#scabies symptoms
healthhub123 · 4 months
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 3 months
would you like to tell us about your research on virginity?
but also...wdym STIs aren't as scary as we think??? I was told most of them are incurable? I know you can make aids untrasmittable and that they've even succeded in curing it a couple times but that's about it. I would love to be educated about this
yeah, the basic idea with the virginity project was that the whole concept of virginity is pretty bullshit in the context in which it was initially significant, namely cisgender women being penetrated by cisgender men, so as soon as you take it outside of that context by introducing gay and trans sexuality it totally falls apart. I mean, hell, it stops working if you even look at two cishet people doing literally anything OTHER than penis-in-vagina sex. I tripped up so many people initially when I started asking questions like "okay, so you don't think a woman loses her virginity from a man going down on her. so what if it's two women? what's the difference?" and just really getting people to face down their very penis-centered view of the sex, to the result of several people telling me that it kind of made them reevaluate what they actually think of as the first time they had sex. it's also fascinating to either read other people's accounts or discuss firsthand how queer people have either tried to make themselves fit into the binary of virginity - queer man disagreeing over whether or not you have to have penetrative anal sex to lose your virginity or oral sex is sufficient, a fascinating case of a lesbian who felt that have sex with other cis women didn't "count" and asked a cis male friend to have sex with her just so she could feel satisfied that she'd lost her virginity - or abandon it entirely. Hanne Blank's book Virgin was a formative starting point, and it really exploded for me from there.
as for the STIs - hey, bad news! you fell victim to the scare tactics used to make people afraid of sex! almost all sexually transmitted infections are very easy to treat and cure with the right medicine, which is why it's important to get tested regularly and check in with your healthcare provider at the first sign of something amiss. pubic lice, scabies, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis - all of those are pretty easy to get rid of with some help from your doctor and a run to the pharmacy!
the major exceptions are the 4 H's: herpes, HIV, HPV, and hepatitis B.
herpes is with you forever but is an incredibly mild companion to share your body with, considering most people never experience any notable symptoms and those who do can curb the severity with medicine.
it's also worth noting that herpes is so common as to be virtually ubiquitous; the World Health Organization consistently estimates that somewhere around 80% of the world's adult population is carrying herpes simplex virus 1 or herpes simplex virus 2. a great deal of those people don't even get it from having sex, but rather by catching HSV-1 from a parent or other people they come is close contact with as a child.
you're actually thinking of HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) when you mention AIDS becoming untransmittable, but that's still a very good thing! the care available for people with HIV has come incredibly far since AIDS first became known and claimed so many lives, and today it's more than possible for people infected with HIV to live long, healthy lives by taking the proper medication to manage their viral load.
with management, people with HIV will not develop AIDS (which happens when the immune system is sufficiently depleted by HIV) and by consistently taking their medication people with HIV can become undetectable (the viral load in their body is too small to be detected or measured in tests), at which point they are unable to transmit the virus to other people.
HPV (human paillomavirus) comes in many different strains, most of which are absolutely harmless and go away on their own after a couple of months or years of freeloading in your body. I cannot emphasize this enough: HPV is so common that virtually everyone who has sex has, will have, or has had it in their lives, and the vast, VAST majority of those people will never be troubled by it literally at all.
the trouble comes from a few strains of HPV that can cause genital warts, and a few others that can cause cancers in the throat, anus, cervix, vulva, vagina, and penis. while HPV can't be treated, you can reduce your risk of developing cancer by getting the HPV vaccine if you haven't already and, if you have a cervix, getting regular Pap smears to catch early warning signs of cancerous developments.
hepatitis B is a viral infection that targets the liver. in rare cases it can cause chronic health problems that can be very dangerous, but I have to emphasize that's not common. in most adults who get hep B, there will be no symptoms and it will resolve itself in a matter of weeks. the infection is riskiest in children, but at least in America most people have received vaccines against hepatitis B as babies since the 90s.
in conclusion: get your shots, take your medicine, use protection, get tested, and talk to your doctor, but know that if there's one thing humans are good at it's figuring out how to manage STIs. we've been doing it for a long time - most sexually transmitted infections and parasites have been with us since before we we became modern humans - so we're really good at it!
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hopeforkitten · 8 months
thanks to my head, which thought what if the devils were molting. (if we consider the skin of the cambions, then they have scales)
• you lived in the house of hope for a long time and seemed to know all its features. although, you probably should never say that you know everything about devils.
you returned from the balcony in the archive and did not expect to see an incubus here. Haarlep was sitting with his legs over the armrest and reading a book with an extremely bored look, flipping through the pages with one claw. how could this personification of feline nature leave the cozy bed of the boudoir? And why?
"Oh, Haarlep, why are you here?"
"Hello little mouse! Well, I'm obviously not here of my own free will." he was very inspired by your voice. "Perhaps you will find the answer to this question in my former place of residence." his eyes took on their usual cunning gleam, causing you to distrust.
"And what am I going to find there?..."
"Oh, you haven't seen him in his period yet" he let go of the book and made a gesture of quotation marks "Go, go, I'm impatient to find out how everything will go" he waved his hand towards the doors and you headed the same way.
Along the way, you wondered what could be the reason for Raphael's unexpected mood. Anyway, you haven't done anything wrong, so why should you be afraid of his anger, right?
The boudoir barrier let you through, and from afar you saw Raphael sitting with his back to you and fidgeting erratically. His housecoat was held on his hips by a belt, and his upper body was naked. He diligently moved his wings, even tried to scratch their hard edge against the horns, as well as scratch his shoulders with his hands and tried unsuccessfully to reach the base of the wings.
"maybe I can help?"
You said hesitantly. Raphael didn't even notice how you walked from the entrance to the edge of the bed. He looked at you briefly with displeasure.
"and this is you. go ahead and try it."
He turned back and waited for your actions. you swallowed and hesitantly stroked the base of your wings.
"No mouse, use your claws," Raphael barked back at you.
you started scratching the shoulder blade of the wings with your short nails and it did real magic to him. He let out a sigh of relief and tilted his head back a little. such a reaction was more than enough to make you do it for hours.
• This was just the beginning of Raphael's molt. the symptoms are a bad mood and scabies. while the various stages of his molting were going on, he always lingered on the first one - denial. He hated this time. Raphael was too sensitive and imperfect during this period. Everything should always be perfect in it, both appearance and endurance. But this rare period spoils all his plans.
during the molt, he canceled all his business and did not leave the house of hope. without you, he used to wait it out alone in the boudoir, moving around in short forays from there. it is better not to catch his eye at this moment.
