#what are scabies
healthhub123 · 4 months
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colgatebluemintygel · 11 months
my best friend confidently telling me that theres an ongoing scurvy crisis in our city's hospo scene
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yooo new poem just dropped
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(this is the second one, i wrote this lady night idk if it makes sense but oh well :') )
Yeah, I read this twice then stared at the wall for 15 mins. Excuse me while I perform CPR on myself. Actually never mind, I'm signing a DNR. This was so raw, vivid and vulnerable. I am shooketh to the very core. It's like you are around me and spying on my life smh. I refer to my rot as this 'sickness' and let me let you know. This resonated deeply with me. I saw it, I felt it, I breathed in your poem and loved every bit of it. Growing up thinking there is something inherently wrong with you, which must be kept inside, a secret of the true self. If people know it, they'll forsake you, they'll be horrified, disgusted, repulsed, gagging and aching at the beast they've been deceived by.
And the nature of this rot is so unknown, yet it lurks in every feeling, every thought and every interaction. 'in my chest does it lie, in my heart does it feed off every misery. In every doubt, does it thrive on every mistake does it embed itself, further and further' It grows, it's a moving target, it flourishes inside. And every thing feels like a mistake, ding or not doing, it all feels like an endless cycle and it always seems to win and grow and corrode your insides.
'if you love me, leave me be' Because after all, you know how to live with this rot, you can survive with this inside of you. 'it's filthy, impure' Some people want to help, but they don't know how. The last stanza - where the person is weeping and horrified at the rot's existence. They mean well, yes but at the end you have to comfort them instead of them reassuring you. 'you can't help, stop trying' And all this leads you to believe that at the end of the day, there is something no one can fix which makes you feel unlovable. But if the person still stands, they might not know how to fix it, but they still do their best, they keep 'fighting'. It leaves you dumbfounded. Why willfully engage with this putrid rotting creature? Also the bloody hands and stained shirt. A feeling that you will contaminate the ones around you, that you will ruin the love by being so filthy. The ones you know are now covered in your blood, in your rot and it's your fault. And by the end you are so sick of it, you tear it out, you kill it all you can but you know it's all futile. Then the questions of your true self come burning. Then the lines between you and the rot seem so blurry. But you'll tear it out, you'll take care of it. Even when it's 'never quite dead, fully dead'
The line 'these bloody fingers have seen worse' alludes to the fact that there have been several attempts to 'tear it out, bleed it dry'. The rot has been picked apart a million times, yet it 'convulsively persists'
This is what I made of it. If you had indented something else and if I missed something between the lines. PLEASE TELL ME. I am not normal about this poem in the least bit. It feels like it has watched me and knows me for who I am. HOW CAN YOU WROTE SOMETHING SO UTTERLY BONE CRUSHING. I WANNA SAW MY LIMBS OFF AND GIVE THEM TO YOU AS AN OFFERING.
