#save me bj hunnicutt save me
bardengarde · 5 months
BJ Hunnicutt "so nice" fancam is my best friend
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hballegro · 2 months
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"It's more than something. It's everything."
s8e11 "Life Time"
painted screenshot. cannot give a time estimate, i lost track long ago. still gouache brush, my beloved, with blur tools to fade edges and so on
i have to go to the zoo now and will be making the version with the clock later [i cannot express how long ive been battling with hawkeye's face, gamers]. background went very fast like i said it would lol
version 2 [as in, w/ clock] will probably be done later today, and i will edit this and add it when that happens [and prolly make a separate post too, for celebration purposes, and will link them]. i will also compile progress pics for that post. they are terrifying early on lmao
"A lot of very touching songs came outta that war" previous painting
"It was pink, and perfect, and I tossed it in the scrap bucket" previous painting
everyone say thank you to bj to being a perfect painting subject today he was very polite and he looks about how i wanted unlike SOME PEOPLE
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that was me to my sibling last night, and i stayed up til 1:10ish and still didnt finish the final pass over hawkeye's eye. everything else took like 5ish minutes
also everyone say thank you to margaret and nurse kellye for also being perfect and lovely and pleasant to work with
photo used blatantly stolen from this post thank you again @remyfire i owe you my life
update edit;
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clock back
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pomegranate · 1 month
Thinking about BJ hours, thoughts that probably everyone in this fandom had but anyway. Do you think that BJ is a gay man in a comphet relationship or a bi man (in a comphet relationship)? Do you think that Hawkeye is not the first man he was interested in, but second or a third, which meant that those first and second times weren't flukes? Do you think he loves Peg, or does he want to love Peg because that is what is expected? His home life is perfect or is it? Does he spend time trying to convince himself that this is what he really, truly wants? How much of his angst and anger come from the fact that it is the early 50's, in the army, in a middle of a war zone, and on top of all of that he just realised that he is into men. Or did he find out that he was gay on his first day in Korea? So many thoughts, probably fitting that we don't know his real name
I go back and forth on my feelings about gay BJ vs. bi BJ, but I usually lean toward him being bi and genuinely in love with Peg and not realizing until Hawkeye that he could fall in love with a man. I do think he’s had crushes on men in the past (Leo, Carl) but in a way where he justifies them as something else (in Leo’s case, a sort of hero worship that glosses over his faults, and with Carl, well. BJ’s cucking fantasy is p much canon).
Of course, gay repressed comphet BJ is also extremely compelling & when it’s done well (see: “Somewhere To Get To”), I am fully on board.
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gaysails · 9 months
gay bj hunnicutt save me. gay bj hunnicutt. save me gay bj hunnicutt
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remyfire · 2 months
Ship: BJ Hunnicutt/Trapper John McIntyre, established BJ Hunnicutt/Hawkeye Pierce and Trapper John McIntyre/Hawkeye Pierce
Rating: E
Word Count: 8.6k
Note: This is an AU where Frank goes home instead of Trapper, so BJ, Trapper, and Hawkeye are all in the Swamp at the same time. I'd intended to save this for the upcoming Rare Pair Exchange, but everyone has had such a rough time over the past few days that I decided we can all have an early treat instead :)
"Something's gotta be eatin' at you if you're being like this." McIntyre's voice warms. "S'it hurtin' you, I mean?" Oddly BJ's vision blurs for a second, but a few blinks clear it right up. "I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about." McIntyre heaves a sigh. "C'mere." "Why?" BJ stiffens, frowns. The cot squeaks violently. "Will you just c'mere?" As far as he can tell, there's only one reason why McIntyre would tell him to come to his bed if Hawk turned him down, one that's never been relevant before this exact moment. Though BJ's cheeks begin to burn, he pulls a lever in his brain, alters the funhouse mirrors in there so he can't see what has him suddenly thirsty. "I don't need any pity." "Listen," McIntyre grunts as he sits up, a slightly darker shape than the all-encompassing night. "I'm just sayin' if you're that hard up for a lay and you're too goddamn prissy to deal with your own hand, then get over here and take it out on me, all right?"
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dilfsuzanneyk · 1 month
bj hunnicutt california flash amv save me.....
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majorbaby · 1 year
I still don’t understand MASHblr’s obsession with BJ Hunnicutt. I’m with the Boomers on this one. I think he’s such a boring character and Mike Farrell isn’t all that great an actor, especially when it comes to comedy. BJ’s love and devotion for his wife and child is admirable, but there doesn’t seem to be much else to the character. He’s basically Hawkeye’s shadow and parrot.
answering this backwards:
i think Trapper is textually more Hawkeye's "shadow and parrot" - he follows Hawkeye around assisting with his campaigns and whenever Trapper's core value system diverges from Hawkeye's it's in a minor, one-off way that doesn't feed any sort of conflict between them (Ceasefire, or Bananas, Crackers and Nuts where they fight for 30 seconds and immediately make up).
BJ does a little of that shadowing/parroting in 4-5 but i actually think one of the most interesting things their dynamic is how HawkBeej butt heads. BJ can be everything from nonchalant about Hawkeye's campaigns to directly opposed to them, in the later years they seem to be doing more and more of their own thing, which is a normal and welcome thing to happen when you've been on a show together for 8 years.
I do think you're right about his love and admiration being at the center of his character and for that reason, he's bland. I'm not sure why over 184 episodes they couldn't find something else to do with him.
