#schizo core
alchemisland · 7 months
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ksmithm3ll · 1 year
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femb0td111ary · 13 days
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I go for the same walk everyday at the place i get institutionalized usually a couple times a year. I find new things everytime and new places id like to smoke a phat one lol
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hikikomoribunni · 4 months
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ξ(✿ ❛‿❛)ξ▄︻┻┳═一
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rigorscafe · 2 years
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if you think looking up your blorbo is hard because you get x readers you've never experienced the horror of seeing them badly photoshopped next to an ACTUAL MURDERER
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highdio · 2 months
Hi, since I haven't seen you say anything on this subject yet... What do you think about Dio's portrayal in the Phantom Blood musical? Imo its pretty OOC, probably even the most OOC portrayal of him, only rivaling CDDH. In Over Heaven you could at least ignore the noncanon shit (like him totally not meaning to turn into vampire when taking that mask to confront Jojo with him and seeing its effects on those drunks beforehand) by headcanoning that he either has gone completely schizo or is trying to manipulate Pucci (assumed trusted friend reader). But in the musical he is just so completely EMO its unreal. Tragic broken villain #1000 who is haunted by his past (Dario cPTSD) - you just can't get any less "Dio" than this! This is literally the opposite of his character. Even in aforementioned OH he admits that dwelling on the past is OOC and new for him, here on the other hand it's pretty much the core of his character (although it can be argued that Dio is heavily influenced by his past and his bitterness towards it, but he never dwells on it or even thinks about it for that matter). Why does every noncanon portrayal of Dio just has to be so off the mark :(?
PS: and OF COURSE normies are praising it as much deeper and non-onedimensional (unlike the icky canon) Dio's characterisation, eugh. They literally think that only the characters they can sympathise with are "3d".
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This take is valid and it'd be a crime to add to it.
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strangeauthor · 5 months
while idk if they're Offensive all the time some of the other personality disorder names piss me the hell off. Like actually "histrionic" sucks it's literally "wow ur overreacting" stupid disorder name. BPD- the borderline is bc it was seen as being on "The Borderline Between Psychotic and Neurotic" like. What. also looking up differences between OCD and COPD is. Quote from a website "The primary difference is that OCD includes obsessions/compulsions, while OCPD does not" THEN WHY IS IT CALLED OBSESSIVE COMPULSIVE PERSONALITY DISORDER. Anyway probably less stupid but more confusing is the disorders beginning with the Schizo prefix. Schizophrenia - generally known as a psychosis disorder, also has negative symptoms like flat affect/anhedonia/etc. Schizoaffective - generally seem to be defines as schizophrenia in conjunction with a mood disorder. Schizotypal PD - generally lacks hallucinations or delusions, but still have negative symptoms and "odd beliefs" that may not align with reality. Schizoid personality disorder: this one's just social it's literally just social. Also one of the core diagnostic criteria is asexuality (or some places say "lack of interest in sexual relationships" like can we please just redo this whole shit. Also schizoid USED to be synonymous with schizophrenia but now it refers to the more social disorder. (it's a little funny when ppl try to use "schizoid" as an insult similar to psychotic bc it's much closer to saying antisocial.) WAIT I FORGOT ASPD.... CRIME DISORDER tho that's more diagnosis than name. Personality disorder names/diagnoses are just a mess we gotta start over (also in other countries personality disorders have been like re categorized with new names in the International Classification of Diseases, being more... Umbrella terms now?? It's something idk) sorry for this long fuckin rant I gt fixated on Schizoid personality disorder bc Mental Illness and now my brain is full of ????
signed cause that was some TRUE SHIT you said!!!!
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kenstir · 13 days
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🥩 𖦹Kenny/Mutt 𖦹
‎ ⋆₊ ♱•*new acc
‎ 🦴 intro , ׅ
‎ ♱✮♱14 • he/him🏳️‍⚧️ ݁ 𓈒
‎ , , ׅ ⬞ bpd auADHD schizo🦷🫀
‎ ⋆₊ ♱ spam post, pretty active
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⋆。°✩ I love ranfrens, horror, cults, psychology, philosophy, cats, and writing
⋆。°✩ not a big fan of broken bones and spiders
⋆。°✩ meat core, angel/cult core ✩°。⋆
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orbdweaver · 2 years
I think a fair criticism of Disco Elysium is that it doesn't make much of an effort to appeal to people who don't already kind of Get It. You either vibe with it or you don't.
