#woooo finally finishing up the requests
koszmarnybudyn · 1 year
Hello, hope you're having a nice day! :] For the requests, maybe Hermie and Taylor bonding?
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They are uncle and nephew but also besties and i love them. Taylor is having an adhd moment cause he deserves a little info dumping and hermie loves to listen.
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spence-whore · 4 months
HIHI!! can I request spencer celebrating reader for finishing all their exams?? you write him SO SO well and I know it'll become an instant fav 🤭 <333 (if you do want to write it!)
Final Exams
Spencer Agnew x Reader
A/N I’m obsessed with this because I just finished finals last week and I’m pretty sure I failed every single one of them woooo i have no clue if there’s any university’s close to the area that the cast lives in but for this, let’s just act like there is:) one last thing, I thought of going the route where he throws a big party but i felt like the more laid back comfortable type of celebration would be more him whenever it comes to something like this. please overlook the typos and incorrect grammar, im v sick.
one last thing, im trying something new with these. im trying it out in third person instead of using ‘you’ whenever talking about the reader. im also using they/them pronouns to be gender inclusive:) let me know if you like this better or if you liked how i wrote it before with using “you”.
Everyone knew how stressed out Y/N had been for the last month due to their finals. They become so obsessed on the idea of making the best grades that they can or they feel like they simply have not done good enough. This leads to their mental health declining rapidly and them being in a very low spot for a while. Spencer knew this and thought of something he could possibly do after their last final. That last final happened to be today. Y/N had spent the entire night studying, only got two hours of sleep, then got up a few hours early to study before heading to their university.
A few hours had passed and Y/N was finally back in their car, heading back home.
They had dialed Spencer’s number before heading home Y/N sat in silence for a minute before Spencer answered, “Hey Y/N! How did the exam go?”
“Honestly? I feel like I completely flunked it. I’m just so glad it’s all over till the fall.” Y/N said sighing while taking a turn.
“I’d say so, bub. You need a break.” Spencer responded with a soft tone.
“I’m gonna head back to my apartment for the rest of the day. If you maybe wanna come over after work, you’re more than welcome to. I might order out food then watch a movie or something.” Y/N said, trying to think of some way to destress for the rest of the day.
“Of course. I’ll shoot you a text to let you know whenever I’m heading your way.” Spencer said, they could hear the smile on his face.
Little did Y/N know, Spencer was already at their apartment. Y/N had given him a key whenever they moved to LA and became best friends. He practically lived there whenever the two of them were best friends. That was around four years ago. Now, Y/N and Spencer have been dating for two years. He still practically lives there whenever he isn’t busy with work. He thought of setting up a little self care day for them. He was going to draw a warm bath whenever they got closer to the apartment. The bathroom had candles everywhere’s, alongside snacks, and two wine glasses. The bath was big enough to fit three people, so Spencer thought he could either join Y/N or he could leave them to take the bath while he hung out in the living room. The kitchen was set up because during this time, he was going to order their favorite ramen from this restaurant near their apartment. He had also decked out the living room, so it was a huge comfy dream. The couch was covered in soft, fluffy blankets and pillows. There were fairy lights hung above the couch and a gift Spencer had fixed together for them on the table.
Spencer practically was burning a hole into his phone. Whenever he seen Y/N’s location was finally close to the apartment, he jumped up from the couch and booked it to the bathroom to start the bath. He let the water run until it was scalding hot and then plugged the drain. The water ran around three minutes then he turned it off. Y/N’s location had finally arrived to the apartment and he could tell they were making their way up to steps.
He felt like a little kid waiting for their christmas presents. He was about to explode, just sitting there waiting for them on the couch. A few minutes passed and the noise of keys come from the front door, placing into the lock. He jumped up and stared at the door, waiting to see his partner come walking through the door.
“Spencer?” Y/N’s voice came from the front door, obviously confused.
Spencer jumped up and ran to the front door. “Hi! Okay, so stay there for one second. I just want to explain this before I blindfold you.” He stopped talking for a second to giggle. “That sounds kinky but I got today off from work. I told Ian about how today was your last final. They all decided I could take today off to celebrate with you. At first, I thought about throwing a little get together with some friends. I sat and thought about it for a while though and thought, they could really just use a day of self care. That leads us to now.” He explained with a smile on his face. “Are you in the mood for a bath?” He asked, with hope in his voice and a slight smile on his face.
Y/N was just frozen at the front door and was wanting to burst into tears. This is the sweetest thing someone has ever done for them. “That sounds nice.” Was the only thing they could muster out while staring at him and tears welling in their eyes.
“Oh, don’t cry.” Spencer said quickly while rushing to them and wrapping his arms around them.
“Sorry, I’ve just not really been okay here lately. I can’t thank you enough for being you, Spencer.” Y/N explained wiping at their face while their arms were still wrapped around Spencer neck.
“Well, let’s get you into the bath.” Spencer said before placing his hand in front of their eyes and lead them to the bathroom. He pushed them into the bathroom, “Keep your eyes closed till I tell you to open them.” He explained while stepping in behind them and shutting the door. He very quickly lit the candles around the bathroom and placed the lighter back under the sink. “Okay, open them up.”
Y/N opened their eyes and looked around the bathroom to take the scene in. It looked like something straight out of a cliche romance movie. The bathtub was filled with water and bubbles. There was a tray sitting across the tub with two wine glasses and different candies. They immediately started to tear up and turned around to pull Spencer into a hug. “I cannot thank you enough for this.” They whispered into his shirt.
“Oh, this isn’t the end of it. I have a few options for you. So, would you like this bath alone? Would you like for me to join you or do you want me to sit in here with you and you can tell me about your day?” Spencer said while leaning against the sink.
Y/N stared at the man in front of them before grabbing his face and kissing him very quickly, three different times. “Wait, if I say I want you to get in with me, would you give me a massage? My legs and back are killing me.” Y/N explained, hoping that he would give in.
Spencer didn’t even answer them. He just started stripping from his clothes and Y/N could’ve started crying on the spot. The two took their clothes off and climbed into the tub. At this point, the water was now the perfect warmth. It wasn’t too hot and it wasn’t too cold. Y/N sat on one end while Spencer sat on the other. He pulled his hands under the water and pulled their legs over onto his. “I was told someone needed a massage.” He commented while rubbing his thumbs into their calve.
“I literally don’t know what I do to deserve you.” Y/N said while moaning and placing their head back onto the side of the tub.
Spencer just laughed and shook his head. “You’re a dork. I love you though. Can you grab that wine from the side of the tub and possibly pour us some?”
The two sat in the tub close to ten minutes, drinking their wine and eating candy while talking about their day. Spencer eventually moved the tray and Y/N moved over to his side, with their back facing him. He sat, rubbing their shoulders for a while and they just sat in silence, taking the moment in.
“I can’t thank you enough for everything you do.” Y/N whispered looking over their shoulder at Spencer.
Spencer smiled at Y/N and placed a soft kiss on their shoulder. “Of course. You deserve this after how rough this semester has been on you.” Spencer explained. A few minutes before this, Spencer had placed a door dash order for the food without telling Y/N. It was close to time for them to get out.
“You’re so beautiful.” Spencer randomly blurted while rubbing his hand up and down their arm. Y/N could feel their face getting warm and they just shook their head. They turned around and placed their knees on both sides of Spencer thighs, so they were facing each other. Spencer placed his hands on their waist and just stared at them for a minute. “You literally make me speechless. Like, I can’t put it into words. I know I’m usually the worst with verbalizing how I feel and what I’m thinking but god, I just have to tell you that. You are beautiful.”
All Y/N could do was laugh and shake their head. “I look awful today but thank you love.” They whispered and tried hiding their face reddening.
“Look at you.” Spencer said while placing both of his hands on their face and pulled it close to his. “You do not look awful. You look so beautiful.” He placed a soft kiss on their lips and pulled them into a hug. Y/N leaned back and took this as a moment to kiss Spencer. The two got lost in a kiss for a minute before Spencer pulled back really quickly.
“I don’t mean to cut this off. Trust me, I really don’t want to. I just remembered though, I might have ordered us food and I think it should be arriving any minute.” Spencer explained very quickly, giving Y/N an awkward smile.
Y/N just laughed and climbed off of Spencer, giving him room to climb out of the tub. He handed them a towel and a change of clothes. “I’m gonna dry off and run to the door really quickly. Whenever you get done, just head to the kitchen.” He dried off while explaining this and threw on some clothes.
Y/N took a minute to dry off and pull their hair back while listening to Spencer talk to the door dasher. “Foods here!” His voice boomed throughout the apartment. “My spidey senses were tingling or something. The second I got the door, they were about to knock.” He said throwing the bathroom door open.
It was like time froze for him. He never knew he could love someone like how he loved Y/N but god. He falls harder and harder for them every second. “Wow.” He whispered, just staring at the person in front of him.
Y/N laughed and shoved his shoulder. “Stooooop. You’re gonna inflate my ego, if you’re not careful.” They said while pulling their sweatpants on, which were a pair of old sweats Spencer had and gave to Y/N cause they always stole them whenever they were at his house.
“Maybe, that’s my intentions.” He said with a big grin on his face. “Let’s head to the kitchen, now. Close your eyes though, you’re not allowed to see anything else yet.”
Y/N closed their eyes and placed their hand in Spencer’s, so he could lead them into the kitchen. He stopped and pulled out the chair that faced away from the living room. “Whenever you sit down, you’re not allowed to look into the living room. Whenever we get done eating, we’re going to go in there. Just please, promise me, you won’t look in there till them.” He practically begged them.
Y/N could feel themselves starting to get emotional again because all of this, is just so much. They couldn’t wrap their head around, why someone would want to do something so sweet for them. “You can open your eyes now.” They heard Spencer say from across the room. They opened their eyes and looked around in the kitchen, without turning around and looking towards the living room. Spencer had set up the table with fancy ramen bowls he had found online. They had designs on them with little Totoro’s and soot sprites around the bowl.
“Oh my god, are these Totoro bowls?” Y/N exclaimed, leaning down to look at the bowl in front of them.
Spencer sat in front of them with a big grin on his face. “Yep, I found them while online one day. I got them for us to put our ramen in. They were washed before you got here. So, you can just pour your ramen into the bowl.”
The two sat, talking and eating for around twenty minutes. They just really took their time to take in each other’s company and mainly because Y/N couldn’t stop ranting about one of their professors that really got under their skin.
“Are you ready to head to the living room now?” Spencer asked, pushing himself back in his chair, ready to stand up.
Y/N just nodded their head and stared at Spencer standing in front of them.
“I’ll wash the bowls here in a little bit.” He said while grabbing the one in front of them and placed it in the sink.
Spencer rounded the table and stood beside Y/N. “You can turn around now.” He said while fiddling with his fingers resting at his waist.
Y/N turned around and finally broke into tears. It wasn’t sad tears, they were just so overwhelmed with the amount of love Spencer has for them.
“Hey, hey. What’s wrong?” Spencer said in a hushed tone while pulling Y/N into a big hug.
“I told you about how everything has just been really rough for me here lately. I just got into a really bad spot and everything felt useless there for a while. You always are the sunshine in my day. You always remind me how loved and wanted I am, here.” Y/N explained while trying to not get choked up.
Spencer started to tear up over hearing his partner say this. He looked at them and wanted to break just from looking at them crying. “I am beyond proud of you and I need to tell you that more often. You have worked your ass off for this degree, especially with how tough the things are that you have been learning about. These finals always drain everything out of you and I should just be there for you way more often.” He said while wiping the tears off of Y/N’s face. “Let’s head int the living room.”
The two walked into the living room and Y/N leaped onto the couch. “Oh my GOD.” They practically shouted. “This is like one huge pillow. I literally could just pass out, right here.” Spencer laughed and yanked them up into a sitting position. He nodded towards the table in front of them and that’s when Y/N noticed there was a huge basket sitting there.
“Oh, well, what is this?” Y/N said acting like they were confused and trying to hide a smile on their face. They picked it up and pulled it over onto the couch.
“At first, I thought about just bringing you this whenever I got off work. That was before I got the idea to do all of this.” Spencer explained, giving Y/N a little smile and sat back onto the couch.
Y/N looked throughout the basket and there was many things in it. There were new pjs, one of his sweatshirts, their favorite candy, their favorite coffee, with three gift cards to books a million, target, and dunkin. There was also a huge fluffy blanket, a ghostface plush, and three new records.
Y/N just sat there staring at all of the stuff for a minute before placing the stuff on the table and tackling Spencer into a huge hug. He didn’t move, he just laid there in the spot, holding them. “I did plan on us watching a movie but honestly, do you just want to take a nap?” He whispered.
Y/N very quickly nodded. “A nap sounds real nice. Plus, you’re hilarious if you think I’m going to move right now for you to turn on a movie.” They got quiet for a minute before squeezing Spencer in a tight hug. “Thank you for all of this.”
Spencer didn’t say anything. He just pulled Y/N tighter into him, with his arms wrapped around them resting on their face and one of the back of their head. “Go to sleep, you loser.”
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whimsyskittles · 1 year
hello ^^ i hope u are doing well today!! can i request a hobie x reader where they go on to an aquarium date, and the reader starts to ramble about the sea creatures theyre seeing ?? bonus if by the end they get matching keychains/gifts hdsjskfh thank you !! ;w;
i am!! i hope you're doing fantabulous as well 😚😚
oh my god i love this request okok
why is going on small trips with hobie so exciting??? woooo okay anon, let's do this!!
P.S i added a few small details like the fact that the reader wants to be a marine biologist which is why they're so excited!! 🤭 ALSO!! THERES ANOTHER BONUS!! towards the end, gwen, miles, and pavitr make an appearance!!! 😍
TW: major fluff teehee and a bit of teasing closer to the end
the title is an unintentional reference (iykyk) idk how i ended up with it lmao 😭
☆ his aquamarine hobie x gn!reader !!
"are we almost there yet??" you ask hobie for the hundredth time in the past five minutes
he chuckles and looks over at you as he's driving, "almost, love. about ten more minutes, yeah?"
you groan and look at your window "where are we going, anyways?" you look excitedly at him
"cant tell ya. it's a surprise, you'll love it though. turn on some music to keep ya occupied for a bit."
jokingly rolling your eyes, you smile and turn up the radio
ten minutes later
hobie pulls the car into the parking lot as you try to decipher the surroundings around you
"oh my god, hobie did you bring us to the aquarium??" you show off a wide grin and look over at him
"well, yeah, ya gonna be a marine biologist, arent ya? figured you must love sea animals and brought ya here. happy, love?"
you kiss his cheek and look back at your window
"only the happiest in the world! i cant believe you remembered!"
