#scabies pictures
healthhub123 · 4 months
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autisticaradiamegido · 4 months
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people forget i think about jade being a Dragon Enjoyer. but in my book club reread i realized that like. first look we get at her computer, she's got a dragon wallpaper. and she's got a window open looking at OTHER dragon wallpapers on furaffinity. shes got that scaley cred and i think we need to acknowledge it.
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gimmeshelter · 5 months
being into british rock is so funny you're like here are my guys 😚 and the guys in question look like they were just taken off the streets and put in the dog pound
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maoistyuri · 1 month
Hello! I am writing on behalf once more for @aya2mohammed, who I happily consider my friend, who has once again reached out to me to publicise their family's fundraiser.
This fundraiser is at 24.931 out of 50.000€, almost halfway to its goal.
When I first published this post it was only at 20.735€, which means they've raised over 4.000€ since August 7th! Good job everyone!
Unfortunately, it is still under halfway to its goal, which means it's still over 25.000 euros left!
Recently, after so much unbelievable hardship, their children have contracted scabies, due to the harsh and unclean living conditions, the lack of healthcare and due to unclean water.
Every donation truly makes a difference, even as little as 5 euros! Please do not hesitate to donate! Your help makes a lifesaving difference to the people you donate to!
The most recent update from the Gofundme, including a relevant picture, is below:
Update: Fighting for My Children I want to thank everyone who has supported us so far. Unfortunately, my children have recently contracted scabies due to the harsh living conditions. With the lack of clean water and proper healthcare, they suffer from severe itching and pain, leaving me feeling helpless. Scabies reflects the daily struggles we face. Life has become a constant fight for survival, but I refuse to give up. As a father, I will continue to fight for my children's health. With your support, I can secure the treatment they desperately need. Every donation makes a difference in our lives. Thank you from the bottom of my heart to everyone who has stood by us in this difficult time.
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kohanakonohana · 10 months
Two tanuki come to my garden today...both of them have scabies, so I'm worried about that they can pass this winter, but we can't take care of tanuki because they are wild life in our law ...【caution; It's quite a miserable picture...】
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oinkinpigprince · 5 months
Omg I NEED more gwimbly x Reader headcanons from you because I can’t find literally any 😭😭
Okiedokie!! You got it, another gwimbly x reader coming up! The ppl love gwimbly, it’s not shocking though.
MORE!! Gwimbly x reader
I want to talk about dates w/ gwimbly cause I feel like they’d be really interesting. Both the most fun you’ve ever had and leaves you terrified
He loved big adventures, driving at midnight, going to parties and clubs, maybe flying cross country w/ you
He’s very spontaneous, never going with the flow. You’ll be sitting on the couch and gwimbly will bust in with a suit case saying “WE HEADIN TO TOKYO BABY!” On a Tuesday
It makes you feel alive but he also forgets you have, a job. So sometimes your stupid head boss ruins you’re guy’s(his) plans and he just sits there curled up on your lap pouting
Muttering about capitalism, and corporate wage slaves. You just have to stroke his little head and roll your eyes at how dramatic he is
You teach him how to better make plans, you can just hop on a bus to New York or LA and not expect to take some time off
A fun date idea is testing him for scabies! Checking him for bugs and that sort, who knows what’s under that fur coat.
You two went to universal once and he lost his shit at Nintendo world. He both loved and hated it.
Gwimbly hated it at first, he hating seeing that stupid Italian everywhere and how HE should have his own GWIMBLY WOOOOORLD!! Where you’d slam a can of corn every meal time
But, he could deny the epic-ness of it all. Bowsers tower, Mario kart, it was just. Too awesome for him to deny. It was also a total ego boost to have game nerds come up to him to get his autograph
He got so many pictures with you and fans, loved hugging you tight as people took photos. Gwimbly even tried to kiss you but you shoved his face away making a hilarious photo
Omg ARCADE DATES!! The most retro, nerdy shit you could think of. He loves playing arcade games w/ you, he favorite being mortal combat or any street fighter type games
He kicks ass at DDR, and loves to smoke you in that game. You kick his ass at air hockey, he’s so dramatic about it too. He does it cause he knows you find it funny
You two have a lot of fun! Before he tried to win you an arcade prize and lost so much he grabbed his gwimbly gun and tried to shoot the machine
You two actually got kicked out, well gwimbly got thrown out and was promptly banned from that location. It was fun while it lasted
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the-empress-7 · 8 months
You're right about the walkabout Empress. I think just last week a reporter, I couldn't recall his name, said that the Netflix was ready and recording and many people saw that box shaped thing Rachel was wearing inside her dress which they suspected to be microphone or recorder. Many times the wires were hanging out of Harold's pants when they were doing pseudo engagements in the US so he must have one on him too. No wonder Scabies was pissed, zero sound during that car ride haha!