To demonstrate more concretely what I mean when I say "bland", here's a list of dramatic BJ-centric episodes (metric used is BJ leads, not co-leads, the A-plot,)
Dear Peggy (not super dramatic, but he's the narrator so let's give this to him) scratch that, I rewatched it, like the other instalments of the "Dear... " series, it's an ensemble episode
Hanky Panky
BJ Papa San
The Party (iffy, but I'm including it)
Period of Adjustment
War Co-Respondent
Death Takes a Holiday (like The Party, iffy, but there's a big focus on BJ Drama)
Oh How We Danced
Wheelers and Dealers
With the exception of one episode on this list, Bombshells, every single time we look at BJ's emotional state during the war, he's having some kind of breakdown over missing his family. They tried this many different ways, list below corresponds to the list above
See above
BJ's cheated on Peg and it's thrown his whole life into crisis
BJ misses Peg and Erin and he adopts a surrogate family about it
BJ misses Peg and Peg misses BJ, let's all miss our families together (I love The Party, this is not a diss, I'm just trying to demonstrate how BJ's understandable fixation on his family sets the events of this episode in motion)
BJ misses Peg and Erin extra hard and he's drinks, destroys property and punches Hawkeye about it
BJ almost cheats on Peg (and arguably, he cheats on Peg emotionally) and it throws his whole life into crisis, but he doubles down on his love for Peg in the end so it's cool
BJ misses Peg and Erin and he's going to save this patient about it goddamn (he also does it because he wants the guy to life sure, but it becomes personal for him in a way it doesn't for Hawk and Margaret)
BJ misses Peg and Erin and Hawkeye does something about it
BJ misses Peg and Erin and he's a huge dick about it
In the 11th hour and season, BJ's finally allowed to lead a dramatic subplot that has nothing to do with Peg and Erin, and it was so notable to me that I wrote 1400 words about it here and made a gifset to mark the occasion
It's fine and normal for BJ to miss his family, this is not BJ's fault. But I do not miss BJ's family because I don't know them.
How many ways can we explore "guy who misses his wife" I guess a minimum of ten. It's hard for me to be invested in one half a relationship or in a character whose sole source of drama in the character drama years is about that relationship. Everyone misses their families, but Hawkeye, Margaret and even more minor characters like Mulcahy and Klinger get more diverse sources of conflict for their characters to contend with and conflict generates interest.
I said earlier that the most interesting thing about the HawkBeej relationship to me is their conflict, and indeed my favourite BJ moments are the ones he's at odds with Hawkeye: Preventative Medicine, Period of Adjustment, GFA, Commander Pierce, Yalu Brick Road, Bottoms Up, No Laughing Matter - I don't love all those episodes, and BJ doesn't lead any of them on his own except for PoA... the problem with a lot of these is that the show never leans too far into their conflict, because I'm still supposed to buy that they're BFFs. Actually with the exception of GFA I'm not sure I'm ever supposed to hone in on how BJ and Hawkeye are actually not compatible - if I read with the text, they're just as warm and fuzzy as HawkTrap were, but in 2023 I don't feel very warm and fuzzy when I see them together - and I love that for me, conflict generates interest!
But I gotta do that heavy lifting myself. Which like any fic author I am happy to do, but if we're talking about characters who are well-written in general, they need to stand up on their own without my putting an evil gay headcanon on them, and for the reasons above, BJ does not do that for me.
I really do think they wrote themselves into a corner with BJ - that isn't the fault of the character at all, it's just a trap the writers fell into. They made Peg, a character who does not appear in corporeal form alongside the character the main source of his angst and drama, and the other source of angst and drama (conflict with Hawkeye) wasn't leaned into hard enough. How do you write yourself out of that hole? I think Bombshells was one possible answer to that. I believe Ken Levine has written that they really tried to find some other source of character drama for BJ but that they were mostly throwing stuff at the wall to see what stuck, so that's another reason why I think the writing for him was inconsistent. I know I've read that on Levine's blog I just can't find the source rn, but when I do I'll link it here.
To answer your question about the fandom's "obsession" with him - he's a blank slate! He doubles down a billion times on his love for his wife, I guess that means he loves his wife right? It's just way too easy to read against the text and turn that on its head, I see the draw. And I've seen all sorts of imo... let's call them, "colourful" takes on how BJ doing x means y that are very difficult to refute because there's nothing actually there to contradict it, because he wasn't written consistently or with much depth. You can either see what's there and accept it, he's a niceguy wifeguy or you can read against and see a nightmare repressed gay, I fall in the later category if we're talking about what's more interesting.
There's a third popular category which is "niceguy repressed gay" and I can't get on board with that because I cannot simultaneously read with and against the text at the same time.
And finally, with regards to Mike Farrell's acting...
Keep in mind, this is largely subjective. I have an unfinished theatre degree and as part of that, one year's training in an acting conservatory, so those are my credits, make of them what you will.
Farrell does a good job when he's got a lot of emotion to work with, to pull up from his gut or chest, and express with a loud voice or vibrant expressions - think open rage or sorrow. So you've got great moments from him, Period of Adjustment, Preventative Medicine and Death Takes a Holiday all contain good examples.
He struggles with more subtle displays of emotion. It's a crime that the sun appears to be in Farrell's eyes during the HawkBeej goodbye in GFA, how could they do that to him (and to us, the audience). In 4-5 I'm not hearing anything from him except for a person reading words exactly as they appear in the script. He's helped along when he's got a scene partner, Alan Alda or Loretta Swit can tease a little extra depth out of him, so he probably had potential. On the other hand, scene-stealer DOS flattens him completely.
And wrt his comedic capabilities well... I've seen the Hawkeye/BJ ship characterized as "commitment to the bit to lovers" what bits? I think there's a reason they went away almost entirely post season 3, or Hawkeye does them on his own. For his own comedic entries, BJ mostly gets snarky one-liners or puns to deliver, that are said almost to himself every single time tacked onto other dialogue and therefore with limited reaction from other characters. Sometimes Hawkeye gets annoyed with him for his puns, or his using comedy to deflect, as BJ later accuses Hawkeye of doing lol.
Without making any direct comparisons to improv partners past, I've called BJ's expression when Hawkeye's on about something "BJ looking bored" cuz, uhhh, there's a war on and he's bored about it. And that's about as generous as I am willing to be about that.
I watched Sex and The Single Parent and Private Sessions as part of my research for this post and I mostly feel I am watching BJ Hunnicutt in an AU. Now it's possible this was just typecasting at work, I think Jennifer Aniston can act she was just making bank playing Rachel Green for 15 years after Friends finished its run - why fix what isn't broken if it's paying the bills? Maybe that's true for Farrell too, but I'm not watching another tv movie of his to try to figure it out.
