#scemma fic
elusiveweekend · 1 year
an idea... scemma fic collection.
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As you know there aren’t a lot of Scott/Emma fics out there. 291 on AO3 only as of May 2023, which is a joke. I haven’t seen any fic collection posts around Tumblr, so I’ve decided to create a Scemma fic collection myself. 
Then it occurred to me that other people could contribute too, so it’d become a list with a broad variety of fics for everybody to enjoy. Hence, the point of this post is to ask you to send me your favorite fics if you’re a fan of the ship. You can send them from the replies or message me privately with the links. If you also want to self promote (as you should) you can also send your own fics. 
The list will be separated into two categories: NSFW and Non-NSFW. It’s going to have works from all fic websites and all creators will be credited. 
Something very important if you want to contribute: Please only send fics with Scott/Emma as the main couple. Even if the fic takes place at a time they’ve broken up etc. the main couple has to be them. This is the entire point of the collection. So this way, people can find what they’re looking for without unnecessary scrolling and filtering at 4 AM. 
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comfhurts · 9 months
Happy Halloween! Read some vampire Scemma!
Title: Dread the Dead Tooth (Which Unmakes the Veil) (chapters 1/3)
Fandom: X-Men Comicverse
Relationships: Scott Summers/Emma Frost
Tags: Vampire AU, Vampire! Emma, Vampire Changling! Scott, angst with a happy ending, drama & romance, getting back together.
"Scott was going to die. Emma knew. This didn’t make it any easier. But he would live. Even if he would never forgive her." OR: The dramatic and angsty Scemma vampire AU we all definitely needed.
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mikeellee · 1 month
Hi telekenises-mind-control-comics
Here is the fic you commission, hope you like it. I wanted to add more, but it would be a book in itself and well, I think this ending opens the imagination as to what they can do in the future.
@nefarious-616-necromancer here it is hope you like it
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yakichoufd · 1 day
I saw your post answering ships with Scott, and I do applaud your choices, I'm an avid Scogan shipper myself, but I wanted to politely bring Scemma to your attention. Emma Frost is an absolute beauty who could have anyone with a pulse and someone who loves and respects Scott so fiercely. I'm sure its been mentioned in the comics that she should be way out of his league, but they are a match made in heaven :)
I don't know much about them but I'm getting more and more interested to read about them! Everyone who ship them say it is a very sincere and sweet relationship. If you have any fics recommandation or comics, I'd love to read them!
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verdantflamingo · 1 year
3. day - favorite relationship(s): romance
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I watched Wolverine and the X-men years ago and while I was probably more of a Jean/Scott fan, I know I liked the idea of Scott and Emma overall and I've created a few story lines where Emma would survive through her mind for example in Scott's head and then back into her body when they put him, the body, back together. Still, I had much less of a relationship with Scott at the time, unfortunately he's drastically underrated outside of the comics, so I didn't explore their relationship in any depth. I also liked them in the anime as a whole, I think, but since I don't remember much, I wouldn't put much weight on it.
Now years later, I came across this couple while reading some Cyclops fics and they intrigued me enough to read most of the scemma fanfics I could find. I think they have amazing potential story-wise, they bring out the best in themselves despite a rocky start, but they don't hide from the worst in themselves either. This is a significant relationship for Emma, if I understand correctly, Scott is her first boyfriend on the side of good. At least in my headcanon, it weakens her, and makes her retrospectively examine her past actions. With her villainous past, Emma must carve out her place in Scott's life despite the public disapproval of his friends, her new co-workers, and Scott won't let her down. I like that their biggest problem in the relationship, or rather in its functioning, is their environment (friend, family). Their love or sexual attraction is not the problem. They understand each other. The only one who has a problem with it is Scott's wife... Take that as an exaggeration. Speaking of Jean, I like Scott and Jean together. They are a strong couple who have overcome a lot along the way, but what I like more about Emma/Scott is that Emma has more potential to understand Scott. Jean comes from a beautiful home, is loved by her family, and has been under the care of Professor X since her unfortunate manifestation of telepathy. Emma grew up in an emotionally cold family, with no emotional background, feeling less valuable to her siblings, (hell, she believes that her father's violence means his love...) her telepathy was unchecked, if I'm not mistaken again, she was in an asylum for a time, she ended up at the bottom... So did Scott. Both are damaged goods. I think that's why they can be closer than Scott/Jean, also because Scott can be Scott with Emma, next to the perfect and admired Jean he must be Cyclops.