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shitpostroundhouse · 1 year
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mozki · 53 minutes
do u guys ever get the #exec dysfunc where ur trying to get started on something like 5 separate times and whenn u redirect urself back to the task for like a 6th time u kinda just stand there swaying over it cos what da fuck is going on . and then go tell tumblr. LOL kill me
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caterpillarinacave · 1 month
I think I’m just gonna skip to episode 86
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it's already been a Rough Fucking Day and then Angry came out to yell at and hang up on our wife bc she fell into a self-pity spiral after the dog pissed on the bed and started begging to die which is a huge trigger for us since an older friend kept begging to die when we were younger
#angry speaking#other#negative#like I'm So Fucking Sorry the dog pissed on the bed#getting into a pity party about it ain't gonna do shit#bite the bullet and wake up that bitch of a mother so you can clean up the mattress#I'm so fucking sick of you turning into a blob begging to die the second anything happens#grow a spine or a will to live or I swear to god I'll make the system move on#it's not fucking healthy and she's not going to marry you#that bitch really said that we'd get married when she got her degree. and then dropped the fuck out#cool cool cool cool#I know she called for support but she kept rejecting every single solution. what the fuck do you want from me then#'I can't wake up my mom to clean the mattress' your mother. can eat a fat hairy unwashed smegma coated scabies infected cock#that bitch doesn't give a shit about you. if she did she'd fucking help#'we can't use the carpet cleaner bc the carpet cleaner has piss on it' have you considered. cleaning the carpet cleaner first. soak it in#water or at least rinse it off. anything's better than letting the piss dry in the bed#'but it's two am' so the fuck what. grow up asshole sometimes shit happens#I just. what the FUCK do you want from us????#what can we DO???? there's nothing TO DO. I CANT DO ANYTHING FROM HERE INCLUDING MAKE YOU LISTEN TO ME ABOUT GETTING OUT OF THIS SPIRAL#so I'm FUCKING SORRY if I ENDED A SHITTY CONVERSATION because NONE of you will stop the kids from seeing all that shit. it's not just us in#here dipshit it's kids that DIDNT FUCKING ASK and have BEEN THROUGH TOO MUCH ALREADY#SOMEONE has to do something to PROTECT THEM since I COULDNT BEFORE. GOD#'what's the harm in helping her stay alive' we answered this through YEARS of keeping that friend alive. listening to someone beg to die#once is traumatizing enough but to hear it every day? or every time your wife gets the teensiest bit upset? shut the entire fuck up#alright I can feel myself slipping away from the front again but GOD. grow the entire fuck up babe you're better than that.#I think this is the first time I've fronted tolling enough to post something myself#*long not tolling
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 3 months
would you like to tell us about your research on virginity?
but also...wdym STIs aren't as scary as we think??? I was told most of them are incurable? I know you can make aids untrasmittable and that they've even succeded in curing it a couple times but that's about it. I would love to be educated about this
yeah, the basic idea with the virginity project was that the whole concept of virginity is pretty bullshit in the context in which it was initially significant, namely cisgender women being penetrated by cisgender men, so as soon as you take it outside of that context by introducing gay and trans sexuality it totally falls apart. I mean, hell, it stops working if you even look at two cishet people doing literally anything OTHER than penis-in-vagina sex. I tripped up so many people initially when I started asking questions like "okay, so you don't think a woman loses her virginity from a man going down on her. so what if it's two women? what's the difference?" and just really getting people to face down their very penis-centered view of the sex, to the result of several people telling me that it kind of made them reevaluate what they actually think of as the first time they had sex. it's also fascinating to either read other people's accounts or discuss firsthand how queer people have either tried to make themselves fit into the binary of virginity - queer man disagreeing over whether or not you have to have penetrative anal sex to lose your virginity or oral sex is sufficient, a fascinating case of a lesbian who felt that have sex with other cis women didn't "count" and asked a cis male friend to have sex with her just so she could feel satisfied that she'd lost her virginity - or abandon it entirely. Hanne Blank's book Virgin was a formative starting point, and it really exploded for me from there.
as for the STIs - hey, bad news! you fell victim to the scare tactics used to make people afraid of sex! almost all sexually transmitted infections are very easy to treat and cure with the right medicine, which is why it's important to get tested regularly and check in with your healthcare provider at the first sign of something amiss. pubic lice, scabies, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis - all of those are pretty easy to get rid of with some help from your doctor and a run to the pharmacy!
the major exceptions are the 4 H's: herpes, HIV, HPV, and hepatitis B.
herpes is with you forever but is an incredibly mild companion to share your body with, considering most people never experience any notable symptoms and those who do can curb the severity with medicine.
it's also worth noting that herpes is so common as to be virtually ubiquitous; the World Health Organization consistently estimates that somewhere around 80% of the world's adult population is carrying herpes simplex virus 1 or herpes simplex virus 2. a great deal of those people don't even get it from having sex, but rather by catching HSV-1 from a parent or other people they come is close contact with as a child.
you're actually thinking of HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) when you mention AIDS becoming untransmittable, but that's still a very good thing! the care available for people with HIV has come incredibly far since AIDS first became known and claimed so many lives, and today it's more than possible for people infected with HIV to live long, healthy lives by taking the proper medication to manage their viral load.
with management, people with HIV will not develop AIDS (which happens when the immune system is sufficiently depleted by HIV) and by consistently taking their medication people with HIV can become undetectable (the viral load in their body is too small to be detected or measured in tests), at which point they are unable to transmit the virus to other people.
