#save me husbands of river song
notauri · 6 months
christmas fucking sucks man
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lotus-ignis · 2 months
I am over here listening to the first episode of 'the diary of River Song' (the boundless sea) and omfg River literally drowns a woman?!
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twelverriver · 6 months
sorry but the way river literally always haunts both the narrative and the doctor??? like. she turns up and she dies. we could say she's a ghost for the rest of the show even though we know she's very much alive for the rest of the show. the way the question of how to save river is something the doctor thinks about all the time. the entire episode of the name of the doctor with river's LITERAL GHOST HAUNTING HIM AND CLARA. the minisode "date night" where she says "oh doctor, you and your secrets, you'll be the death of me." and he's looking like he's mourning her all over again. it's twelve hiding a key of the tardis in the book "the time traveler's wife" for me. the way river appears again in the husbands of river song and we know that afterwards, she's headed to the library and dies and gets uploaded to the library as a data ghost. the episode that follows that is literally the return of doctor mysterio, where the loss of river is SO PRESENT??? and he's mourning her the entire and HAS been mourning her. nardole's speech!!! after that is season ten and he mentions her to bill (even if its a deleted scene it is REAL TO ME) and her diary is shown and a passage is read from it to convince the doctor of something and nardole shows up again as a "wife-approved companion" and twelve has a picture of her next to susans on his desk!! and bill asks if someone's really gone do pictures help !!! LIKE. I'm connecting the dots!!
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thedeathlysallows · 2 months
Is It Over Now? (11)
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x Aemma Velaryon
Summary: And maybe it was ego's swinging
Warnings: canon typical Targaryen incest. Developing Stockholm Syndrome, Aemma is becoming an unreliable narrator. Simp!Aemond appears again (not that he really ever leaves lol). Smut, fingering, religion kink, not sub!Aemond but he does beg a bit, oral (f!receiving)
(We've reached the Alys Rivers arc and it'll probably take a few chapters to settle. Also, we've shifted to this song for the second half of the story.)
Tag list: @callsignwidow
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"You know how much I love you," Aemond whispers in your ear as the candles flicker out, plunging your bedchamber into darkness. His arms wrap around your waist and hold you in a vice grip against the hard edges of his body. "Enough with the punishment."
You can't help but scoff. "Punishment? Tell me, my dear husband, how are you the one being punished when I'm the one expected to sit back and watch my family be hunted into extinction?"
"I've apologized countless times for Lucerys."
"Yes, of course you have. All of you have, save for Aegon and that scheming snake of a man you call grandfather. All everyone does is apologize to me."
"What more do you need? What will end this?"
"Give me your other eye."
Aemond looks at you, disbelief coloring his sharp features. You stare back, unblinking. Moments pass by in silence as the two of you take each other in. You aren't sure what exactly triggers it, but your lower lip quivers and tears spring to your eyes.
"I don't mean it. Not really. I don't know why I said it..." You choke out a sob and bury your face in his chest. Aemond's hand immediately goes to your hair as he comforts you.
He knew you didn't mean- you would never be so vicious- but the comment was still jarring nonetheless. Aemond knew you would never mean such a thing, but there's still a slight tremor in his hand as he pets you gently. He's worked so hard to get to this point, to have you in his arms, and he feels like he can see the end of it all before it's barely even begun.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I don't know what's wrong with me." The tears won't stop no matter how hard you try.
A small flicker of hope flickers in Aemond's chest. "Could you be pregnant?"
"It hasn't been long enough."
"It's been two months at this point. We've both been performing our duties-"
"How clinical." You look up at him wryly, feeling uncertain of his reaction to your outburst. You really hadn't meant to say that to him. You were just so angry and then so desperately sad when you realized how hurtful you'd been.
Aemond smiles down at you indulgently, tilting your chin to press your lips to his. "Shall I be more romantic then?"
Your stomach churns violently in direct competition with the heat growing between your thighs. You love Aemond- at least you think you do- but you also love your mother and brothers. There's a part of you still lost to mourning. You've heard nothing from anyone, locked away inside your ivory tower in the Keep, only allowed news from Aemond's mouth directly. (Or Aegon's when he sends Aemond off some place or another, but even that's becoming less frequent as Aegon becomes more and more obsessed with being King.)
"You? Romantic? Maybe if the Conqueror himself returned." The joke comes easily. Joking with Aemond has always been easy. You can do that. You can tell jokes and make him smile because you like his smile, and because it's safer to distract him than fuck him.
You still keep your master plan in the back of your mind: let all of them think they've tamed you until you can find a way back to your mother's side. When you came up with your plan you didn't anticipate it would become harder and harder to pretend with each passing day. You didn't anticipate actually loving Aemond, nor did you anticipate Aemond's love for you being real.
It's terrifying to feel your grip slowly loosening.
Aemond's voice calls you back from your thoughts while he gently rolls you under him. "I can be romantic if that's what you need. I'll be anything you need. Just let me in."
"Please, don't fight me anymore. Stop pushing me away. I adore you, why can't you see that?" His fingers dig in to the fabric of your nightgown, pulling and tugging until it's over your head, discarded on the floor by the unlit fire place. Your skin feels like it's on fire as his gaze travels over your body, hands following each curve and dip.
"So pretty," he whispers adoringly.
"Don't. Please."
Aemond's eye flickers up to yours. He still keeps the patch on, neither one of you fully ready to embrace the consequences of the past when the present is so precarious. You swallow thickly, unable to look away as his hand creeps up to your breast. His fingers toy with the soft buds there, teasing your nipples until you're almost sore. A soft whine escapes you and you see Aemond's face darken.
"Don't what?" He finally says. "Don't worship you as the goddess you are?"
Aemond bends his head to kiss just under your breasts, reveling in the feel of your soft stomach as he drags his lips lower. If you were burning before, you're positively on fire now, desperate for whatever Aemond will do next. He reaches your thighs with a moan, nipping at the delicate skin there.
"Let me die on your altar," he says. "I'll do it happily, over and over."
Your fingertips thread through his silky hair and you pull his face to your cunt. Aemond breathes out a small laugh that sends a puff of warm air over your sensitive pussy. He wastes no time, diving between your folds like a starving man. His tongue is absolutely sinful as he licks you, working a magic you never would've expected from him.
"Aemond, yes, right there." You moan out the words, knowing how much he loves the praise. And you're more than happy to give it as his long fingers enter you, pumping in time with each lick he gives your clit.
"Tell me you love me," Aemond demands while he keeps thrusting and curling his fingers inside your cunt. "Tell me you're mine."
You nod, his words not fully registering, but you repeat them anyway. "I'm y-yours... l-love you... so much."
"Mmm, such a good girl. You've always been so, so good, haven't you?" Aemond's fingers brush against that most sensitive spot inside you and you arch your back off the bed, screaming his name like a litany of prayers over and over.
"Look at you. Haven't even put my cock in you and your already coming." He pulls you into a lazy kiss, all tongue and teeth and you don't mind at all. "I've always believed you're the Maiden come to save me."
Aemond buries his face in your neck, nipping and biting, leaving marks you know the whole court will see. "Will you save me? Absolve my sins?"
You sigh, fingernails digging into his back as you hook your legs over his waist. "Aemond...please, please, please."
"Forgive me, Maiden." Aemond pants the words into your ear, his hips jerking when your warm cunt drags across his cock. "Forgive me so I can worship you properly, please."
You nod, desperate to feel him inside you. "I forgive you."
With a heady sigh he sinks into you, his cock stretching you out in the most exquisite way. You see stars behind your eye lids as he begins fucking you, pounding his cock deep inside your cunt. He's ruthless and desperate in his movements as he watches you come undone beneath him, the very image of Heaven.
"I love you," Aemond moans. "Ah, fuck, I love you..."
You whine desperately, completely at his mercy as he cums inside you and fills your cunt. You have the brief thought that maybe this time you are pregnant, but Aemond is there before you can pursue the thought further. He brushes the hair from your face and kisses your nose before laying down beside you and pulling you close.
"Aegon is sending me to Harrenhal in the morning. I asked to take you with me, but the Council convinced him it would be a mistake. I promise I'll return as soon as I'm able."
"Harrenhal..." You can see Harwin Strong's face in your mind's eye, so similar to that of your brothers'...