Honorable mention: Jean/Scott, Magik/Kitty, Rachel/Kitty
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kurtty-drabbles · 9 months
Hey thanks to @orangedodge I know have an idea...if Kamala DOES CANONICAL RPF FICS about the xmen mainly Wolverine and Scemma....who is to say she is not writing about others?
Kurt's excalibur time sure made him famous.
Ororo is no brainer.
But...Kitty? Oh she has full benefits here. She is famous but no one knows who she is.
Fans: so eloquent and poison. Who is she? Is she a new Xmen?
And while this could (ignoring canon ) give more positive attention to the Xmen...Kitty is really just drinking her coffee not bothering. She has a big fanbase and....she does not engage it.
Fans:🤩Can we meet the famous Kitty Pryde?
Kurt:🤨you just did...she is literally drinking coffee right there.
The fans either love her or have a massive whiplash
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requiem2007 · 2 years
omg your tags on the post about emma's age...that's such an interesting way to think about it! i really agree with how emma comes off in the dps and i do think there's something there in them being somewhat unconventional!! i think this is something used to contrast them with jean and scott in a way that is often reductive and simplistic, but the dynamic itself does still exist and is, like you said, a really important and interesting facet of their relationship. i also just think emma is a character who HAS to feel like she has a long history, because that's part of what gives her past actions and affiliations weight.
100% !! I think one of the most interesting things about Scott & Emma is how much of their relationship boils down to how unconventional it appears.
(This is all to say though, that I think Scott and Emma are actually very similar people. That line in the trans!Scott grayjay fic that’s like “That she knows what it means to tear down and rebuild a self from the ground up.” is genuinely the quintessential understanding of Scemma)
And I think you’re absolutely right— they frequently get boiled down into being “unconventional” for the sake of comparison to Jean and Scott’s “conventional.” I think that’s really common both in universe and in fandom, which is too bad!! It’s super reductive to both relationships and all the characters but I digress.
Emma’s character really does lend itself to somebody who has an incredibly long history! I think a lot her actions hold so much weight because of what can be assumed through her history and I think that’s a super important part of her character. The way she never expects forgiveness from the x-men and the way she consistently views herself as a villain regardless of her own actions all really speak to her having spent a significant amount of time as a different version of herself, and I think she constantly readjusting her sense of self to what it now means for her to be seen as hero.
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positivelybeastly · 4 months
🖤 Emma frost
repulsive / hideous / ugly / not attractive / unappealing / not unattractive / meh / no preference / ok / mildly attractive / nice looking / cute / adorable / attractive / pleasant on the eyes / good looking / hot / sexy / beautiful / gorgeous / hot damn / would tap that / perfect / godlike / holy fuck there are no words.
Emma Frost is objectively an incredibly gorgeous woman who Hank, so far as I can tell, has no real sexual interest in. On an aesthetic level, she's literally the picture of perfection - of course she is, she paid top dollar for that to be the case - but I just don't think she moves the dial for Hank. When they're at their best, during, say, New X-Men, I think Hank just regards her as too close a friend to 'betray' by harbouring sexual thoughts and so he just kinda wills it not to be a thing. When they're at their worst, like, say, during Utopia, I think Hank finds her morality to be too much of a turn off to even consider her actual beauty.
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grating / irritating / frustrating / boring / confusing at best / awkward / unreasonable / psychotic / disturbing / interesting / engaging / affectionate / aggressive / ambitious / anxious / artistic / bad tempered / bossy / charismatic / appealing / unappealing / creative / courageous / dependable / unreliable / unpredictable / predictable / devious / dim / extroverted / introverted / egotistical / gregarious / fabulous / impulsive / intelligent / sympathetic / talkative / up beat / peaceful / calming / badass / flexible.
I mean, let's hear it from the man himself, shall we?