Yeah I saw it go down in real time on CNN. They were running a ticker on the screen saying that the DDoS were about to do a walkabout, and RE tweeted the same. How I wish I has saved pictures. CNN even had the two reporters on standby and on screen waiting for only H&M according to their news ticker. Next thing you know, there is a huge delays, and eventually a car pulls up and William is driving it.....
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babizzxx · 5 months
me posting pretti picture knowing full well i am so sick and look like i have leprosy and scabies right now
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boricuacherry-blog · 2 years
I'm very much a California girl. I grew up in Long Beach, then moved to San Pedro, which was very multicultural. And my stepfather was Thai and Hawaiian. I do have a musical family, my [biological] dad was in a barbershop quartet and my mom had a lovely voice, which I of course didn't inherit. I was really athletic - I played handball in school and beat all the boys twice before the bell rang - and I had a lot of anger I needed to get out, so I figured I would play the drums. I wound up playing in bands within three weeks of starting to play. Thankfully my family was encouraging. I always wanted to be an artist. There was this gallery near our house and they use to offer oil painting lessons. And I was really into that. That was really my jam.
When I heard punk rock, it had a really big impact on me. I was like, Woah, you can do that? In high school, these girls invited me to go see The Rocky Horror Picture Show and Pink Flamingos. Then you start meeting other people, you know, the guys from Red Cross, and The Stingers [a Longbeach band], because they were also seeing the movies. There was a definite crossover with, you know, punk rock and John Waters movies.
Some of the bands I really liked going to see in Hollywood were like, The Weirdos, and X. I really loved X so much. I copied Exene's hair, with just the bangs and kind of like the egg running down your head of different colors, as if you just cracked an egg of colors down your hair. I also liked The Alleycats - God there were so many bands at that time - Nervous Gender - The Bags. I also listened to a lot of Neil Young and Nick Cave and the bad seeds.
I played in a punk band that was like an art punk band. One of my first bands was called Sexually Frustrated. The two girls that were in it were little people [midgets] and you know, I'm like six foot tall. So it was like a visual thing on top of what we were doing. I was also in a band called IUD with the same two women. We were playing with The Omelettes at Camarillo State Hospital. You know, it was very arty, and there were like saxophones.
I met Courtney [Love] through a friend and she wanted me to be the drummer in a band she was starting. Courtney really wanted to make good songs. I don't think I'd ever played in bands where the words were really revealing anything of yourself - the emotional part of being a woman. I really responded to her lyrics. It's like Courtney was speaking for me in a way I couldn't for myself. The words really tapped into something. Pretty On the Inside really spoke to me - all the horrible stuff in my childhood, the dynamics in my family and with other people - that song just really, really spoke to me. I think I wrote a lot of my drum parts to accent what she was saying in the songs. I would, like, ride the cymbal, but make it sizzle - like Rat Scabies from The Damned, he would do that alot. I'm a very emotional drummer. I'm not the timekeeper metronome type of drummer.
When Jill [Emery] joined, that was when Lisa Roberts had left. Courtney let her go because she was threatening the owner of a club with a screwdriver when they didn't pay us. It turned out the owner was the wife of Eddie Nash, the infamous gangster, so Courtney was like, "No she has to go." And Courtney had already been in acting, so she knew all the Hollywood rigmarole.
I wasn't as into Pearl Jam - I was more into Mudhoney. I really liked the garage rock and Iggy Pop - kind of that Detroit thing.
Babydoll [from Pretty on the Inside] was about Madonna. Courtney saw her driving a Mercedes and didn't like it. Courtney worshipped Madonna though. I think that was her playbook. She wanted to be the rock version of Madonna.