"why wouldn't i? you're the love of my life aren't ya?" he teasingly says, looking back over at you
you both get out of the car and head towards the aquarium's entrance
as you two walk, hobie grabs your hand to intertwine it with his own
"excited?" he asks as he looks at you
"well, obviouslyyy...!" you smile as you finally walk into the aquarium, admiring how it's decorated and looking at everybody as they gaze into the tanks
hobie chuckled at how mesmerized you looked "cmon then." he gently took your hand and you both walked over to where a certain species of fish were
you gasped and started to ramble about fun facts on the fish that you two were looking at
"these are angelfish! they can get as big as six inches and they will literally eat anything that they can fit in their mouth."
he laughed and smiled at your excitement "ya sure know your stuff, don't ya?"
as you continued telling hobie about all of the different fish and cool facts about them, you reached the stingray petting area.
"oh my god i've always wanted to pet one of these!! did you know that stingrays are considered to be apart of the same group as sharks??"
hobie gives you a quick kiss "no i didn't, thanks for telling me, love" he wanted to say so much more, but he thought it would seem a bit dramatic to praise you over your fish facts. he was thinking stuff like, "y/n is so cool..how do they know about all of this?? they look so adorable when they're excited!"
as you reach the stingray tank, you stick your hand in the water to pet a stingray
"feel how bumpy their skin is, isn't it awesome??" you were absolutely stoked and hobie was just admiring your utter excitement
he put his hand in and felt of the stingray just as you were
"i thought that they 'ad smooth skin." he states, smiling
"a lot of people do, but their skin is actually rough and the scales on it acts as teeth!"
hobie was genuinely surprised and nodded " 'at's pretty amazin', isn't it?"
he already knew the answer
you smiled and nodded as you took your hand out of the water and dried it off
he did the same and took your hand again
"looks like we've almost finished it up, we've got the sharks and then we can make our way to the gift shop, yeah?"
you agreed and walked with him, smiling as you also admired how cool the ocean themed decorations were in the aquarium (didn't expect that, did you⁉️😈)
as you and hobie finished up looking (and as you finished teaching him about them) at all of the different sharks, you stepped into the gift shop)
you looked at all of the plushies and gasped
"look at how adorable these are!" you exclaimed and beckoned for hobie to come over and look at the stuffed shark you had found in a bin
suddenly, a spinning rack catches your eye and you put the stuffed shark back, and hobie chuckles to himself and followed you over to the stand
you grabbed two matching earring pairs that were shaped as a fish (each pair sets had a different fish that matched with the other, almost looking like two had been switched. when is it my turn to be happy???? 😭)
you looked at him with puppy eyes
"can we pleeeaaasseee get these couple earrings??? look, they're shaped like little fishhhh, cmonnn!" you said this excitingly and looked up at him
"i cant say no to that, can i?" he smiled and you walked to the cash register and payed for the matching earrings and you both put them in, putting the earrings you both had previously had in inside of your pockets
[timeskip: a few days later (you and hobie had went to go eat with miles, gwen, and pavitr)]
you and hobie were sitting at a table with miles, gwen, and pavitr as you all talked and laughed
"sooo, what's up with the earrings?" gwen asked teasingly, smiling as miles and pavitr giggled a little
"oh, me and hobie got them at the aquarium a few days ago!" you grinned
"i thought hobie didn't li-" pavitr was cut off as hobie covered his mouth
"yeah, we did. it was lovely, who knew sea creatures were so interestin'?" hobie smiled as he continued to cover pavitrs mouth while you grinned happily
"oookay, lovebirds" gwen replied and started to talk to miles
you and hobie quickly kissed and began to chat some more with each other, while hobie still covered pavitrs mouth
(love how pav is third wheeling gwen n miles AND hobie n the reader 😍😍)
I HOPE YOU ENJOYED!! thank you anon for this lovely request and i'm looking forward to answering more from you guys!
-whimsy ☆
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atinycafe · 1 year
LIME SORBET — special 01 [hatchan live!]
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PROMPT; reader finally comes back to s. korea as she finished her training in los angeles, ready to debut as a solo artist under kq ent! exciting right? well her sunbaes seem to like that idea too.
FEAT; alpha!ateez x omega!idol!reader
IN THIS BONUS; reader goes live 4 the first time with sannie, she introduces herself to atinys
NOTES; this is a bonus, not a chapter!! i'm gonna have many of those, the bonuses are just random chapters that don't fit the main story's timeline. contrary to the main chapters, the bonuses can be reactions, most to least, blurbs and can be requested
TAGLIST; @marievllr-abg @cookiechristie @sugarrush-blush @hiraii-gf ; lmk if you want 2 b added 2!
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atiny-34r: omg first time i arrived this early for a live?? chwewoosan: where's my baby mingi 119smallhwa: i heard that they're gonna make an announcement hoong2ho: hongjoong finally went bald ig
"Did the live start already?" a soft voice echoed from the surroundings as the girl gracefully reached down to retrieve her delectable sushis from the delivery bag.
With a contented sigh, San settled himself in front of the camera, playfully balancing chopsticks in his mouth, "I think so."
mounta46in: omg san!!! 2jeongyw: where's woooo 10-bulgoriya: whose voice was that? amatzfangirl: is there a girl with u??
"Hey, y/n could you grab the soy sauce it's right behind you on the counter."
Obliging without hesitation, she swiftly retrieved the sauce bottle and gracefully made her entrance on screen, taking a seat beside San. Clad in a modest black t-shirt and vibrant red pajama pants, her tresses cascaded elegantly over her shoulder, partially concealing her neckline and the collar adorning it.
"Hello atinys!!" she murmured in a gentle, hushed tone, leaning closer to the camera to peruse a selection of comments.
teddyjongho: who is she omg she's so cute yeohehetsangie: WHAT IS HAPPENING ddeonghwa: san acc gets bitches no way??? 1117haneul: twitter stans are gonna go crazy at this
"San do the intro for me," she finally turned towards him, delicately plucking the chopsticks from his mouth.
San's hands applauded with enthusiasm, as though beckoning for everyone's attention. "Atinys!" he exclaimed, his voice brimming with excitement, "Let us welcome the latest addition to the KQent family, new idol Hatchan!"
The girl gracefully inclined her head in a gentle bow, thanking the viewers for their time, savoring a delectable piece of sashimi as she deftly picked up the other phone from the table to look at the incoming comments. Upon stumbling upon a particularly humorous one, she burst into laughter, playfully tilting her head backward and directing her mirthful gaze towards San, showing him the amusing remarks.
yunhenergizer: lmaooo this is so ghetto, budget of 200₩, slay tho captnjoong: oh okay just like that, this better b real balmainboi: no fucking way, they must be trolling a2thez: so we get an ateez comeback and a bad bitch, life is so good rn
"So basically, my formal introduction will take place alongside my KQ fellaz season just like the boys had, which is set to release tomorrow at 5 PM. But, my manager kindly granted me permission to greet you all beforehand," the girl chuckled, her eyes twinkling as she once again perused the entertaining comments. A tinge of blush graced her cheeks, a testament to the fans' delightful humor.
Curiosity piqued, San leaned closer to her, peering over her shoulder at the phone nestled between her hands. He couldn't help but notice the subtle intake of breath she shyly took at their proximity, causing a mischievous smirk to play upon his lips, hidden behind her hair.
"What's so funny?" he inquired, his voice laced with curiosity.
Gleefully, she replied, her smile widening as she reached for another succulent piece of sashimi, "Someone said that KQ's budget was two hundred won!"
Just as she was about to indulge in the delectable piece of rice, San swiftly seized her wrist, playfully taking the food and nonchalantly taking a bite as if nothing out of the ordinary had occurred.
The girl, taken aback by the unexpected act, turned towards the camera, a mixture of surprise and amusement evident on her face. She pointed at San, a bewildered expression still lingering, and addressed the viewers, "Did you guys see what just happened? Did he just steal my food? Should I beat him up?" she asked the last question in english.
jjongapl: get him! princssminki: personally i wouldnt take that level of disrespect san0810: nooo don't hurt our baby puppyunho: ROCK HIS SHIT!!
"Atinys are telling me to beat you up."
"What?!" San exclaimed, feigning innocence. "But why? What did I do?" He turned his gaze towards the camera, employing his trademark puppy eyes and adding a slight pout to his expression, hoping to elicit sympathy from the viewers.
"You used your big alpha strength to steal food from a poor omega," she melodramatically sighed, casting a mockingly exasperated glance at San. Then, she swiftly redirected her attention back to the camera, her tone laced with playful amusement, "are you all seeing this, should we cancel him?", she inquired, her words tinged with jest as she playfully entertained the notion of holding San accountable for his mischievous deed.
woosmole: she's an omega??? noticemehwa: she's so funny hahahaahbha yosongfan: did she just say omega? gueri11a: omega????
"Oh you guys didn't notice it?" San playfully pushed her hair back, revealing a subtle glimpse of her neck, and gently placed his hand at the base of her neck. Meanwhile, she began tapping on the black collar with her meticulously manicured nails, a mischievous glimmer in her eyes, "should we bring Seonghwa oppa here for an ASMR session?"
The unconventional act of an alpha touching an omega's neck in such a manner did not go unnoticed by the keen netizens. Given the societal norms and the implied significance of such an interaction, speculations and assumptions about the two idols' relationship began circulating among the public even before the girl's career had officially commenced. The unexpected gesture fueled curiosity and led to conjectures about their relationship, setting the stage for intrigue and anticipation surrounding her journey in the industry.
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"So what did they say?" San asked her as soon as she ended the call on her phone.
Both of her managers had immediately called her out when they finished with the live, expressing their dissatisfaction with the unscripted interaction. Their words carried a weight of admonishment, but she chuckled, feeling a tad defeated.
"They chewed me out a little bit, but it's all right," she confided in San, her voice tinged with a mixture of resignation and amusement, as she recounted the aftermath of their impromptu on-screen moment.
"Sorry, it's my fault," he pouted, his expression reflecting a mix of remorse and frustration. "You know how I can get touchy sometimes," he admitted, acknowledging his tendency to act on impulse and physical affection without considering the potential consequences.
"It's all good oppa," she reassured him, playfully punching his shoulder with a light touch. "You're going to get me trending even before I've officially started. I should be thanking you for all the attention," she remarked, her tone laced with a hint of playful gratitude.
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mypimpademia · 1 year
hi :) first time requesting 😭 but can I request a reader who’s an athlete (track and field) you don’t have specify if you don’t want to, reader makes it to nationals and class 1a watches them on live television and they fall but still keep going and is sad about what happened but when they come home class 1a throws a congrats party. Thankkkss I love seeing our black writers rising.
this what new balance nationals got me like 😭
— Track Star
No ships (platonic) w/ gn!reader
TW: Light swearing
Note: Tysm for requestinggg🫶🏾 hope you enjoy
⇶ When you qualified for nationals, they were almost more excited that you were
⇶ All the girls were letting out excited squeals and burying you in a near suffocating group hug, cheering about how excited they were for you
⇶ Both Sero and Denki sandwiched you between them, ruffling your hair like two enthusiastic older brothers, and swore you’d kick ass at nationals
⇶ Kirishima came up to you when they got off you, pulling you into an amazing, yet bone-crushing, hug before lifting you up into the air and letting out a cheer
“WOOOO!! Y/N’S GOING TO NATIONALS!!!” The redhead shouted, effortlessly hauling you onto his shoulder, holding you above everyone else.
An excited roar echoed through the class room and into the halls, and a few people clapped for you. Shouts of ‘let’s go Y/n!’ And whoops rang out, as you continuously thanked your classmates for all the support.
⇶ The quieter students, like Shoto, Koda, Shoji, Ojiro, Sato, and Tokoyami, congratulated you personally, after everyone had calmed down a bit more
⇶ Iida gave you a firm shoulder pat as he congratulated you, and told you that he was proud and making it to nationals was no easy feat
⇶ Aoyama was cheering when everyone else was, but he’s extra, so he had to get to you privately just to bat his long lashes at you as he told you that you’re going to “absolutely sparkle at nationals!”
⇶ Izuku, being the sweetheart he is, also came up to give you one last congratulations, and tell you he was really happy for you and how excited he was to see you race at nationals
⇶ Meanwhile, you had noticed a certain blonde that had been silently brooding at his desk the entire time. He merely looked at you and scoffed when you locked eyes, but something told you that he was secretly happy for you
⇶ When nationals finally came, they all gathered in the common area of the dorms just to watch
⇶ They even went as far as getting custom shirts with your number on it made, and sent you a group picture the morning of your race
⇶ Had a big watch party together, making snacks and having someone watch for when it was your turn so no one missed a second
⇶ And yes, even Bakugo was there. He sat slumped in the couch, wearing a regular pajama shirt, but he had the custom tee on his lap, clutching it as he silently wished you the best
⇶ When you were finally up to race, Mina and Kirishima shouted for everyone that wasn’t already sat around the tv, and they practically flung themselves in front of it just to make sure they didn’t miss the start
⇶ As soon as the announcer told everyone to go, everyone was shouting at the tv, cheering you on as if you could actually hear them
⇶ When you fall, a few of them gasp in shock, but are quick to join the others in yelling for you to get back up and finish
⇶ They cheer you on all the way to the end, and no matter what you place they’re fully supportive and proud of you, blowing up your phone with videos and pictures of them watching and cheering you on, even if you won’t see them for hours
⇶ Immediately start planning a party when your race is over, they really do not care about the other contestants and were only watching for you😭
⇶ It’s a surprise party, and when you get back to the dorm they all jump out from behind furniture, switching on the lights and yelling “surprise!” While popping confetti and jumping you into hugs
⇶ They’re once again wearing the custom shirts, and even forced Bakugo into his just for the party
⇶ He even helped make the cake, and told the class to “not say a fuckin’ word”, but Mina told you anyways
⇶ Everyone else had a hand in decorating, and it was sloppily decorated into a racing track, with little stick figure pins on top of it, all with your face on it
⇶ They also had cupcakes (also courtesy of Bakugo), which were displayed on cute, small audience stands, and were covered in sprinkles, and had stars with your number on them
⇶ You couldn’t thank them enough for all they did as you looked at the shirts, the cakes, and all the other snacks they had laid out (they put out your favorites) just for you
⇶ You honestly wanted to cry while they were still hugging you and telling you they were proud while showing you all the decor they put up
⇶ They put candles on the cake for you to blow out, and let you cut the cake, making sure you got the biggest slice
⇶ When you first came back from your race, you were honestly a bit tired and ready to get to your bed
⇶ But now, you’d completely forgotten how tired you were and were just happy to be with your friends, and your heart was swelling with how loved they made you feel
⇶ You ate snacks, played games, watched movies, and more all night. Not even Aizawa or any other teachers came to tell you guys to be quiet because you deserved it after such an achievement
⇶ Honestly, if you don’t have any fans, class 1-A is dead
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lotties-ashwagandha · 2 years
hey booger eater and diaper sniffer. fun request for you: can you write me an x reader where the reader and character are exes, but still have them little bit of feelings for eachother. maybe some angst, maybe some fluff,,,, perhaps a try-this-thing-one-last-time: anything you could dream of.
with your choice of character, go crazy i wanna read about any of these ladies
-your secret toe licker
p.s dale farted on your pillow last night
p.p.s youll never guess who this is
fucking hell dale. i’ll have to take him to the vet later 😒
pairing: magna x fem!reader
word count: 1552
notes and warnings: title from “would that i” by hozier. i didnt proofread this bc i hate it woooo
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If you hadn’t been so on edge, you would’ve laughed at the woman in front of you leading you into the settlement with a fucking katana in her hand. 
