#saw what you did there Val 😉
dont-f-with-moogles · 8 months
How are you, Terra Darling? 💜
I'm here for the Bingo Stray Dogs with my baby Atsushi 💜
Everyone is just so mean about Atsushi, smh. Mostly those who complain on Crunchyroll that he’s too much of a wuss or isn’t deserving of being the series’ protagonist. Way to feed into his inferiority complex guys. Tch. He’s a work in progress, ya know. Who are you, the orphanage headmaster? (Sure, that flashback got annoying after the 20th time and it did evaporate my sympathy somewhat).
Still, whether Atsushi is cringing at his own ability to leap to action or yowling in a pool of his own blood whilst Akutagawa coughs impassively into his hand - our Tiger Boy always comes up trumps in the end 🐯
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nmakii · 6 months
Hi!! I saw that you’re taking Hazbin requests and was wondering if I could request one!😊 I’d love to request an Angel Dust x gn!reader oneshot where Angel doesn’t have anyone to watch Fat Nuggets for him while he’s at work, but reader feels bad and offers to help him out? This is set before they’re dating, like reader really likes Angel (pretty much crushing on him) but doesn’t feel like Angel notices them much, so in an effort to put themselves out there, they volunteer to help, especially since they know how much Fat Nuggets means to Angel. Angel is a bit hesitant at first, not knowing how qualified they really are to take care of his baby, but he sees how sincere they are in taking on this responsibility, so to put them to the test, he agrees. Of course, Nuggs is a little mischievous at first, but instantly warms up to readerâ˜ș
Later on, Angel comes back and sees how well reader and Nuggs are getting along and he’s just all soft and mushy at how adorable they are😍 Angel’s known about reader’s crush on him for a while and would always playfully tease them about it, thinking that it was just because they were a fan, but seeing this, he can’t help but notice how caring and sweet reader really is😍 and if Nuggs likes them enough, then that says a lot. In the end, Angel thanks them and in true Angel Dust fashion, suggests that they should get to have their own “play date” next time😏😉 in which reader is all flustered and is thinking “fuck
 I didn’t expect to get this far”😳 but Angel laughs, eating up their reaction, saying that he’s just teasing and would genuinely like to get to know reader more. And then they share a really cute, fluffy moment (with Angel giving a little cheek kiss😘) in the end💕💕💕
I’m so sorry this is insanely long!! My brain got carried away and went off but if you’re willing to write this request, I would absolutely appreciate it! If not, no worries!! Thank you love!!đŸ«¶đŸŒđŸ«¶đŸŒđŸ«¶đŸŒ
— falling in love can make you do silly things. especially when it’s angel dust you’re falling for.
— i get it Y/N. i did the exact same thing (i j bought him cup noodles and i gotta chill out) happy birthday to me and angel hehe!
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“fuck me..” angel groaned out. “isn’t that what’s about to happen..?” husk raised his eyebrow at angel. “hah!” angel rolled his eyes at husk’s joke. “val wants me to head to the studio
 something about dick fight island or whatever
” he scrunched his face at the corny plots valentino wrote. “hey, whiskers! can ‘ya take care ‘a fat nuggets till i’m back?” angel asked, keeping fat nuggets close to his body.
 angel, ‘ya mind if i take care of him?” you asked, heart racing as you did. “i
i mean husk is kinda busy with manning the bar
 ‘n i don’t have much to do, so i could take care of him!” you explained, hands fidgeting as you nervously looked angel in the eye.
” angel thought for a second. your explanation was logical, but you and him were not as close as say, angel and husk. “shit, fine. why the hell not? i trust ‘ya.” he shrugged.
he looked down at fat nuggets, wondering what might happen when he’s gone, before hesitantly handing him over. fat nuggets squeals a bit under your care, feistily wiggling around in your arms.
angel laughed as he watched you struggle to keep fat nuggets still. “haha! hope you can deal with him. anyways, i gotta head out now.” he frowned before pinching you on the nose and leaving.
in all honesty, fat nuggets was not much of a problem. he was affectionate and not at all messy. all you had you do was feed and tend to his grooming.
when angel returned, he found you and fat nuggets fast asleep on the couch of the leisure room. your arms cradle him as fat nuggets’ hooves rest on your shoulders, all while having a blanket over you.
the two of you looked so sweet, as if a parent with their child. angel almost didn’t want to wake you up. almost.
you forget that this is angel dust.
angel reached a claw under your jaw and started tickling you until you woke up. “mornin’, sleeping beauty!” angel grinned as fat nuggets climbed his way into angel’s arms.
 did’ya miss me, nuggs?” angel smiled, petting fat nuggets. he looked up to see you blushing from you and angel’s close proximity to each other. angel only grins. “what’s up? never got close enough before?”
“no! it’s nothing.” you said, moving your eyes to anywhere but angel’s. he shrugs it off. “thanks a lot again, i appreciate it.” he smiled, his eyes showing a moment of genuine gratitude. “ya’know
 next time, i could leave nuggs with good ‘ol whiskers, then you and i could have
 a playdate of our own?” he smirked, pushing his forehead against yours while placing his lower set of hands on your waist.
you froze under angel’s touch, brain trying to think of a response. angel simply laughs, eating up your reaction to his advances. “i’m just teasin’! it’ll be a long time before i let ‘ya touch me anywhere. chill, will ‘ya?” he grinned.
“but, if you’re interested
” he starts. “i wouldn’t mind a dinner tomorrow.” he grinned, winking as if to tempt you even further.
you thought to yourself before speaking “ah, sure..! what you say dinner at 7? i’ll meet you down here.” you said. “‘ya betcha. i’ll see you tomorrow then, babycakes.” angel smiled, peppering your face with kisses before he returned to his room, fat nuggets in hand.
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look-at-the-soul · 2 years
Ain’t she sweet
Tommy Shelby x reader
Master list
✹I had this idea for a while going around my mind, and even though I’m still in jail time, it was the perfect time to finally write this down. Actually this idea was meant to happen in The Photoshoot, but you know me
 if I don’t use something in a story, I will make it fit into another one â˜șïžđŸ˜‰
Dear Val @notyour-valentine congratulations on your 1K celebration followers!!!!! I’m so happy you reached that goal and I’m still keeping some of your stories on my to-read list. 💖
🌙🌘I chose this incredible theme A forever memory
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“How was school, Charlie?” You tried to make small talk with Tommy’s son, he had been very quiet, looking out the window. His attitude was screaming he rather walk back home than be with you inside the car.
After a loud sigh he answered; “Good.” You could even bet he was rolling his eyes at you so you decided to stop bothering him.
The trip back home was long and quiet, he got upset because you went to pick him up instead of his aunt Pol like she usually did. Tommy had asked you as a favor because his aunt wasn’t available that day, neither was Ada, so Charlie didn’t really have much choice there.
His cold attitude towards you wasn’t something new, ever since he found out his mother was killed because he accidentally heard his uncles Arthur and John talking about it. He refused to talk to anyone for days, and when he finally did, Charlie asked lots of questions no one could really answer, even Polly couldn’t reach to the boy. And then, he deliberately started to ignore you, he constantly interrupted while you were talking to Tommy, stormed into his room or office without knocking first -and almost caught the two of you making out twice-, he even told Polly once he wished it was you the one that got shot instead of his mum. You didn’t even know Tommy back then.
Tommy practically gave up on him, too busy with the family business and well the general danger surrounding him, he eventually got tired of explaining Charlie it wasn’t your fault his mother was killed. You even gave up to the little hope of the kid changing his mind about you, since in his mind, you were the enemy.
You tried several times to get close to him, and every single time, Charlie rejected any way of affection that came from you, any present was left unopened, when you tried to congratulate him, he turned his back at you
 and the list could keep going.
But you wanted to keep trying for Tommy, and deep down, you adored Charlie, he was an incredible kid, you understood growing up without his mother wasn’t something easy, you actually wanted Tommy to be closer to his son, wanted them to have a relationship based on love and trust yet, you understood Tommy’s reasons to be strict, he even struggled himself for his late wife’s death. And he also suffered for being in the middle, between your love and his son’s.
You saw Frances opening the door as the car reached Arrow’s House entrance.
“I’m going out to play with my cars.” Charlie announced, probably to Frances and rushed past you.
Ruffling his hair, you gently suggested: “How about we have lunch first, then homework and later we can play outside?”
You never noticed Tommy coming out from his office just as Charlie yelled at you:
“You don’t get to tell me what to do! You’re not my mum!” He ran off upstairs, not even stopped to say hello to his dad.
