#scarian is winning
crabrat · 1 year
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wing preening and neck kissing upon ye
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isjasz · 1 year
never stop posting scarian smooching tbanks
Roger that and my 12am brain decided you guys can have these too then ig (3am Jas drew these out of spite a bit ago) (I can't believe drawing scarian kissing is now part of my coping mechanism for some reason)
Now if u like these go vote botw on here for me psppspspspspspsp
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rosenbergamot · 7 months
“Gri, how do you feel about Mumbo?” Scar asks one day as they’re cuddling against one another.
Scar’s legs have been hurting him more than usual, so Grian is taking it upon himself to massage them. He’s on the calves right now, planning very stealthily and sneakily to move up from calf to thigh to somewhere much less PG than this. He stops his massaging, fixes Scar with a look. 
“Why do you ask?” 
His grin is bright. “Oh, well… I was just thinking about him. He’s pretty cute, isn’t he?”
He could tell from his tone where this was going to go. The way his face starts to warm up is indicative of his answer, but he knows that Scar likes it when he actually tells him things even if he can always understand otherwise. “Well… of course he is. He’s Mumbo.” 
Scar leans in closer, urging him on with a nod. “Mhm? And?”
“And-- and I really like Mumbo, Scar. You know this.” 
“I do, I do!” He waves his hand. “But how much do you like Mumbo?” 
This makes him continue his massaging, if only to get away from those knowing eyes. Why now of all times does he bring this up? “I like him a lot, Scar.”
He bats his pretty eyes at him, “as much as me, Grian?” 
Deciding not to give that a response, he continues to talk. “I mean, I’ve known him for a long time, and I’ve always felt differently towards him. He’s… special to me. I can’t imagine my life without him. Can you imagine me without Mumbo? It’s sacrilegious, Scar! I wouldn’t survive! Heck, he wouldn’t survive!”
“Gri…” Scar’s voice is soft and syrupy. He reaches up to card a hand through his hair. That forces his eyes away from his legs, up to his face, and the way he smiles makes him melt. He leans into the touch. “Say, I like Mumbo a lot too. A lot a lot.” He wiggles his eyebrows. “How about we break the question to him?”
His mouth falls open. “You like him too?”
“Grian! Have you seen the way I look at him?” 
Oh. Now that he’s thinking about it, he absolutely has. Scar looks at Mumbo with a certain kind of reverence, a shine in his eyes, a longing that he hasn’t seen since the desert, since the two of them would lay centimetres apart underneath the desert moon. For having experienced that firsthand, he sure did forget what it looked like.
Oh, plus he also looks like he wants to devour Mumbo sometimes, a fact which he had attributed to him being a vex rather then him being insanely attracted to him. God. How much has he been missing?
“Huh.” And just like that, a smile starts to form on his face. “Let’s do it, then!” 
Scar cheers and pumps his fist, the movement jostling their comfortable position. He leans over, pressing a kiss to his cheek, warm and solid and sweet. “I didn’t think you were ever going to go for him! So proud of you, G.” 
He moves to kiss him again and Grian stops him with a hand to his chest. Scar pouts. He tries to put on as serious a face as he can muster. It doesn't really work. “Yeah, yeah, that’s all well and good, but how about we talk about you and Cub now?” 
Scar straightens up immediately, face screwing into something that Grian can only describe as dread. He checks his empty wrist, makes an astonished face. “Oh, goodness, would you look at that! I’m late for… for a meeting!” He rolls off of Grian, falls to the ground with a solid thunk. “And my legs feel so much better, Gri! It’s like magic. You’re so good at massaging them and I love you so much and I can't wait to have Mumbo be with us and-- goodbye have a good time!” 
He’s out the door before Grian can say anything to him.
That’s okay. He’ll get him next time. 
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arekayic · 7 months
grian is gonna share sand 50/50 with scar and share wart blocks 50/50 with mumbo and i think those fit their individual dynamics perfectly
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catparty41 · 9 months
what if only the winners remember the previous seasons? What if scar never actually knew what happened with him and grian in third life? What if in last life he was just so confused as to why grian was pushing him away? what if in secret life he finally seems to come to terms with the fact that him and grian will never be the same? And when he wins, he finally remembers? What if he finally realizes what they were, and what he lost?
