monsier Crocodile onstage for myself! I fear that you may have a contender for number one fan!"
"I am not a number one fan, as you put it, but it's awfully bold for you to assume that you'll instantly reach such a title when you've just heard of Mr. Zigvolt's achievements. Give it- ah, a few years, give or take?"
"Is that a challenge, monsieur?"
"You may take it as such."
Meanwhile Silver's off to the side absolutely confused because????? Sebek acts???
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