With James Cromwell's role in Succession recently, I have seen his candidacy for BJ Hunnicutt come up around these parts and I gotta say, I think (the Academy-Award-nominated-for-starring-opposite-an-animatronic-pig) Cromwell is a far better actor, and from my understanding he missed out on the part because he was too tall and Alan Alda had to strain to look up at him. So there's that.
The Boomers* seem to think BJ Hunnicutt was a big softy who cried like a girl every chance he got and wasn't at all the image of the stand-up American man that all American men should aspire to be. I find that deliciously ironic because from my view, that is exactly what the BJ character was written to do. It's a big part of why I can't get into him as he appears in the text, I need to sprinkle something else onto him before I take a bite and I think that's what most people need to do with him too.
*no hate to boomers, some of my closest relatives are boomers.
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quordleona03 · 7 months
"I'll see you back in the states. I promise. But, just in case, I left you a note."
(Trapper POV) "I think we should talk about the reunion," Hot Lips dropped into the conversation, distracting Charles from his latest foray at Hawkeye, and distracting McIntyre from what was a pretty good steak. "Did everyone get BJ's save-the-date cards?" "I did," Charles said. McIntyre stared at Hot Lips, jaw dropped. "This is actually a real thing?" "You know about this already?" Hawkeye said. He sounded confused. The card had arrived earlier in the week, forwarded on by Louise, and McIntyre had actually thought it was some kind of joke. He had never heard of a Doctor Hunnicutt, and while the card specified Chicago, the envelope was postmarked California. "Didn't you get one?" Hot Lips asked Hawkeye. "Ah - he may not have thought he needed to send one to me," Hawkeye said. "Saturday July 27 1963, 4077th reunion, all survivors welcome. He and Peg have been planning it for a while."
Alll We Know - first chapter posted July 27 2023: final chapter scheduled for Saturday July 27 2024.
Forty-one years ago today, the last episode was broadcast. So much inspiration since then.
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karmelarts · 7 months
save me bj hunnicutt. i miss you.
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wellntruly · 2 years
M*A*S*H - Viewguide, S9
Are you interested in the long-running anti-war situation tragicomedy M*A*S*H (1972-1983), but there are simply so many asterisks and so many episodes?
Well I can’t help you with the asterisks, but nor can I help myself: I started watching all 11 seasons of M*A*S*H, and bringing back for you my viewing selections, chosen for The Qualities.
— — —
Haha I don’t know, I don’t know! Once again I felt this was kind of a weird one, and yet this time the mood would get odd and I’d be like….well go on then. What’d’ya got.
Here are nine various answers to that question:
M*A*S*H - Season 9 Recommended sequence
9x03 ‘Cementing Relationships’ - Script absolutely curlicue with wordplay, the passionate Italian soldier possibly the funniest patient they’ve had yet, and Klinger turns into Locke from the film Locke---I’m up.
9x04 ‘Father’s Day’ - Margaret’s dad sucks. :( The boys are engaged in trying to eat a side of frozen beef. With visible effort, Charles manages to list out “Hawk,” “Beej,” and “Max,” all before fully awake. These are some of the highlights.
9x10 ‘Operation Friendship’ - It’s called “Operation Friendship.” Do you need more? Alright, Klinger and BJ get injured in some sort of confusing pressure explosion, sending Klinger into schemes (‘course) and BJ into a tense & tender domestic drama with worried to distraction Hawkeye. More? In one scene, Potter is literally directing said domestic drama. More! That’s me asking.
9x11 ‘No Sweat’ - They Were All So Hot meets They Were Up All Night! Bitch you know I love an Aristotelian unity! The whole thing takes place I think between the hours of about 3am and 6am in diverse locations and vibes around camp, while crickets chirp in the dark and everyone is simply SO pants-less.
9x12 ‘Depressing News’ - One thing I always like Very much is when Hawkeye gets kind of unnervingly intent on some grim futile little project against the war. BJ is [spins wheel of BJs]...disinterested! Admittedly Hawkeye says something to him in this that sure pushed me right out of my mind onto the floor.
9x14 ‘Oh, How We Danced’ - Perhaps the most ‘Season 9’ Season 9 episode. Very sweet very sentimental, BJ always in a tiff over something, pristine background comedy acting, also moments like where Charles says with withering poison, “Hunnicutt, gooo hurt yourself,” and it’s like, oh, that’s weirdly extreme!
9x15 ‘Bottoms Up’ - Necessary inclusion for reasons of it's this one and for Margaret having just a terrifically mid-century lesbians plot line with her tall, card-playing nurse friend who is ~hiding a dark secret~
9x17 ‘Bless You, Hawkeye’ - MAYBE if anyone had actually said “Gesundheit” this wouldn’t have gotten this bad, eh!
9x20 ‘The Life You Save’ - Very interesting Charles episode!! And remarkably well-balanced between his troubled story and the dark-comic Army procedure absurdity the rest of the crew is getting up with. It kinda feels like this episode could be the exemplar of what M*A*S*H has most wanted to be in its run. An Alda Production™
Season 1 • Season 2 • Season 3 • Season 4 • Season 5 • Season 6 • Season 7 • Season 8 • Season 9 • To be continued
#M*A*S*H hours
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voxmilia · 1 year
❛ i shouldn’t allow myself to get this close to you. ❜ (self-indulgent pain~ Beejgrazi~)
(in which Remy loves me and I reward that love with pain while introducing mashblr to my oc, the twenty-one year old nurse graziella "grazi" "hotshot" kowalski)
BJ had always been so kind to her. To all the nurses, really. Not in the flirtatious ways of Hawkeye or Trapper John, not with the slightly patronizing "honeys" and "sweethearts" Colonel Blake would indulge in - and god strike her down for speaking ill of the dead. But in a way that reminds her just a little bit of some faces back home - Davey Jacob's brilliant mind, Jack Kelly's cheek, even Liam Conlon's fierce, unwavering loyalty.
