#mind you they literally named one of them KANON
construingseacats · 8 months
Umireread: Legend of the Golden Witch - Chapter 16: The Golden Witch   
Sun, Oct 5 1986 - 11:30PM
The following contains spoilers for the entirety of Umineko. Please do not read if you are yet to finish it.
Given Chapter 17 is more of an Epilogue than an actual chapter, there’s something to be said about how, for “Legend of the Golden Witch”, the halfway point is “Legend of the Gold” and the final chapter is “The Golden Witch”. There’s no real meaning to this, I just think it’s a neat little thing in the choice of naming.
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Full disclosure - I remember coming out of my first readthrough enjoying the prospects of Jessikanon a lot. I’ll be keeping an open mind and find myself willing to change my perspective if the story swings me that way, but I vastly preferred the idea of Kanon with Jessica than Shannon with George.
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Yet again, everyone knows that knowing the meaning behind the magic circle will do no good, and simply upset them, but Battler decides to pursue the truth regardless. A harmful truth is better than a blissful ignorance.
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Once again - we find ourselves in a parallel of the scene with the receipt. Everyone took Eva’s word for it when she literally could have been lying about it. Once again, no-one other than Natsuhi can confirm the letter wasn’t there before she placed the canned food, nor can she defend against the accusation that she was the one who placed it.
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Hey, so about all those phone lines being out?
This definitely isn’t a plot hole, as it’s addressed by the characters in universe, so it’s pretty safe to say that they were indeed tampered by the servants and fixed at some point (if not by Yasu making the most of the time while everyone was in the study, then by one of the servants on the way back to the parlour.) Either that or, you know, magic.
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Oh, this is an interesting misdirect. I like this one a lot - providing a solution to a problem that didn’t even really exist in the first place. That’s surely how Kinzo was drawn out of the study, and not, you know, him not being alive in the first place.
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Yasu has no knowledge of this, right? She wasn’t there to see Battler give Maria the charm back (it would be contrived if she somehow had eyes on that moment without anyone seeing her), and I’m not entirely convinced that Maria would be bringing up the anti-magic charm to Beatrice of her own volition. With that in mind, I think it’s worth chalking this up to Yasu having a soft spot for Maria, not wanting her to die horribly - something which would match up with the second message bottle also seeing the little girl survive to the end. I think that does make the wilted rose a weak point earlier, since it seems out of character for someone who clearly cares for Maria’s wellbeing to actively torment her, but I suppose it’s not impossible to rule it as something Yasu did for the greater cause at hand, especially considering everyone would be dead within 48 hours anyway.
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Natsuhi’s final duel here is a thing of beauty - she’s the heroine of a tragedy, but that was the entirety of the episode behind her. Plagued with headaches, having her loved ones torn away from her, accused of atrocities far beyond her control and thrust into a leadership position that she did not want - Yasu’s writing has ensured that Natsuhi suffers at every single turn of the past two days. But not here. She’s allowed to go out honourably.
I see this as a humanised element of Yasu - a realisation towards the end of her work that, while she’s used Natsuhi as an instrument of catharsis, tormented the one who has ruined her life, perhaps she has been a little too harsh in what she has put her through. How she herself has ignored the human behind the monster; and reduced Natsuhi to naught but someone deserving of torture. In this moment of lucidity, Yasu relents, and allows Natsuhi to have a fitting ending - one where she still dies, one where she does not make it to the golden land - but not one of embarrassment. Yasu is not a cold hearted killer. There is that part of her that allows her to see the best in even the worst of people; no doubt the same part that allows her to let Rosa go out so elegantly in Episode 2 despite her horrific treatment of Maria. Yasu is human. And I think that’s beautiful.
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Once again, Jessica’s VA steals the show for Episode 1. Everyone gets really good moments, no-one lets a scene down or shows any weakness, but between the wretched wailing and asthma attacks, no-one matches her level of performance.
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A gentle nod to the format of the gameboards - but a stark reminder that, at the end, it all returns to nothing. An explosive finale that ensures nothing is left behind. What a way to send us out.
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And so the clock rolls over from 24 to 0.
Sleep peacefully, Beatrice.
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straykidsnerd255 · 2 years
Hello, I didn't see if this was allowed or not in your rules but, if possible, could I ask for a Head-canons of the original gold saints/ or lost canvas, whichever you prefer is fine yandere? 👀
I'm not very good at writing Yandere characters, So I will only do three. Just to test and see how it goes. 
Gemini Kanon:
This man is already psycho. What the hell?!
When he saw you, he KNEW he had to have you.
He would mess with people's minds more than kill them. He would make them fear you and isolate themselves from you.
He would eventually drive you insane to the point you could really only function when you were around him or near him.
He would never harm you physically or emotionally because he loved you so much.
You would be so lost and cut off from reality that you would only smile when Kanon was in the room and become a literal doll when others were around.
Pegasus Tenma:
He lost his mind when he couldn’t save his friends.
When he saw you for the first time years after his friend's death, he knew he had to protect you at all costs. 
He would act all normal like nothing happened to gain your trust before getting you completely blind sided to the rest of the world. 
He hates watching you talk with other people when he is in the same room. He can only see those people taking you from him. 
So, he turns to the one thing that he knows will keep you with him. He kills the people that you talk with.
Murders then when no one is watching. All of it is for you anyway.
Virgo Fudo:
Psycho in general. You saw him in that episode of Saint Seiya Omega. Now just direct that towards you and view it as his love for you. 
Don’t piss him off. He’s not kind in the least, he will carve his name into your arm and make sure that it scars so prettily. 
He will kiss your scared arm and mumble how you will always be his no matter what. 
He will slowly but surely break your mind, where you can not function like a normal person when you are not around him.
This man adores you when you come to him with smiles and turn to a doll when others enter the room. Your smile is reserved for him and only him. Your emotions are for him. Only him.
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genderdog · 1 year
hey you. tell me about your bandori character/ship headcanons. i wanna hear about it. get all that negative stuff off your mind /nf
anon ily /p.
i would do a read more but idk how to do them on mobile T-T
ras has one of the rockiest starts as a band but they end up being very found family partially due to pareo and chu2s kinda shit families and rokka being so far away from her parents and everything, masuki as a sibling figure for pareo makes me super happy also parechu and masurei REALNESS, pareo and chu2 are both their chosen names (this is part of the reason i refer to them as their “stage” names unlike the other ras members) pareo is transfem she + cute and dog themed neos, chu2 is catgender transmasc he/she, masuki the butch ever, rei rei rei idk what to say about her i don’t have a ton of headcanons for her tbh but i love her anf her with tae makes me :’)))) their event together was so much i love it, i <3 ras even if they can be a lot
popipa pipopa polypa hahaha they’re all fucking gay, arisa cfs + mobility issues + ocd (i am not projecting /lie), kasumi stargender ofc but also just a general gender hoarder! ilove her, KASUMI AUDHD i feel like she would beg her parents for a cat but they’re allergic and she’d be :(( rimi is probably an artist me thinks i feel like that’s canon somewhere but i don’t remember i think she’d draw things for popipa and her sisters band itd be so cute
fail girls my beloved: yukina, chu2, ran, mashiro, they’re all so so good
CHISAKANON <3 they go to cafes together so much and sometimes aquariums i feel like chisato would try to teach kanon how to ice skate they have a garden like in the new card story they are in real lesbian love
i really like sayotsugu but i think the dynamics between the afterglow and roselia members are kinda silly like there’s girlfriends, siblings, work friends, and queercoded arch rivals. and then also himari and rinko. i luv them.
of course kasuari :)))) i already talked a bit about polypa which !!!! but oh em gee they make me soo happy, they’re so different and it definitely takes them some time to understand each other and arisa is standoffish bc that’s just how she is but she gets to the point where its teasing and she can unmask with kasumi i think umm also catgender4catgender
afterglow qpps
everyone’s an autistic lesbian !!!!! literally every main character you can not convince me otherwise
not headcanons really but ideas for covers, 99 (mp100 op) - ras, connect (pmmm op) - morfonica, and magia (pmmm ending) - ras and roselia
thank you thank you for reading i love the silly guys in my phone
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skieystar · 3 years
Code Gayass really gave us this:
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And this:
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And this:
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And had the audacity to not make them canon?
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Magnificent Scoundrels- The Arrival
Here we finally have it.  All of the governments meet for the first time.  If you want to see more of one particular person or group, or just have any cool ideas to throw in, ask away!  Enjoy the story!
Mass Effect Galaxy
The Citadel
It had been rather the hectic week (and month) for the entire universe.  Everyone had scrambled for information; the fight to find out exactly what to expect from their sudden new neighbors.  Agents had been sent out, intelligence had been collected, reports had been made, and, out of the blue, one government, the Citadel Council, had invited most of the major players from the various galaxies to the negotiations table.  Reactions had… varied.  Greatly.  But, in the end, all of the invitees had arrived on schedule.  
Commander Shepard was quite glad the Council had taken his suggestion to beef up the Citadel Fleet seriously.  The different governments had each arrived with their own starship or, in many cases, starships.  The starships were as varied as the governments themselves.  The Galactic Assembly had arrived in several plain metal, box-like starships, led by Adam Vir’s Omen.  Respectable.  Nothing the Fleet couldn’t handle.  
The government from Quill’s home galaxy had shown in one rather small ship.  He still didn’t know the government’s name.  Curious.  He quietly vowed to find out.
The United Federation of Planets had, too, arrived in a small fleet of their strange, saucer-strapped-to-engines starships led by James Kirk’s Enterprise.  Once more, sensible.  Respectable.  Easily handled.  
So too did both the Frontier Militia and Interstellar Manufacturing Corporation arrive.  They had been directed to opposite docking bays, considering their history.  A wise move.  Someone had their head firmly on their shoulders.  
Thomas Drake had led a small collection of luxury ships, his clients, into their docking bays.  No problem.  No military threat.  
The UNSC had arrived in two ships.  Blocky and boxy, they too were directed to their places without incident.  
The New Republic arrived in a motley collection of ships in various shapes and sizes.  One minor bureaucratic hassle later, they were docked.  
It was, perhaps unsurprisingly, the last two that were a problem.  Three massive, kilometer long Star Destroyers had heralded the arrival of the Galactic Empire.  The largest ship in Shepard’s galaxy was the Destiny Ascension, also a kilometer long.  It was the long held belief that no one could match it, as the requirements for building something bigger would be astounding.  Now, the Empire had three such ships, each more powerful, with larger guns, internal fighter hangars, and enough troops inside to pacify a planet.  
The next arrival had blown everyone else out of the water.  The Imperium of Man had shown up in a six-and-a-half kilometer floating cathedral.  Shepard had seen nothing like it, and didn’t quite understand why anyone would build a starship like that.  It was as if someone had taken a gothic basilica, made it starship-sized, then slapped on an unholy amount of guns.  Shepard didn’t know what was on board, either.  Matter of fact, he wasn’t quite sure he wanted to know what was on board.  
What’s more is, due to their large size and masters’ temperament, the Imperial ships would not and could not dock.  So now they hung threateningly over the Citadel, turbo-lasers and lance batteries pointing menacingly into space.  Shepard did not at all envy Matriarch Lidanya, captain of the Destiny Ascension, or, for that matter, any of the other fleet captains of the different governments.  Tangling with the Chimaera or the Watch Eternal, the flagship of the Empire and the Imperium’s dreadnought respectively, was a daunting prospect.   
So far as yet, no one had killed each other, a situation that Shepard fervently hoped would remain in place.  Currently, he was standing outside the security gates, lounging next to various members of his crew and a very amused Adam Vir.  Security was another hassle.  The Council, quite reasonably, wanted the members of each delegation to surrender their weapons at the customs area.  The delegates, also quite reasonably, did not want to go unarmed into unknown territory.  Things had come to a head after the Imperium of Man had shown up with a cadre of heavily armed and heavily armored troopers who looked positively excited at the prospect of going full rock-and-roll mode against everything moving.  Citadel Security had tried to disarm them, the Tempestus Scion bodyguards had almost shot the Turian security officer, Cain had calmed things down, C-Sec had once more tried to disarm them, the Galactic Empire had pointed out that their black-armored Death Trooper bodyguards would also not be surrendering their weapons, C-Sec had called for Spectre backup, both Shepard and Cain had convinced everyone else to let the bodyguards keep their weapons, abielt under the watchful eyes of armed C-Sec agents, and Peter Quill and Adam Vir had a massive laugh at the commotion.  
Currently, Thomas Drake and his employers (the Merchant’s Guild, remembered Shepard) were going through security with little hassle.  The generally old and quite calculating-looking members of the Guild had no weapons, and Drake and his armsmen were being remarkably compliant.  They went through quickly, and Drake slid up to Shepard and Vir.  
“So… how many weapons did you manage to smuggle in?” asked Shepard conversationally.  Drake sniffed.
“Enough to kill, oh, at least everyone within sight,” replied Drake as if he were talking about the weather.  Shepard grunted, then turned towards the security checkpoint to watch the New Republic diplomats enter.
“You mind telling me how?” he asked.  Drake gave one of his devious grins.
“A good magician never reveals their secrets!”  Vir rolled his eyes in response.  Security was, unfortunately, or, depending on your point of view, fortunately, not quite perfect.  Vir had been allowed to take his Iron Eye suit through, Cooper any other Pilots coming through were still wearing their Pilot Suits, Master Chief was in full combat gear (so, his normal clothing), Drake had god-only-knew-what on him, and almost everyone was allowed to retain their sidearms.  
That wasn’t even including the super powered people now walking around the flowing streets of the Citadel.  Shepard had known of super soldiers (indeed, several of the Scoundrels themselves could be considered as such), but people with what could be considered superpowers were a little more unnerving.  There were biotics where he came from: individuals who could create and manipulate mass effect fields using their bodies.  They had super powers, in a sense.  But some of the people here…  Along with the New Republic came an unassuming man wearing a simple black tunic and knee length black boots.  Shepard knew, with information from Solo, that this was Luke Skywalker, the last Jedi, someone who could move things with their mind and do all sorts of other ridiculous things.  With the delegation from Quill’s galaxy came a blond haired woman wearing a blue and red jumpsuit; a superhero, if he’d ever seen one, an ebony-skinned, dark-haired diplomat who, despite his laid back attitude, simply screamed ‘deadly!’, and Thor, the literal Norse god of thunder.  How, precisely, was one supposed to fight something like that?  Just go up and politely ask a lighting god to stop?  Unlikely.  
He was snapped out of his reverie by a nudge from Vir.
“Hey.  They’re starting the tour,” he said, and pointed to a Council diplomat leading the delegates through the Citadel, narrating like a tour guide as she did.  Shepard almost laughed aloud at the sight of the various groups walking together, from stark uniforms to over-elaborate dress robes.  He gave a nod to his crew members, and they hefted their weapons and slowly followed the tour.  Vir talked as they walked.
“You know, this is great,” he started with an excited grin.  “This place, all these species working together, talking together, living together…  it’s, well, great.  I said that already, didn’t I?”  He barely paused for breath, then continued.  “The GA has a space station for diplomacy, a… neutral ground, for lack of a better word, but nothing like… this.”  He gestured at the false sky, the massive open areas, and the breathtaking architecture.  “I’ve never seen anything like this before.”  Garrus Valkarian chuckled behind them and Shepard gave a rueful shake of his head.  
“Adam Vir.  Never change,” he said as he straightened out to follow the tour.  They walked slowly, following the delegates at a safe distance.  Vir dropped back as Sunny slid up to him.  
“What do you think?” he murmured.  She glazed, amused, at some of the diplomats and bodyguards giving her wary looks.  The Drev were by far the biggest and tallest race here, something she was endlessly entertained by.  
“They seem nice enough.  The Citadel Council shouldn’t be a problem.  Most of the more diplomatic ones should be fine as well.”  She gave a low chortle.  “I’m not even afraid of the Imperium.  Cain ought to put in a good word for us.”  Vir smiled back.
“True.  But, just in case, have Kanon stand by.”  Sunny nodded.  
“Don’t worry.  The Drev clan will be ready to go.”  And with full weapons, too.  No one thought spears were a significant enough problem to warrant disarmament.  More fool them, then.   
The members of the Merchant’s Guild were barely listening to the guide; their looks instead shrewdly appraising everything in sight.  Martin Crossgrow turned to Drake, lips pursed in calm consideration.  
“How much do you think it would cost to build this place?”  Drake didn’t hesitate with an answer.
“Fifty to seventy-five quadrillion Federal credits to build a station exactly like this.  Thirty billion to build a warhead powerful enough to blow it all up.”  Crossgrow gave a low, humorless laugh in response, and turned to one of his immaculately tailored colleagues.  
“You see, this is why I hire Drake.  He knows what he’s talking about.”
Outwardly, Commissar Ciaphas Cain was an epitome of calm.  Inwardly, he was roiling.  There were just so.  Many.  Xenos.  Everywhere.  Walking openly in the streets as if they didn’t have acare in the world, eating, shopping, even mingling with humans.  Even the supposedly pro-human Galactic Empire was being led by a tall, blue-skinned humanoid alien wearing a neatly pressed Admiral’s uniform.  The Imperial delegation, of which he was security chief, was being escorted by even more xenos.  Of course, since he was security chief, if anything went wrong, he would have to deal with it.  Wonderful.  
“Hello, Ciaphas.”  The voice broke his thoughts, and he turned to face one of the robed diplomats he was assigned to protect.  A rush of emotions and memories was brought to the surface: an undercover cabernet singer with a beautiful voice, stinking tunnels filled with genestealers and untrustworthy criminals, a figure in golden power armor massacring her way through hordes of enemies. 
“Amberley?” he asked, flabbergasted.  The diplomat threw back her hood, revealing a familiar face, framed by blond neat blond hair.  Amberley Vail, Inquisitor of the Ordo Xenos, smiled up at him.  
“Surprised to see me here?” she asked.  
“Uh… yes, actually,” replied Cain.  Vail laughed.  
“Did you really think diplomats would be sent to a meeting this important without… oversight?”  Cain’s stomach turned to ice.  HIs palms started to tingle, a sure sign that something was wrong.  
“What do you mean by that?” he inquired tentatively.  Vail subtly nodded to another robed diplomat.