HPV (human paillomavirus) comes in many different strains, most of which are absolutely harmless and go away on their own after a couple of months or years of freeloading in your body. I cannot emphasize this enough: HPV is so common that virtually everyone who has sex has, will have, or has had it in their lives, and the vast, VAST majority of those people will never be troubled by it literally at all.
the trouble comes from a few strains of HPV that can cause genital warts, and a few others that can cause cancers in the throat, anus, cervix, vulva, vagina, and penis. while HPV can't be treated, you can reduce your risk of developing cancer by getting the HPV vaccine if you haven't already and, if you have a cervix, getting regular Pap smears to catch early warning signs of cancerous developments.
hepatitis B is a viral infection that targets the liver. in rare cases it can cause chronic health problems that can be very dangerous, but I have to emphasize that's not common. in most adults who get hep B, there will be no symptoms and it will resolve itself in a matter of weeks. the infection is riskiest in children, but at least in America most people have received vaccines against hepatitis B as babies since the 90s.
in conclusion: get your shots, take your medicine, use protection, get tested, and talk to your doctor, but know that if there's one thing humans are good at it's figuring out how to manage STIs. we've been doing it for a long time - most sexually transmitted infections and parasites have been with us since before we we became modern humans - so we're really good at it!
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the-catboy-minyan · 6 months
Atheist here asking questions about the Moses story, could g*d have found a better way of punishing the pharaoh then killing their children? I feel like there could have been better options?
Mostly I’m curious as to what the interpretation of that is.
well I'm an atheist as well so keep that in mind, but I have no idea.
the story is from thousands of years ago, and many stories from that era include bloodshed (in ways we in the modern world may consider unnecessary).
you have to keep in mind that this punishment was the last one of 10, after 9 other plagues to pressure the pharaoh to release the Israelites. those were: turning the river to blood, a bunch of fucking frogs everywhere (or a giant frog, jumblr had a debate about it), lice, invasion of wild animals, a disease on their livestock, scabies, hail, locusts, and total darkness for three days.
Moses went to Pharaoh after every plague, but he didn't budge until the last one, the death of the firstborns in eygypt. and even after he agreed, he changed his mind and sent his army after the escaping Israelites (which lead to the miracle of the parted sea).
that was not Moses's decision to kill the firstborns, the Israelites didn't cheer for their deaths, and we don't celebrate it. I'd like to remind the audience at home of the start of the story, where the Israelites where slaves to the Egyptians, and the (previous) Pharaoh passed a law to throw every male baby to the nile river, that was a human decision enforced by humans.
many other cultures have their fair share stories of bloodshed being presented as good or even heroic, Judaism shouldn't be expected to be an outlier when it's one of the more ancient religions. not to mention the 10 plagues were never really presented as positive in my opinion, they were a necessary evil to free them from slavery.
thanks for the ask! i hope my answer makes sense. again I'm not religious so I may have gotten some things wrong.
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d0youc0py · 8 months
Hello!!! I was wondering if you could do something where Ghost and fem!reader (or can be GN!reader, whatever you prefer :)) work alongside each other in 141 and have secret romantic feelings for each other? And the team is sent on a mission, and Ghost and reader have to share a room with each other and it just gets super fluffy and cute, with a side of banter? Maybe they even reveal their crush?
If not, that’s totally fine! I hope you have a marvellous week 🤍💗
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warnings: none really, fluffy, female reader, one bed trope (kinda)
He did a quick sweep of the safe house, rolling his eyes as he already heard the sound of your gear thumping to the floor.
“What did I tell you about letting your guard down?” He scolded, beginning to peels off his own gear. His mask was the first to go, a soft sigh leaving him as the tight fabric hit the floor.
“You looked like you had it covered.” You smiled. You reached into your bag grabbing a pack of wipes.
“Not a chance. Last time you cleaned my face you scrubbed me raw.” He huffed, his feet moving backwards. You paused, soaking up his handsome face before he tugged a clean mask on.