However, with you.... he won't say it, but molting with you has become a pleasant vacation. To you, he grumbles nonstop, like a very big moody child. but your presence changed everything... you scratch his back and wings, smear him with moisturizer, (gently stroke his shiny new scales and admire his beauty? yes, please) sit by the pool while he soaks and only his head sticks out of the water.
you will timidly help him with the removal of dead skin, asking if it hurts him. (imagine how much work his wings need)
• You also became the devil's personal pillow during this period. He just won't let you go a step away from him, with the rare exception when you need to leave the boudoir and bring him something. it's better not to linger chatting with Haarlep, it can cost you dearly.
since his diabolical work was suspended, he switched from contracts to fiction and read it in tandem with you.
He was going into cat mode. Today, practically the archdevil wants to spend the day in bed, and you pathetic little man will be my pillow and a scratcher and bring me a book or soothing tea and I'll eat your soul if you disobey, yes.
• Raphael is horrified to realize that he has been scratching the skin surrounding the horns several times a day. this means that after the back and wings, the skin on the face will be renewed... Oh, how he doesn't like it. the mouse does not stare at him, you are on thin ice and now he will obviously spend more time using you as a pillow so that you cannot stare at him
• it will be strange when this ends and the former strict and perfect Raphael returns to you, and he will never bring up this topic. however, before the next molt, he will send you an order to come to the boudoir and it's good that you already know how to help him.
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I know this will just be. Read and ignored. And I don’t mind. I know it seems like I expect people to have the answers but I really truly don’t.
So I had my 30th birthday last night. I spent months planning it. I spent thousands of dollars on it. I wanted everyone I’ve ever cared about in my life to be in one place just for one night. Just to see them and be with them. And I was, for the most part, and it was incredible and meant a lot. But there was drama. No matter what choices I make they’re the wrong ones. I hurt someone. I try so hard to let people know how much I care about them and how much I love them and how much they mean to me I try so hard. I never can though. I never ever can.
So last night was amazing. But the thread of sadness was still there
So much in my life is wrong. It’s wrong. I’m 30 and never lived away from home, but I choose that, I can’t leave mum all on her own. I can’t. And I don’t have a partner to move with. I’d be on ky own. I’d kill myself.
I work so much. I make money, but what for? I try so hard to smile and treat customers so pleasantly like I’m a friend but I still get abused and pushed around and then I go home to more of the same.
I’ve been itching so much since December. With rashes and fear that I have scabies or something else contagious even though nobody else has any symptoms. And the doctors and specialists refuse to help me they refuse to even examine me properly. So I feel like I can’t even cuddle or hug people.
I’m on the outskirts of all of my friendships and I have nobody to blame but myself.
I really truly am only alive because I can’t imagine how confused and distrssed my cat would be. If anything happens to her I have my plans in place.
It’s not a matter of if anymore it’s just a matter of when. When am I going to take the next logical step and end this terror that I feel on a daily basis. When am I going to finally leave the silence from others and give myself completely to an eternal silence.
I don’t want to be alive anymore. I don’t.
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stefankarlfanblog · 1 year
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Interview with Stefán Karl written for Kraftur's magazine, an Icelandic organization that supports young adults diagnosed with cancer. from 2017: https://timarit.is/page/7072756
Content warning: Discussion of hard topics, and graphic details of illness
"I live in the present"
Photograph by Jónatan Grétarsson
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"I never thought about cancer before and pushed all such thoughts away. Nevertheless, I lost my father to cancer in 2012, and it was a huge shock. Then both of one of my relatives and sister-in-law were diagnosed with cancer. This disease has been around me a lot for the past four years, but nevertheless, I never thought that I could get cancer myself."
Stefán was diagnosed with a rare type of bile duct cancer and underwent a major operation where the tumor was removed. Over the past few months, Stefán has been undergoing chemotherapy and radiation therapy and hopes that the cancer will be cured. Stefán describes his experience with the illness and how he decided to deal with a life-threatening disease.
When asked about the first symptoms, he says that he did not fully realize them. Last autumn, he says he had abdominal pain and sweats a lot at night. He went to the doctor and suspected that his symptoms were caused by reflux. He was given medicine for it, but it didn't improve. "It wasn't until I almost stopped sleeping at night because of the pain, the urine had turned orange and the stools were clay white in color which I didn't notice at first. Also, I was obsessed with itching and imagined that I likely got scabies," says Stefán, grinning.
"When my eyes were so yellow, it occurred to me that I had hepatitis. It wasn't until Steinunn, my wife, drove me to the emergency room that I was sent for all sorts of tests. I was greeted by Jón Baldursson, a doctor, who looked me straight in the eyes and I could clearly see in him that something serious was wrong - as he wanted to admit me immediately. I had no idea and told him that I had to start watering my plants," says Stefán, remembering that he has a small business called Spretta where he grows vegetables for restaurants.
"It took me three days to get to those 70 meters," he says, laughing. "It was wonderful when the first fart came"
"I was still restless and thought it was gallstones and immediately called my mother who had gallstones. But it turned out to be a little more than that," he says and remembers that he was immediately sent by ambulance to the Landspítalan at Hringbraut, where he underwent a scan.
"The next day, Kristín Huld Haraldsdóttir, a doctor, comes and tells me that metastases have been seen in the pictures. 'Are you telling me it's cancer,' I asked, but still I was convinced it wasn't cancer.'
After detailed investigations, the couple was told straight out that it was most likely cholangiocarcinoma. "At this point I completely broke down and cried. I admitted my helpessness and was mildly shocked. Kristín Huld also told us that this was probably a serious form of cancer that often recurred later in the form of metastases.
She didn't hide anything from me, but she was nevertheless extremely discreet, approaching me with a calm but realistic approach. Subsequently, it was decided that I would have an operation where the lesion would be removed, but in the meantime, I googled everything I could find about the disease, talked to my friends, doctors in the US, looked at the statistics, ie. what were the prospects for life. Then I saw what was going on and what I had to do. I am married and the father of four children, and I saw that there was a big fight ahead."
Then ten days passed and on October 4, 2016 Stefán underwent a major operation that took about 8-9 hours. After the operation, he was told that the entire lesion had been removed and all the incisions had been clean. "I woke up on the operating table when the operation was over and immediately asked: 'Did everything go well?' The answer was 'yes, we achieved everything we set out to do.'