“You remember Rasmus, don’t you?”  The robed man turned, face hidden beneath the robe and a neat black beard, and nodded once.  Of course Cain remembered; how could he forget that horrible business?  More memories flashed through his head.  An insane governor, selling his soul into eternal damnation for the promise of pleasure, hacking his way through living shrubbery, Jurgen and Amberely hot on his heels, and, of course, Inquisitor Rasmus Vekkman fighting an unholy abomination with strange, archaic weapons.  Vail nodded once more and gestured to another delegate.
“And of course, we need to complete the triumvirate of Ordos Majoris.  You’ve never met her, but that’s Inquisitor Melflic Aetius of Hereticus,” finished Vail.  Cain was fairly certain his blood had frozen in his veins.  One Inquisitor was a problem.  Three though… That was three individuals with unlimited authority and the full backing of the Imperium of Man.  Three Inquisitors on the same mission was completely unheard of.  Apparently, his thoughts did not register on his face, for Amberley continued.  
“On the Watch Eternal we also have a regiment of Tempestus Scions.”  Cain was only saved from stopping short, jaw hanging out, by his long-learned masterful control over his emotions.  Scions, also known as Tempestus Stormtroopers, were the deadliest and highest-trained normal human soldiers within the Imperium.  Now there was an entire regiment of them aboard the starship hanging in orbit above the Citadel.  He stopped short for a moment at Vail’s next words.  “And a full Deathwatch Kill-team,” she stated nonchalantly.  The Deathwatch was something else entirely.  Made up of Space Marines, eight foot tall genetically engineered, power armor-wearing transhuman super soldiers, the Deathwatch was the Inquisition’s specialized anti-alien group.  Cain could understand Scions.  Perhaps an Inquisitor, and a small group of Space Marines.  But now there were three Inquisitors, a full regiment of Scions, and, by what he inferred, a very beefed up and probably quite veteran Kill-team.  Oh dear Emperor, this is going to end badly.  
“Anything else I should know about?” he all but hissed at Amberley.  She pursed her lips, considering.  
“I suppose.  You are our chief of security, after all,” she replied, her eyes full of mischief.  And what a terrible idea it was to take that job, Cain fumed.  “There’s also an Assassinorum Execution Force.”  Is it even possible to be any more surprised?  ‘Cause if it is, I’m about to win an award.  Cain knew little about the mysterious and highly lethal Officio Assassinorum; hell, most citizens didn’t even know it existed.  What he did know, however, was that it trained some of the most potent killers in the galaxy.  That’s all he ever wanted to know, for people who went polking into the workings of such organizations rarely returned alive.  
“Do you mind telling me exactly why there are so many deadly groups here?” he muttered, conscious of drawing too much attention.  Vail smiled again, but this time there was nothing in her eyes save the coldest ice.  
“Of course, my dear Ciaphas.  It’s simple.  All of these xenos better be honest and on the level.  Or else.” 
And there it is.  Sort of a cold war situation going on; every faction is trying to be as diplomatic as possible and present the best face possible, but if something goes wrong, their all dropping in their most elite soldiers.  Next story we’ll go over more reactions and explore some of the people and groups I didn’t cover here.  If you have any comments, criticisms, concerns, questions, or requests, feel free to ask!  
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ashitomarisu · 3 years
Delicious Party Precure: Predictions
You know how I work; predict names and seiyuus that have the most potential of being possible for reality. Without any further delay, let's break this down.
Cure Name Predictions
Given that the name screams possible theme of not only cooking, but maybe all that high-class...social gatherings and dances, here is what I have in mind:
Cure Tango
Cure Fancy (this is stupid but I'm not surprised if this happens)
Cure Flambe
Cure Cheesecake (Or Cheesecake can be a mascot name)
Jubilee (if that ain't a mascot name, I'll be disappointed)
Cure Waltz
Seiyuu Predictions
Toei, we need to talk.
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You have trolled with me for the last time.
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Marquis: What has gotten Master into this mess?! She was never this hyperfixated with anything until now!
Jumon: *birb noises* (Translation: IDOL HELL).
Let’s just…. forget I had that moment. Here are some other seiyuus in mind:
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Nanaka Suwa (I’d love to see her join in this motif. She seemed like a good fit tbh).
Rina Satou (only because I want to finish my SMC Bingo card)
Sayuri Date (this might be too much considering Liella! just started but her voice is so fitting for a Precure role)
Aya Uchida (DO IT. I DARE YOU.)
Hinata Satou (PLEASE)
I had one more in mind but she was involved with IM@S and can’t remember her name (she voiced Chihaya Kisaragi though).
That’s it for my predictions. Hopefully I get something right. What are your thoughts on this new season’s cures or VA possibilities? Let me know via reblog, comment, or ask.
Good luck to anyone else doing predictions for next year! I’m looking forward to what this franchise has in store.
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elencelebrindal · 4 years
Gold Saints Power Ranked
So, according to the conversation I had with my friends, that started the previous post about Shaka, this is the result. I am trying to be realistic here, as much as Saint Seiya can allow me. So, no pot bullshit and no miraculous victory for the sake of the show.
Only five of them are properly ranked. All the other ones fall under the same category, sort of.  Mostly anime based, but there’s a few canon information from the manga as well. I wanted to be as thorough as possible. 
Under the cut so if you’re not interested you don’t need to scroll down like a madman. This is a really long post, and it contains all the stuff I’ve written over time plus the conclusions I’ve got from talking about this with my friends. 
I will hopefully be back with the honest opinions maybe on Wednesday. It depends on what happens the day before. 
#1 Virgo Shaka
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“The man closest to god” If this alone doesn’t convince you that he’s the most powerful of the Gold Saints, remember what the premise of this character is.  Eyes closed as to stockpile huge amounts of cosmo, almost a literal deity who has Buddha with him, feared by everyone at the Sanctuary, his “death” shocked every single Saint in a five mile radius.  He used the Athena Exclamation to awaken the Eight Sense and travel to the Underworld, instead of... you know, just being annihilated from existence thanks to the power of the Big Bang. 
He wasn’t the strongest Gold Saint in the past, being overpowered by Aiolos and the twins, but became the most powerful (especially in terms of cosmo) thanks to constant training and refining.  Moreover, he has 13 years of training more that Aiolos, and possibly a good amount of training more than Saga (because come on, you really think he thought about becoming stronger during his tyranny?) and Kanon (was trapped in Cape Sounion for more that 5 minutes, I believe).
All of his techniques are terrifying. His illusions are straight-up dangerous, almost impossible to overcome, and he can get rid of a person’s five and/or six senses in the blink of an eye.  Not even Saga, Camus and Shura, who knew him and were still as powerful as they were before dying, could escape from that. 
#2 Saga & Kanon
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Yes, they are more powerful than Aiolos. Why, you ask? Canonically, Saga is the strongest Gold Saint of his generation and the most powerful Saint to have ever served Athena. Kanon is basically the same. They’re not the actual strongest Saints just because it’s really illogical for them to be better than Shaka, and I’m not going 100% canon here, but somewhat 50/50 between canon and “realism”.  And...  Well, they’re been alive for longer. For the same exact reason, by the Hades Chapter, Kanon is way stronger than Saga, even though they’ve been on the same level until Saga’s death during the Sanctuary Arc. There’s no way I’ll believe that Kanon didn’t get stronger during the time Saga was dead. It’s unrealistic. 
They both have incredible mind controlling power, a claim backed up by the Demon Emperor Fist (Saga successfully mind-controlled Aiolia with this, while Kanon did the same with both Lune and Rhadamanthys), and they're able to conjure extremely powerful illusions.  They’re obviously not on Shaka’s level, because let’s not forget what happened to Saga during the Sactuary Arc: Shiryu, being blind at the time, easily defeated his illusions.  And! Kanon was able to trick Saga when he came back as a Specter, even if he retaliated.  The most dangerous technique they have clearly shows their true cosmo, and I’m not talking about the Galaxian Explosion. Sure, that’s capable of obliterating anything and anyone in its path, but it can be countered.  No, I’m talking about their ability to send people in other dimensions.  Saga’s Another Dimension and Kanon’s Golden Triangle (I think this is the English name, I might be wrong) are something to be afraid of. Not even the Thanos snap can compare to that. One second you’re chilling out in your dimension, the other you’re lost in nothingness for the rest of eternity. 
But, in the past, Aiolos was stronger than them. They only got so far, in the present day, because Aiolos died, thus allowing them to surpass him. 
Still on #2 Dohko
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To whoever thinks Dohko is not one of the most powerful Gold Saints of this generation... what the hell are you doing!? Seriously, though.  Dohko survived his generation’s Holy War, 100% not out of luck, and is by far the most experienced of them all. Not only that, his cosmo is clearly out of this world. This man, misopethamenos (I had to do a double take on that one) or not, spent two hundred years without using a single drop of his cosmo.  And believe me, even if his heart slowed down, I doubt his cosmo would have simply stopped growing. It was still two hundred years. Do you want me to believe he just stayed there, idly watching, without gaining anything from that much time passing? Yeah, no. 
Still don’t believe me? Saga himself, in the manga, said that he’s the strongest Saint.  Not enough to overpower Shaka, obviously for the reasons stated above, but enough to retain his second place alongside the twins. 
#3 Aiolos
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Yes, your heard me right. Third place.  Fair is fair. Aiolos was so powerful that Shion wanted him to be the next Pope. There is no denying that, and there is no denying that canonically he was stronger that Saga.  But... you see the problem, right? Aiolos died in the past. Even if he was the strongest back then, he had no way of keeping his strength going.  I still believe no one, aside from who already was as powerful as him, could be able to become stronger, so that’s the reason he gets third place.
By the time he came back in the Hades Chapter, I saw absolutely no reasons to believe it was still possible to describe him as the strongest of them all. Moreover, I saw no reasons to believe, would Aiolos be still alive, that he could claim the title of Pope as his own.  Realistically speaking, by the end of the show, Aiolos is probably the one with the least experience (having died young this sentence sounds weird) and anyone would be a better choice than him.  But we’re talking about cosmo, and his cosmo gets him the third place. 
#4 Mu
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Yep.  Our beloved self-licensed blacksmith gets a spot among the most powerful Gold Saints of this generation.  Why? First of all, his master was Shion. And if you have a good master, you are a good disciple.  Second, he has the strongest psychic powers of his generation. Much like Shion, in fact. No one is better than him at psychokinesis, teleportation and telepathy, and this is backed up by the Sanctuary Arc.  Remember the time Shaka asked for his help because he didn’t have enough power to teleport both himself and Ikki back to Athena’s Sanctuary? Because I do. 
He might not be that memorable, in fact even one of my friends claimed he isn’t that good, but I beg to differ.  Mu is experienced, he had Shion to help him become a Gold Saint, he can repair any Cloth thanks to his skill, and he’s dangerous. Even if the classic series doesn’t give us the impression Mu could be a real threat, the Hades Chapter fixes everything.  The Crystal Wall? Impenetrable. The Starlight Extinction? Oh boy, what a treat. In fact, this technique in particular tells you how versatile Mu’s ability with psychic power is, since he’s able to use it both defensively (aka when he teleported Seiya away from the battle) and offensively (aka when he teleported Deathmask and Aphrodite with the objective to kill them). 
Don’t tell me he can be underestimated. because he will kick your ass into outer space. 
#5 is all of the other ones, in no particular order, because I believe they are mostly on the same level. Well, that... and they haven’t been described as “the strongest” in canon works. 
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Kind of obvious I would still start with him, but at this point you know who my favorite of this 12 idiots is.  Milo’s power is a tricky one. At first it might not seem much, and I’ve been around people who described him as weak, but that’s inaccurate.  First of all, I think many people forget how devastating Milo’s cosmo is, showed to us by the destruction of Andromeda Island, but this is not the point I’m making. 
Rather, I want to focus your attention on the Scarlet Needle.  Which, admittedly, is a scary technique, to the point of Milo not using it if the opponent surrenders.  We know that Gold Saints are not spotless heroes. They kill without thinking twice about it, they’re brutal, they never abandon a fight until someone dies. Taking this into account, the sheer fact that Milo refuses to use the Scarlet Needle on someone who surrenders is enough to make you think about it. It is stated time and time again what the Scarlet Needle is and what it does. One single hit can make the victim suffer tremendous amounts of pain, even if it doesn’t kill. If we say that this technique mimics the way a scorpion’s poison works, it’s even worse because of the effect it could have on the body.  Canonically, the Scarlet Needle causes potentially lethal blood loss on top of agonizing pain, and (but I’m not sure about this) could get rid of the five senses. Moreover, the victim can easily go crazy due to the amount of pain, and I’ve always believed a realistic effect would be an early body paralysis. He uses a technique called Restriction, after all.
Sure, if he doesn’t use Antares, if the victim doesn’t die of blood loss or succumbs to the pain, this technique can be survived. But I don’t think anyone less than a Gold Saint, a Marina General or a Judge could actually survive without Milo’s help. After all, we do see Milo stopping the course of his technique with both Hyoga and Kanon.  The reason why I don’t believe he’s stronger than the average Gold Saint of this generation (don’t forget that all of them are god-tier warriors in any case) is the random chance this technique bears. One hit cannot kill a strong opponent, and even if his entire fighting style is based on quick actions there’s no way for him to predict if every single needle will hit, and there’s no way for him to know if someone he hit with Antares would 100% die. In most cases the victim dies, but they have a slight chance of surviving. 
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Let’s immediately address the elephant in the room. Camus cannot reach the Absolute Zero.  Now, while in my non-canonic works I go the realistic way and make him master this temperature, I will be keeping my logic ass down.  The only thing that makes Camus different from the other Gold Saints is the fact that he uses his cosmo to stop the atoms, instead of manipulating them in other ways. In one word, cold.  There’s nothing else special about him, and I will not be biased by the fact that I love this character.  He is a cold person, he can appear insensitive and strict, but nothing about him tells me he is more powerful than the average Gold. He’s just different, not stronger. 
Obviously, I recognize how dangerous his Freezing Coffin is. If you get trapped in there, it’s over. It might not be deadly (even if it should definitely be, given a normal person is going to suffocate inside a solid block of ice), but it’s something to be afraid of.  However, it has some important weaknesses. One, it’s almost useless against moving targets. It takes too long to create, so encapsulating a person that’s moving around is not happening. Two, anyone who is able to create a lower temperature while being inside it can get out. On a more realistic level, I believe the Freezing Coffin could be an almost instantaneous technique. Camus’ cosmo is definitely able to summon enough cold energy to create one without needing too much time (think about the Freezing Coffin in Saint Seiya Awakening), but! since he’s not actually able to be that fast... you see where I’m going with this. 
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He has the same problem that made me put Milo in the average Gold Saints. I know that he’s dangerous, that his roses are not something to underestimate, but there’s a huge problem with random chance here.  He is said to be one of the strongest among the Saints, and people are terrified of him because of his fighting abilities and personality, but I don’t think he makes the cut to be on top simply because of the fact he mostly relies on items to channel his cosmo. Roses and vines can be effective up to a certain point, cosmo or not.  Even his most powerful technique, the Bloody Rose, can be stopped much more easily than a blow fired with raw cosmo (that is a weird sentence and I know). It can be destroyed before it hits, and a person can successfully shield themselves. I know a Bloody Rose is powerful enough to pierce a Gold Cloth, but it can be stopped. In the end, the effective power of the rose lies in Aphrodite’s ability to use it, but if his opponent knows him or uses a good defensive technique... well, it won’t work.  The vines are similar. Sure, they’re imbued with cosmo, but someone could be able to counteract them, and then what? 
Now, if Aphrodite had one particular technique, one that we’ve seen another Pisces Saint use... things would have been different. I would have believed with no question asked that he deserves to be above average.  What technique am I talking about? Crimson Thorn. Albafica’s unique attack, that he can use thanks (ironically) to his poisonous blood.  That technique doesn’t rely on external items. It doesn’t require roses, or vines, or anything else. Just the blood of the Saint. It’s dangerous because it’s almost impossible to counteract, I believe it to be extremely difficult to be aware of if you’re the opponent, and it’s lethal. That’s pure poison shot straight into your body, with no other media used to inject it.  Unfortunately for Aphrodite (or luckily?) he cannot use it, so the random chance of his attacks is very much still there, hindering my ability to put him at the top. 
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Right off the bad, I deeply respect his psychic abilities. Being able to reach all the way to China with his cosmo is not an easy feat. This is similar to what Camus did to sink the ship even more, but ten times more powerful, since he actually took control of Shunrei’s body to make it levitate and fall.  But is this enough to win him the top spot? Nope.
Of course, I’m not saying he’s not powerful. Deathmask is able to snatch the soul off of his opponent body and send it straight to the  Yomotsu Hirasaka. That alone is scary. Imagine if there is a man, out there, capable of pointing his finger at you and BOOM you’re not in the realm of living anymore. Your body id still out there, but your soul is trapped with the souls of the dead, ready to die as well.  The thing is... there’s nothing else about him. Sure, he can use his cosmo to travel between the two places, but we don’t know how powerful he really is.  With us knowing just one technique, and with him not getting that much attention, I have no reasons to say he deserves to be on top.  I have no evidence of him being more powerful than the average.  There is a reason I liked Manigoldo more than him, after all. 
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Ok. Aldebaran is a problem I didn’t account for when writing this.  Technically, he is the strongest of them all. Physically, at least. He might not have that tremendous cosmo of his fellows in the top 5, but he is the most powerful in terms of physical strength.  Because of this, I was conflicted about whether to put him, if above average or among average.  In the end, I decided for the latter. Sure, Aldebaran is an amazing fighter, and could have easily defeated the Bronze Saints at his temple (as stated by Mu, he didn’t fight to his full potential), but physical strength is not the most important characteristic in a Saint. At least, not in a Gold Saint.  There’s a lot of enemies in the Saint Seiya world that are not going to be defeated by using physical strength. And even though I fully believe the physical strength of a Saint can overpower another person’s cosmo, I don’t think that mainly relying on it it’s a successful strategy. 
Of course, betting everything on your cosmo is useless as well, and the Hades’ barrier is a perfect example of that, but there is a threshold you can cross with your cosmo (i.e. someone with a divine or almost divine cosmo would not have a single problem against this kind of defenses, realistically). With physical strength... eh, there’s a limit.  Spiritual power can be enhanced infinitely, I don’t see anything preventing you from doing that other than your own mind, but physical strength is different. I don’t care how powerful you cosmo is, how divine your blood is. Your body has limits than cannot be crossed, even supernaturally speaking.  You can refine your cosmo to the point of being able to break a planet in half, but there’s no way I’ll believe something like that is possible with physical strength, and that’s why Aldebaran is not above average.  It’s amazing that he’s so different from anyone else, but relying on something that is, no doubt, limited... eh, it makes him less powerful.