“Fine, but don’t get upset when you get pink eye.” You playfully sneered. He rolled his eyes at you before plopping down on the rickety mattress. “Umm, excuse me? What’re you doing?” You asked slowly.
“Relaxing.” He responded. He stretched, his back cracking back into place. He laid down, wanting so badly to kick off his tight boots.
“You always let me have the bed.” You reminded. You pushed his knee softly to get his attention.
“You don’t want this thing. Trust me, pretty girl, it’ll give you bedbugs.” He pressed, hitting you back with his foot.
“Well I’d rather have bedbugs than termites.” You insisted, sitting down on the edge.
“Suit yourself.” He groaned, moving to get off of it.
“Wait.” Your hand reached out gripping his shoulder. You could feel him tense and twitch under your hand. “It’s pretty big.” You began slowly.
“I know I’ve been trying that new workou”-
“The bed, not your shoulder dummy.” You huffed.
“Oh.” He sighed. “Oh.” He repeated, your words hitting him like a boulder. “Don’t worry ‘bout it, Sweetheart. I don’t really sleep out here anyways- you know that.”
You laughed like you suddenly remembered that little fact about him.
“You’re right. I forgot.” You said flashing a fake smile. You always had trouble sleeping- especially on missions. You had never admitted it but one of the best night of sleep you’ve gotten was when you and Simon crashed on Gaz’s couch when you all got a little too tipsy. You woke up sandwiched between him and the cushion, his strong arms seemingly shielding you from whatever bad things crept into your mind while you slept. You’d be lying if you said you hadn’t been chasing that feeling since. He’d never admit it, but the same scenario flashed through his mind- and he’d be a liar too if he said it didn’t have the same effect on him.
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It had gotten dark quick. The hooting owls provided a ambience you wished you could someone manipulate into being romantic. He had settled by a window smoking cigarette after cigarette to pass the time. His preferred activity was sneaking peaks of you ‘sleeping.’ He could tell you were faking it, nobody- not even you could look that perfect as they slept.
“We have a big day ahead of us tomorrow, pretty girl. Better get to sleep.” His voice caused you to jump.
“I was.” You snipped. He ‘tsked’ putting out his cigarette with his boot. He stood up, grabbing his gun, propping it up next to the bed. “Make some room? If you haven’t changed your mind.”
You quickly scooted towards the wall and he rested his hand on your side to keep you from bumping into it.
“Don’t have to go that far. Don’t have scabies.” He huffed. You were shoulder to shoulder. “Don’t you usually sleep on your side?” He asked after a moment of silence.
“Yeah.” You agreed. You rolled over, facing him and you quickly realized he probably intended for you to roll the other way. Yet you were so close to getting what you wanted it felt weak to give up now.
“Si?” You asked quietly. He grunted, urging you to continue. “Could I- maybe.” You stopped yourself. You saw his blonde lashes flutter open again, his hazel eyes meeting yours. Without a word he lifted his arm up, the invitation being one you were dying for. You huddled close to him, your head finding its way to the crook of his neck. Your hand tangled itself in his sweatshirt (that you swore couldn’t be tactical). His head rested against your own and he couldn’t help but chuckle at the perfect fit.
“Thank you.” You murmured.
“Course.” He muttered back.
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waitimcomingtoo · 10 months
chapter five: don’t say I didn’t warn you
Series Masterlist
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The first time you walked onto campus holding hands with Peter, it caught some attention. Your school was small enough that a reputation like yours was pretty well known around campus so now that you and Peter were public, people took notice.
“Everyone is staring at us.” You whispered to him and he could tell you were feeling self conscious.
“Well you look really pretty today. So they might as well be looking at us.” Peter replied. He could see you smile at that and knew he had just passed his first test as a boyfriend.
“This is just like that scene in Twilight.” You said as you passed through a group on onlookers.
“Which scene?”
“The one when they walk in to school together and everyone is staring.”
“Oh.” Peter laughed. “Yeah, I can see why you thought of that.”
You laughed as well and headed towards the library so you could study together before your class. On the way, you walked by one of the guys on the basketball team.