Aemond strokes your face worriedly. "Please don't lock yourself in this room while I'm gone."
But you can't promise anything.
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who-datgirl · 1 month
Who IS Ruby Sunday?
My head is spinning over the secret identity of 15’s companion. Ruby is only in one season as Millie Gibson, something very important will have to happen to have her only appear in 8 episodes. At first I wondered if maybe Ruby was The Master hiding in plain sight as a human. Davies confirmed recently that The Master is taking a break from the plot, so that knocked them out of the running for Ruby’s identity. I am left with one headcanon that, regardless of it winds up true or not, exists rent-free in my mind.
I believe Ruby Sunday is the child of 12 and River Song. I think during their 24 years on Darillium, River wound up pregnant. Once she realized she was carrying The Doctor’s child, she took the TARDIS while 12 was busy with something (In the Husbands of River Song special she confirms that she often steals the TARDIS with The Doctor none the wiser). River carried out her 9 months of pregnancy in secret and used the Chameleon Arch on newborn Ruby. The TARDIS then chose the coordinates that landed her at the church on Ruby Road on Christmas Eve (A clue chosen by the TARDIS for The Doctor since River and 12’s time on Darillium started on Christmas Day). River then popped the TARDIS back on Darillium mere seconds after she left and lived out her remaining happy years with The Doctor, with the truth about Ruby weighing on her heart.
Why would River do this? Simple. The TARDIS is no place to raise a newborn. The Doctor would have stopped running and settled down on Earth to raise Ruby. River knew her time was almost up, but with a child The Doctor would have continued his 24-year vacation and extended it into Ruby’s adulthood. River loves The Doctor for their gallivanting around the universe and saving countless worlds through their travels. The thought that an untold amount of stars in the sky would vanish without The Doctor’s help broke River’s heart: “Maybe The Doctor would never have travelled again” was her fear. Rather than raising Ruby out of a mix of love for Ruby and grief for River, River chose to let The Doctor’s grief of River be their fuel for saving worlds instead. Also, River figured by letting a Ruby live a human life on Earth she would get a quiet and good life that is without Daleks, Cybermen, The Yssgaroth, Weeping Angels, and all the other horrors that The Doctor and his companions deal with. For anyone interested in seeing how I imagine 15 and River’s confrontation about Ruby playing out, I will post a dialogue I wrote between them at the end of this post.
NOW, onto the little easter eggs that I have noticed so far that give credence to Ruby being River’s child:
15’s run has had a ton of talk with Ruby about family and being adopted, The Doctors biological ties are definitely a theme of the season.
Ruby’s initials are R.S. Same as River Song.
As mentioned above, Ruby is born Christmas Eve. 12 and River’s time on Darillium began Christmas Day. The TARDIS chooses coordinates that best suit a Time Lord/Time Lady when a Chameleon Arch is used. I believe The TARDIS chose that time and place as a clue for The Doctor to eventually find Ruby.
Coincidence seems to be forcing Ruby and The Doctor together. Almost as if 15 is the answer to her question about who her actual parents are.
When viewing Ruby’s memory, her hooded mother points at 15 which alters the memory. River and The Doctor’s connection has been shown to transcend laws of time and space before (I.e. 11 being able to see River on Trenzalore and even kiss her projection from the Library).
There is such a pervasive theme of music between 15 and Ruby. The Christmas special kicks this off with a fun musical number which seems innocent enough. Since then, all the talk of music has caused the words “Melody” and “Song” to come up quite a few times in the latest season. The Devil’s Chord episode to me felt like a slap in the face with deliberate wordplay. Timothy Blake begins the episode by discussing melody with Henry Arbinger (and Melody is River’s birth name). Towards the end of the episode Maestro finds “A hidden SONG” in Ruby’s soul. If she is River’s daughter that would literally be her last name.
I listened to the hidden song in Ruby’s soul that she sings before the Christmas music several times. Melodically it is quite similar to the melancholy tune “sung” by the Towers of Darillium in the “Husbands of River Song” special.
In “BOOM” the ambulance could not identify 15 properly as a life form. The ambulance had the same error when trying to identify Ruby’s next of kin.
I think if I am correct, once restored to a Time Lady Ruby gets fatally wounded and regenerates into the next season’s companion. This is why Millie Gibson is only in one season. I think Ruby lives on, just as the new actress Varada Sethu (Also Millie and Varada are both credited in next season’s first episode, perhaps we see the regeneration then?)
Is there any truth to this theory? Ultimately, that is up to Davies. As I said before, for me it will live as true in my head rent-free regardless.
As promised, my headcanon confrontation between 15 and River at the church on Ruby Road
*15 stands in front of the hooded figure on Ruby Road, demanding that she pull down her hood*
15: I know who you are! I know who Ruby is. I just have one question that I cannot understand……..*tears forming in 15’s eyes* WHY…..River…..
*The hooded figure pulls down her hood, revealing the saddened expression of Professor River Song*
River: Hello, sweetie.
15: Why River, why did you hide her away from me?!
River: Do I need to make you a list of reasons a baby on the TARDIS is a horrible idea? Traveling the way you do is no place for a child. And that was my greatest fear. I know that for you, you lost me long ago. If, if you knew we had a child. You would’ve stopped immediately. You’d do the one thing you’d never do in a million years.
15: *Angrily* What’s so —
River: You’d stop running, Doctor. You’d park your TARDIS on some corner of London. You’d sweet talk yourself into a quaint home, in some quiet city. You and her would spend years on Earth while she learns to walk, to speak. Long enough that the day would come that she’s old enough to ask why she doesn’t have a mother. I couldn’t do that, but not just to her or you. Do you have any idea how many worlds would see their final dawn if you are not around to pop in and interrupt some horrible disaster? Why, I couldn’t risk every star in the sky going out due to some mix of love for our child and grief for me!
So I did what was best for her, and best for the universe. I used the arch. I landed here. A time and place where she would grow up to be loved and to have one thing neither of us ever had, a normal life. I gave her the gift of a life free from Daleks, from collapsing stars, from the cold of space. I did that, and then I hid her time lord essence in the safest place I could, the one place you’d never go. Nine months have passed for me but for The Doctor on Darillium, I will return after a few seconds. We still have a few more years to go in the long night, and you haven’t a clue I left. You’re the smartest man I’ve known, but also the stupidest.
15: Well the universe didn’t seem to want us to be apart did it?! Coincidence pushed and pushed until I found her, or she found me, I’m not even sure which happened first. Everywhere we went together there was children, mystery, belonging, family all practically forced into my view. I was the answer to her question. Every time she asked who were real parents were, coincidence nudged my foot in her direction. It nudged and nudged until we found each other, and then the answer to her heart’s song screamed itself out in silence. I was meant to be in her life and I got there…..it, it was just the long way around.
River: In my heart I knew, if anyone could find her with no clue to go on, it would be you. I don’t regret the actions I took to hide her, but I’m so glad you are with her now. You, at least, can know her. My diary is out of pages. I don’t have any room for adventures with my daughter. You Doctor, you have all of time and space. Show it to her! If the universe doesn’t want our daughter to live a life of domestic bliss on Earth, teach her to be the Time Lady that she’s clearly meant to be. For the first time in a long while, you don’t have to be the only one of your people on the TARDIS. You finally don’t have to be alone in this universe, and for that I am so happy.
**The Doctor gently grabs River, holding her in his arms**
15: River…if I could do anything to save you, you know—
**River wipes away her tears and slowly backs away after the embrace**
River: Oh sweetie. Hush now. You and I both know how this works. We’re always rushing by each other in reverse. You have the beginning of the rest of your life with her ahead of you. Me? Well……all I have is the time with you on Darillium. I really must be getting back. Eventually you’ll stop entertaining yourself or impressively monologuing to some poor sap on that planet and notice that the TARDIS is gone. I must be back before then.
**Rivers walks into the distance, fading into the darkness of Christmas Eve night. A lone stream of light appears as she opens the 12th Doctor’s TARDIS. River takes one last look at baby Ruby on the church steps, and then one last look at 15**
River: Until next time Doctor.
15: NEXT time? Wait, River. How in Earth do you mean?