I guess it could be said that grunge owes a lot of its existence to Reagan. We were deep in Reagan's America at the time, with the hypocritical values at the time.
Around the time Courtney got pregnant, I was also pregnant, but didn't realize it at the time. I'd had the flu for weeks, and Eric [Erlandson] goes, "Maybe you're pregnant." And it turns out I was. And unfortunately, my relationship at the time was breaking apart because I was always gone [on tour with Hole]. I got a voice-mail on my answering machine that I was being let go from the band, and this was after Eric had already given me money for an abortion. Courtney was telling me we were gonna be playing with Sonic Youth in November in Japan, so she didn't think me being pregnant was going to be good with me playing drums. So I thought, OK, as part of my career move, I'm going to have the abortion. And then she just kicked me out anyway.
I was actually kicked out three times, which a lot of people don't know. Courtney chastised me in the middle of a show because she thought I wasn't playing fast enough. I felt she was publicly humiliating me, so I threw a drumstick at her head. She was mad and kicked me out. Then it was like, OK you can come back if you just do Slimfast and cigarettes and then play drums everyday and do drum lessons. She really liked how I played, but she wanted me to play perfectly, like a Dave Grohl. So I would just comply - I lost weight, etc.
There were a lot worse experiences I had with Courtney, like her telling me, 'I made you,' and stuff like that, like saying I needed to do whatever she wanted at any given moment because 'I didn't even belong here.' So it feeds on your insecurities. That's what manipulative people do. It just got more and more tense that way.
And I mean at first she would, like, spend the night and we would pig out on Entenmann's and watch like weird videos, and have fun like that, but you know, now I realize what she was doing - she was trying to learn all my Achilles heels. And then she would just press on those things when she wanted me to do something.
Courtney was really smart. She was a speed reader - I mean she went to Montessori school - so she's a fascinating person.
Kurt's funeral was intense. There were about 50 people, not a lot of people there. It was Kurt's family, the Sub Pop family, and just all the people he knew. I was around Kurt, but I didn't really know him. We had very few private moments and unfortunately we did not get to be friends. I went to his apartment one time and he was in his pajamas and I sat on their bed. And he was excited to tell me he had a dream about me. He goes, 'We were in Aberdeen and we were riding bikes in my neighborhood,' and I was asking questions and he was telling me about it. And Courtney was standing in the hallway, very Bette Davis, smoking a cigarette, and she goes, 'Well he needs some female friends, but not you, your tits are too big.' And I was engaged to be married, so I don't think she thought I was flirting with him. And then he just looked at his feet, really ashamed. And I left shortly after that. But I'm proud of what we created.
-Caroline Rue, original drummer for Hole
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stefankarlfanblog · 1 year
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Interview with Stefán Karl written for Kraftur's magazine, an Icelandic organization that supports young adults diagnosed with cancer. from 2017: https://timarit.is/page/7072756
Content warning: Discussion of hard topics, and graphic details of illness
"I live in the present"
Photograph by Jónatan Grétarsson
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"I never thought about cancer before and pushed all such thoughts away. Nevertheless, I lost my father to cancer in 2012, and it was a huge shock. Then both of one of my relatives and sister-in-law were diagnosed with cancer. This disease has been around me a lot for the past four years, but nevertheless, I never thought that I could get cancer myself."
Stefán was diagnosed with a rare type of bile duct cancer and underwent a major operation where the tumor was removed. Over the past few months, Stefán has been undergoing chemotherapy and radiation therapy and hopes that the cancer will be cured. Stefán describes his experience with the illness and how he decided to deal with a life-threatening disease.
When asked about the first symptoms, he says that he did not fully realize them. Last autumn, he says he had abdominal pain and sweats a lot at night. He went to the doctor and suspected that his symptoms were caused by reflux. He was given medicine for it, but it didn't improve. "It wasn't until I almost stopped sleeping at night because of the pain, the urine had turned orange and the stools were clay white in color which I didn't notice at first. Also, I was obsessed with itching and imagined that I likely got scabies," says Stefán, grinning.