“Whore.” He said through a fake cough as he passed by. You stopped walking and let go of Peters hand.
“Why’d you let go? Are my hands too sweaty?” Peter asked and wiped his hands on his pants.
“It’s not that.” You sighed. “It’s because I’m poisonous. If you’re seen with me, you’re just gonna get a reputation too.”
“Who cares? We can wear the scarlet letter together.” Peter said and took your hand again. You looked down at your intertwined hands before looking at him skeptically.
“You really don’t care?”
“I don’t.” Peter shrugged so nonchalant that you believed him. You smiled in satisfaction and tugged him closer by his shirt to kiss him. It was your way of saying thank you and his way of saying he didn’t care who saw you together.
As the weeks went on, the buzz around your relationship died down and no one seemed to care anymore. All the while, you were growing more comfortable in your relationship with Peter. You kept up with your studying session during the day and went on dates at night. You were getting better grades and happier than ever.
Peter went back to his dorm after a late class one day with a huge smile on his face. He dumped his backpack on the floor and sat down on his bed with a happy sigh.
“Remember that girl from high school that we both liked?” Peter asked Ned.
“Liz? With the beautiful black hair and perfect bone structure? Who always smelled like Japanese Cherry Blossom? I vaguely remember her.” Ned replied.
“Yeah. Liz. I liked her so much. If you asked me back then, I would’ve sworn I was in love with her.”
“Why are you thinking about Liz?” Ned wondered.
“Because I realized I never actually liked her. I liked the fantasy I built around a girl I found pretty. I didn’t even know Liz and I thought I was in love. But I know Y/n. And I know that I’ve never felt this way before.” Peter said with another happy sigh.
“Oh no. You’re not saying you’re in lesbians with her, are you?” Ned gasped.
“Damn. I forgot about that movie. We should watch it again.” Peter said. “And no, I’m not saying I’m in love with her.”
“Okay. Good.” Ned relaxed.
“But I’m going to.” Peter added.
“You are? Isn’t it a little soon?” Ned asked him.
“We’ve been together for two months now. It’s how I feel. Why shouldn’t I tell her?”
“I’m just saying. I think you should wait until you know how she feels.”
“I think she feels the same.” Peter told him. “It’s just hard for her to trust people. That’s why I want to be the one who says it first. And I think I’m gonna do it next time I see her.” Peter said proudly. He then got a text and smiled when he saw your name on his screen.
“That’s her now.” Peter said and opened his phone to read your text. His smile slowly faded as his eyebrows knit together.
“What’s wrong?” Ned asked when he saw Peters face.
“She’s at a frat house. She wants me to come get her.” Peter said as he got off his bed.
“Ew.” Ned grimaced. “Why is she at a frat house? Is she trying to get scabies?”
“I don’t know. Probably a party.” Peter shrugged but also found it strange to hear you were there. The frat boys were the ones who bullied you and beyond that, you were never a party kind of person. He threw on his jacket and stepped into the December air to walk to the campus frat. He was let right in which he found slightly suspicious and texted you once he was inside. You said you were in the first bedroom on the second floor, so Peter made his way up the stairs and knocked on the door. When you didn’t answer, he frowned and started to get nervous. He opened the door and felt his heart drop when he saw you in bed with some guy in a hockey jersey. You were fast asleep in your hoodie and sweats with a cup of ginger ale on the dresser beside you. Peter felt tears come to his eyes and stood there frozen in shock. Brad and his friends suddenly appeared behind him in the doorway and laughed obnoxiously in Peters ear.
“Oh shit! The slut strikes again.” Brad laughed as he took a picture of you. Flash and Harry were right behind him, laughing and taking pictures as well. The commotion woke you up and you sat up as you rubbed your aching head.
“What the fuck?” Peter blurted, making your groggy eyes fly open. You looked at him in confusion but could barely see him with your splitting headache.
“Peter? What’s going on?” You asked as you struggled to keep your eyes open.
