#science tools
gosciencecrazy · 13 days
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Are You Confused About Where to Buy Science Equipment Online?
Are you searching for high-quality science equipment but unsure Where to Buy Science Equipment Online? Please don't hesitate to look for any further! At Go Science Crazy, we have a comprehensive guide to purchasing science equipment online.
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hinamie · 1 month
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there was a third picture from that one shoot apparently
rest of my redraws can be found here!
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triptychofvoids · 9 months
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deploy medic here
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Potato facts please
A potato is an mysterious chthonic being that lurks beneath the surface, growing ever more eyes. These eyes are poisonous to humans and can curse us with wrath of the tuber, or "tuberculosis." Potatoes are directly responsible for the killing of over one million people in Ireland alone. They can also be turned into Vodka, which is directly responsible for the killing of over 45 people in the frat next to my old USC dorm alone.
The true name of the potato grants power to those who master it, but failure can be costly- Merely attempting to write the name of the potato on a blackboard ended the career of Vice President Dan Quayle. Writing the name of the potato in Enochian resulted in the fall of Rome, the collapse of the Dollar, and if I did it correctly, the inside-outing of Donald Trump by his own private jet's toilet.
Potatoes contain every known protein and nutrient needed to sustain human life, even on Mars, but they contain no fat and must then be augmented with Butter, another eldritch thing. Even alone though, the potato can be boiled, mashed, stuck in a stew, turned into chips, turned into french fries, which some call chips, and chipped and stuffed into fried pancakes, which are for some reason called Latkes. Latkes can only be eaten during the month of Kislev, which means people using the Gregorian calendar are doomed never to taste them.
The song Forty Six & 2 by the band Tool is about the chromosome count of the common potato, their first (and only) song not to be solely about butt sex.
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housecow · 4 months
it drives me absolutely insane that people don’t realize the americas have been populated for over 20k years. like, i’m sorry. every professional, accomplished paleontologist and archaeologist i’ve taken a class from or spoken to treats this as a fact.
but for some reason, laypeople and the public in general refuse to accept it?? every time i see something about those footprints found in white sands, there are random ass ppl talking about the lack of evidence. when there is so much evidence. everywhere!! the gault site in TX is smthn i like to point out. not to mention the countless mammoth kill sites dating to over 15k years ago.
so you heard it from housecow here—the peopling of the americas is NOT as divisive as you’ve been led to believe and it is well known ppl have been here for over 20k years. its the methods of how and why that people are still trying to figure out
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mindblowingscience · 5 months
In a study published in the Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory, archaeologists from Université de Montréal and the University of Genoa reveal that far from being more primitive, Neanderthals did much the same as their Homo sapiens successors: made themselves at home. Analyzing artifacts and features of the Protoaurignacian and Mousterian levels of the Riparo Bombrini site in northwestern Italy, the scientists uncovered common patterns of settlement between the two populations.
Continue Reading.
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bethanydelleman · 7 months
I find it really funny how mundane and haphazard science is so much of the time.
Today I sewed new Velcro onto a thousands of dollars brainwave measurement hat because the babies ripped it off their heads too many times and I happen to own a sewing machine.
When the fancy brain science hat doesn't fit the baby's head, we secure it with a highly technical... binder clip.
One day we were dyeing and slicing animal brains. After super cooling it with liquid nitrogen (so science!), it was a bit too cold so we heated it with... a hair dryer.
There is a colander in the kitchen sink at work for washing EEG caps.
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captaincheeseart · 19 days
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post scarcity genetically modified shark people.
maybe Ill post more about this universe later who knows.
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khepiari · 22 days
Just say that you lack creativity and are jealous of people who can express themselves with their chosen medium of expression. There are millions of ways and tools to express oneself, yet you chose AI to do your hard work, which is “the act of creating”. Feel ashamed, not proud.
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gosciencecrazy · 1 month
Explore the World of Microscopy: Buying Microscope Slides Online at GoScienceCrazy.com
This article will guide you through the various types of microscope slides available online, their uses, and tips for choosing the right slides for your applications.