"When my eyes were so yellow, it occurred to me that I had hepatitis. It wasn't until Steinunn, my wife, drove me to the emergency room that I was sent for all sorts of tests. I was greeted by Jón Baldursson, a doctor, who looked me straight in the eyes and I could clearly see in him that something serious was wrong - as he wanted to admit me immediately. I had no idea and told him that I had to start watering my plants," says Stefán, remembering that he has a small business called Spretta where he grows vegetables for restaurants.
"It took me three days to get to those 70 meters," he says, laughing. "It was wonderful when the first fart came"
"I was still restless and thought it was gallstones and immediately called my mother who had gallstones. But it turned out to be a little more than that," he says and remembers that he was immediately sent by ambulance to the Landspítalan at Hringbraut, where he underwent a scan.
"The next day, Kristín Huld Haraldsdóttir, a doctor, comes and tells me that metastases have been seen in the pictures. 'Are you telling me it's cancer,' I asked, but still I was convinced it wasn't cancer.'
After detailed investigations, the couple was told straight out that it was most likely cholangiocarcinoma. "At this point I completely broke down and cried. I admitted my helpessness and was mildly shocked. Kristín Huld also told us that this was probably a serious form of cancer that often recurred later in the form of metastases.
She didn't hide anything from me, but she was nevertheless extremely discreet, approaching me with a calm but realistic approach. Subsequently, it was decided that I would have an operation where the lesion would be removed, but in the meantime, I googled everything I could find about the disease, talked to my friends, doctors in the US, looked at the statistics, ie. what were the prospects for life. Then I saw what was going on and what I had to do. I am married and the father of four children, and I saw that there was a big fight ahead."
Then ten days passed and on October 4, 2016 Stefán underwent a major operation that took about 8-9 hours. After the operation, he was told that the entire lesion had been removed and all the incisions had been clean. "I woke up on the operating table when the operation was over and immediately asked: 'Did everything go well?' The answer was 'yes, we achieved everything we set out to do.'
After a three-week stay in the hospital, a difficult period began, which Stefán describes in a comical way: "I was all in tubes and devices, and the first days consisted of being able to fart and then, of course, having a bowel movement." I was determined to help with that and sprang out of bed, setting myself the goal of walking the corridor to the end. It took me three days to get to those 70 meters," he says, laughing. "It was wonderful when the first fart came" and a great victory to have the first stool" he continues, talking about life in the hospital, which in retrospect was not boring.
"I took it in good humor, chatted with other patients and nursing staff and didn't make fun of myself in the least." But then the seriousness took over. Stefán says he only realized the seriousness of the disease when he got home. "Then I cried like a baby and wallowed in self-pity.
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Stefán Karl having a great time with his plants
I guess it can't be said that the shock came first and then the trauma itself. Then came Bjarni Vigfús, a hospital chaplain. He helped me a lot.
At some point I decided to frame this task I was facing like a journey. I created a journey in my mind where I was on the staff of a ship sailing towards an island. I have a lot of people with me, relatives and friends. The ship sails towards the island that can be seen in the distance, but I don't know how long it takes the ship to reach the port. I'm on that journey now." Stefán Karl is a well-known actor and well-known figure in Iceland and in the United States, so the question arises whether it was not difficult to experience the reaction of friends, acquaintances and the general public. He smiles.
"As soon as we knew what it was, my wife Steinunn immediately wrote a post on Facebook where she told the whole truth. It was necessary because she had received inquiries as to whether I was dying - if not already dead.
"I'm looking forward to finishing this project, sailing the ship into port." Looking forward to skiing, traveling and experiencing many things that I have left"
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Stefán Karl at Landspítalan after the operation
After this post came, it was like the atmosphere cleared. The pink elephant in the room disappeared," he says and explains that too many people don't trust themselves to get in touch to find out the whole truth, and then various kinds of rumors are started that have no basis. However, there are still certain people, with whom I have always been in close contact, who have not yet called or visited. It hurts a little," he says, adding that he has received an overwhelming response on Facebook. "There were hundreds of messages - most of them were very friendly as people were wishing me a good recovery, but then I received countless messages from all kinds of people who were selling some miracle substances and potions that were supposed to cure me," he says with a laugh.