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kaesaaurelia · 10 days
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Some Hero Forge designs for my 3rd Life space colonists AU!
Martyn is the ship's doctor -- a generalist with a lot of emergency experience in situations that you don't get much on populated planets. He's coolheaded in a crisis and good at putting people at their ease even if he's got to use sharp things on them. As long as they like hearing stupid jokes while they're bleeding out, anyway.
Grian is the ship's doctor in that this is one of those science fiction universes where FTL travel is achieved via a pilot controlling the ship through direct neural interface, so the line between the pilot and the ship can get very blurry. It's Grian's job to fix issues that might arise with the interface and with the pilot's neurology, and to protect the pilot's life at all costs.
Scar's the pilot. He's very, very good, but to be successful at this kind of thing you have to be able to put up with your brain giving you sensations that say THIS IS GOING TO HURT THE WHOLE TIME YOU'RE DYING and just lean into them, or you might miss your mark and come out of hyperspace in the middle of a sun. He can be pretty accident-prone planetside, because at this point he's used to ignoring his instinctive sense of self-preservation, and to moving absurdly fast in a low- to no-gravity environment.
Ren's a weird one, because for most of the 3rd Life ensemble I could figure out some kind of specific job they'd be doing as space colonists either aboard ship or when they finally got to the alien planet, but "starts a small business in magic, crowns himself king, and then asks to be ritually slaughtered for the sake of protecting his kingdom" is a real stumper when it comes to career counseling. So I decided to go with what would be the funniest rather than what made the most sense, which is that he's Martyn's house-husband and a relatively popular fantasy author who can't figure out how to finish the last book of his doorstopper fantasy trilogy. Martyn WAS considering dropping all space travel longer than a week or so in order to spend more time at home, but Ren was like "I don't think I can finish this book help" and now he and Martyn are moving to another solar system indefinitely. Who among us has not started something they could not finish and wished to just quietly vacate the planet over it?
(Don't let the cozy domesticity fool you, I will still be putting them through The Horrors™️; these fools are still doomed by the narrative. Space wants nothing more or less than to kill you and reduce your remains to a fine particulate.)
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rosaacicularis · 1 year
au where grian and scar are in a secret relationship because they are trying to rig the “when are scar and grian going to get together” betting pool in mumbo’s favour <3
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serenitysands · 1 year
hearing mumscarian call each other buttercup made me shut my laptop, walk away, and lie down on the floor
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marzghost · 10 months
It's that time again where I over think block men. In this edition of the God forsaken desert duo I'll be over thinking the flowers.
In 3rd life we all know Scar gave Grian those god damn poppies and lilacs and now in Secret life Grian has given Scar god damn sunflowers. Poppies in the sacred language of flowers mean death or rather could mean sleep, peace, death, and or remembrance and as for lilacs, specifically purple lilacs, they mean the first emotions of love and or simply first love. With a simple gesture Scar changed their partnership forever. It was a red name looking a green name in the eyes and confessing something he could never say out loud in a death game without even realizing it. It was an acknowledgment of a weakness and where that weakness would lead them one day. In a death game death is unavoidable but he hoped that when his death came Grian could keep going. Never once thinking that those flowers would foreshadow the way their partnership would end. Never once thinking that his future killer was staring right back at him with a worried smile on his face. Now in Secret life it is Grian who gives Scar the flowers but this time they're sunflowers, do you know what sunflowers mean in flower language? Well let me tell you what they mean. They , in the sacred language of the flowers, mean a long life and lasting happiness and or could mean loyalty and adoration. Watching back the video you can clearly see these flowers weren't given to Scar in some big meaningful gesture like Scar had done all those life times ago. In fact they were given to Scar as if those flowers were garbage because to Grian that's what they were and yet Scar still takes them and makes it his entire thing if those namemc spoilers are anything to go off of. It isn't a promise. It isn't a confession. It's simply a flower. And yet and yet not. It's everything. It's nothing. It's two green names looking at each other with smiles on their faces. It's a new foreshadowing that I'm hoping comes to pass. It's a cactus deal in the middle of a field. And do you want to know what a cactus represents? It represents endurance, courage and power in the face of adversity. It represents two souls that finally understand. It represents Grian finally leaving that god damn ring.
