#how to get rid of scabies
healthhub123 · 4 months
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 3 months
would you like to tell us about your research on virginity?
but also...wdym STIs aren't as scary as we think??? I was told most of them are incurable? I know you can make aids untrasmittable and that they've even succeded in curing it a couple times but that's about it. I would love to be educated about this
yeah, the basic idea with the virginity project was that the whole concept of virginity is pretty bullshit in the context in which it was initially significant, namely cisgender women being penetrated by cisgender men, so as soon as you take it outside of that context by introducing gay and trans sexuality it totally falls apart. I mean, hell, it stops working if you even look at two cishet people doing literally anything OTHER than penis-in-vagina sex. I tripped up so many people initially when I started asking questions like "okay, so you don't think a woman loses her virginity from a man going down on her. so what if it's two women? what's the difference?" and just really getting people to face down their very penis-centered view of the sex, to the result of several people telling me that it kind of made them reevaluate what they actually think of as the first time they had sex. it's also fascinating to either read other people's accounts or discuss firsthand how queer people have either tried to make themselves fit into the binary of virginity - queer man disagreeing over whether or not you have to have penetrative anal sex to lose your virginity or oral sex is sufficient, a fascinating case of a lesbian who felt that have sex with other cis women didn't "count" and asked a cis male friend to have sex with her just so she could feel satisfied that she'd lost her virginity - or abandon it entirely. Hanne Blank's book Virgin was a formative starting point, and it really exploded for me from there.
as for the STIs - hey, bad news! you fell victim to the scare tactics used to make people afraid of sex! almost all sexually transmitted infections are very easy to treat and cure with the right medicine, which is why it's important to get tested regularly and check in with your healthcare provider at the first sign of something amiss. pubic lice, scabies, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis - all of those are pretty easy to get rid of with some help from your doctor and a run to the pharmacy!
the major exceptions are the 4 H's: herpes, HIV, HPV, and hepatitis B.
herpes is with you forever but is an incredibly mild companion to share your body with, considering most people never experience any notable symptoms and those who do can curb the severity with medicine.
it's also worth noting that herpes is so common as to be virtually ubiquitous; the World Health Organization consistently estimates that somewhere around 80% of the world's adult population is carrying herpes simplex virus 1 or herpes simplex virus 2. a great deal of those people don't even get it from having sex, but rather by catching HSV-1 from a parent or other people they come is close contact with as a child.
you're actually thinking of HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) when you mention AIDS becoming untransmittable, but that's still a very good thing! the care available for people with HIV has come incredibly far since AIDS first became known and claimed so many lives, and today it's more than possible for people infected with HIV to live long, healthy lives by taking the proper medication to manage their viral load.
with management, people with HIV will not develop AIDS (which happens when the immune system is sufficiently depleted by HIV) and by consistently taking their medication people with HIV can become undetectable (the viral load in their body is too small to be detected or measured in tests), at which point they are unable to transmit the virus to other people.
HPV (human paillomavirus) comes in many different strains, most of which are absolutely harmless and go away on their own after a couple of months or years of freeloading in your body. I cannot emphasize this enough: HPV is so common that virtually everyone who has sex has, will have, or has had it in their lives, and the vast, VAST majority of those people will never be troubled by it literally at all.
the trouble comes from a few strains of HPV that can cause genital warts, and a few others that can cause cancers in the throat, anus, cervix, vulva, vagina, and penis. while HPV can't be treated, you can reduce your risk of developing cancer by getting the HPV vaccine if you haven't already and, if you have a cervix, getting regular Pap smears to catch early warning signs of cancerous developments.
hepatitis B is a viral infection that targets the liver. in rare cases it can cause chronic health problems that can be very dangerous, but I have to emphasize that's not common. in most adults who get hep B, there will be no symptoms and it will resolve itself in a matter of weeks. the infection is riskiest in children, but at least in America most people have received vaccines against hepatitis B as babies since the 90s.
in conclusion: get your shots, take your medicine, use protection, get tested, and talk to your doctor, but know that if there's one thing humans are good at it's figuring out how to manage STIs. we've been doing it for a long time - most sexually transmitted infections and parasites have been with us since before we we became modern humans - so we're really good at it!
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jitterbugjive · 14 days
My mom is out of the hospital but they failed to properly treat her scabies and transferred her twice and they lost her personal belongings including all her cards and while she's calm-ish now I highly doubt she's mentally better either
she's now officially traumatized by hospitals and is reluctant to go back but is willing just to get rid of the scabies
I'm fucking furious with how much the medical system has been utterly failing this poor woman
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lakesbian · 1 year
(tangentially related to the Amy post) I bet this has been discussed to death but when I read Worm for the first time I kept getting distracted by all the things Taylor could have done with her power if it wasn't Worm. Perfect bedbug removal. Perfect plant hybridization with no accidental cross pollination. Breeding endangered insects. The implications of that much spider silk on demand. Search and rescue. Eliminate malaria. OR give people malaria on purpose. Devastate crops. Sneak allergens into people's houses. Did I mention she could majorly fuck up an area's food supply either by preventing crops from being pollinated or just by having her bugs destroy them? If she can do heartworm she can do trichinosis. Can she do scabies? Maybe not bc she can't detect skin mites but she can do Lyme. Tsetse. Lice. Termites. Silverfish. Do you know how positive I was that she was going to do something with silverfish and how relieved/disappointed I was when she didn't. What the hell. Bugs hold so much power in this world.
this is a fun observation because: 1. the text alludes to this occasionally. she gets rid of the lice & cockroach problem in jail, her territory is pest-free, and she removes the mosquitos & biting flies on the earth gimel refugee camp shortly after gold morning starts. it's neat how she can use her bugs on the broader scale you've mentioned, and occasionally approaches doing so, but never does in full because powers (and the plot of worm) are fundamentally about conflict.