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perdvivly · 10 months
I think that Feynman’s famous “philosophy of science is as useful to scientists as ornithology is to birds” quote is firstly deeply ahistorical (as if Popper or Kuhn had never existed) but secondly such a pleasing little quip.
I don’t tend to take away from it the same takeaways I see scientists often take (which look something like “yes, philosophy of science is useless”) because I can’t really imagine a world in which I’d rather be a bird than a human. I’d rather be a human who could fly than a human who couldn’t, sure, but then again I’d rather be a bird who knew about ornithology than a bird who didn’t. Maybe that’s a little glib. Not playing fair with the metaphor. The study of flight is less cool than flying.
I think importantly though, the sense in which you’re being asked to choose one or the other is so obviously artificially imposed that I can’t really take the “science is always better than philosophy” crowd seriously. My brother in Christ, the only person saying you have to choose one or the other is you. This is clearly a two-cakes scenario. And I think, moreover, if you want the best understanding of the world you can possibly have, don’t needlessly limit yourself like that.
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historysurvivalguide · 4 months
So, How to Build an Astrolabe: Part Two
Plate to represent the Tropics and the Equator
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The construction continues into part two!
The middle plate--known as the Tympan--is perhaps the most complex piece of the entire astrolabe, so I am going to be breaking it into a few parts to make it more readable
The first part starts with just three concentric circles for the Tropic of Cancer, Tropic of Capricorn, and the Equator.
No math needed!
This is a step-by-step guide to the complete construction of an astrolabe that I think might exist. At least, in any accessible form.
My goal is for this to be as accessible as possible for any kind of reader, so if there are any question, free free to reach out
🚀 Enjoy! Stay safe and keep learning, fellow chrononauts 🚀
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hotfudgecherryrosy · 10 months
Hi! Little update on the Quizlet-like app, henceforth known and tagged as Innaflash. (One of my friend's ideas, and I'm a sucker for puns :) )
Tl;dr of below is i'd like opinions on the UI mockup so far, maybe some alternative color theme ideas.
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No coding has happened yet, but I started making a UI mockup to get the brain juices going and also bc i just love messing around with color themes and graphic design, hee hee. I think I'm going with a webcore theme. Default will be purple, but there will be the option to change the theme (i already have the code for this so it's easy to implement). A couple images are above, I'd like to hear what you all think :)
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nonstandardrepertoire · 4 months
as a Jewish transsexual, the Jewish ethno-nationalist¹ sales pitch has always left me cold.² over and over again, i've heard people plugging the State of Israel offer some form of the following: "history teaches that we can never fully trust non-Jews with political power to protect Jews; the only way to make sure Jewish people are always safe is to create and maintain a state where Jewish people have the political power, so we can look out for ourselves"
but the thing is, the worst transphobic harassment i've experienced in my life has come from Jews. i don't think this says anything about the relative transphobia of Jews vs non-Jews, anymore than the fact that most of my birthday presents come from New Yorkers says anything about the relative generosity of Californians, but still. the people who followed me out of the subway filming me while yelling transphobic abuse were Jewish. two of the most relentless boosters of the current wave of transphobia in the US — Ben Shapiro and Chaya Raichik — are Jewish. i should be safe in a state run by such people?