To me (and I think most DE fans?) the core appeal is simply that the game understands what it's like to be schizo-autistically sensitive, to be curious about people and to ache at the complexity of the world and the difficulty of improving literally anything. If you want a super tight murder mystery plot then you can go cry about it, because that was never the point.
The whole phasmid sequence is kind of a guided meditation on whether or not sensitivity is a good thing, by contrasting Harry, who is ultimately sensitive, with a literal insect, who is ultimately Head Empty No Thoughts. The Pale in this context is a literalization of a specific failure mode of hypersensitivity, where you get caught in a neurotic vortex of tessellated memories and fears to the point that you ruin your ability to perceive the world outside your head - the fate that befell the Deserter. Is this the fate of Harry and human civilization too? Or is there still hope and beauty in the world, hidden just out of sight, waiting to be detected? That's more or less what the scene is about, and probably also why it's a *detective* story.
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gray-gray-gray-gray · 11 months
Chapter 11 of Psychosis, Trauma and Dissociation: Dissociative Symptoms on Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders
While it has been established that depersonalization occurs in a wide variety of mental disorders, most authors agree that it's a little different in schizophrenia. Meyer (1956) would note that patients with schizophrenia would interpret depersonalization experiences as threatening or uncanny.
There is solid evidence that people with schizophrenia experience dissociation more often and more intensely, but with lower intensity of those with BPD, PTSD, and DID. There is some difference in the results - probably because what stage the disorder is in plays a role. Those in remission show less dissociation, and in a study of inpatients found that there was a decrease in score from admission to the second interview that took place when the patient stabilized. There is also a close association between positive symptoms and dissociative symptoms, as patients with predominantly positive symptoms had higher scores than patients with predominantly negative symptoms. Findings related to the link between negative symptoms and dissociation are inconsistent.
There needs to be more research and clarification on the association between schizophrenia and dissociation. For example, is there a highly dissociative subgroup of patients with schizophrenia, or do psychotic symptoms simply have a dissociative underpinning?
In patients with psychotic disorders, there may be delusional elaborations of what is actually a dissociative experience, like feelings of passivity or being influenced by something outside. The book proposes delusional interpretations of dissociative experiences may be a core of many psychotic symptoms - one obvious example being delusions of possession.
NOTE: In chapter 12, about psychotic symptoms in dissociative disorders, since there was a high prevalence of both dissociative symptoms in schizophrenia and a high prevalence of psychotic symptoms in dissociative disorders, the book authors mention a proposal that it may be a continuum. The continuum would be from schizophrenia, to a dissociative subtype of schizophrenia, to a "schizo-dissociative disorder", to DID.
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valla-chan · 5 months
Spore schizo ramblings
Hello Miss Ghost,
I loved your valla vanilla parts pack. I can't wait for your other ones to release. (Glad you are working on restoring those morph handles on some core spore parts, like the fauxry wings)
Anyway could you add in and fix up the parts from the "Spore ressurection: next steps" mod (you can get the creature parts separate), it has a good Willosaur mouth in it but it's textures are off (red tipped teeth) and you can't "delongate" it like the actual Willosaur.
Just an idea. The mods from Rob55rod I think.
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catatonicdelirium · 5 months
MAXIMS: Inflation=class warfare. Recession=class warfare. Police=class traitors. The hospital=the school=the prison=the army barracks=the church, all institutional milieux that serve the process of control and indoctrination into the dominant world-view. The home=that milieu in which you replenish your body and mind in service of capital. The newspaper=the internet=the television=the radio, all platforms in which the user receives propaganda with little input on their end. Landlords & police=the direct enemies of the people on the ground floor. One leeches the resources of a given worker, the other serves to enforce (through violence) the process of theft and enslavement.