Her dark dreads swayed gently as she walked, and after a moment she returned the katana to its sheath, though every few seconds she turned back to make sure you were still following behind her unarmed. If you remembered correctly, you’d learned that her name was Michonne. 
She had found you in the woods attempting to fight off a horde of walkers on your own. Your community had been raided a few weeks ago, overrun with the dead, and since then you’d been doing the best you could to ‘just figure it out.’ Michonne had been passing through, and after taking pity due to an injury you had faked, she had finally agreed to take you back to her settlement. ‘Alexandria,’ she had called it. 
You could see the metal wall in the distance that led to the settlement. Your heart began to race as you came closer, a thousand possibilities presenting yourself and promising themselves to you if you could only convince the settlement to keep you. You could shoot, though your aim was less than impressive, but you were able to get the job done. 
You began to formulate a little speech in your head, for you were determined to stay in the settlement. You knew your chances of survival became extremely low when you were left on your own. 
Before you had finished formulating an idea of what you were going to say, you had reached the entrance to the community with Michonne. She shouted up to the guards standing on the platforms behind the wall, and after a moment the gate opened, and you were being ushered through. 
The community was huge. Giant gardens lined the walls, townhouses cluttering the area, and in the center was a—
You’d barely registered something coming down on the back of your head before you dropped to the ground. 
The first thing you noticed was the heavy silence that occupied the room. 
The second thing you noticed came when you opened your eyes and noticed the bars on the window, locking you in the room you had been put in. 
Your head was pounding. Gingerly you reached up and ran your hand over the back of your head, wincing when you made contact. 
“What the fuck,” you whispered to yourself, coming to a stand. The door to the room was locked, as you’d expected, but your heart still dropped a little in disappointment at the discovery. 
You began to pace the room. The single window that led outside was too small to crawl through, even if the bars weren’t keeping you from trying. The door wouldn’t come unlocked no matter how hard you tried, and the— 
The door unlocked from the other side, and after a moment it swung open. 
It took every bit of self-control you possessed not to lunge at Michonne, and perhaps you would have had she not been in constant possession of her katana and her guns. 
She stalked into the room, the air heavy between you with a rather malicious mutual distrust. 
“What the fuck is all this for?” You snapped, gesturing to the barred windows and the empty room. “You fucking psycho.” 
She ignored your insult, leaning against the wall with her arms crossed. “We had to make sure you weren’t bit. I was going to have you thrown out regardless, because we can hardly feed the community as it is,” she said irritably, “but someone vouched for you.” 
“Someone who knew you, apparently, from another settlement.” 
As if on cue, you heard another set of footsteps, and appearing in the doorway was her. She had on her signature worn blue button-up over a black tank top, and her unruly auburn hair had grown a bit since you’d last seen her. You felt sick all of a sudden, incomprehensibly startled by her presence. You had thought she was dead, and to be quite honest, you wouldn’t have minded if she had been. 
“Magna,” you breathed, and she averted her eyes, leaning against the door frame with her arms crossed. You cleared your throat, attempting to gather yourself. “Yumiko and Kelly and the others, are they…?” 
“They’re alive,” she answered, “but Bernie, he got bit.” 
You nodded, releasing a shaky breath. You hadn’t seen her in what must have been about six months. You’d left after your settlement came under new leadership, a decision Magna and the others supported but you had loathed. You and Magna hadn’t exactly parted on good terms, and after a few weeks on the road you had found another small community to join, but that, too, had fallen. “How long ago did the settlement fall?” you asked, speaking of the community you’d left Magna and the others in. 
“About a week after you left,” Magna admitted. “You were right.” 
“You should have gone with me.” 
“And what, left Yumiko? Kelly and Connie? We had this conversation a million times.” 
“I don’t regret my decision,” you said, firm in your resolve. It was like you were still there, in the kitchen of the small apartment the two of you had shared in the previous community. You could almost see her standing by the window, looking out into the empty street as if seeing the physical embodiment of reality was the only thing anchoring her in her refusal to leave. 
Michonne cleared her throat, reminding you both of her presence. 
You shifted in your stance. “So I’m staying, then, you said?” 
“If you’d like to.” 
You nodded, moving toward the door. 
“I heard you can shoot,” Michonne said, stopping you in your tracks. “Magna says your quite impressive.” 
You fought back a sigh, trying as discreetly as you could to give Magna a withering glare, to which she only smirked. It was a special kind of irritation that plagued you knowing she had deliberately talked up your least developed skill. You could aim directly to the right and somehow your gun would shoot left, and Magna knew it. 
“I think we’ll put you on guard duty,” Michonne said, “with Magna.” 
It had been around two weeks since you had been put on guard duty. Your shooting was getting better, if only just the smallest bit, and to your luck you hadn’t worked many night shifts guarding the wall. 
You consistently did your very best to avoid Magna at all costs. You couldn’t say you loathed her anymore, but a great discomfort plagued you whenever she was around, and it made the occasional shifts you worked together more awkward than you would’ve liked to admit. Her attempts at making conversation were received with dull responses on your end – part of you still held a grudge from all those months ago, the back and forth arguments the two of you’d had over what was best for the previous settlement and whether or not you should leave. 
Above all, it tortured you that in a way, you still cared. Whenever she was around it was like you had been thrown into boiling water, subjected to the torture that was both your persisting anger and your unfaltering love. 
On your first nightshift, however, everything changed. 
The two of you had been paired together for the shift, which was to start at sunset and end just before sunrise. You would be subjected to one another’s presence all night, and you weren’t sure you would be able to bear it. 
Magna was twenty minutes late that night. 
“Where have you been?” you grumbled as she positioned herself beside you. She had pulled her hair into a messy bun, though a few auburn curls hung loose in disarray, contrasting her black sweater. 
“Suddenly you care about where I go and what I do?” she asked with a smirk, and you rolled your eyes. 
“You’re late.” 
“I was with Carol.” 
“You seem quite close with Carol.” 
“Yeah, we were banging,” she teased, and you sighed. “She has a veterinary kink.” 
“You’re so fucking weird,” you replied, and couldn’t help but smile. 
“Holy fuck,” Magna breathed, “did I just make you smile?” 
“Shut the fuck up.” 
“Make me.” 
You paused, turning to glance at her, seeing the look she gave you. 
She leaned slightly against the wall, raising her eyebrows as if in challenge. 
You moved forward until mere inches separated you. She had a look of pride in her eyes as if she had won, and though it tormented you, deep down you loved it, wanted more. You missed this, missed her, the ongoing bantering that expressed a love you wouldn’t dare try to describe. 
You leaned in closer, waiting for her to close in the space. 
She moved to bring her lips to yours, but at the last minute you backed away, smirking. 
“Your shoe is untied,” you said, and she shook her head. 
“You bitch.” 
“I won’t kiss you until you tie your shoes. I can’t be looking like a fool, making out with someone who doesn’t tie their shoes.” 
And you’d won, for now – but both of you knew it was only for a moment, and that when the moment came, you would gladly surrender to her every victory. 
taglist: @cartoonpeoples @thedeconstructionist @cordeliass @goodeday2u @traumatisedfangirl @mayfair-fleur @paulsonsratched
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intriq · 11 months
Hi! it’s me Dawn :] i’d like to request.. maybe a reader and Cass fic, maybe they both work together and for a while they’re split up during a mission because things go south and no comms are working so they’re both scared for the other because they think they’re dead and they find eachother again and maybe one of them is covered in blood and they think they’re injured but it’s not their blood and they have a nice little moment when they meet up again and maybe they say how stupid it was when they got split up. (I don’t know ideas lol.)
heehehehe you got it pookie [this person is one of my beta readers btw yall!!!]
this has been in my inbox for a month now and i just finally finished it so like.. woooo
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“This mission will be quick” they’d said. “It’ll be easy” they’d said.
But yet not even an hour into this mission you and Cass had been separated. Make matters worse, comms had stopped working half way into the mission. Rendered as nothing but useless pieces of technology, which meant you couldn't even check in on Cass.
After clearing the last room you are in, you cross the threshold into another where you meet Cass again. She's silent, back turned to you. But she does turn when you take another step forward, having been able to sense your presence. Fuck, it's almost as if she had eyes on the back of her head with just how easily she's always been able to detect your presence.
Cass is covered in blood when she turns to look at you, and it causes you alarm. Rushing forward, trying to look for any injuries underneath it all. But you find none, not a single one.
"Not mine." Cass speaks, watching your frantic and worried expression. She thinks it's amusing how you immediately assume that all this blood on her is even hers. She'd be dead if it were.
"Jesus, Cass. Don't go running off like that." You practically sigh with relief, shoulders sagging when you are convinced that the blood is, indeed, not her own.
"Why? You were being.. Slow."
"Cass, comms have not worked once since we've stepped foot in here. And you go off on your own, we get separated. In enemy territory."
"I can see how that may sound.. Bad."
"BAD? JUST BAD?" You throw your hands in the air, frantic and exasperated at just how Cass was calm at the revelation you shared. "Cass the first thing I see when I finally find you again after being separated from you for the past thirty minutes is you covered in blood! And you say it just 'sounds bad'?"
Cass turns away from you, beginning to spout about how she found the thing you were sent to look for. Gods, you think.
Cass is going to give you gray hairs at a young age. You're convinced of it.
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zcorners120 · 2 years
can u so an oscar grumpy x sunshine i love when the reader is the grumpy one 😭😭
ofc ofc, this is my most popular trope/request atm ;)) {for the sake of the fic, we're gonna pretend this is set when oscar was in f3}
oscar piastri x reader MASTERLIST
synopsis; sunshine oscar comes across f3's newest talent, grumpy y/n.
warnings; none
"Here comes Y/N, we've seen very little of her recently but she is definitely here to make a name for herself. She started only just this Friday in F3, and as we can see, is a force to be reckoned with." The TV presenter boasts, the camera following your car as it whizzes around the track.
Oscar watches intently from his driver's room, upset that he DNF'd, and wanted to be left alone but he couldn't keep his eyes off you on the track.
"She qualified P3, and as we're onto the last lap now, she is fighting for that P1! Is she going to make it in time and pass Logan Sergeant, and there, she goes! An incredible P1 in her first ever F3 race, now this ladies and gentlemen is something truly impressive!" The announcer shouts, camera panning as you wave your hand through the halo in your car.
"Woooo! Yes!" They played the radio recording your team heard as you passed the finish line.
Oscar's eyes bulged out of his head, her first race in F3, let alone the first race of the season and she won? He came out of his room and to the paddock, trying to find you and ask how you did it?
Seeing you jump and down and celebrate with the Trident team, he felt kind of happy for you. He leaned against a counter in your garage, watching as you walked away, taking your helmet off and shaking your hair about. In that moment that he saw you, slightly red cheeks, small drops of sweat and a small smile plastered on your face, he knew he had to make you his.
"Y/N, right?" He called out to you, as you had a mask of confusion on your face.
"Mhm, and you are?" You said as you were taking your gloves off.
"Oscar. Piastri, from Prema." He said with a wide grin, watching as your face didn't falter from your resting expression.
"Cool." You exhaled, walking away to get changed in your driver's room. He watched you walk away and kicked himself for not asking more questions, or anything to keep you longer.
From then on, Oscar famously stuck by your side like glue, and no doubt flirted with you any chance you got. Halfway into the season, the rumours of dating finally started cropping up.
"Y/N, wanna try mine and Logan's cupcakes?" Oscar dragged out your name, holding cupcakes as Logan recorded behind him.
"You've asked me this 3 times Piastri, no." You groaned, annoyed that you were stuck with them till the interview panel was ready.
"But I promise they are so good, delectable, juicy, thick, mois-" Oscar laughed into the camera, his weird use of adjectives stopping as you pulled a hair tie from off your wrist and flicked it as his head, the camera cutting right as he reacts.
The clip had gone viral, with pictures showing Oscar wearing the supposed hair tie on his wrist now.
"I have a question for Oscar and Y/N." The reporter asked, speaking into the microphone as she stood up to face all the F3 drivers up front.
"You two would make an amazing couple. Which one of you is stopping that from happening?" She asked the question as you sat looking bored in your seat, this is probably the sixth time this question has been asked but rephrased.
"Definitely Y/N, we all know her icy heart towards me. But one day she'll be meeting the Piastri family, you can count on it." Oscar looks at her, with a cheeky grin on his face, looking at you as your cheeks went slightly red at his answer.
"I don't know what Piastri's talking about, but if anyone has anymore questions about relationships you can go into a different panel, we're all hear to talk about the races no?" You said embarrassed, hearing all the drivers around you laugh at your snarky remarks.
Walking around the paddock, fans always snapped cute pictures of you and Oscar walking together, his arm around your shoulders, and one very sneaky picture that another driver captured, both of you asleep in each other's arms.
Posting that picture on Instagram, with a single heart for the caption, everybody knew that Oscar had finally made you his.
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caterkinnie · 2 years
Hello, I saw requests are open and that (rook is one of your favs too I love him), I also loved your tsundere hcs so I was curious. Headcanons on our pomefiore boys with a s/o who has no shame and whatever they are feeling shows on their face?
Pomefiore with a very expressive S/O!
❥characters: Vil Schoenheit, Rook Hunt, Epel Felmier.
❥warnings: none
a/n: WOOOO I FINALLY FINISHED ALL MY TESTS WOOOOO also rook is the best twst character he's just the Man i Love Him Soo Much
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Vil is used to Rook being extremely honest with him, but even then he's incredibly secretive and most of the time he can't tell what's going on in his mind. So you can guess he's a bit 'surprised'.
I lied, the way you are so sincerely yourself without trying to hide your emotions to avoid conflict attracts him instantly.
Vil is used to people trying to get on his good side or simply finding him too intimidating — Vil knows he can be intimidating, that he's not the nicest person in Twisted Wonderland. But… Sometimes he wishes people weren't so terrified of voicing their opinions around him.
When he first met you, the first thing he realized was how you glared at him the moment he tried to scold you. It reminds him of Epel; but even the freshmen had a filter and behaved 'normally' around him.
He gets a bit curious about you. And as you two get closer, Vil seems to seek your opinion on things a lot more.
Maybe you're saying something but your face reveals the way you really feel, and Vil is already a pretty perceptive guy; this guy reads you like an open book.
It's something he really likes about you, sometimes he might feel like you could be a Little Bit More Subtle but still! He's so meticulous with the way he behaves around other people, Vil might even scold you if you ever do or say something that could be misinterpreted. (But y'know…. he's just worried about you getting overwhelmed) Which is why he probably prefers to hide you from the public eye as long as possible.