*River grins widely at The Doctor, and says one word before shutting the TARDIS door*
River: Spoilers
*15 stares a long while at the now vacant space of their former lifetime’s TARDIS until the glimmer of an idea appears in their eyes. 15 dashes to their TARDIS. 15 slows their approach as they go deeper and deeper into the halls of the space-and-time-ship until they stop at the door. This is the one door on the TARDIS they refuse to walk by, to even think about. With tears forming in their eyes, they open the door for the first time in centuries. Cautiously they walk into the bedroom that 12 and River shared in their time on Darillium. The room’s lights slowly hum on, the bed still unmade on the side River slept so her imprint can be seen in the sheets. Atop her pillow, rests a Time Lord’s pocketwatch. 15 opens it and hears the hum of a Time Lord soul. Inside it are two holographic pictures, one on each side of the watch: one of River, one of the 12th Doctor. On the bottom of the watch 15 can see something inscribed in the Gallifreyan tongue. It reads a name: Amelia Song*
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akajustmerry · 6 months
thing is, right, I know objectively in my brain that river song and the Doctor are just steven moffat's horny time traveller's wife sexy sci-fi fantasy and that river herself was misogynistically written in so many ways. I know all of this cognitively but see the thing is everytime I watch the scene where the Doctor says to river, "you are always here to me, and I always listen. And I can always see you," in the season 7 finale, or in the season 6 finale when river says, "I can't let you die without knowing you are loved by so many, so much, and by no one more than me," or in the Husbands of River Song when River and the Doctor are both trying to die for each other and in doing so they save everyone and themselves... These moments make me actually believe true love is real and that I want it which matters more to me than the rest of it. like yes steven moffat sucks and hates women, but did you know that the Doctor and River literally invented love at last sight <333
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Muriel's playlist hints at Ineffable Juniors?
(This is all in good fun and is just my opinion. You don't have to agree, but please stay and read.)
I know a lot of people have analyzed the living crap out of Aziraphale's and Crowley's playlists, but I really just want to ask if anyone ever wondered about why Muriel received these three songs?
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The creators of the playlist knew that other feel-good, peppy songs that start their songs with the letter E and L exist, but they picked three songs that deal with love? All that does to me is make me think that Ineffable Juniors (Muriel x Eric) is in the realm of possibility and not just a crack ship.
Let me just get 'Everyday' out the way. (I'll be more in depth lyrically with the other two, but EVERYONE in this fandom has Everyday practically memorized. I'm just saving time and space.) 'Everyday' is the main song of the S2. It is the clue. It is the jumpstart of Ineffable Bureaucracy's relationship. It is THEIR song of love. It wouldn't make sense for them not to have it in their playlist, but why does Muriel have it? Of all the other characters who are in love, why does Muriel have to be the one to receive this song as well? They deal with concept of love, but they don't truly understand it (if they did why would they need to 'learn' from Aziraphale and Crowley). This wouldn't make sense unless this is more of a hint at Muriel's (possible) future storyline: befriending or falling in love with a demon (likely Eric). 'Everyday' is important because it helped blossom a very unlikely relationship between an angel (Gabriel) and a demon (Beelzebub). For Muriel to have that in their playlist in that context pushes their narrative in that direction, and it doesn't help that the other two songs are just pushing it further.
'Ain't No Mountain High Enough' (shortening to ANMHE for my typing sanity) is a classic love song sung by Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell. It brings this idea of being invincible while traversing (or willing to traverse) through any terrain to get to the one you love. This is driven home by the first and third verses along with the repeating chorus of the song:
(First) If you need me, call me
No matter where you are
No matter how far (don't worry, baby)
Just call my name
I'll be there in a hurry
You don't have to worry
'Cause baby there
(Third verse) Oh no, darling
No wind, no rain
Or winters cold
Can't stop me baby
No, no baby
'Cause your are my goal
If you're ever in trouble
I'll be there on the double
Just send for me
Oh, baby
(Chorus) Ain't no mountain high enough
Ain't no valley low enough
Ain't no river wide enough
To keep me from getting to you, baby
What I think is interesting is second and last verse because you get to see the relationship of the two people in the song (the couple singing to each other). In the second verse, it's revealed that the two of them are loving/binding relationship by recounting a day that defined their relationship.
Remember the day
I set you free
I told you
You could always count on me darling
From that day on I made a vow
I'll be there when you want me
Someway, somehow
Then the last verse brings up the fact that two are now separated but are still in love and WILL go through anything to get back to the other if they're ever needed.
My love is alive
Way down in my heart
Although we are miles apart
If you ever need a helping hand
I'll be there on the double
Just as fast as I can
I could easily say that this could allude to Muriel having a strained or forbidden relationship with a character, yet something else was brought to my attention. ANMHE tells about a pair who is separated after making a connection/promise to one another while still having romantic feelings, but if one were to be in trouble, the other would surely come to the rescue? I don't know about you guys, but that sounds a lot like our other angel/demon couple, the Ineffable Husbands. Now, we have two songs defining both of our canon angel/demon relationships in a playlist for an angel who hasn't even experienced falling/being in love yet, but this final song clenches everything for me.
Every Summertime by Niki is the song that TRULY made me believe in the idea of Ineffable Juniors. I have played it several times and every time I do, I see Muriel and Eric. Let's begin with the first verse:
18, we were undergrads
Stayed out late, never made it to class,
Outer Richmond in a taxi cab
You were sweating bullets on the way to my dad's and oh
You said, "Baby, think we're moving too fast"
The very beginning gives an image of two students (underlings: 37th Scrivner and lesser demon) who are together (in a buddy/soft couple way), but incompetent (Muriel not understanding certain concepts thus proceeding to mess things up and Eric constantly questioning things while also being a punching bag and cowardly). It's only the first two lines and it already screams Ineffable Juniors. The last two lines give scenarios that could likely happen. Eric would be the one nervous from the idea of meeting Muriel's parental figures superior Aziraphale and his demon husband Crowely. Then comes the statement of "moving too fast." Of course the first thing that comes to mind is the 1967 scene in S1, "You go to fast for me, Crowley", yet in the eyes of our juniors, it would be in Eric's character (having more cowardice and less time to plan ahead) to say that if Muriel wanted to be closer. Then there's this imagery of how one would realize their feelings for someone is becoming more than platonic:
And I swear the magnolias flashed a smile
And that's when I caught me hoping you'd stay a while
I will say that second verse is more of "They're growing closer after a while" more than picturing scenarios like the previous verses.
25, man we're missing church
Laugh 'bout everyone we're hating at work
Dinner with your sister and the jokes kinda hurt
Cry the way home, and you're putting me first, oh
Yeah, we just always know what to say
Then we get these lines:
We're strolling down the boulevard
And dancing under streetlights
Every year we get older, and I'm still on your side
Taking a stroll? Dancing? Being on a side with your partner? This, AGAIN, creates connections to Bureaucracy and Husbands, but the couple in the song portray these actions in a setting for younger, impressionable people, hmmmm... like the Juniors? Let's just finish off with the chorus and outro.
(Chorus) Baby, I'd give up anything to travel inside your mind
Baby, I fall in love again come every summertime
My daddy taught me to choose 'em wisely, but you don't have to try
'Cause, baby, I fall in love every summertime
(Outro) Every day is summertime
Every day is summertime
Every day is summertime with you
Questions that I think about when it comes to the Juniors are "if they fell in love or became close friends, how would Aziraphale and Crowley react? Would they be happy for them, or would they try to stop them from going any further out of fear for their safety?" With what happen at the end of the season, I'm personally think it's the later, but then that brought an additional question. "If Muriel was told to stop meeting Eric, would they?" No. The third line of the chorus reminded me how Muriel knew Aziraphale and Crowley were the enemy and yet they still gave unbiased trust and compassion towards them. A low rank angel who is supposed to take every order willingly decided that the enemy is their friend that they can ask questions to. When you start to apply the first, second and last line of the chorus, along with the outro, it draws a picture of a person so smitten with their partner that every time they're with them, they fall in love all over again, so they're willing to disregard the opinions of others just to be with their other half. Muriel seeing both angel/demon couples existing in the same room in S2E6 feeds my thoughts with the image of Muriel, who may or may not know that Eric is a demon (they never met him, and they also didn't know that Crowley was a demon), proceeding to be around him even after being told not to by Aziraphale. If it was worth it for the others, it could be worth it for me.