She hadn't even sought him out today. No, she had slipped into a corner table at Rosie's, hoping a drink would dull her ache. She thinks of her father, how he must have felt similarly, and drinks more when all logic dictated to put the bottle down. BJ had found her four or five beers in, tear tracks still fresh on her face. He had coaxed her so gently outside for some fresh air and call her naïve, but there was no ulterior motives in his gaze. Blue eyes were brimming with warmth, but no fire. The water near the Navy Yard pier on a gorgeous summer afternoon - familiar, comforting, inviting.
She knows he's married; how could she not? Mail call gets announced and he's all but bum-rushing Radar, eager for word from his wife. Unlike so many other men in the unit, the ones who forgot about their rings or ranted about their wives sneaking around while in bed with another woman themselves, BJ didn't stray. That was one of the truest facts Graziella knew. The sky was blue, there would always be wounded arriving when you try to take a nap, and BJ Hunnicutt was as loyal as they come. The very same nurses who would warn her about how men like Trapper or Hawkeye would chew up fresh meat like her and spit her back out would eye BJ as if hoping he'd do that very thing to them.
She should know better than to accept an invitation into a married man's space. But the Swamp was quiet, with Charles in post op and Hawkeye at the office's club. It gave them the space to sit down, for Grazi to pull the crumpled, tear stained letter from her pocket and allow BJ to inspect the reason for her distress.
"Leo's always been a sickly kid," she sniffles, hugging her knees to her chest, feeling very much a child in this moment despite being a grown woman. "He was a preemie. I think he got whatever weak constitution, or whatever Mama has. S-So it ain't news that he's sick, really, I, I just...I should be home with 'im, with all'a them!"
The sobs begin afresh, thinking of her younger siblings. They were still kids; Tony was barely sixteen, Rosa fifteen, and baby Leo only twelve. Grazi's aware she's on the younger end of officers here at twenty-one but knowing she left behind actual children... They were supposed to be her responsibility! With Mama sick and Papa drunk as a skunk, they needed her! And she left!
She can't articulate any of these thoughts, not with the way her sobs shake her entire frame. She feels the warm of long, strong arms winding around her as BJ pulls her in for a hug. And though she knows she shouldn't, knows it's pushing against some pretty firm boundaries, Graziella allows herself to hold him in return. Fingers clutch desperately at his shirt, seeking an anchor to the moment, to reality, lest the tides of despair wash her way.
Tender as anything, she feels a kiss pressed to the crown of her head as BJ cradles her head to his chest, allowing her tears to soak into the fabric of his shirt without shame or hesitation. It only makes Grazi cry all the harder.
"I-I enlisted for Frankie, for Liam," she blubbers, thoughts shifting to her twin brother and best friend on the front lines, far away from her. "A-And I ain't anywhere close to 'em! I can't, I can't help 'em, I can't help Rosa and the boys back home, I, fuck, I can't do shit here!"
"You save lives here, Graziella," BJ returns fervently, fingers stroking through tangled brown locks. "A hell of a lot of people are grateful you're here instead of Brooklyn. And there are dozens and dozens of nurses just like you at other MASHs and aid stations that are looking out for your brother."
It's true, all of it. They need every spare pair of hands they can get some days and Grazi's done an awful lot of good here. She knows this, she does, but that doesn't make it any less hard to swallow that she should somehow be both here and there.
An impossibility but one that weighs on her nonetheless.
BJ's fingers grip her shoulders, gently coaxing her to pull back. No sooner was her face lifted from his tear-soaked shirt did his hands move again. Long, slender fingers cup her cheeks, swiping away tears as they trickled down from watery brown eyes. "They'll be okay. We have to believe they'll be okay or we'll be too busy being pulled half a world away to take care of the people here."
She sniffles but manages a nod. It wasn't as if crying over her sick little brother was going to heal him, or the patients they're monitoring in post-op, after all.
Her eyes are downcast, trying to compose herself, unaware of the way those ocean blue eyes start to harden, even as his thumbs continue to wipe away the last of her tears. "I shouldn’t allow myself to get this close to you," his words are a whisper on the air, barely audible. But it's enough to pull Graziella out of her wallowing for a moment of lucidity.
God, what was she doing here? Like this? With a married man? A loyal married man, at that?
She smiles, still a little shaky, even as she lifts her hands up to gently grasp BJ's wrists. He offers no resistance when she pulls his hands away from her face. "...You're a real good friend, BJ," she murmurs so sweetly. "So I'll be a good friend right back and get outta your hair. Before we both get a little too friendly, ya know?"
He does know, his eyes say, though his mouth remains pursed in a thin line. A story for another time. A safer, softer time, when he can laugh about it with his pretty wife. Grazi stands, and in a foolish, naïve move, presses a kiss to BJ's hair, just as he had done for her.
She paused, hand pressed to the mesh of the door but not quite opening it. There's another door she needs to close first. She glances back, with a faraway smile and nods once. "Goodnight, Dr. Hunnicutt," she murmurs. She doesn't wait for a reply before walking out of the Swamp, gaze aimed ever forward.
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onekisstotakewithme · 2 years
Behind the scenes: 1, 8, 15, 18?
Neeks!!! 💜🥰
What was the first fandom and/or pairing that you wrote fic for?
It was for Lost, for a rare pair that had like maybe two fics on ff.net (and it's absolutely terrible, I wrote it when I was thirteen!). Fun fact, it's actually still on my ff.net profile. I'm too nostalgic to delete it.
8. Do you listen to music while you write? If so, share a song that’s been inspiring you lately.
I either listen to music constantly when I write or I need to write in absolute silence, it doesn't logic to me either. But a song that's been inspiring me lately is probably "White Hot" by Tom Cochrane.
15. A Hollywood producer tells you that they want to film just one of your fics. Which fic would you want it to be?
Aaaaaas if the answer could really be anything but "ye who are weary, come home". I mean is anyone really telling me that they don't want to watch a MASH reunion? (Just kidding, but I want to watch it.)
18. What is a line/scene you’re really proud of? Give us the DVD commentary for that scene.
Oh boy. This is a tricky one... but a good question nonetheless. (Brain... shutting... down...)
