ladywren7 · 2 months
Sabine is at the parks and I can't meet her and I'm so not ok about it.
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malarkgirlypop · 7 months
MEDIC Part 16 (Donald Malarkey x Fem!OC)
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Hey guys, listen it's gonna get happy soon, hehe, maybe. Oh god I just keep writing sad stuff. I swear I am so happy and funny in real life! I just like to dump all of my feelings and sadness onto Emily, cause then it isn't my problem but hers and she's not real so... my problems aren't real. OK! ahahah. Also I am so so so so sorry for this is the slowest slow burn of all time, if you are here for romance I am totally sorry. I just want them to kiss, but then it isn't the right time, like idk if I make them get together while she is just going through it. Plus I feel so mean for Don he always helps her and he's just fine. IDK ahhh a lot going on up in my brain. Based on the HBO show and the actors who portray the characters, no hate to anyone involved.
Tag list: @next-autopsy, @xxluckystrike (let me know if anyone else wants to be on the tag list 🥰, totally understand if you don't, this is the most depressing story and if you're having a good day I'm sure it will ruin it.)
Emily stands from her crouched position, striding over to the Nazi soldier. She stands over his body, tilting her head to analyse the dead man. But she doesn’t see a man nor a human. She sees filth. Pig scum who was a waste of space and air. She kicks his leg hard, but he stares up at the sky. Emily bends down picking up the gun slung across his body, she yanks it free. She checks the ammo, seeing the gun is still full, she scavenges over the body taking his magazine. She stands tall walking to where the assault happens, she strolls past her own men who yell at her to take cover. They look at each other confused, wondering why the medic is holding a German gun and walking straight into fire. She spots a group of German soldiers who take cover behind a hay bale. Her finger squeezes the trigger spraying the men in fire. She watches as they fall like dominos. She moves to where they were, firing more shots into the bodies to ensure they are dead. A round fires near her all missing, she scoffs, turning her attention to where the shots came from. Emily picks up her gun, shooting the men down one by one. She marches over to where they were stationed. One man that she had missed scrambles back from her, she notes he looks young, like the boy who’s blood covered her face and chest. She pins the boy to the floor, getting in his face.
“This is for them!” She snarls as she pulls the pistol from her pocket. 
She gets up from the now lifeless body picking up her discarded semi-automatic weapon, continuing on her warpath. She walks back out into the opening as if taunting the men to shoot. She stands with dead eyes, her hair loose from the vigorous movement, blowing across her face. Her men stampede either side of her, taking the advantage she just created for them. She tosses her now empty gun to the side but still grips her pistol tightly. A firm grip lands on her shoulder. She doesn’t hesitate, whipping around, she aims the gun right at the man's head. Familiar eyes locking onto hers.
I hold the pistol right between Malarkey’s eyes, the tang of blood on my tongue and the stench of copper on my clothes. I exhale shakily, eyes frantically darting around. 
“Em, you’re ok!” Malarkey grips the barrel moving it down from his face. 
I step back, dropping the gun to the ground. I take in my hands tacky with blood, I go to wipe them on my front but the green uniform is stained red. Tears spring to my eyes, my heart pounds in my ears. What happened? I look again at my hands, they shake as I recollect the scene that just unfolded. I killed those men. I killed a young boy. I caused the life to leave from his eyes. I shake my head, frantically trying to wipe the blood from my hands, it won’t leave my skin. I drop to my knees tearing at my clothes trying to find my canteen. I pull it from my belt pouring the water over my hands, I desperately rub them together to wash away the stains. I grab at my button’s needing to get the smell that permeates in my nose off my body. I shake violently, unable to unfasten the buttons. “Help me!” I beg Malarkey who watches me with a sympathetic look on his face. He kneels in front of me, undoing my shirt, he helps me to pull it off. I touch my fingers to my face, finding more blood. I pour water from my canteen onto my hand rubbing the liquid into my face. I sob as I wash. Snot mixing in with the blood and tears. I tear at my skin not feeling clean enough. My wrists are grasped. 
“Em, please stop, you’re hurting yourself!” Malakey begs me. I gasp for air in between sobs. 
“What did I do?” I choke out. Malarkey and I kneel in the open field as he holds my wrists. The sound of gunshots slowly dissipating. He shakes his head, unable to find the words to tell me, not knowing how to put what he saw. 
“I killed those men?” I ask, not believing my blurry memories. 
