#scabies mites
healthhub123 · 4 months
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onenicebugperday · 8 months
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@trans-wolf submitted: I wanted to share this microscopic friend! I work as a vet tech and we had a patient today with scabies! They had the classic presentation of crusty ear tips that were very itchy. We took a skin scrape & lo and behold: our friend Sarcoptes scabiei.
The infestation was mild and it's a straightforward treatment so the dog will be fine. You bet I disinfected like crazy too since they're zoonotic (contagious to humans.)
Despite being a parasite though, I think these guys are so neat! Parasites get too much hate imo. I figured you probably didn't get too many microscopic submissions either. Sorry the mite itself isn't too clear with the fur strands in the way.
Sorry to the itchy dog, but you're right, scabies are cool and fascinating and so are all parasites! Here's a little bit clearer look at a scabies mite:
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Photo by cassasauresrex
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yooo new poem just dropped
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(this is the second one, i wrote this lady night idk if it makes sense but oh well :') )
Yeah, I read this twice then stared at the wall for 15 mins. Excuse me while I perform CPR on myself. Actually never mind, I'm signing a DNR. This was so raw, vivid and vulnerable. I am shooketh to the very core. It's like you are around me and spying on my life smh. I refer to my rot as this 'sickness' and let me let you know. This resonated deeply with me. I saw it, I felt it, I breathed in your poem and loved every bit of it. Growing up thinking there is something inherently wrong with you, which must be kept inside, a secret of the true self. If people know it, they'll forsake you, they'll be horrified, disgusted, repulsed, gagging and aching at the beast they've been deceived by.
And the nature of this rot is so unknown, yet it lurks in every feeling, every thought and every interaction. 'in my chest does it lie, in my heart does it feed off every misery. In every doubt, does it thrive on every mistake does it embed itself, further and further' It grows, it's a moving target, it flourishes inside. And every thing feels like a mistake, ding or not doing, it all feels like an endless cycle and it always seems to win and grow and corrode your insides.
'if you love me, leave me be' Because after all, you know how to live with this rot, you can survive with this inside of you. 'it's filthy, impure' Some people want to help, but they don't know how. The last stanza - where the person is weeping and horrified at the rot's existence. They mean well, yes but at the end you have to comfort them instead of them reassuring you. 'you can't help, stop trying' And all this leads you to believe that at the end of the day, there is something no one can fix which makes you feel unlovable. But if the person still stands, they might not know how to fix it, but they still do their best, they keep 'fighting'. It leaves you dumbfounded. Why willfully engage with this putrid rotting creature? Also the bloody hands and stained shirt. A feeling that you will contaminate the ones around you, that you will ruin the love by being so filthy. The ones you know are now covered in your blood, in your rot and it's your fault. And by the end you are so sick of it, you tear it out, you kill it all you can but you know it's all futile. Then the questions of your true self come burning. Then the lines between you and the rot seem so blurry. But you'll tear it out, you'll take care of it. Even when it's 'never quite dead, fully dead'
The line 'these bloody fingers have seen worse' alludes to the fact that there have been several attempts to 'tear it out, bleed it dry'. The rot has been picked apart a million times, yet it 'convulsively persists'
This is what I made of it. If you had indented something else and if I missed something between the lines. PLEASE TELL ME. I am not normal about this poem in the least bit. It feels like it has watched me and knows me for who I am. HOW CAN YOU WROTE SOMETHING SO UTTERLY BONE CRUSHING. I WANNA SAW MY LIMBS OFF AND GIVE THEM TO YOU AS AN OFFERING.
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drsamahfouad · 8 months
This is an article about home remedies to treat scabies in humans. Try it , it is effective home remedies
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relahospital-16 · 2 years
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The main cause of scabies are infection of the tiny mites and the infection can spread through furniture, clothes and bedding. In order to know how to identify scabies, we need to remember that they may show up with symptoms such as intense itching, rashes and bumps.