I think I'll put this under a 'read more' so I don't bombard people with analysis ;)
I guess a scene I'm particularly proud of is I guess the confession/triad getting-together scene, so spoilers for 'ye who are weary come home":
Peg and BJ exchange a look.
“Hawkeye,” Peggy says gently, “We wanted to talk to you about us.”
Hawkeye swallows hard, not sure if he’s heard correctly. “About… us?”
“About you and me and Peggy,” BJ says. “And… what we all mean to each other.”
This is the first bit, I really liked having Peg taking the lead (because she's been nudging BJ here the whole time, she's the one who said they could do this!).
“Hawkeye,” BJ says softly, his expression tender. “Hawk. I love you.”
Hawkeye blinks, and it takes a second to sink in. The affection in BJ’s voice sends fissures through him that threaten to crack open at the slightest pressure. “What?”
“God,” BJ laughs a little, tinged with hysteria, shaking his head, and the world is upside down and backwards because BJ- BJ can’t, not with Peggy right here- “I’ve wanted to say that for so long. I love you, Hawkeye Pierce.”
“But… but Peggy,” Hawkeye says, a little helplessly, turning to her, not expecting the tenderness on BJ’s face to be mirrored on hers. It stuns him.
“That’s the funny thing, darling,” she says, and smiles, though she looks close to tears. “I’m in love with you too.”
Here it is!!! The moment of truth!!! And Hawk's reverence for the Hunnicutt marriage means he can't quite believe that they want him - he turns to Peg because he doesn't want BJ throwing her over for him.
“I- I don’t-” Hawkeye stammers, afraid of what he's done. “Y-You two love each other.”
“Yes,” Peggy says patiently, “And you, darling. You’ve seen Singin’ in the Rain, haven’t you? Did Don love Cosmo less for loving Kathy?”
This was in my notes from Day 1. I always wanted there to be a SITR reference in this fic, and this was just. the perfect spot for it.
And the truth spills out, a truth Hawk has carried wound around his heart for five years. “Beej, it’s- it’s always been you. And I’m sorry, I-”
“Don’t be,” BJ cuts him off. “God, don’t you know? You saved me that first day, Hawk. I- I always thought Peg was the one who got me through but- but you did too.”
This makes Hawk flinch, and he turns to Peggy, afraid of what her reaction will be.
“I never meant...” he says, tears welling up anew, “Peggy, I swear-”
“Shh, darling,” she says, brushing a tear from his cheek. “I know.”
“Nothing happened-”
“I know.”
As much as i know "BJ and Hawk getting together in Korea with Peg's permission" is an old standard, I very much wanted Hawkeye to assure her that no, nothing happened between them, because again, he reveres their marriage so much!
“I can’t…” he trails off, looking between them, because to love them is the best thing he’s ever done- but it’s also the most dangerous. “ We can’t.”
“Who says?”
“The law. I- I can’t ask you to do this,” Hawkeye says, horrified. “You can’t risk your whole lives for me.”
“Hawkeye,” Peggy says patiently. “We know the risks.”
“Then you know what loving me means.”
“We do,” BJ says. “And this is worth it, if you’ll have us.”
“I-If I’ll have you,” he repeats. “If I’ll have you?”
“Hawkeye.” Peggy takes his hand. “Darling, BJ and I already decided that this is worth it, that every… every risk is worth it. But it’s up to you to take it.”
“And what about Erin?”
“We’ll talk to Erin,” BJ says.
“Hawkeye, we could hash out every single detail right now,” Peggy says. “Or we could figure it all out later. We have time.”
Hawkeye looks between them, feels his heart crack open, and all he can do is stammer, “You stand to lose a lot by loving me.”
“Maybe,” Peg says.
“But the way we see it,” BJ says, taking his other hand, “we stand to gain a lot more.”
This. This right here is my triad manifesto. It isn't always going to be safe - it's a hell of a risk - but it's worth it and they CAN be happy. It's not going to be easy, but it will be love.
And Hawkeye feels the last piece of himself that he’s been missing since Korea – the last piece of home – fall perfectly into place.
I mean c'mon. Home is his dad and home is the Hunnicutts and I think the best answer for him is having people who knew him before AND during the war.
Thank you, this commentary is probably a bit silly.
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ao3feed-mash · 1 year
and miles to go before i sleep
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/9eqQAGT
by frogstiel
Try as he might, he just can’t save them all, and they’re too damn young. Every single one of them should be at home, learning card games from his parents, playing hopscotch and basketball, and stealing fruit from the neighbor’s garden, and maybe that’s what’s wrong with Hawkeye. Maybe he’s going through the motions every day, cutting and plucking and stitching, and maybe his body just wants to be going through some better motions, ones that aren’t so tinged with olive green and blood red, so it’s doing it without him on board.
or: a re-imagining of one of the most episodes of tv I've ever seen, MASH s5e14, Hawk's Nightmare
Words: 5031, Chapters: 1/10, Language: English
Fandoms: MASH (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: B. J. Hunnicutt, Benjamin Franklin "Hawkeye" Pierce, Sherman Potter, Radar O'Reilly, Margaret "Hot Lips" Houlihan, Sidney Freedman, Frank Burns
Relationships: B. J. Hunnicutt/Benjamin Franklin "Hawkeye" Pierce, B. J. Hunnicutt & Benjamin Franklin "Hawkeye" Pierce
Additional Tags: Episode: s05e13 Hawk's Nightmare, Nightmares, Mental Breakdown, Bisexual Benjamin Franklin "Hawkeye" Pierce, bj also has a sexuality but we arent allowed to know what it is because he wont fucking tell me, Sleepwalking, hawkeye thinks hes losing his mind! what else is new?
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/9eqQAGT
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multiplecomplexes · 2 years
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I posted 659 times in 2022
That's 659 more posts than 2021!