I could be reaching with some of my claims, so I'll just continue until I reach the moon. However, it is possible for all three songs to be thrown in the playlist for fun, I mean it does have "Get Lucky" and "Everything is Awesome". I'm just a sucker for Ineffable Juniors. I don't care if they don't end up together or anything, but they have to meet at least once as another example of an angel and demon being able to get along. Stories are always played out in threes. Why can't they be the third?
Thank you for reading if you made it to the end. Here's some sketches for your troubles:
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khruschevshoe · 6 months
Listen, I have nothing smart to say about this one. I'm trying to rewatch the Wedding of River Song and I literally keep stopping every thirty seconds to (OUT LOUD, mind you) shout at the screen "That's so. Fucking. Stupid. Stephen!" and then, in the moments I'm not commenting on how absolutely convoluted and full of plot holes it all is (how is the Doctor's death a fixed point when it never was before? Why does the world collapse like this? From where in River Song's plotline is the version of her in the astronaut suit stolen from? How is time collapsing and stopping at the same time? etc.) or how contrived it is that Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart's death is the one thing that makes the Doctor start running (I can feel you trying to make me think you're clever, Steve, and it's not working, because you only throw around beloved characters from previous eras when you want to distract me from your bad writing- I saw what you were doing with the holograms in Let's Kill Hitler), I'm rolling my eyes or being very sorely tempted to chuck my phone at the wall for just how sexist it all is. "Hell in high heels." The idea that alloromantic, heterosexual "sexy" love is the only thing that can save the universe. The fact that Amy can't remember Rory, her caring, nurse husband and instead only remembers a more stereotypically-masculine version of her husband (I am in your WALLS, Steve, why does every episode you write with them make them way more "traditional"/conservative than their one-offs do, no, I have not forgiven you for the Doctor asking "permission" in A Good Man Goes to War and Let's Kill Hitler).
By the way, did we EVER get an explanation as for why Silence Will Fall? Like, three seasons of build up and SILENCE NEVER FELL? (Why was there never any consequences for your writing, Steve?) Was the silence the cracks? Did the silence cause the cracks? Is silence falling supposed to just be the Doctor literally genociding the Silence (in which case Trenzalore has nothing to do with it) or is it supposed to be a metaphor? Or a literal deafening in volume? Will Steven Moffat ever listen for his crimes?
There were never any consequences for all of this "clever" build up and the Church of the Silence and gah, I want to poke it with a stick but if I poke it with a stick Moffat's Season 6 house of cards is going to collapse because not only is easily toppleable by the gentlest of breezes, it actively has cards missing.
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nouies · 11 months
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hello and welcome to this month’s fic rec featuring my favourite works from what i’ve read during the past weeks. as always, please check tags before reading. if you liked the fics please reblog their posts, leave kudos and write a nice comment. happy reading! 🔒 = only for ao3 users rec tag | more rec lists
— harry/louis —  
໑ Bitter Ends Turn Sweet (series) by @allwaswell16 𓂅 Yours and Mine (T, 1.5k, established relationship, sequel) 𓂅 In Time (M, 2.6k, established relationship, prequel)
໑ you made my heart stop by dragmedown / @itsnothesameasitwas (G, 6.1k, heartstopper au) Don’t you ever feel like your life has been perfectly composed until one day it wasn’t, that everything seemed more than fine but it was not, because sometimes as simple as it might sound or look, it could change your life?
໑ On That Note by @allwaswell16 (E, 6.2k, coworkers, a/b/o au) Louis’ office job on an omega only floor would be absolutely fine, if not for the alphas he and his friends have to deal with in the building. But although they’ve never met face to face, the friendly notes sent between him and Harry in Purchasing help him get through the day. ໑ your right now, your forever, your last call, your whatever by localopa / @waterloux (M, 6.2k, friends to lovers, a/b/o au) “we should kiss.” so they kiss.
໑ Faded From This Touch by @allwaswell16 (E, 7k, strangers to lovers, famous/not famous au) Pop star Louis Tomlinson is about to make his long awaited return to music. Unfortunately, his label and manager feel his long hair isn't in tune with his pop star image. When Louis goes to get a hair cut at a posh London salon, he unexpectedly finds a very handsome reason to keep returning.
໑ One Day You'll Say These Words by @allwaswell16 (M, 11.6k, friends to lovers, aristocracy au) Growing up together in Yorkshire has led to a lifelong friendship between Louis Tomlinson, the future Marquess of Rotherham, and Harry Styles, the heir to a viscount. When Harry suddenly inherits his uncle’s title and estate much earlier than expected, Louis must watch his friend struggle under the weight of these new responsibilities, including searching for a wife with a dowry large enough to save his estate. However, sitting idly by as Harry looks for a bride brings some unexpected feelings to the surface.
໑ Dive (series) by @allwaswell16 (E, 21k, strangers to lovers, famous/famous au) Newly retired football star, Louis Tomlinson has left Manchester for Malibu. Along the way, he finds music, friendship, and love in the form of his pop star neighbour and the very fit movie star hiding out next door. 𓂅 I Could Fall or I Could Fly 𓂅 Hanging On the Words You Say 𓂅 Before I Dive Right Into You 𓂅 Let Me Know the Truth 𓂅 Jumping in Harder Than Ten Thousand Rocks on the Lake
໑ When We Were Young (series) by @allwaswell16 (E, 24k, former classmates reuniting, summer au) The one where Harry helps out at a farmer’s market and gives Louis free vegetables. 𓂅 Sound Like a Song 𓂅 Look Like a Movie (prequel)
໑ 🔒 'cause I want you (for the worse and for the better) by nonsensedarling / @absoloutenonsense (NR, 26.3k, friends to lovers, fake/pretend relationship a/b/o au) When Louis gets invited along to Anne's wedding, Harry is prepared to let people think whatever they want about their relationship. That's what Louis said -- let people think whatever they want. That changes when Louis sees his ex, who turns out to be Anne's future husband's son. Now, Louis wants to prove that he's an omega that an alpha could want, and Harry wants to get through this weekend without letting his best friend figure out he's in love with him.
໑ follow rivers (series) by @outropeace (E, 85k, exes to lovers) 𓂅 deep sea, baby (E, 28k, break up/getting together, au within the au, sort of prequel)
໑ Epiphany by Jennifer_Kaid / @poetsreprieve (E, 30k, enemies to lovers, 1980s au, italy) It was the summer of 1984 when Harry inherited his grandfather's estate and wealth. San Gimignano was a Tuscan village in Italy where he decided to move for final. That was it, that was where he would love, marry and live. His professor from college had retired in the village and lived with his family, so it was only natural that he bought a house next to his.
Never in the world had he imagined that his professor would have fathered the most beautiful boy; a nineteen year old lad with the knowledge of everything. The boy never failed to get on his nerves with his snarky comments and sun-kissed skin. It was impossible to resist his growing affection.
໑ Men of Steel, Men of Power by Stria / @nooradeservedbetter (E, 59k, coworkers, politics, hiding identity, a/b/o au) Louis has one goal: survive this year unscathed to complete his grand plan, for which he has sacrificed his family, his friends. His identity. he's not expecting Alpha Harry, who manages to get under his skin and inside his heart. He suddenly has a lot more to lose, and a lot less control.
໑ Such Good Luck by @casuallyhl (E, 66k, secret established relationship, 1910s au, mpreg louis) An Edwardian AU where Harry is a young aristocratic lord and Louis is a working class dairy farmer. Secrets are a necessary part of their relationship, but Louis has one that could topple their whole world.
໑ king of my heart by wildestdreams / @thelavendrhaze (E, 83k, friends to lovers, royalty au, secret relationship) A Red, White, and Royal Blue AU where Hollywood elite, Louis Tomlinson, finds himself falling for the closeted Prince of England.
໑ so tenderly by frenchkiss (E, 135k, strangers to lovers, famous/not famous, a/b/o au) A soulmate AU where two lovers find each other entirly by accident, featuring photoshoots, Gucci suits, too many takeaways, having sex and feeling sad, an alpha who feels lost, and the omega that finds him. It shouldn't be this easy, but it is. 𓂅 Call Out My Name 𓂅 Slipping Through Our Fingers (sequel)
— rare pairs —  
໑ Do You Smile To Tempt a Lover by @allwaswell16 (louis/nick grimshaw, E, 18k, coworkers, british museum, coffee shop au) Nick Grimshaw is entranced by Louis, his very beautiful, very cheeky new coworker at The National Portrait Gallery. He watches him day after day, wondering what he’s furiously typing on his laptop over lunch. With a little help from the very bored barista in the gallery cafe, Nick finds himself growing closer to Louis than he ever dreamed possible.