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I think that Hank really does like Emma, all the way up to Krakoa, but I feel like Emma doesn't always like Hank, because that's the kind of person Emma is, and who she's become over the last 20 years has changed a fair bit (to say nothing of what Marvel's done to Hank). On some level, it feels as though they're a little too much like one another in some ways, and far too different from one another in others.
how likely they would have sex with them:
not if they were the last person on earth and the world was ending / fuck no! / never / no way / not likely / not sure / indifferent / I’m asexual / maybe / probably / it depends / fairly likely / likely / yeah sure / yes / would tap that / hell yes / fuck yes! / wishing that could happen right now / as many times as possible / we are already having sex.
I don't see it, tbh. If there was ever a time, it was, like, twenty years ago, before Scott/Emma became a thing, and even then, Hank never read as being into her, imo. I've read a fic that had him pining for her, which I can see if I squint, but . . . ehh. Pretty much every version of Hank I write wouldn't, but if Marvel wanted to give it the good old college try and put a decent writer on it, then maybe.
Though, honestly, with the Scemma shippers being as fervent as they are, that's the one thing Hank could do that would earn him more hate than the war crimes.
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level of friendship:
never in a million years / worst of enemies / enemies / rivals / indifferent / neutral / acquaintance / friendly toward each other / casual friends / friends / good friends / best friends / fuck buddies / bosom buddies / practically the same person / would die for them / true friends / my only friend.
Even as their friendship deteriorated over Hank's increasing instability and . . . whatever the fuck was going on with Emma post-Bendis, pre-Krakoa, I feel like Hank always wanted them to be friends, though it felt increasingly like Emma just didn't care. I hold the snippets that exist close to my heart, like Hank comforting her when New Tian goes down after Secret Empire fell, but tbh, when she confronted him at the Hellfire Gala and the X-Force Annual, I was like, eh, even without Beast being a butcher and a bastard now, that friendship needed a lot of work to be salvaged. It's probably going to be completely scrubbed regardless of how X-Force ends, and I'll miss it, but I suspect I'll be one of the few who mourns it.
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first impression of them:
i hate them so much / i don’t like them / i don’t trust them / they annoy me / they’re weird / I’m indifferent / meh / they seem alright / they’re growing on me / truce / I think I like them / I like them / I’m not sure if I trust them / I trust them / they’re cool / they’re genuine / I think we’re going to get along / I really like them / I think I’m in love / oh fuck they’re hot / I love them.
First impression would likely have been being told about her during the Dark Phoenix Saga, so he would have fucking hated her goddamn guts! :) Honestly, it's kind of a mark of how forgiving Hank can be that he doesn't really hold it against her at all (barring one comment), going so far as to stick his neck out for her, repeatedly, in New and Astonishing X-Men.
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current impression of them:
i hate them so much / i don’t like them / i don’t trust them / they annoy me / they’re weird / I’m indifferent / meh / they seem alright / they’re growing on me / truce / I think I like them / I like them / I’m not sure if I trust them / I trust them / they’re cool / they’re genuine / I think we’re going to get along / I really like them / I think I’m in love / oh fuck they’re hot / I love them.
You have to go back to, like, 2011 to find an example of these two being genuinely affectionate and nice towards one another. Even when Hank was comforting her after New Tian went down, it felt very one-sided, and X-Force Beast's thoughts on Emma are soiled not just by how poisoned his mind is in general, but also by her conduct with regards to Alex and the Hellions.
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xmenprompts · 4 years
Scott reveals his darkest fantasy to Emma and Logan, who orchestrate a night to remember between them to live out Scott's deepest desires without consequence.
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arznersfishingrod · 5 years
I just realized I never posted this here. Behold the thing I did last month. I’m working on another thing. It’s really weird. To be writing fiction again. I recently managed to find a scene from a book I was writing as a teen and it remains the most hilariously closeted most revealing thing I could have possibly written
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elusiveweekend · 2 months
alright, im still very much swamped so no updates anytime soon... in fact im about to enter the busiest month of my life so pls pls wish me luck.
but since it was about a girl's turn... here's a bit of a preview folks
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comfhurts · 2 years
New fic alert !!!!
