#scienceofficer willowrosenberg
catty-words · 7 years
Opinion on Glory? As a villain or as a character?
to me glory is the coolest villain because the stakes were never higher than they were with her. even before we - the audience - knew she was a god, we knew she was ridiculously strong. her physical strength was daunting and terrifying and god. the tension!!! watching that season for the first time, man. what a rush.
so of course it makes sense that battling her has the biggest cost of all the other big bads. of course it causes the biggest loss. you can’t battle a god and get out completely unscathed.
and then there’s the whole relationship-to-buffy theme they’ve got going that season. where dawn represents buffy’s humanity and glory represents the slayer side of things. when i’m thinking about the seasons through this lens, it makes glory’s eleventh hour grappling with humanity even more interesting. because the slayer is a human girl. of course both the human side and the slayer side are going to start blurring the lines between each other.
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sunnydaleslut · 7 years
Headcanons about Sprusilla?
- they did each other’s hair and makeup. Obviously.- spike would draw pictures of dru every night so she’d know how beautiful she was.- every time spike developed a Look it was because dru dressed him.- they were both huge fans of the cramps, and adored lux and ivy; emulating them in style and mannerisms for a while, and even hung out with them a time or two. They debated turning them, but were worried that they’d lose the music in the change so they didn’t. Years later when lux died, spike felt a pang of regret that he hadn’t done it (even tho he had a soul by this time).- they also got super into the beatnik thing, and both wrote and read their own poetry at gatherings. Dru’s poetry was far better received.
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womanaction · 7 years
otp: spike/buffy lmao
favourite canon pairing: i mean, s/b is definitely canon in comics continuity but they weren’t “together together” in show…so anyway if counting that it’s them but if not it’s probably willow/tara! angel/cordy would be second but…they really weren’t together
worst pairing ever: i love all my kids so uh. but anything with warren is Bad and also buffy/riley in s5 was pretty awful.
guilty pleasure pairing: i mean spuffy again…honestly the only one i can really think of? oh, sometimes i’m into gross angsty buffy/angelus stuff so i guess that’s mildly shameful too.
a pairing you want to see more: all of them why did this show ever end. why did anyone ever die. but….overall giles/jenny and of only living characters i wish we could get more comics buffy/faith. like, acknowledgement of the Thing. 
that pairing everyone likes but you’re like “lol no”: fresley probably? i don’t hate it but i don’t…really like it and the more times i rewatch the less i like it tbh. 
favorite non-romantic pair: mmm spike & dawn? i had some other thoughts in mind but most other pairs i ship at least a little romantically but NOT spike and dawn that is where i put my platonic foot down!
thank you!!!
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juniperhillpatient · 8 years
I show love by bullying people 
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chudsuckerproxy · 8 years
So this is the third time I’ve tried to answer this buffyverse ask meme that @scienceofficer-willowrosenberg and @willowsrosenbergs tagged me in but Tumblr crashes everytime I try to upload so wish me luck top fifteen characters? I can’t put these in order because I love all of my children equally so- Faith Lehane, Andrew Wells, Tara Maclay, Fred Burkle, Wesley Wyndam-Pryce, Charles Gunn, Willow Rosenberg, Buffy Summers, Lorne, Harmony Kendall, Angel, Spike, Illyria, Dawn Summers, Rupert Giles favorite minor characters?  Clem, Ethan Rayne, would Jenny Calendar count as a minor character? Idk, she belongs on one of the lists ranking of favorite seasons of both shows? btvs: 5, 3, 2, 6, 4, 7, 1 ats: 5, 3, 2, 4, 1 top ten episodes of both shows? btvs: The Body, Once More With Feeling, Band Candy, Restless, Selfless, The Gift, Hush, Intervention, Storyteller, The Wish ats: Not Fade Away, Smile Time, Lullaby, Waiting in the Wings, Disharmony, Sanctuary, Five By Five, Orpheus, Spin the Bottle, The Shroud of Rhamon ats or btvs? I’m torn. I think just btvs. Whenever I think of my favourite things about the franchise I always use examples and characters from ats, but I just have a deeper attachment to buffy. least favorite main character? I was gonna put S4 Connor here, but then I remembered Riley Finn is a thing that happened. You guys remember him? I sure didn’t top ten ships? Faith/Buffy, Willow/Tara, Fred/Gunn, Fred/Willow, Fred/Faith, Angel/Spike, Angel/Cordelia, Anya/Willow, Buffy/Spike, Wesley/Lilah