WORD OF THE DAY: Situationism. The “ideology” that enforces the idea that you are embedded in an environment that can be directly altered and co-opted to serve your specific class interests. Generally speaking, this environment is co-opted through a nexus of control under state capitalism; your desire and impulse goes through the usual channels: the home, the school, the hospital, the work-place, the market. In situationism, these loci of control are dissolved. Call it what you want, whether it be socialism, anarchism, or what not. It's more a method than an ideal.
The meaning of psycho-analysis: a desiring machine that operates under a nexus of control within state capitalism. Both Freud and Lacan uproot and seat the heart of the psyche between “mommy” and “daddy.” At its core, this system of desire is patriarchal; patriarchy isn’t what the mainstream feminists and identity politicians would have you believe. Patriarchy is simply a machination that describes the home-life of a given individual and how it operates under state-based capitalism. Psycho-analysis, or psychotherapy, is essentially a means of control to fit you back neatly into a patriarchal state-ideology.
The meaning of schizo-analysis: a desiring machine that seeks to cut across the boundaries of state ideology and loci of control. Developed by Deleuze and Guattari, it operates under the impulse of a rhizomatic structure rather than a tree-like one. This type of politic seats the individual (and every individual) as being a body-in-itself and able to surpass any given nexus of control. It seeks to imitate the schizo in form, but not content.
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naggingatlas · 1 year
it gets a bit. disheartening when u realize just how little you see of schizo creators like. anywhere. like openly schizo. even when they're just posting for themselves, when they know an employer cant find their acc, even when that factor is out of the picture they still just. don't. talk about it? this site is overflowing with autistics and adhd, you know about that but ive seen more creators with did who are super open about their did than ive seen even blank "." posts with tags of brushing mentionings of any schizo symptoms. is it the paranoia? is it the so deeply internalized demonization? it feels like i will never find a community for my condition. because we never built one. and i know we're averse to socialization at the core but goddamn we couldve at least tried. i just wanna meet someone like me and tell me how they handled it and feel . like im being helped with the full knowledge of my weight. idk. i wish i could point at someone from two minutes scrolling their blog and say hey. youre like me :] i know you. just a bit. just a bit.
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nyquil-guzzler-420 · 1 year
general schizophrenic rant to tw for schizo shit ig
i fucking hate being aware of my delusions and hallucinations but not being able to do anything about them or shake them off. everything that's delusional i still somewhat believe in my core even though i know logically on the surface it not to be true.
i like to think i'm pretty smart person, im going into biochem and starting college two years early. so i'm definitely aware of what symptoms entail an episode, and what is considered "normal" and "reality" and what is not. but like, there's only partial awareness.
yeah i know there's not a guy in the closet with glowing eyes watching me sleep, but i see the outline and im terrified of what my mind is doing. and i'm not usually aware about what i was seeing/thinking until AFTER it has dissipated. sometimes it's hours or sometimes it's weeks. a lot of those paranoias never go away.
another problem is that others don't notice it. even in an episode, i mask any symptoms of hallucinations or paranoia, to try and seem as normal as possible. or at least i think i do. i don't scream or shout or point at what i'm seeing, but friends have told me i look "tweaked out of my shit" when im in public though.
but im able to separate logic from the shit im going through in day to day tasks like homework, jobs, menial tasks.
and sometimes it seems like it almost dissipates completely. there's still this paranoid notions that never leave, but i'll go weeks without hallucinating or being generally over-paranoid. but then it all comes crashing back ESPECIALLY under stress and i don't know what the fuck to do.
i'm seeing a new psychiatrist this week and i'm HOPING that everything goes well. im currently not medicated but i'm hoping to get fucking help good lord.
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npcdeath · 2 years
what is up with those schizo-core / suburban grunge / methwave / dilapidated cyber esotericism style artists slash bloggers slash "collectives" / ""movements"" ... and the use of nazi iconography like genuinely for real i cannot tell if its irony poisoning and "fake" shock value use or if its genuine evidence of fascistic leanings. or . most likely. schrodingers fascist where they claim its just to be edgy and if youre bothered youre a pearl clutching loser, but this attitude itself reveals that when pushed to the limit they would ultimately align themselves with fascist ideology just to spite you
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