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Rook is a sincere guy but also not a sincere guy, he doesn't lie about any of his opinions but most of the time he doesn't voice them if he doesn't feel like it.
However, like Vil, most people are wary around him because— he's Rook, why wouldn't you? And even then, he's extremely perceptive! Even if you try to hide how you feel, Rook will notice right away.
The first thing he notices about you is how expressive you are, how you simply reacted to everything. And it's one of the things that got him interested in you, since it's not common, especially around him!
At first, he'll use it a bittt agaisnt you; Rook tries to experiment with your reactions A LOT. He finds toying with you way too entertaining, which is how he went from loving every single one of your expressions to loving you in general.
He'll try anything, Rook will say messed up things on purpose just to see how'd you react. And since it's Rook you can 100% tell if he's teasing you or if he's saying the truth.
He teases you… a lot, in general. In a lighthearted way of course.
But Rook still enjoys messing with you from time to time — it actually got way worse! Because he's now 10 times more flirty than before.
But other than all of this, he also doesn't mind it much. Rook definitely could read your emotions easily even if you tried to hide them.
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Epel is… complicated. He loves it, but he hates it.
On one hand, he's a simp. He likes seeing your face in general and finds every single one of your reactions to be attractive. It kinda motivates him to constantly try to impress you!
And he admires you too, Epel wishes he could do the same thing… If only there wasn't a certain dorm leader constantly nagging him about his manners…
He constantly tries to imitate you, whether consciously or unconsciously; if you point it out he'll get flustered and deny everything.
Oh, and everytime you glare at someone bothering him for any reason Epel will get a confidence boost. Oh, how he wishes he had the confidence you had (technically he wishes to be more shameless than he already is though.)
Did I mention he thinks you're extremely funny?
He'll always let out a giggle whenever you're Doing Your Thing. A few times when you catch him off guard he'll just burst out laughing, no more pretty boy laugh <3.
Vil scolds you two for lack of manners.
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Reblogs appreciated!
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btsqualityy · 3 years
A request for a very emotional Kennedy and Tae giving birth to their daughter in a pool at home with Mason and Kinsley by her side.
"There you go Kenny," Tae-wook smiled as he rubbed at Kennedy's shoulders. "Just breathe the pain away."
"Wooo, woooo," Kennedy repeated, clutching onto the sides of the birthing tub that was set up in the middle of her and Tae-wook’s living room. After two years of trying and another 9 long months of pregnancy, the time had finally come for their baby girl to be born.
“You’re doing an amazing job baby girl,” Mason praised her as he used a wet towel to wipe the sweat away from her forehead and help cool her down since it was the middle of August in New York.
“Yeah, much better than your sister was doing at this point,” Kinsley chuckled softly and Kennedy opened her eyes as her contraction passed. 
“I’ve been waiting too long for this to spend the whole time screaming,” she joked, taking the cup with ice water that Tae-wook was handing to her. “Thank you baby. I said that I wanted to bring our daughter into the world in a peaceful environment and I meant that. That’s why we went with the home birth.”
“It’s definitely peaceful,” Mason nodded as he glanced around the room, where multiple candles were lit, along with a speaker playing gentle classical music. 
“Alright Kennedy, I wanna check you and see how you’re progressing,” the doula, Jennifer, said and Kennedy nodded. Mason respectfully looked away while she checked, turning back around when he heard a relived sigh. 
“She’s at 10,” Jennifer announced. 
“You ready sweetheart?” Kinsley asked her daughter. 
“Hell yeah,” Kennedy nodded, making everyone ask. “Let’s do this.”
“Big pushes Kennedy, big pushes!” Jennifer coached her, and Kennedy groaned loudly as she pushed with all the strength that she could muster. 
“Hand, give me your hand,” Kennedy demanded as she reached back behind her blindly, and Tae-wook instantly grabbed onto her hand. 
“You got it baby, you got it,” he encouraged her but Kennedy shook her head.
“Fuck, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts,” she chanted. 
“I know baby, but you can do it” Tae-wook whispered into her ear. 
“Here’s the head,” Jennifer announced and their daughter’s head crowning was accompanied by a long-drawn out moan from Kennedy. “And now the shoulders.” Kennedy bared down one last time, giving it everything she had as she helped the baby come all the way out. 
“And here she is,” Jennifer smiled as she slowly brought the baby from under the water, chuckling when the baby let out a loud cry as soon as her mouth had broken the surface. 
“Ken, she’s so small!” Kinsley giggled through tears.
“She looks like you baby girl!” Mason chattered excitedly.
“Give me my baby,” Kennedy requested and Jennifer set the baby on her chest. “Hi Iseul.”
“Is that her Korean name?” Mason wondered and Tae-wook nodded. 
“Kang Iseul, and her english name will be Genesis Reese,” he revealed, making Kinsley gasp.
“You’re naming her after me?” She asked. 
“Well, I wanted her to have an important name and there’s no one more important to me than you Mama,” Kennedy explained tiredly. “Plus, you’re the type of mother that I can only hope to be to her, so I thought it was fitting.”
“As soon as you finish skin to skin, I’m holding that baby,” Kinsley stated firmly through tears, making Kennedy nod and smile. 
“She’s gorgeous Kenny,” Tae-wook whispered as he bent down to look at his daughter, whose eyes were wide open and staring straight back at him. “Thank you for this.”
“Thank you for being there for me,” Kennedy replied softly. “I love you.”
“I love you more,” Tae-wook smiled before pressing a gentle kiss to her lips. 
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outhereinnevada · 3 years
Could I please request some fluff/smut with Auditor? Thank u
WOOOO! Alright, time for the first NSFW fic!
Warning: NSFW content ahead. Minors DO NOT INTERACT.
Anyways, onto the fic! Enjoy anon!
Relieving love - Auditor x Reader Smut
You've known the Auditor for as long as you can remember. Long before Nevada was thrown into madness.
When he founded the AAHW, he made you his second in command knowing that you had very similar ideals to him. If he was out and taking the day off, you would be put in charge.
The Agents and Engineers really loved having you around, you always made sure that they were well taken care of, especially the MAGS. The MAGS really enjoy just holding you in their hands to talk to you about whatever they had their minds on.
Auditor was very appreciative for your hard work in his absence and loved that you took the time to make the Agents and Engineers feel welcomed and readied in the AAHW. You were essentially a therapist for them.
Another rough day for Auditor, a lot of shit went down. Hank and his crew raided the base that the Auditor was at that day, very few got out alive, but he finally got home. Closing the door a bit harshly, he sat down on the couch with his head in his hands, obviously stressed out.
"Auditor? Are you alright dear?"
He looked up to see you crouched in front of him, you took his hands into yours feeling the tension he radiated. He sighed, letting himself calm at your touch.
"It was another rough day, the base I was at got raided by Hank and his lot. Very few of us got out of there, a lot of casualties."
With a soft gasp, you placed a hand on his cheek. He nuzzled into it, putting his own hand on top of yours.
"Oh Audi...thank goodness you weren't harmed. I don't what I would do without you."
His body heated up, he adored when you used that nickname. The flames around his body got a little more wild.
"s/o...you know I get flustered when you call me that."
You giggled, sitting next to him, you threaded your fingers around his flames playfully. He kept getting more and more heated until he snapped. He turned to you and gripped your wrists, your surprised, blushing expression staring right at him.
"Audi?! Wha-what are you-"
He quickly cut you off, seeming incredibly desperate for some reason.
"I-I'm sorry s/o, I c-can't stop myself anymore. You're just too irresistible."
You stared into his loving gaze, you knew what he wanted, what he needed at this moment. You gave soft smile before slipping out of his grip and giggling. Shocked, he turned his tomato red face toward you.
"Well, you'll just have to catch me then!"
Not wasting a second, you ran around the house. Auditor catching onto what you're doing, got up and started to playfully chase you. You ran around for a bit before running into your shared bedroom and jumping onto the bed, with Auditor following your actions and landing beside you.
You two laughed for awhile before Auditor got back into his previous mood, his body once again heating up. Hovering over you, his hands placed beside your head he leaned closer to you. Your face now turning more red from how close he was.
"Caught you~"
His voice became huskier, a sign that he became needy. You looked away shyly, burying your head into your arm.
"W-well, here's your prize then."
He chuckled, you knew you were in good hands with that laugh.
"Oh darling, you're in for a treat tonight~"
He gently pulled your arm away from your face and brushed your hair away from your face.
"I wouldn't want anything less~"
That set Auditor off, he leaned in to give a brief kiss on your lips before slowly moving to your neck. The light licks on your neck gave you sudden chills before he started to lightly nibble and suck on it, giving you hickeys.
You let out a soft moan indicating your pleasure. He decided to take it a step further and really bite down. A sharp gasp emanated from your submissive form.
"AAH, please...a bit more gentle."
He reeled back a bit. Noticing, you put a hand on his shoulder to reassure him.
"I apologise s/o. I'll a bit more gentle for you."
You kissed his cheek, a sign to keep going. He kept biting and sucking on your neck, trying to find your sweet spot. A yelp from you signalled that he found it.
Continuing to abuse your sweet spot, he snaked his hand up your stomach to your chest. You raked your fingers through the flames atop his head, your breaths hot and heavy.
He chuckled heartily at your flushed expression, proceeding to toy with your breasts as he left a few more hickeys on your neck. You decided he need some pleasure too, you lifted your leg to grind against his crotch. He let out a subtle groan, his face coated in red.
"Oh~ You want to play that game do you my love? Very well."
You didn't even notice that your shirt and bra were gone, before you could respond he started to nibble and suck on one of your breasts and massaging the other with his hand. The bliss was too much for you, you became putty within The Auditor's hands.
"P-please, I-I need you more. Just-jus-."
You couldn't finish your sentence as you let out another lustful moan.
"I could make you wait longer, but that would just be cruel of me~ So let's just get to the point."
You smirked, getting an idea. Before he could try anything, you flipped him over putting him on the bottom. You revelled in his shocked expression.
"Sorry dear, but I believe that you need some attention as well."
You quickly unzipped his pants and pull down his boxers, letting his cock spring up, the tip leaking with anticipation. You ogled at the grand size of it. You gently laid your fingers on the shaft, even the lightest touch got Auditor worked up.
"Wow, you really were holding out for me weren't you?"
Letting out warm, shaky breaths, he gripped onto your shoulders. You rubbed the inside of his thighs before pressing your soft lips against the head of his length, lightly sucking on it. Auditor gripped the sheets hard out of the sheer amount of satisfaction he was receiving.
"Ke-Keep going, you're doing so wonderfully-"
Multiple whimpers and moans escaped him, interrupting himself. This only prompted you to go down on him properly. Slowly taking more of his member each time he let out even a single noise, you pumped whatever you couldn't fit in your mouth.
The Auditor was in absolute ecstasy, he could barely speak. Your tongue swirled around the shaft as if you had done this many times before. You had taken in so much that it was hitting the back of your throat and you started to choke and gag.
"s-s/o. I-I'm-AGHH!"
Without warning, Auditor shot his load deep into your throat with a strained groan. You tried your best to swallow every drop of his seed as to not make a mess on the sheets. Finally ceasing, you released his cock from your mouth with a satisfying pop.
"Goodness, you...you were really pent-up. That was a lot to swallow."
Gazing into your tired eyes, he laughed to himself. He flipped you back to bottom position, a hungry look in his crimson gaze.
"I don't believe we're done yet, since you so rudely interrupted me when I was trying to please you."
He swiftly removed your pants along with your panties, he wiped two fingers on your opening rubbing his fingers together taking note of the wetness.
"Hmm, already soaking wet and I've barely done anything to you. Let's fix that shall we~"
Plunging the two fingers deep into your slit, he scissored you wide open to prep you for the ravaging he was about to give you. You tried to hide your increasingly high-pitched moans but the pleasure was just too much to keep quiet about.
"I hope you're ready s/o because once I start, I won't stop until I'm satisfied."
The threatening but alluring tone of Auditor's voice sent you into a downward spiral of lust and want. Removing his fingers, he lined himself up to insert himself into you. Leaning closer, he could feel how hot your breath was against his skin.
"Please...be gentle, it-it's my first time and feel it might break me if you go too hard and fast."
He caressed your cheek, giving you a gentle kiss. He rubbed the tip of his shaft against your entrance seeming eager to pop your cherry seeing as he was your first.
"Don't worry, I'll make sure you aren't harmed. That is a promise."
You nodded, slowly but surely he pushed his way into you. With every bit of his length that pressed in, you let out a strained but pleasured whimper. Finally hilting himself within you, the tears finally ran down your cheeks. He tenderly wiped away the tears and rested his forehead against yours, awaiting your signal to go.
After a couple of minutes, you shifted and a sultry whine was your response. Given the all clear, Auditor wasted no time getting into a rhythmic pattern. You wrapped your arms around him tightly, nails scratching his back which only made him speed up. Your lewd yelps and screams were music to his ears.
"Yes, keep screaming my dear, let me know that I'm giving you what's rightfully yours!"
You were tightening around his member by the second, each thrust leaving you seeing stars. Not wanting to be the only one, you bit down his neck and started leaving your own hickeys on him though they wouldn't be as noticeable as yours.
Your body trembled against his, his movements were getting slower and sloppier. You couldn't hold it in anymore and he neither could he.
At the call of each others names, you both released, there was so much cum that it leaked out of you, so much for not making a mess. Finally coming down from your highs, he pulled out seeing all of the excess fluid, he quickly cleaned you and himself before pulling a thick blanket over the both of you. You buried yourself into Auditor's side as he flopped down next to you, snaking an arm around you to pull you close to his radiating warmth.
"That...that was amazing."
"I agree, you did incredibly well for your first time. I'm proud of you."
You giggled as he planted a kiss on the top of your head, petting your head as he lulled you into a peaceful sleep before falling asleep himself.
"Goodnight s/o, may your dreams be pleasant tonight."
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losingitinjersey · 3 years
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Ever spend the last 12 days intending to blog every day and then never finding the time to do so?  Yup, that’s where I’ve been at.  Straight up in survival mode over here.  
My MIL left on Monday and while my days since have been spent constantly putting out fires managing two crying children (often at the same time), I’m oh so flipping happy to be on my own again :) I understand that it’s important for family to come and visit and get to know their grandchildren. While I’m happy we all had that time together I’m glad to now have the time to figure out life as a family of four without an extra person in the house.  
Kevin started a new rotation that has him gone six days a week from 4 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. (or later) so all he has time to do is come home and sleep.  Poor guy :( I went from having both him and either my mom or MIL home all the time to now doing everything alone.  It’s a lot but I’m surviving!  
Here’s a rundown of some of the highlights from the last 12 days. 
Aug passed her hearing test!  Woooo!
Thanks to the MIL here, Kevin and I were able to go (BY OURSELVES) out to dinner, out to brunch, on several walks, and two grocery shopping dates!  Such a dreeaaammm!