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I can already fell you people coming for me for putting Aiolia among the average Saints. But honestly... can you blame me? I am aware of the “reincarnation of Achilles” thing, don’t worry. And I don’t deny in any way that he’s powerful and that he is undoubtedly a skilled fighter. But he doesn’t stand out that much. I asked some people to give me an opinion of him, and the majority of them said that Aiolia has to be really powerful since his master was Aiolos (like the thing between Mu and Shion), but I have my doubts.  First, Aiolia only trained with his brother for a short time. Second, even though Aiolos was his master, I don’t think it’s accurate to use this as an assumption for Aiolia being more than average. This situation was not a “master chooses his disciple” thing, but a “helping a little brother out” thing. 
Now, on a fighting skills level I think he is above average. There’s no way people started talking about him as Achilles, otherwise. He has a fiery personality, I respect that.  Though, his cosmo is not that out of the ordinary. Sure, he has a shit ton of techniques, much like his brother, but I have no evidence supporting the fact that he could be more that what we see.  I love that he has an healing cosmo, I cannot stress this out enough, and I love that people just tremble in fear because of his presence. But in terms of training he did nothing special, if anything all the gossip about him made it even more difficult to develop a cosmo similar to his brother’s. Like I said, I’m looking at the more logical path here, and it makes sense that his past would have taken away something from him. 
BUT I am absolutely not forgetting what Episode G told me. He can generate electricity with is cosmo, something that could kill gods. Now that’s something that would put him above average, for sure, if you don’t take everything else into account. 
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He was difficult for me to analyze in terms of power, because it’s never actually him fighting with his raw cosmo, but it’s Excalibur. The sword resides in his arms and legs, so technically you could still say it’s him, but I though about it and concluded that yes, he is the one doing the fight, but without channeling his cosmo through Excalibur I don’t think he’d be that scary.  This doesn’t make Shura less than any other Saints, let me be clear. He is the Capricorn Saint, and the Capricorn Saint always had Excalibur to begin with. His capabilities are measured by looking at how skilled he is with Excalibur, not with his raw cosmo.  The reason why it was difficult for me to understand where to actually put him is the fact that Excalibur alone is a terrifying weapon (I know I keep using that word, but I’m honestly stressed out and my vocabulary is lost somewhere in my stress-free life).
As far as we know, every Capricorn Saint has a different level of skill and power regarding Excalibur. Capricorn Izo, for example, as Hyoga said had a stronger Excalibur than Shura. Capricorn El Cid, on the other hand, successfully used Excalibur to kill a minor god, even if aided by Sisyphus.  Shura as well knows the art of this sacred sword by heart, and in Episode G he reached the power of the gods, but this thing is never highlighted enough for me to actually be able to give him a spot among the above average Gold Saints. The majority of the things we know about him don’t spend particular amounts of time praising his power, and from what I can see I don’t want to gift him a spot he probably doesn’t deserve.  Even if I love him.
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raisondetempete · 4 years
Ten Characters Tag
I was somehow tagged by the wonderful @dialovers-translations​???? I’m not worthy of being mentioned by her. Anyways, here’s the post. I am very bad at conveying my opinions so some of the descriptions might be a bit odd.
Rules: make a new post, name 10 of your favorite characters from 10 different fandoms that you like, and then tag 10 people.
1. Hanayo Koizumi (Love Live)
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No offense, but if you didn’t know I loved her, you’re fucking blind. She’s literally my profile picture and header. Anyways, Hanayo is my favorite anime character ever. She and I are very similar in that we’re shy introverts with glasses that love to sing despite having social anxiety. My friends that have watched the show say that we’re basically the same person. In fact, her birthday is 5 days after mine. Her voice is my favorite out of everyone else’s voice in the Love Live series. Her old voice is to die for (if you don’t know what I’m talking about, listen to Love Marginal or Kodoku na Heaven). I could go on about her for hours, but I’ll stop here.
Honorable Mention: Honoka Kousaka
2. Rinko Shirokane (Bang Dream!/Bandori)
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I. Love. Rinko. So. Much. My name in Bandori is “Worship Rinko/Lisa” with one of my banners dedicated to her. Kinda the same reason why I like Hanayo so much, Rinko is similar to me in that we both have social anxiety and can play piano I’m not good at describing this oof. She’s really beautiful and I love her gothic lolita aesthetic. Her voice is also really good (although I prefer Yurika Endo’s voice much more than Kanon Shizaki, her voice is still good)
Honorable Mention: Lisa Imai
3. Reiji Sakamaki (Diabolik Lovers)
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(Fun fact about me: I get really shy looking at characters I think are hot so this was hard for me.) I’m a really kinky person. I’ll be the first to admit it. I’m a huge masochist and am 100% a sub. I also like guys that are smart and formal. So, Reiji is the perfect guy for me. I can’t remember if he was always my favorite character (I watched the anime at least 5 years ago). However, I do know he was my favorite by the time I started reading the game translations (which were about a year and a half ago). Honestly, he can 100/10 tie me up and whip me any day.
Honorable Mentions: Laito Sakamaki, Ayato Sakamaki
4. Saeran Choi/Ray/Unknown (Mystic Messenger)
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So, based off the three aformentioned characters, you can tell I like shy characters and sadistic, dominant characters. Well, Ray is a combination of the two. Although Jumin was my favorite before (that 2nd bad ending yes-), the image above is what sealed the deal. I got almost all his bad endings (could never get the 3rd and my friend was loaning me her account and wanted it back for a bit) and his true ending. The 2nd bad ending was my favorite ending of his route and tied for 1st for my favorite ending in the game (Jumin’s aforementioned 2nd ending is tied with him). I prefer Unknown over Ray as he’s the type of sadist I like (plus, his theme is a bop).
Honorable Mention: Jumin Han
5. Wu Chang/Xie Bi’an and Fan Wujiu/Black and White Guard (Identity V)
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If you been on my blog at all, you know that I love Wu Chang as my header is “Wu Chang is Daddy”. I say this a lot in world chat in-game too. I have a whole folder dedicated to them on my computer. If you had to ask me which one I prefer, I couldn’t answer that question. What I like about Xie (White) is his calm, gentle nature which is perfect for me because I’m really shy and sensitive while Fan (Black)’s nature is aggressive and domineering which I also love.  A fair few of my followers started following me for my Yandere Wu Chang fanfic (link to part 1 if you want to read it) so thanks for that. 
Wu Chang can double penetrate me
Honorable Mentions: Yidhra (Dream Witch), Vera (Chloe) Nair (Perfumer)
6. Vincent Pait (Dead Wishes)
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If you love yanderes and/or games with dark themes, Dead Wishes is for you. I love this game so much and, although I haven’t finished playing yet, I can basically guarantee Vincent is best boi. He’s like Reiji, but instead kidnaps you and chains you up in his house. However, he still does punish the MC a lot. Warning though: the game is not for the faint of heart (I was streaming Vincent’s route for my friends and one of them got so freaked out over a punishment, he banned me from streaming the game and mentioning Vincent).
7. Yuuya Kizami (Corpse Party)
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I’m one of the very few people that like Kizami. Practically everyone else hates him. If I wasn’t a masochistic yandere fucker, I probably wouldn’t like him either. But, you’ve got admit. He’s hot. I find is backstory interesting, as he was always the way he is. Unlike Morishige, the school didn’t change him. Also, another very unpopular opinion, I really dislike Yuka. I find her really annoying. She acts like she’s 8 when she’s 14 or something. Because of this, I didn’t mind her dying.
Honorable Mentions: Sachiko, Seiko Shinohara, Mayu Suzumoto
8. Sebastian Michaelis (Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji)
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Note: Along with Reiji, I had to work up the courage to search for pictures of him. Sebastian has been one of my favorite anime characters for awhile. I think I watched Kuroshitsuji in 6th grade, so that was awhile ago (I’m not comfortable stating my age). I can’t really describe why I like him so much. He’s just... perfect. He’s a gentleman and incredibly, but is a huge sadist as well which is a huge plus. 
Honorable Mention: Ciel Phantomhive
9. Sal (Wadanohara and the Great Blue Sea)
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Ah, yes. The trash himself. Once again, I am in the minority because I like Sal. The rest of the fandom hates him, because he’s an asshole. I love him because a yandere. In fact, he’s one of the few male yanderes listed on the Yandere Wiki. I discovered WATGBS in 8th grade and instantly fell in love with him once he showed his true colours. The possessiveness. The obsession. All things I love in a lover.
Honorable Mention: Wadanohara
10. Aya Drevis (Mad Father)
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Mad Father and Ib were the games that got me into horror. Although I wanted to put Mary from Ib on this list, I like Aya and Mad Father just a bit more. Aya is this cute, adorable girl that, as the game goes on, reveals her dark nature. She frequently killed her rabbits, albeit unknowingly, chainsawed someone in half, and then went on to use humans as parts for dolls. All in all, 10/10 character. Bonus Reason: I adore the aesthetic of Mad Father. I love the use of dolls in games. I love the themes. I love the yandere themes in it (even though it’s platonic). Mad Father is a great game.
Honorable Mentions: Alfred Drevis, Ogre, Dio
I’m not tagging anyone because I’m really antisocial and don’t know many people on here-
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Much Ado About Nothing
Priest: Do you, Makoto Naegi, take Kyoko Kirigiri to be your lawfully wedded wife?
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I do.
Priest: And you, Kyoko Kirigiri, take Makoto Naegi as your husband?
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Priest: You may now kiss the bride.
*Makoto and Kyoko kiss, and everyone attending the wedding cheers.
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Well...it took a lot to get here...but I’m glad we could have a mostly happy ending, huh?
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Yeah, I agree. Although...
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I don’t think we’re the one’s who really earned the happy ending.
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Yeah...that would be those two...
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*Makoto and Kyoko look back up at the alter, where Toko and Komaru are waiting for each other.
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It might be a little late now but...are you sure you’re alright with this? This is my last chance to put a stop to it.
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As of today, we’ll all be Naegi’s. It’s only natural for a family to share in these endevours.
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Priest: You may now kiss the bride.
*Toko and Komaru kiss and everyone cheers again.
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*Kyoko and Makoto get to their feet and start applauding. Everyone else joins in.
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*Halfway through the party, Makoto and Kyoko have done their celebrations, and now it is the girls turn.
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Are you ok?
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Huh? Y-Yeah...
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I feel kinda bad though...Like I’m jumping on someone else’s ride free of charge...
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I feel similar honestly...
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Komaru...Have you ever heard of the story “Much Ado About Nothing.”
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Um...yeah, actually, I studied it for like a week in school.
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Do you know how the story ends?
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...Refresh my memory...
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The story revolves around two different couples, and in the end, they all share their vows in a double wedding.
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And the pairs in that story are rather similar to us...
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In a manner of speaking, yes.
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One of the couples is constantly at each others throats. I’d say that’s accurate for the two of you, is it not?
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That’s uncalled for!
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Oh, that reminds me. You still need to do your speech, don’t you?
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Oh, that’s right! I-Is now a good time?
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Everyone’s gathered together, so go ahead.
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*Komaru inhales then exhales as she steps up to a microphone.
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Oh hey! Shhh...
*Noticing this, Kanon shushes everyone around her as Komaru taps the mic.
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Um...H-Hello...Komaru here...
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W-Well you know that already...
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Sorry. I’m kinda winging this, so if I screw up, I’m sorry in advance.
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A-As you all know...There have been some...recent events, that have really taken a toll on me and...
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Well, my now wife, Toko.
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But...we’ve been through hell before, with the other to support us...
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This time was different though. There are many people who helped us through these terrible times lately. Firstly, I’d like to thank my brother, Makoto, his wife, Kyoko, and Byakuya Togami, for all the support they’ve been giving us. Both on the mission, and on an emotional level.
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Next...I’d like to thank the old Warriors of Hope. Jataro, Kotoko and Masaru, who were willing to take down an entire organization of people in my honor, even if I didn’t ask them to.
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Damn straight.
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I’d also like to thank Nagisa Shingetsu and...well, I never thought I’d be saying this but, I’d also like to thank Monaca Towa. It’s because of them that I’m standing here today. Literally...
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*Sigh* Can people just stop being nice to me already?
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On a similar note, I’d like to thank the NEW warriors of hope too. They may hold themselves responsible, but if it wasn’t for Ryoma Hoshi, Akeru Yozora and the rest of their band, Haiji Towa may very well never have been stopped.
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And in particular, I’d like to give a round of applause for the brave men and women who stuck with us through the final mission, even though they knew the risks very well. Even though we hardly knew each other, I’d like to think we grew as friends in the short time we had to prepare. We knew we were risking our lives for this mission, and we accepted that.
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So many thanks...to Yasuhiro Hagakure, Kanon Nakajima, Kibin Hatsudoki...
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And yes...even you, Kuripa Kurafto.
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Hm...Didn’t think I’d be getting any thanks...
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Wow...she’s grateful, even after what happened...
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And of course, I’d love to thank everyone who came today, to see the union of both of us, and of my brother and Kyoko.
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Everyone, please give all these people a round of applause!
*Everyone does so. A few of them start to bow.
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*After the wedding, everyone gathers around as everyone is cleaning up.
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Hey Kanon.
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Oh, hey Komaru. Great speech up there by the way. 
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Thanks a bunch.
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Oh, hey you guys. By chance have any of you seen Kuripa? I haven’t seen him since half an hour ago...
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Oh, Kuripa left early. He said he thought it would be bad if he stuck around. I think Kibin went with him.
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Oh right, I guess Kuripa still has to pay Kibin, huh?
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But...he had a message for you Komaru and Toko.
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Really, what’s that?
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He um...He said he was...sorry.
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He didn’t want to make things awkward, and he didn’t know if you’d accept it if he told you face to face, so he asked me to pass on a message.
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He told me that he doesn’t intend to change his mind about his actions or motives...but he’s sorry that he basically went against your command.
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I see...
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Well, as long as he doesn’t do it again...I guess I can forgive him.
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Haiji WAS a terrible person, and I don’t think he deserved to die like that...but death might have been a merciful fate for a man like him.
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Actually, speaking of people who are missing...where’s Hiro?
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Uh...H-Hey...mom...It’s me...y-your son.
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I-I mean...you know that...At least, I hope you do...
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I...I hope that I’ve made you proud...I-I don’t know how you would have felt about Haiji’s death...but I hope you’re proud of me...I hope that...I’ve done a good thing...
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It’s because of you that this whole fight started...and in your name, I wanted to end it...
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For once...I wanted to be a son you could be proud of...
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She WAS proud of you Hiro.
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Huh? K-Komaru? Toko? Kanonball?
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Hiro. When we first met Hiroko, she was the one we went to to save the rest of the demons that were trapped in the game.
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And we learnt a bit about you from her...
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Hiroko always seemed like a woman who had hardly any regrets in life, but even with that...
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I think it’s clear you were the best thing that ever happened to her.
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*Toko, Hiro, Komaru and Kanon all kneel in front of the picture and pay their respects.
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I would like to hear about the punny girl
hnng thank you
i present you: kanon fukuda the ultimate filmmaker. do you get the pun?
kanon is my best girl. her backstory isn’t anything too like. angsty bc i know some can be angsty but her’s isn’t supposed to be about that. she grew up as the only child in a middle-class family with two parents who were confused by her hobbies and love of film but very supportive. also they grow to feel bad they gave her the name kanon bc all the jokes but it’s ok she kinda likes it kinda hates it. she actually got into filmmaking because she had an older cousin who acted as a sibling figure, and they would make home movies together. kanon would throw herself into her movies and kept producing and producing as fast as she could. eventually, she started entering them in both national and international youth film competitions and began winning titles. it’s at this point when she was scouted and started making professional short films. she had just finished working on her first feature-length film, which early reviews were calling her magnum opus to date, and exciting work from an up-and-coming filmmaker. 
the reason why kanon chose to attend hopes peak is that her older cousin died in the tragedy. she doesn’t know they died. she just knows they went to school and never came back, and the family keeps it hush-hush. besides the promise of success, she mostly wants to find out what happened - she assumes it was a bad accent or suicide but oop! additionally, kanon chose to attend because her feature film is to release to the public soon, and she wants to be occupied during this time to take her mind off of the reception. 
while kanon’s family backstory is pretty angst-free besides the missing cousin, kanon is still suffering p bad. she is diagnosed with severe depression and anxiety. but! (unlike p much every other character in the series, it seems) she treats her mental health through medication and regular therapy (until she’s trapped at school). she’s very open about her struggle with mental health and enthusiastically tries to get better. 
as a director, she specializes in dark comedy, parody, and farce. she likes irony, and can always see the twisted humor in a situation, no matter how dire. this issss about where you might start seeing her fatal flaw. 
kanon thoroughly subscribes to the idea that comedy is born from tragedy, and that the rawest types of humor come from pain. she is known for going off her medication during the production of films and making a martyr of herself, taking pride in her horrible sleeping and eating schedule for her art. basically, every film student i’ve ever met. 
she enters the killing game very upbeat. when she finds out the truth, she is very defiant, confident in their ability to escape. she is constantly cracking jokes about the situation and observational humor, and her ideas during the trial are generally very….original. she is known for monologuing and speaking in paragraphs. during trials, she creates elaborate example situations that might seem like they’re unrelated or inconsequential but morally always tie back in. queen of the non-sequitur. early game free time events/island mode would mostly be about movies and genre, with the occasional mention about working hard to be healthy again.
she’s pretty friendly with monokume, subscribing to the philosophy that if you’re kind to him, he’s more likely to do what she wants. she’s often the student who will ask monokume clarifying questions on school policy or for access to supplies. for example, i like to think she asks monokume to provide another student needed insulin. when monokume initially refuses, she goes into a tangential scenario where if this student dies, then isn’t monokume the culprit? he’d have to be executed for harming a student. and what’s this? monokume has been harmed? the person who harmed monokume must be punished. and go round and round in a helpless circle while the students figure out a way to escape. at this point, monokume provides the insulin.
 however, after watching the first punishment, she begins to be filled with a deep despair. she is already dispositioned for despair, given her incredibly unhealthy habits regarding her mental illness and success, but she tries to resist. she remains upbeat, but after the first punishment, her dialogue takes a sharp turn towards dark comedy and macabre. from this moment on, she’s also a lot more skittish and easily startled.
after the first trial on, she will always make a point for thanking the group for being a good group of friends and making the time in hopes peak as tolerable as possible, in case they end up choosing the wrong blackened and all get executed. at the third trial, she follows this speech up with, “but if i die, you are all fucking idiots, way to let me down.”
most of her dialogue is biting, and despite the horror and despair she is filled with after every murder and execution, she can still find ways to crack a twisted joke. occasionally she will have a moment of clarity where she is candid about her feelings. 