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vickyvicarious · 7 months
"whence I knew Jonathan was coming" <3
Mina and Van Helsing trekking through the empty wilderness without any sign of people or any horses to help carry them. if not for her husband radar things could have potentially gotten difficult in a different way
ohhh I love the narration describing the castle. such a picture and so well narrated
oh god "to even try to do so was repulsive to me" oh god
that description of the river. once again so good
Mina calls him the Thing here!
oh her little stutter on "I-I saw him below me"
once again he is only talking about her safety. "you shall be safe" not "we shall be safe"
I love Van Helsing's delivery of "We may be too late."
Van Helsing naturally assumes it's the guys who were coming on horses, but Mina is so focused on Jonathan, on how clearly she senses him <3
ohhh Van Helsing's shout of glee is lovely
always love the wolf howls
the way Mina's voice gets slow and softer as the wind builds and she describes how long the wait lasted...
ahhhh the voices in unison shouting "Halt!" I had to go back and listen again, it made me so happy
"my Jonathan's" <3
Mina sounds so excited when she says "commanded them to stop!"
oh god this all comes down to minutes.
Mina in full on psychic mode today, Jonathan meanwhile emanating 'don't-fuck-with-me' vibes so strong it literally scares people off mid-battle before he throws down the heavy earth box all by himself - the Harkers aren't messing around
ohhh I love the music being 'released' as Jonathan flings the box down.
"All the time I had been breathlessly watching Jonathan" Mina: my husband was extremely hot throughout all this
the parry noises
"the blood was spurting through his fingers" and the noise accompanying... Quincey :(((
ohhhh the sound design for the box opening was marvelously dramatic/creepy
The way Mina's voice trembled as she says "which I knew too well"
Dracula's laugh rising and rising right up till the very end. That BREATHING
I really like her delivery of the line about the look of peace on his face.
ohh the wolves are just scared puppies now
oh noooo the twang coming in. I know what this is forrrr
Quincey resting his head on Jonathan's shoulder as he dies. :'(
Mina's voice fighting not to cry. Quincey's rasping gasping but so warm and soft and happy when he sees her forehead and knows she is saved
this music is so sad
his voice shaking in a little weak laugh on "forehead" oh god
I knew it would happen because I saw people talking about it but SAD QUINCEY DEATH SONG GOT ME
the little "heh" after "to make my final moments sweet"
ohh this is so sad. very good. very sad. :( :( :(
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surr3al1sm · 2 months
Just Dance coaches's favourite Efteling Attractions, pt. 2
I thought of these while at work today (at the Efteling). So I decided to turn this into a little series lol.
"No one cares about this hyper specific thing." Didn't ask :)
Like last time everythings below the cut to save your doomscrolling
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The attraction I chose for Cygnus is called Baron 1898. It's a dive coaster and probably the most popular attraction in the park. I choose this one 100% based on vibes. Cygnus is very much a steampunk enjoyer and this coaster is theme is quite frankly a mix of steampunk and mining. So it felt really fitting. He also knows the preshow off the top of his head and quietly talks along with it.
The traveler
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The attraction I chose for the Traveler is called Carnival Festival. Its a dark ride that takes you through some countries in the world. Kind of like Its A Small World in disney but like Efteling and better. I think he liked the traveling aspect of it. The song is constantly stuck in his heas though and he finds that a little annoying
Si'ha Nova
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The attraction I chose for Si'ha Nova is called Piraña. It's a rapid river ride that doesn't completely drench you but you do get wet to the point its a little annoying. I really don't have any good reasoning on why I chose this for her besides that she likes to splash Wanderlust and her husband in it. Also the song is hella catchy and she just vibes to it in line.
Vester De Ville
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The attraction(s) I chose for Vester are Spookslot (It translates to ghost castle basically) and Danse Macabre. Spookslot was a show set to the song Danse Macabre. Danse Macabre is going to be a dark ride that shows you different scenes that fit to the music. I chose the spooky gothic attractions for the vampire. Wow what a surpise. Anyways, Vester cried when the Efteling announced that they were going to get rid of Spookslot, but he also absolutely loves what we already have regarding Danse Macabre.
(Master) Panda
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I did Wanderlust's parents and Night Swan so I figured it was only fair if I did Master Panda aswell lol. I chose Fabula for him. It's a short 3d movie that shows the importance of different animals through fun little adventures. I feel like he always took Mihaly to see Pandadroom (Pandadream, the predecessor) when they were younger and he just loved it ever since. If you've come this far: thank you for reading this post and listening to me ramble about this for as second time. There will probably be a third time.
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My top 5 Doctor Who Episodes; And why!
DOCTOR WHO SPOILERS UNDER THE CUT!! I say the season and episode before I start analyzing, so feel free to skip some.
5. Vincent and the Doctor [5x10]
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This episode was so touching to me on many different levels. Firstly, as a creative person who deals with mental health and ostracization, seeing a version of Vincent Van Gogh on screen felt almost healing. Acknowledging the hurt he experienced while not ignoring his joys was very special. On a technical level, the way that the episode visualized a way Vincent Van Gogh may have seen the world was incredibly eye opening and better allowed me to appreciate his art. Furthermore, the confusion Amy experienced during the episode regarding her memory was such an experience for two reasons; Firstly, it proved to us, the audience, how much she has grown to love Rory. Before, she was dating him because he was the only half-decent guy around. But, after learning more about him and spending more time with him, she is truly in love with him and this episode gives proof of that. Secondly, I experience dissociative fugue, wherein I may forget large aspects of my life, and this episode was so comforting regarding that experience. Yes, sometimes there are things you can't remember that make you happy or sad. You should embrace the feelings rather than ignore them or feel scared. And, finally, the moment where Vincent Van Gogh is able to see what the future of his art holds is a touching moment; and I like that it didn't save him in the end. Like the Doctor said, “The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things. The good things don't always soften the bad things, but vice versa, the bad things don't always spoil the good things or make them unimportant.”
4. The Husbands of River Song [2015 Christmas Special]
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I looked forward to finally watching this episode for so long leading up to it because I had heard such flattering things about it; and it didn't disappoint. After many episodes that felt lacking or one dimensional, this special brought back an element of camp, humor, and fun that had been missing, all the while including beloved characters and dramatic sequences. Allowing the Doctor an opportunity to see how one of his companions, especially River, acts when he is not around gives the audience so much more insight into her character and the Doctor a chance to learn and grow. Asking her about himself and learning that, although she may be worried or grieving, she finds these feelings worth it just to keep loving him. Considering how much River puts a mask on around 11 to not show her age and sadden him, it was refreshing to see a new side of her. Not to mention, the storyline for the special was interesting and compelling without being overwhelming in a way that took away from the characters. Although it's unlikely that the Doctor doubted River's feelings for him, this episode gave ultimate proof regarding how much she cares about him. Unfortunately, it also showcases how little River thinks of herself in relation to the Doctor. And, yet, there 12 is to prove her wrong when it mattered. Best of both worlds! Finally, the tenderness mixed with grief and understanding that we end the special with is such a perfect conclusion to River's story with the Doctor as it reflects their whole saga together perfectly. River's argument to the Doctor that, "Happily ever after doesn't mean forever, it just means time." was so special and the Doctor finally allowing himself to settle down (if only for a little bit) was exactly the kind of growth the character needed.