My MIL strongly dislikes/is scared of my cat, Saki.  As such, on one of the days I was gone at appointments with Aug for six hours she didn’t let him downstairs.  Due to this he pooped in my bedroom on the carpet :(  To my MIL’s credit, she thought he had a litterbox upstairs, but no.  That’s why I’m always letting him down and opening up the bathroom with the litterbox in it for him all the time.  Pay attention, woman. 
While we’re on the MIL rant, I’ll keep going with two more stories. 
I’ve put Erp to sleep every night of her life except for when I was at the hospital delivering Aug.  We have a bedtime routine that I look forward to every day and one that I find to be an intimate experience that only we share.  One night that I’m putting her down, I come out to find the kitchen and dining room still a mess with Kevin and his mom sitting on the couch (she has Aug in her arms so she gets a pass).  But I’m frustrated and start to clean.  At one point I look up to ask if MIL can turn on the monitor (that I know was turned off before I went in to start bedtime) and I see she’s looking at it watching Erp.  I ask her if that means she watched us while we were in there.  She replied that she had.  I reply, “Great.” Drop what I’m washing in the sink and run upstairs slamming the door shut behind me.  I go to pump and cool off.  I come downstairs 40 minutes later to tell her I overreacted but also that I felt she had invaded our privacy.  She tells me, through tears, that it reminded her of her time with Kevin when he was a baby.  I get it, but still.  Kevin said had he known she was watching he would have told her to stop since I made it VERY clear to him early on in Erp’s life that I don’t like being watched on the monitor when I’m in there with her.  I guess I should have told her about my preference in advance but I never thought I’d need to spell it out like that.  
For the last week she was here, she had Chicago Med on the TV constantly, at relatively loud volume.  Please note that we never ever ever have the TV on at our house unless we’re actively watching something, and if that happens it’s 99% of the time just me watching and I do it for an hour at night when everyone is asleep.  If we need background noise, music is playing.  She would just sit on the couch and watch her show talking about gunshots, premature birth, and whatever kind of medical drama while my kids are running around.  I’m sorry, but I thought you were here to connect with your grandkids?  So while she sat on the couch, I would engage and play with Erp for hours.  Cool cool cool.  
Please note that despite all this she’s a lovely woman and a great grandmother and mother and MIL.  I came into her visit already dreading more company, and I’m sure I’m still surging with hormones from the pregnancy (right? or am I just this way always now?).  All this to say that I was not begging her to stay and getting used to taking care of both kids on my own wasn’t that hard since I’d basically been doing it during her entire visit. 
Okay, let’s take a breather and talk about other things. 
Do you remember the 21st night of September? I DO because my 6 week old slept 12 straight hours! GLORIOUS. 
After finishing listening to Billy Summers (loved it!) I decided to undertake Stephen King’s hefty novel, The Stand.  I’d been scared to attempt it ever since I read 100 pages of it in 9th grade before deciding to pick it up again later.  I guess 23 years later did the trick because I’m thoroughly enjoying it!  I’ve learned that audiobooks are the only way I can get through any material lately.  It makes me want to go out on walks and take drives so I can listen to MoAr!  I’m already 10 hours into the 48 hour novel.  Although, I gotta say, it certainly feels strange to read about a deadly pandemic (written in 1978) during this current pandemic.  
After two months since I initially contacted the nearby school/daycare, I finally followed up to get Erp on a waitlist.  There are six kids ahead of her.   We took a tour on Friday and I want her to get in so so badly, hopefully before we move in June!  It would be such a great place for her to socialize and learn!
If any of the above isn’t telling, my hormones are all over the place. I know this because my face has decided to rage in all the redness and acne. So fun! 
Thanks to getting my house back, I’ve been able to establish a routine for us which includes going on stroller walks every day with the girls!  We’ve already made it over 37 miles this month!  Loving the outside time and knowing I’m working hard at my weight loss efforts.  
Despite being on maternity leave, this past Friday I was invited to participate in an EA (virtual) offsite with my team at work!  It was great to be able to see everyone again!  At the end we participated in a cooking class where they mailed me a box of all the ingredients to cook a NY Strip Steak and Corn Succotash! Deeeelicious! 
Given Erp’s increasing interest and ability at walking, I attempted a walk with her the other day, sans stroller!  I wore Aug in a wrap on my chest and held Erp’s hand as we walked around the neighborhood. We walked a good 1/4 of a mile!  Everything was fine until we made it back to our walkway and she refused to climb up the step to head back inside.  Like, laid flat on the ground refusal.  Since Aug was on me I couldn’t really just grab Erp and muscle her back inside.  She wouldn’t listen to any request of mine to go inside so we had a power struggle of what felt like 15 minutes but I’m sure was closer to 5.  She would try to crawl around my feet (into the bushes even to get around me), and any time I tried to lift her up she’d pull herself to the ground crying.  Eventually I tucked Aug’s flopping head into the fabric of the wrap so I could lean down and grab my tantruming child and carry her inside.  I want to be able to keep up with these excursions but not sure how to do so if she continues to rebel like this.  Like, if she did this farther from home we’d be up a creek.  Hopefully she’ll improve in time? 
OKAY! Hopefully we can now get back to our regularly scheduled blogging so a massive update like this won’t be necessary again :)  Thanks for taking time out of your day to catch up with me!
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gojology · 4 years
Clubs Aren’t My Thing. (2/2) (18+)
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𝑨𝒖𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒓'𝒔 𝑵𝒐𝒕𝒆 | woooo, part 2 ! as stated previously, this is heavily inspired by @/mystic-sky on tumblr or skyfelt on ao3. amazing writer, check her out (but this isn’t a direct copy, just same storyline in a way). i’m cleaning up my writing a lot, i think. maybe im getting better as well? probably not but uh i kinda gave up at the end and uh.. hope u enjoy.
𝑾𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 | Voyeurism To Some Degree, Teasing, Ripped Tights, I didn’t proof read. 𝑷𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 | Dom! Gojo x Sub! Female Reader
𝑾𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝑪𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕 | 4561
𝑺𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚 | In which you finally get fucked by this mysterious, yet freakishly handsome stranger. That’s it, you just get fucked.
       The first thing you realize is how cold it is.     The wind is working against you, it seems, as you take your first step out of the warm building. Hair blows in every direction, you button up your cardigan, your breath coming out in puffs of smoke. Shivers went down your spine.    Not too far behind you, the mysterious man that you had met just an hour ago trailed behind, winking and waving at the girls confidently using him as eye-candy. Long strides, hands shoved into his pockets.    Your heart swells as you watch other woman stare flirtatiously as he gestured back at them, before their eyes set on you. He followed you like a duckling, and you’re sure to relish in how powerful it made you feel.    He walked like a model, with so much confidence. He didn’t appear as cold, his cheeks were flush and he reeked of fruity sugary alcohol, a playful grin still stubbornly on his face, 5 minutes later.    “Uber should be coming soon... I think, too lazy to check. You cold?” he slurred huskily.    You nod. For a one night stand, he was strangely kind to you.     He doesn’t say anything after that, so you opt to listen to the life around you. The clicking of high heels, the chatter, the drunken rants.     “Aw, come here.”     He didn’t give you much of a choice, though. Pulling you in to his chest, without warning. Your first instinct is to scream bloody murder, but he’s so warm, and you definitely need it.    One loose arm over your figure, his unoccupied arm dangled dangerously close to your butt. Taking in a deep breath, anticipating the feeling of being so scandalous in public, he chuckles breathily, almost like a taunt. You can feel the rumble in his chest as he cleared his throat.    You stare up at him, confused as to why you’re not feeling anything in your lower regions, before you realize what he was doing.    Rubbing your head with the once unoccupied hand, his fingers weaved into your hair as he sniffled. Something about the interaction was strangely intimate, but you don’t dare to say a word.     You inhale sharply, rubbing your face into his chest. You want to get closer, deep in bliss as he seemed to return the want back. You want to close any remaining space between the two of you, but making the first move was scary.    He yawns, and this triggers you to yawn as well. It was probably well past 1 AM by now, and you were tired.    You couldn’t hear much around you other then the honk of the growing sea of cars, some people just starting their night, and the others ending it.     “Oh shit. Our Uber’s here.” he mutters under his breath, pushing you out of his chest gently.    Whining, you try to push yourself back into his arms, he takes a quick glance down at you, traces of a faint lukewarm smile playing upon his lips. Almost like he’s saying, “Are you kidding me right now?” before taking a hold of your hand.     Fingers intertwining as if they were meant to be together, you gawk down at your hands, before looking back up at him.     There were a few issues, one, you had no idea if this man had an intent to kidnap you. Second, you didn’t know what the Uber looked like, and you’re too embarrassed to ask. Third, he was holding your hand with no hesitation, and the feeling in your chest was indescribable.    You can’t tell what he’s thinking, but you hope that it’s something along the lines of what you’re thinking. Your eyes briefly flickering over his jawline as you pondered to yourself, but what you do know is that you’re being dragged towards the presumed Uber. It’s sleek, and black, with a glossy finish, you note.    “Yo chill, I’m not gonna kidnap you, missy.” chuckling, examining your doubtful, yet frightened expression. He swung open the car door carelessly.    “After you, m’lady.” he adds, bowing and straightening, his chin up.     “Thank you, Sir Mysterious.” you give him a small smile before sliding into the sleek, comfortable seats.     His eyebrow raised, he looked at you.    “That’s a first.”     “It’s also a shit nickname, maybe that’s why you’ve never heard it.” you suggested.    “I like it. Has a nice ring to it.” a lukewarm smile played at his glossy lips.    The sly smile wipes clean off your face, he laughs at you while sliding into his designated seat, as if he owned the car.    Right. You were in a car, and it would be best for you to study your surroundings, just to make sure you weren’t being kidnapped.     The car was obviously expensive, black leather reclining seats, and a sweet offering of warmth against the chill of the midnight air.    A coffee cup idly stood in the cup holder, the driver taking a quick sip and turning his body to look at you two. Air fresheners and various trinkets dangled from the rear-view mirror, swinging back and forth     “A couple, eh? You wanna go to this address?”     The driver whipped his phone out, an address in black, bold text stood out.     “Yep.” the man says confidently.     Opening your mouth to speak, you try to inform the driver that he wasn’t your boyfriend, before your supposed boyfriend covers your mouth with his hand as soon as the driver repositioned towards the steering wheel.     You realize that his other hand is on your thigh, stroking your skin.    This newfound position was at the very least, terrifying. There was another person in the vehicle, for starters, and you weren’t exactly the quiet type when it came to, well, anything in general.     Cold, large calloused hands considerately caressed your thigh, and your breathing hitches. His other arm against his side, but you know his fingers are itching to feel you all over. You want to moan, but the driver’s presence is enough to tell you that it would be stupid.    Fingers drawing shapes, words, anything would repeatedly loop on the sensitive skin just barely. He was definitely teasing you, but you couldn’t quite fight back.    “Why don’t you be a good girl and stay quiet for me?” he whispers, you anticipate the driver to look back at the two of you, and to throw both of you off the car, but he does no such thing.    Feebly, you raise your arm up, ignoring the flirtatious request. Swatting his hand away in a desperate attempt to get him to stop before it got out of hand, but he’s persistent.    It’s getting even more difficult to breathe quietly now, your body getting hotter and hotter and hotter.    It doesn’t take long for a noise to slip out from your lips that you can’t quite shut up, and the driver turns to look at you.     “So precious.” the white haired man mouths to you before quickly turning his head to look at the window, humming to himself, still caressing your thigh.     “Ma’am? Are you okay?”     About to respond, the white haired man scooched closer to you. His clothed leg now rubbing your bare skin. He whistles innocently in the opposite direction before skimming his hand against your inner thigh, and you almost shriek.    Instead, you let out a pathetic gasp.    Panning his gaze over to you, he gives you a sly, playful smirk, before looking away again.    Drawing more shapes onto your skin, he hums. It was so hard to focus, or even remember the words the driver had said literally just a minute ago. You feel yourself shiver, almost losing yourself entirely to his hands before shakily responding to the driver, praying to any divine figure in the skies that you would be coherent.     “Y-yeah. Just, spilled water on m-my clothes.” you reply, barely audible.     The driver’s eyes stared back at yours, concern etched onto his features, before sighing. Tension grew inside of you.    “Alright, if you need anything, just ask, okay ma’am?”     Trying to respond, no sound comes out of your mouth, and the reason dawns on you. Taking a quick look down, the man’s digits were now fumbling with your panties, brushing against your wetness.     It takes a moment for you to register in your brain, you thank every entity possible for preventing the inevitable slew of noises you’d make. Waves of need crashing over your body. You hungrily stare at him, hoping that he’d be kind enough to stop and save it for later.     Circling your entrance through the now utterly soaked panties, he dips his finger in, just enough so you could feel the slight pressure against your sensitive skin.    He’s fucking taunting you again.    Driver be damned, you needed him.    Opening your legs more, you confidently peer at him, inviting him to explore your body even more. His fingers are drumming against the leather surface, the other hand had retreated back to your thigh,  boldly looking at you back.     “No. I thought you didn’t want to, what’s with the change of thought?” he mouths, stifling a chuckle and a smug tone, already knowing what you were going to ask.   Bewildered, you gape at him before shaking your head curtly, making sure you’re staring daggers at his stupidly arrogant face.     “Stop fucking playing with me then!”     “You’re too cute.”    “Fine then.” closing your legs, you stare out the window, your chin sitting on the palm of your hand. Flickering blurry lights passing by quickly. Looking at your reflection, you steal a quick glance at the flirtatious bastard.     “If you’re so angry, why can’t you look away from me for 1 second?” he whispers proudly.    You can’t think of a snarky remark, so you huff and look back at the window defeatedly.    What a cocky arrogant little-    Your bruised pride burning into ashes, you grunt in response before the car abruptly halts to its stop.    Were you two too loud?    “What are you two so scared for? Freezing up like a deer in headlights, we’re at your destination.” the driver said, twisting his head around, his eyebrow slightly raised.     “Oh, yeah, thanks.”     That was way too close to comfort, and you’re resisting the urge of banging on his chest for being so overly confident in his endeavors. You open the car door, cursing under your breath, swinging your legs out and lightly stepping out.     First thing you realize in the new destination? This guy was obviously loaded.     In front of you were a bunch of condos, and it was bound to cost a lot. Modern architecture was all you could see, wide windows and balconies in every corner. Suddenly, you’re self conscious about your outfit, were you too poorly dressed?    The man hums, placing his hand on your shoulder. Plant life was meticulously placed in such a beautiful manner that you promise yourself that you would search up his name- if you ever got it, on the Forbes lists.    “Like what you see?”    Snapping out of it, you look back at him, and you nod, still astounded by his presumed riches.    “Yeah? Lets go up missy, I got more to show, in more ways then one.”  ‧₊˚✩彡.            Standing in front of his door, you realize how quiet and still the atmosphere is. He fumbles with his keys, muttering to himself, and you can’t help but wonder if you’re about to have sex with some celebrity.     Not knowing how to start conversation, you clear your throat.     “You ever going to tell me your name?”     “Aw, the little baby still wants my name.” he cooed    “Call me Gojo.” he adds nonchalantly.    “(Y/N).” you reply, ecstatic. That wasn’t too hard, but you wonder why he didn’t just give up his name to you at the club earlier. Perhaps he didn’t think he was going to take you back?    “Aw, sugar. You scared?” Gojo says, looking you up and down. Well, that’s what you assumed. He still had his glasses on.    “No I’m not, who said that?”    “Look at your legs, missy.” he cheekily replies.    Looking down, you realize you’re violently shaking, and you didn’t even realize it.    “...Maybe.” you say coyly.    He breathily chuckles, finally opening the door with the right key.    You’re surprised by the presence of such a spotless place, a large, plush black leather couch was in one corner, the other, an island. Amazingly large windows replaced what would usually be the walls, and you could see the extent of the city life from where you’re standing.      “Slip your shoes off girly, sandals on the left. Can I offer you something?” Gojo questions you, walking over to the island.     “...I’m not much of a drinker.” you reply, still standing in the doorway. You were honestly more interested in him then the small talk.     “Baby, sit down. Don’t you wanna see me up close?” he pats the cushioned island seats, and you sheepishly walk over.    “I have apple juice too. If that’s more your vibe.” you watched him swirl some melting ice cubes around in a glass of water with a spoon.    “I’m not 12.” you retort, maybe the guy wasn’t a celebrity. No famous guy has apple juice in the fridge, rather then fancy champagne and wine.     Gojo snickers, “Hey, I’m not 12 either, I’m nearing my fucking 30′s but I can never reject a good box of apple juice, plus, I teach a group of kiddos that drink this shit like it’s fine wine.”     You pause, this guy was NEAR 30? He certainly didn’t look the age, and second of all, he bought apple juice just for the kids he taught? That was surprisingly sweet, but that didn’t explain the richness.    “You’re a teacher?” you nod as he hands you a chilled box of apple juice.     “Uh, yeah.” he scratches the back of his neck. “International Japanese teacher, sometimes I just teach in Japan as well. It pays good.”     “No way you actually live here. Is this your friends place?”     He laughs loudly, “So backhanded, and sassy! Nah, this is my place. As I said, job pays well. Feel free to stop by for a good fucking.” he says whilst pouring liquor into his glass cup.    “You’re really confident in your abilities of fucking people.” you sarcastically note aloud as he slides into the comfortable tall stool next to you, drink in hand.    “Hm, you weren’t saying that when I was touching you in that car, brat. How strange.” sipping his beverage lightly.     Your mouth zipped shut, and he laughs again.     “Aw, don’t go all awkward on me.” his once vacant hand now rubbing your shoulder. Setting down his drink, taking off his glasses. He doesn’t give you much time to admire his eyes, but what you can see is an almost aquamarine color, flecks of darker blue sprinkled throughout. So brilliantly colored it didn’t look real.     Before you realize it, he leans closer into your neck, suckling your skin and lightly nibbling. His breath fanning over your delicate skin, you can’t even hold back, gasping a little as his hands played with the hem of your cardigan, tugging at it playfully.     You can’t even formulate words. He was undeniably good, his suckling now gradually getting more harsher and harsher, and you dread coming back to your friends place, neck full of hickeys, you’d be nudged for whoever did that to you for the rest of your life.     He grunts, standing up in the little space between what was his stool and yours, even on such a surprisingly tall stool he still towered over you. He has to slightly crouch before his eyes is at the level of your neck, hungrily crashing back down.      “G-Gojo!” you squeaked, struggling to do much of anything. You’re limp on the stool, slumped and burning up. Your skin was ridiculously hot.     “Hmmm?” he smiles into your neck, pausing momentarily, you can feel him exhale harshly on your skin. You look him up and down, the sexual tension between the two of you was prominent, and so was the tent in his pants.     You feel a whine creep up towards your throat, now realizing just how wet you are. Ignoring this, you gesture to your clothes. The layers were sticking to you, and you never wanted anything more then to just get the sex started.    “...Hot.” is all you can muster pathetically.     “What was, baby?” he coos at you.     “Me.” shrugging off your cardigan the best you can, you let out a subtle whine, the weird feeling growing between your legs.     “Yes, we both know you’re hot.” tipping your chin upwards to look at him, he smiles. “use your words.”     “Clothes.. Off.” you pant, obviously sick and tired of the stupid sexual tension and the teasing.     “Full sentence, girly.” he repeats, stroking your cheek with his thumb.     You inhale his scent, smelling of expensive cologne and lingering sickeningly sweet alcohol. Looking up at him, but averting your gaze as soon as you saw those incredible eyes once again.    “Look at me.” he orders.    You peer up at him, swallowing.     “P-please, take my clothes off.” you say politely.     “All it took was a few hickeys? You really are a pretty kitty.” he smiles, kissing your forehead. “Get down.”     You nod obediently, getting off the stool and looking back up at him, anticipating his next step.     He bends down, swooping you up bridal style. One arm under your legs, gripped firmly onto the skin, the other under your waist. Your arms instinctively and rather slackly around his shoulders.     You expect something, a kiss, anything, but all Gojo does is walk down an endless hallway full of doors.     You lean closer into him while pouting, hoping that’ll catch his attention, but he doesn’t say a word.     “Where are we going?” you finally ask, growing needy.    “Bedroom. I’m not fucking on the couch. Pretty princesses deserve to be nice and comfy.” he replies back, fidgeting with the door knob. For a few seconds, all you can hear is how rapidly your heart is beating inside your chest, the rustling of clothes brushing against one another, and then the feeling sets in again.     You could very well be fucking someone that was out of your league.     He breathes a sigh of relief, and before you have the time to fully study his bedroom, he throws you off of the bed with a grunt.     Gojo’s toned forearms by your side, you were obviously trapped. You can see his chain just dangle barely swing back and forth on the tip of your nose, his lips curled into a lukewarm smile.    “You were so cheeky with me earlier, where’d she go?” stroking the corner of your lips.     He doesn’t give you the time to respond, instead locking lips with you and rolling over to be on your side. It starts off small and soft first, but it gradually grew hot. The fluttering in your chest only intensified. Tongues exploring every inch of one another’s mouth, you swear you can taste mint. The anxiety melted off of you like wax, and the only thing he could focus on was how soft you felt against his lips. Delightfully experienced enough for it to be good, but not better then him.    The smell of him was stronger now, and you’re sure you won’t be able to leave without some of it remaining on your clothes. Regardless, it was an addicting smell. Something you needed to come back to. Furiously exhaling through both of your noses, he finally lets go.     Dazed, your whole body tingles. You want him to claim you all as your own, hungrily staring at him for more. Both of you were radiating heat. The kissing left little for thought, and all you can think about is kissing him once again. It seemed that the more you spent with him, the more demand you had for his attention.    “Such cute noises. Makes me want to ravish you more.”     Gojo tenderly pulls you in, claiming your mouth as his once again. Fumbling with your cardigan, yanking it off of your body. Large, hot hands brushing against your now semi-exposed skin, and you know he wants more. His hands brushed against your butt under your skirt, and you shiver just a bit.     Pulling out from the kiss, he looks at you, panting heavily.     “So beautiful.” he murmurs, brushing his thumb against your swollen lips.     “You wanna know why they call me the best?”     You nod, his arm snakes above your waist, forcefully flipping you down head first into the blankets.     Just now realizing that all your clothes are no where to be found, presumably on the floor, you shiver at the cold air conditioner blowing against you. That is, besides your skirts and your tights.     “On your arms, baby. Knees too.” he instructs, patting your butt.     You obey, a warmth rushing to your cheeks again. He had you like a dog being trained by it’s owner, following their every order.     “Good girl.” he says under his breath.     You’re about to tell him that you’re still wearing tights, about to open your mouth, you heard a loud rip disturb the peaceful atmosphere, and a cold exposure to your lower regions.     You squeal, digging your face into the covers, and he chuckles again.     “Oh baby. You were begging for this, I can see why now.” you felt him drag his fingers against your panties, and you whimper.    “So impatient for my touch, aren’t you kitty? You’ll have to wait.”     About to complain, you look back at him before you find him shoving you down, sitting on your knees now, your nipples hardened in the air, but you want to be stimulated else where.    “Be patient, and you’ll be rewarded, no complaining.”     “But-” he cuts you off.     “Don’t fucking talk over me, you got that?”     “...Yes sir.”      His eyes soften, and he gives you a soft kiss on the forehead before his hands brushed against your nipples, rubbing them with his thumb. Rolling the sensitive bud, you loudly moan, trying to express that you wanted more.    “God, you’re so cute.” he says under his breath, still rubbing and now slightly pulling them. Placing his mouth upon the abused buds, you stifle a cry out.     Gently suckling, he used his other hand to play with the other attention-starved nipple mildly.     You whine out again, beginning to melt under his stupidly experienced hands and mouth. The attention was nice, but you needed it some place else, his eyes looked up at you, his wet mouth still suckling your breast.     Taking his wet mouth off your nipple, he looked at you, mischief still evident on his face.     “You like that?” he says,  cocking his head to his side.    “I-If I say anything, It’ll fill your stupid ego.” you breathed.     “And if you don’t say anything I’m not doing shit.” his hand now rubbing your butt.     “You ripped my tights!” you spat back.     “I’ll pay for it and more, no bother babygirl. Now tell me what I want to hear.”      He obviously wasn’t lying, he could probably turn any girl into putty if he just wanted to, and here you were, in the palm of his hand.     “...Please touch me more.” you uttered shamelessly.    “Good girl. On your back, spread those pretty little legs for me too, why don’t you?”     Lying down on the plush mattress and warm pillows, you stare at the ceilings.    You peered at him starting where he left off. Giving you faint, yet chaste kisses on your breasts, trailing kisses down your stomach.     “Aw, your panties are absolutely fucking soaked baby, how cute.” he cooed, parting the soaked fabric to the side.     You look at him undress thoughtlessly, but you’re sure he’s done this several times. He did it with little to no effort, but that would mean that you’re not special.    It would be useless to think about right now, you were gonna have the dicking of your lifetime anyway, it was called a one night-stand for a reason. The mountain of clothes grew taller.    Growing impatient, you look up to where he was once standing, only to find him already in between your legs.     “So pretty.” Gojo purred, circling your entrance just as he had done previously in the car ride, you squeak.     “So lucky this is all mine.”     Gojo had figured he could add, “for the night.” but that strangely felt wrong.     He dips his fingers into your walls, and you cry out. Wrapping around his digits, sobbing, this wasn’t enough to satisfy your cravings.     “You want more?” he huskily said, a tone of playfulness still rampant.     “Yes! Please, just fuck me!” you croaked, already damn near about to cum from the teasing.     “That’s my girl.” he whispered under his breath, slipping off boxers you didn’t even realize were there in the first place.      He doesn’t give you a chance to see his full length, instead ramming inside of you. You inhale sharply at the sudden disruption.     The throbbing evaporated into thin air, and you’re desperately grabbing at the sheets to steady yourself. Sweaty and sticky skin slapping against each other echoed throughout the room, along with your moans and his grunts. You could feel him reaching heights that you would never be able to do with the dildos you had at your house, much less your fingers. One hand on your waist to steady your flailing body, the other, roughly groping your breast.    You were finding it hard to think, pleasure and euphoria filling your senses. Unknowingly, you wrap yourself around Gojo even harder then before.     “Fuck, baby, I can barely pull out.” he panted. “you’re too tight.”      You can’t even begin to respond, still deep in your state of pleasure, instead responding incoherently with a jumble of delicate moans and gasps in between.     “C-cum!”      “Hm? Repeat that princess?” he soothed.    You’re unable to respond again, instead you try to lift your head up, and Gojo feels himself throb again, watching your eyes flutter back.     It’s not until it’s too late, realizing a hot fluid flow down your holes. He pulls out, he himself ejaculating on your stomach.     Both muscles stretched taut, you both laid on the bedsheets, sweating and panting.     “Fuck, I haven’t had a girl like you in a while.” he says, turning his head to look at you. Strands of hair stuck to your forehead.     “R-Really?” he kissed your forehead, tipping your chin with his long fingers.     “Yes, really. I’m so lucky I spotted such a pretty little thing at a club.”      The sun was starting to rise, you note, and you realize just how perfect his body is with the new light.     A sudden warmth on your cheeks, you look down, still panting.     “Clubs aren’t my thing.” you said breathlessly.     “Fuck. It’s 5 AM” he says, eyes now glued to his phone, ruffling his white hair.     “I’ll go-”     “No, here, lets take a shower with each other, and then we sleep.”      “Okay.” you responded, hoping to not make conversation, still believing that he was a celebrity.     He handed you his phone, rubbing the back of his neck.     “Can I get your number?”     “...Why?” you questioned.     “...To call you back again, duh.” he teases, rubbing your head.      No way, he wanted you back at his house?      You?    Not wanting to fuck up your chances, you nod, something was growing inside of you, and you weren’t quite sure what it was, but you knew he made you feel special.    
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realcube · 4 years
haikyuu boys with a professional volleyball player! s/o 🏆
characters: kuroo, bokuto, kita, oikawa & sakusa 
tw// swearing
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thank you anon for this awesome request!
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Tetsurō Kuroo
he’d tell all his teammates about you and none of them would care
well, lev would care - he’d be so excited and asking for kuroo to get him your autograph but yaku would just be like ‘you don’t actually believe him, do you? 🙄’
so yeah, yaku would convince lev and yamamoto that you were just a figment of kuroo’s imagination
and he did the job well bc kuroo was definitely annoyed
he’d be waving his phone around, desperately trying to show lev and yamamoto the selfies he took with you but they’d just be like 😑
then he finally convinced you to come visit him at practise to put an end to his humiliation
so you appeared one day and kuroo was so hyped
but not as hyped as yamamoto
he has hot-ppl senses which tingled when you entered the room so he was the first to greet you while kuroo was sitting setting up the nets
he was literally all over you
‘woah 😍 your thigh are so toned’
‘uh thank you ???’
and kuroo was not here for it
yamamoto fkn shits himself and runs ✌🏃‍♂️💨
then kuroo picks you up bridal style and parades you around the gym, rubbing it in everyone’s face - especially yaku and lev
‘guys, do you see this? my totally REAL s/o! who’s been to NATIONALS!! uhuh. all mine, y’all.’
yaku is so ticked off and definitely goes to snitch him out to Nekomata
and lev is just so awed, ‘(y/n) is real???’
for a moment he thought he was dreaming too until kenma purposefully hit him with a ball
‘put me down, tetsurō.’ you groaned, folding your arms over your chest
he obeyed, gently setting you down on your feet before pecking your lips, ‘ok, well, i should probably get back to practise now - train hard so hopefully one day i can be as good as you.’ he joked, teasingly emphasising the ‘you’.
you playfully punched his arm before turning on your heels to head out, ‘you wish!’
although he’ll always joke about how amazing you are in comparison to him but he genuinely admires you 🤩
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Kōtarō Bokuto
he hypes you up to his team constantly
they’ve literally never even met you and they are being asked all these questions from bokuto lol
‘hey onaga, did you see (y/n) at their nationals game the other day?’
onage flinched upon being jump-scared by his captain, then choked out a little white lie, ‘uh yeahhh.’
bokuto’s face lit up, ‘great! they were so amazing during the third set, weren’t they? what was your favourite part?’
onaga froze, ‘uhh- oh, i think i hear anahori calling me to help him practise his sets! gotta go.’ then he proceeded to bolt off
bokuto shrugged it  off at first as he shouldn’t complain bc a teammate dropped a conversation to continue training with anahori - i mean, onaga came to volleyball club to practise so he wasn’t obligated to make conversation with bokuto
but while he was saying his goodbyes to everyone as they left the gym to go home, it hit him-
‘bye, komi! buh-bye, washio! and goooodbyeeee, konoha.’ bokuto let out a relived sigh as he had now finished saying his partings which meant he could lock the gym then go home, ‘wait-- ANAHORI DIDN’T EVEN COME TO PRACTISE TODAY! ONAGA!’
bokuto was deeply disheartened that his own teammate would lie to him - to get out of a conversation about you, no less
he just wanted them all to love you as much as he does
like..he’s your biggest fan!!!