- one free time event could feature her talking about her feelings towards actions speak louder than words. her example is couples who say they’re dark and twisted like bonnie and clyde, but really they’re two losers into bdsm. if they’d just say they’re two losers into bdsm, she could respect them. she then explains how the statements of personality are more to convince themselves than anyone else. towards the end, she laughs to herself and explains how she totally screwed herself over because Kanon prides herself in her sense of humor, but if she ever says it aloud, she’s not funny.
- another free time event could be explaining her relationship with death. she’s not afraid of it, but she wants to die on her own terms. she admits to never seeing herself growing old, and that’s she’ll probably be a part of the 27 club if she keeps on the path of a celebrity. 
her condition keeps devolving as the game progresses. more dialogue can include wondering why she is still alive and trying to cover it as a twisted sick joke. she stays upbeat, but as time goes on, you can see she’s slowly getting tired and beaten down. she’s also starting to take pride in her unhealthy lack of sleep, eating, or bathing. 
it’s after the third execution does she actually show a true moment of despair. after the execution and the classmates are silently riding in the elevator back, she announces how she does not plan to live through the game. she does not see any possible reality where she will escape hopes peak. she does, however, make it clear that she will be dying on her own terms. she gives her blessing to the group that anyone can try to kill her, but be aware she won’t go down without a fight.
her free time events are filled with more raw emotion and despair with tinges of humor instead of humor with tinges of despair. 
- she elaborates on what she meant in the elevator as to die by her own hands. she does not want to kill a classmate because she knows her disposition could never handle the trial, let alone the killing part. but she also doesn’t want to die by her classmates without a fight. and she doesn’t want to commit suicide because she has too much pride while also being too much of a coward…
- she explains how this story could be a great script, really, if it weren’t all so real. this generation’s battle royale. she actually gives kudos to the design of each punishment and admits they are inspiring if she ever wanted to do a genre flip and become a psych thriller director.
- just. asking why she isn’t dead yet. why not her? why not?
i want her to be a pretty late game survivor because i think it’s impactful to show her fall into despair, which she uses to harm herself instead of others mostly. it is also after chapter three you truly get to see her martyrdom come out. she has slowly shifted from less of a friend and more towards an antagonistic role, not because she’s a threat, but because she’s literally so full of despair.
anyways. you see her talking to monokume while the rest of the group arrives. before the fourth trial, she does her normal thanking of her classmates and pulls the protag over to thank them personally for the good times and making it the best they could. the protagonist is suspicious of this behavior and wonders if she might be guilty, but the evidence points she is not. the class correctly votes for the blackened. while everyone is waiting for monokume to go forward in the punishment, they’re confused by the delay. monokume is fuming, and it’s revealed. there’s a miscount. one student purposefully chose not to vote, which is a punishable act. the student? kanon.
she always insisted she would die, and she would die on her own terms. she had created a narrative in her head where if she dies a martyr, she will always be remembered lovingly by her fans before any unfortunate career downfall. the director ahead of her time, and gone too soon. she became obsessed with this narrative around chapter three, and the third execution sealed the deal. by the time of the trial, she figured out she could die a death fit for a star while also dying on her terms if she willingly triggered a punishment. 
ive kind offfffff figured out what her last speech could be before her punishment? she explains how “comedy is derived from pain, right? and if i intend on being the greatest director of my time, i need to go through the most suffering. i was born to die a martyr, i was just hoping one of you would do the hard part. but since no one has the balls, you can all suffer with me. see you in hell shitheads” she then asks monokume if her cousin who attended here, were they killed or executed? (was it kill or be killed?) monokume thinks for a second and responds. she smiles and says, that’s all she needed to know. gives a wink to the protag and flicks everyone off as the collar yoinks her off to her death. 
punishment would probably be something with “light camera action” or “ready steady shoot” and be a LITERAL pun on the camera shoot. bc, she’s shot. alternatively, if i were to decide that instead of a generic dead body in the tragedy, she could be related to an actual main game character pref someone who was executed, she could have to play that part in the execution and die the same death, but this time with like. monokume film crew everywhere and actual monokume in the director’s chair with a beret. either is a fun idea.
i’m a film major, and her character is heavily based on the kind of students and filmmakers i see and work with. there really are people like this who believe suffering for art truly makes them better than others and will purposefully put themselves through psychological torment. additionally, i wanted to see a more realistic portrayal of mental illness and show a character who (at one point at least) treats and is trying to maintain health. in the end, kanon is a narcist who lets her ego get in the way of her wellbeing and success. 
also, kanon’s outfit is so stupid she has strawberry blond hair in a bob with like a widow’s peak, silvery-blue eyes, and wears a big flowy short sleeved button-up shirt, and olive-colored shorts. she has a big pair of aviators she wears tucked in the collar of her shirt, statement earrings, a pop watch, and lots of rings. and she is def not straight ut it’s not like she’s pursuing romance she’s pursuing death
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knybits · 5 years
A Murder of One
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A literal train wreck. Miyuki confesses, and Akiko’s eyes are blessed again. 
Previous Chapter | Origin | Next Chapter
So pause scene.
Imagine this. 
A buff old man (we’ll say he’s old because he has white hair) suddenly snatches up you and your friends for an unexplainable reason. 
But your other friends that didn’t get snatched are being the absolute angels that they are and run down the old wack job to try and avenge you. 
And then your fiance since birth (different story) walks into the scene, and he doesn’t know what the fuck is going on. 
Resume scene. 
“He’s kidnapping us!!” Akiko yells out, her face red with either anger or embarrassment she can’t tell. 
Tanjirou acts instantly, launching himself at Uzui with full intent on headbutting the hell out of him. But Uzui is too fast, and Akiko tries her best to kick the hems of her dress down to make sure she isn’t flashing anything. She kicks her feet wildly when she finds that the three of them are on the roof of the estate. 
“I am the ‘former shinobi’ Uzui Tengen-sama-” 
“Dear lord SHUT UP! Here, you brat, jeez!” Uzui brushes her skirt over, pauses, then gives Akiko’s butt a slap before laughing, claiming it to be rather flamboyant. 
Akiko nearly goes mental at the harassment, and Tanjirou looks like he’s about to shoot himself up to the roof and give Uzui more than just a headbutt. 
“You’re a pervert!” Kiyo yells from the ground. 
“Who do you think you’re mouthing off here!! I have superiority! I’m a pillar you jackasses!” 
“I don’t accept you as a pillar! Hmph!!” 
“Akiko-san can’t fight! She’s a member but she doesn’t have a uniform! She’s a doctor!” 
“Don’t need her then.” 
Akiko screams as she’s flung off the roof and she roughly lands in Tanjirou’s arms. Any other person would flush, but Akiko’s far too mad to even think about her cute situation. 
She shoves herself out of Tanjirou’s arms, jumping up and down and yelling at Uzui to come down from the roof so that she can deck him in the face. Kanon stares in bewilderment, wondering why Akiko is so prone to abandoning ‘Do no harm.’ 
Even Tanjirou doesn’t know what to do, staring at his fiance with wide eyes as she unleashes another side of her that he’s never seen before. Sure, she’s had her small temper tantrums when they were kids, but this is much more justified. 
“Shut up you nerd! I’m taking this one on my mission. She’s a hunter regardless.” 
Akiko can see the look of panic and fear on Aoi’s face, so she takes a few deep breaths to calm herself and approach the situation differently. She has no time to yell at Uzui, and despite the fact that he’s an adult, he acts like a child. 
“People have their own circumstances, Uzui. Let the girl go.” 
Uzui blinks owlishly at her sudden change in behavior, her eyes slanted up at him with long lashes barely brushing her cheeks. Mouth a fine line and her hair disheveled, but it makes Akiko look all the more dangerous. 
Tanjirou can smell the withheld fury from Akiko, and the fact that she’s harnessed enough control to reign her emotions back in frightens him. This anger is much more dangerous than her lashed out one, and everyone feels as if they’re seeing Akiko reach a new peak of anger. 
“We’ll go in Aoi’s stead!” Tanjirou interjects, just as Zenitsu and Inosuke hop onto the gates. 
They aren’t in any way injured, and she sees that Zenitsu killed three demons and Inosuke five. She can’t help but tilt her head in confusion at the new piece of information her mind is filled with, but Akiko can’t take that time to care as she watches Aoi rush into Kanao’s arms. 
Akiko quietly asks Kanon to make some lunch for the girls to calm everyone’s nerves, and Kanon nods her head in understanding before hurrying off. She then sighs, walking over to her dropped umbrella before picking it up, when she sees Tanjirou out of the corner of her eyes. 
“Are you okay Akiko? He dropped you rather harshly…” 
Akiko looks at Uzui, who waits impatiently outside the gates, before rolling her eyes at him. 
“I’ll live. It’s no big deal. I’m just afraid that the girls are mentally scarred or something along the lines… What? What’s wrong?” Tanjirou is staring at her, and Akiko can’t help but wonder why. 
He wakes up from his spaced out state, blushing a bit and kicking some rocks on the ground as he looks away. 
“Sorry it’s just.... You look really nice today!” 
Akiko can’t help but flush, immediately opening her parasol in front of herself to hide her face. Kiyo, Sumi and Naho giggle nearby, and Akiko nearly turns around to glare at them but she’s far too busy hiding herself. 
And as if some higher being grants Tanjirou with all the courage in the world, he pulls the umbrella down a bit to see her red face, smiling softly before saying, “It’d be a shame if I didn’t get to see my fiance’s face before I left.” 
Now Akiko can hear Kiyo, Sumi and Naho squeal with delight as her eyes widen and she’s nearly brought to tears with embarrassment. Tanjirou starts to laugh, finding that her red face compliments her amber eyes nicely, and he cups Akiko’s face into his hands before placing a soft kiss on her forehead. 
“I’ll be off!” He gives her one last smile, waving at Akiko and running out of the front gates. 
Akiko’s holding her forehead, staring off into space as her brain slowly but surely processes everything that’s just happened. And once everything loads in, her heart ascends. 
Akiko smiles.
“Himi Miyuki is on her way! Deep laceration on her lower left quadrant!” 
Akiko’s eyes snap open, her back aching from accidentally passing out on the wooden engawa. She quickly tries to rub the sleep from her eyes, stumbling to her room to change out of the light green dress she still dons. 
It’s only been a couple hours since Tanjirou’s departure, and she’s back to work. But what else is there to do? 
So Akiko yanks on another poet’s shirt, ties her hakama around her waist, and allows for Kiyo to help her with her robe and gloves. Sumi and Naho rush to gather towels upon seeing how severe the wound is. 
Shinobu stands by the entrance, waiting to welcome the house’s newest patient. Everyone is surprised to see Sanemi helping the injured girl up, and Shinobu decides to poke a little fun. 
Embarrassed, Sanemi leaves Miyuki in the hands of a more than capable lady to help fix her up, and she orders the girls to help drag Miyuki’s pale body to the table. 
Akiko’s eyes do a quick once over, and information she’s never picked up before flood her senses. 
Miyuki has just killed four demons before one caught her by surprise. She’s lost about 1200mL of blood, and Akiko orders the girls to elevate her legs once she’s on the table. Miyuki’s blood pressure is 90/70, and her breathing is so shallow it’s worrisome. Her heart beat per minute is 60, and her skin looks ashy and waxen. 
Akiko knows that Miyuki’s body temperature is naturally low, but that doesn’t mean she likes how Miyuki’s body is at a solid 90 degrees. 
So the girls are instructed to place a blanket over her feet and arms too, and Akiko cuts away the cloth surrounding the large gash. Aoi ties a mask around Akiko’s face, unrolls the sleeve of scalpels lined up in the bamboo sheet, and Akiko gets to work. 
Miyuki stays silent, dazed by the anesthesia, but still conscious. 
Akiko works diligently as always, hands moving swiftly to stop the bleed and making sure there isn’t any debris left in the wound. It’s a simple procedure, though trickier thanks to Miyuki’s naturally cold body. 
But once she’s done, Miyuki is able to form phrases and sentences, the anesthesia wearing off. 
“I wonder if Sanemi has ever been in love?” 
Not even a thank you… 
Miyuki flinches slightly under the glare Akiko casts her way, the scalpel glinting menacingly under the bright light, but Akiko throws her a bone, asking what she means. 
Their conversations dips into the topic of love in general, albeit Akiko is in no way an expert, but she entertains the idea with Miyuki. Shinobu, ever so quiet in the corner of the room, even steps in to offer her two piece on the subject. 
Aoi cleans the blood on the floor while Shinobu checks the IV of blood and medicine she finished making in her corner, and Miyuki finally throws her hands up into the air. 
“Well then fine! Maybe I do love Sanemi! Fuck whatever my step monster has to say!” 
Shinobu laughs, “What a surprise!” 
Akiko can see the lie. 
At any rate, she sighs, glancing at the clock in the room to take note of the time. She blinks owlishly at it as the date comes to mind. 
If she’s right, Genya should be coming in today. 
Akiko peels her gloves off her hands, removing her mask as well while the girls untie the robe off her from behind before she says, “Well, congrats on the realization, but I gotta go have my monthly appointment with-” 
He’s standing by the doorway. 
Sumi and Kiyo are right behind him, some newly washed rags in their hands before they step into the room again to keep cleaning the blood, and realization dawns on Akiko. 
“Uh, gotta go!” Akiko shoves a startled Genya out of the room and down the hall, quickly bombarding him with questions to try and make him forget about Miyuki’s feelings for his older brother. 
Genya is shoved into her office and she scrambles to find his documents. It’s an organized mess, and she knows that she should clean it up, but between 20 minute naps every hour or so and working for a whole 12 “shift” sometimes, it’s nearly impossible for her. 
Akiko sits Genya down on a chair, eyes brisking over his figure as statistics fill her mind. It’s overwhelming for her, and she shuts her eyes for a few seconds to clear her head. It continues to race with the adrenaline, and she starts to count her breathing to reign it back in. 
“What was that before? And are you- Are you okay?” Genya asks, blushing when she offers him a polite smile. Her usual business smile in the face of patients. 
“It was nothing important. No need to worry about me, either. You have a gash on your left arm so I see you haven’t been eating too many demons. Two in the last month?” Akiko flutters her eyes to clear it again, her mouth spewing words faster than she can properly think. 
Genya stares at her wide eyed, astonished. 
“Y- Yeah… How do you know?” 
She pays him no mind, scribbling the information down with creased brows. Genya isn’t all too used to this version of Akiko. Sure, she’s serious, but not with him. She makes no move to tease him, quickly jotting down information and asking Genya to confirm the information. 
Every time, she hits the nail on the coffin. It’s like she’s unraveling his life in the past month, and Genya is almost frightened of her. 
“Himejima hasn’t let up easily on you. Your biceps are 42 centimeters wide now… He still has you pushing that big rock, hm? Please tell him that misogi is not the proper way for you to rest your body,” Akiko sighs, rubbing at the bridge of her nose. 
She’s done with her checkup within a few minutes, taking no time to prod at his body and instead glancing at his limbs then writing numbers down. She then quickly stands to a small cabinet on her desk, pulling out a small roll of bandages and some alcohol and cotton balls. 
Akiko frowns at the little bit left in the jar, and the fact that she barely has any bandages left. It’s just enough to help patch Genya up with, but she’ll have to go out and buy some more in the local village after she’s done. 
“At any rate, I’m just going to wrap up your wound and then send you on your way. Sorry I was late for the appointment this month,” she’s about to unbutton Genya’s uniform for him, but he quickly stops her with raised hand and a mad blush. 
Akiko pauses, quickly apologizing for being so forward, and allows him to remove as much of his uniform as he is comfortable with so that she can clean his cut. 
Genya looks everywhere but Akiko. She knows that he's an embarrassed mess around any female, so she’s quick to finish up her work and allows him to shrug his uniform back on. 
“Do you want me to walk you to the entrance?” Akiko asks Genya, who shakes his head. She shrugs in compliance, apologizing for making him travel all the way to the Butterfly Estate for such a short checkup, and waves as he walk down the hall and out of the estate. 
Once he turns the corner, Akiko makes her way to the kitchen to find Kanon. The pinkette is looking through the pantry with a troubled look on her face. 
Akiko’s eyes are given a rest when she looks at Kanon, and it’s most likely because Kanon doesn’t kill demons for a living and lives a peaceful (or, as peaceful as it can get) life at the estate. 
“Are we out of food?” Akiko asks, and Kanon jumps at the sudden presence of the ginko eyed girl. 
Kanon nods her head and Akiko frowns, but the timing couldn’t be more perfect. 
“Alright, let’s go shopping together.” 
Of course, Shinobu feels against this idea considering the town is an hour walk away, and if they aren’t quick enough, it’ll be dark. 
“Perhaps someone else should go with you?” She says, and Akiko sighs. 
“I think we’ll be more than fine. If it make you feel any better, I’ll bring my tools. If Kanon trips over a rock, I’ll save her from bacteria.” 
Akiko can see the irritation radiate of Shinobu, so she quickly hikes up her bag, shoves a good amount of money in, and meets Kanon at the front door. 
Akiko doesn’t like the way Miruna circles above their heads. 
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things are gonna get so spicy after this,,, fuck guys im so excited
expect akiko to grow!! we love character development :,,) also yeah she has other emotions besides ‘bitch’ and ‘smart ass’ :)) 
big thank you to @kny-writings and her oc himi miyuki!! 
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sailor-cresselia · 5 years
Post Zi-O Concepts: Bringing the boy into the fold
Okay, so, we’re currently 11 hours away from the last episode of Zi-O airing, and I’ve got a whole lot of ideas for how to introduce Sougo into Riders ReUnited. I don’t know if I’ll use any of these, most of them are pretty out dated, but I really wanted to share them before I lost the chance.