After a three-week stay in the hospital, a difficult period began, which Stefán describes in a comical way: "I was all in tubes and devices, and the first days consisted of being able to fart and then, of course, having a bowel movement." I was determined to help with that and sprang out of bed, setting myself the goal of walking the corridor to the end. It took me three days to get to those 70 meters," he says, laughing. "It was wonderful when the first fart came" and a great victory to have the first stool" he continues, talking about life in the hospital, which in retrospect was not boring.
"I took it in good humor, chatted with other patients and nursing staff and didn't make fun of myself in the least." But then the seriousness took over. Stefán says he only realized the seriousness of the disease when he got home. "Then I cried like a baby and wallowed in self-pity.
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Stefán Karl having a great time with his plants
I guess it can't be said that the shock came first and then the trauma itself. Then came Bjarni Vigfús, a hospital chaplain. He helped me a lot.
At some point I decided to frame this task I was facing like a journey. I created a journey in my mind where I was on the staff of a ship sailing towards an island. I have a lot of people with me, relatives and friends. The ship sails towards the island that can be seen in the distance, but I don't know how long it takes the ship to reach the port. I'm on that journey now." Stefán Karl is a well-known actor and well-known figure in Iceland and in the United States, so the question arises whether it was not difficult to experience the reaction of friends, acquaintances and the general public. He smiles.
"As soon as we knew what it was, my wife Steinunn immediately wrote a post on Facebook where she told the whole truth. It was necessary because she had received inquiries as to whether I was dying - if not already dead.
"I'm looking forward to finishing this project, sailing the ship into port." Looking forward to skiing, traveling and experiencing many things that I have left"
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Stefán Karl at Landspítalan after the operation
After this post came, it was like the atmosphere cleared. The pink elephant in the room disappeared," he says and explains that too many people don't trust themselves to get in touch to find out the whole truth, and then various kinds of rumors are started that have no basis. However, there are still certain people, with whom I have always been in close contact, who have not yet called or visited. It hurts a little," he says, adding that he has received an overwhelming response on Facebook. "There were hundreds of messages - most of them were very friendly as people were wishing me a good recovery, but then I received countless messages from all kinds of people who were selling some miracle substances and potions that were supposed to cure me," he says with a laugh.
And it is certain that Stefán Karl has good friends, which shows in the fact that his foreign friends and colleagues organized a fundraiser for the family, and actors and other friends of his also hosted a concert at the National Theater where a significant amount was collected. Stefán had to stop working and, in addition, his wife had to reduce her work due to the illness, so this money came in very handy, according to him.
At the time of this writing in mid-March, he is still undergoing chemotherapy and is also taking medication to prevent the disease from reoccurring. "There are countless side effects from all of this, but I just take it." The worst thing is to have no energy. When I was playing the Grinch on stage in the USA, I played a total of 600 shows and didn't blow my nose. But now I'm completely out of energy and I'm looking forward to when I'm well enough to go to the gym and renew my energy.
When a person is faced with such a serious illness, one instinctively wonders if he has thought about death and how.
"Yes," says Stefán with a heavy heart. "I think about death every day, many times a day. But I still don't worry about death, whenever it comes. I'm mostly just curious. Would I know when I parted? What's on the other side? What happens? But what I feel most often now is longing for life," he says and explains it in more detail. "I'm looking forward to finishing this project, sailing the ship into port." Looking forward to skiing, traveling and experiencing many things that I have left. I am looking forward to celebrating Christmas in Iceland, since for the past few years I have celebrated it in the United States. There are so many things I still have to do, but when you experience a shock like this, you see it all in a mirage. Today I am mostly pain free and I am thankful for that every day. Now I'm focusing on keeping my weight off but I've lost a lot of weight lately. But it's all coming back."
Another question, and maybe clichéd: Has this changed Stefán Karl's life outlook?
"Probably they've changed, yes." In my mind, there is no longer a quality-of-life race. Nice houses, cars, furniture and clothes don't matter to me. Now I enjoy watching the sunset and capturing all that is beautiful – something I didn't do before. In retrospect, I kind of regret not focusing more on the real quality of life until now; it is that this was necessary! Yes, I think differently and who wouldn't when faced with such a serious illness? I'm also much more tender and sensitive than before and I don't deny that sometimes I fall into a pit of self-pity and get certain symptoms of depression," he says and confesses that in the past he had a certain prejudice against antidepressants, but after receiving such drugs he feels much better for him. Stefán says that he has used humor during his illness and that it has benefited him greatly.
These days he focuses on getting healthy, and in between he tends to his plants in the flourishing company Spretta, an occupation that he says is very rewarding. "I live in the present - because I have no influence on what has passed and I have no idea what the future holds." I know the doctors have done their bit to help me but the rest is up to me. No one heals you but yourself."
The interview with Stefán Karl takes place in mid-March. In mid-May, two metastases were found in Stefán's liver, and he subsequently went to Copenhagen for an ultrasound scan for further research. Kraftur wishes Stefán a speedy recovery and sends greetings.
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soullikethesea · 2 years
More in the sensory processing TMI adventure
I barely slept at all during the night because of the rash. It’s itching. So much. I had to take a benzo to catch any hours at all. Just now I finally caved and called for medical advice. They told me it sounds most like an allergic reaction and that I could try calling another service that can also look at my medical file, but that it is also fine to wait a bit and see how it progresses. They recommended cooling gel. I’m quite relieved, because a while back one of my roommates got scabies and I do not want to deal with that. That’s a big Nope. They said it sounds unlikely to be scabies based on my symptoms, so that’s a big plus. Secretely I think it might just be my body responding like it does - just ramp up any physical thing it can “think” of, to sort of express the emotional turmoil. “This is how stressed we are!!!” and then express that literally across my entire body. The endo pain wasn’t effective in stopping me, the IBS doesn’t, and the migraine also didn’t... and... I’ve also been working this week with the cold. So now maybe it wants to test out itchy rashes? I know this way of thinking is kind of irrational. I don’t know how to not-function. I am sorry for the poor body that is faced with that.
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healthypawlife · 11 hours
Discover the Amazing Benefits of Lime Sulfur Medicated Shampoo for Dogs and Its Uses in Various Skin Conditions!
Taking care of your dog's skin can sometimes feel like a never-ending battle, especially when they’re dealing with stubborn issues like mange, fungal infections, or severe itching. If you’re looking for a solution that can tackle multiple problems with ease, lime sulfur medicated shampoo might be just what your furry friend needs. This potent, multipurpose treatment has been trusted by pet owners for years, and with good reason! Let's dive into the remarkable benefits of lime sulfur shampoo and how it can help your dog.
