#schneizel x kanon
incorrect-codegeass · 3 years
Cornelia: Schneizel, I don't know how to tell you this, but your jokes stink.
Schneizel: Kanon likes my jokes.
Cornelia: Kanon's sense of humor is just as bad and he's madly in love with you, so of course he likes your dumb jokes.
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skieystar · 3 years
Code Gayass really gave us this:
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And this:
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And this:
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And had the audacity to not make them canon?
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Quick question, since I see you do a splendid job with showing love to side characters and ships. Do Schneizel and Kanon have a ship name? Have you heard any examples here or there, or do you have a fitting name for them?
No, sadly I haven't heard of a ship name for them. And even after some research on that topic, I found absolutely nothing. So I thought about it and came up with: Kanzel. I know it sounds pretty dumb at first, because of its similarity to the word "cancel". But personally I think, once you get used to it, it is an acceptable ship name.
But if someone already came up with a name for these two or has another idea, please tell me! I would love to hear it!
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myst-erie · 4 years
So, after the other Diamonds I figured everyone would probably know where I’m going with this.
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White Schneizel head of the diamond authority. Of course you can’t have Schneizel without...
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Kanon his most trusted pearl.
Now have a picture with the rough size estimate I’m going with.
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notsooriginaltrash · 5 years
Code Geass: Nunnally in Wonderland is on crack and probably the only thing in this fandom that doesn't hurt my poor heart
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flo-nelja · 10 years
Microfics - Code Geass - Schneizel/Kanon
Si vous en voulez, il me reste quelques places !
Code Geass, Schneizel/Kanon, PG-13, spoilers sur les deux saisons. Pour boolafaz.
1. Angst: Depuis que Schneizel "sert" Zero, il est plus présent. Eteint, mais plus doux. Cela rend les choses pires encore. 2. AU: Quand Schneizel Premier épousa Kanon, annulant toute possibilité de concevoir un héritier, des dizaines de cousins éloignés reprirent espoir. 3. Crack!Fic: Ce journaliste aux questions indiscrètes visait donc le lit de Schneizel, pas le scandale. Kanon le détruira plus cruellement encore. 4. Crossover [Pacific Rim]: La victoire est si facile. Aucun de leurs adversaires ne sait donc comment se synchroniser dans un Jaëger ? 5. First Time: Leur lien hiérarchique tracasse Schneizel, trop consciencieux. "Je suis dévoué, mais surtout déviant." objecte Kanon ; ses caresses achèvent de convaincre. 6. Fluff: Schneizel connaissait ce sentiment en théorie, avoir confiance. Le vivre est plus étrange et plus doux qu'il imaginait. 7. Humour: Politiquement, je dois avoir une partenaire féminine au bal. Mais point de jalousie : Miss Einstein aime les femmes. 8. Hurt/Comfort: "Vous méritez tant de vaincre." murmure Kanon. (Cela ne change pas le dénouement, alors pourquoi cela compte-t-il ?) 9. Smut: Cela demande efforts et talents pour que Schneizel perde sa contenance - balbutie, implore, exige. (Cela en vaut la peine.) 10. UST: Les allusions voilées de Kanon sont délectables et cruelles. Elles donnent envie de l'embrasser à pleine bouche, publiquement.
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chachamare · 10 years
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look what I found!! ^this’ 100% Kanons leg kissed by schneizel art is by the animation studio of code geass (I guess)(and lelouch looks everytime really weird? )
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codegeasslove-blog · 13 years
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incorrect-codegeass · 5 years
Schneizel: [watching Lelouch and Suzaku bantering and showering each other with love at the same time]
Schneizel: They're cute. I'd put them in a boat.
Kanon: What?
Schneizel: Isn't that what it's called? When you think people would be good together? They're on a boat?
Kanon: You mean you ship them?
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incorrect-codegeass · 5 years
Schneizel: Are we really going to let Lelouch keep Kururugi?
Nunnally: We let you keep Kanon.
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incorrect-codegeass · 5 years
Kanon: Did it hurt?
Schneizel: Did what hurt?
Kanon, winking: When you fell from heaven?
Lelouch, Walking by without looking up: He crawled his way up from hell.
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incorrect-codegeass · 5 years
Lelouch: It's so annoying how Schneizel is good at everything. There's got to be something he's terrible at.
Suzaku: Yeah! Maybe he's a bad kisser or something.
Kanon, appearing out of nowhere: No, he's good at that too.
Lelouch: What
Suzaku: What
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incorrect-codegeass · 6 years
I must say I’m used to being inspected by the ladies, but this is the first time I’ve felt this way with a man.
Schneizel el Britannia, on his first real meeting with Kanon Maldini
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codegeasslove-blog · 13 years
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