2. it's the exemplification of the thesis of taylor's character: insects are so small, yet as a collective whole, they hold so much power in this world. and we are all so very small, in the end. everyone is only one bug under the heel of the cosmos. but all together, a swarm of us can topple gods. her power is that principle in miniature.
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meds4go123 · 4 months
Information about The Secret to a Potent IVERHEAL Supplement (12 mg)
The active ingredient in Iverheal 6mg is ivermectin. The ability of the drug to treat intestinal parasites is its most well-known benefit. If you have a stomach worm infection, you can take medication to see how it impacts the parasites’ growth and the problems they cause in the body.
Iverheal 12 mg uses
A doctor may prescribe Iverheal 12 mg for a variety of parasitic problems. The immune system is weakened and life expectancy is decreased when a parasite is found inside the body. This treatment’s main goal is to get rid of or immobilize internal parasites. The following sections address several common parasites that require treatment.
Onchocerciasis is the initial condition for which the drug is administered. The parasitic worm is stung by black flies and subsequently enters the body. This sickness manifests as two symptoms: slight visual impairment and itchy skin.
Strongyloidiasis is the next issue, which can result in excruciating stomach discomfort and a protracted diarrheal episode that can last for several days.
Scabies is the most common condition for which Where Can I Buy Ivermectin advice is given. The parasite mite that causes skin problems is known by the term Sarcoptes. Your skin may develop a range of red rashes as a result of this sickness.
How are the 12 mg Iverheal tablets supposed to be taken?
The medication is easy to give. Drink a glass of water in addition to taking your medication exactly as directed. There is only one requirement: the medication must be taken empty-handed. When taking multiple doses, it is recommended to take them at least an hour before meals; when taking only one, the first dose should be taken at the very least.
What is the mode of action of Iverheal 12 mg?
Ivermectin salt dissolves in your body and begins to act within a few minutes of ingesting 12 mg of Iverheal. The salt starts to look for parasites in the body as it dissolves and sticks to them. The medication mostly affects the neurons and muscle cells of the parasites. They either die from that or become paralyzed. The Ziverdo Kit and Ivermectin 12 mg once daily are the two components of quadruple therapy.
Their proliferation within the body is somehow inhibited and the immune system is triggered. Consequently, the body is able to fight against and get rid of dead parasites.
A variety
The dosage of the medication can be changed as needed. If you tell your doctor everything about your condition, they may ask for certain tests. They will want to know if you have any parasites in your system. The patient’s weight and age are taken into account while writing a prescription. Never skip a dose and always use caution, including food restrictions.
If you are going to miss a dosage, call your doctor right away. If someone told you to catch up on a missed dose, check the time on the clock. If a person’s next dose is fewer than 12 hours away, they forgo the drug. A medicine may be used by the patient for more than twelve hours.
You should not be concerned if you are symptom-free. However, drug overdoses can occasionally render a person unconscious. Contact poison control as soon as possible if you know someone who needs assistance. If you think you might miss a dosage, call your doctor right away. If someone told you to catch up on a missed dose, check the time on the clock. If a person’s next dose is fewer than 12 hours away, they forgo the drug. A medicine may be used by the patient for more than twelve hours.
Which Side Effects Could Iverheal 12mg Cause?
The following is a complete list of iverheal 12mg adverse effects.
After using the drug, a mild headache could occur.
For several reasons, you could feel tired and lightheaded after taking medication.
Adverse effects, such as nausea and vomiting, are uncommon but can occur.
For some individuals, joint discomfort arises from issues.
The patient’s perspective changes in some situations and their eyes begin to grow.
If you acquire a rash or die, it could hurt.
Where Do I Get Ivermectin? How should I protect myself when using 12 mg pills of Iverheal?
It is imperative that you take the following safety measures into consideration when using Iverheal 12mg:
No matter how long it has been, discuss your personal history with your doctor. Being cautious will help you during your recuperation.
You cannot drink alcohol and expect to heal more quickly. Furthermore, using tobacco products or marijuana during therapy is prohibited.
If you are pregnant, please talk to your doctor about the safety of this action. The salt in the medication might hurt your kids. Breastfeeding your infant will have the same effect.