and the obvious response is to say that, well, this is about keeping me safe as a Jew, not necessarily as an anything else. it's a bulwark against anti-Jewish violence, not every other -ism under the sun.³ but the thing is, i'm not a potato-head person. you can't just snap off the trans part of me and the Jewish part of me and say the latter part is safe even when the first isn't. i'm 100% Jewish and 100% trans; if i'm not safe as a transsexual, i'm not safe as a Jew. and if i'm going to be having to fight transphobia anyway, what difference does it make if the people passing bills stripping my rights are Jews or not?⁴
if you really lean into the logic at play here — "no one outside a vulnerable demographic can be trusted to care about people in that demographic" — it's easy to wind up in absurdity. because if i can't trust goyim to have my back as a Jew and also can't trust cis people to have my back as a transsexual, perhaps i need a state run by and for Jewish transsexuals. but wait! white Jewish transsexuals are certainly regularly horrible to, eg, Black Jewish transsexuals, so we probably shouldn't be in the same state together, to say nothing of separating out the poor, the disabled, those without college degrees . . . and before you know it, you're committed to the idea that the only just world is one where we're each a state unto ourselves, perfectly safe in absolute isolation from one another — no society, no coming together across difference to lighten the burden of living, just infinite atomization, the perfect unending unwinnable war of all against all
and this, i think, reveals the fundamental futility of the project. as a transsexual, i don't think my safety will ultimately come from removing myself from people not like me. safety, i think, comes not from cutting ties, but from building them. i will only really be safe in a society that accepts difference, multiplicity, strangeness, variety. i will only be truly safe in a society where we come together — across the gulfs that separate us — to take care of one another
i think there are illuminating parallels with feminist/lesbian separatism here. in its most extreme versions, such separatism abandons the demand that women be safe around men and instead attempts the task of building a space without men for women to inhabit. similarly, it seems to me that Jewish ethno-nationalism abandons the demand that Jewish people be safe around goyim and instead attempts to build a space without goyim for Jewish people to inhabit.⁵ i think Jews can and must be safe among goyim. i think women can and must be safe among men. i think trans people can and must be safe among cis people. that is the kind of world i am committed to fighting for, not one where we give in to fear and retreat into gardens walled by suspicion and hostility⁶
i'm not going to pretend that that's an easy world to build.⁷ i'm not going to pretend i can point to a bunch of stable, just, pluralistic societies and go "eh, just do what they did!" (altho there's no shortage of societies i can point to that went the "this place is for us and only us" route and wound up producing dystopian nightmares⁸). i'm not even going to pretend that i think building a just world from where we are now is inevitable, or even that i always think it is possible. there are days it is very hard to believe. but i always think it's worth striving for. if a just world that guarantees a good life to all isn't worth striving for, what is? if we are to suffer defeat, let it be a slow defeat, a long defeat, a fighting defeat. i am not willing to give up on my neighbors. i am not willing to abandon the charge of seeking the good for those not like me. i am not willing to abandon the hope that will seek the good for me despite my strangeness to them. and i reject any philosophy or politics that asks me to do so
¹i'm using "Jewish ethno-nationalist" here because i think it's been subject to less semantic dilution than "Zionist", and i want to avoid semantic arguments here as much as possible. whatever prescriptivist arguments you want to marshal that this or that term should mean X, i think it's clear that the descriptivist ship has long since set sail when it comes to "Zionism". (when pushed for specifics, i've seen self-professed Zionists and anti-Zionists outline essentially identical political programs, which certainly makes it seem to me that these terms are of minimal utility at best)
²obviously, what's happening on the ground is very bad. but critiquing what's happening on the ground often runs into severe questions of evidential reliability and can also leave the impression that Jewish ethno-nationalism is a good idea implemented badly, which is why i want to take aim at this level here
³given the European origins of this movement in its modern incarnation, i think it's unsurprising who gets imagined as "just a Jew" and not any other marked category. and from there, i think it's also unsurprising (if depressing) how various Jews who do exist in other marked categories have been and are treated by the "Jewish State" — the promised safety turns out to be predicated on all the usual axes of whiteness, wealth, ability, and so on
⁴indeed, i have often found that groups predicated on the idea that "we're all in alignment here" are often much more resistant to acknowledging members' various bigotries than groups not predicated on that assumption
⁵and, similarly, this attempt to cleave the world along one axis of hierarchy invariably reveals the inadequacy of one-identity-only frameworks for tackling the full complexity of the world. among other things, feminist/lesbian separatism has come under sustained critique from Black feminists like Barbara Smith for sundering ties of solidarity that are critical for fighting racism. victimhood and oppression are not fixed, ontological states, but fluid, shifting, contextual relationships. we cannot undo the snarlingly intertwined systems of oppression by replicating them in miniature