And it is certain that Stefán Karl has good friends, which shows in the fact that his foreign friends and colleagues organized a fundraiser for the family, and actors and other friends of his also hosted a concert at the National Theater where a significant amount was collected. Stefán had to stop working and, in addition, his wife had to reduce her work due to the illness, so this money came in very handy, according to him.
At the time of this writing in mid-March, he is still undergoing chemotherapy and is also taking medication to prevent the disease from reoccurring. "There are countless side effects from all of this, but I just take it." The worst thing is to have no energy. When I was playing the Grinch on stage in the USA, I played a total of 600 shows and didn't blow my nose. But now I'm completely out of energy and I'm looking forward to when I'm well enough to go to the gym and renew my energy.
When a person is faced with such a serious illness, one instinctively wonders if he has thought about death and how.
"Yes," says Stefán with a heavy heart. "I think about death every day, many times a day. But I still don't worry about death, whenever it comes. I'm mostly just curious. Would I know when I parted? What's on the other side? What happens? But what I feel most often now is longing for life," he says and explains it in more detail. "I'm looking forward to finishing this project, sailing the ship into port." Looking forward to skiing, traveling and experiencing many things that I have left. I am looking forward to celebrating Christmas in Iceland, since for the past few years I have celebrated it in the United States. There are so many things I still have to do, but when you experience a shock like this, you see it all in a mirage. Today I am mostly pain free and I am thankful for that every day. Now I'm focusing on keeping my weight off but I've lost a lot of weight lately. But it's all coming back."
Another question, and maybe clichéd: Has this changed Stefán Karl's life outlook?
"Probably they've changed, yes." In my mind, there is no longer a quality-of-life race. Nice houses, cars, furniture and clothes don't matter to me. Now I enjoy watching the sunset and capturing all that is beautiful – something I didn't do before. In retrospect, I kind of regret not focusing more on the real quality of life until now; it is that this was necessary! Yes, I think differently and who wouldn't when faced with such a serious illness? I'm also much more tender and sensitive than before and I don't deny that sometimes I fall into a pit of self-pity and get certain symptoms of depression," he says and confesses that in the past he had a certain prejudice against antidepressants, but after receiving such drugs he feels much better for him. Stefán says that he has used humor during his illness and that it has benefited him greatly.
These days he focuses on getting healthy, and in between he tends to his plants in the flourishing company Spretta, an occupation that he says is very rewarding. "I live in the present - because I have no influence on what has passed and I have no idea what the future holds." I know the doctors have done their bit to help me but the rest is up to me. No one heals you but yourself."
The interview with Stefán Karl takes place in mid-March. In mid-May, two metastases were found in Stefán's liver, and he subsequently went to Copenhagen for an ultrasound scan for further research. Kraftur wishes Stefán a speedy recovery and sends greetings.
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biarritzzz · 6 months
Absolutely everything that attracts foreign tourists to France and specifically Paris is a picture of what Paris looked like in the 1960’s.
That is a European country whose native population had not been replaced by the third world.
France remains the most visited country in the world in spite of online losers claiming it sucks. (My guess is: they claim France sucks because of mass immigration but they can’t say that out loud because ‘racism’ so they blame it on the French which always makes them feel better about their own inadequacies - xenophobia is too delicious).
Problem is: they expect Emily in Paris and Amélie Poulain and instead they get mugged/stabbed by cultural enrichers, they trip over illegals camping on the Seine quays, they catch pneumonia or scabies because of… reasons we aren’t allowed to discuss and they think they’re in Bamako if they have the misfortune of entering the Parisian subway.
That’s going to be the next Olympics. France relies heavily on tourism since politicians have been hell bent on destroying its industries, so if tourists stop coming, what’s left?
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sydmarch · 1 year
LOL I found these pictures I'd forgotten about from when I stayed w my ex in this hotel during college that gave us both scabies so back in my dorm room while recovering I took all these close up high exposure soft focus photos of my rashes that literally look like they could be shots from antiviral despite the fact this was years before I'd even seen it. it was destiny
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aettuddae · 11 months
zuha must be a really good gf for haru to be so in love with her despite her attitude. you all just need to see the bigger picture. HARU BBY DON'T LET SCABIES GIRL GET TO YOU
SCABIES GIRL OMG kazuha herself is behind cwpiqwon
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trixibebe · 1 year
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The name Kornélia is the Hungarian version of the Latin name Cornelia which is the female equivalent of the male name Cornelius (Kornél in Hungarian).