“You tell me. Who is that guy?” He shouted and pointed to the guy next to you. You gave him a confused look and followed his finger, screaming in surprise when you noticed the guy for the first time. He was too drunk to realize what was going on but you were starting to come back. You looked around and saw the boys laughing at you with their cameras out before your eyes landed on Peter. He was crying and staring at you with the most betrayed expression you had ever seen.
“Peter.” You said breathlessly, knowing how bad it looked. You were too focused on him to care about the pictures being taken or the teasing from the guys. Peters face twisted in misery as he turned to leave. He pushed past the guys who were cheering and calling you names and ran down the stairs.
“Peter, wait.” You pleaded as you ran after him. He kept running so you did too. You caught his arm in the lobby and made him stop.
“Please, talk to me. Let me explain.”
“I can’t believe this. I thought we had something.” Peter said as he wiped his face on the back of his hand. The music was shut off as people tuned in to listen to the fight.
“We do have something. That wasn’t what it looked like. I don’t even know that guy. Please, I need you to believe me.” You said and took his hand but he yanked it away from you.
“Believe you? How can I believe you when I caught you sleeping with another guy?” Peter shouted, making the party goers go “ooo” as they watched the drama unfold. You looked around in embarrassment and knew your reputation was never going to recover from this. People were filming and staring at you and all you could do was let it happen.
“It looked like that, but-“
“Everyone was right about you.” He cut you off, making you freeze as he said the most hurtful words you could imagine him saying.
“What did you just say?” You whispered in disbelief.
“I said that they were right. This is exactly what I was warned would happen if I got involved with you. You get what you want from a guy by pretending to like him and then break his heart. I should’ve known better.” Peter spat, making you stumble back in surprise.
“Peter, no. That’s not what’s happening. Please, just let me explain. I need you to believe me. What you saw wasn’t what you think. You know me, Peter. You know I’m not like what everyone says.”
“Maybe you are. Why else would you lead me on like this? You said you needed to go slow with me but then I catch you fucking some other guy? What are you, some kind of slut?” He shouted.
The room went silent. The world went silent.
You were wrong. Those were the most hurtful words Peter could say to you. People started to laugh and call you “slut” and all it’s hateful synonyms as you stared at Peter in disbelief. And as angry and hurt as Peter was, he knew he had just crossed the line. He wasn’t the kind of guy who used that word yet there he was, throwing it at you in a room full of people.
“You said you’d never call me that.” You whispered as a tear ran down your cheek. The betrayal in your eyes told Peter that he had already burned his bridge with you. You were never going to forgive him for that, so he decided he might as well put the nail in the coffin.
“Well that’s what’s you are.” He snapped. “If you didn’t want me to call you that, maybe you shouldn’t act like one. I can’t believe I was ever in love with you.”
“You’re in love with me?” You said breathlessly.
“Not anymore.” He said before he even knew what was coming out of his mouth. His face was burning all the way up to his ears. That was not how he wanted his first “I love you” to go. He hadn’t meant to blurt it the way he had but it just came out.
Your jaw dropped as a tiny gasp escaped your lips. Peter immediately regretted it but there was nothing he could do to make things right. The entire room was against you and on his side so even if he apologized, it wouldn’t reach your ears. You stared in each others eyes and the people in the room cheered for Peter while they ridiculed you.
“Yeah! Get her Peter!” Brad proudly cheered from the stairwell. Peter wondered what kind of guy he had become if Brad Davis was applauding his actions. In fact, he didn’t want the approval of any of the people in the house. Peters eyes softened and he opened his mouth to say something, anything, but you didn’t want it hear it. You ran out of the house with tears in your eyes and Peter silently watched you go. Some of the jocks clapped him on the back and expressed their pride in him, making Peter feel sick to his stomach. The music resumed and people started to talk about the scene and degrade you further while Peter stood frozen. The guy in the jersey came stumbling down the stairs and asked what had happened, but received no answer. Peter left without saying anything and went back to his dorm, slamming his door behind him as he went in.
“Woah, dude. What’s wrong? Where’s Y/n?”
“She cheated on me. You were right. She’s just a slut.” Peter mumbled as he sat on his bed. Now that he has used the word once, it was tumbling out of his mouth with ease. He didn’t know who he had become because he was not raised to be a guy who said things like that, and yet there he was.