do you write fanfic? Pretty much the minutes the credits rolled on Not Fade Away I started writing a follow up season without any of that Twilight nonsense. Basically it has the Scoobies and some Slayers holed up in the Hyperion since not long after Angel took of WR&H. After Not Fade Away, they find Gunn hurt bad in the alley, patch him up, and together they start hunting down a wacky Mark Hamill type and his cult dedicated to one of the Old Ones. I’m putting a lot of work into mimicking the show’s style, down to episode structure, so it all really feels like a new season. I haven’t published any of it yet, but I’ll drop a link when the time comes. what fanfic do you read?       I’ve been devouring Bravery by the very talented @dreadfulcalendarwoman over the last few weeks, but other than that mostly one shots about faith/buffy or anya when did you start watching? About two years ago, my family were all big fans so I gave it a go. It never really grabbed me but I kept up with it sporadically until last July, when I hit S5 and very suddenly became obsessed show recommendations for buffyverse fans? Marvel’s Agent Carter is the closest I’ve seen any show come to matching Buffy in terms of characters, dialogue, plotlines, etc. It’s a really fun, zany, forties sci-fi series that I think is really worth a watch. do you own/collect anything related to the shows? I have a Dingoes Ate My Baby hoodie and a Sunnydale Razorbacks shirt I bought on Redbubble. My favourite thing is Giles’ ‘Kiss the Librarian’ mug, complete with blood stains how often will you watch an episode? not often enough. Around all of the other shows I’ve got on my plate, I just don’t have the time to go back to my favourites. how many times have you watched either show all the way through? Just the once, but I started it again recently with a friend I’ve started to drag down with me. five unpopular opinions? 1. I’m glad Jonathan died instead of Andrew. Don’t get me wrong, I like Jonathan and think his redemption would have been more meaningful, but S7 really needed a strong comic relief and I think Andrew suited that role more. 2. I really like Adam as an antagonist. He was hindered by being introduced more than halfway through the season, not getting used enough once he finally did show up, and being tied so strongly to the Initiative. Had he been used properly, Adam could have been a truly compelling foe 3. S4 of Angel had a lot of really good ideas in the mix, Jasmine especially. Had it not been for it’s awful treatment of Cordelia, clear lack of direction for Connor and a forced love triangle around Fred, it could have been a truly great season 4. I still think Ripper could have been a really great show, and hope somebody is still pushing for it to be made. 5. I’m glad Kate Lockley was written out. I didn’t like the more antagonistic direction the show was taking her in, especially the plans for her to become Holtz’ apprentice that never came to fruition. least favorite thing about the fandom? I don’t really have any complaints, I’ve surrounded myself with a really great and welcoming corner of the fandom.   Thanks again for tagging me, hopefully this time this works because I’m not writing this whole thing a fourth time. I tag anyone who stuck around until the end. done it already? don’t care. tag. you’re it.
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the-music-dealer · 7 years
Hands Off Gretel Interview
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mickey-milkovichs · 7 years
Who I will protect at all costs: faith and buffy!!! also kennedy because i love her and she needs it from y’allWho deserves better: faith and buffy and anyaWho was killed off too early: kendra and jennyWho I used to hate but now I love: cordelia (i didn’t hate her but i wasn’t sure about her in season 1)Who I used to love but now I hate: spike and xander and giles whoopsWho needs to be killed off asap: tbh wouldn’t cry if spike left the comics and never came back this time so i could read them Who is unfairly hated: faith!!! and some people hate buffy?? and of course KENNEDY!! also any oz hatersWho is unfairly loved: tbh i have an answer for this but i’m not gonna say...Who needs to sort out their priorities: giles and xander (also willow)Who needs a hug: faith and buffy!!!Who needs to get out of their current relationship: buffyWho the writers love: spikeWho needs a better storyline: xander and tara, also willowWho has an amazing redemption arc: faith of course!Who is hot af: FAITH FAITH FAIITHHH also buffy!!Who belongs in jail: mm faith and willow and giles (cause faith ain’t the only murderer here)Who needs to be revived from the dead: kendra and jenny!
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apprenticebard · 7 years
25 (buffy)?