What is Lime Sulfur Medicated Shampoo?
Lime sulfur shampoo is a topical treatment containing lime (calcium hydroxide) and sulfur, known for its antifungal, antibacterial, and antiparasitic properties. It’s commonly used to treat a variety of skin conditions in pets, from cats and dogs to rabbits and horses. The unique combination of lime and sulfur helps address skin issues that regular shampoos simply can't handle.
Top Benefits of Lime Sulfur Shampoo
Effective Against Mange and Mites: Mange is a distressing condition caused by mites that burrow into the skin, leading to intense itching, hair loss, and inflammation. Lime sulfur shampoo can kill these mites and relieve the symptoms of mange, allowing your dog’s skin to heal and the fur to grow back healthy and strong.
Treats Fungal Infections: Fungal infections like ringworm can spread quickly and cause significant discomfort for your dog. The antifungal properties of lime sulfur shampoo make it a powerful weapon against these infections, helping to clear up the skin and prevent further spread.
Soothes Itchy Skin: Persistent itching can drive any dog crazy. Lime sulfur shampoo works to calm irritated skin, reducing the urge to scratch and allowing your pet to feel more comfortable. It’s particularly useful for dogs suffering from allergies, dermatitis, or other conditions that cause severe itching.
Fights Bacterial Infections: Bacterial skin infections can cause redness, swelling, and a nasty odor. The antibacterial qualities of lime sulfur shampoo help fight off these infections, promoting a healthier skin environment for your pet.
Natural and Safe: While lime sulfur shampoo is a powerful treatment, it is also safe when used as directed. Its natural ingredients make it a preferred choice for pet owners looking for an alternative to harsher chemical treatments.
Common Skin Conditions Treated with Lime Sulfur Shampoo
Demodectic Mange: This type of mange, caused by demodex mites, often leads to patchy hair loss and scaly skin. Lime sulfur shampoo can help eliminate these mites and improve your dog’s skin condition significantly.
Sarcoptic Mange: Also known as scabies, this highly contagious form of mange causes extreme itching and discomfort. Regular baths with lime sulfur shampoo can eradicate the mites and soothe your dog’s skin.
Ringworm: Contrary to its name, ringworm is a fungal infection, not a worm. It causes circular, itchy patches on the skin. Lime sulfur shampoo can kill the fungi responsible and clear up these unsightly lesions.
Hot Spots: These painful, inflamed areas of skin can be caused by excessive licking or scratching. Lime sulfur shampoo can help dry out the area and promote healing.
Seborrhea: Seborrhea causes flaky, greasy skin and dandruff. Lime sulfur’s antifungal and keratolytic properties help manage this condition by reducing excessive skin turnover and restoring balance.
How to Use Lime Sulfur Shampoo Safely
Follow the Directions: Always use lime sulfur shampoo as directed by your vet or according to the product instructions. Overuse or improper application can cause skin irritation.
Dilute Properly: Lime sulfur shampoo is usually concentrated, so it’s important to dilute it with water before applying it to your dog’s coat. This ensures it is safe and effective.
Avoid Eyes and Muzzle: Be careful to avoid your dog’s eyes, nose, and mouth when applying the shampoo. If contact occurs, rinse immediately with plenty of water.
Rinse Thoroughly: Make sure to rinse your dog thoroughly to remove any residual shampoo. Leaving it on the skin can cause irritation.
Monitor for Reactions: While lime sulfur is generally safe, some dogs may have a sensitivity to it. Monitor your pet for any signs of redness, excessive itching, or discomfort after use.
Final Thoughts
Lime sulfur medicated shampoo is a versatile solution for many of the stubborn skin conditions that can affect your dog. Its powerful combination of antifungal, antibacterial, and antiparasitic properties makes it an effective treatment for issues like mange, ringworm, and hot spots. With the right care and regular use, you can help your furry friend find relief and restore their skin to a healthy, happy state.
If your dog is dealing with persistent skin problems, lime sulfur shampoo might just be the answer you’ve been looking for. Give it a try and see the difference it can make in your pet’s skin health!
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mrvethospitals · 3 days
Scabies in Cats: Causes of Itching, Crusty Skin, and Hair Loss Explained
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Scabies, also known as feline mange, is a distressing skin condition in cats caused by microscopic mites. This highly contagious disease leads to intense itching, crusty skin, and hair loss, making it crucial for cat owners to recognize and address it promptly. Understanding the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for scabies can help ensure the well-being of your feline friend.
What Is Scabies in Cats?
Scabies in cats is primarily caused by a type of mite called Sarcoptes scabiei. These mites burrow into the cat’s skin to lay eggs, which triggers a severe allergic reaction. The presence of these mites results in symptoms like itching, irritation, and inflammation. While any cat can contract scabies, those with weakened immune systems, young kittens, or cats living in crowded conditions are more susceptible.
Symptoms of Scabies in Cats
Early recognition of scabies symptoms is key to preventing the disease from spreading and ensuring effective treatment. Common signs include:
Intense Itching: Cats with scabies experience extreme itching, leading to persistent scratching.
Crusty Skin: Affected areas, particularly around the ears, face, neck, and legs, may develop a scaly or crusty texture.
Hair Loss: Mites damage hair follicles, causing patchy hair loss, especially in the infected regions.
Redness and Inflammation: The skin becomes inflamed due to the mites burrowing, resulting in redness and swelling.
Restlessness: The constant discomfort may make the cat irritable and restless.
Scabbing or Open Sores: Excessive scratching can result in open sores or scabs, worsening the condition if left untreated.
Causes of Scabies in Cats
Scabies is caused by Sarcoptes scabiei mites, which can be transmitted in several ways:
Direct Contact with Infected Animals: Cats can contract scabies through direct contact with an infected animal. This is common in multi-pet households or among outdoor cats that interact with strays.
Contaminated Environments: Mites can survive in the environment for a short period, so cats can pick them up from bedding, toys, or other objects contaminated by an infected animal.
Weakened Immune System: Cats with compromised immune systems are more susceptible because their bodies are less capable of fighting off the infestation.
Diagnosing Scabies in Cats
If your cat shows symptoms of scabies, it’s crucial to consult a veterinarian. Diagnosis typically involves a physical examination and skin scrapings. The veterinarian will collect a sample from the affected area and examine it under a microscope to confirm the presence of mites.