“Wait, really? I’m never right. What happened?” Ned asked him.
“I walked into the party and she was in bed with some guy.” Peter said with a sigh as he replayed it all in his head. Now that he was out of the heat of the moment, he wondered about your initial confusion when you saw the guy in bed with you. You looked just as surprised as Peter was to see that guy there.
“I’m sorry, dude. I know you were about to tell her you loved her.” Ned said sympathetically.
“I just don’t understand. She told me all those rumors weren’t true. How could she do this to me?” Peter wondered out loud. He laid his head down on his pillow and felt tears leak out of his eyes and into his ears. He replayed the moment over and over again in his head until he eventually fell asleep.
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deathlessathanasia · 3 months
"My child, earlier, when you were only 3 years old, Leto came carrying you in her arms, when Hephaistos summoned you so that he might give you a gift. Brontes placed you on his mighty knees and you grabbed the hairs on his great chest, and you forcefully plucked them out! Even to this day the middle of his chest is hairless, as when scabies settles in on a man's temple and eats away at his hair!" - Kallimachos, Hymn 3 To Artemis
Sheesh, what a feral little menace! Was this girl raised by wolves?
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bibleofficial · 2 years
my ex messaged me saying ‘bring me something from argentina’ like … i’ve refused to see u in person in 3 years bc u won’t get a std test so a) no b) where them results c) fuck u ???
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hopeforkitten · 8 months
thanks to my head, which thought what if the devils were molting. (if we consider the skin of the cambions, then they have scales)
• you lived in the house of hope for a long time and seemed to know all its features. although, you probably should never say that you know everything about devils.
you returned from the balcony in the archive and did not expect to see an incubus here. Haarlep was sitting with his legs over the armrest and reading a book with an extremely bored look, flipping through the pages with one claw. how could this personification of feline nature leave the cozy bed of the boudoir? And why?
"Oh, Haarlep, why are you here?"
"Hello little mouse! Well, I'm obviously not here of my own free will." he was very inspired by your voice. "Perhaps you will find the answer to this question in my former place of residence." his eyes took on their usual cunning gleam, causing you to distrust.
"And what am I going to find there?..."
"Oh, you haven't seen him in his period yet" he let go of the book and made a gesture of quotation marks "Go, go, I'm impatient to find out how everything will go" he waved his hand towards the doors and you headed the same way.
Along the way, you wondered what could be the reason for Raphael's unexpected mood. Anyway, you haven't done anything wrong, so why should you be afraid of his anger, right?
The boudoir barrier let you through, and from afar you saw Raphael sitting with his back to you and fidgeting erratically. His housecoat was held on his hips by a belt, and his upper body was naked. He diligently moved his wings, even tried to scratch their hard edge against the horns, as well as scratch his shoulders with his hands and tried unsuccessfully to reach the base of the wings.
"maybe I can help?"
You said hesitantly. Raphael didn't even notice how you walked from the entrance to the edge of the bed. He looked at you briefly with displeasure.
"and this is you. go ahead and try it."
He turned back and waited for your actions. you swallowed and hesitantly stroked the base of your wings.
"No mouse, use your claws," Raphael barked back at you.
you started scratching the shoulder blade of the wings with your short nails and it did real magic to him. He let out a sigh of relief and tilted his head back a little. such a reaction was more than enough to make you do it for hours.
• This was just the beginning of Raphael's molt. the symptoms are a bad mood and scabies. while the various stages of his molting were going on, he always lingered on the first one - denial. He hated this time. Raphael was too sensitive and imperfect during this period. Everything should always be perfect in it, both appearance and endurance. But this rare period spoils all his plans.
during the molt, he canceled all his business and did not leave the house of hope. without you, he used to wait it out alone in the boudoir, moving around in short forays from there. it is better not to catch his eye at this moment.