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thenaughtinthedark · 2 years
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bogleech · 1 year
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Thought you might appreciate these Halloween decorations my mom saw at the vet! Personally I’m completely smitten with the big flea
These come as a set, I think, along with a scabies mite! But it's almost $200!
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flowerishness · 1 year
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Scabiosa gigantea (giant scabious)
What's in a name?
All flowers have a scientific name but many also sport a common name. With the exception of the stinking corpse lily (Rafflesia arnoldii), most of these common names are positive. Thus Helianthus becomes a sunflower and even the lowly Taraxacum officinale is called a dandelion. Now what could be more ego-enhancing that being compared to a well-dressed lion?
Other flowers are more often called by their scientific name. Campanulas may be known as bellflowers but everyone I know calls them campanulas. Similarly, Scabiosa may be called a pincushion plant but most people refer to them as scabiosas.
Scabiosa is a Latin word that refers to the insufferable scabies mite. This tiny human parasite causes unbelievable itching and is usually contracted with prolonged skin-to-skin contact with someone who is already infected (read: In adults it's usually a sexually transmitted disease). Children can also catch scabies from infected clothing and bedding as well as infected cats and dogs (it can cause 'mange' in pets). These days, a doctor will prescribe Kwellada lotion but in ancient times, rubbing the skin with this plant was the only remedy.
I caught scabies when I was nineteen. I was going through a bit of a sexual 'dry spell' at that time and I caught it from someone else's sleeping bag. I went to the doctor, bought a tube of Kwellada lotion, boiled all my bedding and clothing, and the itching was gone in two weeks. I offer this embarrassing confession as a public service announcement. I assure you, @flowerishness will return to less disturbing content tomorrow.
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treason-and-plot · 1 year
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“I need to cut off all contact with you.”
This sentence burrows into Roy’s consciousness like a scabies mite under the surface of his skin. Only five seconds ago the day had been bright and fun and full of excitement and promise, but now that sentence has stolen all the light out of the world and irrevocably altered his DNA.  The shadows around the rose bushes grown darker and darker, and the hole in his heart grows bigger.  “I need to cut off all contact with you.”
“You’ll still see the kids, of course,” says Sonia. “That won’t change. Violet can drop them off to you, or you can come and get them from her.  It shouldn’t be too hard to organise if we’re adult about it. I know that we’ll probably have to have a few meetings to iron out the details. But after that we really do have to have a clean break, Roy. I need time to heal and to mourn the end of my marriage. It’s the only way I can get better and move on. Do you understand? Do you understand how important this is for my wellbeing?"
Roy understands that the day is in danger of going to shit, and his skin is starting to feel grimy and his eyelids itchy. He bolsters himself by remembering the bag in his pants pocket. What is it Sonia’s saying? She needs time to heal and to mourn the end of her marriage. What the fuck does that mean? Their marriage is only ended on paper, they can all still live together as a happy family. That’s what he came here to tell her, she doesn’t have to mourn anything! He has the solution. He always has the solution. Sonia of all people should know that!
“Listen, hon, I’m really sorry that you feel….that you feel all those things,” he says. “But we don’t need to cut off contact with each other. You don’t need to mourn anything either! I still love you, hon, and I know you love me too. Sorry, Violet, that’s just the way it is. That’s the real reason Sonia’s had a breakdown, she couldn’t deal with the fact that I fell in love with someone else. Pure and simple. Don’t look at me like that honey, we both know it’s true. All that therapy jargon can go fuck itself. You’re jealous of Anya. End of story. But you don’t need to be, hon! Just listen to what I have to say.  I had this brilliant idea that we all live together in the marital home. All of us. You and Violet and me and Anya and the kids. The house is big enough, and the kids would be ecstatic. And you could get to know Anya and you’d realise what a beautiful person she is, inside and out. We can do it! We can make it work, hon! What do you say? Are you in?"