66 posts created (10%)
593 posts reblogged (90%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 614 of my posts in 2022
Only 7% of my posts had no tags
#m*a*s*h - 363 posts
#hawkeye pierce - 249 posts
#trapper - 169 posts
#txt - 167 posts
#audie talks - 89 posts
#gif - 72 posts
#alan alda - 66 posts
#bj hunnicutt - 55 posts
#mash - 46 posts
#mash 4077 - 46 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#i know i'll get used to him. i'll probably even love him. but for now...i really miss seeing trapper. a joke is made and i expect to see hi
My Top Posts in 2022:
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67 notes - Posted March 20, 2022
Hawkeye seems to become frustrated more easily with BJ. The little things he does seems to needle at him more than it does with other people, and even when they're joking around with each other Hawkeye seems to be just on the verge of irritation.
Part of this is just BJ being unlucky. He met Hawkeye at a bad time, and the times have just got worse as he's known him. The coping mechanisms that Hawkeye has been relying on for years are starting to wear out and lose effectiveness. More than ever he needs somebody he can rely on, somebody to take up the slack and be a beam that he can rest upon.
But BJ is not a good support person, and especially not for Hawkeye.
Part of this is BJ's own nature, and the other part (the larger part, in my opinion) is the way with which they met, and the way in which that meeting has colored BJ's view and understanding of Hawkeye since.
Put simply, it's an imbalance.
An idolization, of sorts. (And I mean idol, not ideal).
BJ doesn't get to ease into Korea, or the reality of what being a war doctor means. He's thrown in headlong and expected, needed, to swim. There are so many crises the day he arrives, nobody has time to train him, to teach him. They need him and his abilities so they give him a pair of water wings and hope for the best.
But he flounders.
The blood, the gore, the stark horror of it all and the also horrific way everyone else just deals with it, is too much.
He's sinking, becoming desperate. And there's Hawkeye.
Hawkeye. Who is almost obscenely capable in this situation, who is moving through the fray with a skill and competency most enviably, and, seemingly, unattainable.
He laughs, he jokes, he drinks. He saves lives.
Apparently, he has found the way to deal with Korea.
And even as time goes on, and he becomes closer to Hawkeye, he still doesn't seem to be able to let this initial ideal of him go.
But the trouble with that is, you see, it's not accurate.
BUT, the trouble with acknowledging that is, is that that view of Hawkeye is what's keeping BJ afloat.
So he doesn't really know Hawkeye, and he doesn't really want to. He knows his stories, his habits, but anything that will take him down from that pedestal and make him human, BJ does not touch.
Hawkeye has an episode. He's wandering the camp st night, waking up screaming, he's terrified. And not only does the whole of the camp not acknowledge this, that there is a problem and an issue and that he is begging for help (that's just, sadly, par for the course at this point), BJ doesn't either.
BJ ignores him. He dismisses him.
He's supposed to be his friend, someone to commiserate and share support with, but he doesn't let himself get that close. It's all very superficial with BJ.
"I need help." Hawkeye says, constantly. "But gods do not need help." BJ replies, "So you are fine and not in need." Then he petitions him, "Help me."
And Hawkeye does, because he can't not, and the imbalance stays.
BJ refuses to see Hawkeye as he really is.
And the thing about this is, Hawkeye knows it.
And it frustrates him.
Back when Trapper was around, Hawkeye wasn't nearly as unraveled as he is now becoming, but he wasn't well, either. He was never well.
And Trapper knew that.
He acknowledged Hawkeye's humanity and inherent weakness without belittling and degrading him, because he saw themselves as one and the same.
He didn't raise Hawkeye higher than he should've been but neither did he look down on him. They were leveled, equal.
And he recognized when Hawkeye was spiralling and in danger. He might not have known what to do, this was 1950 after all, mental health care and understanding was not exactly at its peak. But he did realizes and acknowledge that there was an issue, we have a problem here.
See the full post
86 notes - Posted April 12, 2022
Hawkeye, constantly: "You guys do really understand that I am...Unwell™️, right? I'm falling apart in so many ways that I've lost count and it's an actual. miracle. that I'm able to function at all. Just this morning I saw two more pieces of my sanity walk out the door in my bloodstained boots singing a tune!"
*marches through camp with a banner that says "I am mentally unstable. Somebody, for the love of humanity help me!"
Literally everyone else: Thank FUCK Hawkeye is keeping it together! He sure is somebody we can all depend on when it's getting too rough, y'know? He's always so great at keeping up moral and Hoo boy, I don't know where we'd be without him! ✌😁
212 notes - Posted March 16, 2022
Favorite Kilnger & Father Mulcahy moments (in no particular order) -
• Klinger dressing up to go to Sunday service every week, often being the only one in attendance.
• Klinger in his beautiful black dress w/ the lacy veil and gloves, fixing Father Mulcahy's collar before his special service.
• Klinger stealing the long johns and then giving them to Father Mulcahy out of guilt, knowing he would do the correct thing with them. (Father Mulcahy keeping them for a night is a fun bonus).
• Father Mulcahy making a joke during their poker games and Klinger laughing or flashing a grin at him, even if nobody else did, just for him.
• Father Mulcahy complimenting Klinger's gloves, and pointedly directing others to do so too after he saw how important it was to Klinger.
• Klinger sitting on the piano with his heel braced on Father Mulcahy's shoulder while he (Mulcahy) played.
• Klinger praying for the woman in her delivery, and Father Mulcahy's reaction to that.
• Multiple instances of Klinger verbally going to bat for Father Mulcahy/physically defending/protecting him.
• Klinger running the kissing booth for orphanage fund.
(This is a running/incomplete list and may be added to later, add your own if you have some! ^_^)
241 notes - Posted April 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
One thing I really like (and this I know is owed in a large part to Jamie Farr) is how Klinger doesn't just "wear a dress." He put thought into his outfits, he coordinates, he accessorized. It would have been very easy to just throw him into anything and why does it matter because he's only doing this to get out, but they don't.
He constantly looks nice, like really lovely. He cares about how he looks and he does little, extra things to keep up. He puts his hair in curlers, he uses Margaret's hairdryer, he uses nighttime face cream, lotions, he does his nails (and is good at it, doing it also at least for Hawkeye, maybe others) occasionally does a pedicure. He wears a little makeup, some jewelry, he likes earrings, shoes (he does have the legs for it, but what amazes me is how well he maneuvers in them. Running, in the mud, carrying heavy litters, all in heels. Whoever can do that, wow).