~ even post-timeskip ~
he’d show up to all of your games wearing your jersey and some of the eagle-eyed press would try talk to him
they’d interview him about his own affair or about the MSBY Black Jackals but he genuinely has no interest in talking about that bc today is your day and he is here to support you
‘are you and your team hopeful to attend Olympics despite player Miya’s rumoured injury? and disclose whether these rumours are factual?’
sakusa decked atsumu after he joked about having covid-
the interview shoved and waved a microphone in bokuto’s face while he just stared at them blankly like ◉_◉
after a while bokuto stuffed a handful of popcorn in his mouth and chuckled, ‘don’t know! but the game is about to begin, shhh!-’ he hushed the interviewer, instinctively swatting the microphone away as he stood up in the stands to cheer for you, ‘WOOOO! GO, (Y/N)!’  
then he turned to the interviewer who stood frozen with a dumbfounded look on his face, ‘THAT’S MY LOVERRRR!’ he screamed into the microphone so loudly that all the press naturally backed off
and please do the same for him when the press approach you at his games 🙏
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Shinsuke Kita
ofc he dates a volleyball player player-
he is such an ushijima
he is ushijima if he wasn’t left-handed
he doesn’t really brag about you too often at practise but he feels so proud when you win a game then he comes to practise the next day and his teammates tell him to pass on a congratulations
also he always comes to your games
no matter how minor or how large
you’d think you could both bond a lot over volleyball and you did that in the beginning
but over time - especially when you started playing volleyball professionally - you found other things to bond over and saved volleyball for work
he probably runs a (y/n) stan page AEIVBARTBV
like he is literally a rice farmer- you are under the impression that he doesn’t even know what facebook is
and he’s good at selling the act too
‘did you see the picture of us i posted on my instagram?--’ you asked, taking another spoonful of your cereal
‘insta what?’ kita inquired without hesitation
then as soon as you exit the room, he’ll log onto his (y/n) twitter stan account
ok ok sorry i’ll stop now
anyway he ALWAYS tries to ensure that the first thing you eat after a big game is something that he cooks
and if you go out with your team to eat after a game to celebrate a victory, he’ll try at act sweet but he’s lowkey shady tbh
‘congratulations on your victory, (y/n). and to many more’ he lifted his glass and so did you
but just as you were about to take a sip, kita interjected, ‘but that is going to be difficult if you keep filling your body with junk rather than healthy, organi--’
‘ok.’ he took a sip of his drink in your honour
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Tōru Oikawa
again, when you and oikawa first started dating, volleyball was one of the only things y’all talked about
but now that you were both doing it professionally, it was basically banned in your home
well, the the game itself wasn’t banned but i mean, why would you do something all day then come back to talk about it more?
you both might adore volleyball but everything has it’s limits lol
anyway, oikawa is another one that is extra af when they come to your games
he probably makes a sign and paints his face in your team colours
and when you come out onto the court, he’ll blow you a kiss and if you don’t blow one back he’ll be so offended lmao
bc he always makes a big deal out blowing you a kiss or winking at you as soon as he steps out onto the court
it’s basically a thing he does for good luck at this point
also, if there are ever ppl trying to take pictures of y’all in public- oikawa is the first to make a big show for them
like he’s all up on you 
he’ll dip you then push his lips against you for a passionate kiss, in front of the ppl and they always go fkn crazy
he thinks he is like..Beyoncé famous...which he is not
please humble him 
but nicely 
but y’all only get attention around summertime when you are frequently playing big games 
like if oikawa leaves the house a week you competed in a big game- he’ll literally get swamped with ppl asking about you 
but contrarily, if you both leave the house in winter literally no one would even spare you a glance
on a RARE occasion, someone might sneakily snap a photo but that’s it
so you get the best of both worlds :))
also, if you’re an ace and he’s ever feeling down, if you ask him to set for you for a bit and you compliment one/all of his sets, he’ll literally feel so much better 
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Kiyoomi Sakusa 
sometimes you both come back from a rough day at work, slump on the couch and watch TV together
after showering, changing, dinner etc
he’s not nna come anywhere near you if he thinks there is a chance he might be stinky from practise 
he turned on the TV and it just so happened to be on an Live volleyball game in some language that neither of you understood
he’d snake his arms around your shoulders and pull you close to his chest, satisfied by your synced breathing 
he’d press a single kiss against your jaw before shifting his attention onto the channel
you’d lay there in his arms, both of you seeming content in each other’s presence while watching the game
in reality though, neither of you were actually absorbing anything that was happening on the court - you were just staring blankly at the TV
the TV simply served as background noise to your cuddling
tbh he was way more interested in hearing the sound of your heart beat peacefully against his chest 
after a while, if he gets bored, he might finally break the silence by inquiring about your day
but if he doesn’t, you’d probably end up falling asleep in his arms, forcing him to sleep on the couch bc he’s doesn’t want to risk moving and waking you up 🥺
anyway, he’s another one that likes to save volleyball for work then leave it by the door as soon as you step inside the house 
but he’s not as uptight about it as oikawa or kita
like he’ll happily put on a volleyball match for you guys to watch if he thinks the player’s techniques are impressive
also, if the weather is nice, if you ask him to come out and practise with you for a bit and he’ll say yes 🤠
but actually 🤔 now that is think about it, if you guys had a pool in your back garden sakusa would definitely make the most of it
you’ll humbly ask him spike for you on a nice sunny day and he’ll be like
‘volleyball? really? we bought this expensive ass house with a pool which we can only use 4 out the 365.25 days of the year and you want to play volleyball? don’t you do that like..every work day.’
what can i say? man likes getting his moneys worth 🤷‍♂️
‘so is that a no to volleyball?’ you’d ask
*cue sakusa picking you up bridal style and dropping you into the pool*
then you play pool volleyball 👍
as for your games, he turns up in casual wear 😔
disappointed but not surprised
you’ll jokingly be like ‘hey! why aren’t you wearing my team colours? how are people gonna know who you’re cheering for?’ which is fair bc you turn up to all his games with his MSBY black jackals jersey with one of those foam pointy fingers with his number on it
MANS WOULD POINT TO HIS FKN WEDDING RING LIKE ‘our team colours right here.’
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creambunnie · 3 years
Hello Baby ❤💜💚💛💙💓
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ONEWE fluff - Yonghoon, Kanghyun (Hyungu), Harin, Dongmyeong, CyA (Giuk)
"hello Hyungu, are you free right now? it's urgent!"
"eh Yonghoon hyung? yeah i'm free, what's wrong?"
"hyung was that a cat??"
"what? noooo, it's a baby!"
"oh i thought so, it was weird if you had a ca-- WHAT? A BABY?"
Hyungu stared at Yonghoon who was wearing a baby carrier as he entered Yonghoon's apartment. Yonghoon had his index finger on his lips, asking Hyungu to keep quiet as to not wake up the baby in his arms.
"why do you have a baby?? oh my god, did you pick it up from somewhere?" Hyungu whispered as he panicked.
Yonghoon sighed and knocked Hyungu's head softly.
"don't be ridiculous, Kang Hyungu. this is my cousin's son. her mother in-law just passed on so she asked me to look after her son for a while as she helps her husband settle the funeral and all."
Hyungu took a seat on the sofa, still processing the whole situation.
"so why the heck did you agree if you have never in your whole life babysit a... a baby?"
Yonghoon gulped and scratched his neck awkwardly.
"i misread her text. i thought her son was 10 years old, but it's actually 10 months... i couldn't reject her when she already brought her baby and all his things here."
Hyungu massaged his temples.
"how long?"
"a week."
"shush Hyungu you are going to wake Minsoo up!" Yonghoon scolded Hyungu in whisper.
Yonghoon decided to contact Hyungu first because he lived the nearest. the baby was sleeping when he was brought here but the moment his mother left him into Yonghoon's care, he woke up and started crying.
Yonghoon panicked and called Hyungu right away, and while waiting for Hyungu to come, he tried to soothe Minsoo down with a lullaby.
Hyungu finally calmed down and approached Minsoo who was still in the carrier. he stared at the doll-like sleeping baby and let out a chuckle.
"naww Minsoo is so cute"
"i know, it's cause i'm his uncle"
Hyungu rolled his eyes and fished out his phone.
"i'm telling the others. you and me taking care of a baby is not enough, we need the whole squad."
Yonghoon hesitated for a bit because he didn't want to bother the others, but Hyungu was right. the two of them were not enough.
Hyungu and Yonghoon were busy lying Minsoo down carefully on the sofa that they didn't notice the beeping sound from the front door.
"baby Minsoo~ your Giuk hyung is here!!"
the two older boys' eyes widened at the sudden loud voice. a high pitch crying started filling their ears.
"i am so sorry, i didn't know Minsoo was sleeping!" Giuk apologised as Yonghoon was frantically making milk in the kitchen while Hyungu was trying to calm Minsoo down in the living room.
"can you help me check if the milk is okay instead? i mean your age is the nearest to the baby, so"
Giuk was confused at his hyung's nonsense but he was guilty so he poured some milk on his hand to taste it.
"uhm i think it's fine? it's a bit hot tho??"
"oh my god, why is it so chaotic in here?? no one even noticed we entered, Harin hyung."
Harin scanned the scenes happening and quietly but efficiently tried to handle the situations.
"Dongmyeong, go help Hyungu calm the baby. i will check on Yonghoon hyung"
Dongmyeong gently took the baby from Hyungu. he craddled Minsoo in his arms and swayed back and forth until he calmed down.
"well aren't you a cutie?" Dongmyeong cooed and poked the baby's nose softly. Minsoo stared at Dongmyeong confusedly and giggled.
"low low!!" Minsoo babbled and reached his hands out to Dongmyeong's neck. Hyungu noticed Dongmyeong's necklace and chuckled.
"he is so smart! he said yellow~" Hyungu was amazed at the 10-month old kid.
Yonghoon, Harin and Giuk finally went to living room with a warm bottle of milk.
"here, feed Minsoo the milk first" Harin passed the bottle to Dongmyeong.
Yonghoon, Hyungu and Giuk sighed in relief and plopped on the sofa side by side.
"how are you and Dongmyeong good at this, Harin??"
Harin chuckled and carressed Minsoo's head gently.
"we are not good at it, hyung. it's just that you guys were panicking so more panic won't do good. i just had to be the calm one just now. also, we had more time to prepare mentally, so no worries hyung, you will do just fine!" Harin humbly comforted.
Yonghoon thanked Harin and took Minsoo from Dongmyeong.
"Yonghoon hyung, what's this?" Giuk asked as he found a small booklet in Minsoo's bag.
"oh my cousin said that's a list of food that Minsoo can and cannot eat."
"great!! pass me that Giuk. i was just about to ask about this. Dongmyeong and I bought some ingredients for dinner, Hyungu, you wanna help us cook?" Hyungu gave Harin a thumbs up and followed the two into the kitchen.
Yonghoon and Giuk contiued playing with Minsoo in the living room.
"baby~~ Giuk hyung bought a looot of plushies for you! which one do you like ?" Giuk neatly placed the plushies in line in front of Minsoo and waited for him to choose.
Minsoo looked up at Giuk with his big round eyes as if he understood what Giuk said clearly.
"wook! wook!" Minsoo exclaimed and reached for the hamster plushie.
Yonghoon poked Minsoo's chubby cheek in admiration.
"you two are really friends, huh," Yonghoon chuckled as Giuk continued making short 'conversations' with Minsoo.
Minsoo warmed up to the boys quite easily and giggled alot while playing. Yonghoon was relieved he had awesome brothers who could help him out.
"let's eat~~" Dongmyeong called as he set the dining table. as Minsoo was in Giuk's good hands, Yonghoon helped Dongmyeong while Harin and Hyungu brought out the dishes for dinner.
"i even made Minsoo some baby chicken porridge~" Harin excitedly said as he showed Minsoo his own bowl of food.
"nyam nyam!!" Minsoo was already salivating at the delicious smell.
"hyung,, your cousin didn't bring Minsoo's high chair, right?" Hyungu asked after scanning the whole apartment.
"mm, it's fine, Minsoo will just sit on my lap and one of you can feed him."
the 5 boys took turns eating and feeding Minsoo.
"zoooom! good boy, Minsoo~" Giuk praised the baby as he happily took a big bite of the porridge.
Dongmyeong also took a big bite of the dakgalbi that they cooked and hummed in delight.
"it's been so long since we've had a family dinner like this~"
Giuk looked at Dongmyeong weirdly. "but we just did last week.."
Dongmyeong shushed Giuk and shook his head.
"last week was sooo long ago!! we need to eat dinner together more frequently."
Yonghoon only chuckled at the younger boy's wish.
"sure, we can have family dinner everyday for this whole week~"
Dongmyeong and Giuk were on their semester break, while Yonghoon and Hyungu worked from home. Harin was the only one who had to go to the office.
"so Harin, can you teach us some things like how to make the perfect temperature milk, and how to cook the food for Minsoo?" Hyungu requested as he wiped Minsoo's messy lips.
Harin of course agreed, he wanted Minsoo to experience the best care from his brothers.
after the yummy dinner, Yonghoon and Giuk did the dishes while the other 3 boys played with Minsoo.
"what colour is this, Minsoo?" Hyungu showed the baby a penguin plushie.
"woooo~~" Hyungu hugged Minsoo softly, refraining himself from squishing the baby for being too cute. "you are correct! that is blue!"
Dongmyeong hummed as he thought of something.
"Yonghoon hyung, Giuk, come here quickly after you finished. we gotta introduce ourselves properly to Minsoo!".
the boys sat in a line as Yonghoon carried Minsoo. he made eye contact with Minsoo and started introducing himself.