How would you end XXX/Would you change the ending of XXX?
oooh, so this is a really complicated question and I accidentally wrote 300% more than you probably wanted.
So going off the show here (I don’t know enough about the comics to say what would be an appropriate ending for them), I actually really like Chosen as an episode, in and of itself. So if I only get to change Chosen, then no, I can’t think of any significant changes I’d make. My primary issues with it are that 1) the attitude towards turning girls into slayers abruptly changes from “serious violation” to “yay empowerment! yay sharing the power!” with no development or explanation, and 2) the ancient vampires go down waaay too easily, compared to how dangerous they were earlier. But I don’t think either of those problems can be easily fixed in the space of a single episode, and the existing episode works on an emotional level (for me personally), so I wouldn’t mess with it if I couldn’t change the preceding season.
But if by “ending” we mean the entirety of season seven, then yeah, I’d make some major changes. Off the top of my head:
1) Introduce the guardians early in the season, maybe even in the first episode. Instead of random women who exist with no explanation, the guardians are former slayers. They could be dead-once-but-back, like Buffy herself, or incorporeal beings who mostly stick to the afterlife and act as occasional guides to the living; there are various ways the concept could be executed, but they have voluntarily chosen to attempt to protect the world even after death. I’d probably have Buffy experience some of their memories via slayer dreams, but there are other ways to introduce them. The important thing is that they are aware of the potential murders as soon as (or before) the council knows about them, and they intend to Stop Them. The guardian slayers are the ones who eventually give Buffy the power to activate new slayers without killing the last one. The process only works if the individual slayer consents.
Bonus points if Sineya appears to the group and personally gives them an account of the origin of the slayer, the fall of demonkind, and how the earth passed (continues to pass?) into the hands of the children of women. This would replace the scenes where Buffy jumps through the time portal thingy.
2) The first’s goal is to open the Hellmouth, destroy humanity, and return control of the planet to demons. It sticks to this goal and pursues it relentlessly. We can keep the seal, and even keep the idea that the seal is opened with slayer blood, but then the First needs to be trying to kill slayers/potentials and transport their blood to the seal. If the council makes the decision to send all the slayers to Buffy’s house in the hopes that she will protect them from the mysterious slayer-killer, then the First must go after them relentlessly, and after Buffy in particular. This is an entity that can take the form of any dead person, including 1) Buffy’s abusive vampire ex who she’s currently trying to rehabilitate, and 2) Buffy herself. It uses Spike’s form in a constant attempt to trigger Buffy, and uses Buffy’s own form to undermine her authority by saying horrible things while in her form.
I’m not saying we’d have to see all or any of this viciousness on-screen; I admit it’s pretty dark, especially on the heels of S6. But if you’re going to make your final villain the sentient embodiment of evil, who has the form and knowledge of everyone who’s ever died, you can’t have that entity go soft on your heroes.
3) Buffy and co. respond to this emotional assault by aggressively supporting one another and constantly making physical contact whenever they have any sort of important conversation whatsoever. constant high-fives. constant hand-holding. maybe they throw tennis balls around if they’re on opposite sides of the room. people occasionally offer random hugs to friends and offer “to be sure you’re not the first” as a excuse. Yes, this is partly because I want to see the scoobies making casual physical contact all the time, but it also MAKES LEGITIMATE TACTICAL SENSE.
4) Oh, uh, this might not be relevant to the question, but while I’m changing S7, Willow starts dating Faith. This isn’t terribly important, but it makes way more sense than either Faith/Robin or Willow/Kennedy. They talk about redemption and bond over their shared goal of making up for their past crimes. None of us have to watch Kennedy take screen time from more interesting characters. Robin Wood can find a pretty lady watcher to flirt with, or something, idk
5) ANYWAY, those are the main things. I’d have to do a lot more work to figure out what the specifics of the rewritten plot would be, but the First would consistently attempt to divide and conquer Buffy’s forces, and Buffy would respond by intentionally forging strong connections between the group as a whole and between the slayers specifically (past, present, and future).
The Hellmouth and the entire city still go boom, because that part was incredibly satisfying.
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kathubs · 7 years
6 + Jenny, Amy, Kennedy?
seduce: Jenny
steal from: Kennedy. I’d steal her girlfriend
serenade: Amy. “Amy was a little rat, little rat, little rat, Amy was a little rat and she used to eat cheeeeeeese” 
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sunnydaleslut · 7 years
Tumblr media
@scienceofficer-willowrosenberg and like MAIN characters it's fab! Tbh it took me a while to get into the show (like at least halfway through season 1) but I'm in it now for sure
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Bragi, Athena, Morpheus?