Treatment Options for Scabies in Cats
Scabies is treatable, and early intervention is vital to prevent complications. Common treatment options include:
Medications: Vets often prescribe anti-parasitic medications like ivermectin or selamectin to kill the mites. Topical treatments, such as medicated shampoos, creams, or dips, can also effectively eradicate mites.
Antibiotics: If secondary bacterial infections have developed due to open sores or scratching, antibiotics may be necessary.
Supportive Care: Anti-inflammatory medications can help reduce itching and promote healing, offering relief to the affected cat.
Isolation: Because scabies is highly contagious, isolating the infected cat from other pets is essential to prevent the spread of mites.
Can Humans Get Scabies from Cats?
The mites that cause scabies in cats are species-specific, meaning they prefer feline hosts. However, humans can experience temporary itching if they come into direct contact with an infected cat. Fortunately, the mites typically do not survive long on human skin.
Preventing Scabies in Cats
Preventive measures can significantly reduce the risk of scabies:
Regular Vet Checkups: Routine veterinary visits can help identify potential health issues, including scabies, before they become severe.
Maintain Clean Living Spaces: Regularly cleaning your cat’s bedding, toys, and grooming tools can help eliminate the risk of mite transmission.
Limit Outdoor Exposure: Keeping your cat indoors or limiting interactions with stray or unfamiliar animals can reduce the risk of infestation.
Use Preventive Medications: Some flea control treatments also offer protection against mite infestations.
Scabies in cats is an uncomfortable but treatable condition. By recognizing the symptoms — such as itching, crusty skin, and hair loss — and seeking veterinary care early, you can ensure your cat receives the necessary treatment. Regular checkups, good hygiene, and preventive care are crucial to keeping your cat healthy and scabies-free. If you suspect your cat may have scabies, consult a veterinarian promptly for expert care and guidance.
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babalajefood · 21 days
Tetmosol Soap A Trusted Remedy for Healthy Skin
When it comes to skincare, especially in regions prone to tropical weather and insect-borne diseases, choosing the right soap is critical. Tetmosol Soap, a medicated soap known for its efficiency in treating skin infections, particularly scabies, has been a household name in many countries. This 5,000-word blog delves into the benefits of using Tetmosol Soap, particularly the 3-bar pack, and how it can help individuals and families maintain healthy skin in challenging environments. We will also explore how businesses like Babalaje Foods are making essential products like Tetmosol Soap accessible to communities in need.
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1. What is Tetmosol Soap?
Tetmosol Soap is a medicated soap formulated with Monosulfiram, which is widely used in the treatment and prevention of scabies, itching, and other skin infections caused by parasites like mites. Scabies is a common problem in many tropical regions, and Tetmosol Soap has been proven to be an effective solution against it. This soap can also help alleviate symptoms like itching, redness, and inflammation, making it a staple in many households.
The soap comes in convenient packaging, such as the 3-bar pack, which is ideal for families or individuals looking to stock up on an essential skincare item. One of the major benefits of Tetmosol Soap is that it can be used for both medicinal and preventive purposes, making it a versatile product in maintaining skin health.
Babalaje Foods, a leading provider of essential goods, has recognised the importance of offering products like Tetmosol Soap to communities that require affordable and effective skincare solutions. Their dedication to serving their customers' needs has made them a trusted name in the distribution of such vital products.
2. The Science Behind Tetmosol Soap
The active ingredient in Tetmosol Soap, Monosulfiram, is a sulfur-based compound that works by killing mites and their eggs on the skin. This makes it highly effective in treating scabies and other similar skin conditions. The soap acts on the skin’s surface, where it disrupts the life cycle of the mites, thus preventing further infection.
Regular use of Tetmosol Soap ensures that the skin remains free from harmful parasites, reducing the chances of recurring infections. The soap also has a gentle cleansing effect, which makes it suitable for daily use, even for individuals who do not have active infections but wish to prevent them.
Companies like Babalaje Foods understand the need for such effective products in regions where access to healthcare can be limited. By providing Tetmosol Soap in convenient 3-bar packs, they are ensuring that individuals and families can easily maintain their skin health and hygiene.
3. How to Use Tetmosol Soap
Using Tetmosol Soap is straightforward, but there are specific instructions to ensure its effectiveness. It is recommended that individuals wet their skin and the soap before creating a lather. The soap should then be applied to the entire body, particularly in areas where the infection is present or where itching occurs.
After applying the soap, it should be left on the skin for a few minutes to allow the active ingredient to work. Rinsing thoroughly is crucial to remove all traces of the soap, ensuring that no residue is left on the skin that might cause irritation.
For families who might be sharing the 3-bar pack, it’s essential to remember that everyone should use the soap as directed to prevent the spread of scabies or other skin infections. Babalaje Foods recommends following the instructions on the packaging carefully to ensure the best results.
4. Benefits of Tetmosol Soap
The primary benefit of Tetmosol Soap is its ability to treat and prevent skin infections caused by mites and parasites. However, its benefits extend beyond this:
Relieves Itching and Irritation: The soap provides relief from the constant itching and irritation caused by scabies, which can significantly improve the quality of life for those suffering from the condition.
Prevents Infections: Regular use of Tetmosol Soap can prevent new infections, making it an essential product for individuals in areas where skin infections are common.
Gentle on the Skin: Despite its powerful medicated formula, Tetmosol Soap is gentle enough for daily use, making it a versatile product for both treatment and prevention.
Convenient Packaging: The 3-bar pack offers convenience and value for money, ensuring that families have enough soap to last for a longer period.
By partnering with Babalaje Foods, Tetmosol Soap is made easily accessible to communities that might otherwise struggle to find reliable skincare products. Their commitment to providing essential goods ensures that more people can benefit from this effective soap.
5. Why Choose Tetmosol Soap?
There are many reasons why individuals and families should choose Tetmosol Soap for their skincare needs:
Trusted Brand: Tetmosol has been a trusted name in medicated soaps for decades, with a proven track record of effectively treating skin infections.
Affordable: The 3-bar pack offers great value for money, making it an affordable option for families who need to stock up on essential products.
Widely Available: Thanks to distributors like Babalaje Foods, Tetmosol Soap is widely available in many regions, ensuring that communities have access to the products they need.
When it comes to skincare, especially in areas prone to infections, having a reliable product like Tetmosol Soap on hand can make all the difference. Babalaje Foods continues to ensure that their customers have access to these crucial products, further solidifying their reputation as a trusted provider of essential goods.