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applepixls · 29 days
theres something to be said about the accidental symbolism of the horns in double life
grian got ponder originally which is a doo doo dudooooo kinda pattern and then got seek which is the same pattern but with a scratchier sound and offered it to scott
their stories then mirror in both having previously done a series with their partner and this time (somewhat) rejecting them (and later being tortured by them) only scott fully rejected pearl to live across from cleo while grian still kept scar around but tried to be secret soulmates with bigb. and ultimately scott and pearl did the whole sacrifice for the other person to win thing, reprising grian and scar's 3rd life ending same pattern, different sound.
(theres also something to be said here about how they are similar people, you can see it in the quiet agreement to stand around and get butted at by goats and in the bit where scott punches scar, sees grian take damage and "*he knows" and he knows he knows he knows and scott realizes what grian realized, that grian is once again trailing reluctantly after scar to keep him safe but also knows he shouldn't tell scar cause grian hasn't. they're both very intelligent in similar ways and it shows)
later on grian got another ponder (which he offered to scar instead of the seek he initially gave him) and mentioned how there was a reply to it (sing, du dudoooo) that he really wanted (and later jimmy and tango got)
so more narrative comparisons. the two soulmate pairs at that point have matching horns, grian and scar are ponder and jimmy and tango are sing. notoriously jimmy and scar are the two that everyone was scared of being partnered with because they die and take damage a lot. the thing i find interesting is how different their narratives are grian and scar had already been partnered and worked together previously, meanwhile, jimmy and tango had barely spoken prior. you'd expect that the two who were already friends and found out they were partnered (or at least grian found out) in a more or less positive way would choose to be friends, no? and you'd think that the two who didn't know each other and met by dying would have an awkward stumbling dynamic and possibly resent (in character) each other, right? but turned out it was the opposite way around (because of personalities blah blah blah). its not super related to the horn patterns I'll admit but something about the way.. its almost as if grian's horn says this is how it is (this being like rejecting scar because of their past) and the ranchers horn being like what if it doesn't have to be (something about clean slates, seeing people in new light, reintroducing yourself, taking all the best of a person despite a bad circumstance like yknow. killing them when you first meet. don't know anyone else whos accidentally blown up someone when they first met cough cough 3rd life cough)
please feel free to add your thoughts
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bigb-enthusiast · 11 months
People who are talking about bigb having the wrong texture pack for the task may be right but i think they should shut up and let people have fun… im people who wanna have fun.. let bigb gave this one thing that yeah may be a mistake but its still fun to make stuff for him considering all the other evo members have Something going on…..
Grian, pearl, and martyn all won seasons! Jimmy has his own curse! I think even tho its a mistake bigb should be cryptic and have cursed task. Be the secret keepers special guy. You know.
Edit: i should clarify im just teasing, mostly
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sculkshrieking · 2 years
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Game Over. Try Again?
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cactusringed · 7 months
The end of grian's new ep is so funny zkdjdjjdd
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tired-frogzzz · 2 years
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These boys have me in a chokehold. [Cocks gun] Give me my life back
[Image 3]
Grian: You’re an idiot.
Scar: That’s the charm.
[Image 4]
Joel: This is favouritism
Scar: What do you mean?
Scar: Oh! He added Jellie!
But yea I think we should stew more on mcc25. I think painter Grian should suffer, falling for this silly guy while painting only to realize that painting might be the last he’ll ever see of Scar if he doesn’t survive the tournament. As a treat <3
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mochiwrites · 9 months
*holds water gun towards you*
You can only choose one option
Grumbo or Mumscarian or Redscape
*laughs maniacly*
No scarian lol
mmmmmm mumscarian
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