A heavy silence filled the room as you felt the pain caused by his words like a hot, sharp knife, slicing through your heart.
“Charles Shelby, come back in this moment!” Tommy barked as the boy reached the last step to then disappear in the hall of the second floor. He tried to go after his son, but you stopped him.
“Leave it, please.” When you saw Tommy’s angry expression you pleaded again. “I don’t want you to start a war.” Frances discretely had left you alone. “Besides, he is right
 I am not his mother.” You added in a low voice, your head down as you walked to the kitchen.
Tommy stayed there in the middle, between his fiancé in the kitchen and his son upstairs. Torn between comforting one or grounding the other.
Something shattering in the kitchen made him choose the first one.
The glass pan you used that morning to bake a cake was on the floor broken and mixed with the smashed cake. Frances saw it slipping from your hands.
Hands shaking, you were frozen in spot. Unable to keep holding the tears as you heard Charlie’s words over and over in your mind. No matter how hard you tried, he would never accept you. Picking up a piece of cake, Tommy rushed next to you as you were about to cut your hand.
“I got it love.” He moved you with a gently voice. But he felt your body shaking. “It’s alright, hey, listen to me.”
As he pulled you into his embrace, you started to shake your head against his chest.
“No, it’s not.” He heard the way your voice broke down and shot Frances a quick glance to leave the two of you alone.
He wasn’t usually very fond of showing his emotions or affective, but he also was aware how much Charlie’s contempt affected you. That’s why he decided to keep his arms around you, hands running up and down your back while he felt your sobs subsiding.
Tommy took his handkerchief from his pocket to wipe away the tears from your face.
“He’s going to have to get used to you once we get married.”
Taking a deep breath, your fingers touched nervously the engagement ring he gave you about a month ago, right before Charlie found out about what happened with Grace.
 I think it’s best if we put our engagement on hold.” You decided to distract yourself smoothing the neck of his shirt, you couldn’t look him in the eyes, not with all the battles you were fighting at the moment.
“That’s nonsense Y/N.” His body tensed immediately and then he lifted your chin with his finger. “You can’t let a child control your life like that.”
“I’m not going to be in the middle between you and your son, I grew up without my father and-”
“Don’t do this to me, fuck this Y/N. Why are you taking the easy way out?”
“This is far from easy for me Tommy, I’m trying to avoid that one day he makes you choose between me and him.”
“That’s not going to happen.”
You took a step back, trying to put some distance between the two of you.
“That’s what happened with my father and he didn’t choose me
 I can’t go through that again.”
You didn’t want to wait anymore to listen what he had to say, so you walked out of Arrow House.
Tommy’s hands were closed in a tight fist, the vein in his temple visible. Each footstep he took, echoed on the floor as he returned to his office.
“Frances! Get someone to clean this up and tell my son he’s grounded!” He closed the door with a loud bang only to open it again seconds later. “Indefinitely.” He added with a cigarette hanging from his mouth.
As Tommy skipped lunch, and he pretty much was about to skip dinner as well, Frances decided to prepare him some tea. She had known Y/N since Mr. Shelby started dating her and she could recognize all the good things she had brought into his life.
“What am I doing wrong, Frances?” He asked the maid while his eyes were fixed on the papers in front of him.
Smoothing her apron, Frances looked at him, lines of worry across his forehead, tensed shoulders, rubbing his index finger against the thumb, the lost look in his eyes, she could read him like the palm of her hand.
“If I’m too strict, he’s going to run away, if I’m too soft he’s going to end up like Finn, there’s no in between.”
“Talk to him, Mr. Shelby, Charlie is a smart child he will understand.”
Leaning back on his chair, Tommy took the remains of the almost consumed cigarette to take a long puff.
“Will he?” With a groan he moved his arm to reach the cup of tea. “I’m scared one day he will look at me and ask why did his mum die instead of me.”
Frances felt her heart crushing inside her chest.
“He loves you Mr. Shelby and not long ago he was happy around Y/N. Give him some time, I found him crying earlier.”
How did his happiness could cause such sadness to his own kid?
“Soon we’ll be celebrating your nuptials and all of this will be forgotten.” She had so many things to do, and she knew that once Mr. Shelby stayed quiet, his mind started to overthink everything so she decided to excuse herself and left her boss alone.
Leaving his tea unfinished, Tommy walked upstairs to Charlie’s room, the lighted lamp and his breathing gave away his son wasn’t sleeping, he was just pretending to be asleep.
Sitting by the end of the bed, Tommy tucked his son in, just like when he was a little boy.
“When your mum was taken away from us, I swore I would never get married again.” His voice was soft, almost soothing. “And it’s actually a funneh story the way I met Y/N, the only time I’ve been late to a meeting in my life, was because of her.”
Tommy chuckled at the memory and leaned his palm over his thigh to rest his body forwards. He knew Charlie was awake because he saw him by the corner of his eye blinking, but he kept talking as if he was asleep.
“I was in a hurry, distracted, talking to myself like I always do. She was walking backwards you know, just coming out from the store carrying boxes of cupcakes and I swear I didn’t see her right away as I was taking my right on the corner
 the cupcakes ended up flying everywhere and landed on the floor. I thought she would be so mad, but instead she looked at me with the biggest and kindest smile and after asking if I was alright, she offered me the only intact cupcake that wasn’t ruined.” She smelled like vanilla and frosting, too sweet and delicate he remembered. “And in that very moment I knew she had something that no one else had.” Licking his lips, he could still taste her there. “She was the sweetest little thing a grumpy man like me needed.”
He was now softer thanks to her, she constantly stormed inside his office or the betting shop with fresh baked cookies or cake to share and bright everyone’s day. “And I don’t tell her much this, but she makes me want to be better man, and she’s constantly pushing me to be a better father to you.”
A glimpse of sadness clouded his blue eyes. “You can’t even imagine how much your words have hurt her, because if there’s someone asking me about you, worried every time you get sick, staying up late to check on you or if you need anything, that’s Y/N.”
Tommy swallowed hard, thinking how grateful he actually felt for you.
“You’re right, she’s not your mother, she will never be, but apart from your aunts
 Y/N is the closest to a mother you will ever have.”
The bed creaked when Tommy got up to walk out of his son’s room, wearing his heart on his sleeve, craving for you in that moment.
The following day, he knew you wouldn’t be home to have lunch that day like you usually did. You actually made him change that from his schedule, to spend more time with Charlie every day and he couldn’t lie to himself, he had loved making that little adjustment to be with you and his son instead of eating alone in his office.
“Mr. Shelby! I tried to reach you in your office all morning.” Frances appeared with a worried expression. Tommy saw by the corner of his eye Charlie in the middle of the stairs.
“What is it Frances?”
“It’s Y/N, she was run over by a delivery truck outside her business this morning.”
Tommy didn’t wait to hear the rest, he rushed back to his car to go to the hospital.
Trying to adjust yourself, you groaned from the pain.
“Do you want something?” Tommy’s voice asked you taking your hand.
“How many elephants were?”
Tommy chuckled at your humor. “One milk truck in reverse was all you needed to get knocked out.”
“Mmm, it felt like a stampede.” You finally opened your eyes to meet his. Tommy was all over you, kissing your face, moving away your hair.
“Doctor says you can leave today, but you will need someone looking after you.”
“Did you had to pull out your gun to make him say that?”
“It wasn’t necessary, says you’re strong as an oak.” He winked at you. “I’m taking you home, Y/N
 and I don’t want to hear a single complain about it.”
You closed your eyes for a moment, too tired to keep them open. “Wasn’t going to.”
“So, you’re really in a lot of pain.” You saw the corner of his lips moving upwards.
“I didn’t see the truck.” You admitted.
Tommy made a funny face. “Maybe you need glasses.”
Too tired to argue his sarcasm, you slapped his arm. “The truck driver was moving in reverse.”
After sleeping all the way to his house, he carried you upstairs in his arms as if you weighted nothing, straight into his bedroom, under the gossipy eyes of the maids.
You thanked Tommy for arraigning the pillows for you and the soup he announced Frances was making.
“I’ll be in my office doing some phone calls, but if you need anything you know where the bell is.” Tommy leaned down to kiss you softly on your forehead, but before he could break apart, you pulled him to your lips, tasting the smell of tobacco in him. “Don’t start something you won’t be able to carry out, Y/N.”
“Give me a couple of days and you’ll see.”