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imaginecare · 2 years
Get Rid of Mites in Kenya
Get Rid of Mites in Kenya
Mites are parasites that come in very many varieties. Some of them feed on skin, others on plants while others survive on decaying materials. They cause diseases such as scabies, skin irritation and also trigger allergens. These are enough reasons why you need to know how to get rid of mites. Getting rid of mites can be particularly hard especially because they are small in size and therefore go…
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gsdqt · 5 years
Watch Out! Here’s How Your S.O May Be Cheating On You
Watch Out! Here’s How Your S.O May Be Cheating On You
Watch Out! Here’s How Your S.O May Be Cheating On You Shivani K
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Hyderabd040-395603080 December 3, 2019
Falling in love is the most beautiful feeling ever. However, to remain head over heels in love with each other requires a lot of effort. And there are quite a few things that also threaten such efforts, amongst which infidelity is the main culprit. It’s true isn’t it? No matter how…
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plannedparenthood · 4 years
What's that bump?!
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Everyone gets lumps and bumps on their genitals from time to time. Bumps can appear on and around your penis, anus, vagina, and labia. Or you might feel a tender lump right underneath your skin, which you can’t see. 
First of all, don’t panic. Your skin is sensitive down there, and it’s common to have bumps and lumps on or around your genitals. And many bumps go away on their own. While we can’t diagnose you over the internet, a doctor or nurse can help you figure out what’s going on. 
Here are a few common reasons why bumps, rashes, and lumps show up on and around your genitals:
Skin Irritation
The skin around your genitals is just that — skin. So regular skin stuff can happen. If your skin condition doesn’t clear up or gets worse, see a doctor or nurse — like the staff at your nearest Planned Parenthood health center — to see what’s going on and how to treat it. 
Ingrown hairs: Ingrown hairs are really common for people who shave or wax their pubic hair. They may look like a pimple (a raised bump that may appear reddish in color). Sometimes you can see the hair trapped just underneath the bump. Usually ingrown hairs go away on their own, but if not you can see a doctor or nurse to get it treated. 
Rashes from allergies: Skin can sometimes react to perfumes or dyes in soap or laundry detergent. Allergic reactions can cause bumps or rashes and make your skin feel itchy and dry. Switching to milder products (free of dyes or perfumes) may help make your rash or bumps go away. 
Pimples: Pimples, like the ones you get on your face, can appear anywhere on your body, which means sometimes they pop-up on the skin of your genitals. If you start noticing that the pimple-like-bumps around your genitals start getting worse or have pus coming out of them, or if they become painful, see a doctor or nurse — this might be a sign of an infection.
Cysts: Cysts are soft, painless lumps that can show up around the opening of your vagina and on your labia. A common vaginal cyst that appears on each side of the opening to your vagina is called the Bartholin’s cyst. The Bartholin’s glands provide lubrication (wetness) to the vagina, like during sexual excitement (when you’re aroused or turned on). Cysts in the Bartholin’s glands can happen when the opening gets blocked and fluid builds up just under the skin. Generally, cysts are nothing to worry about, especially if they aren’t painful. You can try sitting in a warm, shallow bath or using a warm compress or water pack several times a day until your cyst goes away or drains on its own. But don’t try to burst a cyst on your own, because that can lead to an infection. See a nurse or doctor if the cyst becomes enlarged or too tender to walk or sit comfortably.   
Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)
STIs can cause serious health issues if they’re not treated. If you think the bump you have might mean that you have an STI, see your doctor or nurse  — like the staff at your nearest Planned Parenthood health center —as soon as possible. And use condoms and dental dams or avoid having sex until you figure out what’s going on with your bump.
Here are a few STIs that can cause lumps or bumps in your genital area:
Genital herpes: Herpes is a common STI, which can cause blistery, red sores on your vulva or penis that sometimes bleed or leak a white or clear liquid. Herpes sores can sometimes be painful, but other times you may not notice them. There is no known cure for herpes, but treatment can help you manage the symptoms.
Genital warts: Genital warts are caused by an STI called HPV. They’re flesh-colored, soft-to-the-touch bumps on the skin of your genitals that may remind you of cauliflower. Warts tend to cluster in one spot, and while they usually don’t hurt, sometimes they can be itchy. Warts can sometimes go away on their own, but can also be removed by a doctor or nurse. 
Scabies: Scabies are an STI that cause super-itchy pimple-like bumps, tiny blisters, or scales on your genitals and other places on your body. You may also see small, raised, crooked lines on your skin. These rashes tend to show up on the webbing between your fingers, where your wrist, elbow, or knee bends, pubic areas, breasts, belly button, penis, thighs and the lower part of your butt, shoulder blades, and/or around your waist. The only way to get rid of scabies is to get treated. You can get prescription creams from a doctor or nurse to clear up scabies.
Molluscum contagiosum: This STI can show up as small, firm bumps.You’ll usually have one or more hard, round growths near your genitals or on your thighs, arms, torso, neck, or face. They can be as small as the head of a pin or as large as a pencil eraser. They appear alone or in groups. The bumps are usually flesh-colored, pink, or white, and they often have a tiny dent or dimple in the middle. They usually don’t hurt, but they may be itchy, sore, swollen, or red. Molluscum contagiosum goes away on its own within six months to a year, but can last up to four years.
The most common symptom of an STI is no symptom at all, so the only way to know for sure if you have an STI is to get tested. So the best thing to do if you have a lump or bump that won’t go away is to make an appointment with a  doctor or nurse. Your nearest Planned Parenthood health center can help diagnose and treat your genital skin issue, no matter what it is.