Please keep in mind that when I wrote some of these, not only had I not quite finished Decade, but also we were in the middle of the Kiva arc, and thus I had no way of knowing that Tsukasa and Daiki were coming back. Nor did I have any clue that we were actually going to have Gou appear in-show. Er, in-movie. So, y’know. I was working off of what we had at the time. The later ones were from early June, between the Kabuto and Den-O arcs.
Also, these are largely un-edited, because I wrote them at work. I’ve fixed them up for formatting, but that’s about it. No content or contradiction fixes here. My apologies for the math or failures thereof. My additional apologies for Sougo being a bit out of character – I was doing my best, and my best wasn’t great at times.
Sougo sighs, turning his fork over in his hand, again and again, not really seeing what’s on his plate. It’s a bit of an insult to his uncle – okay, a /lot/ of an insult, if he hadn’t wanted to fix clocks so bad he really could have been a professional chef – but.
But it’s just the two of them again.
It hasn’t been the two of them in a long time.
Heh, ‘time.’ That used to not matter. He could go anywhen he needed to.
But Geiz and Tsukuyomi and Woz aren’t here anymore. They don’t need to be here – he’s never going to be Oma Zi-o, not going to be a king. He still has the belt, and the watches, but.
He doesn’t need them now.
They’re done.
He doesn’t need the watches, but…  he needs his friends.
He’d almost forgotten what loneliness was. It’s really hard to go back to, especially now that his uncle has called him out on it.
The door chimes.
“Oh, a customer this early? I’ll go get that.” His uncle gets up, but casts Sougo a worried glance. “Sougo-”
“I’ll be fine, don’t worry. I just need to adjust a little.” He grins at his uncle – and he knows that they both know that it’s fake. “Go on ahead.”
“If you’re sure.” The old man heads out into the storefront.
“Hello, we’re not actually open just ye- Oh, you’re one of Sougo’s friends, aren’t you?!”
The uptick in his uncles voice is weird. Besides, he only had the three – Geiz, Tsukuyomi, and Woz – so he must mean it’s someone from school. Probably here to get something that’s definitely not a clock fixed-
“Ah, yes, I am. Mr. Tokiwa, was it?”
…Wait. He knows that voice.
“Yes, yes, right. You were- oh, what was it-”
“Takeru. Tenkuji Takeru. Is… is Sougo in?”
“Yes, but he’s not really in the mood to see anyone, his friends just moved out, you see-”
What is – what is Ghost doing here? He – okay, yes, he’s one of the few riders who came here, but why would he come to 9-to-5? And ask for Sougo? When he, by all rights, shouldn’t remember any of that happening?
“I know. I… heard, from Kadoya.”
Kado- that’s Decade. How-?
“I’m here to pick Sougo up, actually. There’s some people who want to see him again.”
…What on earth is going on out there?
Against his better judgement – not that his judgement’s that great to begin with – Sougo goes out into the lobby. “Takeru?”
The brunette beams at him. “Hey there, Sougo. It’s been a while. Everyone’s waiting for you.”
“What are you talking about?”
Takeru’s smile drops a bit. “Some of your information was a bit… off. We all know what was going on. Just… can you come with me? There’s a bit of a get-together, and it’d be a good time.”
Sougo doesn't reply.
In the end, it’s his uncle who decides for him. “I think it’d be a great idea. Sougo, you should go. Get out of the house for a bit. Okay?”
“…Mm-hm. Okay.”
“Great!” Takeru grins. “Do you still have your bike, or will you need a lift? It’s a bit of a distance, so…”
Sougo gives him a wary glance. “…Yeah? I’ve got a bike.”
He turns to his uncle. “I guess I’ll see you later, then.”
“Have fun!” The smile he gives Sougo is only about half forced.
Pocketing the bike watch, along with his belt and his personal ridewatch – just in case, he tells himself – Sougo follows his senior – who shouldn’t remember being his senior – out the door.
That. Is a really weird looking motorcycle.
Takeru must see the way Sougo pauses, because he laughs. “I know, right? It used to only look like this when I transformed. I got some help modifying it to look like this all the time about a year ago.”
“So, you-”
“We all remember being Riders, Sougo. We’re all still Riders.” He holds up a small ball. “We never stopped.” It looks like the shoulder pads when he used the Ghost armor, so-
“What are those, anyway?”
Takeru’s smile is a little more forced. “It’s called an Eyecon. They… well, it’s what I use to transform. Honestly, though, we should get going.”
“Where are we even heading?”
“My place. I’m close, I have room, and I was supposed to host last month, but then Eiji and Ankh showed up in Japan again, so Miss Chiyoko took over, so now the get together’s at the temple again.”
“Who are any of those people?!” The two start to drive off.
“You’ll meet Ankh soon enough, and you’ve already met Eiji. Hino Eiji, he’s Kamen Rider OOO.”
“Oh, right, the senator.”
Takeru seems to choke on air at that. “Oh my g- is that what he had to do?! Man, no wonder him and Hina refused to talk about it. …Well, that and who his ‘another rider’ was… Let’s just. Let’s just get to the temple, and explanations can happen there, okay?”
There’s a lot of motorcycles outside the temple gate.
Like, a lot of them. And two cars.
There’s one that’s green and black, next to one of the cars. [Philip, Shotaro, Ryu, Akiko, Haruna]
Three identical bikes, all of them looking somehow both sleek and bulky at once. [Eiji (large), Ankh, Date, Gotou, Hina]
One that looks weirdly like a space shuttle, and one that’s blue with star patterns. [Gentaro, Kengo, Ryusei]
A red-and-black one, with a yellow front that looks like a cut gem. [Haruto]
Two that have cherry blossom patterns, and one with a rose. [Kouta, Micchy, Kaito, Mai]
Then the other car, a white bike with red stripes, and – what is with the purple one? Why are there skull designs on it?! [Shinnosuke, Kiriko, Eiji (small), Gou, Chase]
Takeru parks his – which looks like a spectral unicorn – next to one that’s blue with chains. [Takeru, Makoto, Alain, Akari, Onari, Kanon]
A bright yellow bike with pink spikes on the front, and a white one with… a hospital logo? That can’t be right, but… Nope, there it is. [Emu, Parad, Kiriya (not the pictured bike), Hiiro, Taiga, Nico, Poppy]
The last one looks like it has one of those bottles that Sento used to become Build sticking out of it. [Sento, Ryuuga]
There's an empty space to the side of it – and Sougo abruptly realizes… that spot is meant for him. [Sougo]
“How… many people are here?”
Takeru purses his lips. “Um… rider-wise… 25, 26 including you. Total people… er, additional 2 with Fuuto, 2 with Eiji and the Births, only one from the KRC, nobody from Haruto’s group, I think Mai came this time, two from Shinnosuke, three from here, another two from the university, because Poppy and Nico keep saying ‘they don’t count as riders’ which literally nobody else agrees with… so. Wow, 37 people all told, counting yourself.”
“That’s… a lot.”
“Yeah, it’s gonna be kinda crowded.” Takeru laughs. “Good thing the weathers supposed to hold up!” He nods to the empty spot. “Go ahead and leave your bike there – Gou said he wanted to get a picture of all the equipment together.”
“Who’s Gou?”
“Photographer, stuntman, and rider.”
Upon seeing the crowd, and the tables, and food, but most of all the crowd, Sougo balks. “Are… you sure you want me here?”
“We’re sure. You’ve finished, right? You may have noticed we never really retire, but… there’s less to worry about, now.” The look Takeru gives him is warm. “Wait here, there’s three folks in particular who wanted to be the first to see you.”
He leaves for a few minutes, and Sougo sits on a nearby bench. He feels… it’s not the eyes of everyone on him, they aren’t looking right at him. But it feels like they expect something. By all rights, they should be mad at him – he took their powers, after all, and even if they ‘entrusted’ them to him, it’s still not fair to them-
“Sougo? Sougo, breathe, okay?”
Someone’s- someone’s kneeling in front of him, with their hands on his shoulders – why can’t he see who – oh, he’s crying, why is he crying, that doesn’t make any sense-
“You don’t need to worry, we’re not mad at you. Like you said, we trusted you, and you did great.”
Oh, no, was he saying all that out loud, that’s- “I’m sorry, I caused so much trouble and it was my fault-”
“Hey, hey, none of that now. Here, use this, get cleaned up a little-” Whoever’s in front of him hands him a tissue, which he uses to wipe away most of the tears. “That better?”
It’s – what was his name… oh, right- “Doctor Hojo?”
‘Doctor Hojo’ sighs, as Takeru laughs somewhere behind him. “Not this again…” He still grins, though. “If we were at the hospital, yeah, it would be. Just ‘Emu’ is fine while we’re here, though. It’s nice to see you under better circumstances.”
“Uh- yeah, I guess. What is all of this?”
Two more people come up to the small group – that’s, oh man, Build and Cross-Z – no, Sento and Ryuuga. “Emu started it… what was it, a year and a half ago?” Sento looks to Emu, who nods. “Right then, a year and a half, now, give or take a few months.”
“I wanted all of the Kamen Riders to be able to get together, support each other, and all that. We weren’t allowed to tell you before – the time travel experts have said that it would ‘wreak havoc on the laws of causality’ and ‘no one could ever complete their journey if their seniors were guiding them every step of the way’.” Emu’s making sarcastic air quotes every so often, which – well, it does make Sougo smile, because clearly he’s ticked off about it, but understands the reasoning.
Actually, remembering when they met… making him smile was probably the goal.
Ryuuga snorts. “Yeah, like everyone didn’t wind up doing that this time around anyway.”
“Heh…” Sougo chuckles. “‘This time around.’ Because of the time travel. I get it.”
Both Ryuuga and Takeru look incredibly offended. “GOD F-” Ryuuga cuts himself off at Emu and Takerus matching glares. “I mean- Come on, I didn’t mean for that to-”
Takeru shakes his head. “Why with the puns… they just keep sneaking up on us…”
Emu rolls his eyes. “Anyway. This is us, wanting to actually get to know you. You’re one of us, after all.”
Sougo squints. “…Really?”
“Yup.” Sento ruffles his hair – he’d be offended if he weren’t already kind of in shock. “We're Kamen Riders. We help people. It’s what we do.”
“I’ll be back,” Takeru turns away. “I wanna get that photo taken, so we can get some of these bikes out of the front gate, at least.”
“Gou” turns out to be Shijima Gou, Kamen Rider Mach, who is apparently, in addition to a photographer, some sort of absurdly skilled gymnast, given how he gets into a tree to set up his camera. He practically bounces to get up there. It’s impressive. Even more impressive is his use of little model bikes to adjust the camera, and-
“Are… those a dinosaur and a dragon?!”
One of the other riders, in a long sweater with binder clips in his hair, laughs. “Yeah, Fang and Cross. Ryuuga and I are loaning them out for this – they’re coming right back to us after.”
“Um... Sorry, I don't think we've met…”
“Nah, we didn't.” A man in a waistcoat settles his arm over the other. “Nice to finally meet you, kid. Shotaro and Philip Hidari, Kamen Rider Double. Both of us, at once. It's complicated.”
Sougo gapes.
“There's actually a lot of body sharing around here.” Sweater – Philip – scratches the side of his nose. “I did the research, last year. I still have the notes saved to my phone, I can show you if you want-”
“No, no! That’s! Fine! It's not actually anything new to me!”
““Oh?”” Philips eyes light up as the two speak in unison.
“Heh, well…” Sougos smile is wistful. “Me, Geiz and Woz… we got this one form, called Trinity, where they, er, got turned into giant watches, and then we were all basically swapping control of my body.”
A man in a leather jacket mumbles. “Kadoya was right... he is a mini-him.”
“Terui Ryu, Kamen Rider Accel. Don't worry about it. You're far and away less annoying than he is.”
“Decade.” Going by the shadow that crosses his face, Sougo decides not to ask why Trinity would remind him of Decade. As far as he remembers, there was something about ‘going between worlds’ and, of course, the form copying, but that was about it…
“Alright, places, come on, people, we don't have all day!” Gou yells from his perch. “First shot's riders only, second round, we add in the rest of- OH FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!”
Some of the senior-most riders have pulled out their belts, seemingly on instinct, at the appearance of a rippling wall of air. Sougo then realizes that he did the same. After all, the last few times he saw one of those, he’d been shot into the future, met his evil future self, and then the next time had all of his watches stolen.
Both of those two – Decade and Diend – step through, with their bikes in tow, as well as a man and woman, with yet another motorcycle… and a small robot bat, hovering at the woman's shoulder.
“No, no, NO!” Gou does a flip as he jumps down. "You're gonna throw off the composition! We don't have room for three more motorcycles!”
Terui and Drive – Shinnosuke – sigh. ““We'll move our cars.””
“If I still had the Tridoron…” Sougo hears Drive mumble. “But noooo, Krim had to go down to his depression garage and take it with him.”
Everyone has to move out of the way so the cars can pull out – Sougo's pretty sure he hears Accel mutter something about how it makes sense anyway because ‘he's his own bike’ – so that the three new motorcycles can be added in.
After directing everyone into new places, Gou climbs the tree again, to readjust the camera. “Okay, NOW we're ready, right?!”
A resounding chorus of affirmatives goes around the area.
“Great!” He leaps down – Shinnosuke and his wife tense every time he does this; apparently he’s her brother – and makes his way to his spot. “Okay, in three- two- one-”
The flash goes off in a series of bursts, before everyone relaxes from their poses. He heads up the tree again, to direct the relations into the area for the next shoot.
Sougo starts to tremble. “This isn't right…”
He feels a firm hand clasp his shoulder, and looks up to see Ryuuga smiling sadly at him. “‘Cuz the rest of your team can't be here, yeah?” Sougo nods. “I get it. Neither can ours. Back in December… that wasn't really them. Well, they were, but they aren't here. We're from a different world than this one, and it's… gone, and the versions of our friends here don't know us, were never riders. There's nothing for them to remember, because it never happened to them. So…” He sighs. “Do your best, okay? We can talk more after.”
Hesitantly, Sougo nods. “Okay.”
But before Gou can get very far in reorganizing the sections…
“TSUKASA, NO!” The woman who arrived with him yells, while the guy that isn’t Diend tries to pull him back.
“But have you considered, Tsukasa, YES?”
“Come on, Tsukasa, please don’t.” The mystery man tries to tug him away. “Don't ruin this for us, half the people here barely tolerate you as is, and this is my first real chance to meet anyone-”
“Aw, come on, I'm not that bad!”
Diend snorts. “At what, photography or backstabbing?”
“Pick one!” Tsukasa stops short. “Wait, no, I meant photography, but still! I've gotten better!”
“““No you haven't!!!”””
At this point, Diend is choking on his laughter, the small bat is now trying to bite Tsukasa's ear, and both the boy and girl are trying to drag Tsukasa from going toward the tree.
Everyone else is just watching.
“Tsukasa…” The woman – Natsumi, apparently – gives Decade a warning look, her thumb raised. “We’d agreed you wouldn’t take any of your shitty photos today. That you were going to be supportive of your junior this time.”
Decade, the self-professed Destroyer Of Worlds, backs away nervously. “N- Natsumikan- Natsumikan, no.”
She grins menacingly, as the other man with them – Yusuke, apparently – grabs Decades arms, holding them behind his back, and thus holding him in place.
“But have you considered, Natsumi, yes?”
The other Riders look on as she jabs her thumb into the side of his neck, and he collapses into uncontrolled laughter. Everyone else stares, dumbfounded, as the two give the same treatment to Diend.
“I’m not gonna lie, it’s always a relief to see that Tsukasa and Daiki aren’t nearly as big of assholes as they try to make themselves out to be.”
Hina – HINA! – nods. “Good thing they have Natsumi and Yusuke to be the sane ones.”
In the end, they were not, in fact, able to stop Tsukasa from taking a photo of the group. He winds up taking several, actually, because apparently his camera can’t shoot wide enough to get the group at once. They resign themselves to allowing him a shoot of the fully assembled group, as well.
“I'll bring all of you the prints once i develop them.” He smirks.
“I apologize for everything he is going to do.” Natsumi sighs. “These two are the worst.” She juts her thumb at Decade and Diend to point at them.
Unsurprisingly, given the earlier display, they both step away nervously when she does that.
Sougo… can't really bring himself to interact with anyone after that. He's still there, it's not that he's zoning out, but… well, he was never good at interacting with people before his parents died, or after he came to live with his uncle, or after he met-
He looks down at his lap, pulling out his ridewatch, and runs his thumb around the base. He doesn’t trigger it, that would just draw attention to him that he really doesn’t want right now.
“Hey, Sougo, you in there, bud?”
“Mm?” Looking up, there's a man with a… okay, wow, nobody here gets to get on him about his wardrobe, because this guy's in a plaid blazer with a pompadour. What the actual hell. “Um, and you are…?”
The man grins. “Gentaro Kisaragi, Kamen Rider Fourze – the guy who’s gonna befriend all the Kamen Riders!” He pulls Sougo to his feet. “Come 'ere, like this.” After guiding Sougo through a complicated handshake, he positively /beams/. “There. Now we're friends!”
“I don't… think that's how friendship works, though…”
“It is with Gentaro. Utahoshi Kengo. So, you're the latest, hm?” The man – Kengo – gives Sougo an appraising look, before sighing. “Well, at least you're older than we were.”
‘Wow, Sougo, way to go, great first impression, tell the blatant friendship monster he's probably friending wrong, and then look like an idiot in front of this guy what's clearly a scientist-’
“We were 17.”
“Hey, Zi-O.”
Sougo turns, and. Oh. Okay. It’s Decade. That's great. “Yes?”
“Couple things I wanted to say. First… the day with the bus…” He hesitates – visibly hesitates, and that doesn't seem like him.
“What about it?”
“I was there. I was only able to save Tsukuyomi and myself, so… I’m sorry, I know your parents were on there, and a lot of other people, too, and… I wasn't able to save them, so. I'm sorry for that.”
“It's okay, it was a long time ago, so it doesn't really matter anymore-”
“Wasn't for me. World traveler, remember? Sometimes that includes jumping between points in time. A lot of the time it includes that, actually. So that was only a few months ago for me.”
“…Ah. …Thanks.”