He likes his clothes.
It would have been so easy (cheap), it's right there (and people still make these jokes, back then they could've done it without anyone even blinking an eye) to make a "guy in a dress and ew he looks gross and/or stupid" joke, but they don't.
Instead you're given a good, solid character, with depth. Multifaceted. And its terrific.
337 notes - Posted March 17, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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remyfire · 1 year
🎲 for bj and margaret if you're still doing them?
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You get a kiss on the cheek! This one got extremely sad. ;n; I'm so sorry. CW for one of the characters being drunk! Kiss Roulette
When there's a knock on her door in the middle of the night, Margaret always knows there's a crisis of some kind. She sits up instantly, ears attuning through the pumping adrenaline to the sounds of the camp. But despite how closely she finds herself listening—even to the point of holding her breath—there's no helicopters, no shouting over triage, no running footsteps. There's dead silence, the kind she strictly associates with the isolation past midnight when the only people awake are in post-op or patrolling the camp.
Another knock. Margaret whips the blankets off and rolls straight out of her cot. She snags her bathrobe and just barely gets it tied before she opens the latch. "What is it?"
Of all people, it's BJ.
Margaret cannot recall a time before Korea where her mind worked as fast as it does now. With blistering speeds, she runs through the facts—he's not on duty anywhere, and actually he's off duty because he already worked that afternoon and he has an early post-op shift tomorrow, and if anyone is going to tell her they need her to scrub up, it'd probably be one of her nurses while the surgeon is on their way to the sink, and more than anything else, if she was needed in an authoritative capacity, BJ Hunnicutt wouldn't be here with spirits on his breath.
Margaret curls her nose and furrows her brows at the same time. "I'm going to assume you're lost on your way to your tent."
He blinks at her through squinted eyes. He always seems so light-sensitive once he's started overindulging, and even with her tent in total darkness, it's like she herself is too bright for him to safely perceive. But even with the booze on his breath and the sight of him struggling to see, he's still so incredibly handsome that it makes her fluttering heart take off like a sprinter at the very end of a race.
That won't do at all.
"Hunnicutt," she prompts firmly.
He straightens, then sways, reaches over her head to catch himself on her locker. "Margaret."
She's not even a little boxed in—could step backward, could shove him on his rear—but something about him looming over her like this makes her breath catch. His tall frame blocks the moonlight, bathes her even further in shadow, and if she focuses hard enough, she swears she can almost feel the heat rolling off his body. So she stays.
When Margaret opens her mouth to try and prompt an explanation, he reaches out and she chokes on the words. Those clever, life-saving fingers of his catch the edge of her robe right above her collarbone like a shirt's lapel, and as he rubs the fluffy fabric between his fingertips, she feels every hair on her neck stand straighter at attention than her father ever has.
"H-Hunnicutt?" Her voice is far smaller now.
BJ flicks his glassy eyes up to meet hers, only the edge of their gleam visible on the dark planes of his face. "I thought you might let me in."
Just three nights ago, Margaret tossed and turned in her cot for an hour straight, so tight in her skin that even her exhaustion wasn't enough to let her drop off. She'd fought. She really, really had. If she caught herself squeezing her thighs together, she'd spread them out again. Kept staring at the canvas far overhead and trying to imagine stars there instead. But she'd finally broken. Of course she had. She'd slipped her fingers through her slick folds and brought herself to the brink, and despite all the promises she's made to herself, he was right there above her, blue gaze boring into hers, whispering so softly.
"That's it, darling. Just a little more. Let me hear you, all right?"
BJ's slight bobbing forward clarifies the moment in an instant, and suddenly all she can think about is how anyone could peek outside and see this incredibly married man standing outside her tent's open door, could draw their own conclusions. "You need to go. You're drunk. You're on duty in the morning, and the last thing those patients need is—"
But his palm finds her cheek, and it's so broad, so rough, and Margaret bites down hard on her bottom lip to trap in her shivery exhale. And then he's stepping forward, and Margaret Houlihan, once an impenetrable ice queen, yields immediately.
The moment he's inside, Margaret cranes around him to make sure the door shuts, and he reacts with admirable grace to loop his arm around her waist as though they're dancing. They turn completely, her back to the entrance, and then his forehead is pressing against hers, hard and unyielding.
"Hunnicutt, whatever's on your mind, y-you're not going to," she says sternly. If her fingers come up to cup his sharp jawline, it's just to make sure that he doesn't lean in.
BJ hums, something short and tuneless. "What about what's on your mind?" Moment by moment, his words are losing their fullness. "D'we get to do that?"
Just a week ago, she'd been writing a letter at her desk when she'd thought, of all things, about his legs. Though BJ's grown more passive as their time in Korea continues to be extended, he'd chosen just that morning to take a slow jog around the perimeter of the camp. He didn't keep the same pace as he did when he first arrived, and it took only a glance at his tank top and shorts to show her how his body had softened, but on he went, single-minded, eyes never moving from directly in front of him, and Margaret had nearly run into the wall of the Mess Tent rather than used the door.
The moment she thought of his long legs bracketing her body, she'd had to drop her pen then and there and press her fingers inside of herself, picturing how hard his hands would sink into her hips as he lifted them for a better angle.
"What's on my mind is sleeping. In my cot. Because it's three in the morning."
With how her eyes are adjusting to the darkness and the low stream of light coming through her window, she can see how BJ's lips quirk. "Y'know, not a bad idea." He gently brushes the tips of their noses together.
All at once, danger floods her, and Margaret slaps one hand on his chest to push him back an inch. "You have your own cot."
"It doesn't fit me. I've got a lot of things that don't fit right now."
It's not the first time he hasn't worn his wedding band—in her broad experience, surgeons so rarely do, and for a number of reasons that still put a bad taste in her mouth—but the night swims into dizzying color when he lifts his left fingers to push the hair out of her face. Margaret was never necessarily revered for being top of her class, anything. She was the cute, fun girl in college, flirting wildly and laughing all night with her roommates. But right now, she can't help but wonder if she's reading deep between the lines like a literature class, or if—
He leans in, straining against her palm, and all at once, she knows she's not overanalyzing at all.