-Attia at Planned Parenthood
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acaseofthewiggins · 4 years
Reverse Charge Call (Giles/Ethan)
Summary: After the incident with Eyghon, Rupert's back with his parents and has almost got his life back on track. And then he gets a call from Ethan.
Length: 1637 words
Also available on AO3 here.
This is based on a prompt from left_handed_moth, who’s no longer even on Tumblr that’s how long ago I got it. Better late than never? Anyway the prompt was “things you said over the phone” + Giles/Ethan.
“Yeah? Er, that is, Giles residence, Rupert speaking.”
 “Good afternoon, sir. This is Miriam from the telephone company. Will you accept a reverse charge call from an… Ethan Rayne?”
 “I’m sorry, sir?”
“Yes, yes. Put him through.”
 “Hello, Ripper.”
“My name is Rupert. And I thought I told you not to call me here.”
 “It’s nice to hear your voice too. Not sure about the new accent, though. Can’t say that it suits you.”
“This is my real accent.”
 “Still doesn’t suit you.”
“Why are you calling, Ethan? I thought we agreed to keep our distance while we sorted our lives out.”
 “As I remember, most of the agreeing was on one side.”
“A-and I’m quite certain that I’m not in the mood to have this conversation again. I’ve got a lot of studying to do—”
 “Oh? Back in uni already?”
“No. Though, if all goes well, I should be by Michaelmas term.”
 “Michaelmas term? Oxford, then? Only they’d be too snobby to just say ‘autumn.’ I wonder, have your posh old school chums missed you?”
“Honestly, I don’t know. I imagine some have moved on by now. It’s been several years. And, as for those who are still there, I imagine they’ve more or less forgotten about me.”
 “Yeah, easy enough, isn’t it? Making new friends and forgetting old ones? You were struggling with it when we first met, but you’ve always been such a quick study.”
“I wasn’t planning on forgetting you, Ethan. I’ll be out of London for a few years, but that doesn’t mean we can’t still meet occasionally.”
 “Oh, yes. I can just see it. You, me, and your fancy Oxford mates… No? Maybe something more like this: you call, I bus up to Oxford, we meet in some towny bar where you don’t run too much risk of being seen by anyone you know. Or, if that’s still too much for you, you can always pop down to London during a school break, meet me in some dive, and finish up the evening by buggering me in a filthy alley—”
“Ethan! I am at my parents’!”
 “Ah yes, and how are the ‘stodgy old hypocrites’ now anyway?”
“My parents are fine. Now—”
 “Remember when you took that scabies-infested slag home for Christmas, just to piss them off? Now that was a laugh.”
“The look on their faces was—Er. Th-that is to say, it wasn’t particularly funny in the end. It took Mum months to get rid of the infestation.”
 “Come now, you laughed harder than any of us when you told that story.
The funny thing is though, you never had to pick up some twat. You could have taken me up on my offer. Scabies may itch, but I could have really gotten under their skin.”
 “Oh. Bad choice of words. Does your mark ever bother you? Mine does sometimes. Prickles in the middle of the night, keeping me awake. And then I’ll start thinking about what it was like. When he was inside us. That feeling of freedom. All the worry and pain, just sliding away. It’s enough for me to almost want him back. Even remembering—”
“Yes. Well, I do have quite a lot of studying to do, so if there’s nothing else…”
 “Wait! I didn’t call just to catch up.”
“What do you want?”
 “I wasn’t lying when I said I was happy to hear your voice. But the thing is… I’m in a spot of trouble.”
“Ah. And what have you gotten yourself into this time?”
 “Mmm, nothing much. A slight complication. I’d agreed to do a job for a clan of Kelroth demons. Just a spot of chaos magic. Meant to make the members of the rival clan lose all their hair. No small feat considering how the buggers are covered in the stuff.”
“So your spell failed?”
 “Oh, it worked perfectly. A little too well really.”
“It affected all of them didn’t it?”
 “Both clans, yes. And you how vain the Kelroth are about their hair. Now that I’ve seen what’s underneath, I can understand why.”
“Ah. And now the Kelroth want their money back? Money which you, of course, no longer have?”
 “Er, yes. Plus extra for ‘loss of dignity.’ Really, I can’t see why I should be blamed for the vagrancies of chaos magic.”
“Why indeed? Honestly, Ethan, don’t you think a little more caution would be warranted? Kelroth demons are notoriously hot-tempered and chaos magic is—”
“Dangerous? Unpredictable? You might be able to afford caution. You’ve got your parents and your destiny to fall back on. But me? At least Janus won’t turn his back on me. I’m not even sure if that’s even possible given his two-sided nature.”
“You’re worshiping Janus now? Have you completely lost your mind? When did this start?”
 “A few months ago. I didn’t have you or the others to back me up anymore. I needed power, and Janus offers plenty to his worshipers.”
“And mental instability and early death.”
 “I’m touched by your concern. Really. It’d be a little more believable if you hadn’t vanished the instant things got difficult.”
“I told you. I needed some time to see my parents, a-and get my life sorted. That didn’t give you the right to start worshiping chaos.”
“The right? And you’re the authority on what I have the ‘right’ to do?”
“That’s not what I meant. But… you can’t seriously think that Janus is the answer.”
“What I think is that, if I don’t get the Kelroth their money, they’re going to tear my fingers out one by one and give them to their spawn for teething toys.”