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kittypatch · 1 year
When Izzy was found on Halloween 2014 cold and with scabies, mites, fleas, and worms we rushed her to the vet. He declared it‘s a boy! So we named her Ozzy. A week later when she went for her next dose of meds, he declared it‘s a girl! So we changed her name to Izzy. And now as she approaches her 9th adoption day, she is a princess!
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sarcoptid · 8 months
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thinking about when i used to represent myself with a little scabies mite a la my url. how to make a mite cute...
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hi, thank you for your response! I thought contacting the RSPCA would be the best shot but wanted to get some opinions on it first
here’s some photos of the cat’s red patches:
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and when petting his head it felt very scabby, just generally in bad shape. he’s such a sweet cat though, and was very patient and happy to just lay
here’s the baby in full
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I’ll try to contact the RSPCA as soon as possible to get him the hell he deserves. thank you again!
Thank you so much for the update + pics! I have to admit, i expected worse, but this is still not good. Apart from mange, the coat isn't that well kept. The cat probably won't clean itself due to dermal pain. I should have mentioned this in the previous post, but given that mange, or scabies, is caused by a parasitic mite, it's in your best interest to prevent your other pets from getting infected. If you're keeping this cat somewhere on your property while you wait for RSPCA's response, take the necessary precautions like preparing a room for it and giving your pets regular checks for eggs or individuals under the hairs of their coat. They should be fairly easy to tell apart from dander.
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valleyfthdolls · 3 months
Uhhhh all of this applies to any and all OCs
Also an addition to this which wasn't on the ask game: what is this OC's most controversial opinion (but an opinion on smth rlly rlly dumb that doesn't actually matter)
💯- share three random facts about your oc that others may not know. Tara: He has a thick Russian accent, he sounds like Pomni from TADC, and he can't dance because he's prone to injury. Amaya: She has chronic fatigue syndrome, her style of choice is angura kei, not goth, and her favorite song is Town With No Sun. Virgil: He's a Libra I think, born on the 13th of February, he's not actually fluent in French despite using it in regular conversation, and he never got top surgery, he just has a naturally very small chest. Rina: She's a boss at word puzzles (such as crosswords) and loves to play them, she picked up smoking for the sole purpose of pissing off her mom, and her favorite movie is The Neon Demon. Antonio: He's autistic and might meet the criteria for ASPD, he uses he/she/they/per pronouns but likes all neopronouns, and his favorite animal is snakes. Lori: She has hypoxemia, her temperature tends to run low, and she has a HUGE phobia of scabies mites and botflies. Cody: He knows basically nothing about pop culture, he's dyslexic, and he was raised Christian.
🩹 - does your oc have any physical and/or mental disabilities? Tara: Autism, fibromyalgia, chronic pain and digestive issues from childhood pancreatitis Amaya: Autism, chronic fatigue syndrome Virgil: Autism Rina: No Antonio: Autism Lori: Autism Cody: Autism, dyslexia
🌲 - what is your oc's favorite holiday? (note: the one in the ask game is a christmas tree, this is a normal pine tree. I couldn't find the normal pine tree so I just worked with what I had.) Tara: Samhain Amaya: Halloween Virgil: Halloween Antonio: Valentine's Day Rina: Idk
🍎 - where was your oc born? do they still live in/around their place of birth or do they live somewhere else? how do they feel about their birthplace?
Tara: Saratov, Russia. He lives FARR away from there now. He hates it there and honestly I would too if I was raised the way he was.
Amaya and Rina: Somewhere in Ohio. Amaya loves it, Rina hates it. Rina lives there, Amaya lives in Michigan.
Antonio: Somewhere in Idaho, iirc. Probably lives around there.
Virgil: Boston. Does not live there. Did not live there long enough to form an opinion on it.
Lori: Salem. She likes Salem, but being there is not a good thing.