“There's another thing, too. Less awful, though.” He pulls out a folder. “Probably still awful, but in a different way. I thought you ought to have these.” Passing the folder to Sougo, he looks slightly away. “I know I'm supernaturally terrible, but… well, the pictures that I take of Kamen Riders are about the best I can do.”
His forehead wrinkling, Sougo removes the papers from the folder.
They’re all photographs.
There's him, in the dining room – that'd be right after he came back from his deal with Gho- with Takeru.
Geiz, by a warehouse – when…? Wait, that might be the day he met Oma Zi-O.
Tsukuyomi, on a hilltop… “When was this one taken?”
“…The day of the bus accident. I brought her and myself to where that guy brought you and the other kids. This is outside that city.”
“Oh. Okay.”
Woz, giving one of his speeches. Looks like this is when he used Ghost armor for the first time.
“I normally don’t get to give these to the Riders I take them of, since I'm usually on my way out of that World by the time I get around to developing them. I hang onto 'em, though. Since you're ‘done’ now, I figured you should at least get to see them, if nothing else.” He rubs the back of his neck. “I mean, do whatever you want, I know I'm terrible-”
“Thank you.” Sougo rubs at his eyes, before looking up at Dec- at Tsukasa. “Thank you. You have no idea how much this means.”
(June 6)
“So…” Looking around, Sougo pauses before continuing to speak. “Dr… Hojo?”
“Seriously, just call me Emu while we're here.”
“Okay then. I can't help but notice… Nobody here was a rider before 2009. How come more people aren't here?”
Emu grimaces a little, at that. “Well, we haven't really been able to contact anyone from then.” He hesitates, his brow furrowing, before continuing. “Well, okay, that's not entirely true. Gentaro’s met Amazon, but most of the riders from the 70's and 80's don't socialize that often.
“Takeru's met Ichigo – the first rider – but never heard back from him with regards to coming.” He shrugs. "We know he's still alive, because Takeru's friends with his grand-niece, and she'd have told us if he'd passed, but that's about all we know. The oldest riders tend to be off around the world. I met Blade, once, but he can't stay in Japan, because apparently his powers would-”
“-would make him have to fight his friend, right?” Sougo interrupts. “I… might have fixed that, actually. For him and his teammate, Chalice.”
Emu holds up a finger. “Hold that thought, please. I'll be right back.” He runs off.
“…What did I say?”
A few minutes later, Emu returns with a tablet. “Okay, I can't believe we didn't think of this.” He laughs. “You went around and met almost everyone – or people who know them – right?”
Sougo nods.
“Who can you reach again?!”
“Well, I can… kinda contact some of them. I know where they'd go back to, anyway.”
A small crowd has started to gather – people curious to see what's going on, people who'd heard Emu's shout and wondering just who they might meet.
Sougo pulls out his own smartphone, heading into the browser. “I bookmarked the site for the restaurant Kenzaki-san’s sorta-niece works at, hang on.” He pulls up the page. "Here, the Jacaranda Cafe. She can probably reach him, now, and Hajime. I kinda made them both human. Somehow. Not sure if that's good or not?” Sougo winces.
Kiriya stares. “Me'n the banana are gonna have /so/ much explaining to do. Do you have any idea how overpowered you are, kid?”
“There's also here, Restaurant Agito… Kamen Rider Agito owns that one.”
“Hrmph.” Kaito makes a noise. “A lot of explaining. Hope he was on good terms with Kino.”
Sougo looks at them, decides that either he’ll find out later, or that he probably doesn't want to know, and continues. “I’ve also got the numbers for Todoroki, and Gatack – although he might be Kabuto, now? It was a little weird… There's also this one dry cleaning place, where Faiz works-”
There's a loud sputtering sound from another side of the group. “Takumi is alive?!”
“Is he not supposed to be?”
Shinnosuke groans. “He's really not. There's a number of reasons I wasn't thrilled with your time-travel deal, Sougo.”
“Least he's got a better grip on the time thing than I do. His meddling actually works.” Kouta mumbles.
(This one’s a different version of events, and I’m not sure when I wrote it anymore.)
“You look down, kid.”
Sougo looks up, as a man in a fedora leans against the tree next to him.
“You realize you did a damn good job, right? There’s zero grudges here.”
“That’s what everyone keeps telling me… but it’s not right… it’s not my celebration to get into.” Sougo squints. “Sorry, I don’t recognize you at all.”
“Hidari Shotaro, one half of Kamen Rider Double. The Joker half, specifically, since I heard your form only goes into our first.” He grins. “Sorry we couldn’t make it there in person. Your friend in the scarf kinda messed with Philip by going into the library when he wasn’t supposed to. We only got it together in time for that battle.”
Grimacing, Sougo flinches back. “Sorry. Woz basically did whatever he wanted back then, he was a bit… er. Cagey. Always was, really, but at least he… well, we worked together more easily, anyway.”
Shotaro lowers his hat to cover his face. “I heard mention that your friends went back to their time, is that right?”
“Yeah… but… their time was the one where I became overlord, and since we’ve stopped that from happening… I…” Sniffing, Sougo looks down. “I don’t even know if they exist anymore. Tsukuyomi, Geiz, and Woz are the first real friends I have ever had, and for all I know, they’ve been written out of the timeline, just – just been erased, like White Woz was when we first used Trinity,” he starts to tremble. “And it’ll be my fault because my being evil was what made it possible for them to exist in the first place, so if I never become evil, then they won’t exist-”
“Hey, hey, come on, calm down.” Shotaro puts a hand on Sougo’s shoulder. "You're gonna get dehydrated or something if you keep having crying fits, and then Emu’s gonna get on all our heads for letting that happen.” He gives a brief squeeze before letting go. “I’m not saying not to be upset, or to not worry or miss your friends. But breaking down… doesn’t help. Believe me, I get it. I’ve been there – Philip was ‘gone’ for a year, when all was said and done, and I… well, if he hadn’t been restored when he was, I probably wouldn’t have been even semi-functional for very much longer.” He sighs. “So, I’m not saying to forget, but don’t let it consume you. Things here turned out fine. You just have to have faith that they’ll turn up again. Hopefully sooner, rather than later. You’ll have a hard time beating out the record for longest wait – that’s Eiji and Ankh, at 9 years, followed by Gou and Chase at 5, Philip and myself at 1, Emu with Poppy and Parad at a month, and Gentaro and Kengo at about a week.”
“So… here's hoping for second or third, then?”
“Now you’re getting it. Gotta warn ya, the humor gets a little dark around here sometimes. It’s a coping mechanism. Just let someone know if that gets to be too much for you, at any point. Doesn’t matter if it was fine at a previous meeting. If it gets hard, we want to know, so we can help.”
Sougo rubs at his eye with his fist. “Still can’t believe you guys plan to invite me back…”
Shinnosuke sits down on his other side. “It’s an open invitation. Nobody’s required to come, but just so that you know, that invitation will never close, and neither do the communication lines. If you need time away, we get it. But… I’m not going to lie, that sounds like it’s a bad idea for you. Not talking, that is.”
“I’ve… I’ve had enough of being alone for one timeline. It was just me and my uncle for so long… and then they came barging in, and now they’re gone again…”
Shin: “Can you tell us about your uncle? Takeru’s the only one here whose met him, and only briefly.”
That gets Sougo to give a small smile. “Yeah, that… sure was a day. So, Takeru-san… is not a good liar, is he?”
““Not really, no.””
“He did seem like he got what I was dealing with way too much to not remember. But my uncle… he’s great. He took me in after my parents died, and he’s been the one constant since then. He fixes clocks for a living. Or, well, he fixes everything, really, but he prefers clocks. He even managed to fix a train one time.”
““The den-liner?””
“…Okay, yes, it's a time traveling train, and that was a really weird day, but still. Train. Though, gotta be honest, if he wasn’t fixing clocks? He’d be a really good chef. His first instinct whenever a rider came by was to make them something to eat.” His face darkens as he looks across the way. “Though the meal wasn't always intended for them…”
Shinnosuke follows his line of sight. “…What did Tsukasa do?”
“He stole my dinner. The first time I saw him out of suit, he stole. My dinner. When I had literally been a ghost all day.”
They both wince. Shotaro laughs nervously, adding “That’s a pretty good reason to hold a grudge against Kadoya. But your uncle’s a good repairman and cook?”
“Yeah! Yeah, he is! I mean, Agito-san said he could be professional, and he is a professional chef, so-”
“Wait!” Shotaro holds up a hand. “Agito?”
“Kamen Rider Agito?”
“Sougo, new question for you.” Shinnosuke looks at him, serious. “How many riders did you meet that aren’t here?”
“A lot of them. Why?”
“Do you have anyone’s contact information? This group isn’t supposed to just be the 2010s, it’s that we’re the ones who Emu was able to get in contact with.”
Shotaro puts his belt on. “Philip? Do you mind sending Emu over here?”
(This one’s from August 22, before I remembered I should probably just wait until after the finale actually came out.)
“Are you feeling alright? You've barely touched your dinner.”
Sougo blinks, looking down at his plate. “…Oh. sorry. Your cooking deserves way better than that. I was just… distracted.”
His uncle sits down beside him. “You miss them, don't you?”
It's hard, he’d never admitted to being lonely to his uncle before, not in so many words, but now…
Now 9-to-5 feels so empty.
“Yeah. I do.” His vision blurs, just a little, before he blinks and it goes back to normal… or not, because he can feel something warm on his cheek. He's crying.
“Sougo…” Uncle pulls him into a one armed hug. It's nice. They've never really been this touchy-feely before, it always felt odd, but… they both need this. Now that Geiz, Tsukuyomi and Woz are… are gone. Are in their time, hopefully, because they were only ever supposed to be here until they were finished.
Until he was stopped.
But they were friends, and his uncle liked them, and they were always around…
Sougo had hoped that all of them – Geiz, Tsukuyomi, Woz, and his uncle – that they’d all be able to keep each other company after he was… gone. He wasn't supposed to make it back here, and they were, but they didn't. They got pulled back to the future (he hopes), and he didn't die like he was intended to, and now he doesn't know what to do with himself.
At least he's being given the time to decide.
Heh. Time. That didn't matter, for almost a year. He could, technically, go any when he wanted. He didn't, because that would have been an abuse of power, but he could.
But now there's no time mazines, no another riders, no riders at all, save for him.
He doesn't even know if the few watches he has still work.
Grand… he refuses to try. Doesn't want to risk it.
Trinity… same. If he finds out that it does work, if he pulls them to him through time and space again… that'd be awful, because he'd have to say goodbye all over again when the transformation ends. If it doesn't… then they're gone.
Zi-O II was always… touchy. It's powerful, but also he always felt odd using it – the future sight felt wrong, somehow.
So the only two watches he would dare try are Zi-O and the bike, and he hasn't touched them, save to keep them in his pockets, since the battle ended.
He keeps them with him, just in case.
Just in case.
The front door chimes, and uncle looks at him, concerned,
Shaking his head, Sougo gives a small smile. “Go on ahead. You've got a customer, maybe you'll even get a clock to fix this time, too.”
Uncle gives him a pat on the shoulder, and heads out front.
Sougo can't hear what they're saying, not really, but his uncle sounds… surprised, honestly. Like he didn't expect whoever it is. They must have actually had a clock.
About 10 minutes pass, with the indistinct voices from out front talking all the while, and Sougo's mind wanders.
Sougo had told his uncle about being a Kamen Rider before he'd left… and then one and two made three, and he'd asked, when it was over, if Geiz and Woz were Kamen Riders too. He’d had to say yes, couldn't bring himself to lie and hide it. He'd also added that Tsukuyomi became a Rider, too, on that last day.
When he was asked if they survived… Sougo said they'd gone back to their time.
(He hopes they made it to a better one than they left.)
A week later, four and sixteen made twenty, and Uncle’d asked if the people who they'd brought through were Kamen Riders as well.
“…They were. Once upon a timeline.” Sougo smiled bitterly. “Until I became one. Then their pasts and powers all got stolen, and now half of the Kamen Riders never were in the first place, and the rest never can be again. All the watches, on that stand? Those were their powers, before I came along.” He tried to hold back the tears with a smile. “Some hero I was. Had to erase almost twenty years worth of other, better, heroes to be one.”
His uncle didn't have a reply for that. He just hugged him.
They've been talking for a while, out there. Maybe it's a different clocksmith? There aren't any others in the area, as far as Sougo knows, since it's not exactly a big profession…  oh well.
“Sougo-kun?” His uncle steps into the doorway. “You'd said that some of the other Kamen Riders didn't remember being such, right?”
Sougo looks away. “Yeah. Pretty much everyone I met before January, except for Kadoya Tsukasa. Most of them never came here.”
“One did, though, and he seems very intent on talking to you.”
“…Huh?” That gets him to look up. Why would- before January, they wouldn't remember being riders, and probably shouldn't remember he exists, much less remember having met him. “Did he say his name?”
“Ten… something.” Uncle grimaces. “Sorry, I'm bad with names, it's already slipped my mind…”
“Ten... Tenkuji, you mean? Tenkuji Takeru?”
Uncle beams. “That's it!”
He hadn't remembered. Couldn't have remembered, it was before the paradoxes started piling on top of each other so badly… Except…
When Tsukuyomi had taken off, for a while, she'd left her data pad, the one with the histories on it. Sougo'd copied them all down, each and every one. Even if they didn't remember, someone needed to.
He filled three notebooks with every detail he could, and then with what he'd done.
Miharu and Geiz had thought it was a terrible idea, but… someone needed to remember for them.
Tenkuji-sempai had been 'Kamen Rider Ghost'. He'd been 'Ghost' for a reason, and he'd seemed a little too familiar with what happened to Sougo that day.
Sougo goes to the storefront.
There he is, brown hair and a kimono hoodie, grinning nervously. “Hey, kouhai. Long time, no see.”
…Kouhai. Okay, yeah, he's older than Sougo, but.
“I, uh. hi. Yeah… that is…”
Tenkuji's grin loses a little of it's nervousness, and he looks like he's trying for reassurance. “We know. We all know. We're sorry, we had to let you think we forgot, because… ugh, something about cause and effect, and predetermined events and, honestly, Ryotaro and Yuuto's explanations went way over my head, and Tsukasa's weren't much better. But we never forgot, okay?”
“You – you remember. All of it?”
“We've always been Kamen Riders, and we always will be.” Takeru's smile is warm. “And we'd like to invite you to a thing.”
Uncle butts in. “So, you are one of them?”
Takeru nods, bowing formally for a proper introduction. “Tenkuji Takeru, Kamen Rider Ghost. I was mostly active from 2015 to 2016, and now it's whenever my juniors need help.” He smiles. “Nice to meet you again!”
“You said you wanted Sougo to come to something?”
“Mm-hm. We've started having gatherings, about a year and a half ago, now, and we'd appreciate it if you could come.” He says the last part to Sougo, before turning to both of them. “It's mostly riders and support, and families, too. But… it can get a little overwhelming, and we thought it'd be a better idea if you, er, Mr. Tokiwa, that is, would be willing to wait until the next one? If Sougo comes back – there's no obligation to, of course, but we'd at least like to fill him in, first.”
Uncle grins. “I'd love to.” He makes little shooing motions at Sougo and Takeru. “Go, have fun, stay safe. You know how I worry.”
Swallowing hard, Sougo nods. “Yeah. Yeah, I do.”
“D'you still have your bike? Because you can ride along on mine if you need to, but it'll be easier if you have your own. The Ghostriker isn't really… made for two people.”
Sougo looks up and down the spectral-themed bike. “I'd say so. You really went all out with the theming, huh?”
“Well, it used to be possessed by a horse spirit, I think, whenever I transformed, but I had it modified a year ago to always look like this. If the eyes glow, it's haunted. Fair warning.”
“That's really cool. I've still got what was my bike, but… I don't know if it still works.” Sougo pulls out the watch, looking down at it. “Never really used it much, honestly. Mostly used the time machines to get places. That kinda felt like cheating when it wasn't that far away, but since we'd have to time travel half the time anyway…” He hesitates. “I haven't tried using it since we finished. I don't know if I can transform, anymore, either. Does that disqualify me?”
“Heck no. A lot of people don't, not if they can help it, or can't for one reason or another. So, don't worry about it.”
Nodding, Sougo turns the faceplate on the watch, and it springs to action. He grins at seeing it again, and then his face falls. …I don't actually have a helmet.”
Takeru breaks out laughing. “You were always Zi-O when you used it, huh? Here.” He tosses a second helmet to Sougo. “Didn't know if you had a bike or not, so I grabbed an extra before I left.”
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falneou17 · 4 years
BanG Dream Favorite List - 6
With the introduction of Morfonica and the almost completion of the third season, I figured I might as well update this list a bit. I will add Morfonica on the list for now but keep in mind that I have very little information to go on for them. I also don’t play on the Japanese server anymore, so I don’t know what kind of an impact the new girls have on the franchise in that regard. All I got are their designs, their introductions, their character profiles, and their MV.
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Yamabuki Saaya (1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1)
The same old song and dance right here. While the gap between her and Moca is really small, it is still there and Saaya is still standing at the very top. For now, anyway.
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Aoba Moca (2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2)
And with Saaya at the number 1 spot, Moca remains on the number 2 spot. She’s definitely easier for me to depict in fanfictions than Saaya is, but... being easier to depict does not make me like you more, unfortunately. I also semi-recently found out about this (because she did a collab with Yukki (Lisa) and Meguchi (Ako)), but Moca’s seiyuu has a Youtube account now as well! Been quite amusing to watch her so far.
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Mitake Ran (3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3)
Despite being even easier for me to depict than Moca is, Ran remains on the bronze medal. That said, she’s definitely got a lot going for her, and she’s still growing as a vocalist more and more. All the props to her seiyuu!
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Hazawa Tsugumi (4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4)
And look! The Tsuguteru is still on the number 4 spot; Rinko hasn’t surpassed her just yet. I mean... is there really anything left for me to say about this adorable bundle of cute of Afterglow? She’s a selfless hard worker and she keeps her friends going; and, despite remaining relatively static over the years, in Tsugu’s case it’s a good thing. Don’t fix what ain’t broke, am I right?
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Imai Lisa (5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 5)
As a matter of fact, Rinko even lost her number five spot to Lisa. I am kind of being unfair here, but it’s my list so I can make my own rules... the fact that I actually like Lisa’s new seiyuu (and semi-regularly watch her Youtube channel where she is a ton of fun to watch as well) helps to indirectly raise Lisa up the ranks.