It's origin is supposed to come from the tree called Cornus Florida a.k.a. dogwood. (flowers pictured) It was believed that the rind of the tree was good for treating scabies on dogs (which isn't true). Apparently the word dogwood comes from the Celtic word dag and dagga from which the word dagger comes from as well.
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bunnifur-spitz · 1 year
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I honestly never post pictures like this. I haven't ever felt it necessary for my self esteem, I generally have a ton of that. Almost an excess at times, however...
I left prison on January 25th, at a DD and a size 8 underwear. This was my third time in prison in the last 2 years. The third time I had put my body through the ringer due to drug abuse and street walking prostitution. The first time 06/21/21(initial weight 108) Second time 05/08/22 (initial weight 112) and the Third 10/14/22 (initial weight 102).
I was in the hospital on 04/02/23 and weighed 115.
I entered a detox on 04/11/23 at 105.
It is an exhausting process to heal the scabs from scabies, then heal the pink spots left behind to try to prevent scarring. Gaining the weight back, then exercising and eating properly to take some of it off, shape it. To start being able to look at myself without crying when I'm taking a shower. To be able to stand in the mirror for longer periods of time each day. To build my smile wider one centimeter at a time. It's even more exhausting to have to do it all over again 4 times over.
This time, I also have to heal my scalp and try to help my hair grow back due to an abscess I had there (that's a long story for a later date).
It just keeps getting worse each time I begin using again. I have overdosed a total of 9 times, I have been to treatment twice, and I have been to detox 14 times.
I left a treatment facility on 05/10/23 and am now living in a sober house.
I have been clean for 33 days, which is the longest I have EVER been clean without being incarcerated. And I look DAMN GOOD.
I'm sharing this because we can't keep what we have unless we give it away.
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iwantjobs · 3 months
7/1/2024: Trang at 34 years old, a year before I became a disabled and a mental. This is after I quit my teaching job and then jumped into the Starbucks job for health insurance to prepare myself as a stay at home mother. I was making myself an internet model by paying my pictures on Myspace. My hormone and eggs go to desperate and feisty to get a baby by looking for a baby father that Jesus' father or God had to both slapping hard and turned me into a crippled and mental to force me to stay at home instead of roaming the gay wild in San Francisco. I still had a double-chin, and small belly the and even slight bad posture. But now, we'll see if I can make myself better than my old self after my neck and head stretching is done. This time, modeling without makeup and eyeliner for its easy to model with makeup and young. Plus at this angle, everyone looks good while the double-chin is covered. I believe my picture will be analyze by the fashion world and plastic surgery world as I report my research and finding of my method to maintain my youth as a hardcore heterosexual female even when I am a disabled, mental, and semi-homeless. The mars-like scars on both of my cheeks is partially shown here which I analyze that is is the map of the universe looking for God for i don't think God is a human being. These scars are scaby scars like scaby scars of kids in Gaza who are getting scabby scars from dirty water. I got them during the Vietnam war at 1.7 years old. Scars of me being the female Buddha. after quit as a highschool teacher, I had a lot of time and came out with the theory that I was the female Buddha while smoking tiny joints roaming the gay jungle looking for baby father without marriage. The philosophy of me being the female Buddha was firstly placed on Myspace. A year after this, I believe Jesus' father (God) bitch slapped me hard to tell me this is not your time to have a baby yet, this is your time to prove that you are the female Buddha after writing out your theories as the female Buddha. Well folks, 17 years have passed this this picture has been taken, I'll spend the next few days cleaning up trying to make myself a model again even though I have some uglym. In this picture, I still have a tiny belly and double-chin, slight bad posture to high by boobs, and I wore eye liner to hids my ugly tiny eyes. See ya back in a few days. Also then, I model with other people's designed clothes. This time soon, I'll model my own re-designed clothes of other people. We'll see if I can do it. See back in a few days for those you think I am vain, perhaps a little, but proving myself as the female is proving that there is enough existence of the father of Jesus or God, because why would plain Jane like me become the female Buddha out of the blue without the guidance of you who who and what.
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