You felt like you needed at least ten painkillers to make you feel better, but you already had too many, looking around, there was just a dim light coming through the curtains so it was probably night by now and Tommy still hadn’t returned. Tilting your head to the side, you found the door open barely by a few inches and a spying eye looking through.
“You can come in Charlie.” As the little boy opened the door you realized he had been crying. “What’s the matter?”
“I’m sorry! I didn’t want you to get hurt Y/N.” He stormed in and started crying inconsolable on your side.
“Take a deep breath Charlie
 of course you didn’t, it’s not your fault.”
But he had a confession to make. “It is, I wished you went away or disappeared.”
 I’m glad your wish failed, you have nothing to worry about.” Your fingers moved away the fringe from his face, he was starting to look so much like Tommy now.
“Dad said I made you cry... sorry.” He looked down.
“Don’t worry, we all say things we don’t want to say.”
“But I was so scared of something bad happening to you.”
Patting the empty spot on the bed, you smiled at him. “Just a little push, that’s all, you don’t have to worry now.”
As Charlie cuddled close to your body, you helped him climb under the covers.
“I like you Y/N, I just miss my Mum.”
You had to blink a couple of times to make sure you listened him correctly. “I’m sure she’s watching over you, Charlie. You know, your Dad works really hard to keep you safe, you’re his priority always.” You could feel him relaxing against you. “And I’m not here to take your Mum’s place, I’m here to make you and your Dad happy.”
You chuckled as Charlie yawned. Stroking his head, you felt his arm over your stomach, as if he was hugging you.
“When I feel better how about we bake something? A chocolate cake? Your favorite.”
 I’m grounded until I’m twelve.”
Smiling, you couldn’t tell him his Dad would never do that.
 I can help you reduce it to nine?”
“Deal.” He had completed melted in your arms, his eyelids closed now. “Y/N?”
“Is it true you and Dad are getting married?”
He must have heard someone in the house talking about it.
“Would you like that?” You saw the boy nodding eagerly to your question. “In that case, I can talk to your father about that too tomorrow. Have sweet dreams Charlie.”
Perhaps it was the heavy pain medication you were in, or the fact that Charlie went back to being the sweet kid he was in the beginning to you, but that night was a good one, despite the little incident with the truck. You could even see the moon shining up in the sky through the curtains.
Unbuttoning his vest, Tommy walked into the room the two of you shared when you stayed for the night, he was taken aback by the sight in front of him; Charlie sleeping in his bed, not only stealing his side of the bed, but his woman as well.
The image filled his heart, this was all he was hoping for, to have you in his life, his heart, his house, his bed. He wanted everything. The whole scene was something he would keep like a forever memory.
But also in Charlie’s life. He knew he had chosen the right woman to raise his son with, he just hoped Charlie could eventually see it too.
And judging by the heartwarming scene in front of him, it looked just like that.
Well, ain’t she sweet. He thought to himself with the hint of a smile decorating his lips as he climbed in the tight space free.
A/N: since I’m in jail time, I won’t be able to reply to your comments 💕 but you know I treasure each of them. If you decide to share and spread the word, I will be forever grateful ♄ thank you for reading!!!
The usual tags will be from my side blog.
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the-authoress-writes · 1 year
Somewhere Out There
Tom “Iceman” Kazansky x Wife!Reader
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Synopsis: Deployments are hard, but when you have someone to come home to, someone to love, that makes things easier, painful as it may be.
Warnings: Maybe a little bit of angst, I guess, offscreen sort-of implied married-people-doing-married-people-stuff 😉😉, minuscule cursing, a PG-13 use of the F-word, and a crap-ton of fluffy, lovey-dovey goodness.
Author’s Note: I don’t write reader fic.
I really don’t.
I write ship fic and gen fic, and I’d say I’m pretty decent at it, judging from the comments on my stories.
But then, @valmare came along, and we just clicked.
Mostly through screaming about Top Gun, naval aviators (*cough*tomkazansky*cough*), and our mutual appreciation for Val Kilmer.
And I knew I wanted to write something for her, especially since she was celebrating 300 followers!
Unfortunately, deep down, I knew I couldn’t write a ship fic for her.
I would have to write a reader!fic.
So, because I love her, I delved into the uncharted (for me, at least) waters of reader!fic.
I’m honestly not sure if this is any good, I wrote it in a perspective I’m not used to, and I hope and pray it makes any kind of sense.
Title is from the song of the same name, “Somewhere Out There”, from An American Tail.
To my dear Mir, I swear I began writing this yesterday, but I touched on things that you did in your own most recent fic, however, I couldn’t for the life of me, find another way to put what I wrote.
I promise on Goose’s grave that I did not plagiarize you.
All I can say is
 fangirls think alike?
Please don’t hate meeee!!!!
Anyway, I hope you enjoy this attempt at wading in the waters you so expertly navigate, my dear!
Happy 300 Followers!!!
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The mist was rolling in from the sea, she absently noted, while the rising sun caught the minuscule droplets of water in the air, making the very wind shimmer.
Even inside, she could smell the faint tang of salt in the air, one of her favorite scents, but it was missing the key part—so much was missing.
The warmth of her husband behind her, for one thing, as they watched the sunrise on this window seat, her legs bracketed by his, his arms around her, the scent of spice, bourbon, and jet fuel which was all him, surrounding her.
God, she missed Tom.
Right now, he was halfway around the world on a ship, and she was watching the weekend sunrise without him, for the first time since they got married.
She knew this was part of being married to an active duty naval aviator, but it didn’t make the ache any better.
She tugged the collar of the USNA t-shirt up to her nose, but the scent was so faint from when Tom had tossed it to the floor the night before his deployment.
She sighed; she could still remember how he’d made her feel that night—he’d made her body sing, playing her like an expert musician would his instrument.
She’d felt him for days after, and if she focused enough, even now, she could almost feel his hands on her, the paradox of how gentle they were, despite the callouses on his palm, his lips on hers.
For all that he was called “Iceman”, she never saw an iota of the reasoning; with her, he was never anything but unfailingly warm, gentle, kind, loving, and passionate.
It had been nearly a week since she dropped him off last Monday at Miramar, exhorting Mav and Slider to bring him home to her.
The grave promise in the two men’s eyes as they readily agreed, had to be comfort enough, and wordlessly, they hauled Tom’s seabag between them, a strap in each of their hands, cheerfully bickering as they went, to give her a chance to say a more private goodbye.
She didn’t know what to say to him—this had to be one of the most painful things she’d ever done—giving her husband up to the sea and sky for ninety days, not knowing if he’d return to her alive, safe, having to trust only in his skill on the stick and his wingmen to bring him back to her.
Tears stung at the corners of her eyes, and Tom’s eyes softened, as he drew her into his embrace. “I’ll come back to you, lyubimaya moya,” he whispered in her ear, all too aware of how dangerous it was to speak Russian on base, outside of the safety of the walls of their house, but aware that she needed the comfort.
“Promise me—promise you’ll come back to me, Thomas Kazansky,” she fiercely murmured, drawing back to look at him, taking the opportunity that she would shortly not have.
No matter what, no matter what oceans part us,” he replied, an intensity which would frighten others, but which soothed her, in his crystalline eyes.
She gasped and desperately tugged him to her, his kiss piecing her heart together and breaking it, all for knowing that it was the last time she’d feel it for three months.
He’d taken her soul with him the moment he let her go to do his duty.
Back in the pain of her present, a sob masquerading as a sigh tore from her lips—it wasn’t enough; it would never be enough until she had him back in her arms, back in her bed, back in this house, where she felt like a shade of herself, a modern-day Eurydice.
Her legs reluctantly carried her to the kitchen, where she prepared her weekend coffee, narrowly resisting the urge to pull out two mugs instead of one.
But when she picked up the can of Maxwell House, she fumbled it, because it was far lighter than it should’ve been—heavy, but not the still-full can it should have been.
Tentatively, she opened it, and gasped when she saw that the can was filled with folded-up pieces of paper, each marked with dates on them, in Tom’s careful, exacting writing.
She tipped the can over, and the papers came spilling out—there had to be at least three months worth of letters here, one for each day of his deployment.
She frantically searched through the pile, looking for today’s date.
Upon finding it, she dashed back to the window seat, deliberately peeling the tape holding it closed, unable to treat the letter with anything less than the utmost care.
She quickly noticed Tom’s writing here was cramped, as if he were trying to fit everything he wanted to say on this one small piece of paper.
“Hello, solnishko,
If you’re reading this, it means that you’ve found the letters I wrote for you; one for each day of my deployment.