Cody: Salem. He hates Salem, but the last time he tried to leave, his tires got slashed and it took a month to get them fixed.
The Monster of Salem: I think you know.
💔 - what are three of your oc's negative traits?
Tara: Lack of strong moral compass, paranoia, self-victimizing
Amaya: Possessiveness, emotional behavior, tendency for lashing out
Virgil: Prioritizing being the center of attention over being a good person, manipulative behavior, moral irresponsibility
Rina: Narcissism, stubbornness, distrust
Antonio: Lack of compassion, manipulative behavior, paranoia
Lottie: Mistreatment of others, refusal to acknowledge her issues, distrust
☕ - does your oc prefer coffee, tea, hot chocolate, milk, water, or some other drink? how do they like to take this drink (ex. coffee with milk, hot chocolate with whipped cream, a specific kind of tea, etc)?
Tārā: Tea. Specifically herbal tea. It makes its own blends sometimes.
Amaya: Flavored sparkling water, ginger ale, melon soda, stuff that’s not overbearing in flavor.
Virgil: Black tea.
Antonio: Water with flavor packets. An excessive amount, often times.
Chesa: Tea. Usually Tārā’s tea. When he makes it, he pours an extra cup for her.
Rina: During the summer she drinks a lot of water, but along with that and through the rest of the year, she likes coffee and peach Monster.
Cody: Apple juice. Can’t explain it.
Lori: Probably forgets to drink. Buys vitamin water even though she prefers Coke so she doesn’t die.
Lottie: Ice water.
😊 - what are your oc's career/general life desires? what do they want to get the most out of life?
Tārā: A comfortable life where he has the space to pursue spiritual endeavors and go to therapy.
Amaya: To protect those she loves. In terms of career, she’d like to work in a library or history museum, somewhere where her lifelong passion of preserving history can be put to use. It’s the most important thing to her.
Virgil: To be loved by audiences. He’s… working on having self worth outside of that.
Rina: To surpass the people she’s compared to and told to fill the shoes of. She wants to be a singer.
Lori: She doesn’t know. I’d say to tell stories that she feels people need to hear.
Cody: He just needs any amount of stability before he can start thinking about that.
Bonus: what is the OC’s most controversial but mundane opinion?
Tārā: Most holistic medicine only works in tandem with modern medicine.
Amaya: Eroguro is a valuable and important type of art and shouldn’t be brushed off just because of the content matter without a deeper look at the intention behind it. (<- autistic)
Virgil: Being human is overrated.
Antonio: You can’t make up for the things you’ve done in the past. You can only move forward.
Rina: Sex is stupid and that’s why she uses whore as an insult- it insinuates you’re someone who shapes your whole life around something completely trivial and also is an embarrassing thing to be called.
Lottie: The Exorcist is a horrifying movie for a bunch of reasons no one but her sees.
Lori: True crime is not inherently exploitative and can be a way of honoring victims.
Cody: Everything in the world can and will kill you.
Akki: Because she is a product of her environment, she cannot be blamed for her actions; they, too, are a product of her environment.
The Monster of Salem: If you steal something that belongs to it and you end up scattered across a room in thirteen different parts with your spine nowhere to be found, you probably deserved it.
Chesa: Ignoring hitchhikers is an outright cruel thing to do if you have the means to help them. You should never leave someone behind.
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lakesbian · 1 year
(tangentially related to the Amy post) I bet this has been discussed to death but when I read Worm for the first time I kept getting distracted by all the things Taylor could have done with her power if it wasn't Worm. Perfect bedbug removal. Perfect plant hybridization with no accidental cross pollination. Breeding endangered insects. The implications of that much spider silk on demand. Search and rescue. Eliminate malaria. OR give people malaria on purpose. Devastate crops. Sneak allergens into people's houses. Did I mention she could majorly fuck up an area's food supply either by preventing crops from being pollinated or just by having her bugs destroy them? If she can do heartworm she can do trichinosis. Can she do scabies? Maybe not bc she can't detect skin mites but she can do Lyme. Tsetse. Lice. Termites. Silverfish. Do you know how positive I was that she was going to do something with silverfish and how relieved/disappointed I was when she didn't. What the hell. Bugs hold so much power in this world.