6. The Role of Babalaje Foods in Distribution
Babalaje Foods plays a crucial role in making products like Tetmosol Soap accessible to communities across various regions. Their dedication to offering high-quality products at affordable prices has made them a trusted name in the distribution of essential goods. By including products like Tetmosol Soap in their inventory, Babalaje Foods ensures that individuals and families have access to effective skincare solutions, even in areas where such products might be difficult to find.
Their commitment to customer satisfaction means that Babalaje Foods works hard to keep their prices competitive while ensuring that their products are of the highest quality. Whether you are looking for medicated soaps like Tetmosol or other essential goods, Babalaje Foods has you covered.
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7. Conclusion: The Importance of Medicated Soaps
In conclusion, Tetmosol Soap remains a vital product for individuals living in regions where skin infections are prevalent. Its ability to treat and prevent scabies, itching, and other skin conditions makes it a must-have for any household. The 3-bar pack offers convenience and value, ensuring that families have enough soap to keep their skin healthy and protected.
Babalaje Foods continues to play a significant role in ensuring that these essential products are available to those who need them. Their commitment to quality and affordability makes them a reliable partner in promoting health and hygiene in communities worldwide.
For those looking for an effective solution to skin infections, Tetmosol Soap is a tried-and-true remedy that has been trusted for generations. With Babalaje Foods as your provider, you can rest assured that you are getting a product that is both reliable and affordable, helping you and your family maintain healthy, infection-free skin.
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catpeek · 2 months
Understanding Cat Mange and Scabies: Symptoms and Treatments
Dealing with your cat's skin issues can be daunting! If your feline friend is scratching excessively and you're not finding fleas or ticks, it might be time to consider the possibility of mange. In this post, we'll explore what mange is, its causes, types, symptoms, and effective treatments. Let’s ensure your kitty is happy and itch-free! 🐾💖
Understanding Cat Mange: What Every Pet Owner Should Know
Mange is a contagious skin condition caused by tiny parasites that can burrow under or bite your cat's skin, leading to redness, v itchy patches, and hair loss. Although less common in cats than in dogs, it can occur in any pet, so vigilance is key!
What Causes Mange? 🔍
The root cause of mange are mites, often coming from wildlife or other exposed pets. It's essential to know what triggers mange so you can prevent future infestations.
Types of Mange in Cats 🐱
Sarcoptic Mange: Caused by Sarcoptes scabiei mites, often resulting in intense itching and inflammation.
Demodectic Mange: Caused by Demodex mites, typically seen in young or immune-compromised cats.
Cheyletiella Mange: Commonly known as "walking dandruff," caused by Cheyletiella mites, leading to flaky skin.
Symptoms of Mange in Cats 🩺
Look out for: - Excessive scratching - Hair loss - Inflamed or red skin - Scabs or crusts on the skin
Effective Treatments for Cat Mange 💊
Treatment options may include:
Topical Treatments: Medications like shampoos or creams specifically designed to exterminate mites.
Oral Medications: Prescribed by your veterinarian to eliminate mites from within.
Home Remedies: Natural solutions are available, but consulting your vet is crucial for effective and safe remedies.
Explore more about cat mange treatment options for your furry friend!
Prevention Tips 🛡️
To protect your cat from mange: - Keep your cat's living environment clean. - Regularly groom your cat to check for signs of skin issues. - Limit exposure to wildlife or unknown animals.
Mange is manageable; with vigilant care and timely treatment, you can restore your cat's comfort and happiness! 🌟
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facts1590 · 2 months
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Understanding Tetmosol Soap
Tetmosol soap is a medicated soap renowned for its ability to combat a variety of skin issues. It contains an active ingredient, hexachlorophene, which is a potent antimicrobial agent. This makes Tetmosol an effective choice for treating skin conditions that involve bacteria or fungi.
Common Skin Problems Treated with Tetmosol Soap
Acne: While Tetmosol isn't a dedicated acne treatment, its antibacterial properties can help control acne breakouts by reducing the bacteria that contribute to them.
Fungal Infections: Tetmosol is particularly effective against fungal infections like athlete's foot, ringworm, and jock itch. The soap's antimicrobial action helps to eliminate the fungus causing the infection.
Eczema: While not a cure for eczema, Tetmosol can help manage the condition by reducing inflammation and preventing secondary bacterial infections.
Psoriasis: Similar to eczema, Tetmosol can provide temporary relief from psoriasis symptoms by controlling inflammation and reducing scaling.
Scabies: This contagious skin infestation caused by mites can be effectively treated with Tetmosol soap. Its ability to kill mites makes it a valuable tool in combating scabies.
How to Use Tetmosol Soap
Using Tetmosol soap is straightforward:
Wet the affected area: Thoroughly wet the skin area you want to treat.
Apply soap: Lather the Tetmosol soap generously on the affected area and surrounding skin.
Massage: Gently massage the soap into the skin for at least one minute to ensure proper contact.
Rinse: Rinse the soap off thoroughly with clean water.
Dry: Pat the skin dry with a clean towel.
Important Note: Always follow the instructions provided on the Tetmosol soap packaging.
Precautions and Side Effects
While Tetmosol soap is generally safe for most people, it's essential to use it cautiously.
Avoid contact with eyes: Tetmosol can cause irritation if it gets into your eyes. If this happens, rinse your eyes thoroughly with water.
Not for long-term use: Prolonged use of Tetmosol soap can lead to skin dryness and irritation. It's best to use it for specific skin conditions and under medical advice.
Pregnancy and breastfeeding: Consult your doctor before using Tetmosol soap if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
Children: Use Tetmosol soap on children only under medical supervision.
When to Consult a Doctor
If your skin condition persists or worsens despite using Tetmosol soap, it's crucial to consult a dermatologist. They can accurately diagnose your skin issue and recommend the appropriate treatment.
Tetmosol Soap: Your Skin's Ally
Tetmosol soap is a versatile product that can be a valuable addition to your skincare routine when dealing with specific skin concerns. However, it's essential to use it correctly and under medical guidance to maximize its benefits and minimize potential side effects.
Remember, Tetmosol soap is not a magic cure-all. It's a tool that can help manage certain skin conditions when used appropriately.
If you're struggling with skin issues and considering Tetmosol soap, it's always advisable to consult a healthcare professional for personalized advice.
Try Tetmosol soap today and experience the difference it can make for your skin!