As I write this, I am next to you in bed, looking at your beautiful face, so peaceful in sleep, but the mere thought of my impending departure already tears me apart more than I thought possible.
I won’t have thought of anything else but you since the moment I left your arms, I am absolutely certain.
You know all too well why I joined the Navy—my search for a home, a real home, one not plagued by unattainable standards and harsh words.
I eventually found one in the sky, and for the longest time, she was enough, with her freedom, her thrill, but there were still demands, still standards, though the words were kinder.
Then I met you.
And you changed everything.
You are my home, lyubimaya moya; with you, I don’t have to be Iceman, or Lieutenant Kazansky; with you, I can be Tom.
Just Tom.
Your Tom.
I can’t wait until I can be your Tom again.
Eighty-four days, zhizn moya; and I’m yours again.
Yours forever,
She pressed her hand to her chest, careful to avoid crumpling the paper beneath her hand, a tear slipping from her eyes, the ache of his absence soothed with the absolute confirmation that he was thinking of her just as she was about him, and intensified, knowing that he was so far away.
Eventually, she sniffled, brushing away her tear tracks, wishing it was Tom’s hand, and gathered herself.
Eighty-four days.
Eighty-four days, and she’d have him back—a short eternity, to be sure, but a small price to pay for what she’d get back at the end.
Until then, she’d count the sunrises, holding him and the words he’d written for her, close to her heart.
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Tom stared out at the horizon, watching the sun come up on the relatively quiet deck of the Enterprise.
It meant that he lost a good thirty minutes of sleep, but it was worth it, just to know that his wife was looking at the same sunrise, or she would be, at any rate, given the time difference.
The horizon spread out before him; endless, and the fleeting, errant thought that she was just there, beyond the beyond, entered his mind.
So far—a little over six thousand nautical miles, more or less, depending on the course and speed of the Enterprise, further than any F-14 could fly—and yet so near, because she was never far from his heart.
He’d never thought he could love anything or anyone more than her—among his other endearments for her was zhizn moya, because that was what she was to him: his life.
Tom idly twisted the band of gold around his left ring finger, more proud of that simple ring than the hard-won blue-jeweled Annapolis ring on his right.
God, he missed her.
“I thought I’d find you here.”
Tom turned to see Mav, coming up to lean on the railing beside him, none of the usual cockiness on his face.
“You shouldn’t be up yet, Mav.”
A haunted expression lingered on the edges of his wingman’s face as he searched for anything but the truth to tell, and Tom knew. “The usual?”
“Yeah,” Mav rasped. “I—I checked on Merls and Sli, but I got—got worried when I—I didn’t find you, so
” the black-haired pilot trailed off, before continuing, “you okay?”
“I should be asking you that, but
 yeah, I am, just
“Just missing her,” Mav nodded sagely, almost wistfully.
“How do you even handle that?” Mav asked, frowning.
The sunlight made him feel more honest than he would probably otherwise be, Aurora’s kiss a comforting benediction, reminding him of all he had to come home to, and he replied, “What makes you think that I am?” He shook his head, “Doesn’t really feel like I’m even here, honestly.”
Mav good-naturedly smirked, “You left your heart in San Diego?”
Tom side-eyed his wingman. “Yeah, actually.
You’ll understand it one day, when you meet the right one,” he sighed, thinking of his wife’s beautiful smile.
“I dunno, Ice, I’m not sure if I want to be you, or be thankful that I’m not.”
Tom scoffed, unable to help his grin. “It’s the worst feeling in the world, to be away from her, to exist without her, after knowing what it’s like to be with her—”
“Not exactly selling it, Kazansky,” Mav interrupted.
Tom rolled his eyes, “I wasn’t done, dickhead.”
At Mav’s grin, Tom continued, “As I was saying, it’s the worst feeling in the world, to be away from her, to exist without her, after knowing what it’s like to be with her, but knowing that I get to come home to her
 that makes it all worth it.
I hope you get this someday, Mav.
You sure as hell deserve some fucking happiness in this life.”
Mav smiled weakly, but honestly. “Maybe one day, Ice.”
The two of them smiled at each other, before Tom clapped Mav on the shoulder. “We better get going—the guys should be awake now, and if we don’t get to mess, Slider and Merlin might just take all the good stuff.”
“Good is relative,” Mav scoffed, making him laugh.
“Okay—the better stuff.”
They laughed, beginning to make their way back in.
But just before he stepped through the door amidships, he couldn’t help but look back at the horizon, the sun shedding the last of its dawning gentility, to turn into the harsh, blazing light that it was in this part of the world.
Eighty-four days.
Eighty-four more sunrises holding her only in his heart until he could also hold her in his arms.
It was a high price, to be sure, but in the face of having eternity as hers, what was eighty-four days?
Until then, he’d count the sunrises, holding her close to his heart.
“Hey Ice, you coming?” Mav called.
“I’m coming,” he replied.
And with that, he stepped inside to do his duty, eagerly awaiting the next sunrise, each consecutive one bringing him closer to his home, to his beloved wife.
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I headcanon Ice as having Russian descent, but quite frankly, you can tear Slavic!Ice from my cold, dead hands.
To me, he’s either Polish or Russian.
Russian Glossary
Disclaimer: endearments and translations taken from Google—please don’t hesitate to correct me if I’m wrong, which, odds are, I am.
Lyubimaya moya: my darling/my one and only sweetheart
Solnishko: little sun
Zhizn moya: my life
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xxavengingangelxx · 11 months
Somewhere Only We Know 3/?
Part threeeee! I feel kind iffy about this one. Smurt starts so MDNI! 18+ I feel like the smut is not my best work but there will definitely be more smut in the future chapters :)
Taglist! @bellgraves, @unicorngirly1, @josieguts, @lily-lily131313, @shepgurl - if you'd like to be added, lemme know! ;)
Val feels like she has no choice but to return to Shadow Company for numerous reasons.
EDIT: Forgot to add! Q and A. Will Graves get more affectionate? I've gotten that question a LOOOT. Yes. But like all men he just found out and is a little overwhelmed 😉
You didn’t know how much time had passed when Price excused himself to take a phone call. Someone had called him three times back-to-back.
You knew who it was didn’t you?
Price wasn’t allowed to wander off very far. That small wing of the hospital you were in had been sealed off. No one enters or exits except for the police and the military.
Your suspicion was confirmed so were you really surprised when you heard Graves’s voice on the other end of that phone? Years of explosions and gunfire didn’t allow Price to turn the volume low enough that your younger, less exposed ears couldn’t pick it up. And because of how close the perimeter of that hospital wing was you heard every
“Price,” Graves’s voice was tight, on-edge, dangerous and you wondered if someone had pissed him off right before.
“Graves,” Price spat back. “Was beginnin’ ta think Laswell had finally approved that airstrike you were nothin’ but ashes.”
“Sorry,” Price added, “but I constant’ly fantasize about ya dying.”
“Knock this shit off,” Graves warned. “You have two people I’m interested in.” Graves paused before adding, “One I haven’t quite met yet.”
Price’s silence told you he was in shock.
Why did Graves sound so fucking terrifying today?
“Bloody ‘ell,” Price gasped. “How’d you—”
“I have eyes everywhere,” Graves said darkly. “A thing you might not know about southern culture, ya Brit. We like to keep our families together.”
“And you see Val as family? She’s not your wife ya fuckin’ psycho’.”
“No, she is. She just doesn’t know it yet.”
And you don’t know why that line made your breath catch in your throat. You knew Graves was obsessed with you but what exactly did he mean by that?
“You’re such a sick fuck,”
“Get her back to me.”
“I can’t override an arrest warrant,” Price shot back.
“Figure it out,” Graves snapped. “Or Makarov wins and World War III starts. I have the money and the connections to hide me and my family. Do you?”
You didn’t know you were still crying until the tears rolled down your face as a female soldier (no, not a police officer but a soldier) patted you down. The UK military was pissed enough to detain you because you’d released the codes to 141’s homing beacons. You had denied torture and refused to say anything against Graves or Shepherd. So they saw it as you betrayed 141 and willingly gave them up. You and Graves had worked together that night, hadn’t you? At least that’s what it looked like on the outside looking in. All the digging they’d done had revealed hushed secrets of how you two had been inappropriately involved with each other pretty much since you’d met.