3. Wild Blue Yonder [2nd 2023 David Tennent Special]
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I watched this episode yesterday and by gods it quickly skyrocketed to one of my favorites, where do I even start. Within the first few minutes of the episode, we are given many similarities and differences when comparing this Doctor and Donna adventure to their previous excursions. While they still compliment each other well, offering understanding and push-back, it is also clear the ways they have matured. Donna seems more in touch with her emotions and how she is truly feeling. When we first met her, she had a lot of anger and frustration within her from constantly being scrutinized and ignored. Now, we can see she is more peaceful and secure, even if below the surface some hesitation still lingers. Whereas, in the Doctor's case, he is so much more open to affection and vulnerability. The lessons he learned as 11 and 13 showed him that he could trust others, even if it is slowly. Although he is still trying to ignore or repress many things that have happened to him, he is at peace with them more than he was as 10. They both are less rageful. So, from a literary standpoint, just the beginning of this episode was wonderful. The classic "TARDIS fucks off somewhere leaving the company stranded" and "Doctor loses his sonic screwdriver and doesn't know what to do with himself for a bit" tropes came back swinging, and the way it affected the duo was wonderful to watch. The reality of the situation wasn't quickly swept under the rug or ignored because of a bigger problem, they got to sit in their fear for a while which was beautiful. The slow realization throughout the episode as if the audience is figuring out the answer at the same time as the Doctor just felt satisfying. Small, seemingly disconnected things coming together to form a compelling mystery. And, because it takes so long to give us the answer, we feel the carnal fear of the unknown just like the Doctor and Donna. I was tense when I realized they weren't talking to each other, but copies. I was scared when they were separated. And, the best part of the whole fucking episode, I didn't know who was who. That was terrifying! Up until the last second, I thought the Doctor had made the right choice, too! It kept me on the edge of my seat, informed me so much about the characters, explored a terrifying "what if" in a way only sci-fi can replicate, and was silly as hell. Loved every second. Also, the little robot guy was cute as hell.
2. Heaven Sent [9x11]
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Explodes everywhere I love 12. This Doctor is characterized as a less nice, but still very kind regeneration. He holds so many conflicting feelings regarding the loss of the Ponds, his changing relationship with Clara, his perception of himself. I loved how he acted in his episodes. as socially confused, because it felt very familiar to me. The way his brain always seemed too loud and his loner energy was such a switch-up compared to 11. and yet so in character all the same. This episode carried this perfect essence of Doctor Who that felt lost in the majority of the last couple seasons. An entire episode where the Doctor is alone, and grieving, and loving, and problem-solving all at the same time was so compelling. Although it is clear I am more of a fan of episodes that focus on the characters and not the current storyline, this story was enthralling even if it took away from character moments sometimes. Do I wish we had more chances at the beginning/middle of the episode to properly address or reminisce about Clara? Yes. But, after watching the whole episode, it is clear why it was done. The setting for Heaven Sent was so intriguing, and the whole episode we are just wondering as much as the Doctor is; Why? Why is he being chased, why was he brought here, why are there shovels? It reeled us in. And then, once we realize the torture he is putting himself through, the dramatics, character information, and emotion we are given is so heart-wrenching. Evidently, Clara gave the Doctor a comfort greater and worth more than 5 billion years of torture. Could you imagine that? The depth of his love for Clara is given so much of a spotlight in this episode, and I am frothing at the mouth for it. Especially considering how they may frustrate or hurt each other, they still know each other. They help each other. And goddammit, he is not going to let her go. But, this stubbornness isn't necessarily a good thing. One important thing about loving someone is knowing when to let them go. This love for Clara was selfish the same way her love was for him in these intense moments where they sacrifice themselves for each other. They were doing it to prove something to themselves, to get the other back because they couldn't accept they were gone, not because it would be a better existence for the one in danger. Clara didn't want to be saved, she was being brave. And this imperfect grief the Doctor experiences was so achingly realistic. When I lost my cousin, it was so hard to accept. I wanted to ignore it, I wanted to be angry, I wanted him back. But, in the end, it was his time. This journey the Doctor goes on regarding yet another loss felt so powerful. He was forced to feel this and it hurt, he couldn't just try and quickly forget about it or sulk on his own terms. At the same time, the revelations he comes to throughout the episode were so reassuring to hear someone outside of my own head say. "It’s funny. The day you lose someone isn’t the worst. At least you’ve got something to do. It’s all the days they stay dead."
Turn Left [4x11]
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This comes as a surprise to no one as someone who has been PREACHING character > story. This episode, while being a perfect set up for the finale, tells us so fucking much about the Doctor and, more importantly, ABOUT DONNA! Without Donna, there's no Doctor. Without the Doctor, everything goes to shit! Seeing as we, the audience, are usually seeing the universe by following the Doctor, a companion-focused episode was so refreshing. We got to learn so much about who Donna is, what her life back home was like before we met her, and gave realistic consequences to her actions. FUCK YEAH! It felt grounded, it felt interesting. I also adore the theory that every action we take splits us off into a new universe or timeline, so this episode was so perfect for me. DONNA'S INTERACTIONS WITH ROSE!!! Their comradery and understanding, the way Rose takes Donna under her wing, a moment where we see them as real people without the Doctor intervening or affecting the discussion. The importance of Donna to the universe being made so clear. WILF'S FLASHBACKS!! It's been forever since I saw this episode, but it is so rewatchable and makes me so interested every. single. time. The end of the episode is bone-chilling, with her literally killing herself to save the universe. And then!! The Doctor being out of the loop for once and understanding the severity of the situation with the return of the Bad Wolf. Explodes everywhere, words do not do justice the pure love, respect, and admiration I have for this episode and every actor, producer, tech person, writer, involved. Thank you GODS for this episode, I love you turn left. This lesson that every single person is indispensable and important sets up that conversation in later seasons and eventually becomes the main reoccurring theme of the show. Every Donna Noble, Rose Tyler, and Martha Jones of the universe is important and loved and unique and dbiubibjbjbgiufgbfgu you get me?
Honorable mentions:
The Parting of Ways [1x13]
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The first finale of new who, and it was so gooooood!! Tied up the Bad Wolf hints, gave interesting endings to the TARDIS crew, told us so much about the ninth doctor, gave us confirmed ninerose, had a compelling storyline behind it, and just a classic good episode to go back to.
Tooth and Claw [2x2]
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I know I've been mostly talking about the character implications of my favorite episodes, but this one was just interesting and fun. I loved the dynamic between the Doctor and Rose, the adventure, the silliness, the royal family being involved. Just a good, well-paced, wonderful episode.
The God Complex [6x11]
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This episode was so yummy. While I was watching 11's seasons, I did get the vibe that Amy looked up and admired the Doctor in an unhealthy way and I loved how this episode addressed this. The idea that this thing was taking the forms of people's worst fears, the mystery of what the Doctor saw, the interesting characters, the understanding on what a God Complex actually was, its wonderful!!
The Timeless Children [12x10]
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This may be controversial and I don't care!! I loved the way this episode was structured. I was confused and interested the whole time and when it fell into place I actually had to pause and pace around because OH MY GODS!!! it was a well-done reveal that had such interesting implications and I believe every reaction was in character and made sense. At first, I was upset about the loss of the former perception of the Doctor; Just a regular ol' guy who decided to act out and, above all, be kind. Suddenly, she was from another universe and was the original timelord and i was a little sad. But, the way it has been handled after feels so fitting, and it puts the rest of the show into perspective. All of the confusing things that set the Doctor apart from the others, it made sense now! I loved this episode, I thought it was a great.
The Village of the Angels [13x4]
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I LOVED THE FLUX!! getting to have a old-school style season wherein the who season was just one problem was so cool and allowed for so much information! This episode specifically was so compelling. I loved the Professor Jericho; was SUCH a great addition to the TARDIS crew, and the way the handled the angels was arguably better than Time of Angels + Flesh and Stone. They were terrifying, the mystery was intriguing, and the characters were interesting!!! The only difficult part of this episode was keeping track of who was who as someone who has difficulty recognizing faces. Besides that, I fucking loved The Village of the Angels.
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lya-dustin · 10 months
All is bliss
Chapter 48
Cw: Butcher’s Ball, childbirth complications, hallucinations, attempted murder
Gif by @daemonsdarksister
Taglist @mercedesdecorazon @alexandria-millie @watercolorskyy @darylandbethfanforever9 @ewanmitchellcrumbs
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Their men were laid out as if they had been killed at a feast.
They have been like that in every village they have marched through these four days.
A grotesque thing Aemond is glad he isn’t walking through.
Because his mission is of great urgency, he attacks only if he must. House Darry folds at the sight of him and Lady Darry tearfully asks him to spare her infant son after Criston obliterated her husband and eldest sons in battle when they first marched out of Kingslanding.