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robertnelson2-blog · 2 months
Comprehensive Guide to Treating Skin Infections
Skin infections are common conditions that can affect anyone, regardless of age or lifestyle. They occur when harmful microorganisms like bacteria, viruses, fungi, or parasites invade the skin and cause inflammation and other symptoms. Prompt treatment is crucial to prevent complications and promote healing. This guide provides an in-depth look at various types of skin infections, their symptoms, and effective treatment options. Guelph skin infection treatment
Types of Skin Infections
Bacterial Infections
Impetigo: A contagious bacterial infection, often caused by Staphylococcus aureus or Streptococcus pyogenes. It appears as red sores that burst and develop honey-colored crusts.
Cellulitis: A deep bacterial infection that affects the inner layers of the skin, causing redness, swelling, warmth, and pain.
Folliculitis: Inflammation of hair follicles, often caused by Staphylococcus aureus, resulting in red, pus-filled bumps.
Viral Infections
Herpes Simplex: Causes cold sores (HSV-1) or genital herpes (HSV-2). Symptoms include painful blisters and sores.
Varicella-Zoster Virus: Leads to chickenpox and shingles. Chickenpox causes itchy blisters, while shingles results in a painful rash.
Parasitic Infections
Scabies: Caused by the Sarcoptes scabiei mite, resulting in intense itching and a pimple-like rash.
Lice: Infestation with tiny insects (pediculosis), leading to itching and visible nits (eggs) on hair shafts.
Treatment Options
Bacterial Infections
Topical Antibiotics: For mild infections like impetigo and folliculitis, over-the-counter or prescription antibiotic ointments (e.g., mupirocin) can be applied directly to the affected area.
Oral Antibiotics: For more severe or widespread infections like cellulitis, oral antibiotics (e.g., cephalexin, dicloxacillin) are prescribed.
Drainage: Abscesses or boils may require drainage by a healthcare professional to remove pus and promote healing.
Viral Infections
Antiviral Medications: Drugs like acyclovir, valacyclovir, and famciclovir can reduce the severity and duration of herpes simplex and shingles.
Parasitic Infections
Topical Scabicides: Permethrin cream or lindane lotion is used to treat scabies.
Oral Medications: Ivermectin can be prescribed for severe scabies or in cases where topical treatments are ineffective.
Lice Treatments: Over-the-counter or prescription shampoos and lotions containing permethrin, pyrethrin, or malathion can eliminate lice. Nit combing is also essential.
Prevention and Care Tips
Maintain Hygiene: Regular hand washing and bathing can help prevent infections.
Avoid Sharing Personal Items: Do not share towels, razors, or clothing with others.
Keep Skin Clean and Dry: Moist environments can promote the growth of microorganisms.
Use Protective Gear: Wear appropriate clothing and gear to prevent skin injuries and contact with infectious agents.
Prompt Treatment: Seek medical attention at the first sign of infection to prevent complications. Guelph rash treatment
Skin infections are treatable conditions, but prompt and appropriate care is essential. Understanding the type of infection and following the recommended treatment can lead to faster recovery and prevent complications.
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24hrdoc · 3 months
Common Misconceptions About Scabies and Its Treatment
Scabies is an increasingly prevalent yet misunderstood skin condition caused by microscopic mites burrowing into the skin and producing intense itching and rashes, often with contagious potential. Due to this illness's contagiousness and discomfort, many myths persist regarding treatment strategies; we hope to dispel some of them here and provide clear, factual details.
Misconception 1: Only Dirty People Get Scabies
A common misperception about scabies is that only people with poor hygiene are affected, yet this is simply untrue, its mites can infest anyone, regardless of cleanliness levels. Prolonged skin-to-skin contact is especially at risk in schools, nursing homes, and households prone to outbreaks.
Misconception 2: Scabies Can Be Treated Over-the-Counter
Many people believe that over-the-counter creams and lotions can effectively treat scabies; however, prescription medications must be used to eradicate mites. Topical permethrin cream and oral medication like Ivermectin can kill mites effectively but must only be obtained through healthcare providers.
Misconception 3: Symptoms Disappear Instantaneously
While prescription medications can effectively kill mites, their waste products and any subsequent itching and rash can continue to cause itching for several weeks after treatment has ended. To ensure successful results and safety from treatment's potential side effects, complete all courses as directed and consult your healthcare provider if symptoms continue.
Misconception 4: You Can Catch Scabies From Pets
Human scabies mites (Sarcoptes scabiei var. hominis) differ significantly from pet mites. While pets may experience mange-like symptoms caused by different mites, human scabies cannot be contracted from dogs, cats, or other animals.
Misconception 5: One Treatment Is Enough
Unfortunately, one treatment alone may not be sufficient to eliminate scabies. In cases of severe infestation or reinfestation, multiple topical treatments or oral medication applications may be necessary; additionally, all household members and close contacts should receive treatment simultaneously to reduce reinfestation.
Misconception 6: Home Remedies Are Effective
Many home remedies for scabies have been marked as cures, yet no scientific proof supports their effectiveness. Essential oils, vinegar baths, and other natural treatments might temporarily alleviate symptoms but won't kill scabies mites; professional medical help must be sought to eradicate an infestation.
Benefits of an Online Doctor
Consulting a scabies online doctor can save time and provide immediate access to expert medical advice without needing to visit a clinic. This convenience ensures that treatment can begin promptly, reducing the duration of symptoms and the risk of spreading the infection.
Understanding the facts surrounding scabies and their treatment is vital in effectively managing and eliminating this condition. Scabies is an infectious itch that can affect anyone, regardless of hygiene. For those searching online, reliable medical sources and healthcare providers must be consulted in order to receive timely, accurate treatment. Dispelling common misconceptions related to this uncomfortable condition will reduce stigmatization while improving management strategies more efficiently.
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ikno-io · 3 months
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Learn about scabies, a contagious skin condition caused by mites. Understand its symptoms, how it spreads, and treatment options. read the full article: https://bit.ly/4bblL7G #Scabies #SkinHealth #Health read more: what is scabies
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meds4go123 · 4 months
Information about The Secret to a Potent IVERHEAL Supplement (12 mg)
The active ingredient in Iverheal 6mg is ivermectin. The ability of the drug to treat intestinal parasites is its most well-known benefit. If you have a stomach worm infection, you can take medication to see how it impacts the parasites’ growth and the problems they cause in the body.
Iverheal 12 mg uses
A doctor may prescribe Iverheal 12 mg for a variety of parasitic problems. The immune system is weakened and life expectancy is decreased when a parasite is found inside the body. This treatment’s main goal is to get rid of or immobilize internal parasites. The following sections address several common parasites that require treatment.