"Hunnicutt, enough."
He makes a low sound, something more reminiscent of a kicked puppy than anything else. "C'mon."
Margaret shakes her head. "Absolutely not."
"I-I don't want..." BJ licks his lips. "I don't want that. Promise. Just...just a kiss, okay?"
Oh, Lord, give me strength. She's never wished for wounded to arrive before, but all at once it seems paramount that they do. He's close enough that she can feel the heat of his breath against her mouth, and the goosebumps that explode over her body stir her blood to heat. "You're drunk," she points out again.
"Only a little."
"You can barely walk."
BJ shrugs one shoulder almost lazily. "How's that different from coming out of OR, huh?"
"You're married." She hoped she wouldn't have to fire that bullet.
All at once, he goes silent. Frozen. Though Margaret is breathing loudly, trying to cool herself back down, she can't hear a thing coming out of him. It's as though time has stopped completely, and it's only his heart rushing right under her hand that lets her know the world continues to turn.
His fingers slide deeper through her strands, lighting a tingle across her scalp like electricity, and for just a second, her control slips. The treacherous groan escapes her, and suddenly BJ's other hand is digging into her hip just like she'd fantasized.
"You don't want to?" BJ asks through a sand-rough tone. "You don't wanna kiss me?"
She could lie. She really could. She knows it's what he needs to hear. But also she knows she'd never convince him. She's the one who asked him into her bed just a handful of months ago. She's the one who's been imagining him there twice a week since her marriage fell to pieces. Who is she kidding?
In the midst of her silence, though, BJ murmurs to fill it, and his words are so weak and wretched that they're barely audible. "You don't want to."
"I want to," she blurts on a whisper. That alone seems to be enough to make BJ lose a little more control over his body. He sags almost his full weight into her, and Margaret stifles a sudden ache to cry. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I want to, but you don't. You'll hate yourself."
"I want to," BJ counters, each word slurred as thick as molasses. "I need it. Need you. D'you know how lonely I am?"
Margaret squeezes her eyes shut so hard that they burn almost as much as her heart. "I think if anyone in this camp knows how lonely you are, yes, it's...it's me."
"Just a kiss," he stresses. "Just a few. I'll keep my hands off. It'll be just like, like friends, huh?"
The preposterousness of what he's saying is so immense, she wishes it could make her laugh. In a better world, this would be just another sick practical joke, nothing but BJ coming in flesh-and-blood Little Mac form, and the moment he presses her into her cot, he'll laugh and tease her and she'll slap him, and tomorrow they'll keep being like they always have even still.
"See? No hands." BJ lifts them off of her, and all at once he crashes forward.
Margaret strains, pressing her feet hard into the floor, her calves and arms burning to keep him steady. "We're not doing this. We're not. I-I'm sorry, BJ, I just..."
His arms slide around her waist, and as he refinds his footing, he touches his mouth to her ear. "Say it again? My name?"
Her eyes sting. Barely two weeks ago, she'd pushed her fingers almost violently inside of herself while pulling at her nipple with her other hand, and she'd whispered his name as almost a prayer, an invocation, a desperate plea, and when she broke, there were tears, and the shame of how badly she wanted him burned up any pleasure she might've taken from the act.
The tears come now too. "Captain Hunnicutt," she stresses.
As though he doesn't hear her, BJ presses a kiss to her cheek, gentle as a song.
Her entire body breaks out in tingles, and after taking just one more moment to ground herself, she forces the words out. "I'm saying no."
He goes completely rigid. Something rushes out of him—a sound she can only categorize as a whimper—before he repositions his arms. They loop around her shoulders and squeeze her tight. "Sorry. I'm so fucking sorry. Jesus Christ."
Because she has to, Margaret whispers back. "It's okay." Even though it's not. But nothing she hungers for with him is okay either. Hypocrisy no longer tastes cool in her mouth, like ice or menthol. It's bitter and rancid. She wants nothing more to do with it.
"I-It's just this...this goddamn letter, a-and I..."
If she gives him her ear right now, she'll give him her body before the hour's out, and she knows it. She knows herself. Knows her tendency. Knows how hungry she's always been to comfort a man, to see if he'll pick her first for once in her fucking life—
I'm sorry. Forgive me.
"What you need is to go lay down. Okay?" Margaret pats him firmly on the back like burping a baby and turns her voice higher at the edge of every word. Bright. Sweet. "Hunnicutt, everything always feels better in the morning. You know that."
He huffs. Sniffles. All at once, he leans back, as though he's managed to regain just the faintest tendril of sobriety. "Yeah, no, you're right. O'course."
As BJ turns his head away, he doesn't look like the statuesque surgeon with a body that moves through someone's organs like water. He shoves his hands in his pockets and hunches his shoulders forward, and all at once he's a shred of himself. This police action has been chiseling them all down a little at a time, but for the shortness of his tenure with them, he keeps evaporating far faster than the rest, and there are terrifying moments where she wonders if he'll disappear before anyone can catch him.
In those fearful thoughts, she can't deny the immense depths of what she feels for him. And one day, she's worried that she's going to tip straight in and never find her way out.
It comes even now, her teetering over the edge. "Do you...want me to walk you back to your tent?"
"Don't," BJ snaps, then closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. "No. I've got it. You go to bed too. I'll... I'll see you tomorrow."
Tomorrow, when the sun will come up and scorch through the memories of tonight like they've never existed. Where they'll be in full view of each other and pretending they can't see through their skin, right down to their thoughts.
"Right. Of course."
She does catch him by the arm, walk him slowly to her door, but with every step, he needs her a little less. By the time they're finally there, he pulls away, opens the latch, and slips out. He doesn't look behind him, doesn't say a word. There's no one there to see. It's as if he was never here.
When Margaret collapses in her cot, the sheets smell like nothing but her. They're cold, no body heat that kept them warm. And when she cries into her pillow, there's no one to hear. No one to care. No one but herself.
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I cannot WAIT to read all of the hunnihawk and m*a*s*h fanfics that are gonna come from Mike’s interview 🙌🏻
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