You had mugshots taken for the first time in your life. They took pictures of every visible scar. You wondered why this wasn’t done at the detention facility and you were told it was in case you or someone who fancied you just happened to bust you out from the facility or even got to you before you even got there. So they’d have pictures of you to show the world and help re-capture you.
You were given a bulletproof vest because you’d made the news and had been labeled a traitor. You were loathed. There had been threats on your life. The news loves making people look horrible don’t they? You wondered if the news knew about your situation. Graves knew. And you really didn’t know how to feel about that. You couldn’t even get away from him by being arrested and detained.
You were never going to get away from Graves were you? You didn’t exactly hate it, though. But it also scared you, didn’t it?
You were chained like you were some outlaw (you kinda were though, weren’t you?). The fact that you could pick handcuffs and liked swing at authority figures had gotten around and so your cuffs were anchored to a chain around your waist. Not too tight. They didn’t want you, a sue-happy American, to sue them if you just so happened to lose that pregnancy.
“You’re really gonna let yourself get locked up instead of sayin’ somethin’, anythin’ against that son of a bitch?” Price asked.
“Just watch out for Graves and Shepherd, Captain,” you stated. “He might like me. But he won’t think twice about killing you. Make sure you and your boys stay safe.”
“You make it sound like you’re sacrificin’ yaself.”
“I can keep him distracted just enough.”
The sunlight was bright and it reminded you of how much you hated sunny days. The noise was overwhelming. News crews, people shouting at you, calling you a traitor. So you just glanced down, using your hair to hide your face. 141, for all you had done against them in the last 3 months, shielded you as best as they could.
Soap even pulled your hood over your head and you almost cried at the kindness of it. Also, pregnancy hormones.
It was cold.
You were about to be put into a military vehicle when a familiar voice, a demanding voice, told them to stop and turn around.
It was impossible to understand what was being said outside with all the noise. So you all went back inside, into the warmth of the hospital.
Granted you couldn’t move much. Cuffs anchored to your waist and leg irons. That thin bulletproof vest was tight on you, straps drawn snug. Graves indeed hadn’t been lying that they were going to treat you like a fucking prisoner, a good for nothing. And that was one of the reasons you kept your faith in Graves. You were weirdly bonded to him. You didn’t love him and you were sure he didn’t love you. But it seemed like you both were stuck together for the time being.
Maybe forever. You were obsessed. Maybe just as much as he was. Maybe a little less, though.
But the man here in person? General Shepherd.
“Graves told me what happened,” Shepherd stated. He removed his sunglasses.
“It’s none of yer business,” Price snapped.
“No, it is because she’s mine.”
“No, your Shadow piece o’ shit kidnapped ‘er. And now he’s fuckin’ stalkin’ her.”
“We had reason to believe she was collaborating with Hassan as she was the only one we found. Wandering all alone.” Shepherd paused before adding, “Like an abandoned puppy. That’s the term Graves used. And abandoned puppies need new homes, don’t they?”
Price full on growled. “Thas’ some bullshit excuse ya have. It won’t make sense on paper.”
“But it will,” Shepherd grinned that shit-eating grin he had. It was the same grin you imagined him having when Graves took that initial hostage video all those months ago. “And it did,”
Price was handed papers. What they said you couldn’t read. The print was too small.
“Val here was abandoned by her task force. We took her in, interrogated her, revealed she had nothin’ to hide.” Price signaled at the documents in Price’s hands, shaking with anger. “We did not, under any condition torture her.”
Shepherd looked at you, smirking before adding, “Ain’t that right, sweetheart?”
“They didn’t hurt me,” you confirmed. You lied. You lied to protect Shepherd, Shadow Company, and most importantly, Graves. Something deep inside told you this would not be the last time lying for them. If this shit was brought to court or congress, you’d keep lying to protect Graves without a second thought.
“Val, ser’ously?” Price glared and if looks could kill, Shepherd would’ve died on the spot.
“She’s been with Shadows for 3 months. She’s mine now.” Shepherd demanded. “Hand ‘er over,”
“She’s not goin’ with ya,” Soap snapped. “Ya’ll done enough.”
“Don’t make me get my boys. You sure as fuck don’t want me getting Graves. He’s pissed. Has been. And when he’s mad he gets trigger happy.” Shepherd smirked. “Now go on ahead and get Graves’s little miss outta those cuffs. She wouldn’t hurt a fly. Don’t why ya’ll would treat a lady like that.”
“You’ve lost your mind
again, Gen’ral,” Price snapped. “She’s lookin’ at a court martial. US and UK want her here.”
“Let me put it in simpler terms for you,” That smirk never left Shepherd’s face. “Give me the girl. Give me my soldier or we all lose.”
“You don’t have to go with him,” Price muttered from next to you. “We can get a court to look at this,” He signaled at the pages which you still hadn’t bothered to try reading. “You have a choice,”
“I want Graves,” you said confidently.
The police officer, a new one, looked at Price, his gaze asking what he should do. Release, not release? Detain?
“You’re gonna go back to the company that fucked you up so bad you tried to kill ya’self?” Price paused before adding, “Is’ not jus’ about jus’ you anymore, Val. You have someone else to think about. Don’t do this.”
You shrugged. Because it really was. The bond you had with Graves was intense. Plus, you’d stay out of prison. You did have a child to think about. And the last fucking thing you wanted was you in prison in the UK, Graves in prison in the US, and your child in that horrible foster care system. You’d run before you let that happen.
“We’ll get them after all this, Val,” Price muttered so only you could hear. “They’ll rot in prison.”
“Release her. Now.” Shepherd demanded of the officer. “They’ve removed her AWOL status and transferred her to Shadow.”
“You better sleep with one eye open, mate,” were the last words Price said to Shepherd before you walked out of that hospital with said general free of restraints.
Shepherd didn’t say much in the truck. At least not at first. You rubbed your wrists because they cuffs on your wrists had been on too damn tight.
It was you and Shepherd. That was it. You wondered where Graves was. “You’ve done good work, soldier. Graves asked for you by name. Pulled a few strings and got this done because Graves is my best.”
You didn’t say a word. You’d thanked him earlier anyway. Well, that is except to ask, “Where’s Graves?”
“A safehouse,” Shepherd responded. “What’d you tell ‘em, soldier?”
“Nothing, sir.” You responded. “They threatened me with prison but I didn’t say shit. Respectfully.”
“We’ll pull the hospital records,”
“I’ve nothing to hide, sir.”
Shepherd paused before adding, “Don’t disappoint my top man,” Shepherd warned. “He’s gonna be your Shadow for the rest of your life. Told me he’s not letting you go.”
“No, sir. I won’t, sir.”
“He asks you to get on your knees, your response is how low, understand?”
“Yessir,” you felt like he was selling you to Graves.
“Ya ever thought about letting him fuck a kid into ya?”
Your head snapped to look in his direction next to you. Did he know?
“Would be nice to leave all this to family,” Shepherd stated simply. He saw you as something to be used. Was that why he’d said all those months ago he wanted you specifically working for them? A female? A female Shepherd knew Graves had a thing for?
Shepherd chuckled that cold laugh before adding, “I know ya’ll been fuckin’ since you met pretty much. He’s been obsessed with you.”
Was he kidding? And at that second something deep inside you told you Graves might like that you’re carrying his kid. There was no getting away from him now, was there? Even if you wanted to. Where the hell did you think you were going to hide with his kid?
“No offense, sir,” you replied after catching your breath, “That’s not why we—”
“That’s it’s God-given purpose,” he interrupted. “He’d be perfect.”
Who--? Hell, Shepherd was already obsessed with the kid and Shepherd didn’t even know the kid existed. Right? And you didn’t like that, not one bit.
“Product of two of my best soldiers, raised by Shadows, in the field.”
You weren’t sure if Shepherd took your ensuing silence as a form of defiance or as a form of acceptance.
You wished it was just you. Just you going back to Graves, no kid. But you were stuck now, weren’t you? You didn’t think your IUD would fail. But it did. You had less than a one percent chance of getting pregnant but here you were. And that was why you’d made that decision, amongst other reasons, sure. The decision to keep him. Him because you felt it was a boy.
Because maybe while you distracting Graves wasn’t enough, maybe you and his kid would distract Graves enough for him to leave 141 alone.
You just hated an innocent life was involved.
“Did you really raise that much hell?” Graves’s voice from behind you light a fire under your heart. He must’ve noticed your brief injuries.
“You told me to raise hell so I did,”
“Atta girl,” Graves smirked.
You couldn’t help it. You reached out and hugged him, gear and all.
And surprisingly?
He hugged back.