Bragi: What kind of music do you listen to?
All kinds, depending on my mood. Mostly alternative, indie, rock, punk, dark cabaret... I’ll also periodically listen to musical numbers, classical music, and experimentalist shit.
Athena: Would you consider yourself an artist?
Nah. I mean, I sing and sometimes I draw and write and if given the chance I’d probably do acting again as well, but I’d only call myself an artist ironically.
Morpheus: Do you daydream often? Of what?
Yup. I mostly mull over problems (personal or abstract) that are on my mind, repeat my inner mantras (”Fuck off”, “Don’t look at me, don’t talk to me, don’t get too close to me”, “Avoid eye contact at all costs”, “I hate you and you and you and you...”), or fantasise about hurting or killing people (in self defense, mostly) or myself. Sometimes I just zoom out without thinking of anything in particular. Not sure if this counts as daydreaming, but I also play these everyday games like staring strangers down, not stepping aside for people who look like they’re used to having people step aside for them and vice versa, seeing if I can influence people into stopping at the red light/jaywalking etc.
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Farscape for the meme?
Pretty sure I’ve done this one before, but I’ll do it again. Might be repeats.
I hate Grayza. Not in the way that you’re supposed to hate villains. I’ve seen the show three, four times now? I still can’t tell you a single thing about her character’s motivation. I understand they need a new villain to replace Scorpius, because they took his character in a new (and frankly excellent) direction, but... someone else. Ugh.
Also Sikozu. Never figured her out either. And she’s just kind of annoying.
Skip Chiana/D’Argo, and have Chiana and Jothee hook up without any of that super weird love triangle nonsense. They make more sense, they’re closer in age, and it would let Jothee stick around. I wanted to see more of him and he got sort of shoved away in this very odd fashion.
More Nebari and more Chiana backstory. I think season 5 would have gone more into this, and I understand why it had to be cut for Peacekeeper Wars, it was the right call, but... there was a lot of good stuff there. I just know it.
I want a Farscape musical episode. If any show could have pulled it off, it would be have been this one.
Send me a fandom and I’ll tell you the top five things I’d change about it.
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juniperhillpatient · 8 years
Bundy, Dahmer, Bonnie & Clyde?
Ted Bundy: Do you prefer to wear socks or to not wear socks?
Socks. I love socks
Jeffrey Dahmer: What’s the last thing you ate?
Bonnie & Clyde: Do you believe in “true love”?
Yeah I think so. I believe it is rare, but it exists 
Thanks for playing the ask game
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Do you have a degree in anything? If so, what? Did you enjoy studying? Basically tell me about academic stuff bc I think that's interesting?
i have a bachelor’s in pre- and early modern English literature with a secondary concentration in Egyptology
that one was pretty awesome to get. all the nerdy classes. all the nerdy papers.
i also have an MBA with a focus in marketing. that one sucked ass to get and i’m in a disgusting amount of debt from the loans. -100/10 would not recommend
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26, 31, 52, 57?
26. idol(s)
oh i don’t know, i admire different people for different reasons but i try not to raise them to idol worshiping status. i suppose jk rowling, shirley manson, tatiana maslany, amanda palmer, courtney love, fiona apple, and regina spektor in no particular order.
31. 3 random facts
it doesn’t say they have to be about me so...
1. the reason crinolines went out of fashion is because they (a) caught fire a lot, (b) sometimes could get knocked over by wind causing women to be carried off to sea, (c) too many of them in a room could block the exits in an emergency. 
2. the word “groovy” was first used in jazz culture a few decades prior to the the invention of disco (around which time it was popularized) and was a reference to the grooves on vinyl records.
3. disco music is named after the kind of clubs it was performed in, called discotheques. discotheque is a french word meaning “record library”.
52. something i’m talented at
idk, i’m a pretty decent actor and and almost as good writer.
57. favourite animal(s)
cats, snails, and hermit crabs.
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theajaheira · 7 years
@scienceofficer-willowrosenberg replied to your post: many things are going very badly[[MOR] -i 100%...
It’s not much consolation, but eventually you will be able to move out.
two years!!! counting the days
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