"Minsoo, i am Uncle Yonghoon!" "hoon~~"
"i am Uncle Hyungu!" "gugu~"
"i am Uncle Harin!" "rinnie~"
"i am Uncle Dongmyeong!" "meong~~"
"i am Giuk hyung!" "wook wook!!"
for every response, Minsoo either got a peck on his cheek or a carress on his small round head.
"now that's done, let's lay out the futons in the living room. we are having a sleepover~" Yonghoon happily announced.
since Minsoo started yawning, the boys decided to quickly turn the lights off and go to sleep with the baby. it was quite a tiring day afterall.
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the night was calm, Minsoo didn't make a single fuss while sleeping. he must have felt really comfortable with the boys, or he was just too tired after a lot of playing earlier.
"wow... i thought they were the same age." Harin whispered. the other 3 boys giggled at his words as they looked at Giuk and Minsoo all cuddled up. it was a cute scene to wake up to.
Harin woke up early to prepare food for Minsoo's meals and at the same time he taught Dongmyeong and Hyungu too. the other boys only need to heat them up when it's time to eat.
Giuk and Dongmyeong played and took care of Minsoo most of the time as the two older boys were working. Giuk even took a bath with Minsoo and made bubbles for him.
Minsoo was really a good baby. after warming up to the boys, he rarely cried. only when he was hungry, he would whine a little but goes back to being the giggly baby when he was fed.
Giuk and Dongmyeong were resting while Minsoo was playing with some plushies by himself. Dongmyeong almost dozed off when Giuk nudged him softly. "hey, Minsoo is saying something."
Minsoo was cutely sitting in front of the entrance with his hamster plushie. he looked up and stared at the doorknob as he mumbled.
"rinnie... rinnie... unc rinnie."
Dongmyeong and Giuk chuckled at the cuteness. it was 5pm, about an hour left before Harin comes back.
Yonghoon suddenly went out of his room and scooped Minsoo up.
"i finished my work for today. should i bring Minsoo out for a walk and welcome Harin?"
Hyungu closed his laptop and volunteered to follow Yonghoon.
"Dongmyeong and Giuk should rest."
"mm Hyungu hyung. Dongmyeong and I will prepare the ingredients for dinner after we rest for abit."
the two older boys nodded and prepared to go out with Minsoo.
they walked and reached a playground near the apartment. since Minsoo was too small to go down the slide by himself, Hyungu carried him and played together. everytime Hyungu and Minsoo reached the bottom, Yonghoon would make funny noises, making the baby giggle loudly.
after playing on the slide for a few times, Hyungu and Yonghoon sat on the empty swings side by side. Minsoo was securely seated on Hyungu's lap as he swung back and forth slowly.
"foooshh~" Minsoo cutely babbled as he felt the wind hit his face.
Yonghoon and Hyungu looked at each other and chuckled at the adorable baby.
"oh Minsoo, look who's here !" Yonghoon prompted as he pointed to the busstop. Hyungu stood up to let Minsoo see.
"rinnie!!!! unc rinnie!!" Minsoo exclaimed excitedly.
Harin heard the baby's voice from afar and jogged to the three boys.
"aww did Minsoo wait for Uncle Harin?"
Minsoo looked at Harin with sparkles in his eyes and grinned. Harin chuckled and took Minsoo from Hyungu.
"you are so cute!! look at you drooling from being too excited~" Harin cooed and wiped Minsoo's chin with Yonghoon's help.
"let's go home and prepare for dinner!"
"mm mm Hoon nyam nyam!" Minsoo mumbled and pointed to the apartment.
"yes Uncle Yonghoon's nephew is so smart, like uncle like nephew~~" Yonghoon praised.
Harin and Hyungu just went on with him, as long as their oldest brother was happy.
during dinner, Dongmyeong excitedly suggested the idea he and Giuk thought of together earlier.
"how about we go on a picnic at the park this weekend ? Minsoo is going to love spending time with all 5 of us outside!"
the baby happily clapped his hands when he heard his name being said.
"meong meong!!"
"hehe yess Uncle Dongmyeong loves you too~" Dongmyeong scrunched his nose as he poked Minsoo's round cheek.
"that's a good idea! the weather these days seem nice too" Yonghoon acknowledged.
"then it is set! we can go buy some ingredients for the picnic too when we go grocery shopping tomorrow." Hyungu suggested.
as planned, Hyungu and Dongmyeong went to the supermarket the next day and brought Minsoo with them. they made sure Minsoo was full first before going out. Hyungu tightened the baby carrier and pecked Minsoo's head.
"let's go~"
Dongmyeong was relieved the supermarket was not that crowded. he quickly took the things they wrote on the shopping list to not waste any time.
"gugu! gugu!" Minsoo called as he tried to reach for something behind Hyungu.
"hmm?" Hyungu turned around and saw a brightly packed biscuits. the bright orange colour must have attracted Minsoo.
"i don't think you can eat those yet, baby.."
"gugu?" Minsoo pouted.
Hyungu sighed and poked Minsoo's small nose.
"alright, we'll buy it for the packaging"
"gugu!!!" Minsoo happily exclaimed when he saw Hyungu putting the packet into the cart.
after buying the groceries and things for the weekend picnic, Hyungu and Dongmyeong decided to walk around the shopping mall for a bit.
"oh my god hyung!! that is super cute~ can we buy it for Minsoo? pleaaase!" Dongmyeong pleaded as he pulled Hyungu into a baby store.
the outfit Dongmyeong saw was a cute brown overalls. it was too cute to be ignored.
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"yayy! we can dress him up in the new outfit this weekend!"
Minsoo was a simple baby, when people around him were happy, he's also happy. Minsoo bounced excitedly to Dongmyeong's voice in the baby carrier.
"okay baby,, uncles are also excited to hang out with you~"
the long awaited weekend was finally here. the 5 boys were busy with their own tasks. Yonghoon was fixing the baby car seat, Harin and Hyungu were packing the food they made for the picnic, while Dongmyeong and Giuk were dressing Minsoo up.
Dongmyeong can't help but squish Minsoo's cheeks because he was extra cute after Giuk tied his thin hair into two small ponytails.
"omo, who is this handsome baby? of course no other than handsome Uncle Yonghoon's nephew~" Yonghoon sang as soon as he entered the house.
"but we are all handsome uncles and hyung, right Minsoo?" Dongmyeong held Minsoo's small hand and shook it gently.
Minsoo grinned. "meooong~".
after Hyungu and Harin were finished packing, the 6 boys finally started on their journey to the flower park.
"Minsoo~ look here!" Dongmyeong called out as Harin quickly snapped a few pictures of the cute baby.
"hey, let's take a family selfie!" Yonghoon suggested as he held Minsoo close to his chest. the other 4 boys gathered closer to Yonghoon as Harin took their picture.
the boys managed to find a spot under a big tree so they were shaded from the hot sun. they ate the food and snacks that Harin and Hyungu made deliciously. even Minsoo asked for seconds.
they then played around with Minsoo, Yonghoon sang some nursery rhymes for his cute nephew as the other boys did some simple moves that Minsoo could follow. they made sure Minsoo was having a fun time with them.
"oh Minsoo, it's your mom!" Yonghoon quickly answered the videocall from his cousin. his cousin would call everyday to check on Minsoo and the boys.
"hi noona!"
"hi Yonghoon! i heard you guys are on a picnic now? is Minsoo doing okay? did he make a fuss ?"
"Minsoo is fine, he is a good boy! here look at him!"
Yonghoon turned the phone so the camera was facing Minsoo.
"Minsoo~ it's mommy!"
"aww look at your outfit today ! it's so cute, your uncles really have a good taste in clothings. Minsoo, mommy miss you so much. i will fetch you tomorrow, okay?"
Yonghoon turned back the phone and continued talking with his cousin.
"and boys, Minsoo looks so happy today! he must really love you boys so much! i know i say this everyday but thank you so much for taking good care of my son! you boys continue having fun together okay,, see you tomorrow!".
after bidding goodbye, the 5 boys continued playing with Minsoo. they stayed at the park for a few more hours. Minsoo even took a nap on Yonghoon's lap while his uncles enjoyed the fresh breeze.
it had been a while since they were able to relax with nature. not that they were too busy to do that, it just didn't cross their mind to spend time like this together. they were grateful to Minsoo because he gave them the opportunity to experience such a fun time.
the next morning was awkwardly gloomy. Minsoo's things were already organised at one side of the house. the 5 boys were playing with Minsoo in the living room as if playing together yesterday at the park wasn't enough.
"i'm so attached to Minsoo already. i don't think i can sleep without him tonight." Giuk sadly said as he carressed Minsoo's arm who was holding onto the hamster plushie that he gave on the first day that they met.
"i had fun making his baby food. it's amazing how this little thing could eat other than milk. thanks for enjoying my cooking, Minsoo! Uncle Rinnie will cook again for you when you are bigger!".
Yonghoon sighed and pouted. "you guys staying over for a whole week was so much fun. i'm gonna feel so lonely when you guys go back home."
"aww hyung,, you know we will always visit you. me especially! i will crash into your apartment often!" Dongmyeong comforted.
"yeah hyung, Minsoo or no Minsoo, we are always a call away!" Hyungu supported.
the gloomy atmosphere turned gloomier when the front door bell was rung. it was time to send Minsoo off back to his parents.
Yonghoon greeted his cousin and invited her in as the other boys took turns giving Minsoo a goodbye hug.
"take good care of mr hamster okie? wook hyung loves Minsoo so much!"
"Uncle Gugu also loves Minsoo! stay healthy, baby."
"my cute cute Minsoo, Uncle Meong loves you so much."
"you have to eat well and grow up healthily, okay? Uncle Rinnie also loves Minsoo!"
Yonghoon was the last one to hug. he was sad but he knew he had a higher chance of meeting Minsoo more in the future as they were close relatives.
"the next time we meet, you must be healthy, alright Minsoo? Uncle Hoon loves Minsoo soooo much!".
Yonghoon's cousin took Minsoo from his arms and bowed to the 5 boys.
"thank you so much for taking a really good care of Minsoo. i'm sure he had a good time with you boys. tell me when you all are available, i would like to treat you all to a meal. a meal is not even enough, honestly. maybe two or three meals would be great too!"
after Minsoo's father took all of his things, it was really time to part ways now. Minsoo was not smiling nor crying. he just stared at his five uncles blankly as he waved goodbye with his tiny hand. it was hard to close the front door but they eventually had to leave.
the once lively living room was now so quiet. it was amazing how 1 baby could make the mood so happy. now that he went back home, the 5 boys felt empty.
Harin sighed as he sat up. "guys, i miss Minsoo already.."
it had only been about 2 hours since Minsoo left.
"me too.." Hyungu mumbled.
"Yonghoon hyung, can we videocall Minsoo? pleaaase!" Dongmyeong requested.
of course Yonghoon would agree. he wanted to see his cute nephew's face. Yonghoon texted his cousin in advance before giving her a call.
"hi Minsoo!" the 5 boys greeted in sync as soon as Minsoo's face popped up on the phone screen.
Minsoo whose expression was blank like earlier turned into a happy smile. his eyes sparkled when he saw the 5 boys that he was already missing too.
"UNCS!!" ('uncles' but baby talk)
no matter how many kilometres apart they were from each other, the 6 boys' hearts were still as closely packed together as ever.
a/n : i've always wanted to see ONEWE taking care of a kid, so i wrote a whole imagine for it 😂 hope yall enjoyed it!
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spicyfoodboi · 4 years
 I won't stop until I make you mine
Genre: fluffy fluff
A Shinsuke Kita x reader
Number 25, fighting for their love on the one-year prompt list
a/n: KITA KITA KITA! I've been thirsting on him yesterday and I couldn't resist doing him! I already have a fantasy AU for him so I'm getting ready to write for him so I'm kinda using this as a warm-up! Hope you guys enjoy it! Let's get started!
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 "Put your hand in mine, You know I want to be with you all the time~" you hummed under your breath while you cut some hearts out from the nori, placing it on the sticky rice of the onigiri. You continued to dance around your kitchen, placing the food in a cute bento box and secured it with a volleyball themed cloth you knew the inarizaki captain might like.
 Kita shinsuke, captain of the volleyball team. He has his morals and rituals inside and outside school. Surprisingly, even though the students don't see him play in games much, they still respect and admire him for being a superb captain to the more famous miya twins and the pretty lazy Suna. Because of his hard work, girls swoon over his left and right, confessing their love to him more and more every week. But after listening to the certain girl's confession, he seems to reject them and say the same thing.
 "I'm sorry but I'm waiting for someone else."
 It hurt most girls, running and crying back inside the halls. Kita paid no mind because he knew it was the right move. He also knew it was also the right move to tell you about it, being childhood friends with him and all.
 Being childhood friends with him is a blessing and a curse.
 He trusted you more than most people since you knew how he was like. He never hid any secrets and made sure to tell you what’s going on with his day. In return, he would let you do the same.
 That’s what friends do.
 It's been months since you discovered that you've fallen for the black-haired tipped boy. You were planning to confess sooner but after hearing horror stories from the other girls, you've decided to put it off until you felt the time was right.
 And you felt like the time was now.  
 You got to school a bit later than usual, the gym filled with shoes squeaking, people yelling and the ball slamming down and hitting the floor and the walls. You opened the door to see the team already warming up for a practice game, kita manning the group. You smiled and walked over to stand next to captain, waving at the others who noticed your presence. You take kita's hand and drag him out of the gym without warning, much to kita's silent protests. You stop at the entrance of the gym, closing the door for more privacy before pulling out the bento.
 He looked at the cloth patterned with volleyballs before looking up to see your beet-red face. You took a deep breath, looked into the brown orbs that were swimming curiosity before finally letting him hear what you've been keeping in for months now.
 "kita, I know you've been waiting for someone and I'm pretty sure it's not me but I've been keeping this in for a while now…" you took a deep breath, looking for any sign of disgust on his face before continuing. "I like you shinsuke. Not the kind of like childhood friends have. A kind of like that goes on to be love. And I know that I have to prove myself against your fans if you like me back, but I've heard from those same fans that you were waiting for someone else so…" you rambled on, pressing the bento box into his chest. "hope you finally get the person you're waiting for soon!" you finished, tears glistening in your eyes as you started to walk away.
 But you didn't get to go.
 You felt him grip your wrist. You looked back to see the kita you knew as stoic and calm, grinning happily, his cheeks dusted pink. "you have no idea how long I've waited just for you to say that." he said, his voice soft and made butterflies flutter around in your stomach.
 He placed the bento in between the 2 of you, a silent sign for you to hold onto your homemade treat too. He leaned down and pressed his soft lips against yours.
 Looks like he made you, his.
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 Woooo!! I enjoyed this request so much! Hope you guys enjoyed this as much as I had. Don't forget that requests are open so please don't be shy to leave more in my ask box! Love yall 💕❤💞💖
General taglist (don’t be shy to comment your tumblr @ below!): @tokyoghoose @macaronnv  @brainwqshed @reogou @cadekagi @feedmewires
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