“And how much money are we discussing here?”
 “Well, the advance was around three hundred quid—”
“Three hundred?! That is, no. I’m sorry, Ethan. I can’t.”
 “Why not? Your family’s not exactly short on dosh.”
“My family. Not me. And I can’t ask them for money, not after everything I’ve already put them through.”
 “There must be something you can do.”
“No, but maybe there’s something you can do. Leave Janus behind. Find a more legitimate use for your gifts. Th-the council maybe. They could always use a sorcerer of your talents. They’d protect you. My word may not count for much with them right now, but maybe if I could convince my father to vouch for you—Don’t laugh, this isn’t a joke!”
 “Your father? Hah, well you’ve got to admit it’s a bit funny. You weren’t willing to take me to your parents even to piss them off.”
“This is different.”
 “Yes. It certainly is. Tell me. How exactly would you introduce me to your father?”
“As a friend. And a competent mage.”
 “Right. I’d rather take my chances with the Kelroth.”
“Of course. Why should I expect anything else from you?”
 “Look, Ripper. Surely everything we’ve been through together is worth a couple hundred quid?”
“It’s Rupert. And everything I own doesn’t add up to more than a few hundred. Look, Ethan—”
 “Hmm. Well, I wonder how your dear Mummy and Daddy would respond if I were to turn up at your doorstep.”
 “Oh, just imagine the chaos I can make. Not to mention all the things I could tell them. Some of which I’m sure you didn’t mention when you pulled your prodigal son routine.”
“Oh. I see.”
 “I can think of a few particularly juicy anecdotes right now. For example, there was the night we started at the King’s Head and ended in the rubbish dump—”
“Ethan, stop. I’d been about to say, before you tried to blackmail me, that I can try to get your money. But it won’t be easy. You said 300 pounds?”
 “Er, better make that an even 500. I’ll need a little extra, don’t-rip-out-my-extremities money.”
“500? Jesus, Ethan.”
 “I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t serious, you know that. It’s just, you should see how angry this lot is and—”
“Shut up. I’m thinking. My father keeps too close of an eye on the books and artifacts. But my nan collected a lot of stuff on her travels that hasn’t seen the light of day in decades. I bet I could nick some of her things and fence them downtown without anyone being the wiser. … Er, that is, items that aren’t too dangerous to put on the market.”
 “I knew I could count on you, Ripper old chap.”
“It’s Rupert! Ripper was an idiotic nickname from the worst part of my life. And I won’t be called by it.”
 “The worst? You can’t mean—”
“How can I not mean it?! Randall died, Ethan. Have you already forgotten, or do you just not care?”
“I’ll get you your 500 pounds. But on one condition.”
 “That I’ll get on the straight and narrow and never touch another drop of chaos magic as long as I live?”
“No. We both know you’ll keep looking for your next thrill till it kills you.”
 “And you’re any different?”
“I bloody-well am! … Or at least, I’m trying to be.”
 “What then?”
“Give me one week to get your money. And after... You will leave me alone. You will not call, you will not scry, you will not write. You will not happen to run into me on the street or turn up suddenly on my door. Our association will be over.”
 “But, surely there must be some way we can still be—”
“Be what, Ethan? We’re… we’re not on the same path anymore.”
 “I just… don’t want to lose you too.”
“Then don’t make me steal from my family. Tell me you’ll get the money some other way.”
“I thought not. Give me a week. I’ll contact you through the old channels when I have the money. Now, is there anything else?”
 “No. No, I suppose there isn’t.”
“Fine. Goodbye, Ethan.”
 “Goodbye. Rupert.”
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softskyburial · 4 years
Ok country folks and mountain punks i have a water contamination mystery. I’m just now starting to connect the dots and I have no idea what is going on. First rain of the season presumably washes a bunch of minerals into the well and refills it so the usual hard water becomes extreme hard water. I can’t get it filtered enough and spend three days vomiting anything made with water. This also happened last year. Annoying to have to buy drinking water but after a few weeks it clears up. Problem number two is a mysterious skin issue. This also happened last year and I thought it was scabies that i picked up from clothes I bought. It got really bad before I got the medicated cream for it because I really did not expect to catch scabies while living alone in the wilderness but i did manage to pass it to a friend who borrowed my car. This mystery skin issue that we all thought was scabies last year is back now right at the same time as the water became undrinkable. It’s possible it could be some kind of bacterial infection but I really suspect a parasite. The only thing is that when i drank the water the only symptom i had was vomiting, nausea, stomach cramping. I never had diarrhea, which you would expect from giardia or some other parasite.
So what my mystery well contamination and how do I get rid of it?
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Safe Drinking Water Provided by safe RO
Safe drinking water is something everyone needs. But relying solely on local treatment facilities puts your health at risk.
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EPA standards for safe drinking water are not that safe. They don't make the bones. If you visit their website, you will see a list of all allowed contaminants and the potential health effects of ingesting those contaminants. We have listed a few for you here, but this is by no means an exhaustive list.
When chlorine is used to disinfect water, it reacts with bacteria it kills and releases by-products called triaalomethanes or THMs. The purification plants can send our water with THM. They have no real choice. They must disinfect the water or risk cholera and typhus epidemics. Since the late 1800s they have been using chlorine for disinfection and to provide the public with safe drinking water.