“Good ‘ta have you back,” Graves said, his voice tickling your hair as he rested his chin on your head.
You hoped into a hot shower the second you could. You scratched your skin raw trying to get those tape marks off your arms from when the hospital had started an IV sedated you that one day. You had tape marks all up and down your arms from all the times they’d drawn blood, marks around your wrists from the handcuffs and restraints.
“Don’t make yourself bleed, darlin,’” Graves chided. He’d been watching you through the clear glass shower door.
“I want it off,” you almost pouted.
He was naked when he joined you and you couldn’t help but eye him up and down shamelessly. He did the same to you. His eyes stopped on your breasts and on his favorite spot between your legs.
“They hurt you, didn’t they?”
His eyes lingered on the tape burn on your face from the duct tape pulled off your mouth three days ago. On the scrape your cheek showed after being yanked onto the ground face first when you hit a police officer in the face. And finally, to those scratch marks on your arms from trying to take the medical tape residue off.
You had indeed made yourself bleed.
“Only a little,” you contested.
“They’ll never have ya’ll again,” Graves promised.
And that confirmed he knew. He knew it wasn’t just you anymore.
You got on your toes. The hot water had you both sweating. Your hair was in loose curls over your shoulders and his blonde hair falling over his forehead. His hair almost looked light brown when it was wet and hanging on his forehead. Your lips met his briefly before he pressed his lips onto yours, his tongue sweeping your mouth possessively. You raised your hands to his shoulders, to the nape of his neck, the strong stinging pain of scratch mark wounds forgotten.
He placed two strong hands on your hips before gripping your ass and effortlessly lifting you. You, out of habit, wrapped your legs around his waist. He pressed you onto the cold tile behind you, making you gasp and hiss and arch your back.
When you arched your back, you felt him, hot and thick and hard, at your entrance.
“That desperate are we?”
You gave him a lustful glare and an exasperated huff while he scoffed in response.
Graves ran his teeth just along your jawline, making you moan. You caught yourself and reminded yourself to be quiet. This was a safehouse, not a black site. It meant noise traveled through the walls like they weren’t there. It wasn’t like back on base where the walls were concrete. And absorbed all the sound.
“We’re alone,”
You moaned more at his words.
“Lick my fingers,” Graves commanded. He had you pinned against the wall, his hot, thick cock just touching your entrance. You mewled, trying to get him inside you.
So you obeyed. You ran your hot tongue over his fingers as he held them in front of your face.
“Show me how you’re gonna take me,” Graves added in a low growl.
Graves suddenly released you and your knees almost gave out.
You wanted him. You needed him.
“On your knees,”
You obeyed instantly. You fucking loved that despite your delicate situation he was still willing to insert at least a little dominance in the bedroom.
Without him asking you to, you took his hard length into your mouth.
Graves gasped and moaned, throwing his head back and catching his hair in the hot spray of the shower.
It wasn’t long before Graves was on top of you, in bed. You were both still drenched from the shower but it wasn’t like either of you cared. You’d started sucking him off and after pulling you off of him he’d started to work his fingers inside of you before he’d abruptly cut off the water.
Now here you were, drenched hair sprawled out behind you while Graves had bruising grips on your thighs as you felt him mercilessly use his lips, teeth, and tongue to taste you.
You felt like you needed him to totally own you. To take your mind off that burning pain from where you’d scratched yourself so hard you’d cut yourself open earlier, from what you’d learned from your hospital stay, from all the shit you’d been through. So you said those key words
the key words that let him know you wanted him to fuck you almost into unconsciousness, that gave him permission to leave marks on you.
“Graves, show me who I belong to,”
But to your surprise?
“No,” came the growled reply from between your legs.
“What?” you glanced down and the sight that met you almost made you gasp. Graves, his hands still grasping your thighs, his pupils wide with lust, his chin damp from your arousal, his hair sticking to his damp forehead.
You wondered if maybe you tasted differently. Could he taste that he completely owned you, marked you forever? You were carrying his child. How much more could he own you?
“No, Val,” Graves repeated, his gaze not leaving yours. “Tonight I’m just gonna relearn every fucking inch of your body.”
So after he’d edged you twice and finally let you cum on his lips, he was finally inside you.
And that’s when time seemed to slow down. It felt like you had been apart from Graves your months when in reality it had been a few days. You wondered if this is what addiction felt like. Every time he moved inside you it was like you both moaned in unison. You heard him say something but you couldn’t quite decipher it. Your brain was jelly.
You could feel yourself getting close and he would stop. You whined at the feeling. You wanted to beg him to continue, to fuck you until you couldn’t talk, couldn’t walk.
But every time you’d open your mouth to beg, he’d seal it with his own. And you’d feel him smile, chuckle. The bastard knew what he was doing. So instead of getting rough, he was edging you. He was relearning you and ensuring himself he still knew every inch of you by making sure his cock reached so deep inside you until it could go no further.
“Say my name,” finally came the command. Apparently your ears had stopped working because you knew that tone of voice. Graves had had to repeat this command more than once.
“Fuck me, Graves,” you gasped as his hips stuttered, making your insides flutter.
Graves talked again, but you had trouble hearing him over your own moans and filthy words begging him
Fuck you harder.
Graves grabbed your shoulders and shook you hard enough to get your attention. Not nearly as hard as when he’d fucked you before you were ‘rescued’ by 141. There was a gentleness to his motions that he’d never shown before and you wondered why. Before reminding yourself: you’re pregnant. He was still buried inside you and you arched your back, trying to get him deeper into you.
“Say my full name,”
So that’s exactly what you did.
You said his full name, Phillip Graves, as you came a second time, this time around his cock and felt as his thrusts got sloppy and rough and hard while he came undone inside of you.
End notes: This is gonna get soooo complicated! :o
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the-iceni-bitch · 2 years
Tethered to Another
Kinktober Day I: Breeding Kink
Pairing: drug lord!Thor x fem reader (Vices Assemble)
Words: 1.7k
Summary: Thor isn’t going to let anything keep him from knocking you up.
Warnings: explicit language, explicit sexual content (unprotected vaginal sex, dirty talk, cream pie), implied violence, SMUT!! 18+ ONLY!!!
A/N: Kicking off Kinktober with a bang! I’m still working on the fic where they make the decision to have kids, but I figured we could get right to the good stuff 😉
I am no longer doing taglists so if you want to stay up to date on all the latest filth, follow my sideblog @the-iceni-library and turn on notifications!
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Thor tapped his ring on the desk irritably as he glared at the moron across from him who would not shut the fuck up. Maybe if he had been on time for the meeting he could have put up with this incessant droning, but the jackass was over an hour late. He just wanted to get home to you. Your fertile window had just started, and everyone except this idiot knew that meant he wasn’t supposed to be disturbed for a week while he kept you full of his seed constantly.
“So that’s why I think you should consider moving your operations to my docks.” The fat bastard gave him a grin like he had just made the most convincing argument in the world, and Thor just wanted to slam his face into the desk.
“Let me see if I understand you correctly.” If that dumbass knew anything, he would have recognized the tic in Thor’s jaw and the way his knuckles turned white as he gripped his tumbler of vodka as the warnings they were. “You show up to a meeting you insisted on an hour late, you’re covered in grease from some sort of disgusting food by the smell of you, and you want me to pay you almost twice as much as I’m paying the man who runs the docks we go through now ‘as a favor’?”
” The smile finally fell from his face when Thor rose to his feet and cracked his neck.
“Shut up.” Thor drew his jacket back on and strode towards the door. “If I didn’t have something extremely important to get to, I’d deal with you myself. But I’ve got an absolutely gorgeous woman to impregnate so
“Yeah boss?” She gave him a wicked grin when she popped her head into his office and saw how nervous the fatass looked. “What’s up?”
“This dumbass connected?” Thor nodded when she shook her head at him, straightening his cuffs and trying not to just boot out of there. “Fantastic, get rid of him.”
He ignored the high sounds of protest coming from his office and rushed to the car, his jaw clenched as he yanked the door open and sank into the backseat with just a small nod of his head to Heimdall before the man peeled out. His body was practically vibrating with pent up sexual energy, his cock growing harder by the minute as he thought about fucking you full for the next seven days until it took, the way you’d look underneath him all dewy with sweat and moaning and begging him while you dug your nails into his back.
Fortunately it didn’t take too long for Heimdall to drive him back to the mansion from his office, or he might have burst. The car had barely come to a stop before he was charging out of it and running into the house in a frenzy.