“Em you weren’t yourself.” Malarkey tries to explain. I wasn’t there, felt like I was pushed back into my mind and I lost all control. Like falling asleep. 
“I murdered those people, Don. This is their blood. I… killed them.” I hyperventilate, shaking my head. Trying to rid my mind of the images that flash behind my eyelids. I gag, retching the contents of my stomach onto the ground. Don watches, sitting helplessly in front of me. “I can’t, I can’t.” I muffle my screams behind my hand. I curl over myself. Pressing my head to the ground. I grip at the grass underneath, hoping that something will help my world stop spinning. I dig my nails into the ground tearing at the earth. I sob uncontrollably, choking on my own breaths. I have never felt this pain in my life. Like my soul is being torn from me. Like everything is being ripped from my body. Unbearable. I wail. Unconsolable.
“EM!” Don pleads with me. He moves to my side, raising me from my hunched position on the ground. He presses me into him, my chest against his. His hands in my hair, pressing my face into his neck. I sob still. His hands rub circles on my back, soothing my hair down. Don rocks us. 
“Em this is not your fault. Shhh you’re alright.” He coos in my ear. I hiccup, the cries easing from my throat. I feel the tears still sliding down my face, pooling on his shirt. I grip at him, Don stops my world spinning. I hold on for dear life, worried he could slip away if I loosen my grip. 
“I’m so sorry.” I whisper, into the air. I send it out into the universe.
“I’m so sorry.” I see the men's faces, cold and still. Young men, lives ahead of them, I took it. Their chance to live. I took their opportunities. I took a mother’s son, a sibling, a friend. I can’t justify my actions, there was no rationale, no means. I took advantage of the hatred I held and turned it against them. They were following orders, just like our men, just like me. I was the one out of line, I did not follow my orders. I look up at Don, his eyes meet mine. No disappointment in his face, just sorrow. The other men come back, the assault is over. We need to keep moving to Noville. If we sit out in the open we make ourselves more vulnerable. I hear crunching footsteps approach us. 
“Let’s get moving.” Lip says to Don. I move to get up but Don holds me close. I look up at him, I nod my head, showing him I’m fine. He lets me go, I move to stand. I shudder looking at my clothes. I lift my head trying to distract myself. I still feel the blood coating my skin. I just want to get somewhere I can change. We walk in silence, Don close to my side. We hang back from the rest of the men. I’m ashamed, I don’t want them to see me like this, covered in blood. That is a normal state for me but this feels different, this blood was not shed from a wound I was trying to fix. It was shed from maleficence, my malice, my hatred. Lip walks in front of us, casting his glance back every so often to make sure I’m still there. I can’t read his expression, but I know he is disappointed, all of the men will be. 
We set up camp in one of the houses on the outskirts of town. By the time we reach it night has fallen. I wait outside by myself asking Don to go and get me a new uniform, I don’t want to be paraded through the house in my blood soaked clothes and skin. 
He re-emerges out of the house holding clean clothes for me.
“There is a stream not too far away, would you want to go wash there?” Don asks, I nod. There were no showers or places for me to wash here. I would take a cold stream over anything else. I followed behind him, he still held my clothes for me. We used a small torch to light our way. We didn’t talk on our journey, but it was short, we arrived at the stream soon enough. Snow covered the ground but thankfully the stream hadn’t frozen over due to the running water through it. He placed my clothes on a rock.
“I will wait for you up on the bank.” He said and left. I stripped down to my underwear, untying my hair from its bun. I took off my shoes and socks last. My feet burning from the cold underneath my soles. I stepped tentatively into the stream, gasping at the coldness. I walked further in the water coming to my waist. It was freezing, my breathing quickened due to how cold it was. I took a deep breath and sank beneath the water. I didn’t stay under long, my urge to gasp from the cold forcing me to resurface again. My teeth chattered but I persisted. I scrubbed my skin from the dried blood. I washed my face, my hair, and my hands. Washing away all of the bloodshed I'd caused. I didn’t realise it but I was sobbing as I washed. I slipped under the water again, my body now more used to the cold. It was quiet under the surface, muffled and muted from the outside world. My heavy bones felt light floating in the water. But I couldn’t hold my breath forever, I needed to surface at some point and face the world again. That felt all too real. I broke the surface, gulping in air. My body was numb by this point from the cold. I needed to get changed before I got too cold. I stood moving back to the edge, walking out, I dried myself with the towel that Don had brought for me. He was always so thoughtful, and I had pushed him away. Guess I didn’t learn my lesson last time. Luckily I couldn’t push him away so easily, we were in the same company, I had to see him everyday. I got dressed quickly, making my way back up to where Don waited for me. A soft smile formed on his lips seeing me clean again. He opened his mouth to say something but I walked into his chest, wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him into me. He stayed quiet but wrapped his arms around my back squeezing me. 