Chlorine itself is considered a health threat, but THMs are even more so. Potential health effects of THMs include liver, kidney and central nervous system problems, as well as an increased risk of cancer. This is not some kind of propaganda spread by water filter companies. Directly from the Environmental Protection Agency.
Chlorine, chloramines and chlorine dioxide are all used to ensure that the public has safe drinking water. These chemicals kill bacteria that pose an immediate health threat. The potential health risks of these disinfectants are largely unknown, but some studies have shown an increased risk of cancer in people who have chlorinated water. Health risks cited by the EPA include eye and nose irritation, stomach upset, anemia in infants and young children, and effects on the nervous system.
Safe drinking water can contain the chemicals atrazine and lindane. Atrazine is a herbicide. Its use is banned in Europe, but it is the most widely used pesticide in the United States. There is some controversy about the effect that atrazine has on humans.
Some studies say it causes cancer. Others say the results are inconclusive. So the EPA says it's "unlikely" to cause cancer. They cite the harmful health effects of atrazine contained in "safe drinking water" as cardiovascular and reproductive problems.
The EPA also seems to be confusing the issue when it comes to atrazine. A report published in 2006 concluded that atrazine and other herbicides "would not harm the general US population, infants, children or other consumers." But how can that be when they know it causes heart and reproductive problems? Why is there atrazine in so-called safe drinking water?
Lindane is a pesticide. Lindane is toxic to the nervous system. There are no doubts. It is banned in 50 countries, including the United States. But it is still used to treat lice and scabies. The main problem is that lindane is degraded very slowly in the environment. As its use has decreased, levels in groundwater have also decreased, but it is still a permitted pollutant in safe drinking water.
A portable water purifier can come in handy many times, including in the aftermath of a natural disaster or while camping. However, there is one thing to keep in mind when considering having fresh, clean drinking water and that there is a difference between filtered water and purified water. All filtered water may not be safe for human consumption and even when using a portable water purifier, the water may still contain floating contaminants that can alter the appearance and taste of the water.
Regardless of the reason or amount of water required, there is a portable water purifier to meet your needs. From small units that fit into the top of a water bottle to much larger ones, large enough to deliver purified water to hundreds of people in a short amount of time, a portable water purifier can transform some of the worst types. of water in drinking water. and cook. Although purified water is generally safe to drink, it may not taste or smell very good unless many of the suspended particles have been removed from the water.
A purification unit is required to be safe, although filtering will remove many of the smaller particles, including metals and some bacteria. Even a portable water purifier can kill all bacteria and germs that live in the water to prevent them from causing disease if ingested.
On The Camping Trail Portable Units Handy                                                      
With a portable water purifier, especially for campers, they have a continuous supply of clean water while on the track without having to carry large amounts of water. Before running the dirty water through a portable water purifier to completely get rid of dirt, odor and bacteria, run the water through the portable water filters to remove any sediment.
There are several methods of purifying water, including the use of chlorine and iodine, but these chemicals often leave an unpleasant odor in the water and although it is safe to drink, the water from a portable chemical water purifier may not be acceptable to some users. Ultraviolet cleaners use the sun's energy to create heat to kill bacteria, and some others use an electrical charge to kill all living things in the water. Using membrane filters that are small enough to trap bacteria are also popular types of portable water purifiers, but they require pressure to force water through the filter.
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unidicius · 4 years
Shikakai is a prickly bush or climber and grows in tropical forests of India. Its fruits are very well-known for use as a cleanser for hair and body. Its pod turns dark brown and wrinkled on drying. In each pod there are six to ten seeds. Due to the presence of saponins in its bark, it lathers moderately when shaken with water. It is rich in vitamin C and also Vitamins A, D, E, and K and other antioxidants which are very essential for healthy and quick growth of hair naturally. These vitamins help in providing necessary micro-nutrients to the hair follicle to nourish hair and grow fast and healthy. For the medicinal purpose its leaves and fruits are used. Its dried pods are powdered to produce Shikakai powder. Shikakai is also used in traditional medicine to treat jaundice, constipation, and skin problems. Its leaves, pods have an astringent action and useful in treating cuts, wounds, and oral problems. Its pod's decoction is prepared and used for washing and cleaning of wounds for quick healing. The leaves, barks and fruit pods of shikakai are dried, powdered and made into a paste at home to apply on hair. Regular use of shikakai will strengthen your hair strands and reduce hair fall. It also helps to get rid of dandruff and other hair and scalp problems. Besides, shikakai is used in many shampoos and hair medicines for its hair strengthening and conditioning properties. ✔ Herbal Shikakai mouthwash: The pods can be used to prepare a mouth rinse that helps to remove bacteria responsible for oral problems. Benefits of using Shikakai mouth wash • Cures bad breath • Antiseptic effect • Helpful in gum, oral infections ✔ Strengthens Hair: Shikakai is known to soften and smoothen your hair naturally, by releasing essential oils and vitamins that are key to hair growth. It promotes hair