“Kjére?” He needed you, needed to feel you around him like he needed oxygen. “Where are you?”
“In the kitchen.” Fuck, you did not sound happy, the sight of you frowning a little as you sliced up a melon confirming that you were pissed. “You’re late.”
“I know, god I fucking know.” He strode towards you and wrapped his arms around you from behind, ducking low to press apologetic kisses along the curve of your neck. “I’m so sorry, my love. Would it help if I let you know the asshole who made me late is getting worked over by Val right now?”
“A little.” You tried to still look annoyed when he turned you around, but he was almost pouting at you and sliding his hands down your hips and it was impossible to be mad at him. “How are you going to make it up to me?”
“Mmm, I’ve got so many ideas.” He leaned down and gently pressed his lips to yours, smiling a little when you whined and arched your body close to his. “What if I put a baby in you?”
“Just one?” You beamed when he nipped at your lips before he pulled back and slid your dress down your arms until it was pooled on the floor, his gaze growing darker while he stared at you and started to slowly strip off his suit. “Maybe I want three.”
“Well, I’ll give you whatever you want, kjére.” He gripped the back of your neck and smashed his lips to yours once he was naked, dragging you to the floor with him and growling as he laid you down on the cool marble. “Gonna fuck so much cum into you this week we might end up with five.”
“So ambitious.” You smiled against his lips and ran your fingers through his hair, gasping softly when he reached down to cup your cunt. “Feel how much I need you, kjéreste?”
“Mmhm, fuck, you’re so warm, so wet, and all for me.” Thor slid a finger inside you and growled when he felt you start to flutter immediately around him. “You ready for me right now? Thought I was gonna have to sweet talk this pretty pussy to let me in.”
“Been ready all day, daddy.” He started grinding his cock against your pussy and you whined, arching into him and curling your legs around his back when his hands squeezed your hips. “Please.”
“Shh, I know, elskling, goddamn.” Thor ducked to bite your ear as he slowly slid inside you, the feeling of your perfect cunt stretched tight around him almost making him lose his mind. “This sweet pussy is so fucking tiny, you barely even fit my cock in here, look at that.” He gripped your chin and forced you to look down when he bottomed out, kissing your cheek gently when you whimpered at the sight of his dick making your lower stomach bulge. “How you gonna fit my baby in this little thing, kjére?”
There was no way you could answer him since he chose that moment to snap his hips into yours viciously, sobbing softly when he ground against your clit before he started fucking you in earnest. It took a minute or so of him pounding into you to adjust, panting into his mouth and gripping his hair tightly as you shuddered underneath him.
“I can do it, I want it so bad.” You were still dumb but that just meant you were gonna run your mouth even more. “Want your baby, please, wanna make you a daddy. Put a baby in me, need it.”
“Fuck, kjére, I know, wanna give you everything you need, pretty girl.” Thor kept his body pressed right against yours as he kept punching his hips into you, purring when you clenched around him each time. “But you gotta come first, honey, gotta make room for my cum, for my baby. You know the rule, at least two before I fill you up.”
“Mmhm, yeah.” Your eyes rolled back when he kept hitting you so fucking deep, licking your lips mindlessly and rolling your body to meet his when you felt it building. “‘M close.”
You keened when he reached down to rub your clit with his thumb, your eyes fluttering as he cooed softly into your mouth while your pussy clenched hard and gushed all over him. He had to bite the inside of his cheek to keep from blowing his load right then, rubbing your noses together and squeezing your waist as he let out a series of soft growls while you kept spasming for him.
“Good girl, so beautiful, my kjére.” He kissed you gently before sitting up and leaning back on his heels, grabbing your waist with one hand and starting to yank you down on his cock while his other kneaded your breasts. “Gonna look even more beautiful once I knock you up, all swollen and glowing, not gonna be able to keep my hands off you. Now gimme another one, c’mon, need to fill this pussy, want you leaking me nonstop for the next week.
“Yes, kjéreste, please. Unh, want your cum so bad.” You were already so close, sobbing as you let him basically use you like a doll while your body started shaking. “Fuck it so deep in my pussy, knock me up, daddy. Ah
The way you screeched when your body arched off the floor as you squirted all over him made him lose it, dropping his hold on your waist and leaning on his hands as he slammed into you like an animal and snarled. You moaned when you felt him throb and swell inside you, gasping when he leaned back down to smash his lips to yours as he started pumping you full of his cum with deep and dirty grinds of his hips. He always got so goddamn feral when he knew there was a chance he actually bred you, biting and sucking all along your jaw and your throat as he growled while he filled you up.
“Fuck, love, don’t think you’re gonna be able to walk once this week is over.” He nuzzled at your cheek and smiled when you gave him a sloppy grin, cupping your chin lovingly as he gazed into your eyes. “We moved like three feet, shit, I had meant to bring you to the couch at least, let’s move you.”
“Oh, no, don’t wanna lose any of you.” You pouted at him and whined when he pulled out before you could stop him. “I’m not supposed to move for a few minutes, did I lose any? Push it back in, your cum belongs inside my tiny pussy.”
“You’re so fucking perfect, my god.” Thor beamed at you as he lifted your hips and set them on his knees, spreading your legs and biting his lip when he shoved the few drops that had leaked out of you back inside and plugged you with his fingers. “Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you get everything you deserve, kjére. But we’re gonna do it in our bed from now on, need to spoil my girl. We’re gonna make a fucking baby this week.”
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gaminggirlsstuff · 2 years
Hey boo 💕 just checking in on you lol. How are you doing today?
Ohhh I saw that u reblog my Fast and Furious OC and her storylines, what did you think about it? Val x Derek anyone? 👀
Hey JJ ! How are you ? I'm doing good !💛 Really missed talking with u and reading your fics about Top gun : Maverick đŸ„ș I'm mostly missing Jake Seresin ( was working on a fic it's about the flash 😜 but still editing it ! It's really gonna be a long day đŸ„Č ) I really loved reading your Fast and Furious OC character Val ( pretty cool name by the way 😉 ✹) mostly I would ship her with Derek and they seem perfect but I kinda feel like she is independent and doesn't need a partner in life for time being but I would like her to be single tooo.....but Her and Derek is 💖💖💖💖💖💖 ( we really need a fic about this two 👀) but I really like that she has a great relationship with her siblings and their backstory is kinda tragic but they will heal with time but still it's really cool to see a OC character and she is just Super Cool 😎 ✹✹✹ . Can't wait to read more @jackiequick 😜 !
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koreanbibliophilegirl · 3 years
Hey there! I love your blog and your asks! Can you answer E, F, H, R and T? Sorry for the long list but they’re all such great questions!
Hi!! Sorry my answer is so late(in case you didn't know, I can only blog on weekends, and your ask arrived on Monday night...😔)
So anyway, here goes!
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E. Which character is your favorite, and why?
Ben Daniels. Because I'm an only child, I enjoy reading about characters with protective-older-sibling tendencies! And I love sweet guys like Ben. 🩊💕
Also, he completely trusts Alex in the field, which means he has good sense. (In NSD, Alex just suddenly goes "It's Jane Vosper" and the man immediately picks up the radio and goes "I need intel on Jane Vosper", no questions asked. Other characters would have gone "But why" and wasted some time while Alex tries to explain. Ben? Nope, none of that. Kid went through what 10 spies wouldn't go through in their entire career, little Cub knows what he's doing.)
And it may have to do with the fact that I read too much fluff fics and most feature Ben
F. Which character do you hate with a passion, and why?
Hmm, I'm not sure about "with a passion", since I think he's rlly interesting(and I can't hate characters who are interesting :3 ), but Alan Blunt. I don't think I need to explain why, but still: He's manipulative, uncaring, and cruel, and given the chance I would totally punch him in the face. Wait, no, correction. I would ask the boys in my class to sabotage him. Given two weeks, they could probably bring MI6 to the ground. (No joke, last Thursday those chaos monkeys called back a fraud caller to prank him. And they actually pulled it off.)
Anyway, to name another character, I find Henry Mellish(from Nightshade) extremely creepy.
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I mean. What
The book doesn't go further than this, probably since AR is targeted at children, but older readers would catch what was implied here. (I didn't see this on my first read, but saw it on my reread.) Seriously, this guy is (according to Crawley) like forty. Julius/Alex is 15. I don't know what Julius did to Mellish, but I'm pretty sure that if Julius ever did a sane thing in his life, it would be this one. (Saw discord found the same thing, and I agree with what was said. Julius should have been sent somewhere that actually treated him like a child/teenager, not somewhere with only grown-up psychos around.)