⁶the fear is certainly a real emotion; it is one i have felt at times myself. sometimes it is even based on an accurate perception of the world! but also: sometimes not. my fear of kitchen knives spontaneously levitating and flying around the room certainly feels real to me, but it's not a thing that can actually happen. one of the really hard things to do in the world, i've found, is parsing out the fears that are just feelings i'm having from the fears that tell me actual actionable information about the world and then striking a livable balance between reasonable precaution and paranoia. precautions against danger often come with their own set of risks: locking a door to keep out potential thieves ups the odds of being trapped in a building fire; using a different complex password for every site raises the risk of forgetting one and having a critical account shut down; the medications that drastically cut the frequency of debilitating migraines can raise the likelihood of other adverse health effects. more broadly, viewing neighbors with suspicion, fear, and distrust has a corrosive effect on the social fabric, and makes it harder to structure society to make sure everyone has food, clothes, housing, healthcare — all the things a society is supposed to do. (it's hard to convince people to take care of people they're afraid of, especially if they believe (rightly or wrongly) that they will have to give up something they care about (usually money, but also convenience, prestige, power) for that to happen.) and that corrosive effect can get very extreme — when fascism wants to recruit you to its cause, the sales pitch is usually less "hey, do you want to unleash horrific violence against those folks over there?" and more "hey, aren't you tired of being ~afraid~? don't you want to feel ~safe~? isn't it about time you had all the wealth, respect, and power that's rightfully yours and that's been kept from you for so long?". fear isn't the only way that horrors get unleashed, but it's a very potent one. (i don't think there's a formula for striking the right balance here. as with so many balancing acts, too much comes down to context and the specifics of all those involved, not least because the scale and nature of threats can vary so wildly. i believe that everyone deserves to be safe (insofar as any of us mostly hairless apes clinging to a thin crust of dirt on an iron ball whirling thru the cosmic void around a sphere of nuclear fire can be safe from loss, grief, accident, disaster, or misfortune...), but being and feeling are different matters, and pursuing the feeling of safety without limit can easily lead to logics of annihilation.) (and indeed, i am not the first to be struck by the fact that in many ways it is in the interests of the State of Israel, as a state, if Jews feel unsafe in the rest of the world, because that feeling of unsafety is so easily leveraged to both increase political support for the State of Israel and encourage Jewish people to leave the Diaspora and move to the State of Israel. which, unnervingly, is where you sometimes find the State of Israel and its agents taking the position that Jews don't belong anywhere that isn't the immediate environs of Jerusalem, a position that is ultimately indistinguishable from any number of dime-store Judeophobias)
⁷indeed, i think this is one of many places where it's easier to identify the problem than it is to solve it. many middle schoolers can explain the problem of Fermat's Last Theorem; barely a handful of professional mathematicians in the world could explain the proof. my cat can figure out how to break a vase even tho he can't reliably find a toy he's just been playing with when he's sitting directly on top of it (it's fine, he doesn't follow me on here, i can say that about him); in some cases, a skilled artisan can repair the vase so it functions again; no one in the world can turn back time so that the vase was never broken to begin with. it's easy to invent chessboard solutions to entrenched societal conflicts — move this border here, enact this constitution there, change this societal attitude for all involved, and hey presto!, utopia. but the world is not a game of chess. education, advocacy, activism, political organization, even wildcat direct action — these are all slow, effortful, uncertain processes, and everyone with a different vision of the future is also exercising their agency to change the course of events. i think societies are easy to break and hard to repair. in many cases, i don't really know how we go from here, the real world as it actually is with all its shattered bones and aching wounds and long-festering resentments, to there, a world of true justice. but i think it's worth trying. i think it's worth imagining. i hope you do too
⁸like, idk what even to say if "Germany for the Germans" doesn't set off alarm bells. even if they raised up a brand new continent from the ocean floor, i still think i'd be wary of the political project of building a ~Jewish state for the Jews~. i don't trust nationalism of any flavor. i think the Diasporic notion of feeling kinship with and responsibility for people all around the world regardless of borders, flags, kings, bureaucracies is beautiful and worth cherishing and protecting. i don't dream of finally being on top of the hierarchy; i dream of there not being a hierarchy to begin with
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courtingwonder · 1 year
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How Primitive Tools Are Made --- Source: The Book, pg. 20-21
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dwcmarshalarts · 1 year
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Recent commissions for Damasscus, RayTongue, and Serscales!
Original art by DWC Marshal Arts
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