Criston’s hand shook as if remembering an ill prophecy and agreed no harm will come to those who surrendered.
Something he hadn’t done when they set out. Had the chill of the Stranger in the air caught to him too?
Crossed Elms proves that nagging feeling right.
Their enemy had more men, fresh horses and every advantage they lacked.
Save for a dragon.
Archers attack them in woods unknown to them, Aemond is not spared as he tries to evade them in the air.
Vhagar’s too large and old to perform like a younger and sleeker dragon.
And they knew that.
So he and Cole call for a parley, just enough to buy them time.
“If I strike my banners, do you promise us our lives?” he asked the three of them.
Three seasoned and grizzly commanders, such men bore scars and dents in their armor enough to make Cole look green as grass.
Aemond felt like a squire pretending to be a man. Like the little boy who used to wear Daemon’s winged helm as he stand before Ser Garibald Grey, Pate of Longleaf ,now called Longleaf the Lionslayer, and Rodrick ‘Roddy the Ruin’ Dustin.
Men who won the Fishfeed with only their wits and skill.
They have no chance against them even with Vhagar.
“I made my promise to the dead,” Ser Garibald replied. “I told them I would build a sept for them out of traitors’ bones. I don’t have near enough bones yet, so…”
They choose to fight on knowing their victory is assured.
If he dies he will die with Aemma’s name in his lips, like all the knights in the songs.
Ser Criston answered, “If there is to be battle here, many of your own will die as well.”
The Northman, Roderick Dustin, laughed at his words, saying, “That’s why we come. Winter’s here. Time for us to go. No better way to die than sword in hand.”
Ser Criston drew his longsword from its scabbard. “As you will it. We can begin here, the four of us. One of me against the three of you. Will that be enough to make a fight of it?”
It won’t, they won’t give in. They know better than to let them live.
So Aemond interrupts with the thing that may make them change their mind.
“The King is dying, our mother’s own cupbearer poisoned him after her brother failed to kill me. Queen Aemma, the queen you fight to liberate is nearing her time. If you let us go you have my word that her son will be named king and I will not move a finger to take what is hers by right.” The prince regent said hoping to make them change their minds.
“We know, we took down your ravens and your riders. The question is, how do you know that?” Red Robb Rivers and his sister, Alysanne Blackwood, asked coming down the ridge with their archers.
Oh, they were fucked.
“Dragon Dreams, I have been plagued by them for the past five nights. The king in his bed weak by the poison and the queen in hers as she brings forth her babe.” He lies. Better blame his Valyrian blood than tell them the witch is in his mother’s employ. “For all I know both my brother and his wife are already dead and the babe with them.”
The men are divided about it, but those of the north, especially the silver haired Crannogman with eyes as green as Vhagar’s flames seem to believe him.
“The First Men have Seers too. You may go, but only you.” Roddy the Ruin said, thank the gods for the Northman and their superstitions.
“Go, your brother needs you more than I.” Criston said as Aemond looked at him for the last time. “Godspeed, your highness.”
Vhagar is scarcely in the air when what’s left of their men and the Lord Commander are killed by a rain of arrows.
Garibald Grey would later call it Butcher’s Ball.
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The babe is taking its sweet time to come.
The queen has been in labor for a day, and the midwives and maesters are close to giving up.
She has walked up and down the hall, she has been given castor oil, she has been moved by the midwives on the blanket and nothing is working.
“There is a way.” A maester suggested as Silverwing echoes her rider’s scream.
There is no real need for it, not yet.
But the queen knows the whore is the reason her son is half dead in his bed.
If she’s gone, Aegon will live and so would her two younger sons.
The only way her family is safe is if all of Rhaenyra’s family is dead.
They see will see you as you are, the dead princess whispers behind her as blood runs down Alicent’s hands.
Yes, they will, they will see a mother who would do anything for her children, the queen bites her tongue lest they think her mad.
Her aunt went mad, Denyse who was committed to the Motherhouse for fear of shaming them.
They would lock her up too ,if they knew.
“No. We cannot.” Gerardys and Orywle are of the same mind on this.
If she dies any chance for peace is gone.
If she dies like her namesake did, Aegon will be known as her killer.
But her family will be safe from her and that is all that matters.
Queen Alicent chooses to override them. “The king’s heir is at risk, if we wait longer both she and the babe will be lost.
If we must choose, we need to choose the king’s son over his mother.”
There is clear horror in their faces as she says this.
Even Alys cannot hide it in hers.
“Your grace, will you not reconsider it?” the aging midwife pleaded with her. The same woman who helped bring Aemma into the world now being told to help them take her out of it.
“If we do not decide now---” the queen pretended to care for her gooddaughter's wellbeing and yet she is interrupted by the all too familiar roar.
She had told Alys not to summon Aemond, why had she gone against her wishes?
If he is here he will choose her.
How can she save her family if they refuse to let her?
“Maester Orwyle, do what you must to save the prince.” The queen ordered and the man did as ordered.
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He can hear screams, those of his men and Aemma’s in Silverwing’s roars ringing in his ears as he rides his coal black horse like a madman.
Aegon was weak but not dying, Aemma was having trouble delivering their babe.
His mother had ordered for them to save the babe at the cost of it’s mother.
This was the news he received the moment he arrived.
We have lost the Riverlands, was all he had to say in turn.
It would be a mercy if Aegon died now.
If Aemma died with their babe, Joffrey would be made king with his Lady of Runestone beside him. Nothing would stop Daemon from burning the city to the ground nor his men from sacking it.
If Aegon died, but Aemma lived, Aemond would be king and have the upperhand in negotiations.
There would be other children and even if she is left barren she had three brothers and two cousins to provide heirs for House Targaryen.
They would wed and all will be righted before winter sets in.
“Whatever you do, save the queen.” He orders as he raced against time.
It helped both were in the same suite of rooms saving him the trouble of having to choose which bedside he goes to.
Her screams bring a chill to his bones not unlike Criston’s and his men’s.
“If you fail to save the queen I will kill all of you myself.” Aemond runs to her instead of his brother.
Aemma cries out for him, covered in sweat, blood and tears.
They were going to cut her open. Mother had given the order.
The moment Aemma is safe, he will have her placed under custody.
His mother had very knowingly committed treason, but that look in her eyes speaks of madness.
Madness he’s never seen before.
“I’m here, Aemee, I’m here.” The prince takes her sweat covered hand and kissed it as if it would will her to keep fighting. “You can’t leave , not when I’ve only just returned, sweet girl.”
His reputation be damned, he won’t leave her and he won’t let his mother kill her.
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headofocs-inklesspen · 9 months
Rewatching Doctor Who before the 60th anniversary. The events of Silence in the library/ Forest of the Dead were already sad, especially post meeting River truly with Eleven however, I haven’t watched this far back since before Husbands of River Song first aired and.
I am not okay. I am crying. I am emotionally wrecked.
(Spoilers for both episodes if you haven’t seen them under the cut)
“You showed up at my door with a new haircut and a new suit. You took me to the Singing Towers of Dirillium […] and you cried”
Pre Husbands of River Song, like that’s already sad. She’s known him for a lifetime. Her final time seeing him is his first time ever meeting her. It’s sad, tragic. You can tell they’re setting up a future major player and plot line.
But after Husbands of River Song? After learning that a night on Dirillium lasts 24 years. After learning that he not only knew how she died but knew Knew that This Was It. That at the night’s end he would give her his sonic screwdriver and send her to her ending and that he had no other choice because her end is their beginning. Stopping her would cause a massive paradox. He cannot save her this time. He cannot stop it. And he knows because he Tried Already.
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non-man049 · 6 months
Happy christmas everybody! Today marks the 10th anniversary since The 11th Doctor regenerated into The 12th Doctor. So I felt obligated to make a compilation of some of my favorite Capaldi moments to celebrate that.
He appearing in The Day Of The Doctor 1 month before his introduction.
He calling Clara an egomaniac.
He telling Clara she doesn't see him.
He trying to resonate with Rusty.
Rusty telling him he is a good Dalek.
He asking Clara if he's a good man.
All of his banter and fights with Robin Hood, which leads to him getting shut up by Clara.
He being so desperate in trying to prove Robin Hood isn't real that he speculates the villain created his own enemy.