However, with you.... he won't say it, but molting with you has become a pleasant vacation. To you, he grumbles nonstop, like a very big moody child. but your presence changed everything... you scratch his back and wings, smear him with moisturizer, (gently stroke his shiny new scales and admire his beauty? yes, please) sit by the pool while he soaks and only his head sticks out of the water.
you will timidly help him with the removal of dead skin, asking if it hurts him. (imagine how much work his wings need)
• You also became the devil's personal pillow during this period. He just won't let you go a step away from him, with the rare exception when you need to leave the boudoir and bring him something. it's better not to linger chatting with Haarlep, it can cost you dearly.
since his diabolical work was suspended, he switched from contracts to fiction and read it in tandem with you.
He was going into cat mode. Today, practically the archdevil wants to spend the day in bed, and you pathetic little man will be my pillow and a scratcher and bring me a book or soothing tea and I'll eat your soul if you disobey, yes.
• Raphael is horrified to realize that he has been scratching the skin surrounding the horns several times a day. this means that after the back and wings, the skin on the face will be renewed... Oh, how he doesn't like it. the mouse does not stare at him, you are on thin ice and now he will obviously spend more time using you as a pillow so that you cannot stare at him
• it will be strange when this ends and the former strict and perfect Raphael returns to you, and he will never bring up this topic. however, before the next molt, he will send you an order to come to the boudoir and it's good that you already know how to help him.
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mozki · 7 days
feel like pureee shiteee
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sugaroto · 5 months
Hello Cinderella boy fandom guess what we're doing today
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Ok so, I can SEE it's Greek. Also we all can see that half of it has washed away
However I can clearly see the 4 underlined words‼️‼️
Μπαμπάς‼️‼️ Dad
Κάποτε ‼️‼️ Once (as in once upon a time)
Μάτια‼️‼️ eyes
Νότια ‼️‼️ south, but also, it looks like it says Βοτια? But that's not a word? So I'm guessing νότια?
So now we're gonna guess more words based on shape
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Απ'τά μ τα ψώρα,??
Ok not really words, maybe it's μωρά instead of ψώρα?
From the (babies?/scabies?)
Πιει, μ ιε??
Ilegible but maybe: say/drink, m ??
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Μες τοτα τος πειΝ.
In the (that) (drinks?)
No? Am I coming up with new words help
ΜcL . Μητ... σδ μου ... το.
X Μητ could either stand for Mitso(name) or Μήπως Perhaps, σε(you?) μου(mine/my) ???-το
Νοχτα . Π . αγα. Με καρτηριζει
Either ανοιχτα(open) or νύχτα (night) ?που αγαπάει? Could be "that loves" Με καρτηριζει rattles me?
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Κ Μπαμπάς... ηαται... Και μεν ριζει/μυρίζει?
And Dad... (Verb) (Maybe sleeps? I can't tell) And smells??
Τα/πα, μοι .. κι 'γω .ον. γωνη
-ta/pa? My?... And I ?? Γωνη?
Με γ..ν.. Η μοίρα/ώρα? ... Μου α..ροινξε
With γν the (fate/hour)?... (To me/my) (If it says άνοιξε) Opened
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... , κάποτε, .. νοιζενε
... Once(about time, so like once upon a time) if νοιάζετε cared, if νομιζενε thought ?
... Εγ.. να μάτια ε'/σ'. Σι λοχη' μου
I ....(there) Eyes (you) my σι λοχη?
Ι ρδα.. κι αιγμη να μας ιγιγανι
Πε..... Εδώ μανι ανυψαντο
Πε... Here μανι ανυψαντο?
Μανι μανι can be used for "fast" in speech but idk here
Help I don't understand shit I'm guessing
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... Άσε.. με κρακλι
Let... With (πορτοκάλι? Orange? I can't see)
Βοτια της ρ-η'
Βοτια is probably Νοτια, so south of r-e'?
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Mp (maybe dad again μπαμπάς)
Νχ λυμαι και ερι κα
Λυπάμαι In sorry and eri ka but not as in Erica cause it's separated so could be "eri- and" ερι- και
Μα παρ τ αρκειαμ μον
But par t arkiam mon
I know what you know cause I don't understand shit
Google translate said that
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Uh so yeah 👍🏻 that what I can see if anyone can help see more👍🏻 help
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