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Shirokane Rinko (7, 6, 6, 5, 5, 6)
What can I say? ENdori has officially changed Rinko’s voice from Akesaka Satomi-san’s to Shizaki Kanon’s. And, if it hasn’t been made obvious by now... Akesaka-san really made Rinko who she was and the shift has been really... jarring, to put it lightly. She’s still high because she’s Rinko and there are a ton of amazing Rinko cards left to appear in the EN server, but... she might drop even further at this rate...
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Satou “MASKING” Masuki (20, 21, 10, 9, 9, 7)
I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: Season 3 has a lot of problems. But the one thing they did well is truly allowing Raise a Suilen to grow; both as a collective unit as well as individuals. And nobody has grown as much as MASKING has. She’s literally transformed from the girl in the shadows who had like three lines in season 2 to the girl with the biggest impact in season 3. I mean, CHU2 is close, but she can’t reach MASKING’s level. ...get it, ‘cause CHU2′s sho-
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Uehara Himari (6, 7, 8, 7, 7, 8)
Himari has actually grown, which can be seen in her jumping up into the favorites, but... she can’t keep up with MASKING. That said, the new voice lines that the EN server has received as a result of the anniversary have really allowed Himari to shine some more in my opinion.
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Udagawa Tomoe (8, 8, 7, 8, 8, 9)
Honestly... Tomoe’s pretty much the same as Himari in this regard. She gained a bit of ground relative to those at the very top, but she just hasn’t gained enough to close that gap entirely...
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Asahi Rokka (12, 12, 12, 12, 11, 10)
Like MASKING before her, Rokka has grown to become pretty much the protagonist of the third season... and she’s done a lot of growing for sure!
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Tamade “CHU2″ Chiyu (13, 13, 16, 14, 15, 11)
Probably... a more controversial choice to push her this high up again, but... listen... Season 3 has really done her justice. It really allowed her to grow, for us to see her past and the darkness in her heart and it allowed her to, at least a little bit, try and surpass that. Pretty big things for such a shortie.
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Maruyama Aya (9, 9, 9, 10, 10, 12)
The first time Aya dropped from the top ten, and it’s by two spots, too. And it’s not even that something happened to make me like Aya less; it’s just that the RAS girls who have surpassed her are that much better in my opinion. Bushiroad really knew what they were doing with RAS, that’s all I am going to say. Speaking of RAS...
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Wakana “LAYER” Rei (25, 20, 15, 11, 13, 13)
Out of all the RAS girls, Rei is probably the one with the least amount of growth. We saw Rokka grow from her Season 2 shy and reclusive self to her more determined and confident form in Season 3. Masuki’s growth is insane. CHU2 and PAREO both had an entire episode dedicated to their past and inner demons. LAYER... doesn’t really have any of that. Sure she had little flashbacks, but nothing to the extent of the other girls... She’s still pretty high, though.
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Wakamiya Eve (11, 10, 11, 13, 12, 14)
A bit of a drop thanks to the RAS girls, but still nothing too extreme... I think... there’s really not that much I can say about her aside from the usual, really. That said, the Bushido is strong and Eve will remain strong.
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Nyubara “PAREO” Reona (14, 14, 14, 15, 16, 15)
She technically jumped to 15th spot, but she’s still at the bottom of the RAS girls... despite having an episode dedicated to her past demons... I dunno, it was definitely not badly written or executed or anything, I just didn’t get moved by it as much as I did with, say... her precious CHU2-sama...
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Okusawa Misaki ( 10, 11, 13, 16, 14, 16)
Back down to the lowest ranking she’s ever been to. At least she didn’t drop below that yet... but, let’s be honest... with how she’s been doing, it is only a matter of time... especially if Morfonica ends up shooting past her like RAS has.
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Hikawa Sayo (17, 16, 18, 18, 17, 17)
Sayo is... still very weird for me to place. She’s had a little moment in season 3 where she clashed against Yukina (being the only Roselia girl who openly clashed against her, surprisingly) which did raise her a bit... but then she apologized as if she was in the wrong, which... you guessed it, lowered her again. So I think putting her in the same spot as last time would be fair enough?
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Futuba Tsukushi (NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, 18)
The first Morfonica girl on the list, and one that might surprise some people who I have talked with about Morfonica. Again, I have very little to go with when it comes to Morfonica, but what I do have makes me feel like Tsukushi has a lot of potential. Only time will tell if this first impression was right.
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Ichigaya Arisa (15, 17, 17, 17, 18, 19)
Losing her 18th spot to a fellow twintail, there’s nothing that Arisa did that really made her “lose” the spot. I don’t like her less, it’s just that I can see the potential for Tsukushi.
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Tsurumaki Kokoro (16, 15, 19, 19, 20, 20)
And back to the 20th spot for Kokoro. Like Arisa, nothing of note happening for her to jump up again, it’s just... she kinda did.
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Kurata Mashiro (NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, 21)
The Morfonica girl people would probably think be my fave Morfonica girl so far. A lot of potential as well, especially with her seiyuu being the youngest seiyuu of the franchise by such a big margin. She’s gotten a lot of hate already from what I can tell, and to that I say: give her some time to truly grow into Morfonica’s vocalist. It took a while for Kokoro (and, by proxy, HaroHapi) to really take off as well if memory serves.
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Kirigaya Touko (NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, 22)
I am not going to lie... Touko might be the Morfonica girl I look forward to the most. From what I know, she’s got a pretty decent base going, she seems fun enough, and now all that is left is for Bushiroad to give her the justice she deserves. That every Morfonica girl deserves!
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Udagawa Ako (19, 18, 20, 20, 19, 23)
It’s not really fair to call this a drop for Ako (and all the girls below her), because we did get introduced to five new girls. That said, she did lose her spot from Kokoro, but that aside... Ako is all right. Watching Meguchi collab with Yukki (Lisa) on Youtube is always a very entertaining watch. Even if Meguchi does end up on the losing side more often than not when they play games together.
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Yashio Rui (NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, 24)
Rui is, not only for me but also for a lot of other people, the only Morfonica girl who people knew a little bit about her seiyuu’s background prior to appearing in BanG Dream. For those unaware: her seiyuu, Ayasa, has a Youtube channel as well where she does violin covers of a lot of amazing songs (including, at the time of writing this, three BanG Dream songs: Starmine, LOUDER, and Star Beat). That being said, it’s not fair to judge Rui based on her seiyuu, so I think this is a fair enough spot for her for the time being.
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Toyama Kasumi (26, 24, 23, 22, 21, 25)
Those numbers really make it look like she dropped, but she didn’t. Kasumi is as great as ever and she’s even gained a couple new songs to her name!
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Matsubara Kanon (23, 25, 24, 24, 23, 26)
Back up above Chisato, if only slightly. I think that Nico x Nico song of HaroHapi has really helped her out a lot. That, or seeing a more serious, self-confident Kanon (because we all know what happened to Rinko after I started seeing her in a different light).
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Shirasagi Chisato (22, 22, 22, 21, 22, 27)
...again, a lot of potential. But as she is probably the biggest link to my least fave of the franchise (who, surprisingly, fell even more), it drags her down as well. If it were any other franchise, Chisato’s growth would have been much much better...
Above Neutral
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Hiromachi Nanami (NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, 28)
I don’t really know what I can say about her. I can see the potential, I can see how Nanami can grow to jump a couple of spots... but at this point in time, I don’t really see the realistic path to reach that final destination. Not yet, anyways...
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Hikawa Hina (24, 23, 25, 25, 24, 29)
A lot of potential, a lot of very impressive scenes... I think she would do better if she wouldn’t hyperfocus on her older sister as much as she does. While endearing and definitely adorable to a certain degree, it does... kind of limit her growth. Not to mention that we already know how much Hina loves Sayo by now, can’t we see how Hina does with other stuff?
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Hanazono Tae ( 18, 19, 21, 23, 26, 30)
I said it before and I will say it again: Tae is a fun character and I love watching her seiyuu perform live and appear on livestreams. That being said, Tae really needs something to help her stand out in the crowd. BanG Dream is only getting more and more characters as time goes on, so being static is not a very good thing...
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Yamato Maya (27, 26, 26, 27, 27, 31)
Maya is... definitely rising if only slightly. At the rate this is going, she might even surpass Tae one day. As I said in the previous entry, I went back to try and see Maya’s growth again, and I will be the first to admit that I kind of overlooked her in the beginning. She’s a lot of fun, but will she be enough fun to make a bigger name for herself?
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Ushigome Rimi (28, 28, 27, 26, 28, 32)
Rimi has definitely changed over the last month and a half or so since my last tier list, but... she’s been changing for both the better and the worse, which kind of evened out to keep her at about the same spot?
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Kitazawa Hagumi (29, 29, 29, 28, 29, 33)
Hagumi has a lot of problems, being in HaroHapi where she is completely overshadowed by Kokoro is one (and my biggest complaint). That being said, when you cannot jump up the rankings, there is another way for you to be saved from being at the very bottom...
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Minato Yukina (21, 26, 28, 29, 25, 34)
I’m not going to pretend anymore: I am disappointed in Roselia, I said that before in an answer to an anon. That being said, my disappointment in Roselia is only overshadowed by my disappointment in Yukina. Despite knowing how much Season 3 butchered Roselia’s personality, Yukina’s more than anyone, the issue is that... all my complaints, all my annoyances, and all the disappointment I have with Roselia... it can all be traced back to two words: Minato Yukina. And until Yukina manages to provide a song that truly befits the level in which she supposedly presents herself, I really can’t see her rising up the ranks anymore.
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snowpeawritings · 5 years
Baby crows get to experience real music for the first time, wonders what was missing in their lives ft. Karasuno first years
ever since i played bandori, i’ve been absolutely hooked on the girls and their music. and the fact that their world have so much potential to have crossovers with (and especially since bang dream will have a separate universe where there will be boy bands). so take this crossover off of my cold hands bc i love these two series
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Hinata Shouyo | Hello, Happy World!
- The sprightly young boy is always quick on his feet. Personally, I headcanon him to be a decent if not, good dancer. He prefers music that have funky beats like Electro Swing or future bass music like Snail’s house. Quite niche music selections but those types of music do keep him up and running. At least it was better than Tanaka’s or Nishinoya's choice of music.
- That's why he couldn't contain his excitement when he hears that you’re in a band. Mind you, the only band roles that he knows are the drummer and like, two guitar players. He assumed that there was no base guitar and thought the deep something that he keeps hearing in songs was the help of the drums.
- With a pained chuckle, you decided to invite him to HaroHapi’s open mic night at the nearest studio so you can educate Hinata in band music. While HaroHapi wasn't the best example as compared to Afterglow or Poppin’ Party, at least your group had the heart to perform just as good as they are.
- When the open mic night drew near, it took Hinata his all to not shake at the number of people and instruments there were in here. So many different types of instruments, so many different types of microphones, and so many black circle thingies (records).
- When he finally meets Hello, Happy World! He just took one glance at Michelle before fainting.
“Misaki-chan don't mind…”
- You waved at Hinata while you were on stage, wearing the HaroHapi costume and a marching mic in hand. Hinata had that image planted in his mind forever (though he does feel weird when the orange-haired one looked strikingly like him).
- As per the house’s rule, you performed three songs: Silhouette, YAPPY! SCHOOL CARNIVAL ☆彡, and Goka! Gokai?! Phantom Thief!. Throughout the entire performance, Hinata couldn't sit still as he marveled at how every song had him bouncing in his seat. Not even a few minutes in on the performance, he wanted to jump up on stage and dance with you to the beat of the music. Heck, even the ones near him can't even watch the show properly because of the bounciness that was radiating off of him, metaphorically and physically.
- When the show was over, he immediately bounced over to you, scaring Kanon at how high he could jump as he poured out all the praises he could possibly give out. He even added his own language to describe the songs like ‘bwum’ or 'tss’. Somehow he even roped in Kokoro and Kaoru to say all of that stuff with him. You, Michelle and Kanon could only fuee in response.
        - “I didn't know your boyfriend is literally Kokoro.”
        - “Takes one to know one.”
        - “Hey.”
- He makes HaroHapi's music his go-to training music. Just listening to the beats and your voice gets his feet thumping and heart pounding. Unfortunately, the team gets even more annoyed at him because he sings the songs out loud sometimes… which is all the time whenever he jams his earphones in. It's even worse when Tanaka joins in as a means to annoy opponents but hey, it's pretty damn good memories recorded on phone.
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Kageyama Tobio | Poppin’ Party
Literally has no taste in music that you could cry. Has no interest in listening to it since sounds could hinder his practice and the fact that he doesn't understand crap about it. He remembers that classical music helps in studying better so at least he knows that. The only problem is he got in trouble in class because he had earphones in his ear with Mozart blasting out.
Having Hinata relay that story to you, you had to invite him to the open mic at the live house. Kageyama tilted his head to the side when you looked really red in the face when you talked to him about it, though. At least you managed to invite him without breaking into hysterical laughter.
Remember that one episode where Kageyama went in Shiratorizawa muttering that he's part of the student body? Yeah, imagine that but replace 'I'm a student here’ to 'My s/o is a musician’. People around him flee instantly from how constipated he looked as he surveyed the building.
Poppin’ Party, in your opinion, has the most genre of songs compared to other bands. With Kasumi's powerful range, Rimi's cotton-soft voice, and your own brings out the best vocals Poppin’ Party has to offer. You were certain that Kageyama was going to enjoy music now with your band.
        - “____-chan! There's a scary person in the building!! And he knows your name!!!”
        - “Oh, that's my boyfriend I think.”
        - “Are you sure he's going to enjoy our show…?”
- Kageyama wonders why the heck are there balls underneath your outfits but he didn't pay heed to it when you saw him at the corner of your eye and winked. He tried to quell his burning blush but the sight of your blushing blueberry made you giggle. Tae herself even mentions that his expression looked exactly like one of her rabbits make when it was starving. With that image in mind, you had to bite your lip to stop smiling so wide.
- PoPiPa had three songs to perform in mind: Hachigatsu no If, Happy Happy Party!, and God knows…. Kageyama was just sitting back in awe at the music. Before he knew it, his fingers tapped against his side in the beat of the songs. His mind automatically memorizing every single note each song has and commits them to memory, even if the songs vastly different in genre. The band just kept popping energy that it made the audience join in on the singing.
- After the show, he's just as awkward at giving out compliments to other people as he is with his teammates. He could barely even let out the first syllables of the compliment before Kasumi and Tae went up in his face and demanded answers. He would've yelled at them if it weren't for the fact that they were both girls and strangers to him.
- Once you teach him that no, he can't use earphones during class, he uses your music during his jogging or study sessions. Hearing your voice made his mind calm down from all the stress he's accumulated in the week. Though nothing compares to hearing you sing an acapella version of your songs during a cuddle session in his room. It's the best feeling in the world in his opinion.
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Yamaguchi Tadashi | Afterglow
- This dude gets most of his music library from Tsukishima but he tends to have his own playlist. He's embarrassed by this but he loves rock music like K-on! or other rock bands that's secretly kept in his playlist. He can never deny the powerful music rock bands have and that it gives him energy for the day.
- Having that information, you excitedly asked him if he could watch you and your band perform in the live house. He tries to hide his excitement but it shows by the shine in his eyes that he is excited for your performance. Whether if it was his favorite genre or not, he's proud of the fact that you can musically perform.
- It wasn't his first time in a live house. He and Tsukishima sometimes have trips to live houses to hear budding artists and find new songs. So it wasn't a surprise to him to see your band with all the instruments necessary for a rock band. He keeps it to himself, but he was slightly intimidated by both Ran and Tomoe because of the fact that they looked like they meant business.
- Afterglow is the literal definition of a rock band, with you as a second singer next to Ran and wearing punk clothes, your group was ready play the same as always. Well, almost the same since Yamaguchi was there and you wanted to give it your all and that didn't go unnoticed by Moca and Himari. Moca just kept dropping hints that your boyfriend is watching and Himari just kept bugging you on what type of boyfriend Yamaguchi is. The others didn't exactly minded, saying that your partner shouldn't deter the performance, but they were happy for you nonetheless.
- Yamaguchi luckily found a spot nearest to the stage. The freckles on his face were made more prominent by his red blush when he sees you in your outfit. It slightly matched Tomoe's outfit, which showed your midriff and it didn't help you were wearing shorts. Tsugu even mentioned that the blush made his plain-looking face stand out more. You joked that she should blush more on stage.
- With a spring in your step, Afterglow performed three songs: True Color, Y.O.L.O.!!!!, and Don't say “lazy”. All three songs that shook the audience with the power your band has, Yamaguchi especially. He felt like he could love you even more when you were playing rock music as he continues to watch you with hearts in his eyes. The music pumped up everyone in the audience, but Yamaguchi was pretty sure your voice pumped up the beats in his heart. It wasn't just your voice though, you and the band didn't stare at the crowd, you just stare ahead and played your songs, almost like Afterglow was too powerful for the audience to comprehend and Yamaguchi can't help but agree with that.
- After the performance, Yamaguchi couldn't contain his words and let all of his praises out on you and the band. He only stuttered once or twice and that was when Ran was glaring (more like studying) him. Behind you, Himari and Moca were snickering at the sight of your flushed face.
        - “Didn’t think I'd live to see the day that ____ gets to blush!”
        - “Moca approves of this lover of yours~”
- If Yamaguchi's heart was pounding from your performance, it was beating past the limit when Himari and Moca asked him about your relationship. Nothing to invasive but he gets embarrassed when his love life is talked about. Tsugu had to be the voice of reason for everybody so that nothing will go too out of hand.
- Yamaguchi now proudly listens to rock music as he goes out and about. He doesn't even get embarrassed when others ask him what he's listening to as he shows them the playlist of all your band's songs on shuffle mode. His teammates were confused and when rock music was his favorite genre but didn't belittle him for it. The only insult that he's gotten was that his genre aligned with Tanaka's genre, in which Tsukishima had to step in that “No way in hell is Yamaguchi's girlfriend plays the same genre as your trash.”
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Tsukishima Kei | Roselia
(I would rather have it be Raise A Suilen but with this, they're 5 and I sorta wanted to have them each like the original 5 so ahahaha. Besides, by the time I was thinking of this, RAS didn't exist yet so im going with roselia)
- Tsukki's playlist is completely random that nobody can pinpoint his favorite genre. When one hears his earphones closely, they could make out acoustic guitar, but suddenly the next day it's EDM. He keeps it to himself but he likes the reactions people make when they hear it. It's sort of a personal game to Tsukki to see how much a person reacts when he keeps switching his playlists and blasting them loudly in his ears.