growth and keeps your hair looking soft and shiny so that you can let your hair down now, anytime! ✔ Thickens Hair and reduces Hair Loss: Hair loss can lead to stress, which only leads to more hair loss. Using Shikakai for hair loss can significantly help you regain your hair’s lustrous thickness and length. Packed with essential nutrients, Shikakai keeps your hair healthy, prevents breakage and brittleness, both of which are the most common reasons for thinning hair. ✔ Fights Dandruff: Shikakai is a great solution to dandruff worries, with its antifungal, antibacterial, and nutritional properties. It can be used to treat your scalp, and get rid of your pesky dandruff woes without any side effects. Say goodbye to those embarrassing white flakes on your clothes and hair with the regular and correct use of this incredible herbal remedy! ✔ Removes hair lice: Hair lice are one of the embarrassing and pressing problems. Not only do they cause uncontrollable itchiness and scalp discomfort, but they can also cause clumsiness. Because of how rapidly hair lice can spread from person to person, they can quickly turn into a lingering problem with seemingly no solution. Shikakai may offer remedy against hair lice too! Its low pH value along with its antifungal and antibacterial properties can stall the growth of hair lice. ✔ Prevents a dry scalp: Shikakai works its magic on a dry scalp by acting as a natural cleanser without washing away essential oils. ✔ Adds shine and softness: The natural ingredients of shikakai make your hair softer and add a beautiful shine to it. ✔ Heals minor wounds: Owing to its medicinal properties, Shikakai can also come in handy in the case of minor cuts and bruises on your scalp. Shampoos and other lotions can cause pains on the sensitive skin of your scalp, but ground roasted Shikakai paste can offer much relief in such cases ✔ Soothes your head: Shikakai is a key ingredient in making soothing hair packs. Usually composed of Shikakai, amla, yogurt, and soap nut, these cooling packs can be of sound relief particularly during hot weather, a nagging headache, or simply for a relaxing experience on a lazy day. ✔ Prevents Gray Hair: Using a hair pack made of Shikakai, soap nut and other herbal ingredients like amla may slow down and prevent the process of hair graying, letting your locks keep you looking fresh and young! Before applying hair dye, (even natural hair dye), hair should be washed with Shikakai. This helps in letting the dye soak better and stay on longer. ✔ Gently detangles hair: Shikakai is also great for getting rid of frustrating tangles! Simply run your fingers through your locks while rinsing out the Shikakai paste, and feel the difference for yourself. ✔ Treating Scabies: Shikakai may be used as an antiseptic wash for scabies. ✔ Treat spots by eliminating dead cells and gives your skin a natural glow. ✔. For minor Cuts & Wounds in the Scalp
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ansogs · 4 years
I’ve never been good at keeping friendships, although I try my best to be a good friend, but I guess sometimes I feel worthless and my AvPD causes me to Ghost everyone sometimes so most people stay away from me I guess because they think I’m mad but I can never find the energy or the right words to explain everything if that makes sense. But I have two friends from school. One of them I saw at a store about two weeks ago, with the guy who cheated on her multiple times, (a few times he cheated on her while she was in hospital and she was deathly sick), and when I got home, she sent me a text saying she wasn’t with him, and that he just needed a ride to the store.
The other day, she posted on Facebook that they got married.
Which kinda hurts me that she didn’t tell me.
Then the other day, her and our mutual friend asked if I’d go with them two hours away to go to this huge arcade place for her birthday. I was excited to go.
Well, she called me today. We were just talking and then she asked me if I’d drive her to the dentist to get her tooth pulled this Friday, and I said of course. Then I told her how I think I have lupus, and she just straight up said she had scabies but she isn’t contagious. And she told me to promise to not tell our friend. After I got off the phone, I looked up what that was. HELL NO. That is super contagious! And my mom needs knee surgery and can’t risk getting any kind of sores on her legs or they won’t do the surgery.
When I got home, I told my mom if she knew anything about what it was. My mom started panicking, and said I need to tell the other friend. And I realized if I were him, I’d want to know. So I told him. And then she, the one with the scabies, started texting me saying she got rid of them, and that it was back in August. (That isn’t what it sounded like when she told me over the phone.) and started saying how she got rid of them to have fun on her birthday? She’s lied to me before for no reason, so I don’t feel like I believe her. I told them I won’t be able to go on her birthday, and he still is. But I noticed after I told him, she deleted him and my mom from her friends list. I asked her if she did and she said she didn’t. My mom didn’t delete her. So, she’s got to be lying.
Eleven said it best, Friends don’t lie.
But for some reason, I feel like I’m a bad friend. I did the right thing right?
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siddarthherbs · 4 years
Henna is a plant. The leaf is used to make medicine.
Don’t confuse henna with henna root (Alkane tectorial), also referred to as alkanna root. Historically, henna has been used for severe diarrhoea caused by a parasite (amoebic dysentery), cancer,enlarged speem , headache ,jaundice, and ski conditions. These days, people take henna for and intestinal ulcers. Henna is sometimes applied directly to the affected area for  dandruff, eczema, scabies, fungal infections, and wounds. Henna by Heena manufacturer is India  is used in cosmetic, hair dyes, and hair care products; and as a dye for nails, hands, and clothing. People also use henna on the skin as temporary “tattoos.”
How does it work?
Henna contains substances that might help fight certain infections. There is also some information that henna might decrease the growth of tumours, prevent or reduce spasms, decrease inflammation, and relieve pain.