Onchocerciasis is the initial condition for which the drug is administered. The parasitic worm is stung by black flies and subsequently enters the body. This sickness manifests as two symptoms: slight visual impairment and itchy skin.
Strongyloidiasis is the next issue, which can result in excruciating stomach discomfort and a protracted diarrheal episode that can last for several days.
Scabies is the most common condition for which Where Can I Buy Ivermectin advice is given. The parasite mite that causes skin problems is known by the term Sarcoptes. Your skin may develop a range of red rashes as a result of this sickness.
How are the 12 mg Iverheal tablets supposed to be taken?
The medication is easy to give. Drink a glass of water in addition to taking your medication exactly as directed. There is only one requirement: the medication must be taken empty-handed. When taking multiple doses, it is recommended to take them at least an hour before meals; when taking only one, the first dose should be taken at the very least.
What is the mode of action of Iverheal 12 mg?
Ivermectin salt dissolves in your body and begins to act within a few minutes of ingesting 12 mg of Iverheal. The salt starts to look for parasites in the body as it dissolves and sticks to them. The medication mostly affects the neurons and muscle cells of the parasites. They either die from that or become paralyzed. The Ziverdo Kit and Ivermectin 12 mg once daily are the two components of quadruple therapy.
Their proliferation within the body is somehow inhibited and the immune system is triggered. Consequently, the body is able to fight against and get rid of dead parasites.
A variety
The dosage of the medication can be changed as needed. If you tell your doctor everything about your condition, they may ask for certain tests. They will want to know if you have any parasites in your system. The patient’s weight and age are taken into account while writing a prescription. Never skip a dose and always use caution, including food restrictions.
If you are going to miss a dosage, call your doctor right away. If someone told you to catch up on a missed dose, check the time on the clock. If a person’s next dose is fewer than 12 hours away, they forgo the drug. A medicine may be used by the patient for more than twelve hours.
You should not be concerned if you are symptom-free. However, drug overdoses can occasionally render a person unconscious. Contact poison control as soon as possible if you know someone who needs assistance. If you think you might miss a dosage, call your doctor right away. If someone told you to catch up on a missed dose, check the time on the clock. If a person’s next dose is fewer than 12 hours away, they forgo the drug. A medicine may be used by the patient for more than twelve hours.
Which Side Effects Could Iverheal 12mg Cause?
The following is a complete list of iverheal 12mg adverse effects.
After using the drug, a mild headache could occur.
For several reasons, you could feel tired and lightheaded after taking medication.
Adverse effects, such as nausea and vomiting, are uncommon but can occur.
For some individuals, joint discomfort arises from issues.
The patient’s perspective changes in some situations and their eyes begin to grow.
If you acquire a rash or die, it could hurt.
Where Do I Get Ivermectin? How should I protect myself when using 12 mg pills of Iverheal?
It is imperative that you take the following safety measures into consideration when using Iverheal 12mg:
No matter how long it has been, discuss your personal history with your doctor. Being cautious will help you during your recuperation.
You cannot drink alcohol and expect to heal more quickly. Furthermore, using tobacco products or marijuana during therapy is prohibited.
If you are pregnant, please talk to your doctor about the safety of this action. The salt in the medication might hurt your kids. Breastfeeding your infant will have the same effect.
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oaresearchpaper · 5 months
Andrographis Paniculata: Exploring Medicinal Marvels
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A lot of literature reviews about Andrographis paniculata has been published previously. Researchers are critically involved in the research to extract out the potential medicinal value that possess by the “King of Bitter”. It has a broad pharmacological value. Traditionally many disease condition have been treated successfully. The success of the plant is due to the presence of few bioactive compounds such as andrographolide, homo-andrographolide andrographesterol, andrographopne which are identified through the phythochemistry studies of the plant which are having the wide therapeutic activities. The extremely bitter taste of the plant is due the compound known as andrographolide. However this bitter plant is having a sweet future for those appreciated the benefits of the plant. From the review it is proven that Andrographis paniculata is having antioxidant, hepatoprotective, antimicrobial, anticancer, antivenom, anti HIV, antimalarial, antipyretic, antifertility, antidiarrhoeal, antidiabetic, antihiperlipidemic activities. Variety of literature concerning about the toxicity studies has confirmed that the plant is safe to consume although few findings revealed that consuming Andrographis paniculata for a long period of time may possess some unwanted action especially in the fertility studies.
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Andrographis paniculata is a plant that has been effectively used in traditional Asian medicines for centuries. Its perceived “blood purifying” property results in its use in diseases where blood “abnormalities” are considered causes of disease, such as skin eruptions, boils, scabies, and chronic undetermined fevers. The aerial part of the plant, used medicinally, contains a large number of chemical constituents, mainly lactones, diterpenoids, diterpene glycosides, flavonoids, and flavonoid glycosides. Controlled clinical trials report its safe and effective use for reducing symptoms of uncomplicated upper respiratory tract infections. Since many of the disease conditions commonly treated with Andrographis paniculata in traditional medical systems are considered self-limiting, its purported benefits need critical evaluation (Akbar, 2011).
Andrographis paniculata grows widely in many Asian countries, such as China, India, Thailand and Sri Lanka and has a long history of therapeutic usage in Indian and Oriental medicine. The herb is official in Indian Pharmacopoeia as a predominant constituent of at least 26 Ayurvedic formulations used to treat liver disorders. It is one of the herbs, which can be used to treat neoplasm as mentioned in ancient Ayurvedic literature. Andrographis paniculata is reported as a cold property herb in Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and is used to get rid of body heat and to expel toxins (Majee et al., 2011). Table 1 represent the taxonomy of Andrographis paniculata (Alireza et al., 2011).
Andrographolide, a bitter principle obtained from Andrographis paniculata is a diterpene lactone, responsible for various pharmacological activities. This is a well known phytoconstituent from Indian System of Medicine, used in the management of different diseases since time immemorial. Research activities worldwide to exhibit the beneficial role of Andrographolide are continuously enriching the therapeutic arsenal of this important phytomolecule. In addition to the well known pharmacological activities like hepatoprotective, antioxidant, hypoglycemic etc., recent advances in the management of immune system and neoplastic diseases make andrographolide the phytomolecule of the hour (Maiti et al., 2006). The therapeutic value of Andrographis paniculata is due to its mechanism of action which is perhaps by enzyme induction (Meenatchisundaram et al., 2009).
Source : Andrographis Paniculata: Exploring Medicinal Marvels | InformativeBD
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