His theories about what the creature from Listen could be
He picking up the phone and suddenly appearing somewhere else alongside Clara.
He figuring out that they aren't in a heist but a rescue mission.
His discussion with Clara at the beginning of The Caretaker.
He interrupting Clara's class to explain that what she is teaching is wrong.
(I know this one is disliked but) him abandoning Clara so she can decide the fate of the creature in Kill The Moon.
He wanting to talk to Clara about the planets during their last hurrah.
"Sometimes the only choices you have are bad ones, but you still have to choose".
All his bickering with Clara during Flatline.
He avoiding getting run over by a train while crawling from inside the tiny Tardis only to later make a little dance to celebrate.
He trying to communicate with the 2d monsters but giving up to defeat them because he is the man that stops the monsters.
He explaining that the superpower of humanity is forgetting.
"Do you really think that I care for you so little that betraying me would make a difference?".
"Clara, I'm terribly sorry but I'm exactly what you deserve".
That entire scene of him and Clara in Dark Waters if I'm being real.
"I am... AN IDIOT" followed by him thanking and kissing Missy.
Almost anything in Last Christmas.
Him fighting vikings while playing electric guitar while riding a tank.
He noticing Clara in between the crowd and immediately starting to play Pretty Woman and flirting with her.
He taking over Davros chair because he believes Clara is dead.
He deciding to give Davros regeneration energy.
He trying and failing to explain to Clara his duty of care.
Believing he has to die and being totally chill about it while Clara is in total dread.
Admitting that he is rewriting history for the main objective of saving Clara.
Trying to trick the vikings with a yo-yo.
He realizing the message of his face and saving Lady Me.
Discussing with those two zygorns in the kids playground.
The zygorn speech obviously.
The entire ending of Face The Raven.
Pretty much everything in Heaven Sent and Hell Bent.
He finally getting his turn of entering The Tardis "for the first time".
The entire ending of The Husbands Of River Song.
Trying to erase Bill's mind only to get called out by her and getting tormented by the photos of River and Susan.
He celebrating christmas with Bill and going back in time to take photos of her mom as a christmas present for her.
His handshake with Nardole when Bill finally says that it's bigger on the inside than the outside.
"Nobody is from space. I'm from a planet like everybody else".
Explaining to Bill why he is so unphased by horrible deaths happening in front of his eyes.
He getting cornered in Knock Knock and solving the conflict by solving the villain's relationship with his mother.
Starting a domino effect that would lead to a revolution that would cause the destruction of capitalism.
He saving Missy from being executed and scaring of the executioners.
Reading the veritas.
Calling The Doctor.
His propagandist pro-monk broadcast.
"Hidden amongst 7 billion there's someone like you".
All of his scenes with Missy tbh.
He eating with Bill while they sit on a bench as he explains why he cares about Missy so much.
The Doctor Falls speech of course.
His final stand against the Cybermen.
He finally remembering Clara.
"Doctor, I let you go".
These are just some of my favorite moments but I didn't want to name every single one because I didn't want to be here all day so these are just the ones that came to my mind.
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markantonys · 2 years
wheel of time books rated by cauthor content
the eye of the world: The Great Cauthor Roadtrip in all its glory. there’s bedsharing, there’s handholding, there’s cuddling for warmth, there’s comforting after nightmares, there’s caretaking while sick, there’s everything you could ask for. if i even tried to start listing specific moments we’d be here all day, but i will note that “i won’t leave you. i won’t leave you no matter what.” and “you’re rand al’thor, that’s who you are. with the ugliest face and the thickest head in the two rivers.” are two of my top most romantic WOT lines of all time. 10/10
the great hunt: they spend a good chunk of the book separated, but there’s still plenty of content to go around. rand’s main motivation throughout the book is to find the dagger to save mat’s life. mat finds out rand can channel and angst ensues. “i thought we were.............however you want it, al’thor” drives me insane to this day. 7/10
the dragon reborn: they don’t see each other all book, but they do think about each other. the first thing out of rand’s mouth in this book is “do you think mat is all right?” mat spends a lot of time angstily thinking about rand being the dragon reborn, reflecting on their friendship, and clearly missing him despite his insistences that rand is dangerous now and mat doesn’t want anything to do with him anymore. still, no actual interactions to sustain us. 4/10
the shadow rising: The Great Cauthor Roadtrip Part 2: Desert Edition. boy does this book feed us. mat feeling such a strong ta’veren pull to rand that he can’t even SAY he’s going to leave him, let alone actually leave. rand saving mat’s life in rhuidean by giving him mouth-to-mouth, and then the two of them having a solid Battle Couple moment. mat sitting quietly alone with rand all day after rand finds out about his birth parents, setting aside his uneasiness about rand’s channeling to be there for him when he needs him. and so many other wonderful moments, too many to list. 10/10
the fires of heaven: i think of this book as having cauthor bookends. the whole middle is devoid of cauthor, but their moments at the beginning and end are godtier. rand starts and ends the book by using balefire to save mat’s life. there is a whole chapter dedicated to mat telling rand he’s finally leaving (after which he does not actually leave, of course) and every second of it is iconic. mat lingers shaking rand’s hand thinking about how different his hand feels now than it used to before all the trauma started, and after mat leaves for what rand thinks is the last time, rand tells asmodean to play the saddest song he knows. they are both such angsty melodramatic bisexuals about each other in this book. 9/10
lord of chaos: we have only two cauthor interactions in this book, both brief and one just a flashback. both times rand displays trust in mat despite his growing suspicion of most other people, and both times mat worries about rand’s wellbeing in his narration and it’s clear he still cares for rand despite his uneasiness about who he’s becoming. good scenes, but scraps compared to the wealth of content we enjoyed in previous books. 5/10
a crown of swords: no cauthor interactions, but mat spends the whole book hanging out with rand’s girlfriends and proving himself a natural fit for the polycule. and the line “he had promised to keep [elayne] safe for rand. he had promised.” is so godtier that it singlehandedly gives this book a cauthor rating of 2/10
the path of daggers: mat isn’t even in this book and rand has almost no thoughts about him, but “‘mat’s alive,’ rand snarled. ‘i’d know if he was dead.’” is husband behavior for sure. 0.1/10
winter’s heart: “for some odd reason, [mat] felt sure he would know if rand died” more husband behavior! mat sees rainbows every time he thinks about rand and goes “okay i’m just gonna stop thinking about him” but literally Cannot. on rand’s end, he gets 1 point for wanting to see mat when he gets to caemlyn but loses that point for not being worried that mat never arrived in caemlyn or asking elayne and nynaeve what happened to him. 1/10
crossroads of twilight: mat and rand continue to see rainbows when they think about each other and also progress to having visions of what the other person is doing at the current moment, but this only happens once each and otherwise they do not think about each other. 0/10
knife of dreams: mat repeatedly has magical visions of rand having sex and is shook about it. he has such trouble Not Thinking About Rand that he has to institute a rule that no one is allowed to talk to him about rand. talmanes says with full confidence that mat can pay the band when rand gives him titles and estates, because he clearly believes that mat is rand’s sugar baby. no significant thoughts about mat on rand’s end. 1.5/10
the gathering storm: mat is worried about rand when he sees via magic vision that he’s lost a hand and looking kinda mad, and when he learns that verin has seen rand recently, his first question is whether rand is doing okay. rand learns that mat kidnapped the seanchan empress and says “well IF that’s true then he had a good reason because mat has done nothing wrong ever in his life” and proceeds to declare that mat is a good man and as solid a friend as anyone could ask for. and there are several other excellent crumbs on both sides. 3/10
towers of midnight: mat continues to struggle with Not Thinking About Rand, at one point so obviously that moiraine gives him a weird look and he blushes and gets flustered. rand includes mat in the list of loved ones who have helped him turn out well. 0.5/10
a memory of light: REUNITED AND IT FEELS SO GOOD except it actually doesn’t because their one scene together was so lackluster compared to all rand’s goodbye scenes with his other loved ones. however, mat saying “you can trust rand al’thor with the world itself” is the most romantic thing i’ve ever read in my entire life, and mat proudly flying rand’s banner and rushing to shayol ghul to protect him is also peak romance. also “your life is a gift from the dragon reborn, gambler” took me out, even the heroes of the horn ship cauthor. 4/10
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