this is a fun observation because: 1. the text alludes to this occasionally. she gets rid of the lice & cockroach problem in jail, her territory is pest-free, and she removes the mosquitos & biting flies on the earth gimel refugee camp shortly after gold morning starts. it's neat how she can use her bugs on the broader scale you've mentioned, and occasionally approaches doing so, but never does in full because powers (and the plot of worm) are fundamentally about conflict.
2. it's the exemplification of the thesis of taylor's character: insects are so small, yet as a collective whole, they hold so much power in this world. and we are all so very small, in the end. everyone is only one bug under the heel of the cosmos. but all together, a swarm of us can topple gods. her power is that principle in miniature.
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mcatmemoranda · 4 months
Scabies treatment:
Permethrin 5% safe for those age 2 months and older; safe in in pregnancy/breastfeeding; apply from the neck down; leave on 8-12 hours, repeat x1.
Kenneth Mellenby did tests on scabies and most people have only 10-20 mites on them. It does not mean the person is dirty. It is just bad luck! It can be considered an STD. These conditions are common and pts should not be stigmatized.
Other scabies treatments:
Ivermectin 0.2 mg/kg/dose; repeat in 2 weeks; works better with permethrin; not for pregnant women or children < 15 kg
Lindane 1% (AEs: neurotoxicity; not safe in peds or pregnant pts)
Can treat intimate contacts if they want treatment, but it’s not necessary. Wash clothes & bed sheets; no need to decontaminate the exam room; just do routine cleaning of exam room.
Crusting scabies – more serious scabies; large, asymptomatic crusting lesions; thick keratotic material on pt’s skin, little pruritis. Found in immunosuppressed pts; pts with dementia, and pts with nutritional disorders. This is much more contagious than typical scabies. If it’s at a nursing home, everyone should be treated.
Three types: capitis (head), corporis (body), or pubis (pubic).
Nits are the eggs. You may not see lice. Usually can see nits ~0.25” from the scalp.
Pediculosis corporis (body louse) live on the person’s clothes. These can spread diseases like typhus, trench fever.
Pediculosis pubis (crabs) are the most contagious STD. Maculae cerulea are seen on the body.
Treatment: lice combs
Body lice: Permethrin 1%; get new clothes or wash clothes in really hot water, can wash clothes with permethrin. Body lice can spread disease.
Pubic lice treatment: Permethrin 5% and repeat in 1 week. Can consider ivermectin. Launder clothes in hot water; abstinence x1 week.
Head lice: permethrin 1% (don’t use conditioners/cream rinses during treatment because the medication needs to stay on the hair/scalp); ivermectin 200-400 mg/kg; comb hair; vacuum everything and wash everything. Kids can return to school after first application of treatment.
Bed bugs (cimex lectularius):
Red, erythematous and itchy papules; generally in clusters of 3-5 and can be in a linear pattern.
Treat symptomatically with steroid creams and antihistamines. The bugs are not on the patient. They are in the bed. No need to decontaminate the exam room.
Myiasis/botfly: So gross! Seen in pts traveling to South America. Clinically looks like an abscess with clear, serous exudate. Treatment is removal of the thing!
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kikaichuno · 5 months
Can you accidentally pass on STB (Sexually Transmitted Bugs)?
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".... Everyone can. There are a few species of bugs that can be transmitted during sexual intercourses or simple closeness to an infested person or animal such a mites and lices. For specificity, those most commonly sexually transmitted would be scabies, pubic lices and trichomoniasis. I'm not exactly well versed in these type of bugs so I apologize if I'm wrong." His sexual education is very limited.
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