Fandom: Marvel-616, X-Men (comicverse)
Characters: Emma Frost, Scott Summers
Relationships: Emma Frost/Scott Summers
Additional Tags: The major character death is Scott but he's already dead at the startDeath of X (Marvel Comics), Post Death of XGrief/Mourning, I am an ex-catholic and so is Emma Frost, this does take place in a catholic church but it's not church-y I promise okay, Character Study, I just let Emma process her grief while also dumping Scott headcanons on people
"Moments before Scott died, Emma had ran and collapsed next to his body, gathering him in her arms like he was a child, pulling him closer even as she knew she should pull away… When she had finally felt strong enough to stand, she rose on shaky legs, Scott still wrapped in her arms like a fragile baby bird. She could carry him just fine, if a bit awkwardly, but she transformed into her diamond form and tried desperately to pretend the weight in her arms had everything to do with it.
And then she stayed that way for days."
Emma Frost processes her grief over Scott dying post-Death of X
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rescue-ram · 2 years
Fandom ask meme: 3, 4, 9 and 12 for X-Men! :D
3. Fave ship: Gotta say Scogan
4. Fave canon ship: The peaks of Scean are SO SO high for me, they truly have so many moments that make me feral, but honestly, Scemma is just so consistently comfy for me... Like Scean has higher highs, but I like Scemma more consistently.
9. Drifting Home consistently tricks me into thinking Wolverine Origins was good, it has some really good Logan voice, definitely recommend.
Rex Racer on the Final Turn is THEE Scott&Alex fic for me, absolute peak. Great great fic.
Redemption had some GREAT moments and very interesting scenes, highly recommend if you can think in pictures because it's basically a comic book in narrative form
There are some fics that are really good but have SO MANY trigger warnings/caveat emptors I hesitate to link them lol... one I WILL admit to having read and link here is X-Manson which is the darkest most fucked up thing I've ever read in my entire LIFE. I read it when I was like 15 and I've thought about it at least twice a month ever since, it dealt me unfathomable amounts of psychic damage and I recommend it. It's a fascinating work of reimagination, and it reminds me a lot of The Last Ringbearer by Kiril Eskov in terms of its relationship to canon. It does some really interesting things and it doesn't feel gratuitous, it's definitely making a political statement, and trying to interpret that really impacted me as a reader.
There's also a fic I LOVED the first 75% of, but I was sooooo disappointed by the last act I lost the link and can't refind it :/
I'll have to do more rec posting later lol, this isn't even close to comprehensive, but off the top of my head these seem fair :)
12. Fave headcanon: I've spent the past two days consumed with cursed influencer AU headcanons for Jean/Scott/Logan lol based on that post about them having a couples Instagram lol... For Scott I LOVE he's like canonically a HAM radio operator, the concept of him like having a podcast is 👌👌👌 I also think he has strong intuitions about math, especially when it comes to visualizing and manipulating objects/shapes. I strongly prefer the movieverse "Logan was born in the 1830s" to his comic backstory and have a v elaborate headcanons for his personal history.
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say-cyke-rn · 3 years
Ship bingo! Rictor/Shatterstar, Daken/Iceman, Jean/Scott, Emma/ Scott, Logan/Kurt
Hiiiiii ,oh wow we are aiming right for the jugular I see
OKE , rictor/shatterstar
Obviously they are everything , they better be in the same room again very soon I am sick of waiting @marvel comics !!! What the fuck ..
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I did read one (1) fic because I was Intrigued and I like them tbh ,Why not !!! ( A FEW reasons come to mind but ....)
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Ok all the fanart on here makes me emo about them
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The absolute iconicness of this pairing....
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And I already did scemma 🥂
Ship bingo!!
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soulofevil · 3 years
🙂 & 🤔 for the fic ask. Thank you!
Who is one character you haven’t yet written for that you would like to?
Ohhh that’s a hard one cuz there’s a lot of characters i’d love to write! I don’t write a whole lot of female characters so more of them would be a start. I have a story idea for a Robbie Reyes/Jemma Simmons fic but fff Jemma is hard for me to write. Emma Frost is another but I’m neither classy nor bitchy enough to pull her off and my Scemma loving heart is sad about that. Sam Wilson is a dude I’d love to write something for but I’m not cool enough for him.
What is the hardest part of writing fic?
Naming them 😂 I hate trying to come up with titles, they all sound stupid to me. Though at the moment it’s ending this fic I’m having issues with.
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uncannycyke · 4 years
no one asked but i might just make a part 2 to my scemma current canon fic i just wrote. we debatin it.
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