H. What's your favorite headcanon/theory?
I'm not sure, since there are so many golden ones, but I like this one and this one! And also the "Yassen-didn't-kill-Ian" theory, for obvious reasons😉
R. Do you have any hcs about the Rider family?
Asking all the hc questions, are you Val? lol
The Riders are a military family, one with many war heroes, and just as many fallen warriors. But John and Ian were the first in Intelligence. They quickly made a name for themselves, the two Agents Rider, efficient, ingenious, and most important, successful.
John "Hunter" Rider is something of a legend in MI6, the double agent who had all but made it in and out of the deadliest criminal organization known.
Ian, though being counted among the best, is well-known for another, surprisingly mundane reason: his infinite talk about his nephew.
(Bet ya didn't see that one coming😏)
Ian, though he may not have been home much, really truly loved Alex, and was very proud of him. He would go on and on about Alex to his colleagues, who mostly didn't mind, since the young Rider boy always seemed to come up with some interesting(read chaotic and daredevil to the point of stupidity at times) shenanigans, reminiscent of his infamous father in so many ways.
What Ian hadn't expected was for Alan Blunt to hear his stories. Blunt heard what John Rider's son was capable of, just snitches of conversation from junior agents, but he noted and kept track of every single episode. How the boy was a black belt in karate already, how the boy had learned to snowboard in only a day, how the boy succeeded in saving quite a chunk of classified information from falling into the hands of terrorists at Gunpoint, at the tender age of thirteen at that.
Blunt had decided, then and there, that the Rider boy would make the perfect operative- highly intelligent, able to improvise, with the luck of the devil, and best of all, young. Young enough to evade suspicion, young enough to be underestimated, young enough to be molded into the shape of the perfect spy. Just like his father.
Less than a year from the Christmas at Gunpoint, Ian Rider is Killed In Action.
T. How do you think Brookland students would behave to Alex? Oblivious? Vicious? Or something entirely different?
I like to think there are two large groups, Negative and Positive.
The Negative group can be divided into three- Clueless, Uncaring, and Slanderous.
Negative Clueless is, obviously, the ones who are clueless. Most of them have one or two classes with Alex, and as a result they don't know him. They actually do think Alex is sick a lot, and even if they find it a little off, they brush it off. They think Alex is just fussing over nothings. Of course, if they thought about it even a little, they'd at least know that his illnesses are(officially at least) genuine. Just goes to show how they're not paying attention.
Uncaring is the group that thinks it seems a bit off. Alex Rider, the very definition of healthy and fit, sick that often? Doubtful. Eh, whatever. As long as he's back in school after a bout, then nothing must be wrong. Anyway, what's up between David Hughes and Amy Williams?
(Sorry abt the random names btw, I got a whole list of Brookland student OCs and all my fics featuring them are WIPs😔)
Slanderous is, well, slanderous. They form theories about what "Rider" is actually up to, and none of them are good. Asylums, gangs, drugs. These kids are the traditional fanfiction take on Brooklands, a bunch of gossipy, petty bullies with no clue as to how many times Alex has saved their ungrateful lives.
Positive can also be divided into three- Clueless, Worried, and True.
Positive Clueless is, as I already said, the clueless ones. Again, most of them have one or two classes with Alex, and they don't know him. They also think Alex is sick a lot. But these guys are the ones who ask if he's feeling better now, the ones who don't know anything but is still glad he's back. They're nothing but background characters in Alex's crazy life, but they're nice at least.
Worried is the group that worries about Alex. They think it seems a bit off. Alex Rider, the very definition of healthy and fit, sick that often? Doubtful. There is obviously something serious going on here, and they're pretty sure it's nothing good. But they don't know whether they should do something. I mean, what if Alex doesn't want or need help? And the teachers all say that Alex is out sick, so there must be some sort of official document. That, or the teachers are covering for him, which means it's nothing that they should know about, whichever scenario it is. So they do nothing. Watching, worrying, but doing nothing. After all, the grown-ups must have it covered, right? ...Right?
True is the group of true friends. They see how Alex's eyes get darker every time he disappears. They see how he flinches at the lightest touch. They see how he changes. To say they're not happy about it would be an understatement. They don't know what's going on, but they know their Alex wouldn't join a gang, or take drugs, or any of that sort of thing. They suspect it's something shady(how else would there be official papers?), and they know Alex is getting hurt for it. There's not much they can do, they know, but they try their best, try to keep him grounded, get a little smile out of him. True is the group of friends who are there for Alex, whenever he comes back from... whatever he does.
Woo, this got longer than I thought! Still got three asks left tho...
idk if I'll be able to answer them all this weekend, with writing for Spyfest and all, but at least I got one answered! Yay😁
Thanks for the ask, I appreciate them! And if you have any more questions, please feel free to ask!
-Lilly xx
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selenethewalker · 5 years
Copy and paste the questions below and tag 11 (as in Episode 11 😉) of your fellow Juliantinas. If you can
Tagged by: @overly-caffeinated-bi-potato
Part of the world you’re from: Philippines
When did you join the fandom: Bored with gaming so I checked out Tumblr and boom I saw them in my dash and checked out. You know the rest.
With or without subtitles: With. I’m too noob in Spanish to even watch it without.
Favorite interview: The Sorpresa one :D Two goodies in one. Take that CW!
Top 3 Favourite lines:
"I’m in love with Juliana!”
Most relatable scene: Juliana went to what’s basically a full-blown Rainbow Six Siege match just to see Val. Bullets be damned. You ain’t seeing that shit on a CW show.
Most annoying interruption: Jul’s mom caught the two kiss :(
F@#k / Marry / Kill? Lupita, Eva, or Lucia: F##k Eva, Marry Lucia, dunno who to send to solitary!
Personal Juliantina theme song: Forgot the title of that certain Ariana Grande song It’s One Last Time. For some reason :D
Valentina in 5 words:  She will conquer the world!
Juliana in 5 words:  Be in solitary with you!
Tagging: @gracedizon @humaninprogress77​  @legalmargamind
I kinda forgot some of you wonderfuls :( <3 <3 <3
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valeriacastaneda · 3 years
1:23 pm
Jealousy is a disease. Bad mouthing me to my best friend is shady. Especially when you're fake as fuck trying to act like you care about me and you're my friend. I don't need that shit in my life. You knew me as a fucked up teenager, you don't know who I've become. Everyone loves me now and there's a reason for that. I recovered, I changed my life so fuck you for holding my past against me. You haven't changed though, you're still the same immature little girl. I'm praying for you.
A wise woman said to me:
Jealousy is not only a disease, it’s a Sin and when expressed it is SO U.G.L.Y. bc it is NOT(although many use the term in this manner)
 hey I’m so happy for you, mannn I wish I had what you have, I wish my life was better, how do I get what you have? Show me the way!
It is rather a very Sad disease bc mass majority of the time it has nothing to do with the other person at all
 it stems from a place within of very low self image, self-esteem, unrealistic expectations (which are what? I know you know the answer!😉 “Premeditated Resentments!”) and this My Lovely, #THIS can only be corrected/changed within someone by Two
 The Jealous One! With the help of !
 you do Not for one moment even allow this type of toxic behavior (that has nothing to do with you at all) take up ANY of that beautiful, gorgeous, thriving and I would say surviving(so I could Rhyme but you are far far from that space you are) LIVING, living the life you were meant to live! You keep doing you and keep paving the way for these women coming behind you who are going to look at you, look in your eyes and will once again have Hope and bc if you they will say to themselves
 Okayyyy, I can do this I too can have a better life look at her she did it! And you May have already experienced this but if you haven’t yet experienced this yet
 Val it is and will be the most rewarding gift knowing that you simplify Putting 1 foot in front of the other One day at a time were able to give another Human Hope & Will! I’m actually in tears typing this
 recalling the very moment another woman gave me this (when I fosho thought I would not make it I couldn’t I just knew I could try but I would fail until she sat across from me and I saw it and I knew I was gon make it) & then the day the day a women say across from me and I saw it, I witnessed her receiving what I was given and prayed to be able to give
 I will nvr forget the sparkle in her eyes the moment she got a glimpse of hope back!
Sorry For babbling but once in a while something just comes on my heart real strong and I have to Share it or I will eat at me Thinking I was supposed to!
I Love You You are an inspiration to me and SO MANY My heart smiles every time I see a post from you!!! Dont let anyone take that shine from you!
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