Henna might have an effect like a water pill or "diuretic." Taking henna might decrease how well the body gets rid of lithium. This could increase how much lithium is in the body and result in serious side effects. Talk with your healthcare provider before using this product if you are taking lithium. Your lithium dose might need to be changed.
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healthfreakscure · 4 years
SCABIES BITES|How to get rid of scabies|Home remedies for scabies[2020]
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8 Chances to Save Victoria Climbié
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"You could beat her and she would not cry at all. She could take the beatings and pain like anything." - Carl Manning (Victoria’s abuser)
In 1998, Victoria Climbie’s parents saw a golden opportunity when relative Marie-Thérèse Kouao (left) offered to take Victoria (right) away from the Ivory Coast and relocate with her to France. Although initially reluctant due to the distance, the advantages of a better education and lifestyle confirmed their decision to let her go. After all, she would be living with a trustworthy member of the family.
However, within 18 months of leaving, Victoria Climbié had endured so much abuse that her tiny body finally succumbed to 128 horrific injuries, and she died in the year 2000 in London, England. Despite numerous alerts by concerned acquaintances and actual encounters with social services and medical professionals, the British authorities failed to act.
This post outlines the 12 occasions on which Victoria Climbie’s death could have been prevented and highlights exactly why her case rightfully provoked major changes in UK children protection policies:
Between April and July 1999, Victoria accompanied Kouao on 7 different occasions to visit social workers in an attempt to secure housing support. One member of staff noted Victoria’s dishevelled and close to underweight appearance, even likening her to a child who may appear on an ‘ActionAid’ poster. However, any genuine concern was refuted, as it was commonplace that adults would bring in unkempt children as a means of receiving pity and being prioritised.
In June 1999, a distant relative named Esther came to visit. After leaving, she anonymously contacted local authorities about her concerns of abuse after noticing a fresh scar on Victoria’s body, and also that the young girl was losing weight rapidly. She was so suspicious that she contacted authorities a second time, just to check that progress was being made. They assured Esther that something would be done, but no action was actually taken.
In July 1999, Kouao moved into a different London apartment with her new boyfriend, Carl Manning, and Victoria’s abuse worsened. Kouao began working, so hired a childminder named Avril, who became so concerned by Victoria’s injuries that she took her directly to hospital. A doctor performed a 2 hour examination of Victoria’s injuries and identified cigarette burns on her thigh. However, another consultant disregards the burns as a symptom of scabies and insists Victoria had just been scratching them due to irritation. The cigarette burns were ultimately considered to be self-inflicted injuries, and she was discharged.
Later that same month, Victoria was again admitted to hospital with severe burns to her head and neck, resulting in horrific facial disfigurement. Marie-Thérèse simply explained that Victoria had held her head under scalding water to get rid of the scabies. This was accepted as an explanation, despite nursing staff noting a belt-buckle imprint on Victoria’s body. They also observed a “master-servant” relationship between Marie-Thérèse, and how Victoria was so frightened when her guardian came to visit that she wet herself. Victoria remained in the hospital for 2 weeks, but nobody asked her directly about the injuries. She was discharged and returned home back to her abusers.
After the 2 week hospital visit due to the burns, some doctors did believe that Victoria was being abused, and the police were notified. A female officer was assigned to follow up and visit Victoria’s home, but she failed to do so due to fears that she would catch scabies from household items or furniture. As well as police incompetence, there was no home check up from a health visitor, which was required due to the nature of Victoria’s hospital admission.
After being discharged, Victoria returned with Kouao to live with Carl Manning in a different area. Due to this move, Victoria was assigned a newly qualified social worker named Lisa Arthurworrey, who still should have been working under the supervision of an experienced social worker but wasn’t. In August 1999, she made her first visit and noted that Victoria and the home both seemed well-presented. However, she failed to speak to Victoria directly. Satisfied with her findings, she left. By the time she visited again in October, Manning was forcing Victoria to sleep in a bin liner in the bath, and she was being forced to eat while her hands were bound. The fear of Manning caused Victoria to become uncontrollably incontinent, and in return she is subjected to additional physical abuse. Again, the vile mistreatment went undetected.
Social worker Lisa Arthurworrey informed Kouao that she would be shortlisted for better housing if Victoria is placed at risk. In November, Marie-Thérèse Kouao contacted social services to claim that her boyfriend Carl Manning had been sexually abusing Victoria. It was explained to Kouao that Manning would be arrested and Victoria would need to be examined before she received the housing she wanted. After hearing this, Kouao withdrew her allegations, and no further action was taken. For the next 4 months, Manning and Kouao avoided all contact with social services and Victoria was continuously subjected to torturous abuse and starvation, including her toes being smashed with hammers. Despite their evasiveness, no higher action was taken.
In February 2000, Kouao began taking Victoria to church, claiming that her deteriorating condition had been caused by devils.  A member of the congregation saw Victoria and insisted she be taken to hospital, but nothing more was done. On 25th February, the council close Victoria’s case after no successful contact was made, and at 3:30pm that same day an 8-year-old girl was rushed into hospital with 128 different injuries all over her body. Victoria Climbie is pronounced dead. When admitted to hospital for the final time, Victoria’s core temperature was so low that staff didn’t have instruments with the capacity to record it.
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