“I’m so sorry, Don.” I whispered into his neck, “I was being selfish. I pushed you away. But I don’t want to be apart from you.” Tears ran down my cheeks as we held each other still. “I want to remember them with you. I don’t want to forget them.” His hand rubbed up and down my back. 
“We will remember them, Em. Those guys will be with us forever.” He said softly into my hair. He knew exactly how to comfort me. I pulled back to smile at him, his thumb brushing away the tears on my cheeks. 
“As long as you have me, we won’t forget. And you can’t get rid of me that easily.” He grinned at me, making me laugh tearily. 
“I don’t want to get rid of you.” I shook my head. “I’ve decided to keep you, for as long as I can.” He grinned at me nodding his head. 
We made our way back to the house. The building was warm due to all the bodies packed into it. I was ready to crash, I had been running on fumes for days. The quiet chatter died when we walked back into the house, I was very aware of all of the eyes watching me. I walked closer to Don trying to hide behind him, but it was no use. I looked down at my feet as we walked, finally making it to where Don had saved a spot for us on the floor. What were they thinking? They had all seen it happen, so surely they all knew about it. Did they hate me now? See me as a monster? I bit my lip nervously, thoughts swirling in my head. Don’s warm hand landed on top of mine, he gave me a reassuring smile. I nodded not needing to speak, we both knew what we were saying without words. 
“Do you mind?” Malarkey said loudly turning to the group of men, they all looked away from us, their chatter resuming. I laid down, resting my head on my bag, he pulled the blanket over the both of us, resting beside me.        
“Tomorrow will be easier.” He squeezed my hand before rolling over away from me. I fell asleep not long after. Tomorrow will be easier.  
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intrasport · 2 days
joe called me meryl todayf so thats my name now. Also drag night 2 confirmed for monday ffffffuckign Hahaha
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kudo-i-guess · 1 month
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i am so normal about this card
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kbthebearcat · 11 months
This is the idea for an RP prompt I wrote some years ago. I still really like the concept so thought I’d share it here!
Every night when you turn out the light and drift off to sleep, you have a dream that you are woken up by a friend at your window. This friend isn't any ordinary friend though, they're a giant. Once you go over to your window and open it, they take you away and the two of you explore many places together. Then, before dawn, they return you to your window safe and sound.
On this particular night that you close your eyes and go to sleep though.... the same thing happens, you are woken up from your slumber from a tap at the window, it's your large friend! Only this time.... something doesn't seem right..... it almost seems... a bit more real than usual....
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suncaptor · 7 months
unironically incredibly scared and upset about losing tumblr.
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mythrae · 7 months
bro I fear I’m being stalked by my ex and I’m kinda feeling unsafe but since I work with children I just gotta be like
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rubbishchameleon · 1 year
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Anyone that wears lavender surely cant be all that bad? Been a while since I've used my watercolours but I'm glad I dusted off the set for this piece.
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geeses · 2 years
reblog to download divine truths about our universe straight to your subconscious
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j-ut-da-e · 2 years
The Chosen Disaster Part 1
Summary - Draco Malfoy's story is not what it seems. With the help of Ravenclaw, Estella Pillings, he goes against his family's wishes and escapes a fate worse than death.
Pairing - Draco Malfoy x Fem!OC
Word Count - 806
Warnings - talk of death eater attacks, minimal swearing
A/N - I promise Draco will be in the next part more and tell me if I missed any warnings
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Keeping your expectations low would normally be your best course of action. Especially if you were to go to Hogwarts with one, Harry Potter. The start of something grand seemed to only apply to him. Grand and dangerous things followed him from the moment he stepped foot into the magical realm.
One could suppose most of the bad omens following Harry were at the fault of “He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named” gaining popularity again. His followers were staging uprisings and riots across the continent. Most recently, the quidditch world cup. Where Harry, Hermione, and Estella's family, the Weasley's, were spending a weekend.