- As a music enthusiast (as well as being Yukina's go-to person when it comes to making lyrics), you invited him to watch your performance at the nearest live house. It wasn't a surprise that you performed, he remembered you mentioned that you were in a band as second vocalist and lyricist. While he seemed nonchalant when he accepted your invitation, inside he was over the moon when he gets to hear your music.
- It was like becoming second nature to him when he goes inside the live house and peruse the other music fanatics like him. He used to go and watch bands perform with Yamaguchi but didn't have time for it anymore with volleyball practice and his studies. The place didn't seem to change much, except for the fact that there was a new manager called Marina and a bunch more girl bands than Tsukki could remember.
- Roselia has the best music and you were proud that continuous practice has made this rose bloom beautifully. While the girls were preparing, you spotted Tsukishima talking to Marina. Feeling a presence on your shoulder, you glanced at Lisa, who was smirking at you. Out of everyone on Roselia, Lisa and Ako were the only ones interested in your boyfriend and how a stoic beanpole managed to snatch you away. The others couldn't care less, but Yukina did warn you that your love life shouldn't interfere with the music.
- Your costume reminded Tsukishima of birds, which made him wonder if you were secretly planning a crow joke after the performance. It was mostly blue, with the same colored roses adorning your hair and dress. The entire group looked like people from some fantasy anime and Tsukki had to commend whoever made your costumes because dang those are good costumes.
- With his gaze on you, you had to be at your best. The band performed three songs: BLACK SHOUT, Determination Symphony, and Shangri-La. You weren't kidding when you said to him that Roselia was amazing. The band had amazing vocals and perfect harmonization that your voices just blended together effortlessly. Not only that, you and Yukina had an aura that made you two bring the band in full circle… something that Tsukki could never pinpoint.
- When he meets you after the performance, he had to pull you away from the group just so you could see the ever-so rare honest expression on his face. The honest expression that didn't show any malice or ulterior motive but only pure joy that he got to see his lover perform. You had to cover your face so the tears and snot wouldn't spill and let it ruin the moment but alas, Lisa shoved herself in, misreading the situation that looked like Tsukki made you cry.
        - “Lisa, it's not what it looks like! This isn't the first time I cried because of him!”
        - “You what.”
- Tsukishima gives up on his personal game and instead blasts Roselia's music in his earphones. As he figured, a few people knew about their music and had asked him numerous times about his sudden fixation on them but he brushed them off. Hearing your voice is like his safe house when he's overwhelmed by Hinata's constant shouting. Well, more like giving him more of deaf ears when the rock music overpowers the loud ones voices.
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Yachi Hitoka | Pastel*Palettes
- She listens to music when she's making her notes all beautifully coordinated. It ranges from time to time; sometimes lo-fi, sometimes jazz with rain sound effects in the background, anything that can set her mind to ease. However, she has a guilty pleasure for listening to girl group songs. At one point she wanted to stand out more like the girls she sees on TV but when she accepts that she'll be just a Townsperson B, she stopped listening to them.
- When spotting her hidden J-pop playlist on her phone, you (loudly) invited her to watch your band's performance this weekend. Once she got over her initial shock, she agreed out of fear that you might hate her when she wouldn't go to your performance that you obviously practiced so much. She knew that you were working as an idol and she doesn't even know what you saw in her that you wanted to date her.
- In the live house, Yachi was like she was back in the Titan jungle, except animated words of musical jargon she couldn't understand started floating about her vision. She could only stand there, dumbly, as people began to wonder if she was alright. Even Marina noticed and had to step in to see if Yachi was okay.
- Pastel*Palettes was your pride and joy. You wouldn't know what to do if the group didn't exist. The band had its ups and downs because it was literal strangers forming a band, but you managed to pull through. You hoped that Yachi would enjoy your performance. Speaking of which, you saw her being comforted by Marina and by the looks of things, she's having a panic attack again. When you went to her and asked what was wrong, she started screaming when she saw Chisato, her idol when she was a kid.
           - “Chisato-senpai, you killed her!”
- Yachi situated herself in the middle, a place that she never wanted to be in but swallowed her fear just so she could see you up close. Her fear quickly disappeared when she saw you in your costume. Your favorite color in pastel and white colors complemented your dress like you were an actual magical girl. When you spotted her in the middle, you had to bite back your smile in fear of embarrassing Yachi further.
- PasuPare performed three songs: Pasupa Revolutions☆, Yura-Yura Ring-Dong-Dance, and MOON PRIDE. Throughout the performance, Yachi couldn’t even breathe. She knows that all the idols were lip-synching in their performances so seeing your band perform live was like Hinata showing her the freak quick. After the show, she met you and began rambling everything that she loved about your performance: the songs themselves, your liveliness, the absolute  adorableness about your aesthetic that she couldn’t put it into words. Your other members though found this endearing, especially Hina and Eve.
        - “It was like-shing! And bling-bling!”
        - “Hitoka, you’re being Hinata again.”
        - “Do Japanese people say these things?”
        - “I don’t think so, but I think she’s super boppin’ about it!”
- Yachi now proudly listens to your songs in her phone whenever she studies or whether she was about to present something in front of an audience. Your voice gives her the confidence she needed to push through as she was announcing a speech to the Karasuno team. However, she wasn’t prepared to be bombarded with questions when people saw you two on your date. She knew about this at the back of her mind, she just didn’t think there were this many people who were demanding this much information to the point that she fainted.
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laststops-blog · 5 years
Headcanon time! What would Gundham, Leon, and Hajime do if someone started flirting with them? Does appearance matter to them when it comes to a significant other? Do you have a specific sexuality or gender in mind for them when you write them for ships?
pop quiz!
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            funnily enough you literally just named all my bi boys!! i’ll tackle them separately bc i do have a lot of thoughts and what have you when it comes to them dating/flirting etc and because of that i think this is going to be very long and if so i apologise 
leon: okay here’s my thing. leon looooves girls. i won’t pretend he’s a little white knight or whatever because that isn’t the truth – he finds a great many girls physically attractive and his definition of what makes a girl ‘pretty’ tends to waver and change depending on who he’s thinking of, ygm?? but also, leon’s grown up around kanon, who he ADORES. kanon is like his baby sister, and because of this, he does treat other women with respect… when he’s not pissed off with them. 
leon isn’t ever mean outright to girls, because he really is a nice enough guy, but also he’s like… unintentionally misogynistic, yk? he NEVER knows he’s being a jackass, but he also tells kyouko to ‘smile more’, makes offhand gross comments about the very same girl from the hair salon that he changed his appearance for, he’s a little over the top in an effort to be ‘chivalrous’ etc. leon’s grown up around a lot of toxic masculinity and that’s shaped his views on women and his own sexuality quite a bit. he’s quite naturally flirty when it comes to girls, but if a guy ever flirted with him he probably wouldn’t even notice.
speaking of, here’s the thing with leon and being bi – he’s not quite sure how to handle it. he wasn’t out to HIMSELF until very recently, because ‘i want to be with you’, ‘i want to be like you’ and ‘i want to make you like me’ can merge into one in his mind (as shown by him dyeing his hair and changing himself to please the girl from the salon who i REALLY need to name geez). i think it’d take a little more work for leon to even REALISE he’s crushing on a guy, never mind act on it.
gundham: he’s… a funny one. gundham grew up so removed from his peers that even making friends is really hard for him: he doesn’t exactly understand people and how to interact with them as himself, without the persona, because he isn’t confident. i’ll admit i have a VERY firm sondam bias because, well, he lets her in, and she’s kind to him and never acts like his front is strange or he’s weird for relying on it – but i also fear that this plays into his insecurity in parts (e.g ‘would she still like me if i wasn’t all this’). 
gundham’s got a lot to work through before he even lets anyone past that Stage One Wall. you’ll notice that almost all of his free time events begin with him telling hajime to back up, stay away – he directly refers to the fact that he’s got poison skin and would hurt him if he got any closer, and so he warns him away before he even knows what hajime wants!!! you see!!! he’s pushing people away under the guise of ‘i’m dangerous and i’ll hurt you’, even though he doesn’t really enjoy being alone, because, well, he’s been hurt before, and he doesn’t want to go through all of that again. he’s very wary of being flirted with as a joke in that mean way people do in high school, and because of this will very rarely respond to outright flirting.
he’s acutely aware of how cruel people can be, especially to him, and he’s not willing to bring that upon himself. when it comes to DATING, he’s even harder to get through to. his animals and his mother are his priorities, not to mention he’d just have no clue what to do with a significant other. he knows he’s bi and he’s very comfortable with that, to the point of dismissal. it’s just something about him, like the colour of his eyes, or what his name is. appearance doesn’t bother gundham AT ALL because well have you seen him?? dumb goth?? he’s really just someone who gravitates towards interesting people and good-hearted people like hajime (good-hearted but boring) and sonia (both).
hajime: is a whole other ballpark he’s such a huge disaster like… he’s so clearly bi like that’s just canon but his self esteem is so weirdly manifested?? he very obviously hates himself enough to choose the kamukura project over just being a normal person but also in the simulation every time someone so much as asks to talk to him he’s like ‘in love?? theyre in love with me?? nice!’ which is so strange? i think hajime is no stranger to being flirted with and getting attention from people in that respect, but he very rarely responds (especially when he’s on the reserve course) because he’s… kinda miserable and broody, which is all well and good if you’re into that but he’s very closed off until he meets natsumi and, then, chiaki.
hajime isn’t scared to outright flirt with people in-game, though, and from what we know, the personalities uploaded to the simulation are as close to their real personalities as the programming could get, y’know? and this is what i mean by his self esteem being weird – logically, he should be a little more worried about rejection than he actually is, ESPECIALLY with people like peko, who he knows likes somebody else when he ‘confesses’ to her. 
despite this, he’s still more polite than leon, and i think this is in part due to him having a really good relationship with his mother? leon’s mum isn’t around and he’s been raised in a very male-heavy environment (his dad, his uncle, his trainers and his baseball team), whereas hajime’s mother adores him and dotes on him and was a really good influence on him as he was growing up and even now. 
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zephyrthejester · 6 years
Code Geass Deadblog: Episodes 45-46
Starting off, I kicked myself for not seeing the possibility that Marianne would come back into play. She's been talking to C.C. all this time, and even accounting for that C.C.'s current amnesia, there'd be no reason to think she still couldn't. In a stunning twist, it was revealed that Marianne and C.C. had forged a contract once; Marianne's Geass must have been extraordinarily powerful, because she puppeteered Anya's body from beyond the grave and got close to C.C. Close enough to enter her mindspace and have a hearty conversation with her, which restored her memories.
Even more shocking, we next had a stunning turn of events with Suzaku and Schneizel. In full view of Gino, Lloyd, Cecile, Kanon, and Cornelia... Suzaku resolved that his ideals up until now were naive. The ends do, in fact, justify the means. And to that cause, he and Schneizel conspired to assassinate the Emperor! How in the everloving fuck does Suzaku manage to walk around with those massive balls of his? I guess this is what happens when the fallen paladin squashes out every last spark of Lawful Good in his heart. Schneizel's point of view was that the Emperor has completely failed to uphold his duty as an Emperor, placed himself before others. Man. I feel really bad for thinking Schneizel was a snake! I didn't dare trust him, but at this point I'm really sure he's genuinely a good dude who wants good things.
Suzaku intercepted the Emperor at the mouth of the cave on Kamine Island, but Bismarck intercepted his blow upon the Emperor... Not that he could have killed him, anyway. So, turns out the Knight of One had a Geass of his own, kept hidden under that sewn-shut left eye of his. You'd think I'd have seen that coming...
Lelouch arrived on the Island then. He had gone wild with his Geass, sending a huge swathe of the Britannian forces into chaos, fighting each other indiscriminately. Marianne (as Anya) and C.C. used it as the perfect cover to infiltrate the scene. And Lelouch... well, he confronted his father in the Sword of Akasha just as he was beginning Ragnarok. There was a creepy intertwining pillar of human bodies writhing around there, which was super creepy, and I still have no freaking idea what that was supposed to be. But anyhoo, Lelouch claimed a victory by rigging the exit to explode behind him, sealing both himself and his father in the alternate realm!
From there, Lelouch and Charles began to speak about the nature of lying, which tied into a conversation held between Marianne, Suzaku, and C.C. At long last, we learned what "C's World" is: A collective consciousness of humanity's memories. It was at this point where I realized that, yeah, Mao is probably dead. Whoops. I was convinced that was a dart gun C.C. fired into his neck...Oh well. C's World sounds like a place that's a one way trip, if you catch my meaning.
Evidently, Charles wants to get all of humanity into C's World so that there could be no barriers, no masks, between people, and therefore conflict would end. So in other words, it's literally Human Instrumentality, but with a lot less sexual metaphors. Anyhoo, Marianne's ghost thingy slipped out of Anya's body and went into the Sword of Akasha to meet with Charles and her son, and things got really spicy from there.
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Marianne was able to personally explain the mystery of her death: It was at the hands of V.V., who killed her because Charles' love for her was threatening to lead him astray from completing the Contract between them. In Marianne's dying moments on those stairs, her Geass activated for the first time, and she just so happened to be looking one Anya Alstreim in the eyes. Anya, then a child, was cowering behind a pillar and just so happened to be there at the wrong time. Marianne's power turned out to be the power to transfer her consciousness into another person, and from that day on Marianne lived in poor Anya's body, and eventually worked out that she can telepathically communicate with C.C.
C.C. learning the truth of what happened is what caused her to give up her leadership of the Geass society to V.V. and disappear. Charles, meanwhile, swiftly learned of V.V.'s murderous deception and that planted the seed of a future betrayal right then and there... Dear lord, man. V.V. was truly an absolute scumbag. Forged an identity and relationship out of ridding the world of lies and breaking down barriers, then murdered his brother's dearly beloved and tried to cover it up. How disgusting.
Then, in a shocking twist, it was revealed that the Emperor kinda sorta had good intentions for Lelouch and Nunnaly all along??? Sent them to Japan to not make them potential targets for V.V. Oh, and he used his Geass to make Nunnaly convinced she was blind, just to ensure she couldn't have been a witness. Yeah, no, sorry, I'm 100% sure this was the show pulling this out of its ass. I guarantee you the Emperor wasn't meant to be sympathetic early on, and I personally do NOT want to feel any sympathy for this monster. He's done plenty of stuff that's inexcusable, among them his big goals. Like... Why couldn't Charles have let Nunnaly be "blind" at first, then once the heat died down a few weeks later, reversed it and also meddled with her memories to leave no evidence? Everyone thought it was psychosomatic, anyway! Her recovering her sight would have been believable!!
With that reveal neatly wrapped up, Suzaku and C.C. entered the Sword of Akasha thanks to Code powers, and stuff. Don't ask me how... With all the pieces in place, with Marianne fully supporting Charles' plans and Suzaku having his one question answered... Charles raised his hand, channeled C.C.'s Code, and began Ragnarok.
Then Lelouch did the most Lelouch thing he's ever done and used his Geass on God. To not stop the march of time. To not let the world grow stagnant, and ungrowing. To let the world remain in chaos! Because that's the world Nunnaly wanted. And it wasn’t a command... It was a request.
With that, the swirling towers of human bodies that was rising to God fell to pieces, and those who attempted to kill God similarly disappeared... Charles and Marianne vanished into dust, while C.C. looked on and realized that all along, they only loved themselves. Well, damn. Turns out Code Geass' story was a metaphor for toxic familial relationships all along. Sometimes, yes, father and mother do NOT know best. Also, humanity’s consciousness uniting to wipe someone out of existence gave me huge Elder Scrolls vibes, which was nice. There’s a “Brass Tower” joke with the Thought Elevator somewhere...
One month later, and Tokyo had been mostly rebuilt. The world's eyes turned upon the imperial palace over in Britannia, where the Emperor was due to make a speech. YOU KNOW WHO WALKED OUT? YOU KNOW WHO WALKED OUT AND SAT ON THE FREAKING THRONE? Lelouch vi Britannia... 99th Emperor of the Britannian Empire. And at his side, standing proud, was Suzaku Kururugi... The newly dubbed Knight of Zero.
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I've never facepalmed so hard. The Knight of Zero. The Knight... of Zero. The Knight of Zero. Jesus christ I am convinced this entire show was conceived just so they could do this one thing. Jesus. The Knight of Zero, you guys. He's the Knight of Zero now. Literally, and metaphorically.
And that's where the episode ended... With the world watching in stunned shock (notably, the Black Knights and poor, poor, poor Rivalz, whose mind exploded), and Lelouch using his Geass upon Odysseus and dozens and dozens of important nobles in the hall to make them view him as their Emperor.
Good lord. There are four episodes left!? If I didn't know any better, I would think this was the finale! The big bad thwarted and killed, the "hero" sitting on the throne, ability to achieve his goal at his fingertips... But no, there's a lot left unresolved. What's next for C.C.? What will the Black Knights do? What is Schneizel scheming!? And why is Suzaku loyally serving Lelouch? These are questions I can't wait to see answers to.
Boy. When Code Geass goes in, it goes in hard.
Other Thoughts:
Um. One of Odysseus’ lines HEAVILY implied that Nunnaly was alive. So holy shit, that’s a thing. What. I am not sure how to feel about that.
Marianne was caught in the act of trying to doodle on Suzaku's face with a permanent marker while he was unconscious, which secured her spot as the best character in the show. Shame she turned out to be a massive asshole, dethroning her and returning the title to Cheese-kun.
I encountered the famous "Notto diso shitto agen" frame of the Emperor, and it was glorious. I now completely understand the context, and that pleases me greatly.
So what's up with Anya? Does she have any memories at all? Was Marianne more of a passive host or was she in full control the entire time? Gods, imagine how fucked up it would be to one day witness a murder while you're a kid, then suddenly wake up on some random island while the world is nearly ending and you're a teen suddenly.
C.C. was wearing her old straightjacket at the very end. Which is super weird. Who finds those comfortable?
Beyond "What's next?" the only question I still really have is "What's C.C.'s name?" Though, truth be told, I'm not expecting an answer to that at this point.
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