The most notable crimes they committed were lynching muggle-borns, lifting them in the air for everyone to see, then blasting the dark mark into the sky. It was a mess. And of course, it was the first thing Fred and George relayed to Estella when they returned home. The news devastated her.
Estella was now in her fourth year at Hogwarts and 15 years old. Her years spent at the school were… eventful; to put a good spin on things. In the first year, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named infiltrated the school and attacked Harry Potter. The second year the ghost of Tom Riddle possessed Ginny Weasley and released a basilisk into the school. Third-year a prisoner from Azkaban, Sirius Black, escaped and came for Harry. Though Ron explained Sirius was wrongly imprisoned and was actually Harry's Godfather, whom they helped escape a dementor's kiss.
That year was already predetermined to be eventful. The Triwizard Tournament was to be held at Hogwarts. Which meant two other wizarding schools would be sharing the castle with them: Durmstrang and Bouxbatons. Dumbledore had explained everything in their beginning of the year feast. They had a new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher as well. Alastor Moody, also known as “Mad-Eye Moody”, a famous Auror. Estella’s parents had worked with him on multiple occasions and she had met him when she was younger. Though something seemed off about him now, he didn't seem to recognize her. And the Alastor Moody she knew would never demonstrate the three unforgivable curses in a class-
"Ms. Pillings?"
Estella was scared out of her rambling thoughts and looked up at professor Mcgonagall, she glanced around and saw the classroom was empty except for her, "Oh! So sorry professor, I have to get going- quickly!"
She scrambled to collect her things and dashed out the door. As she ran through the corridors, her shoe hit a crack in the worn floor. Before she could even react she was face down on the cold stone with her books having gone every which way.
Not even reacting, Estella picked herself up and started collecting her things. Barely noticing another pair of hands helping her. She only noticed when her head crashed with someone else's.
“Oh! Draco?” she exclaimed, holding her forehead. Estella stood, shocked, “What’re you-”
He stood as well, holding her books out to her, “You’re Estella?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.
She took her things from him, eyeing him suspiciously, “Yes…” she suddenly remembered her rush seeing no one else in the corridors, “But I have to go!” she said, rushing away again.
As she reaches the top of the ladder she sees the trap door to Trelawney’s classroom was already open. She peaks her head in and quickly goes to April, Cedric, and Neville’s table. The class was already in the middle of reading tea leaves.
“Daydreaming again, Estella?” Cedric asks quietly.
“Tripped in the corridor actually, Ced.”
“Are you okay?!” April yells, prompting a cold stare from Trelawney, “Are you okay?” she asks again, whispering.
“I'm fine.” she says, pretending to swirl her tea, “Cedric, are you going to enter the tournament next week?”
“Obviously. And I’m gonna win it.” he laughs.
April scoffs, “As if, Ced. Don't you remember me creaming you in that broom race last summer, you were pissed.”
“That was a broom race between two kids, not a tournament, April.” she only shrugs at him, smirking.
“Do you think Harry will be chosen too?” Estella asks.
Cedric and Neville looked at her, confused, “What do you mean? He's too young to enter.”
“Don't you remember anything that's happened since he got here? We all almost got killed by a giant snake!” Aprils exclaims, “I agree with Estella, he's gonna get chosen somehow.”
“He is a Leo.” Estella chimes in.
“You two make no sense.” Neville says, “It’s impossible for him to enter.”
April rolls her eyes, “Thanks, you nerd. We’re just joking, we know he can't be chosen. Estella?”
“Yes?” she says, not looking up.
“Why’re you only wearing one butterfly clip?”
Estella’s hands unconsciously go to her hair, one of her clips was missing, “Huh, I didn't even notice. It must have fallen out when I tripped. I’m sure I’ll find it later.”
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slick-dear · 2 years
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Ik its kinda crappy im lazy today!
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bookwyrminspiration · 4 months
god I would be UNSTOPPABLE if I was capable of consistently initiating tasks. just you wait. you'll be waiting a while but just you wait
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anxiousangerball · 10 months
I don't know who needs to hear this, but
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queenoftheantz · 19 days
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The things I devoured so I could devour you
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cemeterything · 7 months
always remember the Final Girl Code:
- do it alone
- do it scared
- do it with a knife in your hand if you have to
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to-fu · 3 months
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my easily jumpscared gf has her back to the door in our new place and every time i need to announce myself like im an angel of god
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